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B00136 An astrological discourse vpon the great and notable coniunction of the tvvo superiour planets, Saturne & Iupiter, which shall happen the 28 day of April, 1583. With a briefe declaration of the effectes, which the late eclipse of the sunne 1582. is yet heerafter to woorke. / Written newly by Richard Harvey: partely, to supplie that is wanting in cõmon prognostications: and partely by prædiction of mischiefes ensuing, either to breed some endeuour of preuention by foresight, so farre as lyeth in vs: or at leastwise, to arme vs with pacience beforehande. Harvey, Richard, 1560-1623? 1583 (1583) STC 12909.7; ESTC S92875 40,607 102

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which is the naturall and essentiall house of the Moone wherein she reioyceth most and wherein also the moste beneuolent and fauourable planet Iupiter called commonly Fortuna maior doth ascend béeing therein chiefly eleuated and exalted a signe of the partition of the watrie Trigone feminine nocturnall northerly moueable of direct ascension whom Capricorne doth obey by reason of his superioritie vnsauery of taste and effect beyng naturally colde and moist and of the flegmaticke complexion gouernour and ruler of the breast the mouth of the stomacke the lunges euen almoste to Diaphragma or the Midriffe Nowe the nature and properties of the signe being knowne considering that it is a colde and watrie signe it betokeneth according to the Iudicials of Astrologie that greate aboundaunce of rayne is like to ensue with many perillous ouerflowinges by rage of waters whereby a great number shall be shrewdly hindered and endammaged it will also cause much rawe inconstant and distemperate weather euill for all kinde of cattle but especially for shéepe it portendeth the destruction of much fishe and water foules great enuie strife debate contention and sedition with many priuie conspiracies vnlawfull fraies violent oppressions robberies and murders yea and much martiall prouision and preparation for warre beside sundrie losses and grieuous perils vnto those that get their liuing by toyle and labour on the seas or other waters which shall come to passe by meanes of tempestuous and immoderate weather wherewith many shippes shalbe ouerthrowne many mariners and watermen drowned many townes and cities desolate nigh vnto the sea Moreouer there shall followe a great death and ouerthrow amongst the baser and poorer sort of people according to that iudgement of Proclus Cum acciderit Eclipsis Solis in Cancro obscurae turbae ignobilisque plebeculae interitus sequitur diuturnae bellorum seditiones aquatilium marinorumque aliorum in aequore degentium magna pernicies Which saing of Proclus the infortunate constellation and constitution of the other planets do séeme to verifie for Saturne was retrocedent in a feminine and nocturnal signe to wit in Pisces which is a signe of the same complexion and qualitie that Cancer is of being also flegmaticke cold moiste and of the nature of water Mars Venus Mercury and Luna two of them in a drie and colde signe the other two in a colde and moist signe and also in a moyst mansion will likewise increase the colde watrie operations of this Eclipse and for their part helpe forwarde the effects thereof And as for Iupiter he too was much abased and weakened by his Retrogradation in Aquario a moist signe Item Mars being in Tauro and in opposition to his owne house is become more sturdie and infortunate and being lord of the 10. house he noteth that Lordes and Nobles wil much afflict and oppresse their poore tenants by enhauncing their rents putting them to huge fines without regard of cōmon reason equitie or pietie so that the poore farmers shalbe scarcely able to liue and maintaine their necessarie charge He signifieth futhermore the vtter destruction and ouerthrowing of those which shal rebelliously set themselues against their rulers and magistrates for he is in opposition to the same his owne house himselfe remaining in angulo Quartae Domus vnde emittit sursum ascendunt eius calores malae naturae ad omnes alios planetas as Haly saith and there seated in Tauro the night house of Venus which importeth much close whoredome and secrete vngodlinesse amongst many vncleane wicked persons that haue shaken of the awe which the feare of God should bréede in them and onely haue respect to the impious pollicie vttered in a common prouerbe Si non castè tamen cautè Which pollicie too will fayle them in the end and lay their corruption open to the generall vew of the worlde and shamefull reproch of themselues so vniuersally true it is that the Poet writeth Quicquid sub terra est in apricum proferet aetas I might here rehearse sundrie examples of diuerse Eclipses of the Sunne in Cancer thereby declare both what destructions and deaths also what other straunge and rufull accidentes haue ensued but amongst the rest for shortnesse sake I will only report two or thrée of the most notable with the seuerall operations and effects thereof that euery man of any reasonable conceite and capacitie may thereby gather a sensible reason cause of fatall conuersions changes and alterations by conference of the antecedent causes and skilfully with discretion and iudgement apply the same to a farther consequence of times and matters to come for as Stadius in the preface to his Ephemerides excellently noteth Dum causas praeteritorum interpretamur eadem quoque Methodo futurorum docemus nam futura à praeteritis non specie non genere differunt sed tempore tantum quod eadem vt accidens comitatur A very wise rule not onely seruing for these Astrologicall obseruations but much more to be extended to the right vse of ancient histories and politique practises deliuered to posteritie for their imitation in like necessities and affaires But to containe vs now within our bounds in the yeare 1424. the 26. daye of Iune in the euening as is credibly recorded there appeared an Eclipse of the Sunne in Cancer the 14. degrée at which time Charles the king of Fraunce being valiantly set vpō in battaile by the Inglish men Burgundians was expelled his owne realme warre was hotely maintayned betwéene the Danes the Slesuicians the Bishop of Breame prouoking the Hollanders to battaile was grieuously wounded of them and taken prisoner a terrible plague and most vehement pestilence and mortalitie of men ensued continuing fierce and hote a long time afterwardes certaine Princes of Germanie entring Bohemia with a great armie diuided into thrée partes were forcibly repelled and driuen backe of the Hussites whereby the bounds of Bohemia were enlarged and spread abroade towardes Misnia and Noricum finally all the fruites of the earth as corne graine vinetrées and such like perished through vnseasonable pinching colde and extremitie of weather In the yeare 1569. the ninth day of Iulie in the morning there likewise appeared an Eclipse of the Sunne in the 26. degrée of Cancer the influence effects wherof continued two yeares when the Turkes martially assayling and inuading Pannonia called otherwise Hungaria and Syria a countrie lying in the east partes of Germanie a portion whereof bordereth on Hungarie sauing which part y e whole country besides is altogither moūtainish forcibly carried away many prisoners captiues with ouer sensible proofe of their might furie Mathias Hunniades surnamed Coruinus a moste fortunate prince and as happie a warrier who fiue yéeres before was crowned king of Hungarie by Frederick than Emperour denoūced proclaimed warre against the Bohemians being requested and perswaded thereunto by the Pope at that time by force of armes tooke frō them Morauia Silesia and Lusatia The same Mathias cōtinued as
domo sua est sicut vir existens in propria domo est autem quilibet fortior in domo sua de Iure quàm in aliena vt plurimùm de facto quàm alius qui aliàs esset fortior eo vnde Trutanus Ante suam gallus stat portam quisque vasallus But yet Iupiter is not so highly promoted exalted by hys owne house but is well nigh as much humbled and weakened by his vnlucky placing in the eight house of Death wherby he looseth foure prerogatiues then is he there also afflicted and oppressed by the presence company of frowning Saturne and in the termes of Mars hys deadely enemy in quarta coeli faeminina Meridional discendēt which do also much decrease and abate his courage So that it euidently appeareth that the good planet Iupiter is but indifferent that as he will not do much harme so he can not doe much good Now concerning Saturne as Iupiter was neuer the better because he was in signo faeminino nocturno so Saturne béeing in the same signe and also a diurnall and masculine planet is much the worse For Messahalah in his golden booke de reuolutione annorum mundi the chapter intituled de anno timendo saith plainely Saturnus in signo diurno et masculino minus impedit so that by an argumēt drawen frō y e cōtrary I may logically cōclude y e In loco nocturno et faeminino magis impedit but this impedimēt is nothing to speak of or verie smal in cōparison of y e rest for besides that he is in a feminine and nocturnall signe place of heauen contrary to his proper nature he is withall peregrine too and out of al his essential dignities in the same signe wherby he hath fiue debilities or impedimentes Furthermore he is placed in domo octaua whereby he hath foure more hinderances slow in motion whereby he hath two detrimentes In so much that if we set and oppose his 11. debilities and the debilities of Iupiter against his fiue vertues which is two to one there is no doubt but we wil soone may truly conclude Si illius Fortuna cum huius Infortunijs comparetur nihil est Iupiter is Orientall so is Saturne Iupiter is direct in motion so is Saturne Iupiter is frée from combustion so is Saturne Iupiter is little the better for his vertues because his hinderances are full as many but Saturne is much y e worse for his debilities because hys vertues bée not so many For as Guido Bonatus notably determineth Mali Planetae quantò magis sunt impediti tantò efficiuntur deteriores augmentatur eorum malitia eorum impedimentum Sée the infortunate disposition of infortunate planets the more they be troubled disturbed or intangled the worse and more malicious they are and consequently do hurt and annoy the more spitefully The conclusion summe of al muste nedes be this that the vehemēt hatred despite malice of the vnlucky planet Saturne hathe by his mischieuous importunitie ouercome vanquished the good wholsome swete nature of the beneuolous and fauourable planet Iupiter which victory I feare me and I thinke I am too sure thereof will cause great aboundance of waters and much colde wether much vnwonted mischiefes sorow much enuie debate quarelling hatred and strife many grieuous and bitter contentions muche going to lawe one with another for deade mens goodes and olde reckonings manifold troubles and sodain vproares much violent oppression extreame pouertie hunger and misery to the nedy and impotent sort of people great persecutiōs of ecclesiastical persons much despitefull iniurious and wrongful dealing as also the tragical ruine destructiō of sundry greatmen and noble personages bothe olde and young wherof some shall trecherously be entangled entrapped some violently ouerthrowne wyth shameful disgrace and dishonour losing bothe estimation goods and life too Greate feare and dreade shal come sodainely vpon the people a great sterilitie and barrēnesse of the earth shal ensue manifold submersions shipwracks exustions burnings and such other waterie and fierie calamities wil followe finally a verie greate and sore mortalitie with many generall contagions and pestilent diseases both among men and beasts and specially an extraordinarie death and destruction of fishes and al other creatures liuing by in or vpon y e waters Al which euils and miseries howbeit I knowe euery man shall not personally féele them yet if there appeare not a sensible difference betwene certaine yeares immediately following and other ordinary yeares let me lose the credit of my Astrologie shall bée the more dreadful and terrible because the good amiable planet Iupiter is so much abased and humbled in the eight house being simply the very worst place of the heauēs that can be called commonly of the Astronomers domus incātationum veneficiorum timoris magni infortunij et etiam mortis who will also begin to shrink and go backward the 10. day of Iuly vntil y e 4. day of Nouēber which shrinking too wil not a litle hinder his good and prosperous influence All which time frowning Saturne shal be retrocedent also beginning his retrogradatiō the 25. day of Iune and so continuing til the 10. day of Nouēber yea and that which is more notable for the space continuance of these whole fiue or sixe years togither they shal both be very often retrograde and more than commonly they vse to be and this withall is to be obserued y e these two superior planets Saturne and Iupiter shall the second time also be very nigh the one y e other y e 26. day of October this present yeare 1583. being then almost conioyned againe togither in Pisces but both retrograde not long before at the beginning of the second Reuolution and third part of the Astronomical yeare to wit at the Sunnes entrance into the Equinoctial signe Libra most vnluckily and ilfaringly placed in the 10. house which must néeds greatly increase their malice and make their operations the more vnhapy vnfortunate The vnlucky constellation and constitution of the other planets doth also séeme to helpe forward augment the lamentable euēts threatned by this Coniunction ' For fiery and furious Mars peregrine occidental in the fourth degrée and sixt minut of Leo and placed in Gacodaemone In domo vbi tristes tragici exitiales euentus notantur hauing there no lesse than 12. impediments whereby he is much afflicted gretly disgraced but y e more perniciously hurtful and malicious portendeth wonderful contention sedition treason rebellion and warre many tumults mutinies vprores with horrible shedding of bloud and warranteth this terrible Prognosticatiō that huge multitudes shall be spoyled subdued destroyed and murdered of their enemies who shal furiously assaulte cruelly vnmercifully and barbarously oppresse them perforce with sword fire And because Mars who is a fierce violent and outragious planet is placed in Leo a hot cholerick fiery signe which notwithstanding of
conspyre euen against heauen it selfe and most horribly to abuse euen Iesus himselfe in not esteeming his sacred blessed word in reuiling his zealous preachers in making no account of religion pietie and godlines in abandoning God him selfe out of their companie and betaking them selues to all villanie Likewise this his infortunate state threatneth like troubles detriments and daungers vnto those that are Mercurists as namely vnto Embassadors secretaries Notaries Registers Clarks Scriueners Messengers Factours Mercers such other as also vnto diuers of the learneder sorte amongst whom some hote controuersies and contentions are like to arise touching some new contrary opinions and heresies which shal be inuented published and maintained by certaine busie fellowes and factious heads too affectionately wedded to their owne conceits Item Luna peregrine in the fourth degrée and 58. minut of Sagittarius decreasing in light and accompanied with hir Dragons head in the fourth house and nigh the fift being but sixe houres before most infortunately in opposition and at destance with the gentle and mercifull planet Venus of whom I spake before betokeneth many heauie calamities imprisōments disturbances and tribulations with much thought anguish and sorrow amongst the common people who not withstanding shall not be punished or afflicted but according to their owne rebellious deserts and misdemeanors for hir opposition with Venus ladie of the 10. house signifieth the disloyall and vnfaithfull hartes of many frowarde and disobedient persons rebelliously set against their Magistrates helping forwarde the mischiefes and horrors presaged by the infortunate constitution of Mars And through hir companie with the Dragōs head ipsa significat consumptiones multas aquas damnū in frugibus as a credible author testifieth And hir application vnto frowning Saturne by an aspectuall radiation I meane a malitious quartile aspect denotat quòd accident hominibus infirmitates mortiferae somnia horrenda opiniones expauescibiles prouenientes ex abundantia melancholiae And what saith Haly Cap. 4. Part. 8 Sol est anima mundi qui si quando maleficus fuerit intemperie afficietur Aër vt cùm Luna malefica est afficitur terra An other iudgement of his is thus deliuered in the thirde chapter of the same eight part Si quando tota Triplicitas ignea fuerit infortunata as now it is in the figure erected for the time I speake of accident damna occasiones magnae Dominis Regibus claris hominibus Idem significat signi vndecimae Domus eius oppositi scilicet signi quintae Domus in which signe Luna is now placed mala infortunata constitutio Item Saturne placed in the eight house and lord of the sixte house which is domus aegritudinum morborum seruitutis corporis foresheweth many dangerous and mortall diseases which are like to raigne and rage in their kind as also the stubberne disobedient and ill disposed affections of diuerse seruaunts towardes their Lordes and maisters Moreouer Saturne lord of the 7. house which is domus Coniugij Inimicitiae Contentionum forensiū furti aliorum scelerum threatneth many troublesome and terrible euents which are like to be as mischieuously accōplished But as touching this his lordly gouernment of the 6. and 7. houses togither with certaine other Incidents which by the figure erected might Astrologically be gathered for breuities sake and for some other good considerations I adde nothing acknowledging that the heauenly and almightie Iupiter that I may so speake sitting aboue Sol and Luna in his euerlasting maiestie ruleth both Saturne and Iupiter at his gratious will and pleasure as also furious Mars him self with Venus and Mercury too quae inclinant modò non necessitant as is truely answeared in an olde distinction Neuerthelesse I am verily perswaded that no Nation or Countrie shall beholde this great Coniunction vnpunished but amōgst the rest they I graunt shall especially feele the vehement force and violence thereof that inhabite such regions as are subiect to the first and second Climat Thus as compendiously as on the suddaine I could I haue here Brother written downe in what signe and parte of heauen euery planet shall be placed how affected and disposed in the celestiall scheme at that very instant and moment in which this great and wonderfull Coniunction shall happen with the seuerall and speciall significations of eche of them particularly according to the place of their residence at that time agréeing wholy w t the Astrological iudgements and predictions of the most auncient and best approued writers in this profession Which I haue done to this ende to shewe as it were in a glasse what concordaunce and agréement there shall then appeare betwéene one planet and another and what good or euill euery one of them shall for his part procure good by diminishing slaking and repressing the misfortunes which are presaged by the Coniunction euill by helping forwarde and encreasing the perilous malice and as it were venemous spite thereof Nowe to treate somewhat more specially touching the weather constitution of the aier I haue good coniecturall Arguments to persuade me that great store of rayne and colde is lyke to ensue that wée shall haue much haile thunder and lightning much vnseasonable immoderate tempestuous and boysterous weather that huge waters shall arise that floudes extraordinarily shall increase many ouerflowings happen diuerse irruptions of waters suddainly breake out causing some losse by lande but muche greater decaye of substaunce by shipwrackes on the seas whereby very many shall be shrewdely endammaged and not a fewe vtterly vndane Whiche operations and effectes the late Eclipse of the Sunne which happened the laste yeare 1582. the twentie daye of Iune in the watrie signe Cancer shall meruailously helpe forwarde and augment especially in winter this yeare 1583. for these foresaide Accidentes shall continewe vntill the beginnyng of the nexte sprynge after Anno 1584. At which time about the ende of March and the beginning of Aprill there shall happen a wonderfull straunge and rare Coniunction conuent or assemblie in a maner of all the planets in Aries a fierie signe So that then both Saturne and Iupiter shall forsake Pisces the last signe of the watrie Triplicitie and inhabite Aries the firste signe of the fierie Triangularitie which alteration from one contrarie triplicitie to his contrary cannot be without diuerse newe effects opposite to the former For so Haly concludeth Duo planetae ponderosi as Saturne and Iupiter are semper faciunt diuersitates sua mutatione de vna triplicitate in aliam de vna natura in aliam de vna haiz in aliam Wherefore now the watrie Trigone shal perish and be turned into fire Iupiter shall be ioyned with Sol with Mercury and with Luna Saturne shall be ioyned with Venus and with Mercury Mercury shall be in Coniunction with Iupiter and with Mars Luna shall be one while ioyned with Saturne another while with Venus another with Mars with Iupiter the second time and then with Mercury and