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A54053 A sober guess concerning several dark prophesies in the Revelation, especially the XI. chapter extracted out of several authors expositors on the Apocalyps / by T.P. Minister of the Gospel. T. P. 1662 (1662) Wing P119; ESTC R22458 86,572 208

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body of this Prophecy now in order to this ponder and weigh advisedly two things First The Scope or Intent of the Book Secondly The Synchronisms or the contemporaneousness of the Prophesies therein how the Visions therein run parallel one with another and what an acurate harmony and sweet consent there is among them in respect of time First Eye and observe intentively the scope of the Book that is the common time and Period whereunto all the particular Prophecies and passages in the Revolation do joyntly run and wherein they do ultimately determine For this is the Pole-st●● and compass we must steer by the chief mark or white which must be aymed and levelled at in interpreting this whole book and all the mysterious visions therein contained Like an accurate Archer therefore keep the eye of thy judgement fixed stedfastly on the Scope that so far as possible thou shoot not wide not short nor over Now the Scope or intent of the Revelation 1. Parts of the book is more generally to make known to the Apostle John and by John to the Churches the present things that then were when the Revelation was given and the future things that should be afterwards from Johns time to the end of the World as the title of the Book intimates Rev. 2. More particularly Jesus Christ intends in this Book to declare the future condition of the Christian Religion and Churches of the Gentiles especially the European Churches the remaines of the Roman Empire and the Tyrannical dominion of Antichrist those singular subject matters of this book extending themselves in Europe peculiarly or as another learned writer expresseth it to the same purpose Christ intends in this book to describe the state of the Church in the New ●●●ament The Arocal vp is a Prophefie of the destruction of the Roman Empire not only as Heathenish but as Christian when as it were it was paganised again and persecuting the Church Mr. Thomas Goodwin in his Sermon before the Parliament 1645. and also the things that shall come to pass in the Roman Empire or the fourth Monarchy under which the Church of God doth subsist and that in divers remarkable Periods of events Now this description comprehends three Periods or three sorts of times The first Period containes the time of the Dragon the time in which the seven Crowns stood upon the seven heads of the Dragon Rev. 12.3 when the Dragon himself under the heathenish Emperors was publiquely adored and worshiped but the Christians banished persecuted and put to cruel death till at last Constantine the great came to the Imperial Seat whereby the raign of the Dragon came to an end for he throws down all both Idol-worship and Princes that upheld it So the Dragon was cast out of the Church Heaven the whole Empire turning Christian though as one well said the Devil did not th●● turn Christian for he stirred up th●●●●rian Christian world to persecute the Orthodox Christians as much as Heathen Rome had done yet notwithstanding the Church prevailed was built up and triumphed until after the death of the good Emperor Theodesins at which time the Devil left his shape of a Dragon and resigned his Host his residence and seat with his great authority unto the beast with ten horns that rose out of the Sea Cap 13.1 2. The second period comprehends the time of Antichrists raign Period 2. or the time in which the Pope of Rome as the Antichrist and enstalled Leiutenant of the Dragon Blasphemeth God and his name and persecutes his Saints for the space of 1200 and 60 days Rev. 13. Which God hath permitted as a scourge to Arrian Rome when the Dragon was overcome and cast out of the Church Heaven he did cast out of his mouth Water as a flood after the Woman Rev. 12.15 i.e. he stirred up the Septentrional Nations to invade the Roman Empire So Brightman Deed. Piscator I unius intending thereby to root out and destroy the Church but the earth swallowed up the flood in regard these Nations embruned the Christian faith Some by the flood understand Heresies especially Arrianism overflowing the Christian world and so interprers the earth to be the multitude of Christians mer in general Councels who defending the true faith overthrew and drank up these heresies as dry ground drinketh up water remaining in the Roman Empire and erected several Kingdomes in it Seeing then the Dragon saw that he could not maintain the Heathenism wherein be was openly worshipped and served he resigneth to the Beast which riseth up out of the Sea Rev. 13.7 and is ridden and governed by the great whore of Babylon Rev. 133. c. that is to the Antichrist who in the time of these wars doth creep out in the Roman Empire his power and his seat and great authority Cap. 13. vers 2. And so makes him his Vicar and Lieutenant by giving over to him his Seat and Residence the City of Rome and the whole Roman Empire whence it came to pass that about the time the Bishops of Rome began to seek to have the primacy and preeminence both in Church and State as Innocentius the first did in the year say some 402. others 406. The Dragon doth resign to his Lieutenant 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Dragons delegate or Inostirute R●● his whole host for in this sence the seventy Interpreters do use this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Exod. 14.14 and 15.4 as Mat. 24.29.30 The Host of the Dragon are his Angels or Devils So Mede and the Idols in which the Dragon and the Devils are worshipped and served by the heathen These Idols the Anti-Christian Popedome hath received and worshipped under the name of Saints the Dragon and his Vicegerent as hereof the Text speak's Cap. 13.3 4. The whole earth did wonder at the beast and they worshipped the Dragon that gave power unto the Beast and they worshipped the beast The Dragon doth give also to him great authority and makes him a head over great countries whereof David did prophecy Psa 110.6 The time of his Lieutenantship shall continue forty two Months i.e. one thousand two hundred and sixty years Vpon this follows the third Period which bringeth Statum Ecclesiae tranquillum Period 3. as the pure so the peaceable and quiet estate of the Church upon earth Seeing at the found of the Trumpet of the seventh Angel the seventh plague or the third we do come upon the Roman Empire and at the same time the seventh Viol of Gods wrath is poured out ● wherewith the enemies of the Church are wholly cut off and destroyed yea even the Devil himself shut up in the bottomless pit Rev. 20.1 2 3. therefore there can nothing but a true and constant peace ensue whence it is that the Church of God rejoyceth with great joy with a great voyce saying as Rev. 11.25 The Kingdomes of this World are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of
here is the mind that hath wisdom First The seven heads of the beast are interpreted to be seven Mountains and seven Kings that by this double accommodation this interpretation might be more sure Partly to seven mountains the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth vers 9. That is these seven heads are seven hills upon which Rome is built viz. the Capit●line Palatine Calian Aventine Aesqui●●● Viminal and Quirinal Mount For the honour of which seven mountains saith Parens an Annual 〈◊〉 was observed on the third of the I●●s of December either in memory of Romulus the builder of the seven mountained City or of Servins Tullus who to Romnlus four Mountains added three more seven in all Partly to be seven Kings i. e. seven orders formes or kinds of Governors or Governments of this Roman Kingdome or Empire whereof Rome is the Imperial seat And there are seven Kings vers 10. viz. seven orders or sorts of Rulers Kings Consuls Tribunes Decemvirs Dictators Cesars Pon●●ficrans or Popes Five are fall i. e. in Johns time the first five viz. Kings Consuls Tribunes Decemvies Dictators And one is i. e. Cesars then in being in Johns time and the other is not yee come i. e. the dilacerated state of the Cesarship or Cesartan Empire into ten Kingdomes at the least by the Barbarians as was before intimated this was as it were a seventh head but was indeed but of the sixth being the same in substance with the Cesars but was not come in Johns time and was but to continue a short space till the Dragon and falle Prophet had reunited and so healed this wounded and dilacerated state of the Empire Therefore in the Text it is added And when he commeth Rev. 13.2 he must continue a short space vers 10. And the beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seventh and goes to perdition v. 11. That is the Roman Empire that was under five heads or formes of Government before Johns time and under the sixth head of Cesars in Johns time which Cesars were changed as it were into another and seventh form in its dilacerated state of the ten Kingdoms yet is not i.e. In Johns time is not yet brought under the last head or forme viz. the Papal which is the eighth i.e. in respect of the change of the Cesarship into ten Kingdomes which seemed to be as a seventh but was indeed onely part of the sixth head and the Papal head is of the seventh i.e. he is indeed the last and seventh head or form of this beast in the course of which seventh head he carries the whore and in this state or form the beast shall be utterly destroyed Thus of the seven heads and their Interpretations 2. The ten hornes of the Beast are Interpreted to be ten Kings Bestia decemcornupeta seu secularis est unia versitas illa decem plu●m nus Regnorum in quae Caesarum post exturbatum ●raconem Imperium Barbarica plaga dissilierat in unam denuo Rempull cam Romanam redintegratà Draconu impierate coalescentium Mede Cap. 13. page 181. or ten Kingdomes viz. those ten before mentioned Kingdomes into which the Empire of the Cesars was divided by that deadly wound of the Barbaman Nations which ten Kings or Kingdoms were not yet sprung up in Johns time but into which afterwards the body of the Roman beast in the course of his last head should be dilacerated by the deadly wound of the Cesarean head And which ten Kings should unanimously give all their power to the beast for his restitution and reparation under the Government of his seventh and last head For unto this seventh head onely and not to any of the six aforegoing these ten horns belong Now these ten hornes are interpreted and described First Partly by their constitution as hath been now explained v. 12.13 Secondly Partly by their hostile persecution against the Lamb in his Members These shall make war with the Lamb viz. by making War with the Saints and overcoming them 42. months as was before declared Thirdly Partly by their overthrow by the Lamb Christ Jesus and his Saints at last which overthrow is confirmed both by the Lambs Regal power and by the Saints three victorial properties And the Lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful v. 14. Hitherto of the interpretation of the Mystery of the beast carrying the Whore 2. Now of the Mystery of the Whore her self carried by this beast which is here also interpreted Herein note 1. Her Ample Dominion 2. Her utter destruction and 3. Topical Denomination 1. Her ample Dominion over peoples of many Nations and Languages signified by the waters where the Whore sitteth And he said unto me The waters which thou sawest where the Whore sitteth are Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues 1.15 2. Her utter destruction and judgement which the Angel promiseth to tell Johns is described First By the Instrumental means of her destruction the ten hornes upon the beast Secondly by the degrees of her destruction from these ten horns And the ten hornes which thou fawest upon the beast shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire vers 16. These degrees of their destroying her shall be 1. Their hatred of the Whore with whom they have committed fornication 2. Deserting of her betaking themselves to Christs pure worship 3. Denuding of her or making her naked both by words laying open her filthy and abominable whoredomes and Idolatries c. and also by deeds withdrawing her respective revenues from her which were wont to be given her 4. Eating her flesh not onely by retaining to their own use her rich incomes Carnes nostras illi manducant qui nos persequuntur Aug. in Locum Tom. 8. but also by opposing and persecuting her which in Scripture language is as eating of ones flesh Job 19.22 Psa 27.2 5. Burning of her with fire When the punctual time cannot particularly be determined but it hastens apace and cannot be far off if the fift viol be now running which shall be poured out upon the forme of the beast which is now the judgement of many learned Divines Let the Saints strive mightily with God and pray the Whore into flames for her ruine approacheth And some of those Kingdomes that helped to raise up the Whore shall be as ready to pull her down Thirdly Her utter destruction is also described by the principal cause thereof Gods providential dispensation according to his Word who can as easily make these ten hornes unanimous to her ruine as they were to her rise and raign For God hath put into their hearts to fulfil his Will and to agree and to give their Kingdome to the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled v. 17. 3. We have