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A96805 The abridgment of Christian divinitie so exactly and methodically compiled, that it leads us, as it were, by the hand to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Ordering of common-places. Vnderstanding of controversies. Cleering of some cases of conscience. By John Wollebius. Doctor of Divinity, and ordinary professor in the University of Basil. Now at last faithfully translated into English, and in some obscure places cleared and enlarged, by Alexander Ross. To which is adjoined, after the alphabetical table, the anatomy of the whole body of divinity, delineated in IX. short tables, for the help of weak memories.; Christianae theologiae compendium. English. Wolleb, Johannes, 1586-1629.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver.; Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. 1650 (1650) Wing W3254; Thomason E1264_1; ESTC R204089 204,921 375

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voluntary disobedience hath made himself guilty XV. For understandings sake two acts are made of Reprobation to wit The denial of undeserved grace which is called Preterition and the ordaining to deserved punishment which is called Predamnation XVI In the trial of our Election we must proceed analytically or by way of resolution from the means of Execution to the Decree beginning from our Sanctification Thus syllogistically Whosoever feels in himself the gift of sanctification by which we die to sin and live to righteousnesse he is justified called or endowed with true faith and is elected But by the grace of God I feel this therefore I am justified called and elected XVI But this is a diabolical argument If I am elected there is no need of good works if I be a Reprobate good works are needlesse For first it is not the part of a Christian to say Either I am elected or reprobated but rather to make trial of his faith as the means of election 2 Cor. 13.5 6. Prove your selvs whether you are in the faith examine your selves know you not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except you be reprobates But I trust that you shall know that we are not reprobates 2. This syllogisme disjoyns things subordinate and conjoyns things inconsistent For good works are subordinate and not to be separated from Election for they are the means of its execution and of our assurance thereof But to be a reprobate and to do good works are things inconsistent CHAP. V. Of the Creation HItherto of GOD'S internal works His external are those which are without the essence of God and these are two to wit the Creation and the Government or Gods actual providence Creation is that by which God produced the world and the things therein partly out of nothing and partly out of matter unapt naturally for that production for the manifestation of his power wisdom and goodnesse The history of the Creation is extant in Genesis c. 1. 2 The RULES I. Creation is not onely a production of something out of nothing but also out of matter altogether unapt for such production naturally II. The work and honour of Creation belongs to God alone and not to Angels or any other creature * A. R. The reason is because an infinite power is required to produce things out of nothing 2. Because entity or being is an universal effect and therefore must be produced by an universal cause which onely is God who created that is gave simply being to the creature III. Creation is a transition from the Possibility to the Act not of the Creator but of the Creature IV. That possibility is not privative but negative Because the matter of creation is naturally unapt to that which is created out of it For example there was no aptitude or disposition in dust to mans body which was so miraculously produced thence V. There was no accession of perfection in God by creating the world neither did he create it that he might be bettered or perfected by it but that his goodnesse might be communicated to the creature VI. Creation is either of the Species with all the Individuals so the Angels Stars Elements were created together Or of the Species with some Individuals onely having an innate power of propagation VII A more particular knowledge of the Creatures we leave to Natural Philosophers it shall suffice in this place to handle them according to each Dayes production VIII The first day of the Creation is famous for three works 1. For the production of Angels with the highest Heaven called the Heaven of the blessed 'T is most probable that the Angels were created the first day because when God laid the foundation of the earth He was then praised by them Job 28.7 2. For the production of this visible world which was not altogether destitute of forme but of perfection separation and beauty which by degrees then it received 3. For sending in of the primitive Light which was neither the Elementary fire nor a bright Cloud nor any other body but a Quality sent into the aire by God who is that inaccessible light This created quality of Light was afterward the fourth day placed in the Stars IX The second day the Firmament was created or the Aerial heaven which by its lower part separates the waters above that is the Clouds from the waters beneath that is the Sea X. The third day God 1. separated the inferior waters which as yet covered the earth and gathered them into certain channels that the rest of the earth called dry land might afford a commodious habitation for man and beast 2. He gave to the earth a fructifying power to produce herbs and plants without the help of seed or sun XI The fourth day the Stars and great Lumi●aries were placed in heaven whose motion proceeds not from a soul or any assistant intelligence as the Philosophers affirm but from that power which God gave them in the beginning no otherways then the earth by its innate power stands immovable XII There is a threefold use of the stars 1. To distinguish the day and night 2. To note the times and seasons of the year 3. To impart their vertue to inferior bodies XIII The fifth day were made the Birds Fishes and Creeping-things XIV The sixth day after the earthly Creatures were produced and this whole Vniverse as a large house was furnished with all kinde of furniture Man at last was created Of all these Creatures Men and Angels are chiefly considered in Divinity because on them God bestowed his Image THE RULES I. Although the whole World be the Looking-glass of Gods power wisdom and bounty yet properly Gods Image is attributed to Angels and Men onely 2. Gods Image doth partly consist in natural gifts to wit in the invisible and simple substance of Angels and mens souls in their life understanding will and immortality partly in supernatural gifts to wit in their primitive blessedness in the uprightness of their intellect and will and in their majestie and dominion over the other Creatures Angels are intelligent Creatures void of bodies The RULES I. Angels are not accidents nor qualities but true subsistences II. Angels are void of bodies * A. R. If the Angels were corporeal the world were imperfect because there would be wanting incorporeal creatures 2. God made men and Angels to his own image which consisteth not onely in will and understanding but also in immateriality and immortality and are not subject to destruction III. The bodies in which the Angels appeared were not meer apparitions nor yet united to them hypostatically but were freely assumed to perform some service in IV. Angels are in a place not by way of circumscription but by way of definition V. Angels cannot be together in many places VI. Angels truly move from place to place Man is a creature whose body originally was formed of earth but afterwards is propagated of seed by traduction
20. yea all the Faithful 1 Cor. 6. shall Judge the world and the devils not that Christ will share with the Saints the honour of Judicature but that they shall approve of the sentence and shall praise the wisdom and justice of the celestiall Judge CHAP. XXXVI Of the end of the World and Life eternal the Consequents of the Judgment THere are two Consequents of the last Judgment to wit the end of the World and Life eternal The end of the World is the destruction of this visible Universe after the wicked are thrust down to hell and the godly elevated into the heaven of the blessed The RULES I. This is called the consummation of the world Matth. 24.3 and 28.20 II. The efficient cause of this consummation shall be God for it belongs to the same power to create and to destroy the world III. The matter is this visible world heaven and earth and the things therein contained Peter expresly names heaven earth and the elements and their contents 2 Pet. 3. IV. Neither Hell nor the Heaven of the blessed shall be destroyed For there the wicked shall be eternally tortured and here the godly for ever glorified V. Concerning the form of this consummation it is demanded 1. Whether it shall be mediate or immediate 2. In the substance or qualities only VI. Peter answers the first question saying that God will destroy it by fire 2. Pet. 3.6 7. The world that then was perished by water being overflowed but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire c. and ver 10. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and works therein shall be burned up and ver 12. The heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat But what kinde of fire this shall be he onely knows who is himself a consuming fire VII Concerning the other question there be divers opinions for some will have this world destroyed in its substance others in its qualities onely They who think it shall be destroyed onely in qualities by this word consummation mean a purging and instauration Being moved I. By testimonies Rom. 8.19 20 21 22. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God For the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope because the creature it self also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God for we know that the whole creature groaneth and travelleth in pain together untill now 1 Cor. 7.31 The fashion or figure of this world passeth away 2 Pet. 3.13 But we look for new heavens and a new earth according to promise Rev. 21.2 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth II. By reasons 1. In the deluge the earth was not destroyed in its substance 2. Because man shall not be changed in his subsance but in his qualities But they who are of the contrary opinion I. Rely on these Scriptures Psal 102.27 Heb. 1.11 They shall perish but thou dost remain they all shall wax old as doth a garment and thou shalt change them as a vesture c. Isa 51.6 Lift up your eyes to heaven and behold the earth below the heavens shall vanish as smoak and the earth shall wax old as a garment Matth. 24.35 Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away 2 Pet. 3.7 But the heavens and the earth which now are by the same word are laid up in store and reserved for fire c. and ver 10. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with servent heat the earth and all therein shall be burned and ver 12. The * A. R. The heavens shall not be purged with fire because they are not capable of an elementary impression 2. Because they are not subject to the vanity motion and corruption of inferiour bodies 3. Their innovation shall onely be in their rest and cessation from motion 4. The heavens that shall be purged by fire are the aerial only 5. The fire shall purge no more then what the water did purge in the Flood of Noah heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt c. Rev. 21.1 The first heaven and the first earth passed away and there was no more sea II. Reasons 1. Because this visible world was made for man to sojourn in whilst he was a traveller but when his journey is ended and he in heaven there will be no more need of this world 2. Because this stands with the order of things For seeing eternity belongs to God who is without beginning and ending but to Spirits aevum which is that duration that hath beginning but wants ending to Physical things time is ascribed consisting both of beginning and ending To the former objections thus they answer The place of Rom. 8.19 20 21 22. is not meant of the restauration of this world but of its freedom from vanity to which it is subject which vanity consists in this that most men do most wickedly abuse the service of the creatures hence by Prosopopeia or fiction of the person they are said to desire liberty The place in 1 Cor. 7.31 teacheth rather the contrary to wit that this world shall not remain although in that place mention is not made of the world it self so much as of worldly things to wit riches pleasures and such like They teach that the new heaven in 2 Pet. 3. and Rev. 21. doth as it were point out the new world which the Elect shall inhabite in their heavenly countrey For there is nothing more frequent then that allegory whereby the heaven of the blessed is likened sometimes to the earth sometimes to the visible heaven and to this purpose is that which Peter saith of righteousness which shall dwell there For it 's certain that after this world justice shall dwell no where but in heaven To the first reason they answer that there is no consequence from the Flood to the last Judgement because the Flood brought not with it the end of the world so likewise in the other reason they deny the sequel from man to the world because the world will be no ways available to man when he is advanced to life eternal for it was made only for him whilst he was a traveller here Now although in controversies of this nature which overthrow not the Articles of Faith it be lawful to suspend our assent yet without prejudice to other mens judgments the understanding Reader may subscribe to the latter opinion for it is one thing to be restored and changed unto a better estate and another thing to wax old like a garment to vanish like smoak to be dissolved to melt to be burned to pass away
R. The outward matter of Baptisme is water I will here adde the reasons why water is used in Baptisme 1. Because the dipping in water represents Christs death and burial and withal our mortification so the rising out of the water is a shadow of his resurrection and our spiritual vivification 2. Water is a cheap and common element therefore obvious and easily obtained 3. In the begining the Spirit moved on the waters and was the cause of generation so in the baptisme of water and the Spirit is effected our regeneration 4. Water washeth away the filth of the body so doth Baptism the spots of the soule I will poure upon you clear water and you shall be cleansed from all your iniquities Ezek. 36. By this water Eph. 5. Christ cleanseth his Church 5. Water quencheth the thirst of the body so doth Baptisme the thirst of the soul 6. Water cools the heat of the body so doth Baptisme the heat of Gods wrath and the fire of our lusts 7. Baptisme is the Sacrament of illumination Heb. 6.4 10.32 Therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to illuminate is used for baptising and baptisme is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 illumination and the dayes of baptisme were called the dayes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of light Now water is a diapharont body by which light is transmitted to us so is mental illumination by the water of baptisme in which now we are not dipped but besprinkled which is all one for the gifts of the Spirit are expressed by the sprinkling of clear water in Ezekiel and by the sprinkling of water in the old Purifications and by the sprinkling of the Lambs blood in the Passeover to which the Apostle alludes Heb. 10. having our hearts besprinkled from an evil conscience The outward matter is water But for oil salt spittle and other things which Papists joyn to this element belong rather to the profanation then administration of baptisme VI. The internal matter is Christ with his death passion resurrection c. VII The internal form consisteth partly in actions partly in wo●ds VIII The action is the aspersion of water which is used for dipping The dipping in and rising out of the water was a cleare symbol of Christs burial and resurrection But because of the weaknesse of infants in cold countries we use sprinkling which probably was used by the Apostles when they baptised in private families IX It is not much material whether one aspersion or three he used so it be void of superstition and that it be not performed drop by drop or by the finger but so that the symbol may answer the sprinkling or washing X. The word by which Baptisme is to be administred is to be comprehended in Christs institution especially in these words I baptise thee in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Ghost XI The Latin tongue in Baptisme and the superstitious consecration or exorcisme of the water are repugnant to the form of Baptisme XII The internal form consisteth in the analogie of aspersion and remission of sins as also of regeneration or sanctification In this Baptisme answers the legal aspersions by which likewise remission of sin by the blood of Christ was shadowed Water also as it cleanseth from filthinesse and moistneth the Plants doth adumbrate regeneration whereby we die to sin and live to righteousnes See Rom. 6. v. 1. c. XIII The end of Baptisme besides those which are common to it and the Lords Supper is the seal●ng of our regeneration and of our reception or ingraffing into the family of God XIV The subject of Baptisme are all that be in the Covenant even the children of those who are reckoned among the number of the Covenanters This rule is grounded 1. on Christs command Matt. 1.14 Suffer little children and forbid them not to come to me they ought not then to be kept off from Baptisme whom Christ will have to be brought to him The words used in this place and Luc. 28.15 Of little children and infants are emphaticall 2. On the reason alledged by Christ Matt. 19.14 For of such is the kingdome of heaven For if to them the kingdome of heaven and the Covenant of Grace belong the seale of the Covenant must needs appertain to them also but they are capable of the Covenant Gen. 17.7 I will be thy God and of thy seed Act. 2. v. 39. Te you and to your children is the Promise made 3. On the analogy of circumcision for with this Sacrament infants were initiated 4. On the example of the Apostles who are said to baptise whol families Act. 16.15.33 It were a foolish thing to apply that rule 2 Thess 3.10 If any will not work let him not eat to Infants so perversly doe the Anabaptists wrest the places of Scripture to a contrary meaning which those that are of years are commanded to be taught before they are baptised XV. Infants have both Faith and Reason although not in the fruit yet in the seed and root though not in the second act yet in the first though not by an outward demonstration of the work yet by the inward virtue of the Holy Spirit XVI But concerning the Infants of Infidels the case is otherwise for they are not to be baptized till they be of discretion and are able to testifie their Faith XVII The baptisme of Bels is a profanation of the Sacrament and idolatrous XVIII As naturally we are born before we eat so Baptisme is before the Lords Supper XIX Baptisme is not to be iterated if the essentials thereof were used Hence it is that our Church ratifies the Baptisme of the Popish Church not as it is abused there but as it is administred in the name of the Holy Trinity XX. Baptisme is necessary not absolutely but in respect of Christs command neither must we feigne such a necessity as permits any other besides the Minister to baptise or to cause us think they are excluded out of heaven if they die unbaptised XXI The Baptisme of Christ and of John are in effect the same The Pontificians deny that John's baptisme was instituted by God against these plain testimonies Matt. 21.25 Luc. 3.2 and 7.30 Joh. 1.33 Neither matters it that John distinguisheth between his baptisme and Christs Mar. 1.8 For there the opposition is not between baptisme and baptisme but a comparison onely between the office of the Minister in Baptisme and Christ for the Minister giveth the Symbol but Christ the things signified They say that such as were baptised by John were rebaptised Act. 19.1 c. If they were rebaptised by the Apostle we gather that they were not rightly baptised by some who were imitators of John neither yet can we finde out of the text that they were rebaptised for those words v. 5. are not Lukes concerning Paul but Pauls concerning John and his disciples therefore this place favoureth neither Papists nor Anabaptists CHAP. XXIV Of the Lords Supper THe Lords Supper is the other
these things be proved the description of the Pontificians will vanish in smoak 1. He is not one particular person but an order succeeding each other as appears by the appointed time of Antichrist which extends it self even from the time of Paul and John when this mysterie began to appear 2 Thes 2.7 1 Ioh. 4.3 even till the coming of Christ 2 Thes 2.8 whence that fiction of three years and a half faileth 2. He is raised by Satan 2 Thes 2.9 his coming shall be with the power of Satan Rev. 13.4 The Dragon gave him power Whereas otherwise Magistrates are raised by God Rom. 13.2 3. Thirdly A Christian in name only 2 Thes 2.4 He sits in the temple of God Fourthly Christs enemy 1 Joh. 4.5 He denieth Christ to have come in the flesh to wit by the sequel of his Doctrine Rev. 13.11 He hath horns like the Lamb by arrogating that to himself which belongs to Christ Rev. 17.14 He fights against the Lamb and 19.19 and 20.8 Fifthly He sits in the Temple of God 2 Thes 2.4 Not in that of Jerusalem which is abolished without hope of resurrection Dan. 9.26 27. But in the Church which is Gods temple 2 Cor. 6.16 Sixthly He sits that is he reigns Rev. 18.7 She sits as a queen He sits as God and exalts himself above everything that is called God 2 Thes 2.4 6. He reigns in the great City the type whereof is The beast with seven heads and ten horns sitting upon many waters where the seven heads are seven hills and seven kings or forms of Government by a Metonymie Ten horns signifie ten kings and the waters many people and nations Rev. 17.1 c. Seventhly VVonders are preached 2 Thes 2.9 Lying wonders Rev. 13.13 14. He worketh great wonders so that he maketh fire to come down from heaven upon the earth in the sight of men and he seduceth the inhabitants of the earth c. and ver 15. And he had power to give life to the image of the beast c. Eighthly And he caused every one great and small to receive his mark on their right hands or foreheads and that none might buy or sell but such as had his mark or name or number of his name c. and his number was 666. Rev. 13.16 17 c. Ninthly Idolatry by a familiar Scripture phrase is shadowed out by a Whore Rev. 17.2 His ambition appears by that place in the Thessalonians His covetousness is noted by his gainful merchandising Rev. 18.11 His cruelty is set out by the Beast drunk with the blood of the Martyrs Rev. 17.6 His impurity by sins heaped up to heaven Rev. 18.5 Yea thus in general by the mystical name of Sodom Egypt Babylon and Jerusalem are described in which mystical Christ that is Christ in his Members is crucified Rev. 11.8 and 14.8 Tenthly He is to be revealed in the last times He that letteth must be taken out of the way 2 Thes 2.7 8. that is the Roman Emperour for so long as he lived in Rome he hindred the revealing of the Antichrist Eleventhly there be two degrees of destroying 1. He shall be slain by the breath of Christs mouth 2 Thes 2.8 that is with the sword of his word which proceedeth out of his mouth Rev. 19.21 The effect whereof shall be this that as soon as Antichrists fraud shall be found out the lovers of the whore shall hate her and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire Rev. 17.16 2. He shall be abolished by the glorious coming of Christ 2 Thes 2.8 VVhen he shal be cast into that Lake of fire which burns with brimston Rev. 19.20 IV. This description sheweth not only what but who this great Antichrist is for that must needs be the thing defined to which the definition belongeth but the definition belongs to the Pope therefore he is the thing defined The Minor is proved by an induction or application of each member 1. The first member is out of question for every one knows that the Popes succeed each other The second member is manifest both by its effects as also by their example who have attained that Seat by wicked arts and wayes as Alexander the sixth Sylvester the second Benedict the ninth of whom see Platina and other Popish Writers 3. By profession the Pope will not deny himself to be a Christian 4. That he is Christs enemy and that he hath made horns to himself like those of the Lamb is apparent because he claims to himself Christs Prophetical Sacerdotal and Regal offices together with the titles of High-Priest Prince of Pastors Head and Husband of the Church c. while he casts by Christs word as needless and obscure like a nose of wax equalling yea preferring his traditions to it He overthrows Christs Prophetical office whilst he urgeth the merits and intercession of Mary and of the Saints He destroys Christs Priesthood and his Kingly office whilst he takes upon him to do what he pleaseth in the Church But if you compare Christs life with the Popes the humility of the one with the pride of the other the doctrine of the one with the doctrine of the other concerning Free-will Justification the Sacraments and such like articles it will appear that fire and water are not more contrary 5. That he sits in the temple of God that is in the Church which is his temple as is said is manifest Now the Roman Church as it is Popish is not called the temple of God But 1. As in Johns time it was the true Church of Christ and so the Temple of Jerusalem of old was called the temple of God though it had been converted to a den of theeves Jer. 7. ver 11. 2. As God hath there yet those that belong to election The Pope is born in the Church he sits in her not as her true and naturall Son but as a Monster a bunch or swelling or as a canker cleaving fast to the body Furthermore that he sits there as God the titles which his Flatterers give him make it plain they deny him to be a man therefore they call him Admirable which is Christs title Esa 9.6 c. Gloss de Elect. c. fund Also their Lord God de concess praeb c. proposuisti In the Councel of Lateran the acclamation which they gave to Pope Leo the tenth was To thee is given all power in heaven and earth But he extols himself above God not onely in preferring himself before Magistrates which are called gods especially before the Emperour whom he calls the Moon and himself the Sun but also by preferring his Decrees to Gods Word and consequently himself to God 6. He possesseth that city which hath seven hils and had seven kings That Rome hath seven hills all the world knows but the seven Kings metonymically are the seven forms of Government which were in Rome before Popery for there were 1. Kings 2. Consuls 3. Dictators 4. Tribunes