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A53065 The worlds olio written by the Right Honorable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle. Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674. 1655 (1655) Wing N873; ESTC R17513 193,895 242

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Thunder in the Winter as in the Summer is that most of the matter that makes Thunder in Summer is turned into Wind in Winter for Water Air Wind and Thunder are all but one Element only thicker and thinner for Wind is a condensed Air and Air a rarified Water and thus by Dilating and Contracting alter their Forms and their Properties which makes that Matter seem of several Qualities only works different Effects and these Effects being different by their several Motions which give them several Forms and make many times a Civill War amongst them every Form striving to out-do one another and often in their striving change their Shape But Fire being an Element not subject to change somtimes parts the Fray and somtimes sets them more one against another for in the Summer the Sun being hot raiseth the Vapour so high that it gets into the Middle Region and being there condenses into Wind and when it is there it seeks a Passage out and so falleth foul upon the Clouds beating them about untill its Fury and Strength be spent but in the Winter the Sun-beams being weak cannot draw the Vapour so high and so blows uppon the Earth and amongst the lower Clouds which by crushing them together squeeseth out Rain or breaks them in sunder which falls down in Showres this makes more Rain and frequenter Storms in Winter than in Summer and Thunder in Summer because it is drawn so high that it cannot easily return Thus Wind in the Middle Region causeth Thunder and in the Winter going no further than the lower Region causeth Storms and Lightning may be the striking of some Clouds that have Bitumenous matter mixed in them which like to a Flint do strike out Fire Allegory IN the Chymistry of Nature the Earth is the sixt Salt the Air the Sulphur the Water is the Incipid Flegm the Sun or Fire are the Spirits Light and Darkness is the Center Life is the volable Salt and Death is the Terra Damnata The noise of Water WAter being Spherical of a hollow and Porous Body the Wind beating thereon the Hollowness causeth a sound by the Rebounds it maketh against the inside or outside of the Spherical Bodie which we call Drops which being moved either by the Tydes or Winds are so quick being so small and apt to move being round as the Rebounds are so many and so thick that the Ecchoes thereof are confused which confusion we call a Roaring of the Waters as the Roaring of the Sea Of the Motion of the Sea THE Reason why the Sea is more apt to move than Fresh-waters is by the Saltness for Salt having an acute quality doth penetrate and divide and Water whose propertie is to intermingle and unite doth strive to join the divided parts again this makes it as it were a Perpetual Motion the one striving to meet and join the other to separate and disunite The Noise of Winds THE Reason the Winds make such a Noise in the Air as on the Sea is that Clouds are a Condensed Vapour or Air which Condensed Air is Water so that Clouds are as it were a Sea over our Heads and those Clouds being Waves and great Billows when the Wind blows beating upon them as upon the Sea makes the same Noise for the Roaring of the Sea and the blowing of the Wind is much alike but when the Wind blows upon the Sea it makes a horrid Noise Of Water TO my apprehension Water lies like a Swarm of Bees every drop being like a several Bee and as Bees lie so close one to another as at small distance they seem to be one intire Heap or Ball so do Waters but if they be disturbed they will spread and every Bee is seen distinctly which before we could not see so Water when great quantitie is together the Distinction of each Drop cannot be perceived by Mans Eies but cast up a Handfull of Water or sprinkle it about and it will fall into Drops Besides Drops of Water lie much closer together than the Bodies of Bees can doe because they are more Porous and soft which yields to Contraction and being wet makes them Glutenous and so stick closer which makes the Distinction of the Drops of Water less visible than Bees Winds may be rarified Air. AS Air is rarified Water so Wind may be rarified Air and by thinness beget such an Agilness as may give it such a Strength by the quick Motion that it may over-power the more Solid which are Air and Water for quick Motions by the often Repetitions grow powerfull and strong Wind is the Essence of Air as the Spirits of Air for it is an extracted Substance which makes it Quick Subtil and Sharp and of such a powerfull nature that it incounters solid Bodies and many times hath the Victory over them and by its active Wandring subtil and piercing Motion it appears more like Life than an other Element Of Rain VApour that is sent from the Earth or drawn up by the Sun is like so many several Springs that issue out of the Pores of the Earth and when they are streamed to such a height they meet and jon together and gathering into Clouds they become like a flowing River with curling Waves like the Sea But where there is too great a Quantity gathered together that the Sun cannot disgest they overflow and fall down into showres of Rain Of the Saltness of the Sea and the freshness of Springs SOme are of Opinion that the Veins of the Earth are filled from the Sea and that the Water runs thorow the Earth as thorow a Sieve or the like letting the thinnest part thorow and keeping the more solid back which is the Salt which to my Reason doth not seem probable for we find by Experience that the Nature of Water being Moist Soft and Plyable doth suck out with the Liquid Tongue the Salt and Tincture of every Thing even from the soild'st Body as Minerals which are harder far and more close than the Porous part of the Earth And for experience we see and taste those Waters that run thorow Mines have not only the Tincture and Taste of those Minerals but the purging effects which proceed from the Nature belonging to them which shews that it is unlikely that Salt should be taken out of the Water when Water draws and sucks out all Salt or the like into it self unlesse they could prove Earth to be more Thin and Liquid than Water whose Liquidness sucks out all the looser Ingredients which is not only as I said before the Tincture and Taste but the natural Propertie and since it is improbable that the Salt should be retained by the Earth from the Water but far more probable that the Water should become more salt from the Earth which makes me think it is improbable that the Veins of the Earth should be filled with Water immediatly from the Sea but to my Apprehension they are filled after this manner The Planets like
Water-Mills draw up Vapours from the Sea and the Sun as the hottest Planet doth by his heat as it were Calcine the Salt Vapour although the Vapour cannot be so salt as the Sea-Water because the Gross Salt is not so light to be drawn up but rather remains as fixt but when the Sun hath Calcined it the Volatil part flyes up to the Body of the Sun or else staies in the middle Region and there meeting with a Sulphurous and Bitumenous Matter mixeth therwith and makes a Matter of the nature of Gunpowder which shoots Thunder flashes Lightning the Watry part distills back again on the Earth in Showres of Rain and that fresh Water distilled which falls upon the Earth soaks into the Earth and fills the Veins therein causing fresh Springs to rise where the Veins are too full But in Egypt or the like where it seldome Rains because the Sun is there fierce and heady that it hath not patience to draw by degrees as in Vapour but draws up a Sea at once which they call Nilus for the Appetite and the Strength joining together draws up so great a quantity that the Strength being not able to draw it up high makes it only swell up which heaves no higher than to cover the Earth some small depth as some few Yards or Feet high and the Reason why it riseth but twice a year is that the Sun is gathering his Forces half a Year to make a sufficient Strength to compass that Work and the Reason that it seldome or never faileth is because it is the Nature of the Sun in those Parts to draw Moisture after that manner and what is Natural is a constant Habit or Custome Of the Sea-water running thorow the Veins of the Earth SOme are of opinion That the Sea runs thorow the Veins of the Earth as the Blood thorow the Body of an Animal as a Man which to my reason is very unlikely for then there must be much more Water than Earth if so the Earth would be drowned with a superabundant quantity what with the Sea that runs about it and the Rain that falls upon it and the Water that runs thorow it perpetually For put the Case it be as they say that it runs out at some places as fast as it comes in at others yet it would wash and moulder away the Earth by the perpetual concourse and recourse if not the Solidst part yet the most Porous part Besides if it were so the Earth would not be so dry as in many places it is unless they hold that some parts of he Earth have Veins and other parts none But if they say that the Earth being so much greater in quantity than the Sea which is the Watry part of the World it hath not alwaies a sufficient quantity to satisfie the Drought which causes the Veins to be dry that Reason would make me think that there should not be a sufficient Quantity of Water to keep in a Body to make a Sea so large to run about it especially of that depth the Sea is of and to run through the vast Earth besides feeding the Air with Vapours Thus if there were less Water than Earth the Earth-Ball would be burnt up or at least so dry as to bear nothing and if the Water were more than the Earth the Earth would be drowned Wherefore in my opinion the Ingredients of the World are equally mix'd and proportionably made as Earth Water Air and Fire so the Sun proportionable to the rest of the Planets and the Planets proportionable to the Sun so that the whole Globe is in equal temper and the whole Body sound and though we who know not the Constitution of the World may think sometimes the Elements are distempered which is their natural temper to be so but not in our knowledge to know how The Sun peirceth not deep into the Earth IT is not the Sun that is the Cause of the Elixar in the Earth or the Golden Mines nor yet of other Metals which are in the Bowels of the Earth as for example all Cellars and Vaults are cold in the Summer when all the surface of the Earth is soultry hot and if the Sun cannot peirce thorow a little Vault or Cellar sure it cannot pass so far as into a deep Mine This sheweth if Heat maketh Metals it must be in the Bowels of the Earth Autumn is warmer than the Spring AUtumn is warmer than the Spring by reason of Sun-beams which beat hotter and longer upon the Earth in the Summer when as Winter is cold and hath frozen the Earth which cannot suddenly be thawed Besides the Sun hath not onely drawn forth the raw and undigested Vapours out of the Earth but hath incorporated his Heat into her all the Summer long for though the Earth hath a Heat in her self a Sun as we may say in the Center yet towards the Circumference it is so weak as it is not sufficient to bring things to Maturity without the help of the Sun Thus the Autumn is as much to be preferred before the Spring as Maturity to Immaturity Of Heat and Cold. SOme say that Fire is onely sensible to that which hath Heat in it self and by a Similitude is forced thereunto but there is nothing more contrary than Ice and Fire yet Ice is sensible of Fire which is proved by the melting and the Water thereof will be scalding hot Thus what is Cold will grow Hot. Of the Moon THere may be an Opinion that the Moon is all Water for we find that Planet cold and moyst and why may not the inequalities of that we see in the Moon by Perspective-glasses be the Reflexion of the Earth on that Watry Body the Moon And as we see our Image in a Pond or Pail of Water so do we see Mountains Rocks and Valleys of the Earth in the Face of the Moon Some may say this Opinion may be contradicted in the Eclipses of the Sun for if the Moon were all Water it could not shadow the Sun from the Earth by reason the Sun would shine thorow it but this is not a sufficient Contradiction for a little Cloud will shadow the Sun wherefore so great a Body of Water must needs darken it Then some may say the Figure must needs be weak and not subject to our Eyes because the Distance is so great it may be answered though the Distance be great the Depth of the Moon is so also and the deeper the Water is the fuller and perfecter it represents the Image that is set to the view besides it may be like a Magnifying Glass or like those Glasses that cast forth the Image as Concaves and Convexes do and for Experience what a way will a Figure come out wherefore how far will the Convex Moon or Earth as may be both cast or draw out the Image of the Earth And why may not the Moon be thought all Water as well as the Sun all Fire since the Effects of the Moon
are cold and moyst as the Effects of the Sun are hot and dry for we must guess of the Quality or Cause by the Effects besides the Light shews it Water for when the Sun shines upon the Seas the Reflexion casts a Pale Light so the Moon gives a Silver Light Of the Prospect of Water WE cannot see with a Perspective glass the several Drops of the Sea as we see the several Parts in a Heap of Sand for if we look into the Sea it only shews a shining Body but look on the Sand and every little Grain will seem a little Stone and so a small Heap seems like a Rock and the Perspective shews perfectly what it is because it lyes in distinct Parts which may be magnified But we cannot magnifie the Drops of Water because it is a Liquid Body where every part mingles into one another or cleaves so close as it becomes one entire Body so as there are no distinct Parts visible Of Perspectives JUST as a Perspective glass carries the sight afar off so a Trunk or Pipe conveys the sound and voyce to the Ear at a great distance Thus we may perceive that the Figure of a round Circle hath the nature to gather up and to draw to a Point all Species whatsoever for they do not onely gather these from the Brain but those that come from outward Objects and the more round Circles there are the straiter and further the several Species go and the sharper is the Point as being bound not having Liberty to stray forth That is the reason that the longer the Perspective is or the Pipe or Trunk the clearer and perfecter we see and hear for a Pipe or a hollow Trunk gathers up the several Letters and Words as a Perspective gathers up the several Objects Besides the Eye and the Ear are much of the nature of a Burning-glass which gathers all the loose and scattered Beams of the Sun to a Point becoming there so strong being united as the Reflexion strike upon all Bodies it meets and peirceth into whatsoever is Porous Just so the Reflexions of what the Senses have gathered together strike upon the Optick Nerve and peirce into the Brain and if the Species of Sense were so material as those Species which are drawn from grosser Bodies the Nose would see a Sent and the Ear see a Sound as well as the Eyes see a grosser Object which is presented to it But the Matter being Thin and Aery the Objects cannot be so soild and substantial as to make a Figurative Body to last so long as for our gross Senses to see Of going about the World IT is said that Drake and Cavendish went round the World and others because they set out of one place and went till they came to the same place again without turning But yet in my conceit it doth not prove they went round the whole World for suppose there should be round Circle of a large Extent and within this Circle many other Circles and likewise without so that if one of these inward or outward Circles be compass'd shall we say it was the Circumference Circle when it may be it was the Center Circle But it may easily deceive the Understanding since we can truly judge but according to what we sind and not to what we know not But surely the World is bigger than Mens Compass of Embracing and Man may make a Globe of what he knows but he cannot make a Globe of what he knows not so that the World may be bigger than Man can make Globes for any thing he knoweth perfectly This Globe Man makes for the whole World is but an inward Circle and that there may be many of them which we do not know because not found out as yet although Ships are good Scouts to bring Intelligence Of Nature WE find that Nature is stinted her self as well as Man is stinted by her for she cannot go beyond such Rules and Principles which shews there is something more powerfull than Nature as to govern her as she governs the World for if she were not limited there might be new Worlds perpetually and not a Repetition in this course of one and the same Motion Matter and Form which makes it very probable that Nature hath wrought to the height of her Invention and that she hath plowed and sowed to the length of her Limits and hath reaped the plentifullest Crops or at least as plentifull as she can which makes it very Unlikely or indeed Impossible that there should be better and quicker Wits or sounder Judgements or deeper Understandings or exacter Beauties or purer Virtues or clearer Truths than have been in former Ages and we find by her Acts past that all was begot from the first-grounded Principles Variation indeed there may be but not any thing entirely new And that there have been as good if not better in the same kind before Neither can we rationally think but the very same Patterns of all her Principles have been before in the Generality of her Works although not made known in the Particulars of every of her Works But every Age are apt to flatter themselves out of a Natural Self-love that Nature hath out-wrough her former Works which if so there must be no Perfection because no End of Increasing for nothing can be Perfect that hath a Superiour or which is not finished and done or that Nature being Imperfect cannot finish what she hath begun or that her Principles are Imperfect which she works upon But we find that Nature hath a constant and setled course in all she doth and whatsoever she works are but Patterns from her old Samplers But the several Stiches which are the several Motions are the same and the Stuff which she worketh upon which is the Matter is the same and the Figures she makes are after the same kind and we find through many ages since that it is the same as Salomon saith Nothing is new c. Of Augury BY the Sympathy and Antipathy of Matter or at least in the several Forms of all so in the Motion of Nature if Man the chief Work of Nature would observe we might foreknow Effects to come by past Effects and present Effects if we would but study the Art which in former times those that were called Augures were learned in and certainly did foretell many things truly well and without the help of a Devil but by Natural Observations of Natural Effects though unknown Causes And why may not this Learning be as well as Astronomy which by Observations of Effects hath found out the Reason of Eclipses and can foretell their times and many other things concerning all the Planets and fixed Stars And why not as well as Physicians that have found out the Effects of Vegetables and Minerals and the Diseases by which kind and waies of applying hath produced a Cure which is not onely a Restauration but a kind of Creation and can foretell whether such kind of Diseases are
find out many excellent and beneficial Arts but not the Cause or Principle Yet we find that Nature works not so curiously upon the Essence of Things as upon the Corporal Substance for Nature is but rude in the Minds of Men and so in other Creatures untill Community and Art have civilized them and Experience and Learning have perfected them Of Nature NAture is more various in the Shapes Thoughts and Colours than in the Substance or Kind of Things yet for Shapes there are but four grounds as High Low Thick and Thin of Quality or Essences she hath but four as Fire Water Air and Earth and for Colours the ground is onely Light and for Life she hath given onely three degrees as the Life of Growth the Life of Sense and the Life of Reason which is a Motion belonging to the Mind the other two Motions belong to the Corporal Part and all Life is but Motion so that Motion is the Life of Natures Work and the Work of Natures Life The Power of Natural Works ALthough Nature hath made every thing Good if it be rightly placed yet she hath given her Works power of misplacing themselves which produceth Evil Effects for that which corrupts Nature as it were is the disordered mixture But of all her Works Man hath entangled her waies the most by his Arts which makes Nature seem Vicious when most commonly Mans Curiosity causeth his Pain But there is nothing that is purely made and orderly set by Nature that hath not a Virtue in it but by her Creatures mis-applyings produceth a Vice Change in Nature NAture hath not onely made Bodies changeable but Minds so to have a Constant Mind is to be Unnatural for our Body changeth from the first beginning to the last end every Minute adds or takes away so by Nature we should change every Minute since Nature hath made nothing to stand at a stay but to alter as fast as Time runs wherefore it is Natural to be in one Mind one minute and in another in the next and yet Men think the Mind Immortal But the Changes of Nature are like the Sleights of a Juggler we see many several Shapes but still but one Matter Of Natural Wars IT seems to me a thing above Nature that Men are not alwaies in War one against the other and that some Estates live in peace somtimes forty or an hundred years nay some above a Thousand as the Venetians without Civil Warrs for the old saying is So many Men so many Minds yet they meet all in Ambitious Desires and naturaly Self-love seeks and strives for Preheminency Command which all cannot have yet submit and obey which is strange But say some it is Love that Makes Unites and Keeps a Common-wealth in Peace no saies another it is Fear and another may say as Tichobrahe the Dane said of the Sun and Earth For Ptolomy saith that the Sun moveth and the Earth stands still Copernicus said that the Earth moved and the Sun stood still Tichobrahe took up the third Opinion to which could be added no more but that they both moved So one may say it is both Love and Fear since those two Passions most commonly accompany one another But say they all things naturally incline to Peace and Unity and that War is unnatural because it tends to Destruction but some may say again that we find Nature hath made nothing but is subject to Preying Ravening and Devouring one thing of another and that most things live upon the spoil of another by the Humours Constitutions and Desires she hath given them for in many things their Lives cannot subsist or be nourished but by the Death of other Creatures So that Men are not only subject to War upon one another but all Creatures that Nature hath made as also the Elements for what is Thunder but a War betwixt Heat and Cold for Nature meeting in Contrarieties must needs Dispute when they meet and are never quieted untill one part get the upper hand and though Numbers make aConsort yet they must have a Sympathy one to another Thus all things are subject to War yet the Causes are different that provoke them to it But Nature would have wanted work if she had made all things to continue and nothing to decay for Death is as natural as Life but it seems to be Natures great Art to make all things subject to War and yet live in Peace as not to make an utter Destruction Of Darkness DArkness is more powerfull than Light for a little dark Cloud will ecclipse the great light of the Sun and there would be more Twilight if there were no Clouds for the Clouds are like a Screen that hides the Light Of the Air. THE Air is Water as well as the Sea So that Men Beasts and Birds are all but kinds of Fishes for we cannot live without Air which is rarified Water but it seems we are of a subtiller Sense than Fishes which makes us require a thinner Element Of Air. THE Air is as all other Animal Creatures are subject to Corruption Putrefaction and Distemper somtimes in a continual Feaver other times in an intermitting Feaver sometimes in a Hectick Feaver other times it hath shaking Agues Wind-Chollcks and oft times Rheumatick and Hydropical and as the Air is so it is apt to infect mens Bodies by reason that Air is so thin and subtil as it enters and intermingles into all things Of the Corruptions of the Air. THE Air is more corrupted in the Spring and the Autumn than in the Winter and Summer for in the Winter it is less corrupted by reason it is more united as being congealed by Cold neither hath the Sun that Force to draw more Vapours than it can digest besides for want of Heat the Pores of the Earth are shut where by less Vapours issue out and in Summer it hath a sufficient heat to concoct what it draws up or at least it contracts it so as to keep it from running into corruption and the Spring at the Suns return opens the Pores of the Earth suoking out Vapour there from which V pour is like the first milk of a Cow or the like Udder'd Creature when they have new cast forth their Birth which Milk is all corrupted with Blood and Matter by reason it hath been so long in the Udder so likewise the Vapour is corrupted when it is first drawn as it were by the returning Sun by reason it wanted Vent and Agitation to purify it and as it is ascending it mingles with those Creatures that live upon the Earth for the Pores of the Creatures that live upon the Earth also open by the springing heat from whence Vapours like wise do issue from their Bodies yet they live by the Air that encompasseth them as Fishes do in Water which if the Water be corrupted the Fishes dye caused by the Malignity they draw in for though they are not smotherd or choaked as in Frosty weather yet could
falls having a sufficient Vent like Showers of Rain where some run through the Pipes of the Nostrils othersome through the Gutter of the Throat and some fall streight down on the Stomack as the Earth for as it is the Nature of Vapour to spread and to ascend as being Light and Thin so it is the Nature of Water to descend or to run streight forth by reason it is more Solid and Weightier likewise Likewise Coughs are Followers and Attendants of Rheums which by tickling those Parts where it falls or trickles along causeth a straining and so a coughing though many times Wind produceth the same Effect by a tickling touch Also Sneezing is an Attendant to Rheum and Wind and causing a tickling on the Brain or in the Nose for indeed Sneezing is nothing but a Cough through the Nose as through the Throat Likewise Tooth-aches are caused by Rheums for the Rheum falling thereon rots the Bones or makes Holes therein like as Water continually dropping on a hard Stone works a Passage thorow Also Soar Throats are caused by Rheums but that is when the Rheum is sharp or salt Then Winter is subject to cause Apoplexies Lethargies numb Palsies and Gangrenes that are caused by the stoppage of the Pores which as I said are not only drawn closer by Cold which makes the Skin thicker and harder but by the gross and thin Air which is contracted into a more Solid Body by Cold. Thus the breathing Passages of the Body being stopp'd there flyes up so much grosser Vapours to the Head as choaks the Brain and smothers the Vital Spirits there and the Body having less Vent in Winter than in Summer grows so full of Humours as obstructs the Nerves and Muscles with cold clammy or hard baked Flegm as they cannot stir with a sensible Motion for in the Nerves and Muscles doth the Sense of Touching live and where they cease from moving those Parts are dead and numm'd Gangrenes are produc'd by the benumming of the Spirits as when the Spirits are congeal'd to Ice which causeth in very cold Countryes as Russia or the like to have their Noses and Fingers fall off from their Faces and Hands Likewise if the Spirits are quenched out with too much Moysture or their Motions hindered by some Obstruction or as it were corrupted by some Blow Bruise or Wound those Parts for want of Lifes Motion gangrene and so rot off Likewise Fistaloes are subject to this Season because this Season being subject to breed Rheums of all Sorts and Natures according as the Humours are in the Body so it breeds that sharp Rheum which makes Fistaloes for that Humour is as sharp as Vitriol or Aqua fortis and it doth in the Body as Vitriol and Aqua fortis doth on Metal running about and eating holes quite thorow Also this Season is subject to hard white Swellings bred by cold clammy or tough Humours The Stone and the Gout reign in every Season but not in every Age for though Children have the Stone many times yet seldome or never the Got But the Gout although it s not the Stone in the Toe yet it is an Humour which is of the Nature of Lime which is somewhat of a Brimstony Hard Dry Bitumenous Humour Of Cold and Hot Diseases A Cold Disease is apter for Cure than a Hot for Cold Diseases are like Raw Flesh that the Frost hath gotten hold of and makes it unlike it self by reason of the Ice hardning of it but Warmness dissolves it and then it comes to it self again but by Excessive Heat it is as if one should boyl or rost a piece of Flesh for when a piece of Flesh is boyled rosted baked or the like one shall never make it as it was which is to be raw again Of Apoplexies and the like AN Apoplexy is a dead Palsie in the Brain and a Lethargy a numb Palsie in the Brain And the reason many times why dead and numb Palsies when it takes them on one Side ruin the Legs or Arms and yet live is because it hath not touched the Vital Parts which is caused by some Obstruction in the Veins or some of the Nerves which either is by gross and thick Blood or hard and crusted Flegm or cold and clammy Flegm But if it be in the Head which we call Apoplexies it is either caused by a Cold Humour in the Brain which doth as it were congeal and freez up the Spirits or by a Malignant Vapour proceeding from the Stomack or Bowels which Vapour choaks or smothers up the Spirits And indeed the greatest Enemy to the Brain is the Vapour that proceeds from the Ill-affected Bowels or Stomack for Vapour being Smoke ascends upward to the Head which is the Chimney of the Body where the Smoke vents out for the Bowels may be compared to the Hearth the Stomack to the Pot or Furnace the Meat to the Fuel the Heart to the Fire or Flame which is fed by the Liver or Oily Substance the Lungs the Bollows to keep it alive the Head as I said the Chimney to gather up the Smoke the Nose Mouth and Ears the Tunnels from whence it issues out for if the Nose and Mouth be stopped the Fire of Life goeth out and not having Reviving Air it is choked with its own Smoke for though the Pores of the Body do evaporate some of the Smoke yet that is onely the thin and subtiller Part but if the Pores of the Body be stopped by a Cold the Body shall grow Feaverish with it so that many times it sets the House on Fire and when the Head is Idle and Frantick it is because the Head which is the Chimney-top is set on Fire by the Feaver but the Vapour that ascends to the Head is either a great Friend or Enemy to the Wit for a Gross Vapour chokes the Wit a Thin Sharp Vapour quickens it a Cold Vapour congeals it a Hot Vapour inflames it and several sorts of Vapour make variety of Wit and the several Figures and Works and Forms that that Vapour which is a Smoke raiseth up cause several Imaginations and Fancies by giveng several Motions to the Brain Of a Feaver A Feaver is like a Stack of Hay that is laid up half wet and half dry This Moysture and Drought being met together strive for Preheminency the Drought would drink up the Moysture and the Moysture would dissolve the Drought and if their Strength be equal and the Strife be without intermission the Stack is set on Fire caused by an equal swift continuated Motion which consumes all if it be not quenched out by a fresh Recruit of Moysture for Drought takes the part of Fire being the Child of Heat which Heat is the Child of Fire and so is the Grandmother of Drought Thus a Feaver is caused by the Humours of the Body which being not well tempered sets the Barn which is the Body on Fire by the Corruption therein for Heat and Moysture are the Parents to
poorest Man To be a Father to the Common-wealth And a Physician to restore them Health By purging out the Humours which are Crlmes Which Crimes like corrupt Humours breed oft-times Factious Diseases which without all doubt Would Ruin bring if timely not cast out No cruell Scarlet Favorite to make Nor Pleading Fauning Cheating men to take Into their Bosoms who with Gouty Pride Straight swell so bigg they must on Shoulders ride Or else on Noble Cush'ons they must lye To bear them up but oft the Feathers fly If Pride do presse too hard and oft they take Some great mens Fames thinking thereby to make In giving Praises high a Screen to hide The face of Favour but the Tail is spide Nor such a Judge as one that takes delight To play at Cards and Dice most of the Night Or drink till drunk then carried to his Bed As to a Grave he seeming like one dead When he those watchfull hours and times should spend In thinking which way he should Errors mend For Commonwealths what ere and Kingdoms Realm Like Garments have full many a Stitch and Seam This Publike Garment ost the Prince must view Where it is rent cause't to be sticht a new Or else it soon wears out in pieces fall And though they patch it will not last at all Nor such a Judge so timorous lives in fear And durst not without Guards walk any where Which starts at every Noise or Object see If strange and new those Sounds and Objects be Suspects the Light yet Darkness hates like Hell And thinks Conspiracy in 's sleep doth dwell And with this Fear a Tyrant he becomes And then he Massacres and Martyrdoms All his best Subjects free from factious strife That Loyal are and wish him longer life But scorn to flatter or applaud his Crimes But keep up Right and Honour in their minds Nor are they guilty in Word Deed or Thought But by Suspition judg'd to Slaughter brought Bnt all the innocent Blood that they do splll Like to a Sea flows to their Conscience ill And every Thought that moves within their Brain Appears like Ghosts of Men that they have slain And when they dye into despair they fall Or like a Beast or Stone no Sense at all Nor such a Judge that is given to the Splrit Or so devout as Heaven he thinks to merit Praies Night and Day or Beads do number ore Upon cold Stones Joves Altar kneels before Unfit in Earthly Government to Reign For Praier seldome doth a Kingdome gain Nor keeps in safety from an Enemy But leaves his People all to Slavery For if he praying be whilst they do Fight They 'll soon be taken or be put to flight Jove Courage gives to Man as well as Zeal And Prudence for to Rule a Commonweal And doing Justice pleaseth Jove far more Than lazy Praying idly to implore His great assistance which he seldom gives Unless no hope of Human Help there lives Jove gives man Strength himself for to defend Which if he useth not may Jove offend But such faint-hearted Prince is fitter for A private life than Kingdome that 's in War And fitter to Obey than to Command Or Rule and Reign in Peace War Sea or Land And fitter far it were whilst he doth live That he the Sovereign Power up did give Unto a Kinsman or himself did choose A Wise and Valiant man that Power to use Not but Religious Orders are right meet For why Religion is the Publicke Feet On which the Common-Wealth in safety stands And Ceremonies are the Sacred Hands To Consecrate good Custome Dutious Zeal And make Obedience in a Common-weal The Judge I chuse his Wisdome shall be such The whole Worlds Government shall seem not much In which of all the Planets there must Reign I do not care I tell my Readers plain OF all my Works this Work which I have Writ My best Belov'd and greatest Favorite I look upon it with a pleasing Eye I Pleasure take in its sweet company I entertain it with a Grave Respect And with my Pen am ready to Protect The Life and Safety of it 'gainst all those That will oppose it or profess its Foes But I am sure there 's none Condemn it can Unless some Foolish and unlearned Man That hath not Understanding Judgement Wit For to perceive the Reason that 's in it FINIS When I say write it s either by Heroick or otherwayes they say letters was ever since Seths time * I mean Corporeal gods and devils hels and heavens At that time all the world was in peace The Turks or Tarters is natural I mean the World of Acquaintance The Earth is the great Loadston to the World There is difference betwixt Base and Tenor That not any one Beast shall have so many several Motions as Man hath The effects of Water This commonly is held External Motions I mean The Effect External With violence of the Wind. Apoplexies come by the stoppage of the Blood Hective Feavers caused by quick Motions Of Purging Medicines Vapoun thickens into Water Water into Flegm Cold congeals it Stone Heat confirms it like Metal Unnatural heat and cold may be cured in the Vital Parts but not when they are corrupted The Salt that is in the Blood remains more in Rost-meats than in Boyld-meats for the Water sucks it forth I call the chief Ruler Judge as they did in the old Law or Time