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A68054 Nicholas Flammel, his exposition of the hieroglyphicall figures which he caused to bee painted vpon an arch in St. Innocents Church-yard, in Paris. Together with the secret booke of Artephius, and the epistle of Iohn Pontanus: concerning both the theoricke and the practicke of the philosophers stone. Faithfully, and (as the maiesty of the thing requireth) religiously done into English out of the French and Latine copies. By Eirenæus Orandus, qui est, vera veris enodans; Figures hierogliphiques. English Flamel, Nicolas, d. 1418.; Artephius. Liber secretus artis occultae.; Pontanus, Joannes, d. 1572. Epistola de lapide philosophorum.; Orandus, Eirenaeus. 1624 (1624) STC 11027; ESTC S102276 53,157 276

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to that wee were in our youth as hee hath likewise done in other places as ouer the doore of the Chappell of Saint Iames in the Bouchery neere to my house although that for this last there is a particular cause as also ouer the doore of Saincte Geneuiefue de's Ardans where thou maist see me I ma●e then to bee painted heere two bodies one of a Male and another of a Female to teach thee that in this second operation thou hast truely but yet not perfectly two natures conioyned and married together the Masculine and the Foeminine or rather the foure Elements and that the foure naturall enemies the hote and cold dry and moist begin to approach amiably one towards another and by meanes of the Mediators and Peace-makers lay downe by little and little the ancient enmity of the old Chaos Thou knowest well enough who these Mediators and Peace-makers are betweene the hote and the cold there is moisture for he is kinsman and allyed to them both to hote by his heate and to cold by his moisture And this is the reason why to begin to make this peace thou hast already in the precedent operation conuerted all the confections into water by dissolution And afterward thou hast made to coagulate the water which is turned into this Earth blacke of the blacke most blacke wholly to accomplish this peace for the Earth which is cold and dry finding himself of kindred and allyance with the dry and moist which are enemies will wholly appease and ac●ord them Doest thou not then consider a most perfect mixture of all the foure Elements hauing first turned them into water and now into Earth I will also teach thee heereafter the other conuersions into ayer when it shall be all white and into fire when it shall bee of a most perfect purple Then thou hast heere two natures marri●d together whereof the one hath conceiued by the other and by this conception it is turned into the body of the Male and the Male into that of the Female that is to say they are made one onely body which is the Androgyne or Hermaphrodite of the Ancients which they haue also called otherwise the head of the Crow or natures conuerted In this fashion I paint them heere because thou hast two natures reconciled which if they be gu●ded and gouerned wisely can forme an Embrion in the wombe of the Vessell and afterwards bring foorth a most puissant King inuincible and incorruptible because it will bee an admirable quintessence Thus thou seest the principall and most necessary reason of this representation The second cause which is also well to bee noted was because I must of necessitie paint two bodies because in this operation it behooueth that thou diuide that which hath beene coagulated to giue afterwards nourishment which is milke of life to the little Infant when it is borne which is endued by the liuing God with a vegetable soule This is a secret most admirable and secret which for want of vnderstanding it hath made fooles of all those that haue sought it without finding it and hath made euery man wise that beholds it with the eyes of his body or of his spirit Thou must then make two parts and portions of this Coagulated body the one of which shall serue for Azoth to wash and clense the other which is called Leton which must be whitened He which is washed is the Serpent Python which hauing taken his being from the corruption of the slime of the Earth gathered together by the waters of the deluge when all the confections were water must be killed and ouercome by the arrowes of the God Apollo by the yellow Sunne that is to say by our fire equall to that of the Sunne He which washeth or rather the washings which must be continued with the other moity these are the teeth of that Serpent which the sage workeman the valiant Theseus wil sow in the same Earth from whence there shall spring vp armed Souldiers which shal in the end discomsit themselues suffering themselues by opposition to resolue into the same nature of the Earth and the workman to beare away his deserued conquests It is of this that the Phylosophers haue written so often and so often repeated it It dissolues it selfe it congeales it selfe it makes it selfe blacke it makes it selfe white it kils it selfe and it quickens it selfe I haue made their field be painted azure and blew to shew that I doe but now beginne to get out from the most blacke blacknesse for the azure and blew is one of the first colours that the darke woman lets vs see that is to say moisture giuing place a little to heate and drinesse The man and woman are almost all orange-coloured to shew that our Bodies or our body which the wise men here call Rebis hath not as yet digestion enough and that the moisture from whence comes the blacke blew and azure is but halfe vanquished by the drinesse For when drinesse beares rule all will be white and when it fighteth with or is equall to the moisture all will be in part according to these present colours The enuious haue also called these confections in this operation Nummus Ethelia Arena Boritis Co●sufle Cambar Albar aeris Duenech Randeric Kukul Thabricis Ebisemech Ixir c. which they haue commanded to make white The woman hath a white circle in forme of a rowle round about her body to shew thee that Rebis will beginne to become white in that very fashion beginning first at the extremities round about this white circle Scala Phylosophorū that is the Booke entituled The Phylosophers Ladder saith thus The signe of the first perfect whitenesse is the manifestation of a certaine little circle of haire that is passing ouer the head which will appeare on the sides of the vessels round about the matter in a kind of a cierine or yellowish colour There is written in their Rowles Homo veniet ad iudicium Dei that is Man shall come to the Iudgement of God Verè saith the woman illa dies terribilis erit that is Truly that will be a terrible day These are not passages of holy Scripture but onely sayings which speake according to the Theological sence of the Iudgement to come I haue put them there to serue my selfe of them towards him that beholds onely the grosse outward and most naturall Artifice taking the interpretation th●reof to concerne onely the Resurrection and also it may serue for them that gathering together the Parables of the Science take to them the eyes of Lynceus to pierce deeper then the visible obiects There is then Man shall come to the iudgement of God Certainly that day shall be terrible That is as if I should haue said It behoues that this come to the colour of perfection to be iudged clensed from all his blacknesse and filth and to be spiritualized and whitened Surely that day will be terrible yet certainly as you shall find in the Allegory
water and is the drosse and the damned earth which is nothing worth nor can euer doe any good as doth the pure cleare white and cleane matter which wee ought onely to take And against this Capharaean rocke the ship and knowledge of the Schollers and students in Philosophy is often as it happened also vnto mee sometimes most improuidently dashed and beaten because the Phylosophers doe very often affirme the contrary namely that nothing must be remooued or taken away but the moysture that is the Blacknesse which notwithstanding they say and write onely to deceiue the vnwise grosse and ignorant which of themselues without a Maister vnwearied reading or Prayer vnto God Almighty would like conquerours carry away this golden fleece Note therefore that this separation diuision and sublimation is without doubt the key of the whole worke After the putrifaction then and dissolution of these Bodies our Bodies doe lift themselues vp to the surface of the dissoluing water in the colour of whitenesse and this whitenesse is life for in this whitenesse the Antimoniall and Mercuriall soule is by the appointment of nature infused with the Spirits of the Sunne Moone which separateth the subtile from the thicke and the pure from the impure lifting vp by little and little the subtile part of the Body from the dregs vntill all the pure be separated and lifted vp And in this is our Philosophicall and naturall sublimation fulfilled And in this whitenesse is the soule infused into the Body that is the mineral vertue which is more subtile than fire being indeed the true quintessence and life which desireth to bee borne and to put off the grosse earthly foeces which it hath taken from the Menstruous and corrupt place of his Originall And in this is our Philosophicall sublimation not in the naughty common Mercury which hath no qualities like vnto them wherewith our Mercury drawne from his vitriolate cauernes is adorned But let vs returne to our sublimation It is therefore most certaine in this Art that this soule drawne from the Bodies cannot be lifted vp but by the putting to of a volatile thing which is of his owne kinde by the which the Bodies are made volatile and spirituall lifting vp subtiliating and subliming themselues against their owne proper nature which is bodily heauy and ponderous and by this meanes they are made no Bodies but incorporeall and a fifth essence of the nature of the Spirit which is called Hermes his Bird and Mercury drawne from the red seruant and so the earthy parts remaine below or rather the grosser parts of the Bodies which cannot by any wit or deuice of man be perfectly dissolued And this white fume this white gold that is this quintessence is also called the compound Magnesia which as a man containes or like a man is compounded of a Body a Soule and a Spirit For the Body is the fixed earth of the Sunne which is more than most fine ponderously lifted vp by the force of our diuine water The soule is the tincture of the Sunne and of the Moone proceeding from the coniunction or communication of these two But the spirit is the minerall vertue of the two Bodies and of the water which carries the soule or the white tincture vpon the Bodies and out of the Bodies as the tincture of Diers is carried by water vpon the cloth And that Mercuriall spirit is the Bond or tyall of the soule of the Sun And the Body of the Sunne is the Body of fiction containing with the Moone the spirit and soule The spirit therefore pierceth the body fixeth the soule coupleth coloureth and whiteneth Of these three vnited together is our Stone made that is of the Sunne and Moone and Mercury Then with our gilded or golden water is extracted a nature surpassing all nature and therefore except the bodies bee by this our water dissolued imbibed ground softened and sparingly and diligently gouerned vntill they leaue their grossenesse and thicknesse and be turned into a thinne and impalpable spirit our labour will alwayes be in vaine for vnlesse the bodies bee changed into no bodies that is into the Philosophers Mercury the rule of Art is not yet found and the reason is because it is impossible to draw out of the bodies that most thinne or subtile soule which hath in it all tincture if the bodies be not first dissolued in our water Dissolue therefore the bodies in the golden water and boyle them vntill by the water all the tincture come out into a white colour or a white oyle and when thou shalt see this whitenesse vpon the water then know that the bodies are dissolued or melted and continue the decoction vntill they bring foorth the cloude which they haue conceiued darke blacke and white Put therefore the perfect bodies in our water in a vessell Hermetically sealed vpon a soft fire and boyle them continually vntill they bee perfectly resolued into a most precious oyle Boyle them saith Adfar with a gentle fire as it were for the hatching of chickens vntill the bodies bee dissolued and their tincture most neerely conioyned marke well be wholly drawne out for it is not drawne out all at once but it commeth forth by little and little euery day and euery houre vntill after a long time this dissolution be complete that which is dissolued do alwaies arise vppermost vpon the water And in this dissolution let the fire bee soft and continuall vntill the bodies bee loosed into a viscous impalpable water and that the whole tincture come forth first in the colour of blackenesse which is a signe of true solution Then continue the decoction vntill it become a white permanent water for gouerning it in its bath it will afterward be cleare and in the end become like common argent viue climing thorow the ayre vpon the first water And therefore when thou seest the bodies dissolued into a viscous water then know that they are turned into a vapour and that thou hast the soules separated from the dead bodies and by sublimation brought into the order and estate of spirits whereupon both of them with a part of our water are made spirits flying and clyming into the ayre and that there the body compounded of the male and female of the Sunne and Moone and of that most subtile nature clensed by sublimation taketh life is inspired by his moysture that is by his water as a man by the Ayre and therefore from hencefoorth it will multiply and increase in his kinde like all other things And therefore in such an eleuation and Philosophical sublimation they are all ioyned one with another and the new body inspired by the Ayre liueth vegetably which is a wonder Wherefore vnlesse the Bodies bee subtilized and made thinne by fire and water vntill they doe arise like spirits and bee made like water and fume or like Mercury there is nothing done in this Arte. But when they ascend they are borne in the ayre and changed in the ayre
consequently by how much more this red is boyled so much the more is it coloured and made a tincture of perfect rednesse Wherefore thou must with a dry fire and a dry calcination without any moysture boyle this compound vntill it bee clothed with a most red colour and then it will be a perfect Elixir If afterwards thou wilt multiply it thou must againe resolue that red in a new dissoluing water and after by decoction whiten and rubifie it by the degrees of fire reiterating the first regiment Dissolue congeale reiterate shutting opening and multiplying in quantitie and qualitie at thine owne pleasure for by a new corruption and generation there is againe brought in a new motion and so we could neuer find an end if we would alwayes worke by reiteration of solution and coagulation by the meanes of our dissoluing water that is to say dissoluing and congealing as is said in the first regiment And so the vertue thereof is increased and multiplied in quantitie and qualitie so that if in the first worke one part of thy Stone will teyne an hundred in the second it will teyne a thousand in the third ten thousand and so by pursuing thy worke thy proiection will come into infinitie teyning truly and perfectly and fixedly euery quantitie how great soeuer it bee and so by a thing of an easie price is added colour and vertue weight Therefore our fire and Azoth are sufficient for thee boyle boyle reiterate dissolue congeale and so continue according to thy will multiplying it as much as thou wilt and vntill thy Medicine bee made fusible as waxe and that it haue the quantitie and vertue which thou desirest Therefore all the accomplishment of the worke or of our second Stone note it well consisteth in this that thou take the perfect Body which thou must put in our water in a house of glasse wel shut and stopped with Cement lest the ayre get in or the moysture inclosed get out and there hold it in the digestion of a gentle heate as if it were of a bathe or the most temperate heate of dung vpon the which with the fire thou shalt continue the perfection of decoction vntill it bee putrified and resolued into blacke and afterwards be lifted vp and sublimed by the water that it may thereby bee cleansed from all blacknesse and darknesse and that it may bee whitened and made subtile vntill it come to the vtmost purity of sublimation and at the last be made volatile and white within and without for the vulture flying in the Ayre without wings cryeth that it might get vpon the Mountaine that is vpon the water vpon the which the white Spirit is carried Then continue a conuenient fire and that Spirit that is the subtile substance of the Body and of Mercury will ascend vpon the water which quintessence is whiter than the snow continue still and in the end strengthen thy fire vntill all which is spirituall mount on high for know well that all that is cleare pure and spirituall ascends on high in the ayre in the forme of a white fume which the Philosophers call the Virgins milke It behooueth therefore that as Sibill said the Sonne of the Virgin bee exalted from the Earth and that the white quintessence after his resurrection bee lifted vp towards the heauens and that the grosse and thicke remaine in the bottome of the vessell and of the water for afterwards when the vessell is colde thou shalt finde in the bottome thereof the foeces blacke burnt and combust separate from the spirit and white quintessence which dregs thou must cast away In these times the Argent viue raineth from our ayre vpon our new earth which is called Argent viue sublimed from the ayre whereof is made a water viscous cleane and white which is the true tincture separated from all blacke foeces and so our brasse or Leton is with our water gouerned purified and adorned with a white colour which white colour is not gotten but by decoction and coagulation of the water Boyle it then continually wash away the blacknesse from the Leton not with thy hand but with the Stone or the fire or our second Mercuriall water which is the true tincture For this separation of the pure from the impure is not done with hands but nature her selfe alone by working it circularly to perfection bringeth it to passe It appeareth then that this composition is not a manuall worke but onely a change of the natures because nature dissolues and conioynes it selfe it sublimes and lifts vp it selfe and hauing separated the foeces it groweth white and in such a sublimation the parts are alwayes ioyned together more subtile more pure and essentiall because that when the fiery nature lifteth vp the subtile parts it lifteth vp alwayes the more pure and by consequent leaueth the grosser in the bottome And therefore it behooueth by an indifferent fire to sublime in a continuall vapour that the Stone may bee inspired in the ayre and liue For the nature of all things takes life of the inspiration of ayre and so also all our Maistery consists in vapour and in the sublimation of water And therefore our brasse or Leton must by degrees of fire bee lifted vp and freely without violence of himselfe ascend on high wherefore vnlesse the Body bee by fire and water dissolued attenuated and subtilized vntill it ascend as a spirit or climbe like Argent viue or as the white soule separated from the Body and carried in the sublimation of the Spirits there is nothing at all done in this Arte But when it ascends on high it is borne in the ayre and changed in the ayre and is made life with life being altogether spirituall and incorruptible And so in such a regiment the Body is made a spirit of a subtile nature and the spirit is incorporated with the Body and is made one with it and in such a sublimation coniunction and eleuation all things are made white And therefore this Phylosophicall and natural sublimation is necessary for that it maketh peace betweene the body and the spirit which is vnpossible otherwise to be done otherwise then by this separation of the parts wherefore it behoueth to sublime them both to the end that in the troubles of this stormy Sea the pure may ascend and the impure and earthly may descend And for this cause it must be boyled continually that it may be brought to a subtile nature and that the body may assume and draw to it selfe the white Mercuriall soule which it naturally retaines and suffereth it not to be separated from it because it is like vnto it in the neerenesse of the first pure and simple nature From hence it appeares that this separation must be made by decoction vntill there remaine no more of the fat of the soule which is not lifted vp and exalted into the vpper part for so they shall be both reduced vnto a simple equality and vnto a simple whitenesse The
vulture therefore flying in the ayre and the Toade going vpon the Earth is our Maistery And therefore when thou shalt gently and with great discretion separate the Earth from the water that is from the fire and the subtile from the thicke then that which is pure will ascend from Earrh into Heauen and that which is impure will goe downe to the Earth and the more subtile part will in the vpper place take the nature of a spirit and in the lower place the nature of an Earthly Body wherefore let the while nature with the more subtile part of the Body be by this operation lifted vp leauing the foeces which is done in a short time for the soule is aided by her associate and fellow and perfected by it My Mother saith the Body hath begotten mee and by me shee her selfe is begotten and after shee hath taken her slight or I haue taken from her her flying shee after the best manner shee can becomes a pious Mother nourishing and cherishing the sonne whom shee hath begotten vntill he come to perfect state Heare this secret Keepe the Body in this our Mercuriall water vntill it ascend on high with the white soule and the Earthly descend to the bottome which is called the Earth that remaines then shalt thou see the water coagulate it selfe with its body and shalt bee assured that the Science is true because the Body coagulateth his moisture into drinesse as the rennet of a Lambe coagulateth milke into Cheese In the same fashion the spirit will pierce the body and there will be a perfect mixture made by the least parts and the Body will draw vnto himself his moisture that is to say his white soule euen as the Load-stone draweth the Iron because of the likenesse and neerenesse of his nature and his greedinesse and then the one will hold the other and this is our sublimation and coagulation which retaineth euery thing volatile and maketh that it can flye no more Therefore this compositiō is not a manuall operation but as I said a changing of natures and a wonderfull connexion of their cold with hot and their moist with dry for the hot is mixed with cold and the dry with moist and so by this meanes is made the mixture and coniunction of the body with the spirit which is called the changing of contrary natures because that in such a solution and sublimation the spirit is turned into a body and the body into a spirit so that the natures being mingled together and reduced into one doe change one another in as much as the body makes the spirit a body and the spirit turnes the body into a teyned and white spirit And therefore this is the last time that I will tell thee boyle it in our white water that is in Mercury vntill it bee dissolued into blacknesse and then by continuall decoction it will bee depriued of his blackenesse and the body so dissolued wil at length arise with the white soule and then one will bee mingled with the other and they will embrace one another so that they shall no more be diuided asunder and then the spirit is vnited to the body with a reall accord and are made one permanent thing and this is the solution of the body and the Coagulation of the spirit which haue one and the selfe same operation Hee therefore that knoweth how to mary to make with childe to mortifie to putrifie to engender to quicken the species to bring in the white light and to clense the vulture from his blacknesse and darknesse vntill he be purged by fire coloured and purified from all his spots shall bee the owner of so great dignity that Kings shall reuerence him and doe him honour Wherefore let our body abide in the water vntill such time as it be loosed into a new powder in the bottome of the vessell and of the water which is called the blacke ashes and this is the corruption of the body which is by wise men called Saturne Leton or Brasse the Phylosophers Lead and the discontinued powder And in this putrifaction and resolution of the Body there appeare three signes to wit the blacke colour the discontinuity of the parts and a stinking smell which is likened to the smel of sepulchres or graues This ashes then is that of which the Phylosophers haue said so much which remained in the lower part of the vessell which wee ought not to despise for in it is the Diademe of our King and the Argent viue blacke and vncleane from whence the blacknesse must be purged by continuall decoction in our water vntill it be lifted vp in a white colour which is called the Goose and the Poulet of Hermogenes He therefore that maketh the red Earth blacke and then white hath the Maistery as also hee that killeth the liuing and quickeneth the dead therefore make the blacke white and the white red that thou mayest make the worke perfect and when thou seest the true whitenesse appeare which shineth like a naked Sword know that in that whitenesse is rednesse hidden and then thou must not take out of the vessell that whitenesse but onely boyle it to the end that with drinesse and heate there may come vpon it a Citrine colour and in the end a most shining and sparkling red which when thou seest with great feare and trembling praise the most good and most great God which giueth wisedome and by consequence riches vnto whom he pleaseth and according to the iniquity of the Persons taketh them away againe and depriueth them of them for euer plunging them in the seruitude and slauery of their enemies To him be praise and glory for euer and euer Amen FINIS THE EPISTLE Of IOHN PONTANVS mentioned in the Preface to the Reader of ARTEPHIVS his secret Booke wherein he beareth witnesse of the BOOKE Translated out of the Latine Copy Extant in the third Volume of Theatrum Chymicum at the 775. Page I Iohn Pontanus haue traueiled thorow many Countries that I might know some certainty of the Philosophers Stone and going thorow as it were all the world I found many false deceiuers but no true Philosophers yet continually studying and making many doubts at the length I found the trueth But when I knew the matter in generall I yet erred two hundred times before I could attaine to the true matter with the operation and practise thereof First I begunne to worke with the matter by putrefaction nine moneths together and I found nothing Then I put it into Balneum Mariae for a certaine time and therein I likewise erred Afterwards I put it in the fire of calcination for three moneths space and I wrought amisse I tryed all kinds of distillations and sublimations as the Philosophers Giber Archelaus and all the rest either say or seeme to say and I found nothing In summe I assayed to perfect the Subiect of the whole Art of Alchimy by all meanes possible to be deuised as by Dung Bathes Ashes
enuenomed head of a Serpent and Babylonian Dragon The cause why I haue painted these two Spermes in the forme of Dragons is because their stinch is exceeding great and like the stinch of them and the exhalations which arise within the glasse are darke blacke blew and yellowish like as these two Dragons are painted the force of which and of the bodies dissolued is so venomous that truely there is not in the world a ranker poyson for it is able by the force and stench thereof to mortifie and kill euery thing liuing The Philosopher neuer feeles this stinch if he breake not his vessels but only he iudgeth it to be such by the sight and the changing of colo●rs proceeding from the rottennesse of his confections These colours then signifie the putrefaction and generation which is giuen vs by the biting and dissolution of our perfect bodies which dissolution proceedeth from externall heate ayding and from the Pontique fierienesse and admirable sharpe vertue of the poyson of our Mercurie which maketh and resolueth into a pure cloud that is into impalpable powder all that which it finds to resist it So the heate working vpon and against the radicall mettallicke viscous or oylie moisture ingendereth vpon the subiect blackenesse For at the same time the Matter is dissolued is corrupted groweth blacke and conceiueth to ingender for all corruption is generation and therefore ought blacknesse to be much desired for that is the blacke saile with the which the Ship of Theseus came back victorious frō Crete which was the cause of the death of his Father so must this father die to the intent that from the ashes of this Phoenix another may spring and that the sonne may bee King Assuredly hee that seeth not this blackenesse at the beginning of his operations during the dayes of the Stone what other colour soeuer he see hee shall altogether fayle in the Maisterie and can doe no more with that Chaos for hee workes not well if hee putrifie not because if he doe not putrifie hee doeth not corrupt nor ingender and by consequent the Stone cannot take vegetatiue life to increase and multiply And in all truth I tell thee againe that though thou work vpon the true matter if at the beginning after thou hast put thy Confections in the Philosophers Egge that is to say sometime after the fire haue stirred them vp if then I say thou seest not this head of the Crow the blacke of the blackest blacke thou must begin againe for this fault is irreparable and not to be amended especially the Orange colour or halfe red is to be feared for if at the beg●nning thou see that in thine Egge without doubt thou burnest or hast burnt the verdure and iuelinesse of thy Stone The colour which thou must haue ought to bee intirely perfected in Blacknesse like to that of these Dragons in the space of fortie dayes Let them therefore which shall not haue these essentiall markes retire themselues betimes from their operations that they may redeeme themselues from assured losse Know also and note it well that in this Art it is but nothing to haue this blacknesse there is nothing more easie to come by for from almost all things in the world mixed with moysture thou mayest haue a blacknesse by the fire but thou must haue a blacknesse which comes of the perfect Mettallicke bodies which lasts a long space of time and is not destroyed in lesse than fiue moneths after the which followeth immediately the desired whitenesse If thou hast this thou hast enough but not all As for the colour blewish and yellowish that signifieth that Solution and Putrefaction is not yet finished and that the colours of our Mercury are not as yet well mingled and rotten with the rest Then this blacknesse and these colours teach plainly that in this beginning the matter and compound begins to rotte and dissolue into powder lesse than the Atomes of the Sunne the which afterwards are changed into coator permanent And this dissolution is by the enuious Philosophers called Death Destruction and Perdition because that the natures change their forme and from hence are proceeded so many Allegories of dead men tombes and sepulchres Others haue called it Calcination Denudation Separation Erituration and Assation because the Confections are changed and reduced into most small pieces and parts Others haue called it Reduction into the first matter Mollification Extraction Commixtion Liquefaction Conuersion of Elements Subtiliation Diuision Humation Impastation and Distillation because that the Confections are melted brought backe into s●ed softned and circulated within the glasse Others haue called it Xir or Iris Putrefaction Corruption Cymmerian darkenesse a gulfe Hell Dragons Generation Ingression Submersion Complection Coniunction and impregnation because that the matter is black waterish and that the natures are perfectly mingled and hold one of another For when the heate of the Sunne worketh vpon them they are changed first into powder or fat and glutinous water which feeling the heate flyeth on high to the Poulets head with the smoake that is to say with the wind and ayre from thence this water melted and drawne out of the confections goeth downe againe and in descending reduceth and resolueth as much as it can the rest of the Aromatical confections alwayes doing so vntill the whole bee like a blacke broath somewhat fat Now you see why they call this sublimation and volatization because it flyeth on high and Ascension and Descension because it mounteth descendeth within the glasse A while after the water beginneth to thicken and coagulate somewhat more growing very blacke like vnto pitch and finally comes the Body and earth which the enuious haue called Terra foetida that is stinking earth for then because of the perfect putrefaction which is as naturall as any other can be this earth stincks and giues a smell like the odour of graues filled with rottennesse and with bodies as yet charged with their naturall moysture This earth was by Hermes called Terra foliata or the Earth of leaues yet his true proper name is Leton which must afterward bee whitened The Ancient Sages that were Cabalists haue described it in their Metamorphoses vnder the History of the Serpent of Mars which had deuoured the companions of Cadmus who shew him percing him with his lance against a hollow Oake Note this Oake CHAP. IIII. Of the man and the woman clothed in a gowne of Orange colour vpon a field azure and blew and of their rowles THe man painted here doth expresly resemble my selfe to the naturall as the woman doth liuely figure Perrenelle The cause why wee are painted to the life is not particular to this purpose for it needed but to represent a male and a female to the which our two particular resemblance was not necessarily required but it pleased the Painter to put vs there iust as hee hath done higher in this Arch at the feet of the Figure of Saint Paul and Saint Peter according
of Aristeus Horror holds vs in prison by the space of fourescore dayes in the darknesse of the waters in the extreme heate of the Summer and in the troubles of the Sea All which things ought first to passe before our King can become white comming from death to life to ouercome afterwards all his enemies To make thee vnderstand yet somewhat better this Albification which is harder and more difficult then all the rest for till that time thou mayest erre at euery steppe but afterwards thou canst not except thou break thy vessels I haue also made for thee this Table following CHAP. V. The figure of a man like that of Saint Paul cloathed with a robe white and yellow bordered with gold holding a naked Sword hauing at his feet a man on his knees clad in a robe of orange colour blacke and white holding a roule MArke well this man in the forme of Saint Paul cloathed in a robe entirely of a yellowish white If thou consider him well he turnes his body in such a posture as shewes that he would take the naked Sword either to cut off the head or to doe some other thing to that man which is on his knees at his feete cloathed in a robe of orange colour white and blacke which saith in his roule DELE MALA QVAE FECI that is Blot out all the euill which I haue done as if hee should say TOLLE NIGREDINEM Take away from me my blacknesse A term of Art for Euill signifieth in the Allegory Blacknesse as it is often found in Turba Phylosophorum Seethe it vntill it come to blackenesse which will be thought Euill But wouldest thou know what is meant by this man that taketh the Sword It signifies that thou must cut off the head of the Crow that is to say of the man cloathed in diuers Colours which is on his knees I haue taken this pourtraict and figure out of Hermes Trismegistus in his Booke of the Secret Art where he saith Take away the head of this blacke man cut off the head of the Crow that is to say Whiten our blacke Lambspringk that noble Germane hath also vsed it in the Commentary of his Hieroglyphicks saying In this wood there is a Beast all couered with black if any man cut off his head he will loose his blacknesse and put on a most white colour Will you vnderstand what that is The blacknesse is called the head of the Crow the which being taken away at the instant comes the white colour Then that is to say when the Cloud appeares no more this body is said to bee without an head These are his proper words In the same sence the Sages haue also said in other places Take the Viper which is called De rexa cut off his head c. that is to say Take away from him his blacknesse They haue also vsed this Periphrasis when to signifie the multiplication of the Stone they haue fained a Serpent Hydra whereof if one cur off one head there will spring in the place thereof ten for the stone augments tenfold euery time that they cut off this head of the Crow that they make it blacke and afterwards white that is to say that they dissolue it anew and afterward coagulate it againe Marke how this naked Sword is wreathed about with a blacke girdle and that the ends thereof are not so wreathed at all This naked shining Sword is the stone for the white or the white stone so often by the Phylosophers described vnder this forme To come then to this perfect and sparkling whitenesse thou must vnderstand the wreathings of this blacke girdle and follow that which they teach which is the quantity of the imbitions The two ends which are not wreathed about at all represent the beginning and the ending for the beginning it teacheth that you must imbibe it at the first time gently and scarcely giuing it then a little milke as to a little Child new borne to the intent that Isir as the Authors say be not drowned The like must we doe at the end when wee see that our King is full and will haue no more The middle of these operations is painted by the fiue whole wreathes or rounds of the blacke girdle at what time because our Salamander liues of the fire and in the middest of the fire and ind●ed is a fire and an Argent viue or quicksiluer that runnes in the middest of the fire fearing nothing thou must giue him abundantly in such sort that the Virgins milke compasse all the matter round about I haue made to be painted blacke all these wreaths or rounds of the girdle because these are the imbibitions and by consequent blacknesses for the fire with the moisture as it hath been often said causeth blackenesse And as these fiue whole wreathes or rounds shew that you must doe this fiue times wholly so likewise they let you know that you must doe this in fiue whole moneths a moneth to euery imbibition See here the reason why Haly Abenragel said The Coction or boiling of the things is done in three times fifty dayes It is true that if thou count these little imbibitions at the beginning and at the end there are seuen Whereupon one of the most enuious hath said Our head of the Crow is leprous and therefore he that would clense it hee must make it goe downe seuen times into the Riuer of regeneration of Iordan as the Prophet commanded the leprous Naaman the Syrian Comprehending herein the beginning which is but of a few dayes the middle and the end which is also very short I haue then giuen thee this Table to tell thee that thou must whiten my body which is vpon the World is deceiued This operation is indeed a Labyrinth for here there present themselues a thousand wayes at the same instant besides that thou must goe to the end of it directly contrary to the beginning in coagulating that which before thou dissoluedst and in making earth that which before thou madest water When thou hast made it white then hast thou ouercome the enchanted Bulles that cast fire and smoake out of their nostrils Hercules hath clensed the stable full of ordure of rottennesse and of blackenesse Iason hath powred the decoction or broath vpon the Dragons of Colchos and thou hast in thy power the horne of Amalthaea which although it bee white may fill thee all the rest of thy life with glory honour and riches To haue the which it hath behooued thee to fight valiantly and in manner of an Hercules for this Achelous this moist riuer is indewed with a most mighty force besides that hee often transfigures himselfe from one forme to another Thus hast thou done all because the rest is without difficultie These transfigurations are particularly described in the Booke of the seuen Egyptian seales where it is said as also by all Authors that the Stone before it will wholly forsake his blackenesse and become white in the fashion
Stone In this operation of rubifying although thou doe imbibe thou shalt not haue much blacke but of violet blew and of the colour of the Peacocks taile For our Stone is so triumphant in drynesse that assoone as thy Mercury toucheth it the nature thereof reioycing in his like nature it is ioyned vnto it and drinketh it greedily and therefore the blacke that comes of moysture can shew it selfe but a little and that vnder these colours violet and blew because that drynesse as is said doth by and by gouerne absolutely I haue also made to be painted for thee these two Angels with wings to represent vnto thee that the two substances of thy confections the Mercuriall and the sulphurous substance the fixed as well as the volatile being perfectly fixed together do also flie together within thy vessell for in this operation the fixed body wil gently mount to heauen being all spirituall and from thence it will descend vnto the earth and whethersoeuer thou wilt following euery where the Spirit which is alwayes mooued vpon the fire Inasmuch as they are made one selfe same nature and the compound is all spirituall and the spirituall all corporall so much hath it beene subtilized vpon our Marble by the precedent operations The natures then are heere transmuted into Angels that is to say are made spirituall and most subtle so are they now the true tinctures Now remember thee to begin the rubifying by the apposition of Mercury Citrine red but thou must not powre on much and onely once or twice according as thou shalt see occasion for this operation ought to bee done by a dry fire and by a dry sublimation and calcination And truely I tell thee heere a secret which thou shalt very seldome finde written so farre am I from being enuious that would to God euery man knew how to make gold to his owne will that they might liue and leade foorth to pasture their faire flocks without Vsury or going to Law in imitation of the holy Patriarkes vsing onely as our first Fathers did to exchange one thing for another and yet to haue that they must labour as well as now Howbeit for feare to offend God and to be the instrument of such a change which peraduenture would prooue euill I must take heed to represent or write where it is that wee hide the keyes which can open all the doores of the secrets of nature or to open or cast vp the earth in that place contenting my selfe to shew the things which will teach euery one to whom God shall giue permission to know what property the signe of the Balance or Libra hath when it is inlightened by the Sunne and Mercury in the moneth of October These Angels are painted of an orange colour to let thee know that thy white confections haue beene a little more digested or boyled and that the blacke of the violet and blew hath beene already chased away by the fire for this orange colour is compounded of the faire golden Citrine red which thou hast so long waited for and of the remainder of this violet and blew which thou hast already in part banished and vndone Furthermore this orange colour sheweth that the natures are digested and by little and little perfected by the grace of God As for their Rowle which saith SVRGITE MORTVI VENITE AD IVDICIVM DOMINI MEI that is Arise you dead and come vnto the iudgement of God my Lord I haue made it be put there onely for the Theologicall sence rather than any other It ends in the throate of a Lyon which is all red to teach that this operation must not bee discontinued vntill they see the true red purple wholly like vnto the Poppey of the Hermitage and the vermillion of the painted Lyon sauing for multiplying CHAP. VIII The figure of a man like vnto Saint Peter cloathed in a robe Citrine red holding a key in his right hand and laying his left hand vpon a woman in an orange coloured robe which is on her knees at his feete holding a Rowle LOoke vpon this woman clothed in a robe of orange colour which doth so naturally resemble Pe●●enelle as she was in her youth Shee is painted in the fashion of a suppliant vpon her knees her hands ioyned together at the feete of a man which hath a key in his right hand which heares her graciously and afterwards stretcheth out his left hand vpon her Wouldest thou know what this meaneth This is the Stone which in this operation demandeth two things of the Mercury of the Sunne of the Philosophers painted vnder the forme of a man that is to say Multiplication and a more rich Accoustrement which at this time it is needfull for her to obtaine and therefore the man so laying his hand vpon her shoulder accords grants it vnto her But why haue I made to bee painted a woman I could as well haue made to bee painted a man as a woman or an Angell rather for the whole natures are now spirituall and corporall masculine and foeminine But I haue rather chosen to cause paint a woman to the end that thou mayest iudge that shee demaunds rather this than any other thing because these are the most naturall and proper desires of a woman To shew further vnto thee that shee demandeth Multiplication I haue made paint the man vnto whom shee addresseth her prayers in the forme of Saint Peter holding a key hauing power to open and to shut to binde and to loose because the enuious Phylosophers haue neuer spoken of Multiplication but vnder these common termes of Art APERI CLAVDE SOLVE = LIGA that is Open shut binde loose opening and loosing they haue called the making of the Body which is alwayes hard and fixt soft fluid and running like water To shut and to bind is with them afterwards by a more strong decoction to coagulate it and to bring it backe againe into the forme of a body It behoued mee then in this place to represent a man with a key to teach thee that thou must now open and shut that is to say Multiply the budding and encreasing natures for look how often thou shalt dissolue and fixe so often will these natures multiply in quantity quality and vertue according to the multiplication of ten comming from this number to an hundred from an hundred to a thousand from a thousand to ten thousand from ten thousand to an hundred thousand from an hundred thousand to a million and from thence by the same operation to Infinity as I haue done three times praised be God And when thy Elixir is so brought vnto Infinity one graine thereof falling vpon a quantity of molten mettall as deepe and vaste as the Ocean it will teine it and conuert it into most perfect mettall that is to say into siluer or gold according as it shall haue been imbibed and fermented expelling driuing out farre from himself all the impure and strange matter which was ioyned with the
there any other water which can dissolue the Bodies but that which abideth with them in matter and forme nay it cannot be permanent except it bee of the nature of the other body that they may be made one together Therefore when thou seest the water coagulate it selfe with the Bodies that bee dissolued therein rest assured that thy Science Methode and operations are true and Phylosophicall and that thou proceedest aright in the Art Nature then is amended in its like nature that is Gold and Siluer are amended in our water as our water also with the Bodies which water is called the meane of the Soule without the which wee can doe nothing in this Art and it is the vegetable animall and minerall fire preseruing the fixed spirits of the Sunne and Moone the destroyer and the Conquerour of Bodies because it destroyes dissolues and changeth Bodies and mettallick formes and makes them to bee no Bodies but a fixed spirit and turneth them into a moist soft and fluid substance which hath ingression and power to enter into other imperfect Bodies and to be mixed with them by the smallest parts and to colour them and make them perfect which they could not doe when they were Mettallicke bodies dry hard which haue no entrance nor power to colour and make perfect imperfect Bodies And therefore to good purpose doe wee turne the bodies into a fluid substance because euery tincture will colour a thousand times more when it is in a soft and liquid substance then when it is in a dry one as appeares by Saffron and consequently the transmutation of imperfect Bodies is impossible to be done by perfect Bodies while they are dry except they bee first brought backe into their first matter soft and fluid from hence wee conclude that we must make the Moisture returne and so reueale that which is hidden which is called the reincrudation or the making raw againe of the Bodies that is the boyling and the softening them vntill they bee depriued of their hard and dry corporality or bodilynesse because that which is dry doth not enter nor colour any more then it selfe Therefore the dry Earthly Body doth not teine except it be teined because as is aboue-said that which is thicke and Earthy entreth not nor coloureth and because it entreth not therefore it alters not wherefore Gold coloureth not vntill the hidden spirit be drawne from the belly thereof by our white water and that it be made altogether a spirituall and white fume the white spirit and the wonderfull soule Wherefore wee ought by our water to attenuate alter and soften the perfect Bodies that they may afterward be mixed with the other imperfect Bodies And therefore if wee had no other profit by that Antimoniall water then this that it makes the Bodies subtile soft and fluid according to his owne nature yet it were sufficient for vs for it brings backe the Bodies to their first originall of Sulphur and Mercury that of these we may afterwards in a short time in lesse then one houre of the day doe that aboue ground which Nature wrought vnder ground in the mines of the Earth in a thousand yeeres which is as it were miraculous And therefore our finall secret is by our water to make the Bodies volatile spirituall and a teining water which hath ingression or entrance into the other Bodies for it makes the Bodies to be a very spirit because it doth incerate that is bring to the temper and consistence of waxe the hard and dry Bodies and prepares them to fusion that is turnes them into a permanent or abiding water It makes then of the Bodies a most precious blessed Oyle which is the true tincture and the white permanent water of nature hot moist temperate subtile and fusible as waxe which pierceth reacheth to the bottome coloureth maketh perfect Therefore our water doth incontinently dissolue gold and siluer and maketh them an incombustible Oyle which may then be mixed with other imperfect Bodies for our water turnes the Bodies into the nature of a fusible salt which is by the Phylosophers called Sal Albroe which is the best and the noblest of all salts being in the regiment thereof fixed and not flying the fire and it is indeed an oyle of a nature hot subtile penetrating reaching to the depth and entring called the compleat Elixir and it is the hidden secret of the wise Alchimists Hee therefore that knoweth this salt of the Sunne and Moone and the generation or preparation thereof and afterwards how to mixe it and make it friendly to the other imperfect bodies hee in truth knoweth one of the greatest secrets of Nature and one way of perfection These Bodies thus dissolued by our water are called Argent viue which is not without Sulphur nor Sulphur without the nature of the Luminaries or lights because that the Lights the Sunne and Moone are the principall meanes or middle things in the forme by which Nature passeth in the perfecting and accomplishing the generation thereof And this Quick-siluer is called the Salt honoured and animated and pregnant or great with Childe and fire seeing that it is nothing but fire nor fire but Sulphur nor Sulphur but quicke-siluer drawne from the Sunne and Moon by our water and reduced to a stone of great price that is to say it is the matter of the Lights altered from basenesse vnto noblenesse Note that this white Sulphur is the Father of Mettals and their Mother together it is our Mercury and the Minera of Gold and the Soule and the ferment and the minerall vertue and the liuing Body and the perfect Medicine our Sulphur and our Quick-siluer that is Sulphur of Sulphur and Quick-siluer of Quick-siluer and Mercury of Mercury The property therefore of our water is that it melteth gold and siluer and augments in them their natiue colour for it turnes the Bodies from Corporality into Spirituality and this water it is which sends into the Body a white fume which is the white soule subtile hot and of much fierinesse This water is also called the bloudy stone and it is the vertue of the spirituall bloud without which nothing is done the subiect of all liquable things and of liquefaction which agrees very well and cleaueth to the Sunne and the Moone neither is it euer separated from them for it is of kinne to the Sunne and to the Moone but more to the Sun then to the Moone Note this well It is also called the mean of conioyning the tinctures of the Sunne and Moone with imperfect Mettals for it turnes the Bodies into a true tincture to teine the other imperfect Mettals and it is the water which whiteneth as it is white which quickeneth as it is a soule and therefore as the Phylosopher saith soone entreth into its body For it is a liuing water which commeth to moisten its earth that it may budde and bring forth fruit in his time as all things springing from the Earth are engendred
by the dew or moisture The Earth therefore buddeth not without watring and moisture It is the water of May-dew that clenseth the Bodies that pierceth them like raine water whiteneth them and maketh one new Body of two Bodies This water of life being rightly ordered with his Body whiteneth it turneth it into his white colour for the water is a white fume and therefore the Body is whitened by it whiten the Body then and burne thy Bookes And between these two that is betweene the Body and the water there is friendship desire and lust as betweene the male and the foemale because of the neerenesse of their like natures for our second liuing water is called Azot washing the Leton that is the Body compounded of the Sunne and Moon by our first water This second water is also called the soule of our dissolued Bodies of which Bodies wee haue already tyed the soules together to the end that they may serue the wise Phylosophers O how perfect and magnificent is this water for without it the worke could neuer bee brought to passe It is also called the vessell of Nature the belly the wombe the receptacle of the tincture the Earth and the Nurse It is the Fountaine in which the King and Queene wash themselues and the Mother which must be put and sealed in the belly of her Infant that is the Sun which proceeded from her and which shee brought forth and therefore they loue one another as a Mother and a Sonne and are easily ioyned together because they came from one the same roote and are of the same substance and nature And because this water is the water of the vegetable life therefore it giueth life and maketh the dead body to vegetate encrease spring forth and to rise from death to life by solution and sublimation and in so doing the Body is turned into a spirit and the spirit into a body and then is made amity peace concord and vnion between the contraries that is betweene the Body and the spirit which reciprocally change their natures which they receiue and communicate to one another by the least parts so that the hot is mixed with the cold the dry with the moist and the hard with the soft and thus is there a mixture made of contrary natures that is of cold with hot and of moist with dry an admirable connexion coniunction of enemies Then our dissolution of bodies which is made in this first water is no other thing then a killing of the moist with the dry because the moist is coagulated with the dry for the moisture is contained terminated and coagulated into a Body or into Earth onely by drinesse Let therefore the hard and dry bodies be put in our first water in a vessell well shut where they may abide vntill they be dissolued and ascend on high and then they may bee called a new Body the white gold of Alchimy the white stone the white Sulphur not burning and the stone of Paradice that is the stone which conuerts imperfect Mettals into fine white siluer Hauing this we haue also the Body Soule and Spirit all together of the which spirit and soule it is said that they cannot be drawn from the perfect Bodies but by the coniunction of our dissoluing water because it is certaine that the thing fixed cannot belifted vp but by the coniunction of the thing volatile The spirit then by the mediation of water and the soule is drawne from the Bodies and the Body is made no Body because at the same instant the spirit with the soule of the Bodies mounteth on high into the vpper part which is the perfection of the stone and is called sublimation This sublimation saith Florentius Catalanus is done by things sharpe spirituall and volatile which are of a sulphurous and viscous nature which dissolue the Bodies and make them to be lifted vp into the Ayre in the spirit And in this sublimation a certaine part and portion of our said first water ascendeth with the Bodies ioyning it selfe to them ascending and subliming into a middle substance which holdeth of the nature of the two that is of the Bodies and of the water and therefore it is called the Corporall spirituall compound Corsufle Cambdr Ethelia Zandarach the good Duenech but properly it is onely called the water permanent because it flyeth not in the fire alwayes adhering to the commixed Bodies that is to the Sunne and Moone and communicating vnto them a liuing tincture incombustible and most firme more noble and precious then the former which these bodies had because from hence-forward this tincture can run as oyle vpon the bodies perforating and piercing with a wonderfull fixion because this Tincture is the spirit and the spirit is the soule and the soule is the body because in this operation the body is made a spirit of a most subtile nature and likewise the spirit is incorporated and is made of the nature of a body with bodies and so our stone contains a body a soule and a spirit O Nature how thou changest the body into a spirit which thou couldst not doe if the spirit were not incorporated with the bodies and the bodies with the spirits made volatile or flying and afterward permanent or abiding Therefore they haue passed into one another and are turned the one into the other by wisdome O wisdome how thou makest Gold to be volatile and fugitiue although by nature it be most fixed It behoueth therefore to dissolue and melt these Bodies by our water and to make them a permanent water a golden water sublimed leauing in the bottom the grosse earthly and superfluous dry And in this sublimation the fire ought to be soft and gentle for if in this sublimation the Bodies bee not purified in a lent or slow fire and the grosser earthly parts note well separated from the vncleannesse of the dead thou shalt be hindred from euer making thy worke perfect for thou needest onely this subtile and light nature of the dissolued Bodies which our water will easily giue thee if thou proceed with a slow fire for it will separate the Heterogeneall or that which is of another kinde from the Homogeneall or that which is all of one kinde Our compound therefore receiueth mundification or clensing by our moist fire that is to say dissoluing and subliming that which is pure and white and casting aside the foeces like a voluntary vomit saith Azinaban For in such a dissolution and naturall sublimation there is made a loosing or an vntying of the Elements a clensing and a separation of the pure from the impure so that the pure and white ascendeth vpward and the impure and earthly fixed remaines in the bottome of the water or the vessell which must be taken a way and remooued because it is of no value taking onely the middle white substance flowing and melting and leauing the foeculent earth which remained below in the bottome which came principally from the
it is that most gentle heate which proceeding from the temperate vapour of the lampe goeth equally round about the vessell This fire is not violent if it be not too much stirred vp it is digesting a tering it is taken from another Body then the matter it is but one or alone it is moist and innaturall c. The third is the naturall fire of our water which for this cause is also called fire against nature because it is water and yet neuerthelesse it makes a meere spirit of Gold which common fire cannot doe this fire is minerall equall and partakes of Sulphur it breakes congeales dissolues and calcines all this is piercing subtile not burning and it is the Fountaine of liuing water wherein the King and Queen bathe themselues whereof wee haue neede in the whole worke in the beginning middle and ending but the other two abouesaid wee doe not alwayes need but onely sometimes Ioyne therefore in the reading the Bookes of Phylosophers these three sorts of fire and without doubt thou shalt vnderstand all their cauillations concerning their fires As touching the Colours hee that doth not make blacke cannot make white because blacknesse is the beginning of whitenesse and a signe of putrifaction and alteration and that the Body is now pierced and mortified Therefore in the putrifaction in this water there first appeares blackenesse like vnto the broth wherein bloud or some bloudy thing is boyled Secondly the blacke Earth by continuall decoction is whitened because the soule of the two bodies swimmes aloft vpon the water like white creame and in this onely whitenesse all the spirits are so vnited that they can neuer fly from one another And therefore the Leton must be whitened and teare the Bookes least our hearts be broken for this intire whitenesse is the true stone to the white and the body ennobled by the necessity of his end and the tincture of whitenesse of a most exuberant reflexion and shining brightnesse which being mixed with a Body neuer ●●parteth from it Here then note that the spirits are not fixed but in the white colour which by consequent is more noble then the other colours and ought more earnestly to be desired considering it is as it were the complement perfection of the whole worke For our Earth is first putrified in blacknesse then it is clensed in the eleuation or lifting vp afterwards being dryed the blacknesse departeth and then it is whitened and the darke moist dominion of the woman perisheth and then the white fume pierceth into the new Body and the spirits are shut vp or bound together in drinesse and that which is corrupting deformed and blacke with moisture vanisheth and then the new Body riseth againe cleere white and immortall getting the victory oueral his enemies And as heate working vpon that which is moist causeth or engendreth blackenesse which is the first colour so by decoction euer more and more heate working vpon that which is dry begetteth whitenesse which is the second colour and afterward working vpon that which is purely perfectly dry it causeth citrinity and rednesse and so much concerning the Colours We must therefore vnderstand that the thing which hath the head red and white the feete white and afterwards red and yet before that the eyes blacke this onely thing is our maistery dissolue then the Sun and the Moone in our dissoluing water which is familiar friendly and of the next nature vnto them which is likewise to them sweete and pleasant and as it were a wombe a mother an Originall the beginning and the end of life and that is the reason why they are amended in this water because Nature reioyceth in Nature and Nature containes Nature and in true Mariage they are ioyned together and made one nature one new body raised vp and immortall And thus we must ioyne consanguinity with Consanguinity and then these natures will meete and follow one another putrifie themselues engender themselues and make one another reioyce because Nature is gouerned by Nature which is neerest and most friendly to it Our water then saith Danthin is the most pleasant faire and cleere Fountaine prepared onely for the King Queene whom it knoweth very well and they know it for it drawes them to it selfe and they abide therein to wash themselues two or three dayes that is two or three moneths and it maketh them young againe faire And because the Sunne and Moone haue their Originall from this water their Mother therefore it behoueth that they enter againe into their Mothers wombe that they may be borne againe and be made more strong more noble and more valiant And therefore if these doe not die and be not turned into water they remain alone and without fruite but if they die and be resolued in our water they bring fruit an hundreth fold and from that very place where it seemed they had lost what they were from thence shall they appeare that which they were not before Let therefore the spirit of our liuing water be with great wit and subtilty fixed with the Sunne and the Moone because they being turned into the nature of water doe dye seeme like vnto the dead yet afterward being inspired from thence they liue encrease and multiply like all other vegetable things It is enough then to dispose the matter sufficiently from without for from within it selfe doth work sufficiently to its owne perfection For it hath in it selfe a certaine and inhaerent motion according to the true way better then any order that can be imagined by man And therefore doe thou onely prepare and Nature will perfect for if shee bee not hindered by the contrary shee wil not passe her owne certaine motion as well to conceiue as to bring forth Wherefore after the preparation of the matter take heede onely least by too much fire thou make the bath too hot Secondly take heed least the spirit doe exhale because it would hurt him that worketh that is to say it would destroy the worke and cause many infirmities that is much sadnesse and anger From this that hath beene spoken is drawne this Axiome to wit that by the course of nature he doth not know the making of Mettals that knoweth not the destruction of them It behoueth then to ioyne together them that are of kindred for Natures doe finde their like natures and being putrified are mixed together and mortifie themselues It is necessary therefore to know this corruption and generation and how the Natures doe imbrace one another and are pacified in a slow fire how Nature reioyceth in Nature and nature retaines nature and turnes it into a white nature After this if thou wilt make it red thou must boyle this white in a dry continuall fire vntill it bee as red as blood which will bee nothing else but fire and a true tincture And so by a continuall dry fire the whitenesse is changed amended perfected made Citrine and acquireth rednesse a true fixed colour And