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A29711 The temple opened, or, The great mystery of the millennium and the first resurrection revealed and found to be different from all the accounts that have been given thereof by any who have hitherto wrote on the same subject : more fully and plainly opening the nature of the death humbly presented to the King and Parliament by Thomas Brookhouse. Brookhouse, Thomas. 1696 (1696) Wing B4972; ESTC R18149 52,493 72

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proper way to preserve it This way therefore being used at the Publication ought to be used at the Restoration The running Waters are living and wholesome but the standing do putrifie Christ is the Alpha and Omega The Throne mentioned in the first part of the Revelations is nothing else but this New Jerusalem This Book is the most exquisite piece of Paint in the World and were the Painting-Art lost it might be found here The Son of God first draws the Design then the heavenly Raphael 's and Michael Angelo 's go on adding Line upon Line and Stroke upon Stroke guided by his Divine Hand till at last they finish and shew this Incomparable Hierogliphick in its proper colours By Throne nothing is meant but this City And the Prophet Jeremiah doth confirm the same saying At that time they shall call Jerusalem The THRONE of the Lord and all Nations shall be gathered into it to the Name of the Lord at Jerusalem And when the Text saith I saw Thrones and they sat upon them and Judgment was given unto them I know not how to understand any thing else but Cities where places of Judicature are usually erected Nor do I see any Inconvenience to let the Sword of Justice and the Sword of the Spirit to make their Monthly Circuits together that the Counsel of Peace may be betwixt them both When the Prophet saith And thou O Tower of the Flock this argues there must be many of them else they could not be a Flock And every holy City in each Nation sending annually their Representatives to pay their Homage and receive Instructions there these make in Council together The General Assembly of the First-Born much greater than that at Nice Thus saith the Lord of Hosts It shall come to pass that there shall come People and the Inhabitants of many Cities And the Inhabitants of one City shall go to another saying Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of Hosts I will go also Yea many People and strong Nations shall come to seek the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem and to pray before the Lord. And another Text saith That whosoever of all the Families of the Earth that shall not come up to Jerusalem upon them there shall be no Rain We cannot suppose that the whole Number should come to the Feast of Tabernacles but some Representatives from the Regenerate City of each Nation and these being in a Body at the Feast of Tabernacles make up the General Assembly of the First-Born And the Prophet Isaiah saith And it shall come to pass from one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me saith the Lord. This has a peculiar respect to this most excellent Oeconomy in sending out Monthly Preachers out of each National Regenerate City which will give birth to Weekly Monthly Quarterly and Yearly Solemnities so that this Prophecy will then be fulfilled to an Iota These Circular Monthly Preachers are plainly hinted at in the Texts following I have set Watchmen on thy Walls which shall never hold their peace day nor night Thy Watchmen shall lift up the Voice with the Voice together shall they sing for they shall see Eye to Eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion And I will set Shepherds over them that shall feed them and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed neither shall they be lacking saith the Lord. And I will give you Pastors according to my heart which shall feed you with Knowledge and Vnderstanding Then he brought me and caused me to return to the brink of the River Now when I had returned behold there were very many Trees on the one side and the other Then said he unto me These Waters issue out towards the East Countrey and go down into the Desart and go down into the Sea which being brought forth into the Sea the Waters shall be healed And it shall come to pass that every thing that liveth that moveth whithersoever the River shall come shall live and there shall be a very great multitude of Fish because these Waters these Preachers shall come thither for they shall be healed and every thing shall be healed where the River cometh And it shall come to pass that the Fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi to Eneglaim There shall be a place to spread forth Nets There Fish shall be according to their kind as the Fish of the Great Sea exceeding many But the Miry Places thereof and the Marshes That is those that will not hear or admit of these Preachers shall not be healed but given to Salt And by the River on the Bank thereof on this side and on that side shall grow all Trees for meat whose Leaf shall not fade neither the Fruit thereof he consumed That is these Preachers shall never fail to make their Monthly Circuits out of the Cities it shall bring forth new Fruit according to its Months because the Waters issued out of the Sanctuary And the Fruit thereof shall be for Meat and the Leaf thereof for Medicine This is so full that there will be no occasion of quoting that of John which in a manner is a Repetition of it Daniel saith in the end of his Prophecy Many shall run to and fro and Knowledge shall be increased And Zacharia We have walked to and fro thorow the Earth and behold all the Earth sitteth still and is at Rest Were but these things fixed then might we very well say How Beautiful upon the Mountains are the Feet of him that bringeth Glad Tidings that Publisheth Peace that bringeth Good Tidings of Good that Publisheth Salvation that saith unto Zion Thy God reigneth These things are to be performed and done in the time of Christ Reign And these Preachers shall further say Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and he that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea come and buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price Many have paid very dear for a Draught of these Waters but old things are passed away and all things are become New The Spirit and the Bride say Come and let him that heareth say Come and let him that is athirst come and whoever will let him take the Waters of Life freely The Gospel then is to be as free as the Air or the Sun Beams Then will Righteousness cover the Earth as the Waters cover the Sea For what dry Mountain will not this constant heavenly Rain fall upon What dark Corners can be hid from these ever-shining Lights Glorious things are spoken of Thee O thou City of God! But when these things come to pass Men shall say that the Prophets have not told them half of the Truth That Pillar of Fire which led the Children of Israel out of Egypt and all the former Glory in the Tabernacle and Temple Administration were but first Fruits of the Glory which shall be revealed in this
of Ground or an Inch of Power but what is given by him He therefore who has received from him the First Fruits of Power and Empire in England who has been preferred before all the Monarchs of the World being constituted his First Delegate He I say who has Received First ought to pay his Homage First and to Erect such a Monument of Gratitude as may be a Pattern to other Nations to all Generations I speak not so much of a Glorious City as a Tent Colledge or Tabernacle to shew the way and make a beginning And was it a City the thing is very feasible for if every little Village can rear a Church sure a whole Nation can quickly build a City In this Tent Colledge Tabernacle or City let there be built as for the Prophets of old a little Apartment for each Prophet putting a Bed a Stool a Table and Candlestick there and a sufficient Number being Annually chose out of all the Counties by Lot let them Twelve times a Year issue out and heal the Nation When this is done Righteousness will quickly cover the Earth as the Waters cover the Sea We shall have no dark Corners or barren Mountains but every thing will be full of Light and every thing will flourish and be green like the Paradice of God Indeed the Advantages of this most Excellent Administration are inexpressible and is worthy of the Great Contriver God Himself Then we shall know what the New Moons and the Sabbaths mean for Earth will Eccho to Heaven and we shall in a manner have a Sun Moon and Stars here below keeping due time in their Motions and Circulations with them above What the Sun is in the Heavens or the Heart in Mans Body the same will this City be in every Nation But Jerusalem in Palestine is to be the Head for to Her the great Stream of Promises belong The Text saith And Thou O Tower of the Flock to Thee it shall come even the First Dominion The Kingdom shall come to the Daughter of Jerusalem Jerusalem will be the Royal Seat or House of Christ Kingdom for The Name of the City shall be THE LORD IS THERE That is He will be there in a most Glorious manner but not Personally His Name is called Wonderful Counseller 'T is extreamly probable his Presence will be there after the manner he was in the Temple of old viz. Oracularly And since I am come to the City of Ezekiel it will not be amiss to observe the position of it and of the division of the whole Land which is exactly like a Man For there are the Lot of Five Tribes above and Seven Tribes below and the holy Portion for the Priests and Levites in the middle and this City in the upper part of the holy Portion answering the Heart exactly the holy Portion below answers the Belly and Intrails which are esteemed holy And the Princes Portion lies on both sides the holy Portion East and West like two Arms. to guard and defend it And 't is said They that serve the City shall serve it out of all the Tribes of Israel This seem but Reasonable for this City being the Heart supplies the whole Body with Salutiferous Juyces The Preachers do issue out Twelve times a year to heal them and there is the greatest Reason in the World that the whole Tribes should serve it by Administring such Conveniencies and Necessaries as are suitable And that the Inhabitants of this City are Preachers tho' the Text be silent yet is a thing without all contradiction For the Waters that issue out first to the Ancles then to the Knees then to the Loyns and at last to be like a River not be passed over these Waters I say do plainly manifest that the Gospel and Preaching is meant hereby and their Salutiferous Virtue does confirm the same And another Prophet is more apposite to the thing saith he In that Day Living Waters shall go out of Jerusalem half of them towards the former Sea and half of them towards the hinder Sea in Summer and in Winter shall it be Here is the exact Method and Administration pointed at and the Continuance of the same saying In Summer and in Winter it shall be Now 't is not possible to spell any thing out of this so clear an Expression but the Gospel and Preaching The Apostle to the Jews levels the whole of his Discourse to this New Dispensation for as it were rejecting the former he saith Leaving the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ let us go on unto Perfection not laying again the Foundation of Repentance from dead works and of Faith towards God of the Doctrine of Baptism and of Laying on of Hands and of the Resurrection of the Dead and of Eternal Judgment These all seem to be the matter of the last Dispensation and therefore he leaves them and designs to speak of something higher implyed by the succeeding Verse And this we will do if God permit And he makes Christ to be the chief Administrator in it saying For unto the Angels he hath not put in subjection the World Dispensation to come of which we speak And afterwards he tells them But ye are come unto Mount Zion and to the City of the Living God the Heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable Company of Angels To the General Assembly and Church of the First-born whose Names are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of Just Men made perfect And to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant And to the Blood of Sprinkling which speaketh better things than that of Abel This City is of a Heavenly Nature ministring in Spiritual things in which the General Assembly of the New-Risen-Witnesses do convene The Latin Version is Conventum Concionem implying a General Assembly of Preachers and their Names being written in Heaven answers to that Conscript Number which John mentions stood on Mount Zion and we cannot suppose that Heaven is meant thereby But this as I have before intimated for their Security in opposition to the Jewish Genealogies which are kept so strictly on Earth And for the Ministration of Angels God has always used them to Minister to Those which shall be Heirs of Salvation And no doubt but they will be imployed in a more especial manner in this most happy Dispensation This New Jerusalem can by no means be Heaven for Isaiah after having brought in God making a New Heaven and a New Earth he brings in the Children of Israel building Houses and inhabiting them and planting Vineyards and eating the Fruit of them which are things inconsistent with Heaven And 't is said The Kings of the Earth do bring their Glory into it which they cannot do into Heaven For Heaven needs no Glow-Worms to enlighten it And to represent any Church-state which is past there 's too much Beauty and Symmetry in it for that It must needs therefore presigure something to come And if it be