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water_n fish_n great_a sea_n 3,519 5 6.8793 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12381 The sinfull mans search: or seeking of God. Preached by Henrie Smith, and published according to a true corrected copie, sent by the author to an honorable ladie Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1592 (1592) STC 22697; ESTC S113756 32,346 94

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mutabilitie but the word of God is the foode of the soule the bread of life that immortall seede which bringeth foorth fruite vnto eternall life Let the worde of God therefore be precious vnto vs because it is so permanent for heauen and earth must passe but the worde of God endureth for euer If we make choise of any thing beside it must be taken from vs or we shal be taken from it but if we make choise of this one thing it shall neuer bee taken from vs neither in this world nor in the world to come The Lord grant that wee be not only hearers but doers of the word that it may be truly sayd of vs as Christ said of his disciples that heard his preaching Behold my brother my sister and mother or as hee answered the woman that commended his carnall kindred Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe the same FINIS A Godly Prayer to bee said at all times BEcause I haue sinned ô Lord and doone wickedly in thy sight and prouoked thee to anger by my abhominable wickednes making my bodie which thou hast ordained a vessell for thine honor an instrument to most detestable filthines ô Lord be merciful vnto me and pardon mee this great wickednes looke not vpon mee good father with the eyes of iustice neither do thou drawe against me the sword of iudgement for then how shall I that am but dust stand in thy presence when thy wrathfull indignation commeth foorth as a whirlewind and thy heauie displeasure as a mightie tempest seeing the earth trembleth the depths are discouered and the verie heauens are shaken when thou art angrie Exercise not therefore thy furie against me that am but as chaffe before the winde and as stubble against a flaming fire though I haue sinned grieuouslie in thy sight preferring my wicked desire before thy holy commandement esteeming the pleasute of a moment before eternall and euerlasting ioyes nay which is worse making more account of vilenesse and vanitie and extreame folly and madnes then of the glory and maiesty of the most excellent wonderfull and blessed God nothing dreading his displeasure whose wrath maketh the diuels to quake and burneth vnquenchable vnto the bottomlesse pit of hell whose might is so great that by the breath of his nosthrils he is able in the twinkling of an eye to destroy a thousand worlds yet am I bold prostrating my selfe before the throne of thy maiestie heartily to beseech and humblie to entreate thee that thou wilt not deale with me according to my merites for I haue deserued that thou shouldst raine downe fire and brimstone from out of heauen vpon me to deuour me or to open the earth vnderneath me to swallow me vp quick vnto hell but thou art gratious and full of compassion and rich in mercies therefore do men put their trust vnder the shadow of thy wings I haue none in heauen to flie vnto but thee nor in earth of whom I may receiue any comfort but at thy fauourable hands which are stretched out day and night to receiue all that by earnest repentance turne vnto thee being readie to ease all those that are laden with the burthen of their sinne and to refresh their distressed consiences In the multitude of thy mercies I approche vnto thee ô Lord desiring thee to looke downe from the height of thy sanctuarie vppon me poore and wretched sinner and to wipe away mine offences and to blotte out my misdeedes especiallie this my vngratious vncleane and vngodlye act that it may not come vppe in remembrance with thee nor bee imputed to mee for euer for ' thy sonnes sake ô Lorde in whome thou art well pleased in whom thou wast fully satisfied vppon the crosse for my sinnes graunt mee free pardon and remission of that I haue so foolishlie by my exceeding frailtie committed against thee in this shamefull deed But ô thou my vncleane and vnthankfull soule my vngodly and rebellious heart what did I sinfull wretch and execrable caitife so blindlie and desperatlie attempt Howe art thou become quite sencelesse that thou wast so readie to anger thy most louing God and to prouoke thy most mightie iudge that thou mightest satisfie thy filthie fleshe suborned both by thine and Gods moste malitious aduersarie to grieue and vex the spirit of the Lord and to damne thy selfe for euer Hath not God of his singular fauour made the heauens of old and placed the sunne and moone in them two glorious lights with innumerable starres a wonderfull workmanship for thy vse and benefit Hath hee not lifted vp the clouds by his strong arme and heaped treasures of raigne haile and snow to doe thee seruice Hath hee not in the midst of the world laid the foundations of the earth that thou mightest haue a stable habitation and mightest from thence behold euery way thou lookest the walles of his beautifull pallace Hath hee not gathered the waters into one place and made the drie land appeare and drawne foorth by his powre a pure substance of aire betweene heauen and earth that fishes might multiplie in the seas foules in great aboundance flie in the open face of the firmament tender plants hearbs flowers and tree● in all varietie growe and fructifie vpon the ground yea creeping things cattell and beasts increase in infinite number in pastures fields gardens orchards and groues and all these to doe thee pleasure Hath he not further giuen thee springs and riuers gold and siluer pearles and iewels euen plentie of streames stones and mettall to furnish thee with whatsoeuer for profite thou needest or for pleasure desirest Hath hee not made thee Lord and ruler ouer all his craatures euen ouer the huge Elephants the Whale the strong Lion and Vnicorne and horse of warre ouer the sauage Tigars Beares and Wolues ouer the mightie Eagle Griffin Vultur Ostrich and Haulke Art thou not clad and defended fed and enriched cheered and renowned by these his creatures and that all the partes of thy bodie and sences of thy minde might be partakers of his goodnes and with his sweetnes refreshed comforted delighted in great measure Yea aboue all this hath hee not breathed into thy bodie an immortall soule that thou mightest remaine with him in glorie for euer Did hee not at the first frame thee like vnto himselfe that he might therefore loue thee as his sonne Did hee not cast into thy spirit the beames of his wisedome that thou through thy vnderstanding mightest behold him and his glory and stirred vp sparkes of goodnes in thy heart that thou mightest by thy affection imbrace him and his bountie and bee made perfectly blessed by his infinite happinesse who when Adam thy vngratefull father by distrusting him that had faithfully promised was throughlie able to fulfill his will and resolutely determined exceedingly to aduance him hauing giuen him this whole worlde in testimonie thereof by discontenting his minde with the excellent estate he was placed in of
well imployed in some good studie and holie exercise earlye rising bringeth health to the body and encreaseth the number of thy dayes Seeke therefore and seeke earlie consecrate your selues Nazarites vnto the Lorde touche no vncleane thing giue no prouocation to the flesh Striue with the Cock in watchfulnes and rise with the chirping of the birds sacrifice your bodie a sweet smelling sacrifice vnto the Lord. This sacrifice is like a sacrifice of fine floure it is like the fatte taken from the peace offering yea it is better then any sacrifice it is like the flower of Roses in the spring of the yeere and as the Lillies by the springs of waters and as the branches of Frankensence in the time of Summer and as a vessell of massie gold beset with pretious stones as a faire Oliue that is fruitfull and as the tree that groweth vp to the clowds Hauing spoken of the Search it followeth that I speake of the manner how it is to bee made In prayer by these wordes If thou pray vnto the Almightie I shewed ye before the force of our aduersarie receiue nowe a Sheeld against his force euen the shield of praier Hee is not to be resisted by ringing an hallowed bell not by sprinkling of holy water not by the relikes of saints not by our owne workes merits for these are weapons of his own making but by an earnest seeking to GOD which search and seeking must bee made by prayer against which his poisoned venome taketh no effect It is his mallice that accuseth praier pleadeth thy case before God and repelleth all his accusations for all the prophets doe witnes that whatsoeuer we aske in praier if we beleeue we shal receiue it It is his rage and furie that should terrifie vs nay that prayer that strengthened Sampson to rent a yong Lion as one should haue rent a Kid hauing nothing in his hande shall smite and shutte vp the mouth of this Lion As for his pollicie and walking vp and downe seeking to deuoure vs it cannot preuaile for the prayer of the faithfull shall saue them the Lord shall raise them vp if they haue committed sin it shal be forgiuen them after this conflict ended they shall triumph for euer with Iesus Christ our Sauiour But in any case see you vnite to your praier knowledge that ye be not seduced to offer your petitions to strange gods as Saints stockes or stones Then consent that we aske only in the name of Christ Iesus not for any desert of our own for whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ shall haue remission of sins hee shall not perish but haue life euerlasting he shall not come into iudgement but shall passe from death to life Lastlie a confidence which is a certaine perswasion of Gods fauour and mercy towards vs this is that praier of which the Lambe testifieth that whatsoeuer we ask by this praier it shal be giuē to vs by God the father A thing dearly beloued so precious that nothing is more accepted in heauen nothing more gratefull to God a seruice commanded of God himselfe taught by Christ our Sauiour and frequented by the Angels a thing of more force with God then any oration of the eloquent Hast thou not heard how the Sunne stood still in the firmament and was not suffered to run his course Iosua and Ezechias prayed and the Sunne stood still Hast thou not heard of the stopping of the Lyons mouthes Daniell praied and his praier stopped the Lyons greedy and deuouring throtes the waters of Iorden were dryed vp yea the Israelites prayed and the waters stood about them like vnto a wall Hast thou not heard of the deuiding of the red sea the Israelites praied and Hast thou not heard howe the fierie furnace lost his heate the three children prayed and the fier lost his heate Hast thou not heard how the heauens were opened and shut Elyas prayed and the heauens were shutte vp three yeeres Elyas prayed and the clowdes powred downe raine from heauen O sure Fortresse more forcible then anye engine and stronger then the gates of hell and to conclude the sum and substance of all in few words the only thing whereby mortall men haue the clouds and the stars the Angels and all the powers of heauen at commandement For as Deborah sung in her song They fought from heauen euen the starres in their courses fought against Sisera so all creatures haue been subiect to the prayers of the faithfull to reuenge the Lordes quarrell to helpe the Lorde to helpe the Lorde against the mightie Prayer hath euer bin the cognisance the victorie and the triumph of the faithfull for as the soule giueth life to the body so prayer giueth life to the soule O that I could engraue the loue of it in your hearts as with a Diamond and so instill your mindes that my wordes might bee prickes vnto your consciences and thereby giue yee occasion to pray often It is a wonderfull mater to be able to perswade men but if praier be able to perswade the liuing God oh how great is the force therof it goeth through the clowds and ceaseth not till it come neere and will not depart till the most high haue respect therevnto O that you would therfore pray often and learne of Christ the most absolute patterne of our life to pray continually He praied in his baptisme in the wildernesse in preaching in working of miracles in his passion on the mount in the Garden in his last supper in cōmending his spirit to God at al times in al places that he might leaue vnto vs an example of the same It followeth and to pray to the Almightie To those three former reasons which I brought why wee must seeke and pray to God alone I added this as a fourth because there is none so able to help vs as the Lord. He that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion If God bee on our side who can be against vs It is God that iustifieth who condemneth The Lord destroieth the counsaile of the Heathen hee maketh their deuises to be of no effect Christ is the Angel of great counsaile wisedome and vnderstanding and there is no deuise against the Lord. The world notwithstanding is come to that frame that euery man hath gotten him a strange kind of beleef Some beleeue not the law but the prophets some be perswaded in the supremacie but not in the sacrament some in free will but not in merit some in inuocation vpon saints but not in purgatorie some in pilgrimages and pardons but not in Images some like the doctrine wel enough but not the preachers the most beleeue little yet many beleeue somwhat few beleeue all therefore to deale plainly because plaine dealing is best you must not beleeue by the halfes I meane you must not repose some trust in God and some in Saints but