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A72347 Certayne sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all persones, vycars, and curates, euery Sondaye and holy daye in theyr churches : and by her Graces aduyse perused & ouer sene, for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people : newly imprinted in partes accordynge as is mencioned in the booke of commune prayers.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. 1559 (1559) STC 13648.5; ESTC S5209 110,375 188

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shal be declared vnto you both how it is lawefull for Christian people to sweare and also what peril and daunger it is vainelye to sweare Howe in what causes it is lauful to swere or to be forsworne Fyrste when iudges requyre othes of the people for declaration or openynge of the truth or for execution of iustice this ma●er of sweringe is lawfull Also whē men make faithful promises with callynge to witnes of the name of GOD to kepe couenauntes honest promyses statutes lawes good customes as christian princes do in theyr conclusyons of peace for conseruation of common wealthes priuate persōs promise their fidelitie in Matrimonye or one to another in honestie and true frendeshyp and al men when they do sweare to kepe common lawes or ●ocall statutes and good customes for due ordre to be had and continued emonge men when subiectes do sweare to be true and faythfull to theyr kyng and soueraygne Lord and whē iudges Magystrates and offyces sweare truely to execute theyr offyces and when a manne woulde affyrme the truth to the settynge foorthe of Goddes glory for the saluatyon of the people in open ●●●ching of the gospel or in geuinge of good counsayle priuatelye for theyr soules health Al these maner of swearinges for causes necessary and honest be lawful But when men do sweare of custome in reasonyng bying felling or other dayly communicatiō as manye be common and greate swearers suche kynd of swearing is vngodly vnlawfull and forbidden by the commaundement of God For such swering is nothyng els but takyng of Gods holy name in vayne And here is to be noted that laweful sweryng is not forbidden but commaunded of almighty God For we haue examples of Chryste and godly men in holy scripture that did swere themselues and required othes of other lykewyse Deut 9 And Gods commaundement is Thou shalte dread thy Lorde God Psal lxii and shalt sweare by hys name And almightye GOD by hys Prophete Dauyd saith al men shal be praysed that sweare by hym Thus did our Sauiour Christ sweare dyuerse times Iohn 3 2 Cor 1 Gc 24 saying verely verely And S. Paule swereth thus I call God to wytnes And Abraham waxing olde required an othe of his seruaunte that he shoulde procure a wife for hys sonne Isaac whyche should come of his owne ky●●red and the seruaunte did sweare that he would perfourme his maysters wil. Gen 22 Abraham also being required dyd swere vnto Abimelech the kyng of Geraris that he should not hurte him nor his posteritie And soo lykewyse dyd Abimelech sweare vnto Abraham And Dauid did sweare to be and continue a faythfull frende to Ionathas and Ionathas did sweare to become a faithful frend vnto Dauyd Also GOD once commaunded that yf a thynge were laied to pledge to any man or left with him to kepe if the same thing were stolne or lost that the keper therof should be sworne before Iudges that he did not conuey it away nor vsed any deceite in causing the same to be conueyed away Hebre 6 by his consente or knowledge And S. Paule saith that in al matters of controuersye betwene two persons wheras one saith yea and the otheruaye so as no due profe can be had of the truth the end of euery suche controuersye muste bee an othe mynystred by a Iudge And moreouer GOD by the prophete Ieremy saith thou shalt sweare the lord liueth in trueth in iudgemente in righteousnes So that whosoeuer sweareth when he is required of a iudge let him be sure in hys conscience that his othe haue these three condycyons and he shall neuer nede to be afrayde of periurye Fyrst he that sweareth must sweare truelye What cōditions 〈◊〉 lawefulloth ought to haue The first The second that is he must setting a part al fauoure affectyon to the parties haue the truth onely before hys eyes and for loue therof say and speake that whych he knoweth to be truth and no further The seconde is he that taketh an othe must doe it with iudgemente not rashely and vnaduisedlye but soberlye consideringe what an othe is The thirde is The .iii. he that sweareth muste sweare in ryghteousnes that is for the very zeale and loue which he beareth to the defence of innocency to the maintenaunce of the trueth and to the righteousnes of the matter or cause all profyt disprofite all loue and fauour vnto the persone for frendeshippe or kynred layd a parte Thus an othe if it haue with it these three condicions is a parte of GODS glorye whiche we are bounde by hys commaundement Why we ●e willed in scripture to sweare by the name of GOD to geue vnto him For he willeth that we shall sweare onely by his name not that he hath pleasure in our othes but lyke as he commaunded the Iewes to offer sacrifices vnto him not for anye delight that he had in them but to kepe the Iewes from committyng of Idolatry so he commaunding vs to sweare by hys holy name doeth not teache vs that he delyghteth in swearyng but he thereby forbiddeth al men to geue hys glory to any creature in heauē Esa 42 Psal 15 yearth or water Hetherto you se that othes lawfull are commaunded of GOD vsed of Patryarches and Prophetes of CHRIST himselfe and of his Apostle Paule Therefore christian people muste thinke laweful othes both godly and necessary For by lawfull promises and couenauntes confyrmed by othes Cōmo●●●s had by lawfull othes made obserued Princes and their countreies are confyrmed in common tranquilitie and peace By holye promyses with calling the name of GOD to wytnesse we be made lyuely members of CHRIST when we professe his relygyon receiuyng the sacrament of baptisme By lyke holy promise the sacrament of matrimonye knitteth man wife in perpetuall loue that they desyre not to be separated for anye dyspleasure or aduersitie that shal after happen By laweful othes which kynges Prynces Iudges and Magistrates doe sweare common lawes are kept inuiolate Iustice is indifferentlye mynystred harmelesse persons fatherlesse chyldren wyddowes and poore men are defended from murtherers oppressors and theues that they suffer no wrōg nor take any harme By lawful othes mutual societie amitie and good ordre is kept continuallye in all commonalties as boroughes cities townes villages And by laweful othes malefactors ar searched out wronge doers are punished and they which sustein wrong are restored to their ryghte Therefore laweful swearyng cannot be euil whiche bryngeth vnto vs so many godly good and necessarye commodities Wherfore Vayne swerige is forbidden when CHRIST so earnestly forbad swearyng it maye not so bee vnderstanded as though he did forbid al maner of othes but he forbyddeth al wayne sweryng and for swerynge bothe by GOD and by his creatures as the common vse of sweryng in bying sellynge and in oure daylye communication to the intente euerye christian mannes word shoulde be aswell regarded in suche matters as if he
perilous pilgrimage and the great encombraunce which our spirite hath by this sinful fleshe and fraile body subiect to death considering also the manifold sorowes and daungerous deceites of this world on euery side the intollerable pride couetousnes and lechery in time of prosperitie the impaciente murmuring of them that bee worldlye in time of aduersitie whiche cease not to withdrawe and plucke vs from God oure sauioure Christe from oure life wealth or euerlastynge ioye and saluacion considering also the innumerable assoultes of oure gostly enemie the deuil with al hys fierie dartes of ambicion pride lechecie vaine glory enuie malice detraccion or backebiting with other his innumerable deceites engynes and snares whereby he goeth busely aboute to catche all menne vnder his dominion euer like a roringe Lyon by all meanes searchynge whom he maye deuoure 1. Pete v. the faythfull Christian manne whiche considereth all these miseries perilles and incommodities whereunto he is subiecie so longe as he here lyueth vpon earth and on the other parte consydereth that blessed and comfortable state of the heauenlye life to cōe and the swete condicion of them that departe in the Lorde howe they are deliuered from the continuall encoumbraunces of their mortal and sinnefull body from all the malyce craftes and deceytes of thys worlde from all the assaultes of theyr ghostelye enemye the deuill to lyue in peace reste and endelesse quietnesse to liue in the felowshyppe of innumerable Aungels and with the congregacion of perfecte iuste menne as Patriarches Prophetes Martires and confessors and finallye vnto presence of almightie GOD and oure sauioure Iesus Chryste He that doeth consider all these thynges and beeleueth them assuredly as they are to be beleued euen from the bottome of his hearte beeynge established in GOD in this true fayth hauinge a quiete conscience in Chryste a syrme hope and assured truste in Goddes mercye throughe the merites of Iesu Chryste to obtayne thys quietnesse rest and euerlasting ioye shal not only be withoute feare of bodelye death when it commeth but certainely as Saincte Paule did so shal he gladly according to gods will 〈…〉 sp i. and when it pleaseth god to call hym out of this life greatly desier in his heart that he may be rid fromal these occasiōs of euil and liue euer to gods pleasure in perfecte obedience of his wyll wyth oure sauioure Iesus Chryste to whose gracious presence the Lorde of hys infinite mercye and grace bryng vs to reigne wyth hym in life euerlastyng To whom with oure heauenlye father and the holye ghoste bee glorye in worldes wythoute ende Amen ¶ An exhortacion conc●●●●ng good ord●● and obedience to rulers and Magistrates ALmighty god hath created and appointed all thinges in heauen earth and waters in a most excellente and perfect ordre In heauē he hath appointed distincte or seuerall orders and states of Archangels and Angels In earth he hath assigned and appoynted kinges princes with other gouernours vnder them all in good and necessary order The water aboue is kepte and raigneth down in due time and season The sun Mone Sterres rainbow thūdre lightning clouds and all birdes of the aire doe kepe their order The earth trees sedes plantes herbes corne grasse and al maner of beastes kepe themselues in their order All the partes of the whole yeare as Wynter Sommer monethes nyghtes and dayes contynue in theyr ordre All kyndes of fyshes in the sea ryuers and waters wyth all fountaynes sprynges yea the seas themselues keepe their comely course and order And manne hymselfe also hath all his partes both wythin and wythoute as soule hearte mynde memorye vnderstandyng reason speache wyth all and synguler corporall members of hys badye in a profitable necessarye and pleasaunce or●●● Euerye degre of people in their vocacion callyng and 〈◊〉 hath appoynted to thē theyr duety and ordre Some are in hygh degree some in lowe some ●ynges and prynces some i●●eriors and subiectes priestes and laymenne maysters and seruauntes fathers and children husbandes wiues riche and poore and euery one haue nede of other so that in all thinges is to bee lauded and praised the goodly order of god wythoute the whiche no house no citie no common wealth can continue and indure or laste For where there is no right order there reigneth 〈◊〉 abuse carnal libertie enorinitie sinne Babilonycal confusion Take away kinges princes rulers magistrates iudges and such estates of gods order no man shall ride or go by the high waye vnrobbed no man shall slepe in his own house or bed vnkilled no man shall kepe hys wyfe children possessions in quietnes all thynges shal be common there must nedes folowe al myschyefe vtter destruccion bothe of foules bodyes goodes and common wealthes But blessed be god that we in thys realme of England fele not the horible calamities miseryes wretche dues whiche al they vndoubtedly fele and suffer that lacke this godly ordre And praysed be god that we know the great excellēt benefyte of god shewed towardes vs in this behalfe God hath sent vs his hygh gyft oure moste dere soueraigne Lady Quene Elizabeth with godly wise and honourable coūsaile with other superiors inferiors in a beautiful order goodly Wherfore let vs subiectes do our bounden duties geuyng harty thankes to god praying for the preseruacion of this godly order Let vs al obey euē frō the botōe of oure heartes all their godly procedinges lawes statutes proclamacions and iniunccions wyth all other godly orders Let vs consider the scriptures of the holy goste whiche perswede and commaunde vs all obediently to be subiecte first and chieflye to the kynges quenes maiestie supreme head ouer al next to her honorable counsail and to al other noble men magistrates and officers whiche by Gods goodnes be placed and ordered for almightie god is the onelye authour and prouider of this forenamed state and ordre as it is written of god Prou. viii in the boke of the Prouerbes through me kinges do reigne through me counsailours make iust lawes through me do princes beare rule and all iudges of the earthe execute iudgement I am louing to them that loue me Here let vs marke well remembre that the high power and autoritie of kinges with their makinge of lawes iudgementes officers are the ordinaunces not of man but of god therfore is this woorde through me so manye times repeted Here is also well to bee considered remembred that this good ordre is appointed of gods wisedom fauour loue specially for them that loue god therfore he saith I loue them that loue me Sap. vi Also in the boke of wisedom we may euidently learne that a kinges power authoritie and strength is a great benefite of god geuen of his great mercye to the comfort of our great misery For thus we reade there spoken to kinges Sapi. vi Heare Oye kinges vnderstand learne ye that be iudges of thēdes of the earth geue