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A65208 A necessary family-book both for the city & country, in two parts. Containing exact, plain and short rule and directions, for taking and killing all manner of vermin on land and in water: as, Part I. By land. The fox, polcat, buzzard, kite, weasle, adder, snake, caterpiller, frog, mile, pismire, fly, bug, rats and mice, fleas and lice. Part II. By water. The hern, dob-chick, coot, or more-hen, cormorant, sea-pie, kings-fisher, otter, water-rat, and ospray, all great destroyers of fish. To which are added, many natural and artificial conclusions, both pleasant and profitable. The whole illustrated with many proper figures. By R. W. gent. R. W. 1688 (1688) Wing W100; ESTC R217643 17,312 95

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much as the Oyl anoint the Bedsteads with it it is an infallible Remedy 4. Another Take Brimstone and Wax and burn them under the Joynts of the Bedsteads and Creases where the Buggs are and they will immediately come out of their holes and you may kill them Or take Quicksilver and mix it with Hoggs-grease of each a like quantity and anoint the Bedsteads with it CHAP. XII Of FLEAS 1. How to kill Fleas TAke Sope-Lees and boyl two or three Onions in it let it cool then sprinkle the Room with it and it kills the Fleas Or this Take Mustard-seed and boyl it with the Herb Daphines in Water and sprinkle the Room with it 2. Another Take Wormwood Lavender and Nut-leaves and boyl them in Vinegar a good while then sprinkle the Blanket with it it certainly kills the Fleas 3. Another Take an Earthen Platter that is broad and shallow fill it half full with Goats Blood and set the Platter under the Bed and all the Fleas will come into it like a swarm of Bees Or take the Blood of a Bear or Badger and put it under the Bed as before and it gathers the Fleas to it and they die immediately CHAP. XIII Of LICE 1. How to kill Lice TAke Hogs-Lard Quicksilver and Sage as much of each as is needful and mix them together to a Salve and anoint the afflicted place 2. How to kill Nits and Lice in the Head Take three Ounces of Oyl of Olives one Ounce of Wax three Drams of Stavosaee and as much Quicksilver of these make a Salve and anoint the Head all over it certainly kills the Nits and Lice 3. Another Take red Orpiment and Salt-Peter of each a Dram and Lice-Herb two Drams mix these together with Oyl and Vinegar and anoint the Head with it and it kills them 4. How to kill Crab-Lice Take a roasted Apple and take the Skin and Core from it and beat it in a Morter with as much Quicksilver as will make it into an Oyntment and therewith dress the afflicted place CHAP. XIV Of RATS and MICE 1. How to gather together all the Rats and Mice into one place in a House or Barn and to kill them TAke a Brass or Copper Pot as big as you can get and fill it half full of the Dregs of Oyl and then set it in the most convenient place in the House about the middle and all the Rats and Mice will make their appearance as if it were an Assembly of an Army of Rats and Mice and you may then strew about the place Pot-ashes and it kills them all 2. Another Take two or three living Rats or Mice and put them into an Earthen Pot then stop the Pot close that the Rats or Mice may not come forth then make a fire of Ashen-tree-wood and place the Pot on the fire and when it burneth moderately all the Rats and Mice in the House hearing the cry of those in the Pot will run immediately to the place where the Pot standeth on the fire as if they did intend by force to deliver the Rats and Mice in the Pot. 3. Another Take Hemlock-seed and cast it into the Holes where they usually come and they will eat it greedily and it certainly killeth them 4. Another Take very small Filings of Iron or Steel which you may have at any Smiths that worketh with small Files mix the File-dust with Wheat-dow and when you lay it into the holes the Mice will greedily eat of it and it is present death to them 5. How to make Rats and Mice blind Take Tithimalum beaten to Powder sift it through a fine Sieve then mix it with a like quantity of Wheat-flour then put to it a sufficient quantity of Metheglin to make it into a stiff Paste and lay it in the usual places where the Mice and Rats come and in a short time after they have eat it you will see the effects for they will become Beetle-blind And thus much I think may be sufficient for these Vermin Insects and Raveners that infest the House Field Park and Warren from which I shall proceed to give you Directions how to Take and Destroy such as haunt Fish-Ponds and Rivers devouring an infinite number of Fish c. PART II. By WATER Directions how to take and kill the Hern Dob-Chick Coot Cormorant Sea-Pie Kings-fisher Otter Water-Rat and Ospray c. all great destroyers of Fish 1. How to take the Herne THE Herne destroys much young Fish and others if they come nigh the shallow Places or Banks she is fearful and difficult to take therefore some do bait a Hook with a Minow or other small Fish or with a piece of an Eel then make your Line green or like the Water where she haunts in a shallow place there put your Pin in the Earth of the shallow Water and lay your Bait so that she may wade half a foot deep unto it for else the Kite or Crow will soon have it she will soon swallow it and so be taken 2. How to take the Dob-Chick The Dob-Chick is a Water-fowl they are commonly on Rivers and Pools they are near as large as a Theal and are black they will commonly dive under water to take young Fish To take them the Fishermen do lay on the Water long Lines of small Thread knit full of little Corks a handful asunder on the Line and cut four-square like big Dice as you may see by the fore-going Picture and where they see them haunt they will spread the said Line before them on the water then with their Boots on drive them to the said Line and by this means many are taken 3. How to take or kill the Coot or More-hen The Coot or More-hen lives likewise on Waters and also are great destroyers of Fish To kill or take these the only way is with Lime or Gun 4. How to destroy the Cormorant The Cormorant is a great destroyer of Fish also he useth the fresh Waters and will dive under the water and take Fish of three or four Years growth The only way to destroy them is by destroying their Nests in breeding-time they breed in Islands and Rocks by the Sea Some may be destroyed in Rivers and Pools with a Cross-bow or Hand-gun 5. How to take Sea-Pies The Sea-Pie is a Fowl that useth the Seas and breeds in Islands in the Sea and lives most by Fish Where they use in fresh Rivers they destroy much young Fry and such as swim near the top of the water One way to take them is by liming two small Oziars and bind the ends that are next the Bait almost cross-wise then take another short stick and bind the one end unto your ends of cross Twigs as you may see by the Figure and put that short stick through the Fish or Bait then lay it on some Water-leaf Rushes or such like in the midst of the River and as soon as they see it they will take and fly away with it in
their Bills but are immediately lim'd and taken Another way of laying these Lime-twigs is You must put a small short Stick in the Bait as you may see by the Figure and at the lower-end tye a Thread an Inch long and to that Thread tye your limed Twigs and when she takes and flies away with it she cannot fly far but she will be limed for the Twigs will turn and touch her Wings and then she will fall Thus you may take many Sea-Pies both in Summer and Winter and the same way you may take both Crows and other Birds 6. How to take the Bird called the Kings-fisher This Bird is likewise a great destroyer of young Fry and small Fish he is about the bigness of a Lark and doth commonly breed in Banks of Rivers and Brooks his Feathers are green and Blew he always haunts about the sides of Rivers and Brooks where small Fish are and as soon as he hath caught a Fish he will fly to the next Bough and there sit on a Twig and eat the Fish To take this Bird you must mark where his haunt is and there set down a Bush or Branch and put a Lime-twig under the said Bush for so soon as he hath taken a Fish he will fly thither and light on that under Twig lim'd and so you take him This Bird being dead if you hang him up by the Bill with a Thread in your House where no Wind bloweth his Breast will always hand against the Wind whereby you may know perfectly in what Quarter the Wind is at all times both Night and Day 7. How to take the Otter To take the Otter or Water-Woolf in a Wee l made for that purpose is as followeth This Wee l is not made in all points like unto other Weels where he eateth the Fish and comes forth again safe but is made with a double Teme or Tonuel and against the utmost Teme within is set an Iron like a Grid-iron with four holes staying and sliding upon two round Sticks which must be set upright in the Wee l before the Teme to hold up the Iron which two Sticks must be fast bound to the Wee l both above and beneath then must you have a good stiff Rod the one end must be set over the Wee l to hold up the Grid-iron or Grate and the other end of the Rod must reach over the inner Teme and a small Ozier ty'd at that end of the Rod which small Ozier must be made with a round knot and so put down upon the end of the lowermost Ozier in the middle of the inner Teme but a very little way put on that when the Otter is within the first Teme he comes to the second where the Fish is and there he puts off the Ozier and the Rod flirts up and the Gridiron falls and stops the outmost Teme where he came in as soon as he hears it fall he will turn back without touching any Fish gnawing the Grid-iron and so is drown'd This Description shews the setting of the Grid-iron before the Teme of the Wee l and when he falls to rest on two stiff Oziers as you may see above but when you shall Set or Tile the said Grid-iron it must be plucked up above the mouth of the Teme all the Oziers must be cut even by the wreath except those two that must hold up the Grid-iron beneath which Mouth of the Teme must be betwixt six and seven Inches deep so that a pretty big Dog may creep therein for if it be too little the Otter will gnaw the Wee l also the Gridiron must fall easily on the two sticks that stay it and must be broader than the mouth of the Teme and put in when the Wee l is a making The Grid-iron is made with five flat Bars weighing about two Pound weight because it may fall the sooner 8. How to take the Water-Rat The Water-Rat is a hurtful Vermin that kills Fish especially Crevis Loches Culles and Trouts lying in holes of Banks They do destroy much other Fish and Spawn in shallow Rivers and Brooks It is hard to kill them but where you see their Paths on Bank-sides there set a Dead-fall for they range abroad at Nights like other Rats and will frequent Corn-mills and Fulling-mills to eat Corn and gnaw Cloaths The only way to take them is to pin square Boards against the holes where they haunt which Boards must have a great hole in the midst and set just against their coming in or out fastned to the Banks then make a Latch and set it on the out-side of the Board tiled as you tile the Fox-Latch as you have seen before in its proper place on the lower part of the hole before mentioned you must put three or four Pricks of Wyer to hold any thing that comes out or in This Experiment is easily try'd 9. How to kill the Ospray The Ospray is a Bird like a Hawk near as big as the Tarcel of a Goshawk he is a great destroyer of Fish he will take Fish in the midst of a great Pond he hath one Foot like a Duck and the other like a Hawk as he flies over the water the Fish will come up unto him The best way to kill him is to watch where he eats his Fish for he will eat it on some Tree near the place where he takes it and there kill him with a Gun 10. How to make Lime Take the Berries of Misletoe gathered in Autumn in the full of the Moon for then they are in most force and bruise them letting them lye for a space to rot then wash them in running Water till they be clean like other Lime and therewith you may take Birds as with other Birdlime made of the Bark of Holly 11. To make Bird-lime that will serve in Water Take a Pound of Bird-lime cleanse and wash it in running Water very well that no Knots be left therein then beat out the Water and dry it again then put thereto two Spoonfuls of sharp Vinegar and as much Goose-grease as will make it run add thereto half a Spoonful of Lamp-Oyl and a little Venice Turpentine then boyl all these together in an Earthen Pan and stir it well so take it off the Fire and reserve it and warm it when you use it And thus much for the Taking and Killing of those ravenous Destroyers of Fish From which I shall proceed for the Reader 's divertion to Natural and Artificial Conclusions c. both pleasant and profitable Natural and Artificial CONCLUSIONS Both Pleasant and Profitable 1. How to Take Kites Ravens Crows or the like alive BUY at the Apothecaries two Penny-worth of Nux Vomica beat it to powder or slice it as you do Ginger then take raw Flesh or Liver and cut it into little pieces that they may swallow them whole then cut holes in the same and put your Powder or Slices therein then lay the pieces where they haunt as soon as they