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A18509 Delectable demaundes, and pleasaunt questions, with their seuerall aunswers, in matters of loue, naturall causes, with morall and politique deuises. Newely translated out of Frenche into Englishe, this present yere of our Lorde God. 1566 Landi, Ortensio, ca. 1512-ca. 1553. Quattro libri di dubbi.; Chartier, Alain, 15th cent, attributed name.; Painter, William, 1540?-1594. 1566 (1566) STC 5059; ESTC S119276 122,665 210

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fishe called Polpo which taketh his colour of the Sande where he grauelleth or groundeth him selfe ¶ Upon what reason did Homere call certaine people of Thracia halfe men and why did he saye that the house of Protesilaus was imperfecte Bicause the people of Thracia liued without women and in the house of Protesilaus there were none but men The like affirmeth Menander of the Geti or Gothos But what good can an housholder do without a woman surely in mine opinion I speake i● not to please women no more then a man can liue without meat or continue without clothing ¶ Who was the first that taught a man to liue an Actiue liue Socrates and as Cicero saieth suche life is verie agreable to God ¶ What is vertue It is an Armonie or pleasaunt accorde of Nature with other good thinges agreyng thervnto ¶ What is the chiefest goodnes according to the Philosophers opinion To fele no kinde of sorrowe as Hierom Rhodiotto saieth albeit that the Stoiques and Epicurians affirme the contrarie ¶ Why is Lycurgus amongs al y e law makers estemed the best Bicause he did obserue and kepe that which he him selfe commaunded ¶ Why did the Poetes faigne that Prudence was borne or conceiued of the braine of Iupiter To declare that witte and vnderstanding wherof Prudence doeth spring whiche causeth vs to foresee all thinges is deuine ¶ Wherfore do the Poetes faigne Philoctetes to be banished from his cuntrie and to wandre by hilles and dales dailye weping and sighing To declare that there is no sorrowe nor accident howe weightie soeuer it be which ought to induce man to violate nature or to kill himselfe ¶ Wherin consisteth true force To abide and supporte all harde thinges and not to imbase his harte in aduersitie ¶ Wherfore did the Auncientes wash before they did sacrifice To declare that all disordinate thoughtes proceding of beastly affections be displeasaunt to Godde ¶ For what reason did the auncient Romanes tearme God to be Optimum Maximum so muche to saye right good and verye great And wherfore did they place Optimum before Maximum The one Epitheton signifieth vertue and the other puissaunce or might yet vertue was alwaies preferred as the chiefest ¶ What moued Anaxagoras to giue all his goodes to his frends The more frackely to playe the parte of a Philosopher to yelde vnto heauen our true cuntrie Wherof we do take our beginning and yssue the first fructes of our mindes and sprites ¶ What was the cause that Ac●ius the Poet did make a Comedie intituled Il Cauallo Troiano in English the Troian horse A desire he hadde to reprehend those that are slowe of vnderstanding that wer ignoraunt to vse tyme before necessitie and not afterwards when 〈◊〉 fortune did succede Wherof rose the prouerbe Sero sapiunt Phryges ¶ Wherfore did the Romanes terme Fabius Maximus to be the Target of the Romane people and Marcellus the Sworde Bicause the one gaue him selfe to mainteine the common welthe but the other was eagre and sharpe to reuenge the enemies of the same And yet bothe they were se●te together by the Senates order that the grauitie of the one might moderate the hardines of the other ¶ Wherfore did Caesar ordeine two Legions or bandes of souldiors to be enterteined at Rome well armed and furnished That the Citizens should not be surprised vnwar and noted of negligence Euery Legion was deuided into tenne Cohortes or companies in euery Cohors was L. bandes or squares euery Square had .xxv. soldiors the Legio commonlie conteineth .vi. thousand footemen and .vii. C. xxxii horsemen but Liuie in many places of his Decades declareth the same to be sometimes more and sometimes lesse yet our common accompte of the Legio comprehendeth the numbre and diuision aforesaide ¶ Wherfore is Pompeius reproued by certeine Historiographers not to be skilfull and wise enough Bicause at the iourney of Pharsalis which he loste he lefte in an Islande called Corfu a puisaunt armie wherwith he might haue stopped the passage of Cesar. ¶ What was the cause of the deathe of the Emperour Otho The hazardinge of the battell his enemies beynge as it were in dispaire ¶ What difference is there betwene Prudence and viuacitie of witte otherwise called pregnancie of minde or Sagacitie Prudence geueth good Councell and the pregnaunt witte comprehendeth and iudgeth the councell which is moost requisi●e the one being very necessarie for the other ¶ Wherfore was Paulus Minutius the companion of Fabius estemed so prudent and wise Bicause he toke Councell of himselfe in that which he knewe and followed the councell of others in that which he did not vnderstand esteming him to be a sotte and beaste which had not good aduise in him selfe and would not obey them that hadde experience ¶ What is the duetie and propertie of them which be accompted to be fyne witted To vse their wittes to eche diuise and qualitie lyke vnto the fishe Balena whiche is a great fishe in the Sea hauing a hole in his hedde wherby he taketh ayer thrusting forth therat great aboundaunce of water some times here and sometimes there ¶ Why was Lysandre so ●louted and mocked of his owne people Bicause he vaunted and bosted him selfe to be the kinseman of Hercules not doing any signe or token of vertue but all that he did was by tromperie and deceipt ¶ Wherfore was Helanicus of Epirus so greatly estemed for his subteltie Bicause all that he did was for the publike wealthe and not for his owne perticuler profite ¶ What is Equanimitie a vertue so muche praised It is a certeine purenes and constancie of minde wherwith we continue alyke in prosperitie and aduersitie not being puffed vp with pride or abbasing our minde Socrates the Philosopher and Antoninus Pius the Emperour were excellent in that vertue ¶ Where is the seate of the affections in our bodie Ioye resteth in the splen A●gre in the gall Feare in the harte Lecherie in the lyuer ¶ What maner of thing is modestie It is a moderation of our appeties which obeyeth reason ¶ For what respect did Antiochus geue so greate thankes vnto the Romaines that leauing him so little a Countrye whiche before was a Kinge so mightie and prince puisaunt His modestie didde him to vnderstande that he was discharged of a great burden which hindred him before often times from slepe from e●ting and drinking ¶ Wherin did Tiberius moste of all declare his modestie In that beinge desired to taxe his people he sayde that it was the office of a good Sheperde to shere his shepe and not to pull of theyr skinnes Dionisius of Siracusa wherein didde he shewe himselfe praise worthie For beinge so modest that althoughe he were come to the estate of a Kinge Yet he would not alter the maner of apparel which he ware when he was a priuate man ¶ What maner of thinge do ye call shamefastens It is a certaine passion which maketh the person blushe speciallye in anye good and honest matter and
Wherof commeth it that those Creatures which are without heades for a certeyne season do not slepe It is bicause that slepe commeth from the hedde ¶ But why is that water which is sonest hott and sonest cold better then other water Bicause it is more subtill and more lighte ¶ Wherfore is the well water better then that which passeth by the mines of Leade Water hath alwaies the nature of the place where it passeth taking then the vertue of Leade which is abstersyu● or skowring it fretteth and hurteth the guttes and therby must nedes endomage the bodie The like is not in waters that runne by mines of golde and syluer for they comforte the bodie ¶ Wherfore is ouer great exercise or labor euill for the sight Bicause it drieth the blodde to muche ¶ Why do some beastes bring forth many yonge ones and other not so That is according as they haue bellies and receptacles for the seede ¶ Howe commeth it that men slepe better and soner on the righte side then on the lefte Bicause beyng awake he doeth leane and rest more vpon the lefte syde then vpon the right ¶ Wherfore hath Nature made the heddes of fishes so great in comparison of the rest of their bodie Bicause they may plonge them selues more easely into the bottome of the water ¶ Wherof commeth it that a flower which is brused hath not so good a smell as otherwise Bicause the earthie parte is by that meanes mingled with the swete smell and so doeth alter it ¶ Howe chaunceth it that figges which are swete and tender do neuerthelesse cause tothe ache Bicause they cleaue to the gommes through their viscositie ●limines ¶ What meaneth it that Gotes be euermore in an Ague That procedeth of their extreame heate which is nothinge els but a very Ague ¶ Why do we esteme Gotes milke to be better for our stomacke then any other Bicause the Gote taking his nourishment rather of wodde boughes then of grasse causeth his milke to be the more thicke and lesse slimie ¶ Howe commeth it that Cowe milke is more medecinable then other milke Bicause a Cowe being a great eating beast doth feede not onely vpon grasse but also vpon all sortes of grene herbes ¶ Wherfore is the milke of Shepe sweter then other Bicause it is fatter and albeit that it doeth fatten yet it is noysome to the stomacke ¶ Why is the blod of a Bull hurtfull to them that drinke it Bicause it is very fatte and full of threddes and soone waxeth harde ●●gendring therby hurtefulnes ¶ Why do al beastes refuse to eate of any thing that a Beare hath blowen vpon or smelt vnto ▪ Bicause the blowing or smelling of a Beare is pestiferouse ¶ Wherof commeth it that among beastes some do soner followe their d●mmes then other That cōmeth bicause some sone some late do receiue knowledge to do it ¶ Why be gardens watered eyther late in the euening or rathe in the morning That the heate of the sunne may not sodenly drie them and consume the moystnes of the herbes ¶ What is the cause that euery sound or voyce is more sharpe towardes the ende then at the beginning Bicause the voice then waxeth more f●oble ¶ For what respect be they fearfull that dwell in hotte countries and they strong which dwell in colde countries Colde doeth restraine and thicken the fleshe which causeth the heate to be better gathered and compact within Why do olde men when they will beholde a thinge holde it somewhat farre of from their eyes The light of olde men is small grosse and troubled and hath nede therfore to be sharpened and there must be betwene their eye and the thinge which they will beholde some light to ayde their sight which causeth that they holde a space of that which they would beholde and see ¶ Wherfore be they that haue their eies rolling and tourning and their sight sterne deceuors theues and of hotte nature Deceipt and theft procede of the subtiltie of the minde and the subtiltie of the minde commeth of the subtiltie of humors caused of heate that causeth the eies to wander and the sight to be sterne ¶ Wherof commeth it that if one be dronke with to muche grene or newe wine and afterwardes drinke swete wine vpon the same the wine doeth him the lesse hurte Grene and sharpe wine remayneth longe in the stomacke and doth trouble it and by his heat pearceth the braine wherby it doth inebriat man the soner but sw●te wine through his viscositie doth stop y e cundites wherby the vapors fumes of the grene sharpe wine shuld ascend to the braine Howe chaunceth it that the hed is worse at ease when one hath dronke tomuch wine mingled with water then when he hath dronke to much pure wine vnmingled It commeth of this that the pure wine doth digest better and so his fumosities do not offende the head wheras the wine mingled with water penetrating the substaunce of the braine can with great difficultie be dissolued Therof also it commeth that they which trauell much drinke more and be lesse dronke then they that be Idle and if perhaps they be dronke they waxe soner sober ¶ Wherof commeth it that to muche drinking of wine doth alter the bellies of those that are melancholike They that be melancholike are drie of complexion and therfore their bellies beyng moystned with wine are more laxatiue Or els the wine fyndeth in the bodies of melancholike persons many vndigested humors whō it resolueth and digesteth throughe his heate and beinge so resolued and digested he sendeth them to the guttes and inwarde partes ¶ Wherof commeth it that they whiche are leane do many tymes dye with to much drinking of olde and strong wines And they that are fat by reason of the wine do sone waxe leane The slender bodie hath but litle heate and substanciall moistnes in it Neuertheles it semeth straunge vnto me that those which be fatte consuming by vertue of the wine their naturall moystnes can in the ende waxe leane ¶ Wherof commeth it that the eyes of dronkardes doo still water That procedeth of the humors that the wine hath engendred in the brayne wherof feling it selfe laden it sendeth the same agayne to the eyes which of their nature are full of poores ¶ Wherof commeth it that oftentimes the heares do waxe graye by reason of sickenes and doo fall away and beyng recouered againe do become blacke as they were before They that do affirme sickenes to be a kinde of age which commeth at the appoynted time and that age is a perpetuall disease of Nature haue iudged well knowinge that in dede they bothe procede of the great superfluitie of humors whiche hinder the digestion which being corrupted through the outwarde heate causeth the heare to waxe graye but retourning to health and recouering his fyrst strength the bodie also must nedes chau●ge wherby the heare commeth againe to his fyrst estate ¶ Wherof commeth
all the moisture which the vine hath alreadie receaued ¶ Wherof cōmeth it y t bread ●alted is lighter thē other notwithstanding that salte ioined to water should make it heuier The heauines of the bread commeth of the humiditie and the more it is dried the more the bread is the lighter ¶ Wherefore is not hote bread holesome Hot bread is yet full of moistnes vapors which do corrupt the bloud ¶ Why is not hot bread so white as stale And whye is olde o●●e whiter then newe The vapors and moistnes of hot bread doth cause the blacknes therof by reason of y e water which doth naturally make blacke Oile also whē it is fresh is replenished w t a certaine waterish humiditie which at length is conuerted into vapors wherby the oile y t is old is clarified made white ¶ What is the cause that when a dog beginneth to barke all other there about do followe him and do the like A dogge bicause of coller wherwith he naturally aboundeth hath both his senses and his hering very sharpe ¶ Why is not bread made of pure meale or that which is made of cleane branne estemed good All extremities are viciouse the branne bicause it naturallye dryeth to much hath no nourishment The flower of meale contrarywise causeth gret nourishment but is slimie gluing cōsequently of to hard digestiō ¶ Why do grosse men and those that haue the dropsie delight to eate bread made of pelt meale It loseth the noughtie humors in grosse bodies and dissolueth the watery humor which hurteth them and is temperate betwene hot cold ¶ Why hath man longer heare then any brute beast Bicause they receue greater nutriment and also because brute beastes do often chaunge their heare which happeneth not to man except through some great hurte ¶ Wherfore do the swete sauors delight vs and the stinking offend vs Like as in tunes ther be both consonantes and dissonantes wherof the one delighteth vs thothet offendeth vs Euen so in sauors swete smelles are the concordes and agreable to our nature and stinking are the discordes and dislike vs. ¶ Wherof commeth it that aboue all other meates we loue fleshe best and that it doth profite vs most Bicause flesh doth yeld more strength replenisheth better our bodies Or els because it approcheth more nerer to our substaunce ¶ What is the cause that of wood which is white the cole is blacke and the cole being kindled dissolueth into white ashes So ofte as heate is mingled with moisture to worke his effect it ingendreth blacknes and for that cause wodde becommeth cole but when heate worketh his operation in the thing that is drie it is made white and so of cole the ashes are made or els we maie say very well that it commeth by nowe toking and nowe leauing of the whitnes with a certeine generation and corruption ¶ Wherof commeth it that howe moderate soeuer the ayer be we euermore loue better to be in the shadow then the sunne The Sunne is hotter then the shadow is colde we being then temperate of our selues are more offended with that which is moost contrary to temperature which is the Sunne Or els we may say that although we be temperate in dede yet we be euermore disposed to auoyde the heate of the sunne and so the shadowe is more agreable vnto vs. ¶ Howe commeth it that suche as haue the disease called Gonorrhea auoyde their seede without any pleasure Bicause their seede is thinner and lesse digested and their conduictes made wider ¶ Howe commeth it that they which be cholerike haue loude voyces That procedeth of the extremitie of heate ¶ What is the cause that Turpentine is commenly smelt in the vrine of those that vse it Turpentine is of a substance very subtill therfore it doth easely penetrate passe to the bladder wher the vri●●ie infecteth it with his odor ¶ Wherof commeth it that saier wether beginning towards night most commonly doeth not long continue Of the inconstancie of the Moone which hath her principall domination and power in the night ¶ What meaneth it that Cranes do pronosticate faier wether Cranes do naturally feele the mutation and chaunge of the wether and accordingly goe and depart into other countries ¶ Wherof commeth it that olde men remember so well that which they haue sene and done in their youth and forget that which they learne and doe in their age Thinges lerned in youth haue already taken a certeine habitude in the person But things which they learne in age bicause their senses be weakened are easely lost and forgotten ¶ Why do men saie that to grow fast is a figure of short life Bycause the humor that causeth the growing as it is easely enlarged euen so it sone consumeth ¶ Why doe Cranes sette them selues in araye when they prepare to flye To trouble them selues the lesse in flying ¶ Howe commeth it that vnhorned beastes haue not tethe on bothe sides That commeth for lacke of the matter or substance which causeth the same ¶ Why be sodden stones more heauie then other It may be bycause the fyre hath rendred them more solide better compact ¶ Wherof commeth it that Bees are more fierce then other beastes Bicause they are of nature drie and be voyde of excrementes and other superfluities ¶ Why doe not fatte thinges sone corrupt Bycause they be replenished with ayer ¶ Why doe trees that growe in marshes dye so sone Bicause they are of great moysture and do receiue litle nourishment ¶ Wherfore can not fyre endure except it be continued and nourished Bicause of the great vehemencie and impetuositie of his heate ¶ Why did not nature create byrdes to goe vprighte accordingly as she did man Bicause they be voyde of reason and haue no care of heauenly thinges ¶ Howe chaunceth it that Nature gaue no winges to man Bicause man is not created to flye nor to walk in the ayer but vpō earth ¶ Why do the poulces of yong Infantes beate so swiftly Bicause their heate receueth ayer without any let and are againe sodenly cooled ¶ Why do Dolphins when they appeare aboue water signifie some storme or Tempest to come Bicause at the beginning of the Tempest there doe ryse from the bottome of the sea certeine hote exhalacions and vapours which do warme and heate the Dolphins at what time they mount to seke for colde ¶ Why be the poulces of yonge people more vehement then the aged Bicause their complexion is whotter ¶ Wherfore doe aged people dye as it were without dolor and payne Bycause all their senses are debilitate and weakned ¶ Wherfore hath nature geuē the Milt to the noblest creaturs Bicause they haue nede of greater respiration and breath ¶ Wherof commeth it that beastes which liue partly on the land and partly in the water do alwaies bring forth their yong ones vpon the lande Bicause they are more participant of the earth then of the water
mankinde called of the Latinistes Viragines lesse purge then other women Such women be hotte of nature through which heate all their superfluous humors which should conuert into menstruall bloud are dispersed throughout their bodies by an vnspeakeable maner ¶ Why is that water better that hath his course from the South then that which runneth from the North The South windes be ful of vapoures and moistnes and meting with the Northerne windes which drye they cause the water to be the better ¶ What meaneth it that amonge birdes the males make greater noise then the females And the cleane contrary happeneth amongest men and women Among bruite beastes the females are of more colder complexion and amonges reasonable creatures the womans head is lighter and more full of vanities ¶ Wherof commeth it that women and litle children do so quickely wepe Of the great humiditie and moistnes that is in them ¶ Wherof commeth it that among birdes the Sparrowe liueth lest while Because he is to lech●rouse ¶ Why do Mulets liue longer then Asses or Horses Bicause they be barren and do not lose their sede ¶ Wherfore be women with child in more daunger to miscarie in the first second and third moneth then in the rest of the monethes that followe Bicause the infant is most tender much like to an apple that beginneth to be fashioned not yet hauing the stalke stronge ynough to susteine it ¶ Why is the water of the Sea more bitter in summer then in winter That commeth of the heate of the Sunne for it is not to be doubted but that a salt thing if it be heated againe will waxe bitter ¶ Why be children borne more safelye in the vii.viii and .ix. moneth then before The riper that the fruite is the soner and easier it falleth ¶ Why is the trauel of some women greater and more painfull then of other some There be diuerse reasons for sometimes it commeth of the strength of the woman somtimes according to the proportion of the substaunce receiued sometimes for that the child is deade which causeth that they can not bowe nor turne ¶ But why be men children for the moste parte borne with their head forewardes and females with their fete In Males the superior partes be alwaies greater and of Females the lower partes of the bodie be alwaies m●re grosse and heuie thē the vpper and so eyther of them thrusteth forth the heauier parts first for euery heuie thing alwaies tendeth downewardes ¶ But whye are women being with childe of a man childe lesse molested and in better health then they that be with childe of a woman childe The male is alwaies more lustie and beareth him selfe better troubling his mother lesse thē doth the female which is cold and heauye of mouing ¶ Why do the stones of women remaine within their body The want of heare causeth them there to remaine ¶ Why do we geue Basell seede to Horses and Asses when they assaile the female To prouoke and stirre naturall heate ¶ Wherfore be not women hearie aswell as men Bicause their spiracles and poores are restrained and stopte through coldnes ¶ Why doth womens heare waxe hoare so sone Through colde and also because they gather together many superfluouse humors whereby they be more idle then men ¶ Why is not wine good for children Bicause it heateth and moisteneth to muche and filleth the head incontinently full of vapours ¶ Why do not women commonly exercise both their handes aswell as men To exercise both handes procedeth of the force and strength of the sinowes and muscles the which is not in women ¶ What thing is the sede wherof we be engendred It is a humor remaining of the fourth digestion Some saye that it is a pure bloud comming from the braine and is sodde and made white in the stones Other say that it is the substaunce which remaineth of the seconde and thirde digestion ¶ Whereof commeth it that the matrix of a woman is so lustie and gredie of the sede of man Bicause therin consisteth her perfection ¶ Wherefore are the flowers naturall to a woman euerye moneth Bicause that the menstruall bloud is venemouse and therefore yf it were longe retained and kepte it would brede many daungerouse diseases in women ¶ Whye is the same called Menstruum Bicause it is the due space and course of the mones mocion whiche is of .xxix. daies and .xiiii. houres ¶ Whereof commeth the sterilitie and bari●es of women It procedeth of many causes eyther of the coldenes of the man which causeth the sede to be of none effect in generation or bicause the seede is waterishe and cannot abyde in the Matrix Or els bicause the sedes of the man and woman be of diuerse temperatures as yf the man be melancholik and the woman sanguine or the man cholerike and the woman flematique No doubt there muste be betwene the man and the woman a proportion otherwise the act is of no effect ¶ Wherof commeth it that fatte women commonly haue no children Bicause their matrix is Lubricke and sliperie not able to reteyne the ●ede The reason may be also that the entraunce of the matrix of fatte women is very straight and narrowe so that the seede can not entre easelye or if it do it is to late for it is already cooled and vnprofitable for generation and doeth conuert into fleshe ¶ Why is a dronken person colde the wine beyng hotte Bicause naturall heate is extincte by the heate of the wine ¶ Wherfore haue women moost commonly the hedache more then men The vapours of the menstrual blodde assende to the hedde which causeth the same ¶ Why haue men mo tethe then women Bicause they are more abundaunt both in blodde and in heate ¶ Wherfore do maydens voyces chaūge when their brestes begin to waxe greate Bicause the Organes of the voyce are then more loose and lesse closed ¶ Why haue women their brestes aboue their stomacke and other creatures vnderneath If womens brestes had bene placed vnder their belly they hauing but two fete it would haue hindred their goyng which troubleth not other creatures that haue .iiij. feete ¶ Wherfore is wine forbidden them that haue paine in their sydes Bicause it burneth and sendeth to the sides diuerse burnt and aduste humors which encrease the disease ¶ Wherof commeth it that some women bringe forthe no doughters but altogether sonnes If the seede fall into the right syde of the Matrix she engendreth a man childe bicause the right syde is hotter and there is more heate requisite in the generation of a male then of a female Or els as some say when the seede of the Father surmounteth the seede of the mother then is engendred a sonne and contrarywise when the seede of the woman surmounteth ▪ then is engendred a doughter ¶ To what ende serueth the Matrix in women It serueth to be the place apte for generation And it is sette in the middest of the womans body