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A72547 Three godly treatises [brace] 1. To comfort the sicke, 2. Against the feare of death, 3. Of the resurrection [brace] / written in French by Mr. I.D. L'Espine, preacher of the word of God in Angers ; and translated into English by S. Veghelman. L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597. 1611 (1611) STC 15514.5; ESTC S5293 148,307 355

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for euer and of his people promising also neuer to change but to continue in his alliance for euer without euer departing out of his seruice nor to make any other reckoning after but only to honour him and to celebrate and sanctifie his name Although that such assemblies of the Church militant whereof hath beene seene some pictures in these latter times and should yet be seene if Antichrist and his adherents did not hinder it be the goodliest excellentest and most to bee wished for thing that can bee seene vpon the earth as saith the Prophet O God thy house I loue most deare Psal 26. To me it doth excell I haue delight and would be neare Whereas thy grace doth dwell Item else where Psal 42. Like as the heart doth breathe and bray The well-spring to obtaine So doth my soule desire alway With thee Lord to remaine My soule doth thirst and would draw neare The liuing God of might Oh when shall I come and appeare In presence of his sight Psal 92. It is a thing both good and meete To praise the highest Lord And to thy name ô thou most high To sing with one accord To shew the kindnesse of the Lord Betime eare it be light And eke declare his truth abroade When it doth draw to night All these passages and many other sufficiently shew in what estimation hee had the holy assemblies which he preferred before all other pleasure And to say true all men that know and feele in themselues what the loue the goodnesse gentlenesse mercy clemency benignity wisdome faithfulnes patience verity power greatnesse maiesty iustice liberality and other soueraigne and infinite vertues of God is they can neuer sufficiently content themselues with thinking on them with preaching and celebrating them with worshipping and admi●ing them and summoning not only the Angels all the hosts of heauen but also all the elements all the plants euen the vnreasonable creatures to magnifie his name to reioyce infinitly when they heare him exalted and glorified Although that neuerthelesse the praises that men liuing yet in the world sing vnto God cānot be so holy nor so well framed but there will be much more to be desired for being alwaies vnperfect as we are to what degree of faith or charity soeuer we haue attained besides hauing a flesh the which fights incessantly against the spirit and holds it backe and hinders it when it would lift it selfe vp to God it is impossible that we should heare the word of God with such zeale attention as might be required nor likewise that wee should make our confessions prayers and thansgiuings with such humility as we ought So it is yet that when we heare the singing of Psalmes spirituall Hymnes Canticles and Songs to eccho sound in the middest of the assembly out of the mouthes of the faithfull although they be infirme weake poore and miserable sinners we doe not let to be rauished transported out of our selues with the great ioy that we feele in our harts what may we then think of the pleasure which we hope to receiue in heauen when that our soules separated from our bodies being then mounted shall heare that sweet musicke and harmony of Angels and other happy Spirits singing with one accord the praises of God with such a melodious sound that the contentment and ioy which they shall conceiue thereby shall make them in an instant to forget not only all displeasure but also all other pleasure Like as a Tubbe of water is no more seene so soone as it is cast into the Sea nor the brightnesse of the Starres when the Sunne beginnes to shine and to cast his beames vpon the earth Moreouer when we die in the faith of our Lord we are euen at the same instant most happy that is to say that then we haue no more desires but such as are holy and which at the selfe same houre of our death are fully glutted and satisfied Which is not a small felicity that wee hauing no more flesh to contrary the spirit nor rebellious appetites to reason nor law in our members disagreeing to the law of God but that all tumults and troubles ceasing in our hearts we may haue a soule altogither spirituall calme peaceable liuing wholly to God and which may be so fastened and vnited vnto him that neither by temptations nor any occasion it can be distracted neither from his loue and seruice nor from the beholding of his face Is there any thing more pleasant to behold then a well gouerned city where all the citizens and inhabitants are of one minde and streightly bound togither by a true and firme amity that giue no way to contentions annoyances debates quarrels partialities diuisions tumults and seditions but hold togither and liue all in an amiable concord Is there likewise any thing more to be wished for then to see a house well ordered where the Father and Mother of a family with the children and seruants walke altogither in the feare and obedience of God contayne themselues within their bounds without exceeding nor yet forsaking the rule and measure which God hath giuen in his law St. Paul in many places of the Scripture propounds vnto vs the sweete harmony which is betweene all the members of mans body Rom. 12. 1. Cor. 12. and the mutuall communication which is betweene them of their faculties and powers without being enuious of the dignity the one of the other or that the other contemnes his fellow for his basenesse being desirous by this comparison to teach the Church the fraternity and iust proportion which ought to bee in the members thereof for the good and conseruation of euery one in particular and of all the body in generall which is the goodliest thing and most agreeable that is to be seene if it might bee seene amongst men It is also a very pleasant thing to heare a good lute well tuned when it is touched by a skilfull player But yet there is nothing more pleasant then a soule well tuned in all her faculties when the vnderstanding thinkes no more vpon any thing but God and our will loueth desireth nor aspires after any thing but him and finally our memory hath no other remembrance but of him as it happeneth vnto it when hauing forsaken the body it is receiued in Paradise For then it is all filled with God 1. Cor. 15. who is in her all things afterwards as saith the Apostle that is to say all her thoughts all her loue and desires all her delights all her remembrance Briefe all her good her part her wishing and contentment is in God Seeing then that by death wee attayne to a good which wee cannot finde in this world in what state soeuer wee are and what commodities soeuer wee haue for there is no King nor Prince nor Plowman nor Merchant nor Aduocate who liuing in this world doth not often complayne and who hath not great occasions to complayne many
holy ordinances of God wittingly and willingly almost as many times as he hath bene inuited and solicited by the diuell and his owne desires Item to be banished and shut out of the kingdome of heauen seeing that the flesh according to the which hee hath liued cannot inherite nor possesse it 1. Cor. 15. for if our first parentes haue beene shamefully hunted out of Paradise Rom. 5. whither they had beene called after their creation by reason of their disobedience what doth man now deserue by so many rebellions and iniquities which hee drinkes and swallowes downe euerie day as if it were water Item to be condemned to euerlasting death and consigned for euer to fire and torments with the diuell and the reprobate seeing that it is the recompence and reward of sinnes and for conclusion that hee hath deserued to be buried in hell and there in the flame to suffer such torments as doth the euill rich man Luc. 16. for hauing disdained the poore and their afflictions and hauing made no reckoning to succour them at their need and vse such humanity towards them as he would haue desired of others Simil. being reduced to like necessity When the sick shall be thus brought downe and that in the law as in a looking glasse his iudgement condemnation shall be represented vnto him and when he shall be seene to be wounded and pierced with sorrow in his heart then must be applied to his sore lenitiue medicines Simil. and do as doth a mason when he cuts a stone first they giue it great strokes with the hammer till they get out great flakes presently after they polish plain it in such sort with the chisell that the blowes are no more perceiued So it must be that after the sicke hath bene so rudely intreated and hauing by the rigorous threatnings of the law let him downe into hell be is drawne vp againe by propounding vnto him the sweete and amiable promises of the Gospell to the end that by the sweetnesse of this oyle the biting sowernesse of the law may be swe●●ned and that the ioy of the good things of the grace of God may make him to passe away forget the sorrow despaire whereinto the law reduceth him first he must be shewed that the bond which was against vs Col. 2.2 and the which lay in the ordinances was cōtrary vnto vs hath bin blotted out abolished fastned on the crosse of Iesus Christ Item that Iesus Christ hath bought vs againe from the malediction and curse of the law when he was made a curse for vs for it is written Gal. 3. cursed is he that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham should come vpon the the Gentiles through Iesus Christ to the end that wee should receiue the promise of the spirit of faith That Christ is the end of the law Rom. 9. and of iustice to all beleeuers And finally that by the perfect obedience which he hath rendred to God obseruing all his commaundements without breaking thē in any thing or omitting one only little point of them to the enduring of the cursed death of the Crosse for vs because that such was the will of his Father he hath procured a generall remission abolition of all our sin an acquittāce of all our debts obligatiōs the which he hath paid not in gold siluer or precious stones Peter 2. but with his own bloud which is an incomparable price and ransome And ouer and aboue he hath purchased vs a righteousnesse the which being allowed vs by the faith and assurance which we haue thereof as well by his word and Sacraments as his spirit which giues testimony thereof in our hearts wee ought to take away all feare and apprehension that we may haue of our sins of death of the diuell of the rigour malediction of the law and finally of the wrath iudgement of God Rom. 4. For to begin at our sinnes being cloathed with the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ we ought to assure our selues not onely that they are couered hid from being perceiued and discouered before the eyes and face of our God but altogether blotted out as it were with a spunge and disperced as are the clouds by the Sun and the wind and although they were as red as vermelion or scarlet yet shall they become as white a snow as saith Isay And before him Dauid Isa 1. Psal 51. If thou with Isope purge this blot I shall be cleaner then the glasse And if thou wash away my spot The snow in whitenesse shall I passe And it makes no matter what manner of sinnes not in what number they be so they be not sinnes against the holy Ghost not yet in what sort and manner they haue bene committed whether by ignorance weakenesse or of set malice for the sin cannot so much abound but the grace of God which is procured vs by the death and iustice of Iesus Christ doth yet more abound And although that the sinne being committed against the infinit maiesty of God be also for that regard reputed infinite yet that hinders not that the bloud of Christ which by the eternall spirit hath offered him selfe to God himselfe without any spot doth cleanse our consciences from dead works to serue the liuing God Heb. 9. as writeth the Apostle to the Hebrewes For the diuinity being vnseparably vnited to the humanity in the person of Iesus Christ is cause by his omnipotēce that his death hath an infinite vertue to redeeme vs and his iustice to sanctifie vs and his life to quicken and make vs happy insomuch as being God as he is stronger then the diuell also are his workes more powerfull to saue then are those of his enemies to destroy and to consume His iustice hath more force to iustifie vs then sinne whereof the diuell is author hath to condemne vs and his puritie to wash and make vs cleane then this filthy spirit hath by his filthinesse to defile vs. And his light is more strong for to illuminate and lighten vs then the darknesse of the Prince of the world to blinde vs and his truth to instruct vs then the errours of the father of lies to abuse vs briefe his life hath more vertue to raise vs againe and quicken vs then the enuie of this murtherer homicide hath to kill and slay vs. Whereby wee see that the Sonne of God as saith St. Iohn is not come into the world to any other end but to destroy the workes of the diuell and that in his bloud all our enemies that is to say all our sinnes haue bene drowned no more nor lesse then in old time Pharao and the enemies of Gods people were all discōfited and drowned in the red sea It is that strong one which St. Luke saith surpriseth an other strong one Luc. 11. whom he hath combated and ouercome and from whom he hath taken all the
happie spirits the euerlasting consolations which are there promised and reserued for the elect And the bodie on the other side in the earth as in a bed there for to sleepe and rest at his ease without that his slumber be any more interrupted or troubled neither by troublesome dreames nor by cares and solicitudes nor by feares nor by alarmes and violent noyses nor by any other occasion whatsoeuer and that vntill the day of the resurrection in the which it shall be awaked by the sound of Gods trumpet reunitted to the soule hauing lost his mortalitie corruption 2. Cor. 15. dishonour and weakenesse in the earth and bing clothed againe with glory force immortalitie and incorruption Wherin we may see that it is without reason that men are so greatly affraid of the bodily death the which for a time separates the body from the soule to the great profit of the one and the other For the bodie is by that meanes out of all danger not onely of sinne and of miseries which it draweth along with it but also of all temptation lying resting in the earth in assured hope of the resurrection and euerlasting life And although it seeme to be altogether depriued of life in the earrh because that the soule departing from it leaues it without any mouing or feeling and also that it rots and is reduced to dust neuerthelesse being alwaies accompanied with the spirit and infinite vertue of God who quickneth all things it is not altogether separated from life as saith St. Paul If the spirit of him that hath raised vp Iesus Christ from the dead dwelleth in vs he that hath raised him vp wil also quickē your mortal bodies because his spirit dwelleth in you And it is the reason for the which elsewhere he being willing to giue vs a picture of the resurrection to come of our bodies doth propound it vnto vs vnder the figure of a seed put into the groūd which hath life in it selfe although that being in a garner it hath no shew of any and that holding it in our hands we can iudge no otherwise of it but that it is a dead thing neuertheles whē it is put into the earth where it might seeme that the life which should be in it should there bee quite stifled and smothered it shewes it selfe and comes forth euen as out of the rottennesse from whence we see spings the stalke which afterward taketh nourishment and growth which are effects and demonstrations of the life which was hid therein before it was put into the earth And albeit that God in the Scripture calles himselfe the God Abraham Mat. 22. euen after his death and that he is not the God of the dead but of the liuing from thence it followes that not onely the soule of Abraham which he hath redeemed by the death of his Sonne is yet liuing after it is separated from the body but that also the body which doth participate in this same redemption and which is vnited and incorporated with IESVS CHRIST for to bee of his members and which finally hath beene consecrated and dedicated vnto God to the end that hee should dwell in it as his Temple is not depriued of life 1. Cor. 3. euen at that time when it is rotted in the earth Because that it is alwaies accompanyed with the grace of God and comprehended as well as the soule in the euerlasting alliance which hee hath made with his people the which alliance is a spring and veine of life not vnto the soules onely but vnto the bodies also of all the faithfull And if as saith St. Iohn in his reuelations those are happy that die in the Lord Reuel 14 and there is no beatitude without life from thence wee must conclude of two thinges the one eyther that the beatitude commeth not to the bodie or if it doth reach to it that it is not exempt from life lying in the earth For although that beeing all worme-eaten it doth not in such estate shew any appearance of life yet doth it alwaies retaine as it were a seed thereof and budde which shall appeare at the day of the resurrection when the Spirit of God powring his infinite vertue vpon our bodies it shall raise them and shall adorne them with glory and excellency which God hath promised to his elect And euen as in an egge there is a chicken Simil. and life hidden the which is put in euidence when the hen commeth to heate and broode it with her heat so the immortality and life to the participation whereof as well our soules as our bodies haue bene called from that time that by faith we haue receiued the Gospell which is a word of life and an incorruptible seed shall be as it were disclosed at the latter day by the power of our God who will reuiue vs as the heauen 2. Peter 3. the earth and all other creatures which thē shal be deliuered quite from the bondage of corruption Rom. 8. Whereof we are also assured by the Baptisme which hath bene communicated vnto vs in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost for the water which hath bene powred on our bodies which the Scripture calleth the washing of regeneration is not to assure vs that our soules onely are washed and cleansed in the bloud of Iesus Christ by the remission of our sinnes but also our bodies And that both together being couered and cloathed with the iustice and innocency of the Sonne of God and ouer and aboue sanctified by his Spirit are presently put in possession of life and altogether freed and deliuered from the bondage of death which hath no power as we haue said but there onely where sinne reigneth which is the onely cause of death The Lords Supper in the which by faith taking the bread and wine which therein are administred by the M●…ster we are receiued to the participation of the flesh and bloud of Iesus Christ and so vnited and incorporated with him that for euer as saith St. Iohn he dwelleth in vs and we in him Ioh. 6. doth it not also assure vs that being inseparably conioined with life and the meanes of life wee cannot die neither in soule nor in body by the meanes of this vnion which is common to both of them The bodily death then should not seeme so horrible and feareful vnto vs as it is to many who are affrighted with it Simil. as are children with a maske and false visage for if a mother did present her self before her child in a shape mōstrous and hideous to behold he would be affraid of it and crying would runne from it but as soone as she hath lifted vp her maske and that he knoweth her againe he will runne towards her to embrace and kisse her We also to be deliuered from this naturall feare and fright which we haue of death we ought to vnmaske it and looke vpon it now in
when he seeth the day comming wherin he doth hope to haue liberty and quietly to enioy his goods So ought euery faithfull man seeing the day of his death draw neere in the which he shall be put in possession of all the goods which God hath giuen him and the gift wholly resigned When a man that hath vndertaken some long and tedious iourney hauing trauelled many daies and being wearied on the way seeth the gate of the town whither he goes doth he not reioyce and as it were leape for ioy Doth he not giue God thankes going into the towne that it hath pleased him to conduct and bring him safely thither Now euer since wee were borne we haue alwaies bene in this world as strangers we haue done nothing else but trauell in this low place as in great desert we haue heere wearied o●●elues then seeing death neere vnto vs that is to say the gate whereby wee must enter into the kingdome of our God and the staires whereby wee must ascend vnto his holy mountaine haue wee not occasion to consolate our selues and to leape for ioy considering that we are almost arriued at the place where we hope to rest perpetually If poore Adam being driuē out of the earthly Paradise after he had tasted of the miseries whereinto hee had precipitate himselfe by his sinne had beene called thither againe and set in his first estate what occasion should he haue had to reioyce And we also who after so many and diuers afflictions are called out by God by the means of death into no earthly but heauenly Paradise not Adams but Gods where there is no sin where there is no Serpent where there is no forbidding briefe where there is no feare nor shame When Noah after the flood and falling of the waters which had broken and torne all began to see the firme land he did reioyce and for ioy sacrificed to God for a thanksgiuing although it was accursed and brought forth thornes and thistles as before VVhat more great occasion shall wee haue when after the great flouds and desolations which wee haue seene in this world 〈◊〉 shall beginne to see and salute the land of the liuing the blessed land the land that was promised to the good the land flowing with Milke and Honey and all sweete and sauory things When Ioseph after hee had a long time beene prisoner in great calamitie suddenly without thinking thereone was raised to such dignitie that hee was next the King in Egypt making lawes and ordinances for to dispose the State and Kingdome had not hee matter of consolation VVee haue no lesse but much more when after our prisons captiuities seruitudes banishmentes and so many other afflictions which wee suffer in this world wee by death are in a moment lifted vp from the dunghill into heauen there to reigne with IESVS CHRIST and to bee partakers of his glory of his honour of his faith of his rest and of his table VVas it not a great ioy to the Iewes who had beene captiue three score yeares in Babylon amongest the Idolaters in great miserie depriued of the vse and commoditie of spirituall thinges as to assemble together to prayse God and to heare his word and to doe other thinges appertayning to the office of a Christian weeping sometimes when they were by themselues and hanging vp their Harpes and Instruments through griefe that they could not serue God according to their desires nor sing his prayses among the strangers for to haue the Kings letters to returne into their countrey build their Temple and there according to their ancient manner in all liberty serue praise and worship their God It is lesse to vs when after a long and redious captiuitie that we haue endured in this world conuersing with Idolaters vnbeleeuers blasphemers despisers of God and of his word we are deliuered and haue our pasport to goe into this celestiall Ierusalem and into the holy Temple of our God there for to praise him perpetually and in beholding his goodnesse to glorifie and sanctifie his holy name Death is also to be desired by reason that with our sorrowes it also ends our mourning we in this world are alwaies sad heauie and malancoly In it we weepe we sigh and alwaies weare the blacke weede But when by death wee goe forth of it to goe into the house of our Bridegroome wee put off and leaue the mourning weed for to take our goodly and sumptuous abiliments With goodly Robes rich and imbrodered Before the Kings she shall in state be led Saith our diuine Poet Esay and euerlasting ioy shall be powred on those which haue bene the faithfull sereants of God and then shall be accomplished that which hath bene promised them You that doe weepe in this world are happie for you shall laugh there shall be no more griefe nor complayning nor teares for God at our comming into his kingdome will wipe them away from our eyes we shall be comforted and we shall rest in Abrahams bosome as did Lazarus there shall be no other question but of singing and saying euery one to our soules Go to praise God in all things oh my soule And all my parts without let or controlle Praise his most good holy and blessed name Say to the Harpe and other instruments Go to awake that you may now be set vp againe in the estate to serue God and praise him for his goodnesse say to all the Church Giue vnto God praise and renowne For hee 's louing and kinde And which is more his gracious loue Shall dure world without end Say to all creattures blesse the Lord in all his works praise and exalt his name Blesse God ye Angels of heauen Sunne Moone Fire Ayre Water Earth Trees and Beasts A maide that hath long time bene betrothed desires that the day of her mariage were come and when it is come shee reioyceth seeing that shee shall soone be brought to her husbands house to dwell perpetually with him wee ought also to comfort our selues when the time drawes neere that our Lord must come and wee ought to attend him waking as did the fiue wife Virgines that so soone as hee shall bee come wee may goe in to the wedding with him and that the gate be not shutte against vs as it was against the fiue foolish becaue they were fallen asleepe An other reason why death is to bee wished for is that it causeth vs to see our friend and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST of whom we haue as yet seene but the picture The Prophets and Apostles haue described him vnto vs so faire of such a comely stature so courteous so vertuous so loyall so eloquent so louely so noble so rich so louing of vs that for our saluation hee did abandon his owne life which ought more to moue vs then any other thing Where is that maid who hauing heard of so many perfections to be in her friend would not burne and be altogether transported with desire and affection to
crowned with glory the other with perpetuall infamy For to teach vs the Resurrection it compares death to a sleepe Dan. 12. as hath beene already sayd to the end we may be certaine that as the bodies after they haue laboured shall rest by sleepe that they being awaked may with so much more alacrity returne to worke so when wee shall haue made an end of this present life our bodies shall be brought to the tombe as in a bed of rest for to rise againe from thence at the latter day and be put into their place Iob prophecying of the resurrection the which he did firmly beleeue saies Iob. 14. 19. I know that my Redeemer liueth and that he wil stand vp at the latter day vpon the earth although after my skin this body shall be deuoured by wormes yet with my flesh shall I see God I shall behold him my eyes shall looke vpō him and none other for me although my reines are consumed within me Dauid foretels the resurrection of Christ Psal 16. by whom we shall rise againe Ion. 2. Mat. 12. the which was figured by this that Ionas was three daies and three nights in the whales belly as Iesus Christ himselfe declares it The Prophet Esay in the 26. chap. speaking of the elect Isa 16. saith vnto the Lord with faith Thy dead shall liue rise again with my body Awake reioice ye habitants of the dust for thy dew is as the dew of the fields the earth shall cast forth the dead The Lord willing to assure his people Israel that deliuering thē from the captiuitie of Babylon he would bring them backe into the land which he had giuen them he said vnto them in a vision by the Prophet that as certaine as the dead shall rise so certainly will he deliuer them from the captiuitie of the Babylonians Eze. 37. for to set them in peace in their owne land Daniel saith that those that sleepe in the dust shal wake some to eternall life and others vnto perpetuall shame and infamy and those which haue bene wise Dan. 12. shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and those which doe perswade many to righteousnesse shall bee as starres for euer and euer Iesus Christ shewes the Saduces that the dead shall rise againe Mat. 22. because that God is their God Iohn 6. In St. Iohn he saith that the will of his father who sent him is that he shall lose nothing of all that he hath giuen him but that he shall raise it vp at the latter day The Apostle declares that Christ is risen againe for our iustification Then he saith that euen as we die in Adam so we shall rise againe and shall be quickened in Christ Rom. 4.5.6 1. Cor. 15. For seeing that he who is the life when he was put into the Tombe thereby made many to rise againe Iohn 19. Psal 36. Matth. 27. Thess 4. by much more reason now being risen againe and glorified will he raise vs againe In like manner he declares that hee that raised vp the Lord Iesus will raise vs againe by Iesus and will cause vs to come into his presence And euen so as God is eternall so he will cause that the bodies of his children which are his temples 1. Cor. 3.6 14. 2. Cor. 6. Iohn 5. shall be eternall Briefe the Scripture is full of testimonies of the resurrection wherefore to end I will bring in one which ought to serue in steed of all St. Iohn saith that the howre shall come wherein all those that are in the graues shall heare the voyce of the Sonne of man and those that haue done well come forth in resurrection of life but those which shall haue done euil shall come forth in resurrection of condemnation All humane wisedome which is folly before God cannot perswade themselues Mat. 24. 25. 1. Cor. 15. Phil. 7. 2. Cor. 5. Act. 2. 4. 1. Thess 1.4.8 1. Pet. 1. 1. Cor. 1. that the bodies which are returned into dust can rise againe nor those which haue bene burned whereof the ashes haue bene dispersed by the winds nor those which haue beene deuoured by birds and by beasts and digested and reduced to doung nor those which haue perished in the waters which haue bene made foode for fishes But the Lord by that which he had done before plainly sheweth that hereafter it shall be very easie for him to do what he will with our bodies for seeing he hath made all things of nothing can he not make that to returne to life Gen. 1. Psal 33. Gen 1. which hath already bene And as he made man first of the earth can hee not as well make him to rise againe from it In the beginning the earth was so obediēt vnto him Gen. 1. that when he commanded it to bring forth the bud of the hearbs that seedeth seed the fructifying tree and the liuing creature beasts wormes c. it of it selfe by and by brings forth that which before had neuer bene how much more easily by the commandement of God may it restore many which haue already bene shall be returned into it Iohn 11. We see that although that Lazarus of Bethania had already bene three daies in the earth neuerthelesse when the Lord commanded him to come out of the earth presently it was done He himselfe also rose again from the earth the third day for to assure vs that he will raise vs againe Mat. 28. Apoc. 1. for as death could not ouercome Iesus Christ but that he is risen so shall it not be able to hinder his members from rising againe Rom. 14. Gal. 1. 1. Thess 1. 4. because that he hath as much power ouer the dead as ouer the liuing If God hath raised the head it followeth that he will also raise his body which we are if we beleeue When we consider that he did hinder the so hot burning furnace from doing any hurt to any one of Sidracke Misake and Abednego Eph. 4. Dan. 3. we shall not finde it an impossible thing to God to make them rise againe which haue bene buried that they may bee reunited vnto their soules And he that shut the Lyons Iawes because they should doe no harme to Daniel Dan. 6. shall be able to raise those againe which haue beene deuoured And as he commanded the fish to cast vp Ionas Ion. 2. also can he easily cause that the sea shall obey him when he shall commaund it to cast vp his dead In briefe the faithfull cannot doubt of his resurrection knowing that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present Rom. 8. nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature can separate him frō the loue which God beareth him in IESVS CHRIST our Lord. Reue. 20. For also the sea must cast vp those dead