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A17373 Dyets dry dinner consisting of eight seuerall courses: 1. Fruites 2. Hearbes. 3. Flesh. 4. Fish. 5. whitmeats. 6. Spice. 7. Sauce. 8. Tabacco. All serued in after the order of time vniuersall. By Henry Buttes, Maister of Artes, and fellowe of C.C.C. in C. Butts, Henry, d. 1632. 1599 (1599) STC 4207; ESTC S104849 43,897 252

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féeble sinowes Correction Choake it with white Wine stop the mouth with a Nut-meg and the other holes with Cloues then fry it with Nuttes Bread Oyle Spices and white Wine Degree Temperately hot moyst in the first Season Age. Constitution For any season age constitution but decrepit gowtie and diseased sinowes Lampreta Storie for Table-talke TEarmed so a Lambendis Petris a Suck-stone About the beginning of the Spring it enters the fresh waters and in Summer departeth againe into the sea Whereas all other fishes haue finnes to swim withal some more some lesse the Lamprey hath none at all but moueth in the waters as Snakes and Serpents creepe glide vpon the earth Many in England haue surfetted of Lampry pies as our Chronicles will tell vs if we looke into them Mullet or Barbell Choise OF the lesser size not taken in muddie places or standing lakes but grauelly cleare Vse Pleasing to the palate the flesh applied cures the biting of venemous things or any harme done by womens menstruous flure Hurt The wine wherein a Mullet is stifled drunke depriueth men of all genital vertue makes women barren the meate is hard and slow of digestion Correction Roast vpō a gridiron sprinckled with Oyle and the iuyce of Orenges or boyled condite with Vineger swéete hearbes and Saffron Degree Season Age. Constitutiō Hot in the first dry in the beginning of the second In hot weather for youth chollericke strong stomackes Mullus seu Barbo Story for Table-talke BArbo bicause it hath a double beard vpon the neather lip And therfore Tully in his Paradox calleth those that are well barbed Mulli Fenestella thinkes they were called Mulli because they are in colour like the shoes of the Almane Kings and the Patricij amongst the Romans which Shoes were tearmed Mullei of Millo an obsolet word signifying the same that suo to sowe as Sowters do The Romanes prized this fish at a wonderfull high rate It is incredible to tell what Asinius Celer and Crispinus gaue for a Mullet Tench Choise FEmall Riuer in Autumne or Winter Vse It litle benefiteth the bodie but only as some think cut length-wayes in halfes and applied to the soles of the féete stancheth the heat of Agues Hurt Is sllowly digested heauy on the stomacke bad nourishment especially in the Dogge dayes Correction Bake it with Garlicke swéete hearbes and spices or boyle it with Oyle Onyons and Raysons farsed with Garlicke Parsly and Vineger Degree Season Age. Constitution Cold and moyst in the second In Autumne and Winter for youth collericke and very laborious Tinca Storie for Table-talke THe Anticke make no mention of this fish not respecting it in deede because it was so common and the poore mans prouin Onely Tully in his Booke de claris Oratoribus mentioneth one Placentinus an Oratour who was called Tinca for his merry conceited wit It is onely to be found in fresh waters riuers lakes and ponds and is fittest meate for labouring men Pike or Pickerell Choise RIuer rather then Pond and Pond not muddy great fresh new and fat Vse It nourisheth much the iawe-bones burnt to power and giuen the weight of French crowne in wine will breake the stone Hurt Hard of concoction badde nutriment burdeneth the belly increaseth fleame naught for the sicke Correction Seeth it with sweete hearbes and oyle eate it with white vineger or broyled with wild marioram and vineger Degree Season Age. Constitution Colde and moyst in the second Being hard meate it is fittest for winter youth and chollericke Lucius Storie for Table-talke NOr yet of the pickerill haue old writters recorded any thing which is companion and an associate of the Tench by rubbing vpon whom the Pickerill cureth himselfe of any wound or hurt receiued It is a very rauenous Fish deuoring any thing be it fish or flesh that lyeth in his way It is no meate for those that be sicke or weake whatsoeuer triuiall Leeches prate Eele Choise TAken in a sandy sea not muddy in March dressed presently Vse Tasteth very pleasantly nourisheth marueilous well may bée kept long salt good for the stomack against fleame Hurt Somewhat windie especially the backe of it also ouer moyst Preparation Roast in a leafe of paper with oyle parsly coriander or kéepe it condite a day or two with salt and origan Degree Cold in the beginning moyst in the end of the first Season Age. Cōstitutiō In the spring for any age or temperature taken moderately Anguilla Storie for Table-talke THe generation of Eeles is in nature very easie but to our vnderstanding passing difficult For they breed euen in dryed lakes presently after a sudden raine of the very corruption and slime of the soyle Athenaeus sayeth he himselfe sawe in Arethusa of Eubaea Eeles with siluer and golden earings so tame that they would eate meate out of ones hands The Ile of Ely may be called the Ile of Eeles for the aboundance of Eeles which it yeeldeth Rotchet Choise NEw sodden and eaten colde Vse Tender meate and gratefull to the palate easlie digested nourisheth very well excéedingly holesome if continually vsed Hurt Whatsoeuer fault if hath prepare it as followeth Preparatiō Fry and condite it with Orange iuyce and peper or eate it hot with veneger Degree Season Age. Constitution Temperate in the actiue qualities moyst in the first Best in winter for any age or temperature moderately taken Erythrinos Story for Table-talke THe Graecians so tearme it because it is red of colour The Venetians call it Arbor the Latines in imitation of the Graekes Rubellus It is a Sea fish neither comes at any time into the f●esh waters It harbowreth some time about the shore So soone as they are spawned they are presently full of egges And therefore it is thought they be all faemall They vse to rout together and roue about the sea in troopes Oyster Choise THat that growes vpon great ships bottomes or in places not muddy Vse in those Moneths that haue the letter R. in their names Hurt It hath a kinde of salt iuyce in it that affecteth the palate more then other shell fishes exciteth appetite and Venus nourisheth litle Preparation Somewhat hard of degistion greatly increaseth fleame in a cold stomacke causeth obstructions Degree Dresse it with pepper oyle the iuyce of sowre Orenges after it be roasted on the imbers Season Hot in the first moyst in the second Age. Constitution For cold weather youth chollerists and hot stomackes Ostreum Story for Table-talke THe Oyster is an headlesse fish yet passing toothesome it is engendred of meere myre or mudde inclining to corruption or of the sea froth and spume which cleaueth vpon ships It liueth not out of the water yet breatheth not ayre nor taketh in any external moysture It hath not locall motion and plucked from his proper place is deuoyd of sense increasing and decreasing with the Moone It is vnseasonable and vnholesome in all monethes that haue not the letter R. in their name because it is then venerious Crab
comforteth the stomacke sharpeneth y e wit exciteth Venus Hurt Being exceeding dry hurts chollerists and melancholists Correction Fedde in the house with moyst meates then kill and hang it two nights in the coole Degree Season Age. Constitutiō Hot and dry in the second In colde weather for old folkes and phlegmatike Turtur Storie for Table-talke AT the beginning of the Springe they hide themselues because they then ●ast their feathers and are in a maner naked It is a thing noted in the Turtle that while it drinketh it lifteth not vp her head as all other birdes doe The time of her life is eight yeares It purgeth it self with an herbe that groweth vpon walles Quaile Choise NOt fed with Hellebore or Beare-foote taken with the Quaile-pipe● fat and tender Vse Doth helpe melancholists onely by moistning their dry constitutiō Hurt Easily corrupteth in the stomack inuiteth the Ague Palsie Cramp Correction Eaten with Vinegar and Corander Degree Season Age. Constitution Hot in the end of the first moist in the end of the second In cold weather hurteth olde folkes paralytick and flegmatick Coturnix Storie for Table-talke I Am much in doubt whether Coturnix be our Quaile Cardan also doubteth and his maner of doubting maketh me dout more for setting downe sixe degrees of delicates that please the taste he maketh Quaile the first dish of the first cour●e His words are these Aues videntur primum locū vendicare atque inter eas qualea seu sit Coturnix seu non hand refert I am sure all other writers giue Coturnix their euil word affirming that it is a breeder of the Crampe Palsie and Falling sicknesse and in a word passeth for badnesse Thrush Mauis or Blacke-bird Choise IN cold weather fat fed with holly Iuniper and Mertle berryes Vse Is of very good iuyce easily digested very holesome for such as are in recouery Hurt Naught for those that are subiect to the migram or frensie Preparatiō Sod in good flesh broath with parsly and other opening herbes Degree Season Age. Constitution Hot and dry in the very ende of the first In colde weather for any but olde folkes Turdus Story for Table-talke THis Lataine name soundeth to English eares somewhat vnsauoury but much worse as I haue heard it ioyned with other like Consonants As for example Edo Fartum Turdum pistum But there is nothing euill spoken but being euill taken Now because it signifies diuersly a Thrush a Black-birde a Manis some may bee desirous to know if all these bee much of a nature yet Virum horum which is best and holesomest Therefore to his Virum horū I answere Mauis accipe Pliny reporteth Agrippa Claudius Caesars wife had a M●uis that did speake very plainly Egges Choise OF yong and fat Hens Cock trodden new laied Vse Nourish soone and much excite Venus supplying matter for it very much helpe them that are in a consumption open the breast stay spitting of blood clarifie the voyce Hurt Hinder the concoction of meates eaten presently after them make the face freckled Correction Eate them boyled she yolke only and pawse betwixt Egges and other meates Degree Season Age. Constitution Temperately hot and moyst New for all seasons ages constitutions and diseases Ovum Storie for Table-talke EGges some thinke because the● egge on backward husbands Egges haue the possibilitie of being liuing creatures The white is cold the yolke hot They nourish soone and much by reason of the pliable softnesse of their substance and temperature very proportionable to our flesh and nature Not only Hens Egs but Partritch Phesant and Turkies be verie holesome Fish Carpe Choise VVHensoeuer you can get it great or litle Vse Nourishith best tasteth most excellently and erquisirely in all mens iudgementes a fish of chiefe note Hurt Onely it is soonetainted therefore dresie it presently Preparation Lay it sealed and gutted sire houres in salt then fry it in oyle and besprinkle it with vinegar in which Spaces and Saff●on haue boyled Degree Temperately hot and moyst in the 〈◊〉 either first Season Age. Constitutiō For any season age or constitution Cyprinus qui Carpio Story for Table-talke NOne of the Greeke or Latine writers euer knewe this fish In Italy it is somewhat rare and thought to bee onely in the lake Benacus and the lake commonly called Della posta It spawneth about the beginning of the summer Many are of the minde that it eateth gold because in the guites are found no other excrementes but a bright san● glittering like golde and besides it liue●h alway at the bottome of the lake Trout Choise THick caught in May in a 〈◊〉 running Riuer full of deepe down-fals and Rocks and not out of standing pooles Vse Nourisheth well soone digested yeelds coole iuyce for an ouer hott● Liuer and blood therefore good in hot Agues Hurt It soone putrifieth scarse fit for old men and weake stomackes Correction Seethe it in iust somuch Vineger as water ease it with sower sance assoone as you can Degree Cold in the beginning of the first moist in the ende Season Age. Cōstitutiō In hot weather for all ages but decrepit euery temperature but phlegmaticke Trocta seu Turtur Story for Table-talke IT is very much commended for good nourishment Insomuch as it is permitted vnto one sicke of an hot ague That it is passing holesome our vulgar prouerbe accordeth As sound as a Trout And another phrase Fish-whole I think is most ment of the Trout It is a fish that loueth to be flattered and clawed in the water by which meanes it is often taken Sturgion Choise RIuer for it is fatter and therfore more gratefull to the palate then sea Sturgion in sommer the belly of it Vse A friendly dish on the table very daintie and of chiefe account nourisheth very well inciteth Venus cooleth the blood moderately Hurt Naught for the sicke or in recouery for it is somewhat too fatte makes thicke and clammy iuyce slowly digested Correction Séeth it in water and vineger let the sauce be white vineger with a litle Cynamon or Fennel in it Degree Hot in the beginning of the first moyst in the second Season Age. Constitutiō In hot weather for all but those that are plagued with distillations and diseased ioynts Sturio seu Acipenser Story for Table-talke PLiny in his 9. booke of Naturall story and 17. Chapter writeth thus In former times Sturgion was counted a most noble Fish now it is of no reckoning the which I much maruell at sithens it is so rare We may now a dayes vse Plinies wordes with an inuersiō of the sense For what fish is there almost now of greater esteeme It hath his skales turning toward his mouth and swimmeth against the streame Lamprey Choise RIuer in March or Aprill for then it is notably fat and the backe bone marrow tenderest Vse It hath a most excellent fine relish nourisheth passing well increaseth seed a Lordly dish Hurt Somewhat slowe of digestion especially not boiled inogh naught for the Gout and
or Cra-fish Choise RIuer or fresh water rather then sea Crab at the prime of the spring or in haruest when the Moone is at the full Vse Good for the corsumption and biting of a mad dog prouoketh ●rine Venus purgeth the reynes nourisheth very much Hurt The meate is hard of conection bréedeth grosse and phlegmaticke humours Preparation Degree Season Age. Constitution Roast it quicke on the ●●bers eate it with vineger and pepper Colde in the second moyst in the first Cancer Storie for Table-talke THe Crab also wants a head and therfore hath all the Organs of sense placed in his breast It engendreth at the mouth goeth as readily backewarde It turneth red in seething In the Coasts and riuer bancks of Phaenicia there be Crabbes so swift in running that it is a great masterie to ouertake them on foote white-meates Milke Choise OF yong beastes ●edde in the choise pasture 1. Womans 2. Cowes 3. Sheepes 4. Goates Vse Milke increaseth braine fattes the body good for hecticke asswageth scalding heat of the vrin nourisheth plentefully procureth good colour furthereth Venus Hurt Naught for feuers headaches sore eyes distillations of rume diseased reynes obstructions the teeth the gummes olde folkes Correctiō A litle afore you take it put into it some salt sugar or hony least it curdle in the stomacke drinke it fasting Degree Moyst in the second temperately hot Season Age. Constitution For hot weather youth chollerists and strong stomackes Lac. Story for Table-talke MIlke consisteth of a threefold substance The first is whitish colde and moyst Nitrous and powerfull to make the belly soluble The second fat and oyly of temperate qualitie of which butter is made The third is grosse clammy and flegmaticke whereof cheese is made Eate no more Milke then you can well digest though it seemeth to be soft and easie meat fit for children and milkesops yet it is not so Vse no vilolence after it nor drinke wine afore you feele it throughly decocted Butter Choise THe newest and swéetest shéeps Cleanseth and mightily fetcheth vp fleame cloddered about the breast and longs especially procéeding of a colde cause quieteth the cough Vse Too often vsed makes the stomake loose and weake and causeth loathing Hurt Eate strengthening and astringent meates vpon it or old Saccarum Rosatum Correction Hot and moist in the beginning of the second Degree Season Age. Constitution At any time for olde folkes rather then youth because it much purgeth distillations Butyrum Storie for Table-talke NEw Butter and newe Oyle are of like nature and operation The benefite and vse of salt Butter is very notable For only that way it may be preserued neither thereby doeth it lose his proper vertue to open and enlarge the breast the older it is the hotter also it waxeth The Flemming or Hollander is thought to liue so long as hee doth onely for his excessiue eating of Butter Some eate it first and last Creame Choise NEw boyled with a soft fire so soone as it is flette of the milke Vse As good as butter for the diseases of the brest pleasant to the taste cureth the sharpenesse and drowth of the stomacke Hurt Slowly concocted swimmeth aboue other meates of grosse iuyce easily turnes to fumes Preparation Vse it sparingly put store of sugar and hony into it Degree Season Age. Constitution Hot and moyst in the first Fitter for youth chollericke and strong stomackes then the old and rumaticke Flos lactis Story for Table-talke RIghtly so tearmed by the Latines for it is the very flower of milke as also butter is the flower of Creame Although it be not altogether so fat and oyly as butter yet shal one be glutted and euen loathed with it far sooner then with butter neither is it so lasting as butter but changeth in a moment many times as Dairy maides can better informe you Curdes Choise MAde of the most choise morning milke fire-newe for these be most digestable Vse Holesome for hot constitutions and such as are troubled with the distillations of chollerous humors quench thirst and restraine choller Hurt Annoy colde stomakes and the smowes make drowsie slowly digested Degree Season Age. Constitution Colde and dry in the first At any time for youth chollerists and such as exercise much Lac coagulatum Recocta vulgo Storie for Table-talke PLatina missed his cushion where he saith that Curds are hot of temperature for experience thereof we may note the vse of them For let a sound hot and strong stomacke eate them and they doe him more good then hurt but if a colde stomacke eate them they will neuer be concocted enough The reason is plaine their colde and grosse temprature Cheese Choise NEw made of well tempered milke of beastes fed in choise pasture Vse Mollifieth fatteth gratefull to the palate Hurt Too often vse of it bréedes obstructions especially in a weake stomacke Correction Eate it with Nuts Almondes Peares and Apples and neuer but when you haue neede Degree Season Age. Constitution Colde and moyst in the second For youth and great exercisers for it requireth a strong stomacke Caseus Storie for Table-talke GReene or new cheese newly made nourisheth and moysteneth more thē salt and olde That which is neither new nor old but in a meane best agreeth with the stomacke especially eaten moderately They that haue best leysure loue cheese best I would wish them to write an Apologie in defense of the common dislike thereof why so many loue it not Spice Pepper Choise THe cornes new full not full of withered wrinckles Vse Helpes concoction recals appetite breakes winde strengtheneth the stomacke very much heateth the sinewes and muskles prouokes vrine wasts fleame Hurt Hurtful to hot constitutions especially in hot weather and hot countries consumeth séede immoderately vsed burneth the blood Correction Vsed moderately in cold weather and in moyst meates not ouermuch beaten Degree Hot and dry in the third and almost in the beginning of the fourth Season Age. Cōstitutiō For colde weather olde folkes rumaticke and such as are subiect to distillations Piper Storie for Table-tacke IN India Pepper is gathered in October and dryed in the Sunne the Cornes strewed in beds of palme-leaues vntill they be wrinckled Isidorus telleth a mad tale of Pepper that it groweth in certaine woods on the South side of Caucase mount which woods are full of serpents therefore the inhabitantes of those partes set the woodes on fire to scarre away the serpentes and so the Pepper comes to be blacke Cinamon Choise THe finest or thinnest of an exquisite sweete smell biting taste and colour red new Vse Prouokes vrine resists poysons strengthens the braine and all the entralles comforteth the sight preserues from putrifaction Hurt Hurtes the colle●●ke in hots weather and hot coūtries also hot constitutions by inflaming the inward parts and blood Correction Vsed moderately with colde or moyst meates not beaten ouer much Degree Season Age. Constitution Very hot in the third In colde weather for olde and colde and weake stomakes