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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46361 A continuation of the accomplishment of the Scripture-prophesies, or, A large deduction of historical evidences proving that the papacy is the real antichristian kingdom to which is added A confirmation of the exposition of the sixteenth chapter of the Revelation concerning the pouring out of the vials / written in French by Peter Jurieu ... faithfully Englished.; Accomplissement des prophéties. Suite. English Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713. 1688 (1688) Wing J1200; ESTC R17274 212,359 335

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up all the last times they might very well be called the last plagues For it is natural to call those the last plagues which happen in the whole duration of the last times But it may still be said he that says last plagues supposes that there have been former now seeing we begin the plagues that have fallen upon the Papacy in the tenth age it will be asked what plagues that Antichristian Empire suffered before that time I might Answer that the terms of First and Last which are relatives and refer to one another are not always so in Scripture nor yet in the stile of other languages St. Luke says that Mary brought forth Jesus her first begotten son that has no relation to a second and a last and signifies not that the Virgin had other children It is enough to be first that there were none before and it is not necessary that there be others after In the same manner to be last it is enough that there have been none after but it is not necessary that there have been others before I might Answer also ●hat the Holy Ghost may have respect to those smaller plagues that is to those first mortifications which the Antichristian Roman Empire sustained from the fifth age which is that of its birth to the tenth age wherein we have given beginning to the seven last plagues For it is certain that that Antichristian Empire was not established without crosses oppositions and heavy Judgments of God. Rome the Seat of that Antichristian Empire was afflicted by the Vandals possest by the Goths laid desolate by Belisarius and Narises who retook it from the Goths cruely distressed by the Lombards besides that the Bishop of Rome met with great difficulties to struggle with from other Bishops in the settlement of his Monarchical power The great Schism of the East which separated above the half of Christendom from the Church of Rome was a very great Plague For the Bishop of Rome pretending Jurisdiction over all the Churches of the East it was a great lessening of his power when they with-drew themselves from the dominion which he pretended to have over them Thus those seven last Judgments which God hath made to fall upon the Church of Rome within these 800 years may very well be called the last plagues with reference to those that went before them However we have no need of this solution because in reality these seven Plagues are not called the last with relation to what we have been now speaking of but with reference to the six first Plagues that God made to fall upon the Roman Empire under the six first Trumpets For it is to be observed that the revelation makes mention of thirteen notable plagues which fall upon the Empire of the fourth beast Under the first Trumpet the first plague falls Chap. 8. There followed hail and fire mingled with blood and the third part of trees was burnt up Under the second Trumpet the second plague fell A great mountain burning with fire was cast into the Sea and the third part of the Sea became blood which killed the third part of the fish and destroyed the third part of ships Under the third Trumpet the third plague happened and that was a great burning Star that fell in the rivers the name of that Star is wormwood and the third part of the waters became bitter The fourth Trumpet brought with it the fourth plague And the third part of the Sun was Smitten and the third part of the Moon and the third part of the Stars Chap. 9. The fifth Trumpet made a fifth plague to fall And that is the opening of the bottomless pit the Smoak that rose out of it as out of a great furnace the darkning of the Sun and the Air and the Locusts that came upon the Earth to torment men for five Months The sixth Trumpet opens a door to the sixth plague which was that innumerable army of horsemen riding on horses out of whose mouth issued fire and smoak and brimstone to kill the third part of men These I say were the six Plagues with reference to which the seven last Judgments that have fallen upon the Empire of the fourth Beast are called the seven last Plagues There remains a last Trumpet of the Seven which is confounded with the end of the last Vial. That is the moment wherein the Empire of the fourth Beast shall be utterly destroyed and wherein all Empires shall submit to Jesus Christ by the Fall of Babylon and the conversion of the Jews and Pagans My Readers I hope will pardon this whimsey of mine if it be one they have pardoned the like in many others but in short I cannot but be perswaded but that if one would take the pains to penetrate into my principle and examin it attentively without prejudice he could not but acquiess to it it is so just clear and congruous to the events To make this appear I will hear give an Abridgment of it that so what I have now said of the six first and seven last Plagues may be put out of doubt It is to be remembred then 1. that according to me the whole Revelation is a Commentary upon what Daniel had said in short of the fourth Monarchy that is the Roman Empire 2. Now that Roman Empire hath two great Periods almost of the same duration The first is the worldly and Heathenish Roman Empire which continued somewhat more then 1200. years from the foundation of Rome to Valentinian the third the last Emperor of the Romans the second will endure 1260. years from the midle of the fifth Age to the beginning of the eighteenth 3. That whole Empire with its two Periods is Mystically represented to us in the first Beast of the Revelation chap. 13. it hath seven Heads which signifie seven Governments the six first Governments are included within the first Period of the temporall and Pagan Roman Empire 1. Kings 2. Consuls 3. Dictators 4. Decemvirs 5. Tribunes of the People 6. Emperours that lasted above 1200. years The Seventh Head are the Popes who re-establish this Roman Empire under another form and that Head alone makes a second Period to that Empire and alone continues 1260. years 4. And because of its long duration and that this Roman Empire hath a Name and Form different from the civil and Pagan Roman Empire therefore the Holy Spirit do's in this 13. Chap represent it apart as a distinct Beast having two Horns as a Lamb and speaking as a Dragon As to the first period of the Roman Empire there was no need that the Prophet should mark its beginning and progress seeing it was not only formed but risen to its height and grandure in his time So that all which was necessary for him to do was to speak of its decay and of the several Judgments of God which should bring it to its end and this St. John hath likewise done But as to the second Period of this
into France After the Ascension of Christ they tell us that the Jews his Persecutors who resolved to destroy all his Friends and Disciples took Martha and Mary Magdalen Lazarus their Brother Marcella their servant and Maximin one of the seventy Disciples whom our Lord before his death had sent forth to preach the Gospel and imbark't them all upon one vessel without Sails Rudder Pilot Marriners or Oars but God was pleased to steer the vessel and safely landed'em at Marseilles These Saints thus delivered from the Sea finding none that would entertain 'em were forc't to sit down in the porch of an Idols Temple Magdalen preaches the Gospel to all that came Particularly to the Governor and his Lady They not profiting in the day by her sermons she appears to 'em in the night in Visions and at last by Promises and Threatnings with much ado makes them Christians She obtain'd a very particular favor from Heaven for 'em viz. that having no Children which they passionately desired the Lady is with child of a son by the intercession of S. Magdalen The Father and Mother resolv'd in gratitude to make a Voyage to Rome to be farther confirm'd in their Christianity by S. Peter himself They set forward in a Ship but are overtaken by a Tempest the Lady big with child and near her time is delivered of a Son but a little too soon by reason of the violent Tempest insomuch that it cost her her Life The disconsolate Father not knowing what to do with the dead body of his Wife in the Ship or with the Infant that might live but there was no nurse to be had for it he perceives a smal Rock in the midst of the Sea he causeth both to be carried there and puts the living Child by the dead Body of the Mother covering them with a coat after this he proceeds in his Voyage to Rome and perform'd what he intended there and receives assurance from S. Peter that his Wife and Child should both be restor'd to him Returning from Rome after two years stay there and the ship passing near that Rock He cast his eyes on that side of the Rock and perceives a little Child on the shore playing with Cockle-shells He makes towards it and finds it was his own son who had suckt the breasts of his dead Mother and always found milk there They remove the coat and find the body not in the least to be corrupted yea at that very instant it rose up and his Wife also was alive so both are brought back with him to Marseilles after this you may judge whether Mary Magdalen did not make mighty progress in the ruin of Idolatry in Marseilles The whole City was converted to the Christian Religion by her means and she gave them Maximin her fellow Traveller to be their Bishop and bestowed on him some of our Saviours Blood which she had brought with her in a Vial. As for her she hid her self for thirty years in the hole of a Rock where she was attended and serv'd by Angels who carried her every day up into Heaven where she heard the Heavenly Consorts and Hymns of the Blessed Spirits and on this she liv'd In all likelyhood this Saint had continued to this day in that rock if she had not been taken notice of by a certain holy Priest who seeing her thus mount into the Air came to the Rock and discourst with her The Saint finding she was observ'd had a mind to live no longer she therfore sends for Maximin the Bishop of Marseilles she receiv'd the Communion from his hands and was carried by the Angels into Paradise no more to return to the Earth I should think that those learned men have little to do with their time or imploy it very ill who give themselves the trouble seriously to confute such impertinent Fooleries as these are However we will be at the pains to repeat some of those many Miracles which the Papacy makes their Saints to work that they may oblige men to invoke and Worship ' em God hath permitted that there are two Characters by which they may be distinguisht viz. the Impertinence and the Multitude of them First their Impertinence for the most part they are ridiculous mean and ludicrous shameful and trifling For Example Ridiculous Miracles attributed to S. Francis. Is it not a Miracle unworthy of the Majesty of God that of S. Prancisd ' Assise when he preacht to the Birds and they held out their Bills and clapt their Wings in testimony of their Attention and Joy At another time he took a Woolf by the Ears that had done great mischief and ravage in the fields of Agobio and made a compact with him that henceforward he should devour or hurt no man but that the Inhabitants should provide him what was necessary to his livelyhood Upon a certain day the Devil tempted this Saint he makes his escape but the Devil after him and would have thrown him head-long from a Rock but the Rock split of it self in several places that he might be able to take fast hold with his hands Oftentimes the Devil tempted Brother Ruffinus but by the advice of St. Francis he one day spake thus to the Devil Aperiostuum stercorisabo in illud Open thy mouth and it shall serve me for a Closestool this frighted the Devil and away he goes in a mighty rage Brother Andrew of Annania had a mind to have some little Birds for his dinner he gets some to be roasted for him but when they were upon the table he bethinks himself and was ashamed of his being so delicate he therefore makes the sign of the Cross over the dish and dismisseth the little Birds away they fly as well as ever before they were taken and roasted Brother Antony preacht one day to the Fishes as S. Francis had done to the Birds these Fishes that we take to be a dull sort of Animales came all to the top of the Water and held up their Heads to listen to his Sermon and when he had done preaching some of 'em gave a loud cry of Approbation thus humming the preacher to the great dishonour of the proverb as mute as a Fish. When any sort of Animals were sick they had only to sprinkle them with a little of that water in which S. Francis did wash his wounds and they were presently Cured 'T was a rare Fellow this S. Francis 't is of him that the Legend saith nihil Christus fecit quod non ille fecit imò plura fecit quam Christus J. Christ did nothing but what St. Francis did as well as he yea much more was done by him than ever Jesus Christ did For certain J. Christ never did so many wonderful things as they ascribe to S. Francis If a Wall were crackt and ready to fall they needed only to thrust into the crevice a little of the Hair of this Saint and it proved more effectual than the best cement in the