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A52581 Sal, lumen, & spiritus mundi philosophici, or, The dawning of the day discovered by the beams of light shewing the true salt and secret of the philosophers, the first and universal spirit of the world / written originally in French, afterwards turned into Latin by the illustrious doctor, Lodovicus Combachius ... and now transplanted into Albyons Garden by R.T. ...; Traittez de l'harmonie et constitution généralle du vray sel, secret des philosophes, et de l'esprit universelle du monde. English Nuisement, Clovis Hesteau, sieur de.; Turner, Robert, fl. 1654-1665. 1657 (1657) Wing N1469; ESTC R4890 78,186 256

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Male and Female in all Generations and are the first Parents of corporification of the Spirit of the World as hereafter we shall make appear But Fire is the first Operator because action precedes passion though the Patient be inseparably co-existent with the Agent as the old Stoick Zenon asserts who thought that the substance of Fire was by Air turned into Water and there conserved as the general Sperm and first universal matter whence all things were first generated Thales Milesius whom the Greeks surnamed the wise perceiving the matter patient said That Water was the first matter which Heraclitus attributed to the Sea and Moses more illuminated then both saith That before the heaven and earth were created the Spirit of the Lord moved on the face of the waters calling Fire because of its noble and pure essence The Spirit of God In saying therefore That Fire is the first principle of beings I transgress not the limits of Reason and Verity for it is without doubt the first Operator and the last Destroyer and Changer of forms whose cause it is even till it hath brought them to their period and first matter beyond which there is no progress but onely a transformation as I shall by and by declare by comparison with visible and familiar beings the first active potency which begins to operate in the production of man is the agitation or motion of heat which imitating the action of fire whose Nature is chiefly separative draws Sperm from the whole Body wherein Man's seed is potentially included and cocts and digests it thereby rendring it apt for expulsion and afterwards for Generation and Augmentation which Generation and Augmentation is alwayes helped by Fire which is the sole Actor so that if it should attain the end of its exaltation being inflamed by the Sulphur of Excrements and impurity of Aliments it would absume the radical Moisture which is the Seat and Preserver of Life which done the fire remits not of its power and action till by resolution and corruption it brings the Body to Ashes which nothing can do but fire But that we may make this more palpable and finde out the first matter by the knowledge of the last let us impose a Body on a common Fire and we shall see that what is inflammable in it will be totally consumed and redacted to a few Ashes which Ashes also will participate of a fiery Nature and for their last subject and matter turn into a certain Salt whose sole Parent and Multiplier Fire must needs be And though these should be further turned yet Salt would alwayes be left in whose internals we may finde Fire which is delighted with its like And by this means Alchymists finde that there is something in Salt that is incombustible or secret Elementary Fire which hath the same actions with primitive Fire upon which account they call it the Balsam of the Body because it contains that that gives life as also that conserves and augments it which is nothing else but a moist vapour accompanied with moderate heat Johannes Fontanus in his Philosophical Narrations En son Romant Philosophique shews That he was not ignorant of this Secret where he brings in Nature speaking thus Aucuns disent que feu n' engendre De son naturel fo rs que cendre Mais leur reverence sauvee Nature est dans le feu autee Et si prover je le vou loye Le sel a Tesmoing je prendoye Some dare t' affirm that fire can generate Nothing but ashes but those seem to relate The truth thereof who say that in fires brest All Natures operations are imprest And if hereof a proof you do require Salt gives you proof enough what is in fire And that it participates of moisture is plain enough from its easie resolution as also its fulness of heat is demonstrable from its ready congelation from which we may observe That Fire acts and is united with Fire as in liquefaction Air acts and is joyned with Air for how in one subject could the dry imbibe the moist if there were no innate heat seeing driness as it proceeds from heat doth naturally imbibe moisture And hence we may easily understand That the Demogorgon or central Fire cannot be destitute of moisture on which it may act and thence elevate a vapour mixed of two qualities which I call The Spirit of the World but many Philosophers Mercury of Merries because all other proceed from this naturally but this elevated vapour is not yet a Body but a mean betwixt a Body and a Spirit participating of both Natures which whilst it remains in that state can generate nothing It is therefore necessary That it either assume or form a Body which it thus doth This subtile vapour proceeding from dry and moist principles when it is elevated penetrates the spungyness of the Earth wherein it is gradually turned into Mercurial Water by the occurse of the ambient Air and of the Earth it self whose surface is far distant from its Centre where the Fire resides whence this heat arises After the like manner as we see in an Alembick where the vapour or Spirit to be distilled runs out But this vapour and its water partaking of two principles heat and moisture it is ingrossed and by moderate and continued coction condensed The principal cause and mean of which action is innate Fire which contains this very vapour and by its continual action stimulates and compels it to imbibe this moisture and to coagulate this Water not in all parts with a like solidity and hardness nor yet altogether but first with a mucilaginous and different solidity Now that which Nature assayes to do in the information of Idea's is to begin their induration and solidity which must necessarily hold on in Natures way which is a progress from one extream to another by intermediate disposition And Nature thus continuing its digestion this Mucilage stays of whose grosser matter Metals are generated in the veins of the Earth or cavities of Rocks which differ not in substance being produced by one and the same seed but onely in accidents which they take from the diversities of the places and matrixes where they are generated But the more subtile part of this vapour ascends to the surface of the Earth where it stays by compulsion and being in continual agitation though it can neither regrede nor ascend higher and finding no solid matter to carry it with it it is compelled to continue Natures intention and therefore serves for the Generation and Corporification of individuals But that what I have said may be better understood let us take some one individual and let us see how it is produced for this will ascertain us that the Spirit of the World assumes a Body and shew us how it is incorporated An Acorn may be long enough set or sown in the Earth and consume without germination unless some Agent be neer it that may deduce its occult potency naturally within it
Plato's Doctrine expresses elegantly Lib. 6. Aeneid Principio Caelum ac Terras composque liquentes Lucentemque Globum Lunae Titaniaque Astra Spiritus intus alit totamque infusa per Artus Mens agitat molem magno se corpore miscet The nourishment of th' earth mountains and skars Of th' heaven of planets of glistring stars We attribute to th' Spirit but to th' Soul That these do move stir without controul To which Augurellus also attests in his first Book saying Ast Animae quoniam nil non est corporis expers Mundus at mundi partes quoque corpore constant Spiritus haec inter medius fit quem neque corpus Aut Animam dicas sed eum qui solus utroque Participans in idem simul haec extrema reducat Hic igitur Maria ac Terras atque Aera Ignem Vivereque augerique atque in se cuncta referre Semper Aves semper Stirpes Animantia semper Gignere perpetuamque sequi per secula prolem c. But since a Soul is incorporeal And all the parts o' th' world we meet withal Are bodies these two cannot be combin'd Without a mean betwixt Body and Mind Which is a Spirit wherewith the raging seas Fire air earth all plants fruitful trees With animals are acted so that they Do generate their like and live for aye c. CHAP. 3. That all things which have Essence and Life are made by the Spirit of the World and of the first Matter ALL things are nourished by the same by which they were produced Now that all things breathe live augment and grow by this Mundane Spirit resolve and die without it is plain Whatsoever therefore subsists is made by it and this Spirit is nothing else but a simple and subtile essence which the Philosophers call a Quintessence because it may be separated from gross corporeity and the superfluities of the four Elements and so made of wonderful activity in its operations and it is now diffused over all the parts of the World and through it the Soul is dilated with all its vertues which vertues are communicated most to such Bodies as participate most of this Spirit for the Soul is infused by and transmitted from the superiour Bodies as from the Sun which acts most powerfully in this case for this Spirit being calefied by the heat of the Sun acquires abundance of Life which multiplies and enlivens the seeds of all things which thereby encrease and grow to a determinate magnitude according to the species and form of each thing upon which account Virgil saith Igneus est illis vigor caelestis origo But fiery vigour and heat celestial Are to these Bodies their original Now this Spirit is by Philosophers called Mercurius because it is of many or all forms producing all kindes of Bodies giving to some things a fairer and more lasting to others a weaker and more corruptible Life according to the pre-disposition of the matter upon which account this fiery vigour proceeding from the Solar beams is not alike in all subjects but diversified as there is more or less of it in the seeds All matters of purer pre-dispositions have a purer and more durable Life and Spirit for every thing delighting in that that 's likest to it it is more then Reason that this pure Celestial vigour should penetrate and sink deeper into purer Bodies and make them more durable and vital For the proof of which we need go no further then Gold which being purer then all other Terrestrial Bodies participates more of that Celestial Fire which penetrating the bowels of the Earth findes in Minerals the pre-disposed matter to wit the Mercury and Sulphur which Esdras calls The Earth of Gold prepared by the action and diligence of Nature and purged and separated from all inquinations of Terrestrial and adust Dregs which matter in the beginning is onely some Sperm or Water mix'd with that Sperm Powder or pure Sulphur which acted by the coagulative faculty thickens by little and little and in time by long and continued action of the heat hardens and so comes to its perfection which is naturally simple tincted with the colour of Fire for heat is the Progenitor and Parent of Tinctures If therefore it be certain that this heat comes from the Sun as it must needs be indubitable who can so much contradict Truth and Reason as to deny the Sun to be the Author and Parent of this perfection Let us then look higher and seek more accurately how this perfection may be caused by this mean CHAP. 4. How the Sun is by Hermes called The Father of the Mundane Spirit and of the Universal Matter BUt some may here say If all things proceed from one and the same matter how can the Sun be called the Parent of this matter when it self is procreated or produced out of this matter For answer whereunto we must consider That if we speak of the primaeve prejacent matter of all things it is altogether invisible and cannot be comprehended but by strong imagination out of whose vital light and natural heat this Celestial Sun was produced with equal light and fiery vigour which afterwards strengthening this internal and essential heat with natural displayed the beams of his Fire over the whole Universe illuminating the Stars above him and vivifying the things below him But because the Earth is as it were the common Mother of all things the Sun acts most vigorously upon her she being the common Receptacle of all Influences in whose bowels the seeds of all things are absconded which being agitated and moved by the Suns heat come to light and for this cause in Winter when the Sun is furthest absent from us the Earth being destituted of that vigorous heat which his perpendicular Rayes brought with them she is we see barren and produces nothing Whereas in the Spring when the Sun again reviews our Climate then she rises from her sleep or death and receives Life and vigour The cause of which mutation must needs be the Universal Spirit full of Life inhabiting the Earth principally which before it can generate any thing must take up its Inn in some Body as in the Earth which is the Body of Bodies and because all things are nourished and sustained by that which produces them there must be great affinity and harmony betwixt this Spirit and the Sun And for this cause ancient Philosophers say That the Sun in the Spring-time calefies and enlivens his Parent loaden with old age and almost killed with Winter-cold Seeing then she is by the Sun fortified enlivened and impregnated Hermes had reason to say That the Sun was the Father of this matter for being otherwise barren and without off-spring she now conceives generates and multiplies her spirituous matter leading it from incorporality to corporality The Philosopher Hortulanus commenting on Hermes his Table leaves and omits the radical principles of Nature and taking his rise by the principles of Chymistry
it possible for them to get any thing This indeed is a work the other a labour Such Searchers surely believe not that the first matter is so subtile and loose a Spirit or Vapour as that it cannot be reached save onely by intellect and imagination However seeing it is contained in the Body of this great Parent and dwells there Reason evinces That it hath something of corporeity in it and although I have sufficiently declared to subtile intellects of what Nature it is I shall further add That the Pores of the Earth are full of this Vapour which acquires a dry quality by its innate heat accompanied with some secret moisture by which it is condensed and coagulated into a specifical Body and as this moist Nature now dried up was first Water so it must be reduced into Waters again by Water which is the sole mean whereby to humectate dry things as fire is to siccate moist things which is a work duely observed by Nature in generating Metals for Water flowing through the Pores of the Earth findes there a dissoluble substance wherewith it unites its most simple parts to which union all the Elements concur in due proportion This substance then by its own dissolution is so conjoyned that it of it self condenses through hardness which is natural to it because of its innate siccity and by successive and long decoction acquires a metallical induration But now this substance being dissoluble of what other Nature can it participate but of Salt for nothing is so dissoluble as Salt which by how much it is more burned is by so much easier dissolved unless it be turned into Glass The first matter then is Salt or Salt is the first Body whereby this matter becomes visible or palpable of which Salt Raymundus speaks when in his Testament he saith We have before declared That in the Centre of the Earth there is a certain Virgin-Earth and true Element and that that is Natures work Nature therefore is placed in the Centre of every thing so Salt is this Virgin-Earth which hath yet produced nothing into which the Spirit of the World is converted by vitrification that is by extenuation of its moisture This is that which gives the form to all things and without which nothing could incur into the senses nothing is coagulated without Salt nothing congealed This is that that gives hardness to Gold as also to the Adamant and all Stones both precious and vulgar with a Secret vitrifying Vertue Yea what is more we manifestly see that all Bodies compounded of the four Elements return into Salt for if a Body putrefie what remains but powder and ashes covering most precious Salt and if a Body be destroyed by combustion calcination or incineration what rests in the last extraction but Salt Glass-makers do give manifest testimony hereto whence Arnoldus de villa nova in his new Chymical Light speaking of the permanent Water of Philosophers which Water is dry and wets the Tangents hand no more then common Quicksilver saith Who then can prepare this Water Well he may do it who can make Glass The same Author speaking of the excellency of this dry Water manifests it sufficiently when he saith in his Chymical Treatise which he calls his Philosophical Breviary That an Operator can no more do any thing without Salt then an Archer emit an Arrow without a cord or string And Fons Amantium saith the same Sans sel ne peux metre en effect Utile chose pour lon faict I can effect nothing in your rare Art Unless with Salt I 'gin to operate All Bodies then are composed of Salt and as we said before the Principles of Composition and Resolution are equal which concurs with the Philosophers infallible Rule That the first matter of all things is one with the last where they alledge Ice and Snow for example which are by heat resolved into Water out of which they were by cold congealed And if I should here suggest the Testimony of all approved Authors to this Verity my Treatise would end in a Volume but that I may demonstrate That this Salt is pure and true Earth not such as we tread upon which I shall hereafter prove to be nothing but the Dregs and Excrements of the other I must recur to the first Creation which I shall decypher by a familiar example of an Operation made in imitation of Nature and by the same Rule and Model by which this great Universe was framed I said before That Water or the humid Nature as Hermes calls it upon which Moses saith That the Spirit of the Lord moved was the principle of all things And here the Question will be How that great and confused heap of Waters was so divided that this ample and gross Terrestrial Mass proceeded thence and by what medium so different things were procreated of the Earth I shall answer to these Questions onely what experience hath taught me It is therefore naturally probable that in the middle of these Waters by way of separation there was a certain collection of sediments or setlings wherein I follow the Text of Moses who saith That God separated the water from the water for there are two kindes of Waters to wit elevative and congelative Waters the former then elevating it self in a vapour left the other fixed in the botom as those that coct Sea or Fountain-Salt daily experience though perhaps it be be true that the one is made by the attraction of the Suns Rayes the other by the expulsion of Fire And here note That Fire and Heat onely are indued with a separative faculty which they exert either by violent or natural motion This separation then was made by one of these wayes and to what thing could Moses better compare this Fire which cannot be otherwise defined then the origine of Universal Light of Animal heat and vital motion which gives existence to all things and preserves them in their being then to the Spirit of the Lord Let us again consider Natures Salt in its Chaos diffused dissolved and suffocated in its Water under what form will it then appear or with what quality will it affect our gust but that of bitter Water and this form and quality it would retain for ever if it were not separated but as soon as this elevative Water feels the action of Fire it begins to flie from it by vaporation and so the collection is gradually diminished till onely a little heap of Salt be left in the bottom which comes together as the Earth did in the first Chaos of the Universe And thus we see the first operation of Fire which is the production of Driness that is of Earth But as this first Earth remained still coagulated with its Excrements and Dregs by Fire so this Salt which is true Earth retains its Excrements though it seem pure white and full of light for nothing is generated nourished and augmented but it abjects its Recrements of the formation and separation whereof we
the pure from the impure for the preservation of its essence and vital encrease hath this substance mixed with impurity for its sole subject which retaining the state and Nature of its Creation is not nourished multiplied or augmented save with the nutrition multiplication and accretion of Excrements which are not consubstantial with it but onely Companions and Sisters of its nativity And that these things are so such have experienced who by Divine Inspiration have found the way to extract this first matter and to corporate it in imitation of Nature which whatever purity cleanness and clarity it seems to have yet is it always loaden with a great quantity of Terrestrial Dregs which cannot be taken away without great industry I think then that I have by most valid Arguments demonstrated That every massy Body is not nourished and preserved by the visible Earth but by spirituous matter onely whereby we see that they very much abound with Excrements and that their whole Mass is nothing else but an Excrement wherein this spirituous Matter that 's apt for corporation lurks invisibly for though we eat and drink yet all that ingredes our stomacks goes out alomst in the same quantity that we assumed it in We do not therefore extract our vital Oyl out of its Mass but that pure essence and substance that lies within it Briefly That excrementitious part is nothing else but the house of this pure substance and the vehicle that carries this nutritive Spirit to the place of distribution there to compleat its digestion and requisite Separation Are not Trees and Plants incorporated with this mass of Excrements and is not this Mass the Conduit of their enlivening and vegetative Spirit and as it were a fulciment that makes them grow I do not say That all that is in a Tree or other individual is wholly an Excrement for in every thing there inhabits some particle of this substance which I cannot justly call a Body but onely a thing apt for corporation which Nature cannot work of it self for though what we see and touch is progenerated of matter apt for corporation yet this Body is not substantial and nothing but Excrement is seen So that Nature suffers nothing of that to appear that is the vital essence substance or matter of the thing but Art which by industry superates the simple power of Nature can do it well enough for an ingenious Naturalist considers this That though the spirituous matter and substance of things be nowhere pure in natural Creation yet being mixed with dregs it may be separated by the digestion of the ventricle which rejects Excrements and retains the substance not as if this Separation were subject to sight but to the understanding by the appearance of the effect whereby we finde the dregs and Excrements rejected as useless for the conservation of the essence of a Body Moreover Augmentation Restauration and Vivification coming to Bodies by this substance ascertain us of this thing though Nature whereby it acts hides the operation the substance then being separable it must be innately pure and homogeneous or similar in all its parts but this purity cannot be manifested by Nature for her operations for the intentional perfection of things is onely simple But an Artist observing that Heat is the onely Medium and Instrument which Nature uses in the attainment of this perfection and Fire the sole Purger and Separator tending to perfect purification and further minding that in the centre of every Body some pure substance is contained which can be naturally separated if not exactly yet according to the extent of its faculties he proposes to himself the same way and the same Instrument that Nature uses to wit Fire which he so administers as to destroy burn or separate the Excrements without the destruction of the pure substance residing in the centre which he continues till it be perfectly pure and the Fire have no further destructive power over it but rather acts for its conservation exaltation and the introduction of a Tincture and Quality like to it and so at length convert this whole pure substance into its own proper Nature An Artist then minding this substance to reside in all things and that all things may be burned so that after combustion Ashes will remain which the Fire cannot devour he prudently concludes That in those Ashes there remains something not subject to the vigour of Fire and Flame And further incumbent on his work he findes a kinde of Salt not produced by Fire but rather the Victor over Fire like the pure Gold of every burnt Body This Salt is the last matter resting in the Anatomy of Bodies and not Ashes whence this Salt was ultimately extracted and out of which nothing can be further extracted for if by humidity it be turned into Water by heat it will be again congealed into Salt Whence we may conclude That this Water was Mercury whence all Bodies were first created and that this Water hidden in the ashes hinders their total consumption by combustion as the universal Mercury in the Bowels of the Earth before the production of Bodies Wherefore the learned Ronillascus in his Writings calls this The Water of Mercurial Fire because Fire generates nourishes it yea augments its goodness so much more by how much it remains longer in it for the ultimate operation of Fire is to make Salt and Salt is nothing but dry Water which acquires and conserves its siccity by Fire and thence it is of like Nature to it And here I would not have any wonder That in the beginning of this Book I said That Fire is not without Moisture for seeing it is nourished therewith it must also participate thereof because all things take their nourishment from that whereof they are made So that Fire and Moisture are as it were two Correlates the one whereof cannot exist without the other no not in imagination and the Elements have without doubt such affinity and connexion one with another and so participate one of another that any of them may be found in his associate for the Earth contains Air Water and Fire Water Fire Air and Earth Air Earth Water and Fire and Fire Water Air and Earth without which participations there could be no mutual conversion and no sympathy or convenience From the Promises we may collect That nothing is destitute of Excrements and that Excrement and Substance are the two constitutive parts of a Body and that nothing but Excrement as accidental and not affine to the essence or substance should be separated We may likewise gather That Fire onely procures and facilitates this operation But it is time that we proceed and shew how this may be done for it is not enough to say That Separation is the beginning of the works of Nature and Art not to know what things are separable unless the practise manner of this operation be also rendered intelligible I said before That there were two kindes of Separation one for
Sal Lumen Spiritus Mundi Philosophici OR The dawning of the Day Discovered By the Beams of Light Shewing The true SALT and SECRET of the Philosophers The first and universal Spirit of the World Written Originally in French afterwards turned into Latin By the Illustrious Doctor Lodovicus Combachius Ordinary Physititan to the King and publick Professor of Physick in the University of Mompelier And now transplanted into Albyons Garden By R. T. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Printed at London by J. C. for Martha Harrison at the Lamb at the East-end of S. Pauls 1657. To the worshipful and truly worthy Patriot of his Family and Country WILLAM PITT of Hartly-Westpel in Hampshire Esq Robert Turner of Holshot wisheth Felicity Honoured Sir SEpius mernini ipse perpendi I have often involved in my Minde the Worthiness of the Famous AUSONIAN PRINCES in their promotion of ARTS and LEARNING by their Favourable Aspects in Candidly accepting the Dedications of generally all AUTHORS and STUDENTS in Liberal SCIENCES which is no small Encouragement unto them Seldome do we see the Title of a Germane DEDICATION but it is directed Aliquo serenissimo Principi c. And this Sir I hope will be a sufficient Advocate for me to present this small Piece to your VVorthy Patronage and I am encouraged thereunto through my sensibility Generositatis Benignitatisque tuis nostratibus You remain the standing Pillar of your Noble Family and the Honour of your Country for which you have your Neighbours Prayers and Praise and for my part my Mite is small Hanc igitur meae in te habeas qualemcúnque sit gratitudinis observantiae Testimonium Sir This is a Piece of Hermetical Philosophy which is well seasoned with Salt and I doubt not will at least help you away with the tediousness of some vacant Hours 't is a Translation and if I have erred in Grammar I submit to your Censure beseeching the ALL-Eternal to endow you and yours with all Felicity internal external and eternal for which I am your dayly Orator as I am Revera LONDON 22 Decemb. 1656. Your most humble Servant Robert Turner To the Reader Whose Studies are seasoned with Salt WHEN the rude dark Chaos and indigesta moles lay tumbling in darkness and rowling amongst the undivided waters when the Spirit of the Great Eternal Elohim moved above the Face thereof it seemed good to his Great creating power to make a Witness of his Glorious Majesty by framing the spatious Vniverse then did he pronounce a fiat Lux Let there be Light and no sooner was his will declared but Light immediately like a ready swift-wing'd Herald soon proclaim'd his Embassage to the as-yet unseparated Fire Air Earth and Water and they as dutiful Subjects yield ready Obedience to his Glorious Commands and Light speedily muzzles up darkness and presents the Creator with a new baptized morning His sacred Power further intending to manifest his Glory commands a divorce between the Earth and Water and as a mighty Monarch doth his conquered Enemy or stubborn Rebel so he with another fiat makes that terrible boundless fathomless Element the Sea become his Prisoner and confines her swelling waves to their bounds and borders banishing them from one end of the World to the other to run up and down in an unsettled motion that though her brinish Mountains swell never so high yet further then his great fiat permits they never dare approach Then after he had vanquished this terrible to poor mortals apprehension adversary he soon bespreads the Earth with a green robe embroyder'd with such variety of glorious flowers as the greatest Potentate on the earth with all his Glory could never attain to the like array Moreover did his refulgent Majesty yet further illustrate the beams of his glorious might in bedecking the bespangled azure skies with those powerful Creatures the Sun Moon and Stars which he set for times and seasons days months and yeers and to divide betwixt day and night to omit the ready obedience the Sea Air and Earth yielded in bringing forth fishes birds and beasts immediately at his command Whither now doth my wandring Muse soar What royal Potentate or princely Guest should now be expected to this glorious Entertainment Not the Mighty Angels that excel in strength but the great Deity call'd a triune Council commanded the Earth also to bring forth an Epitomy of all his voluminous works the Manual of his glory Man a naked puling Creature born without Sword or Shield yet into his Soul did the All-eternal breath the Image of Himself crown'd him glory made him little lower then the Angels made him Commander of Earths Empire gave him an os sublime a lofty countenance to view the Stars and learn to know their powerful influence upon the inferiour World Now doth the wise Philosopher he who is a true contemplator of the divine Wisdom by a threefold operation and threefold matter make his creation and erect the fabrick of his world with his Salt Sulphur and Mercury The Mercury Sulphur of the Philosophers hath much been written on more then needs talk'd on but the third and chief principle was as yet un●…upplied Here Reader it is fully discussed and to the intelligent and deserving wi●… be a great revealed Secret despised by fools crack●… on by bragging knaves who indeed like degenerat● bastards unframe th● frame blot the manua● and deface the Gloriou● Image of the Almighty Some seek to fill the insatiate Gulf of their unfathom'd wills in vain pleasure Another seeks t● mount the slippery stair of staggering honor and to make a perpetuity of his off-spring Another digs in the Earth and is shipwrack'd with covetous dunghil-passions The actions of all these are not a whit tinctured with the true Salt of the Philosophers for therein is no such thing Many indeed there are to whom the Philosophers Study seems ridiculous because their unseasoned brains cannot apprehend the great mystery thereof to them I will not bestow time to say a word nor here tell you the Vertues of Salt yet you see our natural vulger common Salt will preserve dead flesh from putrefaction What then will the true-prepar'd Philosophical Salt do It is not meet to tell you here but if you are worthy of it the Book will and Paracelsus told you already Let me intreat you to take notice by the way that when you finde any mention made of heaven earth soul spirits or our heaven c. these are not meant the celestial heaven or natural earth but terms used by the Philosophers to obscure their sayings from the wicked spoken with all due and holy reverence to the divine Majesty of whose glorious Attributes the true Philosophers and Astrologers are as tender as CL assical John can be yet this I thought good to mention being cautious lest any spark of my flint should touch the wild-fire of his beacons but that my Salt may rather preserve the hopes of my intelligent Reader to dive
onely Matter or Soul or Spirit but refers and represents all because one is always generated and nourished with the other so that in the propagation and action of one the two other are always present When therefore we say That the Moon is the Mother of the Spirit and universal matter we speak not irrationally nor assert any absurdity but here we must more intimously enquire whence this Maternity proceeds Heat and Moisture then are the two Keyes of Generation and Heat performs the office of the Male but Moisture of the Female Corruption arises upon the action of Heat over Moisture and Generation follows upon Corruption as we may see in the small Body of an Egg wherein by the heat of Fomentation and Incubation the Sperm putrefies and afterwards the Chicken is coagulated and formed The same is also apparent in the Generation of Man who by the help of the natural Heat of the Woman acting upon the Masculine and Feminine Sperm united in her matrix is deduced to a compleat Body perfect in all its parts By Corruption here we understand Mutation and passage of one form into another which cannot be effected without the mediation of putrefaction which is the sole medium and way to Generation which is also promoted by the help of some Mercury or Quicksilver which is the special Conductor of the vegetative faculty and the Sperms of all Bodies are aqueous and as it were full of Mercurial humour and if their innate Heat be brought from potency to act by the external heat of the Sun then may their Generation be procured by decoction Hence the ancient Philosophers assert That the Sun and Man generate the Sun the terrestrial Sun which is Gold and Man Man And it is manifest That without the heat of the Sun the heat of the Elementary Fire is dead and barren Whence the Sun is also called the Master of Life and Generation Heat then in all Generations comes from the Sun but radical moisture by the influence of the Moon which influence all sublunaries receive and feel when this Planet is in its encrease or wane And thus you have an account how and why Hermes called the Sun Father and the Moon Mother to this universal matter for the heat of the Sun and moisture of the Moon generate all things because heat and moisture in a due temperament cause conception and upon conception Life and Generation And though Fire and Water be contraries yet one can do no good without the congress of the other but by their diverse actions all things conceive and are conceived Ainsi dans l'univers discordante concorde Aux Generations devient apte s' accorde If Generation in the world be had Then what erst discord is in concord made Yet I would not have my Reader suspect That by too hasty judgement I would abstract Hermes his prime intention from the broad way of all Alchymists into the by-paths wherein I tread because I know That all good Philosophers according to his minde and will say That the Sun and Moon should be in conjunction that they may absolve perfect Generation for as Arnoldus de villa nova in Flore florum says The Philosophers Sperm is not joyned to their Body but by the mediation of their Moon which Moon is not common Silver but the true matter of their Stone which congregates and inseparably retains in its belly Body which is the Sun and Sperm which is Mercury And he speaks of this Moon in his novum Lumen where he says That excepting his Master of whom he learned his work he knew none that ever operated in the true matter but all were extravagant and erroneous in the election of their matter as if they would generate a man of a dog CHAP. 6. That the Root of the Spirit of the World must be sought in the Air. WInde is nothing but Air moved and agitated as we may learn from the respiration of Animals which blow Winde when they breath Air. Winde then is Air and Air is wholly vital and the breath of Life for without Air nothing can live or subsist for whatsoever is deprived thereof is suffocated and dies yea Plants themselves that are destituted of free Air wither and are in respect of others dry and dead We therefore have some Reason to say That Air is a vital Spirit penetrating all things communicating Life and consistence to all binding moving and filling all By this Air then the Universal Spirit that lies hid and shut in all things is generated and manifested by this it is ingrossed formed and made more apt for Generation whereof Calid the Philosopher treating sayes not without Reason That Minerals have their Roots in the Air their Heads and Tops in the Earth As if he should have said The Air causes this Spirit to enliven augment and multiply Minerals in the Earth though those that have some experience in preparing the Philosophers Stones may say That this place should be otherwise understood for according to their Doctrine in their Philosophical Works there are two parts one volatile which is elevated in form of a vapour and then condensed and resolved into Water and this they call the Spirit the other more fixed residing in the bottom of the Vessel which they call the Body Rosinus explains this sentence by another of the same Authors for he saith Take the things off their souls and exalt them on high and reap them in the tops of their Mountains and reduce them to their Roots where the Glosser sayes These words are true and cleer without envy and ambiguity though he declares not what he understands by things whereof he speaks But by Mountains saith Rosinus the Philosopher means Cucurbites by the tops of their Mountains Alembicks by reaping he means we must receive the Water of the aforesaid things through the Alembick into the Receptacle by reducing them to their Roots he means That we should reduce the said Water to the Earth whence it arose This is also confirmed by Morienus who saith That the Philosophers operations consist onely in extracting Water from the Earth and reducing it to the Earth till the Earth putrefie for the Earth putrefies when this Water is purified which being once pure will by God's help direct and perfect the whole Magistry Some have exploded Air out of the order of the Elements thinking it as glue or lime to conjoyn divers Natures judging it the Spirit or Instrument of the World because it is the Chariot of the Universal Spirit for it first receives the influences of all Celestial Bodies and communicates them to other Elements and mix'd Bodies In the mean while like some divine Looking-glass receiving and retaining the species and forms of all natural things which it carries along with it and insinuating it self into the pores of Animals impresses those forms on them whether they sleep or wake We learn from Animals and Vegetables That every Spirit neer the Earth receives its vertue and vigor from the Air for
esteemed as that principally which Nature uses in her operations and which she establishes as the sole medium for the separation of terrestrial impurity by which also many things are brought to the height of their perfection being by this kind of distillation elevated and sublimated to their purity Whence some Philosophers have call'd it a secret sublimation The second operation by water to wit dissolution is effected by moist and moderate heat as Horse-dung Saint Maries Bath the smoak of boyling water or by infusion in water or else by inhumation in moist places and the end of all these is one to wit the reduction of the things calcined into water that by this liquefaction the terrestrial matter may by straining settle in the bottom of the vessel but this subtile practise and all of the like kind should be reiterated for if any would by continual calcination separate the more simple parts of the compound and reduce to salt what hath the essence of salt he thereby creates much loss for the intemperate and continual violence of the fire will sublimate and evaporate a great part of that which is with such labour sought so that nothing will remain but a small quantity of the soluble matter with a great deal of dregs and besides that matter may by long abode in the fire be made into glass it is better therefore to flie to frequent reiterations then violate nature by the excess of any precinitancy I found such an inconvenience once in calcinating common Chrystal which while I desired to purge from its excrements and by long ignition to reduce to its true essence I found both it and its excrements made into glass and thence useless for my purpose for though Chrystal be clear lucid and transparent yet in Calcination it first emits black and then violaceous fumes as also stinking and sulphureous odours which sufficiently attest its excrementitious earthiness as also white fumes following after the true Homogeneity of its substance which remains clear and fluid in small quantity till it become true chrystalline Salt yea by the duration of these last reiterations its ingrateful sent is changed into a most delicate one like that of violets-powder By these reiterations of Calcinations two more conveniences do yet arise One is that the thing calcined by assuefaction to the fire brings stability and subtilty to the Medicaments as I said before The other that a body often dissolved acquires easie penetration and ready ingression as also more potent strength to change the state of the patient from sickness to sanity from weakness to vigour from declination to restauration and perfect health and these are the ordinary ways of all separations which have no other scope then the purging of pure substances from excrements and elevating of their terrestrial grossness to a fiery purity and from imperfection to perfection Which Hermes hints at when he says that earth must be separated by fire and the subtile from the gross which he says must be done with great care and animadversion For when he speaks of the preparation of the universal Spirit after its terrification and opens the way to the preparation of all individuals he would signifie that there is something in this earth which can scarce be retained and conserved and this is a light and volatile spirit which is kept by the temperament of fire But on the contrary it will easily flie away with the separable and more copious volatile part if in the operation temperate fire and a good method be not used with much patience where the Artist should observe this rule with all diligence that there are three distinct Sulphurs whereof two are separable to wit the external which perishes by Calcination and Dissolution and the internal which vanishes onely by decoction and the third is fixed which is properly the Sulphur of nature and the proper subject of its substance whereunto Philosophers give the name of Agent Fixed-grain or Element of fire As to the external Sulphur it is that first volatile and adustible water for it is plainly extraneous and the first nutriment of fire but the internal is more rooted in and united to the substance and therefore yields not save to intent and continued heat and therefore it assumes all colours before it egrede beginning first with black which is the prime sign of earthiness adustion and corruption and the antecessor of putrefaction and corruption and then passes through other middle colours till at length it put on whiteness which is the airy colour and then ascends to a fiery colour or redness in which the power of art and dominion of fire is terminated and beyond which there is no progress Which thing the Poets fabulously concealed under the unconstant form of Proteus who turned himself into various monstrous forms that he might affright those that would captivate him This variety of colours proceeds from the internal Sulphur the true author and producer of all tinctures and varieties which are by Nature or Art observed in any subject These colours may be also distinctly noted in the decoction of the first universal Subject as I have above said That it produced them in my operations and first whiteness presents it self and then Natures Sulphur appears which Geber says is white without and red within for redness immediately follows this whiteness without all help save the continuation and augmentation of Fire whence one Philosopher said His Stone was a Gold-Ring covered with Silver I would briefly insert these few words about colours not that I would presume to teach the preparations and observations which I know necessary for the perfecting of that great and so much praised Philosophers Elixir but onely that I may shew the curious Disciples of learned Medea which induced by profound and ingenious inquisition seek to enter the secrets of these mysterious Physicks what Sulphurs must be rejected and what must be retained in all things I hope I shall spend that time well which I have substracted from my houshold-affairs if I restore any vigour or spark of life to that languishing part of Natural Philosophy which envious Men have buried in the Sepulchre of Calumny under the odious title of abusive Transmutation and falsifying of Metals though ignorance onely stop their eyes from discerning this true mystery which they load with opprobrious contumelies and injurious words grounding their malice onely on the malicious lies of impudent dullards who run about Cities sell smoak and obnubilate their false Sophistications under the coat of this fair Virgin deceiving the eyes of the too credulous Commonalty with their pigments and by their Syrenical and fraudulent Speeches precipitating curious Inquirers into Scylla or Charybdis CHAP. 4. Of the Spirits ascent into Heaven and descent into the Earth THe Almighty Creator of all things foreseeing from the beginning that infection and corruption growing with things compounded of Body and Spirit would move continual and intestine wars he opposed a remedy to this dissention whereby the
Martial Serpent should be sown is nothing but a vessel wherein Souldiers armed with Spears are elevated But this Vessel should not be a Glass-Alembick as Polydorus thinks but made in form of a Cooperculum or Covert narrow below and capacious above made of good Earth well cocted and not of Iron or Glass In whose bottom Mars his Field must be elevated rigid with Lances and Spears representing souldiers provoked and fighting And this is onely an ingenious Fiction of the Poet to make the thing somewhat admirable to the vulgar which yet is so plain and familiar to us that if I should name what it is I should make my self ridiculous And when Jason had finished his work he must needs make the watching Dragon that kept the Golden Fleece sleep that he might no more eructate Fire and Fume which he did by suffocating him in the Stygian Waters that is by dissolving and fixing him with his Spirit And then Jason had nothing to do for the possession of the Golden Fleece and restoring his old Father Aeson to Youth again but onely one business that Medea taught him that is the fermentation and conjunction of solar burter with the paste of prepared Mercury which is not of it self fit for two such excellent actions being onely Earth wherein pure ferment produced by Nature and promoted to perfection should be sown When he had finished this last work he saw himself possessor of his twofold Treasury which he gloriously brought back to the place of his Nativity by benefit whereof he became very rich and reduced his aged Father to sanity by removing his languishments But I will now leave Jason with his Medea to the enjoyment of their felicity and onely adde this That by the Dragon that watched continually and vomited fire out of his throat nothing can be more conveniently denoted then our Universal Spirit or Mercury which is the most vivacious and inflammable thing in the world wherefore it is called burning water or aqua vitae because as Bracescus notes it always burns before its coagulation and it is aqua vitae because it vivifies all things And if one should look on its superficies who would think it fixed and inconsumeable being so easily inflammable or vanishing at the least touch of fire or who would think that there were any conservative vertue in its Centre seeing it looks as if it were full of mortal poyson rather then life But as God set a Cherubim with a flaming Sword to keep the tree of Life So Nature set this ignivomous Dragon in the door of the Garden to keep the Tree of golden Apples that is the knowledge of her hidden Secrets which our prudent Ancestours would not deliver in writing but onely by word of mouth to such as they thought worthy of such knowledge And this is the cause why those great and admirable Sciences have in progress of time vanished and are accounted as Fables and Tales Which thing Esdras considered for foreknowing that the Israelites should suffer banishments flights and captivity he feared lest the secret Mysteries of the Scripture should perish because without the benefit of writing mens memory might easily fail He therefore Congregated all the Elders in number LXX who with himself wrote all these things in as many Books as himself attests saying That after forty days the Lord spake and said Publish those things which thou hast written that all may read them and keep those later LXX Books that thou maist deliver them to the Wise-men of thy people for herein is the vein of Understanding and the Fountain of Wisdom and the Flood of Knowledge and so he did Picus Mirandulanus the Phenix of his time for Learning and Knowledge speaks of those Books with great reverence in these or the like words These are LXX Cabalistical Books wherein Esdras said plainly That the Fountain of all Understanding and Knowledge was contained that is the inestimable Theology concerning the Supream Deity the Fountain of Wisdom and the entire Metaphysicks of intelligences the stream of Knowledge that is the firmest natural Philosophy When these Books had been long kept secret they were by the command of Xystus the fourth turned first into Latine for the benefit of Religion but this good Work was interrupted by his death Yet they are had in such veneration amongst the Jews that no one under forty years of age may touch them And this is most admirable that in those Cabalistical Doctrines some Heads of Christianism should be contained Thus Mirandula And now having I hope omitted nothing which might serve to the interpretation of Hermes his Table or obscure Philosophical Cabala I shall betake my self to the Port of this unsearchable Ocean and dry my wet cloathes under the Sunshine of your Favours wishing well to all and upon good grounds judging that the Good Honor and Glory of the World is the true Philosophy FINIS Books worth buying to be sold at the Lamb at the East-end of Pauls 1 MAscal's Government of Cattel 2 Wentworth's Miscellania a piece of School-Divinity 3 Two Sober Paradoxes written by Malvezzi 4 Elementa Optica 5 The Soveraigns Prerogative discussed in Parliament in the third and fourth years of King Charls 6 The Secretaries Study an excellent Book of elegant Letters 7 The fourth Book of Cornelius Agrippa in English 8 The compleat Bone-setter translated by R. Turner 9 Arts Notoria or The Notory Art of Solomon c. There is now in the Press an excellent Piece called The Devil Anatomized being a Philosophical Discourse touching the Nature of Spirits