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A16466 The breuiarie of health vvherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses & diseases, the which may be in man or woman. Expressing the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latin, Barbary, and English, concerning phisick and chirurgerie. Compyled by Andrew Boord, Doctor of phisicke: an English-man. Boorde, Andrew, 1490?-1549. 1587 (1587) STC 3377; ESTC S120760 193,922 314

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make a dormitary Take of the leues of hēbaine 2. handfulles of the leues of Mādragore an hādful stamp both together put them in a cloth lay it to the temples forehead Fomentacion or els take a scarled cloth intinct it into the oile of Roses vineger lay it ouer the head or els take fow perfume it with frankensence lay it hot to the heade tēples morning and euening vse this fomentacion to the féet Take of violet flowers or leues ii handfuls of Roses leaues of malowes of either of them ii hādfuls of barley 3. handfuls seth al this in running or rayne water thē make this Epithime Take of the iuyce of nightshad halfe a pint of red saunders white saunders an vnce of Camphire ii epithime drāes of Roses leues an vnce of rose water as much as wil suffice cōpound al these together with a blewe or a scarlet cloth lay it to the right side And if the feuer do cause cōstupacions vse Clisters or els suppositors And if age time and strēgth will permit it open a voyne named Mediana and exhaust an vnce or two of bloud as the paciēt is of strength If it be a man take a veyne in the right arme And if if be a woman open the veyne in the left arme vse this dyet eate no grosse or contagious meates A dyet and abstayne from drynking of newe ale new hiere and wine eate no eles Egges nor fresh Samon nor shall 〈◊〉 nor the fishe the which doth adhere to the fingers ¶ The 141. Chapter doth shew of a feuer named Causon FEbris causon or causos be the gréeke words In latin it is named Febris ardens Causon Feuer In English it is named the feuer Causon which is one of the worst feuers that can be The cause of this feuer ¶ This feuer doth come of coler and doth differ but little from a feuer tercian considering that the matter is in the concauitie of the lyuer therefore the feuer Causon is more vehement and sharp then a terciane and the mouth of the pacient hauing the feuer Causon is verie drie and the vrine is as red as fyer A remedie First purge coler with Cassia fistula extince the thirst with the sirup of Violets or Roses or with the water of Goordes and rub the wrestes the hands with the water that prunes be sodden in do as I haue written in the feuer tercian The 142. Chapter doth shew of the putrified Feuer Putrified Feuer FEbris putrida or humoralis be the latin wordes In English it is named the putrified or humorall Feuer The cause of this Feuer This feuer may come many waies It may mome by the feruent heate of the sunne and the ayre it may come by inordinate labour or by great riding or great labour in going it may come by surfeting or cōtagious meats eating it may come by to much drinking specially drinking of hot wines it may come by disordering of a mans vsage that he hath ben accustomed to do it may come by disordering of any of the foure humours aswel by steps as by excesse of meate or drinke as by labour wherefore if this feuer take any principall humour as bloud or fleume coler or melancholy then this feuer doth take of other names of feuers as it appeareth here among the feuers A remedy Fyrst vse good diet and eate good meate little at a time drink no wines vse temperate drinking drink posset ale made with cold herbes sodden in it go not in the open ayre vse to drink of a Ptisane or els take of the iuice of grapes of the water or iuyce of sorell or the iuyce of pome Garnades of ech half an vnce of white vineger a quarter of an vnce of suger plate iii. vnces boile this together ouer a soft fire lay it vnder the toūge diuers times take some of it inward The 143. Chapter doth shew of the emphisode Feuer FEbris emphisodes is the gréeke word Emphisode feuer In English it is named the Emphisode Feuer The cause of this feuer This feuer doth come of vehement heat the which thorow inflacions doth cause whels scabs to be in about the mouth A remedy First qualifie the heat of the liuer and the stomake with cold herbes as the complexion of the pacient is of giue no churlish herbe nor medicine to a gentle complexion or to them the which hath ben with meats drinkes laciuiously educated let euerie cōplexion haue medicines ministred according to their nature education and strength for this feuer policy must be taken for the safety of health among other feuers rehersed and shal be expressed The 144. Chapter doth shew of the Emitricke feuer FEbris hemitricea is the gréeke word Hemitrik feuer The barbarous word is named Emitricia In English it is named the Emitricke feuer The cause of this feuer This feuer doth come of a colerick humour mixt which fleume A remedie First purge coler fleume as it is specified in the chapters of Coler and flume and vse a good diet beware of open ayre into the time the pacient be whole sweates in a mans hed be good for this feuer and al other feuers taken before the feuer doth come The 145. Chapter doth shew of a Feuer named the feuer Epiale ●pial feuer FEbris epialtes is the gréeke word Febris epialia may be taken for the harbarous word the latin word In english it may he named the Epial Feuer and some doe name this feuer febris epiala Epi that is to say aboue and Algor that is colde The cause of this feuer This Feuer doth come of a grosse fleumaticke matter causing the interial partes of the body to burne and the exter●all partes of the body to be cold opilating the poores the which doth prohibite that the fume can not be desolued and this feuer causeth the pacient to be thrystie and the tongue to be rough and out of taste A remedy First purge grosse fleume with the sirupe acetose after the take a drame a halfe of the pilles of Sarcocoll the pilles of Coloquintida do as it is written in the feuer tercian The 146. Chapter doth shew of the Lypery feuer I do not speake of the Leprose sicknes Lipery feuer FEbris liparios is the gréeke word In latin it is named Febris liparia In English it is named the Lipary Feuer The cause of this Feuer This feuer doth come of a hot colericke humour mixt with corrupt fleume causing the inward parts of the body to bee colde and the outward partes to be hot A remedie First purge the superfluite of Coler with Pillule stomatice before the first or the secōd course come sweat iii. or iiii houres go not in the open ayre and kepe a good dyet and vse in the sweat to drinke posset ale or els a Ptisane The 142. Chapter
doth shew of the Tetrach Feuer FEbris tetrathea be the Phisicke wordes Tetrach feuer In English it is named the Feuer Tetrath this feuer may be as well in a particuler member as vniuersall The cause of this feuer ¶ This Feuer doth come of the dragges of melancoly or of the iuyce of melancoly the which iuyce is putrified or not putrified if it be not putrified either it is vniuersall or els it is perticuler if it be perticuler it is in a perticuler member if it be in the whole body it doth ingender the blacke Iawnes if it be in a perticuler member it doth ingender an impostume named Scliros and there will be a peyne in the splene and the pacient wil be cold oft yeane or gape if this feuer be putrified either it is vniuersall or els particuler if it be vniuersall it doth ingender the feuer quartayne if it be perticuler it doth ingender Feuer quartayne if it be perticuler it doth ingender feuer quartaine not vehement nor perticulus A remedy First purge melancoly with the pilles of Inde the pilles of Sebely and the piles made of Lapides lazule and than looke for a remedy in the Chapter of the infirmities prenominated specially in this Chapter named Febris quartana ¶ The 148. Chapter doth shew of the Erraticke feuer FEbris erratica et commixta Erraticke feuer be the latin wordes In english it is named the Erraticke and commixt Feuer The cause of this feuer These feuers doth come of two causes The one doth come by the indencion or thickenes of bloud and the other doth come of colour fleume not naturally and if any of these feuers do cōtinue in a mā at length they wil come to a feuer A remedy If it do come of intencion of the bloud First purifie the bloud as it doth appeare in the Chapter named Sanguis if it do come of coler fleme purge coler fleume as it doth appeare in the Chapters named Colera Flegma and vse suppositors and clisters and vse boxing betwixt the shoulders certaine times exhaust bloud out of the veynes named Cephalica Mediana Sophena and Cardiaca in porcion as the pacient is of age and strength and vse this sirup Take of Endiue of Letuse of ech an vnce of the flowers of water Lillies and of the flowers of Lillies of eche halfe an vnce of the iuyce of pome Garnades two vnces make a sirupe of this and eat it and this is good for al hot Feuers The 149. Chapter doth shew of the feuer Eticke Eticke feuer FEbris hectica be the grek words The latines doth name it Hectica passio The barbarous persons with some latinist doth name it Febris etica In English it is named the Feuer Etick or Etick passiō or one of the kinds of a consūption for this feuer doth cōsume the natural humidity of mā that is to say it doth consume bloud so consequently nature The cause of this feuer This Feuer may come many waies First it may come by to much medling with a woman or els thorow long continuance of some sickenes or els it may come by extreme labour or els thorow debility of some of the principal mēbers the arters sinewes and veynes And there be thrée kindes of this feuer The first is a vehement heat the which is in the bloud the which bloud doth run in the artures and veines heating the heart the other members The seconde is an ardēt heat inflaming the principall members thorow the caliditie of the bloud The third doth arify and drye vp the naturall humidity in man A remedy First qualyfie the heat of the bloud with cold herbs sodden in posset ale or vse a Pitisane vse the confection of Anacardi●e and troces of Camphire and a decoction of Mayden haire is good and vse a good diet take restoratiue meates drinkes or els take the confection made of stones of a Fox Locsanum troces of Camphire or the oyle of swéete Almōs ¶ The 150. Chapter doth shewe of the Feuer pestilence FEbris pestilencialis be the latin words The pestilēce feuer In gréeke it is named Epidimea In english it is named the feuer pestilēce this feuer is the most venemous of all other feuers doth most infect The cause of this Feuer This feuer doth come many wayes either by infection of the ayer or one man infected doth infect an other as it doth appere more larglier in the Chapter named Epidimia A remedy For a remedy looke in the Chapter named Epidimea and in the Dyetary of health The 151. Chapter doth shew of an euill feuer the which doth comber yong persons named the Feuer lurden AMong all the feuers I had almost forgotten the feuer lurden with the which many young men The feuer Lurden young women maidens other young persons be sore infected now a dayes The cause of this infirmitie This feuer doth come naturally or els by euill slouthfull brynging vp If it do come by nature then this feuer is vncurable for it can neuer out of the flesh that is bred in the bone if it do come by slouthfull brynging vp it may be holpen by diligent labour A remedy There is nothing so good for the feuer lurden as is Vngentū baculinum that is to say Take a sticke or wan of a yeard of length more let it be as great as a mans fynger and with it anoint the backe the shoulders well morning and euening doo this .xxi. daies if this feuer will not be holpen in that time let thē beware of wagging in the galowes whiles they doo take their medicine put no Lubber●wort into their potage beare of knauering about their heart and if this will not helpe send them to Newgate for if you will not they shall bring them selfe thether at length The .152 Chapter doth shew of a mans Gal. FEell is the latin word In gréeke it is named Cholae In English it is named a gall and it doth lye vppon the Lyuer like a bladder hauing a thin skin easy to breake and it is named Cistafellis and that that is with in is named Fel in Latin In English it is called the Gall. The Gall. In this matter if ther be any coldnes let thē beware of thē selfe cōsidering that the skin of the gal is easy to breake but such men be at a great vantage of other men for they the which hath their galls borkē shal neuer be drowned in good ale except that they be drōkē ¶ The 153. Chapter doth shew of a dead childe in a womans body FEtus mortuus be the latin words In English it is named a dead child A dead childe in a womans body The cause of this infirmitie This great displeasure may come to a womā many waies by great sicknesse or extreme thought by a fall or a stripe or such like A remedy to expell a dead childe ¶ First giue
opilacion or stopping of the stone or some grosse humour or els thorow some euil humour growing in the condite of the vrine or els it may come thorow long retencion or long holding in a mans water A remedy Take of the sedes of Gordes thrée drams and they made in pouder drinke it with white wine or renish wine or renish wine Or els take halfe an vnce of Parcely séedes and of Geate stones a drame make fine pouder of it drinke it with white wine For Ischiadici looke in the Chapter named Sciatica passio For Isophagus looke in the Chapter named Isophagus The 193. Chapter doth shew of suffocacion in the belly ISterichi puiax be the greke wordes In latin it is named Suffocacio vteri Suffocacion of the moder In english it is named the suffocacion of the belly or matrix The cause of this impediment ¶ This impediment doth come of ventositie and coldnes taken this sicknes in women is named the suffocation of the matrix A remedy For a remedy looke in the Chapter named Melon and Matrix The 194. Chapter doth shew of a mans ioyntes IVnture is the latin word In Gréeke it is named Chondili In English it is named the ioynts Ioyntes of a man which may haue diuers diseases The cause of the diseases of the ioyntes The diseases of the ioyntes doth come either by colde taking or els by some strayne or broose it may come by the pockes or by the gout or other diseases lyke to these A remedy ¶ If it do come of colde purge the matter with Yera pigra and Yera hermetis If it do come of heat take the Electuary of the iuice of Roses and then vse Locall playsters and among all other things a hot Cowtorde is not the worst Thus endeth the letter of I. And here foloweth the letter of K. For Karabitus looke in the Chapter named Phrenitis For Kyon looke in the Chapter named Garcarion For Kili looke in the Chapter named Hernia Thus endeth the letter of K. And here beginneth the letter of L. The 195. Chapter doth shew of a mans lips LAbia is the latin word In Greke it is named Chili In English it is named lips Lypps the which may haue chappes and other diseases The cause of Chappes ¶ Chappes in a mans lippes may come of a sharp or bitter winde or it may come thorow heat of the liuer and stomake A remedy ¶ Anoint thy lipps with the oile of swéet Almons And for this matter looke in the Chapter named Fissure The 196. Chapter doth shew of teares of water the which doth distill from the eyes LAcrime is the latin word In Gréeke it is named Dacria In english it is teares Teares or water distilling from the eyes The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a salt humour in the head discending out of the head to the eyes Also to go or to ride against a sharpe wind wil cause teares or water to come out of the eyes sorow care or paine wil cause one to shed tears vnkindnes of a man to displease God in offending or displeasing him wil cause man womā childe to wepe shed teares for the which the grace and mercy of god is sufficiēt A remedy for salt humours the which doth desend to the eyes Fyrst vse to drinke the water of the iuice of Betony vse to take Gargarices liquid vnliquide and otherwhile take of the pilles of Coche to purge the head and the stomake For Lapis looke in the Chapter named Lythasis Nephresis For Latus looke in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this booke The 197. Chapter doth shew of the curding of a womans mylke LAc is the latin word In greke it is named Gala. In english it is named milke And here I do speake onely of the curding of womans milke for other milkes looke in the Dietary of health The cause of Curding of womans milke Womans milke Mylke is curded thorow euil digestion of meats and drinkes and thorow opilacions and otherwhile it doth come for lack of exhausting or sucking or drawing out the milke when it should be drawen A remedy For this matter looke in the Chapter named Mamil if there be any appostumacion there exhaust some bloud the contrary syde in a vaine named Cardiaca kéepe the brests warme and vse a good moderate dyet eating no meate the which doth ingender grosse and corrupt humours and here springeth the original of them whose arme holes doth stink for it doth come of grosse and superfluous humours as well in man as in woman ¶ The 198. Chapter doth shew of werines Copos LAssitudo is the latin word in greke it is named or Comatos In English it is named werines vverines The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of to much labour or els it doth come of debilitie weakenes or of great sluggishnes not lust to labour A remedy First vse moderate labour and then take good meates drinkes and lye in a soft and easy bedde drinke posset eie to bedward And further for this matter looke in the Chapter named Fatigacio in the Extrauagantes Lacerti is the latin word In english it is named lacertes which be bones some say it is little straines the which doth come from the head to the necke to the eares the face Lacuna it is a little hole in the roufe of the mouth The .199 Chapter doth shew of Leprousnes LEpra is the Latin word In Greke it is named Psora In English it is named Leprousnes Leprousnesse there be foure kinds of Leprousnes which is to saye Elephancia Leonia Tiria Alopecia These foure names or kindes of leprousnes doth take their names of foure kindes of beastes for these foure kindes of Leprousnes hath the porperties of the beasts as it appeareth playnely in the Chapters of the sycknesses For Lecoflegmancia looke in the chapter named Idrops The 200. Chapter doth shew of Fracles in a mans face and body LEntigo or lentiginos be the latin wordes In Gréeke it is named Phacos In english it is named fracles Fracles the which is in ones face and body The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come either by the caliditie of the sun or els by the corruption of the Ayer or by some interiall cause in reteining some superfluous humour A remedie First be let bloud of a veyne named Cephalica And if the Fracles do go ouer all the body be let bloud in a veyne named Mediana and then purge the body with Pillulis aureis and Yera pigra and than wash the body with the water that these things folowing is soden in the bran of Barly of beanes of Fenugrek put in violets an vnce of the oile of bitter Almons and such like anoint the place or places The 201. Chapter doth shew of depilacion otherwise named Tankerbalde or knaue balde LEpus marinus be
is kept in let ther be no picters nor painted clothes about the bed or chamber than vse in the Chamber all thinges that is redolent of sweete sauours and kepe the pacient from musing studiing and vse mirth and mery communicatiō and vse the pacient so that he do not hurt himselfe nor no other ma● and he must be kéept in feare of one man or an other if néede require he must be punished and beaten and giue him thrée times a day warme meate and vse to eate Cassia fistula and Epithime vsed is very good The .221 Chapter doth shewe of a mans handes Handes MAnus is the latin word In Gréeke it is named Chir. In english it is named a hand or hands the which may haue many impediments as chappes wormes or drinesse in the palme of the hands or some moyst humours and such like The cause of these infirmities ¶ These infirmities doth come either by corruption of blud or els thorow a humour or els thorow the heate of the liuer or els thorow the ariditie of coller A remedy First he that wil be whole in the body handes let him vse to wash the hands oft in a day specially in the morning and after diner supper for any impediment in the handes take of dere suet an vnce of Malowes thrée handfuls of water two pintes of secke a pinte séeth all this together diuers times in a day specially morning euening wash the hands and kepe them warme out of the winde Or els take of the pouder of Enula campana rootes an vnce a halfe of bores grece iii. vnces of mercury mortified with fasting spittle an vnce a halfe of Camphire a dram and a halfe incorporate all this together and morning and euening anoynt the handes and kéepe the handes warme from the winde The 222. Chapter doth shew of the Matrix of a womā MAtrix is the latin word In Gréeke it is named Mitra In english it is named the Matrix or the moder The moder or the place of conception the which hath diuers times many impediments as Suffocacions lubricitie the mole of the matrix the risting of the matrix the which no mayde can haue for the orifice of that place in a mayde is very strayt considering there be fyue veynes the which doth breake when a mayd doth léese hir maydenhead The cause of these impedimentes These impediments doth come of distemperance of the body and of superfluous and moyst humours or disordering of the midwife in disordering any woman when she should be deliuered A remedie If it come thorow suffocacion Take of Betony leues halfe an vnce stampe it small and drinke it with white wine and smell to Galbanum and Serapine and make a perfume of Iuneper either of olde lether and sit ouer it or els take of Piony séedes iii. drames drinke it with Mellicrate If the matrix doe fall out fyrst wash the place twyse or thryse with white wine or els take of Iuneper cut in péeces thrée vnces of Mirtiles thrée vnces seth this in running water wash the place two or thrée times than take of Galbanum thrée drames drink it with red wine euery thing that will helpe the falling out of a mans foundemēt will helpe this impediment wherfore looke in the Chapter named Anus For Melanchima looke in the chapter named Melankyron ¶ The .223 Chapter doth shew of the vertue of medicines MEdicina is the latin word in grek it is named Pharmacia or Acesis In english it is named a medicin Medicine The ministraciō of medicines doth consist in two thinges in Theorick which is speculacion in practise The theorcion doth teach the practicioner The vertue of medicines is to kepe a man that is whole in helth he that is sick by medecines may be recouered And the art of medicines is to gouern kéepe the naturall complexion of man in whom it is and to turne the complexion the is out of a natural course into a natural course wherefore this science of mediciens is a science for whole men for sick men and for neuters which be neither whole men nor sicke men wherfore I doe aduertise euery man not to set little by this excellent science of medicines considering the vtilitie of it as it appereth more largelier in the introduction of knowledge For Meli looke in the Chapter named Membra For Mediana looke in the Chapter of M. For Mellicerides looke in the Chapter named Tubercula The 224. Chapter doth shew of the blacke Iawnes MElankyrō is the Araby word Melanchima is the greke word In latin it is named Hictericia nigra In english it is named the blacke Iaunes The blacke Iaunces The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of the maliciousnes of melancoly the which doth bring in death for melancoly and death be concurrant together A remedy If a man haue the blacke Iawnes with a Feuer quartaine I do remit him to the mercy of god if ther may be any remedy purge melācoly thē do as I haue writtē in the Feuer quartaine for the blacke Iaunes without a feuer quartaine first purge melācoly with pillule Indie pillule Lucis pillule de lapide Lazuli Pillule Sebely a cōfection of mus ke is good The 225. Chapter doth shew of a mans memory or vnderstanding MEmoria is the latin word In Greke it is named Muime In english it is named the memory Memory of man which is concurrant with vnderstanding named Intellectus in latin the which both be two powers of the soule as it appereth in the Chapter named Anima To acute and to make quicke a mans memory and vnderstanding Vse the confection of Anacardine and to sauour Amber de grece and to other odiferous sauours The 226. Chapter doth shew of the principall member in man MEmbra is the latin word A member In Greke it is named Meli In English it is named members the which be many in man and they be deuided in principal members and officiall members Principal mēbers be foure the heart the braine the liuer and the stones of man and the place of cōception in woman All other members be official members an odoth offyce to the principall members for in the heart be the vitall spirites in the brayne be the Animall spirites in the liuer be the natural spirits in the stones of man and in the place of cōception is generacion If any of the principall members be infected or hurt or out of temperance all the other officiall members must néedes be out of due order and quietnes but an official member may be hurt and infected yet it may be recouered with medicines or salues c. Although the lunges the splene the tongue the eyes be dangerous members to heale specially if there be in any of thē old gréefes Also there be spirituall members beside the principal members the which be both principal
foule water some doth auoid grauel some stones some whē they haue pissed it doth burne in the issue as well in woman as in man The cause of this infirmitie These infirmities doth come either natural or els accidētal If it do come naturally or by nature fewe Phisicions can helpe it but they can mitigate the paine of the infirmitie If it do come accidentally it may be holpen A remedy First for him that can not hold his water take of Mushreōs otherwise named Tode stooles ii vnces of the scales of Iron the which is about a Smithes Handfile an vnce a halfe stāpe these two things together in a brasē morter as fine or as subtil as one may do it then put it in a quart of red wine let it stand iiii or v. houres then strain it drinke it morning euening ix sponefuls at a time if nede require make fresh fresh Or els take of Enula Campana rootes of A●orns of either of thē two vnces make fine ponder of thē drink it at times with the iuice of Plantain saincte Iohns wort sod with red wine Or els take a Goats blader or a sh●pes bladder or a Bulles bladder make pouder of it drink it with vineger or water and drink it morning euening iii. daies If a mā can not pisse take of Mellifoly .ii hādfuls of Percely ii handfuls of Nettles or Nettle séedes an vnce a halfe cōpound al this together and infuce it in white wine drink it morning euening ix sponefuls at a time anoint the raines of the backe and the sides and flākes with conies grece Or els take of the rootes of Rapes of Burres of Dockes of Persely of Nettls of ech two vnces seth al this in white wine drink of it morning euening of the substance make a plaister and lay it ouer the sides the belly If a man do pisse bloud take of Alkakenge of Burres of either an vnce of Musherons an vnce confect this with the sirupe of Roses drink iii. sponefuls at a time Or els take of horehoūd of mader of ech ii vnces stāp it drink it with vineger If it burne in the end of the yerd take thā of the séedes of Goordes of the seedes of Citrulles excoriated of ech ii vnces infuse it in the water of hawes vse to drink of it and anoint the cods the raynes of the backe with it and oyle of Nunifer For Muime loke in the Chapter named Memoria The 233. Chapter doth shew of an impostumacion in a womans matrix An impediment in the matrix MOlon is the gréeke worde In latin it is named Mola matricis In English it is named an impostumation or a lumpe of flesh ingendred in a womans matrix which is the place of concepcion The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of grosse humours the which be ingendred in the matrix making a woman to thinke that she is with childe when she is not with childe A remedy First let her beware of eating of any meats the which doth ingender wynde than let her vse stuphes take than this medicine take of Moderwort of Garmander of Calamint of Betony of ech an vnce a halfe of Anys séeds of Fenel séedes an vnce of Calamus Aromaticus of Cipres of eche an vnce of white vineger two vnces of Roset hony an vnce make a sirup of this purge this matter with Theodoricō and vse Stuphes and let the midwife for water occupye Petrosium euery thing that is good for Abhorsion is good for this impediment named Mola matricis The 234. Chapter doth shew of Stutting or stamering MOgilali or Ancinoglosi be the greke words in latin if is named balbucies In english it is named stutting or stamering Ancinoglosi doth come by nature mogilali cōmeth by vsage to stamer being continually in the company of a stamerer For this matter looke in the Chapters named Balbucies For morbilli looke in the Chapter named Exhanhemata For mirmachira looke in the Chapter named Formica For mola matricis looke in the Chapter named molon The 235. Chapter doth shew how all maner of sickenesses be deuided MOrbus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Nosos In english it is named a sickenes A sickenesse or a sore And there be thrée kindes of sores or sicknesse vniuersall perticuler and consimel An vniuersel sicknesse doth occupate all the partes of mans body A perticuler sicknesse or sore doth occupy a perticuler member or place in man A cōsimel sicknes or sore is whē an vniuersal a particuler sicknes or sore be cōcurrāt one with an other like one to an other For this matter looke in the Chapter named Egritudo The 236. Chapter doth shew of the Kinges euill MOrbus regius be the latin words In english it is named the kings euil The kings euill which is an euil sicknes or impediment The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of the corruption of humours reflecting more to a perticuler place thē to vniuersal places it is much like to a Fystle for and if it be made whole in one place it will breake out in an other place A remedy For this matter let euery man make frendes to the kinges maiestie for it doth perteine to a king to help this infirmity by the grace the which is giuen to a king anointed But for as much as some men doth iudge diuers times a Fistle or a French pocke to be the kings euil in such matters it behoueth not a king to meddle withal except it be thorow of his boūtiful goodnes to giue his pitifull and gracious councell For kinges kinges sonnes other noble men hath béen eximious Phisicions as it appeareth more largely in the Introduction of knowledge a booke of my making For Morbus caducus and Morbus comicialis loke in the Chapter named Epilepsia For Morbus aquatus loke in the Chapter named Hicterica The 237. Chapter doth shew of the French pockes MOrbus gallicus or Valiore maioris be the latin wordes some do name it Mentagra but for Mentagra loke in Lichen In English Morbus Gallicus is named the French pocks when that I was yoūge they were named the Spanish pockes the which be of many kindes of the pockes some be moist some be waterish some be dry some be skoruy some be like scabbes some be like ring wormes some be fistuled some be festered some be cankarus some be like wens some be like biles some be lyke konbbes knurres some be vlcerous hauing a little drye scabbe in the middle of the vlcerous scabbe some hath ache in the ioynts no singe of the pockes and yet it may be the pockes And ther is the smal pock looke for it in the Chapter named Valiore maiores The cause of this sicknesses The cause of these impediments or infirmities doth come many
of Olyue ETNVS virga Or els take the fatnes of a Gote that is but of a yéere of age ETNVS virga Or els take the braines of a Choffe mix it with hony ETNVS virga But the best remedy the I do know for this matter let euery man please his wife beat hir not but let hir haue hir owne will as I haue sayd The 243. Chapter doth shew of Musicke and musicall instrumentes MVsica is the latin word In gréeke it is named Musicae In English it is named Musicke Musicke which is one of the vii liberal sciences a science which is comfortable to man in sicknes and in health this science is deuided in Theoricke or speculacion and in practise the Grecians in musicke doth vse their termes as they do in phisicke for they do put before al notable words in musicke Dia as they do in phisick as Diatesseron which is a fourth Diapēt is a fifth Diapasā is an eight Diaphonia is a concord For this matter looke in the Introduction of knowledge Muscilago Musculi or Mussulagines be the latin wordes In english it is named muscles Muscles or mussulages the which be litle straines descending frō the head to the neck face other parts they be compoūd of sinewes filmes and ligaments pannicles and some say that they be little gristle bones Here endeth the letter of M. And hereafter foloweth the letter of N. The .244 Chapter doth shew of a mans Nosethrilles NAres is the latin word In greke it is named Riues Nosethrils In english it is named a mans nosethrilles the which be the Organs of the brayne by the which the braine doth attract expulce the ayre without the which no man can liue and without the nosethrilles no man can smell the nosethrils be the emunctory places of the brayne by the which rume is expelled and expulsed with other corrupt humours and otherwhile the nosethrylles be opilated stopped that a man can not smell The cause of this impediment This impedimēt doth come thrée maner of wayes the first is thorow abundance of rume Or els it doth come thorowe some Apostumacion lying betwixt the braine and the Organes of the nosethrilles or it may come by some Apostumacion growing in the nosethrilles A remedie First take sternutacions and gargarices vse once or twyse in a wéeke a drame of pills of Cochée and vse labour or walking and beware of drinking of wine and abstaine from the fatnes of Samon the fatnes of Conger the fatnes of Eles as it doth appere in the Chapter named Reuma The 245. Chapter doth shew of a mans buttockes NAtes is the latin word In english it is named a mans buttocks Buttockes the which diuers times will chafe and some will be galled The cause of these impedimentes These impedimēts doth come either by great labour going a fote or riding vpon an euill horse in a naughtie saddle A remedy There is nothing better then to rub anoynt or greze the place with a tallow candell and they that hath great butockes before they do trauell let them anoint themselues betwixt the buttockes with oyle Olyue The .246 Chapter doth shewe of the nature of man NAtura is the latin word In gréeke it is named Phisis In English it is named the nature Nature of man the which is the chefest bloud in man it doth change into whitenes when it doth come in the cundites by the stones The nature of man doth differ frō the séede of man although they by coniuncted together for the féede of man is like the séede of rice whē it is sodē but it is nothing so big and that is the nature of man which is whitish thick without the which can be no procreation it may wast and consume or be putrified The cause of these infirmities If nature do wast and consume it doth come thorow some sicknes and if it be putrified it doth come thorowe the corruption of the bloud A remedy Fyrst heale the cause that is to say heale the sicknes and clense the bloud all thinges that is swéete is nutritiue and doth encrease nature ¶ For Naucea looke in the Chapter named Abhominacio stomachi The 247. Chapter doth shew of a paine in the backe named Nephresis NEphresis or Nephritis be the greke wordes Nefresia is the barbarous word In latin it is named Dolor renum and some do say it is Galculus in rembus In english it is named the stone The stone in the raynes of the backe The cause of this impediment This impedimēt doth come many wayes as by great liftīg or great straining or to much medling with womē it may come by kind or by eating of euil meates ingēdring the stone A remedy Claryfeyed with the yolkes of egges is good for the back and so is Muscudell and bastarde dronke next a mans heart Also these oyles be good for the back oyle of Alabaster oyle of Scorpions oyle of Nunifer otherwise named the oyle of water Lillies and such like beware of Costiuenes vse clisters or suppositers and vse the medicines the which be in the Chapter named Lithiasis The 248. chapter doth shew of an impostume in the backe An impostume in the backe NAtta or Narra be the latin wordes In English it is a great fleshy impostume like a wenne and is soft and it doth grow in the backe or shoulders The cause of this impediment This impedimēt doth come of rume of the grossenes of blud A remedy First giue the pacient a Drame of pils Aggregate and than make incision vnder this maner cut the skin crosse-wise lift vp the skin and cut out the matter and wash the place with white wine and lay downe the skin and then minister salue to heale it Nephoi looke in the Chapter named Renes The .249 Chapter doth shew of an impediment in a mans sight NYctalopis is the greke word In latin it is named Nocturna caecitudo In araby it is named Amica lopis or Sequibere or Superati or Asse or Tenebrositas The barbarus word is named Nictisopa in english it is named darkenes of the sight for whē the sun is down the euening in a man can sée nothing in darknes He that can not see in darkenes although other men can perceiue and sée somewhat that hath not this impediment The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of an humour the which doth ly before the sight it may come of daseling of a mans eies vpon the sun or els of small printed letters or such like A remedy First purge the head and the stomake with pilles of Cochée and vse gargarices and sternutacions beware of costiuenes and of the occasion of the impediment The 250. Chapter doth shew of the sinewes of man A sinevv NEruus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Neuron In English it is named sinewes the which may haue diuers
saddel or any other thing and if any part of ones body doe take any heate or warmenes of the poyson the man is then poysoned A remedy If a man do perceiue that he be poisoned first let him vomit and giue him purgacions Clisters or suppositers and let him bloud of these veines named Mediana and Cardiaca and vse to drinke Treacle or Metridatum and also garlike Rew is good against poysō or poysoning If one be stonge or bitten with a venemous beast or worme looke in the chapter named Morsus reptilium The 363. Chapter doth shew of ventolitie Ventosite VEntositas is the latin word In greke it is named Auemodia In english it is named ventositie or winde The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come diuers wayes as by long fasting or taking of extreme colde or eating of fruits or eating of potage or sewes or grosse meates and such like A remedie For this metter vse to eate Diaspermaton or Diatesseron or Diaciminū or else teke Anis séedes of caraway séedes of Fenell séedes of Ginger of Setual of Cloues of Comin séedes of eche v. drames make pouder of all this and vse a portion euery day with meates drinkes or potages and beware of costiuenes and vse dredge The 364. Chapter doth shew of diuers kindes of wormes VErmes is the latin word In gréeke it is named Scolices In English it is wormes wormes And there be many kindes of wormes There be in the body thrée sortes named Lumbrici Ascarides and Cucurbite Lumbrici be long white wormes in the body Ascarides be small little white wormes as big as an haire halfe an inch of length they be in a gut named the longacion they will tickle in a mans foundement Cucurbiti be square wormes in a mans body and I haue sene wormes come out of a mans body like the fashion of a maggot but they haue bene swart or hauing a dark colour Also there be wormes in a mans handes named Sirones there be wormes in a mans féete named degges then is there a ring worme named in latin Impetigo And there may bée wormes in a mans téeth and eares of the which I do pretend to speake of now as for al other wormes I haue declared their propertie and remedies in their owne Chapters The cause of wormes in a mannes Eare. Two causes there be that a man hath wormes in his eares the one is ingendred thorow corruption of the braine the other is accidentall by créeping in of a worme into a mans eare or eares A remedy Instill into the eare the oyle of biter Almons or els the oile of wormewode or els the iuice of Rewe warme euerie thing that must be put into the eare For V●●tigo looke in the Chapter named Scotomos The 365. Chapter doth shew of a mans Bladder VEsica is the latin word In greke it is named Cistis In english it is named a mans bladder the which doth receiue the water or vrine the which doth distill from the liuer the raines of the backe to it by the poores named Vritides or Vrichides The bladder may haue many impedimēts as scabs vlceracions inflamacions also a palsey may be in the bladder or great debilitie that one can not hold his water The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come cōmonly of euill ordering in youth the other causes be shewed A remedy First anoint the raynes and the coddes and other secrete places with the oyle of Scorpions and drinke red wine in the which Musherons is sodden in Also I do aduertise euery man to discharge oft the bladder neuer to hold in the water for by restricting of the water such impediments be ingendred and so is the goute For Vesice Looke in the Chapter named Phlitana● The 366. Chapter doth shew of him or her that can not sleepe VIgilie is the latin word In gréeke it is named Grigoriae In Englishe it is named watching Watch. or they that can not sléeke The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come thorow Idlnes or wekenes of the brayne or els thorow sicknes anger or fasting or els thorowe solicitudenes of repletion or extreme heate or extreme colde in the féete or such like A remedie Take of the oyle of violettes an vnce of Opium halfe an vnce incorporate this together with womans milke and with a fine linnen cloth lay it to the temples Or els take of the leues of henbane stampe it lay it to the temples Or els vse to eate of letuse séedes of white Popy séedes of Mandragor séeds of Saunder of ech thrée drams but aboue al things mirth is best to bedward For Virago looke in the Chapter named Mulier The 367. Chapter doth shew of a mans yearde VIrga virilis be the latin words In greke it is named Aedion And some name it Psosi or Hoxasis or Opsis In english it is named a mans yerd A man● yerde the which is a member full of sinewes arters veines with lacertes other ligaments the sinewes doeth procéede from the newke which is the mary of the backe The erection of the yerd doth come from the arters of the heart and the head The veynes doth procéede from the lyuer The lacertes and the ligamentes doth procéede out from the thyes specially of a bone or bones there being The yerde may haue many impedimentes as well within the condyte as without vnder the skin of the head of the yerde The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come as I sayde many waies If it do come interially in the condite of the yerde it doth come of an hot colericke humour or els by some euill humour ingendred eyther in the bladder or els in the raynes of the backe and it may come of an euill disposed woman that is either silthy or els pretending to do man displeasure If it do come exterially which is to say that the impediment be in vnder or vpon the head of the yerd betwixt the skin and the head of the yerd either it doth come of the heat of the body or els thorow much medling with a woman specially if she be menstruous pocky or leprous A remedy If this impediment be in any interiall cause vse to drink milke or els drinke oft a good porcion of the water of hawes and iniect into the yerde the mater of Camphire If the impediment be betwixt the skin the head of the yerde the head selfe wash the head of the yearde diuers times with white wine And after that vse the pouder of a rotten poste or any siccatiue medicines or else Populion or vnguentum Egipsiacum is good The 368. Chapter doth shew of a mans sight VIsus is the latin word In greke it is named Oniclies In English it is named a mans sight Sight the which may haue many impediments as spore blynde starke blynde gogle eyes and many other impedimentes as it doth appere in diuers Chapters of this
third Chapter doth shew of hore and of white haires CAnicies in the latin word In gréeke it is named Polioros In English it is named hore or white haires The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come either naturally or els accidenttally if it do come naturally it doth come thorow age and melancoly humours 〈…〉 accidentally it doth come thorow feare sorow great trouble gréet sicknes ● it may come of to much vsage of vene●●ous actes A remedy If it do come naturally that thing the which nature doeth giue no man by lerning can take away If it do come accidētally vse the Electuary de Aromatibus or the confection of Alharife and anoint the head with the oyle of Costin The 4. Chapter doth shew of chafyng specially vnder the eares CAroli is the latin word In english it is named cha●●ng specially vnder the eares And some doth say it is an vlceracion betwixt the skinne and the head vnder the eares The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come diuers wayes as by euill humours in the head or lying with vnclene or mēstruous persones or eating or drinking some euill thing A remedie If age time and strength will pounit it open a veine named Sophena and exhaust ii or iii. onces of the side that the impediment is in after the purge the matter take of Cassia of Diacatolicō of eche half an once of the electuary of Roses ii drames with the water of endiue make a pociō and drinke it at .iii. times and if nede be 〈◊〉 Clist●●s suppositers and make plaisters after this maner Take of Malows of Roses leaues of Camomil of eche an hādfull of Mellilote an vnce and a halfe seeth all this in faire water and put into it the oyle of Dil of the oyle of Roses of the oyle of Camomil of ech an vnce and make plaisters of it and lay it to the place diuers nights to bedward The 5. Chapter doth shew of Cartilages or Gristles CArtilago is the Latin worde In Gréeke it is named Chondros In English it is named Cartilages or gristles to the which many impedimentes may come as ache and wresting of the ioyntes and such like The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of some great colde or els by some euill misfortune or chaunce A remedy First the oyle of Turpentine mixt with Netes foote oyle is good or a pich clothe is good and so is euery thing the which is good for the ioyntes therefore looke in the Chapter named Iuncture in the Breuiary of health The 6. Chapter doth shew of a Surfet CAros is the gréeke worde In latin it is named Crapul● In English it is named a surfit The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come most commonly of euill rule or euill dyet or eating or drinking to much meate or drink or eating rawe or euill meates and drinkes A remedie The best remedy for a surfit is to absteyne long after that the surfet is taken and to slepe much or els to labour it out and for this matter purgacions be good so be it that age and tyme will permit it And after a surfit a draught of Aqua vitie may be suffered Chirius is the iuice proceding of meate digested The 7. Chapter doth shew of Agnelles in a mans feete CLauus is the latin word and some do name it Papule In english it is named corns or agnels in a mās fete or toes The cause of these impediments This impediment doth come of wearing of straite shoes by reason of the which the féete and the toes doth not lie at libertie with ease and then labour with heate obuiating or being concurant together doth procreat or ingendreth this aforesaide impediment A remedy First pare the Agnelles of cornes with a sharpe knife vnto the time it doth come to the quicke fleshe that the bloud runne out wype away the bloud then drop into the place or places red wax let it lye vnto the time it be consumed and than if néede be reitierate this matter The 8. Chapter doth shew of a mans necke COllum is the latin worde In gréeke it is named Auchin In English it is named a necke In the necke may be many diseases as the cricke or shaking or such like The cause of these impediments These impedimentes doth come either by lying a wrye with the necke or els it doth come of some colde taken in the necke or els by some reumaticke humour distilling frō the head to the necke or it may come of drinking in the morning with out bread or meate eating or els by some great feare or els anger A remedy If it do come of reume purge reume as it is specifyed in the Chapter named Reuma in the Breuiary of health If it doe come of coller or of debilitie of spondilles anoynt the necke with the oyle of Anthos otherwise named the oyle of Rosemary flowers and beware of stooping with the heade and necke for this matter the oyle of Spike is good If it do come of a cricke or any other wayes anoynt the necke with oile of Turpentine compounde with a little Aqua vite kéepe the necke bone warme The 9. Chapter doth shew of Pyles or swelling in the Foundement COndiloma is the Gréeke word In Latin it is named Rugosum ani tuberculum Ths Barbarous worde is named Condolomata In English it is named a swellying in the foundement and some doth take for this pilles the which I do take this impedimēt of swelling doth more infest women then men The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of reume and of the corrupcion of fleume A remedy First washe the place twise or thrise with white wine and then vse siccatiue medecines The 10. Chapter doth shew of a mans Buttocke bones COxia is the Latin worde In Gréeke it is named Ichon In English it is named a buttocke bone the which may haue many displasurs as by a fall a stripe a broose or such like A remedie Take of Smalage and of Louage of eche two handfulls of Malowes .iiii. handfuls of Deare suet two vnces séeth all this in running water and after that bath wash the place with the water and then to bedward lay the substance vppon the place Or els take of the oile of Turpentine .iii. vnces and compound it with Aqua vitie anoint the place diuers times or els take of Nets foote oyle .iii. vnces of the oyle of Spyke halfe an vnce and anoint the place as one shoulde grece a paire of olde bootes For Crassitudo looke in the chapter named Pinguedo in the fyrst booke named the Breuiary of health The 11. Chapter doth shew of a Demoniake person the which is possessed of or with the deuill or deuils DEmoniacus or Demoniaci bée the Latin wordes In Gréeke it is named Demonici In English it is named hée or they the which be mad and possessed of the deuill or deuilles and their propertie is to hurte
a skarlet cloth and rub the face or place with Mandragor leues And to bedward annoynte the face with oyle of the Ashe keyes Or els take the rootes of Madder .iii. vnces stampe it with white vyneger and rub the face or place with it For Alchites or as some say Alsclites looke in these words in the Chapiters named Astites and Hidroips For Albernalieth looke in the Chapiter named Polipus For Alaxos ligmos looke in the Chapiter named Singultus For Alsoach looke in the Chapiter named Singultus For Alburlo looke in the Chapiter named Argemita The .10 Chapiter doth shew of a fistulus impostume in the corner of the eye ALgarab is the Araby word Apostum in the eye Auicen doth name it Algaras In english it is an impostum in the corner of the eye The cause of this Apostumacion This impostume doth come of a Reumatike humour mixt with corrupt bloud hauing a recourse to the eye A remedy Take of the water of Roses of the water of Plantaine of eche an vnce of Tutrie prepared a dram a halfe of the flowers of Mirtilles an vnce a halfe of the leaues of houselike or Syngrene halfe an vnce of Camphyre a drame a halfe of the white of Egges .iii. beate all this together in a morter and put of the confection in the corner of the eye vpon the impostume For Albugo looke in the Chapiter named Argemita Alcola is a Barbarous word looke for it in the Chapiter of aphtis or aphtas And for Almusagari looke in the Chapiter of Almusat for both the words hath one signification And for Albugo looke in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this booke For Albaras looke in the Chapiter named Alopecia Albatin is a sinew the which doth grow out of the middle of the spondils ioyning to the pillicles of the kidnes The .11 Chapiter doth shew of the inflacion of the eyes ALinthiser is the Araby word In Latin it is named Inflatio oculorum or Tumor palpebrum Inflation of the eye And some doth name it Almusagari In English it is named a Tumore a swelling or an inflacion in the eyes The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of reume or els taking of a vaperous humour coniunct with reume A remedy First purge reume as it doth eppere in the Chapiter named Reuma And once or twise a weke take of the pilles of Cochée And beware of drinking of wine or of other hotte drinkes And vse a good dyet and sit not vp to late and vse some labour or manuall occupatiō to sweat at the browes except it be in a time of infection or whan any vniuersal sicknes is in a coūtre then open not the poores neither by labour nor trauell neither by bathes neither by stuphes nor such like And as I doe shew my mind for this infirmitie Aboue all other thinges let euerie man beware of the premisses rehersed in the time whan the pestilence or the sweating sicknes or feuers or agues doth reigne in a coūtrey For these sicknesses be infectious one man many infecte another as it doth appere in the chapiters named Scabies morbus Gallicus And specially in the dietary of helth wherfore I would that euery man hauing this booke shuld haue the sayd dietary of helth with this booke considering that the one booke is concurrant with the other Blohosos is a bone in the back The .12 Chapiter doth shewe of the foure kindes of Leprosie named Allopecia A kinde of Leprosie ALopecia is the gréeke word Ophiasis both the gréekes and the Latins doth vse the word The barbarus word is Alopecia The Araby word is Albaras In Englishe it is a sodein falling of a mans haire of his head and beard hauing growing vpon the skinne vnder the haire an humour lyke bran or otmel betwixt the finger is a white drines it is named Alopecia for as much as the word is deryued of gréeke named Alops which is in english a Fox for a Fox once a yéere hath that infirmitie shedding his haire hauing also a little skurfe vnder the haire vpon the skin The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of the heat of the stomake and of the corruption of the braine for the skin of the head wil stincke thorow the vaporing of euil corrupt humours Also this infirmitie doth come diuers times of the defaulte of humiditie or moist humours And then the skurfe is like otemell but some looketh whitish and other blackish A remedy First drinke no hot wines nor eate drye meate nor leperous fyshes Than shaue the head and berd and anoynte the head with the grece of a Fox Or els wash the head with the iuce of Béetes .v. or .vi. times or els stamp Garlik and rub the head with it after that wash it in vineger do this .v. or vi times Or eles make ashes of Garlike temper it with hony anoynt the head If it do come thorow any opilaciōs anoint the head with the oyle of bitter Almons or with the oyle of woormwod or with the oyle of Spicnard such like oyles If it do come otherwaies the oyle of Myrtilles is good or the oyle of Galles or the oyle of Walnuts or the oyle of Mayden haire The .13 Chapiter doth shew of a Carbocle ALtois is the Araby word In gréeke it is named Althoea In Latin it is named Carbunculus In English it is named a Carbocle Carbocle or a botch Carbunculus doth take his name of Carbo which is to say in english a Cole for a ●●ole being a fire is hot and so is a Carbocle The cause of this infirmitie Most commonlie a Carbocle doth come in the time when the pestilence doth raigne or els when the ayer the bloud is putrified and corrupted This vlceration and infirmitie most cōmonlie doth bréed in the emūctory places there where the thrée principall members hath their purging places the which be vnder the eare or throte or els about the arme holes or brest or els about the secrete partes of a man or woman or in the share or thigh or flanke And of Carbocles there be foure kindes The first is blacke The second is redde The thyrd is of a glasse or a gréenish colour And the fourth is of aswart or dim colour The blacke colour commeth of melancoly and of a venemous matter And therfore it is dangerous The red colour of the carbocle cōmeth of a corrupt bloud The glasse colour cōmeth of coler the swart colour commeth of coler adusted And if the carbocle do appere after that doth returne to the body againe commonlie it is an euill sygne And if the sicke person do vomit be sompnouent or sléeping And the pulces subuerted cold sweats with alteracion of colour with a vehement agew it is a signe of death A remedy as much as I can tell Before the sore be fixed take purgacions according to the age strenght of the persō be
English it is putrifying of the flesh Putrifying of the flesh for in some men the flesh shal be putrified corrupted to the bone or bones Achachilos commeth of two words of Acia the which doth signifie in the Arabie tongue corruption And of Chilos a Gréeke word which is to say iuyce The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doeth come of a venemous matter as by some melancolie humour or by stinging of a venemous worme or serpent A remedy First take the dregges of wine mixe it with an vnce of the pouder of roch Alome wash scoure the place with it than take of the bran of beanes the bran of barly .ii. vnces of the séedes of Nettles made in pouder an vnce mixe this together with the iuice of wormewood hony make a plaister Or els take the oyle of Roses .iiii. vnces of waxe .ii. vnces incorporate these together and whā it is cold put to it .v. vnces of ceruce that is washed Than take of the pouder of Henbāe séedes the weight of .xii. d. of black popy sedes made in pouder the weight of .xii. d. make emplaisters of this lay thē to the sore place Also for this matter is good Vnguentum egiptiacum For Asse looke in the Chapter named Nicta lopis The .38 chap. doth shew of one of the kinds of the hidropsies AStites or Asclites be the greke word The barbarus men do name it Alchites or Asclites In english it is of the kindes of hidropsies Kindes of hidropsies is engēdred in the belly for the belly wil bol swel make a noyse as a botel halfe full of water The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of superabundance of water in the belly For looke as the Timpany commeth of wind so doth this sicknesse come of abundance of corrupt water A remedie First vse Trocis de lacea vse purgaciōs clisters suppositors And if it be ouergrowne there is no remedy without incisiō or cutting the belly And in this matter ther must be of coūsel expert phisiciōs chirurgiōs the which be expert in incision And after the to wash the guttes in white wine than to stich vp the place againe to minister salues according to the matter let the pacient vse a precise diet in meates and drinkes First not to drink no new ale nor new béere nor syder Also the patiēt must refraine from eating of new bread sodden bread Also to abstein frō al maner of white meats specially hard chéese in no wise to eate any sort or kinde of nutes Also the paciēt must not eate no maner of fruits nor no other thing the which ingēder wind also the paciēt must abstein from al kind of shewes potages Also not to eate fresh béefe al other stirring meates as all maner of waterfoules as wel wild as tame And the paciēt must abstin from eating of Eles samō fresh heirīg dog fish ray thornbacke other such like fishes Also salt meates is not good no more be beanes pesō for any man or womā hauing this aforesayd sickenes ¶ The 39. Chapter doth shew of Asmaticke persons the which be short winded ASthma is the gréeke word Asma is the barbarus word Anhelosi or Suspiciosi or Constrictio anhelitus be the latin words In english it is named shortnes of wind Shortnes of vvind The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come either by Viscus or tough fleume being in the pips or els by some apostumaciō in the pipes or els ther is some fault in the lunges that the lunges is putrifyed A remedie A cōfectiō of muske is good Also loch de pino loch de squilla loch alfesceta be good so is the sirupe of Isope the sirup of Calamīt For I haue practised these things haue sped wel First I haue made a ptisan vnder this maner Take of Enula cāpana rotes picked made clene cut in slices .vii. vnces of the rots of fenel washed the pith pulled out .vi. or .vii. vnces of Anes sedes half a pound of figs halfe a poūd of great resōs the stōes pulled out a quartrō of a poūd of Isop iii. good handfuls of barly clensed .v. hādfuls seth al this together in .ii. galōs of rūning water to halfe a galō xv daies I haue giuē to my paciēt morning noone neight .ix spōefuls at a time and at the xv dayes end I haue giuē pilles of Cochée after that I haue ministred Diasulfur and haue made many whole Also the confection of Philoni of the first inuencion is good And so is to anoynt the stomake with the oyle of Philosophers named in latin Oleum philosophorum And beware of Nuttes Almons Chéese and milke and cold the pilles of Agaricke is good for this sicknesse For Athoromata looke in the Chapter named tubercula For Ascelle looke in the Chapter named Fetor assellarum For Atrabilis looke in the Chapter named Cardiaca passio For Auditus looke in the chapter named Aures For Auriga looke in the chapter named Hictericia The 40. Chapter doth shew of a mans eares AVres is the latin word In English it is a mans eares the which be the organs of hearing Eares And in the eares be many infirmities as singing in the eares apostumacion pushes or whelkes wormes and defnesse and such like The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of corrupcion of the braine and by opilacions and euill humours A remedie If there be any paine in the eares the oyle of bitter Almons is good and so is oyle of Béene If there be any ringing or noyse in the head looke in the chapter named Tinnitus aureum If there be any ventositie in the eares instil into the eares the oyle of Nardine If there be any deafnesse in the eares looke in the chapter named Surditas If there be pushes or whelkes in the eares looke in the chapter named Pustule If there be wormes in the eares looke in the chapter named Vermes If any Apostumacion be in the eares the oyle of bitter Almons is good If ther be any other impediments in the eares you shall finde it out in the chapters of this booke Put nothing into the eare that is colde but let it be a little warme Thus endeth the letter of A. And here foloweth the letter of B. The .41 Chapter doth shew of a stutting or stamering BAlbucis is the latin word Stutting stamerīg In English it is named stutting or stamering In gréeke it is named Magillali or Ancinoglosi The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come thrée maner of wayes one doth come by nature The other doth come by humiditie of the senewes of the tongue and the third commeth to be in the companie of a stutter or stamerer A remedy First as stutting that doth come by nature it can not be holpen except it be reformed in youth by
doth come of an euil diet eating drinking late or taking to much meat or drink or eating of raw or contagious meates or taking euill drinkes drinking A remedy For this matter nothing is so good as abstinence to béeware what a man doth eate and drinke and what dyet he doth kéepe there doth mo persons dye by surfeting than by the swearde or killing or hanging wherefore I aduertise euerie mā that no sensualitie ouercome him And after a ful stomake that which is hard of digestion drinke two or thrée draughtes of wine specially Sacke And with meate drinke no wynes except it be Gascone wyne or Renishe wine or French wines And after a surfet eate no meate nor drinke little or nothing vnto the time the stomake be euacuated And for this matter vometing is a perfite medicine so be it that age and strength will permit it For craneum looke in the Chapter before cerebum The 93. Chapter doth shew of the stringes that a mans stones doth hang by CRemasteres is the gréeke word Strings of the stones The Barbarus worde is named cremastres In Englishe it is the stringes wherby the stones of a man doth hange and they may haue impedimentes many waies The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either by strayning or by brosing or by some putrified humour A remedy ¶ Take the fatnesse of a Cony and anoynt the cod and the stones and than wrap the cod in a Conyes skin do this ix times and labour not for ix daies For crines looke in the Chapter named capillus For cronea looke in the Chapter named Oculus The .94 Chapter doth shew of a mans skin CVtis is the latin word In gréeke it is named chros or Derma In English it is a skin The Skin the which is in diuers men of diuers colours muche after the complexion of man for some hath white skins and some hath red skinnes and some hath blacke skinnes and some hath glase dankishe skinnes and some hath tanny skinnes and some hath grasse or gréenish skinnes The cause of this impediment These impedimentes doth come many waies First if the skin be white it doth come of fleume and if the skin be red it doth come of bloud and if the skin be blacke it doth come of blacke coler if the skin be tawny or glase it doth come of coler adusted if it be grasse or gréenish it doth come of melancholy and colde humours A remedy to mundify the skin The confection of Hamech is good to purge to clense the skin so is Trifera mustata or Diamorosion oile of beanes is good so is the oile of the yolkes of egges or the oyle of Iuneper the oyle of wheate or the oyle of ashe kayes The 95. Chapter doth shew of square wormes in a mās body CVcurbiti is the latin worde In English it is square wormes Wormes in a mans mawe and guttes The cause of these wormes These wormes cōmeth thorow corruptiō abūdāce of fleme A remedy Eate Garlike with meates dayly for ix daies and that doth kill all wormes in a mans body Aloes cicotrine is good to kil wormes so is wormeséed if it be vsed dronke with milke or malmesy For this matter looke in the Chapters named Lumbrici and Vermes The 96. Chapter doth shewe of imperfite digestion CRuditas is the latin word In greke it is named Apepsia In English it is named imperfite digestion Imperfite digestion or when a man doth egost his meate it doth come from him as he did eate it or doth sée the substance of it The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of intemperance of the ventricles of the stomake the belly or thorowe inflamacions or els an euil liuer may be she cause A remedy First purge the stomake with pilles of Cochée or such like vse to eate grene ginger Diagalanga is good for this matter so is Ipocras and Serke other odoriferous wines all maner of odoriferous sauours for this matter is good Thus endeth the letter of C. And here foloweth the letter of D. The .97 Chapter doth shew of a mans tooth DEus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Odons In English it is named a tooth A tooth A tooth is a sencible bone the which being in a liuing mans head hath féeling so hath none other bone in mans body therefore the tooth ache is an extreme payne The cause of this payne This payne doth come either by an humour discēding out of the head to the téeth or gūmes or it may come by coroding or eating of wormes or it may come of corrupcion lying being vpō betwixt the téeth or it may come by drinking of hot wines eating of hot spices or eating of hot appls peares and such like or it may come of a hote liuer or stomake A remedy First purge the head with pilles of Cochée vse gargarices And if it doxome of any cold cause chew in the mouth diuers times the rote of Horehound And if it come by wormes make a candel of waxe with Henbane séedes and light it let the perfume of the candle enter into the tooth gape ouer a dish of colde water than may you take the wormes out of the water and kill them on your naile the worme is little greater than the worme in a mans hand And beware of pulling out any tooth for pul out one pull out moe To mundifie the téeth wash them euerie morning with colde water and a litle Roch alome Dia is a notable worde in Gréeke and the Grecians hath vsed doth vse to set this word Dia before al their notable wordes as wel in Phisicke as musicke as it shall appeare in the Chapter of Musicke ¶ The 98. Chapter doth shewe of them that can not keepe their water but pisse as much as they do drinke In ordinat pissing DIabete is the greke word And some gréekes doth name it Dipsacos or Sipho The latines do name it Afflictio renum The barbarus men do name it Diabeitca passio In English it is named an immoderate pissing The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of imbecilitie of the raynes of the backe of the secret members of man or woman and it may come of caliditie or heat of the raynes the backe it may come of lecherie and of labour and such like A remedy First purge the matter with Manna and Cassia fistula And than drinke cold water by and by vomet it vp againe And than take of Coriander preparated of Spodium of Coral of Carabes of ech an vnce confect this with Whay and vse to drink of it diuers times in a day If it do come through imbecilitie or weakenes of the back vse Clary stewed with a crekerel or fry Clary dipt first in the yolkes of egges and vse restoratiue meates drinkes If it do come by weaknes
of a mans priuie member vse to eate in the morning ii or iii. rere egges put into them the pouder of red nettels suger If it do come of heate in the backe vse to anoynt the backe with the oyle of Newniser or the oile or iuyce of Sēgrine otherwise named Houseleke or such cold thinges The 99. Chapter doth shew of paine or dolour vvhat paine is DOlour is the latin word In gréeke it is named Lipe In Englishe it is named payne or dolour the which may be many waies as by sicknes of the body or disquietnes of a mans minde The cause of this payne Diuers times of great pleasure doth come great payne as we sée daylie that thorow ryot and so seting and sensualitie doth come diuers sickenesses Also with sport play taking great heat or taking of extreme colde doth ingender diseases payne Also for lacke of pacience many mens and womens mindes be vexed and troubled A remedy ¶ If a man will exchewe many paynes and dolours let him liue a sober life and distemper nor disquiet the body by any excesse or sensualitie And let him arme himselfe with pacyence euermore thanke god what soeuer is sent to man for if aduersitie doe come it is either sent to punish man for sin or els probaciō with sorow vse honest mirth good cōpany For Demoniaci loke in the secōd booke named the Fxtrauagāts The 100. Chapter doth shew of a mans Mydryffe DIaphragma is the greke word the latin word In english it is named the Mydryffe Mydriffe in a man the which is a grosse skinne or pannicle or musculles the which deceper the spirituall members from the nutrytiue members deuiding the heart the longes from the stomake bowels Isaacke doth saye that a pluryse is an hot impostume is ingendred in the Middriffe otherwise named Diaphragma for a remedy for this impostume looke in the chapter named Pluritres and in the Chapter named Apostenia ¶ The 101. Chapter doth shew of Flyxe or laske DIarthea is the gréeke word In latin is named Fluxus A flyxe In English it is named the flyxe The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of a salt malicious humour For this matter looke in the chap. named fluxus in the Extrauagāts A remedy Take of Suger roset made of drie roses of Trisādal of each an vnce and a halfe mixe this together eate it with meates or drinke it with drinkes but the best remedy that I could finde is to take thrée handfulls of sainct Iohns wort and as much of Plantaine and as much of Cressis and séeth this in a galon of rayne water or read wine to a pottel and straine it and put to it two vnces of the pouder of Synamon and drinke of this drinke warme Didimes be two little skinnes the which doth compasse the stones and doth hold them hanging thorow them certain veynes and artures doth passe by the which the séede of man is conduced to the yerde The 102. Chapter doth shew of rysinges or lyftings vp of the heart and brayne Rising of the heart braine DIastole is the gréeke word In English it is a rysing or lyfting vp of the herte or brayne The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of some euill humour the which doth passe or goe by the hart or brayne and doth cause them to moue from the humour And this a man may know by rising of the pulses A remedie Vse no contagious meates and drinks specially such meates and drinkes as be vaporous the which shuld perturbe either the hart or the brayne than sée that the belly be not constupated or costiue and vse Cordials dregges to break wind And in any wise beware of euill sauours and vse Aromatike fumes and sauours For Digma looke in the Chapters named Morfus ¶ The 101. Chapter doth shew of a mans digestion Digestion DIgestio is the latin word In gréeke it is named pepsis In English it is named digestion that is when a man hath dygested his meate that he hath eaten Egeistion is when the meate is digested and the grosse substance being in the mawe and guttes then must it néedes be egested and put forth if a mans dygestion be perfyt and good it doth cause health and if it be weke and vnperfyt it doth cause many infirmities The cause of weake digestion The weaknes of digestion either it doth come of debilitie of the stomake or els it may come of superabundance of vnnaturall fleume or els coler or to much calyditie or heat in the stomake may be the cause A remedy If vnnatural Fleume be the cause vse to eate of Diacitoniton And if it doo come of heat in the stomake vse Diarodon And if it doo come of Coler vse the sirupe of wormewod with Diaromata or Diarodon Also these things be good for the stomake that is weake First is Aromaticum rosatum Maius Dyambra Diaciminum and Diatriompiperion The .104 Chapter doth shew of the fyngers of man DIgitus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Dactile In english it is named a finger A finger A man may haue many impediments in the fingers as the goute and appostumacions the cramp and chappes and such like for these infirmities looke in theyr owne Chapters To make the handes and fingers to looke white ¶ Wash the hands twise or thrise a wéeke with water somwhat warme put to it wheten bran or the bran of Beanes and as it is specified in the Chapter named Pulchritudo The .105 Chapter doth shew of whesing and stopping of a mans nose DIsma is the latin word And some grekes doth name this infirmitie Cithomia In english it is named whesing vvhesinges The cause of this impediment ¶ This impedimēt doth come of viscous fleume the which is in the pipes or organs the mans breth doth enter in out and the wind doth enter straiter inward and outwarde A remedy ¶ For this matter a Ptisane is good preparatiue vsing it .xv dayes after the take pilles of Coche than vse Loc. de pino The .106 Chapter doth shew of a perilous Flyxe named the Disentery DIsenteria is the Gréeke word In latin it is named Exulceratio intestinorum In english it is named the discētery A flyxe or exulceracion of the guttes or vlceracion of the bowels the barbarous word is named Discenteria The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come either of vnnatarul coler either els of a salt fleume either of asperite of the bloud either of a melancoly humour or els by some appostumacion of the liuer either els by the recepts of euil medicines or els it doth come by vlceration in the bowels the which excoriate the guttes Also it may come of a great strayning of the body the which doth hurt the inward partes breaking a veine thorow the which vlceration of bloud doth issue from the body with the egestion of a
man or els it may come of coler melancoly than the egestion or séege will be blacke A remedy ¶ First beware of coldnes and of labour and vse not to eate of meates that be laxatiue or doth ingender ventositie Thā take of Ipericon otherwise named saint Iohns wort an hād full of Plantaine water iii. vnces or els of Plantaine leues iii. handfulls séeth this in rūning water and drink at morning noone and at night ix sponefulls Or els rost iii. or .iiii. egges vnto the time the yolkes be blewe hard thē crimble them into a pint of red wine and than put to an vnce of the pouder of Cynamon and boyle all together and than drinke it in the morning at noone and at night to bedward and doe this ix dayes and drinke but a little beware of posset ale milke butter and fruite The .107 chapter doth shew of him that can make no water One that can not pysse DIsuria is the gréeke word In latin it is named Difficultas mingendi In english it is named the disury which is whā a man or a womā that can not wel make water but with paine The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come many waies first it may come by the colike the stone or the grauel stopping the condites of the vryne or els an impostume or a lompe of a flesh may grow or be ingēdred in the condites of the vrine or els it may come of congelacion of bloud or of matter the which doth stop the condities of the vrine or else of long holding of the water A remedy First let euery man and woman beware of long holding of their water or cōstraining of their egestiō let the body be discharged that nature wold expell thā take the grece of a Cony anoint the backe the coddes the yerd If it be a woman let hir anoint the back priuie place And be it man or woman let them lay ouer their secrets a Conis skin for this matter these thinges be good Triacle the oyle of Balme the oyle of Scorpions Mitredatum Aurea Alexandrina so be it that with this sicknes a feuer be not cōcurrant with it and in this matter beware of costiuenes and euil dyet For Dipsacos looke in the Chapter named Diabetis The .108 Chapter doth shew of a mans backe DOrsum is the latin word In gréeke it is named Noton A mans backe In english it is named a backe the which may haue many infirmities as debilitie and weaknes curuitie gibbositie beside other infirmities in the raines of the back as Nehpresis and such like The cause of these impediments These impedimentes in the backe doth come either by nature or els they may come accidentally if it come by nature it doth come by kind if it do come by kind there is no remedy If it do come accidentally as by mischaunce or fortune or sicknes they may be holpen so be it that the infirmitie or the impediment be not veterated or of long continuance A remedy Clary is good for the back and the pilles named Pillule aggregate maiores Pillule de Serapino pillule de Oppoponaco And these oyles be good for the backe Oleum de piperibus Oleum vulpinū Oleum Philosophorū Cerotū andromachi is good And I haue proued these oyles to be good for the backe the oile of Nardine or the oyle of Alabaster and the oyle of water lillies in hot causes the oyle of popy is very good in cold causes the oyle of Lillies the oyle of Mastix or the oyle of musterd is good for the back Also vse scications and then anoynt the backe with the oyle of Lillies Diuramator is the latin word In english it is a pillicle or a skin the which is within a mans skul compasing the braine it may be perced and hurt and diuers times there is no ieopardy in it but for a more suretie take of colifony the weight of xii d of Mirre Aloes mastix of eche the weight of .iiii. d. of Sarcocol of Saffron of euery one the weight of .ii. d. cōpound them and insandle lay it ouer the place ¶ The .109 Chapter doth shew of knobbes and burres in the flesh DVbaleth is the Araby word The latins do name it Nodi In english it is named knottes knobbes knorres or burres Burres the which is in mans flesh or fatnes there be thrée kindes The one is hard and the other is loft and the other is indifferent but they be viscusly congelated if there come any matter out of it it is named in latin Millinus and if it he hard it is named Ingia The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of corrupt fleumatike humours the which be putrified the one taking the more and the other the lesse and the neuter consisteth in the middle A remedy First purge the matter with pilles of Hermodactils or with Pillule feride Thē excoriat the skin maturate the matter and than abstract them out with the instruments of Surgery and after that incarnate the place and so skin it and for this matter in the healing and skinning Melliote and water of Cresses and Hony is very good and so is Galbanum desolued in a little of the iuice of Fenell Thus endeth the letter D. And here foloweth the leter E. The 110. Chapter doth shew of dronkennesse EBrietas is the latin word In gréeke it is named Maethae Dronkennesse In English it is named dronkennes The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either by weaknes of the braine or els by some great hurt in the head or of to much riot A remedy If it do come by an hurt in the head there is no remedy but paciēce of al partes If it do come by debilitie of the braine head drinke in the morning a dish of milke vse a sirupe named Sirupus Acetosus de prunis vse laxatiue meates and purgations if néede do require beware of superfluous drinking specially of wine and strong ale and béere and if any man do perceiue that he be dronke let him take a vomit with water and oyle or with a fether or a Rose mary braunch or els with his finger or els let him go to his bed to sléepe The 111. Chapter doth shew of any swelling that is softe EDema is the greke word In latin it is named Eumor mollis In english it is named a swelling Svvelling the which is soft The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of abūdance of corrupt humours A remedie First maturate the matter and than either by incisions or els by Corosiues make an issue thē with tentes salues to make the impediments whole as it doth appere in the Chapter named Vulnus The 112. Chapter doth shew of a mans egestion EGestio or Sessum be the latin words In english it is named the egistion or sege Seege the which doth
come from man it is necessary when the meates the man doth eate be digested that then the grossnes of it be egested and by the egestion the Phisicion in sicke parsons hath a great noticion knowledge of mans infirmities many men be laxatiue costiue and some be indifferent For laxatiue men looke in the Chapters of Diarthea and Disenteria The cause of imperfite egestion Who so euer he be that doth eate little meate is a small drinker his egestion can be but little but they the which can eate their meate and doth lacke egestion can not long liue without infirmities A remedy for costiuenes First let no man restrayn his egestion when that he is prouoked to it And if he be constupated let him vse Suppositors or Clisters or some gentle purgacions as Mercury Polipody Sene Cassia fistula Turbithe Reuberbe Rapūtica Aloes cicotrine and such like and without councell of a doctour of Phisicke Beware of Colloquintida of Asaraby Opinum Scamony Catapuce Aloes oabalin Aloes epaticum and such like And let euery man beware specially weake men how that they do take any pilles or porcions of any ignorant person except he doe know how whan what time medicines specially purgations ought to be ministried A knowledge in egestion ¶ If the meate doe come from a man as in a maner he did eate it the stomake is weake and the bowels be lubricated and it is an euill signe If the egestion doe not stinke it is an euill sygne If the egestion do looke lyke the earth it is a signe of death If the egestion doe looke lyke leade it is an euill signe If the egestion be blacke as ynke it is an euil signe If the egestion be blacke and adusted and doth looke lyke shepes tretles there is abundance of coler adusted and payne in the splene If the egestion be yelow and eating no Saffron before the body is repleted with coler and cytrine water If the egestions haue straynes of blod there is impedimentes in the lyuer and in the bowels If the egestion be bluddish ther is vlceracion in the guttes If the egestiō looke lyke the shauing of guttes beware then of an extreme flyxe and debilitie of the body If a man be to laxatiue it is not good for in such persons can be no strength but much weakenes If a man be not costiue and can not haue a natural egestion once in a day he can not liue long without sicknesse The 113. Chapter doth shew of burning in the Sunne EFfilla is the latin worde In Englishe it is burning of the Sunne Sunne burning The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come thorow great heat of the sun A remedie Take the oyle of Tarter and anoynt the face For this matter looke in the Chapter named Pulchritudo The 114. Chapter doth shew of a kinde of leprousnes named the Elephansy ELephas or Elephantia be the greke wordes A kinde of leprousnes In latin it is named Cancer vniuersalis In English it is named the Elephancy or the Oliphant sickenes for an Oliphant is sturdy hath no ioyntes and whosoeuer that hath this kinde of Leprousnes can not moue his ioyntes and is stiffe wherefore he is bedred and can not helpe himselfe The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of a melancoly humour and may come of a grosse and viscus fleume A remedy First purge the cause with pilles of Fumitory or with Diacatholicon and then cotidially as the paciēt may beare vse stuphes wet and dry and exhaust no bloud and after the stuphes anoint the ioynts with the oyle of Turpentine and Netes foote oyle and vse Hiarodon abbatis There is an other infirmitie named Elephancia which is a swelling in the féete and legges and the cause doth come as the other Elephancy doth wherefore the matter must be first purged and after that vse cere clothes attractiue For Elmita looke in the Chapter named Lumbrici The 115. Chapter doth shew of the Conception of a childe Concepiō EMbria is the latin word In greke it is named Embricō In english it is a child cōceiued in the mothers body hauing not the perfect shape or liniments of a man or woman The cause of this matter The cause of this is carnall copulation betwixt man and woman To preserue this procreation looke in the Chapter named Conceptio Vse good meates and drinkes and let such women haue their lustes and beware of abhorsion The 116. Chapter doth shew of sicknesse EGritudo is the latin word In english it is named sickenes Sicknes there be many maner of sicknesses as it doth more largelyer appere in the Chapter named Morbus The cause of this sicknesses Sicknesses doth come many wayes as by surfeting euil dyet to company with infectuous people to eate drinke or colly with thē it may come by the punishmēt of god A remedy If god send the sicknes I know no medicine If it do come other wayes either it is hot or colde sicknesses If it be a hot sickenes vse the electuary of Roses If it be a colde sicknes vse Diacalamint anoynt the body with the oyle Benedict or with the oyle of Nardine If it doe come of a melancoly humour a decoction made of Epithemie is good For Emig●anes looke in the chapter named Hemigranea The 117. Chapter doth shew of spitting of foule corrupt matter EMpima or Empirema be the greke words In latin it is named Supputacio In English it is named a collection or a gathering together of filthy matter Fillthy matter in the brest vpon Diafragma spitting and coughing viscus and filthy fleume The cause of these impedimentes These impedimentes doth come of rume distilling from the head to the brest couering Diafragma A remedie First make a Ptisan with hoore hound and Enula campana rootes and Yspoe so forth after the comon making of a ptysaine and after that vse the pilles of Cochée and anoynt the brest with the oyle of Lawry mixt with butter For Enterocela looke in the Chapter named Ramex The 130. Chapter doth shew of spitting of bloud EMoptoica passio be the latin wordes In gréeke it is named Haemoptoicon pathos or Phthisis And the true latin word is named Tabes In english it is named spittīg of blud Spitting of bloud The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come thorow some vlcerous matter in the brest or in the lunges A remedy First if age time and strength will permit it let the pacient be let bloud in a veine named Sophena and abstract a little bloud out of Cephalica And then after that let them vse to eate milke or whay certaine times let thē eat Triacle let them the which hath this passion beware of great labour or lifting venerious actes or straining of thē selues let them vse to drinke the iuyce of the waters of Plantaine saint Iohns wort or vse Purslain to ●ate it or drink the
it is named in latin Ira dei some do name it Pedon and some do name it Iaracionem The cause of this infirmitie ¶ This infirmitie is engendred either of a reumatike humour or els of a grosse and a cold winde or else of a melancoly humour the which is bred in the hinder part of the head or else of euill humours abounding in the stomake the which doth vapour and fume vp to the braine opilating the v●t●l spirites Galen saith it is a cold humour the which doth epilate the celles of the brayne vnto the time that nature hath remoued the cause There be three kindes of the falling sicknesse the first is Epileptia the second is named Analepsia and the third is named Catalepsia They the which be enfected with Epilepsia in their falling shall fome at the mouth and this is the common falling sickenes and they the which hath Analepsia when they doe fall they shall defyle them selues and not fome at the mouth And they the which hath Catalepsia whether they be taken open eyed or halfe closed for the time they shall sée nothing as it shall appere in the Chapter named Catalepsis A remedy Vse the confection of Diamusti Tiriaca diatesseron Sirupus de sticades Acetum squiliticum Oximel squilliticum Also the oyntment of Philosopher be good for the thrée kindes of the falling sicknes and other while purge the matter with Yerahermetis and vse the diet as is specified in the Chapter named Analepsia ¶ The .123 Chapter doth shew of Pusshes and Wheales EPinictides is the greke word In latin it is named Pustula nocturna In english it is named a wheale A vvhele or a push which doth ryse in the skin the which is engēdred in the night The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of euill dyet or els of an euill humour procéeding from the liuer or drinking late or else of some venemous worme A remedy ¶ First refrayne for the occasion of it and touch not the matter and it will goe away within two dayes if you nyp or touch it for one wheale you shall haue two The 124. Chapter doth shew of eructuacions or belchinges ERuctuacio is the latin word In english it is named eructuacion or belching Belchinge The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of ventositie or of sower humours in the stomake A remedie If it do come of vētositie or fleume For it is good confectiō de acetosis If it do come of a sower humour in the stomake then is the confection of Galingale good Diaciminum and the simple Oximell squilit The 125. Chapter doth shew of inflamacions of the eyes EPiphora is the gréeke word Payne in the eyes In latin it is named Inflamacio oculorum In English it is named inflamacion of the eyes The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of some salt humour or els corrupt bloud myxt with reume A remedy First purge the head and after that vse gargarices and beware of eating of Garlike and Onions and such things as is not good for the eyes or head For Erisipulas looke in the Chapter named Herisipulas ¶ Eschara is the scabbe or crust that lyeth on a sore that commeth of burning made of some instrument by the industry of some Phisition or Chirurgion ¶ The 126. Chapter doth shew of a hard push or whele EScara or Essare or Essara be the latin words in gréeke it is named Aegineta or Epinictides in english it is named a hard push or a whele vvheles much like to stynging of a wasp or a hornet or a nettle some say it is the place that a man is burnt with a hot yron and not made whole The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of a salt fleumatike humour or else of adusted coller or melancoly A remedy ¶ Take of the leues of Colewortes thrée handfuls stamp it and temper it with hony and make a plaister and lay it to the place Or else take Corianders séedes in pouder and cōpound it with oyle Olyue and lay it to the place drinke this drinke Take of Sumacke halfe an vnce séeth it in rayn water or in white wine and drinke it warme For Esthisis looke in the Chapter named Sensus The 127. Chapter doth shew of an infirmitie corrupting the flesh finewes and the bones Putrifying of the fleshe EStiomenus is the latin worde In Araby it is named Esthiominos In english it is whē the flesh the sinewes and the bones be putrified or corrupted And here it is to be noted that these infirmities named Cancrena and Aschachilus be gradiant or concurrant with this aforsayd infirmitie For Cancrena is a way to Aschachilo Aschachilus is away to Esthiominos The cause of this impediment This impedimēt doth come of a corrupt melācoly humor or els it doth come of some venemous matter corruptīg the flesh A remedy ¶ In this matter must be vsed Cauterisations and to clense the place or places the water the which doth deceuer golde from siluer then vse the medicines the which be in the chapter named Escara In this matter a dyet must be vsed the pacient must refraine from contagious meates drinkes as new ale new béere hot wines new bread except it be .xxiiii. hours hold Also the pacient must eate no fresh béefe nor no maner of waterfoules be they wilde or tame or if they doe vse the water with vnclouen féet Also Eles fresh Samon shel fishes as Oysters crabbes Crauices such like Also dogge fish Ray Thornebacke such like be good for any man that hath this impediment or any other sicknesse dysease and beware of venerious actes and looke that they bée laxatiue and costiue that hath this infirmitie or disease For Etica passio looke in the Chapter named Febria hectica The 128. Chapter doth shew of strertyng in a mans sleepe EXpergifactio sompni be the latin words Sterting in the sleepe In english it is sterting in or out of a mans sléepe sodenly The cause of these impedimentes This impediment doth come of a melancoly humour or els of an angery or a fearefull heart or els of a pēcifull mynde or a fearefull dreame A remedy ¶ For this matter is nothing so good beside god as is the cōfection of Muske and otherwhyle vse Secamabine and beware in any wise to lye vpright and not to go to bed with a full stomake and if the pacient do grone in the sléepe awake him leysurably ¶ The 129. Chapter doth shew of wheles or pushes EXanthemata is the greeke word The Masels and the smal pockes In Latin it is named Tumores puscule in cute And there be thrée kindes named in latin Morbilli vatiole Mentagra morbilli is named in english the Maselles Variole in english is named the small pockes for Mentagra looke in the Chapter named Lichim The cause of these impedimentes These impedimentes may come of corruption of the bloud it
to the woman a purgation or els two purgacions as she is of strength able to bere it Then make a suffumigation after this maner Take of Malowes thrée handfulles of March of Camomyl of eche of them two handfuls of Fenugreke thrée vnces séeth al these together in a galō a halfe of fayre water and the water being séething hot let the woman sit ouer it in a close chayre or stoole halfe an houre and more after let that the Midwife doo hir dewty The 154. Chapter doth shew of stench or euill sauour that may come out of a mans mouth or nose or the arme holes FEtor oris or fetor narium or fetor assellarium Sinking breath be the latin wordes In English it is named stench of the mouth stench of the nosethrylles and stench of the arme holes The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come diuers wayes if it do come out of the mouth or nosethrylles either it doth come out frō the head or stomake or by some rotten to the if it do come from the arme holes it doth come of ranknes of bloud A remedy Vse euery morning and after meate to eate foure cloues and kepe one cloue in the mouth and clense the bloude as it doth appere in the Chapter named Sanguis looke specially in the Chapter named Anhelitus The 155. Chapter doth shew of fleume FLeuma is the greke word flegma is the latin word In English it is named Fleume fleume the which is a natural humour in man how be it it is but an humour halfe decocted and there be foure kindes of Fleume The first is natural fleume which is dulset or swéete and natutal it is cold and moist but for as much as this fleume which is swéete grée for grée is hot moist like the Ayre therfore out of fleume is bloud deriued The second fleume is named salt fleume the which is dry and is corrupt with coler The third is tart or sower the which is cold and dry and corrupted with Melancoly The fourth is vitrious or glassy the which is ingendred of to much cold and of congulacion of Melancoly The cause of this fleume Aristotle sayth that fleume is the superfluitie of meates that is not digested And I do say that fleume is substance of the meates and drink that be digested of the which is engendred bloud which is the lyfe of man for without bloud no man can lyue A remedy Yeralogodion doth purge fleume and so doth pilles of Turbyth or pilles of Euforbium or pilles of Sarcocol or pilles of Coloquintida pillule Stomatice or pilles of Serapyne doth purge diuers fleumes pilles of Coche doth purge the head and the stomake the Sirupe of Fumitory doth purge grosse and viscus fleume a decoction of Alhasce is good for all fleumatike men let al Fleumatike persons beware of eating of raw aples of cold taking in their féete and of late drinking late sitting vp let them not rise to early in the morning for they must haue much sléepe ¶ The .156 Chapter doth shew of an impostume named Flegmon Apostūe FLegmon is the greke word In latin it is named Apostema calidum or Perticulare in English it is named an impostume or an inflaciō ingendred in a perticuler place and it is very hot and burning and doth swelll The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of abūdance of corrupt bloud or else of a melācoly humour if it do come of abūdance of corrupt bloud it is named Herisipula if it do come of melancoly it is named Sephitos which is an intollerable payne A remedy For both of these matters phlebothomy purgatiōs is good if strēgth age the time will permit it And after the if it doe come of Melācoly take of oyle Oliue an vnce of whetē brā an handfull cōpound both together make a plaister purge the matter with pilles of Inde with Pillule Lucis of both kindes the pilles made of the Lazule stone pilles Sebely And if it do come of abundance of corrupt bloud vse the cōfection of Anacardine make a plaister with the white of v. egges of the oyle of roses with tow make a playster The 157. Chapter doth shew of Chappes in a mans body FIssura is the latin word In English it is named a chap or chappes Chappes being in the lippes tongue hāds féete of a man The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of a dry humour of a march wind or els of some other hot cause or hot windes A remedy Take of the oyle of swéete Almons an vnce and anoint the place And any of these thinges folowing is good the pouder of the rines of pome Garnades the mary of a Calfe or of a Hart the fatnes of a Capon goose or ducke and such like ¶ The .158 Chapter doth shew of a Fystle FIstula is the latin word In gréeke it is named Seruix Fystle In English it is named a fistel the which is a corrupt appostumaciō in a veyne or a fistle is an vlceratiō long straight and most commonly it will be in a mans foundement The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie is ingēdred either by a wound or a sore or by corruptiō of some euil humours it may come by nature A remedy First open the orifice of the Fystle then mūdifie it with white wine in the which seth two vnces of the pouder of Yreos or els mūdifie it with the iuice of Plantaine which Boole armoniake or els take of Aristology that is roūd of Phētaphilō of ech an vnce make pouder of them mix the pouder with Hony thē make tentes and put them in to the Fystle and thā take the egestion of a man burne it make pouder of it and with the pouder of pepper lay the substance ouer the Fystle Also vnguentum egipciacum doth mūdifie a fistle Yeralogodion rufie doth purge the matter Diaphenicō doth make whole the infirmitie and the oyle of egges is good Fistula cimbalaris is a pype in the throte the which doth moliorate a mans voyce or brest The 159. Chapter doth shew of a sicknes named ficus in Ano. FIcus in ano be the latin wordes In english it is named a figge A figge in a mans foundemēt for it is a postumacion like a figge or a lumpe of flesh in the longacion like a figge And some men say it is a lumpe of flesh like a figge growing in the longacion which is in the foundement The cause of this infirmitie This impediment doth come of a melancoly humour the which doth discend to the longacion or fundement A remedy First purge the matter with the confection of Hameke or with the pilles of Lapides lazule or with Yera ruffini than take of the pouder of a dogges hed burnt mixt it with the iuice of Pimpernel and make tentes
and Ephar Thus endeth the letter of H. And here beginneth the letter of I. The 186. Chapter doth shew of a winde vnder the skin IEctigacio is the latin word In english it is named a winde vvinde the which may be in many members of man specially most commonly it is vnder the skin The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a vaprous vētositie or wind intrused vnder the skin and can not get out it may also be in many other members A remedy The remedy of this infirmitie doth much rest in the rectificacion of digestion that is to say the meate the which a man doth eate be not of ventositie ingendring winde and than vse purgations scarificaciōs boxing flebothomy stuphes And for this matter the medicines the which doth serue in the Chapter named Tromos is good for this impediment The 187. Chapter doth shew of a sicknes named saint Antonyes fyer IGr●s sancti Anthonij Ignis persicus and Pruna be the latin words In English it is named saint Anthonyes fyer Saint Anthonis fyer they be like wheales the which doth burne as fyre howebeit Ignis persicus or saint Antonyes fyer is not so vehement as is the infirmitie named Pruna for Pruna is more grosser greater and doth burne more then doth saint Anthonyes fyer The cause of this impediment ¶ This impediment doth come of the corruption of bloud or of coller adusted A remedie Take of houselike two handfuls stamp it and mix it with the iuice of Plantaine make a plaister of it and lay it to the place infected or els take of the iuice of Smalage halfe a pint of the bran of Barly thrée handfuls mixe this together with a little Hony and make a plaister or els take of ducks meat which be little gréene things the which doth lye vpon water thrée handfuls of Violet leues an hādfull stamp this together with a little of the oyle of Roses make a plaister For Ignis sacer looke in the Chapter named Heresipulas The 188. Chapter doth shew of puffing or swelling of the flesh IOterus is the gréeke word Bilis is the latin word Svvelling Celsus doth name it Aurigo some latins doth name it Arquatus In english it is named a puffing or a swelling in the flesh puffing vp the skin as one were poisoned or stonge with some venemous worme or beast some grekes sayth that Icterus is he the which hath any of the hernyes in the codde looke in the Chapter named Hernia The cause of this infirmitie ¶ This infirmitie doth come of a corrupt and venemous humour A remedy First take of Triacle or els of mitridatū .iiii. or .v. times thā take easy purgations as the pacient is able to receiue after the vse Seuphes bathes flebothomy as nede shall require For Illica passio looke in the Chapter named Cordapsis ¶ The 189. Chapter doth shew of the kindes of Scabbes and Rynge wormes A kinde of ring vvormes IMpetigo is the latin word and some latins do name it Zerna or Zerma this sicknes doth differ in the more and lesse the Grekes doth name this sicknesse Lichin the Barbarus word is named Lechena In english it is named roughnesse of the skin or scabbes in the skin and ther be two kindes the one is a dry scabbe and the other is wet or an vlcerous scabbe named in english a Ring worme or being of the force The cause of these infirmities These infirmities doth come vnder this maner First by lying with any scabious person by euill drinkes drinking eating of euil and naughty meates diuers times it doth come after a greate sicknes And if the scabbes be dry it doth come of melancoly if they be wet water issuing out of them it doth come of putrified fleume or els of corrupt blud A remedy First if it be dry scabbes purge melancoly with Pillule lucis Pillule Indie And if it do come of the corruption of blud or putrified fleume purge the body with pills stomaticke Pilles of Sarcocol pilles of Serapion after the anoint the boby with the oyle of Tarter or els take of dock roots .iii. or .iiii. hādfuls bruse thē séeth thē in vineger wash the body or els take of the pouder Yreos thrée or .iiii. vnces of the bran of beanes two handfuls myx this with hony white wine wash the body Or els this is the best to kill all kindes of scabes take of the oyle of Bay thrée vnces mixe it with an vnce of mortified Mercury the which is mortified with fasting spittle and anoint the body thrée times the oyle of egges and the sirupe of Fumitory is good for this infirmitie And for this matter looke in the Chapter Psora and Scabies and Lichen For Incubus looke in the Chapter named Ephialtes ¶ The .190 Chapter doth shew of incisions or cuttinges INcisio is the latin word In English it is named incision or cutting Ther be diuers incisiōs or cuttings Incision or cutting as cutting of a mans arme or legge or any other perticuler member but the very true incision doth belong to the cutting out of stones of a mans body or els of cutting of ruptures or herneyes and other impediments in the belly some saith letting of bloud in a veine or cupping or boxing be incisions For this matter looke in the Chapter named Flebothomia For Intestina looke in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this booke For Incendium ignis looke in the chapter named Cumbustio ¶ The 191. Chapter doth shew of inflasions or swillenges INflacio is the latin word In english it is named an inflacion Inflacion or swelling or bolling or rising of humors in the flesh The cause of this impediment THis impediment doth come or is ingēdred many waies as by rumatike humours corruption of bloud or by the admixtion of euill humours And where many doctours in phisicke doth hold diuers opinions in this infirmitie saying that inflacions doth differ from Apostumacions considering that all inflations doth appeare exterially and Apostumacions most commonlie be interiall I do say al inflacions and Apostumacions be nuters for they may be as wel exterial as interiall A remedy Take of the dung of a Gote thrée vnces of Yreos two vnces make pouder of it compound this together with clarified hony and make a plaister take an easy purgation made of the coddes of Sene or els take of Cassia fistule two drams or seth of Polipody thrée drames in stale ale clarified and stampe it and drinke it For Intellectus looke in the Chapter named Memoria The .192 Chapter doth shew of suppression of a mans body Stopping of vvater ISchuria is the greke word In latin it is named Suppressio vrine In english it is named suppression of vrine that is to say that when a man would pisse and can not The cause of this impediment ¶ This impediment doth come many wayes either by
the latin words Dipilcicion In Greke it is named legos thalasios In English it is named depilacion of a mans haire which is to say hauing haire before in the head no haire behinde for the heare of the sea hath no haire on the hinder part for this matter looke further in the chapter named Capilli in the second booke named the Extrauagātes in the end of this booke And some doth name this sicknes a watrish scabbe that runneth abroad some doth take it for a kind of vometing looke in the Chapter named Lepus marinus in the Extrauagantes in the end of this booke The 202. Chapter doth shew of a webbe rooted in the eye LEncomata or Lencoma is the Greke worde as some doe say In English it is a webbe A vvebbe the which is rooted in vpon the eye or eyes The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie is engēdred of a viscus humour or rume and it may come of a strype or some great broose A remedie For this matter purge the head and the stomake with the pilles of Cochée vse Gargarices and after that vse Colices but I would counsel euery man not to meddle with it if it be veterated and olde c. The .203 Chapter doth shewe of a kinde of Leprousnes named Leonia LEonia is the greke word A kinde of Leprusnes In english it is named the Lions prosperitie for this word is deriued out of Leo leonis which is in English a Lyon for as the Lyon is most fearcest of all other beasts so is the kinde of Leprousnes most worst of al other sicknesses for it doth corode and eate the flesh to the bones and the flesh doth rot away The cause of these infirmities This infirmitie doth come either by kinde or els a child conceiued when the mother is menstrumous it may come also of putrified coller and melancoly A remedie If this infirmitie do come by nature or kind or by any menstrous humour there is not remedy but onely God and pacience If it doe come of a venemous humour as a melācoly humour or such lyke purge the humour as it is specified in the Chapter named Melancolia and vse stuphes bathes and purgations vse the diet the medicines as is specifyed of Lignum vite or Guaicum and beware of grosse meates eating and of repletion The 204. Chapter doth shew of vnperfite digestion and egestion Imperfect digestion LIenteria is the greke word In latin it is named Leuor In english it is named the lientery or imperfit digestiō which egestion doth differ from Colerica passio from Catastropha as it doth appeare in their Chapters The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of lubricitie of slyding of the meate out of the stomake the mawe and guttes without perfect decoction or digestion A remedy Drinke of raine water v. or vi draughts in a day or els take of water cresses stamp thē drinke the iuice of it with the iuce of plantain or els take of plantaine thrée handfuls of saint Iohns wort thrée hādfuls of Cresses as many hādfuls seth this in a galō of raine water or a galō of red wine to a potell or more than straine it put to it .ij. vnces of the pouder of Cinamon and drinke of it diuers tymes The 205. Chapter doth shew of blere eyes LIptitudo is the latin word in english it is named blere eies Blere eyes which is whē the vnderlid of the eye is subuerted Rasis doth say the Liptitudo is whē the white of the eye is turned to rednes The cause of this impediment ¶ This impediment doth come of a salt humor or of super-abundance of rume with corruption of bloud A remedy First purge the head as it doth appere in the Chapter named Caput vse daily gargarices sternutaciōs and wash the eyes oft with colde water and a fine linnen cloth and to bedwarde anoint the eyes diuers times with Tutty and than wash them in the morning with cold water For Ligmos looke in the Chapter named Singultus The 206. chapter doth shew of the kindes of Scabbes LIchem is the greke word Lichena is the barbarus word In latin it is named Zerna or Impetigo some doth name it Mentagra some greciās doth name it Psora For this matter looke in the Chapter of the aforesayd names But Psora in greke is taken for one of the kindes of leprousnes which is a perilous sicknes is infectious so be al maner of kindes of scabbes Scabbes wherfore I do aduertise al maner of persōs the which be infected not to ly in bed with these infirmities or any other disease like as the pestilēce the sweating sicknes or any of the kindes of the ague or feuers or any of the kinds of the falling sicknesse such like and Mentagra is ingendered of a grosse melancoly humour For Liena looke in the Chapter named Splen The .207 Chapter doth shew of a mans splene LIen is the latin word Splen is the greke word The splene In english it is named a splen the which doth lye on the left side doth make a man to laugh the which may haue diuers impedimēts as it doth more plainly appere in the Chapter named Splen great study long writing pēcifulnes thought care doth hurt the splen and honest mirth with honest company doth comfort the splene so doth all redolent odiferous sauors For Limphaticarom looke in the second booke named the Extrauagantes The 208. Chapter doth shew of a mans tongue LIngua is the latin word In gréeke it named Glossa or Glotra In english it is named a tongue A tongue The tongue of man is an instrument or a member by the which not onely tasting but also the knowledge of mans mynd by the speaking of the tongue is brought to vnderstāding the reasō may know the truth frō the falshood so conuerse The tongue is the best and the worst official member in man why and whefore I do remit the matter to the iudgement of the readers But this I do say the the tongue may haue diuers impedimēts beside slaundering lying the which is the greatest impedimēt or sicknes of al other diseases for it doth kil the soule without repentance I passe ouer this matter and will speake of the sicknesses which may be in mās tongue the which may swel or els haue fissures or wheales or carnelles or the Palse The cause of these infirmities ¶ If the tongue do swell it doth come of the corruption of bloud or els of superabundance of rume or euil diet as sur●●ting c. A remedy If it do come of corruption of bloud exhaust two or thrée vnces of bloud as age and strength wil permit it with time conuenient then purge the head with pilles of Cochée and vse gargarices If it do come of rume take of the iuice of night shad
otherwise named Solatrum let the pacient holde in his mouth as long as he may v●spōefuls one after an other If it do come of a palsey it doth come of a great anger or feare or els of extreme colde or els of drinking of to much wine drinking of euill drinks of sundry brewings some good some badde some newe some stale and it may come of eating of euil meates vse therefore diuers times to lay a graine of Castory vpon the tongue and refraine from such things as may be the occasion of this sicknes rehearsed If there be fissures in the tongue or chappes it doth come of some colerike humour which doth cause ariditie and driues of the tongue for such matters vse mellilote moyst thinges If ther be wheales in the tongue it doth come of surfeting and keping of euill dyet drinking late of hot wines strong ale and it may come of heat in the stomake for this matter first vse good dyet and than purge the head and vse of Gargarices with sternutacions For Lipothomia looke in the Extrauagants in the ende of this booke The .207 Chapter doth shew of the stone in the bladder LIthiasis is the gréeke word in latin it is named Calculus in vesica and Lapis is taken for al the kindes of the stones The stone In english Lithiasis is the stone in the bladder And some doth say that Nefresis is the stone in the raines of the backe therfore looke in the Chapter named Nefresis The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either by nature or els by eating of euill viscus meats and euill drinkes as thick ale or béere eating broyled fryed meates or meates that be dried in the smoke as bacon martinmas béefe red herring sprottes salt meates crustes of bread or pasties and such like A remedy If it do come by nature ther is no remedy a man may mittigate the paine breake the stone for a time as shal be rehersed If it do come accidentally by eating of meates the wil ingender the stone take of the bloud of an Hare put it in an earthen potte and put therto thrée vnces of Saxafrage rootes and bake this together in an ouen than make pouder of it and drinke of it morning and euening For this matter this is my practise first I doe vse a dyet eatting no newe breade except it be .xxiiii. hours olde I refuse Cake-bread Saffron breade Rye bread leuen bread Cracknels Simnels al maner of crustes thā I do drink no new ale nor no maner of béere made with hoppes nor no hot wines I doe refraine frō flesh fishe which be dried in the smoke and from salt meates shel fishes I do eate no grosso meats nor burned fishe nor flesh thus vsing my self I thanke God I did make my selfe whole and many other but at the beginning whē I went about to make my selfe whole I did take the pouder following I did take of Brome séedes of percilie seedes of Saxafrage séedes of Gromel séedes of either of thē an vnce of Iete stone a quarter of an vnce of date stone as muhe of egge shelles that chekin hath laine in the pith pulled out halfe an vnce make pouder of all this drinke half a sponefull morning and euening with posset ale or whyte wine Also the water of hawes is good to drinke For Lumbe looke in the Extrauagāts in the end of this booke The 210. Chapter doth shew of obliuiousnes LEthargos is the Greke worde And some Grecians doth name it Sirsen The barbarous men doth name it Litergia In latin it is named Lethargia or Obliuio In english it is named obliuiousnes Obliuiousnes or forgetfulnes The cause of this impediment ¶ This impediment doth come thorow cold rume the which doth obnebulate mans memory and doth lye in the hinder part of a mans head within the scull or brayne panne A remedy First if néede require vse Flebothomy and aboue al things marke or sée that the body be not constupated or costiue but laxatiue and vse gargarices and other while vomites and anoynt the head with the oyle of Castory and the oyle of Roses compound with Aceto squilitico let such men hauing this impedimēt beware of drinking to much strong drinks as wine and ale and eating of Garlike Léekes Onions and such like The 211. Chapter doth shew of a skurfe in all the body LVce or leuci be the gréeke words In latin it is named Vitiligo In English it is named a scurfe Skurfe in all the body The cause of this infirmitie This infirmity doth come of a colerick melancoly humour A remedy For this matter I do take iii. vnces of bores grece the skins pulled out thē I do put to it an vnce of the pouder of oister shels burnt of the pouder of brimstone iii. vnces of Mercury mortified with fasting spettle cōpound al this together anoint the body .iii. or iiii times take an easie purgation For Lugia looke in the Chapter named Dubaleth The .212 Chapter doth shew of long white wormes in ones belly Lumbrici is the latin word In gréeke it is named Elmitha In English it is named long white wormes Wormes in the maw stomake and guttes The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of superabundance of fleumaticke humours A remedy If any mā wil take a Plow mans medicine the best medicine for these wormes al other wormes in mās body let him eate Garlike For this matter looke further in the Chapters named Vermes in Affarides and in Cucurbiti The 213. Chapter doth shew of Lunatike men women LVnaticus is the latin word In English it is named for a lunatike persō the which wil be rauished of his wit ones in a moone for as the moone doth change is variable so be those persons mutable and not constant witted The cause of this impediment This impediment may come by nature kind then it is vncurable or els it may come by a great feare or study A remedy First be not solitary nor muse not of studious or supernatural matters vse mery company vse some mery honest pastime be not long fasting vse warme meates and drinke wel to bedward to make or to prouoke slepe slepe not in the day and vse the medicines which be in the Chapters named Memoria Sensus and Anima The 214. Chapter doth shew of intemperance LVxus is the latin word In greke it is named Asotia In english it is named intēperance Intemperance Tēperance is a morall vertue worthie to be praised cōsidering that it doth set al vertues in a due order Intēperāce is a great vice for it doth set euerie thing out of order wher ther is no order ther is horror And therfore this word Luxus may be takē for al kinds of sēsuality the which can neuer be subdued wtout the recognisiō
wayes it may come by lying in the shetes or bed ther where a pocky person hath the night before lien in it may come with lying with a pocky person it may come by sitting on a draught or sege ther wher a pocky person did lately sit it may come by drinking oft with a pocky persō but specially it is taken when one pocky person doth sinne in lecherie the one with an other All the kindes of the pockes be infectious A remedy Take the grece of a bore that skin clene picked out the weight of a pound of the pouder of brimstone iii. vnces of pouder of oyster shels .ii. vnces of verdigrece the weight of xii d. the inward barke of the braunches of a vine .v. vnces thā stamp al this together in a morter anoint the body specially as nigh the sores as one may thē lay the person in a bed cast clothes inough ouer him let him swete .xx. or xxiiii houres do this iii. times in ix dayes after that take an easy purgation take of the water of Plantaine halfe a pynte of Mercury sublimated the weight of viii d of Roch Alom halfe an vnce make pouder of it and mixe all together and with a fether anoint that places Or else take of Turpentine wel washed an vnce of Leterge of burnt Alome of ech an vnce myxe this together than take two vnces of the fatnes of a gote or a kydde anoynt the places Or els take of fresh butter an vnce a half of Barowes grece halfe a pound of olde Treacle an vnce of Metridatum halfe an vnce of quicke siluer mortified the weight of vi grotes of Lyterge and salte of eche halfe an vnce myxe all this together and make an oyntment The 238. Chapter doth shew of the Morphewe MOrphea is the latin worde In English it is named the Morphewe And there be two kindes of the Morphewe the white Morphewe and the blacke Morphew Morphew The white Morphewe is named Alboras for it looke in the chapter named Alboras The cause of this infirmitie ¶ These infirmities doth come by default of the nutritius vertue or by vsing venerious actes in youth A remedie ¶ If the place be pricked and will not bléede the Morphewe is not curable If it do bléede take of Rapes of Roket of eche an vnce and a halfe stampe it with Vynegre and after that washe the place Or els take of a Cowe horne burne it and with Vineger wash the place or els take earth of Affrick and mixe it with Vineger and wash the place oft The 239. Chapter doth shew of an impediment in the browes and the eares MOrus is the latin word In english it is named a more A More or a little lumpe of flesh the which doth grow in the browes or eares or in any mans foundemēt or other places it doth differ from Veruca which is a wart as it doth appeare more plainly in the Chapter named Acrocordones The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of a grosse superfluous humour of corruption of bloud and of coller adusted A remedy Take of shéepes doung an vnce bray it with Hony a little of vineger make a plaister or a suppositor or a tent Or els take of Rue an vnce Salt peter halfe an vnce bray this together and make a plaister Oo els pare as depe of the matter as the pacient may suffer drope then vppon the place red waxe as one will do to an agnell The 240. Chapter doth shew of a monster MOnstrum is the latin word In greke it is named Teras In english it is named a monster A mōste● or a thing to be wondred of that is to say to sée a man to haue two heades or two thombes or six fingers on one hand or to lack leggs or armes or any other member and was so borne or any thing that is disfourmed is a Monster The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either of abundance of nature or els of little nature it may come by the vengeance of God or by vnnaturall copulacion betwixt man woman or to meddle with any vnresonable beast of one kinde to cople with any other beast of a contrary kinde A remedy In this matter God must onely remedy it and folow the councell of sainct Paule saying Masculus super feminam in timore Dei This is to vnderstand betwixt man and wife the which may lefully and lawfull vse the act of matrimony and other persons can not do so without deadly sin beasts to vse them selues contrary to their kind I do couple thē together vnreasonable to reasonable vsing not reason The 241. Chapter doth shew of byting or stinging of a venemous worme MOrius is the latin word In greke it is named Digma In English it is named a byting Byting the which may come many wayes as by biting of an Adder or stinging of a Scorpion Snake or Waspe pissing of a Tode or Spider such like the venim of all the which may hurt man The cause is shewed A remedy First take a sponge and put it in hot water and wring out the water and lay it hot to the place do thus diuers times than cuppe the place and after that make a playster of Triacle and lay it to the place And for the stinging of a waspe or bée or Hornet put ouer the place colde Stele The 242. Chapter doth shew of a woman MVlier is the latin word In greke it is named Gyuy In english it is named a woman A vvomā first when a woman was made of god she was named Virago because she did come of a man as it doth appere in the second chapter of Genesis Furthermore now why a woman is named a womā I wil shew my mynde Homo is the latin word and in english it is as well for a woman as for a man for a woman the silables conuerted is no more to say as a man in wo set wo before man and then it is woman and well shée may be named a woman for as much as she doth beare children with wo and paine and also she is subiect to man except it be ther where the white mare is the better horse therefore vt homo non canter cum cuculo let euery man please his wife in all matters and displease hir not but let hir haue hir owne wil for that she will haue whosoeuer say nay The cause of this matter ¶ This matter doth spring of an euil education or bringing vp and of a sensual and a peruerse minde not fearing God nor worldly shame A remedie Phisicke can not helpe this matter but onely God great sicknes may subdue this matter Vt mulier non cocat cum alio viro nisi cum proprio c. Beleue this matter if you will ¶ Take the gale of a Gote and the gal of a Wolfe mixe thē together put to it the oyle
impedimēt doth come of a filthy euil humor the which doth come frō the braī hed ingēdred of rume corrput blud A remedy In this matter rume must be purged as it doth appere in the chapter named Reuma than picke not the nose nor touch it not except vrgent causes causeth the contrary vse gargarices sternutacions I will coūsell no man to vse vehemēt or extreme sternutacions for perturbating the braine Gentle sternutacions is vsed after this sort First a man rising from slepe or coming sodēly out of a house loking into the elemēt or sun shal nese twise or thrise or els put a straw or a rish into the nose tickle the rish or straw in the nose it will make sternutacions the pouder of pepper the pouder of Eliborus albus snuft or blowen into the nose doth make quicke sternutacions But in this matter I do aduertise euery mannot to take to much of these pouders at a time for troubling the second principall member which is the braine they the which will not nese stop the nosethriles with the fore finger the thombe vpon the nose not with in the nosethrils and if they would they can not nose all maner of medicines notwithstanding how be it I would counsell all men taking a thing to prouocke such matters to make no restrictions Thus endeth the letter of O. And here foloweth the letter of P. The 265. Chapter doth shew of an impostume the which may be in the fingers and in the nayles of man PAn●●ticium is the latin word In english it may be an impostumacion in the fingers the nailes of a mans hand and some doth saye it is a white flawe vnder the naile The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of an hot colericke humour A remedie ¶ Take of the oyle of Roses an vnce of the oile of Henbane halfe an vnce of Vineger thrée sponefuls incorporate this together and anoynt the fingers and the nailes or els anoynt the nailes with eare waxe The 266. Chapter doth shew of Fracles in ones face Fracles PAnnus is the latin word In english it is named an impediment in the face specially in the face of a woman when she is with childe this impediment is like a sicknesse named Lentigi or Lentigo The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either by heat of the sunne or by heate the which doth fume from the liuer the stomake A remedie First anoynt the face with the oyle of sower Almons and vse to drinke oft of whay the which doth come of chéefe Or els take shepes dunge and bray it with Vineger and to bedward anoynt the face vi or vii nightes For Panus perteyning to the eye looke in the Chapter after Peripneumonia The 267. Chapter doth shew of a womans labour or deliuering Labour vvith childe PArtus is the latin word in Gréeke it is named Tocos In english it is named when a woman is redy to be deliuered the which deliuerance is very hard with many women and doth put them in ieopardy of their liues The cause of this matter The cause why it is more harder payne ieoperdy with one woman than with an other whē they should be deliuered is the one woman is not so strong of cōplexion as an other womā is peraduenture the childe is turned in the mothers body that the head doth not come first then there is great perill A remedy If the head of the childe do not come forth first the midwife than must turne the chyld that the head may come forth first let the midwife anoint hir hand with the oyle Oliue Also if the woman be in extreme labour let hir take the iuice of Diptany a drame with the water of Fenugreke or els take of Serapine an vnce drinke it at thrée times with the water of Cheries kepe the woman moderately in a temperate heat The .268 Chapter doth shew of inflacions in the eare Inflacions of the eares PAristhomia is the greke word In latin it is named Tonsille or Inflacions aureum In English it is named inflacions of the eares The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of superabundance of corrupt bloud or els of rume or els of some hurt A remedy First be let bloud in a veyne named Cephalica than vse gargarices and sternutacions and vse pilles of Cochée put into the eare with wol the oyle of Béen I do not speake of the oyle of Benes but an oyle made of Béen the which the Poticaries hath vse for this matter the medicines the which shal be most conuenient specified in the Chapter named Aures For Perocela looke in the chapter named Ramex or Ramicer The 269. Chapter doth shew of Cornels about or behind the eares PArotides is the greke word In latin it is named Inflaciones In english it is named Cornels Cornels about the eares The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of hot blud or of a bilous humour otherwhile it doth come of a melancoly humour A remedy First be let bloud of a veyne named Cephalica if so be that age and strength will permit it with a conuenient time As for any other local medicines or plaisters I aduertise al persones not to smatter to much with the impediment for it will were away by it selfe The 270. Chapter doth shew of a white flaw PErioniche is deriued out of two words of greke of Peri A vvhite flavve which is to say about Onix which is to say a nayle which is an impostume about the naile I do take it for a white flawe or such like some do name it Paronichius The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a venemous humour sodenly ingendred vnder or about the naile A remedy As I did say in the Chapter named Noma that I would not counsell a man for euery trifeling sicknes to go to phisick or Chirurgery let nature operate in such matters in expulsing such humours and meddle no further The 271. Chapter doth shew of the kindes of Palseis PAralisis is the greke word In latin it is named Dissolucio In English it is named the palsey The palsey and there bée two kindes the one is vniuersall and the other perticuler The vniuersall Palsey doth take halfe the body either the right syde or the left syde And what side soeuer is taken the sayde sicknes doth take away halfe the memory the one eye is dimme and halfe the speche or all is taken away the one legge and the one arme is benummed or astoned that they can not do their office and the proper name of this palsey amongest the Gréekes is named Hemiplexia and some gréekes and latins doth name it Simeapoplexis the barbarus word is named Simeapoplexia The perticuler Palsey doth rest in a perticuler member or place which is to say in the tongue hed arme legge
booke named the Extrauagants Scarisicacio is the Latine worde In English it is named D●●●ificacion for the which looke in the second booke named the Extrauagants For Scliros looke in the chap. named Febris tetrathea For Sebel looke in the chapter named Peterigion For Semiapoplexia looke in the chapter named Paralisis The 317. Chapter doth shewe of cornes in the necke SCorphula is the latin word Cornele In english it is named knots or burres which be in the childrens neckes The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a grosse fleume and is like to an infirmitie named Dubaleth and Glandule concerning the rotunditie of the sicknesse but it doth differ in quantitie of Schrophule for the one is greater then the other A remedy First purge the matter with the pilles named Hermodactilis after the wash the place with decoctiō of Ireos thā take of the rootes of Lyllies an vnce a halfe of Storax Calamint halfe an vnce incorporate this together with the mary of a Calfe make a plaister or plaisters cōtinue with this .ix. dais for this matter in Rome Moūtpiller is vsed incistōs The 318. Chapter doth shew of a sicknesse named a burning scabbe or a Tetter SErpigo is the latin word Tetter And some auctours doth name it Ignis volaritis And some saith that this sicknes doth but little differ from a sicknes of scabs named Impetigo but that the one is bygger then the other some doth name it Impetigo zarna as it doth appere more plainlyer in this booke before this matter after as it is specified in the chapter of these infirmities but I do say that this sicknes or disnamed Serpigo is a burning scab it doth runne in the skin infecting it more or lesse and is named in English a Tetter The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of hot and corrupt bloud mixt with coller A remedy Take of the oyle of wheate myxe it with the oyle of egges and with a mans vrine wash anoint the skin or else take the water of burres or séeth burres in water wash the body The 319. Chapter doth shew of the skin that the childe lyeth in the mothers belly SEcundina Secūdine pellis be the latin words In english it is a skin or a call in the which a childe doth lye in the mothers belly and a woman must be deliuered of it after the childe is borne or else she doth dye for the one must come after the other perfect The cause of this infirmitie This skin or Call might nor may not be without the conception and after the childe is conceiued and come to the liniaments forme and shape of a creature there is a pellicle a skin or a call that doth grow incircūfecence about the childe and when that doth breake the childe is redie to be borne then the childe doth come before and the pellicle or skin doth come after if it doe not folow after the childe is deliuered from the mother the mother is in great daunger A remedy Drinke Penirial with posset Ale and make a fume of Lapdanum For Sequibere looke in the Chapter named Hictalopis The 320. Chapter doth shew of an hard or dence apostumacion Apostum SEphiros is the greke word In english it is named an hard apostumacion in the flesh vnder the skinne The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either of a grosse or viscus fleume or else of a melancoly humour and if it be whitish it doth come of fleum if it be swart it doth come of melācoly A remedie First take the sirupe of Buglosse and of the sirupe of Fumitery of eche an vnce and a halfe myxe them together and drinke it with the water of Fumitery than take Doues doung thrée vnces of wheaten bran an handful and séeth it in vineger and make plaisters The .321 Chapter doth shew of the fiue wittes in man SEnsus hominis be the latin words In Gréeke it is named Esthisis anthropon In English it is named the sences or the wittes Fiue wits of man And there be v. which be to say hearing féeling séeing smelling and tasting and these sences may be thus deuided in naturall animall and rationall The naturall sences be in all the members of man the which hath any féeling The animall sences be the eyes the tongue the eares the smelling and all things perteining vnto an vnreasonable beast The rationall sences consisteth in reason the which doth make a man or a woman reasonable beast which by reason may reuile vnreasonable beastes and all other things being vnder his dominion And this is the Soule of man for by reason euery man created doth know his creator which is onely GOD that created all things of nothing Man thus created of God doth not differ from a beast but that the one is reasonable which is man and the other is vnreasonable the which is euery beast foule fishe and worme And for as much as dayly we doe sée haue in experience that the most part of reasonable beasts which is man doth decay in their memory and be obliuious necessary it is to know the cause and so consequently to haue remedie This impedimēt doth come either naturally or accidētally A remedy If naturally a mans memory is tarde of wit knowledge or vnderstāding I know no remedy if it come by great study or solicitudenes breaking a mans mind about many matters the which he can not comprehend by his capacitie although he can comprehend it with his capacitie and the memory fracted from the pregnance of it let him vse odiferous sauours no contagious ayres and vse otherwhyle to drink wine and smel to amber de grece euery thing which is odiferous doth comfort the wittes the memory the sences all euill sauours doth hurt the sences and the memory as it appereth in the Chapter named Obliuio The 322. Chapter doth shew of the rydge bone or the backe bone SPina is the latin word In greke it is named Archantie In English it is named the backe bone or the rydge bone the which may haue many diseases as ache and other paines The cause of the diseases This disease may come of great liftes straines broses or strypes it may come of medling to much of or with venerious actes also a bone or bones in the backe may be dislocated or out of ioynt A remedy For the backe the grece of a Fore or the oyle of a Fox is good so is the oyle of Spyke or the oyle of Camomyll or the oile of mastike or the oyle of Lilies In old causes the oile of Nunifer is good so is the oyle of Alabaster the oile of Castory and the oyle of Scorpions and a pytch cloth is good For Siuanchi looke in the Chapter named Angina Siphac is an Araby word it is a pellicle or a skin growing out of the midriffe which doth disend
to the spōdils of the back And doth sustaine the stomake the guts endeth in the nether part of the bely of this Siphac the two didimes be ingēdred the which doth discend to the stones ouer a bone named pecten for the didimes looke in D. The .323 Chapter doth shew of little wormes the which doth breed vnder the skin in handes and feete SIrones is the latin word In English it be wormes Wormes that doth bréede vnder the skin And there be two kindes the one kinde bréede in the hands wrestes and the other doth bréede in the féete and they be named degges The cause of this impediment These wormes be engendred of the corruption of bloud and fleume A remedy Take of quicke siluer mortified an vnce compound it with blacke Sope and anoint the places Sintexis is the greke worde In English it is named the weaknes faintnes the which doth come after a great sicknesse A remedy is to eate good meates and drinkes and to haue good cherishing The 324. Chapter doth shew of sincopacions or sounding SIncopis is the greke word so is Lipothomia in latin it is named Consicio In English it is named sincopacions or soundinges Sounding and some doth name it in latin Parua mors The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of infection about the braine and the hart making their opilacions or els it doth come of some extreme sickenes it may come thorow great heat and soden colde and so conuerse it may come of doing to much of venerious actes doing more then a man is able to perfourme it may come by repletion taking of superfluous meates and drinkes it may come of thorow great sweats or sweating or stuphes or bathes it may come of to much mirth hauing to much myrth in fantasticall matters A remedy First chiefely beware of the premisses vse temperance than if such accident causes doe come take and eate a race of grene Ginger drinke a sponefull of Aqua vite or else of Aqua composita and rub the pulses of the braine and haire with Rose water and Vineger and holde to the nose of the pacient redolent sauours The 325. Chapter doth shew of Yexing or the Hicket Yexing SIngultus is the latin word In greke it is named Alexos ligmos In Araby Alsoach In English it is named the yexe or the hicket and of some the dronken mans cough The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a colde stomake or some euil humor about the heart it may also come of to much drinking therfore many men doth name it the drōken mans cough A remedy For this matter a sponeful of Aqua vite or Aqua composita is good and so is a race of gréene ginger or a race of Ginger pared and cut in iiii or v. péeces to swalow them ouer one after an other as whole as one can Also Diatriapiperion is good for this matter so is burnt Malmesey or burnt Seck and so is Yera Constantini Yera simplex Galeni The .326 Chapter doth shew of a mans spettil SPutum is the latin word In gréeke it is named Prisma In English it is named a mannes spittle the which doth shew diuers times the infirmitie of mans bodie as white viscus fleume doeth signifie that the sicknesse doth come of fleume The spettill Spettil the which is viscus and blacke or lyke leade doth signifie that the sicknesse doeth come of a melancoly humour The spettill which is citrine or glassy doeth signifie that the sicknes doth come of coller The spettill which is tauny or reddish doth signifie that the infirmitie doth come of bloud The spettil which is white and not viscus but indifferent doth signifie health The spettil which is fomy doth signifie a raw stomake The fleume that is lyke the white of a raw egge doth signifie a raw stomake slacke and slow of digestion For Sideratis looke in the Chapter named Camo For Sirsen looke in the Chapter named Phrenitis and Lethargos For Sophena looke in the Chapter named Mediana For Sopor looke in the Extra in the end of this booke For Soma looke in the Chapter named Corpus For Soda looke in the Chapter named Cephalargia For Sparma looke in the chapter named natura For Sompnus looke in the Extrauagants in the ende of this booke The .317 Chapter doth shew of the Crampe SPasmos is the gréeke word Spasmus is the barbarous word In latin it is named Conuulcio or Contractio neruorum In english it named the cramp The Crampe which is attractiō of sinewes and ther be foure kindes the first is named Emprosthotonos the which is when the head is drawen downward to the brest The second is named Thetanos that is when the forehead and all the whole bodie is drawen so vehemently that the bodie is vnmouable The third is named Opisthotonos and that is when the head is drawen backeward or the mouth is drawen toward the eare for these thrée kindes looke in their Chapters The fourth kinde is named Spasmos the which doth drawe the sinewes verie straight and asperouslie in the féete and legges The cause of these infirmities This infirmitie doth come either of to much veneriousnes specially vsed after a full stomake it may come also thorowe debilitie wekenes for lacking of bloud and nature and it doth come after a great sickenes A remedy The kinges maiestie hath a great helpe in this matter in halowing Crampe ringes so giuen without money or peticion Also for the crampe take of the oyle of Lillies and Castory if it do come of a colde cause If it do come of a hot cause anoint the sinewes with the oyle of water Lillies and willowes and Roses If it do come of any other cause take of the oyle of Euforbium and Castory and of Pyretory confect or compounde all together and anoint the place or places with the partes adiacent The 328. Chapter doth shew of a mans Splene SPlen The splen is the greke worde In latin it is named Lien or Liena In English it is named a mans splene which is a spongious substance lying vnder the short ribbes in the left syde and it doth make a man to be mery and to laughe although melancoly resteth in the splene if there be impedimentes or sickenes in it as sorow pencifulnes and care and anger or such like maketh many men and women to haue such impedimentes in the splene as opilacions and appostumes and such like Melancoly-meates hard chéese and feare is not good for the splene and if any man be spleniticke let him vse mery company let him be let bloud of a veine named Saluatella of the left side some doth vse to let bloud in a veine named Basilica on the left side but I say that euery thing which doth hurt the liuer doth hurt the splene and euery thing that is good for the liuer is also good
halfe of Brymstone stampe all together and than put to it an vnce of Mercury mortified with fasting spettyll and anoint the head The 349. Chapter doth shew of one of the kindes of Leprousnesse named Tiria TIria is the latin word In english it is named the Tyre or the propertie of an adder which is ful of skales so is this kinde of Leprousnes A kinde of leprousnesse ful of skales scabs coroding the flesh The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of venemous and a melancoly humour A remedy For this vse Treacle purgaciōs vomits thā take of Mercury mortified with fasting spittle brimstone of eche an vnce of Bores grece thrée vnces compound this together vse to anoint thy body thā vse stuphs baths sweats For Tisis looke in the Chapter named Prisis The 350. Chapter doth shew of an impostume named Topinaria TOpinaria is the latin word In english it is an impostume A postūe in childrens heades and younge persons The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of abundance of swéet flemme or els of abundance of bloud with fleume A remedy First take thrée Onions of a good quantitie thrée egges and rost them together in the hot emeries of the fyre than stampe them together and incorporate all together with olde bores grece and make plaisters and if nede be make incision and than mundify the place and after all this incarnate the place and than skin it with salues For Tonsille looke in the Chapter named Paristhomia The 351. Chapter doth shew of drawing of a mans mouth toward the eare TOrtura oris be the latin wordes A vvrye mouth Almansor doth name it Cōtractio In english it is named a Palsy which is false for it is more néerer a cramp then a palsy for it doth attract the sinewes of those partes The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of coldnes taken or els of anger or of a spice of a perticuler palsy A remedy Take of musterd halfe a pinte and let the pacient with his owne hande take two or thrée sponefulles in his handes chafing the one hand with the other and than let him make frications redusing the side of the mouth the which is drawen to the one side to bring it to the othe side doe thus .v. dayes and vse diuers times gargarices and sternutacions The 352. Chapter doth shew of paines in the belly TOrminum or Tormen be the latin words In english it is a paine in the belly Paines in the belly or a fretting in the belly The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either of coldnesse in the guts or else of winde intrused in the belly and can not get out it may come of constupacion A remedy First kéepe the belly warme sée that thou be not costiue and beware of eating colde meates and cold herbes fruits and vse Diatriapiperon dragges and clisters or else suppositers The 353. Chapter doth shew of the shaking Shaking of the head and hands TRomos is the greke word In latin it is named Tremor or Iectigacio or Morbus officialis In english it is named an official sicknesse for as much as it doth occupate an official mēber for it doth make a mans head to shake or the hands or other parts to quake The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come thorow imbecilitie or weaknesse of the sinewes also it may come of extreme colde or great feare or thorow a great anger and beware of drinking in the morning but eating somewhat before A remedy First beware of colde of feare and of anger and than vse to wash the necke and the handes with the water that Sage and balme hath bene sodden in The 354. Chapter doth shew of the Brest bone THorax is the Gréeke word In latin is named Torax In English it is named the brest bone The brest bone the which may haue diuers impediments The cause of these impediments These impediments of the brest bone 〈◊〉 doth 〈◊〉 of some great broosing or else of some putrifying of it or such like A remedie First for this matter interially easy gentle purgacions as these folowing Pouder of the coddes of Sene Mercury Polipody Cassia fistula Pillule aurea Pillule Cochie such lyke and for a broose take Sparmaceti with warme ale and Malmesy And exterially these oyntments be good for the brest bone oyle of Myntes oyle of Spyke and such lyke The .355 Chapter doth shew of a mans stones TEsticuli is the latin word In gréeke it is named Orchia In English it is named a mans stones Stones the which may haue many impediments The cause of the impediments of the stones These impediments doth come by some of the kindes of the Hernies or else by some other humour descending from the body to the coddes making swellings or burnings or some other apostumacions and it may come by a broose A remedie If it doe come by any of the kindes of the Hernies looke in the Chapter named Hernia If it doe come any other waies anoint the stones with Vngentum albū or else make pulces and Mollifying bathes or such lyke be good The .356 Chapter doth shew of the Wesand or throte boll TRachea arteria be the latin words In english it is named the wesand Wesand or the throte boll by the which the winde the ayer is conueyed to the lungs if any crome of bread or drop of drink go or enter into the said wesand if a man doe not cough he should be strangled therefore whether he wil or wil not he must cough lay before him that is in the throte and mouth nor he can be in no quietnesse vnto the time the matter be expelled or expulsed out of the throte as it doth more largely appeare in the Chapter named Strangulacio The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of gréedines to eate or drink sodenly not taking leysure also it may come of some flye inhausted into a mans throt sodeinly as I haue sene by other men as by my selfe for a nyt or a flye cōming vnto a mans mouth when he doth take in his breth and ayer looke what smal thing is before the mouth is inhausted into the wesand and so it perturbeth the pacient with coughing A remedie For the fyrst cause be not to gréedy eate and drinke with leysure fearing God and as for the second cause I commit onely to God for this matter coughing is good For Trixcom looke in the second booke in the Extrauagantes The 357. Chapter doth shew of swelling of wartes and of agnelles TVber is the latin word In English it is named euery swelling or rysing of the flesh Tubercula is a diminitiue of the latin word Tuber and in english it is named a wart wartes or an agnel growing in the féete or toes in latin they haue many kindes tearmes as Melicerides
wound or woundes and there be diuers sortes of woundes some be newe and fresh woundes some be olde woundes some be déepe woundes and other some be plaine woundes and some fistuled and some be festered some be vlcerated and some hath fistures and some hath none The cause of woundes ¶ Most commonly woundes doth come thorow an harlot or for an hoūd it doth come also thorow quareling that some hot knauish bloud would be out and diuers times woundes doth come thorow dronkennesse for when the drink is in the witte is out then haue at thée and thou at mée fooles be they that would them part that wil make such a dronkē mart A remedy If it be a grene wound first stanch the bloude and if the wounde be large and wide stych it after that lay a playster let it lye xx houres or more than open it mundify it with white wine And if the wounde be depe vse siccatiue plaisters made with Olibanū Frankensence Literge Ireos the bran of Benes and Aristologia rotunda such like If the wound be plaine take of the rootes of Lillies of pomegranade rines of Galles of Aloes or such like if the woundes be indifferent the wound mundified vse the pouder of mirtilles and rose leaues and such like let the patient beware of venerious actes and of contagious meats drinks For Vnea loke in the addicions after the Extrauagants The .378 Chapter doth shew of the Vuels VVe le is the latin worde In English it is named vuels the which doth lye in the roufe of the mouth like little long tetes other while they do swell and otherwhile they do fall downe out of their place The cause of these impediments If vuels do swell it doth come thorowe abundance of reume or els thorow a hot humour if the vuels doe fall eythey it doth come by labour or by heate or els thorow great sickenes and weakenes A remedie If it do come of reum vse gargarices sternutaciōs purge the head and the stomake with pilles of Coche If it do come of heat purge coller and put vp the vuels that doth fal with the thome laying Peper on the thome vse to eate Peper or els take the pouder of a snaile that is burnt and mixe it with Hony and lay it on the end of the thome and than put vp the vuels Thus endeth the letter of V. And here foloweth the letter of X. The 379. Chapter doth shew of an impediment in the eyes XRophthalmia is the greke word In english it is named a blast or an impedimēt in the eie the which may come certaine waies The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of an euill winde or els of some contagious heat or of an euil humour or such like for the eie wil neither swell nor water nor droppe A remedy I might here shew of many salubriouse medecines but the best medecine that I do know is to let the matter alone and medle not with it but were before the eies a pece of blacke sarcenet and eate neither garlike nor onions nor drinke no wines nor strong ale and it will were away The 380. Chapter doth shewe of a gut the which doth lye behinde the wesande or throte boll thorow the which meate and drinke doth passe out of the mouth into the stomake YSophagus is the latin word In greke it is named Oysophegus or Meri In English it is named Isofagon or the mery or the gut of the stomake the which doth defend from the Epiglote to the orifice of the stomake there is nothing that doth passe thorow the throte boll or the wesand but only wind if by chaunce there doe at any time any droppe of drinke or crome of breade or flye or any such like thinges doth happen to the wesand there is no remedy but to cough it out againe If so be that there do by gréedy eating or els by any other misfortune that any fishe or flesh bone or anie other thing do stay in the orifice of the prenominated Isophagon otherwise named the mery then do as it shal felow The causes be shewed A remedy If there happē a bone or a pin or any other thing into ones throte first prouoke a vomite if that will not helpe drinke a sponeful or more of oile Oliue otherwise named in England Sallat oile and drinke well and sléepe vpon it For Ypichima loke in the Chapter named Catharacta For Yposarca looke in the Chapter named Anasarca or Hidropis The .381 Chapter doth shew of them that doth abhorre water YDroforbia or Hidroforbia be the greke words the vsiall word of latin is deriued out of greke named Ydroforbia as is saide I haue séene and red that the barbarous worde is named Euforbium which is false for Euforbium is a gumme Hidreforbia in English is abhorring of water as I learned in the partes of grece some doth say it is water in the belly and some doth say that it is an impediment of him that can not sée the waues of the sea or sounding of the water but his stomake is turned and must or els is redy to perbreake or to vomit The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come as many auctours doth say of a melancoly humour for the impotent is named a melācoly passion but I do say as I do know not only by my selfe but by manie other whan I did vse the seas and of al ages and of al complexions being in my company that this matter did come more of collor then melācoly considering that coller is mouable and doth swimme in the stomake A remedie For this matter purge coller melācoly humours for I my selfe which am a Phisiciō is cōbred much with this passion for I can not away with water nor waters by nauigacion wherefore I do leue al waters to take my selfe to good ale other while for ale I do take good gascon wine but I will not drinke strong wines as Malmesy Romnie Romanisk wyne wyne Qoorse wine greke Secke but otherwhile a draught or two of Muscadel or Basterd Osey Caprick Aligant tyre Raspice I wil not refuse but whit wine of Angeō or wine of Orleance or Renish wine white or red is good for al men there is little red Renish wine except it grow about Bon beyond Colin ther be many other wines in diuers regiōs prouinces countries that we haue not in Englād But this I do say that al the kingdoms of the world haue not so many soundry kindes of wines as be in England yet there is nothing to make wine of Thus endeth the letter of Y. And here foloweth the letter of Z. The .382 Chapter doth shew of dry scabbes ●cabbes ZErma or zerna be the latin words In greke it is named psora or Lichen the barbarous word is named Liehena In English it is a kinde of scabbes the which be infectious The cause of this impediment
This impediment doth come of drinking of euill drinkes of eating of contagious meates specially by lying with infectious persons it may come of the corruption of bloud or els by some monstruous humoure A remedy Take of salt water a galon and seth in it .iii. handfulles of cromes of wketen bread that is leuand wash the body with the water twise or thrise or els wash the body in the sea .ii. or three times or els take the bran made of Coche sedes iii. hādful of the pouder of Brimstone .ii. vnces seth this in a p●tel of white wine or vineger wash the body .iii. or 4. times The 383. Chapter doth shew of an impostume that doth come of fleume ZIme is the latin worde In english it is an impostume ingendred in a flumatike humour The cause is shewed A remedy First purge fleume than maturate the matter thā launce the impostume or els make a corosiue and make tentes after that minister salues attractiue and than maturate the flesh and anoynt the place The 384. Chapter doth shew of a Pannicle the which shal be rehersed ZIrbus is the latin word In English it is a pannicle or a caule cōpoūnd of ii thinne tunicles of diuers artoures and veines and sarnesse it doth couer the stomake and the guts and it doth kepe the heat of them doth defend the colde this pillicle or pannicle or caule may be relaxed or broken The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of some great straine broose or fall or some great lift or such like thinges A remedie First make incision and after that cauterise the abstraction I haue séene the cut cauterised that the fluxe of bloud should not folowe the ouerplus of my mind in this matter and al other matters I do commit it to the industry of wise and expert Phisitions and Chierurgions Here endeth the first book examined in Oxforde in Iune the yere of our Lord M. CCCCC.xlvi And in the raine of our soueraigne Lord King Henry the eight king of England Fraunce and Irelande the xxxviii yéere The Table THe 1. Chapter doth shewe of abstinence folio 7 the 2. Chapter doth shewe of abhorring of a mans stomak fol. eo the .3 Chapter doth shew of abhorsion folio 8 the 4. Chap doth shew of a skurf in the skin of the head fol. eo the 5. Chapter doeth shewe of a running skabbe fol. eo the 6. cha doth shew of an impedimēt in the corner of the eye fol. 9 the 7. chapter doeth shewe of vlceracions fol eodem the 8. cha doth shew of the grene sicknes or the gren lawnes fo eo the 9 chapter doth shewe of the white Morphewe fol. ●o the 10. chapter doeth shewe of afistulus impostume fol. 10 the 11. chapter doeth shew of the inflacion of the eyes fol. eod the 13. chapter doeth shew of a Carbocle fol. 11 the 14. cha doth shew of little cornels in the rots of the ●ōgue fo 12 he 15. chap. do●th shewe of one of the kindes of the falling sickenesse fol. eo the 16. chapter doeth shewe of wartes fol. eo the 17. chap. doth shew of one of the kinds of the hidrpsies fol. 13 the 18. chapter doeth shewe of casting vp of a mans meate fol. eo the 19. chapter deth shew of burning of an harlot fol. eo the 20. chapter doth shew of a mans breath or ende fol. eo the 21. chapter doeth shewe of the squinte fol. 14 the 22. chapter doeth shewe of the soule of man fol. eodem the 23. chapter doth shewe of a mans minde fol. 15 the 24. chapter doth shew of a byle or a felon fol. eo the 25. chap. doth shew of a mās ars or foundement fol. eodem the 26. chap. doth shew of an hot vlceracion in the mouth fol. 16 the 27. chapter doth shewe of a mans appetide fol. eod the 28. chapter doeth shewe of Apoplexye fo eo the 29. chapter doth shew of impostumes generall fol. 17 the 30 chap. doth shewe of a Citrin water fol. eodem the 31. chapter doeth shew of a a lore in the eyes fol. eodem the 32. chapter doth shew of the goute arthericke fol. 18 the 33. chapter doeth shewe of the eye whē it is bloudshot fo eo the 34. chapter doth shewe of arters fol. eod the 35. chap. doeth shewe of pushes and whelkes fo eo the 36. chapter doeth shewe of wormes fol. 19 the 37. chapter doeth shew of the putrifying of the flesh fol. eod the 38 chap. doth shew of one of the kinds of the hiedropsies fo eo the 39 chap. doth shewe of asmaticke persōs which be short winded folio eodem B the 40. chapter doeth shewe of a mans eares fol. eod the .41 chapter doeth shewe of stuting or stamering fol. 21 the 42. chapter doth shewe of a gredy appetide fol. eo the 43. chapter doeth shewe of horsenes fol. eodem the 48. cha doth shew of an impostum or swelling in the face fo eo the 49. chapter doeth shewe of a grosse impostume fol. 23 C the 50. chapter doth shewe of an infirmitie the which is concurrant with an hiedropsie fol. eo the 51. chapter doth shewe of a mans heeles fol. eod the 52. chapter doth shew of the pipes of the ●●nges fol. eod the 53. chap. doeth shewe of a canker 24 the 54. chapter doeth shewe of a swelling fol. eodem the 55. chap. doth shew of a canine or a doges appetipe fol. eod the 57. chapter doth shewe of a mans head fol. eodem the 58. chapter doeth shewe of a carbocle or a botch fo 26 the 59. chapter doth shewe of the sicknes in the prisons fol. eo the 60. chapter doeth shewe of a canker in a mans nose fol. eodem the 61 chapter doth shew of the candiake passion fol. 27 the 62. chapter doeth shewe of the flesh of man fo eod the .63 chapter doth shew of the priuaciō of mans wit fol. eoem the 64 chap. doth shewe of one of the kindes of the falling sicknes fol. eodem the 65. Chapter doeth shewe of a depe sleepe fol 28 the 66. chapter doth shewe of a catharact fol. eo the .67 chapter doeth shewe of catarue or a murre fol. eo the 68. chapter doth shew of the cephelarge fol. 29 the 69. chapter doeth shew of the tephale or head ache fol. eo the 70. chapter doth shewe of a mans skull fol. eod the 71. chapter doth shewe of a mans braine fol. eod the 72. chapter doth shew of the hinder part of the head fol. 30 the 73. chapter doeth shewe of an infirmitie in the eye lid fol. eo the 74. chapter doeth shewe of the ciphac fol. eod the 75. Chapter doth shewe of carnels fol. 13 the .76 chapter doth shew of the goute in the handes fol. eod the 77. chapter doeth shewe of carnall copulacion fol. eo the 78. chapter doeth shewe of the colicke fol. 32 the 80. chapter doeth shewe of belly ache fol. 33 the 81. chapter doth
meate in maner as it was eaten The Diarchy is a common laxe The Dissentery is the bluddy Flyxe and some doth name these Flixes after this maner Intestinal Epatial and Sanguine Intestinal commeth day and night with freting in the belly Etpaticke or Epaticall Flixe cōmeth without paine pricking or fretting The bluddy or sanguine Flixe maketh excoriacion of the guttes with paine pricking and fretting The .20 Chapter doth shew of werinesse of a mans body FAtigacio is the Latin worde In Gréeke it is named Ponos or Camatos In English it is named werines of the body The cause of werines Werynes doth come many wayes as by extreme labour doing more thē the strength of the body is able to perfourme it may come of the debilitie of the body it may come thorow sickenes it may come thorow ryding vpon an euil horse or siting in an euill saddle specially when the horse is galled on the backe or spore galled then the horse is as wery of his maister as his maister is wery of him A remedy First after labour and werines ease and rest is the best medicine And if such matters do come of debilitie or sickenes vse a good diet to be norished with good meates drinkes and good lodging and let no man labour no more then the strength of the body is able to doe and to perfourme it And if it doe come thorow riding vpon an euill horse or saddle let him neuer ride in no saddle nor vpon an horse gelding nor mare nor other beast and he shall neuer be wery nor galled for such matters The 21. chapter doth shew of a mans Iawes FAuces is the latin word In greke it is named Pharinges In english it is named a mans Iawes the which may haue many impediments as the Crampe and the Palsy c. The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come of rume causing ache or els it may come of a brose or a stripe causing the paine or els it may be a palsie or a Crampe or they may be out of ioint A remedy If it doe come of reume purge reume as it doth appere in the Chapter named Reuma If it be out of ioint strike or set it in a gaine If it do come either of a palsie or of a crampe vse fricacions with the oile of Musterd séedes or els with Musterd and Castory The 22. Chapter doth shew of Pushes or wheales vnnaturall FOrmica miliaris be the latin wordes In english it is named pushes pimples or little wheales The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come or coller or els of mixt humours as of coller fleume or of coller and melancoly c. A remedy Vse to eate the sirupe of Fumitery and purge the matter with Diacatholicon Diafenicon or other purgacions as the cause requireth and after that take of Verdegrece of hony of roche Alome of eche halfe an vnce of Rose water of Plantaine water of the iuice of Celondine of eche halfe an vnce of white Arsnecke the weight of .iii. d. boyle all this together and wash or anoint the place The 23. Chapter doth shew of a mannes Knee or knees GEnu is the latin word In gréeke it is named Goni In English it is named a mans knee the which may haue diuers impediments as ache stifnes swelling straining and it may be out of ioynt or els otherwise hurt it may come by a goute or a siatieke passion or some extrem colde there taken or suche lyke impediments The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come of euill order of a mans selfe or euill dyet or by misfortune or of some principall sickenes c. A remedy I do not know a better remedy then fricacions or rubbings with a mans hand taking the oyle of Turpentine with the fricacion or rubing and for this matter an hotte Cowe toorde is not the worst medicine or playster applicated to the place c. The .24 Chapter doth shew of grosenes GRossities is the Barbarous worde In latin it is named Grassitudo In gréeke it is named Pachites In English it is named grossenes The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come naturally or els accidently if it do come naturally there is no remedy if it do come accidently then it doth come either by great drinking or by grosse and great féeding or els of to much cherishing nourishing of ones selfe A remedy Vse purgacions and great studie in meates drinkes vse Peper and eate vineger and sower sauces For this matter looke in the Chapter named Pinguedo in the Breuiary of health The 25. Chapter doth shew of a mans goomes GIngiue is the latin word In gréeke it is named Oula In English it is named the goomes the which may haue many impedimentes as wheles blisters fistles bléeding excoriacion superfluous growing of the flesh of the goomes and such like The cause of this impediment This impediment most commonly doth come of superabundance of reume distilling from the heade to the goomes and such like A remedie If it do come thorowe reume purge reume c. If it doe come thorow any Canker or fystle looke in the Chapters named Cancer and Fistula in the Breuiary of health If it do come of superfluous flesh remoue the cause with an ointmēt named Vnguentum Egipsiacum and the water of Alome is good to the goomes fricated or rubbed with sage leaues The 26. Chapter doth shew of difficultnes of opening and closing the eyes GEsse is the Araby word In latin it is named Difficultas aporiendi et claudendi oculos In English it is named when one can not with ease open and shut the eye liddes The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of viscus reume and grosse humours in the head A remedy First purge the head with gargarices and sternutacions and than purge the head and the stomake with pylles of Cochée and eate not the heades nor braynes of the fleshe nor fishe and beware to eate the fatnes of the fishes The 27. Chapter doth shew of the foure kyndes of the Goute GVrta is a Barbarous word and there be iiii kinds named in latin Chiragra Podagra Sciatica Arterica the one is in the hands fingers armes the which is named Chiragra the other is named Podagra that is in the feete and the toes and legges The thirde doth kéepe the hokill bone and doth runne to the knée in proces of time it doth descend to the ancle and to the little toe and is named Sciatica The fourth kinde of the goute is named the goute arreticke the which doth runne al the ioynts partes of a mans body For these matters looke in theyr Chapters in the first booke named the Breuiary of health The 28. Chapter doth shew of a mans throte GVtter is the latin worde In gréeke it is named Lariux In english it is named a throte the which is the whole space that doth containe the principall
way that is named Isophagon or the Mery the principall way of the breath the which is named in Latin Canna pulmonis or Trachea arteria otherwise named in English the wesand or the throt boll in this place may be ingendred many infirmities as carnels swellings Apostumes as the squinces horsenes and suche like for the which looke in the Chapters named Angina Rancedo Apostema in the first booke named the Breuiary of health The 29. Chapter doth shew of Frantickenesse HYostianum is a kinde of frantickenes it doth take the name of a gréeke word named Hiostianus the which in English it is named Henbane for whosoeuer doth eate of Henbane or of an herbe named Dwale shall fall into a frantickenesse or a fantasticall mynde The cause is shewed A remedy First kepe the pacient in a close chamber let him haue mery company about him giue to him gotes milke with suger and set him drinke posset ale made with gotes milke .iii. or .iiii. dayes And if one can not get Gotes milke vse for it Meth or Metheglin or pure water with Suger The .30 Chapter doth shew of a mans flankes or share INguine is the latin worde In gréeke it is named Bubones In english it is named a mans flankes or sharpe the which may haue diuers impedimentes as Carbocles Apostumes and such lyke The cause of these impediments These impedimentes and such like doth come thorow the infection of the liuer for those places be the Emunctory places of the liuer A remedie Take of Malowes soden in the broth the flesh hath béen soden in .ii. handfuls of wheat flower of barly flower of ech foure vnces make a plaister of it putting to it .ii. yolks of egges a litle butter oyle Oliue and make plaisters lay it on the sore place after that take of the roots of white Lyllyes of Holihocks of eche .iiii vnces sethe this in water then put to it of the flower of line séede of wheat flower thrée vnces of swines grece two vnces and when it is colde compound thrée yolkes of egges with it and make plaisters The 31. Chapter doth shew of a mans bowels INtestina is the latin worde In greke it is named Enteria In English it is named a mans guttes or bowels the which may haue diuers impedimēts as fretting or aking or such like The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come either of colde or the collicke or of wormes or els of some great laxe or of the Iliake A remedy If it do come of colde kepe the belly warme vse warme meates if it do come of the colike or Iliacke or of wormes or of any laxe loke in the Chapter named Colica passio vermes and Diarrhea in the Breuiary of health The .32 Chapter doth shew of an haire lipped person Labrum leporium be the latin wordes In English it is named Hare lypped The cause of this infirmitie This impediment doth come either naturally or els accidentally if it do come by nature the person was borne so if it do come accidently it doth come either by a strype or by burning A remedy If it do come by nature the flesh which doth grow to the gummes must be re●ed vp with a sharpe instrument the vper side must be a little ripped and the .ii. sides of the haire lippes must be excoriated thē sticked with a nedle a good strong thréede thē lay to it salues if it do come by burning looke in the Chapter named Combustio If it doe come of a strype make it whole like an other wound The 33. Chapter doth shew of a mannes syde LAtus is the latin word In greke it is named Plura In English it is named a syde In the side or sides may be many impediments as impostumes and stitches such like The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come diuers wayes if it bée in the right side the impediment doth come of the infection of the lyuer if it be in the left side the splen may be infected or else the sides may be impostumes stitches or Ilica passio or such lyke the which doth come of ventositie or winde A remedy If the liuer be the cause looke in the Chapter named Epar If the splen be the cause looke in the Chapter named Splen in the first booke named the breuiary of health If it come other wayes take vp the earth within a dore that is well troden pare it vp with a spade after a cake cast vineger on it tostt it against the fyre and in a linnen cloth lay it hot to the side and vse Clisters or suppositers or els take easy purgacions so that the belly be not costiue beware of colde and of eating of fruites or new bread or new ale of al thinges that doth ingender ventositie The 34. Chapter doth shew of a kinde of furiousnes LImpha●icarom is a barbarous word is deriued of two wordes of greke named Limphati Carom of the which doth come Limphatici which is to say mad or furious running about here and there as their fantasy will lead them The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a water a wynde intrused or inclosed in the heade and it may come thorow reuishnes in setting thy minde to much of an amorous or louing to much A remedie First purge the head with gargarices sternutacions and with pilles of Cochée kepe the pacient in a close chamber and giue to the pacient warme meate .iii. times a day and do as it is specified in the Chapter named Phr●●itis and Mania in the Breuiary of health The 35. Chapter doth shew of a kinde of vometing LEpus marinus be the latin wordes In English it is named a paine in the belly and will cause a man to vomit and will cause the pacient to tweat for paine The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of colde and of ventositie and it doth differ from the colicke and the Iliake A remedy First beware of colde then take a suppositer or two and than take an easy purgacion and beware of eating of frutes for this matter looke in the Breuiary of health The 36. Chapter doth shew of a cricke or an ache about the necke and the shoulders LIpothomia is the Araby word In latin it is named Dolor Scapularum In English it is named a cricke or an eche about the shoulders and the necke and it will pricke and stiche and ake The cause of these impediments These impediments doth come of grosse fumes the which doth ascende by the veynes to the aforesayd places and it may come of abundance of reume or els taking colde in those places or els lying a wrye with the necke A remedy First kepe the necke the shoulders warme then vse tricacions anoynt the place with the oyle of Anthos and purge the heade and stomake with pilles of Cochée The .37
musing to much of some matter in the which some persons doth wade to farre bringing them selues into fantasies A remedy Take Populion an vnce an halfe of the oyle of Popy of the oyle of water Lillies of ech halfe an vnce mixe this together with low lay it to the tēples Or els take of wilow leues of Letuce of the rynes of white Popy of Violettes of water Lillies of henbane of eche halfe a handfull seth this in the water of Sorell and Nightshade and with tow lay it to the temples Or els make a dormitory of Henbaine and lay it to the temples The 65. Chapter doth shew of grossenes of the browes SIlach is the Araby worde In latin it is named Grosities Palpebrum In English it is named grossenes of the browes hauing rednes with vlceracion and fallyng away of the haires The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a reumaticke humour distilling out of the head to the browes or els thorow some leprous humour A remedy Fyrst purge reume and anoynt the browes with the oyle of sweete Almons The 66. Chapter doth shew of grinding of ones teeth in ones sleepe STridor dentium be the latin wordes In english it is named grynding of ones teeth sléeping The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of debilitie of the lacertes mouing them violently and it is a kinde of crampe A remedy First purge the heade and stomake with pilles of Cochée and anoynt the iawes with the oyle of Musterde The 67. Chapter doth shew of astunning or amased STupor is the latin worde In English it is named astunning or amased or such lyke The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either by a feare or a palsie or els of some great doubt or admiracion A remedy If it come of a Palsey looke in the chapter named Spasme in the first booke named the Breuiary of health If it do come otherwise refraine from causes aforesayde The 68. Chapter doth shew what is the Sinterisy SInterisis is the greke word In latin it is named Attencio or Cōceruacio bona The barbarous word is named Sinderisis In english it is named a power of the soule that which doth reluct against vyces and sinne or redargueth or reprehendeth sinne hauing euer a zeale to kepe his soule cleane The 69. Chapter doth shew of the passion of the splene SPlenatica passio be the lattin words In english it is named the passion of the splene The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come by thought anger or care or sorow of imprisonment of feare dread and for lacke of meate and drinke Also it may come of great solitudenes or solicitudenes to study or to be occupied about many matters A remedy The chiefest remedy for this matter is to vse honest mery cōpany to be iocund not to muse vpon no matter but to leaue of at pleasure and not to study vpon any supernatural thinges specially those things the reason can not comprehend nor vse not to leane or stoupe downe to write or rede beware of slé●● 〈◊〉 the after none vse the medicines the which be expressed in the chapter named the splene in the first booke named the Breuiary of health The 70. Chapter doth shew of Scaels that may be on the skine and flesh SQuamme is the latin word In english it is named skales which is a kinde of scabbes that doth lye on the skin and fleshe The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of coller adusted or els of melancoly For a remedy looke in the Chapter named Scabies in the first booke c. The .71 Chapter doth shew of Sighing or sobbing SVspirium is the Latin worde In gréeke it is named Sceuagmos In english it is named sighing or sobbing The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come either by thought or pensifulnes or els by feare or weping or by repletion or by some euill corruption in the stomake A remedie First after euery sigh make an hem or cough after it vse myrth or mery company muse not vpon vnkindnes if it do come of the corruption of the stomake first purge the stomake and thē vse to eate a race of grene ginger and drink a draught or two of wine and vse to eate in sauces the pouder of mintes The 72. Chapter doth shew of drawing vp of the mouth toward the eare TOrtura is the latin word In english it is named a drawing vp to the mouth toward the eare The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a spasmous cause some doth saye it is a palsie but it is a kinde of a crampe A remedy First vse gargarice then fricacions or rubbinges with musterd reducing the mouth and lippes cōtrarily For this matter looke in the Chapter named Tortura in the Breuiary of health The 73. Chapter doth shew of a mans vrine VRina is the latin word In greke it is named Curia In English it is named an vryne The latin word is named Vrina as Egidius doth say is deriued out of a worde of greke named Vrith which is to say in latin Demōstratio In english it is named a demonstration or shewing for by the vrine the humaine disposicions bée shewed In vrines or water there bée many thinges to bée considered and marked fyrst to marke the quantitie of the vryne then to be marked the .iii. regions with the circle then to know the xx colours of vrynes and the xx contentes and what all this doth signifie First as concerning the quantitie of an vrine if the vryne be but litile in quantitie it is an euill signe If there be a good quantitie that the regions may be a partly distinctly decerned with the circle it is a good signe Seconddaryly as concerning the regions The superiall region with the circle doth pertaine to the head and braine The mediall region doth perteyne to the heart the lunges and the stomake and of all other official members which be about the midriffe named in latin Diafragma The inferiall region doth perteine to the liuer to the kidneys the raynes of the backe and to the other inferiall members And by the contentes the colours the which be in the aforesayd regions an experte Phisicion shall know what gréefe sicknes or diseases any man or woman hath in their body as it shall be declared more plainely in the colours and contentes Thirdly as concerning the circles of the vrines the which doth shew the disposicion of the braine and the head If the circle be wanne or whitish it doth signifie a reumaticke head and there is paine in the hinder part of the head If the circle bée thicke it doth signifie abundance of reume about the braine If the circle be waterish of colur it doth signifie great frigioicie and wekenes about the braine letting the braine to cast out superfluities If the circle be purple of colour and thicke it doth signifie ache