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A66823 The abridgment of Christian divinitie so exactly and methodically compiled that it leads us as it were by the hand to the reading of the Holy Scriptures, ordering of common-places, understanding of controversies, clearing of some cases of conscience / by John Wollebius ; faithfully translated into English ... by Alexander Ross.; Christianae theologiae compendium. English. 1660 Wolleb, Johannes, 1586-1629. 1660 (1660) Wing W3256; ESTC R29273 215,518 472

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blessed 2. For the production of this visible world which was not altogether destitute of form but of perfection separation and beauty which by degrees then it received 3. For sending in of the primitive Light which was neither the Elementary fire nor a bright Cloud nor any other body but a Quality sent into the air by God who is that inaccessible light This created quality of Light was afterward the fourth day placed in the Stars IX The second day the Firmament was created or the Aerial heaven which by its lower part separates the waters above that is the ●louds from the waters beneath that is the Sea X. The third day God 1. separated the inferior waters which as yet covered the earth and gathered them into certain channels that the rest of the earth called dry land might afford a commodious habitation for man and beast 2. He gave to the earth a fructifying power to produce herbs and plants without the h●lp of seed or sun XI The fourth day the Stars and great Luminaries w●re placed in heaven whose motion proceedeth not from a soul or any assistant intelligence as the Philosophers affirm but from that power which God gave them in the beginning no otherways than the earth by its innate power stands immovable XII There is a threefold use of the Stars 1. To distinguish the day night 2. To note the times seasons of the year 3. To impart their vertue to inferior bodies XIII The fifth day were made the Birds Fishes and creeping things XIV The sixth day after the earthly Creatures were produced and this whole Vniverse as a large house was furnished with all kinde of furniture Man at last was created Of all these Creatures Men Angels are chiefly considered in Divinity because on them God bestowed his Image The RULES 1. Although the whole World be the Looking-glass of Gods power wisdom and bounty yet properly Gods Image is attributed to Angels and Men onely 2. Gods Image doth partly consist in natural gifts to wit in the invisible and simple substance of Angels and Mens souls in their life understanding will and immortality partly in supernatural gifts to wit in their primitive blessednesse in the uprightness of their intellect will in their majesty dominion over the other creatures Angels are intelligent Creatures void of bodies The RULES I Angels are not accidents nor qualities but true substances II Angels are void of bodies and are not subject to destruction III. The bodies in which the Angels appeared were not meer apparitions nor yet united to them hypostatically but were freely assumed to perform some service in IV. Angels are in a place not by way of circumscription but by way of definition V. Angels cannot be together in many places VI Angels truly move from place to place Man is a creature whose body originally was formed of earth but afterwards is propagated of seed by traduction consisting of a reasonable soul infused into him by God immediately Here we disallow not the Philosophers definition by which they call man a reasonable creature but we describe man in the Divinity-School more fitly for our purpose as we have now described him The RULES I. There 's a threefold miraculous production of mans body mentioned in Scripture the first was of the dust of the earth without Father and Mother the second production was out of Adam's rib without a Mother the third was of the blood of the Virgin without a Father II. The soul of man is not propagated of seed by traduction but is immediately created by God and infused into the body Of mans creation Moses writes thus Gen. 2. ver 7. The Lord breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. In this place three things are mentioned 1. The immediate Creation of the soul for it is call'd the breath of God 2. His breathing for he saith He breathed into his nostrils 3. The personal union of body and soul in these words And he was made a living soul metonymically that is a living sensitive creature But that the souls now are immediately created by God infused into the body is proved by these subsequent Reasons 1. Because otherwayes our souls should have another original than Adam's had for ours must proceed of some pre-excistent matter where as Adam's proceeded of none Neither will that objection hold concerning the d●fferent way or reason of generation and creation for nothing is generated of matter but what in the beginning was created of matter 2. Because the soul of Christ was not formed of seed by traduction for he was conceived not by the the help of man but by the operation of the holy Ghost of the blessed Virgins blood 3. Because the Scripture when it speaks of the original of our souls it speaks as of a work of Creation not of nature Iob. 33.4 The spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life Zac. 12.1 The Lord stretcheth out the heavens and layeth the foundation of the earth and formeth the spirit of man within him where it is plain that this is reckoned among the works of Creation 4. Such is mans generation as his dissolution is but mans dissolution is that his body returns to dust and his spirit to God that gave it Eccl. 127. VVhereas then in mans dissolution the spirit returns immediatly to God doubtless it was immediatly formed by him 5 Because the Scripture doth plainly distinguish between the parts of bodies spirits Heb. 12.9.6 Because the soul is indivisible into parts therefore cannot be produced but of nothing 7. Because if it were generated by traduction either it must be generated of a soul or of a body or of a soul and body together but it is not generated of a soul because of that which is incorruptible nothing can be generated not of a body because it is not corporeal not of a body and soul together because so it should be partly corporeal partly incorporeal seeing then it is produced of nothing it must be produced by God alone whose alone property it is to make things of nothing III. These physical Axiomes like begets like and Man begets man remaine true also in this case both because man begets man a person begets a person as also because by the work of the Parents the body is begot as it were the subject of the soul and so is united to the soul which is infused by God and thus the whole man is brought into this World by generation 'T is true that man is the efficient cause of man but not according to all his parts for as he is said to kill a man that kills only his body so man is said to beget man though he begets not the soul. Neither again is man in this respect nobler than other living creatures whereas rather for this very cause mans generation is more excellent in that Gods immediate operation concurs
Commandment and that of Constance sacrilegiously robs the people of the Cup in the Lords Supper CHAP. XXVII Of the False Church THus in two Chapters we have considered the Church in her self Now of the False Church which is opposite to her and her Enemy The Churches Enemies are either open or secret These are called in Rev. 20.8 Gog and Magog that is covered and uncovered Her open foes are Heathens Jews and Mahumetans The Heathens are they who feign paint and worship false and fictitious Gods The Jews deny the Trinity and the coming of the Messiah and interpret carnally what is spoken of Christs Kingdome in the Prophets spiritually The Mahumetans prefer their Mahomet to Christ and their Alcoran to the Scriptures which Alcoran that Impostor compiled by the help of a Nestorian Monk and an Arrian out of the sink of Gentilisme Judaisme Manicheisme Arrianisme other heresies The hid or counterfeit Enemies are either false Christs or Antichrists False Christs are they who brag themselves to be Christ. As Simon Magus Barcochab Moses Cretensis David Georgius and such like Antichrists are commonly all Heretikes but particularly and by way of excellency that great Antichrist 1 Joh. 2.18 Little Children now is the last time and as ye have heard that Antichrist would come even now many Antichrists are begun and 1. Epist. c. 4. v. 3. Whatsoever spirit doth not confesse that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh he is not of God but this is that spirit of Antichrist of whom you have heard that he was to come and that he is now in the World Heretikes are they who maintain stubbornly against the plain light of truth any doctrine which overthrows directly or by necessary consequence the fundamentals of Christian faith The RULES I. Not every Error makes an Heretike For either there is an error against the foundation as that of the Arrians and Marcionites of whom they denied the divinity of Christ these his humanity Or about the foundation so the Papists erre while they teach Transubstantiation which overthrows the truth of Christs humanity Or besides the foundation such errors are by Paul compared to hay wood c. 1. Cor. 3.12 II. An Heretick is made 1. by an error in or about the foundation 2. by conviction 3. by contumacie III. Not every Schismatick is an Heretike He is a Schismatick who without hurting the foundation of Faith departs from some Ceremony of the Church proudly and out of ambition The great Antichrist is he who under the name of Christs Vicar persecutes him The RULES I. The name Antichrist belongs not to one person alone but to a whole state or order of men as it were in the same Kingdom succeeding each other Even as the word of High-Priest He is not then opposite to Christ as one person is to another in respect of substance but he is opposite to him in respect of quality o● office I● The Papists will have Antichrist to be one particular man a Iew of the Tribe of Dan the Iews Messiah and the restorer of their Religion who shall reign at Jerusalem three years and a half shall fight with Henoch and Eliah shall offer to ascend to heaven from Mount Olivet but shall be destroyed by Christ. III. But we out of Scripture describe Antichrist thus 1. That he is a man at one time one but in succession of time an order of men in the same state succeeding each other 2. Raised by Satan 3. A Christian in name onely 4. In very deed Christs Enemie 5. Sitting in the Temple of God as God 6. Reigning in that great City which ruleth over the Kings of the Earth 7. Seducing the inhabitants of the Earth with lying wonders 8. Setting a mark on his followers 9. Full of idolatry ambition avarice cruelty and impurity 10. Revealed in the last times 11. He shall be destroyed by the breath of Christs mouth and shall be overthrown by his own lovers and utterly abolished at Christs glorious coming If these things be proved the description of the Pontificians will vanish in smoak 1. He is not one particular person but an order succeeding each other as appears by the appointed time of Antichrist which extends it self even from the time of Paul and Iohn when this mystery began to appear 2 Thes. 2.7 1 Ioh. 4.3 even ●ill the coming of Christ 2 Thes. 2.8 whence that fiction of three years and a half faileth 2. He is raised by Satan 2 Thes. 2 9. his coming shall be with the power of Satan Rev. 13.4 The Dragon gave him power Whereas otherwise Magistrates are raised by God Rom. 13 2.3 c. Thirdly A Christian in name onely 2 Thes. 2.4 He sits in the Temple of God Fourthly Christs Enemy 1 Joh. 4.3 He denieth Christ to have come in the flesh to wit by the sequel of his Doctrine Rev. 13.11 He hath horns like a Lamb arrogating that to himself which belongs to Christ. Rev. 17.14 He fights against the Lamb and 19.19 and 20.8 Fifthly He sits in the Temple of God 2 Thes. 2.4 Not in that of Jerusalem which is abolish'd without hope of resurrection Dan 9.26 27. But in the Church which is Gods Temple 2● cor 6 16. He sits that is he reigns Rev. 18.7 I sit a Queen He sits as God and exalts himself above every thing that is called God 2 Thes. 2.4 Sixthly He reigns in the great City the type whereof is The beast with seaven heads and ten hornes sitting upon many waters Where the seven heads are seven hills and seven Kings or formes of Government by a Metonymie Ten horns signify ten Kings and the waters many People and Nations Rev. 17.1 c. Seventhly Wonders are preached 2 Thes. 2.9 Lying wonders Rev. 13.13 14. He worketh great wonders so that he maketh fire to come down from Heaven upon the Earth in the sight of men and he seduceth the Inhabitants of the Earth c. v. 15. And he had power to give life to the image of the beast that 〈◊〉 shold speak c. Eighthly And he caus'd every one great small to receive his mark on their right hands or foreheads and that none might buy or sell but such as had his mark or name or number of his name c. and his number was six hundred sixty six Rev. 13.16 17 c. Ninethly Idolatry by a familiar Scripture phrase is shadowed out by a Whore Rev. 17.1 His ambition appears by that place in the Thessalonians His covetousness is noted by his gainful merchandising Rev. 18.11 His cruelty is set out by the Beast drunk with the blood of the Martyrs Rev. 17.6 His impurity by sins heaped up to Heaven Rev. 18.5 Yea these in general by the mystical name of Sodom Egypt Babylon and Ierusalem are described in which mystical Christ that is Christ in his members is crucified Rev. 11.8 14.8 Tenthly He is to be reveal'd in the last times He that letteth must be taken out of the Way 2 Thes. 2.7
withal our mortification so the rising out of the water is a shadow of his resurrecti●n our spiritual vivification 2. Water is a cheap and common element therefore obvious and easily obtained 3. In the beginning the spirit moved on the waters and was the cause of generation so in the baptism of water and the spirit is effected our regeneration 4. Water washeth away the filth of the body so doth baptism the spots of the soul. I will pour upon you clear water and you shall be cleansed from all your iniquities Ezek. 36. by this water Eph. 5. Christ cleanseth his Church 5. Water quencheth the thirst of the body so doth Baptism the thirst of the soul. 6. water cooles the heat of the body so doth baptism the beat of Gods wrath the fire of our lusts 7. Baptism is the Sacrament of illumination H●b 6 4 10.32 Therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to illuminate is used for baptising and bap●● sm is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 illumination and the dayes of baptisme we●e ca●led the dayes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of light Now water is a diaphar●nt ●ody by which light is transmitted to us so ●s mental illumination by the water of bapti●m in which now we are not dipped but besprinkled which is all one for the g●fts of the Spirit are expressed by the sprinkling of clear water in Ezekiel and by the sprinkli●g of water in the old purifications and by the sprinkling of the Lambs blood in the Passeover to which the Apostle alludes Heb. 10. having our hearts besprinkled from an evill con●cience a Mat. 18.15 16 17. If thy brother should trespass against thee go tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou hast gained thy brother but if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of one or two witnesses every word may be established and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the Church but if he shall neglect to hear the Church c. b Mat. 7.6 Give not that which is holy unto dogs nor cast your pearls before swine c 1 Cor. 5.5 Let such a man he delivered over to Satan to the destruction of the fl●sh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Iesus d 1 Cor. 16.22 If any man love not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha 1 Joh. 5.16 There is a sin unto death I do not say he shall pray for it a Ezech. 36.26 I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit in the midst of you and I will take away the heart of stone and will put in you a heart of fl●sh 2 Cor. 4.6 God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Iesus Christ. b Joh. 3.3 If a man be not born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God c Joh. 6.44 None can come to me except the Father draw him d Joh. 6.45 It is written in the Prophets they shall be all taught of God whosoever the●fore ha●h heard of the Father and hath learned cometh unto me e ●oh 5.25 Verily verily I say unto you the time cometh and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear it shall live * A. R. The Pelagians absurdly teach that by grace is meant our natural abilities This is true if we take grace in that strict sence as it is used in Scripture for the grace of vocation justification or salvation by Christ which is no part effect or property of nature but altogether different from nature for by nature we are the fons of wrath saith the Apostle But by grace we are saved sai●h the same Apostle by grace I am what I am saith he not I but the grace of God with me 1 Cor. 15.10 without me saith Christ you can do nothing What have we which we have not received Of our selves we cannot think a good thought saith Saint Paul Here nature and grace a●e distinct yet in a large extent grace may be called natural and nature may be called grace The fi●st is plain because whatsoever perfects nature may be called natural and such is grace 2. Whatsoever is in nature as in its subject is natural but so is grace for nature is the subj●ct of grace 3. Whatsoever we bring into the world with our nature is called natural Thus sin is natural and hereditary diseases are natural because we bring them with us So Adams original justice is called natural and so are all Angelical perfections because they were created with them So the sannctification of those in Scripture who were sanctified from the womb may be called natural Again nature may he called grace for whatsoever is not of due debt is of grace such is nature and all natural powers and actions for it is of grace that we live move and have our being in God who is the prime and universal cause without Whose influence the second subordinate causes cannot work and therefore ●ven for the actions and faculties of nature as eating drinking sleep life health c. we are bound to give thanks and to beg their continuance and preservation to which duty we are not tied if these be of debt and not of grace But saving grace is distinguished from nature as the garment from the body the one may be lost without the other And so when the Fathers speak of Adam's original justice they say he lost his garment and was stripp'd naked a 1 Tim. 1.19 Holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away co●cerning faith have made ship-wrack b Jam. 2.19 Thou believest there is one God thou doest well the Devils also believe tremble This faith then wh●ch consisteth in a bare assent i● common to the Elect and Reprobate c Matth. 13.20 He that reciveth the seed into stony places the same is he that heareth the word and ●●on with joy receiveth it yet hath he not root c. d Mat. 17.20 if you had faith but as a grain of mustard seed● you would say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it would remove This hath been given for a certain time even to Reprobates as we see by Iudas who had this gift of miracles with the rest of the Apostles Matth. 10.8 e Saving faith which is proper to the Elect is that which we defined a Psal. 34.14 Isa. 55.7 b Eph. 2.1 Col. 3 9 10. c Rom 6.2 c. Gal. 2.20 a Of that day and hour knoweth no man not ●he Angels of heaven excep● my Father only Mat. 13. 32. Nor the Son himself but the Father alone 1 Thess. 5. 1. 2 c. concerning the times and seasons brethren it is not needfull that I write unto you for you your selves know well that