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A07176 The first booke of cattell wherein is shewed the gouernment of oxen, kine, calues, and how to vse bulles and other cattell to the yoake, and fell. With diuers approued remedies, to helpe most diseases among cattell: most necessarie for all, especially for husband men, hauing the gouernment of any such cattell. Gathered and set forth by Leonard Mascall.; Government of cattell Mascall, Leonard, d. 1589. 1587 (1587) STC 17580; ESTC S112382 223,215 312

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cattell bee so hot they must haue no litter vnder them But their kéeper to looke alwaies diligentlye vnto them in clensing them daylye in their houses and in their said houses not to suffer anye fylthye dung or other moisture to remayne or anye other dunghill For it is cleane contrarie against the nature of goates If the yowes bee of a good kinde they will bring two kiddes a péece and some times three at once Which is not good nor yet commended when a goat so doth And also being of two yeares to bring at once three kiddes If so then ye must nourish the kiddes as ye do the lambes hauing but small succor But the young buckes must bee a little more corrected and kept lowe to abate their heat and lasciniousnes in them But the other ye must giue them aboundance of milke and also to giue them Elme leaues and séedes and of mellylot hearbe and of iuie or the tender croppes of lentil pease or other tender branches and crops Also when a goate hath kydded yee shall reserue the most fayrest and strongest of the two If that she haue two at a birth For to replenish alwaies your heard the other yee may sell if yee will or other waies dispose him Yee shall not giue any kidde to a goat of a yeare or two yeares to nourish for those kiddes which they bring within those said times ought not to be nourished or kept except they bee of three yeares and those which be but a yeare hauing a kidde it ought sodainely to be taken away from the damme But those goats which haue kiddes being of two yeares ye shall let them remaine till they be ready to sell And ye must not keepe your doaes no lenger then viii yeares because they being sore weakened in so often bearing they will become barren Also their kéeper ought to be rough vnto them in giuing them sharpe words and to be diligent patient not angry and yet bold For to go with them through valleis on rockes and desart places through bushes shrubbes and such like and yet not alwayes to follow his heard as the kéepers of other cattell But he ought to bee alwaies before this cattell And to bee more carefull of them then of any other cattell For these in féeding and brousing or pastoring doo alwayes obey the buckes in descending and giuing them place and therefore they must bee looked vnto when some doo sitte looke the other runne not here and there But see that they rest peaceably and gently all at their owne ease to the ende the yowes hauing the greatest tettes and vddurns do not thereby waxe leane or other wayes become euill or sicke The goates are nourished almost of nothing chargeable Yet they brouse and féed wholly together as the shéepe and doe clime vp on mountaines against the heate of the sunne with greater force then the sheepe and they bee of more greater trauell and exercise and are more in strength and stouter of nature Wherfore our auncestours did vse them as they do yet in mountaynes and wilde places which is counted most meetest for them And to haue their houses and gouernment as the sheepe haue in putting the buckes apart as they do the rammes For they are in all thinges gouerned as the shéep and are much conuersant with sheepe in howsing and pasturing alike But these kind of beastes are not so meete to bee about houses as sheepe for they are more hurtfull vnto all maner of hearbes and bees therefore they are more meeter to bee in rougher and barren groundes as bushes rockes mountaines and such And some thinke it good not to haue in a troupe or head aboue fiftie goates because they will be ranging here and there and are foolish cattell and without care soone hanged here and there which are in more danger then the sheep therefore it is more painfuller vnto their kéeper and not to let them go in cold places for cold is most hurtful vnto them Of their diseases AS it doth happen to other kindes of cattell to haue the pestilence or murren and such and sometimes sicke of other diseases in waxing leane through paine thereof also the goates although they be fat and in good liking so much the sooner will they haue the pestilence and be cast downe all at once and die throughout al the heard except ye diuide them and when it so happeneth vnto them it is chiefely by the aboundance of pasture or féeding Now when soeuer ye shall sée one or two so taken with this disease yee must let all the rest bloud incontinent and ye shall not let them féed all the day but four houres and kéepe them shut close in a pen or such like thing To sée if any other do become sicke of the same or any other griefe the which shall be méet to giue thē of rushes and réedes and also the rootes of white thorne the which ye shall beat well with a pestell of yron and then mixe it with raine water without giuing them anye other thing to drinke If this do not helpe yee must sell them and if yee cannot sell them then it were best to kill them and salte them And after a certaine time yee must recouer another heard But ye must not do this before the dangerous time of this pestilence be spent or that yeare past as if this should bee in winter ye must abide vntill the sommer next following after Or if it be in Autumne then tarry vntill the spring time And when some of them shall chaunce to fall sicke in the house ye must giue them the like remedy as it is afore said of the shéepe And when their skin shall swell or inflame and that the goat is full of water which the Greekes call Hydropisis a disease which cometh by drinking too much water Ye must cut them a little with a sharpe knife vnder the shoulder and therby draw forth all the superfluous moisture and then heale the wound with tar and after that the she goat hath borne kids if her matrix be swolne or that the secondine which is the skin that the kids are lapt in is not well borne ye shal make her take a pint and a halfe of sod wine or if ye haue not that ye shall giue her as much of other good wine and to fill and strengthen their nature with cerot liquide Now to the end I will not againe recite that which I haue alreadie spoken if any other disease do come vnto them yee shall helpe them with such medicines as I haue alreadye shewed heretofore in the remedyes for shéepe For goates haue the like diseases as the shéepe and other cattell and as they say the goates are neuer without agues for it is a common disease among them and other diseases they catch in their bringing forth of theyr young kiddes as afore is expressed This I thinke shall be sufficient here at this time There is also in the tefs of goats as in yowes a
and let him so lie and so he shal be constrained through hunger and thirst to leaue his wearie slothfulnesse which doe seldome happe Also yee shall not yoke together two beastes of vnequall strength and stature for the weaker shal stil haue the worse Againe those beastes are best to labour that passe on the way without feare of shadowes dogges waters or any other thing they sée or heare and those beastes also that eate much and slow in chewing for they digest better and doe keepe their force vertue without waxing leane or feeble more than those which are hastie féeders Also this is counted a great faulte in some kéepers of oxen which will haue his oxe rather fat than leane wherefore to labour the body of a trauailing oxe or other ought to be in a meane or good state rather than fatte hauing his muskels or nerfes strongly made not charged with fatte which will but gréeue them to labour when they are so Thus I will leaue off their gouernment and speake hereafter of diseases as if an oxe haue water in his belly ye shal giue him the iuice of hempe leaues mixt with water to drinke or the leaues of Elder stampt with ale or béere doe purge by seege or the roote sodde in olde wine or ale and giuen is good to voyde water out of the maw and bellie The remedies for certaine diseases in oxen kine and other ca●tell IT shal be smal profitto the husbandman to giue his beast meate and knowe not howe to belye and kéepe them in health and strength Therefore our auncients did vse to giue them quarterly of Lupin peason with the seedes of Cypres by euen portion beaten together and then stéeped all one night in water and set in the open aire which did vse them so to kéepe them safe from sicknesse Also oft times cattell wil haue a sicknesse which will make them desire to vomite and caught with pouertie the which ye shall helpe by throwing into his throate fasting a raw henne egge shell all whole Then on the morrow take bruised Ramsons with the stalkes and mixe it with wine or ale and giue it or of common garlike put into his eares This is not one thing alone to helpe them but there is diuerse others as to mixe salt with their meate And some do giue them of mugwoort with oyle or wine to drinke Others doe giue them the rootes of léekes beaten with wine or the séedes of firre trée or frankincense trée and also the séedes of sauin or rewe to make them drinke it with wine or ale and some doe giue them the herbe called in English white Colleuer in Latine Drostis mixed with bitter fitches So 〈…〉 do giue them a little of a serpents skinne beaten with wine They doe vse also to beate wilde time or sauorie in swéete wine and so giues it which is counted very good for them Likewise the sea Onion called Squilla in Latine to be cut smal and soaked in water and giuen to swallowe it All these or euery of them when they are ministred ought to be giuen and ministred thrée daies together a pint or more at once to a beast which wil purge their belly and take away the diseases and also doth renewe them vnto strength and health againe And among all medicines the lees of oliues to be giuen is a singular good medicine mixt with asmuch water as lees Wherefore it shal not be ill to accustome your cattle thus yee shal first sprinckle therewith gently their meate and then put a little thereof into their water and at length yée maie mixe in their water a more portion thereof and so giue it vnto them and likewise among their meate so thus ye may vse to keepe the continually in health as they did vse them in time past The causes of pestilence in Cattell THe causes of pestilence one thing is the chafing of cattel wherefore yée must not chafe your cattel muche in labour specially in the sommer for that doth besides bring vnto them the fluxe of the belly or els an ague Also ye shal neither let hogges or hennes to enter into their stawles for their doung being mixt with your cattelles meate wil bréed a pestilence at length and kil them And specially the doūg of hogges doth bréede a murren among cattel the sooner in eating thereof if remedie be not soone had they wil grow to a murren and die thereof The remedies are thése yée must by and by change their laier and to deuide them into manie partes and farre of from thence And also to separate the whole from the sicke for one beast infected will poison all the rest in short time Nowe when ye haue changed them into other partes ye must put them where no other beastes do féede with them to the end they doe not infect others therein and to ouercome this pestilent euill is to giue them medicines therefore thus yée must vse them Ye shall take of wilde carret called in Latine Daucus or wilde Parsenepe or of groundstll or of Angelica rootes or the roote of the sea holly named Eringion in Latin with fennell seede and sprinckle it with sodde wine and fine wheaten meale with hot water mixe them so together and giue your sicke cattell drinke thereof then soone after yee shall make a drinke of Cacia mirre and Franckincense in like portion mixt with as much blood of the sea Tortu if ye can then put all together in a quart of old wine and then squirt it into their nostrilles Yee must minister this medicine thrée daies together euerie daie a thirde part Wee haue saith he found also a méete short medicine and a good which is the roote called in Latine Consiligo in French Pomele or Patedelion in English I take it to be blacke Elleborie which is verie good for al cattel Which roote ought to be taken after this manner Ye must di 〈…〉 e him out of the earth with your left hand before the sunne doe rise for as they say he is so taken and thereby he hath the more vertue which ye must vse in this sort First yee must bore thorow a circle of holes with an awle or a bodkin of brasse or latin in the flappe or broadest part of the beasts eare But first chip awaie the haire on both sides therof and then bore your holes so done then when ye see the bloud issue forth like a rounde circle ye shall then put into the saide holes of the foresaide roote cut in small peeces And when it is within the flesh holes that beast shall incontinently recouer and were fresh and lustie againe and shall not fall into the daunger of the saide venemous disease For the roote will draw foorth al the venome at the saide holes in his eare Whereby that part of the care will rotte and fall awaie and by the losse thereof the beast shall escape and be saued Cornelius Celsus his counsell is this ye
him forth to some place to make him swim Then do nourish him well after for a time and hee shall doo well If your horse is troubled with choller his belly wil swell and wil be hot nor he cannot then vent beneath and then ye must rake him with your hand and clense the naturall conduits which are stopt and take forth his dung and ye shall giue him sauin stauesaker and salt boild and mixt together in putting to a little honie and minister it in at his tuel like a glister or suppositorie which will moue and purge forth al the choller Some do beat iii. ownces of mirre with iii. pintes of wine and giues it with a horne and to chafe and rub his tuell with tarre and olde grease Other do wash his belly with falte water of the sea or water and salte As for other purgations they do commonly giue in powders and pilles which must be giuen with good discretion according to ech disease his medicine Which ye shal vnderstand more thereof at large in M. Blundeuils booke for horses howe and when to purge them therefore I here passe it ouer Against the bots or wormes in the guts when the horse is troubled therewith the signes are he will oft wallow and lye downe for paine and rise sodainly againe Also hee will bow his head towards his side or bellie and stampe with his feete and friske with his taile often the next remedy is put your hand into his tuell and drawe forth his dung and wash his belly with sea water or strong salted water and caste in his throate three ownces of the rootes of capers beaten with halfe so much vinegar and that will kill all wormes and bottes Some take hot embers and put it in running water then strayne it and giue it warme with a horne and walks him after halfe an houre and tyes him vp with the bridle and others take fenegreke and baies licoras and turmericke of ech a halfepeny worth of anniseséeds a penyworth with a quantitie of brimstone in powder beat all these smal together and put them in a quart of ale and giue it fasting warme and walke and vse him as before kéepe him warme al that day after or a pint of milke with a sponful of sope Some giue sauin chopt among prouender or a ry shelfe or the fine powder of brimstone in warme milke some other do let them bloud fasting in the ruffe of his mouth and that is the best for a mare that is with fole and to let her bloud often and to giue her a little prouender after for if ye should giue her stronger thinges it were dangerous for the colt except it were strong and nigh her time some do giue them mans dung hot and annoints the bridle therewith and chafes him thereon and maluesy also is good fasting for the cough newly taken they take lentile pease clean made dride and beat to powder and put thereof in warme water and so giuen a pint Use him thus thrée daies and giue him grasse and tender branches of hearbes For an old cough they heale with vi ounces of the iuice of léekes mixt with a pound of oyle oliue and so giue it with a horne and giue him grasse to eat after and to annoint his griefe with vinegar oyle mixt together If it helpe not then chafe him sometimes with sal niter allum mixt together with a fether of ech 〈◊〉 like with some vinegar If there be pushes or blisters on his body ye shal frote them so hard in the sunne that they bléed they mixe of the roote of iuie with so much brimstone of tar and allum put al together and therewith heale it For the cough some say take a hedgehog cast him into an ouen dry him to powder and alway mixe of that powder with his prouender which wil helpe at length any cough Or to take a handful of boxe leaues smal chopt and mixe it with a peck of ground malt and séeth it in a gallō or two of faire water and let the horse drinke thereof milke warme and giue him white water for two or three daies after or a handfull of groundsell small shred with the powder of licoras and anniseséedes of ech a quantity and so giue it warme in a quart of ale then ride him softly after and keepe him warme for two or thrée daies after To heale al sores or other chasinges on horses in any part of his body they do vse to wash them with warme water and then to rub and chafe them with grease and salt melted together so long till the matter ripe and issue out such sores oftimes do kill horses if there be not in the beginning some remedy found Some do annoynt them with oyle of Cedar or of Lentyles or with nettle séedes mixt with sallet oyle or the oyle of a whale or the dropping of salte tunny and chiefely the grease of a seale fish But if the sores be old ye must haue stronger thinges as to boyle of betony hearbe and brimstone powder of ellebory of pitch with as much old grease and with this they do heale all old sores in racing them first with a sharpe yron and then to wash them with pisse and so to annoint And sometime if it bee festred to cutte it to the quicke and then to drawe it with medicines as shall be made with tarre and oyle or such like which will clenes and fill agayne the place and when the haire shal be full againe and closed full with haire then it shall be good to chafe the place with soote of a cawdrone and butter and to heale a nauelgall or sore backe take soote of a chimney and yest mixt together and plaister it therwith which wil heale without any other thing in shifting it once a daye For rising of the skinne or raysing thereof Take two great onyons and boyle them in water with hounds tongue hearb then being hot take a pound of salt and mixe it with strong vinegar putting therein the yeolke of an egge then mixe all together and rub the place therewith and ye shall see the experience And for his backe that is chopt and swolne ye shall first wash him with pisse hot then annoint him with fresh butter and lay theron a little hay wet in cold water and so clap your saddle thereon and let him rest so al that night or annoint it with butter then put on the wette hay and your saddle Some clap these to hot horse dung then the saddle but take the groundes of ale or beere and boyle it wel with mallowes and clap it hot but if the skinne be through chaft so that it do water and is very moist yee shall haue ready in a bagge filde with the powder of bryer leaues finely beaten and put a little of that thereon and it will drie it by the morning ond it will heale it also without other thing Also for
those cold herbes it may mittigate the heate of y● potion The cure is hard if it haue gone-long then shall yee take of these herbes following that is of Venus or mayden haire of flouredeluce of ash buds and leaues of lycoras of cardamomum of pepper of byting almōds of burrach of ech 2. drams of nettle seeds of aristolochy of ech 2. drams of lycor as half a dram of pitch of Coloquintida 2. drams moūting in al to the quantity of two poūd let this portion be giuē vnto him 3. times or more if he wyl and ye may put vnto it the water that lycoras haue byn sodde in Then if this disease doe yet remayne ye shall heale him with this medicyne except it haue long growne this wil heale him Notwithstanding there may be diuers remedyes giuen to helpe for a tune as by drinkes in helping his guts also in slitting his nostryls to take wynd which perhaps may be a helpe to continue long and to giue him a litle boyled wheat for thrée dayes space But first ye shal let him drink of y● water where in al these herbs haue layn a night before thē giue it a boile and let him drinke it milk warm in taking out al the herbs cleane with a strayner as of paunces longwoorte maidenhayre y● crops of nettles Carduus benedictus herb fluellin the roots of dragons bruised the roots of elecāpane bruised of water hemp of peniryall of light wort herb Angelica of ech of these a good hādful or so many as ye may haue of thē bruise lay thē al night in 2. or 3. gallons of water giue it a boyle in the morning and let him drinke thereof mylke warme so much as he wil. Then giue him of the wheat boiled vse him thus fiue or sixe daies keep him in a close and coole place after let him haue grasse this will helpe him if there be any recouery this is good also for any dry cough Also it shal be good to giue hym water sod with lycoras and mirt with some wine and let y● be his only drinke for nine or ten dayes after Thus much for the brokē wynded horse The glāders is an yl disease taken by a heat a sodain cold and appeareth at his nostrils to haue kyrnels vnder hys iowles which wil payne him sore to eate and at length wil run at his nostryls The remedy is take heat horse doung pisse and clap it vnder to his iawes and so perhaps it maye go away againe If not the remedye is seeth a handfull of pylde garlicke in mylk and put a peece of butter therto and some ale then stirre altogether and giue it him fasting and ryde him softly a while after and then set hym vp and keepe him warme the space of nine dayes if yee can and giue him warme water and he shall do wel Another take an ounce and a halfe of the powder of elecampanie and put it in a quart of ale and giue it him warme and vse him as before Another put 2. or 3. roasted and peeled onyons into hot seething milk with a quātity of beatē garlick and put it into the mylke then stirre it wel but first put into the milke a little oatmeale and then the other and make it not thick and put in too or thrée spoonful of hony and stir it altogether and giue it blood warme and kéepe him fasting al the night before after this drinke walke him awhile and set him vp warm and giue him meate The mourning of the chine is a sorenes doubtful to cure and is taken by sore trauel and then a sodaine colde which disease is vncurable For as a French man saith To heale the moruning of chine Is hard to find any medicine It wil appeare at his nose like the Oake water blacke or as it were soote and water mixed together more blacker than the glaunders If ye wil knowe further herein reade Maister Blundefield his book of horses there yée shal see it written at large The strangurion is a griefe easte to heale it cōmeth by chafing a hot sweat then hee taketh colde wherin he wil be very sick whervpon wil arise swellings in diuers places about his head with kyrnels on both sides his necke within néere stopping his wind seantly able to swallow his meate and holding his head outright which is manifest y● the inflāmation is within the throat somtime therwith the throat is swoln so the he hardly taketh his breath neither cā eate nor drink Which cōmeth of cold humors frg the head The cure Let him blood on the neck vayn if his age wil permit then make a ryping plaister of mallows linséed rue smalledge ground yuy boyle al these together put to oyle of bay with a quantity of Dia althea then take it frō the fire therwith make your playster lay it to let him drink warm water mixt with meale or lay a plaister of bran stéeped in wine vnto his throat to rype it when it is rype launce it so tent it and kéepe him warme and annoynt often that place of his neck with butter til he be whole The haw in the eie of a horse is a litle whit hard gristle in the inner corner of the eye it wil grow and couer half his eye it commeth by a grosse matter from the head if it be not cut out in tyme it wil at length haue out his eys and some horse hauing one wil soone haue another The cure Ye shal take vp his eye lydde with a stéele néedle as is aforesayd wash or spurt in some drinke after The Frounce is a disease soon cured and they are smal pymples or wartes in the middes of the pallet of his mouth aboue and they are soft and they will let him to eate his meate and they come by eating of frozen grasse or by drawing frozen dust with the grasse in their mouthes The remedy is they doe but cut them or burne them and then washe them with wine and salt or ale and salt and so they will goe away A splint is the least sorenesse that is and alway doeth continue Many seemes to mend it and they payre it it is as wel on the outside of the legges as on the inside sometimes they wil be as bigge as your fingers which comes by trauelling too young or by too heauie burdens or by sodayne starting and strayning his sine wes The cure Some do heale it by rubbing it with a hazel stick made crosse with nicks therwith rubs the splint al ouer crosse And others do shaue of al the haire with a stick cut checkerwise then layes tarre theron and rubbes therewith twise a day all on the splint til it be cleane gone Some do say to burne is the best but if he be not wel healed he may halt continually after Also some doe clippe or shaue the
thus once a day and this wil heale it also If there be any inflamation behind the eares or that it grow to any inpostumation in that place ye shall boyle the rootes of mallowes in water till they waxe tender thē bruse them and straine out the water cleane and warme giue it vnto the horse The lampas is a light sorenes to heale it cometh by the aboundance of bloud and is afore in the ruffe of the mouth they will swell and bee so sore that hee cannot eate his meate The cure is Take a hooked knife made very sharpe and made very hot and therwith cut the swoln places in two partes crosse against the téeth but if they bee but smally swolne then cut but the third ranke from the téeth and so let them bleed well then rub it with a little salt and let him go If a horse do pisse bloud it cometh by some sore straine or ouer laden by some heauie burthen or else being too fatte or some vains broken The cure ye shall let him bloud and boyle that bloud with wheat and with powder of dride barke of the pomgarnets then strayne it and giue it hym to drinke three or foure mornings and let hym not trauell thereupon And some do but let him bloud in the pallet or ruffe of the mouth Also others do giue him of husked beanes boilde with the huskes of acornes beat small and mixt therewith Use this as ye shall see cause If a horse haue receiued any venome in his haye or any venemous beast haue bitten him ye shall perceiue by his eyes his head and his bodie will swell and much shake The remedy is to runne him till he sweate then straight waye drawe bloud in the pallet of his mouth and so much as he bleedeth let him swallow it downe hotte If he bite of adder or snake yee shall take a liue cocke and cleane him in the middest and all hotte clappe it to the wound Some take but a pigin and open her and clappe it to and thereupon giue him drinke made with a pinte of strong wine and some salte Or take the roote and leaues and fruit of brionie burnt to ashes and giue vnto the horse a good sponefull thereof in a pint of good wyne Also if the horse haue eaten in his meate anye henne or chicking dung it will cause him to haue the bloudye fluxe or the trenches which is small wormes or a crowling in his bellye or guttes Therefore kéepe poultry out of your stables if ye loue your horses Also puddle or dunghill water is vnholsome for a horse to drynke of Or where geese or ducks do vse For it will corrupt their bloud and breede a plague Therefore if ye can let them drinke litle thereof And against the hen dung and drinking such water yee shall vse to giue them quarterly of the hearbe Angelica and of Smallage made in pouder And giue anounce thereof in a pint of good wine mixt with a litle honyed water Then walke him till his bellyswage or till he make his dung And when soeuer a horse is in danger of the pestilence called Phibula they are preserued by the seperating asunder from that place Which disease commeth diuers waies as by heate and ouermuch labour by hunger And being hote to drinke colde water Or suddaine chafing after long rest which things breede the pestilence It is a disease hard to know but when one dyeth there will soone follow another Then the best is to seperate them And to make them a drinke of bayberies myrre aristolochia and gentian with the shauing of iuorie of each alike made in pouder and giue to each horse a spoonfull thereof in a pinte of wine or ale Use this as yee shall sée cause Or yee may giue them of Triacle in wine or ground iuy in his water and meate The yellowes is an euil sorenes in a horse and it is a kinde of the iaundise gotten by colde His body and eyes will shew yelaow And also his skinne will be yealow In a young horse it is soone had by taking of colde after a heate Or it may come by stopping of the bladder or gall or his liuer enflamed And likewise a horse getteth the blacke iaundise if blacke choller abound in his bodie And then he will not lye but stand The cure Ye shall minister vnto him a glister and rake him and let him bloud on both sides of the necke and of the nose Some doe take saffron and turmericke and mixe them with milke and giues it warme But first let him bloud on the nose or in the roofe of the mouth And then put of the iuice of selandine into his eare and binde it fast and in twelue howers after then ride him a litle and then keepe him warme for two or three dayes after and let him haue white water warme and this disease doth often bréede the staggers The Staggers is an ill sorenes to heale It will make the horse to hold downe his head And also hee will reele to and fro and forsake his meate and this procéedeth of the yellowes and of a corrupt humour in the brayne His sight will bee dimme and hee will bee heauie in going The cure They do let him bloud in the temple vayne and also cut the skinne on the fore toppe and with a bucks horne doth raise it vppe towardes the head three fingers or more deepe Then to melt turpentine and hogges grease together and dippe a tent of flaxe therein and tent it therewith and vse this once a daye till it be whole and make the like issue on his poll behinde and giue him warme mashe and walke him softly once a day Another Ye shall put a sponefull of the iuyce of selandine into one of his eares and so bind it fast and so let him remaine and he shall mend Another Put a little of white salte into his eare and then put in after a sponefull or two of fayre water and then knit fast his eare that hee cannot cast it out This is a vsed medicine for this disease and a most certaine helpe If anye horse chaunce to bee gorde with a stake or otherwise yee shall take and cast him and open the wounde as much as yee maye Then take fresh butter and boyle it ouer the fyer and boylyng hot poure thereof into the wounde and make it runne to the bottome of the wounde if yee can and let him so lye that it maye go to the bottome And then lette him rest till the next morning and vse him so once a day till hee bée whole For this will heale him without anye other thing To cast a horse or other beast yee shall binde firste his head with a strong halter vnto some post or tree then Englishe saffron alike Some of these or so manye as yee shall thinke good made in fine powder and mixed with ale and giuen warme in vsing as afore is mentioned Coltes are oft payned
at length The cure Ye shall cast him and open his mouth with a pin of wood then take a crooked kiffe yron wrapped with tow on the end therewith rake out al the stinking grasse or other meate that lieth in his iawes and vnder the roote of his tongue So clensed cleane all about ye shall heat strong wine vinegar somwhat warme and wrappe your yrons ende with towe and dip it in the vinegar then al to chafe his iawes on both sides a good while and also the rootes of his tongue when ye haue so chaft him well wash his tongue therewith and so let him rise because his mouth will be sore for a wéeke after ye must giue him mashes and graines hotte or such soft meat but no hay and he will do wel againe god willing Foundring of a straite shooe IF ye let fore shooes remaine aboue a moneth if yee so iourny him ye may founder him which ye shall perceiue in tauell by the way for he will often trippe on those féete or that foote which is most griefe vnto him therefore remoue them betimes or els he will founder and halt downe right then the shooe must be remoued and let bloud in the tooe and some do stop it with brused sage so set on the shooe againe and let him so rest for iii. or iiii daies or ye can ride him thē may ye ride him softly and he wil do wyll A prouerbe among husbandmen for the breede of a colt IF thou haue a fole with iiii white féet kéepe him not a day If he haue three white féete put him soone away If he haue two white féet lend him to thy frend If he haue one white foot kéepe him to his liues end To make a horse to scoure GIue him one ounce of the pouder of brimstone finely beaten in a mash with some pouder of spurge Against wormes in the coddes SOme horse will haue wormes in their coddes and when they doe abound if he be not remedied hee will dye of them And these are the signes he will scratch his belly with his feete and his haire will stare there and waxe more grayer then before If ye helpe him not before they pearce his bellye and guts hee shall hardly escape They are bred by euill meate and fault of drinking good water The cure Ye shall cast into his mouth fasting the guts of a young pullet and make him to swallow it downe in holding vppe his head do this three mornings and let him not eate nor drinke of v. houres after verye little Also some do vse to bruse french broome and giue it among good prouender and salte water to drinke Others do also giue the horse of greene braunches of willow or Sallow or reedes and in digestion of his meat he shall cast out those wormes To helpe sinewes troubled with humoures BOyle the meale of lineséed and hony in like portion together with some white wine and make thicke as a plaister and so put it on and ye shall sée it come to good proofe Against shot impoysoned WHen a horse is hurt by some poysoned yron or shot take the sweat of an other horse with tosted or burnt bread mixe them together with mens vrine and make the horse to swallow it downe and put grease of a hog into the wounde with the like mixture and he shall mend Falling of haire in a horse taile THe falling of haire commonlye is when he hath to much bloud or when he traueleth to much on the waye or is beaten on the tayle whereof comes sometimes scabbes with shedding his haire The cure If this happe in the tayle ye shall race the out part vnto the middest of the fourth bone or ioynte of the tayle and take forth that bone called of some bariuole which ye shall take out cleane and betwixt the senture and the body bee coctures or stringes some what deepe which ye shall softly touch with a hotte yron and a little salte and in each fent yee shall gently put a broach of wood which must remaiue ix daies if they fall not awaye of themselues The canker in the tayle of a horse THere comes a disease in the tayle of a horse called in french Langie and will eate the flesh of his tayle in manner of a canker so that the haire will fall awaye for the bones are corrupt If yet see not vnto it betimes all the tayle will corrupt The cure Make a head boulster of cloth verye strong for it and wette it in vinegar within and without and so binde it fast on the sore and alwaye when it waxeth drye yee must wette it agayne Do this twise or thrise a day if it be done oftener it is the better So shall yee continue for thrée or foure dayes and then yee must heale it as yee heale a greene wound For a horse euill disposed and very heauie in trauaile YE shall cutte the skinne betweene the fore legges and then make a ring of a vine branch and put it into the cut place betwixt the skinne and the flesh like a rowell and then hee shall trauell surely againe For a horse that is to fat to make him leane TO make your horse leane that is verie fatte yee shall giue him branne mixt with honye and warme water and so it shall abate his fatnes without trauell To know the differences betwne a horse bewitched and other sorenesse YE shall marke this in a horse as in other cattell that when they be sicke or diseased naturally the griefe will often times alter againe by litle and litle and so to mend Or els it will increase by leasure and not to come so vehemently as when he is bewitched For the farcie in a horse will rise in knobs and bunches and will so continue a long time or they breake out And yet the horse so infected will eate dayly his meate But if he be bewitched he will eate no meate because he is so inflamed with such poyson in his body so that within xii houres manie die or like to die Some are striken with knobbes and bunches rising in their bodies with lamenes of linunes Some with running at their nostrels matter and flegme Some their eiesswelling and hanging out of their head with flegme and matter roping and running Some sodainely falle and so die Some run about in fieldes as they were mad and drowne themselues in pits and ponds of water with diuers other infinite waies they vse in bewitching mens cattell which here I will passe ouer But when ye shall doubt of any such thing the best is to séeke remedy betimes or the poyson go through his body For if it tarry any space it will be past remedy Sinewes and nerfes broken or brused IF Sinewes or nerfes be broken or brused or hurt by some sore or otherwise ye shall lay thereon the flesh of a tortue well mixt and beaten with the powder of mullen hearbe But if the nerfes and sinewes be brused and hurt
do take the iuice of nightshade mixt with grease and ther with anoint or garlick beaten togither with tar so anoint Or the iuice of pelitory of spain or of arthichoke mixt with strong vinegar and therewith wash it Other remedies shepheards haue the which I know not but these I thinke shal be sufficient There is also a sicknes amōgst shéep which the shepherds cal the wood euil or cramp which commeth most commonly in the spring of the yeare and taketh them most in their legs and in their necks so that it maketh them hold their neckes awry And the most part of shéepe that haue this sicknesse within a day or two thereof wil die except they haue spéedie remedie which remedie is best to wash them a litle and to change their grounds or going and to bring them to féede in some low pasture For this grief comes commonly to shéep on lay and hilly grounds and full of fearny grounds Other remedies there are which men do vse to let blood on the vain vnder the eye Also some do say that house léeke stampt with neates féete oyle and therewith anoint Or scallions stampt and bound to their legges Other buglosse the leaues stampt and bound to their legges Shéepe in the sommer wil be troubled with maggets the fly wil blow vpon smal occasions To perceiue when any shéepe is troubled therewith ye shal sée by her biting stamping starting and shaking her taile and there most commonly it is moist and watry If it be nigh the hinder partes or taile it wil be defiled and waxe oftentimes gréene with doonging Then must the shepheard clip away all the wooll in that place to the skin thē to cast a handful of dry mouldy pouder thereon which hee should haue alwaies readie in a bag to dry vp the moysture Then wipe away that mould and whereas the maggots were laie tarre thereon all ouer Thus in the sommer ye must euery day sée wel vnto them and marke their féeding and going For a yaewe that will forsake her lambe assoone as it is yeand to make her to loue it shepheards d ee take the byrth skinne which is a thinne Call that the Lambe is lapt in which they take or part there of and lappes it on a lumpe and puttes it into hir mouth and make hir to swallowe it If the Yowe will not eate it then let hir chew it well vppe and downe in hir mouth and after that shée will loue hir Lambe and be affraide of it as others And to make hir to loue another Lambe if hirs bee deade they vse to take hir Lambes skinne and clappe it on the other Lambes body then she will loue the other Lambe thinke it is hir owne If a Yowes lambe die in the birth some Shéepheardes doe take the deade lambe and rubbes another lambe all ouer therewith and by that meanes the Yowe reserues it as hir owne and will loue it aswell Shéep oftimes will be poysoned by eating some euil herb or other thinge where vpon they will swell and stagger in in holding commonlie their heades downe and within a while after they will foame at the mouth and then soone after they will fall downe and die The remedy is shepheards doe vse assoone as they spie any shéep réele or stagger they take him and open his mouth and vnder his tongue at the roote there shall yee see bladders which they doe rubbe with the powder of loame or with croomes of bread and and breake them than they pisse in the sheepes mouth and so washeth it downe If yee cannot pisse then ye shall take drinke and powre some into his mouth and soone after hée will doe wel againe or giue him the iuyce of woormewood with wine or vinegar Against the time of yeaning as towardes the Spring shepheardes must then take good héede vnto their flocke of yeawes or any other hauing the gouernment of such cattel Then must the shepheardes cherish wel their yeawes béeing with lamb for if the yeawes be not then strong they will haue no force to deliuer their lambs which causeth many abortiues or dead Lambes and oft times they cannot be deliuered without helpe Therefore in that time good shepheardes ought to giue great attendaunce in some places where great flockes are they watche in the nightes as well as daies for perhappes three or foure yeawes maie labour to yeane at one time Wherefore then the shepheard must haue helpe or els they are like to haue losse of lambes and where a yeaws cannot deliuer her Lamb the shepheard must helpe her in setting his foote on her necke and with his hands to pluck it from her gently If it come with the head forward then it is more easie to be taken out But if the lambe doe come with the rumpe forward then must the shepheard put in his fingers and put a small corde about the houghes of both the lambes feet and so fasten it and plucke the lambe forth If any lambe do lie ouerwhart or crosse thē must the shepheard with a sharp knife cut the lamb in three or foure peeces and so take it forth Also if anie Lambe bee like to die when hee is first lambde yee shall open his mouth and blowe therein and thereby manie haue recouered soone after and done well Wherefore in this time of the yeare ye must bee painefull to see your yeawes and to bee with them late at night and earelie in the morning and to see and hearken if anie yeawe doe complaine or groane that yee maye be readie to helpe her Also if any yeaw haue two Lambes and too little milk thift one lamb as is afore mentioned vnto some other yeawe which hath no lambe thus ye may do saue in lamming time many Lambes Things good for the easier deliuerance of the lambes to be ministred in time of extremity Nettles boyled in Malmsey and giuen which wil open the necke of the matrix Anniseedes boyled in wine or ale and giuen The iuice of Peniryall stamped with ale and giuen Also the iuice of wilde Parsnepes stampt and strained giuen The herbe called Hare wort in Latin Aristolochia drunk with mirrhe pepper with wine or ale and giuen Also the leaues of wilde sage stamped and strained with wine or ale and giuen or to annoint the matrix with the ●uice of Wake robin Also Fetches stampt with ale and giuen is good also Or mint stampt strained with honied water Mallow leaues stampt strained with ale and giuen or the roote of Lawrel stampt strained with honied water then warmed giuen Al these aforesaid are good to be giuen in order for the spéedier deliuerance of the lambes when any yeaw is in danger and weake Shéepe sometimes wil haue their téeth loose for that some doe let them blood vnder the tayle some do counsell to chafe their gumnes with the powder of mallow roots burnt and made into powder and rub
the spring it cometh with a swelling in the belly and foming at the mouth and sodainly the shéepe will fall downe in the way The remedy is Take a quantitie of rue and another of rosemarie and boyle them in milke or in new ale for that is the better and when it is a little boilde then stampe it and then straine it and so giue it milke warme vnto the shéepe but before yee giue it pricke him vnder the tongue and make it bléede if ye can and he shal do wel There is also oftentimes a giddines in sheepe which doth take them in their heads as shepheards do iudge if it bee the bladder ye shall find it soft vnder your finger and there ye must cut it as is afore said or the worme vnder the horne which is likewise afore declared For any other paine or giddines these are special good Take the iuice of iuie leaues and put thereof into his eare and bind it fast for casting out Or the iuice of cackcospit in like case warme Or the iuice of hegtaper cald foxe gloue put it into the eare The iuice of wilde time stampt with ale straind and giuen Or the iuice of sowbred calde in latin panis porcinus distild in at the nose into the head doth purge both the head and the braine of the shéepe Against water in the body or belly ye shall stampe and straine of two peny grasse giue it with wine boild Against any water in the head boyle purcelin in honted water straind and so giuen All these aforesaid are good against water in any part of the body Also they saye when the téeth of sheepe waxelong and euen it is a signe of age in them For the worme in the guts SOme shéep wil haue a long worme in his guts and also ●lambs of a quarter old which bréedeth of some raw humor the signes are he wil forsake his meat sit most cōmonly bowing his head to his belly he wil often grone his belly wil swel shortly wil die theron if he be not holpe The remedy take a quantitie of the iuice of horehound with some léeke blades albrused so giue it Or to giue him the powder of wormeséed in some maluesie Also the powder of sauin finely beaten and giuen in wine or ale Shéep sometimes wil be lowsie and haue lice like hog lice which breed sometimes by much wet sometimes by hunger and pouerty and sometimes they may haue lice in lying among hogs and then ye shal sée them rubbing scratching with their hornes and so wil teare their wooll in many places The remedy take quicksiluer kilde in oile oliue or spettle therwith annoint your sheep or the pouder of white ellebory and mixe it with sallet oile and therwith annoint Or boile it in vinegar and wash the shéep therewith Or take the powder of stauesaker and mixe it with oile oliue annoint therwith Or ye may take fresh grease sope tar melt together therwith annoint Al these afore said are good against shéep that are lowsie There is sometime on the end of the yowed tets a certaine smal mote or scab with a black head hanging vnto it a hard mattry string like flegme which is within the tet and it wil slop her milke that of some yow the lambe can draw no milke Wherefore the shepheard must sée to al such things in tamming time or els some lambs are like to starue Some shepheards say that a horned ram is il to get lambs for the yowes are at lamming time in more danger of deliuerance because the lambs haue long stubbed hornes before they are lambd wherby in the lambing time they put the yowes in more danger therfore the net ram is counted more better Some shéep wil haue a water bladder vnder their chin which ye shall féele to be soft which wil breed in moist times of winter by féeding on moist places shepheards haue no other common remedy but to launce it a little and then to tar it There be some lambs their pesill is clouen I can learne no remedy but kéepe it cleane til he be big and annoint it with tar and then to kil him for he wil die at the length How for to know the age of a shéep she being of one shere she wil haue two broad téethafore at the second shere shee will haue iiii broad teeth afore at the third shere she will haue vi broad téeth afore and at the fourth shere shee will haue viii broad teeth afore and thus ye may know the age of all sheepe by their teeth Sheep are cald ouis in latin which word cometh of sacrificing in the old time The sheep is a beast good profitable for many cōmodities for the vse of a man as commōly is known among all men in this countrie and others If the rams be put vnto the yowes when the winde is in the north the yowes will bring males and if the winde be in the south if the yowes he then couered they will bee female lambs Also such a colour as the vaine is vnder the rammes tongue of such colour shal the lambe be when he is lambde and when old sheepe are moued to generation in vnordinate times shepheards say it is a good signe And if young sheep be so moued they say it is a taken of some generall pestilēce among them that yeare following Also Aristotle saith shéepe do commonly conceiue in drinking-water and therefore some shepheards do giue them salt and do force them to take it which doth cause them to conceiue the rather and salt will kéepe them longer safe and sound without sickenes They do also giue them in haruest Cucurbitas and such hearbes with salt which will increase much milke in their vdderns If your sheepe be made to fast three daies and then giue them meat they will soone after waxe fat in sommer cold water coming out of the north springes is good for them to drinke and in haruest warme water coming out of the south shall be good for them and then to eate in the later part of the day or night is also good for sheepe And those sheepe which are driuen and trauell farre do soone waxe leane and shepheards wil perceiue those that will best endure out the next winter folowing for some sheepe are so feeble they are not able to shake of the I se from their backes and some will suffer none thereon but still shake it off The sheepe which be nourished in watry places their flesh is not so holesome as others nourished in drye groundes and those foure footed beasts nourished in moysts groundes with long tailes may worse awaye with winter then those with broad tailes Also sheepe with smal and thin short wooll on their tailes may worst away with winter shepheards say the wooll of a sheepe that is wirried with the wolfe or eate thereof it is infected and the cloth made of that wooll wil
the other in Autumne after Michaelmas The order how they doe geld one way is thus They make two crosse slits or incisions on the middest of the stones vpon each stone one and then put them forth and so annoint them with tarre There is an other maner of gelding which is more gentle and more faire but somewhat more dangerous if it bee not well done Neuerthelesse I wil therin shew somewhat and not so leaue it which is to slit on stone on the toppe and after ye haue drawne foorth that ye shall put in your fingers at the same slit and with your launcet slit the skin betwéene the two stones and by that slit ye shall crush forth the other stone and so draw him foorth gently as the other aforesaid and and then to clense out the blood and so anoint him with fresh grease And thus ye shal make but one incision or slit on the codde But this way is best for other cattel For of all sorts of catel a boare may best be gelded being olde Also against certaine sicknesse they giue some remedies as hereafter shall follow The signes to know best when that your hogges haue the feuer is this When they hang downe their heads or heare it aside or when they in féeding and pastoring do sodeinly runne and sodeinly rest againe and so fall on the ground as they were astonied and giddie Ye must therfore marke which side hee holdeth vp or hangeth his head so that yee let him blood on the eare on the other side and ye shall also open the greatest vaine vnder his taile two fingers from his rumpe or buttockes But first yee must chafe and beate it with some wande or twigge that it may bléede the better Then if the infusion after yee haue drawne blood doe beginne to swell yee shall close it togither in binding about the taile the barke of a willow or of elme And after this yee shall kéepe him in the house the space of a daie or two and yee shall giue him as much warme water as hee will drinks mixt with a pounde of barley meale And also for those hogs which haue impostumes or curnels vnder their throates They ought to be let blood vnder the toong and when ye haue drawne blood sufficient yee must rubbe and chafe all his throat and groine with salt and pure wheate meale beaten togither Some doe say there is not a better medicine then to make them to take with a horne sixe ounces of garum which yee shall lightly haue at the Apothicaries Then with a small flaxen corde binde thereunto with ferules of wood and let them so hang about his necke as they may touch the impostume and curnels and they shal do wel againe Also when as your hogs doe cast or vomit is a signe their stomacke is not wel Therefore yee shal giue them gratings or shauings of iuory with a litle of dride beaten salt And ye shal beate their beanes small and put them into the trough with their other meate before they goe to the field and they wil then remaine the more in quiet there Also there comes sometimes a sicknes amongst these beastes so that many wil be sicke togither insomuch ye shal sée them waxe leane therewith and they wil not then scantly eate any thing at all and if ye driue them to the pasture or field they wil réele and fall downe by the way And if it take them in sommer they wil lie and sléepe in the sunne all day and it taketh them as they had litargie which is a sléepie and forgetful sicknes if this disease then happen they shut vp all their hogs togither in one house and lets them there remaine a day and a night without any meate or drinke On the next day after to those that wil drinke they giue them water in the which is stampt the rootes of wilde cucumbers And so many as haue drunke thereof they will begin to vomit and by so vomiting they are purged cleane thereof and when they haue cast and cleansed all the choler and filth within their stomake then yee may giue vnto them pease fetches or beanes mixt with salt water or to cast of bay salt amongst it and then they make them to drinke luke warme water And as it is very euil and pernicious for all beastes in sommer to bee dry so is it most chiefly in hogs Yet I would not haue yee should giue your hogs water twise a day as yee doe other cattel as goates shéepe and others but if ye can in the canicular daies let them féede nigh some riuer pondes or low marshes For their heat is then so great they cannot suffice them to drinke water onely but they must also turne and tosse therein specially in myery and durtie water the which doeth greatly refresh and coole them specially those which haue fatte and great bellies And herein nature doth shewe them what is good for them But if the situation of the place wil not suffer and permit ye must then giue them largely drinke from the wel or in such a like place or els to put plentie of water into their troughes For if they haue not then all sufficient thereof to drinke they wil haue the disease of the lightes which is to be pursy and ptisicke But this disease is easily remedied by putting in their eares the iuice of pomeile so calde in French In Latin Consiligo the which I take to bee the hearbe calde light woort or comphere Likewise your hogges oftentimes wil haue the paine of the milt which doth oft trouble them and then they wil go aside and crooked with their bodies which commeth by a great drought as some do iudge but most by fruit for when fruites doe fall from the trées and lieth on the ground vntaken vp These beastes are so vnsaciable in following the swéetnes thereof that thereby they engender this disease in the splene The which ye shal remedie it by making them troughes to féed out of of the wood in Latin calde Tamarix which as I thinke is calde in English quickbeme wood And ye shal therein vse to giue them their meate and drinke and that wood wil remedie it For out of that wood wil come a water or moisture which wil heale the inflamation of that disease Sometimes there comes inflamations in the milt so that it bréeds a pestilence among hogs which comes by vnwholesome times And also the rather by their filthy bodies féeding or els by some infection through euil nourishment Therfore it wil be good sometime to kéep them fasting all a night in some dark place to cōsume the superfluous humors in them which they do encrease by their rauening gréedines Which I wil not here leaue but to speake somewhat thereof hereafter Now as touching the vnnatural kind of some of the sows there be in some kinds of thē which are so rauining they wil not passe to deuour their
shall put into their nostrelles of Mistleto leaues stamped with wine but this must be done ass 〈…〉 as your beasts begin to ware ficke and then to vse euerie beast that is infected as is aforesaid For a beast that doth not like nor well digest his meate VVHen a beast doth not digest his meate the signes is of rawnesse in the stomacke and want of digestion is when he belcheth often and his guts maketh a crowling his 〈◊〉 wil be charged with droppes his nerfes and sinewes wil be hard and stiffe which cause is he doe not vse to rubbe nor 〈◊〉 himselfe The remedies are these ye shal take 9. pintes of warme water and 30. colewoort leaues a little boyled and mixt with some vinegre so make him to swallow it downe and all day after ye shall let him eate nothing but that Some do lie him in the stal laies meate afore him so that he cannot eate thereof then they take 4. pound of the toppes of lentiles and the toppes of wilde oliues and beates them together with a pound of hony and put thereto 4. pintes of water and then setteth it a night in the open ayre and on the morrow giue it him and within an houre after they giue him of wilde tares or fetches soked in water but no drinke and this ye must do three daies together till all the cause be taken away Then if this doe not helpe his digestion or crowling of his guttes and belly which thing doth trouble him so that he cannot eate his meate and it maketh him to weepe and to complain and mourne then let him not rest long in a place and also if he lie on the earth ye shal re 〈…〉 his head often where his taile was Also this is a manifest remedy for them ye shal bind hard the vpper part of his taile next his bulcke so done ye shal giue him then a pint and a halfe of wine mixt with a quarter of a pint of oile oliue and make him to swallow it and then leade him apace the space of a mile a halfe Then if the disease go not away ye shall then annoint your handes with greace butter or oyle oliue and draw foorth his doung at his fundament and make him like wise to runne a good space after if this profite not yee shall take wilde figges dried and all to bruise them then mixe them with nine times so muche warme water and so giue it vnto him If this yet helpe not yee shall then take two pounde of the leaues of myrtes then stampe them and mixe them with thrée pintes of warme water and so giue it with a horne but first let him blood vnder the tayle chase him wel afore ye let him blood to bléede the better and when he hath bledde sufficiently then stoppe it in binding it about with the barke of some tree for closenesse Also they vse this remedy among the rest that is to giue vnto the beast thrée ounces of beaten garlicke in a pinte of wine or more and then to driue and make him to runne a good while after Another they vse also to beate two ounces of salt with ten onions and then puts thereto a little melted honie and so puts it into the tewel or arsegut of the beast and after they chase him awhile and make him to runne Al these aforesaid haue beene assaied against lacke of digestion Against the crowling called of some the crying of the guttes and fretting thereof in cattell AS concerning the crowling and crying of the guttes paine thereof in cattel which are oft times troubled therewith which griefe is appeased and helped by this meanes as when the beast shall sodainly see any thing swimme specially a drake on the water shal sodainly be healed thereof and also the drake in sodaine beholding the beast the said beast shal be healed thereof Likewise if any drake beholde the horse the said horse shal be sodainly whole thereby And yet as some times they can finde no medicine that can helpe Also the signes of the trenches with fretting of the guttes are these The fluxe of the bellie with great aboundance of fleame the remedies are take fiue Cipres apples with so many gall nuttes with olde wheate the weight of both the other two then beate them well altogether and put it into three pintes of redde wine and giue the beast by euen portions therof foure morninges yee shall not forget to put there vnto if yee can of lentile pease of mirtes and the croppes of wilde oliue tre●s All these haue beene saide to helpe the frenches and fretting of the guttes The fluxe of the belly doth increase by little and little and so at length goeth through the whole body of the beast which will sore diminish his strength and cause him to labour verie ●●owe and faintly When this shall happen yee must keepe your oxe or other beast three daies from drinke and the first daie to giue him nothing to eate Then after giue him the croppes of wilde oliues or of Reede or such like or the seedes of lentile pease or mirtes but ge●e him as little water as yee ●an For the fluxe of the bellys sometimes continueth vnto blood and then it weakeneth a beast very much and he will thereof die if there be not som● remedie founde Wh●rfore the best is as aforesaid to giu● him no drinke for the space of foure ●r fiue daies but to giu● him the br●ised kirnelle● of raysons steeped all one night in redde wine or to giue him of gall nu●●es and of Cipres mixt and beaten together in redde wine and so giuen in a morning Likewise also against the payne o● the guttes and fluxe thereof some doe take the shutes and toppes of the tēder bay tree and steepes it wi●h so much Sothernwood all a night in three pin●es of warme water and so giues it to the beast fasting Another also other do take and bruise a quantitie of the dried kirnelles of grapes and giues it mixt with three pintes of redde wine and to let him drinke no other thing but as aforesaid ●he tops of bayes and sothern wood steeped in warme water so long as the said ●●uxe doe continue or as ye shall see cause If the fluxe doe not soone cease or the paine of the gut● and belly ye shall giue him but little meate for the space of three or foure daies For his head being then charged with a watrish humour he shall by eating little auoyde more easier the water out by his e●es and at his nose then otherwise he should doe and for an extreame and speedy remedy thereof ye must burne him in the middes of his forhead with a hot yron vnto the bone and also flitte or race his eares after rubbe the place twise a day with some oxe pisse warmed on the fire and vse this medicine vntill he be whole and also ye shall annoint the burnt place in his forehead
if there be not speedy remedy he dieth which remedie is ye must pricke the vayne vnder his tongue as is afore mentioned and he shall do well Against the venomed tongue of a beast and also his bodie THe tongue of an oxe or bullocke sometimes shall be swolne and venomed by eating of some venemous grasse or such like and then he wil commonly gape eate no meate but stand holding downe his head and mourne The remedy is ye shal bruise a white onyon and mixe it with a little good vinegre then giue it him and make him to swallowe it downe But first rubbe his mouth and tongue with all wel and then giue it him So done ye shal pashe a whole egge into his mouth shell and all and make him so to swallow it downe and then he wil recouer and doe well againe Sometimes a beast wil be swolne all his bodie by eating some euill thing and venemous among their grasse as the ●eld spider frogges snailes eftes or colde hearbes as poppie dwale hemlocke and such which wil make them swel The remedies are Take of the iuice of plantaine with the iuyce of wilde carrets by euen portion and giue the beast therof with a little vinegar Also the iuyce of inugwort mixt with ale or béere and giue it Likewise the iuyce of cleuers or goose grease stampt and straind and giuen is a special remedy against venom of the field spider and others also Againe the garden tanzy stampt and straind and giuen with wine Also the séed of the great Cowthistle dried and made into powder and giuen with wine or the roote therof boilde in wine and giuen Likewise the leaues of annisestedes boild in water and giuen Againe the séede of rocket beaten and giuen wish ale or a handfull of betony leaues stampt and straind with ale and beere and giuen Likewise doth garlicke beeing stamped together with Ale or Déere and giuen with ale Any of these are good alone to be giuen to a beast when he is swolne by eating of any venemous thing And if ye do take of some hearbes 2. parts together it wil then be the stronger and take more effect but my counsel is vse them with discretion euen as yée shall see cause Against the swelling in a beast by eating of a Tyne worme IF anie Oxe or other beast haue eaten anie tineworme which is a small redde worme rounde and ful of legges much like a hogge lowse Which worme in Sommer wil be créeping among the grasse If anie beast haue eaten such it wil poyson hym and he wil sodainly swel thereof so that within foure twenty houres if he be not remedied he wil die therof One remedy is ye shal take a quantity of stale put there in a quantity of falfe 〈…〉 e them well together and so giue it him and so soone as ye can chafe him after till he do stowar for when they do stowar they lightly shall do well Another Take a good handful of hearbe Robart which smels like a foxe Choppe it small and bruse it well and then mixe it with good ale or béere and so giue it your beast Another Take of the earth of Ant hils and mixe it with vineger and so giue it to your beast Those are all good against the foresaid venom of the tine worme Against Costiuenes in cattell THere is also another kind of swelling in oxen and kine both through costinenes which is when they are so hard bound in their bodies through heate that they cannot dung which will cause them to swell The remedy is to chafe and driue him well vp and downe a good space if then he do not dung ye must then annoint your hand with oyle or grease then rake him and take forth his dung Some do giue him of the 〈…〉 in drinke and so doth well Yet others do but rake him and he doth well also Against the worme in a beastes taile THere wil bréede in the tayle of cattel a certaine worme like to a eating canker which will bréede in the ende of his taile which wil cause the beast to become leane and of il liking Which place yee shal féele to be somewhat soft and a little aboue that place on the inside of his taile ye shal slitte the skinne with a sharpe knife two ynches long downe-right so done then take a quantitie of 〈…〉 uised garlike and safe mixt together and then hinde it fast to that place and let it so remaine till it doe fall away of it selfe and so the beast shal recouer and be well againe For an Oxe or Cow hauing the feuer OXen and kyne both wil sometime haue the Feuer or Ague which is gotten by some colde or other sicknesse The signes are when his eies waxe hollowe and are dropping his heade lumpishe and heauie his mouth foaming and lathering and drawing long his breath with payne and sometimes he will sigh So when yet shall see suche tokens yée maie iudge it to be the feuer The remedie ye shall then kéepe him a daie and a night without meate or drinke Then on the next morning fasting yée shal draw a little blood vnder his tayle Then about one houre after yee shall giue him thirtie small trunchions of Colewoortes sodde in salet oyle and salt fishe water or bryne and make him to swallowe it thus yee must vse him for fiue morninges together fasting and yee shall cast before him the tender braunches of lentile pease or the tender croppes of the Oliue trées or suche or else the tender buddes of the Uine and yée must rubbe or cleanse his lippes and thrise a daie yee must giue him colde water for to drinke and so yee shal keepe him in the stal till hée bée whole and sounde Also the feuer is gotten of labouring oxē by great trauel in hoate times and when he hath that ye shal see him hang downe his head his eyes wil inflame and bounce and his bodie wil be hotte out of al order which yee shall feele by touching his skinne Wherefore they vse to let him bloud on the vaine of his forehead or on the vayne of his eare and then they giue him of greene hearbs as lettice and such other cold hearbes and they bathe also his body with white wine and so they giue him colde water to drinke and so he wil amend Against the Cough in Cattell CAttel sometimes wil haue the cough by taking of cold or by greate trauell or by eating some euil thing If the cough in an Oxe be newly taken he may bee wel and soone remedied thereof by a drinke made of water mixt with barley meale Sometimes they vse to giue vnto the beast of stitchwoort smally chopt with husked beanes bruised altogether and so giuen They take also of lentile pease out of their huskes and then bruise them smal and mixe them with thrée pyntes of warme water and giue it with a horne They heale also an old cough with two pound of Isope stéeped in a
and chafings of the flesh and skinne but if they bée olde ye must then cut or burne and to heale them in melting butter or goates suet and powred thereon To heale scabbes or galles in cattell IF your cattell be scabby ye shal take of garlicke and bruse it and therewith rub and chafe all the sores Also against scabbe or gall They take garlicke sauory brimstone powder vinegar and gall nuts beaten with the iuyce of callamint neppe or horehound mixt with soote of the chimney and so annoint therewith And if it grow to some vicer or great sore then to vse and rubbe the place with brused mallowes mixt with white wine and bind thereof to the place Also the great burre leaues beaten with oyle and layde too all these afore mentioned are good And for the galling of the necke with the yoake and if it swell but one side ye shall let him bloud in the eare of that side But if he be chaft in the midst of the necke then let him bloud in both his eares and laye thereto a playster made with the marrow of an oxe mixt with the suet a buck and then melte it all together with some oile and tarre and therewith yee shall heale it And it will do verye well Also if an oxe be gald and brused on his necke a sufficient medicine is this Yee shall first drawe bloud at one of his eares If not Take of the hear be called in latin Auia in french Aus oiseauls beat it with salte and so lay it too aus if it do then aswage the chyne of his necke looke then on which side he hangeth or leaneth his head and let him bloud on the contrarie side hee leaneth on the eare But before ye do this ye shall beat his eare well with a twigge and ye shall see it swell and ryse on the vayne Then launce the sayde vayne and let him bléede well thereat and on the next morning drawe some more bloud thereon and so let him not trauaile of two dayes after On the thirde daye yee maye trauaile hym a lyttle and so by lyttle and lyttle yee maye vse him to his taske and former iourney But if hee be of neyther side galde and yet his necke swolne in the middest thereof Then yée must let him bloud on both his eares and if ye let him not bloud within two dayes after the disease haue taken his necke it will so inflame that the nerfes and sinewes will waxe stiffe and then it will growe to a sore of ingendred bloud for which I haue found a singular good medicine that is yee shall take tarre and the marow in an Oxe bone with the suet of a bucke with olde oyle oliue of ech a like portion Then boyle al together and so vse for to annoynt him when he leaueth his yoake But first ye shall alwaies wash him with the water where he commonly drinketh of and then let it dyre and then annoint him with the said medicine But if all his necke be so inflamed that hee cannot beare his yoake the next remedye is to let him rest and vse to wash his necke with colde water and so rubbe and chafe it with the fome of siluer or litarge Celsus willeth to put on the rest of his necke that is so inflamed the afore said hearbe called Auia For a beast being hide bound THere is a disease in beastes called in Latin Coriago in English hide bound which doth sore torment and grieue a beast This griefe happeneth to a labouring Oxe when he hath béene sore traueiled in labour or sore traueling in traueiling in rayny weather and thereby come to bee hide bound through pouertie Wherefore ye must take héed whē they returne from labor being sore chaft of body and short of breath Some do vse therefore to sprinckle them with wine do cast a péece of the fat of a beast downe his throat but if he haue this disease alreadie it shall be good to séeth bay leaues in ale and to bath him therewith as hote as hee can suffer And sodainely thereupon for to chafe and rubbe hym wyth oyle and wyne mixt together and to plucke and drawe his skinne on both his sides and loose it from his ribbes and it is good to be done in a hote sunny daye that it maye drye and sinke therein Another Some do put too the lées of oliues wyne and grease and annoynt therewith which medycyne they doo vse after they haue done rubbing and chafyng the beast Also if a beast like not and hys skynne doo cleaue to his bones yee shall bathe hym all ouer wyth wyne and oyle olyue myxt together Some do take mallowes boyld in wyne or ale or worte mixt with oile and so bath him therewith Also some do séeth whot graines in ale and so bath and rub him therewith once a day for 3. or 4. daies together and to giue him the water of boylde barly For the itch in cattell TThe itch oft times in cattell may come for lacke of good dressing Also it may be taken of his fellows and it may come by ill water and choler in the vaines If a beast haue an itch ye shal wash and chafe him with his own vrin made warme and mixt with olde salte butter or ye shall annoynt him with oyle rosin and white wine melted together Some do wash it with pisse salte and the iuyce of marigoldes mixt all together Use this and it wil helpe Against the lunges of cattel infected IF the lights or lunges of a beast be infected which is a greuous disease For thereby he will waxe leane and pine away and at length he dries so in his bodie by a common cough whereby at the length it will kill him if he haue no remedie The remedies are ye shall pearce one of his eares with a little bodkin as is afore said for the murren or pestilence and being so perst ye shall put into the saide holes the burnt roote of some hazel tree Then take a quantitie of the iuyce of léekes with so much sallet oyle and mixe it with a pint and halfe of wine and giue it him fasting vse this 9. mornings together and he shal do well Also if the sicknes of the lightes be not sore they do giue him but the iuyce of léekes mixt with swéete wine and they put of the burnt root of hazel into his eare as afore said But ye shall vnderstand if the beast haue continued long therewith he wil then stand much and eate but little and therefore he wil waxe hollow and thinne of bodie and some times he wil cough 20. times in one houre Then he is sore taken and farre gone therewith and very few do recouer if he be not looked vnto Wherefore the best way is yee shall deuide your cattell asunder so many as he hath companied with and then let them bloud a little as aforesaid Also there be many men that can setter them which is to cut the dewlappe before on
then after to annoint and chafe their pasturns and betwixt their clées with olde grease and they shall do well Also if an oxe do halte of his foote through taking of some great cold ye must then wash it with warme vrin but if it come through the cause of bloud or an impostume in the foot then ye shall chafe and rubbe it first well to stirre the bloud and then raze the skin with a sharpe razor aboue the clées and make it bléede and wash it with pisse and salt if it wil not so heale but descend into the foot ye must then open the toppe of the hoofe vnder to the quicke and make the bloud there to come forth then lap his foot as afore is said or make a buskin that no water or other thing get in to hurt it till it be whole Likewise if an Oxe be cut or grauelled in the foote the helpe is yee shall bathe him with warme vrine and then annoint him with tarre and olde grease melted together and there is nothing better to vse before ye doe vnyoke then to rubbe and chafe their feete with old fresh greace If the feete of an Oxe do open and chappe so that y● horne doe cracke and cleaue ye shal bath it well first with warm vinegar and and salt and oyle mixt altogether Then lap it wel for a daie or more and put thereon a plaister of olde greace and pitch melted together And so it wil heele again and doe wel and when his hoofes are broken yee shal couer and wrappe them with linnen steeped in vinegar oyle and salt for three daies stil renew it in laying to the sayde medicine Then on the fourth daie melt pitch and olde greace together and put it thereon with the barke of a pyne apple tree cleane pullished and when it beginneth to heale yee shal rubbe it al ouer with the soote of a chimney and let it heale But if yee make smal account thereof there will woorms ingender soone in the sore and make it fal to a coldnes if ye washe it not on morninges with colde water so if this wil not heele it ye shal then bruise of horehound leeks and salt together and so laie it there too and this will soone kil the wormes and when the sore is wel cleansed ye shal laye thereon a plaister of tow mixt with pitch oyle and old greace and so annoint it al ouer with the same to keepe off the flie away and it wil do wel To helpe the bruise on the shoulder of a beast SOmetimes by long trauel a labouring Oxe in treading on the hard ground or by some crushe against postes or gates wil be lame in their shoulders and oftentimes sore bruised if this happen in anie beast ye shal then let him blood on the fore legges If he be hurt in the hinder hippes ye shal then let him blood on the hinder legges and then washe and bathe it with warme vinegar salt and oyle mixt together or bathe his shoulder with pisse and mallowes boyled together If these doe not helpe then ye shal launce it a little and then laye a playster of pitch thereon and it will heale it Against stinging with Adder or Snake WHen any beast is stung with Adder or bitten with a snake it wil so ranckle that the beast may soon die thereof if there be not remedy soone had Against any byting thereof ye shal bruise the roote of the great burre with salt and so laye it too and it wil take away the venome Another better which is cake of the rootes of the sharp pointed threeleaued grasse which beareth long sweete leaues and rough mixe the iuyce thereof with wine and giue it the beast or cast it into his mouth and beate the leaues with salt and laye it to the sore if ye cannot haue the greene herbe bruise the seed with wine and giue it him or bruse the stalks roots and then mixe it with meale and salt honyed water plaister wise laid thereon Another ye shal take v. pound of the tender crops of an Ash tree well beaten and then mixt with three pynts of sallet oyle in so much wyne thē strayne it giue it to the beast Also take of the sayd Ashtree croppes beate them with salt and lay it to the venoumed place If a beast be stung yee shal rubbe the place with the oyle of a scorpion which ye shall haue at the Apothecaries or giue him sope mixt with vinegar wash the place with bur leaues sodde in water or greene stampt with salt and layd too The stinging of the fieldspider IF a beast bee stung with the field spider it wil soone cause nflammation and grow to an impostume if there be not speedy remedy A beast beyng stung with y● fielde spyder or bitten with antes al they be but smal wormes yet their venom is great wil put the beast to great danger therfore some do hold in pricking the place with a latten naule and then mixe sope vinegar chafe the place therewith Also some say if the field spider be taken put in oyle oliue so die therein ●ot if a beast bee stung of him annoint with the oyle and it wil helpe and so like of other venemous worms put in oile but if yée haue none thereof so that the wounde shew faire and without danger yee shall but take of brused Cummin mixed with tarre and so annoint therewith and plaister it thereon also and it will take away the daunger thereof But if it doe grow inward to an impostume then it shal be best to burne it with a hoat yron so much as is corrupted and then annoynt it with tarre and oyle and so it heales Some lappes a liue spider in claye earth and when it is drie hanges it about the beasts necke and by that they say it preserues the beast from being stung therewith Againe some doe stampe of wormewood or Southernewood with Uinegar and clappes it on the venomed place and it helpes Also to take beaten cammamile with hony and lay it too doth the like Also take of house leeke stampe it with ale and giue it to drinke or the water of a Lilly roote bruised and strained in water vinegar so giuen to the beast Remedies against diseases of the eies THe eie of a beast is tender is a principal mēber soone may be hurt diuers wayes The griefs therof are cōmonly healed with hony but when they do inflame and swel thē they mixe of the meale of pure wheat with honied water lay it too Also if an oxe haue y● haw in the eye ye shal heale it with the salt of the montain or spanish salt or Sal armeniacke or sal Capadoce any of these beatē into a fine pouder and blowne with a quill thrée morninges into his eye Likewise the pouder of the roote called in Gréeke Silphion in English pelliter of Spayne mixe with
vnder nigh his rumpe and byndes thereto a little bruised garlicke and so he will recouer and doe well againe Against mylting of a beast THe mylting of Oxe Cow or other beast is called of husbandmen when he wil sodeyne lye downe if ye shal stay neuer so litle beyng at plough or cart Which griefe is gotten by some blowe or sore strype with gode or suche like on the beastes side which makes him to faint and fall down Whē any shal so lie down ye shal not raise him vp sodayne agayne but ye shal then turne him and lay him on the other side and so let him rest a while and so he wil recouer agayne then if ye can bruise of the barke of an Ashe and strayne it with ale and so giue him to drinke and hee shal doe well To helpe any beast that cannot pisse THey vse to giue vnto an Oxe that cannot pisse of warm water mixt with brā which is good to make him pisse also take and stampe of sowthistle and then heat it with ale or beere and so giue it to y● beast Another take and bruise a hādful of anniseedes and then mixe it with ale or beere and giue it Another take bruise of Carduus benedictus thē strain it with white wine and so giue it to the beast Anye one of these aforesaide is good to be giuen a beast when hee cannot pisse and to prouoke hym there vnto Against the flowing of the gall in cattel THe flowing of the gall in Oxe or other beast the chiefe occasion thereof some husbands cannot wel tel except it should be the aboundance of choler encreasing by great trauel in hoat times and so there by filling the gall with choler therupō it flowes al ouer the body so encreaseth y● yelows or iaundise The remedies are some takes of gal woort herb which is bitter then stamps a handful thereof so strains it with a quart of ale so giues it to the beast 2. or 3. mornings Another ye may also giue the iuice of wormwood or southernwood stampt and straind with ale and so giuen as y● other Another take y● inner green barke of elder a handful and soke it al one night in beere or ale in a vessel close couered then straine it in y● morning and so giue it to the beast Another some do giue the iuyce of mugwoort mixed with honied water with a little saffron and so giuen All these aforesaide are very good against the flowing of the gall and also for the iaundice Another for the same take the yelke of an egge and mixe it with some harde soot powder of Peper and hony and put the egge shel and al down his throat then giue him a little chamberlye and hee shal dowel To helpe a beast that is gored IF any beast chaunce to be stricken and gored with some of his fellowes for feare of some gargel come thereof or some impostume to growe and bréede thereof The remedie yee shall take of ashes finely sifted and mixe them with the groundes of ale or béere and make it thicke like a batter and so laye it thereon vse this and it will heale it Another some doe take vnto the saide groundes or dregges of ale of vnquenched lime finely beaten and so mixt well together and so laie it theretoo Another some puts in stéed of ashes redde earth or oaker mixt like wise together as aforesayd and so layes it too plaisterwise Another likewise a playster of pitch is also good to be layde thereon And all the other aforesayde are very good to heale a beast that is gorde or hurt Against the turning disease in cattel THere is a certain disease comes to some cattel called of husband mē y● turning disease Which disease in eating their meat wil cause thē to turn about let their féeding sore also those cattell which are troubled with this disease are alwaies in dāger of falling into pits and ditches such like The cause is there lieth a bledder vnder the skul in the forehead of the beast which is betwéen the braine and the brayn pan which bladder must be taken foorth or hee wil neuer amend but in y● end he wil die therof The remedy is ye must cast him and bind his 4. féete together and there ye shal feele al ouer softly with your thumbe thrusting theron wheras yee finde the softest place a litle there aboue yee shall cutte the skinne ouerthwart foure ynches so lykewise beneath the soft place Then also in the middes ye shall cut the skin downward between the two ouerthwart cuts flea those skins on both sides then turne them vp and pynne them with pyns Then take a sharpe knife and cutte the brayne panne there vnder two ynches broade and thrée ynches lōg but beware your knife goe no deeper then the thicknesse of the brayne pan for pearcing the brayne For if ye do so the beast wil dye Then ye shal take away that cut boane yee shal see a bledder there vnder two ynches or more long ful of water Which bledder ye shal softly take clean away and see that yee hurt not his braine So done then ye shall laye downe againe the cut skin as before and sow them fast together then bynde a lynnen cloth thrée or foure folde dipt in fresh greace and tarre and layde thereon which wil keepe it from winde and colde for the space of ten or twelue dayes which skinne wil so grow againe and he shall doe well And herevpon I haue seene saith mine Author many recouer and doe well But for the more surety when a beast is troubled with this disease being flat or hauing any reasonable flesh on him is to kyl hym and so there is but small losse The like disease yee shal haue in young sheepe which is spoken of in his place Thinges good for sinewes and to knit bones VVHen as there shall chaunce anye bones of your cattell to be broken yee shal take of the herbe called in Latine Aron in English Cuckospit stampe thereof with barley meale and a little hony and so playsterwise lay it to Another take of the herbe called in Latine symphitum in English cumphory bruise of the leaues and roote with a litle hony and laye it to playsterwise Another take of yarrow and stampe it with swines greace and playsterwise lay it to which will knyt not bones onely but sinewes also Another take the tender buddes of the Ashe tree stamp them with shell snailes or blacke snayles and so lay it too or take the powder made of the barke of an Ashe trée mingle and beate it with the leaues of cumphory and then laie it too Another séeth the barke of an Elme trée in running water then bruise it and lay it to All these aforesaide are good to comfort sinewes and for the knitting of bones To breede calues and to gelde them IF ye wil bréede calues to make young bulles take no calf that is
so good for he wil then waxe dull weake feeble Wherfore then it were best to feede him and so to sell him an oxe will liue wel 15 or 16. yeeres Also wilde oxen are better to beare a burden than to labour for they are neuer so free nor so strong to drawe and labour as the tame Oxen are Likewise it is not good to labour with any bul among your oxen for he wil be stubborne and sullen and loues to be a maister ouer the rest whereby he wil but trouble them Therfore it shal be alwaies best to keepe the bulles lustie and fat to couer alwaies your kine so shal ye stil haue faire calues and large withal one good and lusty bul is sufficient for threescore kine Likewise kine to be put to the bul the best chiefest times is in May June July then the kine should be put to the bul before they haue bin in any good pasture for some husbāds saith a leane cowe will take and sooner be with calfe then a fatte cowe If a cow with make desire the bull if shee bee milked incontinent before shee will not then take nor desire the bull if then she haue no bul leese her make she wil desire the bull about a moneth after againe thus some husbands haue proued and the bull the contrarie For he must be fat and lusty when he shall couer the kine or els those calues will be weake A cow will liue well 15. yeares but after she will waxe féeble and weare Also ye shall not let a cow take the bull before she be three yeare olde For when young kine go to the bull they bring forth commonly small and weake calues therefore some husbands will neuer weane the first calfe of a cow And also ye shall not put your kine vnto the bull before the third or fourth day of Iune to the ende that she may by the vertue in eating of hearbes and grasse be the more hot and lusty as to take the bull when she shal be put vnto him Wherefore some husbands to make a cow take the bull the sooner do giue her of the hearbe called cowmake which groweth like a white gilloflower among corne Then to keepe her a little hungry and to giue her therof two houres before she shall take the bull and that will put her in more heat and ye shal then rub her naturall cundit with nettles which is also good if shee wil refuse the bull Some husbands do counsell not to suffer your kine to be conered vnder foure yeres and likewise not after twelue yeares because the one is too young and the other is too olde And also they say the best time to put the bull with the kine is all the month of Iuly For then the kine will bring their calues in ver in the beginning and spring of hearbes and grasse ye need not constraine her then to take the bull for the aboundance of hearbes will prouoke and put her in heat so that ye shall not then constraine her A cow will go with calfe ten monethes If a cow refuse or the bull wil not couer her ye shal make them haue appetite as it is spoken of among the horses and mares and as it is afore rehearsed and then ye shall diminish her pasture to the ende that the aboundance of grasse do not make her barren for a cow being fat will smally desire the bull and when she hath taken ye may iudge by refusing the bull and also to knowe whether she shall haue a cow calfe or bull calfe ye shall vnderstand if the bull descend from her on the right side of her more then the least is to iudge a bull calfe and likewise the contrarie if he descend on the least side Or if the com in descending and lying downe on the right side is to iudge shee hath a bull calfe And if she lye downe on the left side is to iudge a cow calfe And when ye shal iudge she hath taken by refusing the bul which thing doth not alwaies happen true for although she haue taken yet many kine be not satisfied for some brute beastes will haue a voluptuous desire aboue nature as wel as other creatures Also to nourish your kine and calues in countries where there is great store of pasture they may nourish their calues all the yere But where there is small store of pasture it wil scant suffice them from two yeare to two yeare And ye may nourish your calues of their dammes for one yeares space But that yeare those kine muste not bee charged with any kind of labour Also when a cow hath calued some husbands will after the calfe hath suckt iii. wéekes take away a tet milke it cleane the next wéeke another tette so the thirde Thus they will haue milke plentie and yet many kine wil kéepe milke inough to serue for her calfe If a cow passe x. yeares she is not then so good to bring calues as before If a young cow calue before thrée yeares ye shall take away the calf and milke her first thrée daies together because she shal not then be charged with to much milke Then milke her no more but let the calfe haue al the rest If ye will drye vp her milke ye shal noint her vdderne all ouer with tarre Kine desire not so much to drinke of the riuer water as of ponde water because the water of the riuer is more colder then the ponde water Which riuer water being so colde will chyll her within and make her in danger to cast her calfe if God worke not the contrarie Notwithstanding among all great cattell the cow will lightly abide the moste coldest ayre Wherefore they commonly let them lye without the dores all the winter in most places and countries The gouernment of cattel and the ordering of kine with their calues STephanus saith to order cattell and to nourish kine orderly and wel the husband man must sée himselfe or els haue some trusty and skilful man to looke and often resort vnto his cattel as oxen or kine in the stall or without and to féed or sée that they haue sufficient meat and water dayly at conuenient times morning and euening and to sée when any beast is sickly to helpe him with medicine and to make their stawles for cattell to lye in to set it east and west with windowes and dores towardes the south and close toward the north for that is very sharpe and cold in winter for cattell And to strow of beaten salte all ouer on the boordes or stones vnder them because they say it is a manifest thing to keepe their bodies in health And they do vse to strawe some sand or grauell vnder their cattell on the plankes for sliding whereby they maie stand the better without sliding and likewise to see them haue litter at euenings after their labour And when yee shall put them foorth in the spring with your kine yee shall
your Oxe haue a greate codde and a Cowe to haue a bigge nauill for that is a good signe she shoulde be well tallowed yee must take heede also where yee buye anie leane cattell or fatte and of whom and where they were bredde for if ye buy from a better ground then yee haue your selfe those cattell will not so well like with you yee shall also looke if there bee no manner of sicknesse among those cattel in the quarter or parishe where ye intend to buy For if there be other murrē or long saugh or other infectiue disease it is great ieopardie buying any beast comming from thence For one beast wil soon take sicknesse of another which sicknesse will perhaps continue tenne or twelue yeeres or more ere it wil appeare on him If any beast chance to be sicke ye shal auoyde him soone from the rest of his companie These and such like rules the buyer ought alwaies to haue respect and take good heede thereof Against the murren or plague among Cattell AS for the murren or plague among cattell there be mē enough sayeth he that can helpe the same beeing taken betimes Which disease cōmeth of an infection of blood and it appeareth commonly first in the head for then his head wil swell and his eyne waxe greate and they wil runne of water And when he doe once froth at the mouth hee is then past remedie but shortly after hee will dye and yet when they are thus sicke they will eate The remedies are yee shal flea the beast that is so dead and burie him in a deepe pitte and couer him wel with earth that no dogges can come to the carrion For so many beastes as do smell thereof are like to be infected with the same disease therewith yee shall have the skinne streight to the tanner carrie it not home for feare of more peril maie fall thereof there is a common vse and done of a great charity which is they will put the beast skinne on a pole and then sette it in a hedge fast bounde to a stake by the high waye side that euery man ryding by maie perceiue thereby where the sicknesse of cattell is and also in what towneshippe and they holde an opinion it will thereby cease the rather which I doe scarcely beleeue But a beast hauing the murren being flead it will appeare betwéene the flesh and the skinne for it wil be as though it were full of froth bubbles like bliffers some blackish some blewe and some yellow which wil commonly be in a fatte B 〈…〉 an ynch● thicke and more déepe in the flesh There haue beene some Beastes that haue dyed of the murren as I haue beene credibly tolde hee that fleade him died soone after and he that went with it to the tanner and the horse that carried it and the tanner that tanned it all these died soone therevppon which was thought it was by the infection of the stinking skinne but beeing true it was a maruellous infection Wherefore it is thought good of some to burie them whole for feare of a further inconuenience this is thought good of some to take a small corde and binde it harde about his necke then on the farre side yee shall feele a great vayne and with a launcet yee shall strike thereon and lette him bloud a pint or more and so likewise on the other side of hys necke Then take away the corde and it will sodaine stanche but if the signe be there he is in more daunger of bleeding stil If he so doe ye shall clappe to bruised nettles and salte or wilde tansie bruised and laide too and some therefore doe giue them drinkes Thus must yee serue al your cattell that are infected or beeyng together in one pasture so doing ye shal auoyde the greater danger in this disease For the murren is taken by venoumed grasse by companie and poisoned water and by hunger The rearing of Calues for encrease IT shall bée good for husbandmen to reare yearely so manie calues as they conueniently can keep to maintain his stocke chiefly those calues that do fal betwixt candlemas May for in that season their milke maie best bee spared and by that time there will bee sufficient grasse to weane them and in Winter following they will bée strong enough to saue themselues among other cattell hauing nowe and then some small helpes and also the Dams by Iune shal be the readier againe to take the bull to bring other calues in the time aforesaide and if a Cow tarry til after May ere she calue The calfe wil be too weak in the winter following and the dam wil not be so ready to take the Bul againe but thereby oft time go barren Also to reare a calfe after Michaelmas and to kéepe the dam at hard meate as they doe in some countries it woulde be too costly al the Winter and a cow abroade will giue more milke with a litle grasse then muche fodder lying in the close house or fed with hay and straw remaining in the stall for the drie and harde meate doth diminish more milke a great deale than grasse As for those husbandes that haue but small pasture or none at all must doe as they may and in my minde it were farre better for them to sell theyr calues than to reare them whereby they may saue the milke to a more profite for the kéeping of his house and the Cowe then wil the rather goe to the Bull againe Also if the husband goe with an Oxe plough it shal be then meete to reare two Oxe calues and two Cow calues yearely to holde vp his stocke if he can so doe and it wil be the more profite Also it is better to weane calues at grasse than at harde meate if they were at grasse before And those that can haue seuerall pastures for their kine calues shall doe well and reare with lesse coste then others The weaning of Calues with haye and water will make them haue great bellies because they stirre not so well therewith as with grasse and they will the rather rotte when they come to grasse And agayne in Winter they woulde bee put in houses rather than to remaine abroade and to giue them but haye on nightes and to pasture them in the day time And thus beyng vsed they shall bee muche better to handle when they shall be kine or oxen to serue to any other purpose The losse of calfe lambe or fole which is the least losse YE shall vnderstand the least hurt for the husbandman is his cow to cast her calfe then his eawe to cast her lambe or mare her colte because the calfe will sucke so much milke as he is worth before he shall be able to kill And of the yowes milke there cometh no profit but the lambe yet in some countries they weane their lambes and milke their yowes which is a hinderance for them to take the ramme in drie season But thereby oftimes goeth
many yowes barren because they are brought so low with milking Also if the the mare cast her fole that is thrise so great a losse as the other two for if that fole come of a good bréed which is a most necessarie thing for euery man to prouide for himselfe and as much charge wil a bad mare cost in keping as a good mare and with good keping the fole will be in short time ready to sell for double so much money as the lambe and calfe is worth What cattell are most meete to go in one pasture together YE shall vnderstand it is not so good nor so profitable to haue cattel all of one sort in a pasture together as to haue all oxen or all horses in a pasture together nor yet sheepe alone except they pasture on high groundes for they will not féed euen but ouerrunne and leaue many tufts of grasse here and there vntouched in diuers places of the pasture except it be greatly layd with cattell Therfore ye shall perceiue that horses will agrée well with other cattell in one pasture together for there is some grasse that horses wil eate and beasts will not and lightly a horse will couet to féed after other cattell Also a horse loues to feede on low groundes as plashes and hollow places But horses and shéepe will not so well agree together except it be for the sheepe to féede on the vpper groundes For a sheepe will féed on a bare passure eate the swéetest grasse and so will a horse likewise but hee must haue it longer Yet as some do say a horse wil eate as nigh the ground as a sheepe but he cannot therewith fill his belly so soone To one hundreth of cattell in a pasture ye may haue xx horses if it be a low ground But if there be plenty of grasse then ye may put therein an hundreth shéepe mo and so likewise to the rate of the goodnes of the Pasture more or lesse in cattell and after this order yee maye eate your pastures euen with cattell and leaue but few tuftes of grasse vneaten Also if it be a high ground ye may then put in more shéep and lesse of other cattell For manye kine and draught oxen will eate a ground much barer then the fatting oxen or kine And ye may also giue a mylch Cowe as well to much meat as to little For to much meate will make her soone fatte and then shee will the rather take the Bull and shee being fatte will giue lesser milke then a leanner cowe For the fatnes stoppeth the poares of the raines which should conueigh the milke vnto the vdderne Wherefore a meane pasture is alwaies best to keepe your mylch kyne in and to haue them in a good meane estate neither to fatte nor to leane Also if a Cowe bee fatte when shee shall calue shee is in more daunger then being leane and the calfe shee being fatte shall be the lesse of stature As for your draught oxen yee cannot giue them to much meate except it bee the after grasse of a lowe mowed meddowe For that will cause them to haue the gyrrie and then hee maye not away so well with labour Likewise if there be very much grasse in a close the cattell will feede the worse therof for better is a good swéete bitte from the earth then a large and déepe grasse For where as it is long the beasts will byte of the toppes thereof and no more for that is the sweetest And the other grasse shall remayne still on the grounde and so rotte for no beast will eate thereof but horses onely in winter For they will féede on foggie grasse and such like Also ye shall vnderstand that horses and cattell may not well be foddered in winter all together but put apart for the beastes with their hornes will gore both horses and shéepe Wherefore it is the more daunger so to féede them together it is best therefore to make standing rackes and cratches and to cast their meate therein Which staues ought to be set somewhat nigh together for pulling and spoiling their fodder to much at once vnder their féete It were rather better to change their places euery daye where ye feede them which should make them to gather vp more cleane and not for to trample so much vnder their feete Thus much as concerning the pasturing of cattell together in pastures and also the fothering of them together in winter A very good order for the fatting of oxen in the stawle VVHen soeuer you intend to fatte any oxen in the stawle being in somer or winter to set them vp if ye take them from grasse in the sommer they will hardly fall to the eating of hay of a good while after but when yee then take them vp kéepe them so without meat and water one daye and a night and so they will by extreme hunger forget the grasse the rather and then at the first giue them a little haye at once whereby they may eate it vp cleane and thereby waxe still hungry Ye must also take them vp into the stawle on a drie day for if yee stawle them wette they will haue as some grasiers saye warnell wormes on their backes which will commonly come vnto them by famine pouertie and will hurt the skin And also it wil make them be lowsie Ye shall therefore vse to kembe them with wool cards or horse combe as some do say it doth make thē more lustier But indéed that is good for the labouring oxen so to be vsed but not for the fatting oxe as some iudge nor ye shal not let them go forth of the stawle at anye time not so much as to drinke For then they will desire the more to be abroad the licking of them wil hinder as they say their fatting But ye shal so prouide that they may haue water brought them in cowles or els to come through their stawles as some do vse which is to set a woodden troffe along through their stawles and with a pipe of lead and a cocke at the ende thereof coming from a conduit or cesterne and thereby fils the said troffe twise a day with fresh water morning and euening and at euery time before to clense the troffe of all the olde water and so to giue them fresh for after they haue once drunke their fils of the fresh water they wil lightly haue no more thereof for they will blow theron and after loth to drinke any more thereof vntill they haue fresh For an oxe or cow is a beast that doth loue to feede swéete and clenly Also ye shall lay your troffes ende somewhat a slope so that the water may run forth al at the one ende thereof in taking forth a pin to let out the said water and then wash the troffe cleane and so giue them fresh Thus ye must vse them dayly morning and euening so long as ye fat them And first in the morning ye shal take away
beast that is out WHere as anie other ioynt of a beast is out First ye shal search and feele for the bone y● is out so done mark on what side he is or went out so done let one plucke and hold out that lim straite then set one of your handes on the place or bone where it went out and with your other hande thrust in the bone that is out the same way he went out and so keepe it still nine daies after and yee shall doe well For any bone that is broken or limme out of ioynt TO helpe any bone of a beast that is broken yee must cast and binde his legges and then féele softly how the bones doe lie then shall yee cause that limme to bee holden out streight and with your two hands ye shal stroke softly vp and downe and then softly put ech bone into his right place againe Then in holding the limme straight feele if all the sayde bones be wel bolstered round about and then splinted thereon and well lapped and let it so remaine for the space of nine dayes and giue him to drinke of Cumphorie herbe stamped with milke or ale for that will helpe to knit the bones the sooner The barke of ashe beaten with wine and so plaistred will close and knitte bones together Also the Elme inner barke laide in a running water and to bathe the place therewith doth knit the broken bones Also Plinie saith the rootes of Rocket boyled in water plaistered to will drawe and knitte broken bones And Dioscoride saith wilde Betony newly stamped and playstered to will likewise drawe and knit broken bones Thus much for a beastes shoulder out of ioynt and for the setting of broken bones Also hazell tayles and the séedes of redde dockes made in powder and giuen to drinke wil knit broken bones Against swelling in a beast in any outward part TAke a good quantitie of the iuyce of cleuers put there vnto the grounds of ale or béere a quantitie of freshe greace or neats féet oile then boile al together For a horse take tallow in stéede of greace for Oxe or Cow take greace and if ye put therevnto of an Oxe gall it wil be the better and being warme binde it to the place To know if a beast be sound or not YE●shal goe vnto your beasts in the morning which are in the house before they haue meate or drinke behold the tops of their nose if there be standing pearles like drops of deaw water hee is then sounde of bodie but if hee bée drye on the toppe of his nose that beast is not then in health Against the rotting of a beast by drinking euill water or often for lacke of water IF any beast be rotten of his body ye shall slitte the skinne in the vpper part of his deawlappe two fingers streight downward then open the sides of a finger bredth a finger length straight downe Then take 9. gréene leaues of lungwort and bind them with a thréede together put it downe in the wound and let another threed hang down wtout that ye may thereby draw it vp and down the wound euery two or three daies once or twice vse this the space of 15. or 16. daies and within a while ye shal see it swell and at length it will putrifie and stinke runne and rotte awaye skinne and all Some will swell before they runne of matter which in auoyding so muche corruption cleanseth the beast and maketh him whole againe and giue him the iuice of saxifrage in drinke For a beast that hath the hawe ANy beast that hath an haw in his eie ye shall soone perceiue it by holding his head aside winking with his eie and it wil run of water the cure is ye must hold him fast by the head and with a strong double thréed put therwith a needle in the midst of the vpper eie lid and tie it vnto his horn then take your néedle againe with a long threed and put it thorow the gristle of the haw and with a sharp knife cut the skin finely round so pluck out the haw then lay a fine cloth about the top of your fore finger and put your finger round about his eie within take out the bloud thē wash it with beere or ale and cast in a good deale of salt and wash it then againe and stroke it downe with your hand and so let him goe and he will amende againe A drinke for Cattell VVHensoeuer ye shal see a beast not like of his body and drie in the morning on his nose it should seem he is not in health therefore when yee house them or pasture them ye shall to helpe them giue them a drinke as followeth Take of long peper anniséedes Cummenseeed licoras of bay beries of eche a quantitie then beate them to a fine powder and boile them in strong ale and put there vnto butter to make it more soluble or the herbe Mercurie and some treacle and beeing milke warme giue vnto eche beast the quantitie of a wine pynte and they shall amend Yee maye boyle with your ale other herkes both to comfort and purge as yee shall see cause in any-beast as afore is rehearsed in purging of cattell Teeth of a beast to fasten FIrst yee shall pricke his gummes beneath on both sides within and without and the gummes aboue with the poynt of a knife then take a whetstone or rough péeble or slate stone and rubbe the gummes therewith and make them bléede so done chafe them wel with salt and so they wil fasten againe or rubbe them with sage and salt For the garget vnder the eare THe swelling or garget in a be ast comes commonly with cold in winter or by eating euil meate which wil bréede a garget vnder their iawes or cheekes the remedie ye shal take blew hard clay and boyle so much as a bowle in chamberlie til it be consumed and molten then all scalding hotte bathe the swoln place therwith and alway stroke it downward vse this thrée or foure times a daie till it swage and this will helpe it Or take blew clay with a pinte or more of milke of barrow hogs greace then boyle them together til all the clay be consumed then as hot as yee maye scalde the garget or sore therwith vse this twise of thrise and it will helpe Leannes of kine or other to helpe VVHen as ye shal see anye beast not like but seeme leane ye shal make a drinke and giue it your beast fasting Which is Take of long pepper of madder of the barke of a walnutte tree and turmericke with some bayes of eche a like portion beate them into fine pouders and put it into a pinte of ale luke warme and so giue it and your beast shall doe wel God willing A good way to geld or cut a calfe YEe shall make one holde downe his fore parte or legges then binde his hinder feete with some corde halfe a yarde
sore eies which may be heald with the meale of wilde tares cald oreb And the creuices and chops on the eies are healed with fasting spettle and a little salte or the powder of a drie bone and mixt with burnde salt or the séedes of wilde parsnips in powder and put in a cloth and blosh it in his eies and all the griefes of the eies are healed by mixing the iuice of plantaine with honied water or if ye haue not that take hony and time mixt together Also for a sore eie take strong nettles do stampe them and straine them with beere and squirt thereof into his eie twise or thrise then blow in a little powder of sandiuer and let him take no colde of his eie till it be hole If ye must needes ride him after it were good to kéepe a cloth before his eie to defend the wind and it were good to let him bloud vnder the eie and then dresse him once or twice and it shall suffice for bloud in eies take the white of au egge and clap it to or the iuice of Selandine to annoint and it is good against anye stroke and also it is good to make a tost of bread and dippe it with white wine and clap it to his eie and vse it often or to let bloud vnder his browes and to kéepe the flies from his eie or other sore ye shal melt tarre and oyle or tarre hogs grease together and strike thereof all about Sometimes a horse wil cast bloud at his nose which doth weaken him much and is gotten by some straine or such like they staunch it by blowing in at their nostrels the iuice of Coriander or bruse the leaues of peruincle and put thereof in his mouth and let him chewe it in his teeth and that will stanch bléeding of the nose Sometimes a horse will loose his tast which cometh of sorrow The remedy is Take iiii ownces of the séeds of nigilromana beat with vi ounces of oyle oliue mixt with a pint of wine and make him to swallow it downe The dispositition of vomit they vse to take it awaye in making them often to swallowe a beaten head of garlicke with thrée parts of wine Against appostumed or pestilent sores it shall bee good to pearce them with a hot yron rather then with a colde then plaister it with healing medicines Also there is a pestilence which causeth mares sodainely to waxe leane and so pine awaye If anye such do happen ye shall put in their nostrels foure pintes of Fishe brine called garume If the griefe be great they take sixe times so much and this will make them to purge and cast out al flegme at their nostrels Sometimes mares will be in a rage but not often which is to be noted how that sometimes they happen to be in a hot rage that is when they sée their image in the water they are sodainely taken with loue in so much that then they forget to drinke or eate and in so burning doth become drie The signes are when she runneth ouer the pastures as shée were chaft or beaten and looking oft about her as though she desired something They vse to heale this folly in leading her to the water againe For when she shall sée her selfe in the water as shee did before shee doth sodainely forget her first image that she sawe and this is often among mares Thus will I here leaue a little of them and speake somewhat of moiles and their natures Who so hath a desire to nourish asses and moyles they ought diligently to search for the fayrest and best males and likewise the females to beare coltes for if they bee not both well disposed those which shall come of them shall nothing preuaile Ye must therefore chuse the mare vnder tenne yeares and to be large and faire and well membred to abide trauaile and let her beare easie burthens for hurting the séede within her belly and not to be one●●e beautiful of body but good also of spirite and stomach and when the séede is long or it take life within her body or being long ere she fole scarsly about the ende of xiii moneths is a token of some let Notwithstanding the moile colt taketh most after the asse that begat him rather then after the life and nature of his dam and yet ye shal not find it true in all mares no more then is properly in all horses For sometimes experience doth deceiue a mans iudgment in him which hee chuseth For oftentimes stallions of their owne nature and race are marueilous in condition and forme And whereas the mares are but small and faire commonly they bring more males then females Neuerthelesse the coltes do increase or diminish after or according to their dammes Some stallions are ill to sée to and yet shall be great coltes of great price And some do yéeld a worthines vnto the fruit more then other some But they are more colder and not so hotte of desire and are not ioyned in loue but verye hardly with the mare And these sort of stallions must haue mares of the like nature For the like nature is more familiar to conceiue then others Yet the asse neuer begets an asse nor the moyle neuer begets moyles and for this cause they do often suffer the stallions to mount on the mares to put them in more heat and to take them sodainely away againe Which shall make the horse to be more eager of the mare which before he little past of and this is to be noted by the way those which haue their kidneys hotte are alwayes more desirous then those which haue their stones and kidneys colde which is as well in man as in beastes There is another sorte of stallions which are in a rage in their fierie heate which are so diuelish and frowarde that thereby they are soone marde if they be not wisely gouerned and handied And often they breake their haltērs and cordes in gnawing and eating them a sonder and leapes on mares with fole in byting them by the necke and backe Now to correct such ye must put them into a horse myll and there to make him sure and vse him a little to labour gently and so ye shall make him to leaue his furiousnes So when he hath left it yet thereuppon let him not bee suffered to couer vntill hee bée in sufficient heat thereunto For this is of greater importaunce that the sprite of these beastes are naturally heauie and sléepie But by moderate exercises they will be the more liuelyer to trauaile and then ye may let them couer that by the secret efficacie of hidden nature their fruit maye bee the more pleasenter Also a moyle doth not ingender with a she asse or mare but a she asse with a horse or a wilde he asse with a mare Certaine authoures which I will not hide as Marcus Verro and before him Democritus and Mago haue sayde that in Africke there is no maruaile or yet
the splint Then when the haire begin to grow again ye shal fier it in down strokes with a hot yrō in iii. or iiii places like lines til the skin looke yellow frō the pasturn to the hoofe and then laye molten pitch and rozen on flockes of his colour and so clap it to and let it so remaine till it fall of it selfe away Also some do say the ringbone cometh of a bloud in a young horse which they helpe thus They knit fast a shoo makers threed aboue his knées and let it so remaine for a space and that will stay the course of the bloud if it come of bloud but this must be done at first before it grow on the horse foot Of the foundring of a horse there is a foundring in the bodie by eating sodainly to much prouender afore he is colde after his trauaile which for lacke of digestion do bréede ill humours and taketh awaye his strength and thereon he will be so féeble scant able to sturre his iointes or being downe not able to rise so troubled with paine not able to stale There is a foundring for a horse to stand still in the stable and not sturde There is also a foundring in letting your horse drink by the way when he is hot A saying is ride him in the water but to the pasture and let him drink being hot he founders ride him to the knées he founders not ride him to the belly he founders which comes by sodaine cooling in his bodie which causeth a watrish humour to fall downe to his legs and feete and will make him cast his hoofes Some do founder but afore and sometimes on all foure feet and some say a horse may be foundered in traueiling on hotte sandy waies and sodainely to ride him but through a shallow water ye may founder him also by taking cold after a great heat or by standing stil on the stones or cold ground he being hot or in a cold wind The foundring in the bodie the signes are these his haire will stare he wil seeme chylly and shrinke together of all foure hanging downe his head forsaking his meate with quaking after his drinke and within three or four daies hee will fal a coughing The best remedy is to purge him by some glister or by purging otherwise The foundering in the féete the signes are he will within xii or xxiiii houres after crouch on his hinder legges and his fore feet wil be so stiffe that he is not able to moue them and go as though he could not well tread on the ground and readie alwaies to stumble Then shall ye immediately garter ech legge a handfull aboue the the knée or hough hard with a list Then walke and chafe him to put him in a heat and when he is warme let him bloud on both the vaines on the breast and kéepe the bloud and take a quart or two of that bloud with two quartes of wheat flower halfe a pound of bole armeniac halfe so much of sanguis draconis with fiue or sixe egges and a pint or more of strong vinegar then mixe them well al together and chafe al his shoulders back loynes breast and fore legges therewith and then walke him on some hard ground and let him not stand still and when all the geare is drie ye shall chafe him with more and renew it againe and so walk him three or four houres after and then set him in the stable and giue him a little warme water mixt with some malte and giue him some haye and prouender and then walke him againe either within the house or abroad if it be not to colde And thus ye shall vse him for foure dayes and when all your oyntment is spent then cloth him warme and let him stand and ly warme and let him eate but little meat for iiii daies If he mend not then it is a signe the humour is in his féet then must ye take of his shooes and search with your buttres and pare his soles afore in the middest of his toes till the water and bloud come forth and so let him bléed well therat Then stop it with hogs grease salt and brused nettles or with turpentine and hogs grease so melted together and laid to with flaxe and some do but stop his féet with stampt nettles salt and hogs grease but first tacke on his shooes with a lether and then stop him and put vnder the shooe a thinne péece of stiffe leather to kéepe in the stuffe and let him run to grasse and then shift it once a weeke till he bee whole If ye let him run a quarter he will be the sounder Also some say if ye let him bloud soone after he is foundred aboue his hoofes that will helpe him from anie further danger Another way Others do cut the skin on the insides or on the fountaine of his legs the length of a finger and filles a hollow straw with quicksiluer and make it flye abroad and so let him remaine till he be whole Of graueling a horse is a fretting vnder the inside and out side of the foot which will make him to halt therefore hee will couet to go on his toes They are small grauely stones coming vnder the shoo betwixt the foot and the calking of the shoo or chrushes and by long trauaile it wil eate into the quicke And whereas the shooe lyeth flat to the foote there it will soone grauell and wil not lightly forth againe and it is soone mended at the first The cure ye shall pare the hoofe get forth al the grauel cleane for if ye leaue any grauell it will bréed to a sorenes called aquitter bone and then must ye stop him with turpentine and hogs grease melted together and laid on tow or flaxe then clap on the shooe and keepe it stopt and shift it euery day till it be whole and let him come in no wet If ye stop it not wel to kéep down the flesh it will rise aboue the hoofe and then shal ye haue more busines and put your horse to more paine The enterfering of a horse comes to some by kind oftentimes it is for lack of a skilful smith by il shooing for he will beat one foot against another against the fetherlockes on both the inner sides thereof both behind and before and by long beating and chafing one foote against the other he will beat of the skin and make it to bléed and when sand goeth in it will fret and chafe it but he that is a skilfull smith maye help it in shooing if there be any help to be had for by paring and shooing he may helpe it The cure Take may butter if ye can or els new fresh butter with a quantitie of yellow rozen as much naruoile then fry them all together in a pan and then let it stand till it be cold and put it in a pot and put to a little cow dung and annoint therewith and if ye
his féete with branne and hogges grease boylde together and laid to hotte and so with the same couer all his hoofe al ouer and bind it fast on with a cloth in shifting it once a daye till it be whole and giue him warme water and also let him stand warme and drie likewise till he be whole and sound Against the blindnes in horses some horses wil waxe sodainely blind which is gotten diuers waies Hee maye become blinde of a straine or by great labour in carrying a great burthen He may waxe blinde by some stroke in the eye but taken betimes there is remedies The cure If the sight be gone and the ball of the eye sounde yee shall take a quantitie of maye butter with a quantitie of rosemarie and a little yellow rozen with a quantitie of Selandine then stampe all together and frye them with the may butter Then straine it and kéepe it in a close boxe for it is a iewell for the eyes that are sore to haue it alwayes readye And this is good also for all cuttes being neuer so euill and is good for the pinne and the webb in a mans eye Against wéeping eies wash or spurt it with warme white wine twise or thrise a day also seth the white of an egge in water and mixe it with cummin and lay it to all a night or more as ye shall see cause Also ground iuie beaten and mixt with waxe and plaistred to or wormewood sod in wine and bath it oft therewith And when his eye is striken with whip or such like Ye shall open his eye liddes with two nippers of woode made for to hold fast the eye liddes like a paire of barnicles for the horse nose and then to holde them open and with a quill blowe in some beaten salt or sandeuer Yee shall blow in the iuice of the rootes of selandine into his eye or the iuice of the rotes of rue cald of some hearbe grace Also make an hoale in an egge and put forth all that is within it and fill it with pepper and put it in some potte of earth that nothing come vnto it and put it in some potte of earth that nothing come vnto it and put it in a burning ouen till it be white hote Then take it forth and beate that pepper to pouder and blow thereof into the horse eye Another proued Take a peble or pauing stone as the Romanes vsed to paue with and beate it vnto a fine pouder and bolt it thorow a fine cloth and blow of that pouder into the horse eye twise a day till it be whole If ye will make it stronger put the pouder in a new wodden dish and cleanse out all the greatest with your finger and take the finest and that will heale any pin or webbe in horse or man If bloud appeare in the eye ye shall take the white of an egge beate it and lay it to with tow Another The tops of haw thornes boiled in white wine and laide to For a hurt or striken eye ye shall take a small loafe of bread and pull out all the crumme and fill the loafe full of burning coales vntill it be well burnt within Then take of that crust and put it in white wine and put it on the eye Use this often Then take sope water and cold water mixt and wash the eye browes therewith If it go not awaye open the vayne of the head that leades to the. If his eye be rubbed or chaft ye shall let bloud of the eye vaine and wash his eye with colde sope water and put a small splenter on his eye and he will do well And to helpe the red eyes yee shall laye a plaister of red ointment or red lead Or take the iuice of plantaine stampt and mixt with white wine and laid to For sore eies stampe strong nettles and straine that with beere and thereof spurt it into the horse eye twise or thrise together Then put of the powder of sandeuer finelye made into his eye Or blowe thereof into his eye And see that your horse take no wynde or colde of his eye vntill hee bee whole againe If yee must ride him soone after put a cloth afore his eye of woollen It were good to let him bloud on the vayne vnder the eye and then twise dressing will suffice A fistula is an ill sorenes to heale and often times breedeth through gallings and chafing sores which for lacke of looking to betime it groweth to a fistula The cure First search it well with an instrument of lead that maye bowe each waye to the bottome of the wound then finding once the bottome If yee can cutte it out rounde to the bootome with a razor and take it out and feele with your finger if there bee anye fleshe amisse grystle or bone perished If there bee yee must cutte it out Then mixe the powder of verdigrease and honye together and boyle them till that it looke redde and sturre it still for burning to And being luke warme dippe a tent of flaxe therein and tent him therewith and laye a boulster of flaxe thereuppon If that will not abide laye on a plaister of pitch and sowe it fast crosse thereon with a packe threede or other such lyke which yee maye so tye it that yee maye remoue and open it at all times and see that yee chaunge your tent once a daye tyll it leaue mattering and alwaies make your tent lesse and lesse till it bee helde vppe and in the ende sprinkle a little vnslekt lyme thereon to close it vppe But if this will not heale to the bottome to drye vp the matter ye must poure in some stronger water and so vse it twyse a daye till it bee whole Another Take two quartes of white wine vinegar of camphere halfe an ounce of mercurie precipitate halfe an ounce of gréene treacle iii. ounces of red sage a handfull of yarrow and ribwoort of each a handfull of hony halfe a pint of bores grease halfe a pint boile al these together til a quart be wasted and with this ye shal wash and clense the wound Then to heale the same ye shall take oile of roses virgine waxe rozen of each a quantitie of turpentine triuenian v. ounces the gum of iuy of deare suet boile these together and dresse the wound first but with the water vntil it gather to a white matter and then dresse it with your salue til it be whole And for a fistula in the head some do saye Take the iuice of h●usléeke and dippe therein a locke of wooll and put it in his eare and binde it fast Use this once a day and ye shall sée experiences Another After ye haue cut out all the rotten flesh bath it well with the groundes of ale made warme and then wipe the bloud cleane awaye Then take butter rozen and frankencense a little and boyle them all together and boyling hotte poure it into the wound vse him
vnder the toong the two vaines of both sides of the necke which to be launst a handful from the head And likewise on the shalke vaines Also the two great vains on the sides and the two branched vaines that leadeth from the coddes And againe the two vaines vnder his taile these are the chiefe and common places which do serue for to let blood against most diseases And this I thinke here shal be sufficient for letting of blood Against the Glanders THere comes oftentimes vnto yoong horse of foure or fiue yéeres old by catching cold after his labour a kinde of glanders and it wil on a sodeine raise aswelling vnder his iawes and on his iawe bone which swelling at the first wil beverie harde without great heate and there wil remaine and bréede to some other sore if ye helpe it not The cure Ye shall take hogges grease and make it verie hot and so all hot ye shal rub and chafe the sore and hard place therewith twise or thrise a day vse it and that will mollifie it and at length it wil so breake and runne and so heale againe To heale the mangie on a Horse YE shal take of lampe oyle the fine pouder of brimstone of blacke sope of tarre of barrow hogges grease and the soote of a chimney of each a like And then mix them all wel togither and boyle them togither and then annoint the place therewith as hotte as he may suffer it and vse this and it wil helpe Against the mourning of the Chine TAke a pecke or halfe of oates and boyle them in running water til halfe the licour be consumed and then put them into a bagge and laie them all hotte vpon the nauel place on his back and there let it lye thirtie houres and so dresse him therewith thrée or foure times and ye shal sée experience For a Horse that is hide bound WHen a horse is hide bound yée shall perceiue it by plucking vp his skinne on his sides If his skinne bee lose hee is not hide bounde but if it sticke close to his sides or ribbes so that ye can scant take hold thereof then hee is hide bounde which is commonly gotten in winter by lying wet and hauing small store of meate which maketh him verie faint The remedies are yee shall let him bloud a litle and then giue him warme mafhes morning and euening And white water which is water and mault Mixt togither or branne And giue him also sodde wheat mixt with branne or sodde barley Use this as yée shall sée cause and he shal doe wel To plump or puffe vp a leane Horse in short time THe best meanes to puffe vp a leane horse is to sée the barley in water till it be soft like firmitie and thicke withall or to sée the wheate likewise And giue him thereof alwaies before his watering not after for then it wil do him no good For this the husband man saith all dry prouender or corne after watering to be giuen and all sod corne afore watering specially barley and wheate being sod Against anie galling or fretting through the skin of a Horse IF your horse chaunce to bee fretted with halter or other corde cleane through the skin yée shall take but vinegar and sope and heate them wel togither and stirre it with a sticke or cloth and then all to rubbe and wash the said fretting or galling therewith vse this twise or thrise a day and it wil dry it vp within two or thrée daies and it will heale againe For this is the husband mens common medicine and wel prooued If there be galling on the necke ye shall stamp the leaues of bryony called the hedge vine and mixe it with wine and plaister it too and it wil helpe How to take out the haw in the Horse eye THe haw breadth comonly as cunning horse Leches say by rankenesse of blood and grosse fleame which by heates doeth bréede vnto a harde white gristle in the forecorner of the horse eye which wil at lengh make him to lose his sight if it be not soone remedied The cure The surest and best way to take foorth the hawe and not perishing the horse eye is this First for the more safetie tramell his legges on the one side Then put a paire of barnacles on his nose and another on his farthest eare and so let one holde them fast Then the maister doeth put a néedle with a double thread through the toppe of his eare on the same side the haw is And then from thence hée putteth the néedle through the edge of his eye lidde on the midst thereof and so drawe vp the lidde towardes the said eare and then fastens the thread and cuttes it off Then knits his thread againe and saies to his man hold fast for feare of starting of the horseꝭ the néedle head may put out his eye Therefore to woorke sure is best Then the maister waites when the horse turnes his eye and when the said haw is most séene then hee catches holde thereof with his fore finger and thombe and pluckes it foorth a litle and puts his néedle through the outer end of the gristle and so drawes it farther out by the threades ende and then wrappes the rest of the said thread about his litle finger of the same hande he puttes out the inner side of the gristle which is towardes the horse eye and with a verie sharpe knife hee cuttes crosse the gristle and easeth finely away the skinne and fatte thereof on the saide haw And also rounde about it which is calde the washe of the eye for if that bee cutte away the horse will bee bleare eide Therefore yée must leaue all the skinne and fat about the saide gristle and take away but the tippe or out ende thereof with the saide gristle or haw which the threade hath holde of but take not too much holde with your néedle and thread Then beeing taken foorth cut off your thread that holdes his eye lid and picke out the ends thereof out of his eye lidde and eare else they wil afterwarde trouble him and also plucke away al the long hayres about his eyes Then soone after as the horse eye doe gather to some blood and matter yee shall take your mouth ful of béere ale or wine and open his eye and spirt therein once or twise togither and with the side of your hand strike downe the blood and matter out of his eye Use him thus thrée or foure times vntil his eye wax cleare and so it is done ye may giue him what meate yée wil after For the Trenches and long Wormes TO kill the trench worme or long wormes ye shall take the pouder of worme séede finely searst two spoonefulles and put it in a pinte of malmeste and mix it well togither and let it stand to soake all a night and giue it your horse in the morning and kéepe him without meat and drinke foure houres after and he shall doe well Toong of
Aristolochia stampe the leaues and strainde and giuen with a litle water Shéepe oftentimes wil haue the glaunders a sneueling at their noses which comes from their lunges that neither bloodletting nor drinkes can remedie them Therefore if it continue two daies or more to separate him kil him were the best For the other as wel males as females are so nice that in smelling where hée hath sneueled sodeinly they are taken with the same euil Yet maister shepheards say it rather commeth of pouertie in winter then otherwise for it chiefely sheweth of those which haue béene brought low in winter before And at the spring time it wil show when as they begin to mend And hee which haue béene brought lowest wil haue it most vehement Some shéepe wil runne at the nose like a thin water and those which haue it sor● wil haue a thicke matter or sneuel hang at their nose readie to stoppe their winde and those are in danger to die it they be not soone holpen Some doe vse to take a sticke and therewith takes out all that hee can get and so makes them cleane when any occasion is and thereupon they doe amend Some other doe giue them the iuyce of bitony with honied water and makes them take it Also the herbe cald bucks berde which groweth higher then that which is cald in latin Picnocomon This groweth in forrests and shades and hath floures and séeds like a bucks beard his leaues like great parsley this herbe stampt giuen with wine is maruellous good against al cold or fleme in any part of their bodies For lambes hauing the feuer or any other grief if their be sicke the shepheard ought not to let them remain with they dammes for feare of giuing them the like disease Therefore it were best to draw some milke of the yoong and put vnto it so much of rain water and make the sick lambes to swallow it downe Some doe giue them of goates milke with a horne and to kéepe them warme for that time There is also a certain scab which runnes on the chin the which is properly calde of the shepheards the dartars the which wil kil them if they be not remedied This kinde of scab commeth by the negligence of the shepheards when as they doe suffer them to féede on grasse couered with dew which is euil and ought not to be permitted or suffered When this do chance ye shal destroy this scab which is on the mousell and lippes like as the flying fire which was afore named to remedy this is to take salt and hysope in like portion beatē togither and therewith all to fret and chafe the palet of the mouth the toong and al ouer the mousel or with selfe heale or 〈◊〉 foile then wash the scab with vinegar and afterward anoint it with tarre and hogges grease mixt togither Some do mixt a third part of verdegrease two parts of old grease and to kéep it coole they vse this medicine folowing Some do stampe the leaues of cipres in water and therwith do wash the pallet of the mouth and the sores Some shepheards do iudge this kinde of scabbe to be a kinde of pocke which wil commonly be as wel on the brisket as on his chin and as they do say it is taken by féeding after hogs which haue the swine pocks which they do but anoint them with tarre and hogges grease melted togither and so they recouer againe and if they be not holpen in time one shéepe wil infect all the rest in short space And for the comon scab some takes the pouder of brimstone with the rootes of cipres ●ixt and beaten togither by euen portions and mixe therewith also of blancht rasis of camphire and waxe and mixe it all togither and make an ointment thereof and therwith rub the scab thrise all togither Then shall yee wash it all ouer with lée salt water mixt togither and then after wash it with common water but the common shepheardes doe take nothing but tarre mixt with some fine grease There comes a scabbines also among lambes being halfe 〈◊〉 yéere old as toward winter or the next fall of the leafe yée shal in some places haue al your lambes scabby or the most thereof which cause is as shepheards doe say when the rammes be scabby that gets them all those lambes will be scabby at the next fall They do heale it in greasing them with tarre mixt with two partes of fresh grease or neates féete oyle or goose grease if ye can haue it for that is best There is also another scabbines which chaunce some times on the mousels of shéepe and yoong tegges and that comes as shepheards doe say where as there is great plentie of furres and gorse that by the eating of the tops and floures thereof they prick their lips and mousel Wherby commeth these sorts of scabs the which they heale by nointing it with fresh butter Some takes the iuyce of plantaine and fresh grease boilde togither and therewith anoint them If the wool of shéepe after a scabbines do go of as in some places the wool wil go cleane off To make it grow againe and fil the foresaid place Some shepheards doe vse to grease them with tar mixt with some other thing as butter oyle goosegrease or fresh grease for far alone is sharpe a fretter and whealer without it be mixt with some of those things afore said to make him run the better Some do vse to make the wool come soone again to mix with tar and oyle the foote of a cawdrons bottome and some doe mix with oile a litle tar the pouder of a burnt daffadil roote or the pouder of the water lilly roote or the roote of the water clote which hath abroad leafe on y● water Or garden cresse beaten with mustard laid too or the herbe crow foote stāpt with oile laid too these do cause both wool or haire to come again in any pild place Séep wil commonly haue the cough which comes frō the lungs if it be vehement ye must giue him therfore in y● morning with a horne a litle oile of swéet almonds mixt with a litle white wine giue it warm giue him new straw and make him to eate of the clot herbe growing on lands Some do call it horse hoofe and this cough taketh them commōly in the spring If they chance to haue it at any other time thē giue them fene gréeke bruised wich comin Also all these are good against the cough as to take thrée or foure leaues of mallowes dride and boilde in milke and giuen with a horne which is excellent or ginnepar leaues sod in wine strainde and giuen Also the iuice of the great nettle stampt strainde with wine and giuen warme All these are good against a cough which makes them leane Shéepe oftimes are troubled by a blood toward the canicular daies the which blood
strained in honied water giuen warme or the root of the great bur bruised sod in wine then giuen All these are good against poisoned causes But if this disease breede first in the head then shall yee minister thinges chieflie to purge the head as the tender buds of Bearefoote beaten and the iuice mixed with wine giuen Also the iuice of Sowbread in Latin Panis porcinus the which iuice ye shal put into his nostrils and let it distill into his head The which wil purge both bis head and brain Likewise the iuice of garden cresses stamped and strained and giuen with wine doe also purge the head But if the sayde disease come of the Hawthorne or Oake leafe onelie which leaues be of a harde digestion and perhappes maie cause this disease if it should be so Then boyle Southernwood in wine and giue thereof to the sicke Lambes or wilde mallowes sodde in wine and giuen Or the herbe Cuckospit boiled in wine and giuen Also of Iuniper seeds or leaues stamped then strained and giuen with wine Also Penniryall stamped and strained with wine or Ale and so giuen All these aboue sayde are good to make digestion and other wayes holesome for the Beast Thus muche I thought meete to write concerning the remedies for this strange disease in Lambes Let Shepheardes thereof trie so farre as they shall thinke good Against the loosenesse of teeth some doe lette blood as I haue afore sayde vnder the tayle But whensoeuer anie of the sheepe haue loose teeth yee shall take the tender croppes of briers called Blacke brier and putte thereof among his meate and so they will fasten againe in eating thereof It is good for al men to vnderstand specially Shepheards which things do hurt or rotte sheepe wherby they maie auoide the danger the better ye shal vnderstand there is a grasse or weed called Speare woort the leaues are long and narrow like the point of a speare hard and thicke the steales hollowe growing a foote and more high with a yealow floure which is cōmonly in wet places and there wil it grow most or where water haue stood in the winter There is also another weed called Peniwort or penie grasse it wil cōmonly grow in moist marrish groūds it groweth low by the ground hath a leafe on both sides the stalke like vnto a penie thick round without floure yet some doe saie it beareth a yealow floure which wil as they say kil sheep if they eate it Also all manner of grasse that landfloods doe ouerr 〈…〉 before a raine is not good for sheepe because of s●nd and stinking filth lying thereon and al maner marrish grounds is euil for sheepe and the grasse that groweth amōg fallows is not very good for sheep for amōg it is much earth and other yll weed Also knottegrasse is not good for sheep for as some doe say it wil cause them to fome at the mouth so wil be a scab Likewise al mildeawd grasse is not good the which ye shal know two maner of waie The one is by the leaues on trees in the mornings chiefly on the Oake tree If ye licke the leaues yee shal finde a taste thereon like honie wherby the mildewde grasse wil kil many sheep rimes on the ground then if the shepheard do wel hee shoulde not let them go abroad til the sunne haue dried vp all those dewes Euill water is likewise not good and a hunger rot is the woorst rotte of all For therein is neyther good fleshe nor skinne and being hunger straued they eat such as they can come by But in pastures they seldō haue the rot but hurt with mildeawes yet then they wil haue much tallow and likewise fleshe and also a good skinne They say little white snailes be yll for sheepe other in pastures or fieldes there is a rot called the pellet rot which commeth of greate wet specially in wood grounds or fallow fieldes where they cannot wel drie them Al these are the chiefe things that do rot sheepe as the shepheards haue found commonly by experience from time to time Certayne preceptes taken foorth of Aristotle libro de natura animalis When the teeth bee all euen of a sheep it is a signe that the sheepe is olde yet thereto some shepheardes doe saye it is so in a young sheepe as well as in the olde and that is according to the Pasture or grounds they feede in If they feede in harde grounde theyr teeth will weare the sooner than in a softe grounde or Pasture If ye wil haue your lambes come in the spring time put the Ram to the yeawes in the mids of October if ye wil haue them come in Winter ye must put the Rams to the yeawes in Iuly The yeawe goeth with her lambe flue monethes yee shall marke when a yeawe doth commonly bleate beyng great with lambe then iudge that her lamming time is neere Also yee shall note if a rayne come incontinent after that the Ramme haue couered the yeawes those lambs are like to die A Ram that hath a black tongue al the lambes he gettes are like to be blacke or els spotted Stony and marrish grounde is not holesome for sheepe and wood ground is not very hurtful In Sommer sheep ought to bee fed in the morning before the heat of the day and to let them drinke faire water of the Spring Also in the Spring time and Winter put not forth your sheep before the deawes and frost be gone for that grasse which hath deawe or frost breedeth a disease or scabbe It is good also to put your sheep in the haruest in stubble ground for they will dung well the landes Note also if a ground be wet with raine it shall not be good to let them lye theron but stur them to some higher place Againe in the moneth of Aprill maie Iune and Iulie not then to eate much but in August Octobre Nouember and December then to eate well after the dewe is gone the better to withstand the stormes in winter Note also that the washing of shéepe with salted raine water after he is shorne will saue him from the itch and breaking of the wool and from being scabbie note that putting the ramme to the yowes when the wind is in the north will cause them bring males and putting the ramme to the yowes when the wind is in the south will cause the yowes bring female lambs And those yowes that do drinke salte water do desire the ramme the sooner but ye must not salte the water before the ramming time but after some say two good rammes to a hundreth yowes is sufficient and some thinke the more rammes the sooner spéede but they will serue Note also all thinges will fatte shéepe which is mingled with salte water as fetches branne chaffe and such like Much sturring of shéepe doth make them leane There is a disease in shéepe which is called
be lowzy Sheepe also are of lesse stoutnes of nature and wit then other foure footed beasts The thunder feareth sheepe greatly specially if one be alone If thunder happen in the euening or night it is daungerous to make yowes to cast their lambes or if any be alone Therefore it shall bee a good remedy to bring them all into one flocke Acornes are ill for sheepe and make yowes to cast their lambs Some shepheards say to shere sheepe not afore midsomer is good to make them haue a long staple for in hotte weather the wooll of sheepes backes doth grow most In folding of sheepe the opinion of some husbands holde that the pisse of shéepe doth heat helpe and comfort the land as much or rather more then doth their dung therefore some do will their seruants or shepheards to raise all the shéepe in the fold before they let thē forth in winter once euery night and to go about the sides of the fold with a dogge for commonly when as shéepe do sée anie dogge come nie them they will then dung and pisse and when they haue so done ye may let them out of the fold and this order is very good for your lands Against the rot if you feare your shéepe in wet times ye shal put them into a house thrée daies and thrée nights without meat or drinke then giue to euery hundreth one bushel of bran mixt with so much salt laid in troffes hunger will make them to eate it then driue them to the water and let them drinke their fill Then let them be chast with a curre a good space after and put them then into what ground yee will for one quarter and they shall take no hurt then must you take them vp the next quarter and serue them so again Thus must ye vse them iiii times in the yeare in doubtfull times if ye will saue your shéepe from the rot Some shepheards do vse when they feare the rot to take them vp and to giue ech shéepe hee suspecteth a little milke mixt with salt and to set water by them and to kéepe them so for certain daies which is thought a good way to preserue them if they be taken in time Some shepheards do giue his shéep the iuice of elder mixt with honied water or milke giuen warme a little which wil purge water forth of their bodies or iii. drams of the iuice of spurge in a pint of honied water to giue a quantitie thereof Also plantaine sod in water mixt with some milke and giuen do purge water betwixt the flesh and the skinne Thus much concerning the rot and water in shéepe Also if sheepe be chast or driuen a iourney if then they will drinke salte water it is a signe they are sound and wil do wel A good medicine for the stagger in lambs or young sheepe TAke of long pepper of licoras of annises 〈…〉 des of hempséeds and of honie of each a peniworth Then beate all these together then put thereto a pottell full of new milke and sturre the honie and it with the rest all together and thereof giue each lambe or sheepe two sponefuls or somewhat more thereof milke warme And this will saue them for that yeare This must bee giuen in the beginning of May. To helpe sheepe that haue the poxe YE shall pricke the vayne vnder the tayle nigh the rumpe and let them bleede and likewise pricke the vaine vnder the right eye and let them bleed Then take strong vinegar as ye can get and put to so much salte as ye maie make it like a brine and milke warme giue euerye sheepe three good sponefuls thereof Use this twise or thrise betweene two or three daies and it wil helpe But as soone as you shall sée any sheepe infected put him from the rest and then giue him this drinke aforesaid The poxe will commonly begin vnder the brisket and so on the rumpe and then it will meete in short time and so perish For the itch or scabbe in sheepe YE shal boile the hearbe bearefoot in water with the roots of camelion noir which is the great thistle that hath milke and wash the scabby places therewith warme and it will helpe them often proued Cutting or gelding lambs THe age of cutting and gelding of young lambs as some shepheards say is best in the wane of the moone the signe and the houre being good young lambs from three dayes olde till nine dayes olde for then they are young and tender and maye easily be gelt Yet some other do hold it is better cutting of lambs when they are more stronger as of three weekes olde or more But then is more danger in cutting them For if they be then ranke of bloud as some will be more then other some then the bloud often will fall into the codde raines and belly and there it will lye and cause the lambs soone after they are cut to die Therefore put the fine powder of rozen into his codde and that will drie vp the quarie bloud Therefore some do choose out those lambs that bee lustie and fayre and cuts their eares or lets them bloud the daye before Some shuts them in a house the night before without meat and then to cut them Also a good sure way is this ye shall cause one to hold the lambe betwixt his legs or on his lappe and turne the lambe on his backe in holding his foure feete vp right together But if ye shall see blacke spots in his 〈…〉 ankes then cut him not for he will die for he is rank of bloud Then let the cutter take and holde the tippe of the codde in his left hand and with a sharpe knife cutte the top thereof an inch long cleane away Then with his thumbes and his two formost fingers on both handes slippe softely downe the codde ouer the stones to his belly and then with his teeth holeyng the left stone whole in his mouth drawe it softlye forth so longe as the string is So done then drawe foorth the other in like maner Then spytte in the codde ano annoint his flankes on both sides of the codde with fresh grease and so let him or them go But if ye draw the stones rashly as some will not holding downe his cod with their hands as afore said and suffers the lambe to struggle whereby it may soone breake the string of a vaine in drawing the stones which will then gather to lumps of bloud in his belly and codde and thereof die within two or thrée houres after And when ye haue cut them lette them not lye but sturre them vp and downe after for two or three houres For the lambes to rest sodainely after cutting is not good nor yet to bee put forth sodainely in colde windes or wet weather Thus much for the cutting gelding of lambs For a sheepe that hath lost her quide IF a sheep haue lost her quide notwithstanding sheep will eate all the day and cast it
own pigs which commeth clean against the nature of most cattel those are not to be suffred to liue for they be alwaies dangerous to kéepe Sowes may endure least hunger and some of them although they haue sufficient meate yet they will deuoure their yoong pigs not onely their owne but likewise others Therefore some doth thinke it not good to nourish any hog or sowe with the garbedge and inwardes of beastes as they doe in many places féede them with guttes and inwardes of beastes as in butchers houses and such like Nor yet a man should not make any estimation of that hog or sow that is desirous to féede on carion or flesh For the vsuall custome thereof will make them mankinde and by eating of dead carion and other flesh will at length make them fall to catching quicke cattell and from thence to fall vnto liuely creatures as I haue heard of credible persons say that sowes haue taken yoong children without the doores as in barnes being left alone Some out of their cradelles béeing no bodie in the house Therefore let euerie husbandman beware of the kéeping of any such rauening kinde of beast For they are verie tender of nose and will smell farre off A hog is verie hurtfull after two or thrée yeares olde therefore kill him and if they fall once to eating flesh which is dead they will soone fall to other aliue that whatsoeuer they doe once laie holde off be it capon chikin ducke lambe or pigge yee shall rather kill them or ye make them to leaue or to let it goe And this shal bee sufficient in this place for such rauening cattell A way how to féed a hog fatte in short time is ye shal take him vp and put him in the stye and giue him neither meate nor drinke the space of thrée daies and thrée nightes and then giue him continually and let it be chaunged once or twise a wéeke And hee shal be so gréedie after his great hunger that he wil alwaies be hungry in eating so that he wil be fat in short time A prooued way to helpe your measeld hog or boare is ye shal put him vp in the stie and kéep him there thrée daies and thrée nights without meat or water or any other thing Then take flue or sixe apples and in the toppes make a hole and picke out the cores and fill each apple in those holes with the pouder of brimstone verie finely beaten and stop the said holes with péeces of apples and cast them vnto the measeld hog first one or two and so the rest and béeing so hungry he wil eate them all then let him so remaine two or thrée houres after and then giue him a litle meate and no more til the next morning and the next morning serue him so againe and giue him fiue or six apples as before mentioned Thus vse your hogge the space of fiue or sixe daies and ye shall sée him waxe as cleane as euer hee was before Also they doe vse for the same to take the lées of sope mixt with some strong lée of a bucke and giues of that and vse him as the other aforesaide and giue him no meate of an houre or two after And this as some doe say is counted verie good to helpe the foresaid disease How to kéepe and saue your hogs from being measeld is this ye shal vse in the sommer specially in the time of the canicular daies or daies of heate which is from the midst of Iuly to the midst of August And in these times to giue them chopt amongst their wash or other meate of colde hearbes as of lettis endiue succory violet leaues of daundelion or sowthistle fumitory and such like which are all colde helpes and wil kéepe them coole or to chop amongst their meate the leaues of dwale which is verie cold in operation Therefore vse thereof the lesse portion amongst their meat All these hearbes aforesaid are verie good to kéep them coole For the cause of measelly in a hogge commeth through the great and vehement heate of his blood or lying in horse dung fleam togither mixt with his blood through heate is dride in his bodie and so lieth in the outward parts of his bodie in curnels And first they will appeare in the liuer through the heate of his stomacke at the rootes of his toong and in his throat that when he doe cry he wil rattle in his voice and crie hoarse By this yee shal first perceiue his infection and if ye doe take forth his toong ye shal perceiue the curnels there vnder and by this order ye may perceiue any measeld hog Also some do say if you put mustard amongst your washings and giue that vnto your hogges it will to vse much thereof cause them to bee measeld at length or such like which doeth much heate their blood Also to kéepe them from being measeld ye may vse to put amongst their wash of mens vrine and mixe with their wash also of red oker called red earth beaten small to pouder This wil likewise kéepe them from beeing measeld Sope water and fish water is ill Whensoeuer ye doe entend to fat any hog to giue him drye meate is counted chiefest and giue him to drinke béere or ale and water and yee must not let him goe foorth of the stye not so much as to sée forth thereof but to open the stye dore and to make it cleane for a hog when he may see forth hee wil haue so much desire to goe abroad that hee will haue no care to féede There is not so much care to be had in them as in other cattell yet to kéepe them cleane they loue to haue it And so to be fed and not remooued or changed into any other place or by any other meanes troubled yet sometimes they are in the stye a little troubled with myce in running on their backes and so disquiets them in the stye which ye may soone helpe by setting of trappes to take them alwaies as they come Thus ye may féede them to bee a foote and a halfe thicke of fatte in small time If your hogs haue eaten any euill hearbe as of henbane or hemblocks To remedie the same yee shall giue them to drinke the iuyce of cucumbers made warme the which being drunke wil cause them to vomit and thereby they wil cleanse their stomackes and so recouer health againe Some doe vse to giue them aquauitie and puts thereof into his nosthrils or in one of his eares or to giue him water and hony mixt togither with a good quantitie and that wil cause him also to vomitte For if it can make them vomit they will soone recouer againe For by eating either of henba●e or hemblocke they are so cold in operation they wil cause the hog to lye as though hee were dead for a time for they are verie nigh vnto a cold venome And the camelion thistle wil kil
vrine and there by vsing it wil make him cleane Also hogs wil couet to eate of mens dung pigins dung and hennes or poultry dung which also is ill for hogs and wil encrease a measell among them and likewise other diseases and to lye in horse dung is ill for them For the staggars in a hog giue him of the hearbe called stare woort or gall woort in milke and he shall amend Pigges that are farroed with téeth the males of them passing thrée yeares doe not wel engender A hog dieth and pineth away if hee léese one eye A hog wil liue xvi or xx yeares Hogs haue many sicknesses in their heads and sides and being ficke they will commonly lye in dirtie puddles and commonly they wil lye more on the right side then on the left If yee kéepe them without meate thrée daies at the first they wil be fat within fortie daies They loue each other and know each others voice and if one cry they wil cry all and wil helpe one another They grunt sléeping and waking if they be fat And they sléepe faster in May then at other times and that commeth of mourning or stopping of the braines in that time more then in other times They resolue in sommer many humors in wasting it by too much heate And hogs change not their teeth neither male nor female A boare wil gender within the first yeare or being of eight monethes olde and the sow at a yeare olde But those pigs wil be but weake and féeble and the first pigs of a sow wil be slender of body And if she be fat her milke wil be more scarce The winter pigs are better thē the somer pigs and those of yoong sowes worse then those of old sowes A lustie fat boare may engender many times both in the day and night and best time is in the morning When a sow farroeth she giueth to the first pig the farmost teate And a sow in going to the boare againe she wil not suffer him to couer her vntil her eares hang downeward To make them goe to brimme or take the boare it shal be good to giue them of barley which wil make them take the boare and to giue them of sod barley the better for her Hogs commonly hath thrée euils one is Brancos The other is impostumes in their eares and iowles And the third is in the féete and the flesh about those places is most corrupt and that corruption passeth by some and some into the flesh neare vnto it and so to his lunges and stoppeth them and then the hog wil die This euil encreaseth sodeinly And therefore hogheards do cut away the place first infected which otherwise wil not be helpt or held but by cutting They haue also another sicknes which is great ache and heauines in their heads and thereby commonly dieth Another sicknes they haue which is the flux of the belly which I haue partly shewed before and is a disease hard to remedie For often it killeth them within thrée daies Great swine doe delight to eate berries as floes and blackberries which doth them good They also the delight to bathe them in warme waters They are commonly let blood to help them on the vain vnder the toong they are made fat with diuers kinds of meats but some do make them fwel Some engendreth flesh and some grease and fatnes And hogs delighte in acorns which makes them to haue good flesh If a sow being with pig eate much therof it maketh them cast their pigs For disines in their heads chop mowseare nightshade and put it among their wash and they shal mend To put and choppe of colde hearbes all the sommer into their wash and giue it them amongst their meate as lettise endiue succorie daundelion cinckfoile sowthistle and such like Elme leaues in the spring are good to giue vnto hogs when there is scant of grasse or other meate But to giue them much thereof may bring them into a ●●ix Therefore to vse all their meates discréetly it shall doe best and so shall ye kéepe them long in health Helion reciteth in his historie that hogs and wilde boares eating of henbane will sodoinly fall in a sounde and are in danger to die if incontinent they be not washed all ouer with water and to drinke water also Whereupon they wil seeke water and so recouereth again against which woormwood is good to giue them with wine or strong ale To féede or fat hogs as some husbands saith with such things which will alter their grease as to féede them with barley it wil fat and soone puffe them vp but their grease wil be soft and wastfull To féede hogs also with acorns or béech mast oakes and fetches doth the like and all other graine except beanes and pease which will make them to haue a hard and a fast grease to bee fedde onely therewith Another prooued way to helpe a measeld bore or hog is Ye shal first search them before ye put them vp to be fed and then sée if they be not clene Take warme a pinte or more of cow milke mixt therewith so much gray sope as a great tenise ball and stir it then well altogither til it be all alike And being milke warme giue it to your boare or hog with a horne make him of force to take it in striking it downe his throat til he haue receiued all Then chafe and stir him an hours space after for feare of casting it vp again vse him thus thrée or foure daies or more vntil ye shal sée him clean and then ye may put him vp to fat and they shall doe well And also to make a hog to scoure they doe vse to giue him of smoaked barley in the straw as it is also shewed for the whethering of a cow to helpe Also if your hogs be lousie which wil come vnto them through pouertie and lacke of good kéeping in winter And so long as they be lousie they wil not prosper The remedie is ye shall take of quicksiluer and kil it with sallet oyle and fasting spittell then mixt therewith of fresh grease or neats foote oyle and so anoint them all ouer Some meltes sope and tarre togither with the pouder of stauesacre and therewith anoints them And other some doe take but quicksiluer and sope mixt well togither and so anointes therewith for lyce wil kéepe them leane Moreouer if a hog chance to be sore bitten of dogges in any part of his bodie or legges and thereon doe swell and like to come to an impostume to auoide the danger thereof ye shall all to wash the wounde betimes with stale salt and nettles bruised or vinegar and mallowes boilde togither with some hogges grease put thereto and therwith all to bathe the sore then anoint it with tarre and fresh grease mixt well togither and he shall doe well Use this as yee