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water_n fish_n great_a sea_n 3,519 5 6.8793 4 false
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A08267 The gouerance and preseruation of them that feare the plage. Set forth by John Vandernote, phisicion and surgion, admitted by the kynge his highenesse. Now newly set forth at the request of William Barnard of London Draper. 1569 Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596. 1569 (1569) STC 18600; ESTC S102539 13,277 39

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that haue impediment in the Brest or Lunges or Throte or Coughe or shorte winde and those that haue colde stomackes shall not so much occupy of the vineager but moderatly Of Potage in this time The Potage whiche shalbe eaten in this time shalbe made with wheat flower or ryse or of lenttes Howbeit the first water shalbe cast away Or els you shall eate aleberies made with bere bread or with red Cicers with y e shels The root of Fenel of Smallach are good in pottage eaten and all manner of meat made with egges Saue potaige made with dough or other comon potaiges are not good saue potaige of Spiniage of Percele of Burrage harttestonge ar very good And all manner of herbes that haue a sondry vertue as Rue Scabiousse Isop Marubin suche lyke ¶ Of Frutes and other meates that shalbe eaten in the pestilent tyme. Capers made w t vineger are good to eate at the beginning of the meale But in winter shall you myxt to it some of the spices beforesaide A small quantitie of Onions with vineger eaten likewise is very good for the Oniō doth ingender certē humores whiche dooe corrode the poisō consume Auicen saieth in secundo canone y t all other scharp meates saue Onions in the pestilēt time shalbe abhored and forborne The yolke of egges potched in faier water are very good You shall abstaine from all maner of fishe thorowe their moystnesse and speciallye those that haue greate scales You may somtime vse small fishes of riuers or smal sea fishes how be it you must scrape of the scales and cast forthe their intraelles and they shalbe well washed and rubbed with anisseed and vineger And then shal they be rosted and not fried in butter or oyle and and after that they shalbe eaten with the foresayd spices and in y e winter shalbe put more spices to it then in sōmer And when you haue eaten of this fishe then shal you drinke therupon good strong wine and like wise you shall eate with it almondes or hasell nuttes You shall abstine of all maner of mylke for thorowe her cometh soone corruption After the meat or drinke you may eate these for he comforteth the disgestiue strength All manner of fruites are euell y t time in the stead of fruite it is good to to take confits of Coriāder Auicen saieth in secundo canone that this is specially good and profitable In the beginninge of the meale y t is to wete diner or supper it is good to eate .iii. leaues of Rue two dry figges one nutte together for this is a special medecine for the plage and against al poison And therfore all they that feare poison or pestilence let them vse it Of the superfluitie of meates and drynkes EVery one shalbe ware of to much meat or drinke in the time of Plage but shall be sober in meate or drinke more then you be vsed vnto in other times for many superfluities are ingendred thorowe muche eating and drinking Many and sundry meates in one meale is not good euery one shalbe content with one dishe And if you be where many disshes are yet feede vpon one which is light of digestion you shall keepe your selfe solubel when nature will not with glisters Suppositories or Pylles which are sayde in this present booke Also you shall holde open the vaines of vrine with drinkes or opening medecines Also you shall fastinig rubbe youre skin to open the sweate holes in the skinne or with clawing Also you shall pourge your braines thorowe the nosethrilles and mouthe Also you shall pourge your body of all superfluitie as farre as possible shalbe Of the Fleobothomy When the bloud is superfluous in the body then shall you be letten bloud to the intent it be to the better complexion and specially you shalbe let bloud in the pestilent time once in a monethe and that but litle and that is good and helthfull And when the other humours of the body are superfluous like as is Melancholy adust of the color whiche is mixte with the bloud So shall you bee diligent in driynge in euacuacion or pourginge the same and all suche pacientes shall beware of suche thinges as dooe ingendre the same ¶ The fyrst medecine THe fyrst shalbe a certain of Pilles written by Auicen in the fourth Canon de preseruatione a Pestilentia and are made thus Take Aloe Epitacum two dragmes of Myrre and Saffron of eche a dragma and make of this foresayd Pilles with the iuce of Myntes Take of these pilles euery morning fasting for they doo resolue and dry vp the euill humours and letteth the putrifiyng Item when any that doth vse those pylles is inclined or apte to take the syckenesse in summer shall take and put to the sayde confection of pylles sealed claye called terra sigillata one dragma and those Pilles shalbe made with Rosewater In other seasons the Pilles shalbe made as is aforesayde The seconde medecine Shall be good and fine Triacle at the leaste .x. yeares olde of this shalbe taken one dragma euery weeke in summer with Rose water and in Wynter with good stronge Wyne or with the iuce of Roses or with water of Citrie And this shalbe doone syxe houres before meate fastynge in an emptie stomacke ¶ The thirde medecine Shalbe Mythridatum a confection so named and of this shal you take more in quātitie then of y e Triacle euery wéeke shal you take of it a dragma howbeit you must fast after it fiue houres and it must be taken in an empty stomacke this Mithridatum or confection so called must at y e least be a yeare olde ¶ The fourth medecine Shalbe Coriander confittes and of this shalbe taken euery morning a small sponefull fasting and thervpon or after immediatly shalbe dronken the thirde parte of a Goblet of good wyne And also when any greate heate is or greate warme wether then shall they take Suger of Roses ¶ The fifte medecine Shalbe against the wormes wherfore al they that are inclined toward the breeding of wormes shall séeth wormewood in good Wyne till halfe be sothen in ¶ The syxte medecine Shalbe a precious syroupe allowed and made by diuers Autors and experimēters in the sayde sickenesses I my selfe haue founde this true for she doth clense the bodie of all superfluitee and drieth likewyse the bodie conforting the heart the braines and liuer and all other interior partes of the bodie howbeit of this syrup shalbe takē but an ounce and an halfe at ones And this is the syrup and is made thus Recipe cortici citri Radicū Caparis Berbaris Sandalorum vtriusque Spodij of eche two dragmus Gariofilate Buglosse Melisse Boraginis Cicorie of eche one ownce Acetose Epatice Marubij of eche halfe an ounce Lactucesyluestris two dragmus seminum Communim Violarum of eche .i. ounce Thimi epithimi Sene Polipodij of eche a dragma Succi Absinthij succi Fumiterre succi Rebulorū of eche one ounce Diagredij two dragmas Succare albe .ii. pounde Of this shall you make a Siroppe and this shall you clense with the iuce Citoniorum or Quinshes til it be inough and this shall you occupie ¶ The vsyng of these foresaid sixe medecines The first day early in the morning shal you take of the Syrop after sleape vpon it one houre or twayne The second day shall you take a dragma of the Triacle The thirde day shall you take a sponeful of Corianders confite The fourth day shall you take the decoction agaynst wormes The fift day shall you take a dragma of the Pylles The syxt day shall you rest The seuenth day shall you take any of these And it is very good for to take ones in a weeke one dragma of these Pilles When soeuer you doo take any of these Pilles that day you shall take none other medecine ¶ Of sleaping and watching Beware of to muche sleape and specially in the day also you shall not sleape immediatly after you haue taken your meate before the meate be digested or before the fyrst digestion is doone or passed It is very euell to sleape vpon your backe In the first sleape lye vpon the right side and there after two houres vpon y e left side And then agayne the whole night vpon the right side Also you shall lie hie with your head and be well couered with clothes It is good that you kéepe you waking two or thrée houres after your meate before you sleape ¶ Of resting or waking or mouing When the pestilence strongly raigneth then must you beware of greate trauayle and labour and specially in the open ayre And when you will labour so shall you doo it fasting and in a close ayre And in time of Pestilence shall you keepe you temporate in labour for to much quietnesse and to much labour is naught ¶ Of the accidentes Euery man shalbe ware of angre of sorowfulnesse of dredefulnesse and of suche like but you shalbe mery glad be emong mynstrels Harpes Lutes and other melodies reade fonde and mery stories and songes A medecine of Kyng Henry for the Plage or Pestilence TAke Marigolds Sorrel and Burnet of euery of them a handful Rew and Fetherfew of euery of them an other halfe handfull and of Dragons a quantite of the crop or of the roote and wash them in running water all cleane and seeth all them softly in a pot with a pottell of runninge water till it come to a quarte of licker and then set it backe till it be colde and then strayne it in a fayre linnen cloth and then drinke it if you cannot drinke it for bitternesse put therto Suger Candy And if this drinke be taken before the markes of God be vpon them he shalbe whole by the grace of God FJNIS