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A96648 Natures secrets. Or, The admirable and wonderfull history of the generation of meteors. Particularly describing, the temperatures and qualities of the four elements, the heights, magnitudes, and influences of the fixt and wandring stars: the efficient and finall causes of comets, earthquakes, deluges, epidemicall diseases, and prodigies of precedent times; registred by the students of nature. Their conjecturall presages of the weather, from the planets mutuall aspects, and sublunary bodies: with the proportions and observations on the weather-glass, with philosophicall paraphrases rendred explicitely, usefull at sea and land. / By the industry and observations of Thomas Willsford, Gent. Willsford, Thomas.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1658 (1658) Wing W2875; Thomason E1775_2; ESTC R204119 105,190 225

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this the highest hill that was then known and so writeth Pliny lib. 1. cap. 65. but in the same Chapter he falls into a great absurdity conceiving the Alpes to be 50 miles high Eratosthenes a famous Geometrician found the perpendicular of mount Atlas not to exceed 10 Stadiums a small proportion in respect of the Globes rotundity And that the superficies of the Water is also round it doth evidently appear by every little bubble or drop of water falling from any place or lying upon some dust it will immediately contract into a spherical or round form whereby to preserve it self from drought this naturally and voluntarily doing so argues the roundness and form of the whole Element whose parts they are the ☽ eclipst demonstrates the Earth's rotundity and let this suffice as not requisite in this Treatise conducing to our purpose The concord and disagreement of the four Elements THis Globe composed of Earth and Water is suspended in the center of the Heavens equidistant on every side counterpoised with its own weight circumvolved with the Element of Air and that within the Fire these 4 Elements have naturally a peculiar quality in themselves participating with some and contrary to others as the Fire in hot the Air most the Water cold and the Earth dry in this the Fire and Water be naturally opposite as heat and cold the Air and Earth be in opposition as wet and drought these 4 Elements do also participate of one anothers qualities as thus the Fire is of nature hot and dry the Air hot and moist the Water cold and moist the Earth cold and dry So the Air agrees with the Fire in respect of heat and with the Water in respect of moisture The other medium is the Water in combination with the Air in moisture and in coldness with the Earth the two extreams as Earth with Water in respect of coldness and agreeing with the Fire in dryness By the commixtion of these 4 Elements all bodies are ingendred and by their mutual affininities do subsist and if any one predominates or be defective it turns the other 3 into discord and if not in time united it subverts the frame and destroys for want of concord what it should preserve in peace for if the Fire prevails it burns and turns to Feavers and if defective the heat of the Air being equally opposed with the cold of the Water moisture in them both predominates equalled with the drought of the Earth So that the cold then onely rules with which nothing can live The nature and temperature of the 4 Seasons THe 4 Seasons of the year are compared to the four Ages in every Man and his complexion or constitution unto the four Elements and first the Spring is compared to Infancy being Airy hot and moist 2. Summer to youth as being Fiery hot and dry grown to full perfection of strength and vigour of body every part and member ripe 3. Autumne is likened to elder Age the body and strength in Man declining being Watery cold and moist his beauty withering 4. Winter resembling old and decrepit Age being cold and dry But some do suppose the 4 Seasons of the year to be in opposition one unto another for what one Season does produce the contrary will destroy And so they conceive as the Spring is hot and moist that Autumne is cold and dry and as the Summer is naturally hot and dry so Winter is opposite unto it being cold and moist But these Seasons vary as the Climates doe The Complexions in Man are these 1 Choler like Fire hot and dry 2 Sanguine Air hot and moist 3 Phlegme Water cold and moist 4 Melancholy Earth cold and dry THus one does qualifie and allay the violence of the other but yet you must conceive they are not equally commixt in every Man Beast or vegetable Creature but all differing and every member or part participating much more of one then of another as the vital Spirit of Fare the Flesh of the Air the Humidity of the Water and the Bones in more affinity with the Earth yet these compositions not alike infused as you may see in the diversity of Spirits and conditions of Men by the agility of some Beasts and the slownesse of some others the mildnesse of one creature and the fury of another as the servile Asse dull and slow Horses valiant and nimble Lions indomitable always raging as with a perpetual feaver inflamed with choler And so it is in all other Creatures differing in their temperatures both in their several kinds and species and the like we see in Vegetables and Minerals in their compositions yet participating in all four of the Elements but in some of them more then in others As in Plants the roots are most Earthly their leaves in affinity with the Water their Blossoms do participate of the Air and their seeds of the Fire for without heat nothing can be produc'd all Stones do generally partake most of the Earth yet there be exceptions as Flint-stones and Thunderbolts are of a fiery quality Crystal and Pearls of a Watry and in others the Air and Water most predominates as the Pumice-stone made of the froth of the Sea and flotes upon it being exceedingly light which argues it participates but little of Earth and lesse of Fire from whence the old Adagie is derived To strike fire out of a Pumice-stone is to expect an impossibility in Nature But this discourse here is not in season and so let us return The 4 Seasons EVery one of the four Seasons is conceived to be qualified with the Signs as they are commixt with their several temperatures called the triplicity three Signs being in every Season as we have said already but for your more ease I will place it here again but not intending to induce or perswade any for to believe that which I do not confidently credit my self as that their natural temp●ratures are known yet I doubt nor but that the Stars by their aspects and influences are causes of distemperatures and alters the Air and all sublunary bodies Yet by what means it is not certainly demonstrated unto Reason being but extracted from bare effects where doubtful Experience is only Mistris For if it were a truth that the nature and temperature of them were discovered to man we could not egregiously err so often as we doe besides the aspects being general the effects would be so too the Climate considered but this is quite otherwise when the weather will alter in a little space or few miles and there may be at one time in four neer adjacent places Rain Snow Hail and fair weather yet to satisfie some Experience having thus delivered it I will neither approve nor quite reject it but leave it indifferent to every ones judgement as they please to peruse or omit it And here I will subject to your view the Signs Temperatures Complexions and Natures of the four Seasons observed by many The sympathy of the twelve Signs
3. or 4. Comets that their tails did stream or extend out directly contrary to the Sun as if it were by him inlightned But others do rather conceive from hence that these are Meteors whose matter is drawn together and set on fire by some Star or Planet which it follows and turns unto it by some attractive power and their bodies not round but dilated according to the matter Some do think that these Stars were not new but from the creation although unvisible to the world before as that observed by Hipparchus or that in the brest of the Swan in the year 1600. or that which appeared in the year 1604. in Sagittarius and these observed without parallaxes in the year of Christianity 1625. towards the latter end of August a bright Star did appear at noon-day to the admiration of the people in the City of Antworpe which Star many Astronomers did behold and affirmed that it was the Planet Venus From the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Anno 1630. May the 29. being the birth-day of Prince Charls there was a bright Star appeared at mid-day the decrees of just Heaven I dare not presume for to enter into So here I will end this discourse of blazing Stars the cause and their effects not being certainly known unto mortal man And thus writes St. Damascene lib. 2. cap. 7. Fidei Ortho. Cometae Dei imperio certis temporibus conflantur rursusque dilabuntur The middle Region of Air contains watry Meteors as Hail Snow and Rain but some conceives that those clouds which causeth rain to be the bounds unto the middle and lowest Region of the Air the midlemost is thought not to exceed four miles in depth and that the lowest is but so high as the Sun can reflect from the superficies of the terrestrial Globe so one of these regions must decrease by the increasing of the other and yet the lowest region when highest not to exceed two miles and when least or the lowest clouds not above an Italian mile for there be hills whose heads are perpetually covered with Snow and yet their perpendiculars are found by the observations of able Geometricians not to exceed a mile and a half that is 12. Stadiums or 1500. Geometrical Pases as was said before But some do urge that Tenariffe is higher then Pliny fains the Aspes to be others do affirm that 't is visible at Sea 4. degrees or 240. miles from whence Snellius would seem to demonstrate the perpendicular height for to be miles 9½ and others 4. miles There is a mountain in Pera called Periacqca by the Indians which hill Josephus Acostae in his History of the Indies doth advance so high in the description of it as he makes the Aspes in Italy for to seem but like mole-hills unto it and that the Air was so subtile on the tops of them that it was unapt to breath in and that he had almost vomited up his life And some erroneously do conceive the heads or tops of these mountains for to be exalted above the middle region of Air. Cradanus in his 17. Book De Subtilitatibus affirmeth the highest clouds not to exceed two miles and the lowest not above half a mile from the superficies of the terrestrial Globe being by common experience found to be under the tops of ordinary mountains Some would seem to prove it by thunder and lightning in this manner observe when a cloud breaks over your head the space of time between the flash of lightning and the clap of thunder for to be equal unto the firing of a Cannon and the report it gives at a miles distance neither is it heard much further then great Ordnances are as it hath been often observed in great tempests both of thunder and lightning that in 30. or 40. miles distance nothing hath been heard or seen but a fair day and tranquil Sky Some men do think the matter which causes this thunder and lightning to have an affinity with Gun-powder one being compounded by Nature and the other imitated by Art which opinions are various both in Philosophers and Chymists for Paracelsus and most of his disciples do affirm that it is caused by Sulphur and Salt-peter commixed with a great contrariety of Mercury unto either and these three they alledge to be the chief causes of Meteors Others do say that they are sulphurious exhalations confused in the clouds and by opposition of the vapours and coldnesse of the place it gets into a body where taking fire by antiparistasis it violently forces a passage through the condensed clouds with a roaring noise to the astonishment of mortalls Others do think that tempests are caused by the wicked condemned spirits and for this cause bells are hallowed and rung probable it is that it may be often times so permitted by the Creator as Psal 77. ver 49. and in the 7. of the Revelation yet all is in the power of God as Jer. 10.13 Psal 134.7 Qui producit ventos de thesauris suis Nothing in this world is certain or permanent opinions of men have their births periods coursees and revolutions as you may read in all ages where the opinions of Philosophers have been buried and again revived from their funerals armed with new demonstrations and fortified with arguments yet besieged and overthrown at last by the offspring of others which shews these are but disputations nothing being certain but the greatnesse of the Creator yet useful conclusions are derived from hence and necessary observations may be selected from humane conceptions although the essential part cannot be comprehended by us And here I will end this Introduction Ecclesiastes cap. 3. ver 11. Cuncta fecit bona in tempore suo mundum tradidit disputationi eorum ut non inveniat homo opus quod operatus est Deus ab initio usque ad finem The second Part. A brief discourse of Meteors imperfect mixt bodies and their causes FIrst you ought to observe that the Fire Air Water and Earth which here we have for our use cannot be called pure Elements but rather Elementarie bodies for Fire and Water Air and Earth are oppugnant and irreconcileable one to another as they are contrary in their own natures and can neither generate nor corrupt simply of themselves but as mixt they doe for if these were pure Elements which here we have the Fire would be immoderate for our use the Air to subtile and not fit for living Creatures to breath in the Water would be without taste and not good to drink the Earth would be sterile and could neither bring forth nor cherish and we being all mixt bodies compounded of the four Elements could not be nourished or sustained with Simples Of the severall divisions and dispositions of the Air. THe Element of Air is divided into three several regions or distinguished in three several parts variously qualified in which are generated many imperfect and mixt bodies and these divisions are thus nominated the Vpper Middle and
which argues by their sweetnesse that they are extracted from thence These Honey-Dews do afford plenty unto the ware-houses of the industrious Bees with quick returns their purveyers are going for to seek provant nor their labourers much trouble to get their loading These Honey-Dews as they are good for Bees so they are as destructive to divers kind of beasts as Sheep Goats c. and in general to all fruits and blooming flowers especially to Hops and Grapes they are also obnoxious to Corn and often blasts it in the blooming For diverting these sad effects Numa one of the Roman Kings superstitiously instituted a Feast called Rubigalia and Floralia in the year from the building of Rome 516. Pliny lib. 18. cap. 29. which Feast was observed upon the 28. day of April 3. Kalend. Moy He was advised so to do by the Oracles of Sybilla This Heathenish Feast the Catholique Church did alter into Ascention Week calling it Rogation from asking a blessing upon the fruits of the Earth The nature of Rain water RAin Water is much more insipide at one time then at another and hath very often a brackish and unpleasant taste yet comfortable to vigetables and by reason of the warmth it does nourish them much better and more natural for them then spring-water or out of wells being cold and too earthly whereas the other participates of the Air which is hot and moist but by reason of this commixture of the Elements it is apt to form divers bodies especially in calm times the Air wanting motion may corrupt and so consequently generates many things according to the undigested matter exhaled from the earth as Frogs falling upon the tops of houses and Churches immediately after a storm and there they will perish in a short time for want of sustenance which argues they were not there produced Corn I have seen that was after a showre found upon the leads of Churches and on the ground in divers places it had the form of Wheat but small and without taste the colour of it pure white both within and without The lowest Meteor in the Air is the burning candle or as some call it Ignis Fatuus This is a hot and moist vapour which striving to ascend is repulsed by the cold and fiered by Antiperistasis mov●s close by the earth caried along with the vapours that feed it keeping in low or moist places the light is of an exceeding pale colour very unwholsome to meet withal by reason of the evil vapours it attracts unto it which nourishes the pallide flame and will often ascend as those exhalations do and as suddainly fall again from whence the name is derived Thunder and Lightning and the causes from whence they proceed THese are conceived to be vapours hot and moist commixed with exhalations that be hot and dry involved thus within one another they do ascend by vertue of their heat unto the middle region of the Air where the exhalation by Antiperistasis grows inflam'd and strives to get forth of the cloud in which is involved and the upper part of the cloud where the heat would passe by opposition grows the strongest and the exhalation grown over-hot by being constrained with violence breaks forth of the weakest place against the weather that is in the lowest part and by reason of the cold above it the heat and subtilenesse of the exhalation with its own violence in breaking forth it glances down upon the earth without doing any harm if unresisted as consuming a Sword without hurting the Scabbard and many other things of this kind unnecessary and too long for to relate The clap of Thunder is first but the Lightning soonest appears by reason our sense of seeing is much quicker then our hearing As you may perceive at a distance a Man driving a Stake or felling of Timber you may behold him ready to strike again before you hear the former blow and in shooting or discharging of a Gun you may see the fire before the report With the conjunction of these compound vapours and exhalations stones are generated in the Air as other Minerals are in the Earth but more fiery by nature and these are called thunder-bolts in their formes perfect cones like the flame of fire which did generate them out of the terrene exhalation it strikes not above five feet into the earth as some do affirm The remedies against Thunder and Lightning all hard things will preserve whas is soft and liquid as Iron laid upon Vessels will keep the Liquor from sowring by the former alledged reasons besides this it is naturally resisted by a cover made of Seals skins and preserving that on which 't is p●aced upon any creature and the like does the Laurell tree which caused many of the Roman Emperors in time of Thunder and Lightning to wear a garment made of Laurel boughs The pale lightning is most unwholsome but the red aptest to burn the best and most assured remedy against these tempests is the protection of Heaven A fulgure tempestate libera nos Domine But note there may be Thunder without Lightning and Lightning without Thunder for when these hot and dry exhalations are inflam'd and the cloud weak in which they are involv'd the incensed exhalation breaks forth without violence in not being restrained but the coldnesse of the middle Region strikes the falshes downwards upon us but not always upon the earth but glittering and reflecting on the watry clouds makes it seem close by as you may see by the Sun beams or any other suddain light falling upon the water will reverberate the lustre and dazle your eyes especially if the water be moved with any wind these coruscations are usual in hot Countries or in the heat of Sommer Thunder without Lightning does happen when these hot and dry exhalations break violently through the clouds in which they are circumvolved but not inflamed yet making a roaring noise in the burst of the cloud which restrained it as you may see little bladders filled with wind will give a crack or report at the suddain and violent breaking of them sometimes Thunder will happen and yet no Lightning appear by reciprocal winds the clouds violently breaking themselves in meeting with one another and this may often happen with insurrections of several mutinous exhalations disturbing the Air with several commotions these usually proceed after much calm weather but are very wholsome to purge the Air lest with too much quietnesse it should corrupt Apparitions in the Air made by reflections of the Sun Moon fixed Stars or Planets upon condensed Clouds Of Circles about the Sun Moon or Stars SUndry apparitions in the Air are made by the Stars reflecting upon waterish exhalations for when they happen uniform in all the parts equally rarified and supposited under the Sun Moon or Stars that their beams cannot penetrate the cloud in any part by which means the rayes are refracted and the cloud being uniform and round the extreams or outward part
is inlightned in manner of a misty circle which equally will appear about the Sun Moon or Stars but these are rarely under any of the fixed Stars but common under any of the Planets yet not so usual under the Sun for by reason of his fervour and heat the exhalation cannot so easily get directly under it and being got together it cannot long subsist but the matter will be disperst by vigour of his beams which the Moon cannot effect for want of heat and so the oftner she hath those circles about her they continue longer the same reason it is with the other Stars yet the circles made about them are conceived to be weak and sterile exhalations neither so apt to beget wind or rain as the former are for in thick and waterish exhalations the rays of the Stars are unable to illuminate them but will be observed by those and such like spissous and dark clouds Impressions in the Clouds representing the Sun or Moon THe cause of these apparitions doth proceed from thick clouds regular and uniform as were the former from whence are caused circles about the Sun or Moon yet these exhalations are more condensed then be the others and not situated under the Sun or Moon as be the last but placed obliquely on either side which clouds are apt to be converted into rain and by refraction of the Sun beams it does expresse the form or image of it as you may see in a mirrour of glasse or polished steel these clouds must be condensed for the beams of the Sun to reflection and not under the Sun for then his refracted rays will not be visible unto us and if it be not regular and uniform in all the parts the cloud cannot portrait and expresse the whole and perfect image of it and in this manner there may be represented in clouds the figure of the Moon but those are much more rare to be seen because her rays are weaker and there may be many Suns or Moons appear at once upon these former alledged reasons Of the Rain-Bow and the causes thereof RAin-Bows are generated in waterish clouds ready to be dissolved into rain these are observed to be always directly opposite to the Sun or Moon as if the ☉ be in the South the Rain-bow will be in the North and when the ☉ is in the East the Rain-bow will appear in the West and the contrary so in any part of the Hemisphere and the lower or neerer the Horizon that the Sun is the Rain-bow will appear the greater but never can exceed a semicircle but lesse according to the height of the Sun above in any Sphere which is the reason at noon day we rarely see any especially the ☉ being in the Sommer Solstice or nigh the Tropick of ♋ excepting all places far Northward or toward the pole Antartick where for some weeks there is continual day but the ☉ in Winter neer ♑ may cause a Rain-bow at noon day in these our climates for they are formed by the light rays of the Sun falling upon vapours and waterish exhalations opposite unto him and but little elevated above the earth and by reason of the great distance or remotenesse of the Sun the illuminated beams describe his form after an obscure and imperfect manner portraiting only an arch of a circle adorned usually with three colours viz. Red Green and Purple or inclining unto a Blewish colour the distinction of these proceeds from the Radius of the Sun reflecting upon these vapours for those colours are lightest in it which are neerest to the Sun and those which are remotest do tend more to obscurity As for a demonstration you may behold in the commixture of such like colours and the form of the Rain-bow you may experimentally try by casting water in a circular manner against the Sun when he shines But some doe think the red colour to be only made by his rays the second by reflection and the third by the second all contained within some condensed hollow cloud commixed with Aiery and waterish exhalations for if more Rain-bows do appear then one at any time it is conceived that they are made by reflection of one another but the colours in the second will be weaker then those in the first and the third Rainbow more pallid then the second If there happens to be three which is very seldome seen then the colours in the first will be counterchanged in the second and the third again like the first These arches in the clouds or Rain-bows do continue longer then do the circles about the Sun because the distance in these is so great that his beams cannot so soon dissipate the exhalation which caused them Rain-bows in the night time are exceeding rare because they are made by the Moon whose beams are usually too weak to cause such a reflection upon any cloud at so great a distance and are so rarely seen that I will cease to describe them any further The causes and diversities of Winds WInds by the vertue of the Sun are generated of hot and dry exhalations evaporated from the Earth and striving to ascend are repulsed by the obvious coldnesse of the Air and forced collaterally about and upon the superficies of this terrestrial Globe moving as they are compelled by the cold and do receive names as from whence they blow and are divided into 32. distinct winds according to the divisions or points of the Mariners Compass The four chief are these East and West opposite and so the North and South point which four do divide the Horizon into four equal parts and are compared by some to the nature and temperature of the four seasons But as for these exhalations they are naturally dry resolved into Air by vertue of the Sun as the moist vapours are into rain sometimes these exhalations are mixed with moist vapours which the Sun convers at one time both into rain and wind the more these windy exhalations are restrained by so much they will rage and the more violent they are by how much they are repulsed and stricken down with the coldnesse of the Air which makes them often times rebound upon the Earth which commonly are called whirl-winds from revolving and throwing up all light things that are in the way where they move these are also caused by the meeting of two contraries Winds are the greatest in open weather in Frosts exhalations are inclosed within the pores of the Earth and so likewise by excessive heat The generation of Waters THere is undoubtedly a continual flux and reflux of waters both upon the superficies of the Earth and in the channels within it as you may see by the veins in the bodies of men a Microcosmus in it self for the Earth being by nature extream dry without water would be sterile and quite unapt to produce any vegetables or Minerals within her now pregnant womb and so the waters to supply this defect do continually move as from their Springs to little
Brooks and those united making Rivers running along in fruitful Valleys cooling the superficies of the Earth and supplying what the fervour of the Sun exhales this office being performed and living creatures in it nourished by the streams the rest falls into the Ocean and from thence returns into the veins of the Earth again one water still following of another and this is confirmed by the undeniable authority of the sacred Scriptures Eccles cap. 1. Yet many exhalations and vapours are by the Sun extracted from the waters and those converted by the vertue of his rays into several Meteors as moist and windy exhalations which the Air gratefully does repay again unto the waters as in a continual course of amity and inseparable league between them the Air which is included within the pores of the Earth is by nature subtile and gets into all the corners and hollow places whereby to avoid a vacuum which Nature does abhor the Air here with cold that in the Earth does abound is easily condensed and turned into drops of water which falls from their heads into little channels and so discends into the valleys for these sometimes are observed at the bottoms or sides of hills to bubble forth and the bigger mountains do afford the greater Springs and the more plenty of water especially such as are pregnant with Minerals The higher and greater that the mountains be the vaster are their caverns and hollow places in them to receive the Air and as it turns into water it is supplied with more And besides hills being more exposed to the Sun beams must of necessity be fuller of pores then the lower grounds and plain places and yet it does not follow that all high places must have Springs because the soyl may differ and the Earth not pory there will want receptacles for the Air whereby the water should be generated For a demonstration of this you may see in the Winter time or against wet weather the stones do become moist with a Dew hanging upon them and in close and cold rooms drops of water will hang upon the walls observe then but the alterations and fluxibility of the Air the condensed coldnesse of the Earth and this will easily be credited which makes Springs generally lowest in Autumn as from hence and being exhausted with the Sommers heat The wonderful vertues and effects of Waters FOuntains there be which naturally have marvelous qualities of which I will briefly relate some of their strange operations As a Fountain in Baeotia which being drunk of does stupifie the senses and causeth forgetfulnesse And one in Cilicia which quickens the wits as M. Varro writes Ovid. Metam lib. 15. writeth the River Lyncestus will inebriate and the water of the Stygian Lake in Arcadia will cat through any mettal and is held deadly poyson In Dedons the Fountain of Jupiter will extinguish a torch that is lighted and being immediately put in again it will illuminate it So writes S. Augustine of a Well in Aegypt in some waters nothing will easily sinck as Mare mortuum in Judaea Here be waters in England that will turn wood into stone but one of the most remarkable stories is recorded by Albertus Magnus neer Lubeck in Saxony where birds in a nest being touched with a stick taken out of the Sea metamorphosed the young ones into stone There is a River in Hungary that will give Iron a tincture of Copper Theophrastus writeth of waters that will change the colour of birds or beasts if they do drink of it as from black to white The waters of Peutasium as Solinus writes is good and wholesome for men to drink of but deadly poyson to venomous serpents In Libiu there is a Spring that at the Sun rising and setting is temperately warm at noon-day exceeding cold and at midnight excessive hot Some Springs do rise and fall every six hours as the Seas do ebbe and flow As for the taste colour and temperature of waters they are according to the veins and minerals through which they pass whereof some are hot and drying as the Bathes having a taste of Brimstone coming through some sulphurious minerals famous they are for curing of aches in the bones and all cold diseases Those that turn wood into stone or other materials into mettal do participate much of their natures and the mines from whence they run some being hot others cold some salt others fresh some wholesome to drink others hurtful and unpleasant with divers other strange operations retaining more or lesse of the nature and qualities from whence they are derived Yet as we said before all waters are not conceived for to run through the hollow veins of the Earth but some are generated there in the caverns of hills and all hollow subterranian places by the condensed Air and this is not oppugnant to the sacred Scriptures Eccle. cap. 1. ver 7. for that is the general course of all rivers and the other but particular which is demonstrable in man the little world for by learned Physitians it is observed that such bodies as are inclined to a Dropsie or any phlegmatick disease their Urine will be more in quantity and weight then all that they do eat and drink and this observed not only for a few days but many months together and the reason which they give is that not only their meat and drink converts to water by reason of the coldnesse of those phlegmatick stomachs but the very Air in those bodies does turn to water and those parts supplied with more Air as it converts to the other element and such cold causes and waterish effects may be in the Earth and likewise in discolouring of water as by making it black pale green high-coloured or the like but howsoever these are but peculiar and from accidental causes for the general course of waters is from the Springs unto the Sea and so to those heads again Thus wonderful are the works of the Omnipotent God every thing magnifying His Greatnesse Daniel 3. Benedicite fontes Domino Conjectures of the Seas saltnesse with the Ebbs and Flouds THe Seas are conceived to be made salt and brackish by the fervour of the Sun's rays with the permixion of burnt exhalations and chafed with the violent and perpetual motion of the flux and reflux of the waters for by experience we find that liquid things if hot and burnt their tafte will be bitter and with commotion will prove brackish but it is very likely that the Seas were brackish from the creation and by this means continued so but some does object that if the rain-rain-water were exhaled from the Seas and that the Springs did flow from thence the waters would retain a saltnesse in their taste but as for that it appears evidently that the Rain is refined by vertue of the Sun and the spring-Spring-waters by their Meanders in passing through the Earth and this you may try by distilling of salt-Salt-water or putting it into Earth so as it may drain forth
and in time it will lose its saltnesse being but accidental As for the ebbing and flowing of the Seas the cause is assigned unto the Moon her influence having power over all waterish bodies and besides the Tides are observed to alter as she does in her course if not hindered or furthered by accidental causes as winds land flouds or the like She coming later every day unto the Meridian by 48. minutes or very neer and those Seas which flows when she is above the Horizon of that place will cause greater Tides then when she is depressed in the opposite Hemisphere and when she hath latitude and declination towards the pole elevated the force of her influence is the greater and the waters will flow the higher and rage the more violently in all indraughts especially at the new Moon or ful which are usually called Spring-Tides but the full Moon and three Tides after are much the greater her power then predominating most over all waterish and phlegmatick bodies and requires time to bring in greater supplies of water into the Land Of Earth-quakes and their causes from whence they do proceed THe causes of these are exhalations hot and dry generated by the vertue of the Sun and Stars inclosed within the concaves and hollow places of the Earth yet they cannot break forth by reason of the vapours grosnesse and the close compactednesse of the Earth which involves them and there increasing till it cannot be contained and not finding a passage out it strives to force one and so violently shakes the Earth that it causes a trembling which often hath swell'd up mountains and overturned others and ruinated many Cities making mens houses their sepulchres and whole Towns involved in a grave overwhelmed with their ruines the continuance of Earth-quakes is uncertain from a minute to a day and a longer time according to the greatnesse of the vapour inclosed and the firmnesse and solidity of the Earth which contained it Here I have shewed you the weak and supposed reasons of men in the wonderful and stupendious frame of Heaven and Earth all which are subjected and do obey the commands of the Immense Creator Eternal God and Author of Nature to whom be all Honour Praise and Glory world without end Amen AN INTRODUCTION TO The Third Part. Predictions of the Weather TO Prognosticate or foretel the alteration of the Weather there hath been in all Ages diligent observers of Nature who have prescribed rules and prenotations of the Airs mutability grounded on judicial signs collected from the Stars and the four Elements the principles of all sublunary bodies Of these Predictions there be several kinds both general and particular established by humane reason some derived meerly from old experience yet many of them true divers observations are ascribed to some particular Place Country Province or lesse proportion of this our habitable world being oftentimes confined within the precincts of a parish as by fogs or mists ascending from some meer or morish grounds or descending from the tops of hills high exalted places and low depressed dales some men do observe domestick and particular beasts as the story of the Herds-man c. But as for all such presages as are not general or warranted by some seeming reason I will qui●e reject and leave them at home for to observe the smoak of their own chimneys for it is my real intention at least my desire to direct my serene instructions to the benefit of the tender vigilant or distressed travellers whereby they may avoid the danger or inconvenience of foul and tempestious weather by presaging the Airs alteration and the inundation of the lower Regions menacing the Earth with their over-charged exhalations and vapours in tumults ready to descend to avoid these ensuing storms is the scope of my intentions in this Treatise and the better to enable you to do it I have prostrated to your view The Worlds Eprtomy and the several risings settings apparitions and occultations of the Stars with the natures of those celestrial Orbs the four Elements and all Meteors in general the secondary causes under God of heat cold wet and dry weather from whose excesse proceeds want dis●●●d all corporal distempers and from their ●●●cord plenty crowned by the blessing of H●●ven with health and happinesse That the Stars have their influences upon sublunary bodies it is not denied by any learned men and affirmed undoublably by many of the most famous Philosophers Astronomers and Divines as witnesse Aristotle Ptolomaeus and St. Augustine lib. 13. Cap. 4. de Trin. and multitudes more which I have omitted fearing to incumber this volume with testimonies and approbations of that which seems demonstrated unto reason and confirmed by experience and according to Hippocrates with the consent of many others Thunder Lightning Hail Snow Rain Storms and all alterations of the weather may be predicted by the rising and setting of the fixed Stars with the aspects of Planets their natures and qualities considered with the climate region and season of the year The Stars being supposed of several natures and each constellation mixt their influencies may cause diversity of effects as heat cold moisture or drought which are the four qualities of the Element and as for the Planets they do alter according to their aspects which many learned Phisitians do diligently observe in administring Physick and in the time of their Patients falling sick calling the 7. day critical the 14. c. Their reasons are the Moon having dominion over all humors and waterish bodies and in her motion swift doth passe in 7. days and a little more from one sign into another of a contrary nature and quality as from ♎ hot and moist into ♑ cold and dry and the like of others from whence the Doctors do judge of the malignity of the disease with the hopes of life or danger of death and of this you may read in Gallen lib. 3. de diebus Criticis rather then in me And in prognostication of the Weather these judicial days would be observed in the beginning of drought Rain Snow Frost or the like and there would be considered the latitude and aspects of the Planets the nature of the signs they are in passing under the fixed Stars especially where they are mixt with the nature of those Planets Consider the season of the year as Hale or Rain in the Spring or Autumn Thunder and Lightning in Sommer Frost and Snow in Winter Ponder also the rising and setting of the fixed Stars with the Planets the Eclipses Comets and all fiery Meteors and such as these accompanied by nature are justifiable for God hath given man knowledge and understanding in the course of natural things and signs in the Heavens whereby to avoid inconveniencies not with a certain but a conjectural science by the Asterisms or celestial configurations and the four Elements from whence may be presaged distempers of the Air causing contagious diseases sterility and the like as Aristotle writeth of Thaletes
rendered in a Chronological breviate with their direful effects and sad events in general and as for others more particularly reflecting on England I refer the Reader to my History of Meteors when it shall be produc'd to the publique view In this Epitomy I have recorded some prodigies and what succeeded them yet not presuming to presage what is to come although I have a Solomon for it Eccles c. 1. v. 8 and 9 that being reserved in the Creator's prescience only and I no Expositor Yet generally when the Elements seem distracted from their common course most do conceive they are Admonitions to us of anger and precursing signs of punishment if not remitted by repentance and before the Sword the worst of mischiefs is licens'd in the hands of rude and merciless men these and such like are Alarums to the voluptuous Children of the World lull'd into a Lethargy by sin charm'd by Oblivion Auditors to Vice and deaf to Vertue Behold malignant Planets in the lowest House conjoin presuming to affront the Sun their Prince while Night usurps the Throne of Day illuminated by intervals with Lightning or by some dreadful Comet the drops distill'd from Clouds convert to bloud the Earth denies her accustomed fruits grows sterile or disabled through the discord of the other Elements to nourish them unto maturity from hence corruption and Famine introduces Epidemical diseases the Ar infected for want of motion becomes offensive not cool nor fit to breath in and on a sudden the giddy Winds burst forth in Hericanoes from their obstruse Caves hurrying all things down that hinder their blustering motions until oppos'd with eddie Winds they turn all things topsie turvie the Waters in united streams stand still or divide themselves and at other times they seem to scorn the Confines of their Channels but in imitation of the Seas swell above their Banks as if ambitious to enlarge their Dominions The Earth grows unstable and shaking as with an Ague or labouring with some prodigious birth or from a Dropsie relapses into a burning Feaver Behold the backs of angry Clouds as if bestri'd by Furies hurried along by irrefrenary Tempests sometimes menacing the World as with a Deluge at other times belching forth flames of Fire proclaiming combustions with impetuous Thunder and many times sulphureous Meteors dilated within the obstruse Caverns of the Earth seem to beleagre Nature and by springing of Mines blow her up from the Center the aspiring heads of Rocks by concussion of Meteors have been levell'd with their feet Bulwarks of stone ramm'd up with Mountains made against the proud surges of the Seas have met and others thrown down sunk into valleys permitting the tumultuous billows to enter their breaches and so invade the Land at which disorders Nature seems frighted and in an Agony miscarries producing monstrous and abortive births These and all such prodigies are to humble the Mighty and make the proud and stiff-neck'd Atheists suppresse their thoughts abase their exalted minds bend their irreligious knees and stoop to adore a Deity beholding the Elements in an uprore mutiny and Nature their Mistresse and Idaea fall'n into an Extasie as if in a conflict betwixt Life and Death or disenabled to rule the subjugated Empire of the World the Princes and Potentates of the Earth see themselves impotent men the sulphurious Ingeniers cannot be defended with their Basaliscoes and Granadoes but frighted run to their Mines intended for the Throne of Horror to shroud their fearful heads from the face of incensed Heaven acknowledging their fiery inventions but Squibs and Childish pot-guns These Meteors though the meanest of the Almighties works be pleased to accept them from the meanest of his Servants who truly wishes your prescience of Meteors and preservation from the fury and distemper of the Elements recommending you and all to the Sacred Protection of Heaven remembring Protector in te sperantium Deus sine quo nihil est validum nibil sanctum A CONCLUSION TO This Book of Meteors Impartial Judges and ingenious Jury unto whose candid Verdict I submit hoping my faults are not capital my Accusers not considerable nor my Sentence rigid As for the escapes of the Pen and Presse they stand in this Sheet corrected as for a Pennance yet expect a pardon by course of Law if my Judges be Civilians or at least a Reprieve for another Sessions and in the interim licens'd to go upon their Paroles until exchang'd for better Yet asperge not these sheets with the errors as if adulterated by me but let them escape your censures as they have done the Corrector since I had no Revise nor Proof but by accident my aboad remote from the Printer who is the lesse culpable the Copy being much interlin'd and the Corrector not conversant in the Subject whose faults I hope transcend not the Readers humanity wishing they would behold them as the Optick Science demonstrates contraction of objects through concave Glasses and if your clemency can extend its self to annihilate a few interposed faults I need not doubt your condescention to grant me an Indulgence storm'd with injuries rifled by pretended friends false in their words perfidious in their trusts these reflecting sometimes upon my weaker cogitations represent temporal objects that divert my mind which should direct my pen Yet I am contented upon second and more serious considerations since 't is the permissive will of God who can raise me if he pleases above the assaults of Fortune or reach of malicious mortals and gratiously hath plac'd me above the degrees of Contempt though underneath the lowest Sphere of Envy I wish those that want belief were bound to make me reparations If what hath been truly and positively affirm'd be not a sufficient Plea for mistakes nor yet the Printers Table of Errors satisfactory let those reflect examine and peruse their own to which while they live they never shall subscribe FINIS Manuscripts prepar'd for the Press Inprimis The Scales of Commerce and trade Geometry demonstrated both by Lines and Numbers from thence Astronomy Cosmography and Navigation prov'd and delineated by the doctrine of Plain and Spherical Triangles mention'd in my printed Books of Arithmetick The English Annalls from the invasion made by Julius Caesar continued to these times Historical prescriptions Ecclesiastical and Moral Speculum annorum or an Ephemeris for 19 years to come ready to be publish'd by the Author Thomas Willsford The faults escap't are thus corrected INtro Page 2. line 1●● dele they p. 5. l. 6. dele so p. 9. l. 15. read miles p. 10. l. 32. the r. these p. 17. l. 17. r. counterpoysing p. 18. l. 21. r. nor conducing p. 26. l. 14 r. with the ☉ p. 30. l. 21. r. 28 days p. 33. l. 20. r. 1 H. 35 m. p. 40 l. 29. r. 1572. l. 32. r. a Mother p. 43. l. 1. r. Alpes p. 48. l. 26. doth r. do p. 49. l. 3. r. repelled to p. 53. l. 28. dele he p. 55. l. 9. r. not going
Air and out of the inferior part of the lower Region For it is generally conceived the rain that falls from the middle Region descends in little orbs whereby to preserve it self and resist the violence of the Air through which it passeth and becomes small by reason of the distance and time in falling for the Hall does demonstrate both the bignesse and rotundity of the drops which from humide exhalations drawn up unto the middle Region and there converted into water and immediately as the drops do distill down they are contracted into Ice by the Airs coldnesse in that part which is called Hail derived from the high Dutch Hagell opparadventure from the Hebrew Egell which signifies congealed drops In the Winter season it is seldome observed to Hail by reason the cold in the middle Region is more remisse then in warm weather and in Sommer-time it is also rare upon any very hot day because the heat of the lower Region will not permit it for to pass without dissolving of it before it comes unto the Earth but frequently in the Spring and Autumn the heat being then sufficient to elevate the matter and yet not so violent as to dissolve it in the fall yet sometimes it happens that great Hail-stones are precipitated at Mid-Sommer or in very hot seasons and are then the greater if the matter be sufficient by how much the more it is opposed by the lower Region made hot by reflection of the Sun for in all times of the year you may find if observed more and greater storms of Hail to fall in the day time then in the night And some do conceive that there is a fiery nature included in them besides the heat of that subtile vapour which made it to ascend that middle Region for by contraries it is undoubtedly congealed as you may see in Salt which is hot and dry to be made of water whose natural temperature is directly opposite being cold and moist in open weather or by the fire-side or in Sommer-time take a little Salt and mix some Snow with it stir them together till they do incorporate and they will contract themselves into Ice which is done by Antiperistasis or repulsion on every part as the middle Region of the Air is cold and these frigide Meteors are ingenerated there Many other things might be here inserted which for brevity sake are omitted The lower Region of the Air and the effects it produceth THis Region of Air receives all the former qualities by course according to the seasons of the year and by the former means out of waterish places there are exhaled from the Earth moist and crude vapours the grosser part of them being earthly and containing but little heat they are unable to ascend unto the middle Region yet with the help of that heat included in those vapours and the attractive vertue of the celestial Orbs they are raised above the Earth and there often times congealed before they can be dissolved into water and these are called Frosts whereof there be many kinds according to the matter exhaled and the temperature of the season as some times of the year the ground in the mornings will be hoary like the head of Time and the grasse crisped with the Frost at other times rine-frosts or congealed mists hanging like pendants on the trees there be also black or windfrosts which are not so wholsome for they are grosse and earthly vapours exhaled out of more undigested humors and not so easily discovered by the sight as by the sense of feeling There be some vapours exhaled which are called mists the name derived as from the mixture of Air and Water of these there be several sorts as some vapours thin and sterile and have not moisture sufficient to beget water nor the heat in them is not prevalent to elevate the grosse humor and cause them to ascend but they hang upon the earth untill the Sun rises which if he chases away and dissipates by the vertue of his beams it argues a fair day There be besides all these gross mists or fogs which are more earthly then the former composed of crude and undigested vapors drawn from corrupted places as out of fennes and marish grounds these are very unwholsome and very unpleasant to the sense of smelling but are usually the worse according to the places from whence they were extracted or after much calm and moist weather The nature of Dews in general are these DEws are defined for to be liquid vapours extracted from the water or earth these have an affinity unto frost as Rain unto Snow and are alike in the material cause the efficient cause is attributed unto the Stars and the coldnesse of the Air These Dews are conceived to be very earthly and ponderous for they do not ascend high but are converted into a watry substance so soon almost as extracted being observed much more upon low and wet grounds then upon high and dry hills and thicker upon the humble shrub then upon trees or any exalted plant as the lofty Cedar The usual time of these Dews is in the evening the heat of the Sun declining being unable to support the Meteors which he raised and he deserting the Hemisphere those that were more elevated must likewise fall and the hotter the day was the greater are the exhalations and the nights are usually then cooler to convert them into water All Dews are commonly observed the greater the Moon increasing or at the full most of all the season of the year is to be considered and the weather for the hotter the day is the cooler will be the night by reason of the shadow which the terrestrial Globe then makes As for an instance you may see by the shade of trees or any other interposed body which are cooler in Sommer-time then in Winter as in respect of the Air in general for in shadowed places in the heat of Sommer the Air as in opposition to the Heat doth contract it self into a grosser body from whence some conjecture as by the parts that the whole Element of Air is by nature cold The Virgins thread There is a Dew that flies in the Air like small untwisted Silk or Yarn and falling upon the ground or plants it does convert it self into a form like Spiders Webs the matter they consist of is held for to be an earthly and slimy matter or exhalation something dry these are observed for to be both in the Spring Sommer and Autumn but in these Northern Countrys they are most frequent the Sun neer Libra the days being temperately warm the earth not exceeding dry nor yet over-charged with moisture Mell-dews Honey-dews some conjecture for to be earthly exhalations mixed with waterish vapours and many suppose them for to be exhalations from plants and all sorts of flowers and vegetables and this does evidently appear in Sugar-canes and divers kinds of Indian Reeds that have in the morning a Dew hanging upon them in taste resembling honey
the head of Medusa rising Cosmically produceth Snow 14. Libra rising Cosmically causeth rain with some wind 15. The Eye of ♉ or Orion rising Cosmically doth cause rain disturbeth the Air and sometimes produceth thunder and lightning the Acronical setting of these Stars causeth the same effects with suddain showres 16. Andromeda the Whale the head and tail of ♈ the belly of ♓ and Fomahand in ♒ rising Cosmically do all presage moist weather and a turbulent Air. 17. The Sun entering the cloudy Stars of ♌ Orion or ♐ causeth lowring weather and likewise the Hydras heart and head of ♏ 18. The Cosmical ascention of the shoulder of Pegasus and the tail of ♑ produceth snow cold or cloudy weather 19. The Acronical setting of the Vulture with the Harp predict a moist cold and cloudy time 20. Virgiliae or the Pleiades rising Cosmically foresheweth wet and cloudy weather and suddain storms to ensue 21. The Star Regulus rising Cosmically is a sign of showres with thunder and lightning 22. Sirius rising Cosmically prenoteth hot weather with thunder and lightning the Cosmical setting foresheweth warm weather but inclining to wet 23. The Sun rising with any Star of Jupiters nature and not commixed with ♄ or ♂ argues warm clear and temperate weather with those of ♄ nature cold and cloudy weather and sometimes snow with those of ♀ moist and inclining to rainy weather ascending the Horizon with those of ♂ it argues tempests with thunder and lightning with Stars of his own nature or of ☿ winds with those of the ☽ great flouds and tumultuous billows at Sea and if the Sun doth rise with fixed Stars of mixed natures as ♄ and ♂ it argues in Sommer time a hot and suffocating day these last signs are general according to Maginus Observations of the weather by the influence of the fixed and wandring Stars united and collected by Na. Durret 24. SAturn rising with the head of Medusa prognosticateth for some days cold and moist weather according to the season or time of year 25. ♄ with the Stars of the Whale the tail of ♈ the horn of ♑ and the belly of ♓ causeth a cold cloudy and troubled Air sometimes with rain or snow 26. ♄ with the Pleiades a dark and troubled Air inclining to rain or snow 27. ♄ with the Stars of Orion produceth showres and sometimes cold storms 28. ♄ with the Virgins ear of Corn causeth suddain alterations of the Air with often showres 29. ♄ with Arcturus produceth winds and cold showres 30. ♄ with the Dolphin the Crown or the tail of ♑ produceth moist and cloudy weather and often snow and cold showres 31. ♄ with the Hyades the Asses and the Manger causeth clouds and rain with thunder and lightning sometimes 32. ♄ with Regulus causeth cloudy and unconstant weather in Sommer-time thunder in Winter temperate 33. ♄ with the great Dog causeth rainy and windy weather with tempests of thunder and lightning 34. ♃ ascending the Horizon with Regulus in Winter causeth fair weather and lessens the cold but in Sommer it produceth heat and prone to thunder 35. ♂ rising with the tail of ♑ makes the Air in hot weather temperate in winter snow and so with the heart of ♏ causing the same effects 36. ♂ with Arcturus ascending doth produce thunder lightning rain and furious tempests 37. ♂ rising with the Eagle causeth snow in Winter and cold weather and in Sommer rain 38. What hath been said of the ☉ these Planets will effect but ♃ with much more mildnesse and ♂ with more violence and fury and thus ♀ with the Pleiades causeth rain and with the Eagle in Winter snow or cold rain and so likewise ☿ ascending the Horizon with these fired Stars causeth very great alteration of the Air as rising with Orion the Hyades Regulus the great and little Dog the Herp Spica ♍ c. All these in their ascentions with ☿ do produce hail snow rain and causeth the Air to be troubled and maketh many alterations and often times produceth thunder and lightning and violent tempests the ☽ with the fixed Stars doth often cause mutations of the Air but those are soon over her motion being so very swift And here note that in all signs of stormy weather the predictions given are most prevalent and do last the longer if they happen at the time of any Eclipse or the ☌ of the two luminaries Prognostications of the winds collected from the observations of Pliny and Maginus THe word Wind is derived from the instability of it and signifies to turn as for their natures and temperatures in general they are hot and dry exhalations got together in multitudes yet do retain part of the qualities from whence they are extracted as from earth cold and dry from water cold and moist vapours some of these are called Anniversary winds as blowing at some certain time or season of the year others are called Provincial winds so termed as from particular Provincies no wind being general in all places by Sea and Land and some caused by great and high mountains in these Countrys others derived from Lakes Rivers Seas c. and denominated often from thence as the Levant or Subsolanus called also the East-wind how they have been anciently divided and nominated See Pliny lib. 2. cap. 47. of his natural History There may be as many winds as there be supposed divisions in the Horizon which the Sea-men to avoid confusion do divide into 32. points represented by the Compass distinguishing those points and parts of the Horizontal circle by several and peculiar names and so also the winds answering to those points whereof in this I will use but eight being sufficient for prognostication and the chiefest that are observed And first the four principal or cardinal points are these North South East West dividing the Horizon into four quadrants or 90. degrees asunder and those equally divided by four points more all the eight being 45. degrees from one another and are these North east and North-west South-east and South-west As for the temperatures of these particular winds they are so uncertain in every Country that I will write nothing of them more but refer you to the second part of this Book for in these Countrys the North-wind is cold and dry the South-winds warm and moist making our bodies generally dull and causeth moist weather and pains in the head whereas in the Southern parts of America and the East-Indies the effects of these winds are quite contrary participating of that nature from whence those exhalations were extracted But the signs presaged by the Stars and derived from the observations of learned men are these following 1. Orions girdle rising Acronycally presageth South-west winds and ofttimes great tempests both by Sea and Land 2. Aselli and Praesepe as Pliny sayes lib. 18. cap. 35. that if in a fair and clear night the Manger be not visible expect some storms or winterly weather 3. If the Northern Ass be observed with any
in watery Signs prognosticates rain in fiery Signs drought and scatters over the heavens with red and yellowish clouds causing often times rain and as in Signs that are aireal it makes the weather warm Particularly they cause in the Spring and Autumn showres in Sommer thunder lightning and hail in Winter remisse heat and oftentimes extendeth the celestial bow a premonitor of following rain but usually not much The Sun and Venus in conjunction SOl and ♀ in ☌ do generally prognosticate moist weather especially in watery Signs and particularly in the Spring and Autumn rain in Sommer thunder and showres and in the Winter quarter moist and foggy weather The Sun and Mercury in conjunction SOl and ☿ in ☌ do commonly beget winds in airy Signs with moisture in watery Signs rain in fiery Signs drought warm winds with corruption these two Planets do always accompany the Sun neither of them exceeding 60. degrees in their greatest distances and this not 30. The Sun and Moon in conjunction or aspected SOl and ☽ in ☌ □ or ☍ in moist Signs produce rain reddish clouds and great drops of water and in fiery Signs fair weather and altereth the Air according to the season of the year and the present temperature of the time at the new and full she causeth the greatest flux of the Sea and all waterish humors and much the more if aspected with the Hyades or Pleiades at the same time with other circumstances to be considered as the other Planets and what hath been said before Venus and Mercury in conjunction VEnus and ☿ in ☌ do commonly beget in moist Signs showres and generally at all times of the year moist winds and if this conjunction shall happen when the two luminaries are in ☌ □ or ☍ or within an hour it will cause an inundation or very much rain if not hindred with other intervening causes Venus in conjunction or aspected with the Moon VEnus and ☽ in ☌ □ or ☍ presage generally mild and gentle showres or moist weather with some cold according to the season and much increases the flowing of the Seas causing violent Tides especially with Hyades or Stars of their own natures Particularly in the Spring moist and cloudy time in Sommer remisse heat in Autumn they produce dark clouds and in the Winter season a cold and troubled Air if not snow sleet or rain Mercury in conjunction or aspected with the Moon Mercury and ☽ in ☌ □ or ☍ do signifie winds clouds rain with various and unconstant weather and generally in all seasons of the year if it happens in watery Signs rain or moist weather is presaged in airy Signs wind in fiery Signs drought in earthly Signs cold they cause also many times pale uncontinued clouds resembling the colour of smoak but the effects of these are not durarable or of long continuance without the assistance of the higher Planets The fixed and wandring Stars are observed diligently by some in administring Physick Phlebotomy c. which I will omit in prescribing any Rules being out of my element but leave it to the learned Practitioners Others do vigilantly regard the Planets in Agriculture and above all the Moon predominating most over vegetables but this is also out of my rode excepting my Predictions of the Weather and seasons of the year as for other things Experience is the best instructor yet those that will may satisfie themselves with Virgils Georgicks with Pliny lib. 17. 18. and divers others of that kinde but being this you have and those not always at hand peruse these few collections if you please they being held general Observations in Agriculture TO plant or sow the Moon in these Signs is held the best viz. in ♈ ♉ ♊ ♍ ♎ ♑ ♓ and if the ☽ be aspected with ♀ it is the better as causing the more moisture Plant or graft trees the ☽ increasing in ♉ ♎ and ♒ Sow all seeds after the new ☽ but round seeds neer the opposition ☽ is generally held the best but all moist seeds in wet grounds the ☽ decreasing Gather fruits the ☽ decreasing before the last quarter The Eclipses of the two Luminaries are generally observed prejudicial to this kind of husbandry and the bloming of Corn. Any Planet that is retrograde and in ☌ with the ☽ is accounted hurtful to planting graffing or sowing The wind in the North or in the East is held destructive or hurtful to planting graffing or felling of timber Cut hair and shear sheep the ☽ increasing Presages of the weather by Experience collected from the inflamation of Comets fiery impressions influences and apparitions of the Stars reflecting on sublunary Meteors HItherto I have discovered according to my ability the effects of the fixed and wandring Stars selected from their aspects by the registers of Experience conceived by them the efficient cause under God of Wind Rain Hail Snow c. But all men not being Astronomers and my intentions generall to whom I indeavour the dedication of my discourse therefore I will demonstrate the weathers transactions by signs derived more directly from the immediate dictates of Nature beginning with Comets being generally supposed to be sublunary and so descend unto those more inferiour according to my prescribed order intending to treat of falling Stars Rainbows and all fiery apparitions in the Air and then our terrestrial fires for although they are compounded of the 4. Elements yet I will rank them amongst these because the flames of all combustible matters do naturally of their own accords ascend towards the Element of fire the seat of lenity whereas all heavy and ponderous things do tend downwards pressing toward the seat of gravity and centre of the Earth The effects of Comets 1. ALl fiery impressions and Comets do presage violent tempests of long continuance and also they do denote much heat and inflamation of the Air Pliny lib. 2. cap. 25. 2. Frequent and many Comets do foreshew sterility of the Earth famine plague burning feavers and many other pestiferous diseases by reason they do consume the humidity of vapours and exhalations and so from thence they ingender choler inclining men prone to discentions and civil wars it threatens Princes and great men with death and all such as are of tender or fiery constitutions to this consents Cardanus lib. 1 cap. 1. but the effects of these are the more violent and of longer continuance by how much the greater and permanent they are and the like judge of all unusual fiery Meteors 3. The shooting or glancing of seeming Stars through the Air do presage rain snow or tempestious weather quickly after to ensue and observe what point of the Heavens these Metoors point at from that quarter will the wind proceed if there be many of them falling often and sevaral ways it is a sign the weather will be variable but if they be numerous and all tending one way then expect great winds much snow or rain and probably to continue long for it argues
time of day when the Sun beams and wind meet it may cause the same effect by vertue of his rays 72. When the clouds seem piled upon heaps like fleeces of wool it presages wet weather and neer at hand 73. If the clouds fly low in Sommer it is a sign of rain and in Winter it prenotes cold weather to ensue quickly after 74. When the clouds seem white and jagged as if rent asunder gathering together in a body their forces united do foretel a storm the nature of the exhalation is apparently turbulent by the form and colour 75. Hollow and murmuring winds do presage stormy weather for it shews the Air is moist and dilated so cannot find an easie passage but is opposed or hindred in the motion by hills trees and hollow places which it gets into and makes a noise 76. The Air being a subtile body infuses it self into the pores of timber boards c. and against rain being converted into water or a moisture which makes boards to swell and is the cause that Wainscot and Joyners work doth crack against wet weather doors will not easily shut or open c. 77. Paper against wet weather will grow weak damp and swell the reason is the same with the last but in writing paper it will sooner be perceived and more certainly predict the weather because it is done over with a thin substance of a gummy nature which with the waterishnesse of the Air dissolves and grows moist giving way for the Incke to soke into the paper which the Gum in dry weather will not permit 78. When the clouds seem overcharged and white withal like towers expect then hail or snow according to the season of the year 79. After a storm of hail expect a frost to follow the next day after 80. When Spiders webs poplare and thistledoune and such light things do fly in the Air up and down as it were to make nature sport or a type of Fortunes favours these are signs of the weathers changing and speedy mutability for these things of lenity are easily moved by the first insurrection of any exhalation precursor of the weathers change and oftentimes wind 81. Mists descending from the tops of hills and settling in the valleys is a sign of a fair day especially in Sommer time and then an argument of heat for they were exhalations raised by the ferver of the Sun and by the Air in the evening which in hot weather is coldest it is converted into mists and dews as a necessary provision of Nature to cool the Earth and refresh her fruits whereby to enable them that they may endure the next days heat White mists are the same but more waterish and inclining to rain and if they do ascend it presages rain and argues the middle Region of the Air not for to be very cold the lowest water●sh and the vapour warm 82. If in calm and serene weather you do observe the rack to ride a pace expect winds from that quarter for it is evident that the exhalation above in the clouds converts into a wind or rain and will descend but if clouds do ascend any day it presages the storm is past But neither this nor some of the other observations are conceived general diversity of climates producing several and various effects and besides the season of the year ought to be considered the weather having peculiar properties in several Countries and places as the nights in Africa are dewy in Winter clouds in Aegypt so heavy as if the Air were unable to support them and in such tumults as if they threatned the world with a deluge yet march all away without any drop of rain Locri and the lake Velinus in Italy have no day but there is a Rain-bow appears in Syracusa and Rhodes no day in all the year so cloudy but that the Sun is seen to those places most hot Countrys neer the torrid Zone have frequent flashes of lightning and in their Winter often without rain with many other observations purposely here omitted By Water and Earth 83. THe water of the Fens and standing pools growing warm without heat of the Sun more then usually is a sign of much rain the Element of water being rarisied as appears by the parts 84. The rain falling in small drops argues those clouds were high from whence it fell and a sign of much wet 85. If the rain be whitish and falling into water riseth up in bubbles it shews the rain will continue and that the water is then full of windy exhalations and if the showre does cease the wind will succeed it 86. The rain falling upon the Earth or floods if soon drunk up are signs of more 87. Linnen or woollen cloth dipped in the water and exposed to the Air if it soon freezes it is a sign of much or violent frost 88. Drops of water after rain falling from the eves of houses slowly one after another is a sign of frost for the Air works easily upon small parcels foreshewing in those parts an inclination of the greater 89. If the Sea at low water within the harbour be calm and yet makes a rumbling noise it presages wind and if so by fits expect both cold weather and rain 90. If the Sea or Sea-bancks in calm weather make much noise or the billows seem to heave and rise up it presages a tempest neer at hand 91. If the Seas be very rough and boisterous the wind not great the waves have been disturbed either with a tempest past or else at one approaching and if the billows do make a noise as with a refracted Air like the murmuring sound of woods the storm is neer at hand 92. When the tops of high hills are clear and free from clouds or mists it is a sign of fair weather 93. If a murmuring sound be heard in valleys or from hollow caves within the Earth or rivers make a rumbling noise more then usual running with troubled streams any of these do presage a storm Presages of Earth quakes 94 The extraordinary swelling and rising up of the Seas when there is neither wind nor flood to cause it foreshews an Earth quake observed by Posidonius 95. When the waters in wells fountains or deep pits are much troubled and have an evil savour and a taste of sulphure that were pleasant before it does argue an Earth-quake 96. A roaring noise under the earth resembling thunder is the forerunner of an Earth-quake 97. When the Air for a long time wants motion and is still that birds can scarcely fly for want of wind it foreshews an Earth-quake 98. Aristotle with some others do say that a black and narrow streak or line right under the Sun stretched out to a great length and remaining or continuing long does presage an Earthquake but this doth rather signifie a great tranquillity of the Air and so a second cause but not the immediate A Paraphrase THe reason of these and the former signs of tempests by Water and
Earth are both one for in long continued calms the material cause of winds is detain'd within the bowels of the Earth and there being rarified searches the veins caverns and hollow subterranean places to get a passage but finding readily none and not able to contain it self it forces a way and according to its quantity disturbs the Waters and shakes the Land or breaks forth into a tempest with horrid noises according to the resistance made or which is aptest and most facile to be effected By sensitive Creatures but first by Beasts and Reptiles 99. BEasts eating greedily and more then they use to do prenotes foul weather and all small cattel that seem to rejoyce with playing and sporting themselves foreshews rain 100. Oxen and all kind of Neat if you do at any time observe them to hold up their heads and snuffle in the Air or lick their hooves or their bodies against the hair expect then rainy weather 101. Asses or Mules rubbing often their ears or braying much more then usually they are accustomed presages rain 102. Hogs crying and running unquietly up and down with hay or litter in their mouths foreshews a storm to be neer at hand 103. Dogs tumbling and wallowing themselves much and often upon the earth if their guts rumble and stinke very much are signs of rain or wind for certain 104. Cats coveting the fire more then ordinary or licking their feet and trimming the hair of their heads and mustachios presages rainy weather 105. Moles plying their works in undermining the Earth foreshews rain but if they do forsake their trenches and creep above ground in Sommer time it is a sign of hot weather but when on a fuddain they doe forsake the valleys and low grounds it foreshews a flood neer at hand but their coming into meddows presages fair weather and for certain no floods 106. Spiders creep out of their holes and narrow receptacles against wind or rain Minerva having made them sensible of an approaching storm 107. The Common-wealth of Emmets when busied with their egs and in ordering their State affairs at home it presages a storm at hand or some foul weather but when Nature seems to stupifie their little bodies and disposes them to rest causing them to withdraw into their caverns least their industry should engage them by the inconveniency of the season expect then some foul and winterly weather 108. The little sable beast called a Flea if much thirsting after blood it argues rain 109. The lamentable croaking of Frogs more then ordinary does denote rainy weather 110. Glow-worms Snayles and all such creatures do appear most against fair weather but if Worms comes out of the earth much in the day time it is a presage of wet weather but in the Sommer evenings it foreshews dewy nights and hot days to follow and here ends the prognostications of the weather by Beasts and reptiles By winged Creatures 111. THe vigilant Cock a bird of Mars the good house wives clock and the Switzers alarum if he crows in the day time very much or at Sun setting or when he is at roost at unusual hours as at 9 or 10 expect some change of weather and that suddainly but from fair to foul or the contrary but when the Hen crows good men expect a storm within doors and without if the Hens or Chickings in the morning come late from their roosts as if they were constrained by hunger it presages much rainy weather 112. The offspring or aliance of the Capitolian guard when they do make a gaggling in the Air more then usual or seem to fight being over-greedy at their meat expect then cold and winterly weather 113. Birds that do haunt the Fens if they often wash themselves it presages rain or wind and so in most birds or fowls that do prune their feathers with an oyly substance as a provision of Nature in preparing themselves against a storm 114. Cormorants Gulls Ducks Mallards and all water-fowls when they bathe themselves much prune their feathers and flicker or clap themselves with their wings it is a sign of rain or wind 115. Cormorants and Gulls flying from the Sea and standing lakes presages a storm 116. Cranes soaring aloft and quietly in the Air foreshews fair weather but if they do make much noise as consulting which way to go it foreshews a storm that 's neer at hand 117. Herons in the evening flying up and down as if doubtful where to rest presages some evill approaching weather 118. Ravens and Crows when they do make a hoarse hollow and sorrowful noise as if they sobbed it presages foul weather approaching 119. Crows flocking together in great companies or calling early in the morning with a full and clear voice or at any time of the day gaping against the Sun foreshews hot and dry weather but if at the brinck of ponds they do wet their heads or stalk into the water or cry much towards the evening are signs of rain the Woodpeckers cry denotes wet 120. Jack-daws if they come late home from forraging presages some cold or ill weather neer at hand and likewise when they are seen much alone 121. Buzards or Kites when they do soar very high and much to lessening themselves making many plains to and again foreshews hot weather and that the lower Region of the Air is inflamed which for coolnesse makes them ascend 122. Swallows flying low and touching the water often with their wings presages rain 123. Owls whooping after Sun set and in the night foreshews a fair day to ensue but if she names her self in French Huette expect then fickle and unconstant weather but most usually rain 124. Peacooks crying loud and shrill for their lost Jo does proclaim an approaching storm 125. Sparrows in the morning early chirping and making more noise then ordinary they use to do foretels rain or wind The Titmouse cold if crying Pincher 126. Doves coming later home to their houses then they are acustomed to do presages some evil weather neer approaching 127. Sea-mews early in the morning making a gaggling more then ordinary foretokens stormy and blustering weather 128. Halcyon at the time of breeding which is about 14. days before the Winter Solstice foreshews a quiet and tranquil time as it is observed about the coast of Sicily from whence the Proverb is transported the Halcyon days Pliny 129. Bats or flying Mice coming out of their holes quickly after Sun set and sporting themselves in the open Air premonstrates fair and calm weather 130. Birds in general that do frequent trees and bushes if they do fly often out and make quick returns expect some bad weather to follow soon after 131. Bees in fair weather not wandring far from their hives presages the approach of some stormy weather 132. Wasps Hornets and Gnats biting more eagerly then they use to do is a sign of rainy weather 133. Flies in the Spring or Sommer season if they grow busier or blinder then at other times or that
they are observed to shroud themselves in warm places expect then quickly for to follow either Hail told storms of Rain or very much wet weather and if those little creatures are noted early in Autumn to repair unto their Winter quarters it presages frosty mornings cold storms with the approach of hoary Winter 134. Atomes or little flies swarming together and sporting themselves in the Sun beams is a good omen of fair weather And so here I will end the predictions by sensitive creatures upon the Land and turn to the Seas to behold the wonders of the deep By Fishes 135. POrpaises or Sea-Hogs when observed to sport and chase one another about ships expect then some stormy weather 136. Dolphines in fair and calm weather persuing one another as one of their waterish pastimes foreshews wind and from that part whence they fetch their frisks but if they play thus when the Seas are rough and troubled it is a sign of fair and calm weather to ensue 137. Cuttles with their many legs swimming on the top of the water and striving to be above the waves do presage a storm offended with the Meteor and the disturbed waters in the deep 138. Sea Vrchins thrusting themselves into the mud or striving to cover their bodies with sand foreshews a storm for the windy exhalations disturb the lowest waters first in the bottome of the Sea which makes the other fishes rise and trust in their swimming and the Vrchin unapt for that and fearing to be hurried away with the tumultuous waves gets neer the shoare and there stays it self by creeping into the earth 139. Cockles and most shell fish are observed against a tempest to have gravil sticking hard unto their shells as a providence of Nature to stay or poise themselves and to help weigh them down if raised from the bottome by the surges 140. Fishes in general both in salt and fresh waters are observed to sport most and bite more eagerly against rain then at any other time as agreeing best with their flegmatick constitutions many other observations there be of these creatures as concerning winds tides floods and seasons of the year well known unto Fisher-men but not to me By Vegetables 141. Trefoile or Clavergrasse against stormy and tempestuous weather will seem rough and the leaves of it stare and rise up as if it were afraid of an assault 142. Tezils or Fullers Thistle being gathered and hanged up in the house where the Air may come freely to it upon the alteration of cold and windy weather will grow smoother and against rain will close up his prickles 143. Heliotropes and Marigolds do not only presage stormy weather by closing or contracting together their leaves but turn towards the Sun's rays all the day and in the evening shut up shop 144. Pine apples hanging up in the house where they freely may enjoy the Air will close themselves against wet and cold weather and open against hot and dry times 145. The leaves of trees and plants in general will shake and tremble against a tempest more then ordinary 146. All tender buds blossoms and delicate flowers against the incursion of a storm do contract and withdraw themselves within their husks and leaves whereby each may preserve it self from the injury of the weather A Paraphrase IN these vegetables there be certain strings or nerves which by the alteration of the outward Air distilled into them like a thin fume do display or open their leaves or contract them like convulsion fits according to that thin vapours disposition infused into their veins being grateful or oppugnant to the natural temperature of the vegetable c. these vapours do make them smell more fragrantly as forerunners of dew or rain especially all odoriferous flowers to whom such dews are a comfort By Minerals 147. MEttals in general against much wet or rainy weather will seem to have a dew hang upon them and be much apter to sully or foul any thing that is rubbed with the mettal as you may see in Pewter dishes against rain as if they did sweat leaving a smutch upon the table-cloaths with this Pliny concludes as a sign of tempests approaching 148. Stones against rain will have a dew hang upon them but the sweating of stones is from several causes and sometimes are signs of much drought and the reason from hence is derived the inflamation of the Air over-heating the superficies of the Earth attracts vapours from below whereby to cool it according to the nature of all things that are dry and one part still supplies another which makes our wells and fountains low and tides high at or about Michaelmas the Sommer past the Sun having exhausted so many vapours and exhalations from the treasury of the Earth the sign of wet in Mettals as is in stones proceeds from the moistnesse of the outward Air turned into water by the coldnesse of the Earth Mettal or Stone the Air being waterish and apt unto it and this it does most usually presage 149. Glasses of all foots will have a dew upon them in moist weather Glasse windows will also shew a frost by turning the Air that touches them into water and then congealing of it for the Air within the house being warmer then that without is by opposition and the coldnesse of the glasse between them quickly converted from Air into water and so to Ice within-side the outward being predominant by an Antiperistasis 150. Salt extracted out of the Earth Water or any Mineral hath these properties to foreshew the weather for if well kept in fair weather it will be dry and apt to dissolve against wet into its proper Element boards that it hath lain upon and got into the pores of the wood it will be dry in fair and serene weather but when the Air inclines to wet it will dissolve and that you shall see by the board venting his brackish tears and Salt-sellers will have a dew hang upon them and those made of mettal look dim against rainy weather But some here doe question me for deserting my former intended tract and method as in placing Salt with Minerals being imperfectly mixt and composed of fire and water oppugnant to their natural qualities as if I intended for to delude men with words or blind their fights with casting Salt into their eyes or dust raised with a whirl wind against an approaching storm No this was not my intention but being this could not well stand with the first signs of the weather it made me leane or incline to the Chymick Philosophers which make this a Principle both in Vegetables and Minerals and my conclusion whereby to relish all the rest being general in all according to the Adage Sal sapit omnia Natural signs of the four Seasons A Stronomers do divide the year into four quarters or seasons with certain and prefixed times the Sun entering four cardinal points as was said already in the Worlds Epitomy others again do divide it into two parts
the building For the pressure or violence upon one stone the pavements being connext must continue to some end or dividuum that the Air may vent it self The poarinesse of the Earth and volubility of the Air is made by this apparent In a still Evening place upon the ground a Drum to which lay your ear and you shall plainly hear the Air beating upon the Drum representing the motion by which t' was made whether it be Men or Carriages and this may be perceived at two or three Miles distance especially where the Number is great or the Motion violent upon open Plains or barren heaths most of all for the ground being poary in such places where the soyl is dry and hath ascents with hollow hills These sounds will not be so plainly heard at a distance over arrable lands as it will upon any heath because the turffe is as the Skin to the Earth restraining the subtile Air from evapourating forth and by reason of the concavity it contains the more and gives the freer passage Herodotus writes how Egypt was once Sea Seneca lib. 6. cap. 21. does record how the Isle Therasia did rise out of the Egaeon sea the Mariners beholding it the like of Thia in the days of Pliny and now a firm Island one of the Sporades And in the year of Grace 1538 in the fields of Puteoli there was a new mountain did rise neer a mile high from the foot of the hill Mountains and lower grounds have been removed from their places where Nature hath fixed them as you may read in Pliny lib. 2. cap. 83. how two mountains did remove and run together with a terrible noyse as if assaulting or contending with one another In the last year of Nero Cesar the meadows and Olive gardens of Vectius Marcellus were removed over a common high-way and contrary in their motions mutually changing their seats and situations And in the moneth of April An. Domini 1586 the like happned in Ireland where the ground was removed with the trees and all the lower plants growing upon it This shews the Omnipotent Creator as we read in Job cap. 9. ver 6. Qui commovet terram de loco suo columnae ejus concutiuntur The Cities of Hellice and Buris were buried with an Earth-quake and nothing remaining of them but the bare name onely And if Plato may be believed Aeon in the Atlantick was equal unto Asia and now all deep under water the Sea retaining yet the name and it is very probable that many Countries thus have suffered whose foundations have been shaken with Earth-quakes and so subjected to the insulting waves For if the terrestrial globe had been thus divided in the days of Noah how could America and divers remote Islands from any continent have been planted as now they are whose originals the Natives knows not But som do object to this that America might be planted by the North or South parts of the World First it is doubtful whether Greenland be part of that continent or no besides it is unlikely they should seek for a plantation through so cold unhospitable a Countrey that can afford no relief nor any thing but hunger and cold Others do better conjecture the first Colonies might pass by the straights of Magellune and thither out of Asia by Java or into new Guinea but admit it were so it is not probable they carried savage Beasts or venemous Serpents with them to a Plantation but for that beasts might grow wild with running in Desart places at their liberties and serpents breed out of the slime of the Earth as Eeles and other living and sensitive Animals produced from corruption and yet afterwards engender and beget others of their form But it is generally conceived there hath been many more Lands then there be at this present and divers Islands by which at first they passed and now devoured by the Seas and supposed by some that this British Isle hath been severed from France Spain from Asrica Sicily from Italy and Ossa from Olympia Some do inferr how that God promised Noah not to drown the World any more and that He had put bounds to the waters which they should not passe 'T is true but yet part of it may be submerged of which I could instance you many precedents as Rye and other places in England under the Seas irrecoverable their Steeples visible at a low water within this hundred years and those now quite swallowed up with the yawning waves For where these bounds are which God hath placed 't is known to Him and and not to us nor need we care if we serve the Omnipotent Creator Propterea non timebimus dum turbabitur terra transferentur montes in cor maris Psal 45. ver 2. Before the Nativity of our Sacred Redeemer Jesus Christ 374. Brennus a potent Prince whose territories being over-peopled raised a puissant Army to gain renown and seek new plantations in which design he was assisted by the then over-populous Gauls through whose Country he marched into Greece with 300,000 Men as some writes on mount Parnassus stood the City of Delphos famous in those days of darkness for the Temple of Apollo whom those Idolatrous people worshipped whose dubious responses had drawn from all Nations a great concourse of people by which means it was made the richest place of all Greece and by Nature fortified the taking of this City was the sole ambition of Brennus partly by reason of the wealth and partly it being the chief City which being subdued all the other Provinces would easily submit unto his power So this Prince with his multitudes of men Storm'd the City with Fire and Sword at which time part of the Mountain fell down with an Earthquake and overwhelmed multitudes of his most valiant and forward men this calamity was seconded by a violent tempest of Thunder Lightning and Hail which destroyed a great part of those that had escaped the former Brennus sore hurt and in despair of future good with his sword slew himself as it is recorded by Justine This story I have related to shew the judgement of God upon him for his covetousnesse and pride not done as against the worshippers of the Divel but as in contempt of a Deity Proper lib. 3. Torrida sacriligunt testantur limina Brennum Dumpetit intonsi Pythia regna Dei Three years before the Birth of the Worlds Redeemer when Herod was King of the Jews there happened an Earth-quake in Judea by which there prished of Men Women and Children to the number of 30000. precursor of the massacre and number of Infants as some records do testifie In the 15. year of our Lord and Saviour and in the beginning of Tiberius his Empire there were 12. Cities in Asia in one night overwhelmed with the inhabitants and which is more all swallowed up in the bowels of the Earth In the 18. year of this Empire the Son of God as a sacrifice for the World was accused