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B07687 Memorable historick descriptiones draven [sic]. From the sacred bookes insert in the subsequent page. By Alexander Garden.. Garden, Alexander, 1585?-1634? 1637 (1637) STC 11596.5; ESTC S92632 79,265 141

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estate Genesis 4. THe Sones of Adam now be Time began To sacrifice as vvas the Custome than The Sheep-herd Abel his first Lambs he taks And of the fat of Them oblation makes And Cain of the frutage of the Ground He sacrifiede the first that He hes found The elder Cains did the Lord reiect And younger Abels fauour and respect Cain heirfoir in furie and Disdain His blessed Brother Abel here doth brain And out of vvoodness vvraethfull and Invy Committs this Murther Irreligiously The Lord then marks him to be knovvne herefore To be his Brothers Butcher ever more Genes 6. 7. HOw soone God sies the Sinns of men grow great All man kinde he to overthrow did Threat And did a hunder yeer before foreshow To N'oa by water all the worlds orethrow And he be preaching for mans Sinne declaird All earthly perish should and none be spaird The Lord commands him then to build the Arke And when perfected was and wroght that warke Himself his wife his Childring and there Wives All such as God decreed to save there Lives Of living Things at least takes to him Thair For ester plenishing the earth a pair Clean and vnclean they enter in and than To flow the vniversall flood began Genes 7. THe vindow's of the Heavens ar opned large And all the waters in the clouds discharge The Caverns of the earth cast vp there bryne That long into there Ludgings low hes lyn The floods and fontans from there heads and springs There watrie store into abundance brings Aboue and vnder all at once jshe ' out Each pore a spring each spring a speat did spout And with a wrackfull all orespreading speat Oretop'd the tallest Trees and montans great Five months and more the earth these floods oreflow That Land nor Sea nor mont nor medow show Than they decressd and rejncaled there store Vnto the bounds whair they had bein before Genesis 8. THe waters all consuming course decayd The Arke on the Armenians montanes stayd And no more on that world of Seas did flot But as God wold a Ground the Arke it got The twstes of Trees the Cronns of montans Grene And late dronnd Woods and Valeys dry ar sene The winds all blew and Arid earth did make And then the Dove and olive brauche broght bake But sent to try the drouth at once before She flew abroad and bake returnd no more And N'oa and his alive are lest alone When all the rest on earth were drownd eache one Then ore the vnivers they Rule and Ragne And as the mono-monarches sole Remain 〈…〉 NOvv N'oa himself and all vvith him vvithin The arcke j she out and to descend begin ●hair all saif Cham that ever did debord ●esolue to rander Thanks vnto the Lord. ●nd vnto him ane altear do vp raise ●o sacrifice thereon and offer praise ●nd vvith their humbled harts his povv're proclame ●hat by all others had preserved Thame ●he Lord thence smell'd ane sweet sav'ring smell ●nd said into his hart vnto him self ●o more for mans saik vvill I curse the ground ●or smit againe all living in this mund but vvhil the earth Remains there shall be ay Succeeding Seasons seed Time night and day Genes 9. GOd spake to Noa bless'd him and contramands The shedding humane blood with humane hands Then Reconfirmed wedlock with his word And there declard the povver of the sword With what authoritie to man is geven ●re Things created that be vnder heavne ●o him and his great blessings did he grant ●and vp with Them and knit his covenant ●nd gives for ev'r a signe to make it Good 〈◊〉 rising Raine-bovv in a watrie cloud ●nd when he sies that circling arch he shall His former covenant to minde Recall In witness that the waters shall no more Drown all the World as they had done before Genes 9. Ester the drovning deludge No'a began To plant his vines and play the house band man ●nd drank thereof and drunk thereon became ●nd then vncover'd he is seen be Cham. That mock'd and Jested at his aged father No no but cursed he contemnd him rather ●nd went and told it Japhet and Iust Sem. but he again re-clothed is by Them That step be step both backward to him go Lest that vnseemly They should see him so Heirfore he blessed both the one and other and Iustly cursed Cham there wicked brother The seed of these Three sones the earth ore spred and all thar borne be since of them are bred 〈…〉 THe poeple here intends to bouild a Toure In there proud thoughts to counterchek Gods powre With there Assisters that that Time one Tongve Spake all and vvere from Cham accursed sprong But God from heav'ne there hautie hartes beheld An hovv vvith pride and high contempt they svveld Heirfore he vvill in there attempt and aime Vn-do and disapoynt them in the same For they that but one languadge spoake before He chang'd and caus'd them mutter mony more And so confounded all that noght one Brother Did vnderstand a vvord spoak be ane other God then he dois divide them and constraine To quyte that vvorke that they began in vaine Genesis 12. THe Lord calld Abram and Directions gave To queat his countrie and his kinred lave And to ane other land directly draw That in his Iourney thither he should shavv The Land that he had destinat to give To him and his for ever in to live Wherein he should be Great and Greatlie he Great as his name a Blessing great should be There should he bless that blessed him all Those And curse them all that curssd him as his foes His Wife his flocks and familie they go And Lot vvith him his Brother sone also Then come thereto ane Altar he hes Reard Wnto the Lord that vnto him apeard Genesis 13. ABraham past and vp from Egypt vvent And greatumly God did his Goods augment For in all Riches him encreass he vvold In cattell coyne in Silver and in Gold And lykvvise Lot he hes Incressd his store And daylie did augment it more and more But Abrams heard-men and Lots Sheep-heards Iarre And for a pasture move among them vvarr But vvhen there actions Abram vnderstands He meekly moves Lot to divide there bands And to the Right or to the left hand Go Lot then prepares and since desird-did so For such encress and store of Goods they had That hardly could they be together fed Genesis 13. THen Lot lift vp his eyes and vnderstood That all the plains and groudd about vvas Good ●nd dreading stay should dravv on more disdain ●herefore to th' east he Tendeth vvith his Traine 〈◊〉 Land vvell grass'd and vvatred vvell vvas it 〈◊〉 Land for heard-men and their flocks most fit ●eirfore therein he myndeth to Remaine ●nd pitch'd his palions into Sodoms plain ●or all the vvale is lovv neer Iourdans Shoir ●s vvatred vvell of pasture had lyke store ●nd plentifully stood and stuffd did stand ●s once vvas Eden
MEMORABLE HISTORICK Descriptiones draven From the Sacred Bookes insert in the subsequent page By ALEXANDER GARDEN NIL PENNA SED USUS Prented AT MIDDELBVRGH By GERRIT MOVLERT Anno 1637. Genesis Exodus Leviticus Deuteronomie Ioshua Iudges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kinges 2 Kinges Esther Iob. Tobit Ezekiel Daniel Ionah 2 Maccabees TO The deservedly worshipfull and wisely wirtous SIR THOMAS BVRNETT of Leyes kinght Baronett Right Worshipfull SIR be yow pleads'd J pray To Read that with respective love I lay Your worships learn'd and linx-like eyes before A five month's work and noght a moment more Some Select'd dravghts suckd from the sacred Story Noght vpon hope of Honor Gain or Glory Nor on Conceat of skill or knoledge hye This Interprise at all attempted J No but that better with that blessed Booke I might acquented come this tast J Tooke Knowing the subject vits diviner merits Nor are poluted and Imperfect Sperits And of all mortall most vn-meet is mine For it so worthie weaighty and divine Yet my attempt once may prove profitable T' incourage one t' acqueat himselfs more able Yen Sir woutchafe to look vpon my Lines Suppose for such a proesence poor propine Your wor-in all affectonat duetye divoted AL. GARDEN To the READER THink nought these Verses vented are by me Which efter in these Sheets insert yow see For ony profite or aplause of fame Or Reputation that may rise be Thame No motion such by my immortall mynd Induc'd and me these to compond inclynd But in my curt prepond Epistle Thair My motiwes all and causes I declare Hope then for no high stile nor stately strame Or figur'd Phrases from a loftie Braine Nor for Hyperbolees that great Jngines Vse for to fraught with and to larde their Lines No nought a Sillab such shall Thow see heir But simply all is said and said Sincear 〈…〉 HEav'n Earth and seae round eirc'lare sphericall Of ane rude mixed Mass God made them all He stampt with starrs the heavne and with these lights The Sun and Moone devyded dayes from nights Beastes fishes foules he creat of all kinde And fitly each it 's Element assign'de The liquid waters from the earthly mass He ●●parats and them a-part did place The thin hote moist and subtile Aer above The cold drie earth about h' assign'd to move And tuixt the earth and fire that all jmbraces The aer and water providentlie places And seeing all that he had done was Good He made man syne to his similitude Genesis Chap. 2. WHan God of Heav'ne and Earth had form'd the frame And made ane end of all the hoste of Thame Into the body that he builded hath H' jnfuis'd a soule and breath'd a living breath And when he thus perfectly fram'd the same From Rud reed earth he did him Adam name Man so created perfect pure and chaste God in his Garden Paradise him plac't And there with freedonie full before his fall To eat of ev'rie frute and to vse all Excepting that of knoledge he bestrait Command and charge prohibit was to eat And when he should that Tree of knowledge cun He then should dye that day and be vndone Genes 2. THe Lord God Adam sound a sleep he layd And Eva of one of his ribs hes made Then with divine inimitabill art Clos'd cleanly vp with flesh the emptie part And when he did awake the woman Than His flesh and bone God offred to the man Whom Adam when he finds so fitly fram'd Made out of Man he hes her woman nam'd And as his Wife he hes her jntertaind For God there first the Mar'age rites ordaind A straght conjunction and a sacred band In Paradise kint be the Lords command Injoyning Them therefore to joyne there handes And maried To multiplie commands Genesis 3. THe Serpent Eve induced with Deceat And Adam she inveits and he did eat O Lamentable for ev'r and fearfull fact That did there State so marr and murnfull mak The frute forbidd'n of knovledge Good and Euill And heirby both deluded by the Devill From puritie and there perfection fall And so suck'd in the Sinn Originall Ambitions both too greedily began To lay the Ground greef of the Greefes of Man There misbeleef and blindness yet both blind Into there fault and fall enforc'd they find And liable therefore to Death they be Themselfes and since all there posteritie Genesis 3. THe frute once eaten opned ar their eyes And they there ovvne poore nakedness espyes Wherefore they both vnto a figge Tree came And pulld some Leaves and sevved of the same For to be Brecches to them both to hold There Shame vnsene and clothe them from the cold Before they taste of that sequestrat Tree They knew noght that they bare and naked be No figg-tree leav's nor figge tree Trunks could beild-them Nor from th' All-seeing-eye could sheeld-them Nor could those figge tree leaves tho cloith there skins Preserve vnsene there Trespass nor there Sinns No no there Conscience for there Crime did call And God without within he Saw them all Genesis 3. THe voyce of God they in the Garden heard And faultie hid them for there falt a feard But heavne nor earth nor them the darksome deep From there Creator knowing all could keep Excuses put a part They must apeare And ansver to the poynts that he sould speare That dreadfull voyce that Thunder did resemble Made heav'ne and earth and Man muche more to tremble He calld they come h' accus'd and they confess'd And guiltie both Grant that they haue Trangsgressd The Woman He the Serpent She They say This foul defection drew on ws this day And Ws Invegled with it s wicked wit To ●at that balefull and forbidd'ne Bit. Genesis 3. A Curse to them a Time God hes denune'd And punishments to it for ev'r pronune'd And said because this deed slie Serpent Thow Thow did ay on thy Belly shall thovv bow And lick the Dust without saueguard or sheeld A boue all Beasts accursed of the fielde Also betnix the vomans seed and Thee Shall ev'r be discord and Ennimitie And be assur'd that for this Sin thy Seed May bruise Hers heele but hers shall brak thy head Then of Goat-skins to them he Garments gave And from his Paradise divine them drave Then set a Cherub with a flamming sword To watch it as is wretin in his word Genesis 3. VVIth Toil and Travell Adam griefe and Sweat His living earneth and his Bread did eat And vvas constraind to do to dig to delfe His Mothers Bosome to suport him self Because God for his Crime the earth accurss'd And made it bring forth Breers of vveeds the vvorst And since to sin he did obey his vvife With Great vexation shall he lead his life And Eva so vvith vnacquainted fitts In bringing out her Bairnes vvith sorrovv sits And surely subject shall be her desire And plainly prostrat to her Lords Impire Estrangd and far from that contentement great That they injoyed in There first