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water_n fish_n great_a sea_n 3,519 5 6.8793 4 false
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A09309 A dictionarie in Spanish and English, first published into the English tongue by Ric. Perciuale Gent. Now enlarged and amplified with many thousand words, as by this marke * to each of them prefixed may appeere; together with the accenting of euery worde throughout the whole dictionarie, for the true pronunciation of the language, as also for the diuers signification of one and the selfsame word: and for the learners ease and furtherance, the declining of all hard and irregular verbs; and for the same cause the former order of the alphabet is altered, diuers hard and vncouth phrases and speeches out of sundry of the best authors explained, with diuers necessarie notes and especiall directions for all such as shall be desirous to attaine the perfection of the Spanish tongue. All done by Iohn Minsheu professor of languages in London. Hereunto ... is annexed an ample English dictionarie ... by the same Iohn Minsheu ... Perceval, Richard, 1550-1620.; Minsheu, John. aut 1599 (1599) STC 19620; ESTC S115747 738,544 406

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Sub. Praes Sépa Imperfect Supiéra Sabría or Supiésse Fut. Supiére to know to vnderstand to sauour or taste to perceiue * Sabía vide Sabér Sábia or Sabiaménte wisely discreetly Sábia y Prudenteménte very wisely with much aduise Sabído knowen Sabidór one that knoweth or vnderstandeth the matter Sabidóra knowen knowing * Sabidoría vide Sabiduría Sabiduría f. wisedome knowledge discretion vnderstanding * a Sabiéndas wittingly knowing of it * Sabiéza vide Sabiduría knowledge vnderstanding Sabína or Savína savin * Sabínos people of Italy not farre from Rome Sábio wise skilfull cunning * † Sabóga f. a fish called a shad as some say other say it is a pilchard * Sábolo idem Sabór or Savór sauour taste Saboreár to make sauory * Saboyána f. a womans peticoate * Sabrá Sabré vide Sabér * Sabrosaménte sauorily Sabróso sauory * Sabucál m. a place where elder trees growe * Sabúco Saúco or Caninéro the elderne tree * Sabúco pequen̄o danewort or walewort Sabuésso m. a spaniell Sáca f. a sacke a bag a deliuerie out of prison by pardon c. a getting out * Sáca de bachilléres a kinde of hoode worne of graduates Sacabúche an instrument of musicke called a sackbut * Sacádo drawen out gotten out brought vp * bien Sacádo well brought vp * Sacadór a getter out one that bayleth another out of prison * Sacadóres miners that get mettals out of the ground Sacalín̄a the obtaining or getting any thing by entreatie and request Also a dart to hurle with a string * Sacapelótas a vice or skrew to plucke out bullets with Sacár Praes yo Sáco 1. Praet yo Saqué to get out to draw out to pull or dig out to bring vp * Sacár a ráso to take out quite and cleane * Sacco vide Sáco Sacerdócio priesthood Sacerdóte a priest a minister of the Church Sacerdotíssa a nunne a shee priest Sachadór a harrower Sachadúra harrowing Sachár or Escardár la tiérra to harrow * Sachár vide Sacár * Sácho a mattocke or pickaxe * Saciádo satisfied filled * Saciamiénto filling satisfying * Saciár to satisfie to fill Sáco a sacke the spoile of a towne * Sacomaneár to sacke to spoile to ruinate or ouerthrow Sacománo a sacking or spoiling Also one that sacketh spoileth or wasteth Sacraménto a sacrament an oath * Sacrános ancient people of Italy neere to Rome * Sacrár to hallow † Sácre a hauke called a Saker Also a peece of ordinance so called Sacrificár Praes yo Sacrifico 1. Praet yo Sacrifiqué to sacrifice Sacrifício m sacrifice * Sacrifique vide Sacrificár Sacrilégio sacrilege stealing of church goods violating of holy things Sacrílego a sacrilegious person a church robber a violater of holy rites a notable lewd person * Sacrísta m. vide Sacristán Sacristán a clerk or sexten in a church Sacristanía f. the office of a sexten or clerk in a church * Sacristía a vestry of a church * Sácro holy * Sacudída f. a shaking off Sacudidaménte snappishely Sacudído shaken off Sacudimiénto shaking off Sacudír to shake off Saéta f. an arrow a dart a shafte Saetéra or Tronéra a loope hole to lay ordinance out at Sagacidád f. sharpnes of wit * Sagacíssimo most quickwitted Sagáz wise witty circumspect sharpe-witted Sagazménte wisely wittily Ságe a diuiner a wise man a soothsayer Sagittário the signe called sagittarius * Sagorída or Axedréa an herbe called sauory * Ságra as Ságra de Tolédo a countie or shire about Tolédo as Middlesex about London * Sagraménto vide Sacraménto Sagrádo holy sacred Sagrário m. a sanctuarie a hallowed place whence malefactors might not he fetched to punishment * Sáhio vide Sábio wise skilfull cunning Sahornádo de sudór filthie with sweat Sahornamiénto filthines of sweate Also heating in an ouen Sahórno galling with sweat stinke of sweat Also heating in an ouen Sahumádo perfumed Sahumadór a perfuming pan Also a perfumer Sahumadúra perfuming Sahumár to perfume Sahumério f. perfume * Saín fat sewet dropping of meate Sál f. salt Sála f. a hall Salácio a sawsedge Saláda salt meat * Saladia f. saltnes * Saladilla flesh somewhat salted Saládo salted wittie Saladúra salting seasoning with salt Salagárda f. a trap an ambush * Salamánca a chiefe citie and vniuersitie in old Castile in Spaine so called * Salamándra f. a salamander that is sayde to liue and be nourished by fire only it is like a lizard but full of spots * Salamándria vide Salamanquésa * Salamanquésa vide Salamándra a salamander Salár to salt * Salariádo payed his hire or wages one that receiueth wages Salário salary wages hire * Salarmoniác a gumme so called * Sálce a willow a sallow Salchícha a sawsidge * Salchichón a great sawsidge * Salcícia or Salchícha a sawsidge * Sáldo or firme solide whole firme * Saldrá Saldré vide Salír * Saldría vide Salír did go out or did sally out * Saledízo the iuttie of a house the bearing out of a wall * † Saléma f. a stockefish Saléro a saltseller * Sálga vide Salír * Salgáda yérva a kinde of herbe * † Salgéma a kind of stuffe which painters vse * Sálgo vide Salír * Salguéiro Salzér or Sáuz a willowe a withie a sallow Salída f. a sally a going out an escape Saledízo the iuttie of a house the bearing out of a wall * Salído sallied out gone out * Salína f. a salt pit Salínas tribute for salt Also salt pits Salinéro a salt maker Salír yo Sálgo Sub. Praes Sálga to sallie out to go foorth to escape * Salír en blánco not to come to effect or purpose * Salír de mádre to ouerflowe the banks and drowne the land * Salír de rebuélta to get out of a labyrinth and entangling wherein a man standeth wrapped in to get out of trouble * Salitrádo done with salt peter Salitrál a place to dig or make salt peter Salítre m. salt peter Salitróso full of nitre Saliva spettle Salivóso full of spettle * † Sálma a great sacke a halfe quarter sacke or bag Salmista a psalmist or maker of psalmes Sálmo a psalme Salmón a salmon * Salmonéte a fish called a barbell * Salmonéte or Bárvo de la már a fish called a mullet Salmoréjo pickle or brine to keepe oliues sampire or such things in Salmoréjo or Salmuéra pickle for fish † Salmuéra brine pickle Salóbre sower sauorie Also brine or salt water as the sea * Salpicádo dashed with durt * Salpicádo de água dashed with water Salpicadúras dashings Salpicár Praes yo Salpico 1. Praet yo Salpiqué to dash with durt to beray * Salpimiénta salt and pepper togither * Salpique vide Salpicár Salprésa cósa any thing beginning to take salt * Salpréso beginning to take salt beginning to be powdred somewhat powdred corned with salt Sálsa sawce * Salséra a dish to put sawce in a sawcer * Salseréta a sawcer Salséro a sawcer * Salséro or Tomíllo the herbe Thime * Saltaparédes anticke worke Also one that leapeth
aBastánza vide aBastánça aBastár to be sufficient enough to satisfie or content to serue with * Abasteçér yo Abastésco to furnish strengthen fortifie fence repaire or amend aBásto vide aBastánça * abatanádo m. fulled or thicked as wollen cloth * aBatanadór m. a fuller of cloth * aBatanár to full cloth aBatidaménte faintly feebly basely without hart negligently desperately demissely aBatído m. cast downe vndone forlorne base abiect out of conceite desperate lowly sent packing submisse demisse discouraged * aBatidór m. a debaser a caster downe a maker of men in heauie case a driuer out of hart a cooler of mens courage one that keepeth vnder c. a discourager aBatimiénto a discouragement a making hartlesse a driuing out of conceit a suppressing and keeping downe a debasing c. * aBatióse el girafálte the Gerfalkon bated or hoong from the fist or pearch c. aBatír or aBatírse to beate downe to discourage to debase to driue out of hart Also to stowpe as a hawke or such like to abase or vaile bonet * Abaxadéro m. a place of descending a side of a hill a downe comming Abaxádo humbled brought downe prostrated diminished alighted abased submitted c. * aBaxadór m. a suppressor maker to stowpe humbler diminisher maker to fall prostrate c. aBaxamiénto m. an abasing humbling prostrating alighting submitting going downe costing downe aBaxár to humble to abase to prostrate to stowpe to alight to descend or come downe to cast downe to alay * aBáxo belowe vnderneath of lesse value or price neare hand fast by * Abbreviatúra or Abreviadúra f. a short note an abridgement or briefe setting downe of a matter c. * Abece the crosse rowe or Alphabet of all the letters * Abecedário m. the first booke to learn children the letters to spell and reade Also a teacher to spell reade and the vse of the A b c c. Abéja f. a bee that gathereth honie Abejéra Torongil or Cidréra f. balm gentle or Beewoort an herbe that bees delight in wonderfully * Abejeria f. a companie of bees or a place where many bees are Abejerúco m. a birde that vseth to eate bees called a Witwall or Woodwall whose nature is to keepe and feede their parents when they cannot flie abroad Abejón m. a great bee that hauing lost the sting flieth vp and downe and maketh a buZZing noise * Abejón juégo a kinde of sport or play when they crie buZZe and so hit one another a boxe on the eare except quickly he pull away his head Abejonázo m. a great bee Abejorúco vide Abejerúco Abenús Abenúz or E'bano Hebene tree the wood whereof is as blacke as ieat and this tree beareth no fruit nor leaues Also the Hebene wood * Aberiguación vide Averiguación f. auouching or verifying a thing to be so * Aberiguádo vide Averiguádo * Aberiguár vide Averiguár Abertúra f. an opening a chinke or breach a yawning an vnclosing of that which was close a leake made in a ship c. Abestrúz vide Avestrúz an Oistrich Abéto m. a Firre tree Abezádo or Avezádo taught instructed accustomed or enured Abezár or Avezár to accustome enure to bring to passe by long vsage and continuance Also to teach instruct or perswade to c. * Abiertaménte openly plainly manifestly or euidently Abiérto m. open cleere manifest plaine euident vncouered c. A'bil or Hábil apt fit able handsome conuenient capable Abilidád or Habilidád f. ablenesse handsomnes fitnesse power meetnesse capacitie * Abilitádo or Habilitádo made able fitted qualified become of power enabled made capable Abilitár or Habilitár to make able to qualifie to fit or make handsome c. Abilménte aptly fitly sufficiently of capacitie like one of abilitie Abiltadaménte basely vilely like an abiect shamefully Abiltár vide Aviltár to make vile to debase to cast downe to set at naught to cast off to hold scorne of * Abintestáto m. one that dieth without making a will Abismo a bottomlesse pit a deepe gulfe where many seas or waters meete a place in the sea so deepe as it cannot be sounded a whirlepoole a place in hell Abispa f. a waspe Abispíllo vide Obispíllo the rumpe of a bird Abispón vide Tavárro a hornet or great waspe * Abitacion or Habitación f. a dwelling place a mansion habitation a soiourning or abiding place * Abitador or Habitadór m. a dweller inhabiter or one that hath some place of abode * Abitádo or Habitádo m. one that hath dwelt or inhabited in a place * Abitár or Habitár to dwell inhabite lodge or abide in a place * Abitillo or Habitíllo m. a little habite a little forme or fashion of attire a light custome or maner Dimm of A'bito A'bito or Hábito the habite forme fashion attire apparell custome or manners of people Abituádo m. growne to a habite fashioned in manners become a custome enured by long practise Abituár to become so as by nature to fashion in maners to growe into custome to enure by daily practise * Abivádo m. quickened rowzed awaked stirred vp * Abivár or Avivár to quicken to awake to rowze vp or make to stirre * Abla vide Exe an axletree of a cart waggon c. * Ablandádo m. smoothed softened pacified appeased asswaged made gentle * Ablandadór m. a smoothbootes a fine tongued fellow a softener pacifier or appeaser Ablandadúra f. a smoothing softening asswaging pacifying winning by gentle meanes flattering Ablandár to soften to smooth to flatter to win by gentle meanes to pacifie to asswage * Ablentadór m. a fanne to fanne corne with or a fanner or winnower that maketh cleane corne * Ablentár to fanne or winnow corne * aBobádo or aBovádo m. become foolish or amazed in gaping or gazing on a thing * aBobár or aBovár to become foolish or to make a foole * Abocadádo bitten or snapped with the mouth as horses snap one another * Abocadár vide Abocadeár * Abocadeár to bite with the mouth to snap with the mouth as horses doe or any other liuing thing * aBocadillos by little morsels or mouthfuls by little bits or peece meale aBocádos by mouthfuls morsels or bits peecemeale * Aboçar vergas de náo to tie vp or fasten the yards of a ship in battell at sea vsed least a shot of ordinance should make them fall on their heads * aBofeteádo m. beaten on the face buffetted cuffed boxed striken about the eares * aBofeteadór m. a buffetter one that beateth about the eares or striketh on the cheekes that cuffeth with fistes like a boy aBofeteár to buffet to cuffe or boxe about the eares to strike on the cheekes or face to fight with fistes as boyes doe * Abogacía or Avogacía f. the office or dutie of a counsellor at law * Abogación f. the pleading as a counsellor the handling of a matter like a cunning lawyer Abogádo or Avogádo m. a counsellor at law an aduocate * Abogádo sin lettras a pettifogger a sollicitor an aduocate without learning Abogár or Avogár Praes yo
engrauers worke Tállo m. a stalke or stem of herbe a yong sprig or bough of a tree beginning to growe * Talpáire a sea fish being of huge greatnes in the forepart and very small in the hinder part * Tallón m. a great stalke or stem of an herbe Also a kinde of tribute or subsidie Tallúdo m. growen to a stalke Talón m. the ankle Tálque clay to make gold smithes pots Talvina water and bran or froth and fome Tamán̄o the bignesse bulke stature or proportion Also so great * Támaras or Dátiles dates Tamaraviénto an herbe called horehound * Tamarguéira f. a shrub called Tamariske Tamaríndos an Indian date Tamarís Taráy or Tarahé a shrub called Tamariske Tamaríz idem Tambien as well well also alike * Tamboréte m. the crosse peeces of wood where the flag is fastened in a ship * Tamboriléro m. one that playeth on a taber Tamborín m. a taber * Támo m. strawe worne so short as when it is come to dust Also chaffe Tampóco as little Tamprésto as soone so soone * Tan vide Tánto as as much * Tánda a lot a chaunce a turne * Tan̄ár vide Tan̄ér Tan̄edór a plaier on instruments a sounder on instruments Tan̄ér to sound winde or play vpon any instrument * † Tanjár a citie in Africa * Tan póco as little Tan solaménte onely Tántas vézes so often so many times Tanteár to account to rate to sesse or taxe to reckon how many he is at any game at cardes deriued of Tánto Tánto as much so much Tánto mas so much the more Tánto ménos so much lesse Tánto que as much as * Tapadéro a stopple a couering * Tapádo stopped Tapadór a stopper a stopple * Tapadúra stopping Tapár to stop to couer a cup c. Tapetádos m. the inside of leather turned outward in shooes or ierkins and made blacke Tapéte m. carpet worke tapestrie * Tapezería arras tapestrie * † Tápia f. a mud wall * Tapiadór m. a maker of mud wals Tapiál boords betwixt which they make mud wals a mawle to beate downe earth Tapiár to make a mud wall * Tapiár los médios cuérpos to set one and ram him fast in the ground vp to the middle and so to let him die * Tapiçádo hanged with Arras Tapicerías or Tapizerías tapistrie arras * Tapicéro a maker of arras or tapistrie Tapíces m. arras cloth tapistrie worke * Tapiéro m. a maker of mudde wals Tapión or Tapin̄o a stopper or stopple * Tapíno vide Tapión * Tapón m. a stopple a bung of a barrell Taponcíco m. a little stopple * Táque knocking at a dore * † Taraçána a docke or place where ships are made * Taracéa the enchasing of checker worke one with another Taraçónes m. peeces fragments Taragoncia f. an herbe called Dragons * Taragontía vide Taragoncía Tarahé Tamaríz or Atárfe a shrubbe called Tamariske Tarántola f. a little serpent called a Swifte an Efte or an Euet Tarásca f. a giant made of clothes and thinges such as they vse in Pageants and May games Also a hobbie horse such as they daunce withall in a Maie game * Tarbéa a square trencher Tardadór one that staieth or delayeth the time * Tardamudár to stammer or stutter in speaking Tardamúdo m. a stammerer a stutterer Tardánça staie tarriance delay Tardár to staie to stop to delay to demurre to driue off Tárde late the euening Tardiaménte slowly slackly late Tardío m. late late in the euening after due time Tárdo slow slacke Tardón m. a slow fellowe a dullard a heauie sluggard * Taréa f. a taske a quantitie of labour or worke prescribed within a prefixed time * Tarénto a principall citie of Greece called Tarentum * Tárga f. vide Dárga a targuet † Tárja f. a peece of money woorth nine marauedies three halfe pence English * Tarjéta f. a great long dagger or a short sword * Tarjéte m. a little shield * Tarífa f. a hauen towne of Andaluzia so called * † Taríma a Moores bed made of wood * Tarína f. a worme that eateth timber * Tarpéia the name of a vestall virgin who sold the chiefest fort and castle of Rome to the Sabines for the bracelets that they did weare of whom when she demanded the bracelets she was slaine of her the castle was called Tarpeia * Tarpéio or Tarpéyo one of the seauen hils about Rome so called Tarén̄as Sonájas or Tan̄éres bels or rattels for children to play with Tárro m. a paile a bucket † Tarrúgo or Tarúgo a swallow taile to ioine timber a woodden pin * Tárta vide Tórta a cake Tártago m. an herbe called fiue leafed grasse Some say it is the herbe Spurge * Tartajóso one giuen to stammering or stuttering a stammering fellow Tartamudeár to stutter to stammer Tartamúdo one stammering or stutting * Tartáreo y infernál hellish belonging to hell * Tartária the countrey Tartaria * Tártaros the Tartarians * Tartaxeár vide Tartamudár * † Tarúgo a certaine fastening of planks in a ship called a Swallow taile a woodden pin * Tása vide Tássa * Tasación vide Tassación Tascár Praes yo Tásco 1. Praet yo Tasqué Sub. Praes Tásque to play on the bit as horses doe in champing it Táscos tow flockes lockes shorne or clipped off * Tasque vide Tascár * Tas por tás like for like one good turne for another * Tássa vide Tassación Tassación f. taxing rating sessing * Tassadaménte ratably taxingly limitingly * Tassádo taxed sessed limited rated Tassadór a sesser or taxer a setter of raies an appointer of prices Tassájo m. a cut or slice of flesh Tassar to taxe to rate to sesse to value * Tasseadór vide Taceadór a drinker of many cups a quaffer a tospot * Tasseár vide Taceár to drinke many cups to quaffe to carowse Tassúgo m. a little kinde of beast * Táta out alas Also a riuer in Chile Tataraniéto a nephew of the fourth degree * Táva f. a buckle bone in a sheepe wherwith children vse to play at cocke and blanke or cocke and all Távano a horse flie a hornet * Taváque a little basket that women put their worke in * Tavaquéra vide Tabaquéra * Tavaquíllo vide Tabaquíllo * Tavardíllos vide Tabardillos * † Tavárdo m. a kinde of garment like a coate * Tavárro or Tabárro a hornet Tavérna f. a tauerne a tipling house an inne * Tavernáculo vide Tabernáculo Taverneár to keepe a tauerne to keepe a victualing house Also to haunt the tauerne much * Tavernéra an hostesse or woman keeper of a tauerne Tavernéra cósa any thing belonging to a tauerne Tavernéro a vintner a keeper of a tauerne or inne * Tavíque vide Tabíque a wattle wal of rods * Taxár to taxe to sesse tributes or subsidies * † Taxía worke in wood or iron * Taxón vide Tajón * Taxoncíllo vide Tajoncíllo * Taymáda raméra a close cunning harlot Taymádo a close subtill fellow * † Tazmía casting of accounts T E Téa f. the middle
Ponér el Boçál a Moozle vide Boçál Morall philosophie vide Filosofía morál Morally vide Moralménte Moralnes vide Moralidád More vide De mas More and more v. Mas y mas More or lesse vide Mas o ménos Moreouer vide Vltra de ésto the Morning v. La man̄ána the Morning watch vide A'lva the Morning starre vide Luzéro a Morphewe vide Alvarázos a Morrice pike vide Píca to Morrowe vide De man̄ána Man̄ána Morsell by morsell vide A pedaçós a Bocádos a Morsell vide Bocádo by Morsels or bits vide A bocádos by little Morsels A bocadíllos Mortalitie or great destruction vide Mortalidád Mortall vide Mortál a Mortall man vide Hómbre mortál a Mortall enimie vide Enimígo mortál Mortall hate v. O'dio mortál Mortally v. Mortalménte Morter vide Adóbe de bárro Méscla Morter very tough and clammie v. Betún or Betúmen a Morter vide Almiréz Mortéro Pilón to Mortifie vide Amortiguár Mortificár Mortified vide Amortiguádo Mortificádo a Mosell or moosell vide Boçál Mosse that groweth on trees v. Móho Mosse of the bearde vide Bóço de Bárva a Mossie place v. Mohóso Lugár to become Mossie v. Mohecér Mossines vide Véllo Mossie vide Vellóso Mohóso the Most part vide La mayór párte Motife vide Motívo a Motion vide Movimiénto full of Motion vide Motório a Moth vide Pollílla Tín̄a Moth-eaten vide Apollilládo Pollilládo to spoile with Mothes vide Apollillár full of Mothes vide Lléno de pollillas a Mother vide Mádre belonging to the Mother v. Matérno a step Mother vide Madrástra a god-Mother vide Madrína killing of the Mother vide Matricídio Motherlesse v. Huérfano de Mádre a Motherlesse childe vide Huérfano de mádre the Mother citie vide Metrópolis the Mother toong or language v. Léngua vulgár Motherwoort or Fetherfewe vide Margárça to Mooue or stirre vide Movér to Mooue or prouoke v. Comovér Provocár Incitár Mooued or stirred v. Comovído Movído Mooued or prouoked vide Provocádo Incitádo Mooued or displeased vide Enojádo a Moouing or motion vide Movimiénto Mooueable vide Móble Movíble Mooueable goods vide Múbles to Moulde or waxe mouldie vide Amohecér a Moulde or forme v. Mólde to put into a Moulde or cast into a mould vide Amoldár put into a Mould or cast in a mould vide Amoldádo Moulding of dough vide Amassadúra to Moulde breade v. Amassár Hen̄ír Moulded vide Amassádo Hen̄ído a Moulding boarde vide Amassadúra to waxe Mouldie vide Ahilár Amohecér Mouldy vide Ahiládo Mohóso Mouldines vide Móho to Mounte ordinance vide Encavalgár artillería to Mounte vp vide Subír Mounting vide Subída Mounted vide Subído to get vp on the Mountaines vide Amontár full of Mountaines vide Montuóso a Mountaine vide Mónte Montan̄a the Mountaines v. Montán̄as Móntes to Mourne vide Lamentár Plan̄ír to Mourne at funeralles vide Endechár to Mourne or crie as a stocke or turtle doue vide Arrullárse la palóma a Mourning vide Lúto a Mourning hoode vide Hoode a Mourning garment vide Mogilón Mongíl Mongilón a Mourner vide Endechadéro Enlutádo Llorón clad like a Mourner v. Lutádo Mournefull vide Lloróso Lutóso a Mournefull song v. Elegía a Mouse v. Ráta Ratón a field Mouse vide Musgán̄o a dor-Mouse v. Lirón a little Mouse vide Ratoncíllo Mouse eaten vide Ratonádo a Mouse trap vide Ratonéra a Mouchatoes vide Mostáchos Bigóte a Mouth vide Bóca the Mouth of a well v. Bocál de pózo the Mouth of a hauen v. Bóca de río a Mouthfull vide Bocádo by Mouthfuls or bits vide A bocádos to put into the mouth vide Embocár wide Mouthed vide Boçúdo foule Mouthed v. Boquirróte to Mowe or mocke with the mouth vide Hazér mómios to Mowe vide Segár Mowed vide Segádo a Mower vide Guadan̄adór Segadór M V Much vide Múcho verie Much vide muy Múcho to make Much of vide Acariciár Regalár Halagár how Much vide Quánto so Much vide Tánto too Much vide Demasiádo in so Much vide en Tánto a Mucke-hill v. Muladár a Muckerchiefe handkerchiefe or napkin v. Pan̄izuélo Mud or slime vide Ciéno Límo Muddie or full of mud v. Cienóso a Mudwall vide Tápia to make a Mud wall v. Tapiár Muddie vide Cienóso Limóso a Mue for haukes v. Halconéra to Muffle vide Arreboçárse Muffling vide Arrebóço a Muffler vide Antifáz Muffled vide Arreboçádo Mugwort an herbe so called v. Artemísia a Mule vide Múla Múlo a great Mule vide Azémila a Mule or high soaled shooe v. Chapín a Muletor vide Azemiléro belonging to a Mule v. Azemilár a Mullet fish v. Bárbo Albúr Salmonéte Mulse or water honie v. Melója a Mulberie vide Móra a Mulberie tree v. Morál syrupe of Mulberies v. Arrópa de móras to Multiply or encrease v. Multiplicár Multiplied v. Multiplicádo a Multiplier v. Multiplicadór Multiplying v. Multiplicación a Multitude v. Muchedúmbre Multitúd Poblázo to Mumble with the mouth v. Refunfun̄ár Mumbling vide Refunfun̄ándo a Mummerie v. Momería Mummie vide Mómia Céra de minéra a disease called the Mumpes vide Esípula Mumpsicke vide Esipuládo to Mundifie v. Mundificár a Mungrell or Mongrell vide Mestízo Munition vide Munición a Munkie v. Míca Míco a little Munkie v. Miquíllo to Murder vide Matár Murder vide Matánça Murdered vide Matádo a Murderer vide Estragadór Matadór Murdering v. Estrágo Matánça a Murion or steele peece for the head vide Morrión Capacéte to Murmur or mutter v. Murmurár Reçongár a Murmurer v. Murmuradór Reçongadór Murmuring v. Mormóllo Murmuración Muscadell or sweete wine vide Moscatél the Muscle or fleshie part of the bodie vide Morezíllo Mussles vide Mosillónes a Muse vide Músa a Mushrome or toadstoole vide Hóngo full of Mushromes vide Hongóso a great Mushrome vide Getón Musicke or the arte of musicke v. Música Musicke plaide to one at the breake of the daie v. Alboráda or Alvoráda Muske vide Algália Almísque a Muske ball v. Trochísco a Muske cat v. Gáto de algália a Musket v. Mosquéte a Musketier v. Mosquetéro a Musket shot v. Mosquetázo a Muskle vide Muscle the Mustache or that part of the beard which is on the vpper lip vide Bigóte Mostáchos Mustarde vide Mustáza Mustarde seed v. Mostáza Mostázo to Muster vide Hazér Alárde a Muster v. Muéstra Alárde Resén̄a a Muster master v. Veedór a Mustering v. Alárde Resén̄a Muéstra Mustie v. Mohóso Emmohescído to be Mutable v. Ser mudáble Mutable v. Alteráble Mudáble Movíble Mutabilitie vide Mutabilidád Mutation vide Mutación Mute or dumbe vide Enmudecído Múdo to waxe Mute or dumbe vide Enmudecér to make or stirre vp a Mutinie vide Amotinár a Mutinie vide Motín a Mutinous fellow v. Amotinadór made Mutinous v. Amotinádo to Mutter v. Reçongár Refunfun̄ár a Mutterer v. Reçonguéro Reçongadór Refunfun̄adór a Muttering v. Refunfún̄o Mutton vide Carnéro Mutuall vide Mutuál a Muzell or
Aguzadéra a whetstone whereon oyle being put the grauers and caruers do whet their instruments It may be also taken for a barbers whetstone * Agenádo m. alienated estranged * Agenadór m. one that alienateth or estrangeth or withdraweth away his friendship Agenamiénto m. casting off alienating or estranging Agenár to alienate to be vnacquainted with to abstaine from to alter to estrange Agenár el híjo to cast off a sonne Agéno or Ajéno m. strange diuers vnlike not agreeable estranged from vs not agreeing with Agéno sér de algúna cósa to be vnacquainted with a matter To be estranged or alienated from a matter Ageráto m. a kinde of Agrimonie some call it Mawdline Eupatorie * Agi m. a kinde of pepper which groweth in India it beareth a fruit or seed long as ones finger it bites in the mouth like pepper and for that vse the Indians vse it in sauces and other meates It is a kinde of long pepper The Spaniard calleth it Pimiénto id est pepper Agijón vide Aguijón a pricke a sting * A'gil m. nimble actiue * Agitídes veines vnder the toong * Agnádo a kinsman by the fathers side * Agiustár to make iust euen straight * aGoçár id est a Gozár to enioy take pleasure or delight in * Agolár la véla de navío to hoise vp saile as high as it will goe Agonía f. Agonie * Agoniádo m. pressed or vexed Agonizándo giuing vp the ghost Agóra id est a óra now of late or a while ago heereafter euen nowe at length Agorár yo Aguéro to gesse at to diuine to foretell to tell fortunes Agoréro m. a soothsayer a diuiner a teller of fortunes or of things to come one that gesseth neerely at matters a cunning man Agorería f. skill in soothsaying telling of things to come c. * aGorrachádo vide aGarrochádo * aGorrochár vide aGarrochár Agostadéro m. a summer house a banquetting house or garden house * Agostadór m. one that dwelleth in a summer house Agostár to dwell in a summer house to summer in a place to keepe in a garden house Also to digge the grounde for vines in August Agósto vide Aósto m. the moneth August * aGotádo emptied quite out drawen out euery drop * aGotadór m. an emptier of welles or pits c. * aGotádúra f. emptying of a well pit or any other thing drawing out of euerie drop aGotár to emptie to drawe quite out Agoveár to submit to humble himselfe A'gra vide Agúda * aGraciádo m. gratious in fauour * Agradáble gratefull acceptable well liked of pleasant * Agradableménte pleasantly acceptablie Agradádo m. accepted liked of Agradamiénto gratefulnes good acceptance well liking pleasing Agradár to please to like well to delight Agradecér yo agradésco to thanke to giue thankes to shewe gratitude Agradecído m. thankefull gratefull taken in good part Agradecimiénto m. gratefulnes thanks giuing gratifying doing good Agradescér vide Agradecér Agraménte sharpely sowerly Agramónia vide Agrimónia * Agravadaménte vide Agraviadaménte * Agravádo vide Agraviádo * Agravár vide Agraviár Agraviadaménte greeuously in a chafe vexingly molestfully * Agraviádo m. greeued vexed molested greeuous hainous * Agraviadór m. one that vexeth greeueth molesteth troubleth setteth in a chafe Agraviár to greeue to vexe molest or set in a chafe to trouble Agrávio m. greefe vexation trouble affliction molestation Agrás or Agráz Veriuice a sower grape home vnmade oyle vnclarified * A'gras palábras sharpe or sower speeches bitter wordes * Agrélles an herbe called Sorrell * A'gria f. a nit in the haire * Agricultúra f. husbandrie tilling of the ground plowing * Agricultór a tiller of the grounde a plowman a husbandman Agrimónia f. an herbe called Agrimonie * A'grio vide Acérbo sharpe sower tarte A'grio or Acérbo m. sower tart sharp Also a field A'gro or Cámpo m. a field Agrúra f. sharpenes tartnes of taste A'gua f. water * A'gua de ángeles a water drawen out of white Roses white Lillies and Iasmins * A'gua de Azahár f. water of flowers of Orenges A'guarozáda f. water of rose * A'gua de trébol water of Trefoile A'guas vivas the spring tides the flowing and ebbing of the sea * A'guas muértas dead or standing waters Also a cittie in Prouence * Aguáda as Hagámos aguáda let vs take in fresh water into a ship * Hazér aguáda to take in fresh water into a ship † Aguadán̄a f. Guadán̄a A syeth Aguadéro m. a water bearer Also the sinke of a kitchin c. Aguadór vide Aguadéro * Aguadór del Reál a water bearer to a campe Aguádo m. watered foundered as a horse Also it signifieth one that drinketh nothing but water Aguadúcho m. a conduit a water-course Aguaitádo m. watched for lyen in waite for Aguaitadór m. a lyer in waite for a deceiuer Aguaitadóra cósa f. a deceitful matter a matter craftily compassed Aguaitamiénto m. an ambush a lying in wait craftie packing cunning conueyance deceitfull dealing Aguaitár vide Assechár to lay an ambush to lye in waite for to seeke for to deceiue or intrap Aguamaníl m. a bason an ewer a lauer Sometime a cruse small pot or pitcher * Aguamános water to wash the handes Aguamiél water with hony meade Aguanóso m. full of water waterish Aguapíe m. the smaller or second wine sharpe wine The first wine is called Yéma the second Aguapie the third Niéto * Aguár to water to alay with water * Aguár vino to lay the strength of wine by putting in water or to mingle water with wine * Aguardár to waite for to stay for to tarry for * Aguárdame vn póco stay or tarrie for me a little * Aguarvár vide Agradár Aguatócho m. the cocke of a conduit a tap to draw drinke at a spoute a syring a water squirt * Agúcia vide Acúcia sharpnes quicknes of conceit * Aguciadaménte vide Acuciadaménte sharply wittily * Aguciár vide Acuciár to sharpen to quicken the wit * Agúda or A'gra vide Agraménte Agudaménte sharply wittilie readily Agudéza f. sharpnes quicknes of conceit readines of wit nimblenes of sight the edge of any weapon or toole Agúdo m. sharpe in taste quicke conceited ready witted quicke of sight sharp in cutting * Aguéla or Abuéla f. a grandmother Aguélo or Abuélo m. a grandfather * Aguére Aguéro vide Agorár to soothsay to tell fortunes or foreshew of things to come Aguéro m. a soothsaying a telling of fortunes foreshewing of things to come * Agugerár vide Agujerár to make full of holes * Agugéta vide Agujéta a point a lace * Agugetéro vide Agujetéro a point-maker Agúja f. a needle a stone broad and large below and sharpe and narrow aboue Also a kind of fish * Agúja de bolsár a stitching needle * Agúja de mareár a compasse for mariners to sayle by * Agúja marína a fish with a long sharpe beake like a needle Also an hearb with a kinde of blade showting vp sharpe * Agújas pampíllas an hearbe called storkes bill
Kneehuluer * Bruscadór m. one that vseth or selleth Kneeholme * Bruscár Praes yo Brúsco 1. Praet yo Brusqué to heate a ships side with burning reede * Brúsco vide Brúsca * Brúsque vide Bruscár Brutál or Brúto brutish beastly Brúto idem Brúxa or Brúxo a hagge a fiende a witch Brúxula para tirár f. the aime string or beade they shoote with that which they take their aime by in a crosse-bowe or such like * Brúxula f. a boxe wherein the marriners compasse is set and fastned Also the marriners compasse * Búas vide Búbas f. Buáro or Buárro an owle * Búbas f. the french pockes a swelling in the flanke rising of that disease * Bubóso m. full of the pocks * Búces as Beuér de búces to drinke by sips to lie downe and drinke at the riuer with the mouth after the manner of cattell Búche de animál the maw of a beast Buchéte a cheeke a pop with the mouth * Budián vide Bodián * Buélco de dádo m. the tumbling or rolling of a die * Buélco m. a tumbling a falling downe rolling or tumbling * Buélco Buelque vide Bolcár * Buéle Buélo vide Bolár Buélo m. a flight * Lleuár en Buélo to take away quickly * Buélque vide Bolcár Buélta f. a returne a turning away a turning round * aBuéltas togither * Ser de buélta to come backe againe * Buélta dár to wheele about to giue a turne * Buélto al revéz a turning backe turned backe Buélto m. turned tumbled tossed changed * Buélva Buélvo vide Bolvér Buenaménte well Buéno m. good * Buen̄ól a simnell or bunne made of flower oile and raisins Buétagos or Bófes the lungs the tripes or bellie of a beast Buéy m. an oxe Buey nóvo or Novillo a steere Buéytre m. a vultur Bueytréra a place to kill vultures Also a kinde of fishing net Búfalo a buffle a kinde of wilde oxe * Búfano vide Búfalo Bufár to puffe to blowe as a horse * Buféo m. a great kinde of fish Buféte m. a standing table * † Buffár to huffe puffe or snort as a horse bull or other such beast doth Bufido m. puffing blowing or snuffing of a horse * Bufón m. a iester Vide Truhán * Bugállas f. galles vsed of diars * Bugelládas f. painting for womens faces * Bugelladór a maker or seller of painting for womens faces Bugerías f. trifles * Bugulósa Buglosse Búho m. an owle shrich-owle Buhonéro m. a pedlar a seller of small wares vp and downe the countrie * Búho sólo m. an owle alone Bujarroneár to commit sinne against nature Bujarrón m. a buggerer Búla f. a Popes bull Bulár la frénte to burne the forehead Búlbo m. a wilde oinion * Buldéro m. vide Buléro * Buléro a carrier of pardons or buls * Búlla a seditious or tumultuous stirre * Bullénte stirring boiling Bullício m. a tumult a sturre a hurly burly a sedition * Bulliciosaménte tumultuously * Bullicióso m. contentious bent to wrangling Bullidúra f. springing vp boyling Bullir to spring vp to boile vp Bullón m. an Irish skeine Búlto m. shape the bulke of the body * Búlto de vóz a great voice * † Bun̄olería f. the place where they sell buns or little cobloaues or where they make them * † Bun̄oléto m. he that maketh or selleth cobloaues † Bun̄uélos m. pancakes cobloaues buns * Burátos m. a kinde of light thin stuffe for clokes vsed in Spaine or most vsed for womens mantels there Cipres or Cipers such as they make hatbands of Burbugeár to bubble Burbúja or Ampólla a bubble on the water Burdégano m. a mule Burdél or Puteria a stewes a brothel-house * Búrgos a citie in old Castile in Spaine * Buriél a kinde of cloth Buríl m. a grauing toole * Burín a goldsmithes instrument to graue or carue with Búrla f. a iest a mocke a scoffe a deceit Burladór m. a iester a mocker a deceiuer * Burlándo iesting Burlár to iest to mocke to deceiue * Burlílla a pretie iest Burlón m. a iester * Búrra f. a shee asse * Burrásca f. a tempest or storme at sea * Burrátos a kinde of stuffe whereof they make womens mantels in Spaine * Búrto a hee asse * Búrro pece a sea fish * Burújo m. the husks of grapes or such like fruite after the wine or iuice is pressed out Búsca f. a search seeking * Buscádo m. sought searched * Buscadór m. a seeker a searcher Buscár Praes yo Búsco 1. Praet yo Busqué to search to seeke * Busqué vide Buscár * Bustamántes a surname of a certaine linage in Spaine * Butréra f. a place where they catch vultures a place where baite is laid for vultures Also a fishing net Búva vide Búbas f. the pocks a botch a bile * † Buxahamél a Moorish daunce Buxéta f. a box a little box a ciuet box * Búxula f. vide Brúxula a place where they keepe the compasse a shipboord * Buýtre m. a vulture * Buytréra a place to kill vultures in or to catch vultures * Buytron m. a wee le to catch or to keepe fish in the water * Echár Buytrónes to cast weeles in the water to catch fish * Buyzillo a yoong bullocke a steere * Búzano m. a diuer a ducker vnder water as Moores doe in the Indies for pearles * Búzio m. a certaine cockle fish with a smooth shell glistering like the mother of pearle Also the same as Búzano * Búzo vide Búzano * Bý●sa f. a cheuerell skin to make purses with * Býsa vide Býze * Býze the north winde C * CA id est Que for for that Cabál iust right * Cabála f. a mysticall science of heauenly things or reuelation of things secret professed by the Rabbies * Cabalía f. idem * Cabalísta m. one professing the arte of Cabála * Cabalístico m. of or pertaining to the arte of Cabála mysterious cabalisticall * Cabálla vide Caválla * Caballaríza vide Cavallaríza * Caballéro vide Cavalléro * Caballíllo vide Cavallíllo * Cabállo vide Cavállo m. * Cabalménte iustly rightly Cabán̄a f. a cabbin a cottage a shepherds cottage a soldiers cabbin Caban̄uéla f. a little cottage a little cabbin Cábe neere to hard by Cábe the verbe Impersonall it is held it is contained it happeneth it contayneth or holdeth Cabéça f. a head Cabéça de pérro the head of a dog or an herbe called dogs-head * Cabéça de ternéro f. an herbe called Calues snowte or Snapdragon * Cabéça verguençádo f. the nut of a mans yard * Cabeçáda f. a blow with the head against the wall the headstall for a horse A stickneckednes a wilfulnes a stubbornes a headstrongnes Cabeçáda de cavállo the headstall of a bridle Cabeçádo m. a headstall for a horse Also the vamping or putting to the instops to bootes * Cabeçáje vide Cabeçamiénto Cabeçál m. a pillow a bolster Cabeceamiénto m. nodding shaking of the head Cabeceár to nod to shake the head * Cabeceléro the
executor of a testament Cabeçéra f. the vpper end of a table bed or other thing Cabecéra de cáma a beds head Cabeçéra de méza the vpper ende of a table Cabeçón the necke band of a shirt a falling band the necke of a dublet a man with a great head the coller of any garment * Cabeçón a towne of Castile not farre from Valladolid Cabéço or Cérro m. a hill Cabeçúdo m. head-strong great-headed Cabeçuéla f. a little or small head Cabelládo m. long haired Cabelladúra f. the bush of haire * Cabelladúra agéna a false haire Cabelléra f. a periwig a false haire Cabéllos m. the haire of the head Cabellóso m. hairie full of haire * Cabellúdo m. idem Cabér Praes Quépo cábes cábe 1. Praet Cúpe cupíste cúpo Fut. Cabré cabrás cabrá Sub. Praes Quépa Jmperfect Cupiéra cabría or cupiésse Fut. Cupiére to receiue or containe or to be contained or receiued in any thing * Cabérna f. a caue Cabéro m. the last Cabestrár to halter Cabestráge m. haltering Cabestréro m a roape-maker Cabéstro m. d halter * Cabezáda vide Cabeçáda * Cabezcaydo wri-necked his head fallen downe * Cabezéra vide Cabecéra * Cabezón or Cabaçón the necke or collar of a dublet the necke band of a shirt a falling band Also one with a great head * Cabezúdo vide Cabeçúdo head-strong or hauing a great head * Cabezuéla vide Cabeçuéla * Cabída f. an entrance * Cabída tenér to haue interest with one Cabído contained receiued taken * muy Cabído verie familiar * Cabildádas f. sentences giuen by the senate Cabíldo a senate the chapter or whole societie of the Dean and Prebends in a Cathedrall Church An assembly of Aldermen A corporation of a citie Cabildo de yglésia a Chapter house * Cabíllo m. a little end the small end * Cabizbáxo the head downeward * Cáble m. a cable roape * Cableçádas de cavállo headstals for horse Cábo or Cávo m. an end a finishing or conclusion * Cábo de esquádra a corporall among souldiers Cábo de cuchíllo the hafte of a knife * Cábo or Pún̄o a handle or pummell Cábo de tiérra a cape a headland * † çabórda f. a boarding or arriuing of a ship close to land or close to a wharse or key * † çabordár to approch with a shippe close to lande or close to a wharfe landing place or key Cábra f. a shee goate * Cábra pece a fish called a gurnard Cábra Silvestre or montezína a wilde goate * Cábra a towne of Andaluzía * çabra vide Zábra Cabrahígo a wild figge tree or figge it selfe * Cabraýgo idem Cabrahigár to ripen figs to set wilde figs. Cabréro m. a goatherd Cabrerízo idem * Cabrestánte m. a capston in a ship Cabriál or Cábrio a rafter a quarter se● on ende to lift some thing on high with * Cabrílla f. a little goate also vide Cabríllas Cabríllas f. a. constellation called the goate and kids Cabrio vide Cabriál * Cabriólas f. capering in dauncing * Cabriolár to caper * Cabritíco m. a kid or little goate Cabríto m. kid * Cabríto montés a wilde goate Cabritúno m. belonging to a kid Cabrón m. a he goate a great goate * Cabronzíllo montés m. a roe bucke Also a mountaine or wilde goate * Cabrúna f. a goates skin Cabrúno of a goate çabullído m. diued vnderwater plunged in water laide in a deepe sleepe † çabullír to diue or ducke vnder water to plunge in water to laie a sleepe a chace Cáça f. birding fowling bunting fishing wilde foule Cáça de áves Birding * Caçádo hunted * Cáçádo as lo han caçádo they haue caught him in a snare they haue hunted him Caçadóra f. a huntresse Caçadóra cósa a thing belonging to hunting hawking fishing or fowling Caçadór m. hunter Caçár to hunt to hauke to fish to foule * Caçáráves to foule to goe a birding Cacareár to cackle as a hen * † Cáchas de cuchíllo f. the hafte of a knife * Cacheár or Cachár en pedácos to cleaue in peeces Cachéte m. a strouting out of the cheekes with much meate or winde a whirret on the cheeke Cacheteádo m. whirretted on the cheeke smitten on the cheeke with a hand * Cachetón m. a whirret on the cheeke * Cachónda pérra a bitch that goeth proud Cachórro m. a whelpe Cácho a crust a peece a lumpe * Cachorríco or Cachoríco m. a little whelpe * Cachorríto m. idem Cacíque m. an Indian prince * Cáco m. a sonne of Vulcan who was a notorious theefe wasting all Italie vntill Hercules slue him Cáco de cóbre a brasen vessell to put pots in as butlers vse by the cupboord Cáço de hiérro a fleshhooke a pipkin a trout speare * Caçoléta f. a touchpan of a smal peece Also a little pipkin * Caçoléta del poluorín f. a touchpan for powder of a peece Caçolílla f. a little skillet Caçón a fish of whose skin water glue is made * Caçórla f. a citie in the kingdome of Granada in Spaine Caçórro m. couetous sparing niggardly Caçuéla f. a pipkin * Caçuéla para pringár a pipkin to keepe hot larde to drop vpon Moores or Neagers and on other malefactors Also a pipkin with dripping in it that the poorer sort eate of Cáda euery Cáda día euery day Cáda dos y cáda tres días each two and three daies euery second or thirde day Cáda buéno euery good man Cáda qual euery such a one Cadan̄éro of euery yeere yeerely * Cadaldia vide Cada dia. * Cádalécho m. a horselitter or chaire to carrie one in a cowch or little bed a beere for dead men the sides of a bed † Cadahálso m. a scaffold whereon execution is done a pulpit a preaching place * Cada hóra each hower * Cadárço course silke rawe silke Cada ruyn euery bad man * Cada séndos euery one one each one one * Cada vez euery time Cada vno Euery one * Cadéna f. a chaine * Cadenilla f. a little chaine Cadéra the hip the huckle bone a chaire with a backe * Cadinillas vide Colláres * Cádis the citie of Cales in Spaine * Cadózes gudgeons * Caducéo a signe of peace Mercuries mace Cadúco m. weake Caér Praes yo Cáygo 1. Praet yo Caý to fall Caedizo ruinous readie to fall * çafarí granáda the principall pomegranate a kinde of pomegranate * çafarihígo a chiefe or principall fig. † Cáfila f. a companie of beastes togither a companie of base people togither * çáfio rude rusticall çáfio en lengua rude in any tongue çafír piedra the saphir stone * çáfra f. a citie in Spaine † çága f. the end * Cagádo shitten Cagajón or Cagádo m. a turde * Cagadór m. a shiter a fish called a sea hare * çagál vide Zagál * çágano vide Zágano Cagár Praes yo Cágo 1. Praet yo Cagué to shite * Cagárolo de már a welke fish a perwinkle * Cagarrútas f. goates turdes or sheepes turdes or
a rased plaine an open fielde without any hedge ditch or other encombrance a bare peece of ground * piéças de Campán̄a fielde peeces of ordinance Campanário f. a steeple a tower of bels a belfrie Also iangling or ringing of bels Campanéro m. a bell ringer a sexten of a church a bell founder * Campan̄eár to ring a bell * Campan̄o m. pertaining to Campania a prouince in Italy Campeár to pitch a field Also to destroy or waste a countrey with an armie * Campeár vn vandéro to flourish an ensigne * Campéche a kind of wood growing in India verie medicinable Campesíno of or pertaining to the field Campéro m. he that keepeth the field Campéstre m. rude rusticall belonging to the field wild vnciuill Campín̄a f. a higher champian ground then the rest * Campión m. a champion Cámpo m. a field a camp an armie an host of men a field in armorie Also an escape * çampón̄a f. a bag pipe an oten-pipe Also a bell hanged about sheepe or gotes a lowbell * çampon̄ár to sound or play vpon any kind of reed or pipe çampuzár to be drowned * Camúça f. kids leather Camuéça or Camuéza f. a pippin * Camuéço m. the pippin tree * Camuéso idem * Camuéza vide Camuéça * Camuézo vide Camuéço Cán a dog in generall An instrument to pull out teeth a snap-hance the name of a fish Can sóbre que cargán vigas the post in a house which Carpenters call the Summer * Cána as Bárva cána a hoare white beard Also a Barricado or fortification to defend the enemie * Cana vide Cán̄a the stalke of a pipe a cane a reed a pipe a fishing or angling rod a barrel a rundlet a mās throte also a leaden pipe or gullet to carie water * Canabálla f. a kinde of boates in olde time made of Osyers and reeds couered with leather pitched with pitch and Rosin * Can̄ahója f. or Cegúta an herbe called Hemlocke † çanahórias f. caret-roots † Canál f. a channell a gutter a pipe carrying water to a conduit a water-course * Canál de tejádo a gutter made of tiles Canaládo m. chamfured that is wrought hollow or indented as a reede or pipe * Canálla f. the base people raskalitie the skum of the earth raskall people onely fit for dogs company Also a company of vnprofitable women gathered togither * Canária f. one of the Ilands of Canaria * Canário m. a man of these Ilands Also a Canarie bird Cánas f. hoarie haires Canásta f. a great maund or basket a dosser a pannier Canastílla f. a little hand-basket * Canastíllo a little basket * Canástro or Can̄ásto a basket or dosser * Canaverál vide Can̄averál a place where canes grow * Cánbio vide Cámbio † çánca de piérna f. a small leg a spindle shanke † çancadílla f. a hopping or tripping çancadíllas armár to trip † çancajóso m. croockt legged one that hath croocked legs stump footed * Cançár vide Cansár çancarrón m. a dead horse leg the bone of the leg * Cancél or Canzél m. a peece of wainscote to set before a chimney in summer time or a portall of wainscote to barre the looking into a roome when the other doore standeth open * Cancellaría f. the description of publique orders and lawes in tables * Cancellár or Cancelár to cancell to abolish to frustrate to disanull * Cancellário m. a chauncellor Cánçer m. a sea crab or crab fish Also one of the 12. signes called by that name Cancer also a canker that eateth a disease in the mouth or other parts Cançión f. a song a singing a sonnet a canzonet a ballet a dittie a lay a rundelay a virelay Cancionéro m. a song-booke a dittie-booke † çáncos stilts such as they vse to goe with in fens startops Also woodden pattens or chappines Also crouches † çancúdos gnats with long legs Candádo m. a hanging-locke a padlocke such as men hang vpon trappe-doores Also a bolt or barre of a doore Also a button a buckle a tacke or hooks and eies of siluer c. vsed of women in times past * Candádos de los ójos the eie lids Candaléro de tinieblas vide Candeléro de tinieblas a great candlesticke to set on many candles to giue great light * Candalíza f. a great corde wherewith they pull vp or hoise vp saile Candéda the flower of chestnuts Candéla f. a candle a light Candeléro m. a chandler Also a candlesticke * Candeléro de tinieblas a candle-branch that hath many candlestickes in it * Candelica f. a little candle * Cándia f. Candia or Creete * Candiál of Candiae or red wheat Candiál trigo faire red wheate * Cándido m. white pure sincere cleere friendly † Candíl m. a lampe a candle * Candiléro a chaundeler Also a candlesticke Candiléjos de Judíos newe lampes of the Iewes Candióta f. a vessell of Creete any kind of barrell or firken a rundlet a little tub a tubbe of any kinde a brewers or vintners fatte a trough or washing boule Also a kinde of measure of liquid things * Canecíllo vide Canezíllo Canéla f. Cynamon * Canelón m. a Cynamon tree or comfits made of sugar and Cynamon Canéz f. baldnes * Canezíllo m. a bragget or corbell in building placed in a wall to beare vp the summer or principall of a house it is a iuttie of stone or timber on the outside of the wall to support the maine poast of the building * † Cánfora f. Camphire Cangilón an earthen vessell to carrie water * çángano vide Zángano * çánges vide Zánges * çángo vide Zángano * Cangréja f. a kinde of crab fish called a Fryll Cangréjo a crab or creuish Also a dragging hooke Also the crampe a foolish fellow a noddie a gull Also a disease or crampe in a horse * Cangrejóla vide Cangréja a little creuish a prawne a shrimpe * † çanjádo m. compassed about with hollow bankes * † çánja f. vide Barránco * Caniculáres m. the dogge daies Canílla de bráço the bone of the arme * Canílla de piérna the shanke * Canílla en pán̄o a quill of yarne wouen loose in the cloath * Canílla de cúba or Tinája the faucet wherein they put the spigot into a barrell or other vessell * Canilléras armour for the legs Also the hole of a faucet or spigot out of which the drinke runneth * Caníncro sabúco or sáuco elderne * Caníno m. dogged currish of a dogge the weede called houndgrasse prouoking vomite a worme breeding in a horse Also a little dogge † Cán̄a a quill a pen a reede Cán̄a fistola Cassia fistula an apothecaries drugge † Can̄áda or Can̄ádo a cragge or cliffe a rocke a caue a way to driue sheepe a sheepe or goates walke Can̄ahéja or Can̄ahéxa a clouen cane or reede Also a kinde of mantle that shepheards weare Also a reede or sedge or bent growing by the water side Also a kinde of shrub Also an herbe like bigge fennell called
boare which destroied all the countrey thereabout * Erýnnis the name of one of the furies of hell as the Poets did imagine E S * Esalación f. an exhaling or drawing vp of vapors from the earth and waters by force of the sunne and of the coniunction of other fierie planets * EsAlçár to lift vp to raise vp * Esaltór to exalt to lift vppe to aduance E'sca f. tinder to catch fire with when it is stricken Escabéche or Escavéche m. pickle for fish the brine that salt herings and other saltfish is kept in * Escabél or Escavél a stoole to sit on a forme to sit on Escabélo or Escavélo a forme to sit on Escabiósa f. the herbe called Scabious Escabróso rough rugged craggie and sharpe froward wilfull peruerse vntoward Escabullimiénto m. slipping or sliding away escaping or stealing away Escabullirse to slippe or slide awaie to escape away or steale away priuily * Escacedád f. holding fast sparing niggardlines Escála f. a ladder a paire of staires or of greeses * Escaláda f. a scaling a getting vp by ladder c. Escaladór m. a scaler a climer by ladders or otherwise a pilferer a michar that creepeth in at windowes c. * Escálamos wooden pinnes in a shippe c. wooden pegs Escalár to scale by ladders to climbe to scale fishes or to scrape off their scales * Escaldádo scalded with hot water * Escaldár to scald with hot water esCalentadór m. a warming pan esCalentamiénto warming esCalentár yo esCaliénto to warme to waxe warme to make warme Escaléra a paire of staires or greeses * esCaliénte esCaliénto vide esCalentár Escalón m. a step or greese of a paire of staires Escalóna f. a scallion a kinde of onion Escáma f. a scale of fish or of such like * Escamádo m. scaled the scales being scraped off Escamadúra f. scaling or scraping off the scales Escamár to scale or get off the scales of fish t. * Escambrónas vide Escambrónes * Escambronéra f. a kinde of bramble Escambrónes a kinde of white bramble Escambróso vide Escabróso rugged rough froward c. Escamóchos m. fragments broken meat leauings orts Escamondár to shaue to make cleane Escamonéa f. scammonie the iuice of an herbe vsed to purge choler with Escamóso m. scalie full of scales that beareth scales Escampár to escape to get away * Escáncia f. skinking filling of pots glasses or cups to drinke out of Escanciáno m. a skinker a filler of pots cups or glasses to drinke out of a keeper of the cupboord Escanciár to skinke to fill out of flagons or great pots glasses cups or cruses to drinke in to keepe the cupboord of plate * Escandelár a cabbin in the middest of a galley so called Escandalizár to offend to giue cause of offence Escándalo m. an offence a scandall a cause of offence giuen Escándia f. a kinde of fine wheate Escanlizar vide Escandalizar Escán̄o or bánco a bench Escantár vide enCantír Escapár to escape to get away * Escapulário de fráyle a friers vpper attire which hangeth downe loose halfe behinde and halfe before to the feete In Oxford they call it a habite which is an vpper attire in that fashion worne on schollers gownes Escáques m. checker worke of diuers colours as the chesse boord or such like * Escaqueár to play at chesse * Escarabájo vide Escaravájo Escaramúça f. a skirmish Escaramuçár to skirmish Escaramúgos a kinde of shell woorme breeding on rocks and on the sides of ships being sharpe toward the top lympins Escaramújo wilde eglantine dogbramble * Escaravegeár to scribble in writing * Escaravájo m. a beetle flie a dore flie that delighteth in dung * Escarbádo vide Escarvádo scraped scratched * Escarbár vide Escarvár to scrape to scratch * Escarcéla f. a satchell a powch a bag * Escarcelár to put in a satchel or powch * Escarcelón m. a pouch a scrip a purse * Escárcha f. driuen small snowe * Escarchádo m. driuen as beaten snow * Escardadór m. a raker a weeder a harrower * Escardadúra f. a raking a weeding a harrowing * Escardár to rake to weede corne to weede a garden to harrow * Escárdas f. weedes that they take out of the corne or wheate * Escardílla a little rake a little weede-hooke Escardíllo a rake a weede-hooke Escarlatín m. scarlet die graine wherewith cloth is died in graine scarlet in graine Escarmentádo m. afraid warned scarred Escarmentár yo Escarmiénto to affraie to admonish to warne to skarre * Escarmiénto m. a warning a scarring affraying * Escarmiénto Escarmiénte vide Escarmentár Escarnecedór m. a mocker a scoffer a scorner Escarnecér or Escarnescér to scoffe to scorne to abuse to deride Escarnecído m. scorned derided mocked abused flouted at Escarnecimiénto m. mocking ieering or flouting deriding skorning * Escarnidór m. a mocker a scoffer Escarnidór de água an hower-glasse that runneth with water * Escarnído vide Escarnecído Escárnio or Escarnescimiénto skorning flouting mocking gibing iesting at Imagerie worke * Escárpia f. a hooke a tenter hooke Escarpín m. a socke to weare on the foote or pumpes * Escarpínes pumpes or sockes Escarvadiéntes a tooth picker a tooth scraper Escarvadór Rasadór or Raspadór a shoomakers cutting knife Escarvadúra f. scraping scratching Escarvageár to scribble to write raggedlie Escarva-oréjas an eare-picker Escarvár to scrape to scratch * Escarvidór or Hurta-água a watering pot full of holes vsed to water gardens * Escaséza vide Escasséza niggardlines c. Escassaménte sparingly neerely couetously niggardly Escasséza f. sparingnes neernes couetousnes niggardlines Escásso or Escáso neere sparing couetous Escatinár vide çaherír to ieere or floute at Escáva de árboles laying open of trees about the roote Escavádo árbol a tree digged about the roote and laied open to make it more fruitfull Escavár árboles to lay trees open about the rootes * Escavéche pickle or brine for fish * Escavél vide Escabél * Escedír to exceede to surpasse to surmount to excell * Eschálmo m. a round peece of timber whereto the oares are tied * Eschár vide Echár en galéra to condemne to the galleies * Eschiuma de pláta skum or drosse of siluer Esclarecér to be famous to be cleere to be manifest Esclarecído m. famous cleere renowmed Esclarecimiénto m. fame renowme cleerenes excellencie nobilitie estimation perspicuitie * Esclarimiénto m. Amber Esclavína f. a satchell a pouch or a kinde of garment which Pilgrimes vse to wander with and put their prouision in * Esclavitúd f. bondage seruitude Esclávo m. a slaue a bondman * Esclavónia f. the countrey called Slauonia * Esclúsa a flood-gate Escluýdo m. shut out excluded debarred * Escluymiénto m. shutting out excluding Escluýr to shut out to exclude to reiect to debar Escóba f. a beesome a brush a rubber * Escobádo m. brushed rubbed swept Escobájo de úvas the stalke of grapes or that stalke from which the grapes are plucked Escobár to brush to rub to sweepe Escobílla f. drosse filings or parings of mettall a little beesome a brush *
ones atturney * Persuadído m. perswaded * Persuadidór a perswader Persuación f. a perswasion Persuadír to perswade Pertinácia f. stubbornnesse Pertenecér yo Pertenésco or Pertenézco to belong to pertaine Perteneciénte or Pertenesciénte belonging pertaining Pertenéncia f. belonging pertaining * Pertenescér vide Pertenecér yo Pertenésco or Pertenézco to belong to pertaine * Pertenézca Pertenésco vide Pertenecér Pértiga f. a pearch or pole to measure with a crosse beame a peece of timber framed crosse the rafters Pértiga de carréta the tongue of a plough the end of the plough that is before betwixt the horses Pertiguéro de yglésia the verger of the church * Pertinás vide Pertináz Pertináz stubborne peruerse obstinate vntoward * Pertréas f. hard bunches or swellings in the flesh blaines biles or poxe Pertréchos m. furniture prouision Perturbación f. trouble vexation disquietnes of minde Perturbádo m. troubled vexed disquieted Perturbár to trouble to bring out of quiet * Pervérso m. vntoward ouerthwart froward peruerse * Pervertír to peruert to turne to the worse to deale crossely Pervétano or Guadapéra a choke peare a choke peare tree or a wilde peare or wilde peare tree * Pervetír vide Pervertír * Perivínca an herbe called perwinkle * Pés vide Péz pitch Also fish Pesadaménte heauily sorrowfully Pesádo m. weightie heauie sorrowfull Pesadór m. he that weigheth Pesadúmbre f. weight griefe displeasure * Pésame it greeueth me Pesár to weigh Pesár or Péna sorrow greefe repentance * Pésca f. fishing or catching of fish * Pescáda Siciál or Pescádo Siciál a kinde of fish * Pescáda vide Merlúza a whiting Pescadería the fish market Pescadéro m. a fishmonger * Pescadillo m. a little fish Pescádo m. fish Pescadór m. a fisher Pescár Praes yo Pésco 1. Praet yo Pesqué to fish to catch fish * Pescár con can̄a or Pescár con vára to angle to catch fish with an angle rod. * Pésces polídos fishes smooth without skales Pescoçádo a buffet on the necke Pescoçón m. a blow on the necke Pescúda f. a question a demaund Pescudár to search to sift out a matter Pescuéço m. the necke * Pescuézo idem * Pése vide Péce Pesébre m. a manger Pesebréra the place or ranke of mangers * Pesia vide Pen̄ásco Péso m weight * Péso de pláta eight rials Spanish fower shillings English * Péso de óro sixteene rials Spanish eight shillings English * contra Péso a counterpoise * Pespuntádo m. stitched sowed vp * Pespuntár to stitch to sow vp that the stitches may appeare as they stitch nightcaps * Pespúnte m. a stitch a sowing vp * Pesque vide Pescár Pesquéra f. a fishing place Pesquería or Pesquéra idem Pesquísa f. search examining Pesquisár vide Pescudár to search to examine Pesquisidór a searcher an examiner an inquisitor * Pessádo weighed * Pessár to weigh Pestan̄as f. the haire on the eie-browes Also the welts of a garment * Péste f. the pestilence the plague * Pestífero pestilent pestiferous plaguie contagious * † Pestíllo a pestle to stampe with Pestiléncia f. pestilence called the Plague Pestilenciál belonging to the pestilence Pestillo m. a doore-bar * Pestoréjo m. the forepart of the head Pestoréjo de puérco a hogs cheeke Pesún̄a f. a disease of horses called the fashions Petáca f. a basket a hamper Petáfio m. an Epitaph to set on a dead mans graue in setting forth his praises * Petár a kinde of artillerie to batter lately inuented Petición f. a request a petition * Péto m. a breast-plate * Péto volánte a light breast-plate * Petrál a poitrall for a horse breast Petríl a raile to leane the breast on as before some colledges and before the Innes of court * Petrína f. a girdle also vsed for the girding place about the middle * Petróleo a kinde of slimie and chalkie ground Péxe the glue of a certaine kinde of fish * Péxego a peach * Pexiguéra yérva water pepper Peynádo combed carded Peynádo cérro a plaine steepe hill without trees or bushes * Peynadór m. a comber a carder of wooll a dresser of flaxe haire or such like Peynár to combe to carde wooll Péyne m. a combe Péyne as Peýne muy sobre Peýne briefely * Peynéro a combe maker Péz pitch a fish * Pezón de la téta the teate of the dug the nipple of the dugge * Pezpíca a wagtaile Pezpita f. a wagtaile * Pezpítalo a birde called a wagtaile P H * Phágro a sea Breame * Phalánge a squadron or troup of 8000 men with which the Persians were woont to warre * Phantásma f. a vaine vision a false imagination * Pharmáce a medicine a remedie Also that part of phisicke that cureth with drugges * Pharól Faról or Falól the great lanthorne on the poupe or sterne of the shippe * Phebéo m. pertaining to Phoebus * Phébo m. Apollo the sunne * Philosofár Philosophár vide Filosofár to play the philosopher to reason skilfully of morall and naturall matters * Philosophía Philosofía vide Filosofia f. philosophie skill of morall and naturall causes * Philosófo Philosópho vide Filósofo a philosopher one learned in morall and naturall matters * Phisica vide Fisíca * Phísico vide Fisico * Phisiognomía vide Fisiognomía P I Piadosaménte pittifully Piadóso pittifull Piár to peepe as a chicken doth Piára f. a flocke a heard * Pibétes vide Pivétes Pica a pike for a souldier * Pica de nin̄o a childes pricke Picáça or Picáza f. a birde called a Pie. * Picáda f. a peck that a bird or foule giueth with the beake Picadíllo m. a kind of broath or pottage Picádo m. a pricke a pecking mocked galled prouoked vrged Picadúra f. pricking galling a prouoking vrging Picán̄o m. a lewd fellow a base fellow * Picapléytos a wrangler a pettisoggar at law Picár to picke or pecke to bite as a fish doth at a baite to stinge as a Bee or such like Also to pricke or picke as with a pin or needle * Picárse de éllo to chafe or grieue at it * Picarél a fish almost like a pearch * Pícaro m. a simple base fellowe a poore labourer a porter Piçárras peeble stones * Picas sécas with onely pikes without their corslets on Picaviénto a contrarie winde * Picáza or Picáça a bird called a pie * Pícha vide Picáça * Pichél a pot to drinke in * Pichelléce a little pewter pot to drinke in * Pichelillo vide Pichelléte * Pichón m. a pigeon Píco the beake or bill of a bird a hand-spike a mattocke a pike of yron the spoute to powre out at a wounde or hurt Píco de ciguén̄a an herbe called Storks-bill * Píco de arróz a certaine measure of Rice * Pico de járro the spoute of a pot * Píco de óro a certaine herbe Picóta f. a pillorie Picóte a sackcloth a souldiers cloake or cassocke * Pida vide Pedír * Pide vide Pedír * Pído vide Pedír Pie m. a foote * Pie de béstia the hinder foote of a beast the
Timonéro a steares man he that guideth the helme of a ship as the master or pylot Tína f. a Diers copper or cauldron Also any tub or great vessell Tin̄a f. a moth * Tin̄a de la cabéça the scurffe or white scaule Tináda de lén̄a a woodpile or woodstacke * Tinagíca or Tinajíca f. a little tub a small vessell Tinája a barrell a tub a steane * Tináxa vide Tinája * Tinaxíca vide Tinagíca * Tínca a fish called a tench * Tinélo a dyning or supping place for seruants in a house * Tinéta a fish called a Hore or Spring-wall which casteth water abundantly out of his head some say it is a kinde of whale Tiniéblas f. darknes * Tiniéblas f. certaine praiers or euensongs saide in the night the wednesday thursday and friday night next before Easter day in mournefull tune and after euery Psalme to put out a light till all be put out and so to saie or sing Miserére in the darke and then depart * Tiniénte m a lieutenant Tin̄a a moth * Tin̄a vide Ten̄ír * Tin̄e Tin̄o vide Ten̄ír Tin̄óso scuruie scalde Tino m. gesse coniecture Tinta f. inke * Hója Tínta a leafe of reddish and blackish colour * Tínta de çapatéro blacking for shoomakers Tínte m. a Diers house or a die house Tintéro m. an inkehorne * Tintinábulos little belles * Tínto died * víno Tínto a blackish wine in Spaine Tintór vide Tintoréro * Tintorería f. dying diers craft * Tintoréro a Dier Tintúra dying * Tinuéla or Guzanuélo a little moth Tinuélo a little moth in flaxe Tío m. an vncle * Típhis or Týphis the first Pilot who went in the ship Argos in company of Iason for to steale away the golden fleece * Típle as Cantórtíple one that singeth small the treble voice * Típle de la yglésia he that singeth the treble voice in the church * Tipocosmía a tipe or figure of the whole world * Tipografía the arte of printing bookes * Tipógrafo a printer of bookes Tira f. a gard or welt of cloath or other stuffe a drawing out of some thing * Tíra de ráso a gard or welt of sattin Tíra braguéra a trusse for one that is broken in the bellie Tirádo drawen as an arrow shot cast throwen hurled * Tirádo óro gold wire drawen * Tiradór de óro a drawer of golde wire * Tiradór an archer a shooter a hurler * Tiranaménte tyrannouslie Tiranía f. tyrannie ruling by lust and wilfulnes rather than by reason * Tiránico cruell tyrannous tyrannicall * Tiranizádo tyrannized Tiranizár to tyrannize or rule wilfully rather as he lust than by law or reason Tiráno vide Tyráno a tyrant a cruell imperious ruler Tirár to plucke to throw to hurle to shoote * Tirár la bárra to throw the bar * Tirár vn árco to shoote in a bow * Tirár de camaráda to discharge or shoote a volley of shot * Tirasól or Quitasól a kind of hat vsed in China verie broad which the principall men carrie ouer their heads with a short pole or staffe like a canopie to keepe the extremitie of the sunne from them * Tirár vide Quitár * Tirén̄o vide Tyrán̄o * Tirícia vide Itericia * Tiriciádo vide Itericiádo * Tirílla a little gard or welt * Tiríllo a small peece of ordinance * Tiritár to tremble to quake * Tirizia vide Tiricia Tíro a cast a throwing a dart Also a serpent called a Dart. Also a haling drawing or pulling a plucking Also a feate a pranke Also a stroke a blow Also a taunt nip or quip Also a shoote out of a bowe a cast at dice or shot of ordinance * Tiro de arcabúz a hargabuz shot Tirónes plucks puls Also vsed sometime for yoong souldiers * Tíros de espáda sword hangers * Tírsos or Týrsos launces or speares wound about with vine branches borne in sacrificing to Bacchus * Tírte a fuéra away be packing * Tisana Ptisan water * Tiséras vide Tigéras * Tiserétas vide Tijerétas * Tiseruélas vide Tijeruélas Tísica or Treféda a disease called the Ptisicke when the lungs are so stopped as hardly a man can fetch his breath Tísico one diseased with the Ptisicke short winded pursie * Tisiphóne or Tysiphóne one of the three furies of hell as Poets fained * Tisnádo vide Tiznádo * Tisnamiénto vide Tiznamiénto * Tisnár vide Tiznár * Tísne vide Tízne * Titán a sonne of Coelum and Vesta so called as Poets saide the sunne * Títolo vide Título * Titubár to folter in his speech * Titubeár to stumble Título a title the inscription of a booke dignitie honor praise a monument or remembrance * Sen̄ór de Título a Lord of a great honor or title a principall noble man * Tivár vide Tíbar * Tiviaménte luke warmely * Tiviéza luke warmenes * Tívio luke warme * Tivurónes vide Tiburónes * † Tixéras or Tijéras sheares scizars * Tixeréta or Tijeréta f. a paire of smal scizers * † Tixeruélas or Tijeruélas little sciZers Tiznádo smeared soote sullied * † Tiznamiénto besmearing or sullying with soote † Tiznár to smeare with soote † Tízne vide Hollín soote of a chimney c. * Tízo vide Tizón † Tizón a firebrand being quenched T O Toája a towell Toálla or Toválla a towell * Toallíca a little towell * Tóba vide Tóva * Tobéra vide Tovéra f. the nose of a paire of bellowes * Tobíllo vide Tovíllo * Tóca or Tocádo a womans kerchiefe or coife a vaile for the head Tóca de camíno a kinde of muffler that both men women weare when they trauell in Spaine to keepe the dust from their faces it is commonly of very fine linnen * Tóca de réd a caule such as women vse to weare on their haire Tocáda vide Tóca or Tocádo * Tocadíllo m. a game at tables called ticke tacke * Tocádo or Tóca a kerchief a coife Also the little tuffe of feathers or cop on birds heads * Tocádo touched * Tocadór a night coife or night kerchief Also one that toucheth Tocamiénto m. touching Tocánte touching appertaining to Tocár Praes yo Tóco 1. Praet yo Toqué Praes Sub. Tóque to touch to sound a trumpet horne or any winde instrument to play vpon a drum or any musicall instrument to appertaine vnto to come vnto * que me Tócas what are you to me what haue I to doe with you * Tocár a lérta to sound alarme * Tocár árma idem * Tocár úno Tocádo to put on a kerchiefe * Tócar trompéta to sound a trumpet * Tocar cuérno to winde a horne Tocíno bacon Tóco or Tocadór a kerchiefe a night coife or night kerchiefe * Toçuélo m. a kinde of hauke Also the thicknes or fatnes in the necke Tóda via neuerthelesse notwithstanding * Todésco or Tudésco a Dutch man Tódo all the whole Tódo poderóso almightie * Tódos all * Tóga f. a gowne * Togádo apparelled with a
Calumniadór a Sclaundering v. Calúmnia a Sclaunder v. Calúmnia Sclaunderously v. Con calúmnia to Scoffe v. Motejár Mofár a Scoffè v. Mófa a Scoffer v. Mofadór Scoffing v. Mófa Scoffingly v. Con mófa to Scolde v. Ren̄ir cómo berçéras Scolding v. Rín̄a. Scoldingly v. Con rin̄a a Scommer or skimmer v. Cuchára a Sconce or lanterne v. Lantérna a Scoope for corne v. Pála to Scorch v. Aburár to Scorch or sindge with fire v. Aburár Scorched with fire v. Aburádo a Score v. Tája to Scorne v. Escarnecér a Scorne v. Escárnio Scorned v. Escarnído Escarnecídò a Scorner vide Escarnidór Escarnescidór Scorning v. Escarnecimiénto Escárnio Scornefull vide Lléno de escárnio Scornfully v. Con escárnio a Scorpion vide Alacrán Escorpión that goeth Scotfree vide El que no escóta a Scottish man vide Escocés a Scouell or maulkin vide Barredéra the Scoupe of a water wheele v. Arcadúz a Scouper hole vide Escoperól to Scoure or cleanse vide Mondár Limpiár Scoured vide Mondádo a Scourer vide Mondadór a Scouring vide Mondadúra to Scourge vide Açotár a Scourge vide Corréa Açóte Scourging vide Açotamiénto a Scoute vide Escúcha Espía to serue as a Scoute v. Espiár a Scrat or he which is both male and female vide Hermophrodíta to Scrape vide Escarvár Scraped vide Escarvádo a Scraper vide Escarvadór Scraping vide Escarvadúra Scraps of victuals vide Reliéves Escamóches to Scratch vide Aran̄ár Rascár Rascun̄ár a Scrateh vide Arán̄o Rascún̄o Scratched v. Aran̄ádo Rascádo Rascun̄ádo a Scratcher vide Aran̄adór Rascun̄adór Scratching vide Arán̄a Aran̄adúra Rascún̄o that hath the Scratches v. Rascun̄ado Aran̄ádo the Scratches in a horse vide Griéta to Screake vide Gritár Bozeár a Screaking vide Gríta Gritaría Bozería Barahúnda a Scribe vide Scríba to Scrible vide Escarvajeár a Scrip vide çurrón Mochíla Escarçéla the holy Scripture vide La sagráda Escritúra a Scriuener vide Escriváno Scriueners trade vide Escrivanía a Scroll or bill vide Cédula a Scruple or doubt vide Escrúpulo Dúda Scrupulous vide Scrupulóso Scrupulously vide Con escrúpulo the Scull of the head vide Cásco de la cabéça a Scull or head peece vide Cásco the Scull of a dead bodie v. Calavéra Calavérna that weareth a Scull or head peece vide el que tráe Cásco Scull of fishes vide Cardúme de pescádo a Sculler or boate so called vide Barquíllo a Sculler he that driueth such a boat vide Barquéro a Scullion v. Pícaro de Cozína Açacán to Scum vide Espumár Scum vide Espúma Scum of molten gold vide Eschiúma de óro Scum or froth or fome of the sea v. Espúma de la már full of Scum v. Espumóso Espumajóso Scummed vide Espumádo a Scummer vide Skimmer the Scuppet of a water wheele vide Arcadúz Scurffe in the head vide Tín̄a de cabéça Scuruy which hath the scurffe or is full of scurffe vide Tin̄óso Scurge vide Scourge Scuruines vide Tín̄a a Scutchion or shield v. Escúdo S E the Sea vide Már to saile ouer the Sea v. Navegár the maine Sea vide Piélago an arme of the Sea v. Marína belonging to the Sea vide Maríno Marísco the Sea coast v. la cósta de la Már a Sea banke vide Orílla de la Már Marína the Sea shoare idem the flowing of the Sea vide flúxo de Már neere the 〈◊〉 Marítimo the ebbing of the Sea v. Reflúxo Seacoale or smithes coale v. Túrba Seaholme sea-holly sea-huluer vide Cárdo Corredór to Seale or signe v. Asignár Firmár Rubricár a Seale vide Séllo a Seale fish vide Lobo maríno a Seale ring v. Aníllo de séllo Sealed vide Selládo a Sealer vide Selladór a Sealing vide Selladúra a Seame vide Costúra without Seame v. sin Costúra Entéro Sáno to Seamerent or rip vide Descosér a Seamester vide Labrandéra a Search or seeking v. Búsca to Search or seeke vide Ruscár Inquirír a diligent Search v. Inquisición to Search or sift out a matter vide Pesquisár Searched vide Buscádo Searched for idem a Searcher vide Buscadór Inquisidór a Searching toole v. Caladór Searching vide Buscándo Searching or sifting out a matter v. Pesquísa to Seare or marke with an hot yron v. Cauterizár Seared vide Cauterizádo a Seare cloth vide Encerádo a Searing yron vide Botón a Searce or sieue v. çaránda Searge vide Sárga to Season as to season meat vide Sazonár Seasoned vide Sasonádo Seasoner v. el que Sazóne Seasoning vide Sazonamiénto Season or time conuenient vide Sazón a Season day or time v. Sazón Seasoned vide Sazonádo a Seasonable time vide tiémpo Sazonádo out of Season vide a Desóras in good Season vide en buén Tiémpo not in Season v. Fuéra de Tiémpo in verie good Season v. a buén Tiémpo a Seate vide Siénto a Seate or bench v. Bánco a iudgement Seate v. Estrádos de juéz the Seate of estate for King Prince or Potentate v. Estrádo reál Dosél to Second vide Segundár the Second vide Segúndo Secondly vide Segundaménte Second or certaine drinke so called made of Grapes after they be new pressed vide Aguápie to keepe Secret or in secret v. Guardár secréto in Secrete vide Priuately Secrete vide Secréto kept in Secrete vide Calládo Guardádo secréto a Secrete vide Secréto Secrete or vnknowen v. Escondído Secréto Secretly or in secrete vide Calladaménte a Escondidas Escondidaménte Secretaménte a Secretarie vide Escriváno de cámara Secretário a Sect vide Sécta Séta Secular vide Seglár Securitie v. Seguridád Secure vide Segúro Sedge vide Carríza to raise Sedition vide Alborotár Bolliciár Sedition v. Alboróço Alboróto Bollício Seditious fellow v. Alborotadór Bollicióso Seditiously vide Alborotadaménte to Seduce vide Sosacár Sossacár Seduced vide Sossàcádo a Seducing vide Sosacadúra to See vide Vér to foresee vide Vérantes Prevenír Seene vide Visto a Seeing vide Miramiénto See loe behold vide Míra Seede vide Simiénte a Seege about a towne c. v. Cérco to Seeke or seeke for vide Buscár to Seeke for promotion vide Procurár preheminéncia a Seeker vide El que búsca Seeking vide Buscadúra Sought for vide Requerído Buscádo Seeing that vide Viéndo que to Seele a house vide Enyessár Seeled vide Enyessádo Seeled worke about a house vide çaquicamí a Seeling vide Enyessadúra to Seeme vide Parecér Seeming to be vide Aparéncia it Seemeth vide Paréce Seemed vide Parecído it is Seemely vide Es decénte it is not Seemely vide No es conveniénte Seemely vide Conveniénte Decénte Seemelinesse vide Conveniéncia Decéncia to Seethe vide Cozér Seething vide Cozedúra Sodden vide Cozído to Seise vpon vide Apoderár Seised or possessed of vide Apoderádo Seising Apoderamiénto Seldome vide Pócas vézes Rálas vézes Seldomnes vide Raléza I my Selfe vide Yo mismo to Sell or set to sale vide
Rabeár Coleár a Wagtaile vide Rabirúbio a Waggìng vide Menéo a Wager vide Apuésta to lay a Wager vide Apostár Wages vide Salário Suéldo a Wagon vide Cárro para cargár génte a Flemmish Wagon vide Cárro de Flándes a Wagoner v Carretéro a wagtaile v. Abadéjo Aguzamiéve a Waie vide Camíno Via to goe out of the Waie vide Desviár gone out of the Waie vide Desviádo going out of the Waie vide Desvio a Waifaring man vide Viandánte the kings high Waie vide Camíno reál a little narrow Waie vide Caminíllo this Waie and that waie vide Allénde y aquénde vneasie Waies to goe in high and lowe vide Altibáxos a place in heauen called by Astronomers Via lactea the milke white Waie vide Camíno de Sant Yágo en el ciélo Waight or weight vide Péso to Waile yell or crie out vide Guayár Llorár one that Waileth vide Guayadór Wailing vide Duélo Guáyas Llóro a Waine or cart vide Carréta the Waine of the moone vide Menguánte de lúna the Waiste middle or girdle sted vide La çintúra to Waite for vide Esperár Aguardár to Waite vpon vide Servir a lying in Waite v. Acechánça a Waiter vide Criádo or serbidór any thing lying in Waite v. Acechadóra cósa Waiting or tarrying vide Aguardándo Esperándo by lying in Waite vide A cechándo Waites certaine musicall instruments so called v. Chirimías Waiwardnes v. Travessúra Contumácia Waiwarde vide Contumás Traviésso Waiwardly v. Contumazménte to Wake or watch v. Velár Desvelár Wakened vide Despertádo Waking vide Dispertándo an herbe called Wake-robin vide Aarón Wakes or contrie feastes vide Fiéstas or báyles to Walke vide Andár Passeár the Walke a shipboarde vide Combés the Walke in the gallie vide Cruxía one that Walketh vide Passeadór to Walke abroad in the ayre vide Espaciárse Passeárse Walking vide Passéo a place to Walke in vide Andén Passéo Passeadéro to Wall in or about vide Cercár con murálla a Wall about a citie vide Murálla Múro Cérca a Wall of an house v. Paréd a Wall of stones heaped togither without morter v. Albarráda to close within a wall vide Emparedár Walled vide Paredádo a Wall of hurdles v. Paréd de çárço a Wallet vide Balíja costál quilma Taléga çurrón a little Wallet v. Barjuléta a Walnut v. Nuéz Walwoort v. Sabúco pequén̄o to Wallowe vide Bolteár or Rebolcár to Wallowe like a ducke v. Anadeár Wallowed vide Rebolcádo Wallowing vide Rebolcándo to Wamble or rise vp as seething water v. Borbolleár Wambling v. Barbolleándo a Wande v. Vára to Wander or go astray vide Errár Vagár Wandred v. Errádo Wandring vide Andadóra cósa Erradúra Erramiénto a Wanderer vide Andadór Erradízo Wan or pale v. Amaríllo to be or waxe Wan or pale vide Amarillár Wannesse v. Amarilléz to Want vide Carecér Faltár Marrár Want vide Defécto Fáltar Márra Menéster Méngua Wanting v. Defectívo in Want v. Monguádo Want in measure v. Mérma a Want or mole v. Tópo a Wanthill v. Montón de Tópo to be Wanton vide Sér Regalón Loçáno Wanton vide Loçáno Regalón Wantonnesse v. Loçanía Regálo Wantonly vide Con loçanía to Warble or quauer in singing vide Garganteár Warbling v. Garganteándo to Warde keepe or defend v. Guardár Defendér a Washing beetle vide Batadór to Watch at a tower at a beacon c. or a shipboord vide Atalayár a Watchman that watcheth at a beacon c. or a shipboord vide Atalayadór to Watch and warde vide Rondár a Watch tower vide Ataláya Miradéro a Watch a boord a ship vide Ataláya Watching a shipboord vide Atalayamiénto a Warde tribe or hundred vide Bárrio a Warde in a citie vide Bárrio a Warden or guardian vide Guardián a Warder in a tower vide Portéro a Warder vide Guardadór a Wardon vide La guárdia a Wardrobe vide Recámara a keeper of a Wardrobe vide Guárda Rópa Ware that is bought and solde v. Mercaderías to put in a Warehouse to be kept vide Almezenár put in a Warehouse to be kept vide Almezenádo a Warehouse vide Almazén to be Warie vide Estár sóbre se Recatárse Warie vide Cáuto Recatádo Recelóso Warines vide Recatamiénto Recélo Warilie v. Advertidaménte Recatadaménte Warmth v. Calór to Warme or make warme vide Calentár Escalentár Warme vide Abrigádo Caliénte Caloróso Warmed vide Caliénte a Warme sunnie banke vide Abrigán̄o luke Warme vide Tíbio Warming vide Calentadúra Escalentamiénto a Warming pan vide Calentadór de cáma to make luke Warme vide Entibiár Warmed vide Entibiádo to Warne or admonish before v. Apercebír Amonestár Avísár Escarmentár fore-Warned vide Apercebído Amonestádo Avisádo a Warner vide Apercebidór Amonestadór a Warning v. Amonestación Avíso to Warpe vide Vrdír Warped v. Vrdído the Warpe of cloth vide Vrdiémbre to Warrant assure or promise for a certaintie v. Asigurár Warfare vide Milícia to Warre wage or make warre v. Guerreár ciuill Warre vide Intestína guérra Warre v. Guérra Warlike vide Bélico or Belicóso Warred vide Guerreádo a Warriour vide Guerréro a Warren v. Bivár a Warte Berrúga Verúga full of Wartes vide Berrugóso to Wash off v. Lavár filth washed off or suddes v. Lavázas Washed off v. Deslavádo Lavádo a Washer or laundres vide Lavandéra Labandéra Washing off vide Deslavadúra Lavadúra a Washing place vide Lavadéro a Waspe v. Abíspa to Waste vide Despendár Gastár to laie Waste v. Arruynár Wastefull v. Pródigo Waste vide Gástó laied Waste vide Arruynádo Wasted v. Gastádo a Waster v. Gastadór Wasting vide Gástó a Wasteband vide Faísa a Wastecoate v. Almílla Waste paper vide Estráça to Watch walke or not sleepe v. Trasnochár Velár Desvelár a Watch tower vide Garíta to Watch or espie v. Acechár a Watchman vide Véla Guárdia Watchfull v. Vigilánte a Watch or guard v. Veláda a Watchworde vide Apellído de guérra Watched vide Acechádo Water v. A'gua to compasse about with Water vide Compasse to Water or moisten as a garden vide Regár Remojár to cause to drinke Water vide Abrevár rose Water vide A'gua rozádo Water parsley v. Apío a Water lilly v. Escudéte Water-cresses vide Berrácas a Watermill v. Acén̄a Haçén̄a or Hazén̄a a place full of water vide Regadízo a Water shoote vide Canál de água Cán̄o a Watering place for cattle vide Abrevadéro a Watercourse vide Acéquia Canál Watered or made drinke v. Abrevádo a Water paile vide Cúbo a Watlewall vide Tesbíque Taybíque to Waue vp and downe vide Oleár Ondeár a Waue of the sea vide O'la or O'nda to Wauer or wagge too and fro vide Meneár Wauering v. Móble to Waxe or growe vide Crecér to Waxe faire weather vide Abonárse el tiémpo Waxing vide Creciéndo to Waxe towards daie v. Amanecér to bewaxe with Waxe vide Encerár be-Waxed vide Encerádo Waxe
a walking place * Passeadízo vide Passadízo a gallerie Passeadór m. a walking place a walke or one that walketh much * Passeándose walking Passeár to walke Passéo m. a walking place or a walking that one maketh Passión f. passion griefe * Passionádo or Enférmo grieued sicke * Passívo passiue passiuely importing passion that which signifieth or causeth passion trouble or griefe Pásso m. a step a pace in going or striding the measure of two foote and a halfe Pásso faire and soft softly * Pásso ante Pásso one step now another anon soft and faire * Pásso de ásino the herbe called horse-foote Pásta f. paste Pastél m. a little pie made of smal meate Also an herbe with which they die a blew colour called woade * Pasteléra f. a woman that maketh pies or pasties * Pastelería f. the pastrie a pie-house Pasteléro m. a man that maketh pies or pasties * Pastíllas kindes of mixtures or pastes for to perfume withall Pásto m. pasture feeding foode Pastór m. a shepherd a heardman Pastóra f. a shepherdesse a woman that keepeth sheepe * Pastorál rurall pastorall pertaining to swaines or shepherds * Pastorcíco m. a little shepherd a sillie swaine Pastorcíllo a little shepherd a boy that keepeth sheepe Pastoríl belonging to a shepherd Páta f. a goose Páta a pawe or foote a hoofe the sole of the foote Páta de ósso the pawe of a Beare * Pátas apartádas clouen footed Patáche m. a pinnasse a small swift ship * Patáco a clownish fellow a pesant Patáda a steppe * Patáge or Patáje a pinnasse a swift ship * Patáje or Patáge idem * Patán or Páparo m. a clowne a pesant * Patáta f. Potatoe rootes * Patatál a place where Potatoes growe * Patatéro m. one that eateth Potatoes or one that selleth Potatoe rootes * Pateádo trampled on with the feete Pateár to make a noise with the feete to bargaine to trample or tread vnderfoote Paténa f. a little dish Paténte open letters pattents Paternál fatherly Patérno m. of or pertaining to a father fatherly Patíco m. a goseling Patihendído clouen footed Patílla f. a little foote a little goose * Patín a goseling Also the foote of the stocking Patín de la cása a square court * Patíno a patten Pátio m. a square court by a house a vaulted place a penthouse a place to saue raine water in Patituérto m. club-footed Páto m. a gander a drake Páto Pácto or Partído a bargaine a couenant * Patócha vide Patocháda * Patocháda f. foolerie follie Patrán̄as f. olde fables or stories olde wiues tales leasings lies Pátria f. a man 's owne countrey or naturall soile where he was borne Patriárca a patriach a chiefe bishop a religious father Patriárcha idem Patrício m. a senators sonne of Rome Patrimoniál beneficio a benefice impropriate Patrimoniál belonging to the patrimonie or inheritance of his father or auncestors Património inheritance or goods that come by the father * Pátrio m. of ones countrey Patronázgo a patronship to giue benefices or other ecclesiasticall promotions * Patronádgo reál a princes prerogatiue to giue bishoprikes abbies c. Patrón a pilot of a ship a patron or defender a patterne * Páva f. a Peahen * Pavána or Pabána a daunce called a pauin playing * Pavelión a butterflie Also vide Pavellón Pavellón m. a tent for to lodge in in the fielde a canapie a sheete a blanket to hang about the bed Pavés or Escúdo m. a shield a target a bucklar Pavésa f. the snuffe of a candle when it is dead also dead sparks of fire Pavesáda f. a battell of targettiers or a battell at sea with some defence that they be not seene of their enimie * Pavesón vide Pavés * Pávido timorous fearefull Pavílo the snuffe of a candle the weeke of the candle Pavimiénto m. a pauement Pavióta f. a sea foule called a gull * Pávo Páva or Pavón a peacocke a peahen Pávo a peacocke Pávo reál the kingly peacocke or chiefe large and great peacocke with fairer plumes than the other Pavón vide Pávo Pavonádo made of a sanguine colour as they vse to sanguine sword hilts Pavoneár to sanguine to vernish Pavór m. feare dread Pavorosaménte fearefully timorouslie Pavoróso m. fearfull timorous * Paupérimo m. most poore * Paurosaménte vide Pavorosaménte * Pauróso vide Pavoróso Páusa f. a pause a stop a stay a rest * Pausáda f. a pausing resting stopping staying taking leysure tarying vpon some thing * Pausadaménte by pauses by stops by stayes resting or staying now and then Pausár to pause to stop to stay to rest * Páxa f. vide Pája straw Paxaréro m. a birder a catcher of birds * Paxaréto m. a little birde * Paxaréta yérva a certaine herbe * Paxaríco m. a little bird Paxaríllo m. a little birde Paxarítos little birds or such toies made of bread c. for children to play with Páxaro a bird * Páya as Páya de méqua the sweete rush * Páya de camélos idem * Páyla a paile a bucket * Paýs or País m. a countrey * Paýs báxo the low countries * Paysáno vide Aldeáno a countreyman Páz f. peace * Pázo vide Pásso P E Peáge or Peáje toll money custome rent reuenues * Peagéro or Peajéro a customer a toll gatherer * Peáje vide Peáge * Peajéro vide Peagéro Peál a woollen socke a socke to weare on the foote * Peapá the spelling of letters as Pe a Pa. * Pebétes m. a kinde of small perfume Pebrádo m. peppered Pébre vide Pimiénto m. Pepper * Pébre or Pimiénto de Hespán̄a Spanish pepper Pepperwort Dittander Péca f. a specke or spot on the face a pimple on the face Pecádo m. sinne offence any thing done amisse Pecadór m. a sinner an offender one that doth amisse a wicked or lewd fellow * Pecadorcita a woman sinner or somewhat a sinner or a small sinner * Pecadoríco m. a man sinner or a smal sinner or somewhat a sinner Pecár Praes yo Péco 1. Praet yo Pequé to sinne to offend to do amisse Péce m. fish * Péces en escabéche fish in pickle or in sowsing drinke * Pecezíco m. a little fish Pécha f. tribute taxe subsidie payment of mony * Pechár to pay taxe or subsidy Pechéro m. he that paieth tribute taxe or subsidie Pécho m. the breast Also the dugge of a woman * Pécho tribute or taske Pechúga f. the breast of a bird Pechugár Praes yo Pechúgo 1. Praet yo Pechugué to set the breast against any thing with all his force and strength to withstand or resist with the breast * Pechugue vide Pechugár Pechuguéra the whole bulke of the breast a paine of the breaste * Pecigueról m. a fishmonger Pecilgár Praes yo Pecílgo 1. Praet yo Pecilgué to pinche to pluck by the eares c. Pecílgo m. a pinche * Pecilgue vide Pecilgár Pecína f. a fishe poole * Probática Pecína the poole that cured
the diseased that first coulde get in after the angel had stirred the water * Péco m. the breast bone * Peçoláda the thrumme left of cloath weauing Peçón a nipple a small stalke or stem a stalk wheron the fruit or leafe groweth Peçon de la téra the teat or nipple of a dug Pecóso m. full of spots * Pedacería f. a patch or peece of any thing full of peeces Pedacico m. a little peece * Pedacíto m. a little patch or peece a thong of leather Pedáço m. a peece a patch a gobbet a shine * Pedaçuélo a little peece a small patch a morsell * Pedazíco vide Pedacíco * Pedazíto or Pedacíto idem * Pedazuélo vide Pedaçuélo Pedernál a flint stone Pedestál the base or foote of a pillar the ground-worke or foundation to support any thing a plate or trencher layde vnder a dish on the table Pedído m. required requested asked demaunded * Pedidór m. an asker one that requesteth or demandeth any thing Pediguén̄o one that demaundeth often and much wanton froward an earnest suter or wooer Pedimiénto m. asking request demaunding Pedír yo Pído to aske to request to demaund to require Pédo m. a fart Pedócio vide Pedórro Pedórro m. one that farteth Pedráda f. a blow with a stone * Pedrádo m. stoned beaten with stones * Pedrecíca vide Pedrezíca a little stone * Pedrecíta vide Pedrezíta idem * Pedrega vide Pedregál Pedregál a stonie place Pedregóso m. stonie full of stones * Pedren̄ál m. a petronell a large pistoll vsed in warre Pedréra f. a quarrie whence stones are digged Pedréro m. a free-mason that worketh in stone * Pedréro a murthering peece vsed in warres to shoote chaine shot or stones from * Pedresuéla vide Pedrezuéla * Pedrezíca f. a little stone Pedrezíta idem * Pedrezuéla f. idem * Pedril a place where much stone is Pedrísco or Granízo great haile Péer to fart Péga vide Picáça a birde called a Pie. * Pegadiso or Pegadízo sticking to or cleauing to sticking or cleaning fast to * Pegádo pitched with pitch or stucke to with other things Pegadúra f. soldering cleauing to gluing Pegajóso sticking cleauing to gluing Pegajóso mal an infectious disease a disease that sticketh fast to one Pegamiénto m. sticking cleauing fast to c. pitching with pitch Pegár Praes yo Pégo 1. Praet yo Pegué to pitch with pitch to sticke to cleaue to to cling vnto to solder to kerne as fruite do to infect to glue * Pegár fuégo to set on fire to set fire to * Pégno m. a pledge a gage a pawne Also a suretie baile or assurance Pegónes para véllo round bals to pull off the haire * Pegue vide Pegár † Pegujál a stocke of goods or of cattell or substance giuen to a mans sonne or seruant to occupie for themselues or goods gotten by ones owne labour or industrie * Peíxe voadór or voladór a fish called a sea swallow Peládo m. pilled bald Peladór m. one that pilleth maketh bald or bare Peladúra f. pilling † Pelámbre m. the pilling of the chin or beard pilling of hides † Pelambréra f. a tanners or glouers lime pit wherein skins are laid to make the haire come off Pelár to pill to make bald to make bare * Peláyo a proper name * Peláyre m. one that teazeth cloath with cardes of teazell a cloath worker also a fuller Peléa f. fight battle skirmish Peleadór a fighter a warrier Peleár to fight to skirmish to striue Pelécano vide Pelícano m. a pellicane a fowle that is saide to feede hir yoong ones with her bloude some saie a shouelar Pelechár el áve to plucke off the feathers * Pelér vide Pelár Pelícano vide Pelécano * Pelicráneo the skin ouer the skull Peligrár to be in perill or in danger * Pelígro m. perill or danger Peligrosaménte dangerously Peligróso dangerous perilous Pelíllo m. a little haire * Peliquéro or Pelliquéro a skinner a tanner a glouer a leather dresser a leather seller Pelitre an herbe called wilde Pelitorie pelitorie of Spaine Pélla a ball a pellet a bullet * Pelláda f. a throwing snowbals or such like * Pélle vide Pélla * Pellegería vide Pellejería * Pellegéro vide Pellejéro * Pelléja a skin a hide * Pellejería the place where skinnes or hides be solde store of skins Pellejéro or Pellizéro a skinner a tanner a glouer a leather dresser a leather seller Pelléjo a skin a hide * Pelletería vide Pellejería Pellíço or Pellíco a leather ierkin a quip a taunt Pellíco idem Pelliscár Praes yo Pellísco 1. Praes yo Pellisqué to pinch * Pellíscos pinches * Pellisque vide Pelliscár * Pellizéro vide Pellejéro * Pellóte vide Pelliquéro Pélo m. haire the haire of the beard horse haire or mules haire * Pélo málo bad or naughtie haire as that of beastes when they cast their old coates or haires to haue newe haire euill estate poore fortune base and abiect condition * Pélo de camélo grograine * Pélo arríba against haire Pélo abáxo downe the haire Pelón m. a pild palterie fellow a poore wretch Pelóso hairie full of haire Pelóta f. a pellet a ball a bullet to shoote in a gun with Pelóta a bottome of yarne Pelóta or ovílla de Hílo a ball of yarne * Pelóta as jugár a la Pelóta to plaie at tennys * Pelotílla f. a little pellet ball bullet or little bottome of yarne Péltre m. pewter Peltréchos vide Pertréchos furniture prouision * Pelúdo m. hairie rough Péna f. paine punishment a fine or amercement * a Pénas hardly with much adoe Pén̄a or Penásco a rocke Penácho m. the crest of the helmet a great plume of feathers * Penádo m. pained greeued Penál penall subiect to punishment or to forfeyture Penár to punish to be punished to fine or amerce * Pen̄ascál a place where manie rockes are * Penásco or Pen̄ásco a rocke * yértos Pen̄áscos steepe rockes Penáscola an iland a little rocke * Pen̄ascóso rockie full of rockes * Pen̄átas foules on rockes * Penátes idols worshipped of the heathen calling them their houshold gods Pénca f. the stalke of a lettuce or colewoort Pendéjo m. haire about the priuie parts Pendéncia f. a sute in lawe a quarrell or matter in controuersie * Pendencías Públicas publike controuersies or quarrels * Pendenciéro m. one full of quarrels * Pendér to hang to slip to go sloping * Pendído m. hanged going sloping Pendiénte hanging depending sloping Péndola or Pen̄ola a pen. Also a painters pensill Pendón m. a cornet an ensigne of horsemen a signe of a tauerne a streamer of a ship a standerd Penetrár to pearce to enter in or thorough * Peníscola almost compassed with water Peniténcia f. repentance penance Penitenciál vide Peniténte Peniténte one that is penitent one that doth penance * Pen̄ón or Pen̄ásco a rocke * Penól the end of a ship-yard * Penosaménte painfully greeuously Penóso painfull greeuous * Pensadaménte heedfully Pensamiénto m. thought esteeming