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A37483 Tropologia, or, A key to open Scripture metaphors the first book containing sacred philology, or the tropes in Scripture, reduc'd under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each / partly translated and partly compil'd from the works of the learned by T.D. The second and third books containing a practical improvement (parallel-wise) of several of the most frequent and useful metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes of the Old and New Testament / by B.K. De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685.; Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. 1681 (1681) Wing D895; ESTC R24884 855,682 1,006

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attain this great Happiness and Honour to be embraced in the Arms of the Lord Jesus 1. Wouldest thou have the Kisses of his Mouth Thou must with Mary Magdalen fall down and first kiss his Feet and bedew them with the Tears of a broken Heart be humbled for thy Sin 2. If thou wouldest have him give thee a Kiss of Reconciliation and Affection do thou kiss him with a Kiss of Subjection Kiss the Son lest he be angry If thou wantest Motives take these following 1. The Father presents his Son the Lord Jesus Christ before your Eyes in the Gospel as he doth the like himself as a Person every way deserving your Love and Affection to see whether you will respect him or not 2. The Father highly honoureth the Son he hath given all things into his hand he is his Heir 3. The Father hath sent him into the World to seek himself a Spouse 4. He became Flesh that he might be a fit Object for Sinners 5. Christ hath a great desire to give himself unto you and so become yours for ever 6. He hath abundance of Love great and strong Affection 7. Christ left his Glory and came into the World in a low and contemptible condition and denied himself for thy sake and wilt not thou accept of him 8. Shall he die and come through a Sea of Blood to engage thy Affection and wilt not thou yield him a Kiss of Subjection 9. Shall he send his Ministers as Spokes-men to entreat you and will you say Nay 10. Shall he move you by the Motions of his Spirit and Checks of Conscience and will you still refuse to close in with him 11. Shall he knock loud and long and cry continually to you and can you still stand it out against him 12. VVill not your Gain and Preferment be great what Honour and Dignity excelling Union with Christ can you think to meet withal 13. Are not you like to be miserable at last if you die before you have an Interest in him If any love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha IV. But some may say How comes it to pass the Spouse is so bold and thus familiarly speaks to Christ Let him kiss me Should not Fervor of Affection have with it Humility of Reverenee To this says Bernard Nè causamini presumptionem ubi affectio urget reclamat pudor s●●d urget am●●r qui nec consilio temperatur nec pudore fraenatur Be not presumptuous where Affection presses forward be neither kept back by Advice nor restrained by B●●shfulness in your Approaches to Christ. Besides Saints who truly love Christ may boldly come to Christ. Tokens of Love and Evidences of Divine Favour are the proper Rights and Privileges of Believers they may be bold with their dearest Friend The Word of God compared to a Net Mat. 13.47 Again the Kingdom of God is like a Net cast into the Sea SOme understand by the Net and Kingdom of Heaven that our Saviour intends the Church others the Gospel It may have respect to both but in my Understanding it is more clearly applicable to the Gospel Parable A Net is made or prepared as a convenient thing to catch Fish II. A Net is made use of by skilful Fishers it requires Wisdom rightly to use it to the End it is appointed A Fisher uses oft-times much Policy and Craft in putting in and drawing of his Net III. A Net is cast into a Multitude of Waters at an Adventure the Fisherman not knowing whether it may catch many or few or any at all IV. A Fisherman works hard with his Net sometimes a great while together and catcheth nothing V. A Net takes Fish of every sort some great Ones and some little Ones some good and some bad as 't is express'd in this Parable VI. A Net takes Fishes out of their own natural Element and as soon as they are taken out of the Water they dy VII A Net takes or compasses sometimes a Multitude of Fishes at once When Simon Peter put in his Net at the special Command of Jesus Christ he enclosed a great Multitude of Fishes VIII A Net tho it be cast into the Sea and has taken many Fishes yet 't is not known of what kind or sort they be until the Net is drawn up IX After the Fisherman hath drawn his Net about so long that he concludes it hath taken all it is like to enclose and compass in he then draws it to the Shore and severs the Good from the Bad the Good he puts into Vessels and the Bad he throws away Parallel THe Gospel or Word of God is appointed to catch or convert the Souls of Men Fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch Men. II. The Word of God is made use of by skilful and able Ministers and it requires much spiritual Wisdom rightly to use it for the Conversion of Sinners Paul being crafty tells the Corinthians He took or catched them with Guile III. The Gospel is preached by a faithful Minister to a Multitude of People who are compared to Waters in many Places of Scripture and yet he knows not when he preaches or casteth his Net in whether he shall take many or few Souls nay whether one Sinner shall be reached or converted thereby or not IV. So a Minister sometimes labours a long while together and takes much Pains in preaching the Gospel and yet converts not one Soul Who hath believed our Report c. They may sometimes say with Peter We have laboured all Night and have taken nothing V. So the Gospel-Net takes hold of some of every sort and degree of Men Some great and honourable rich and mighty in the World tho not many such some little Ones such as are mean and poor in the World Again some great and notorious Sinners are taken such as Mary Magdalen and Paul were before converted and some that are not such great and capital Offenders For tho every Man is a great Sinner in a proper sence yet comparatively some are greater or more guilty and prophane than others And there was a Woman in the City that was a Sinner Not but that all the Women in the City were Sinners but this Woman was a notorious one or one noted and eminent for Wickedness Also the Gospel and Church of God takes some bad Professors and counterfeit Christians as well as such as are sincere VI. The Gospel or Word of God the spiritual Net takes Sinners out of their natural Element and as soon as they are savingly taken thereby they die to Sin and to all sensual Objects and carnal Delights of the Flesh and this World and to their own Righteousness Rom. 6.2 6 11. VII The Gospel-Net also sometimes takes hold of or encloseth many Sinners at one Cast. At one Sermon three thousand Souls were converted by that glorious Preacher and famous Fisher of Men the Apostle Peter VIII So the Gospel and Church of God tho
is ready to bear judgment censure or curses if any person can justly complain that he has done them injury which by an elegant Prosopopeia he expresses the explication follows ver 39. If I have eaten the fruits thereof without Money or have caused the Souls of the owners thereof to expire breath out or grieve so the Hebrew Illyricus says that the Land and Furrows are put Metonymically for the Husbandmen but the former explication is the best See Job 38.7 with Psal. 148.2 3 c. A Nativity or Birth is attributed to Rain Dew Ice and Frost Job 38.28 29. for their production from God where there is also an Anthropopathy Psal. 19.1 The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy work that is they exhibit shew and demonstrate to the Eyes of all things a real testimony and instruction of the glorious power of God ver 2. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night sheweth knowledge that is by that succession and vicissitude of days and nights which is so certain so constant and so profitable for men and other Creatures the Glory of God the workman is most evidently celebrated See Psal. 104.20.21 22 23 24. Some by a Metonymie understand day and night of those things which are done or happen by day and night that the sence may be that every day and every night some new thing is discovered by which to right observers the glory of God may be illustrated ver 3. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard that is there are no people though of different languages whom that speech of the Heavens and their real publication of praise may not instruct in the glory and power of God See Rom. 1.19.20 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them or to them for the invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse ver 4. Their line is gone out through all the Earth and their words to the end of the World that is in the extreamest parts of the Earth that stately fabrick of celestial bodies is seen as if it were exactly done by line and square which seems instead of words c. Rom. 10.18 For their line we read their sound because what is said in the Psalm of the motion of the celestial bodies the Apostle elegantly accommodates to the course of Evangelical Preaching Genebrard says that the Hebrew word signifies indeed alive but the Septuagint respect the sence whom the Apostle followed that being the most used and received Version ver 5. The going forth of a Bridegroom out of his Chamber and his rejoycing is by the same metaphor ascribed to the rising Sun to his never ceasing and most swift course Psal. 65.12 The little Hills are girded with Joy on every side ver 13. The Pastures are clothed with Flocks the Vallies are also covered over with Corn they shout for Joy they also sing The Ornaments of the Earth which by the blessing of God it every where enjoys are expressed by this Metaphor Mathesius says that the Metaphor of girding ver 12. is to be expounded of the various and winding veins of Mettals in the Bosom of the Earth Psal. 77.16 The waters saw thee O God the waters saw thee they were afraid the Depths also were troubled he speaks of the Red Seas being divided and the people of Israels marching through the middle of it which is described Exod. 14. But the sence of seeing and the passion of fear is attributed to the waters by a Prosopopeia for to see here signifies to experience as if he had said they have experienced thee and felt thy power when by a strong Wind they were cut and the bottom of the Sea became naked to make a way or passage for thy people They are said to fear when at the beck of God like trembling persons they fled from their place against their nature and by the tremendous omnipotency of God stood as a Wall on either side as it is said of the same Miracle Psal. 114.3 The Sea saw it and fled c. ver 5. What ailed thee O thou Sea that thou fleddest c Psal. 98.8 Let the Flouds clap their Hands let the Hills sing so the Hebrew These things are ascribed to inanimate Creatures to stir up men to a desire after the coming of the Lord. So Psal. 96.11 12. c. More examples you may see Psal. 103.16 with Job 7.10 and 8.18 Psal. 104.19 Cant. 1.6 Esa. 3.26 with Job 1.20 and 2.13 Esa. 5.14 Hell others translate it Sepulcher hath enlarged her Soul so the Hebrew and opened her mouth without measure By a Prosopopeia he compares the insatiable condition of Hell or the Grave with the unsatisfied Gluttony and Luxury of the Jews and foretells the punishment that God in his Wrath will therefore inflict upon them Jerome in his Commentary upon this place says Hell is said to have a soul not that it is a Living Creature as some erroneously conceit but because by words of humane custom we may express the affections of things insensible It is insatiable because it can never be filled with the multitude of the Dead See more examples Esa. 24.4 and 33.9 Jer. 4.28 and 12.4 Lam. 2.8 Hosea 4.3 Joel 1.10 Amos 1.2 c. Esa. 24.23 Then shall the Moon blush so the Hebrew and the Sun shall be ashamed when the Lord of Hosts shall Reign in Mount Sion c. This Prosopopeia intimates the light of Divine Grace in the Church as if he had said the glory of the Sun or Moon will be nothing if compared with the Glory of him that rules in the Church of God Esa. 55.12 The Mountains and the Hills shall break forth before you into singing and all the Trees of the Field shall clap their hands By this most elegant Prosopopeia likewise spiritual Joy in the Kingdom of Christ is figured as chap. 49.13 where the Heavens and Mountains are excited to singing by the same Prophetical voice And Jer. 51.48 Then the Heaven and the Earth and all that 's therein shall sing for Babylon c. By which Hyperbolical Prosopopeia an immensity of Joy for the destruction of Babylon and the Deliverance of all true Israelites is set forth Lam. 1.4 The ways of Sion do Mourn because none come to the solemn Feast This intimates a forsaking of the solemn Worship of God Hosea 1.21 22. And it shall come to pass in that day I will hear saith the Lord I will hear the Heavens and they shall hear the Earth And the Earth shall hear the Corn and the Wine and the Oyl and they shall hear Jezreel Besides the gracious blessing of God the connexion of first and second causes is fairly intimated by this speech Jezreel that is the Congregation of the faithful which according
Its Adjuncts or Qualities 4. It s Operations or Actions 1. As to what concerns the first in Waters two things are especially remarkable viz. First Their Plenty Multitude and Depth in which respect they are oftentimes prejudicial and hurtful Secondly Their Profit and Usefulness So that the metaphors deduced from Water signifie sometimes good and sometimes hurt or evil In the latter sence 1. It signifies a strong and numerous People especially such as invade a Country in an hostile manner ravaging and spoiling it Esa. 8.7 Behold the Lord bringeth up upon them the Waters of the River strong and many The Chald. An host of many people like a rapid and strong River The interpretation follows even the King of Assyria and all his power The Allegory is continued And he shall come up over all his channels and go over all his banks ver 8. And he shall pass through all Judah he shall overflow and go over he shall reach even to the neck that is the King of Assyria with his numerous Armies like swelling and strong waters shall over-run and destroy all first the land of Israel and afterwards the Land of Judah in which those waters are said to overflow even to the Neck that is even to Jerusalem wherein was the head of the Kingdom by a Prosopopoeia whereby a Kingdom is compared to a humane body c. Jer. 47.2 Thus saith the Lord Behold waters shall arise up out of the North and shall be an overflowing flood and shall overflow the Land and the fulness thereof Chald. Behold a people shall come from the North and shall be as a strong flood and shall prey upon the Earth The Hosts of the Babylonians are meant See Esa. 17.12 13. Ezek 26.3 19. Where an Hostile people are expresly compared with Water Also Rev. 17.1 15. The Vision of a multitude of waters signifies many people 2. It denotes any great Calamities and Tribulations 2 Sam. 22.17 Psal. 18.16 and 32.6 and 66.12 and 124.4 5. and 144.7 Esa. 28.17 and 43.2 Lam. 3.54 We are also to note that the most bitter and exquisite passions of our Saviour are metaphorically compared to Deep and overflowing Waters Psal. 69.2 3 14 15. See Psal. 40.2 See also Psal. 73.10 Some by the Waters of a full Cup would have the same thing understood but the usual exposition is that it rather gives a description of the wicked who enjoy Prosperity and Plenty And this leads us to the acceptation of water wherein it signifies good in which as in the foregoing particular we must consider it 1. As it refers to Men. 2. To things themselves 1. Water metaphorically signifies posterity which is propagated from its own stock or head as water flows from a Fountain Num. 24 7. He shall pour the water out of his Buckets that is God shall so bless the people of Israel represented by Jacob that they shall have a numerous off-spring and increase into a great posterity Another metaphor taken from water follows And his Seed shall be in many waters which the Chaldee expounds of peoples according to the above signication thus he paraphrases a King shall spring up who shall be magnifyed by his Sons and he shall rule over many people But R. Salomo says that this signifies prosperity as Seed increases best that 's sown besides the waters To this sence we are to refer Esa. 48.1 Hear ye this O house of Jacob called by the Name of Israel and are come forth out of the waters of Judah that is such as are descended of Jacob and Judah as from a Fountain as Deut. 33.28 and Psal. 68.26 2. By the metaphor of waters the blessings of God and our Saviour are often noted as in the chapter of an Anthropopathy 2. The Subjects or things containing Waters are various The chief is the Sea which for the plenty of waters the violence or impetuosity of its VVaves and Storms metaphorically denotes a multitude of Enemies Jer. 51.4 The Sea is come up upon Babylon She is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof Chald. The King with his numerous Hosts in plenty like the Sea came up against Babylon So it is to be understood Psal. 65.7 and 89.9 and 93.3 4. See also Esa. 17.12 13. and 57.20 Jer. 6 23. and 50.42 Where there is an expresse comparison When our iniquities are said to be cast into the depths of the Sea Micah 7.19 It signifies a total remission and utter oblivion of them Waves of the Sea denote Calamities and Punishments because they rush upon us and are noxious as the Waves are troublesome to Ships and Seamen Psal. 42.7 and 88.7 To which that phrase Lam. 1.20 and 2.11 Relates Psal. 3. Esa. 57.24 Jude ver 14. Raging Waves of the Sea foaming out their own shame This is spoke of unquiet untamed vagabonds or impetuous violent men who possessed with a spirit of giddiness by false Doctrine and wicked lives disturb the Church and raise scandals A Metaphor taken from a turbulent and frothing Sea See the express similitude Esa. 57.20 21. To which place the Apostle seems to have respect Fluctuating or being tossed to and fro Eph. 4.14 is attributed to men unstable in the profession of Christianity See Jam. 1.6 A Stream 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nachal which runs in a Valley which is also denoted by the same Hebrew word and suddenly increases in tempestuous Rainy weather and brings not only terror but loss and dammage to men and other Creatures metaphorically signifies great Afflictions Terrors and Dangers Psal. 18.4 The flouds of Belial terrifyed me Chald. The multitude of oppressors made me afraid Junius and Tremellius The flouds of wicked men affrighting me he compares the persecutions and violence of the wicked who would prosecute him even unto Death to flouds which violently and ere we are aware break upon us Musculus upon the place This flood of the wicked rightly agrees with the valley of Kidron that is the Kingdom of darkness Psal. 110.7 He shall drink of the Brook in the way This is diversly expounded but most fitly of the passion of our Saviour Christ which is elsewhere compared to Drinking for the drinking of his Cup is in this place called a drinking of the Brook in the way By the Brook or Torrent the multitude and bitterness of Christs sufferings are noted and also their Shortness For these torrents or streams quickly pass away because they have not their source from a lasting Fountain but from showers and snow And therefore it is added therefore shall he lift up the head that is he shall be gloriously delivered from Death and Passion or Suffering and shall most eminently triumph in the Resurrection And the Prophet says that Christ should drink in the way by which the course of this Earthly Life is signified which is called the day of the Flesh Heb. 5.7 Elias when banished and persecuted and dwelling in a Desart drank of the Brook by the Command of God 1 Kings
Esa. 45.1 And by way of excellency the Messiah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vnctus our chief Priest King and Prophet blessed for ever is so called as the word denotes Dan. 9.24 Psal. 2.2 John 1.42 And 4.25 Hence the name of the annointed one is commonly given him in the New Testament Matth. 1.16 17. And 2.4 And 11.16 And 22.42 Luke 2.26 See also Psal. 2.6 And 45.7 8. Esa. 61.1 Dan. 9.25 Luke 4.18 Acts 10.38 Heb. 1.9 See Col. 2.9 And John 3.34 35. From our Lord Christ we are called Christians because we believe in him Acts 11.26 being made partakers of that Holy Annointing Heb. 1.9 John 2.20 Hence made Kings and Priests Rev. 1.6 See Esa. 61.3 2 Cor. 1.21 22. Rom. 5.5 c. 3. Holy Days and Times Of these the Sabbath is most eminent being a day of rest the seventh in a week instituted by God upon the compleating of his creating work Gen. 2.3 and most exactly to be observed by the people of Israel by the the Command of God this is metaphorically translated to express New Testament Worship Esa. 56.4 and to denote the rest of eternal blessedness Esa. 66.23 where there is mention also of a New Moon in the same sence which was a Jewish Holy-day likewise Hence it is said Heb. 4.9 That there is a Sabbatism left for the people of God From the Jewish Pass-over to which the Days of unleavened bread were joyned the Apostle makes a fair Allegorical exhortation 1 Cor. 5.7 8. Where Christ is called our Pass-over because he was sacrific'd and slain for us as the Paschal Lambs which were Types of the Messiah were slain in the Old Testament The Feast of Tabernacles is put for the whole spiritual Worship of the Old Testament Zach. 1●● 16 18 19. All Christians while they sojourn as Strangers and Pilgrims in this world do celebrate a Feast of Tabernacles whilst they long for the heavenly City to which they hasten not with the feet of the body but by the affection of the Heart and the progress of piety and good works See Gen. 47.9 Psal. 39.12 Psal. 119 19. 2 Cor. 5.4 6 8. Heb. 11.13 14. The words of Augustine are memorable Vse the World says he But let it not insnare you that thou hast come into it art upon thy Journey out of it and that thou didst come to depart not to tarry is certain thou art then upon a Journey let this Life be thy Inn use money as a Traveller upon the Road does a Table Cup Pot and Bed that is to leave them not to tarry with them So much of Old Testament Rites those of the New Testament are two Baptism and the Lords Supper Baptism and to Baptize are metaphorically put 1. For the miraculous effusion of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other Believers in the primitive Church To the Holy Spirit is sometimes added Fire which is a symbol of its external manifestation Acts 2.3 Matth. 3.11 Mark 1.8 Luke 3.16 John 1.33 Acts 1.5 and 11.16 Some give a Reason of the appellation from the Analogical Immersion or dipping for so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to Baptize signifies because the house where the holy Spirit came upon the Apostles was so filled that they were as it were drowned in it Others say that the reason of the appellation is from the great plenty and abundance of those gifts as the Baptized were wont to be plunged or dipped in water or that they were wholly immerged in this Likewise because by the efficacy of the holy Spirit they were cleansed from sin refreshed and purified as water quenches thirst and washes away spots and filth c. 2. It is put for Calamities and Afflictions especially those of Christ Matth. 20.22.23 Mark 10.38 39. Luke 12.50 The Reason of this metaphor is likewise taken from multitude or abundance as Calamities are elsewhere compared to many and deep waters Psal. 18.16 and 32.6 and 69.1 2. c. 3. For the miraculous passage of the Israelites through the Red Sea 1 Cor. 10.2 which was a Type of Gospel Baptism c. From Bread the other part of the Lords Supper some think a metaphor is taken 1 Cor. 10.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quoniam unus panis unum Corpus multi sumus which is word for word in English thus because one Bread we being many are one body in our Translation for being many and one Body Upon which Erasmus in his Annotations The Greeks think that we understand that Bread which is the Body of the Lord Whereas all Christians are Members of Christ as if he had corrected what he before had spoke viz. we partake for it is more to be one and the same than partaker And in his Paraphrase thus We being all partakers of the same Bread do declare that though we be many in Number yet in the consent and harmony of minds we are one Bread and one Body Others Glassius in Rhet. sacra p. 434. says more truly understand the word Bread properly and that there is an Ellipsis of the Verb substantive is in this sence There is one Bread in the holy Supper So likewise we being many are one body the Syriack clearly expresses it thus As that Bread is therefore one so all we are one body For we all receive of the self same Bread For that sameness of Bread in the holy Supper is to be understood with respect to the Sacramental use of it as well as the Identity of matter c. CHAP. XIV Of a Synecdoche HAving largely gone through the most frequent and most eminent Tropes in the Scripture principally Metaphors we will be more Concise in what follows and illustrate each with a few Scripture Examples by which the rest of chat kind may be easily understood A Synecdoche is a Trope by which the whole is put for part or part for the whole And whereas the whole is either the Genus or Intire thing And part is a Species or Member we will treat of the 4 kinds of Synecdoche's in order A Synecdoche of the Genus is when the Genus is put for the Species or an Vniversal for a Particular as when 1. The Term All is put for the greatest part or many as that Rule of Law in the Pandects § quod Major All seem to do that which the greater part does In doing this there must be great heed taken to the Scope and right meaning of the Text take a few Examples out of the Old Testament Exod. 9.6 And All the Cattle of Egypt Died that is all that is in the field as ver 3. and some were left as ver 19. Chap. 14.26 28. and cap. 9.29 Exod. 32.3 All the People that is the greatest part as ver 26. Hence Paul uses a particular word 1 Cor. 10.7 viz. Some See more Examples Exod. 32.26 with ver 29. and Deut. 33.9 Isa. 2.2 3. Deut. 28.64 2 Sam 16.22 Hos. 7.4 c. In the New Testament
the Kingdom puts a difference between Egypt and Israel secludes Hymeneus and Philetus Hypocrites and Hereticks and all unclean Persons that the Peace of the Family may be preserved hath threatned they that trouble it shall bear their Judgment whoever they be God divorced the Church of Israel c. XXVI God upon this Ground hath tho he account it his strange Work turn'd to be an Enemy to those ●●f his own Houshold and hath not only cast them out but drawn his glittering Sword made sharp by whetting bent his Bow and prepared his Arrows upon the String made sick in smiting and utterly destroyed a●● in the Case of Israel Judah and Jerusalem XXVII God sware in his Wrath that they should not enter into his Rest and left them to expectation of fiery Indignation XXVIII Thus God dealt with Israel and Judah gave Jacob to the Spoil and Israel to the Robbers and was so far from interposing between them and Danger that he gave them up to fearful Ruine from the Chaldeans and to the Romans in the Time of Josephus declaring that his Eye should not pity neither would he have Mercy And as to particular Persons David told Solomon that if he forsook God God would cast him off for ever Thus those are confounded even as Judas Iscariot was and as Jesus Christ speaks of the Branches that abide not They are cast off and Men gather them and they come to Burning and as Salt when good for nothing is cast to the Dunghill and trodden under foot XXIX God that he might be justified in all his Actions hath appointed a general Judgment to bring forth his Works and Actions that he may clear himself and overcome when he is judged Hence it is said He hath appointed a Day in which he will judg the World in Righteousness call all his Houshold to account before the Angels and there make his Justice shine as the Sun at Noon in respect of all his Providences and Dispensations XXX God certainly rewards all Men for well-doing both in this World and that which is to come Verily shall one say there is a Reward for the Righteous when there is a God that judges in the Earth The Righteous shall be recompenced in the Earth Godliness hath the Promise of the Life that now is and that which is to come Metaphor I. AN Housholder in this World hath but a small Family tho never so great a Person Solomon was the greatest we read of yet small in comparison c. II. An Housholder in this World is but a Steward under another c. III. An Housholder in this World wants Wisdom and may be defective in respect of Government over his Houshold IV. An Housholder cannot of himself make his Family V. An Housholder in this World cannot communicate Strength nor secure from falling by Sickness or Death till they have finished the Work which he hath committed to them VI. An Housholder in this World may be taken away from his Houshold by human Force or by Sickness and Death VII An Housholder in this World may be from home about other Business not all times doing his Family good VIII An Housholder in this World tho he be at home and well yet he may be asleep and Evil come in the same Instant IX An Housholder may be taken away captive or forced to flie from his Family tho as valiant as David as wise as Solomon as great and mighty as Belshazzar and Darius X. An Housholder cannot always preserve his Family in Peace nor give them everlasting Rewards Disparity I. GOD hath a very great Family as numerous as the Stars or the Sand of the Sea The God of the whole Earth shall he be called The Earth is the Lord's and the Fulness thereof The Fathers and the Children are all his and the whole World receives great Benefits by him c. He gives all their Meat in due season He makes the Sun to shine and the Rain to fall on the Just and Vnjust II. But God is absolute Head and Lord under no Commission neither in subjection to any III. God is infinitely wise and good perfect in Knowledg hath all Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg hath Depths of Wisdom and Knowledg unsearchable and past finding out 'T is impossible for him to err or miscarry in any case his Way is perfect IV. But God is the Maker of his Family from the highest to the lowest Thou hast made us and not we our selves c. V. But God is able to make all Grace abound to make the Arms of their Hands strong to renew their Strength like the Eagle to make the Weak become as David and David as the Angel of God so as to run and not be weary to walk and not faint VI. God is always abiding as he hath no beginning of Days nor end of Life He is the eternal and ever-living God VII God is never from home about other Business cannot be out of the way of doing his Family good because every where present on Earth as well as in Heaven He fills his own Work therefore promised to be with them in the Fire and in the Water and promised never to leave them nor forsake them VIII But God the Keeper of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps for Night and Day the Dark and the Light are alike to him and between the Land and the Sea there is no difference For his Ways are in the Dark in the Deep and his Footsteps are in the mighty Waters IX But God yea the Omnipotent God cannot be invaded nor carried away captive he keeps his Place and is immoveable None hath an Arm like God and by Strength nor no other way shall any prevail over him God is Omnipotent Powerful Invincible c. X. But God the Preserver of Men and of the Souls of his Saints can so preserve in Peace that none dar●●s approach to rob his Family of it God gives his Family Consolation and good Hope here and Reward or Inheritance hereafter which shall never fade away nor be taken from them Inferences 1. IF God be an Housholder we infer against Epicures that he is and must be concerned in the Affairs of this lower World why otherwise should all things look up to him as the Psalmist saith and how should they be cared for and provided for as Christ himself and St. Paul averr God gives not his Spirit once and no more but it is given to his People daily and hourly 't is that gives us our daily and common Bread and taketh care of us c. 2. We infer how greatly ignorant most of the World are in that they do not account it a great Privilege to be under the Conduct of God and enquire what they should do to please him 3. What a mighty Blessing and Privilege they have who are under his Conduct that is able to do all manner of Good for them in this World and reward with everlasting Life in the World to come
other Stars is fixed in its Orb wherein it performs a constant Motion IX The Morning Star gives most Light just before break of Day X. It is the Opinion of some that the Morning Star doth send forth very blessed Influences upon those Bodies that are under its Dominion XI The Morning Star doth chiefly govern pleasant and delightful Plants XII The Morning Star is accounted the master Planet for Moderation said to cause gentle Storms in Winter and moderate Heat in Summer XIII The Morning Star is said to be the cause of Beauty XIV The Morning Star doth most Service in Winter because the greatest part of that Season is Night and Darkness XV. The Morning Star hath an honourable Name it is called the Son of the Morning XVI The morning Star is known to be the Evening Star as well as the Morning Star and in both respects is useful to the World XVII The Morning Star tho it may be obscured by Mists Fogs Clouds and dark Vapors yet nothing can hinder its Course but it constantly keeps its Motion and Circle in the Heavens cannot be prevailed against by any malignant Power whatsoever Thieves and evil Men like not its Appearance yet cannot obstruct its Motion in the Firmament nor stop its Light from shining on the Earth XVIII The Morning Star as it hath those Properties and Excellencies already exprest so lastly it exceeds all other Stars for Brightness and Glory Parallel I. THe Lord Jesus is a very solid Light whose Glory is not like others who have their Intermissions but he abides steady his Glory and Bright-shining is always alike his whole course of Life was as if it had been but one continued Act of Goodness He is the same in the Morning Noon and Night Yesterday to day and for ever Heb. 13.8 II. Jesus Christ he is the Harbinger of the great Joy to all Nations How joyful was that time when the Day-spring from on high did first visit us The People that sat in Darkness saw great Light and to those that dwell in the Vallies of the shadow of Death great Light is risen c. His coming was the fulfilling of God's gracious Promise unto the Fathers and as the blessed manifestation of God's rich Favour and good Will to Man he is also the Fore-runner or the Harbinger of that Dominion that the Just shall have in the Resurrection the morning of the longed-for Day The path of the Just is as a shining Light that shineth more and more to the perfect day Prov. 4.18 The upright shall have Dominion over them in the Morning The Night is far spent the Day is at hand This above all others is the day that the Lord hath made for good Men therein to rejoyce and be glad Psal. 118.24 III. Jesus Christ is not only an Ornament to the Christian Church and Profession far beyond what Moses was to the Jews but even to Heaven it self and the Holy Angels who did not a little rejoyce at his ascending into Heaven God is gone up with a shout the Lord with the sound of a Trumpet sing Praises to our God sing Praises Psal. 47.5 IV. Jesus Christ is a very pleasant Object to Men that are spiritually inlightned therefore it is that they do ardently desire to be near him and with him where he is David tho he had not so clear a sight and prospect of this bright and morning Star as Men have under the Gospel yet that prospect he had made him use this pious Prayer O when shall I come and appear before God! Psal. 42.2 Then shall I be satisfied when I awake with thy Likeness c. Psal. 17.15 I have a desire saith Paul to depart and to be with Christ c. Phil. 1.23 Those that look for him do also cry Come Lord Jesus come quickly V. Jesus Christ is highly esteemed by all that sail Heaven-wards no steering the right Course without him He gives good Assurance to all that follow him they should not abide in Darkness but have the Light of Life The Following of Christ Jesus is the most certain way to avoid the Rocks the Sands and the Hands of all spiritual and temporal Enemies VI. Jesus Christ is really the most excellent and chiefest Light that ever God set in the Church Moses and the Prophets John Baptist and the three Beloved Apostles Peter James and John and Paul who was most eminent were shining Lights and glorious Stars who adorned the Profession of the Holy Gospel but in all things this Bright and Morning Star infinitely surpassed them in Splendor and Brightness VII Jesus Christ is a great Terror not only to wicked Men but wicked Angels to all that love Darkness more than Light they hate him and fear him they consulted against him and more times than once attempted to pluck this Star out of the Firmament that so they might walk in Darkness carry on their black Designs and Deeds without discovery Satan attempted his Destruction from the Pinacle of the Temple sets a Squadron of the black Regiment to resolve upon his Death knowing him to be the Fore-runner of the Day which Thieves and Robbers cannot endure Come let us kill the Heir c. They hate the Light come not to it lest their Deeds should be reproved They led him to the Brow of the Hill that they might cast him down headlong Luk. 4.29 The evil Angels thought he came too soon Why art thou come to torment us before the time VIII Jesus Christ is constant in his Orb or Station he is a Priest for ever a Prophet to guide for ever a King to govern for ever he leaves not his Office as inconstant Men do but makes good his Word as settled in Heaven And lo I am with you always to the end of the World Mat. 28.20 I will never leave thee nor forsake thee or leave thee to a forsaking IX Jesus gave a great Light unto the World by the Ministry of John by the Appearance of himself and by the Ministry of the Apostles and their immediate Successors But the greatest Light is reserved to the flying of the Angel through the midst of Heaven with the everlasting Gospel before the great and notable Day come wherein the whole Earth shall be lightned with his Glory both Jews and Gentiles shall acknowledg the Blessed Messiah Arise and shine for thy Light is come the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee The Gentiles shall come to thy Light and Kings to the Brightness of thy rising Isa. 60.1 3. The Earth shall be filled with the Knowledg of the Glory of the Lord as the Waters cover the Sea Hab. 214. X. Jesus doth send forth very blessed and sweet Influences upon the Bodies and Souls of Men that are under his gracious Rule and Dominion it is he who sends down the Holy Ghost If I go away I will send you another Comforter the Spirit of Truth c. Joh. 16.7 8. XI Jesus Christ tho all
them We must not pry too curiously into the Depths of God he having set Bounds by the Word how far we should go and let all take heed on their Peril that they adventure no further V. The holy Spirit is the proper Element of all true Believers they are born by the Spirit live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit Ministers are Fishers of Men. See the Parable of the Net VI. This River is good to wash purge and carry away Filth and all abominable Pollution of Sin both in Souls Churches and Nations where the Water of this River runs Such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God VII The Spirit hath its proper Bounds and always runs in its spiritual Chanel viz. the Word and Ordinances God's publick and private Worship and thither all must have recourse that would receive the precious and glorious Blessings and Benefits thereof if you would have these sacred Waters you must observe the Chanel where this River runs Where I record my Name I will come unto thee and will bless thee When the Disciples were assembled together they met with the Spirit that being their Duty and Christ's Institution VIII This spiritual River hath several times overflowed there being a Redundancy of Water in it Great Multitudes have been marvellously watered and made fat and fruitful on a sudden and shall again when the time is come God sometimes extends Mercies and Gospel-Blessings beyond his usual method being a free Agent may if he pleaseth anticipate his own Order He hath promised to open Rivers in the Desert And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall bear off from the Chanel of the River unto the Stream of Egypt God meets with some as he met with Paul who was running from him The Scripture speaks of a Time when the Knowledg of the Lord shall cover the Earth as the Waters cover the Sea In that day this River shall overflow and cover the whole World There shall be on every high Mountain and on every high Hill Rivers and Streams of Water I will open Rivers upon high Places I will make the Wilderness a Pool of Water and the dry Land Springs of Water Behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye not know it I will even make a Way in the Wilderness and Rivers in the Desert The Beasts of the Field shall honour me the Dragons and the Owls because I give Waters in the Wilderness and Rivers in the Desert to give Drink to my People my Chosen IX The holy Spirit is gloriously advantagious for spiritual Commerce and Traffick 'T is that which by the use of Ordinances conveys the Riches of Heaven to Dwellers here below He shall receive of mine and shew it unto you He will bring all things to your remembrance 'T is the Spirit that stores the City of God with all its Divine Riches There is no Trading to Heaven but by sailing in this River Faith can do nothing without it If these Waters do not run our Souls can make no good Return from the Celestial Shore The Church and every Family of the Godly would soon be starved were it not for this heavenly and spiritual River hence 't is said to rejoyce the Righteous There is a River the Streams whereof make glad the City of God the holy Place of the Tabernacle of the Most High By means of this River we often take a Voyage to our Father and come to Jesus Christ and daily in the Word hear from them For through him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father X. This spiritual River as 't is deep so 't is very swift tho 't is not always discerned to be so by us nor doth the Stream indeed seem to us to run always with a like Motion But when God doth as it were open the Flood-Gates then it runs very swift and is so impetuous that it drives all down before it Lord said Saul what wouldest thou have me to do When God causeth its Passage to be clear it bears down all Opposition carries away our slavish Fears our Unbelief our Earthly-mindedness and all Consultings with Flesh and Blood making thereby our Souls very clean washing us as in a Stream which is very powerful carrying away all our great Defilements 'T is not in the Skill of Men or Devils to stop this River even the strong Operations of the Spirit in a Person Church or Nation when God opens the Sluces for it XI This River is a Believer's Strength Not by Might nor by Power but by my Spirit saith the Lord. 'T is the Churches sure Fortification When the Enemy comes in like a Flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a Standard against them Those that are environed by the Spirit need not to fear the Stormings of Men or Devils even those Churches or Souls who enjoy the smooth and sweet Streams of this River XII Those Churches or Souls who enjoy the blessed Streams of this spiritual River grow flourish and bring forth much Fruit. He shall be like a Tree planted by the Rivers of Water that bringeth forth his Fruit in due season his Leaves shall not wither They shall spring up as Grass as Willows by the Water-Courses Blessed is the Man that trusteth in the Lord whose Hope the Lord is For he shall be as a Tree planted by the Waters which spreadeth forth his Root by the River and shall not know when Heat cometh but her Leaf shall be green and shall not be careful when the Year of Drought cometh neither shall cease from yielding Fruit. XIII This spiritual and heavenly River yields the Church and all true Believers much Joy and sweet Delight no Pleasures like those that flow from the Spirit The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy Peace c. And sometimes when they partake of these Celestial Streams they are so delighted thereby that they cannot forbear breaking forth into singing There is a River the Streams whereof make glad the City of God c. XIV This spiritual River in the use of the Ordinances and Appointments of the Gospel will carry a Soul whose Purpose and serious Intention is bent that way to God the Ocean of all Fulness and into the great Depths of everlasting Bliss XV. The Spirit of God sometimes seems not to strive or move at all upon the Hearts of Men and Women not only upon the Wicked of whom God hath said My Spirit shall not always strive with Men but also the Godly themselves cannot sometimes perceive a visible or sensible Operation thereof And then their Spirits seem like Vessels becalm'd no Duty or Service perform'd hath any Life or Activity in it it being only performed by the Strength of natural or acquired Parts and Abilities XVI
upon his people he can cause his precious dew to distil upon the tender herb and showers of rain to fall upon the grass VII God can make the vilest and worst of sinners to bring forth good fruit when his grace converts them and the barrenest souls to be fruitful souls VIII None can hinder the Almighty from his labour I will work and who shall lett it IX God the spiritual husbandman never grows old and can never die but is ever taking care of his husbandry COROLLARIES 1. THis shews the wonderful condescension of the great and Almighty God in comparing himself to an husbandman an Employment of great toyl and very hard labour yet profitable and honest 2. Shews the great priviledge dignity and security of the Church of Christ being the plantation of the great God in which he takes delight the rest of the world being like a barren and howling Wilderness to it Wo is me that I sojourn in Mesech and dwell in the Tents of Kedar 3. It shews the necessity of being truly grafted into this vineyard a bare profession will not do as in the foolish Virgins case he has a quick eye and will soon find out such as bear no fruit or are rotten at heart such he cuts down and burns 4. Here 's cause of joy to those that are truly implanted into Jesus Christ they are under his special care and watch they shall flourish and bring forth fruit in old age Walled in on every side and so very safe God a Builder Psal. 127.1 Except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it Prov. 9. Wisdom hath built her a House Heb. 3.4 But he that built all things is God IN these Scriptures and many others God is called a Builder which is a Metaphor taken from Carpenters and Masons that build Houses The Hebrew word by which Building is express'd is derived from the Root 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 aedificavit extruxit Domum vel Vrbem to build or rear a House or City 1 Kin. 10.4 Metaphorically 't is put for Procreation and Education of Children of which Families are as it were built Gen. 16.2 2. For repairing decayed Places 1 King 12.25 3. For the Restauration Preservation and Exaltation of God's People Jer. 31.4 The Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 preparo instruo to prepare or build up is as Illyricus says a military Word and signifies vasa instrumentáque castrensia colligere the gathering together of Vessels or Vtensils of the Camp of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Vessel God may be said to be a Builder in a four-fold respect 1. He created or built the visible World 2. He built or constituted the Church Militant 3. The Church Triumphant 4. The Invisible World the Celestial City or New Jerusalem for the Church Triumphant to inhabit when the visible World is dissolved In a Builder we are to consider three things viz. Skill Strength Action 1. Skill to contrive 2. Strength to provide and 3. Action to compleat All which are fairly applicable to God as a Builder as appears in the following Particulars Metaphor I. A Builder is an Artist a Man of Wisdom to contrive the fittest Model of the Whole in general and of the distinct Rooms and Parts in particular II. A Master-Builder usually hath a principal or Head-Workman to whom he imparts his Secrets in his great and weighty Contrivances who is to enter upon the chiefest part of the Work and not only to work himself but to order and direct all subordinate Workmen III. A Master-Builder hath the Figure or Idea of the Materials in his Mind of which the Fabrick is to be compacted and gives Order for the bringing them forth to answer his great Project and Design IV. A wise Master-Builder lays a Foundation to set that Fabrick upon that he intends to build for a House City or any kind of Edifice which cannot stand without it as Christ tells us V. A Builder puts his Workmen into Order and his Materials into their proper places the Stone Brick Timber Lead Iron Brass Silver c. VI. A Builder raises Fabricks of several sorts some of higher Consideration and Grandure than others as Temples the Palaces and Thrones of Princes Noble and Great Men's Houses inferior Dwellings and dismal Prisons VII A Builder gives Ornament as well as Form and Being to a House VIII A Builder is a great Benefactor to the World in making Places both for Safety and Conveniency IX A Builder is pleased with his Work when finished and is worthy of Honour for it Disparity I. GOD the first Founder and Builder of all things is that great Master of Wisdom of whom it is said that he finds out knowledg of witty Inventions that he is wise and perfect in knowledg that his Wisdom is unsearchable and his Ways Contrivance and Projections past finding out in his Works of Creation as well as Providence for not Man only is fearfully and curiously made but all his other Works so well contrived that it is not possible for any to mend them In Wisdom hast thou made them all II. God the infinite and most wise Contriver hath his Word or Son who is called the Wisdom of God and a wonderful Counsellor to be his Head-Workman who was in the Bosom of the Father and understood all his Secrets by whom he made the Worlds who is called the Son the Character Image or Representative of God without whom there was nothing contrived or made that was made either things in Heaven or things on Earth visible or invisible whether Thrones Dominions or Principalities all things were made by him and he was before all things and from him came Order and Direction to all subordinate or secondary Causes III. God the Builder of all things had the Idea in his own Mind and gave Order for the bringing of them forth in order to suit his most wise and wonderful Purposes for as known to God are all his Works from the beginning so he said Let the Heavens the Earth the Water the Air appear and they did so IV. God this great and wise Master-Builder hath planted the Heavens above and laid the Foundations of the Earth beneath which when we consider that they have no bottom but the Air and the Water we must resolve it into his own Power which can do every thing or his Word or Son who bears up the Pillars of the Earth and upholds all things He looked for a City which hath Foundations whose Builder and Maker is God V. The God of the whole Earth did at the first put all Materials into their proper places and assigned all his Servants their respective Work the Heavens above the Air the Air above the Earth and the Earth above the Waters Christ is Head-Workman above Angels Angels above Men Men in Work and Business above the Fowls of the Air Beasts of the Field creeping Things of the Earth Fishes of the
Sea Men above one another in respect of his Church his spiritual Building Moses above Joshuah and ordinary Prophets Aaron above other Priests Apostles above Evangelists and ordinary Ministers And all to shew his wonderful Skill and Wisdom Angels to keep his Commands and sing Praise the Heavens to declare his Glory and the Firmament to shew his handy Works Moses to manifest Wonders on Earth Aaron to celebrate his Worship John Baptist to set forth Jesus the Apostles to plant Churches and preach the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles Elders of a lower Rank Apollo and Evangelists All which have their peculiar Work and Place assigned by the great Architect of the whole Universe VI. God hath set his Stories in the Heavens where his glorious Majesty dwells and Jesus our great High-Priest sits at his right hand where all the Angels are seated in Glory and the Spirits of just Men made perfect surround the Throne of God and the Lamb The Earth for Men The dismal Prisons and Regions of Darkness for disobedient Spirits and evil Angels VII God hath not only beautified the Meek with Salvation but adorned New Jerusalem where the Saints shall dwell with so high and Soul-ravishing Excellencies as the most sublime Rhetorick can set forth as Gold Pearl Diamonds and other precious Stones the Street pure Gold the Building of the Wall Jasper the Foundations precious Stones and the Gates Pearls VIII God is a great Benefactor who hath made Buildings both for Safety and Conveniency He made the Fountains to contain the great Deeps to keep them from breaking out upon the World he has made Windows in Heaven to keep the Waters above from falling down too furiously to the prejudice of Man and Beast He hath made Chambers to keep in the roaring Winds from annoying Mortals with constant and impetuous Blasts The raging Element of Fire he hath confined to its proper Region where it cannot harm us without his permission He hath given us a pleasant and fruitful Earth a comfortable and refreshing Air a beautiful and delightful Heaven which he has placed as a Canopy over us He has constituted a good and holy Church which is as a Wine-Cellar to supply all our Wants where he has placed the Word the Spirit the Ordinances good Counsel and Instructions suitable Comforts and Consolations there is the Wine the Oil the Balm the Bread where he feeds his Lambs and makes his Flocks to rest at Noon satisfying with Favour and filling with the Blessings of his Bounty He will abundantly bless Sion's Provision c. IX God is pleased with his Work when finished He looked upon all things which his Hand had made and behold it was very good He is worthy of Honour for what he hath done because they are great things mighty things wonderful things without number So that it might be said as David O give thanks to the Lord who by his Wisdom made Heaven Let all the Host of Heaven and all the Inhabitants of the Earth praise c. Metaphor I. AN earthly Builder is but a mortal Man subject to Weakness and Death II. The earthly Builder has but a small pittance or measure of Skill and Wisdom 't is but the Wisdom of a Son of Man as light as Vanity and next to Foolishness III. Earthly Builders are fain to pause study and consider before they bring forth their Devices IV. The earthly Builder must have Materials to work upon and Servants to employ V. An earthly Builder cannot effect his Purposes in point of Building by his Word without Work and Labour VI. The earthly Builder must have much time allowed him to finish a great and famous Fabrick VII An earthly Builder lays the Foundation of his Work upon a brittle substance or at best upon a Rock which is capable of Dissolution VIII An Earthly Builder builds but little comparatively as some Towns Cities or part of them c. IX An earthly Builder may be out-done by a Successor X. An earthly Builder builds for other Men all being not for himself XI An earthly Builder is capable of Improvement in his Skill for Experiment and second Thoughts instruct him in some Points he was before ignorant of XII An earthly Builder oft-times undoes what he hath done plucks it down to make it better Disparity I. GOD the heavenly Builder is a mighty God the everlasting and everliving God with whom is no beginning of Days nor end of Life II. The heavenly Builder hath all the Treasures of Wisdom he is full of Wisdom and Knowledg he is essentially wise and skilful and gives all the Wisdom and Skill that is possess'd enjoyed or used by Men or Angels 'T is unsearchable past finding out beyond all comprehension so profound that Angels are Fools in comparison of him He charges his Angels with Folly III. The heavenly Builder having all Wisdom and Knowledg sees by one Act uno intuitu all things that are necessary and commodious and needeth not to suspend Actions till after Study and Consideration nor stay for any one to be his Help and Counsellor because there is none able or fit to teach him Who hath been his Counsellor c. IV. The heavenly Builder can make Matter fit for his purpose where he finds none even as all Things that are seen were not made of things that do appear but of Matter that was void of Form of which there was no pre-existence but it was made out of nothing and then formed into a glorious Globe and most beautiful Fabrick by him who alone that is without the help of any other doth great Wonders that by Wisdom made the Heavens c. V. God does all by a word of his Mouth Let there be a Heaven and immediatly it appears let there be an Earth and it was so c. as Gen. 1. VI. But God doth his Works which are exceeding in a moment He just pronounces the word and it is done VII But the heavenly Builder laid his Work upon a sure and unshaken Foundation upon an impregnable Rock firm and immoveable against all violence whatsoever viz. his own Almightiness than which nothing can be more permanent c. VIII The heavenly Builder has been the Erector of the whole Fabrick of the Universe He that built all things is God IX But none can mend the Work of God nor take the Glory from him His Works shall praise him for ever c. X. But all the Buildings that God makes are for himself he is no Man's Workman or Servant but hath made all things for himself For his own Pleasure they were and are created XI But God is perfect in Knowledg and therefore uncapable of Addition to it None can tax him of Hastiness Failure or Inadvertency All Sciences meet in Him as their proper Center XII No such thing done or need to be done by God No Angels unmade or Heavens dissolved or Souls annihilated or extinguished or Seas dried up to