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A93757 Six several sermons preached on Isaiah, 38. I. Wherein that great duty of setting our body and soul in order, for we shall die, is at large opened and explained Wherein also many divine truths are made known relating to the same matter; and now published, because of the exceeding importance and concernment of this subject unto all people whatsoever. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1696 (1696) Wing S5135; ESTC R230779 115,810 178

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out at such a time here it is his Wisdom and Business in the mean while to seek out and provide for himself another good Bargain or way of Livelyhood that he may be at no loss or disappointment This is but what is usually done every day Why all we Inhabitants of the Earth are Tenants at will or Rack-renters God having let out to us Husbandmen this his Vineyard of the Earth and he sits above afar off and out of sight and he sends his Servants to us Husbandmen that he might receive from the Husbandmen of the Fr●it of the ●ineyard Mark 12. 1. But alas Most of them do not make so good returns thereof as he expects to the great Landlord of Heaven and Earth and we must be ●●●ned out for here we are not suffered to continue by ●eason of Death Is it not then our Business and Wisdom all the mean while that we are on this Earth that we may be received up into the Heavens above This leads to the second point heretofore proposed to be spoken unto and that is to shew what mighty force Reasoning and Exhortation is in this Consideration Thou shal● die and not live to the intent that we may set all our Worldly concerns Body and Soul in ●rder because that we shall die and not live The whole that Man desires and would have is Happiness and Salvation for if there be any other good thing which he would have or doth wish for it is all comprehended under this word to be Happy and to be made sure of it One defines Happiness to be a gathering or heaping together of all good things Now if one had all the Happiness which this World can give all the Plenty and Variety in each thing the Blessings of Solomon Understanding in the first place and then Riches and Honour and length of Days even what may seem good for the Sons of Men and whatever his Eyes desired I kept not from them I with-held not my Heart from any Joy besides that it is all Vanity and Vexation of Spirit For it doth not at the very time give the Heart and Soul a full and sincere satisfaction for all those good things put together do not yield it at the very instant of Enjoyment But then farther the Spirit is vexed that if they did fully thoroughly and sincerely satisfie her for the time as they do not that she must be at length taken away from all these things And she being an Immortal Essence no●●ing but what is Immortal and Eternal also will indeed content and satisfie her For in her very Thought that can be no Happiness which hath an end For she knows that her self though she began to be will have no end and therefore she craves earnestly and groans within her self and travaileth in pain like unto that Speech of Rachel Give me Children or else I die give me a Happiness abiding as long as my self and commensurate to me or else I had rather die cease to be and return unto my first nothing But this is impossible from the Decree of God who whatever he doth in this kind he doth it for ever and it shall therefore continue in being as long as himself is God which is for ever and ever As Jesus Christ the Lover and Saviour of Souls did once say My Kingdom is not of this World for then would my Servants fight for me So the Soul may truly say my Happiness is not of this World for then would my Servants my Faculties and Powers seek for it here But the former part is evident for the two reasons afore assigned because the utmost Happiness of this World is neither satisfactory nor yet enduring And the Soul would fain have that which is both And therefore it is not worth while to give Command or Direction to my Servants my Powers and Faculties my Reason and Understanding to be wholly employed in seeking after them For indeed we should be no otherwise employed about them at all but only in subserviency and subordination to the greater things to come The time would fail me to mention all those manifold Scriptures which do most discover the Nature of things of any Book of the World For who can better know the very Nature and Order of things than the Word it self which made and established them which contain this very same Reasoning and Exhortation that the Soul is not to have her Happiness in this World but to seek for it in God and what he will do for her in the World to come let us instance in two or three for by the Mouth of two or three Witnesses shall every word be established The first to manifest and shew forth this same Truth is Heb. 13. 14. For here we have no continuing City but we seek one to com● From which words it may be truly reasoned and inferred for here we have no continuing Happiness but we seek one to come And then if we consider Mich 2. 10. to which this place of the Hebrews hath reference Arise ye and depart for this is not your rest Both these Scriptures put together confirm these two Reasons wherefore Man's Happiness is not of this World because that in the Hebrews saith it is not his Rest for all the things of this World do not give truerest and full content to the Soul Again another parallel place to this is Deut. 12. 9. For ye are not yet come to the Rest and to the Inheritance which the Lord your God giveth you Which though it was spoken as to the Land of Canaan as a less Type and Signification of Heaven and of that Rest which remaineth to the People of God yet from this same place it may be surely gathered and inferred that it hath relation principally to that Rest which is to be had only on the other side of the Grave and that Inheritance I●corruptible Undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in the Heavens for them which God giveth only unto his People And we are not as yet come to that Rest neither shall we ever arrive to that Rest as long as we are on this Earth As to this the inference is Natural and Reasonable seeing that we cannot have Rest here let us seek for Rest elsewhere For we may sensibly observe that our Spirits are always restless or dissatisfied about one thing or another The Wicked are like the troubled Sea which cannot rest whose Waters cast up mire and dirt and their restlesness is because of Sin and Guilt The Godly also are restless because as Job saith The Wicked cease not from troubling them And also we are restless because People are not so good as they should be Because as yet it doth not go so well with the concernments of God and his Truth so as to reform and bring the corrupt World into Subjection and Obedience to him as we would have it and because through that abundant Opposition of Satan we cannot bring our good devices to pass and for
Names shall be written in the Earth they will not be found written in the Book of Life nor in Heaven but their Names shall be blotted out from under Heaven and noted down with a black Coal here on this Earth So that of Necessity they shall be cast into the Lake of Fire and be burnt up they being the Chaff of the Creation of God with unquenchable Fire As saith the Wise man Envy thou not the Glory of a Sinner for thou knowest not what shall be hi● end So I now preach unto ye do not envy the Riches fine Estate or Plenty of a Man of this World or a Man of this Earth who makes the World and the good things of the Earth his main End and principal Business for it appears from the Scriptures of Truth what will be their End namely when the Earth and the Works that are therein shall be burnt up themselves whose Names shall be written in the Earth Many of whom now call their Lands after their own Names Psalm 89. 11. shall be burnt up also together with it with unquenchable Fire For my ●art I had rather have my Name written in the Book of ●he Living and be written with the Righteous though by Persecution and Oppression I should be stripped of all than to have my Name written in the Earth although I might be Lord Proprietor and Owner of several thousand Acres of good Land And so would ye also if ye have a true Faith and Knowledge in the revealed Decrees and Dispensations of God and in the Things pertaining to his Kingdom Though withal it is to be understood as the same may be truly gathered from out of the same Scriptures of Truth none will be condemned at the last day meerly or only because He was Rich in this World and so it is contrariwise none will be saved meerly or only because He was Poor in this World But People will be saved or condemned according as they have done Good or Evil and according as their Deeds done in the Body were Righteous or Unrighteous Just or Unjust Equal or Unequal True or False Acts of Duty and Obedience or Acts of Sin or according as they do most set their Heart and Affections upon God or the Things of this World I have heard a Man speaking on this Wise As long as my Possessions Goods and Estate will serve my Time it is well enough Which seems to be a fit Expression for one who hath his Portion in this Life And truly this is the mistake the Men of the World go upon for this makes them so eager and desirous in compassing and obtaining them whether by lawful or unlawful means whether by right or wrong Omission of Duty or Commission of Sin For they imagine and say that the good things of this Life will serve for their Time But in this they do greatly err for as aforesaid themselves have immortal Souls and immortal Spirits which exist and live the very first hour after they are dislodged from the Body And seeing that the World passeth away and the Lust and Fashion thereof It is hence manifest and clear that they do not neither will they serve their Time For our Time or the Time of our selves which is our Souls is to last as long as God himself and to run parallel with the longest Line of Eternity even until Time shall be no more but we are thence launched forth into the vast and infinite Ocean of forever and ever Tell them therefore thus saith the Lord God I will make this Proverb to cease and they shall no more use it as a Proverb in Israel but say unto them the days are at hand and the Effect of every Vision Ezek. 12. 23. So when the Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord which also includes the Knowledge of the Things pertaining to his Kingdom as the Waters cover the Sea there shall be no more used this kind of saying in the Mouths of People that the things of the Earth or the things of this World will serve their Time so as to last as long as themselves shall last and endure for the one are perishing and corruptible but themselves that is their Souls are Immortal and Incorruptible Indeed in this Sence they might and should serve their Time by using and receiving them to the Glory of God and according to the Bounds Rules and Directions of his Law that they might be for the Benefit and not hurt of the owners as the Wise Man intimates and according to this Counsel and Command of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Make to your selves Friends of the Mammon of Unrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into Everlasting Habitations Rich People should most of all much consider of this so that themselves may be hereby influenced and perswaded for to do accordingly For these sensibly know what a Comfort and Conveniency it is to have an Affluence and Plenty of the good things of the Earth ready to their hand without their being forced to drudge and labour for them They should herein Eye the Providence and Dispensation of God as also apprehand how that they are herein liable to higher and stricter accounts to make unto him for more Talents and Priviledges received from him But then chiefly they should lay deeply to Heart that though they now have such an advantage of Worldly Prosperity As they find the Comfort and acceptable Relish thereof is it not then desirable to continue so And therefore they should take Care and give Diligence that against this fails for Rich People must dye and when they die they can carry nothing away with them the forty-ninth Psalm is apposite and pertinent to them to be provided of an Happiness in the highest Heavens for evermore Aristotle an Heathen could say whose saying herein will rise up in Judgment against them Rich People have the most Reason to serve God of any because God hath been so good and bountiful unto them This is an Argument which the Holy Ghost makes use of in Scripture from God's Kindness and Love that they should keep in the way of his Commandments and not turn aside from them But contrariwise is it not seen that Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked that the Rich and Substantial and Chief of the People are the greatest despisers of God because they are full and lack nothing Do they not blaspheme that worthy Name by the which ye are called Do they not make a Mock and Jest and Light of the Power of Godliness and Serious Religion Though themselves partly for Fashion sake and partly for Conscience-sake may just observe the form and out-side thereof Do we not perceive them to be ashamed of the Words of Christ and of the Gospel in this adulterous and sinful Generation Yea they are ashamed and do disdain to come into th● Place where God's Word is preached in the plainness simplicity and meanness thereof My Brethren these things ought not so