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A01801 The Kings medicine for this present yeere 1604 prescribed by the whole colledge of the spirituall physitions, made after the coppy of the corporall kings medicine, which was vsed in the city the former yeere. Giuen as a new yeers-gift, to the honorable city of London, to be taken in this yeere for the soule, as the other was for the bodie. Herevnto are intermixed, first, the wonders of the former yeer, his triumphs, two funeralls, two coronations, two preachers. Secondlie, Londons and Englands newyeers-gift, to offer vp vnto the Lord for his new-yeers-gift, containing King Dauids sacrificing after the ceasing of the pestilence, necessarie to teach vs the duty of our deliuerance. The whole collected out of the first book of Chr. ch. 21. / Made and vvritten by Iames Godskall, preacher of the vvorde. Godskall, James. 1604 (1604) STC 11936; ESTC S118768 100,652 208

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to them for Christ Iesus sake who hath deliuered vs You that haue alreadie the olde yeare sacrificed let not your goodnesse mercie goe backward like the shadow vpon Ahaz Dyall You that haue not let not your hearts bee like to the clay waxing harder harder let them be as waxe and let them melt vpon your brethren Let the benefit of your deliuerance bee as a sunne to melt them Oh how faire a thing is mercie in the time of anguish It is like a cloude of raine that commeth in the time of a drought Eccle. 35.19 And thus much for the second sort of Sacrifice The third kinde of sacrifice to bee offered this newe yeare is the sacrifice of thanksgiuing 3 The sacrifice of thanksgiuing which is to be offered vnto the Lord according to the direction of the holy Ghost Psal 50.14 Offer vnto God praise and pay thy vowes vnto the most high for hee that offereth praise shal glorifie mee These are the calues of our lips Hos 14.3 And seeing the Lord hath taken away our iniquitie and receiued vs gratiously Hos 14.3 Let vs therefore offer the sacrifice of praise to God the fruite of the lippes which confesse his name Hebr. 13.15 Let vs returne kindnesse for kindnesse DAVID Ps 170. setteth downe 4. kindes of men which are most indebted to GOD for deliuerance frō perils One of them are such that are freed from a mortall sicknesse London thou art in the cōpasse of one of these therfore you the remainders confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men offer the sacrifices of praise and deliuer his workes with reioycing Psalm 107.21.22 Exalt him in the congregation of the people and praise him in the assembly of the Elders Vers 32. Wee haue tasted the neuer stinting streame of his mercies what shall wee then render vnto the Lord for all his benefits towardes vs Let vs take the cuppe of saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord pay our vowes vnto him euen now in the presence of all his people Psalm 116.12 The Leaper beeing cleansed by Christ returned with speede to giue GOD praise LONDON thou art now clensed and with HEZECHIAH hast receiued health and therefore say with the King Esd 38 20 The Lord was readie to saue mee therefore we wil sing my song al the daies of our life in the house of the lord If the Israelits haue bowed themselues and worshipped Exod. 12.27 because the Angell had spared them ought not th● remainders in all duetifull manner extol the glorious name of the Lord Israel beeing past th● red sea hath song vnto the Lord Exod. 15. an● shalt not thou ô London hauing now passed those waters which were entred euen to you● soule Psal 96 say with MOSES The Lord i● my praise and hee is become my saluation I will prepare him a Tabernacle and exalt him O that men would therefore praise the Lord fo● his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he doth for the children of men Psal 107. Nature it selfe doth teach thee ô London this kinde o● sacrifice it hath imprinted a thankfull affection in brute beasts and impressed it in senselesse creatures One horse claweth another as it is in the Prouerbe in token of mutuall thankfulnesse The earth receiuing raine from the clouds whereby her thirst is quenched returneth vapours vnto the cloudes againe and so requireth the former benefit The streaming Fountaines and running riuers receiuing water from the Sea send their waters again into the Sea in signe of gratitude The boughes and brāches of trees in springtime sucking their sap from the roote send it againe in the fall of the leafe into the roote to nourish it in winter season If nature hath ingraffed this affection in senselesse creatures how much more ought reason guided by diuine knowledge leade thee ô London vnto the due cōsideration of this necessarie duetie A●as wee had not deserued to receiue such a benefit and speedy deliuerance wee may then say with DAVID Not vnto vs ô Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name be this honour Psal 115. To what shall we ascribe it but to his greate mercy The Lord may answere vnto vs as Alexander the great vnto a certaine poore man vnto whom he had giuen two talents the poore man astonished with the greatnes of the gift vsing these words Most princely Sir I am not worthy to receiue so much to whome Alexander replyed I doe not respect good man what thou art meete to receiue but what beseemes mee so great a Potentate for to giue euen so God hath not regarded what wee most vnworthy creatures were worthy to receiue but what did become his mercy to bestowe and giue The greatnesse of his mercie then doth require that wee should sing the praises of God in the highest measure The cunning Musitian will not onely stretch forth his strings that they may bee heard but sometimes so that they may bee heard in the highest measure Such Musitians and singers of Gods mercie wee ought to bee this is the measure we must keepe this yeare vpon the Harpe of Dauid If we consider what cloudie daies haue gone ouer our heades and in how faire sunshine wee are set againe haue we not occasion to say with Dauid Psalm 92 It is a good thing to praise the Lord to sing vnto his name and to declare his louing kindnesse O let vs then with the best members and instruments wee haue bodies and spirits which the fingers of GOD haue harmonically composed praise the name of the Lord. Let vs not take without giuing as vnprofitable ground drinketh and deuoureth seede without restoring Let vs imitate Noah after the Floode in one thing and in another leaue him As Noah Gen. 8.20 after that the floode was ceased built an Altar and offered vnto the Lord so let vs after the deluge of the Pestilence offer vnto the Lord the sacrifice of thanksgiuing that the Lord may speake vnto vs as he said to Noah Encrease now again vpon the earth and replenish it But yet let vs take heede to surfet with Noah and forget the floode let the former iudgement which hath as a sworde beene shaken at vs for our sinne terrifie the whole Land Let vs not be like to the nine Leapers who beeing cleansed forgot him that cured them Little will hee yeelde which will not yeelde thankes which makes vs nothing the poorer Wee ought then to stirre vp our selues and with Dauid to speake Awake my tongue I will praise thee O Lord among the people Psalm 57.8 And as Deborah stirred vp her selfe Vp Deborah vp arise and sing a song Iud. 5.12 euen so O London stirre vp thy selfe vp London vppe arise sing a songe vpon the Harpe of DAVID Psalm 103 My soule praise thou the Lord and all that which is within mee his holy name My soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefits let vs euery where offer vp
vnto thee not the water of life but the water of death Adde also a good quantitie of that comfortable Triacle of hope with the consideration of the future glorie being sure that thy redeemer liueth and that thou shalt see him with thine eyes Iob. 19.25 Mingle and temper thus well together this patience faith confidence and hope and let the patient that is infected with either of them both vse to drinke this Kings med●cine often let all his life in health or in sickenesse be a continuall repentance and meditation of these things and it will expell the venome of his sinne of impatience distrustfulnesse and immoderate feare But if the filthy botch of impatience distrustfulnesse and immoderate feare doe happen to appeare then insteede of Elder leaues take a good quantity of elders examples the faith of ABRAHAM patience of IOB the hope of DAVID take my brethren the Prophets for an example of patience in suffring aduersitie Jam. 5.10 Further take also the Mustard-seede of Gods word Matth 13.31 with the excellent commandements admonitions promises and comforts contained therein mingle these together consider vpon them make a plaister of them apply it to thy sore it will draw forth the venome corruption of impatience distrustfulnesse and immoderate feare The Mustard-seede as PLINIVS doeth witnesse is both purgativum curatiuum it purgeth the bodie of euill humours and cureth the venemous byting of a Serpent Euen so the Spirituall Mustard-seede of the Word purgeth and voydeth the euill humours of the soule and healeth the venemous byting of that old Serpent the Deuill THE KINGS MEDIcine for this present yeere Collected out of the 2. booke of Sam. Chap 24. and out of the first of the Chron. Chap. 21. THat which the Apostles in the beginning of their Epistles haue wished vnto the Saints of God the same in the beginning of the yeere I wish vnto you beloued of LONDON for a New-yeeres-gift Grace be with you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Let vs beloued beginne this present yeere with that excellent Prayer of MOSES Teach vs Psal 90. O Lord to number our daies that we may apply our hearts to wisedome That which is reported of the DOLPHINES in the enrie of this yeere may put vs in minde of the state of the former yeere they play most in the Sea when a tempest is neerest And haue not we the former yeere in the Sea of this world beene most playing reioycing tryumphing erecting our Arches and some of the workes like BABELL when the tempest of the Pestilence was neerest and when we least expected it the suddaine alteration which ensued preacheth it to the whole Land And as the Lord hath bestowed the former yeere vpon this Kingdome the greatest benefite which she euer receiued so hath he also in the same yeere sent the greatest Pestilence in our memorie which she euer felt And note this with me that as the Prophet DANIEL in the first yeere of the reigne of King DARIVS who was made King ouer the Realme of the Caldeans Dan. 9. vnderstoode the desolation of Ierusalem the royall Mother-citie of Iewrie which moued him to turne his face vnto the Lord by Prayer and supplications with fasting and sack-cloth So likewise euen in the first yeere of the reigne of King IAMES who was made King ouer the Realme of England We vnderstood and also saw the desolations of the English Ierusalem the Mother-citie and imperiall Chamber of this kingdome which mooued vs with DANIEL to turne our faces vnto the Lord with prayer and fasting which is the best Phisick to cure the Plague of the soule with the effect thereof the Plague of the body The Physitions against the bodily Plague haue prescribed a certaine remedie called THE KINGS MEDICINE so tearmed because a king of England vsed it in the time of Plague This hath bene the medicine of the old yeere great hath bene your diligence beloued of LONDON to follow this prescription and being ayded by nature and expeperience some of you haue taken in this Kings medicine to preuent the Plague others being alreadie preuented by the sicknesse haue taken it in to expell the venome and to be deliuered from that secrete euill and noysome Pestilence with what successe your selues haue had experience The olde yeere being past giue mee leaue to prescribe another Kings medicine fit for the New yeere so called because a king of Israell vsed it with the Elders of the people It is a medicine against the Plague of the soule fit for all times If PLATO could say Repentance that the life of a Philosopher ought to be a continual meditation of death how much the better may we christians saie that the life of a Christian ought to be a continuall repentance Although the Plague of the bodie bee ceased yet it is to bee feared that the Plague of the soule doeth yet raigne and continue in manie places both in the Citie and suburbes therefore as you haue bene diligent the old yeere to take in the kings medicine for the body so bee not negligent this New-yeere to take in the Kings medicine for the soule It is a medicine which wil cost nothing and as fitte for the poore as for the rich The Phisitions deuide their whole practise in two generall partes in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 preuenting Physicke and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 recouering Physick according to this rule The bodily kings medicine vsed the former yeere doth consist of two parts as it may be seene in the medicine it selfe which I haue annexed to this Treatise The first is for them that are not yet infected to preuent it The second is for the infected to remooue it The same medicine for both but with an addition So likewise the Spiritual kings medicine which I purpose to describe consisteth of these two parts It is a preuenting and a recouering Physicke necessary to preuent future calamities and to recouer the health of the soule All this hitherto spoken premitted as a Preface before we proceed let vs let some order in this our discourse and draw the scattered branches home to their roote I will vse the methode that Phisitions doe vse in their practise of Physicke shewing vnto you the cause of the sicknesse the medicine to heale it and the operation of the medicine And this is the methode which the Holy Ghost himselfe that wise Physition doeth follow in these two Chapters prefixed which I haue taken to be my text and the subiect of this discourse The words doe empty themselues into these foure particulars A diuision of the whole discourse The first containeth The Kings sicknesse the Plague of the soule DAVIDS sinne consisting in the numbring of the people verse 5. which I may call the Kings euill The second the effect operation and misery of the kings sicknesse the Plague of the bodie verse 14.15.16 with the outwarde cause of it The prouidence decree of
emty thy belly of foode and to fill thy soule with sinnes to be pale for fasting and to bee blewe and pale for hate and enuie to drinke no wine and to be drunke with the poyson of anger to abstaine from things which are lawfull and to doe things which are vnlawfull Follow then beloued the counsaile of Chrisostome and Bernard who both iumpe togither Let not onely thy mouth and thy bowels fast but thine eyes thine eares thy feete thy handes and all thy bodily members Let thy hands fast from robbery thy feete from bearing thee to vnlawfull spectacles thine eares from sucking in slāderous tales thine eyes from receiuing in wantonnesse And to shewe you out of the mouth of God himselfe what manner of fast you ought to vse this new yeare Loose the bands of wickednesse Es 58. take off the heauie burdens let the oppressed goe free deale thy breade to the hungry and couer the naked As there hath bene the former yeare a generall fast through the whole land so there ought this yeare to bee this inward and spirituall through the whole Kingdome from the honourable Counsellor to him that grindeth at the Mill. This is the great generall fast and a Lent of abstinence which wee all must keepe And thus much for the patients behauiour and also the third part of the Kings Medicine ¶ The fourth part containing the time when the King tooke in this Medicine and the cause moouing him thereunto THE time when hee tooke it in was first when he saw that he had gotten the spirituall infection by the numbring of the people and secondly when he saw the danger and effect therof a pestilence in Israel The cause mouing him to take it in was to heale his disease to remoue the effect thereof Ver. 8.16 The consideration of both deliuereth vnto vs a portrature of a wise Physition of a wise patient the wisdome of God and the wisdome of Dauid The wisdome of God the Physition Vse The wisdome of God the Physition doth appeare in the diuersity of means which he knoweth to vse for to cure sin to mooue the sons of men to take in this spirituall Kings medicine of repentance This Physition had before giuen vnto DAVID peace prosperity and victories ouer his enemies and now seeing him anew infected with a dangerous disease he sendeth a generall pestilence in Israell Before hee came with his benefits and now with his iudgements As the expert Physition vseth first soft and lenitiue remedies and if they auaile not then hee commeth to his sharpe and biting corrosiues euen so the Lord vseth first the soft and lenitiue remedies of his commandements promises and benefits and then the byting corrosiues of his iudgements Some hee healeth by hony some by gall some by salt some by meale some by sweete some by sower Hee hath a store-house full of remedies and the breade of iudgement to breede good bloode in vs. The Lord as Clemens Alexandrinus speaketh is like vnto an expert Musitian hee hath sundry kindes and varieties and sheweth the changes of his notes hee both pittieth and chasteneth entreateth and threateneth and by threatning best admonisheth by speaking roughly soonest perswadeth When the railes of the law kept not the Israelits in the pasture of the word the Lord appointed the hedge of thorny discipline And euen so at this present such as he cannot draw to come in the fold of saluatiō by the whistle of the word he compelleth them to come in by the dogge hooke of disciplin correction If the blessings of Mount Garizzim do not moue vs Deut. 27. then the cursings of Mount Ebal must come vpon vs. If we take no pleasure in the beauty of Mount Sion then the thundrings lightnings of Sinai must put vs in feare As this sheweth the wisdom of God so it declareth the successe of his wisdom The successe of his wisdom in DAVID his patient the Lords corosiues haue wrought in his soule for seeing the hand of the Lord he began to take in the medicine of repētance The Lords corrosiues haue many vertues The vse of afflictions First they make vs to esteeme honour make much of the Lord King Dauids Physition Secondly they make vs to attaine vnto the knowledge of our disease bind Manasses with chains pul the King of Babilon from his throne they wil know thēselues thirdly they make vs to seek for a remedy against our sore Fourthly they preuēt keepe our soules from falling into more grieuous diseases Fiftly they serue as a purge to purge vs frō the corrupted humours of the soule The want of these fiue things had beene a long time among vs and therfore king Dauids Physitiō hath the former year vsed his corrosiues We shuld haue fallen into a deadly Lethargy of sin therfore he hath preuented it that we might as the Prouerb is with the burnt child dread the fire As Ionathan shot arrowes to giue DAVID warning euen so the Lord hath shot off his arrowes Ps 9. to giue vs warning The Plague ô London hath bin a writing scrole vpō your flesh engrauen in your skin to teach you obediēce as the Leprosie vnto Miryam It hath bin as I. Baptist to send you vnto Christ It hath bin as a medicine sent from heauen the King of heauens medicine to heale the sores of the land to remoue the spiritual plague Sicknes as Basil saith vpon the 25. Psalme is vnto many a salutiferous medicine and life it selfe As we pluck back or stay our horses if either they gallop too fast or go out of the way so the Lord because we were as wild horses hath curbed our bits straitned the raines of our vnbridled affections As the Lords corrasiues haue had good successe in DAVID so they haue wrought in vs. We had beene like vnto Ioab 2. Sa. 14.29 As Absolon sent for him the first time by his seruāts but would not come and the second time yet woulde not come to him and therefore sent the third time his seruants to set Ioabs fields on fire then he arose and came euen so the Lord had sent at diuerse times his seruants the Prophets to will vs to come to him but because we remained obstinate he sent the former yeare other seruants namely his Angels to kindle our housen with the fire of pestilence and that made vs to arise to goe vnto the Lord with fasting that made vs to cry out Lord haue mercy vpon vs Christ haue mercy vpon vs. When the waters of the flood came vpon the face of the earth downe went stately Turrets Towers but as the waters rose so the Arke rose still higher higher In like sort when the waters of afflictions arise as the floode of the pestilence did the former year downe goes the pride of life the lust of the eyes the vanities of the world as they did also in some sort the last yeare pray God