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A16112 The seconde part of the Secretes of Master Alexis of Piemont by hym collected out of diuers excellent authours, and newly translated out of Frenche into Englishe, with a generall table, of all the matters conteined in the saied boke. By William Warde.; Secreti. Part 2. English Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. ca. 1565.; Ward, William, 1534-1609. 1560 (1560) STC 300; ESTC S119149 118,384 196

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also the Figges Snailes and the egges and mingle all these waters togither and put a parte half of the same water and kepe the other halfe and put it into a vessell of glasse and mingle into it all the other thinges and let them bee firste made into pouder and put to also the waxe then set it in the sunne and leaue it there vntill all become like vnto waxe then take it out with a white linen clothe and take fiftene Egges and stille theim in the same water and powre all this cōposicion into the saied water distilled with a pound of rawe Honie and set it again in the Sunne and let it remaine there vntill the water bee dried vp and it will bee parfite good And afterward when you will occupie it take asmoche of it as a Wheate corne and anointe your face with the water that you did sette aparte that is to saie that of the flowers and it will proue a merueilous thing To take out the wrinkles of the face TAke a little of the wood of a white Vine or els a little of Brionie and stampe it with a drie Fig that is fa●te that is to saie pastie and anointe your face with it and then go walke till you sweate for if you should not sweate the Vine would take of the skin and the Brionie make you blacke To make beare slacke in comming forthe or growing in yong men as well on their beard as in other partes TAke a rasour that is made of copper mixt with Auripigmentum otherwise called Arsnic or Orpine in the melting of it so that it bee incorporated togither and shaue the bearde or heare withall and it shall neuer growe again or if you heate the said rasour of copper in the fire and quenche it in the blod of a Salamander or els in the milke of Sowthistles If also you rubbe the place where you will not that heare shall growe with the bloode of a fishe called a Tony it will done the like Also if you take Beanes and seeth theim in water and washe the place euery daie with that water the heare will not growe or at the least long or thei came forthe To make heare growe in euery place of the body where you will TAke greate greene Lisardes or sea Frogges and cutte of their heddes and their tailes and drie the reste in an Ouen and make pouder of it Then take the yelke of an Egge and make Oile thereof and mengle all togither diligently that is to saie the pouder and the oile and anoint the place with it where you will heare shall growe and thei will come for the shortly To make heares blacke TAke a Combe of Leade and kembe your hedde with it alwaies and the heares will be blacke Take also Crowes egges and make oile of thē and laie a combe of horne in it and let it remain there till it hath dronke vp all the oile then take it out and kembe your hedde with it and by continuall vsing of it your heare will be blacke To make a water that will make the face redde and glisteryng TAke a pound of Aqua vite of three seethinges an vnce of Brasill that is good ten Cloues orientall and ten graines of Nasturtium otherwise called Carda●● in English Cresses or toune Kerse and fiue graines of Cubi●es and stampe all togither verie small then put it into a vessell of glasse with the Aqua vite and stoppe it sure and boile it a little and then distill it in Balneo Marie or with a verie small fire and it shall be in his perfection To die or colour heere TAke half an vnce of Aqua fortis sixe penie weight of good ●●lu●r and sixe vnces of Rose water and washe your hedde with it Take also Litarge and of the ashes of Nettles and mingle them togither and rubbe your heere with it To take awaie the euill sauour of the breath TAke Cheruile Mirre and Cyperus called of the Apoticaries Iū●us odoratus as moche of one as of the other and make theim into pouder then take Rosen and of all this pilles and drinke theim in your wine To get awaie the heares from the iye browes TAke the galle of a he Gote or of a she Gote but the he Gote is better and dooeth it soner and rub your iye browes and the heare will 〈◊〉 ly fall awaie To die or to colour all kinde of metall or stone into the colour of golde without golde TAke salte Armoniac white Vitrioll stone salt and Verdegris and make all into a verie fine pouder and ●a●e of this pouder vpon the metal or stone that you die or colour vntill it hee couered ouer with it then put your stone or metall into the fire and leaue it there a good ho●●● then take it out and quenche it in vrine or pisse newly made For to make Iron or Steele softe YE shal take the iuyce of Hemlocke and put the yrō or steele beynge redde hoate into it three or foure tymes and let it remayne in it vntyll it be thorowe colde Take also oile and put into it seuen times some molten Leade and then quenche the yron in it at the ende of foure or fiue times To harden Yron or Steele TAKE the iuice of Melanthiū otherwise called Nigella romana or the herbe called Mouse eare and quench your Iron hote therin three or foure times To make Figges ripe quickly LET the Fygges come to theyr parfyte greatnes than pryke theym with a pinne and rubbe thyem wyth a lytle Oyle oliue then bynde theym about wyth Greene Olyue leaues so that they maye be couered round about with them and so let them ripe in what place you will To make Hennes laie Egges all the winter TAKE the toppes of Netles when they beginne to haue seede and drye theym and gyue the Hennes a litle of it with Bren and Hempe seede and they shal laie euery day an Egge To make a Glue or paste that holdeth as fast as a naile TAKE Pixe Greca and Rosen the pouder of burned Brycke whyche is called Ceruse and mengle al togither and heate it when you wil occupie it and whan it is cold it will hold as fast as a naile To take avvaye all maner of spottes TAKe a Tenche and seeth him muche vntill he be dissolued into water almost and wash the spotted clothe therewyth oftentymes Than take Bren and boile it likewise in the same water wash the cloth againe therwith To cause that a womans Brestes waxe not great of swellinge TAKE a Fishe that is called Squatina in Englishe a Soale and cleaue hym in the myddle and laye hym vppon the womans Breastes and they shall not encrease bygger And yf they be greate and bygge they shall aswage and waxe lesse To purge Honnie with out fier TAKE the rawe Honie and put in a veessel of stone well leaded wythin and large and couer it well with a Paper and let it so stande and euery thirde or fourth daye
if you rubbe your bedsteed with fishe glue sodden Also if you sette vnder the bedde a paile full of water the Pinneses will not trouble you at all For to Kill and destroie Flies TAke white Elebore and steepe it in milke or sodden wine than put to it some Auripigmentum otherwise called Arsenick or orpine sprinkle your house with it and you shall destroie all the flies Also the decoction of Eldern cast about the house worketh the like effect Another waie to Kill and destroie Flees WOrmwoode or wild Cowcomber rootes stieped in sea water destroieth flees so doth the water wherein M●lanthium otherwise called Nigella Romana hath ben stieped casting it about your house Also if you boile or seeth the water with Rose cakes or with hempe seeds and casting it about your house it will do the like For one that hath eaten venimous tadstooles or Musheroms THere is no presenter remedy for him that hath eaten venimous Musheroms or Tadstooles than to make him vomite as sone as maie bee possible in giuing him drinke the rootes of the leaues of Rue well stampt and of Organy and Hony and after that the vse of Triacle which shal be very good and Mithridatum with strōg vinaigre or with Oximellum scylliticum or els with Aqua vite Also to eate raw Garlike helpeth muche in such a cace which the most parte of the peisantes of the countrey doe vsing it in steede of Triacle For to confite Musheroms or tadstooles so well that a man maie eate them without any danger SEyng that Musheroms or Tadstooles are so pleasant in taste that menne can not abstaine from them lette them learne at the lest waye the meane to assure thēselues from the danger that maie ensue doyng as foloweth Firste of all seeth them with wild peares or with the leaues of the tree that beareth the said peares And if you can finde no wild peares you maie do it with garden peares so that they be naturally sower and sharpe and sucke as can not well be eaten but thei must be rosted and you maie take them either drie or greene and they will take awaie all the danger of the venime or poison A remedy against the stinging of waspes or Bees TAke Oxe dung sprinkled ouer with Vinaigre or els take Mallowe leaues so vsed with Vinaigre or in touching the stinging with an yron it is done also with the milke of Figges To make wemen haue a quicke and speedy deliuery of their Children and without paine or at the l●ste very little TAke leaues of Dittany and stampe thē or els make pouder of them and giue the womā that laboreth drinke of it with a little water and she shalbe deliuered incontinent and without any great paine or greefe To take of wartes from the handes TAke as many Ciche peason as there be wartes and tutche eche of them with one of the Ciche peason so that euery pease tutch his wart then wrappe vp the saide peason in a little clout and cas●e them behinde you and al the wartes will drie vp For the dissenterie or flixe of the Stomacke TAke greene beanes poddes and al and seede them with water and Vinaigre eate theim so poddes and all and that shall stoppe you To fasten the Gommes and lose teeth TAke a little Mirre and temper it with Wine and oile and washe your mouth with all you shall see a wonderfull experience The Mirre also killeth the wormes in a mans body and beyng chewed in the mouth maketh a sweete breath To take awaie the toth ache TAke Ysope and make thereof a decoction with Vinaigre and it being hote washe your mouth withall the paine of the teeth shall go awaie The Ysope also beyng stampt and incorporated with Honie and a little Nitrum killeth the wormes in a mans body Another remedy for to heale the tooth ache BOile frogges with water and vinaigre wash your mouth with the decoction and it will be very profitable for the paine of the teeth To make Heare growe TAke three quicke Frogges burne them aliue in a pot and mingle the ashes that you make of them with hony or with tarre whiche is farre better and rubbe the place with it where you se there groweth no heare and in shorte space it will growe abondantly To make Heare blacke TAke leches or blood suckers and let them rott the space of three skore daies in red wine or vinaigre in some vessell of leade and anoint the heares with it in the sunne and thei will become black To kill the wormes in the teeth and to take awaie the stinking of the teeth TAke a hundred frogges and drie them al night in an ouen so that they maie be made into a pouder and put to it asmuche salt beaten into pouder rubbe your teeth with it it will kill the wormes and take awaie the euill sauour of the teeth To heale pussiue and broken winded Horses TAke molin or longwort and make therof a pouder and giue it the horse to drinke with his water and it shal not onely take awaie the cough but also heale him if he be altogither pussife and broken winded Also Gencian will doe the like whiche thing is sufficiently proued and tried To preserue a man from vomiting on the sea YOu must drinke the iuice of Wormewood and you shalbe quite from such paine and vexation of vomiting A remedy against the biting or stinging of Serpentes TAke Ashe leaues and stampe them and laie them vpō the place that is stonge or els get out the iuice of them and giue him drinke of it and you shall see a meruelous effect bicause that the Serpent is so great enemie vnto the Ashe tree that he would rather goe thorow the fire then to passe by an Ashe For them that spitte Bloode TAke fine Rie flower and make thereof a cake and whan it is bake giue it the pacient to eate as hote as he maye endure it and it shal do him great ease A remedy against the wormes in yong Children TAke drie Lupines and make flower of them and kneath it with Hony and laie it vpon the stomacke of the Childeland it will heale him A remedy for the flixe or Laxe TAke greene Acornes and stampe them a little with the skinne and all and with the endes of the yong and tender leaues and make thereof distilled water in a limbeck and giue the paciēt drink of it and it shalbe a very good remedy For the running of the vrine that is to saie for one that can not holde his water TAke the small endes of Oken leaues and seeth them in Claret wine and then stampe theim and make a plaister of them and laie it hote vpon the yarde of the pacient shortly he shalbe cured For those that can not keepe their meate but vomite it vp againe continually TAke the tender leaues of an ashe tree and seeth them in strong Vinaigre and then stampe thē and make
ointmente and anointe your face therwith at night when ye go to bedde and in the morning whan you are vp anoint it with butter This is proued For the same TAke the white of an Egge and sturre it with some thing vntill it bee taurned to water then take an vnce of the same water and halfe an vnce of ceruse and two drammes of quicke siluer and a dramme of camfire and mengle it all together and so annoint your face with it For the same TAke iiij vnces of vitriol and thre vnces of Salt peter an vnce of the rubbish or skale of steele and distille all togither putting to it halfe an vnce of Camfire and washe your face with it euery daie For the same TAke halfe a pounde of the roote of Serpentin● called in latine Dracuntium or comonly Serpentaria whiche hath certaine great red graines ioyned togither in a lompe or els a stalke of a reede and half a pound of a Lily roote and asmuche of with Malowes and seeth thē all togither in raine water then beate them in a morter of Marbel and put to it fower vnces and a halfe of oile of Tartre and the marowe of a Deere and sixe drammes of Camfire and so mixe all togither and annoint your face therwith To take away little red Pimples from a mans face TAke fiuetene newe laied Egges and put them whole into strōg Vinaigre then take them out and breake them euen with the same Vinaigre in putting to it an vnce of Senuey then distille them with some vessell of Glasse and washe your face with the water at night when you go to bed and againe in the morning wash it with sodden water wherin must be Bren and Mallowes This is experimented To make a water that taketh awaye the spottes of the face and maketh it faier and bright and kepeth the handes and mouth that they chappe not or waxe full of chinkes TAke a white Pigeon and plucke of his fethers then pluck out the guttes and garbage of him and cut of his head and feete then take three good handfuls of Fraxinella and two pounde of Milke and three vnces of Creame and sixe vnces of oile of sweete Almondes and let it be newe and fresh and put all this togither and distille it in a vessell of Glasse and washe your face and handes euery daie with the same water and they wilbe alwaies white softe and with out any spottes or pimples as in the middes of Somer To make the face faire TAke Fraxinella and make water thereof in a Lembick and washe your face well with thesame euery daie A water to make the face faire TAke the white of an Egge and make water therof in a Lembick and washe your face with it asmuch and as often as you li●● To make a water that maketh the face white and shinyng TAke the milke of an Asse and Egge shelles and make thereof distilled water and washe your face with it it will be white faire glistring A water to make the face redde TAke the legge of an Oxe or Calfe that is to say from the knee douneward and take of the skin and the hoofe frō it and then breake all the rest in pieces that is to saie the bones the senewes and the marowe and distill it and so washe your face with the water that cometh of it euery morning To make a kinde of white to make the face faire called in Frenche Blanchet TAke twoo vnces of Dragantum and dissolue it with the white of an Egge well beaten than put to it halfe an vnce of Borace with asmoche of Ceruse and asmoche Camfire and mingle all togither and make thereof little flatte balles and when you occupie of it tempere it in some Rose water and anoint your face with it at night when you go to bed and in the morning washe your face with water of the flowers of Beanes or els seeth Bren in well water and washe your face with all To make an other better whiche maketh the face white and glisteryng TAke twoo vnces of the skimme of siluer and a pound of white vineigre very strong and boile them togither vntill thei be diminished of twoo thirdendels Then take twoo drammes of Camfire twoo of alome twoo of Boras and as moche oile of Tartre and seeth them in Rose water Then take of these twoo licours that is to saie of the said vineigre and of the other as moche of one as of the other and mingle them togither and rubbe your face with it as moche as you will and besides that it maketh the face white and glistring it taketh awaie all maner of spottes and pimples from it A water to make the face redde and glisteryng TAke an vnce of fishe glue and an vnce of Rock alome and twoo vnces of Verzine and put thē into a quarte of water that is to saie xxviij vnces and let them remaine in infusion three daies and then seeth them and strain out the water and kepe it in a vessell of glasse as you will To make an other maner of the same whiche the Frenche men call Blanchet TAke twoo drammes of siluer sublimed and put it into a violle of water that holdeth a quarte and seeth it vntil it decreaseth of the tenth part Then put to it halfe an vnce of Ceruse and a dramme of Camfire and of Boras and the licour or iuice of a whole Limon and mingle all togither and let it seeth with a slowe fire the space of seuen howers But you must note that this bicause of the siluer sublimed maketh by long vsing it the teeth somewhat blacke and at the last to fall out it maketh also a stinking breath and hurteth the senewes and the brain To make an other Blanchet that maketh the face white and of a ruddie colour and hurteth not as the other aforesaied doeth TAke two vnces of Boras fower vnces of Ciche Peason brused that is to saie without the huskes and fower vnces of Phasiols and asmoche of Beanes and make theim all into pouder and the galle of a Bulle and the yelkes of fiftene egges and a quarte of white wine and put all togither to distille and washe your face with the water in the morning To make an other Blanchet whiche is called roiall that is the best and the excellentest of all other TAke a good handfull of the flowers of an Oliue tree and a handfull of the flowers of an Eldern tree a handfull of white roses a handfull of the flowers of Orenges and an other of Gelsemines and twelue newe laied Egges twelue grene Figges and freshe gathered and twelue Snailes one dramme of Camfire an other of Alumen desquamatum twoo drammes of Boras halfe a dramme of Alome fower penie weight of Alumen plumae otherwise called in Latin Tricbiti● eight penie weight of siluer sublimed an vnce of redde waxe a good handefull of white Lilies and distille all the flowers when thei bee grene in their season and
obscure marke with in and glistering without so that it shall seeme a naturall colour of a Perle And whan you shall compare him with a naturall Perle this shal appeare alwaies fairer to the eye bicause it hath more glosse and lustre and shalbe roūder And for to make these your Perles to be more esteemed keepe them in little boxes and shewe but a fewe of them at ones and if you will win muche you must make many of them To imprent medalles in bost with Dragagant TAke sixe vnces of Dragagant and stiepe if in strong Vinaigre the space of three daies Then stampe or beate it well and ingrosse it into a bodie or substance with pla●ter ground very smal and if you will make them of other colours put into it what pouder you will be it white or Orpimēt so that the past maie be somewhat harde and all well incorporated togither Then take your hollow formes or mouldes and annoint them a little and fil them with the saide paste and presse it well doune and let it drie in the sunne you shall haue the printe of your molde neete and fine And of this past you maie make also other workes as you will as bedes stones or other To make a past meete and good to make all maner of medalles or pictures in moulde TAke the bones of the legges of all sorte of beastes and put them in a pot after they be broken and couer them well and se● them in a bricke makers fournese And whan they be cold again stampe them and braie them very small This done take the floure or offall of yron that is beaten from it whan it is hote and washe it well cleane and whan it is drie againe stampe it and braie it very small vpon a marble stone and weate it much with strong vinaigre vntill it bee like as it were an ointment then put it in a pot well couered and set it in the said fournaise and whan it is cold braie it againe vpō the marble arrowsing watring it with a little Aqua vite and let it drie and it is made This don you shal take a dishe full of the said floure or offall of yron and two dishes full of the first pouder and incorporate thē well togither and when you wil make the past for to make your medalles in the moulde weate the saide pouder with salt water Vinaigre Pisse or Lie and mingle and incorporate wel all togither and then frame your medalles in the moulde and let them drie This done cast in your mettall or what you will make and your medalles shalbe very faire and nete To make medalles and figures chaced and imbossed with Fishe glue TAke a slise of fishe glue or more or lesse beate it well with a hammer vpon a flint stone than washe it well in freshe water and finally with luke warme water and than put it in a newe pot and put some cleere water vpō it and let it stiepe a night then put a little fire or embers in a chafing dishe and boile all in this little pot faire and softly the space of an houre and more vntill you maie perceiue that it is incorporated or els proue it otherwise in puttinge a droppe vpō your naile if it bide firme fast cleane take it from the fire and caste it vpon your medalles that you haue made ready and let them be in this maner following Take your chaced and imbossed medalles and laie rounde about theim a little waxe candell to the intent that the glue fall not by and anoint it with hony and laie on the glue so thicke that all the imbossing maie be couered than set it in the sunne and let it be equall and so let it drie and whan it is dried inough it wil lense it self from the medalle and will be as thinne and as fine as paper and all the liniamentes very well seene and perceaued be thei neuer so subtile and small and will haue a good glosse or lustre and folde them bowe them which waie you will and they wil not breake and if you will alter the colour of them colour the water with Saffran or verdegrise so that it be skant colored and vse this water to seeth the glue in so that it be not to thicke for than your worke would be to grosse and not faire to looke to and you maie also giue it a colour within side or paynt it without and it wilbe a very faire thing To make a Greene Yellow Redde and Blewe colour without thicknesse for to write with vpon Paper TAke Verdegrise grosly beaten and put it in a violl with Vinaigre very strong and put to it also a little Gomme arabike and a little iuice of Rue the violl beinge so full stoppe it set it in the sunne the space of xv or xx daies or els boile it vpon the fire and than straine it and let the verdegrise be well molten this done put it into the violle againe and keepe it well from dust and whan you will occupie any of it sturre it wel togither that it maie be thicke and troubled and write or paint with it and it will be a faire greene For to make the redde take hedde lie and put into it some verzine cut in smal pieces and let it steepe therin a night then put to it a little alome and boile it vntill it decrease of the thirde parte then straine it and keepe it against you will occupie it And whan you will put it in effecte take asmuche as shall serue you and boile it againe and put to it some Gomme Arabick and the more you put in the redder and cleerer it wil be but let it be hote and if you will haue it cleere pot into it a little Alome beaten but very little at ones you shal make what colour you will redde darke or bright For to make the yellowe take little apples of Spinceruin not fully ripe and stampe theim grossely in a morter then stiepe them in hed lie and seeth them vntill they decrease and diminishe of the third part and straine them finely and then set again on the said broth and put into it a little Alom beaten and whā you see it begin to boile take it from the fire for els it would all go out and straine it ones againe and so keepe it against ye haue neede of it and whan you will occupie it sturre it and trouble it and laie it on any thing you will very thinne and you shal make a faire yellow whiche shall continew a long time and if you adde to it a little Saffran it will be liuelier and brighter For to make the Blewe take Palma Christi that commeth out of Germanie whiche is like the flower of woad and stiepe it a nighte in pisse and in the morning braie it vpon a marble stone and put amonge it a little vnsicked lime asmuche as you shall thinke good according
saide water for to washe your handes with you shall haue them softe and cleane from all spottes or frackles This is the parfite waie meal●e to make oile of Talchum whiche hath many properties of the whiche the Dutchesse of Sauoye did vse and occupie And who so euer vseth this licour it will take awaie Freckles Spottes Wartes skarres of woundes or cuttes and other markes and in short space you shall see a meruelous experiēce of it It maketh white teeth and taketh oute the wrinkles of the face And t● you drinke of it two or three droppes with Wine or pottage it will make you haue a sweete breath if it co●ne bicause of the stomack It comforteth the mother and causeth a good appetite and restoreth into his nature euery euill stomacke that is marred by some accident or occasion of ●●ckenes And finally muche desired of the Alkemistes for in putting into the saide oile some Mercurie well purified it congeleth incontinent and will endure the hammer and this is very true To make that all mettall shall seeme like Siluer TAke of Aqua fortis separatiua and put into it the value of viij pence or siluer well beaten thinne with a hamer and so cut it in small pieces and set the violle vpon the coles for to heate it a little and it will incontinent melte in the water Then take it from the fire and put into it some Tartare or lees of white wine beaten into pouder smal and put so much into it that it maie suite and drinke by the said water and you shal make a dowe or past wher with you shal rubbe all maner of metall what you will and it shall seeme white as it were fine siluer For to take muche Fishe and to make a light in the night TAke a certaine quantite of these little wormes that shine and flie in the night and distil them in a Lembick of glasse with a slowe fire and put the water that commeth of them in a violl of glasse or some round apple of glasse that is cleere bright and put into it foure vnces of quick siluer purged that is to saie passed thorowe leather or kiddes skinnes and sloppe wel the glasse that no water come into it Then place it handsomely in the middle of the nett so that nothing breake and than cast your nette into the water and it will make a goodly and cleere light and shining and all the fishes that see this light will runne in a shole togither and will fall into the net for all fishe naturally taketh pleasure to runne towarde the light And carriyng also the said round apple of glasse in the night it will giue a great light It will do the like also in a chamber To make a mixte stone whiche beyng weated with spettle maketh fire TAke quicke lime salt peter fined diuers times ●utia alexandrina not prepared calamint asmuch of the one as of the other quicke brimstone and Camfire of eche of them two partes And let all these thinges be beaten or stamped small sifted thorow a sarce or seeue Then put the said pouders in a newe linen cloth and binde them hard This done take two greate goldsmithes crosettes or melting pottes put the said pouders in them set the one vpon the other mouth to mouth and binde them faste with wier and Lutum sapientiae so that it maie sake no maner of ayer drie them in the sunne and whan the saide pouder is dry it will be yelow This done set the croset in a furneise of bricke or lime whan it is cold againe take it out and you shall finde your substance of the colour of bricke and it shal be parfite and good And whan you vse of it for to make a fire or light a candell weate it with a droppe of water or with a little spettle incontinent put to it your matche it wil light and burne And whan you will quench it againe blowe it as you blowe out a candell and you shall blow it out To make a Vernish of Mastick to lay vpon paintinges made with oile TAke two vnces of harde Masticke and an vnce of the oile of a firre tree Thā take a little new pot put the mastick into it beaten or stampt and so melte it with a little fire This done put into it the oile and let it boile a little and stirre it still togither and let it boile almoste nothing bicause the Vernishe would be to clammie and to knowe if it bee sodde inough put into it a Hennes fether if it burne by and by it is a signe that it is made keepe it wel frō dust And whan you will occupie it let it remaine in the sunne vntill it be hote and whan it is drie againe it will giue a very faire glosse or lustre To make that a white skinne shall haue blacke spottes of the colour of a leopard or panther and also to make grey heare blacke TAke Litarge of siluer one vnce ij vnces of quick lime and three basins ful of water and seeth al this in a newe little pot wit● a small fire vntill it waxe warme Then take it from the fire mixyng it alwaies with a sticke and it will be made Then take a Pensill of Hogges bristels and marke your white skinne with spottes as you shall thinke good one spotte here and another there one nighe vnto an other and some what great according to your skinne Then drie them in the sunne whan the skin is drie beate it with a wande and you shall see the spottes dimme of the colour of Taunie And if it be not well colored to your minde you maie doe it ones againe touching the same places you did before the colour will be liuelier this doyng you shal come to your purpose And this colour keepeth alwaies and giueth a good odour Also laiyng the saide matter vpon the heares of a mans head or berde that is grey it will make them blacke To make good oile of Nutmegges TAke two or three pounde of Nutmegges and cut them small and stampe them well then put them in a pan and heate them mixyng them alwaies togither This done you shall put them into a canuesse or strōg linen cloth and put them in a presse and presse theim well and gette out all the licour of them whiche wilbe like Man●a And then skrape it from the Canues bagge asmuche as you can with a knife then put it in some vessell of glasse and stoppe it well but set it not in the sunne although it seeme euil fauored for it will waxe cleere and faire of it self with in ten or xv daies and is worth thrise as much as the Nutmegge it selfe And this oile hath great vertue for to chafe and heate and in annointing the stomacke warme it swageth the paine of the mother and Sciatikes To make parfite oile of Spike TAke the floures of spicke nete and parfite and in quantite asmuche as
clothe TAke the iuice of Limons Orenges or citrons and wete the spot with it diuers times letting it drie at euery time this done washe it with hote water and it will go out Vse also white Sope with white Vinaigre and the spot of inck will easely goe out To restore the colour to a cloth that hath lost it in taking out a spotte TAke a pound of Tartre of white wine and calcine it in a fornaise of bricke vntil it be white and take an vnce of it than take a pint of strōg Vinaigre and cleere and put the said pouder into it so set it on the fire And whan it beginneth to boile take it by and by of and it is made Then weate by little and little the place that hath los●e his colour ●●ners times and the colour will come againe A water to take all maner of spottes out of clo●●● of any colour TAke two olde oxe galles and two scrupules of rocke Alome and asmuche of Alumen fecis foure vnces of Tartre of white wine one scruple of Camfire and stampe all togither very smal This don take two flagons of cleere water and put al togither and so seeth it with a slowe fire vntil it make no more froth or skim Then putte into it three vnces of Aqua vite of three distillinges and so keepe it in some vessel of glasse vntill you will occupie it And if the spotte be in skarlate take a corner of the same cloth and weate it in the said water and rubbe well twise or thrise the spotte and than washe it againe with cleere water and it will goe out The like maie you doe in al sortes of colored clothe in taking a little of the like colored clothe or other that is nighe vnto the colour weating it and rubbing as is afore saide and it shalbe done To driue awaie Flies Spiders Scorpions and other Vermine from your house TAke what quantite of Lapwinkes feathers you will and burn● them in your Chamber and whan suche Vermine shall smell this sauour they will not abide Against Gnattes whiche stinge men in the night TAke Comine and chewe it well and anoint your handes your face and al your body if it be possible with y e iuice that shalbe in your mo●th and the flie feeling this sauour whiche is troublesome vnto him will not molest you at all And if you will driue them out of your house and that thei comme not into your chamber take Commine and make therof pouder very fine the whiche you shall incorporate with good white wine and take a burgeon of a vine or other branche hauing greene leaues vpon it and steepe it in the saide wine and so sprinkle your windowes and doores of your chamber or the place wher you will not haue them come in And also sprinkle of it a long vpon the walles for in smelling this sauour they can not abide If you will also driue awaie flies take Santonicum or Lauander cotton and the leaues of Eldern trees with some Comine and seeth it with water and sprinkle your house with it or your chambre and they shall not trouble you for the sauour of the water is very contrary vnto theim but beware you laie no baite for them to giue them occasion to enter in boldely for afterward thei will not greatly care for the sauour of it A very excellent Secret for to take out spottes or hard fleshe gotten by labour TAke salte peter Blewe vitrioll and Verdegrise of eche of them two vnces two vnces of Alumen Sucharinum and halfe an vnce of vnsleckt Lime and lette all be made into pouder then distill it in a limbeck of Glasse True it is that the firste water is not verie good but the seconde will bee excellent good to washe theim withall often times and they will drie vp by l●ttle and little so that you shall not perceiue it You maie take also some pouder of Euphorbium or Euphorbius tempered with lie and oile of Tartre and incorporate it well and so soke the spottes or harde fleshe with it and cutte it as neere as you can and laiyng this medicine vpon it you shalbe hole Take also the water that falleth from the vignes after they bee cutte and washe the Wartes oftentimes with it and they will were awaie leauing the skinne cleane with out any blacke spottes You maie make also pouder of Cantharides and incorporate it with Rosen Pitche and make therof a plaister whiche you shall laie vpon your Wartes and hard fleshe and you shall kill their roote so that thei wil drie vp of themselues and will go awaie without any paine Take also glasse heaten small and washe it and take the finest of it and mixt it with a little womans milke and some leuaine of wheate and make thereof a plaister first cutting the wart or hard fleshe paring of the head of the warte and so laie it vpon it at night and in oftentimes vsing this they will go awaie To take oile or grease out of a cloth of what colour so euer it be without any droppe of water TAke some sheepes feete and make them verie cleane then seeth them and eate theim keepe the right bones the which you shall burne and make therof a cleane and fine pouder This don heate the said pouder and laie it vpon the spot and let it remaine in the sunne and whan you see that the pouder beginneth to waxe black take it by and by of and put other freshe vpon it and doe this so often that you see the pouder no more blacke and than the spotte wil be gone and the colour of the cloth not perished Balles of Sope for Barbers of diuers sortes and sauours FIrste you muste note that the Sope is purged and purified two maner of waies The first is the venitian Sope beyng3 cut small muste be put in a pot that is not fatty nor hauing any euill sauour and put into it some rose water or other sweete waters or els in this maner folowing Take well water and put into it cheuers of cipers and seeth it a good while than straine it it wil be very odoriferous and sweete or els putte in the floures of mirtle tree of Orenge tree Cedar tree Spicke Lauander Agnus castus Sticados beyond sea Violettes Sage and suche other odoriferous floures or herbes as Ced●● Baie our ladies glooues Minte Maioram Time and other sweete herbes and make of all this a composition so make a sweete water of diuers sauours and so seeth it a little This done take of the sope that swimmeth aboue with a Spoone and laie it vpon a newe Tile and it wil incontinent be drie and shal remaine neate and cleane bicause the water hath taken awaie al the filth and vnctuosite of the sope and therfore will be faire and white without any euil sauour hauing augmented the good smell of it And this maie you keepe against you haue neede of it And this is
of sage and asmuche of Lentiscus cut very small and halfe a dishfull of blacke Berries and so distill all this in a limbeck of glasse and whan the water is come out change the recipient and sette vnder another giuing it a sharper fire and the finer parte of it will come out And if you thinke good to mingle it at your discretion bee it but it shalbe the stronger Then keppe it in some vessel of thicke glasse and welstopt whan you wil make your teeth while make them firste cleane from meate or other thinges that maie sticke in them and specially the white filthe that is about them with a point of a knife Then you shall haue a tooth piko● of the wood called Lentisc●s or of some other little sticke and weate i● in the saide water and so rubbe your Teeth with it and they will incontinent be as white as Iuorie and will continue so a long time without hurting them at all but rather will make you haue good gommes and fasten the teeth in the saide gommes If you will also make another sorte for to make cleane your teeth take the sharpe huske of a chestnut whan it is ripe and drie it and make therof a pouder then take asmuche more of the seede of nettles made also into a fine pouder and incorporate them well togither And whan you will make your teeth cleane rubbe theim with the saide pouder and that will sette suche a beate in the gommes that skant you shal be able to shut your mouthe by reason of so greate abondance of water that will come out of your mouth but it will doe you n● hurt for in taking a little Rose water into your mouthe and a little Sugre candy so refreshing it ther with the paine will passe awaie incontinent The true secret and maner howe to ma●● beyond sea Azure or els for all tutches or paragon Also for to make strong paste for to incorporate the Azure stone in it called Lapis lasuli and to take it out againe in his time and whan you thinke good HAue first some cleere nete Turpentine foure vnces with sixe vnces of faire Rosine and asmuch of faire Pix greca three vnces of faire Mastick and asmuch of cleere newe ware an vnce and a half of Line seede purified or an vnce of oile of bitter Almondes But you shall take firste a newe pot of earth well leaded and wette and putte into it the Turpentine vpon a fire of embers somewhat slowe vntil it be molten sturring it alwaies with a wooden spoone made after the facion of an Apoticaries slise and whan it is well molten putte into it by little and little the Rosine cut as small as is possible then putte into it by the same meanes the Pix greca the mastick beaten and stampt three or foure times and then the waxe beyng cut very small mingle it well with the said slise or spoone vntill all be well incorporated togither and aboue all thinges see that there bee but a little fire for otherwise it would burne and the fire would take it bicause they be all hote thinges ready and apt to be kindlid This done put the oile into it true it is that the oile of line seede is muche better thā the oile of Almondes not withstanding you maie put in of that whiche is most comodious and let your pot so stande on the fire that the saide composition maie wawme and bubble a litle the space of a quarter of an houre or more if neede be and whan the saide past is sodden you shall knowe it by this experience Take a spoone of woode and sturre it wel about with it then take it out and make two or three droppes of it into a dishe of freshe water and if the droppe ren a brode in the water it is a signe that it is not sodden inoughe and therefore seeth it more vntill the droppe keepe togither in the water Also you maie proue it this waie weate your fingars in the water and wring the saide droppe if it stretche out a long in drawing it out vnlouse it self thā it is a signe that it is soddē inough and than take it from the fire empty it so hote as it is into a bagge sharpe pointed at the bottome like a gelley bagge beyng first weate in hote water and let the past droppe into a basin beyng sette in a paile full of freshe water and do it diligently and circumspectly to the intent that all maie come out and wringe the bagge betwene two stickes and it wil the soner come out And whan it's cold againe take it out of the water and tosse it vp and downe betwene your handes vntill you be sure there is no more water in it And if by reason of the heate it did cleaue to your handes anoint your handes with oile of line seede well purified as we will declare after in the chapter of purified oile After that you haue well rubbed it betwene your handes and well cleansed from the water than keepe it alwaies in freshe water and note that if it bee in somer you must change the water euery day or euery two daies ones And in thus doyng it will keepe viij yeare beyng alwaies good and strong To make the second paste softer for beyond sea Azure TAke foure vnces of faire Turpentine sixe vnces of faire Rosin sixe vnces of clere Pix greca an vnce of faire Waxe three quarters of oile of line seede and seeth it like as the other was in the chapter before true it is that it is soner sodden bicause it is softer that is to saie it will make you soner Azure than the firste whiche is muche stronger but if you woulde labour for Azure with bothe these pastes lette the softer bee alwaies the firste and if the stone be not of perfitest hauing veine of Gold giue it neuer bothe the pastes But note that in these two pastes consisteth the true arte to knowe well the parfite beyond sea Azure for therein lieth the gaine and the losse and therefore do it diligently and wisely To purifie the oile of line seede for the Azure TAke what quantite of oile of line seede you shall thinke good so that it bee faire and cleere of a yellowe colour like Gold and put it in a horne of Glasse or in an Oxe horne that hath a hole in the bottome and putte vpon it some freshe water and sturre it well with a sticke than ●ette it stande still a little while and open the hole vnderneth and lette out the water doyng so seauen or eight times or vntill the water come out as cleere as whan you did put it in and in this maner men purifie the said oile then keepe it in some vessell of Glasse againste you haue neede of it And if paraduenture you can not gette of of the saide Oile take the oile of bitter Almondes for you maie vse and occupie it without and more purifiyng
true it is that it costeth more and yet is not so good as the other but for a shifte And note well that whan you heare speake of oile it is of this purified oile Lie for to washe beyond sea Azure TAke eight or ten handfuls of the ashes of vines well sifted and put it into some vessell that holdeth at the least a paile full and a halfe of water and thath hath a hole in the bottome and so order it that the water maie rēne out and that the ashes kepe in and stoppe the hole without side Then put in the said ashes and presse it doune asmuche as is possible this done powre vpon a paile full of hote water by little and little and open it not vnderneth vntill the water begon to the bottom And than let it out as fast as it will keepe this first water in a vessell of glasse and distill it thorowe a felt that is to a bande of olde white cloth then distill it againe with a piece of felt or white cloth and than it wil be nete cleane and purified and keepe it well from dust in some vessel leade within Then put another pailefull of hote water in to it and lette it out as before you did the other and keepe alwaies of these twoo sortes against you haue neede This done do it the thirde time in the like maner and put eche of these waters or lie by them selues the first is strong the second weaker the third is weakest of all and sweete of the whiche lies menne do vse for to washe the fore saide paste with all whan the Azure will not come out as you haue learned before Nowe whan you will occupie of this lie take of all three sortes asmuche as you shall thinke good A man maie make yet another maner of lie to washe the paste with and to purge it from his vnctuosite and fatnes Take asmuche calcined Tartre as you will and boile it in cleane water the space of a quarter of an houre or more then lette it go doune to the bottome keepe it so cleere for you maie occupie it whan the past is vnctuous or fatty and also for to washe the beyonde sea azure for asmuch as it augmēteth lighteneth the colour of it It is also good for to heale the skabbe skurfe and lasarie if a man vse to washe him self with it and maketh all the body cleane and white How the Vessell ought to be wherin all the waters are put that the azure is washed with THe vessell muste be of earth bake and anelled and well leaded and polished in the bottome and if it be not of earth it maie be of Copper or Laton well polished at the bottome and lette it haue three pipes or conduites one in the middle another somwhat lower and the thirde within two fingars of the bottome And if you thinke that it is not yet azure let it stande eight or tenne daies vntill it be well settled and you shalt see at the bottome a little azure Then washe it with fresh water as you did the other and so put it with the other or els kepe it a part for it is faire and good The first parte howe to knowe the vertues good 〈◊〉 and signes of Lapis lasuli and to make true ●●yonde sea Azure most perfectly and expertly W●ate first the saide stone with spettle or water and sette a piece of white cloth before it and you shall see it giue in it a faire lustre of a Violet colour whiche shall comforte your ●ight And if you will make the proofe to know if it be fine take a little of it and laie it vpon hote embers and make it flame thē take it out if you see that it is not altered it is a signe that it is good and if it chāge not at all it is of the finest bicause it feareth not the fire but rather augmēteth his true and parfite colour If you will make another proofe laie it vpon a fire panne or vpon some other yron and so heate it on a flambe and then quenche it with white vinaigre very strong and take it of if you see that it hath not loste nor changed the colour it is of the best and if it take colour againe it is of the finest and moste parfite And if a manne could get of this seconde which encreaseth his colour he might sell it for three or foure crounes the vnce but very little of it is to be had that wil kepe his natural colour but will change some thing in the triyng And you must note that in making these trials with fire if the stone do not keepe wholly his naturall b●ate the azure shall not be of the fairest but of the meane sort To know whan it is pouder whether it be good or no take a Goldsmithes melting pot and put a little of it into the said pot at your discretiō and set it on the fire and let it flame heate and then let it coole againe And if it bee not good it will melte like glasse but if it be good it wil remaine vnmoltē in his owne substance and essence although it bee in pouder it will yet be good and if incace it were but halfe good and halfe badde the badde will melte and become like a cake and the stone will remaine in his state and colour still And this fraude and deceit is comonly wrought of them that sell it and therfore lette euery manne beware of it And of all the three sortes of Azure you shall get out for euery pound of stone I meane of that which endureth y e cimentes aboue said about a fiue vnces and a halfe of Azure and the firste which shalbe the finest will be solde for xij or xiij du●ates an vnce the second for iij. or iiij crownes and the third a crowne Than shall you take out the laste whiche is called cinders whiche is of no great value yet neuertheles it wil beare the cost charge of your past and by this meanes you maie giue iudgement of the gaine and profits of your worke But if it were of those stones whiche in triyng of them do decrease and lose their colour a manne can not make so muche no● so fine but if you will take paine for to fine theim the more you must giue them the past as it shalbe declared afterward True it is that it diminisheth much in weight But that is good true and parfite whiche is full of veines of Gold and shining and that is it that sustaineth and abideth liuely all cimentes of fire of Vinaigre and also all other triall The maner howe to prepare the stone Lapis lasuli and to calcine it whan you will grinde it TAke the said stone that is to saie that whiche hath the veines of Gold and whiche hath ben in cimentes and fore saide profes and breake him into pieces as bigge as Hasel nuttes and washe theim in hote water then putte
mentioned and lette it drie a little in the shadowe in the saide Basen This done take it out circumspectly and diligently and spreade it abrode vpon the Porphire stone and lette it so drie thorowly Then putte it among the paste for to incorporate it in this maner following To incorporate Lapis lasuli in the strong past or other soft after that it is grounde TAke a pound of Lapis lasuli whan it is ground ordered as is aforesaid and take also a pound of the strong past which is the first wash it wel with your handes on the out side than cut it in smal peces put them into a little pot wel leaded within so stiepe it then set it vpō the hote embers ye shall melt the said past but take good heede that it frie not if paraduēture it should frie put into it a droppe of the fore said oile by and by it wil leaue friyng And whā the past is well moltē take the little sticke or sklise that you did occupy whan you made the past annoint it with the said oile whan the past is turned mixe it wel and in the meane time another shal put in by little little the foresaid pouder prepared as men do oile vpon salades neuer leaue turning of it so lōg as there is any but yet a little at ones with the sklise incorporate it togither a long time vntil you se that the pouder be wel mixed with al that nothing may be seene out of y e past but al wel fastened perced in And whā you see this by by take the pot so boiling poure it into a basen of cold water and euē furth with make the said pot as cleane as you can with the sklise that there remaine nothing in it whan the said past is colde so that you may handle it with your hande annoint your handes with the fore said oile if you see that the past is well died colored it is a good signe with your handes so anointed tosse the past vp doun the space of an houre a half drawing it out alwaies in lēgth ouerthwart again to thintēt that if it had made any hollow bladders within it might be al the better brought into one massiue body or substance And note the more you remoue it vp doun in your handes so muche the more shall you get out of it in washing it This done make it into the forme of a long or round lofe as you shall thinke good than put this past into a bacin well pollished cleane with cleane fresh water that is cleere inough let it so soke y e space of x. or xv daies or more for the more it soketh the fairer shall it be the parfiter and wil easeliar and soner come out of the paste To get beyond sea Azure out of the paste TAke the past prepared washe it handsomely and wel without with your handes in the saide colde water than put it into a basen the botome whereof you must anoint with the afore said oile that the said base be at the bottom very fine wel leaded this don poure vpon it some luke warme water that is skant warm let it be two fingars aboue y e past if the said water were distilled thorow a felt it would be muche better for to be assured you shall waie the past after it is washed to the intent you may know what to do how much you ought to take out of it in cōsidering with your iudgement the oile that maie paraduēture be entred in in hādling it so leaue it in the said water luke warme the space of a quarter of an houre if it be in sommer but if it be in winter lesse Then remēber to empty out al these waters into the foresaid vessell hauing three gutters or pipes whan you voide out the first water put in other luke warme water to the intent that the past may be the softer so by little little the good will come out For if you would haue it out al at ones you shuld do your thinges euill Remoue sturre faire softly the paste with the foresaid stick or sklise And if in cace the past shuld cleaue to the bottom annoint your handes turne it handsomly so often vntill the water begin to waxe blew whan you see the water colo●ed died empty it out vpō the other holding sustaining vp the past with the little stickes or sklises to thintent that it cleaue no more to the botom of the basin knowe that very little of the first Azure that cōmeth out wil staine colour a great deale of water And whan y e past is in the way to rēder giue out the Azure it wil cast out as it were certain blew beames of y e sunne And thā you shall empty out y e said water vpō the other whā you empty y e water that is in the basen straine it thorow a strainer for to saue certaine little peces of past if in cace there should come any among the Azure and so will it come the cleaner and purer This done put from hand to hand some luke warme water vpon the past and turne pre●ily the saide past with your fore said stickes leisourly and handsomely specially at this beginning for feare lest the paste should lose and vndoe it selfe and so render and giue out all the Azure at ones whiche thing would be to no purpose neither could you afterward sort it or order it After you haue thus turned it foure or fiue times take vp togither your past and you shal see howe muche there is come out for of the first there should come furth foure or fiue vnces a half that is to be vnderstand if the Lapis lasuli be of the finest and there should no lesse come out And bicause it is the first set it a part by it selfe for it is the true beyond sea Azure By this same maner and waie continue to get out the self like azure which shal be the second and set it also a part and you shall get out of it three or foure vnces Keepe this same order and meane in getting out the thirde with this same water alwaies luke warme and that the cold water be skant out sturre it with your foresaide stickes After it shall be at your discretion to get out the fourth whiche is called Cenders or Cinerarius of the colour of ashes and if you wil haue it out the water muste bee somewhat hoter and than it will bee of greye or ashe colour And herein you must wring and presse hard the paste with the stickes and if it wil not come out with the water giue it a little of the fore said lie This done put al the Azures seuerally ●y themselues for the one wil marre another els and specially the last And heere
naturall white skin idem To make the fleshe or skin faire and bright Fol. 89. To cleare and make cleane the face from all maner of spottes Idem pag. 2. To take awaie a ryngworme tetter or spottes and other markes or els a priuie marke in the honie by birthe idem To take awaie redde rubies that grow in the face by reason of the heate of the liuar Fol. 91. To take of from the handes or feete the hardnesse of the fleshe gotten by labour Idem pag. 2. An other secrete to take awaie wartes or hard fleshe that growe betwene mennes toes Idem To make letters of gold and siluer embossed Fol. 93. To make a deuise or armes or other thynges vpon a Violet or a Rose Idem pag. 2. Sope to get out all spottes of clothe Idem An other like secrete Fol. 95. An other like Idem An other meanes Idem An other meanes for spottes of fatte or oile Idem To take spottes out of of Skarlate or Veluet without hurtyng the colour Idem pag. 2. To take spottes out of white silke or Veluet in grain or Crimsen Veluet Idem To take out a spotte of Ynke or Wine of a Wollen or Linen clothe Fol. 97. To restore the colour to a cloth that hath lost it in takyng out a spotte Idem A water to take all maner of spottes out of clothe of any colour Idem To driue awaie Flies Spiders Scorpiōs and other vermine from your house Idem pag. 2. Against gnattes whiche sting men in the night idem A verie excellent secrete for to take out spottes or hard fleshe by labour called in Latine Callum Fol. 99. To take oile or grease out of a clothe of what colour so euer it be without any droppe of water idē pa. 2. Balles of Sope for Barbers of diuers sortes and sauoure Idem To counterfaicte all maner of greene leaues whiche shall seme naturall Fol. 101. To make Paper borde of beaten Paper and stampte Paper for mouldes and hollewe thynges Fol. 103. To giue a faire glosse vnto Pictures or Figures painted Idem pa. 2. To make an other maner of grene water cleare 105. To take out a deuise made in a moulde with Blacke Sope. Idem pag. 2. To make cleane the heares and to drie vp the sweate vnder the arme holes Idem To make Roses flowers Gilliflowers and of all other sortes white redde grene yellowe and incarnate in short space Fol. 107. To make Trees of all sortes to growe whiche shall bryng foorthe fruicte farre greater then commonly thei doe Idem pag. 2. To soften and mollifie Oliues with Lye in lesse then eight houres Fol. 109. To make a water that will Die or colour all thinges be it bone or woo●● Fol. 111. A water to make teeth white Idem The true secrete and maner how to make beyond sea Azure or els for all tutches or Paragon Also for to make strong paste for to incorporate the Azure stone in it called Lapis Lasuli and to take it out a●●ain in his tyme when you thinke good idē pa. 2. To make the paste softer for beyonde sea azure 113. To purifie the oile of Lineseede for the azure idē pa. 2 Lye for to washe beyonde sea azure Fol. 115. How the vessell ought to bee wherein all the waters are put that the azure is washed with Idem pa. 2. The firste parte howe to knowe the vertuous goodnesse and signes of Lapis Lazuli and to make true beyonde Sea Azure mooste parfectly and expertly Idem The maner howe to prepare the stone Lapis Lasuli and to calcine it when you will grinde it Fol. 117. To get out the gold of lapis Lazuli after it idē pa. 2. The maner how to make the licour wherewith men braie the lapis Lasuli for to make beyond sea 119. To knowe whether the sublime bee good or 〈◊〉 or whether it be made with Arsenick Idem To take letters out of Paper Idem pag. 2. To renewe old and worne letters Idem To mollifie or make soft Iuerie and bones to worke what thyng you will on them or with them Idem To take out the markes that are commonly made in the faces of Sclaues for to knowe theim and also soche as many men carrie vpon their bodies for diuers causes Fol. 159. For one that is stong with a Scorpion Idem For one that is stong with Waspes or Bees Idem When a man is touched or poisoned of a spider idem For one that hath eaten Todes or the spettle that tōmeth frō thē which is a dedly thyng Idem pag. 2. To heale cleft or kibed heeles Idem To heale the Canker that happeneth vpon the yarde of a man or in the nature of a woman Idem To heale a foundred horse Idem To kill the wormes in horses Fol. 161. For a horse that cannot stale Idem For a horse that is ●l●ied with a neile in shoyng idem To make a horse to haue a good hoofe Idem Finis tabulae ¶ Imprinted at London by Ihon Kyngston for Nicholas Englande Fraxinella is called also Corrigiola an herbe vvhich renneth on the ground like grasse Mainardus saith it hathe leaues like an Ashe and therfore is called Fraxinella Melancie is an Ilande called melos one of the ●iclades This stone is called in greke Acti●es and hath many goodly vertues as you maie reade in Hermolaus barbarus in corollario They that haue trauailed in Frāce ●●owe what pinneses be Oximellū scylliticum is hony and vinaigre soden togither hauing the rootes of Scylla stieped in it Lupines is a kinde of ●ulse corne Cucurbitulae be certaine cuppes that surgeons doe vse to dra●e out bloode with by skarissyng the skin called cupping Hyppopotamus is a beast liuing in the riuer of Nile hauing feete like an oxe his back and mane like a horse a winding tayle and tusked like a Bore and neyeth like a horse Fishe glue is that whiche Ioyners do vse comonly VVhat beyonde sea Azure is