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A00452 The sacrifice of a contrite heart in teares, meditations, and prayers. Penned by Iohn Euans minister of Gods word. Evans, John, minister of Gods word. 1630 (1630) STC 10586; ESTC S120845 111,350 374

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Father and doest me foster What words or works can daunt my heart I am in thee become a boaster These men thy might and power disable or else thy loue to man diminish Or else they thinke thou art vnstable and doest begin and wilt not finish Or that the poore wilt not support nor helpe the needie in distresse But as thou knowest what they report so make them feele their wickednesse But I doe know thou failest neuer them that in thee their trust repose If they be constant and perseuer all things are for the best to those Thou art indeede a iealous God and first thy children thou doest monish Thou bear'st with loue and beat'st with rod if they mend not wilt further punish Yet call'st thy chosen children backe by gentle stroakes from running ryot And sufferest them to suffer lacke and doest prescribe to them their diet We may condignely then deride the iudgement of such foolish men That vnto thee Lord will prescribe the measure what and the time when Such fleshly men by wealth and woe censure thy loue or thy displeasure As Natures friend or Graces foe by humane reason all things measure They thinke thou lou'st whom thou feed'st fat with plenty pleasures worldly riches And that all others thou doest hate these world flesh and deuill bewitches And great is this temptation vnlesse our natures thou assist Infeebled with affliction whose helpe doth rest in Iesus Christ. When thou therefore do'st me correct with one hold hold me with the other Let fasth in thee make thee accept me for thy Sonne by Christ my brother Lay not vpon me greater loade then I poore wretch can well endure If I doe sinke stay my aboade and if I fall then keepe me sure Thou know'st Lord whereof I am made I am a silly simple man A worme a flea a puffe a shade that no good doe nor no good can Try by the Crosse true to the Crowne that we may proue by want and losses But to dispaire pull me not downe but vnto comforts turne my crosses I am not able to beare thy yoake vnlesse Christ thy Sonne doe with me draw I am not able to fend thy stroke vnlesse he O Lord doth ward the blow Lord with thy mercies compasse me protection draw out of despaire O let me thy saluation see and all things fit obtaine by Prayer Thou shewest mercy to the meeke that trust in thee in all mens sight There children shall finde what they seeke thou shalt to Sunne-shine turne their night A place whence worldlings are excluded and all the hellish rable out Though here on earth they haue intruded to roote Gods faithfull children out And such as haue with hate pursu'd and trusted in the arme of flesh And haue their hands in bloud imbru'd shall say in iudgement they were rash God's on my side who can ouerthrowe me Christ pleades my cause can God refuse me As iust in Christ the Lord doth know me he doth acquite who can accuse me We thought that this mans life was madnesse then shall the wicked worldlings say But see his words are turn'd to gladnesse whom we haue deem'd a cast-away His hand hath wrought what he would haue yea I my selfe shall say I err'd That thought thou wouldest me not saue because my ioyes were then deferr'd I thought my cries thou would'st not heare when I thee sought thy selfe did'st hide When I complain'd thou cam'st not neere as though thou could'st me not abide But now I knowledge and confesse thy wisedome great in humbling me Thy loue sustain'd me in distresse thy prouidence releeuing me This pass'd all iudgement and conceit of learnedst grauest wisest men Therefore deere Father I will waite take thine owne time how where and when I will not with thy will indent nor thee direct the manner how Thou should'st me helpe 't is mine intent vnto thy will to bend and bowe Hereafter I will hold my peace though men shall say yet still of me And though their tongues will neuer cease there is for me no helpe from thee 〈◊〉 Prayer for a Merchant that God would blesse his Sea aduentures O Almighty God the Creator of heauen and earth and that ●ath made the round world and 〈◊〉 that is therein that stretcheth ●t the North ouer the empty ●aces and hangeth the earth vp● nothing that hath set the Sea ●s bounds vntill night and day ●me to an end that diuideth ●e Sea and bindeth the floods ●om ouerflowing that looketh 〈◊〉 the ends of the earth and seeth ●e whole fabrick of heauen and ●e earth and all things therein ●t maketh the waight for the windes and knoweth the measures of the waters that hath since the dayes of Noah shut vp the Sea with barres and dores saying hitherto shalt thou come and no further and heere shall thy proud waues be stayed yet fo● the families of Jacob at their departure from Egypt and Pharaoh Court thou didst once againe interrupt the boundes of the Seas and made them to stand on heaps that Israel might escape from their cruell and bloody pursuer● The waters saw thee O God th● waters saw thee were afraid a● the presence of the Lord God A● mighty vnto thee most might Jehouah doe I come beseechin● thee to prosper my aduentures a● the Sea thou art the same Lor● that didst prosper the ancient a● uentures that thy seruant Salomo made to Opher in the land of Hau● lah toward the East O Lord beseech thee that when the wi● shall arise the Seas roare t● flouds raise them vp into heauen and cast them downe againe into the bottome of the deepe threatning nothing but death and destruction keepe them that they perish not in the proud waues thereof by falling into sands nor by running against the hard rock Keepe them safe in their persons ●nd goods as thou didst Salomons Marriners and the rich treasures 〈◊〉 their vessels O Lord let no ●obbers nor Pirates at Sea attach ●heir persons or goods but pro●ect them safe out of their hands ●hat I and they being made well 〈◊〉 liue may returne thankes and ●●sse thee all our dayes both pri●ately and publiquely in thy holy ●ongregation for they that goe ●to the deepe see the wonders 〈◊〉 the Lord thereby are taught ●w to praise thee Sweet Sauiour as thy Disci●s with thee in the Shippe in ●eir extreamities called vpon ●ee to helpe them that they might not perish So O Lord I● cail vpō thee beseeching thee to heare me for them and them for themselues and say vnto the Seas peace and be still for they are at thy command to obay thee and therefore subiect at thy rebuke to be still O Lord as thou didst reach forth thy hand vnto thy Disciples and to Peter at midnight when they were in distresse in the raging waues and by calling vnto thee were comforted So O Lord put into their hearts such a reuerend feare of thee that in any danger or extreamity by sea or land they may call vpon
thee and be comforted O Lord though they bee compassed about with death on euery side yet there is assured safety in thee wherefore keepe firm● their tacklings that they deceiu● them not in the raging windes nor mountaine billowes that bea● against their sides that their Ship in which they are be not broken O Lord if thou force them to cast out their goods for safety yet will it not auaile vnlesse therewith they cast forth by vnfained repentance their loades of sinnes through which bodies and goods are made to sinke And let them be in safety as the Marriners that were trauailing from Ioppa to Tarsus when they had cast forth rebellious Ionas O Lord of hoasts and God of heauen send thy Angels with them to guide them forth and conduct them safe in their return be with them in their greatest necessities as thou wast with thine Apostle S. Paul in his dangerous voyage to Rome This temporall blessing and all others that are needfull and that thou knowest better to giue then I to aske though a chiefe of sinners and therefore most vnworthy yet I begge aske it if it be thy good pleasure for thy Sonne Iesus sake my only Lord and Sauiour Amen A Prayer for the fruits of the earth and other nourishments of this mortall life O Eternall God which feedest with thy blessing euery liuing thing and satisfiest the desires of thy seruants with thy bountifull goodnesse wee wretched sinners vnworthy of the least of thy blessings and benefits doe most humbly beseech thee to be pleased to blesse all the fruits of the earth that wee and all thy seruants may be partakers of thy comforts therein for the nourishment of this life Giue vs O Lord this day our daily bread prepare our ground and prosper our corne Blesse the seede time with the first and latter raine and meete temperature of ayre Keepe our fruits while they bee in the earth from haile and thunder from excessiue droughts and immoderate raines from mildewes and all noysome wormes Send vs a ioyfull Haruest and giue a blessing to that which wee shall reape that for our vnthankfulnes it waste not away without our reliefe Increase our cattell with all other our prouision which we shall carefully labour for Replenish our basket and blesse our store that wee may haue wherewith as to furnish our selues so to giue some reliefe vnto others Protect our seruants and workefolkes that they may be strong to labour wise to forecast and faithfull in their businesse Keepe our Garners Barnes and Store-houses from fire and boysterous windes Theeues and suddaine inundations Prosper our workes and trauels whether by sea or land and blesse and prosper all them that any way labour for any of those things that we shall haue occasion to vse Send remedy O Lord for all hardnesse and misery turne our dearth into cheapenesse and our scarcity into plenty Open the hearts of rich men to whom thou hast giuen much that they may haue a charitable respect of the poore at all times Helpe vs O Lord and giue vs such things as we stand in neede of and make vs to desire such things onely as may bee pleasing vnto thee to search them wisely and to finde them easily Oppresse vs not with too much pouerty neither puffe vs vp with too much plenty but giue vs a competent store of things necessary for this life and grace to vse them soberly to thy glory and our comfort through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A thanksgiuing for our Benefactours O Lord which hast said that hee that giueth vnto the poore lendeth vnto the Lord and looke what he layeth out it shall be payd him againe wee beseech thee to be gracious and mercifull to all those for whom wee are bound to pray by nature by desert or any other duty whatsoeuer Of thy especiall fauour remember all our Benefactours and friends aliue euen all those our Parents kinsfolkes and others which haue brought vs vp taught promoted or any way relieued vs. Blesse them with all blessings that haue done good either to our bodies with temporall benefits or our soules with profitable instructions Bless their estates that in their godly dispositions they may haue alwayes wherewith to relieue and comfort others in their discretion giue them the consolation of the holy Ghost to the keeping of faith and a good conscience And as they haue shewed mercy vnto vs and comforted vs so Lord helpe and comfort them in their greatest needes that both they and their families may both haue comfort in their estate and condition heere and finde mercy with thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus at the latter day Lord let all their almes-deedes and prayers be alwayes in thy sight as those of Cornelius that as they haue been vnto vs an odour that smelleth sweet whereby we haue receiued plenty and beene filled so they may bee as sacrifices acceptable and pleasant vnto thee Vouchsafe vs this grace O Lord that wee be not guilty of any ingratitude towards them but rather ready according to our abilities to recompence them if neede require Let not that which they haue bestowed vpon vs bee cast away but make it fruitfull vs worthy of it Graunt this O thou God which doest good both to the just and vniust for Iesus Christs sake our only Lord Sauiour Amen LACHRIM 5. Wherein the distressed sheweth his desire to hold more fast the promises of God O Lord thou art my hope and strength thou help'st in trouble doe not hide Thy selfe for euer but at length for men distrest doe thou prouide For I by thee will hold most fast I le trust in thee while I doe liue And till those stormes be ouer-past I le neither faint nor feare nor grieue Tremble thou earth rage sea and land winde tempest stormes and all about I see thee Lord hold out thy hand for my defence I le neuer doubt What though hills quake staggering stumble and fall into the midst of seas Though waters roare rage and tumble thou canst this change and all appease Should I then faint at troubles small which like small darts thou throw'st at me In loue but not to kill at all but make me leaue my vanity Forsake my follies euery deale reclayming errors to the truth T is thou didst hurt and thou canst heale thou hast preseru'd me from mine youth I must confesse I merited the death of death with paines of hell And to be disinherited of heauens high where iust doe dwell But Lord doe mittigate thine anger and turne thy heauie wrath to loue Deliuer me from all this danger let thy compassion mercy moue And with true comforts Christ all fountaine my dry and thirsty soule refresh And powre on me from holy mountaine sweet dewes to glad my soule and flesh Thy darts in me O Lord sticke fast O pull them out cast them away And cure my wounds to helpe make hast binde vp my sores soules sorrowes stay Cleanse the corrupt affections of
whether in the Kings chamber or in the Lyons den with Daniel or with Moses in the wildernesse the blessed children prayed in the fiery furnace King Hezekias in his bed Ionahs in the whales belley and our Sauiour Christ in the fields in the gardens on the mountaine euen vpon the Crosse at the time of his victorious passion pray with Dauid either seauen times a day and in the night let thine eyes like his gush out riuers of teares or with Daniel thrice in the day or with Paul continually be exercised with holy sighes and sacred meditations let not oh let not the dulnesse of thine heart nor the greatnesse or grieuousnesse of thy sinnes hinder thee from this holy exercise suffer not the Spirit of God to bee quenched in thee To thee that art heauy laden with sin and pressed with afflictions for sinne doth thy sweet Sauiour call to thee doth his promise most properly appertaine none asketh but he that wanteth none seeketh but he that hath lost remember that our Sauiour came to call sinners to repentance and to heale the sicke and to cure the wounded to ease and refresh all such as are laden with the insupportable burthen of their sinnes oh bee of good comfort striue against thy dulnes heare what is written for thy consolation whosoeuer shall faithfully call vpon the Lord shall be saued Let not thy afflictions hinder thee but rather follow the exhortation of the Apostle if any bee afflicted let him pray let thine afflictions encourage thee and enflame thine heart to call vpon thy mercifull God who promiseth by his Prophet to heare thee and to deliuer thee You shall seeke mee saith the Lord and finde mee because you shall seeke mee with all your heart and I will bee found of you will deliuer you from captiuity Aske therefore and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke and it shall bee opened vnto you oh marke firmely beleeue the gracious promise of him that is the truth and the life whatsoeuer you shall aske the Father in my name you shall receiue it who was euer denied that faithfully called vpon the Lord The Lord is true and faithfull of his promise both able and willing to performe and will regard the supplications and accept the prayers of his children did not the Lord heare the prayers of the Israelites and did not hee with a mighty arme plague their enemies and deliuer them out of captiuity and bondage did not the red sea recoyle backe at the prayer of Moses yea the waters saw thee ô Lord and were afraid and at thy appointment made a way for the safety and deliuerance of thy people was not the plague in the wildernesse stayed at the prayer of Moses was not Miriam by prayer cleansed from his leprosie was not Hanna by prayer of a barren woman made fruitfull did not Dauid by his faithfull prayer and repentance obtaine remission and forgiuenesse for man-slaughter and adulterie did not Elias by prayer open the windowes of heauen and brought downe plentie of raine was it not by prayer that Sennacherib his innumerable hoast were slaine discomfited by the Angel of the Lord. By prayer Susanna was deliuered frō death the blessed children from the scorching heat of the Ouen Queen Hester and her people were deliuered from death Ionas out of the belley of the Whale by prayer Leapers were cleansed the blind were restored to sight the Palsies were cured many men womē obtained health fortheir children seruants By prayer the lame haue beene restored to their limbs the deafe to hearing the blind to their sight and the dumbe to their speech by prayer remission of sinnes was obtained and the holy Ghost was sent downe vpon the Apostles What should I saye more by prayer Kingdomes haue beene subdued miracles haue beene wrought the promises were obtained the mouthes of Lyons were stopped the violence of fire hath beene quenched the heauens haue beene shut and opened the dead hath beene raised to life the Sunne and Moone haue beene commanded and stood still O faithfull messenger oh diuine prayer thou wilt striue and preuaile euen with the Lord of heauen and obtaine the blessing Wherefore good Christian and faithfull Reader be feruent and constant in this holy exercise Remember that when Moses hands failed the enemies of Gods children preuailed and that Sampson lost his strength and glory when he lost his haire by the treachery of Dalilah so when thou sufferest Gods Spirit to be quenched thou art depriued of thy spirituall strength and heauenly glory and her soule despoiled of her beauty and comelinesse and thou exiled from the protection of the most glorious Angels which are ready with all chearefull willingnesse to administer their aide and comfort vnto thee and to beare thee safe from all thy enemies and dangers while thou by faithfull prayer doest in the name of the Angel of the Couenant that doeth sweetely and acceptably incense all thy oblations call vpon the name of the most mighty and most glorious God of all Archangels and men And for that experience of my long afflictions and sorrowes haue made mee apprehensiue of the hardnes of our hearts and our dulnesse and vnaptnesse to call vpon God in the time of our troubles I haue composed these sorrowfull sighes prayers and meditations which I may well call the exercises of my sad affections to the end that if through Sathans buffets the distemperature or weakenes of my corrupt nature or the snares of euill men my poore heart should be ouerwhelmed yet I might haue alwayes presented to mine eye how to make my moane vnto my God And intending to publicke my labour herein I haue endeauoured by varietie of meditations and prayers to make it profitably vsefull for all men Most humbly beseeching the God of mercy to accept and blesse my endeauoure herein and grant that some glory to his holy name and some benefite to his ch●ldren and comfort and consolation to all that groane vnder the burden of sinne may redound hereby and that for the alone merits and mediation of Iesus Christ the righteous To whom with the father and the most holy Spirit as by the most glorious Angels in heauen so by vs men be rendred Halleluiah all the glory the praise and the honour for euer more Amen Amen John Euans THE. CONSIDEration of our miseries moueth sorrowfull sighes for our enlargement from the thraledome of our sinnes O Wretched man involu'd in crimson sin Repent with speede thy sinfull life Begin Before the vials of Gods wrath whose wine is red Be fiercely powred down vpon thy head The Lord is milde and wils not sinners death Preuent his wrath while thou hast time and breath If hee for sinne doe strike with dreadfull hand Who can his fury stay or wrath withstand Conceiu'd condemn'd for Adams ill To God arch-traitors we continue still Sinne lu●●'d secure by Sathans charme and guile Who watchfull is to kill our soules that while
and waking Keepe vs O Lord this night present euen vs and ours that we bee neither disquieted by dreames nor surprised by any sudden violence nor affrighted by any terrour but graunt vs this fredome libertie that wee may lye downe in peace and rest and rise vp againe in due time safely to the honour and glory of thy name and the managing of our worldly businesse in thy feare through Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen A Prayer for Faith O Lord our God thou hast re●ea●ed in thy word that the iust should liue by Faith and that without ●aith it is impossible to please thee and although a●… not faith yet as many as are ordained to eternall life by thy power and gift doe truely beleeue O Lord I doe beleeue encrease my faith and helpe my vnbeliefe and grant that through hearing reading of thy Word I may grow stronge in this grace and encrease from faith to faith And open my heart O Lord as thou didst Lydias that I may beleeue the Word to be thy Word and thy promises therein contained to be giuen not vnto others but vnto me And that when thy word saith Beleeue and yee shall be saued my heart may presently answer thee Command or say what thou wilt I beleeue Lord not historically but sincerely from the bottome of my heart Lord helpe my vnbe●eefe And O heauenly Father grant for thy Sonne my Saviours sake that when stormes of temptations shall fall vpon me as on Peter on the water yet beyond his example hauing thy Word to support me I may beleeue in thee and though with the eyes of my flesh I see no hope but that my faith may frustrate mee yet like Peter I may not sinke but seeke for further helpe from thee and being assured that euery word of promise is most certaine let me still aboue hope and beyond hope beleeue in thee yea and though with holy Iob thou kill my body yet will I trust in thee for I know thou wilt saue my spirit and vnite them againe in the day of the Lord. Sweet Sauiour whensoeuer I shall bee stung with the remembrance of my present or passed sinnes graunt I may like the faithfull ●sraelites in the wildernesse looke vnto the pillar of thy Crosse on which thou suff●redst death for my sinnes and through the vertue thereof apprehended by faith like the diseased Woman in her bloudy issue and perishing griefe with one glance and touch of sincere and iustifying Faith be suppled comforted and cured of my troubled spirit and wounded conscience O heauenly Father grant that the oyle of Faith in mee may neuer thorow temptation bee weakened much lesse vtterly decayed but as the oyle in the widowes Cruse through thy blessing bee more and more encreased this graunt for the honour of Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour Amen A Prayer for the Remission of sinnes O Lord God in greatnesse infinite in power omnipotent in Counsell wonderfull and in Iudgement t●rrible Although 〈◊〉 miserable sinner haue by thy iustice truely deserued everlasting damnation for my horrible sinnes yet I bese●ch thee cast mee not away with th●m that haue not knowne thee or such as forget God or such as runne on in their wickednesse and neuer say what haue I done for I appeale from thy rightfull iustice to thine vnspeakable mercy and humbly cast downe my selfe at thy feete and confesse my sins bese●ching and begging compassion and pardon behold O Lord I am a piece of that purchase that cost so great a price as the bloud of thy deare Sonne my body and soule are the Temples of the holy Ghost the postes whereof are sprinkled with his most precious bloud which cryeth for mercy And therfore enter not into the course of iudgement with me for there I know I shall bee ouerthrowne but forbeare mee forgiue mee and acquit me vpon that satisfaction which he hath made for penitent sinners O Lord though the stipend of my sinne be death and the merit of my transgression eternal perdition yet is thy mercy aboue all thy iudgements and thou canst forgiue more then I can offend Wherefore I pray thee set thy deare Sonnes Crosse and Passion betwixt thy iudgements and my soule Looke vpon me with the eye of mercy and compassion as thou didst vpon the sinnefull Woman at the banquet and the Publican in the Temple whole pardons are registred in thy Booke for my Comfort O Lord bow downe the height of the Deitie to behold my vilenesse and misery a liuely image of the prodigall Sonne who knew no other helpe but onely thee my most loving Father whom I haue so highly offended powre the oyle of mercy into my defiled and fainting heart search it that I may not flatter my selfe to extenuate my sinne cleanse it and season it with the oyle of thy grace to receive and retaine all goodnesse heereafter Lord I thanke thee for thy patience and long suffering that thou hast not suddenly after my desert taken vengeance on mee but giuen mee a longer time of repentance wherfore I beseech thee appease thine anger towards mee now loose in me the workes of darkenesse create in me a newe heart and because thou expectest my amendement that I may haue thy fauour I beseech thee graunt mee thy fauour that I may amend giue me grace to rep●nt vnfainedly with fasting weeping and mourning and make my faith liuely to beleeue that I am forgiuen in Iesus Christ. Let not the faults of my Forefathers light vpon my head who haue walked in their sinnefull steps neither be angry with mee for their sakes but let the wel-doing of Iesus Christ who hath shed his bloud for me succour me and procure my pardon for giue all my sinnes of youth and age negligences and ignorances thoughts words and deedes and keepe mee from presumptuous sinnes O Lord looke not vpon the Pharisie for he dissembleth nor vpon the Publican first for hee sayeth little for himselfe in outward shew nor vpon Mary Magdalen onely for she had but seuen deuills but looke vpon me that of sinners am chiefe worse then either Pharisie Publicane or Marie who haue as many sinnes as haires vpon my head and a greater clogge vpon my Conscience then any burthen that man hath to beare and doe therefore openly earnestly vnfainedly and continually call vpon thee O Lord keepe vnder Satan that hee compell not my conscience to dispaire quench all the euill motions of my minde striuing against thy diuine pleasure and restore in me the Image of thy Sonne that I may liue in thy feare dye in thy fauour rest in thy peace rise in thy power and remaine in thy glory for Iesus Christ his sake our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen In this Meditation the distressed humbly confesseth his sinnes and the vanities of his former times lewdly mispent and resolueth and exhorteth all others to returne vnto God with speedy true and vnfained repentance AN heart that 's broken and contrite to God
healed His was a death cause death was due in him di'd all he died for all Gods Iustice vs to death doth sue he pay'd it and repair'd the fall That we might sleepe he suffered paines that we might laugh he oft did weepe His was the losse ours was the gaines thus did he change death to a sleepe To Christ did Stephen yeeld vp his spirit for he 's the way the truth the life He purchast life by death and merit the husband's he the Church his wife He is that Noah his Church the Doue that holds his hand for to receiue vs He bids vs come to embrace his Loue we flye to him when all deceiues vs. The heauens the earth the Lord commands to him all creatures runne but wee None can vs take out of his hands in life and death to him we flee Pillar of faith Basis of blisse of true Religion true supporter The point of Resurrection is in death it is the chiefe Comforter If this doe fall all faith may faile what Article doth vs refresh When life and health and strength doth quaile the Resurrection of the flesh Our bones shall blossome as the grasse we shall be raised out of dust The body that before time was by Christ his power arise it must The first fruits Christ the head is rais'd the members shall the same likewise The Lord God for the same be prais'd we know that we shall also rise If he ad aboue the water be how can the body then be drowned We shall arise and Iesus see and with him shall be Kingly crowned Of life and death the true directour who in his life and in his dying Of our misdoing is Correctour and into all our actions prying Christ is afflicted for our sake left vs example that we should Follow his steps and his way take thy crosse to beare with courage bold Our Sauiour Iesus teacheth thee how can that be say'st thou behold Example if thou punish'd be with sicknesse hunger thirst and cold With thy selfe reckon and account how it cannot compared be With his thornes his nayles surmount the greatest paine that paineth thee Art thou restrain'd of thy desire and lusts that draw thou know'st not whither Thinke on Christs Crosse his wrath and ire and put his tortures all together If pride puffe vp thy minde with motions looke on Christ nayl'd on the Crosse And thinke as bound by due deuotions of our great gaine by his great losse If thou in filthy lust doest burne or any other ill desire Thinke but how Christ his flesh was torne to saue thy soule from flames of fire With stripes thrust through and all to broken his drinke was Eysell mixt with gall With his last gaspe the earth was shaken who suffered for the sinnes of all If enuie hate reuenge thee grieue thinke with thy selfe how Christ did pray O Father doe them all forgiue for them that tooke his life away God vs commanded to forgiue and sayeth then we shall be forgiuen Without offence no man can liue and God his ballance hangeth euen He ●hat doth not forgiue his brother will then the Lord his faults remit No as he de●…h with another another shall repay 't is sit And when you kneele to God and pray forgiue if you haue any thing Gainst any liuing man that day that Christ may you remission bring And when thy gift thou do'st present and on the Altar sacrifice First with thy brother make consent and him forgiue in any wise When thou to Christ wast enemie and strengthened in great extreames Yet then did he giue remedie and o're thee spread his mercy beames He gaue to thee his holy spirit to guide and leade thy soule aright And gaue thee heauen there to inherit all ioyes and blisse aye in his sight When thou from him was gone astray be sought thee out and did thee finde And finding thee brought thee away vnto his fold he thee resignde Thanke God therefore and render praise exalt and laude his holy name Vnto the heauens sing alwayes All men on earth doe yee the same Henceforth my soule walke in his path and erre not from him any more Lest thou prouoke his heauy wrath and then art worse then wert before Let not Gods gifts be giuen thee to worke thy condemnation With feare and trembling walke sincere confirming thy Saluation Shunne thou all wicked Company with doers ill associate not Lest thou from faith should'st fall and 〈◊〉 and soule and body soile and spot But blesse his name who called thee vnto the state of righteousnesse And thy sinnes vengeance tane hath he to giue thee heauens happinesse Blesse thou his blessed Holinesse his praise let heart and minde record And let thy tongue and voyce confesse the gracious goodnesse of the Lord Prostrate thy selfe downe at his feete offer thy seruice with free heart O yeeld God all for 't is most meete since he made sau'd and blest each part Who spared not his onely Sonne but let him dye thy soule to saue To pay and ransome thy faults done and to redeeme thee from the graue So in the Prayer of our Lord we doe forgiue what 's done against vs As God forgiuenesse shall afford our Sauiour Christ doth teach vs thus A Prayer to beare patiently the Crosse of Christ or any affliction And if God so please to call vs to that triall euen to reioyce in Martyrdome O Almighty God most mercifull and louing Father that hast decrced that through manifold tribulations and afflictions in this world we that trust in thee must enter into the Kingdome of heauen And those that will follow thee my Sauiour and be thy Disciples must take vpon them by the constraint of the world as Simon of Cyrene to beare thy Crosse and to follow thee and those that liue godly in thy Son must suffer reproach and affliction And that there is neuer a Son whom thou louest but must like Peter drinke of thy Cup and endure chastening And in so doing thou offerest thy selfe an assured louing Father and assurest vs that wee are thy sonnes because it is giuen vs not onely to beleeue in thee but also that wee should suffer for his names sake O Lord I am willing not onely to liue with thee but also to dye with thee My Spirit is willing though my flesh bee weake Wherefore if it bee possible let this bitter Cup passe from me or if thou please and hast appointed that I by death should glorifie thee and with my blood seale and confirme thy truth sweet Iesus giue mee strength comfort and patience blessed be thy name and thy most holy will be done O Lord manifest thy power in my weakenesse and strengthen me that I may by the same power whereby thou raisest thy selfe from death to life patiently beare and willingly suffer that for thy name sake which otherwise for flesh and blood seemeth fearefull to be endured O Lord when I consider the hazards that wee runne through for the obtaining of