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water_n fish_n great_a sea_n 3,519 5 6.8793 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04630 The true and perfect declaration of the mighty army by the sea made and prepared by the generall states of the vnited prouinces, purposely sent forth to hinder the proceedings of the King of Spaine, vnder the conduct of Peter Vander Does generall of the said army: together with all whatsoeuer hath bene done by the said army against the islands, townes, castels, and shippes, belonging to the said King of Spaine. As also what the said army hath gotten and wonne in the said viage; with the whole discourse of the aduentures of the said army, both in their going forth, and retuning againe, from the 28. of May, 1599. vntill the 6. of March, 1600. Collected by Ellert de Ionghe, captayne of the artillery in the said viage. Jonghe, Ellert de. 1600 (1600) STC 14750; ESTC S119662 23,599 38

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there present meaning to sell their wares at Brasilia so that both the goods and Marchant were found good prize and the Captaine with his shippe and thirtie Pipes of wine for his necessarie prouision let depart because hee was a Venetian balasing his shippe with certaine pipes of salt-water The same day they sent out a Pinnace with a man of warre beeing of Zealand to chase a shippe that they espied which shippe beeing taken was found to bee a Portingall laden in Porta Port with wine oyle linnen-cloath Silkes and Veluets which amounted vnto as the Captaine of the saide shippe testified vnto them 20000 duckets The tenth of August they put to sea againe to meete the Portingall with their two shippes that went to chase him for that the prize was so euill of sayle that it could not make to them but by night both shee and their two shippes came among the fleet and at that time also brother Iansens shippe which had beene missing thirteene dayes came likewise to the fleete The 11. of August they returned again vnto the rode from whence the day before they had departed where they began to vnlade their prize which by their Marshal court was foūd lawfull the ship and goods both being forfeit the ship had in it eight Iron peeces The 12. of August there boorded thē foure men out of the Island de Maio shewing them that in the Island there dwelt no more but foure Moores fiue white men in the Island were very faire horses that ranne about the country and great hennes that went as fast as a dog and being weary with going flew away they are commonly taken by night in the trees and thousands of goates The 15. of August the blacke dog Albert Ians returned again vnto them as they lay at anker bringing with them two Spanish barkes each hauing three bases in them the one vnladen wherein they put diuers prisoners and let them sayle to Saint Iacobs the other was laden with cotten wooll and came from Ciuill they brought likewise a ship of Marsellis of 100. tunnes laden with wine and oyle The same day there came vnto them two Netherland ships which set sayle out of the Weelings hauing bene fiue weekes and a halfe vpon their viage they brought them newes that the enemie was gone to lie three miles from Bommel and that being vnder Goutstrat they spake with three of the ships that went for the East Indies and with them was a pinnace all being of Amsterdam very richly Iaden the two Netherland ships were sayling to the west Indies for salt The same day they put to sayle and departed from the Island de Maio holding their course South South-east the winde Northeast with a good gale of winde The same night the barke taken by the blacke dogge lost both her maine mast and her forke mast The 21. of August holding their course South-east with a good gale of wind in the night time they lost one of their Pursers he was sick but no mā knew what was become of him The 31. of August in the morning they fell close vpon the land of Gommera by a high peece of ground reaching into the sea which is called Cape de Monta where they ankered about three small miles from the land at sixteene fadome water where vpō the one side of the ship they foūd the water to be fresh on the other side salt East and by south from them they saw a great riuer all the coast of the land being full of trees the riuer was called Rio Noua The 1. of Septēber they fetched fresh water out of the riuer The fift of September the Generall entered into a Riuer called Rio de Puntes where they found about thirtie wilde men most of them naked and amongst them was their kings sonne who stayed alone with them in the Generalles pinnace for the space of an houre hee brought them a tinne vessell full of sodden rice with two sodden hennes and the Generall gaue him a potte of twelue gallons of wine and a boxe of Marmalade The 6. of September they put to sea and that day eight Cannoes of wilde men made towards their ships some with three and some with foure men in a Cannoe whereof some boorded their shippes they held their course that day South south-east The tenth of September in the morning they discryed the Cape de los Palmos The 11. of September to the 19. they draue vpon the sea with calme weather in the which time all the Captains masters consulted with the Generall about the landing of the Island of Saint Thomas with 1400. men The 22. of September in the morning they discried the Island of S. Thomas being South and by west from them The 23. of September they held their course Eastward not to be discouered by those of the Island being of opinion that they could not enter into the roade so that after noone they sailed by the shore determining to lād to the Cape de Loupes Gonsalues and so to come againe on the South side of Saint Thomas for that the roade was on the South side but they could hardly sayle from the North side because of the calmenesse vnder the land The 24. of September they discryed the land called Isola de Prince distant Northeast The 25. of Septēber the aire being very thick and darke as if some great tempest would haue followed as the aire vseth to be so darke about the line which neuer could be found otherwise by any sayler but where they perceiue a darke cloude in the aire presently they take in all their sayles for that there commeth a sodaine and terrible blast of wind thundering and lightning which continueth for the space of 2. or 3. houres and by saylers is called Trauades which gone it is presently faire weather again but God be thanked they had all faire weather not hauing any Trauades all the way vnto the Cape The 27. of September all the Captaines went aboord the Admirall who gaue thē their charge to follow him if the next day they might land in the Island of Saint Thomas The 30. of September all the Captaines were againe called aboord the Admirall to appoynt good order to be holden being on land halfe that day they sayled before the wind that they might reach the slowest ships and the same day there was such a number of fishes about the Admirals ship that no man could number them whereby they tooke them in with baskets being as bigge as Smelts and after them followed 2. or 3. hundred great fishes to deuoure them whereby there rose such a noyse in the water as if it had beene a tempest yet was the weather very faire and calme but there ordinarily the sea is ful of fish One of the saylers had hanged a paire of breeches ouer-boord for the space of an houre and when hee drew them vp againe he found in them at the least 700. fishes The same day as diuers boates lay on
of Octob. the captaine of the Artillery captaine Loe were appointed to march into the Island who riding vpon two horses sent them by the enemy presently set forward for it was the enemies desire and in their places two of the enemy remained as pledges and being in the land they found a troupe of about 600. men all naked with peeces on their shoulders except about 40. Portingales that were among them who notwithstāding shewed to be very weake of complexion In this Island are many slaues some of the Portingales haue 150. and he is but a meane man that hath not at the least 3. or 400. slaues The same day they departed it was on both sides agreed that the next day they should meet againe The 24. of October the said captaines went againe into the Island hauing aduertised the Generall what they had done within 3. houres after returning againe to make report vnto the Generall of their proceedings they found him dead for that when they spake with him before his sicknes was no other but a kind of weaknes which had continued two daies yet did he not leaue walking and standing whereupon hee caused himselfe to be let bloud in the arme which being done feeling himselfe very weake said vnto those that were present by him This sicknes taketh me very sore so laid him downe in his clothes vpō his bed where he had not layne long but presently being striken with death without vttering any words he died The same euening certaine of the Captaines put him in a coffin and gaue it out that the Generals body should be throwne into the Sea because it should not be knowne by the enemy where they meant to bury him wherupon he was presently conueyed into a boate so rowed from the land and about midnight brought againe to land where being ariued without any noise they buried him in a house within the towne of S. Thomas which house after that with all the houses about it was burnt to ashes Touching the ransoming of the castles the towne and Churches were not cōprehended therein for that their highest offer was not aboue 10. thousand Duckets The 25. of October they made a trench within the towne The 27. of Octob. the peeces appointed for battery being brought thither presently they lodged their mē in the trench The 28. of October in the euening the Spaniards set the towne on fire in three places The 3. of Nouember the Hollanders issued out of the town onely to set the country on fire The 4. of Nouember they shipped their men and set all the towne on fire The great ordinance that they found in the first castle were 21. brasse peeces great and small First two Double cannons each waighing 10000. pound their bullet being 57. pound Ten brasse peeces waighing one with the other 3300. li. Nine basses of brasse being most of them red copper There was likewise 3. basses of brasse and certaine yron peeces found in the towne The goods in the towne were certaine thousand chests of suger and a great number of very great Elephants teeth very much wool and silkes with other wares many other things with all the belles Also in the road they found 2. ships ful laden with suger ech of them being of 180. tunnes in one of the ships there was a broken peece of ordinance of 10000. li. waight red copper which they meant to haue molten in Lisbon The 5. of October they set saile all the prisoners of the castle being ransomed onely the Gouernour of the Island him they tooke with thē which done they made towards the cape de Loupes Gonsalues The 7. of Octob. captaine Cloyer died being Vice Admiral The description of the Island of S. Thomas THe Island of S. Thomas is an Island lying right vnder the Equinoctial line almost round and in compasse 15. Dutch miles In the middle of this Island stādeth a great hill compassed about with many trees aboue betweene the which trees there is continually a dropping clowd which yeeldeth so much water that it maketh all the land about to continew moist and very apt to bring foorth suger by which meanes the whole Island aboūdeth so much in suger the Island is most inhabited by Moores that gather dresse the suger in it there is but one small towne called Poroasan The ayre is very vnwholesome wherby such strangers or their issues as dwell or come thither commonly euery 8. daies are troubled with an ague and lose many of their men In it there groweth not any corne nor wine the principall meate of the inhabitants is a roote called Ignamo their drinke being water or wine of Palme trees in this Island are many trees but fewe that beare fruit they haue many birds of diuers colours and some straunge beasts as muskcats and in the sea an innumerable number of Whales The 8. of October brother Iansen was chosen Vice Admirall The 29. of October in the morning an assembly was made in the fleet and it was determined among them presently to sayle homeward for that in the space of two dayes that they had sayled from S. Thomas there died in their shippes about 1032. or 33. men and had aboue 1000. more sicke in such maner that they could hardly rule their ships being as then one degree Southward from the lyne and from S. Thomas Westward 180. miles holding their course Northwest The 30. of October they draue with a calme vpon the Sea then the Captaines of the ships agreed that 6. of their shippes should saile towards Brasilia to see if they could fetch any ships from thence the ships appointed were captaine Broer of Memelike Admirall captaine Leefhebber of the Maze captaine Cat of Horne captaine Hart of the Maze captaine Albert Iohn Coxe captaine Andreas of the Maze the Pinnace of Peter Verdoes of the Maze which ships the same day departed The 7. of Nouēber the fleet not being able to passe by the salt Islands because they lay too farre Northward from them they were constrayned to saile almost to the Flemish Islands hauing as then the sunne at 13. degrees The same euening as some of them sat eating in their ship the captaine asked if they should haue any fresh fish that night answere was made no but presently God sent them a flying fish aboord and fell close by them as they sat at meat being as great as a common Haddock and because God sent them the fish so miraculously therefore they commaunded the cooke presently to broyle it and before it was washt made cleane God sent them an other which fell against a stoole as they sat at the table The 16. of Nouember the captaines assembled the shippes bearing to Leeward The 20. of Nouember in the morning betimes they discouered a strange ship but could not ouertake it being the first sayle that they had seene in their returne homeward the weather being still and cleere The 20. of Nouember they held to Leeward to