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A68393 The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.; Book of common order. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Instruction et confession de foy. English. 1556 (1556) STC 16561; ESTC S109631 153,918 420

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ād wretchednes ys hyd and also couered ād blest ys he to whom the lorde imputeth not his sinne which in his hart hath hid no gyle nor fraude is founde therin verse 4 4 For whiles that I kept close my sinne in silence and constraynte My bones did weare and wast awaye with dayly “ Heb. roaringe mone and playnte verse 5 5 For night and day thy hande on me so greuouse was and smerte That al my bloud and humors moist to drynesse did conuerte Selah verse 6 6 I did therfore confesse my faute and all my sinnes discouer Isa 65. d. Then thou ò lord didst me forgiue and all my synnes passe ouer Selah verse 7 7 The humble man shall pray therfore and seeke thee in due tyme So that the floudes of “ The iuste mā shall not fhrincke for any aduersitie Selah waters great shall haue no power on him verse 8 8 Whan trouble and aduersitie doe compasse me aboute Thou art my refuge and my ioye and thou doest rydde me out verse 9 9 Come hither and I shall thee teache how thow shalt walke aright and wil thee guyde as I my self haue learned by profe and sight verse 10 10 Be not so rude and ignoraunte as is the horsse and mule Whose mouth without a rayne or byt from harme thou canst not rule verse 11 11 The wicked man shall manifold sorrowes and grieues sustayne But vnto him that trusteth in God hys goodnes shall remayne verse 12 12 Be merye therefore in the lorde ye iuste lyft vp youre voyce And ye of pure and perfecte hearte be glad and eke reioyce Exultate iusti Psal XXXIII I. H. ¶ He exhorteth good men to praise god for that he hath not only created all things and by his prouidence gouerneth the same but also is faithfull in his promeses He vnderstandeth mans heart and scatereth the counsell of the wicked So that no man can be preserued by any creature or mans strength but they that put their confidence in his mercie shall be preserued from all aduersitie YE righteous in the lord reioyce it ys a semely syght that vpright men with thank full voyce shuld prayse the god of might Prayse ye the lorde with harpe and songe in psalmes and pleasant thinges with lute and instrument amonge that soundeth with ten stringes verse 3 3 Syng to the Lorde a song most newe With courage geue him prayse verse 4 4 For why his woorde is euer true His woorkes and al his wayes verse 5 5 To iudgement equitie and ryght He hath a great good wil And with his giftes he doth delyght The earth throughout to fill Gen. 1. a. 6 For by the woorde of God alone The heauens al were wroghte Their hostes and powers euerychone Hys breath to passe hath broghte verse 7 7 The waters greate gathered hath he On heapes within the shore And hyd them in the depth to be As in an house of store verse 8 8 Al men on earth both least and most Feare god and kepe his lawe Ye that inhabite in eiche coste Drede hym and stand id awe verse 9 9 What he commaunded wroght it was At once with present spede What he doth wil is broght to passe With ful effect in dede verse 10 10 The counsels of the nacions rude No coūsell can preuaill againest god but shall haue euell successe The lord doth dryue to noght He doth defeate the multitude Of theyr deuyse and thoght verse 11 11 But hys decrees continue stil They neuer slake or swage The mocions of his mynde and will Take place in euery age verse 12 12 O blest are they to whome the Lorde As God and guyde is knowne Whome he doth chose of mere accord To take them as hys owne verse 13 13 The lord from heauen cast his syghte On men mortal by byrth verse 14 14 Considering from hys seate of might The dwellers on the earth verse 15 15 The lord I say whose hand hath wroght Mans heart doth it frame For he alone doth know the thoght And woorking of the same God only deliuereth and preserueth his people 16 A kyng that trusteth in hys host Shal noghte preuayle at length The man that of hys migth doth bost Shal fal for al his strength verse 17 17 The troupes of horsemen eke shal fayle Theyr sturdy stedes shal sterue The strength of horse shal not preuaile The ryder to preserue verse 18 18 But loe the eyes of God entend And watche to ayde the iust With such as feare hym to offend And on hys goodnes trust verse 19 19 That he of death and all distres May set theyr soules from drede And if that darth the land oppresse In hunger them to feede verse 20 20 Wherfore our soule doth stil depend On God our strengthe and staye He is the shielde vs to defende And dryue all dartes awaye verse 21 21 Our soule in god hath ioy and game Reioysing in hys myght For why in hys most holy name We hope and much delyght verse 22 22 Therfore let thy goodnes ò Lorde Stil present with vs be As we alwayes with one accorde Doe onely trust in thee Benedicam Domino Psal XXXIIII Th. Ster ¶ After Dauid had escaped Achis accordyng as is written in the 1. Sam. 21. whome in this title he calleth Abimelech which was a generall name to all the kynges of the Philistynes he prayseth god for his delyueraunce prouokyng all others by his example to trust in god to feare and serue hym who defendith the god lie with his Angels and vtterlie destroyeth the wicked in theyr synnes I will geue laude א and honour both vnto the lord alwayes and eke my mouth foreuermore shall speake vnto his prayse ב I do delight to laude the lorde in soule and eke in voyce that humble men and mortified may heare and so reioyce verse נ נ Therefore see that ye magnifye with me the lyuyng lorde And let vs now exalte his name together with one accorde verse ד ד For I my selfe besoghte the lorde he answered me agayne And me deliuered incontinent from all my feare and payne verse ה ה Whoso they be that hym beholde shall see his light moste cleare their countenance shall not be dashed they need it not to feare verse ן ן This sely wretch for some reliefe vnto the lord dyd call Gen. 19.31.32 4. kyngs 6. Hebr. 1. who did him heare without delay and rydd him out of thrall verse ח ח The Angel of the lorde doth pitche his tentes in euery place To saue all suche as feare the lorde that nothyng them deface verse ט ט Taste and consider well therefore that God is good and iuste ò happie man that maketh him his onely staye and truste verse ו ו Feare ye the lorde his holye ones aboue all earthlye thynge For they that feare the lyuynge lorde are sure to lacke nothyng verse נ נ The lyons shal be hongerbit and pined with famine muche
his children with newe ād sondrie afflictions 3 Then they to whome we prisoners were said to vs tauntinglie nowe let vs heare your hebrewe songes and pleasaunte melodie verse 4 4 Alas sayd we who can once frame his sorrofull hart to synge the prayses of our louyng god thus vnder a straunge kynge verse 5 5 But yet if I Hierusalem owte of my harte let slide then let my fyngers quite forgeat the warbling harpe to gide verse 6 6 And let my tonge within my mouthe be tied for euer faste if that I ioy The zeale that gods children haue towards their fathers glorie before I see thy full deliuerance paste verse 7 7 Therfore o lorde remembre now the cursed noyse and crie that Edoms sonnes againste vs made when they rased owre Citie Ier. 4.9 Ezech. 25. c. Remember lorde their cruell wordes when as with one accorde they cried on sack and rase their walles in despite of their lorde verse 8 8 Euen so shalt thou ò Babylon at length to dust be broght Esa 13. d. and happie shall that man be called that owre reuenge hathe wroght verse 9 9 Yea blessed shall the man be called that taketh thy children young to dasshe their bones agaynste hard stones which lie the streates among Lauda anima Psal CXLVI I. H. ¶ Dauid shewinge the great desire he had to praise God teacheth that none shuld put their trust in men but in God alone who is almightie and delyuereth the afflicted nourisheth the poore setteth prisonners at libertie comforteth the fatherles widowes and the strangers and raigneth kynge for euer MY soull praise thou the lorde all ways my god I will confesse while breath and lyfe prolonge my dayes my tong no tyme shall cease Trust not in worldly princes thē though they abound in welth Nor in the sonnes of mortall men in whō there ys no helthe verse 4 4 For why their breath doth soone departe To earthe anon they fall And than the counsels of their hearte Decaye and perishe all verse 5 5 O happy is that man I saye Whome Iacobs God doth aide And he whose hope doth not decaie But on the Lorde is staide verse 6 6 Whiche made the yearth ād waters depe The heauens hye withall Which doth his word and promise kepe In ttueth and euer shall verse 7 7 With right alwayes doth he procede For suche as suffre wronge Actes 14. Apoc. 14. The poore and hungry he doth feede And loose the fetters stronge The Lorde doth sēde the blinde their sight The “ they that are grieued and troubled with any kynde of sickenes or affliction lame to limes restore The Lorde I say doth loue the right And iust man euermore verse 9 9 He doth defende the fatherles The straungers sadde in hert And quite the widdow from distres And yll mens wais subuerte Thy Lorde and God eternally O Syon styll shall raygne In tyme of all posterytie For euer to remaine The commādements of God Audi Israel Exod. xx Attende my people ād giue eare of ferlie thinges I will thee tell see that my wordes in minde thou beare ād to my preceptes listen well verse 1 1 I am thy souueraigne lord and god which haue thee broght from carefull thrall and eke reclaymd frō Pharos rod Make thee no gods on them to call verse 2 2 Nor facioned forme of any thinge in heauen or earth to worshipe it for I thy god by reuenginge with grieuous plagues this sinne will smit verse 3 3 Take not in vayne his holy name abuse it not after thy will for so thou might sone purchase blame and in his wrath he wolde thee spill verse 4 4 The lord frō worke the seuēth day ceste and broght all things to perfit ende so thou and thyne that day take reste that to gods hestes ye may attende verse 5 5 Vnto thy parents honour giue as gods commandements do pretende that thou lōge dayes ād good maiest lyue in earth wher god a place dothe lende verse 6 6 Beware of murther and cruell hate verse 7 7 All filthie fornication feare verse 8 8 See thou steale not in any rate verse 9 9 False witnes against no man beare verse 10 10 Thy neighbours house wishe not to haue his wife or oght that he calleth myne his fielde his oxe his asse his slaue or any thinge which is not thyne The fautes Which chanced in printinge In Mariage Leafe 84. lyne 10. he reade be Psal Leafe 5. but. reade bent 38. rome reade frome Catech. Leafe 28. lyne 14. migh read might 40. lyne 25. minister read childe Morninge prayer Leafe 157. lyne 20. of worlde read of the worlde Line 24. golyd read godly THE CATECHISME OR MANNER to teache children the Christian religion wherin the Minister demandeth the question and the childe maketh answere Made by the excellent Doctor and Pastor in Christes Churche Iohn Caluin INTRATE PER ARCTAMVIAM Ephe. II. The doctrine of the Apostells and Prophetes is 〈◊〉 ●●●●●ation of Christes Churche IOHN CRESPIN M.D.LVI Of the Articles of faithe ¶ The M nister Sonday The fyrst VVHAT is the principall and chiefe ende of mans life ¶ The Childe To knowe God wherunto man was createde and made ¶ The minister What moueth the to say so ¶ The childe Because he hath created vs and placed vs in this worlde to set forth his glory in vs. And it is good reason that we employ our whole life to the auauncement of hys glory seing he is the originall beginning fountayne therof ¶ The minister What is then the principall and chiefe felicitie of man ¶ The childe Euen the self same I meane to know God The greatest felicitie that man cā attayne to and to haue hys glory shewed furth in vs. ¶ The minister Why dost thou call this mans chiefe felicitie ¶ The childe Because that without it our condicyon or state were more miserable then the state of brute beastes ¶ The minister Hereby then we may euidently see that there can no suche miserye happen vnto man as not to lyue in the knowledge of God ¶ The childe That is moste certeyne ¶ The minister But tel me what is the true and right knowledge of God ¶ The childe Whan a man so knoweth God that he is in ful mind to honor him ¶ The Minister Which is the way for a man to honor God a ryght ¶ The childe It is to put our whole trust confidence in hym to studye to serue him in obeying vnto his wil commaundementes to seke cal vpon him for help in our necessities The right maner to worshyp god stādeth in foure pointes looking for saluacion al good thinges at his hand And finally to acknowlage both wyth heart and mouth that he is the liuely fountayne of all goodnesse from whom onely al benefites and good thynges doe come ¶ The minister Sonday 2 Wel than to the end that these thinges may be discussed in order declared more at large
Thou meaneste not hereby that the good dedes of faythfull menne are to no purpose and vnprofytable ¶ The childe I meane nothing lesse for god promyseth to rewarde them largely both in this worlde in the life to come And yet thys notwithstandyng those rewardes of God be not geuē for the worthy desertes of oure dedes but onely because it pleaseth GOD of his goodnes to loue vs freely so to couer and forget our fautes that he wil neuer cal them any more to remēbraunce ¶ The minister Aright faythe is neuer ydle May we perswade our selues that we are iuste without good woorkes without the diligente applying of oure selues to walke in al Goddes holy commaundementes ¶ The childe That is not possyble for to beleue in Christ is as much to say what it is to beleue in Christ as to receiue Christ in such sort with such properties as he doth geue himselfe vnto vs now this is an euident thing that Christ doth not only promes to deliuer vs from death to restore vnto vs the louing fauour of god his father thorow the onely merites of his innocency But also he promiseth to make vs newe creatures by his holy spirite to the ende that we should leade a holy conuersacion in al good workes ¶ The minister Then I see that it is so farre from the offyce or workyng of faythe to make men despysers of good deedes or negligent to lyue godly that it is the very roote or lyuelye fountayne whereout all good woorkes doesprynge ¶ The childe Ye saye as the trueth is The effecte of the gospell is fayth repentance and for thys cause the doctryne of the gospell doeth consyste in these two poyntes faith and repentaunce ¶ The minister Sonday 21 And what maner of thynge is Repentaunce ¶ The childe It is and earneste dyspleasure to warde what repentāce is synne and therwith al a feruente desyre or longyng for godlines proceadyng of the feare or God and inducing vs to the mortifying of our carnall affectyons inclining vs altogether to the guiding and gouernaunce of the holy gost to serue God vnfeynedly ¶ The minister Thys then whiche we haue touched is the second poynt of a christen mans lyfe which standeth in seruyng of God ¶ The childe wherein the right seruinge of god stādyth Yea verely and we haue sayd also that the very ryghte and alowable seruyce of God doeth consyst in submyttyng our selues humbly vnto hym studying earnestly to doe according to hys wil. ¶ The minister Wherfore standeth gods seruice herin onely ¶ The childe Because he wil not be serued or wurshipped after our fantasy and imaginacion but after his own good pleasure ¶ The minister What rules or ordinaunces hath he prescrybed vnto vs to leade our lyfe by ¶ The childe His lawe ¶ The minister What thynges dothe yt conteyne ¶ The childe It is deuided into .ii. partes The law hath two partes where of the first doth containe foure commaundementes the seconde contayneth .vi. so that there be .x. in the whole ¶ The minister Who hath made this diuision therof ¶ The childe God hymselfe Exod. 32.34 Deu. 4.12 who also gaue it written in two tables vnto Moises saying that the whole was reduced into ten sentences ¶ The minister What is the matter or substaunce of the first table ¶ The childe It toucheth the due maner of woorshyppyng God The effecte of the first table ¶ The minister What is contayned in the seconde table ¶ The childe It sheweth vs in what maner we ought to behaue our selues towardes our neghboures The effect of the secōd table and what duetye we owe vnto them ¶ The minister Sonday 22 Rehearse the fyrste commaundement ¶ The childe The first cōmaundement Exod. 20 Deu. 5 HEarkē ād take heede Israell I am the lorde thy God whiche hath broght thee furth of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other God before my face ¶ The minister Declare the meanyng hereof ¶ The childe It is a preface to begynne withal or an introduction to the whole law for he doth chalenge here vnto himself first autoritie to commaund naming hymselfe euerlasting the creator of the world and agayne after he calleth himselfe oure God wherby he moueth our heartes to haue in reuerence to esteme highly hys doctrine for if that he be oursauior it is good reason that we be also hys louing subiectes and obedient people ¶ The minister what signifieth the deliurance out of Egypte But that whiche foloweth after touching the deliueraunce from the miserable bondage of Egipt is it not referred pecularely to the people of Israel ¶ The childe Yes verely as cōcerning the deliuerāce from bodely bondage howbeit it belongeth also generallye vnto vs all with out excepciō in so much as he hath delyuered oure soules from the spirituall captiuitie of synne and from the tirāny of the deuyll and hys kyngedome whereof the bōdage of Egipt was but a figure ¶ The minister Why doeth he make mencion of thys in the very beginning of hys lawe ¶ The childe It is done to put vs in remembraunce how greatly we are bound to shewe vnto hym al obedience in performyng of his will and to sygnifye vnto vs what ingratitude and vnkindnes it is to do the cōtrary ¶ The minister And what is briefly the effecte of that he requyreth of vs in thys fyrst cōmaūdemēt ¶ The childe He enioyneth vs to reserue vnto hym onely the honor due vnto hym The summe of the first cōmaundement and that in no wyse we alienate or put it from him geuing the same vnto any other ¶ The minister What is the honour due vnto hym alone ¶ The childe To worship hym The honor that is due to god alone to put our whole trust in hym to call vpō hymād such other like which be attributed peculiarly and onely vnto his maiestye ¶ The minister Wherfore is that clause putte to before my face ¶ The childe Forsomuch as he seeth knoweth al thinges iudgeth the secret thoghtes of mens heartes he signifieth vnto vs that he doth not account it sufficient if we make a countenaunce or be are a faire shew before mē but that his wil is that also in very dede euen from the bottom of our heart with feruent affection we do take him for our only God ¶ The minister Sonday 23 Rehearse the seconde commaundement ¶ The childe The seconde cōmaundemente touching Images and the worshiping of them Se thou make thee no grauen image neither any similitude of any thing eyther in heauen aboue either in the earth beneath or in the waters which be beneth the earth thou shalt do no honor vnto them nor wurship them ¶ The minister Doth he vtterlye forbydde the makyng of any images ¶ The childe No but he doth forbid expresly eyther to make anye image thereby to represente or figure