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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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earth mans honger to asswage And wyne to make mans herte merie oyle his face to chere And bread that maketh the hert stronge at all tymes of the yere And the Lordes trees are full of sappe as Ceders in Libane Where byrddes brede and storckes make theyr nestes in fyr trees to remayne To the gotes he hath geuen the hylles to serue for theyr refuge And to the conies and the hares the clyffes and rockes so huge The mone he made that she myght aye diuide the tyme aright And the sunne knoweth certenly his goynge downe at nyght It is nyght Lorde so sone as thou doest brynge in the darcknes And then do all the beastes raynge that lyue in wyldernes Euen as the Lions whelppes that do rore and crye at theyr praye And that they maye seke for theyr meate that God prouideth aye And when the sunne is vp they do get thē selues home certayne And then they go into theyr dennes and laye them downe agayne But man taketh his worcke in hand and doeth him therto dyght And doeth applye his busines tyll it be almost nyght O Lorde howe greate are all thy worckes which thy wisedome hache made Thy richesse and possession do the earth ouerlade The sea it selfe is wyde and broade where of beastes that do crall The mumbre is excedynge greate as well of greate as small There go the shyppes and that greate fyshe and sea monster I saye That casteth forth floudes of water whom thou madeste there to playe But all these thynges do put theyr trust confidence in the. That thou wylt geue them theyr fedynge when theyr due tyme shall be And when thou geuest they gather thynges mete for theyr fedeynges And when thyne hande is open they are fylled wyth Good thynges But if thou hyde thy face from them they are troubled certayne And if thou take theyr breath they dye and turne to duste agayne Agayne on the contrarie parte beastes are create certayne If thou sende forth thy breath and doest refreshe the earthe agayne Let the maiestie of the Lord neuer come to an ende And let him reioyce in his worckes which can not be emende If he behold the earth far of then doeth it shake for feare And if he do but tutch the hylles they smoke vp in the ayer So longe as I shall lyue therfore to the Lorde wyll I synge To my God wyll I synge I saye whylse I shall be lyueynge Ind all my talke concernynge him shall be dulcet and swete And I wyll reioyce in the Lorde as for me it is mete As for the synnars shall be slayne and perishe of the grownde And the vngodly shall no more remayne for to be founde My soule preach and set forth the Lord prayse him wythouten staye Haleluia praise the Lorde all faythfull men I saye The .cv. Psalme COnfesse acknowledge the Lord and call vpon hys name Teach his studies to the people make them learne the same Describe the Lorde and synge to hym and talke of hys wonders· Reioyse in hys moste holy name and be hys glad sekears Let them all haue a merie herte that seke the Lorde I saye Seke ye the Lorde and eke hys powre seke the Lordes face alwaye Remembre the wonderfull thynges that by the Lorde are wrought And eke his signes and the iudgmentes that his mouth hath forth brought O sede of Habraham I saye that worshypt God truly O chyldren of Iacob that was chosen most certenly O ye chyldren of goddes chosen our Lord and God is he Whose iudgemētes are in all the earth most euident to se For he is euer myndfull of hys faythfull promises And of the worde he would haue kept in thousandes of ages This dyd he confyrme by promise to Habraham truly And by an oth to Isaac byndynge hym selfe therby To make this a lawe to Iacob he set it in sure staye And to make it a couenaunt to Israell for aye And thus he fayde To the wyl I geue the Cananites landes ▪ To make them thyne enheritaunce I put them in thyne handes When they therfore were verie fewe and an household full small ▪ And were strangers in that cōtrey and had no grounde at all And when they from one nation to an other dyd flyt And eke from kyngdome to kyngdome and dyd in no place sytte Yet dyd the Lord suffer no man his people to oppresse But for theyr sakes he plaged kynges put them to distresse Tuche not sayde he myne annoynted men dedicate to me Ne hurte any of my prophetes that preach my veritie Then caused he a greate famen vpon the earth to rise And made all maner vitales scant beyonde all maner syse And before them he sent a man for to prepare theyr waye Iosephe was solde into bondage and seruitude I saye They bounde his fete in fetters strong he was there lyke to dye Vntyll the tyme his cause was knowne and Goddes worde dyd him trye Then sent the kyng and toke him out the rular of that lande He that had rule of much people dyd relesse Iosephes bande And in his house he gaue him rule ouer boeth greate and smalle And in all his possessions he gaue him rule of all That he myght rule his officers after hys owne deuise And that he myght teach the elders wisedome to make them wise Then Israell Iosephes father downe into Egypt came And Iacob lyued a straynger in the contrey of Cham. And the numbre of hys people God dyd encrease greatly And made them for theyr enimies to stronge and to myghtie Then turned he Thegyptians hertes to hate his people all That they myght studie by disceyte to make his seruantes thralle Then sent he Moses his seruant a man faythfull in dede And Aaron whom he had chosen his busines to spede These men wrought his wonderfull worckes emonge his enimies And his sygnes in the land of Cham before his peoples eies Then sent he suche a dearckenes that it made all thynges obscure Yet dyd these men neuer repugne his worde nor his pleasure Theyr waters he turned to bloude and slewe theyr fyshes all And the earth brought forth frogges that dyd in their kynges closetes crall And at his commaundment ther came on them all maner flyes And into all theyr coastes there came lysse far beyonde all syse And in steade of theyr swete suers he gaue them stormes of hayle And in theyr lande there rayned downe flammynge fier wythout faile He strake and destroyed theyr vynes and eke theyr fygge trees all And all the trees of theyr contreys wheron those stormes dyd falle At his commaundement also there came grassehoppars fell And many moe caterpyllars thē any man coulde tell These dyd deuour and eate vp quite al the grasse of theyr lande They dyd suffer no maner fruite vpon their grounde to stande In fyne he slewe al the first borne of theyr contrey certayne That is to saye euen the first fruites of all theyr myght and mayne Then led he forth his flocke
name And for to celebrate the Lorde and to encrease his fame To preach his mercie and goodnes erly before the pryme And also to declare his fayth and trueth in the nyght tyme. On the instrument of ten strynges and lute wyth notes sharppe And eke on the lowde instrumentes and also on the harppe For thou O Lorde haste wyth thy worckes made me merie and glad In the worckes of thyne handes I wyll reioyce and not be sadde O Lorde howe greate and myghtie are thy worckes in this worlde rownde Thy counselles are excedynge depe and eke passynge profounde I grosse heade and one of dull wytte doeth not perceyue this thynge Neither hath the fole in this case any vnderstandynge That is that where the wycked do lyke grasse growe and florishe They floryshe to none other ende but for aye to perishe But thou O Lorde art high for aye forlo thy foes do die So manye as delyte to synne do perishe vtterly But myne horne and my strength shall be lyfte vp and set on hye Lyke the horne of an Vnicorne a beaste stronge and myghtie I shall be annoynted wyth oyle that is boeth newe and freshe There shall no cause of feblenes remayne wyth in my fleshe Myne eie shallse his onwe desyre vpon myne enimies And myne eare shal heare lyke of them that do agaynst me rise The iuste shal florish lyke the palme whose leafe is euer grene And shall growe vp lyke ceder trees that in Libane be sene For they beynge set and planted in the house of the Lorde Shall flourishe in the courtes of our God spreade out abrode Yea they shall budde and brynge forth fruite when they are far in age They shall be full of sappe and iuse theyr colour shall not swage That they maye preach the Lord that is my strength to deale iustly And that in him is no deceyte he doeth nothynge awrye The .xciij. Psalme THe Lord is kynge and hath put on magificence princely The Lorde I saye hath put on strength and made himselfe redie Yea the rounde compasse of the earth is made so firme and sure That it shall not threathen to fall but shall stand and endure Thy throne O Lorde and princely seate was appoynted before From the begymynge and thy selfe haste bene for euermore The freshe waters lyfte vp theyr noyse they lyfte it vp on hye Theyr surges theyr waues they do lyfte vp towarde the skye Yea more then the wylde waters and the greate stormes of the sea Such is the great powre of the Lorde that in heauen hath the swea For that thou Lord haste spoken of thyne house fayre and holy The same shall remayne firme true tyme out of memorie The .xciiij. Psalme OH Lorde God thou that plagest them that dolyue wyckedly O thou reuengeynge God I saye shewe thy selfe openly Auaunce thy selfe O thou that arte iudge ouer all the land And let the proude haue theyr iuste hyer rewarde at thyne hand Howe longe howe longe O Lord shall the wycked reioice proudly Shall they all scape and bragge and boste themselues outragiousely O Lord they do freate thy people weare them cleane awaye Such as thou cleymest by byrth ryght they vexe and greue I saye They do kylwydowes and strangers and murder fatherlesse And then they saye the Lorde seeth not Iacobs God hath no gesse Ye doltysh sorte of the people to learne I you aduise Ye foles I saye what tyme shall we se you prudent and wyse Howe should he that hath made the eare lacke the powre of hearynge And how shoulde he that made the eie lacke the sence of seynge He that doeth checke whole nations and teacheth men science Shoulde not the same rebuke you for such force and violence The Lorde hath knowen that all the thoughtes of mans herte are but vayne As are all the inuentions of an inconstante brayne Happie is the man O Lorde whom thou wylt kepe in awe Right so is he whom thou wylt trayne and enstruct in thy lawe That thou maist ordeyne rest for him agaynst the troublouse tyme Whylse the pyte maye be dygged for the vngodly mans crime The Lorde wyl not his owne people reiect or cast awaye And such as he hath made his owne he wyll not leaue for aye Tyll he haue restored iudgment to the rule of iustice Which all that be of pure herte shall folowe in theyr guise Who could haue risen vp for me against the vngodly Or who could stand wyth me agaynst them that lyue wyckedly Except the Lord had holpen me succoured my nede My soule no doubt should haue dwelled emonge the dead wyth spede When I sayde Lorde my fote doeth slyp then dydst thou me sustayne And when my thoughtes dyd trouble me thou contortedste agayne Lorde arte thou lyke in any poynte to men of cruell sawe That do inuent wayes to oppresse vnder coloure of lawe They renne togither agaynst the soule of a man gyltlesse And do pronownce innocent bloud gyltie of wyckednes But vnto me the Lorde standeth for a forte and defence And my God is the strength wherin I put my confidence And he shall requite them theyr synne stroy them vtterly In theyr malice the Lord I saye our God shall them destroye The .xcv. Psalme COme let vs all reioyce and synge to the Lord that is one Let vs synge to the suer grownde of our saluation Let vs preuent him falle downe before his face wyth prease Let vs synge vnto him wyth psalmes and studie him to please For the Lord is a myghtie God a rular a kynge A myghtie kynge aboue all Goddes thatin earth haue rulynge In whose hand are the most secrete and darcke dennes of the grownde And eke the hygh toppes of the hylles where euer they be fownde The sea also is his for he dyd it facion and frame So dyd his hand the continent that lyeth wythin the same Come on therfore let vs honour and fall downe in his syght Let vs knele before our maker that is the Lorde of myght For he is our God and we the people of his pasture And the flocke of his myghtie hand of whom he taketh cure If ye wyll hede his voyce this daye ye shall haue no hard hert As in the tyme when ye stroue tempted me in desert When tyme your fathers tempted me they dyd me throughly trye So dyd they se my worckes also set out before theyr eie This nation dyd I forbeare wyth payne fourty yeres daye So that I sayde they erre in herte and do not knowe my waye Then sware I to them in the Ire greate he ate of my breste That they should neuer enter in to dwel wyth in my reste The .xcvj. Psalme SYnge a newe songe vnto the Lord in faythse ye accorde All ye that dwell vpon the earth synge this songe to the Lorde Synge to the Lorde and prayse his name preath his saluation Tell his glorie and wondrouse worckes in euerie nation For greate and myghtie is the
blowynge of trumpet For the worde of the Lorde is ryght and all hys worckes sure set He loueth iustice iudgment these thynges please hym greatly And the earth is replenished and full of hys mercie At his worde were the heauens made by hys wonderfull myght And at the breathynge of hys mouth all theyr armies so bryght The waters of the sea he doeth congregate as an heape Right so in moste secrete closettes he doeth laye vp the deape Let all the earth and all that dwell in the worlde prayse the Lorde Because all that he sayeth is done all is made at hys worde He disapoynteth the counselles of the Heathen ech one And doeth differ the subtyle thoughtes of ech greate nation But the Lordes counsell standeth styll the thoughtes of hys herte Do not decay but are fully fulfylled in eche parte The people that hath the Lorde for theyr God hath ryght good chaunce So hath the flocke that he hath chose for his enheritaunce The Lorde loketh downe from heauen doeth all men behold He loketh downe from his dwellynge boeth vpon yonge and olde He hath made the hertes of all men togyther in hys powre And vnderstandeth all theyr worckes euerie daye and houre The kynge is not kept in saulftie thorowe hys greate armye Nor the strong man doeth scape daynger because he is myghtye The horse is a disceytfull thynge to be preserued by Though he be stronge for he shall not deliuer certaynely Beholde the Lordes eye loketh on such mē as do him feare So doeth it on suche as trust on hys mercye so tender That he might delyuer their soules out of the handes of death And nouryshe them at suche time as honger them oppresseth Let oure soules therfore loke for him with all obedience For he is oure helpe and also the shylde of our defence For in him shall our herte reioyce because we do cleaue faste Vnto hys holy name whiche is our comforte and repaste Lorde let thy mercyful goodnes vpon thy seruauntes be Euen as by truste and confydence we do depende of the. The .xxxiiij. Psalme AT all tymes and ceasons I wyll prayse the Lorde God certayne For in my mouthe hys holy prayse doeth euer more remayne My soule shal glorye in the Lorde and in none other thynge Whych when the afflicted shall heare they shall make reioyceynge Se that wyth me you magnifie the Lord that is aboue Let vs prayse hys name togither as reasone doeth vs moue I sought the Lorde diligently he heard my requeste And from al feare that I was in he hath set me at reste Men shall loke backe to hym shall renne to hys companie Theyr faces shal not blushe for he wyll none of them denie The Lord hearde this afflicted man when he dyd on him crye And then he dyd preserue and kepe hym frō hys miserye The angell of the Lorde doeth pytch hys tentes about them all That ieare the Lorde and doeth set cleare such men as erste were thrall Taste and see that the Lorde is good and full of all mercie The man is blessed that doeth truste in hym vnfaynedly O ye saynctes of the Lorde feare him and do hym reuerence For to such as feare hym ther is no nede nor indigence The yonge lions and fierse tyrannes suffer honger and nede But such as seke the Lorde shall haue good thynges plentie in dede Drawe nere my sonnes drawe nere I saye and geue to me good eare Come vnto me I saye for I wyll teach you the Lordes feare Whoe so thou be that doeste desyre to lyue and good dayes see Loke that in thy tonge and thy lyppes none ylle or disceyte be Flee from yll and do that good is whereof commeth no blame Seke thou for peace diligently then ensue the same Vpon the iuste man the lordes eies are ful fyred and bent And hys eares to the prayars of such as be innocent But his sterne lokes are bent on thē that do worcke wyckedly That out of the arth he maye cutte theyr fame and memorie The iuste men crye and the Lorde doeth heare and graunt theyr prayer And out of all theyr myseries he doeth them deliuer The Lord is styll redie at hande with them that do repent And kepeth them whose spirite is to repentaunce styll bent Many yuelles misfortunes do the ryghteouse man befall But the Lorde doeth delyuer him and ryd hym of them all And all the bones of his bodye the Lord kepeth certayne So that not one emonge them al can be broken in twayne But yll chaunce and mysfortune shall destroye the vngodly And suche as hate the iuste shal be destroyed vtterly And the Lorde shall redeme the lyfe of hys true seruauntes all And of them that do trust in hym none shall peryshe or fall The .xxxv. Psalme TAke thou my stryfe in hande O Lorde assaute them that saute me Take the to shylde and speare and ryse myne helper for to be Pull out thy speare come out to mete my persecutours fel Saye to my soule I am thyne health thy matters shall go well Let thē that seke my lyfe take shame and eke ignominie Let them be dryuen backe wyth shame that thyncke euyll vnto me Let them be made lyke to the dust that with the winde doeth flye And let the aungell of the Lorde dryue them vyolently Let their waye be darcke and slyprye that they may slyde and fall And let the aungell of the Lorde persequute them wyth all For wythoute cause the pytte of their net haue they for me hyd Ryght so a great trenghe for my soule causeles they haue digged Let the mysery that they did not fore se on them fall And let the net they hyd take them and let them be made thraule But my soule shall greatly reioyce in the Lorde God for aye She shall reioyce in hys salfegarde and all my bones shall saye O Lorde who is lyke the that doest rescue the conquyred And take the poore and nedye from him that hath hym forced There dyd aryse fierse wytnesses men violent in dede And asked me of thynges that I neuer Imagyned They requited me euel for good such was theyr cruell wyll And for the helpe they had of me they sought me for to kyll But when I hearde that they were sycke and wyth disease greued I ware sacke cloth and wyth fastynge my soule I afflicted The prayer that I made for them when they were in distresse I woulde should lyght vpon my selfe in tyme of heauines I went as though my faythfull frende or brother had dyed As one that mourneth hys mother in blacke I was clothed But in the tyme of myne haltynge when I was weakened They dyd reioyce excedyngly and were congregated The lame flocked agaynste me when I dyd thyncke nothynge lesse And frō theyr bytter raylynge wordes they dyd then neuer cease And the dissemblynge hypocrites that do serue theyr bealy Dyd grenne and gnaske theyr teeth at me as men full of enuie O Lorde howe longe