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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50924 Paradise lost a poem in twelve books / the author John Milton. Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1674 (1674) Wing M2144; ESTC R13351 166,940 342

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and rejoycing was in Heav'n When such was heard declar'd the Almightie's will Glorie they sung to the most High good will To future men and in thir dwellings peace Glorie to him whose just avenging ire Had driven out th' ungodly from his sight And th' habitations of the just to him Glorie and praise whose wisdom had ordain'd Good out of evil to create in stead Of Spirits maligne a better Race to bring Into thir vacant room and thence diffuse His good to Worlds and Ages infinite So sang the Hierarchies Mean while the Son On his great Expedition now appeer'd Girt with Omnipotence with Radiance crown'd Of Majestie Divine Sapience and Love Immense and all his Father in him shon About his Chariot numberless were pour'd Cherub and Seraph Potentates and Thrones And Vertues winged Spirits and Chariots wing'd From the Armoury of God where stand of old Myriads between two brazen Mountains lodg'd Against a solemn day harnest at hand Celestial Equipage and now came forth Spontaneous for within them Spirit livd Attendant on thir Lord Heav'n op'nd wide Her ever during Gates Harmonious sound On golden Hinges moving to let forth The King of Glorie in his powerful Word And Spirit coming to create new Worlds On heav'nly ground they stood and from the shore They view'd the vast immeasurable Abyss Outrageous as a Sea dark wasteful wilde Up from the bottom turn'd by furious windes And surging waves as Mountains to assault Heav'ns highth and with the Center mix the Pole Silence ye troubl'd waves and thou Deep peace Said then th' Omnific Word your discord end Nor staid but on the Wings of Cherubim Uplifted in Paternal Glorie rode Farr into Chaos and the World unborn For Chaos heard his voice him all his Traine Follow'd in bright procession to behold Creation and the wonders of his might Then staid the fervid Wheeles and in his hand He took the golden Compasses prepar'd In Gods Eternal store to circumscribe This Universe and all created things One foot he center'd and the other turn'd Round through the vast profunditie obscure And said thus farr extend thus farr thy bounds This be thy just Circumference O World Thus God the Heav'n created thus the Earth Matter unform'd and void Darkness profound Cover'd th' Abyss but on the watrie calme His brooding wings the Spirit of God outspred And vital vertue infus'd and vital warmth Throughout the fluid Mass but downward purg'd The black tartareous cold Infernal dregs Adverse to life then founded then conglob'd Like things to like the rest to several place Disparted and between spun out the Air And Earth self ballanc't on her Center hung Let ther be Light said God and forthwith Light Ethereal first of things quintessence pure Sprung from the Deep and from her Native East To journie through the airie gloom began Sphear'd in a radiant Cloud for yet the Sun Was not shee in a cloudie Tabernacle So journ'd the while God saw the Light was good And light from darkness by the Hemisphere Divided Light the Day and Darkness Night He nam'd Thus was the first Day Eev'n and Morn Nor past uncelebrated nor unsung By the Celestial Quires when Orient Light Exhaling first from Darkness they beheld Birth-day of Heav'n and Earth with joy and shout The hollow Universal Orb they fill'd And touch't thir Golden Harps and hymning prais'd God and his works Creatour him they sung Both when first Eevning was and when first Morn Again God said let ther be Firmament Amid the Waters and let it divide The Waters from the Waters and God made The Firmament expanse of liquid pure Transparent Elemental Air diffus'd In circuit to the uttermost convex Of this great Round partition firm and sure The Waters underneath from those above Dividing for as Earth so he the World Built on circumfluous Waters calme in wide Crystallin Ocean and the loud misrule Of Chaos farr remov'd least fierce extreames Contiguous might distemper the whole frame And Heav'n he nam'd the Firmament So Eev'n And Morning Chorus sung the second Day The Earth was form'd but in the Womb as yet Of Waters Embryon immature involv'd Appeer'd not over all the face of Earth Main Ocean flow'd not idle but with warme Prolific humour soft'ning all her Globe Fermented the great Mother to conceave Satiate with genial moisture when God said Be gather'd now ye Warers under Heav'n Into one place and let dry Land appeer Immediately the Mountain huge appeer Emergent and thir broad bare backs upheave Into the Clouds thir tops ascend the Skie So high as heav'd the tumid Hills so low Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep Capacious bed of Waters thither they Hasted with glad precipitance uprowld As drops on dust conglobing from the drie Part rise in crystal Wall or ridge direct For haste such flight the great command impress'd On the swift flouds as Armies at the call Of Trumpet for of Armies thou hast heard Troop to thir Standard so the watrie throng Wave rowling after Wave where way they found If steep with torrent rapture if through Plaine Soft-ebbing nor withstood them Rock or Hill But they or under ground or circuit wide With Serpent errour wandring found thir way And on the washie Oose deep Channels wore Easie e're God had bid the ground be drie All but within whose banks where Rivers now Stream and perpetual draw thir humid traine The dry Land Earth and the great receptacle Of congregated Waters he call'd Seas And saw that it was good and said Let th' Earth Put forth the verdant Grass Herb yielding Seed And Fruit Tree yielding Fruit after her kind Whose Seed is in her self upon the Earth He scarce had said when the bate Earth till then Desert and bare unsightly unadornd Brought forth the tender Grass whose verdure clad Her Universal Face with pleasant green Then Herbs of every leaf that sudden flour'd Op'ning thir various colours and made gay Her bosom smelling sweet and these scarce blown Forth flourish't thick the clustring Vine forth crept The smelling Gourd up stood the cornie Reed Embattell'd in her field and the humble Shrub And Bush with frizl'd hair implicit last Rose as in Dance the stately Trees and spred Thir branches hung with copious Fruit or gemm'd Thir blossoms with high woods the hills were crownd With tufts the vallies and each fountain side With borders long the Rivers That Earth now Seemd like to Heav'n a seat where Gods might dwell Or wander with delight and love to haunt Her sacred shades though God had yet not rain'd Upon the Earth and man to till the ground None was but from the Earth a dewie Mist Went up and waterd all the ground and each Plant of the field which e're it was in the Earth God made and every Herb before it grew On the green stemm God saw that it was good So Eev'n and Morn recorded the Third Day Again th' Almightie spake Let there be Lights High in th' expanse of Heaven to divide The
Day from Night and let them be for Signes For Seasons and for Dayes and circling Years And let them be for Lights as I ordaine Thir Office in the Firmament of Heav'n To give Light on the Earth and it was so And God made two great Lights great for thir use To Man the greater to have rule by Day The less by Night alterne and made the Starrs And set them in the Firmament of Heav'n To illuminate the Earth and rule the Day In thir vicissitude and rule the Night And Light from Darkness to divide God saw Surveying his great Work that it was good For of Celestial Bodies first the Sun A mightie Spheare he fram'd unlightsom first Though of Ethereal Mould then form'd the Moon Globose and every magnitude of Starrs And sowd with Starrs the Heav'n thick as a field Of Light by farr the greater part he took Transplanted from her cloudie Shrine and plac'd In the Suns Orb made porous to receive And drink the liquid Light firm to retaine Her gather'd beams great Palace now of Light Hither as to thir Fountain other Starrs Repairing in thir gold'n Urns draw Light And hence the Morning Planet guilds her horns By tincture or reflection they augment Thir small peculiar though from human sight So farr remote with diminution seen First in his East the glorious Lamp was seen Regent of Day and all th' Horizon round Invested with bright Rayes jocond to run His Longitude through Heav'ns high rode the gray Dawn and the Pleiades before him danc'd Shedding sweet influence less bright the Moon But opposite in leveld West was set His mirror with full face borrowing her Light From him for other light she needed none In that aspect and still that distance keepes Till night then in the East her turn she shines Revolvd on Heav'ns great Axle and her Reign With thousand lesser Lights dividual holds With thousand thousand Starres that then appeer'd Spangling the Hemisphere then first adornd With thir bright Luminaries that Set and Rose Glad Eevning and glad Morn crownd the fourth day And God said let the Waters generate Reptil with Spawn abundant living Soule And let Fowle flie above the Earth with wings Displayd on the op'n Firmament of Heav'n And God created the great Whales and each Soul living each that crept which plenteously The waters generated by thir kindes And every Bird of wing after his kinde And saw that it was good and bless'd them saying Be fruitful multiply and in the Seas And Lakes and running Streams the waters fill And let the Fowle be multiply'd on the Earth Forthwith the Sounds and Seas each Creek and Bay With Frie innumerable swarme and Shoales Of Fish that with thir Finns and shining Scales Glide under the green Wave in Sculles that oft Bank the mid Sea part single or with mate Graze the Sea weed thir pasture and through Groves Of Coral stray or sporting with quick glance Show to the Sun thir wav'd coats dropt with Gold Or in thir Pearlie shells at ease attend Moist nutriment or under Rocks thir food In jointed Armour watch on smooth the Seale And bended Dolphins play part huge of bulk Wallowing unweildie enormous in thir Gate Tempest the Ocean there Leviathan Hugest of living Creatures on the Deep Stretcht like a Promontorie sleeps or swimmes And seems a moving Land and at his Gilles Draws in and at his Trunck spouts our a Sea Mean while the tepid Caves and Fens and shoares Thir Brood as numerous hatch from the Egg that soon Bursting with kindly rupture forth disclos'd Thir callow young but featherd soon and fledge They summ'd thir Penns and soaring th' air sublime With clang despis'd the ground under a cloud In prospect there the Eagle and the Stork On Cliffs and Cedar tops thir Eyries build Part loosly wing the Region part more wise In common rang'd in figure wedge thir way Intelligent of seasons and set forth Thir Aierie Caravan high over Sea's Flying and over Lands with mutual wing Easing thir flight so stears the prudent Crane● Her annual Voiage born on Windes the Aire Floats as they pass fann'd with unnumber'd plumes From Branch to Branch the smaller Birds with song Solac'd the Woods and spred thir painted wings Till Ev'n nor then the solemn Nightingal Ceas'd warbling but all night tun'd her soft layes Others on Silver Lakes and Rivers Bath'd Thir downie Brest the Swan with Arched neck Between her white wings mantling proudly Rowes Her state with Oarie feet yet oft they quit The Dank and rising on stiff Pennons towre The mid Aereal Skie Others on ground Walk'd firm the crested Cock whose clarion sounds The silent hours and th' other whose gay Traine Adorns him colour'd with the Florid hue Of Rainbows and Starrie Eyes The Waters thus With Fish replenisht and the Aire with Fowle Ev'ning and Morn solemniz'd the Fift day The Sixt and of Creation last arose With Eevning Harps and Martin when God said Let th' Earth bring forth Foul living in her kinde Cattel and Creeping things and Beast of the Earth Each in their kinde The Earth obey'd and strait Op'ning her fertil Woomb teem'd at a Birth Innumerous living Creatures perfet formes Limb'd and full grown out of the ground up rose As from his Laire the wilde Beast where he wonns In Forrest wilde in Thicket Brake or Den Among the Trees in Pairs they rose they walk'd The Cattel in the Fields and Meddowes green Those rare and solitarie these in flocks Pasturing at once and in broad Herds upsprung The grassie Clods now Calv'd now half appeer'd The Tawnie Lion pawing to get free His hinder parts then springs as broke from Bonds And Rampant shakes his Brinded main the Ounce The Libbard and the Tyger as the Moale Rising the crumbl'd Earth above them threw In Hillocks the swift Stag from under ground Bore up his branching head scarse from his mould Behemoth biggest born of Earth upheav'd His vastness Fleec't the Flocks and bleating rose As Plants ambiguous between Sea and Land The River Horse and scalie Crocodile At once came forth whatever creeps the ground Insect or Worme those wav'd thir limber fans For wings and smallest Lineaments exact In all the Liveries dect of Summers pride With spots of Gold and Purple azure and green These as a line thir long dimension drew Streaking the ground with sinuous trace not all Minims of Nature some of Serpent kinde Wondrous in length and corpulence involv'd Thir Snakie foulds and added wings First crept The Parsimonious Emmet provident Of future in small room large heart enclos'd Pattern of just equalitie perhaps Hereafter join'd in her popular Tribes Of Commonaltie swarming next appeer'd The Female Bee that feeds her Husband Drone Deliciously and builds her waxen Cells With Honey stor'd the rest are numberless And thou thir Natures know'st gav'st them Names Needlest to thee repeated nor unknown The Serpent suttl'st Beast of all the field Of huge extent somtimes with brazen Eyes And hairie Main terrific though
Most reason is that Reason overcome So pondering and from his armed Peers Forth stepping opposite half way he met His daring foe at this prevention more Incens't and thus securely him defi'd Proud art thou met thy hope was to have reacht The highth of thy aspiring unoppos'd The Throne of God unguarded and his side Abandond at the terror of thy Power Or potent tongue fool not to think how vain Against th' Omnipotent to rise in Arms Who out of smallest things could without end Have rais'd incessant Armies to defeat Thy folly or with solitarie hand Reaching beyond all limit at one blow Unaided could have finisht thee and whelmd Thy Legions under darkness but thou seest All are not of thy Train there be who Faith Prefer and Pietie to God though then To thee not visible when I alone Seemd in thy World erroneous to dissent From all my Sect thou seest now learn too late How few somtimes may know when thousands err Whom the grand foe with scornful eye askance Thus answerd Ill for thee but in wisht houre Of my revenge first sought for thou returnst From flight seditious Angel to receave Thy merited reward the first assay Of this right hand provok't since first that tongue Inspir'd with contradiction durst oppose A third part of the Gods in Synod met Thir Deities ro assert who while they feel Vigour Divine within them can allow Omnipotence to none But well thou comst Before thy fellows ambitious to win From me som Plume that thy success may show Destruction to the rest this pause between Unanswerd least thou boast to let thee know At first I thought that Libertie and Heav'n To heav'nly Soules had bin all one but now I see that most through sloth had rather serve Ministring Spirits traind up in Feast and Song Such hast thou arm'd the Minstrelfie of Heav'n Servilitie with freedom to contend As both thir deeds compar'd this day shall prove To whom in brief thus Abdiel stern repli'd Apostat still thou errst nor end wilt find Of erring from the path of truth remote Unjustly thou deprav'st it with the name Of Servitude to serve whom God ordains Or Nature God and Nature bid the same When he who rules is worthiest and excells Them whom he governs This is servitude To serve th' unwise or him who hath rebelld Against his worthier as thine now serve thee Thy self not free but to thy self enthrall'd Yet leudly dar'st our ministring upbraid Reign thou in Hell thy Kingdom let mee serve In Heav'n God ever blest and his Divine Behests obey worthiest to be obey'd Yet Chains in Hell not Realms expect mean while From mee returnd as erst thou saidst from flight This greeting on thy impious Crest receive So saying a noble stroke he lifted high Which hung not but so swift with tempest fell On the proud Crest of Satan that no sight Nor motion of swift thought less could his Shield Such ruin intercept ten paces huge He back recoild the tenth on bended knee His massie Spear upstaid as if on Earth Winds under ground or waters forcing way Sidelong had push't a Mountain from his feat Half sunk with all his Pines Amazement seis'd The Rebel Thrones but greater rage to see Thus foil'd thir mightiest ours joy filld and shout Presage of Victorie and fierce desire Of Battel whereat Michael bid sound Th' Arch-Angel trumpet through the vast of Heaven It sounded and the faithful Armies rung Hosanna to the Highest nor stood at gaze The adverse Lęgions nor less hideous joyn'd The horrid shock now storming furie rose And clamour such as heard in Heav'n till now Was never Arms on Armour clashing bray'd Horrible discord and the madding Wheeles Of brazen Chariots rag'd dire was the noise Of conflict over head the dismal hiss Of fiery Darts in flaming volies flew And flying vaulted either Host with fire So under fierie Cope together rush'd Both Battels maine with ruinous assault And inextinguishable rage all Heav'n Resounded and had Earth bin then all Earth Had to her Center shook What wonder when Millions of fierce encountring Angels fought On either side the least of whom could weild These Elements and arm him with the force Of all thir Regions how much more of Power Armie against Armie number less to raise Dreadful combustion warring and disturb Though not destroy thir happie Native seat Had not th' Eternal King Omnipotent From his strong hold of Heav'n high over-rul'd And limited thir might though numberd such As each divided Legion might have seemd A numerous Host in strength each armed hand A Legion led in fight yet Leader seemd Each Warriour single as in Chief expert When to advance or stand or turn the sway Of Battel open when and when to close The ridges of grim Warr no thought of flight None of retreat no unbecoming deed That argu'd fear each on himself reli'd As onely in his arm the moment lay Of victorie deeds of eternal fame Were don but infinite for wide was spred That Warr and various somtimes on firm ground A standing fight then soaring on main wing Tormented all the Air all Air seemd then Conflicting Fire long time in eeven scale The Battel hung till Satan who that day Prodigious power had shewn and met in Armes No equal raunging through the dire attack Of fighting Seraphim confus'd at length Saw where the Sword of Michael smote and fell'd Squadrons at once with huge two-handed sway Brandisht aloft the horrid edge came down Wide wasting such destruction to withstand He hasted and oppos'd the rockie Orb Of tenfold Adamant his ample Shield A vast circumference At his approach The great Arch-Angel from his warlike toile Surceas'd and glad as hoping here to end Intestine War in Heav'n the arch foe subdu'd Or Captive drag'd in Chains with hostile frown And visage all enflam'd first thus began Author of evil unknown till thy revolt Unnam'd in Heav'n now plenteous as thou seest These Acts of hateful strife hateful to all Though heaviest by just measure on thy self And thy adherents how hast thou disturb'd Heav'ns blessed peace and into Nature brought Miserie uncreated till the crime Of thy Rebellion how hast thou instill'd Thy malice into thousands once upright And faithful now prov'd false But think not here To trouble Holy Rest Heav'n casts thee out From all her Confines Heav'n the seat of bliss Brooks not the works of violence and Warr. Hence then and evil go with thee along Thy ofspring to the place of evil Hell Thou and thy wicked crew there mingle broiles Ere this avenging Sword begin thy doome Or som more sudden vengeance wing'd from God Precipitate thee with augmented paine So spake the Prince of Angels to whom thus The Adversarie Nor think thou with wind Of airie threats to aw whom yet with deeds Thou canst not Hast thou turnd the least of these To flight or if to fall but that they rise Unvanquisht easier to transact with mee That thou shouldst hope imperious and with threats
dance yet for a dance they seemd Somwhat extravagant and wilde perhaps For joy of offerd peace but I suppose If our proposals once again were heard We should compel them to a quick result To whom thus Belial in like gamesom mood Leader the terms we sent were terms of weight Of hard contents and full of force urg'd home Such as we might perceive amus'd them all And stumbl'd many who receives them right Had need from head to foot well understand Not understood this gift they have besides They shew us when our foes walk not upright So they among themselves in pleasant veine Stood scoffing highthn'd in thir thoughts beyond All doubt of Victorie eternal might To match with thir inventions they presum'd So easie and of his Thunder made a scorn And all his Host derided while they stood A while in trouble but they stood not long Rage prompted them at length and found them arms Against such hellish mischief fit to oppose Forthwith behold the excellence the power Which God hath in his mighty Angels plac'd Thir Arms away they threw and to the Hills For Earth hath this variety from Heav'n Of pleasure situate in Hill and Dale Light as the Lightning glimps they ran they flew From thir foundations loosning to and fro They pluckt the seated Hills with all thir load Rocks Waters Woods and by the shaggie tops Up lifting bore them in thir hands Amaze Be sure and terrour seis'd the rebel Host When coming towards them so dread they saw The bottom of the Mountains upward turn'd Till on those cursed Engins triple-row They saw them whelm'd and all thir confidence Under the weight of Mountains buried deep Themselves invaded next and on thir heads Main Promontories flung which in the Air Came shadowing and opprest whole Legions arm'd Thir armor help'd thir harm crush't in and bruis'd Into thir substance pent which wrought them pain Implacable and many a dolorous groan Long strugling underneath ere they could wind Out of such prison though Spirits of purest light Purest at first now gross by sinning grown The rest in imitation to like Armes Betook them and the neighbouring Hills uptore So Hills amid the Air encounterd Hills Hurl'd to and fro with jaculation dire That under ground they fought in dismal shade Infernal noise Warr seem'd a civil Game To this uproar horrid confusion heapt Upon confusion rose and now all Heav'n Had gon to wrack with ruin overspred Had not th' Almightie Father where he sits Shrin'd in his Sanctuarie of Heav'n secure Consulting on the sum of things foreseen This tumult and permitted all advis'd That his great purpose he might so fulfill To honour his Anointed Son aveng'd Upon his enemies and to declare All power on him transferr'd whence to his Son Th' Assessor of his Throne he thus began Effulgence of my Glorie Son belov'd Son in whose face invisible is beheld Visibly what by Deitie I am And in whose hand what by Decree I doe Second Omnipotence two dayes are past Two dayes as we compute the dayes of Heav'n Since Michael and his Powers went forth to tame These disobedient sore hath been thir fight As likeliest was when two such Foes met arm'd For to themselves I left them and thou knowst Equal in their Creation they were form'd Save what sin hath impaird which yet hath wrought Insensibly for I suspend thir doom Whence in perpetual fight they needs must last Endless and no solution will be found Warr wearied hath perform'd what Warr can do And to disorder'd rage let loose the reines With Mountains as with Weapons arm'd which makes Wild work in Heav'n and dangerous to the maine Two dayes are therefore past the third is thine For thee I have ordain'd it and thus farr Have sufferd that the Glorie may be thine Of ending this great Warr since none but Thou Can end it Into thee such Vertue and Grace Immense I have transfus'd that all may know In Heav'n and Hell thy Power above compare And this perverse Commotion governd thus To manifest thee worthiest to be Heir Of all things to be Heir and to be King By Sacred Unction thy deserved right Go then thou Mightiest in thy Fathers might Ascend my Chariot guide the rapid Wheeles That shake Heav'ns basis bring forth all my Warr My Bow and Thunder my Almightie Arms Gird on and Sword upon thy puissant Thigh Pursue these sons of Darkness drive them out From all Heav'ns bounds into the utter Deep There let them learn as likes them to despise God and Messiah his anointed King He said and on his Son with Rayes direct Shon full he all his Father full exprest Ineffably into his face receiv'd And thus the filial Godhead answering spake O Father O Supream of heav'nly Thrones First Highest Holiest Best thou alwayes seekst To glorifie thy Son I alwayes thee As is most just this I my Glorie account My exaltation and my whole delight That thou in me well pleas'd declarst thy will Fulfill'd which to fulfil is all my bliss Scepter and Power thy giving I assume And gladlier shall resign when in the end Thou shalt be All in All and I in thee For ever and in mee all whom thou lov'st But whom thou hat'st I hate and can put on Thy terrors as I put thy mildness on Image of thee in all things and shall soon Armd with thy might rid heav'n of these rebell'd To thir prepar'd ill Mansion driven down To chains of darkness and th' undying Worm That from thy just obedience could revolt Whom to obey is happiness entire Then shall thy Saints unmixt and from th' impure Farr separate circling thy holy Mount Unfained Halleluiahs to thee sing Hymns of high praise and I among them chief So said he o're his Scepter bowing rose From the right hand of Glorie where he sate And the third sacred Morn began to shine Dawning through Heav'n forth rush'd with whirlwind sound The Chariot of Paternal Deitie Flashing thick flames Wheele within Wheele undrawn It self instinct with Spirit but convoyd By four Cherubic shapes four Faces each Had wondrous as with Starrs thir bodies all And Wings were set with Eyes with Eyes the wheels Of Beril and careering Fires between Over thir heads a chrystal Firmament Whereon a Saphir Throne inlaid with pure Amber and colours of the showrie Arch. Hee in Celestial Panoplie all armd Of radiant Vrim work divinely wrought Ascended at his right hand Victorie Sate Eagle-wing'd beside him hung his Bow And Quiver with three-bolted Thunder stor'd And from about him fierce Effusion rowld Of smoak and bickering flame and sparkles dire Attended with ten thousand thousand Saints He onward came farr off his coming shon And twentie thousand I thir number heard Chariots of God half on each hand were seen Hee on the wings of Cherub rode sublime On the Chrystallin Skie in Saphir Thron'd Illustrious farr and wide but by his own First seen them unexpected joy surpriz'd When the great Ensign of Messiah blaz'd Aloft
us advise and to this hazard draw With speed what force is left and all imploy In our defence lest unawares we lose This our high place our Sanctuarie our Hill To whom the Son with calm aspect and cleer Light'ning Divine ineffable serene Made answer Mightie Father thou thy foes Justly hast in derision and secure Laugh'st at thir vain designes and tumults vain Matter to mee of Glory whom thir hate Illustrates when they see all Regal Power Giv'n me to quell thir pride and in event Know whether I be dextrous to subdue Thy Rebels or be found the worst in Heav'n So spake the Son but Satan with his Powers Far was advanc't on winged speed an Host Innumerable as the Starrs of Night Or Starrs of Morning Dew-drops which the Sun Impearls on every leaf and every flouer Regions they pass'd the mightie Regencies Of Seraphim and Potentates and Thrones In thir triple Degrees Regions to which All thy Dominion Adam is no more Then what this Garden is to all the Earth And all the Sea from one entire globose Stretcht into Longitude which having pass'd At length into the limits of the North They came and Satan to his Royal seat High on a Hill far blazing as a Mount Rais'd on a Mount with Pyramids and Towrs From Diamond Quarries hew'n and Rocks of Gold The Palace of great Lucifer so call That Structure in the Dialect of men Interpreted which not long after he Affecting all equality with God In imitation of that Mount whereon Messiah was declar'd in sight of Heav'n The Mountain of the Congregation call'd For thither he assembl'd all his Train Pretending so commanded to consult About the great reception of thir King Thither to come and with calumnious Art Of counterfeted truth thus held thir ears Thrones Dominations Princedomes Venues Powers If these magnific Titles yet remain Not meerly titular since by Decree Another now hath to himself ingross't All Power and us eclipst under the name Of King anointed for whom all this haste Of midnight march and hurried meeting here This onely to consult how we may best With what may be devis'd of honours new Receive him coming to receive from us Knee-tribute yet unpaid prostration vile Too much to one but double how endur'd To one and to his image now proclaim'd But what if better counsels might erect Our minds and teach us to cast off this Yoke Will ye submit your necks and chuse to bend The supple knee ye will not if I trust To know ye right or if ye know your selves Natives and Sons of Heav'n possest before By none and if not equal all yet free Equally free for Orders and Degrees Jarr not with liberty but well consist Who can in reason then or right assume Monarchie over such as live by right His equals if in power and splendor less In freedome equal or can introduce Law and Edict on us who without law Erre not much less for this to be our Lord And look for adoration to th' abuse Of those Imperial Titles which assert Our being ordain'd to govern not to serve Thus farr his bold discourse without controule Had audience when among the Seraphim Abdiel then whom none with more zeale ador'd The Deitie and divine commands obeid Stood up and in a flame of zeale severe The current of his fury thus oppos'd O argument blasphemous false and proud Words which no eare ever to hear in Heav'n Expected least of all from thee ingrate In place thy self so high above thy Peeres Canst thou with impious obloquie condemne The just Decree of God pronounc't and sworn That to his only Son by right endu'd With Regal Scepter every Soule in Heav'n Shall bend the knee and in that honour due Confess him rightful King unjust thou saist Flatly unjust to binde with Laws the free And equal over equals to let Reigne One over all with unsucceeded power Shalt thou give Law to God shalt thou dispute With him the points of libertie who made Thee what thou art and formd the Pow'rs of Heav'n Such as he pleasd and circumscrib'd thir being Yet by experience taught we know how good And of our good and of our dignitie How provident he is how farr from thought To make us less bent rather to exalt Our happie state under one Head more neer United But to grant it thee unjust That equal over equals Monarch Reigne Thy self though great and glorious dost thou count Or all Angelic Nature joind in one Equal to him begotten Son by whom As by his Word the mighty Father made All things ev'n thee and all the Spirits of Heav'n By him created in thir bright degrees Crownd them with Glory and to thir Glory nam'd Thrones Dominations Princedoms Vertues Powers Essential Powers nor by his Reign obscur'd But more illustrious made since he the Head One of our number thus reduc't becomes His Laws our Laws all honour to him done Returns our own Cease then this impious rage And tempt not these but hast'n to appease Th' incensed Father and th' incensed Son While Pardon may be found in time besought So spake the fervent Angel but his zeale None seconded as out of season judg'd Or singular and rash whereat rejoic'd Th' Apostat and more haughty thus repli'd That we were formd then saist thou and the work Of secondarie hands by task transferd From Father to his Son strange point and new Doctrin which we would know whence learnt who saw When this creation was rememberst thou Thy making while the Maker gave thee being We know no time when we were not as now Know none before us self-begot self-rais'd By our own quick'ning power when fatal course Had circl'd his full Orbe the birth mature Of this our native Heav'n Ethereal Sons Our puissance is our own our own right hand Shall teach us highest deeds by proof to try Who is our equal then thou shalt behold Whether by supplication we intend Address and to begirt th' Almighty Throne Beseeching or besieging This report These tidings carrie to th' anointed King And fly ere evil intercept thy flight He said and as the sound of waters deep Hoarce murmur echo'd to his words applause Through the infinite Host nor less for that The flaming Seraph fearless though alone Encompass'd round with foes thus answerd bold O alienate from God O spirit accurst Forsak'n of all good I see thy fall Determind and thy hapless crew involv'd In this perfidious fraud contagion spred Both of thy crime and punishment henceforth No more be troubl'd how to quit the yoke Of Gods Messiah those indulgent Laws Will not be now voutsaf't other Decrees Against thee are gon forth without recall That Golden Scepter which thou didst reject Is now an Iron Rod to bruise and breake Thy disobedience Well thou didst advise Yet not for thy advise or threats I fly These wicked Tents devoted least the wrauth Impendent raging into sudden flame Distinguish not for soon expect to feel His Thunder on thy head devouring fire
to thee Not noxious but obedient at thy call Now Heav'n in all her Glorie shon and rowld Her motions as the great first-Movers hand First wheeld thir course Earth in her rich attire Consummate lovly smil'd Aire Water Earth By Fowl Fish Beast was flown was swum was walkt Frequent and of the Sixt day yet remain'd There wanted yet the Master work the end Of all yet don a Creature who not prone And Brute as other Creatures but endu'd With Sanctitie of Reason might erect His Stature and upright with Front serene Govern the rest self-knowing and from thence Magnanimous to correspond with Heav'n But grateful to acknowledge whence his good Descends thither with heart and voice and eyes Directed in Devotion to adore And worship God Supream who made him chief Of all his works therefore the Omnipotent Eternal Father For where is not hee Present thus to his Son audibly spake Let us make now Man in our image Man In our similitude and let them rule Over the Fish and Fowle of Sea and Aire Beast of the Field and over all the Earth And every creeping thing that creeps the ground This said he formd thee Adam thee O Man Dust of the ground and in thy nostrils breath'd The breath of Life in his own Image hee Created thee in the Image of God Express and thou becam'st a living Soul Male he created thee but thy consort Female for Race then bless'd Mankinde and said Be fruitful multiplie and fill the Earth Subdue it and throughout Dominion hold Over Fish of the Sea and Fowle of the Aire And every living thing that moves on the Earth Wherever thus created for no place Is yet distinct by name thence as thou know'st He brought thee into this delicious Grove This Garden planted with the Trees of God Delectable both to behold and taste And freely all thir pleasant fruit for food Gave thee all sorts are here that all th' Earth yields Varietie without end but of the Tree Which tasted works knowledge of Good and Evil Thou mai'st not in the day thou eat'st thou di'st Death is the penaltie impos'd beware And govern well thy appetite least sin Surprise thee and her black attendant Death Here finish'd hee and all that he had made View'd and behold all was entirely good So Ev'n and Morn accomplish'd the Sixt day Yet not till the Creator from his work Desisting though unwearied up returnd Up to the Heav'n of Heav'ns his high abode Thence to behold this new created World Th' addition of his Empire how it shew'd In prospect from his Throne how good how faire Answering his great Idea Up he rode Followd with acclamation and the sound Symphonious of ten thousand Harpes that tun'd Angelic harmonies the Earth the Aire Resounded thou remember'st for thou heardst The Heav'ns and all the Constellations rung The Planets in thir station list'-ning stood While the bright Pomp ascended jubilant Open ye everlasting Gates they sung Open ye Heav'ns your living dores let in The great Creator from his work returnd Magnificent his Six days work a World Open and henceforth oft for God will deigne To visit oft the dwellings of just Men Delighted and with frequent intercourse Thither will send his winged Messengers On errands of supernal Grace So sung The glorious Train ascending He through Heav'n That open'd wide her blazing Portals led To Gods Eternal house direct the way A broad and ample rode whose dust is Gold And pavement Starrs as Starrs to thee appeer Seen in the Galaxie that Milkie way Which nightly as a circling Zone thou seest Pouderd with Starrs And now on Earth the Seventh Eev'ning arose in Eden for the Sun Was set and twilight from the East came on Forerunning Night when at the holy mount Of Heav'ns high-seated top th' Impereal Throne Of Godhead fixt for ever firm and sure The Filial Power arriv'd and sate him down With his great Father for be also went Invisible yet staid such priviledge Hath Omnipresence and the work ordain'd Author and end of all things and from work Now resting bless'd and hallowd the Seav'nth day As resting on that day from all his work But not in silence holy kept the Harp Had work and rested not the solemn Pipe And Dulcimer all Organs of sweet stop All sounds on Fret by String or Golden Wire Temper'd soft Tunings intermixt with Voice Choral or Unison of incense Clouds Fuming from Golden Censers hid the Mount Creation and the Six dayes acts they sung Great are thy works Jehovah infinite Thy power what thought can measure thee or tongue Relate thee greater now in thy return Then from the Giant Angels thee that day Thy Thunders magnifi'd but to create Is greater then created to destroy Who can impair thee mighty King or bound Thy Empire easily the proud attempt Of Spirits apostat and thir Counsels vaine Thou hast repeld while impiously they thought Thee to diminish and from thee withdraw The number of thy worshippers Who seekes To lessen thee against his purpose serves To manifest the more thy might his evil Thou usest and from thence creat'st more good Witness this new-made World another Heav'n From Heaven Gate not farr founded in view On the cleer Hyaline the Glassie Sea Of amplitude almost immense with Starr's Numerous and every Starr perhaps a World Of destind habitation but thou know'st Thir seasons among these the seat of men Earth with her nether Ocean circumfus'd Thir pleasant dwelling place Thrice happie men And sons of men whom God hath thus advanc't Created in his Image there to dwell And worship him and in reward to rule Over his Works on Earth in Sea or Air And multiply a Race of Worshippers Holy and just thrice happie if they know Thir happiness and persevere upright So sung they and the Empyrean rung With Halleluiahs Thus was Sabbath kept And thy request think now fulfill'd that ask'd How first this World and face of things began And what before thy memorie was don From the beginning that posteritie Informd by thee might know if else thou seekst Aught not surpassing human measure say The End of the Seventh Book Paradise Lost BOOK VIII THE ARGUMENT Adam inquires concerning celestial Motions is doubtfully answer'd and exhorted to search rather things more worthy of knowledg Adam assents and still desirous to detain Raphael relates to him what he remember'd since his own Creation his placing in Paradise his talk with God concerning solitude and fit society his first meeting and Nuptials with Eve his discourse with the Angel thereupon who after admonitions repeated departs THE Angel ended and in Adams Eare So Charming left his voice that he a while Thought him still speaking still stood fixt to hear Then as new wak't thus gratefully repli'd What thanks sufficient or what recompence Equal have I to render thee Divine Hystorian who thus largely hast allayd The thirst I had of knowledge and voutsaf't This friendly condescention to relate Things else by me unsearchable now heard With
and thy being Dream not of other Worlds what Creatures there Live in what state condition or degree Contented that thus farr hath been reveal'd Not of Earth onely but of highest Heav'n To whom thus Adam cleerd of doubt repli'd How fully hast thou satisfi'd mee pure Intelligence of Heav'n Angel serene And freed from intricacies taught to live The easiest way nor with perplexing thoughts To interrupt the sweet of Life from which God hath bid dwell farr off all anxious cares And not molest us unless we our selves Seek them with wandring thoughts and notions vain But apt the Mind or Fancie is to roave Uncheckt and of her roaving is no end Till warn'd or by experience taught she learne That not to know at large of things remote From use obscure and suttle but to know That which before us lies in daily life Is the prime Wisdom what is more is fume Or emptiness or fond impertinence And renders us in things that most concerne Unpractis'd unprepar'd and still to seek Therefore from this high pitch let us descend A lower flight and speak of things at hand Useful whence haply mention may arise Of somthing not unseasonable to ask By sufferance and thy wonted favour deign'd Thee I have heard relating what was don Ere my remembrance now hear mee relate My Storie which perhaps thou hast not heard And Day is yet not spent till then thou seest How suttly to detaine thee I devise Inviting thee to hear while I relate Fond were it not in hope of thy reply For while I sit with thee I seem in Heav'n And sweeter thy discourse is to my eare Then Fruits of Palm-tree pleasantest to thirst And hunger both from labour at the houre Of sweet repast they satiate and soon fill Though pleasant but thy words with Grace Divine Imbu'd bring to thir sweetness no satietie To whom thus Raphael answer'd heav'nly meek Nor are thy lips ungraceful Sire of men Nor tongue ineloquent for God on thee Abandantly his gifts hath also pour'd Inward and outward both his image faire Speaking or mute all comliness and grace Attends thee and each word each motion formes Nor less think wee in Heav'n of thee on Earth Then of our fellow servant and inquire Gladly into the wayes of God with Man For God we see hath honour'd thee and set On Man his Equal Love say therefore on For I that Day was absent as befell bound on a voyage uncouth and obscure Farr on excursion toward the Gates of Hell Squar'd in full Legion such command we had To see that none thence issu'd forth a spie Or enemie while God was in his work Least hee incenst at such eruption bold Destruction with Creation might have mixt Not that they durst without his leave attempt But us he sends upon his high behests For state as Sovran King and to enure Our prompt obedience Fast we found fast shut The dismal Gates and barricado'd strong But long ere our approaching heard within Noise other then the sound of Dance or Song Torment and loud lament and surious rage Glad we return'd up to the coasts of Light Ere Sabbath Eev'ning so we had in charge But thy relation now for I attend Pleas'd with thy words no less then thou with mine So spake the Godlike Power and thus our Sire For Man to tell how human Life began Is hard for who himself beginning knew Desire with thee still longer to converse Induc'd me As new wak't from soundest sleep Soft on the flourie herb I found me laid In Balmie Sweat which with his Beames the Sun Soon dri'd and on the reaking moisture fed Strait toward Heav'n my wondring Eyes I turnd And gaz'd a while the ample Skie till rais'd By quick instinctive motion up I sprung As thitherward endevoring and upright Stood on my feet about me round I saw Hill Dale and shadie Woods and sunnie Plaines And liquid Lapse of murmuring Streams by these Creatures that livd and movd and walk'd or flew Birds on the branches warbling all things smil'd With fragrance and with joy my heart oreflow'd My self I then perus'd and Limb by Limb Survey'd and sometimes went and sometimes ran With supple joints and lively vigour led But who I was or where or from what cause Knew not to speak I tri'd and forthwith spake My Tongue obey'd and readily could name What e're I saw Thou Sun said I faire Light And thou enlight'nd Earth so fresh and gay Ye Hills and Dales ye Rivers Woods and Plaines And ye that live and move fair Creatures tell Tell if ye saw how came I thus how here Not of my self by some great Maker then In goodness and in power praeeminent Tell me how may I know him how adore From whom I have that thus I move and live And feel that I am happier then I know While thus I call'd and stray'd I knew not whither From where I first drew Aire and first beheld This happie Light when answer none return'd On a green shadie Bank profuse of Flours Pensive I sate me down there gentle sleep First found me and with soft oppression seis'd My droused sense untroubl'd though I thought I then was passing to my former state Insensible and forthwith to dissolve When suddenly stood at my Head a dream Whose inward apparition gently mov'd My fancy to believe I yet had being And livd One came methought of shape Divine And said thy Mansion wants thee Adam rise First Man of Men innumerable ordain'd First Father call'd by thee I come thy Guide To the Garden of bliss thy seat prepar'd So saying by the hand he took me rais'd And over Fields and Waters as in Aire Smooth sliding without step last led me up A woodie Mountain whose high top was plaine A Circuit wide enclos'd with goodliest Trees Planted with Walks and Bowers that what I saw Of Earth before scarce pleasant seemd Each Tree Load'n with fairest Fruit that hung to the Eye Tempting stirr'd in me sudden appetite To pluck and eate whereat I wak'd and found Before mine Eyes all real as the dream Had lively shadowd Here had new begun My wandring had not hee who was my Guide Up hither from among the Trees appeer'd Presence Divine Rejoycing but with aw In adoration at his feet I fell Submiss he rear'd me and Whom thou soughtst I am Said mildely Author of all this thou seest Above or round about thee or beneath This Paradise I give thee count it thine To Till and keep and of the Fruit to eate Of every Tree that in the Garden growes Eate freely with glad heart fear here no dearth But of the Tree whose operation brings Knowledg of good and ill which I have set The Pledge of thy Obedience and thy Faith Amid the Garden by the Tree of Life Remember what I warne thee shun to taste And shun the bitter consequence for know The day thou eat'st thereof my sole command Transgrest inevitably thou shalt dye From that day mortal and this happie State
descending snatch'd him thence Unseen amid the throng so violence Proceeded and Oppression and Sword-Law Through all the Plain and refuge none was found Adam was all in tears and to his guide Lamenting turnd full sad O what are these Deaths Ministers not Men who thus deal Death Inhumanly to men and multiply Ten thousand fould the sin of him who slew His Brother for of whom such massacher Make they but of thir Brethren men of men But who was that Just Man whom had not Heav'n Rescu'd had in his Righteousness bin lost To whom thus Michael These are the product Of those ill mated Marriages thou saw'st Where good with bad were matcht who of themselves Abhor to joyn and by imprudence mixt Produce prodigious Births of bodie or mind Such were these Giants men of high renown For in those dayes Might onely shall be admir'd And Valour and Heroic Vertu call'd To overcome in Battle and subdue Nations and bring home spoils with infinite Man-slaughter shall be held the highest pitch Of human Glorie and for Glorie done Of triumph to be styl'd great Conquerours Patrons of Mankind Gods and Sons of Gods Destroyers rightlier call'd and Plagues of men Thus Fame shall be atchiev'd renown on Earth And what most merits fame in silence hid But hee the seventh from thee whom thou beheldst The onely righteous in a World perverse And therefore hared therefore so beset With Foes for daring single to be just And utter odious Truth that God would come To judge them with his Saints Him the most High Rapt in a balmie Cloud with winged Steeds Did as thou sawst receave to walk with God High in Salvation and the Climes of bliss Exempt from Death to shew thee what reward Awaits the good the rest what punishment Which now direct thine eyes and soon behold He look'd and saw the face of things quite chang'd The brazen Throat of Warr had ceast to roar All now was turn'd to jollitie and game To luxurie and riot feast and dance Marrying or prostituting as befell Rape or Adulterie where passing faire Allurd them thence from Cups to civil Broiles At length a Reverend Sire among them came And of thir doings great dislike declar'd And testifi'd against thir wayes hee oft Frequented thir Assemblies where so met Triumphs or Festivals and to them preachd Conversion and Repentance as to Souls In Prison under Judgements imminent But all in vain which when he saw he ceas'd Contending and remov'd his Tents farr off Then from the Mountain hewing Timber tall Began to build a Vessel of huge bulk Measur'd by Cubit length and breadth and highth Smeard round with Pitch and in the side a dore Contriv'd and of provisions laid in large For Man and Beast when loe a wonder strange I Of every Beast and Bird and Insect small Came seavens and pairs and enterd in as taught Thir order last the Sire and his three Sons With thir four Wives and God made fast the dore Meanwhile the Southwind rose and with black wings Wide hovering all the Clouds together drove From under Heav'n the Hills to their supplie Vapour and Exhalation dusk and moist Sent up amain and now the thick'nd Skie Like a dark Ceeling stood down rush'd the Rain Impetuous and continu'd till the Earth No more was seen the floating Vessel swum Uplifted and secure with beaked prow Rode tilting o're the Waves all dwellings else Flood overwhelmd and them with all thir pomp Deep under water rould Sea cover'd Sea Sea without shoar and in thir Palaces Where luxurie late reign'd Sea-monsters whelp'd And stabl'd of Mankind so numerous late All left in one small bottom swum imbark't How didst thou grieve then Adam to behold The end of all thy Ofspring end so sad Depopulation thee another Floud Of tears and sorrow a Floud thee also drown'd And sunk thee as thy Sons till gently reard By th' Angel on thy feet thou stoodst at last Though comfortless as when a Father mourns His Children all in view destroyd at once And scarce to th' Angel utterdst thus thy plaint O Visions ill foreseen better had I Liv'd ignorant of future so had borne My part of evil onely each dayes lot Anough to beare those now that were dispenst The burd'n of many Ages on me light At once by my foreknowledge gaining Birth Abortive to torment me ere thir being With thought that they must be Let no man seek Henceforth to be foretold what shall befall Him or his Childern evil he may be sure Which neither his foreknowing can prevent And hee the future evil shall no less In apprehension then in substance feel Grievous to bear but that care now is past Man is not whom to warne those few escap't Famin and anguish will at last consume Wandring that watrie Desert I had hope When violence was ceas't and Warr on Earth All would have then gon well peace would have crownd With length of happy dayes the race of man But I was farr deceav'd for now I see Peace to corrupt no less then Warr to waste How comes it thus unfould Celestial Guide And whether here the Race of man will end To whom thus Michael Those whom last thou sawst In Triumph and luxurious wealth are they First seen in acts of prowess eminent And great exploits but of true vertu void Who having spilt much blood and don much waste Subduing Nations and achievd thereby Fame in the World high titles and rich prey Shall change thir course to pleasure ease and sloth Surfet and lust till wantonness and pride Raise out of friendship hostil deeds in Peace The conquerd also and enslav'd by Warr Shall with thir freedom lost all vertu loose And fear of God from whom thir pietie feign'd In sharp contest of Battel found no aide Against invaders therefore coold in zeale Thenceforth shall practice how to live secure Worldlie or dissolute on what thir Lords Shall leave them to enjoy for th' Earth shall bear More then anough that temperance may be tri'd So all shall turn degenerate all deprav'd Justice and Temperance Truth and Faith forgot One Man except the onely Son of light In a dark Age against example good Against allurement custom and a World Offended fearless of reproach and scorn Or violence hee of thir wicked wayes Shall them admonish and before them set The paths of righteousness how much more safe And full of peace denouncing wrauth to come On thir impenitence and shall returne Of them derided but of God observd The one just Man alive by his command Shall build a wondrous Ark as thou beheldst To save himself and houshold from amidst A World devote to universal rack No sooner hee with them of Man and Beast Select for life shall in the Ark be lodg'd And shelterd round but all the Cataracts Of Heav'n set open on the Earth shall powre Raine day and night all fountains of the Deep Broke up shall heave the Ocean to usurp Beyond all bounds till inundation rise Above the highest