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A81992 Seismos megas. Or Heaven & earth shaken. A treatise shewing how kings, princes, and their governments are turned and changed by Jesus Christ as [brace] King of Kings, and King of Saints. / By John Davis, M.A. sometime lecturer at Christ Church in London, and now pastour of a congregation in Dover. Davis, John, pastor of a congregation in Dover. 1655 (1655) Wing D422; Thomason E1601_2 153,991 331

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Isa 53. 1. Who hath believed our report The speech relates to the Prophet in his time but not onely to the Prophet for it agrees to Christ as appears John 12. 38. I shall conclude this position with what I learned many years a goe from transcribed Notes of a precious servant of Christ now at rest The least degree of the performing a promise being manifested the promise therein may be truly said to be performed although not in the highest extent of it Whereupon it is remarkable how in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles when any personal thing or individual act is mentioned as that in Mat. 2. 17. the place above named about Rachel the holy Ghost useth a word which signifies accomplishment 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken But when promises are mentioned which have reference to the Church as Acts 2. 16. then it s thus expressed This is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he doth not say it was fulfilled but it was spoken it had a true performance but not the accomplishment That under one person or thing named a whole series both of persons and things is to be understood See this plainly in the great promise Rom. 9. 7. In Isaac shall thy seed be called In the eight verse of the same Chapter The children of the promise are counted for the seed When we read of the enemies of the Church which sometimes are called Hornes by them he means all the powers that are pushing at Jesus Christ and his interest The Vial on the Throne of the Beast mentioned Rev. 16. 10. although it meane eminently the City of Rome yet withal it may take in all those places wherein the superstitions of Antichrist have been more especially exercised as Bishops Palaces Cathedrals Monasteries Priories Deanes and Chapters houses and such like places God performes his promises in these latter dayes in a way of proportion and correspondency with his former glorious workings for his people Thus most expresly Hagg. 2. 5. its said According as I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt so my spirit remaineth among you where its plain that God engageth himselfe to them now when they were building of the Temple according to his dealing with them when they were to be delivered out of Egypt Thus in the Visions of the Prophet John Antichrist is called Egypt and their waters are turned into blood and that by the wittnesses Rev. 11. 6. in correspondence with what God did by Moses Exod. 7. 19. Israel in Egypt cryed Exod. 2. 23. and so do the souls under the Altar Lord Lord how long holy and true dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth Rev. 6. 10. He drowned the Egyptians in the red Sea Exod. 14. 27. and now hath his wayes it may be Sea-fights to drown his enemies as it was in the years 1588 and 1639 and at other times since I shall conclude this position with that saying of the Prophet Micah 7. 15. where God promiseth to his Church his goodnesse in these words According to the dayes of thy coming out of the Land of Egypt will ● shew unto him marvelous things That the inflicting of judgement on the adversaries of the Church is subordinate to the performance of his promises to his people The shaking vengeance on the Nations is but to make way for the good of Gods people Gods creatures are precious to him as he is their Creator and surely he would never destroy them but in relation to a greater farther and better good then their destruction can be evil This is plain in Isa 10. 12. The visiting of the stout heart of the King of Assyria and the glory of his high looks is in a way of inflicting judgement on him but it s brought in as subservient to the performing of his whole work on Mount Sion that was the maine thing driven at That the time of fulfilling prophesies and promises and working great turnes is at or before the coming of Christ Thus in Hag. 2. 6. I will shake the heaven when is that it follows immediatly The desire of all Nations shall come The coming of Christ in the flesh was eminently the fulfilling of many prophesies and promises as you may read in the constant course of the Gospel His coming then likewise produced great turnes and changes Mat. 2. 3. Herod the King was troubled and all Jerusalem with him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Herod and Jerusalem the King and all the people are troubled He troubles the chiefe Priests and Pharisees and Counsels John 11. 47. what doe we doe This man doth many Miracles And when Christ shall come again you shall have more turnes All the promises are in him and for him no marvel then if their performances and his appearance come together The down-fall of the Man of sin is the making good of many promises but that is said to be by the brigh●nesse of his coming 2 Thess 2. 8. Then shall that wicked one be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his coming Chap. III. Shewing the meaning Doctrines and Method of Hag. 2. 6 7. Hag. 2. 6 7. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts Yet once and it is a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry-land 7. And I will shake all Nations ●and the desire of all Nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of Hosts Heb. 12. 26 27. Whose voyce then shooke the earth but now he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not the earth onely but also Heaven 27. And this word yet once more signifieth the removing of ●hings that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain HAving laid down these eight propositions in general we shall now pitch down on this Scripture to which all these propositions give light Here in these words of the Prophet Haggai you have a prophesie by way of a promise God foretells by his servant Haggai what shall come to passe namely great turnes and changes and withal engageth about them by way of a promise that he will effect them I will shake and that 's your fi●st rule He calls the Church-state under the Go●p●l by the name of a Temple and an house which is the language of the Old Testament to speak out Gods way of worship but here it hath a farther extent even unto Gospel-worship and administrations and that is according to the second Prop. Shaking of heaven and earth doth not onely meane the commotion in these natural bodies and the alterations therein but also these words hold out the change in the great Political bodies of Church and State and so according
s but saving Let Heaven and Earth be shaken and it shall be shaken as once he said Let there be an Heaven and an earth and it was so Whose voice then shook the earth The word voice is applyed to things Natural as Rev. 6. 1. The voice of Thunder 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Artificial Mat 124. 31. The voice of a Trumpet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rational 2 Pet. 2 16. The voice of a Man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Supernatural as here His voice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 His voice That is the voice of Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant whose blood speaks better things then that of Abel His voyce who speaks from Heaven His voyce shook Will shake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Jun. translates it Ego commoturus sum I am about to shake Shaking signifies a violent Motion a Motion differing from the common Motion 1. As when the wind is in the bowels of the earth and in its breaking forth makes the earth for to tremble Terrae motus that is called shaking Isa 13. 13. The earth shal move out of his place 2. Or as the wind shakes the corn to and fro or the fruit upon the trees somtimes this way then the contrary way which is not the natural motion of the corne or fruit but as it s forced by the wind Psalme 72. 16. His fruit shall shake like Libanus 3. Or as the motion of an Army Isa 30. 32. In battels of shaking will he fight with it This shaking in Heb. 12. is expressed by two words The first 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 proprie de sale vi ventorum agitato it signifies properly to shake as the Sea is shaken with a mighty wind when the wind gets into the bowels of the Sea The other word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such a kind of shaking as tears and rends in pieces and so this phrase expresseth tearing turns and rending changes which shall befall the Nations So then shaking contains 1. A change and alteration 2 Such as is accompanied with annihilation or bringing of things to nothing 3. Annihilation in a way to execute justice 4. It denotes sometime also alteration from bad to good from good to better Shaking in a way of mercy or at least bringing good out of evil So here its shaking by way of a promise Take hence these five Observations 1. The nature of things here are liable to change God only is immutable 2. That the changes below are and may be Suddain Violent Strange 3. That yet they are righteous and shall be gracious to Gods people 4. That Jesus Christ himselfe hath the highest hand in these changes 5. That in these changes he shewes himselfe the Lord of Hosts The Heaven and Earth These four words Heaven Earth Sea and Dry Land are taken two wayes Grammatically Rhethorically 1. Grammatically for such things in Nature as the letters of the words do import as the Earth for that part of the world which we tread on and so the like of the rest 2. They are taken Rhetorically when by a fine manner of speaking an elegancy of expression they set forth some thing beside what they expresse in their Grammatical sense both wayes agree to the text we are upon Now observe in the Rhetorical way there is a double acceptation 1. By a Metonymie of the subject for the adjunct Continentis pro contento when the thing containing is put for the thing contained Heaven is put fo the inhabitants of heaven and so Earth Sea and Dry Land put for those that dwell on the Earth Sea or Dry Land 2. By a Metaphor or borrowed speech because heaven is the highest and in comparison of that earth is the lowest body they are put to declare high and low things a little more to open these words observe Heaven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies that part of the world which is opposite to the earth from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an adverbe of place as some think shewing the distance of heaven as being most remote from the earth We read of the first second and third heaven The first is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or an expance that which is nearest the Earth and turned round about it thus we read of the windows of this heaven to be opened when the raine fell Gen. 8. of birds flying in this Heaven Deut. 4. The second Heaven is the place where the Stars are fixed and so called the starry heaven The third is the Seat of the blessed Sedes Beatorum into which the Apostle Paul was wrapped 2 Cor. 12. 2. And the Earth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that part of the world which is distinguished from heaven some derive it from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a word signifying to run because beasts run upon it It 's the place where men dwell Gen. 18. 18. sometime it signifies one Country more then another Gen. 41. 57. And all Countries came to Egypt because the famine was sore in all Lands Sometime it signifies a feild but here I take it to denote a Continent that part of the world that is distingusht from Seas and Islands the Maine-land The Sea 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 you have a plaine description of that given by Moses Gen. 1. 10. its the gathering together of the waters The dry Land 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arida the dry Land as distinct from Heaven Earth and Seas which I here take to be Islands Lands in the midst of Sea dry Land yet compassed about with water From the words thus opened observe Jesus Christ will make great changes in the natural bodyes of Heaven Earth Sea and dry Land This ariseth from the words taken Grammatically Jesus Christ will turne and change the inhabitants of Heaven and Earth and Sea and dry Land Even Angels and men Men that dwell on the Continent Islands and Seas and this ariseth from the Rhetorical Metonymie whereby the thing containing is put for the thing contained Jesus Christ will make great changes in the heavens and earth in the high and low things of Kingdomes and Peoples and Nations Having thus taken the words asunder and given you the meaning of them and the observations from them we will now put them together again in this short form following Hag. 2. 6 7 8. contains a prophetical promise wherein observe The promise is propounded wherein consider 4 things 1. The person promising The Lord of Hosts 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. The things promised which are three 1. The shaking twice repeated set out by its object The heavens The earth The seas The dry land The nations All nations 2. The comming of Christ called the desire of Nations All. 3. Of filling set out by 1. What. This house 2 With what with Glory 3. The persons to whom this promise is made Zorobabel Joshua All the people This is taken from v. 4. 4. The time of performance and that is a Set time once Short time
He sets a Tabernacle for the Sun and gives it a race to run 2. Jesus Christ doth not onely give them a being but also maintains what he hath given gives them a constant course and maintains them in it as men and Saints have their constant work to do so likewise have other creatures and Christ upholds them and their course too Psal 75. 3. I beare up the pillars of the earth Heb. 1. 2 3. By him are the world 's made and he upholds all things by the word of his power Jer. 31. 35. He gives the Sun for a light by day and the ordinances of the M●on and Stars for a light by night divideth the Sea when the waves thereof roare and to shew their constancy of operation Jer. 33. 20. there is mention made of the Covenant of the day and the Covenant of the night which none can break 3. These things thus made and maintained by him are at his beck He made three dayes together without a Sun Gen. 1. by reflecting the element of fire downward as some say and made the nights by reversing it upward Psal 136. 6. Whatsoever he pleased that did he in heaven earth in the sea in the deep places Heaven and Earth Sea and deeps are all at his pleasure V. 7. He maketh the vapour to ascend and lightnings for the raine he bringeth the winde out of his Treasuries Psal 147. 15. He sends his command forth his word runneth very swiftly His word his command is enough to make all run as he made all by his word so by his word and will he governs all Math. 8. 27. He rebukes the winde and the Sea and they obey him His rebuke and the creatures obedience fall in together 4. It s his pleasure sometime that they should step aside from their ordinary course The ordinary course of the Sun is to be running of his race But Josh 10. 12. Sun stand thou still in Gibeon and thou Moon in the vally of Ajalon The ordinary course is for the heavens to give down raine but in Ahabs time 1 Kings 17. 1 there was neither dew nor raine The ordinary course for the earth it is to bring forth corne and grasse for the food of man and beast but in Joseph's time Gen. 41. 54. The dearth was in all Lands 5. That Jesus governs them in all these turnings aside that is he acts them and orders them to his ends and interests and so there is a sweet harmony in their excentrical motion When the Sun stood still in Joshua's time it was that Israel might be avenged of the Amorites their enemies The dearth was in all Lands that so Joseph might be exalted and Israel provided for It raines or raines not that God might be honoured in the word of his Prophet Elijah the Tishbite When God takes away the power of burning from the fire it was that his servants the companions of Daniel should not be consumed but walke in the midst of the fire and have no hurt Dan. 3. 25. God will not onely shew his goodnesse to his people by the ordinary and common course of creatures but sometime he makes them step aside out of their common course to answer their prayers and help them in their streights and Now in our dayes though he workes not miracles he works wonderful things Miranda though not Micacula Though he worke not against the course of the creatures nature yet he alters it so that it gives us cause to wonder yea and withal in this way he brings vengeance on his and his peoples enemies It 's light in Goshen when darknesse is on all the Land of Egypt Isa 24. 20. The Earth reels too and fro like a Drunkard and shall be removed like a Cottage The transgression thereof shall fall heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again 6. That these Turnes in Heaven and Earth thus ordered by Christ carry with them the nature of signes Luke 21. 21. There shall be Signes in the Sun and in the Moon and in the Stars and upon the earth distresse of Nations and perplexity the Sea and the waves roaring Acts 2. 19 I will shew wonders in heaven above 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and signes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapour of smoak A Signe is that which besides it selfe introduceth some other thing into the understanding as when you see smoak your understanding doth not terminate in the smoak but riseth higher to think of some fire that causeth that smoak So when you see these strange postures in these natural bodies your minde resteth not barely in the contemplation of them but your understanding looks on them as fore-runners of other things that shall follow after Now among signes some are Rememorative Demonstrative Prognostical Practical Rememorative signes are such which call to minde things past and so refresh the memory the Bow in the clouds tells us God did destroy the world by water though he will do so no more Demonstrative signes are such which declare a thing present as smoak is a signe of present fire fire then burning Prognostical signes are such as foretel in general things to come Thus God may and sometime doth by these changes in these natural great bodies signifie and foretel that there shall be great turns and changes in the great bodies Politique of Kingdomes and Common-wealths but what these particular turnes shall be and the several issues of them the signes in heaven and earth cannot foretel for they are not practical signes Practical signes are such as in their nature cause and produce those things whereof they are signes but such signes the heavens and earth are not they do not in their nature cause the turnes of Nations nor are the turnes of Nations their effects Now whether this position do contribute any favourable aspect to judicial Astrologie that we shall shew in the Appendix joyned to this Treatise and passe it by now onely resolve this Question Why doth Christ when he intends great turnes in States make such changes in Heaven and Earth I answer in four Reasons This is the beginning of Christ his taking to himselfe his great power Rev. 11. 17. Christ hath all power on earth as well as in heaven he is sovereigne Lord of all creatures as well as King of Saints Col. 1. He is the First borne of every creature as well as head of the Church and therefore he doth thus manifest himselfe There be many fore-runners before the King comes reckon these among the least and lowest of Christs servants yet surely what knees they have they bend to him They are ready with their motion and conjunctions to honour him and in their language to tell you of his transcendent glory that is following They are obedient and step aside out of their ordinary way to let you know of their Lords drawing nigh Christ could