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A16831 Gods treasurie displayed: or, the promises, and threatnings of Scripture, &c. Methodically composed, for the helpe of weake memories: and contrived into question, and answere, for the comfort of Sions mourners, and for the awakening of the Laodicean-like secure. Bridges, Francis, fl. 1630.; Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1630 (1630) STC 3733; ESTC S106572 191,335 607

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many there be which goe in thereat But straight is the Gate and narrow is the way that leadeth vnto life and few there be that find it Mat. 7 13 7 19 5 29 30 31. Q. What must I do when vpon good ground I shall fi●d my selfe to bee deliuered from so great a condemnation A. Giue thankes to God and say Great is thy mercy towards me for thou hast delivered my soule from the lowest hell Psal 86.13 Q Why Is it not in mans power to purchase Heaven and to deliuer himselfe from Hell A. Verily verily I say vnto you except a man be borne againe of Water and the Holy Ghost hee cannot enter into the kingdome of Heaven Ioh. ● 3 And without holinesse no man can see the Lord Heb. 12 14. And yet who can say my heart is cleane I am pure from my sinne Prou. 20 9. I●b 9 20. Isa 64 6. Iob. 9.30 31. Psal 93 5. CHAP. XIX Of Sanctification Ob. IF this bee our case who then can be saued Mark 10 26. A. With men this is vnpossible but with GOD all things are possible Math. 19 26. By whom there shall be a fountaine opened to the house of DAVID for sinne and for vncleannesse Zach. 13.1 And you shall be cleane from all your filthinesse and from all your Idols will hee cleanse you Ezek. 36.25 And will turne to you a pure language Zeph. 3 9. that hee who blesseth himselfe in the earth shall blesse himselfe in the GOD of Truth Isa 65 16 And shall serue the Lord their GOD and DAVID their King whom hee will raise vp vnto them Ier. 30 9. Hos 2.16 17. Zeph. 3 13. Psal 37.30 31. 2. Tit. 14. Ioh. 17 19. Heb. 10.7 10. 2. Cor. 13.8 Rom. 8 9. Zach. 8 3. Ezek. 37 28 1. Thes 5 23. Math. 13.33 Isa 4.2 Thus the heart of IEHOSAPHAT was lifted vp in the wayes of the Lord 2. Chro. 17 6. And ZACHARIE and ELIZABETH were both righteous and walked in all the ordinances of the Lord blamelesse Luk. 1 6. Act. 23 1.24 16. Heb. 13 18. Act. 10 22. Ob. Can the Blackmoores skin be changed or a Leopard his spots And can he bee good that is accustomed vnto evill Ier. 13 23. A. Yea for if the blood of Buls and of Goates and Calues and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the vncleane sanctifie to the purifying of the Flesh how much more shall the Blood of CHRIST who through the Eternall spirit offering himselfe without spot vnto GOD purge your Consciences from dead workes to serue the living God Heb. 9 13. Eph. 2 1. Gal. 1 23. Ob. I feele the dwelling of sinne in me still A. So did IOB Iob 9 20.9 30.31 and DAVID Psal 38 4.51 3. and ISAIAH Isa 64 6. and PAVL Rom. 7 18. 1. Tim. 1 15. And so though you also doe walke in the flesh yet doe you ●ut warre after the flesh 2. Cor. 10 3. Sinne shall not haue dominion over you for you are not vnder the Law but vnder Grace Rom. 6 14. For the law of the Spirit of Life which is in CHRIST IESVS shall free thee from the law of Sinne and of Death Rom. 8 2. 1. Cor. 12 3. Q. Why doth CHRIST wash vs who are so vncleane A. CHRIST loueth his Church and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word and that hee might present it to himselfe a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such th●ng but that it should be holy and without blemish Ephes 5 25. Hos 14 4. Q. Is there nothing required of vs for the furthering of this Grace in our selues A. Hee that hath this hope purifieth himselfe as hee is pure 1. Ioh. 3 3. you shall therefore sanctifie your selues and ●ee shall be holy for I am holy neither shall you defile your selues with any manner of creeping thing Leu. 11.44 But if you walke in the Spirit you shall not fulfill the lusts of the Flesh Gal. 5 16. For every branch that beareth fruit hee purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit Ioh. 15 2. Rom. 6 12. Leu. 20 8.20.26 But his owne iniquities shall take the wicked himselfe and he shall be holden with the cords of his owne sinnes Prou. 5 22. For God will giue him vp vnto his owne hearts lusts whereby he shall walke in his owne counsels Psal 81 12. 2. He must pray saying O Lord why hast thou made mee to erre from thy wayes and hardened my heart from thy feare Returne for thy servants sake Isa 63 17. Create in me a cleane heart O GOD and renew a right spirit within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not th● holy Spirit from me Psal 51 10. Keepe backe thy servant also from presumptuous sinnes let them not haue dominion over me Psal 19 13. Who can vnderstand his errours Cleanse thou me from my secret faults Psal 19 12. I will runne the wayes of thy Commandements when thou hast inlarged my heart Psal 119 32 41 4. Ioh. 17 17. Q. When wee find this grace of Sanctification to bee wrought in vs what must we then doe A. Because it is GOD which worketh in you both to will and to doe of his good pleasure Phil. 2 13. The●e●ore s●y yee God bee thanked that we were the servants of Sinne but we haue obeyed from the heart that forme of Doctrine which was deliuered vs. Rom. 6 17. Q. But shall no Sanctifying grace of GOD be wanting A. GOD gaue not CHRIST the Spirit by measure Ioh. 3 34. For it pleaseth the Father thut in him should all fulnesse dwell Col. 1 19. And vnto every one of vs is given Grace according to the measure of the guift of CHRIST Ephes 4 7. So that you shall come behind in no guift 1. Cor. 1 7. But of his fulnesse you shall receiue and grace for grace Ioh. 1 16. Isa 11 2 3. Psal 68 19. Zach. 14 8. Ephes 1 3 4. CHAP. XX. Of Knowledge Faith Trust and Hope Q. WHich is the fi●st of those Graces A. To know the Truth Ioh. 8 32. I will saith God giue them an heart to know me that I am the Lord Ier. 24.7 For this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel c. I will put my Lawes into their minde and write them in their hearts c. And they shall not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know mee from the least to the greatest Heb. 8 10. Ier. 31 33. And the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD as the waters cover the Sea H●b 2 14 Moreouer the light of the Moone shall be as the light of the Sunne and the light of the Sunne shall be seaven-fold as the light of the 7. dayes Isa 30.26 Wherby the people that sate in Darkenesse saw great light and to them which sate in the Region of the
Rom. 5.1 Who is our peace and hath broke downe the middle wall of partition betweene vs hauing abolished in his flesh the enmity euen the Law of commandements contained in ordinances for to make to himselfe one new man and so making peace Eph. 2.14 whereby in Christ Iesus we who sometimes were farre off are made nigh by the blood of Christ and by him we haue an accesse by one spirit vnto the Father Ephes 2.13 Col. 2 Cor. 5.19 1 Tim. 2.5 Isa 26.3 27.4 2 Thes 3.16 Q. May not this peace and agreement once made be againe lost A. Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not as the world giueth it giue I vnto you Ioh. 14.27 For this is as the waters of Noah for as I haue sworne that the waters of Noah should no more go ouer the earth so haue I sworne that I will not be wroth with thee nor rebuke thee for the mountaines shall depart and the hils shall be remoued but my kindnesse shall not depart from thee neither shall the couenant of my peace be remooued saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee Isa 54.9 Numb 25.12 Isa 9.7 Phil. ● 7 Q. What other grace hath this peace with God attending it A. Ioy in the holy Ghost Rom. 14.17 whereby the meeke shall ioy in the Lord and the poore among men shall reioyce in the holy one of Israel Isa 29.19 And shall be full of ioy with his countenance Act. 2.28 And be satisfied as with marrow and fatnesse Psal 63.5 By meanes whereof Iob had songs in the night Iob 35.10 And Dauid was made exceeding glad with Gods countenance Psal 21.6 Nehe. 12.43 Psal 33.21 Ier. 4.2 Psal 104.34 Ioh. 15.11 17.13 Psal. 89.15 Isa 65.18 Acts 8.39 Psa 4.7 Isa 9.3 Q. What followeth vpon this our peace and ioy in God A. 1 Peace with men For then shall they beat their swords into plowshares and their speares into pruning hookes nation shal not lift vp sword against nation neither shall they learne warre any more Isa 2.4 The wolfe shal dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie downe with the kid and the calfe and the young lyon and the fatling together and a little child shall lead them Isa 11.6 The hatred of Ephaim shall depart and the aduersaries of Iudah shall be cut off Ephraim shall not enuy Iudah neither shall Iudah vex Ephraim Isa Micha 4.3 Zech. 3.10 Gen. 21.27 Zech. 9.10 Isa 66.12 2 Peace with all other creatures For they are at league with the stones of the field and the beasts of the field they are at peace with them Iob. 5.23 Because God hath established his couenant with them and with their seed after them and with euery liuing creature of the fowle of the cattell and of euery beast of the earth Gen. 9.9 and with the creeping things of the ground Hosea 2.18 And the feare of them and the dread of them shall bee vpon euery beast of the earth vpon euery fowle of the ayre vpon all that moueth vpon the earth vpō al the fishes of the sea into their hand are they deliuered Gen. 9.2 Ob. You tell me of peace and ioy but behold trouble and sorrow Ier. 4.10 A. You now haue sorrow but your hearts shall reioyce and your ioy shall no man take from you Ioh. 16.22 For light is sowne for the righteous ioy for the vpright in hart Ps 97.11 Marke the perfect man behold the vpright for the end of that man is peace Psal 37.37 And though now the earth be moued and though the mountaines fall into the middest of the Sea though the waters thereof rage and be troubled and the mountaines shake at the surges of the same yet there is a riuer whose streame shall make glad the Citty of God Psalme 46.2 Whereby they shall lift vp their voyce and shall shout for the magnificence of the Lord and shall reioyce Isa 24.14 Q. What are the means whereby this ioy and peace with God and the creature may be maintained A. 1 Pray saying The Lord of peace giue vs peace alwayes by all meanes 2 Thes 3.16 That wee may see the good of thy chosen that we may reioyce in the gladnesse of thy Nation that we may glory with thine inheritance Psal 106.5 Let the righteous be glad let them reioyce before thee yea let them exceedingly reioice Ps 68.3.51 6.7 1 Sam. 25.6 2 The worke of righteousnesse is peace Isa 32.17 And to as many as walke according to this rule Peace shall be on them Gal. 6.16 I will therefore heare what God the Lord will speake for he will speake peace vnto his people and to his Saints but let them not turne againe to folly Psal 85.8 For the wicked are like the troubled Sea when it cannot rest whose waters cast vp mire and dirt There is no peace saith my God to the wicked Isa Rom. 8.6 14.17 Iames 3.18 2 Corinth 13.11 3 If you would haue peace with men prouide things honest in the sight of all men If it be possible as much as lyeth in you liue peaceably with all men Rom. 12.18 And therefore seeke peace and pursue it Psal 34.14 And follow hard after the things that make for it Rom. 14.19 4 Would you haue peace with the creatures To the pure all things are pure Titus 1.15 And euery creature of God is good if it be receiued with thankesgiuing For it is sanctified by the word of God and by prayer 1 Tim. 4.4.5 CHAP. VII Adoption and Regeneration Q. What followeth vpon our iustification and reconciliation A. To be the children of God through faith in Christ Iesus Gal. 3.26 For to as many as receiued him to them hee gaue this prerogatiue to be his sonnes euen to them that beleeue in his name Ioh. 1.12 Who came to redeeme vs that were vnder the Law that wee might receiue the adoption of sonnes Gal. 4.5 Behold therefore what manner of loue the Father hath bestowed vpon vs that we should be called the sonnes of God 1 Ioh. 3.1 Math. 5.9 Reuel 21.7 Ob. This seemes to be no great matter for they liue in no such outward pompe nay their condition seemes to be worse than other mens Psal 73.5 A. The Kingdome of God is not of meat and drinke Rom. 14.17 nor commeth with obseruation neither shall they say Lo heere or lo there for behold the Kingdome of God is within you Luke 17.20 and is all glorious there Psal 45.13 Q. But what portion and inheritance hath God for such as be his children A. The Father loueth the Sonne and hath giuen all things into his hand Ioh. 3.35 In whom we also haue obtained an inheritance Ephes 1.11 For if we bee children then are we heyres heyres of God and ioynt-heires with Christ Rom. 8.17 Gal. 4.7 Psal 16.5 Ob. This belonged vnto Abraham and to his seed but not to the sinners of the Gentiles A. If you be Christs then are you
Horse and the rider hath he ●●rowne into the Sea The LORD is my ●●rength and my Song and he is become my Salvation hee is my GOD and I will ●repare him an habitation my Fathers GOD and I will exalt him The LORD 〈◊〉 a man of Warre the LORD of Hosts this name Exod. 15.1 Who is like ●nto thee O LORD amongst the Gods who is like thee glorious in holinesse fearefull in praises doing wonders Exod. 15 11. Who would not feare thee O King of Nations For to thee doth it appertaine for as much as among all the wise men of the Nations and in all their Kingdomes there is none like vnto thee Ier. 10 7. Psal 35 9. Thou bringest the Councels of the Heathen to nought thou makest the devises of the people of none effect Psal 33 10.9 6. Gen. 14 20. Psal 64 6.66.1 ●3 2 13.5.18 35 30 1 31 7 76.1 98 1 124 1 18 36 18.46 28.7 9 1.144 1.140 7. Isa 25 1 2.52 9. Psal 74 12 47 1. 1 Sam. 2 1. Psal 31 21.44 8 48 1 3 31 7 92 9. Ob. Were it to bee granted that the hand of man may bee eyther too short to reach vs or too weake to hold vs vnder yet who can stand when God himselfe as with an overflowing flood shall come to iudge terribly the earth Numb 24 23. Isay 64.3 2 19. Ierem. 47 2. A. The Lord knoweth how to deliver ●he godly out of temptations and to re●oue the vniust vnto the day of Iudgement 〈◊〉 be punished 2 Pet. 2 ● For behold ●be name of the Lord commeth from farre ●is face is burning and the burthen thereof 〈◊〉 heauy his lips are full of indignation ●●d his tongue is a devouring fire And his ●●irit is a river that overfloweth vp to the ●ucke it divideth a sunder to fanne the Nations with the fanne of vanity But ●here shall be a song vnto you as in the ●ight when a solemne feast is kept and ●ladnesse of heart as hee that commeth with a pipe to goe vnto the Mount of ●he LORD to the mighty one of ISRAEL Isa 30.27 The LORD ●●all roare out of ZION and vtter his voice from IERVSALEM and the Hea●●ns and the Earth shall shake but the LORD will bee the hope of his peo●le and the strength of the children of Is●●el Ioel. 3 16. When men are cast ●●wne then they shall say there is a lifting 〈◊〉 and he shall saue the humble person Iob. 22.29 Ezek. 9 4 6. Reuel 9 4 7 2 3. Ez●k 14 14. Mal. 4 Psal 91 3. Isa 6 12 13 65 5. Ioel. 2 32. Amos 3 12 9 8 4 11. For your eyes haue seene what the LORD did because of Ba●l-poor for all the men that followed Ba●l-peor the Lord thy God hath destroyed them from among you but yee that did cleaue vnto the Lord your GOD are all aliue every one of you vntill this day Deut. 4 3. Exod. 8 22 9.6.9 5. ●0 Heb. 11.31 Ios 6 17 6.24 Numb 14 12. 2 King 22.15 Ier. 40.4 Gen. 19.16 Q. What may this teach vs A. 1. Seeke yee the LORD all yee meeke of the Earth which haue wrought his Iudgements seeke Righeeousnesse seeke meekenesse it may bee yee shall bee h●d in the day of the Lor●s anger Z●ph 2 3. For the eyes of the Lord run too and fro throughout the whole earth to shew himselfe strong in the behalfe of them whose heart is perfect towards him 2 Chron. 16 9. 2 Be not afraid of suddaine feare nor if the dissolation of the wicked when it ●●mmeth for the LORD shall be thy confidence and keepe thy feete from being ta●en Prou. 3.25 GOD is our refuge ●nd strength a very present helpe in ●rouble Therefore doe not feare though the Earth be remooved and though the Mountaines bee carried into the middest of the Sea Though the waters thereof ●●are and be troubled though the Moun●●ines shake with the swellings thereof There is a riuer the streames whereof ●hall make glad the Citie of GOD the holy place of the Tabernacle of the most ●igh GOD is in the middest of her shee ●●all not be moved God shall helpe her and that right earely The Heathen ●●aged the Kingdomes were moved he ●●terd his voyce the Earth melted The LORD of Hosts is with vs the GOD ●f IACOB is our refuge Psal 46 1. 3 Come my people enter thou into thy hambers and shut thy doores about thee ●●de thy selfe as it were for a little moment vntill the indignation be overpast For behold the Lord commeth out of his place to punish the Inhabitants of the Earth for their iniquitie the Earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slaine Isa 26 20. So that except the LORD of hostes had left vs a very small remnant wee should haue beene as SODOME and wee should haue been like vnto GOMORRAH Isa 1 9. CHAP XL. Of outward Prosperitie Ob. NOw am I well apayed in regard of euils feared but if a man liue many yeares and the dayes of his yeares be multiplyed and yet his Soule bee not satisfied with good things I say vnto you That an vntimely fruit is better than hee Eccles 6.3 A. If you serue and obey him you shall spend your dayes in prosperitie and your yeares in pleasures Iob 36 11. Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall bee established vnto thee and the light shall shine vpon thy way Iob. 22 28 And you shall reioyce in all that you put your ●and vnto and your housholds wherein the Lord your GOD hath blessed you Deut. 12 7. You shall be to me a name of Ioy a praise and an honour before all the Nations of the earth which shall beare of all the good that I doe vnto you and they shall feare and tremble for all the goodnesse and for all the prosperitie that I procure vnto you Ier. 33 9. And they shall call you Blessed for you shall be a delight some Land saith the Lord of hostes Mal. 3.12 Who shall greatly blesse thee in the Land which hee giveth thee for an Inheritance to possesse it Onely if thou carefully hearken vnto the voyce of the LORD thy GOD to obserue to doe all these Commandements which I command thee this day Deut. Psal 2 Chron. 31 21. Iob 11 17. Hosea 14 5. For HEZEKIAH cleaving vnto the Lord and departing not from following him but keeping his Commandements which the Lord commanded MOSES the Lord was with him and he prospered whethersoever he went forth 2. King 18.6 The Lord was ●●●o with Iehosaphat because he walked in the first wayes of his Father D●vi● and sought not vnto Baal●m but sought the Lord GOD of his Fathers and walked in his Commandement● and not after the doings of Israel Therefore the Lord stablished the Kingdome in his hands And all Iudah brought to Iehosapha● presents and hee had riches and honour in abundance 2 Chron. 17.3 Numb 24.3 Deut. 2 7 40. Psal 23 5.6
a child when shee was past age because she iudged him faithfull who had promised Therefore sprang there even of one and him as good as dead so many as the Starres of the skye in multitude and as the sand which is by the Sea shore innumerable Heb. 11.11 2 King 4. 14. Luk. 1 7 13.1 57.60 Ob. I haue seene many of GODS Children both liue and dye Childlesse A. Let not therefore the Eunuch say Behold I am a dry tree For thus saith the LORD to the Eunuches that keepe my Sabbaths and choose the thing that pleaseth mee and taketh hold of my Covenant even to them will I giue in mine House and within my Walles a place ●nd a name better than of Sonnes and of Daughters I will giue them an everla●ting Name that shall not be cut off Isa 56 3. Ob But this feare yet remaines that when my Child commeth to the birth my wife shall haue no strength to bee delivered A. Shall I bring to the birth and not cause to bring foorth saith the LORD Shall I cause to bring foorth and shut the wombe saith thy GOD Isa 66.9 For SARAH said GOD hath made me laugh so that all that heare will laugh with mee Gen. 21.6 Therefore feare not ZACHARIAS for thy wife ELIZABETH shall beare thee a Sonne and thou shalt haue ioy and gladnesse and many shall reioyce at his birth Luk. 1.13 14. Q. If the hauing of Children bee of the blessing of GOD to the Righteous what shall the wicked haue A. Giue them O LORD what thou wilt giue Giue them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts Hos 9 14 And write yee this man childlesse Ier. 22 30. For hee shall neither haue Sonne nor Nephew among his people nor any remainder among his dwellings They that come after him shall be astonied at his day as they that went before were affrighted Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked and this is the place of him that knoweth not God Iob. 18 19. 2 Sam. 6 23. Ob. But who more then the wicked doe abound with Children A. If their Children bee multiplyed it is for the sword Iob. 27 14. Also I will send wild beasts among them which shall robbe them of their Children Leuit. 26 22. For the face of the LORD is against them that doe evill to cut off the remembrance of them from the Earth Psal 34 16 37 28.1 King 14 10 1 15 29.1 16.3 41.16 11 12.1 21.21.25 Hos 14. 1. Ezek. 24.21.25 2 Sam. 12 9.2 12.18 Q. When I haue Children what is the comfort I shall receiue by them Eccl. 2 18 19. A. The Father of the Righteous shall greatly reioyce and he that begetteth a wise Sonne shall haue ioy in him His Father and Mother shall be glad and she that bare him shall reioyce Prou. 23 24 For as arrowes are in the hand of the mighty man so are Children of the youth Happy is the man that hath his Quiver full of them they shall not bee ashamed but they shall speake with the enemies in the gate Psal 127.4 For NOAHS two Sonnes covered their Fathers nakednesse Gen. 9 23. And IOSEPH nourished his old Father and Brethren in the time of dearth Gen. 45 9 50 1. And NAOMIE her Sonne was a restorer of her life and a nourisher of her old age Ruth 4 15. 2 Chron. 2 12. Gen 28 7 45 23. But SENAGHERIB as he was worshipping in the House of NISROCH his GOD that ADRAMELECH and SHAREZER his Sonnes smote him with the Sword that he dyed 2 King 19 37. Ob. When God by death taketh me away what the miseries are which shall then befall my Children I know not A. A good man walking in his integritie his Children are blessed after him Prou. 20 7. For he leaveth his inheritance to his Childrens children and the wealth of the sinner is laid vp for the iust Prou. 13 22. His seed shall be mighty on the Earth the generation of the vpright shall be blessed Psal 112 1. They shall spring vp among the Grasse as willowes by the water courses Isa 44 4. Their seed also shall be knowne among the Gentiles and their off-spring among the people all that see them shall acknowledge them that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed Isa 61 9. Know therefore that the LORD thy GOD he is God the faithfull God which keepeth Covenant and mercie with them that loue him and keepe his Commandements to a thousand Generations Deut. 7 9. Isa 65 23. Psal 102 28.103.17 1 Sam. 25 28.1 King 9 4. Exod. 20 6. Heb. 11.20 Gen. 25 11. Prou. 11 21. Psal 146.9 But it shall come to passe that every one that is left in the house of the wicked shall come and crouch to the Righteous for a piece of silver and a morsell of bread and shall say put me I pray thee into one of the Priests offices that I may eate a piece of bread 1 Sam. 2 36. For his riches perish by evill travell and he begetteth a Son and there is nothing in his hand Eccl. 5 14. Neither shall his off-spring bee satisfied with bread Iob. 27 14. Ob. What assurance can you giue me that my Children will not prooue wicked whereby to be liable to the curse as well as other Children whose Parents are out of the Covenant A. If the first fruits be holy the lumpe is also holy and if the Roote bee holy so are the brvnches Rom. 11.16 And as for mee this is my Covenant with you my spirit that is vpon thee and my word which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy Seeds seed saith the LORD from henceforth and for ever Isa 59 21. For the LORD made not this Covenant with our Fathers but with vs even vs who are all of vs aliue this day Deut. 5 3. For God being the God not of the faithfull onely but also of their seed Gen. 17 7. Thou shalt be saved and thy House Acts 16 31. Gen. 17 21.4.4 Ob. One of the Parents themselues may be out of the Covenant how then can this Couenant belong vnto their posteritie A. The vnbeleeving Husband is sanctified by the Wife and the vnbeleeving wife is sanctified by the husband else were your Children vncleane but now are they holy 1 Cor. 7 14. Ob. It were much more to my comfort if wee were both of vs within the Couenant A. If any man obey not the Word they may without the Word bee wonne by the conversation of the wiues 1 Pet. 3 1. For what knowest thou O wife whether thou shalt saue thy husband Or how knowest thou O Man whether thou shalt saue thy wife 1. Cor. 7 16. Ob. But doth not the Sonne beare the iniquitie of his Father Else whence this Proverbe The Fathers haue eaten sowre grapes and the Childrens teeth are set on edge Ezek. 18 2. A. The Fathers shall not be put
euer them that are sanctified whereof also the holy Ghast is a witnesse Heb. 10.14 15. Not that Christ should offer himselfe often as the high Priests entred into the holy place euery yeere with the blood of others for then must he often haue suffered since the foundation of the world But now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe Heb. Q. Is then the guiltinesse and punishment of sin taken away by Christ A. This is a faithfull saying and worthy all acceptance that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners 1 Tim. 1.15 And you know that he was made manifest that he might take away our sins 1 Ioh. 3.5 who his own selfe bare our sins in his own body on the Tree 1 Pet. 2.24 which was prefigured by the scape-gote Leu. 16.21 22. Thus it is written and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and that remission of sinnes should bee preached in his name among all Nations beginning at Ierusalem Luke 24.26.27 Be it knowne vnto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes Act. 13.38 Math. 9.2 1.21 Reuelat. 1.5 6. Ioh. 1.29 Ob. By what authority did hee these thing And who gaue vnto Christ this authority to forgiue sinnes Math. 12.23 Mar. 2.7 A. As no man tooke this honour to himselfe to offer for sin but he that was called of God as was Aaron So also Christ glorified not himselfe to bee made an high Priest but hee that said vnto him Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten thee he gaue it him Heb. 5.4 And hath exalted him with his right hand to be a Prince and Sauiour for to giue repentance vnto Israel and forgiuenesse of sinnes Act. 5.31 But that yee may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgiue sins he saith to one sicke of the palsie I say unto thee arise and take vp thy bed who immediatly arose and took vp his bed and went forth among them all Mar. 2.10 c. Q. What witnesses can you produce to conuince vs of remission of sinnes by Christ A. Caiaphas though his enemy yet being high priest professed that Iesus should dye for the Nation of ●he Iewes and not for that Nation only but that also hee should gather together in one the Children of God that were scattered abroad Ioh. 1● 51 52. To whom also giue all the Pro●hets witnesse That through his name whosoeuer beleeueth in him should receiue remission of sinnes Acts 10.43 This is hee that came b● water and blood euen Iesus Christ not by water onely but by water and blood and it is the Spirit that beareth witnesse because the Sp●rit is truth For there are three that beare record in heauen the Father the Word and the holy Ghost and these three are one And there are three that beare witnesse in earth the Spirit and water and blood and these three agree in one Ioh. 15.6 c. Q. But wil God make good their testimony A. If we confesse our sinnes hee is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinne 1 Ioh. 1.9 For when Dauid said vnto Nathan I haue sinned Nathan said vnto Dauid The LORD also hath put away thy sinne 2 Sam. 12.13 Isa 6.5 c. 2 Chro. 7.14 Mat. 18.26 27. Luk. 15.18 c. Q. Is there no forgiuenesse of sinne without confession A. Hee that couereth his sinnes shall not prosper onely hee that confesseth and forsakes his sins shall haue mercy Pro. 28.13 For saith Dauid When I kept silence my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long c. I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee and mine iniquity haue I not hid I said I will confesse my transgressions and thou forgauest the iniquity of my sinne Psalm 32.3 c. Luke 15.18 Q. What are the sinnes which God for Christs sake will forgiue A. He will cleanse them from all their iniquities whereby they haue sinned against him and he will pardon all their iniquities whereby they haue sinned and whereby they haue transgressed against him Ier. 33.8 And the blood of Iesus Christ his Son cleanseth vs from all sinne 1 Ioh. 1.7 Psal 130.8 85.2 Q. How farre foorth doth God forgiue sinnes A. To the vtmost extent thereof For 1 God was in Christ reconciling the world vnto himselfe not imputing their trespasses vnto them 2. Cor. 5.19 2 As not seene For he hath not beheld iniquity in Iacob neither hath hee seene peruersenesse in Israel Numb 23.21 Whereby when the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for there shall be none and the sinnes of Iudah and they shall not be found c. Ierem. 50.20 Isa 38.17 Psalm 85.2 Ezek. 16.8 3. As not remembred For he will be mercifull vnto our vnrighteousnesse and our sinnes and iniquities wil he remember no more Heb. 8.12 4 As far away remoued For as heauen is high aboue the earth so great is his mercy towards them that feare him as farre as the East is from the West so farre hath he remooued our transgressions from vs Psal 103.11 12. 5 As swallowed vp He will turne againe hee will haue compassion vpon vs hee will subdue our iniquities and cast all their sinnes into the depth of the sea Micah 7.19 7 As a cloud vanished Hee hath blotted out as a thicke cloude our transgressions and as a cloude our sinnes Isai 44.22 7 As a writing defaced I saith God euen I am he that blotteth out thy transgressions Isai 43.25 Q. Why is the curse of sinne with the guilt taken away by Christ A. GOD sent not his Sonne into the World to condemne vs but that wee through him might bee saued Iohn 3.17 For surely hee hath borne our griefes and carried our sorrowes c. Hee was wounded for our transgressions hee was bruised for ouri-niquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed c. Isa 53.4.5 There is therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Rom. 8.1 For he hath redeemed them from the curs of the Law by being made a curse for them as it is written Cursed is euery one that hangeth on a tree Gal. 3.13 Rom. 5.14 c. Ioh. 3.17 Q. What moued the Lord through Christ to take away our sinnes A. We haue redemption through his blood the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to the riches of his grace Ephes 1.7 And for his owne names sake 1 Ioh. 2.12 If the Lord indeed should marke iniquities who should stand But there is forgiuenesse with him that he may be feared Psalm 130.3 4 Ezech. 20.44 Isa 43.21 Q. What would you infer vpon this so rich and plentious grace of God A. Euen as Dauid who describeth the blessednesse of the man vnto whom God imputeth righteousnesse without works saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord will not impute sinne Romans
that receiueth a Prophet in th● name of a Prophet shall receiue a Pr●phes reward and he that receiueth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receiue a righteous mans reward An● whosoeuer shall giue to drinke vnto one 〈◊〉 these little ones a cup of cold water onely i● the name of a Disciple verily I say vnt● you hee shall in no wise lose his reward Math. 10.41 Ob. I see many in want neither Prophets nor righteous men but my enemies and no louers of goodnesse what in this case must I doe A. If thine enemy be hungry giue him bread to eate and if he be thirsty giue him water to drinke for thou shalt heape coles of fire vpon his head and the Lord shall reward thee Prou. 25.21 And cast thy bread vpon waters for thou shalt finde it after many daies Eccles 11.1 Luke 6.27 Mat. 5.44 Psal 35.13 2 Sam. 1.11 12 Acts 7.60 Q. What reward shall bee to such as are fruitlesse in good workes A. As hee that giueth to the poore shall not lacke so hee that hideth his eyes shall haue many a curse Prou. 28.27 And hee shall haue iudgement without mercy that sheweth no mercy Iames 2.13 And therefore say ye wo be vnto the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands shall be giuen him Isa 3.11 For I say vnto you that vnto euery one which hath shall be giuen and from him that hath not euen that hee hath shall be taken away from him Luke 19.26 Prou. 11.26 Isa 29.1 CHAP. XII God will teach his in their waies Q. WHat is the fourth priuiledge God bestoweth vpon his children A. That hee will instruct and teach them in the way that they should goe and will Guid them with his eye Psal 32.8 The meeke will he guide in iudgement the meeke will hee teach his way what man is hee that feareth the Lord him shall hee teach in the way that hee shall choose Psal 25.9.12 And will be their guide euen vnto death Psal 48.14 Exo 33.14 Gen. 46.4 Nehe. 9.20 Psalm 37.23 Ioh. 10.3 4. Thus the Lord led his people foorth by the right way that they might goe to a City of habitation Psal 107.7 And he brought them to the border of his sanctuarie which his right hand had purchased Psalm 78.54 Deut 1.31 Psalm 78.52 53. Exod. Ob. Notwithstanding I am very subiect to misse my way A. Thine eares shall heare a word behind thee saying this is the way walke yee in it when yee turne to the right hand and when yee turne to the left Isa 30.21 I will bring the blind by a way that they know not I will lead them in the paths that they haue not knowne I will mak● darkenesse light before them and crooked things straight Isa 42.16 For I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walke in darkenesse but shall haue the light of life Iohn Q. Is this blessing common to all both good and bad A. The righteousnesse of the perfect shall direct his wayes but the wicked shall fall by his owne wickednesse Prou. 11.5 For they waite for light but loe it is darkenesse for brightnesse but they walke in darknesse They grope for the wall like the blinde and grope as one without eyes they stumble at the noone day as in the twilight they are in solitary places as dead men Isa 59.9 Q. What may these things teach vs A. 1 To pray saying shew mee thy way O Lord teach mee thy paths lead me in thy truth and teach mee for thou art the God of my saluation on thee doe I waite all the day Psal 25.4 Lead me O Lord in thy righteousnesse because of mine enemies make thy waies streight before my face Psal 5 8. And if I haue found grace in thy sight shew mee now thy way that I may know thee For wherein shall it be knowne heere that I haue found grace in thy sight Is it not in that thou goest with mee Exod. 33.13.16 Psal 2 To ponder the pathes of thy feete that thy wayes may be ordered aright Pro. 4.26 3 In all thy wayes acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths Prou. 3.6 Q. When wee haue found God to be his words master in this what is to bee done A. Say I will blesse the Lordw ho hath giuen me counsell my reines also teach mee in the night season Psal 16.7 He restoreth my soule hee leadeth mee in the pathes of righteousnesse for his names sake Psalm 23.3 For a mans goings being of the Lord how can hee then vnderstand his owne waies Pro. 20.24 CHAP. XIII The guard of Angels Ob. NOtwithstanding which way so euer I goe many dangers doe attend me A. Therefore God hath added another priuiledge for the Angels of the Lord shall incampe round about thee to keepe thee in all thy waies they shall beare thee vp in their hands that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone Psal 91.11 For are they not all ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shall bee heyres of saluation Hebr. 1.14 Exod. 32. ●3 34.2 Behold therefore the mountaines full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha 2 Kings Marke 1.13 Luke 22.43 Gen. 19.10 Acts Q. What vse make you hereof A. It admonisheth the wicked to take heed they dispise not one of the least of Gods childrē because that in heauen their Angels doe alwayes behold the face of their Father which is in heauen Math. 18.10 CHAP. XIV All things worke for good Ob. IF God doe thus guide and guard his children whence is it that so many crosses do betide vs in our way A. From God by whose prouidence wee know that all things worke together for Good to them that loue God to them that are called according to his purpose Rom. 8.28 Q. Will other mens sinnes in seeking my hurt doe mee good A. Yea for how euer they as did the brethren of Ioseph thinke euill against vs yet God meaneth it vnto good as then to bring to passe by sauing much peope aliue Gen. 50.20 Q. Their sinnes turned to the reliefe of their bodies but will my owne sinnes turne to the good of my soule A. Yea For Onessimus departed for a season that he might be receiued for euer not then as a seruant but a brother beloued both in the flesh and in the Lord Phile. 15. Moreouer through the sharpe contention of Paul and Barnabas whereby they departing asunder one from the other many were edified Acts 15.37 CHAP. XV. Comfort against death Ob. IF these be the priuiledges of the Saints whosoeuer then is ioyned to all the liuing there is hope Eccles 9.4 But what man is hee that liueth and shall not see death shall hee deliuer his soule from the hand of the graue Psalm 89.48 Is not the graue the house appoynted for all the liuing Iob 30.23 And will death also worke
an eye at the last trumpe for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed 1 Cor. 15.51 Q. Now I know that wee shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day Ioh. 11.24 What therefore would you thence inferre A. 1 Concerning them that sleepe that ye sorrow not euen as others without hope For if we beleeue that Iesus died and rose againe euen so them also which sleepe in Iesus w● God bring with him 1 Thes 4.13 2 Though I walke in the valley of t●● shaddow of death I will feare no euill fo● thou art with mee thy ●od and thy sta● comfort mee Psalm 23.4 Therefo●● also my heart is glad my glory reioycet● my flesh also shall rest in hope for thou wi●● not leaue my soule in hell Psal 16.9 3. Let vs therefore which haue the fir● fruites of the spirit groane within our selue● waiting for the adoption to wit the redem●tion of our bodies Rom. 8.23 4 Let none of vs liue or die to our selue● for whether wee liue wee liue vnto th● Lord or whether we dye we dye vnto th● L●●● For to this purpose Christ dye● 〈…〉 and reuiued that he might be the Lord both of the dead and liuing Rom 14.7 Wherefore labour we that whether present or ahsent wee may be accepted o● him 2 Cor. 5.9 Q. When this dust returneth to th● earth Eccle. 12.7 who knoweth the spiri● of a man that goeth vpward and the spirit o● the beast that goeth downeward to the earth Eccles 3.21 A. Wee know that if this earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolued wee haue a building of God an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens 2 Cor. 5.1 For the spirit shall returne to God that gaue it Eccles 12.7 and shall bee with Christ in Paradise Luke 23.43 And with Lazarus in Abrahams bosome Luke 16.22 Q. How stand you affected with this A. I am in a straite betwixt two hauing a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better Pbil. 1.23 For in this wee groane earnestly desiring to be clothed vpon with our house which is from heauen if so be that being clothed wee shall not be found naked For we that are in this tabernacle doe groane being burdened not for that we would be vnclothed but clothed vpon that mortality might be swallowed vp of life 2 Cor. 5.2 Therefore wee are alwaies confident knowing that whilest wee are at home in the body wee are absent from the Lord for wee walke by faith and not by sight wee are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord 2 Corin. 5.6 Math. 17.4 CHAP. XVI Of the last iudgement Ob. WHat we shall haue after death I cannot say but in these daies of my vanity I haue seen there is a iust man that perisheth in his righteousnesse and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickednesse Ecces 7.15 yea the tabernacles of robbers prosper and they that prouoke God are secure for into their hand God bringeth abundantly Iob 12.6 Behold these are the vngodly who prosper in the world they increase in riches verily I haue cleansed my heart in vaine and washed my hands in innocency For all the day long I haue been plagued and chastened euery morning Psal 73.12 13. Ier. 5.27.12 1. Eccl. 8.14 A. God hath appointed a day in which he will iudge the world in righteousnesse by that man whom hee hath ordained whereof he hath giuen assurance vnto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead Acts 17.31 So that we shall all stand before the Iudgement seat of Christ Rom. 14.10 Who shall iudge his people Heb. 10.30 Vnto whom they also must come to giue an account 1. Pet. 4.5 Heb. 9.27 Psal Eccles 11.9 Ob. Where is the promise of his comming For since the Fathers fell a sleepe all things continue as they were from the beginning 2 Pet. 3.4 A. This you are willingly ignorant of that by the Word of GOD the Heauens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being ouerflowed with water perished But the Heauens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserued vnto fire agains● the day of Iudgement and perdition of vngodly men But beloued be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as ● thousand yeares and a thousand yeares a one day The Lord is not slacke concerning his promise as some men cou● slacknesse but is long suffering to vs ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 2. Pet. 3.5 Q. Tell vs then when these thing shall be and what shall be the signes o● the end of the World Mat. 24.3 A. 1 Before the end come many shall come in CHRISTS name saying I am CHRIST and many false Prophets shall arise Mat. 24.5.11 2 The day shall not come except there come a falling away first 2. Thes 2.3 and many be deceiued Mat. 24.5.11 3 That man of sinne shall first be reuealed the sonne of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called GOD or that is worshipped 2. Thes 2.3.4 4 You shall heare of warres and rumors of warres for Nation shall rise against Nation Kingdome against Kingdome but the end shall not be yet Mat. 24.6.7 5 Because iniquity shall be increased the loue of many shall waxe cold Mat. 24.12 6 This Gospell of the Kingdome shall be preached in all the world for a witnesse vnto all Nations and then shall the end come Mat. 24.14 7 When the fulnesse of the Gentiles is come in all Israell shall be saued as it is written The deliuerer shall come out of Sion and shall turne away vngodlinesse from Iacob Rom. 11.25 8 As it was in the dayes of Noah so shall it be also in the dayes of the Sonne of Man they did eate they dranke they married wiues they were given in marriage vntill the day that Noah went into the Arke and the Flood came and destroyed them all Likewise also as it was in the dayes of Lot they did eate they dranke they bought they sold they planted they builded but the same day that Lot went out of Sodome it rained fire and brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all euen thus shall it bee in the day when the Sonne of man is reuealed Luke 17.26 And when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction commeth vpon them as trauell vpon a woman with child 1. Thes 5.3 Or as a thiefe by night 2. Pet. 3.10 Reuel 16.15 Math. 24.38 Now learne a parable of the Fig tree when his branch is yet tender and putteth foorth leaues ye know that summer is nigh Math. 24.32 And when ye see a cloud rise out of the West straite way yee say a shower commeth and
that ●well in the land of the shadow of death ●pon them hath the light shined Isa 9.2 For God who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse hath shined in your hearts to giue the light of the knowledge of God in the face of IESVS CHRIST 2 Cor. 4 6. I haue indeed spoken vnto you in Proverbes but the time commeth when I shall no more speake to you in proverbes but I shall sh●w you plainely of the Father Ioh. 16 25. In that day shall the deafe heare the words of this Booke and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscuritie and out of darknesse Isa 29 18 35 5 32 2 50 4. Prou. 1 1 4 8 9. 1 Cor. 2 10 12. Nehem. 8 8. Luk. 24 45. Tit. 1 3. Mal. 2.7 Deut. 17 8.9 Reu. 5.5.8 Now therefore thankes bee vnto God which alwayes maketh manifest the sauour of his Knowledge by vs in every place 2 Cor. 2.14 For there is Gold and a multitude of precious Stones but the lips of Knowledge are a precious iewell Prou. 20.15 Neh. 8.12 Math. 11.25 Ob. But I am so hard-hearted that I can not be affected with the Word A. I will put a new Spirit within you and I will take the stony heart out of thy flesh and I will giue thee an heart of Flesh Ezek. 11.19 As well as to the Iew●s who wept when they heard the words of the Law Neb. 8.9 For is not my Word l●ke a fire saith the Lord and like a hammer that breaketh the Rockes in pieces Ier. 23 29.26.18 Ioh. 5.25 Act. 2.37 16.29 2 His wordes were found and I did eate them and they were vnto me the ioy and reioycing of my heart Ier. 15 16. I will therefore delight my selfe in his Statutes Psal 119.16 How sweet is his Word vnto my taste Yea sweeter then honey to my mouth Psal 119.103 Therefore my Sonne eate thou honey because it is good and the honey combe which is sweet to thy tast So shall the knowledge of wisedome be vnto thy soule when thou hast found it Prou. 24.13 Act. Iob 23.12 Act. 2.41 Psal verses Luk. 24.32 Ob. I am no sooner gone from the Word but all is forgotten A. The Comforter which is the holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoeuer I haue said vnto you Ioh. 14.26 Wherby MARY kept all those things in her heart which were told her by the Shepheards Luk. 2.19 Neither did I forget Gods word Psal 119.16 2. Pet. 1.12.13 Ob. The hardest taske is yet behind to wit to put in practise what we heare A. I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not I will leade them in the pathes that they haue not knowne I will make darknesse light before them and crocked things straight saith the LORD Isa 42.16 Who hath opened mine eares and I was not rebellious neither turned away backward Isa 50.5 Yea I haue refrained my feet from every evill way that I might keepe his word Psalm 119.101 So that when hee said seeke yee my face my heart said vnto him thy face LORD will I seeke Psal 27.8 For this is the loue of GOD that we keepe 〈◊〉 Commandements and his commandements are not grievous 1 Ioh. 5 3. Hag. 1 12. Psalm 119 15 48 57 104 ● 68. Math. 13 8.23 Col. 1 6. Luk. 1.5 ● 2. Chron. 17 6. CHAP. XXXIII Of Ministers Ob. YOu tell me of the Word and the great benefit thereof but how ●●ould I either know or doe what the Word teacheth without a guide Act. ● 31. A. When CHRIST ascended vp on high he gaue guifts vnto men c. and he gaue some Apostles and some Prophets ●nd some Euangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the worke of the Ministerie for ●he edifying of the Body of CHRIST till we all eome in the vnity of faith and of the knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ Eph. 4.8.11 And therefore though the LORD giue you the bread of Adversitie and the water of Affliction yet thy Teachers shall not be removed into a corner any more but thine eyes shall see thy Teachers Isa 30.20 For the Lord giveth the Word great is the company of Preachers Psal 68.11 Ier. 33.18 Leuit. 10 11. Isa 41.27 Isa 62.6 Q. But shall wee haue such Pastors as will deale faithfully with vs A. I will giue you Pastors according to mine owne heart which shall feed you with knowledge and vnderstanding Ier. 3 15. Who will very gladly spend and bee spent for you 2. Cor. 12.15 As Moses who was faithfull in all his house Heb. 3.5 And as of Leui it was said the Law of truth is in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips he walked with me in peace and equitie and did turne away many from iniquitie Mal. 2 6. Moreover yee know from the first day that Paul came into Asia after what manner he hath beene with you at all seasons serving the Lord with all humblenesse of mind and with many teares and temptations which befell him by the lying in wait of the Iewes and how he kept backe nothing that was profitable vnto you Act 20.18 And you know the proofe of Timothie that as a Sonne with the Father he hath served with Paul in the Gospell Phil. 2 22. And for the worke of Christ he was nigh vnto death not regarding his life Phil. 2 30. And dayly in the Temple and in every house the Disciples ceased not to teach and to preach IESVS CHRIST Acts 5 42. These are not as many which corrupt the Word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speake they in Christ 2 Cor. 2 17 11 23 1 9 27 1 9.19.2 Chron 17 9 8 13. Col. 4 7 10 11 1 7. Act 20 23.30 31 18 24. Ezek. 34 23. Hag. 1 13. 1 Thes 5 6 7. Ier. 23 4 4 19. 8 21 9 1 3 17. Ezra 7 6 10. 1. Sam. 3 21. Q. Wherefore are these promises recorded in Gods word concerning his Ministers A. 1. That they may be apt to teach 1 Tim. 3.2 And therefore giue attendance vnto reading 1. Tim. 4 1● And study to shew ●hēselues workmen that need not to be ashamed dividing the Word of truth aright 2 Tim. 2 ●5 For every Scribe taught vnto the Kingdome of Heaven is like vnto a man that is a housholder which bringeth forth out of his treasurie things both new an old Math. 13 52. 2 That they be diligent to know the state of their flockes and to looke well to their heards Prou. 27 23. Taking the oversight thereof 1 Pet. 5 2. For they are set for a defence and fortresse among the people that they may know and try their wayes Ier. 6 27. 3 That they feed the flocke of GOD which is among