Selected quad for the lemma: water_n

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water_n fish_n great_a sea_n 3,519 5 6.8793 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01471 A garden of graue and godlie flovvres sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected by Mr. Alexander Gardyne. Garden, Alexander, 1585?-1634? 1609 (1609) STC 11596; ESTC S118827 34,736 98

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His Grace and Godhood not contains Full glorious and grite For in the Earth and Deeps And Firmament most fair His blessed Sprit and Essence is Ov'r all and everie-where He all and everie thing H'apointed hes and plac'd And what his Providence perform'd Is nothing void nor waist The thrid and highest Heaven Great GOD he did ordaine For Angels and the blessed Band A mansion to remaine The subtle Air belowe And Firmament for Fowles The deadlie Deepe and black Abyss For damned sprits and soules For fleeting finned Fish Fresh Waters Floods and Seas For savage wilde and bloody Beastes He planted Parks and Trees Yet of those all the vse As Nature taught weken He hes appointed for supplie And nurishment to men And sapentlie hes set In season ilk a sort And all things as he thinks it good Provids for their support All formes of Fishe the Floods Her eating Flesh the Field All healthsome Fowles for foode the Air He hes ordain'd to yeeld The Glob aetheriall And closse compacted spheir He peopled hes with lightsome lamps The streaming starr's and cleir Some of those litler Lights But steiring steadfast stay And some their circled courses change And alter erring ay And such like Hee hes set These ornaments amang That through the voults of Cristall skyes Full gleglie glansing gang Twa-glimsing golden Globes With bodies broad and bright The Greater for to guide the day The Lesse to rule the night The silver Cynthia Doeth both incresse and waine Into a Month and Phoebus course A yeare concludes againe The twise two Elements And everie other thing Abers not by thair limit bounds Be th' All-creating King Bot onl ' vnthankfull man Tho to his vse alone Great good and gratious God did all Befoir exprest compone ȝit all the Creatures That He hes made amang Man only know's the right and ȝit Does walk awry and wrang Fortis est falsam infamiam contemnere ALL they that loue and liueth be the law And they that stur hir statutes to trangres All they of God that his commands do knaw Than leud Reports they nothing compt of lesse All they in life who puritie professe Than sland'ring tongues they nothing more detest Wha seiks to smoir while they the more increase The giltles Fame the pure and perfect best The Scripture shewes the wiser sort expreems Detracting tongues a vice vnworthiest Which God most vile and odious esteems Of falls infamous lies than think no mair Bot as words lost and Echoes in the air Ane prayer for the faithfull O Lord whose force and righteonsnes do reach From Monarchies vnto the meinest Mote O Lord whose Regall staitlines does streach O're all not passing once the smallest iott O Lord that sau'd vnlost thy seruant Lot And for distrust strake vp his wife in stone O Christ that cur'd by touching of thy cott The blind the lame and all with greifs begone Look Lord I pray down from thy thundring throne And view vs wratches with thy eies deuine Guide vs with grace from danger eu'rie one Whom thou elects and chuses to be thine Blisse vs on Earth and giue vs perfect pace And in the Heauens fruition of thy face VPON THE REVEREND AND GODly M. N. H. Commissar of Aber. HEre lies inclosde within this Caue of clay His bloodles bones that boldly did imbrace In Christ the Truth vnto his dying day Whose like now few are liueand left alace Pereit to Poize with pietie the place That vpright He did but a spot preserue By guide gouerning godlines and grace Which now to sound that surely cannot swerue Thy publict praise O happie Soule shall serue Though thou be dead and death thy drosse deuoir Thy laud shall not inlaik that does deserue For to remain immortall euermoir Thy Name by Fame into this land shall liue Though seasons slide it permanent shall priue DIALOGVE VPON THE VERTVOVS and Right honourable Sir Thomas Gordon of Clunie Knight Interlo Resp. Fame Pub. Weal WHair flies thou Fame so frantick-like and fast What chance or change what may thy murning moue What grieus thee thus how goes thou so agast What newes in Earth what in the Heavens aboue Thou Tongue of Time thou wingd-foote Herold stay T' impart th'imployments vnto vs we pray Fame The force of my Affaires and woes scarse can Permit a pause much-lesse to bide and breath Bot wit Thou wee le the World it wants a Man By the vntimous Tyranie of death Whose worthines to sound out J am send Vnto the Heauen and to the Worlds end Pub. Whom haue J lost Fa. A manfull member you That lou'd the Lord and held Religion deere Alas remoued and transported now From yow the faithsull that are fechtand here Vnto his Home the high and stately Heauen That God vnto the glorified hes giuen And hes thee left as Orphane to bewaill And weept his want with teares and tragick toone That from this wofull and this wratched vail His shyning vertues Sunne hes set so soone By whose eclipsed and declined light This day is darke like the Cymmeriane night His sanctified Soule celestiall From whence it came to God againe is gone Vp to the highest heauen imperiall Th' appointed Pallace of the Lord where None Bot Soules of Saints and blessed Angels be Elect to life from all Eternitie His Name Remembrance and his Memorie The Earth vp to the firmament shall fill The mouth 's of men shall minister with me To cause them vncorrupt continue still And grasse-like grow great glorious and greene As if they were substantially seene How greatly than thou graced are O graue A seuen foote Cell made of the marble mold His knighted Corps with honour thou shall haue Whose Fame skarse can the vniuersall hold Whairbe the age succeeding this shall see How rair a Man heir buried lies in Thee To his louing friends Prosop YOu Honourable Deere and louing Frends To whome God giues his graces great and guid Mark this Mort-head and your ensewing ends See how it stands think some-time how it stood Now bot bare bones and hes beines but their blood No worldlie wit to Kingdomes Crowns nor kin Brings with them blessings or Beatitude Nor will they Heauen vnto the wicked win All Earthlie pompe if not divod of sin Shall turne to this wherein my bones are borne A trimmed Tomb with rotten waires within Brought forth to day and buried on the morne Liue therefore godlie verteous well and wise Such happiest and onely blessed dies 2. GOD gaue to me of friends sufficient Of worldlie wit a reasonable store Of Thesaure too vntill I was content And honour here yea whill I crav'd no more Yet all is nought and bot a glosse of glore Like the Sol-sequium a fading flowre That with the Sun does all the day decore The Gardens greene sine setteth in an houre Bot Christ my King and Souls-sweet Saviour My comfort is my honour health and all Everlasting life and never tracking treasure That permanent shall be perpetuall Leaue then deare