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A61470 The clouds in which Christ comes opened in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament, upon the solemne day of their monthly fast, Octob. 27, 1647 / by Peter Sterry ... Sterry, Peter, 1613-1672. 1648 (1648) Wing S5475; ESTC R16803 32,320 66

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God comes forth before us in all our Objects There is a Two-fold Enmity in our affections towards this Two-fold Intent of Christ in His Comming 1. An Adhesion to the Flesh 2. An Aversenesse from the Spirit 1st The First Enmity is an Adhesion to the Life of Flesh Our soules cleave to the Flesh-pots Our Spirits are drawn down into a land of Bondage and detain'd there by the Rank scent of Garlike and Onions We are very unwilling to travell thorow a wildernesse though it be unto a Land flowing with Milk and Honey We are like Lot we know not how to leave this Sodome of the Flesh till we be drawn forth by the Hand of Angels Then we are still like Lot's wife when we are come forth from the City of this World casting a longing look back upon it in the midst of its Flames But if we be like her in her fault let us be so too in the Consequence of it She was chang'd into a Pillar of salt So may we as in answer to the Type if we bring forth a Spirit of Remorse and Fire like salt to consume the Fleshly Corrupting Part that the Divine Part may be preserv'd untainted to Eternity 2. The second Enmity is an Aversenesse from the Spirit Jesus Christ promised His Disciples the Effusion of the Spirit at the Disappearance of His Flesh He spake to them of Divine Powers Lights Gloryes Joyes of the Highest Company and Contents which should come when His Spirit came Yet the Disciples were sad and as dead men still when their Saviour spake of His Death The Spirit appear'd to them a Miserable Comforter and Comfort when they were no more to have a grosse sight of their Jesus in Flesh He was as None to them when He was to be Onely in the Spirit When Peter felt Himselfe born up alone by the working waves he feares faints and begins to sink though he have the Call of Christ to carry him on and Christ Himselfe in his Eye to infuse Spirits into him This is an Example for us When we cal'd by God begin to feel the Foundations of the Earth and the Seeming-firme Land of Sense withdrawing from us when we are now Lanching forth into the Sea of the God-head we no sooner feel our selves left upon the waters of the Spirit to be sustain'd by them but Immediately we sink our selves by our feares and unbeliefe Let us then now weep that we have refused the All-quickning Spirit which is our Jesus as if there were no Life in this Spirit or no Light in this Life as if God were a wildernesse and the Building of God had no Foundation or Fairenesse in it Let us now returne weeping and say We have feared to commit our loves hopes and joyes to Thee O meek O Mighty Iesus But all our Springs are in Thee those that feed our outward senses our inward Faculties with Streames of Life Truth Strength and Pleasures Thou art our onely Husband the Image of all Loves and Lovelinesse to us the Best Image of our selves Come thou downe upon us appeare in thine Invisible gloryes and make our soules ere they are aware like the Chariots of Aminadab Thus I have concluded the First Use for Humiliation For Caution Take heed of making any Opposition against the Comming of the Lord Iesus I shall begin this use with an humble profession that my desire is to have every thing which I speake understood as proceeding from him who would faine speak and live in a Continuall sense of the Doubtfull Dimnesse of that Light of Reason which twinkles in his breast as also of the want of oyl to feed the Flame of the Spirit to any Height or Constancy I do therefore onely present what passeth from me submitting all ever to any Brighter Light in whatsoever Candle-stick it shine My care shall be especially in the subject of this use while I am in this Twi-light to avoid Particular Conclusions and Peremptory Determinations I shall in these Termes set before you these Two Cautions 1. Take heed how you Iudge or Confine the Comming of Christ 2. Take heed how you furiously oppose any thing that pretends to the Advancement of Christ in His Comming 1. Caution Take heed how you Iudge or Confine the Comming of Christ and that for Two Reasons 1. He comes as a Spirit 2. He comes in the Darke 1. Reason Christ comes as a Spirit Who can foreknow or set the wayes of a Spirit who can comprehend a Spirit in any outward Forme Is it not free to All and from All When Christ was risen he sometimes put on those shapes in which he had formerly liv'd or died as to Thomas Sometimes he cloth'd Himselfe with strange shapes sometimes uncloth'd Himselfe of All For now He was raised into the Spirit in which as in a Divine Ward-robe he comprehended All shapes to put Himselfe forth in them or to put them under His Feet at pleasure Saint Paul thus reasons Colos. 2.20 If ye be dead in Christ why as living in the Flesh are ye subject to Ordinances which perish in the using But this Reasoning is much more strong If Christ be Risen from the dead why do we subject Him to Ordinances as if He were still living in the Flesh or rather as if He were not come in the Flesh who is the Lord of All Fleshly Rites Formes are sweet Helpes but too severe Lords over our Faith They may be Ornaments to our Face and Neck serving the Beauty of Christ's Appearances to us and His union with us But then they must be of Gold or Precious stone taken out of the Mine or Treasury of the Spirit So worne they may become the Heires at age the Spirit-born Princes But if they be of Iron or Brasse laid upon our Feet and Hands that is Grosse in Fleshly Darknesse binding up the Activity and Motion of our Spirits towards God then are they sad Marks of the Bond-womans Children The Body is esteem'd a Prison or Grave to the Soul because it tyes the Soul up into One Particular Appearance suffering it not to enlarge it selfe to any other but as they are reflected in This Glasse When the Eternall Spirit is fast'ned and proportion'd to any One Form of Things is it not now imprison'd or buried It was a seasonable and High Contemplation that of Solomon at the Consecration of the Temple The Heavens Heavens of Heavens cannot hold thee How much lesse this House which I have made When we Consecrate or converse with any Ordinance or Peculiar way of worship let us then remember that our Object is the Person of Jesus Christ that Wisdome of God whose way is more untrac'd than the Eagle whose extent is wider than the Earth The Heavens of Heavens cannot take in All of Him to Containe or Confine Him much lesse any One Ordinance in this world or Fleshly Fashion 'T is in vain to attempt to shut up Christ in any Thing Though you kill Him that you
of the whole World And so He answers their Question teaching them that as all Creatures are the Print of his Feet so their whole Conduct is the Motion of His Feet Their Commotions His Commings on upon them As the Whale moveth himselfe under the Waters the Billows rise and rowl the Deep boyles like a Pot. Before our Saviour's time Lucifer was the Leviathan that made the Sea to seeth about him like a Pot of Ointment Now our Lord Jesus sports Himselfe in these Waters He makes his way under them and as he moves The Deepes of Mens Spirits Counsailes Common-wealths boyle the whole Frame of Things reel and rowl themselves into violent Concussions like Waves of the Sea This is the third sort of Clouds Rowling Ones 4. Cloudes of Angels My Text saith Christ comes with Cloudes Saint Paul saith 2 Thes. 1.7 The Lord Iesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his Mighty Angels Our Lord Jesus tels us Mat. 26.64 Hereafter shall ye see the Son of Man sitting at the Right Hand of Power and comming in the Clouds of Heaven He speakes of the same thing Mark 8.50 In this Phrase When He commeth in the Glory of his Father with the Holy Angels These Parallel places make those expressions seem Parallel Angels Cloudes The Prophet discourseth of all sorts of Meteors Psa. 104.3 4. The upper Waters Clouds Winds Spirits or Blasts Flames of Fire This is interpreted expresly of Angels Heb. 1.7 And of Angels He saith He hath made His Angels Spirits His Ministers a Flame of Fire These are the Waters in which the Chambers of God are the Clouds which are His Chariot the Winged Windes on which He rides the Flames in which He Comes Saint Paul joynes these Two Angels and Flames at the Comming of Christ 2 Thes. 1.7 8. The Lord shall be revealed from Heaven with His Mighty Angels And with Flaming Fire The Flame of Fire is Heat working it selfe into Light This is the Immediate Image and Instrument of Angels in this visible World thorow this they appeare and work All the Appearances of God under the Law were by Angels All the Appearances of Angels were by Flames or Light The Angel went up from Manoah in a Flame Iud. 30.20 He appeared to Moses in a Flame Exod. 3.2 The Angels came downe upon the sacrifices in a Flame The Lord Jesus shall come in a Flame of Angels The Glory of God in Christ as he comes the second time breaks forth upon the Angels In these He Flames out upon the Bodily Part of Things as Fire dissolving them in their own shapes and resolving and raising them into Angelicall Formes These are the Heavenly Flames of Glory in which Saints are Blessed the Fire of Hell in which Evill men are tormented Angelicall Forms In this sense Jesus Christ tels us Luke 17.22 that Lazarus being dead was carryed by Angels into Abraham's Bosome That Glory of God which is cal'd Abraham's Bosome a Type of the Fathers Bosome was revealed in the Angels in them it over-shadowed Lazarus withdrawing Him out of this Present State and gathering Him up unto these Spirits which are the Fathers of the Earthly Man Accordingly we read Mark 13.27 He shall send forth His Angels and gather His Elect from the Four Windes This shall be the Resurrectin of the Body when this visible Image and life which was as wind breath'd forth by God from the Bosome of those Angelicall Flames shall by their opening themselves upon it be again taken in to God in these Spiritual Chambers In the same sence Angels are called the Chariots of God Psa. 68.17 The Chariots of the Lord are Twenty Thousand even Thousands of Angels The second Comming of Christ is not on Foot as a Servant The Image of the First Adam in a visible shape 'T is as of a Prince in his chariot The Image of God in the Angelical Being Cant. 3.8 Solomons Chariot had Pillars of silver Covering of Purple Bottome Gold in the mid'st Love for the Daughters of Hierusalem Divine Glory the Foundation Divine Love the Center in that Foundation Pillars of Silver Angelicall Beauties and strengths the Covering of Purple the Glorious Humanity of Christ in Royall State Comprehending all This is the Chariot which the Lord Jesus hath prepared for His Spouse This is the Forme in which He rides forth at his second Comming thorow the Whole Creation taking up to Him the Daughters of Hierusalem both in Soul and Body at their severall Seasons As Angels are the Chariots of Fire in which the Lord rides forth the second Time So are they the Horses of Fire on which He rides Revel. 6. As the Seales are opened A Man comes forth on Horse-back The Man is the Image of God the Lord Jesus who comes forth in every various forme as in a severall Dresse for several Designes The Horse is the Particular Forme of Invisible Glory the Angel on which He is Mounted I will make an end of this Discourse with that Place Mark 8.1 Where Christ speaking of his Comming joynes these Two the Glory of the Father and the Holy Angels As the Man on the Horse He shall come in the Glory of His Father and the Holy Angels In our Saviour's Person as He comes in the Spirit the Glory of the God-head shal be as a Sea the Angelicall Glories as Ships on this Sea All Formes of Things in this visible State shall be taken off the Earth of their own Grosse and Dul Principles into these Mysterious Ships in which they shall be carried on still further and further into the Ocean of the God-head I have now describ'd those Clouds in which Christ comes which was the second Head 3. Head The clearnesse of Christs Appearance Every Eye shall see Him There is a Two-fold Eyes 1st The Inward 2. The Outward Eye 1st The Inward Eye shall see Christ Saint Paul speaks of this Ephes. 1.18 The Eye of your understanding being Enlightened The Eye of the understanding is the Inward Eye This also is Two-fold 1st A Naturall 2. A Divine Eye The Naturall Eye is that of Reason which is alwayes open in all Men so farre as they are Men The Divine Eye is for many yeares many ages quite shut up in the Soul ever since the Creation untill the Regeneration This Eye is a Divine Principle or Faculty of seeing Things the Supreame Power of Knowing as God Knows and is Known Saint Iohn speaks of this Eye 1 Iohn 3.2 When He appeares we shall be like Him For we shall see Him as He is The Proper Light and Object of This Eye is Jesus Christ in the Spirit as He is the Brightnesse and Image of the God-head As a Sun-beame beating with a strong Light upon the Naturall Eye So shall the Lord Jesus awaken this Eye in Man by setting Himselfe in it And now how cleer how sweet how satisfactory must this sight be 'T is a Fit Union of an Object Suitable to a Proportion'd Power or Faculty that gives