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A50778 A new treatise of natural philosophy, free'd from the intricacies of the schools adorned with many curious experiments both medicinal and chymical : as also with several observations useful for the health of the body. Midgley, Robert, 1655?-1723. 1687 (1687) Wing M1995; ESTC R31226 136,898 356

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A NEW TREATISE OF Natural Philosophy Free'd from the INTRICACIES OF THE SCHOOLS Adorned with many Curious Experiments both Medicinal and Chymical AS ALSO With Several Observations useful for the Health of the Body LONDON Printed by R. E. for J. Hindmarsh at the Golden-Ball over against the Royal. Exchange in Cornhill 1687. LICENSED October 28. 1686. ROBERT MIDGLEY INDEX THe First Part of Physick wherein is treated of the Causes and Principles of Nature CHAP. I. Of the Efficient Cause and of its Essence and Differences CHAP. II. Of the First Cause CHAP. III. The Perfections of the First Cause CHAP. IV. Of Second Causes and their Actions CHAP. V. Of Accidental Causes CHAP. VI. Of Sympathy Antipathy and the Effects depending thereupon CHAP. VII Experiments about Iron and the Loadstone CHAP. VIII An Explication of many other Effects which are commonly attributed to Sympathy CHAP. IX Of Portative Remedies commonly called Amulets of Quick-Silver Gold Silver and Copper CHAP. X. Of Natural Phoenomenas which are attributed to Antipathy CHAP. XI Of Emeticks Sudorificks and Specificks CHAP. XII Of Poysons and Toxicks CHAP. XIII Of Sublimate Arsenick and other kinds of Poysons and their deadly Effects CHAP. XIV Of Antidotes CHAP. XV. Of the true Causes of our Diseases CHAP. XVI Of the Causes of our Health CHAP. XVII Of Formal Exemplary and Material Causes CHAP. XVIII Of the First Matter CHAP. XIX Of Atoms and their Nature CHAP. XX. The Properties Magnitude Figure Weight and Motion of Atoms CHAP. XXI The Difficulties arising from the Doctrine of Atoms CHAP. XXII Of a Disseminate Congregate and Separate Vacuum according to Gassendus CHAP. XXIII Of a Congregate Vacuum against Aristotle and Cartesius The Second Part of Physick wherein is treated of the Coelestial World and of those things which are above Man. CHAP. I. Of the immense Spaces which are without the Heavens CHAP. II. Of the Heavens and their Nature CHAP. III. Of Stars and their Substance CHAP. IV. Of the Figures and Magnitude of Stars CHAP. V. Of the Motion of the Stars CHAP. VI. The System of the World according to Ptolomy Examined CHAP. VII The System of the World according to Copernicus Examined CHAP. VIII Of the Motion of the Earth CHAP. IX Of the Sun the true Centre and Heart of the World. CHAP. X. Of the Moon and its Changes CHAP. XI Of Planets Comets and the Fixed Stars CHAP. XII Of Meteors in the Air. CHAP. XIII Of Winds Tempests and Whirl-winds CHAP. XIV Of Thunder Lightning and the Thunderbolt CHAP. XV. Of Aurum-Fulminans which imitates Thunder CHAP. XVI Of Hail Snow Frost c. CHAP. XVII Of the Rainbow Halones and Parrhelis CHAP. XVIII Of the Air its Substance and Qualities The Third Part of Physick of those things which are beneath Man viz. of the Earth and Terrestrial Things which are called Inanimate CHAP. I. Of the Earth and Water in General CHAP. II. Of Terrestrial Inanimate Bodies in General CHAP. III. Of the various Qualities observed in Compound Bodies CHAP. IV. Of Special Qualities which arise from the Composition of Bodies CHAP. V. Of the Quantity Weight and Figure of Compound Bodies CHAP. VI. The Difference betwixt Natural Artificial and Compound Bodies CHAP. VII Of Mettals and their Formation CHAP. VIII Of Gold the King of Mettals CHAP. IX Of Silver Copper and other imperfect Mettals CHAP. X. Of Lead Tin and Iron CHAP. XI Of Quick-Silver Arbor Diana or the Silver Tree CHAP. XII Of Minerals CHAP. XIII Of Salts CHAP. XIV Of Subterranean Fires aend Earthquakes CHAP. XV. Of Waters and their Differences CHAP. XVI Of the Sea its Ebbing and Flowing and of the Saltness of the Sea-Water CHAP. XVII Of Springs and Rivers The Fourth Part of Physick Of those things which are in Man and of Man himself as he is a Compound Physical and Animate Body CHAP. I. Of Life in General CHAP. II. Of the difference of Lives CHAP. III. Of the Vegetative Life common to Man and Plants CHAP. IV. Of the Nature of Seeds and their Propagation CHAP. V. Of Nutrition which is common to Plants and Brutes as well as Man. CHAP. VI. How and with what Food an Embryo is nourished in the Womb 'till the time of its Nativity CHAP. VII How a Man is nourished after he is Born. CHAP. VIII The Sensitive Life of Man and other Animals CHAP. IX Of Seeing its Organ and Object viz. Light. CHAP. X. How illustrated Objects are visible CHAP. XI Of Hearing its Organ and Object CHAP. XII Particular Questions about Hearing CHAP. XIII Smelling its Organ and Object CHAP. XIV Of Tast and its Object CHAP. XV. Of Feeling CHAP. XVI Of Speech the Pulse and Breathing of Man. CHAP. XVII Of the Motion of the Heart CHAP. XVIII Of the irregular motion of the Heart in Animals and in Feavers CHAP. XIX Of the Circulation of the Blood. CHAP. XX. Of the inward Senses and the inferiour Appetite CHAP. XXI Of Sleep want of Rest and Death CHAP. XXII Of the Death of Brutes Plants and Mettals CHAP. XXIII Of the Rational Soul and its Powers NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OR Natural Science FREED FROM The Intricacies of the Schools THE desire of Knowledge is natural to Man Curiosity is inseparable from his Spirit neither is he ever at rest until he hath attained to the perfect knowledge of things that is until he becomes a Wise Man. Science is the Knowledge of things by their Causes therefore there is no Man Wise who is ignorant of the Original Principles and Causes of all things occurring to him and since it is impossible for any Man in this Life to attain to a clear distinct and an undubitable knowledge of all things therefore there is no Man that is absolutely Wise Those who have the Reputation of being Wise and Excellent Philosophers have obtained that preheminence in regard they are less ignorant than others Sciences differ according to the diversity of Mens Conditions and Professions The Noble Man is conversant and wise in the Art of War the Physitian in the Precepts of Medicine and the Advocate in matters of Law and Right but all these Sciences nay Theology it self cannot subsist without Philosophy especially without that part of it which we call Physick or natural Science The First Part of Physick wherein is Treated of the Causes and Principles of Nature BY Nature is understood the Universe composed of Heaven and Earth and all that is found between both this is the Object of Physick this every natural Philosopher ought to know and because this Knowledge cannot be obtained without knowing the principles and causes of things hence it is evident that a Natural Philosopher ought to use his utmost endeavour to enquire into the principles and causes of Nature and of all things which happen in this World. I shall not examine here whether there be any difference betwixt a Cause and a Principle for every principle after its manner I conceive to be a cause of that thing whereof it is the principle and no Man
reason of Winds and Tempests creeping into the Bowels of the Earth through the holes made hollow by the Water But these Earth-quakes arise when the Earth recedes never so little from the Centre of its gravity or is interrupted in its motion about the Centre of the Universe that is about the Sun or else when it is driven to and fro by the Solar Vortex and this is a fourth motion of it by means of which it is sometimes nearer the Sun in a streight and perpendicular Line from whence sometimes happen intolerable Summer heats or mild Winters or on the contrary as we may have experienced CHAP. XV. Of Waters and their differences THere are many kinds of Waters seen which I here propose to speak a little of The first of them is that which is called the common Elementary Water whose Atoms are round and vacuities plenty and triangular This may be rarified and condensed as the Corpuscles of Fire entring into its Vacuities either dilate them and remove the parts of Water from one another or the particles of cold compress them and shut them up by their gravity or else expel from thence the particles of Air which had insinuated therein Sometimes water is so closely shut up by Cold that it is congealed and brought into cones of Ice from whose lightness appears the quantity of Air that has got into the Pores and from its hardness is manifested that the vacuities of this Air are very much compressed Another Species of Water is that which is called destilled Water and which by the help of Alembicks is extracted out of all kinds of Simples which is thus done the Particles of Water which are in Plants do free themselves and are driven upwards in the form of Vapours which striking against the Head of the Vessel are incrassated crushed together and condensed into little drops of Water which fall down through the beack of the Alembick After this manner Rains arise and fall upon the Earth and from hence we may learn that Vapours are nothing else but Water rarified and that in Nature there is a continual Circulation whilst Water ascends and descends it ascends in the form of Vapours and makes the Clouds and it falls down again in Rains and Dew A Third sort of Water is called Aqua-Fortis extracted out of Mettalline Salts so that to speak properly it is not Water but Spirits that is the most subtile and most acute Particles that are in the Salts and by force are freed from them and which forsaking their terrestrial parts carry only the watery parts along with them with which they compose a sensible and fluid Body This Water dissolves Mettals and brings them into a corrosive Liquor So we may see what Saline Corpuscles are able to do when they are freed from their Earthy part nor shall we any more wonder at the effects which proceed from serosities and salt Phlegm in humane Bodies We may from hence also learn from whence the intolerable pains of the Gout Gripes and the Cholick do arise for these are corrosive Spirits freed from their Earthy part which become so sharp and penetrating that they pierce through the parts on which they fall pulling and tearing them asunder The following Species of Water is that which is called Aqua-Vitae which is nothing but the more subtile Corpuscles of Wine which are of a Fiery and Sulphurous Nature and do very easily burn and take Fire by the means of fermentation An Aqua-Vitae is extracted out of all kinds of Grain Pulse and Plants It is a wonderful thing truly that we see a Linnen Cloth dipped in Aqua-Vitae and set on fire and yet nevertheless it is not burnt nay not so much as scorched Which proceeds from this That in Aqua-Vitae there is a kind of Salt whose Corpuscles sticking to the Linnen defend it from the burning heat of the Flame which applies it self to the Sulphur only not being able to touch the Salt or the Subject to which it adheres Under the fifth Species of Water are comprehended Mineral Waters so called because they contain in them a great many Mineral Spirits as various as the places through which they pass and as various as the Mettals and Minerals which they meet with in their passage Amongst them some are hot and boyling because they run through places in which Sulphur and ●itumen are heated Of these there are a great many in France but the most Natural and sweetest of them are the Waters of Bourbon which conduce very much to the Breast and Stomach and to the whole Body by opening their Pores and vents taking away by transpiration Head-achs Rheumatisms and Pals●es and they might deservedly be called an Universal Medicine because besides the Vertues above described they possess wonderful ones also in the Stone of the Kidneys and curing Fits of the Mother unless that they too much irritate Ulcers and inward Apostems as also they discover them if they lie hid I have Chymically extracted out of these Waters a Salt as white as Snow and altogether like to Sal Polychrestum and I can affirm that Nitre also and Sulphur are contained in them For this Reason their sharp Particles enrage inward Ulcers and for the same Cause sharp-pointed Dock-Leaves being ca 〈…〉 into the Wells of Bourbon the Salt hinders them from withering After the same manner as the Salt of the Aqua-Vitae keeps the lighted Handkerchief without being hurt as we observed before There are also other hot Waters which instead of Nitre are impregnated with Vitriol whereupon they purge by Stool much more than the others but they are not altogether so safe Of these there are many kinds but all the Bourbon Waters are alike except the Waters of Jonas which are not to be reckon'd amongst the best Moreover the Waters of Bourbon-Lancius in B●●gundy are the hottest and have some parts of Nitre and Sulphur but the greatest part of Bittumen wherefore they serve for Bathing indeed but not at all for Drinking because they purge only by transpiration and plentiful Sweats There are also a great many cold Mineral Waters in France and amongst the rest those of Passy les Paris which besides that they as well as other spurge by Stool and Urine they have this peculiar quality that they cure Agues and cool in Burning Feavers they open inward and inveterate Apostems they open Obstructions of the Liver Spleen and Bowels by the help of the Spirits or Corpuscles of Iron which they carry along with them out of the Mines through which they pass Some of these are stronger some sweeter and lastly some decayed CHAP. XVI Of the Sea its Ebbing and Flowing as also of the Saltness of sea-Sea-Water THe Sea goes about the Earth like a Circle or Girdle and the Earth is like an Island in the midst of it But if by the Author of Nature cavities had not been digged in it in which the Sea might be placed it would overflow the whole Earth The first thing in the
rendredmore fix'd For this Reason the Powder of projection so called being cast into melted Mettal that is not fixed penetrates it and sixeth it by its own fixity But this Experience is not yet found but is still to be found out so that no Experience can be taken from a thing that is not equally as certain and as common as Aurum-Fulminans and Gun-powder which if there be such a Powder and it be such as they report it it is a Miracle both of Art and Nature CHAP. XVI Of Hail Snow Frost c. HAIL descending from the Clouds and falling down with violence is composed of Drops of Water hardned by Cold and it falls down with violence because it is expelled the Clouds by a strong expression almost after the same manner as your smallest Shot are discharged out of a Musquet Snow is Water congealed in the form of Froth the slakes of it in its falling are puft up and filled with Air which makes it very porous and light it contains also many terrestrial particles as appears in dissolving it it is white but may be made black by a sole inversion of its Atoms There are also in it many fiery particles which warm the hands of those that long handle it There is another kind of Hail also which falls in the Spring time it is like your smallest Shot or your Seeds of Coriander This only differs from Snow in the purity of its parts or in as much as it hath more Vacuities in it than there are in Snow and on the contrary Snow has more of Air and Fire in it than this kind of Hail but both of them are by the help of Heat disolving their parts reduced into Water Hoary Frost is Air incrassated by Cold and congealed upon the boughs of Trees upon the Hair of Travellers and upon the Herbs of the Field and it is called white Ice In this Chrystalline whiteness a bloody redness is included which may be extracted out of this Hoary Frost and which if it be well prepared conduceth very much to Health CHAP. XVII Of the Rain-Bow Halo and Pareliae THe Rain-Bow is the most beautiful of all Meteors and the Miracle of Nature it is seen when the Sun either rising or setting darts his Rays upon a Cloud full of little globular suspended drops of Water which by diversly breaking and reflecting the light produce that diversity of Colours which we observe in it which ceases either by a different position of the Cloud or by the absence of the Sun. This Meteor appears like a Beautiful Arch adorned with all manner of Colours which happens for as much as the Sun looks only upon its superficies and then when it is rising or setting and the Clouds are either in the North or in the South Some will have these Colours of the Rainbow to be only appearances and by no means real but this is an Error for there is nothing hinders but that these may be equally as real as all other though they are not so lasting An Halo is the appearance of a Circle about the Moon which ariseth from a gross and thick Cloud upon which the Lunar rays fall directly so that its middle is made pervious to them and broke through by them though the circumference be not which is therefore the appearing Circle and which is not as it is vulgarly imagined nigh to the Moon but it is in the expansion of the Air and far remote from the Moon Parheliae are counterfeit Suns formed in the Clouds either by the reflection or refraction of his Beams just as we see them in Water where sometimes many Suns are seen though there was never more than one We may say likewise that the Clouds in respect of us are like those prospective Looking-glasses which represent many Images of one thing placed upon a Table which one thing is only real and all the rest imaginary Yet this does not hinder but that these Parheliae may be true Lights and Suns Painted without Artifice CHAP. XVIII Of Air its Substance and Quality AIR is that Element out of which the Meteors are formed which we speak of Its substance is most subtile and most fluid by reason of the Vacuities dispersed through it It is nevertheless thicker and heavier in the lowest Region by reason of the mixture of Corpuscles coming out of the Earth and Water Some think it only a mixture of the little Bodies or particles of Earth and Water whereupon the quality of the Air we breathe in depends upon the Climate which we inhabit So that Air is not every where alike wholsome but very unwholesome in Moorish and Fenny Grounds from whence ordinarily gross and malignant Vapours thick and putrid Clouds arise which we take in when we draw our breaths The very same Air we breathe in and which when we take our breath preserves our Lives by its wholsome gales is able to bring Death to us when it comes laden with sharp particles which in their passage vellicate the Lungs and cause most vehement coughings Oftentimes also emancipated pointed and penetrating Atoms flow in the Air which entring in at the Pores of the Body disturb its whole Oeconomy or frame Others ascending by the Nostrils to the Brain stick to its membranes and produce Pains and Convulsions and are the Causes of violent Head-achs Vertigoes and Apoplexies And there are some also which penetrating the Organs of hearing cause hummings and noises there which continue for some time because their particles are of a figure fit for adhesion The Air most malignant and most to be feared is that which is pestilent by reason of the Atoms which come out from putrid and corrupt Bodies as we have said elsewhere The fluidness of the Air does not arise from its not being compounded of solid and material Atoms but from its being rare or loose and it is rare because its parts are far distant from one another This distance necessarily is space this space is again either full or empty if empty we have rightly concluded that there are desseminate Vacuities if full it must be material Let there be therefore material Atoms all which mutually touch one another and all things will be solid and there will be nothing fluid in all Nature unless we acknowledge dispersed Vacuities from whence the rareness and fluidness of Bodies arises as shall be more fully discoursed of The End of the Second Part of Physick The Third Part of Physick Of those Things which are under a Man viz. of Earth and things Terrestrial which are called Inanimate HAving discoursed of those Things which are and happen above us it is time now that we speak of those Things also which are under or beneath us as also of all Things worth taking notice of in the Earth and Water which constitute one Globe which we call Terrestrial But in this Part we will consider Terrestrial Things only as they are inanimate according to the common Opinion CHAP. I. Of Earth and Water
in general THE Earth as hath been said is a Planet habitable having three Motions The First of these is about its own proper Centre which is not the Centre of the World for the Circle of the Earth is Excentrick This motion is impressed upon it by the Solar Vortex as a greater Wheel carries a less along with it and this is called its Diurnal motion Another is about the Sun as the Centre of the World to which it is Concentrical and requires a Years time to return to the same point and this arises likewise from the Solar Vortex for the Earth being driven on by the Flux of the Centre of the Universe cannot be moved about its proper Centre without sensibly making an Excentrick Circle And from this two-fold Motion of it arises the other third viz. from one Pole to the other in the space of one six Months and returning back again in the space of six other which happens because it can go no farther nor pass the Tropick unless it recedes from the Solar Circle for here it hath only the Latitude of the Ecliptick For if it should recede it must ascend too for whatsoever recedes from the Centre of the Universe in respect of that ascends and so likewise from its proper Centre The Earth in all these motions carries the Water along with it for they both make but one and the same Globe which is altogether exact and regular on the Seas part but less accurate on the Earth's part by reason of the Vales and Mountains And though it be true that the Earth does not seem to us to be of a round Figure yet it is proved by Experience for that teaches us that the last part of the Ship which can be seen by those on shoar is the top of the Mast and the first Things they on Ship-board see as they approach their Haven are the tops of Towers From whence it may evidently appear that the Sea is as it were a Belly and eminence which insensibly is lifted up into a convexity that so with the Earth it may constitute one entire Globe Earth and Water are two immediate Principles of all Compounds which are to be seen in this lower Region of the World yet notwithstanding not they but Atoms are the first Elements as it is said else-where There is moreover a lesser number of Vacuities in Terrestrial than in Aqueous Bodies and this is the Cause that the Earth is more solid and the Water more fluid that is to say less solid than the Earth CHAP. II. Of Terrestrial Inanimate Bodies in general THere is nothing Simple but God an Angel the Rational Soul Atoms and a Vacuum God is essentially Simple in a simplicity of Essence Power and Act for whatsoever is in him is an act his Essence is no ways compounded nor his Power idle nor his Action ever interrupted An Angel is simple in respect of essence but his power is not always in act nor his action at least the same without intermission The Rational Soul which is a Spirit laid in pledge or at least a Physical Compound with an Organical Body is simple because it hath neither Integral Physical nor contained parts but it self is a Physical Part saving only that its powers are often idle and its actions are changed and interrupted A Vacuum is simple for since it is neither a Spirit nor Matter nor any thing else but a capacity of receiving a Body and it hath an essential emptiness it cannot be called simple but for as much as it cannot suffer composition by reason of its imperfection Lastly Atoms are simple because they are indivisible and the first Elements of Bodies out of which all compound Bodies are framed I acknowledge no other Elements no other substantial material forms in Bodies for they are not only unnecessary but impossible Yet it doth not follow from thence that the diversity which occurs between Bodies constituting the World and which are the Compounds of the lower World is no other than meerly accidental and not at all essential for according to our Principles we determine one composition to be substantially distinguished from another by Atoms which are the first Principles of its composition and essentially by the manner of composition that is by the disposition and ordination of its Atoms Corpuscles and all its parts They who conclude that there is no Physical Compound without a substantial form think Matter alone with its diverse Figures and in all its dispositions cannot possibly be the Cause of the special Properties which we observe in every one Body and that therefore a form distinct from Matter is required to produce qualities proper to every one compound Body As for Example Earth is in its Nature dry and Water is cold which could not happen unless Earth did obtain a substantial form which is dryness and Water such a one as Cold requires This is that form which restores dryness to the Earth and Cold to the Water when they are put out of their Natural State and condition to wit by introducing moisture into the first and heat into the latter This Objection how strong so ever it may seem is nevertheless but vain for we say that neither the moisture of Water nor the dryness of Earth are Accidental Qualities so that this ought to gravel none but those who acknowledge Accidental Qualities distinct from Matter Ours is quite another Opinion and our Language quite otherwise For we firmly conclude That all Compound Bodies which are in the World are compounded of Matter every thing else being excluded and that all contingent changes in them arise from Matter newly added or taken away or changing place or by some confused Atoms or Corpuscles brought thither from else-where or lastly by the more notable parts changing place or other ways disposed by the Action of external Agents CHAP. III. Of the various Qualities to be observed in Compound Bodies THere is a difference betwixt the Qualities of Simple Elements which are Atoms and the Qualities of Bodies compounded of them for the First as well as Atoms are immutable and incorruptible the others as well as the compound Bodies are mutable and fleeting For indeed Propriety follows the Nature of that Being of which it is the propriety So that if Atoms are immutable by their solidity the same must be said of their Qualities but Bodies compounded of many distinct Parts are forced to be changed as often as their parts change places or are wholly separated That which is corrupted as well as that which is generated De Novo is a Composition for as corruption is a division of substance so generation is a composition of it To Explain this Opinion There is nothing more commodious than the example of Syllables and Words For truly Letters are immutable indeed and according to their different place they vary a Syllable or Word without changing their figure substance and essence remaining always the same in what state or disposition soever they are placed
Sea that offers it self of Note is the Saltness of its Waters Originally produced from saline massy Bodies produced at the beginning in the Earth and melted by the help of the Waters which from thence as now they are were impregnated with Saltness The heat of the Sun does not a little contribute to th●● saltness consuming its humidity and Phlegm as do also the Salt which Rivers and Floods wash out of the Earth in their passage thither From whence it appears that it may be truly said that all the Salt which is contained in the Earth is carried into the Sea and drawn out of the Earth by the help of Rivers and Waters derived from them and running through the Earth whilst they are filtred to constitute Fountains of fresh Water Now if we could filter sea-Sea-Water after this manner there would never be any scarcity of fresh-water in Ships and long Voyages Another thing that I observe in the Sea is the Ebbing and Flowing of its Waters in some places so very remarkable and regular in their turns every six hours There are some who have thought that Rivers entring into the Sea on one part are the Cause of its flowing but falling into it from another part are the Causes of its Ebbing Others have attributed this effect to winds but the greatest part to the motion of the Moon and to the condensation and rarefaction of the Lunar Air. This is the Opinion of Antonius à Reita extant in his Book entituled Oculus Enoch Eliae where he supposes that rarified Air presses the Sea and lifts it up on both sides like Mountains from whence there ariseth its Flowing Which Air being afterwards condensed the Sea begins to subside and the Waters to return to their first State that is they Ebb. He endeavours to build this Opinion by this Argument to wit that this motion is most observable at the Full of the Moon at which time the Air is very much rarified and at the new of the Moon when it is very much condensed For my part I would rather say that the Ebbing and flowing of the Sea ariseth from the Earths motion from one Tropick to the other For it cannot possibly in its diurnal motion move a degree forwards daily as it doth without driving the Waters from one part and attracting them from the other According to this Opinion a reason may be given why its ebbing and flowing is only from South to North and from North to South and that they are lesser between the Tropicks Besides there is nothing contained in this Opinion which is not very probable But if there are some irregularities observed in ebbing and flowing they arise from Islands Rocks Straights or Promo 〈…〉 tories which very much hasten retard or lessen this motion and partly upon this account that is to say by reason of the Straights of Gibralter there is no notable ebbing and flowing in the Mediterranean Sea besides it is seated between the two Tropicks and is neither too much Northerly nor too much Southerly CHAP. XVII Of Springs and Rivers THere are two kinds of Springs viz. those that sometimes run and those that run always the first proceed from Rains but these arise from the Sea But to speak properly the Sea is the source of all Springs and Fountains for Rains arise from Vapours raised out of the Sea by the help of the Sun and then falling down by drops out of which arise the first sort of Springs which are not perpetual But perpetual Springs are derived from it more immediately by the help of some subterraneous Watery Store-Houses which are filled by aqueducts proceeding from the Sea. It is commonly asked why sea-Sea-water is salt and yet spring-Spring-water which comes from it is sweet To which difficulty it is answered the aqueducts rising out of the Sea run through subterraneous Sands by which the Water in its passage 〈◊〉 filtred and deposits its Salt or else the Salt is precipitated and falls to the bottom of these subterraneous Watery store-Houses as we see in Salt-Pits or after the mixing of Oyl of Tartar and Spirits of Vitriol or that the Atoms pass through imperceptible aqueducts through which the saline Atoms cannot pass by reason of their square Figures So water is made fresh by the help of straining Or lastly by the means of distillation So water being raised up in Vapours and then condensed distils into other receptacles which recieve it and send it to others till it comes to the place where the Spring breaks out It seems a Wonder that Springs arising out of the Sea should be able to ascend to the tops of Mountains To which difficulty it may be answered that the Water of the Sea is equally as high as the highest Mountain because the Earth and Water make but one Globe and the Mountains of the Earth do appear to us to be high and lofty only in regard of the Plains and Vallies in which we are placed and from whence we look upon them But the Sea is higher than the Plains and Vallies if you conceive it all Universally because it makes a perfect Circle And if a Line should be drawn encompassing the whole terraqueous Globe it would be found a perfect circle without any irregularity From this supposed principle it is evident that sea-Sea-water does not ascend that it may find an exit out of the tops of Mountains but that going out of them it descends and produces Rivers in the middle of Plains and bottom of Vallies And this They ought to mind who have said that Water ascends out of the Sea to our Mountains three ways by which it is wont to be raised to wit by the means of Pumps Pipes or woollen Cloth so they say Sea-water may be drawn up to the heighth of Mountains by help of the Beams of the Sun and Stars or by Channels or Pores unknown to us and made in the shape of Pipes and disposed of after the manner as we see all the Wine in the Vessel taken out from thence by the help of a Pipe or lastly Sea water may insinuate it self into a spongy and light Earth which imbibes it and causeth it to ascend and flow after the same manner as we see all the Water contained in a Bason to ascend to the brims of it and by degrees to go beyond by the help of Cotten or a little Woollen Cloth As pleasant and as subtile soever as this fancy may be I think my Opinion is better grounded and more agreeable to truth By what hath been said it is apparent hitherto that sea-Sea-water supplies Matter to Springs and Fountains these do supply Matter to Rivulets and Rivulets to Streams and Rivers which empty themselves into the Sea from whence they come out to moisten the Earth and that as I said before by a continual fluid circulation It may be lastly asked what may be the Cause of this circulation and from whence proceeds that force with which we see Floods and Rivers to
Pole repels it because the Spirit of the North Pole enters in at the Pores of the Iron but the Southern cannot for it strikes against the Iron and drives back too much its Elastick Particles This Explication presupposes the Being of Spirits and Atoms and their Figures and Motions and as also small occult vacuities which are dispersed through all Bodies as we shall shew hereafter CHAP. VIII An Explication of many other Effects which we endeavour to attribute to Sympathy I Do not design in this place to shew all the Effects which do proceed from Sympathy and to give the reason of every one of them in particular I conceive such a Labour besides that it is very difficult is moreover useless for an Explication of one will serve to explain the rest therefore instead of all it will be sufficient to Explain some few of them That which first presents it self to our consideration is the Sympathetick Powder the Sympathetick Wood and the Sympathetick Ointment an Amulet and the Medalls which are of the same Nature which they call Talisman Sir Kenelm Digby Reports that the Sympathetick Powder will cure a wound when the person wounded is distant a hundred nay two hundred Miles so that the Cloath be dressed to which the Matter or Blood sticks which proceeded from the wound but principally there must be care taken that the wound be kept clean and that the Cloath be kept in a temperate place for if it be thrown into a place which is too warm it will cause an inflammation in the wound no solid reason can be given of this Phaenomenon so wonderful in it self but that it is by a continual entercourse of the Spirits proceeding from the Bodies which by continual motion are coming and going and keeping a tye or bond betwixt the Bodies and though our Senses are too gross to perceive them it doth not therefore follow that there are not such things as it appears by the example of the Spider descending or ascending and drawing after him an invisible Thread which proceeds from his Body so that he being in one end of the Chamber remains firm and fixed to the other end by the same thread by which he bears himself up and is moved from one part to the other I confess it is hard to conceive that there should be a Thread of Communication betwixt the Wound and the Blood which issued from it But that is neither impossible nor incomprehensible though the Phenomenon is not plainly infallible because this Thread being broke or interrupted the wound cannot be cured unless we take again fresh Blood and excite it by the means of this Powder whose Spirits do drive those which are in the Blood and mixing themselves by the strength of the Powder do carry and communicate its vertue to the wound and that at a considerable distance but not indifferently not at the distance of a hundred Miles as it is conmonly believed it is certain if that were done by Sympathy the Effect would be the same at any distance neither would it ever deceive us I cannot produce any more sensible or just reason to explain the Vertues and Effects of the Sympathetick Powder which depend much upon the due preparation of it they do not extend themselves so far nor are they so infallible as some would have for the reasons by us alledged The same thing may be said of the Sympathetick Wood which stops Blood if a little of the Blood which runs out of the would be put upon this Wood where so soon as that Blood is dryed the Flux of the other Blood is stanched and this they say is done by Sympathy but the true reason proceeds from the invisible adherence whereby both these Bloods are so subtilly connected together by the astringent Vertue of this Wood and by this Thread of Friendship composed out of Atoms variously twisted together communicates it to the Blood which flows in great quantity whereupon this Flux if it be not too vehement is stopped If this Effect did arise from Sympathy it would never deceive us because nothing can oppose Sympathy but it is not infallible as experience shews us Of all the Effects which hold us in suspence that which we call the Divining-Rod is not the least for it is very strange to see a Rod which is held fast in the Hand visibly to incline and bend it self towards that place where there is any Water or Mettal and more or less as the Water or Mettal is nearer to the Superficies of the Earth or is more remote from it and more deep in the ground and that which is most stupendious is that this Rod which does it shews no motion but in the hands of those who have obtained a particular vertue to this purpose which distinguishes them from others though it cannot be said who gave them this power nor why this Rod hath this motion in the hands of one Man and not in anothers Concerning this Subject the cause of this motion is to be considered which cannot be attributed to Sympathy for Sympathy is a necessary Cause and then this motion would be always and in the hands of every body which yet we see is not done Therefore the most natural Cause is to be enquired into which I deduce from these Mineral or Aquatick Spirits issuing from those places wherein the Mettals or Waters are which meeting with the Rod whose Pores are fitted for them to lay hold on attracts it by a Perpendicular motion which is natural to them and bends it as it were with a Silken Thread or a Golden Chain The difficulty is about the hand which holds the Rod for every hand is not qualified for this purpose nor is every Tree fit for it unless it be Hazel or some other of the same quality with it As to the Hand it is certain that the Hands as well as the Men do differ and that the Spirits proceeding from them are different and so it ought not to be looked upon as such a wonder that there should be Spirits which retain the Rod and hinders this motion and that they should proceed from the hand of one and not from the hand of another and that every sort of Wood is not fitted to receive the hold of all Atoms Of portative remedies which are called Amulets I say nothing but what experience taught me concerning them and of the manner how Quick-Silver sticks to Gold and Silver to Copper which forces me to write a particular Chapter concerning them CHAP. IX Experiments concerning Portative Remedies of Quick-Silver Gold Silver and Copper THere are certain Remedies by Physitians called Amulets which give ease to Humane Bodies in many Distempers as long as the Person carries them about him as experience teaches us of a Spider shut up in a Nut-shell and hung about the Neck is good to cure all Diseases of the Lungs the true Nephritick Stone being carried about one cures the Stone a little Bone of the Thigh heals
the Sciatica Quick-Silver or a Toad hung about the Neck is a preservative against the Plague the Tooth of a Dead Man carried about you shall cure you of the Tooth-ach Oak-Moss gathered at a certain time and an Elkes hoof cure the Epilepsie There are such as preserve Children from having the Small-Pox and others which being tied to the wrist cure the Tertian and Semitertian So there are many others whose Effects are ascribed to occult causes and to the Sympathy and Antipathy of things I do not question the truth of these experiments because I am certain as to the greatest part of them having tryed them Without doubt there are many others which I do not know of and which nevertheless others might have seen but this I know that the aforementioned Effect is not infallible and when it happens it is done by the emission of certain Spirits or Atoms proceeding from those Remedies and penetrating the Pores of Mans Body and giving strength to the Animal Spirits to resist internal Poysons or resisting the external Poysons and fixing and hindring them from hurting those who carry the Amulets I shall say nothing of Medals which are called Talisman importing good Luck to those by whom they are carried about them nor of white Magnets which procure the kindness of all People and the favour of a Mistriss I give little credit to such things neither can I easily believe all things which are said of them and if Stars ought to have place here rather than Demons all is done by the means of Atoms Now I come to that which I am better acquainted with and of which I can speak with more certainty I mean of Experiments concerning Quick-silver and Gold it is certain that if any Man hath Quick-Silver in his Body or any where about him that the Gold-Ring which he hath upon his Finger or which he holds in his Mouth will turn white because the Quick-Silver sticks to the Gold and if this Gold-Ring be thrown into the Fire the Quick-Silver flyes and evaporates and if the same Ring be again put upon the Finger or held in the Mouth it will still grow white every time as long as any Quick-Silver remains in the Body This Phoenomenon is commonly ascribed to a Sympathy which is betwixt Quick-Silver and Gold as if the Quick-Silver should hastily go to the Gold and embrace it or that the Gold did draw the Quick-Silver to it but Gold enclosed in smooth Glass does not turn white no more doth it then when Quick-Silver is enclosed hermetically in a Glass there is no Sympathy to call it forth thence no more than out of a Box or Bladder wherein it is kept we ought not therefore to say that it was the Sympathy of these two Mettals which was the only cause by which the one adheres to the other for though we should grant that there is a Sympathy that is an agreeableness proportion and likeness between these two substances not in their imaginary qualities but in the figure of their Atoms nevertheless it must be confessed that the attraction of Quick-Silver to Gold is by an emission of their Spirits and Corpuscles near after the same manner as we observed of the Load-Stone and Iron There is no less a connexion betwixt Silver which the Chymists call the Moon and Copper which they call Venus than there is betwixt Mercury that is in their Dialect Quicksilver and the Sun that is Gold. If one Ounce of Silver be disolved in three Ounces of Aquafortis made of Nitre and Vitriol the Silver is reduced to Water neither is it ever after seen and if we would recover the Silver after such a dissolution you must take leaves of Copper and put them into an Earthen Vessel and pour upon them one pint of common Water then to this Water put the liquor in which the Silver was dissolved and it will turn it as white as Milk and in the space of two or three hours the Silver will leave the Aqua-fortis and joyn it self to the Copper in the form of Curd or white Moss when the water is clear throw it all out the silver sticking to the Copper is dryed and reduced to a mealy Powder and this is called Calx Lunae or Silver Calcined As to this we must take notice that if in stead of Copper you put in leaves or pieces of Gold Silver Lead or Tin the Experiment will not answer expectation neither will Silver stick to them as well as to Gold whence we must necessarily conclude that there is a certain Sympathy or peculiar connexion between Silver and Copper as there is betwixt Gold and Quick-silver so that we grant that if the transmutation of Mettals be not impossible no Mettal can be sooner changed into another than Copper into Silver and Mercury into Gold The difficulty is in knowing the true cause of a Connexion or Affinity which is so remarkable It is commonly said to be done by that sympathy or agreeableness which is between these two Mettals But in saying that we say nothing for we must enquire farther into the cause and foundation of this Sympathy so that we are forced to search for another Cause of this Effect and to say that Silver is not joined to Copper but by the means of a certain local motion of the Particles of the Silver which are dispersed in this great quantity of water and are congregated to joyn and unite themselves to the Copper there is no other cause of this local motion besides the Spirits and scent of the Copper which are dispersed thorow the water and there meeting with particles of the Silver which are wandring separated and dispersed are fixed to them by reason of the conformity of their Pores when the Corpuscles of the Silver are loosed and set at liberty in the water they leave it and descend being forced downwards by the concurring Particles of the Water and leaving no vacuity wherein the Particles of the Silver may be contained they find the Atoms of the Copper emitting themselves like the Odors of Aromatique Bodies and mutually entangle one another like littlè hooks they go directly towards the Copper and falls upon it as it lies in the bottom of the Vessel this Explication doth imply the Doctrine of Atoms and their figures weight and motions as it shall appear in following Chapters after we have discoursed of Antipathy CHAP. X. Of Natural Phaenomena which are attributed to Antipathy THere are observed to be many Effects for which no Reason can be given without the help of this feigned Antipathy I 'le instance to you some few which I shall endeavour to explain In the first place occurs the sight of the Basilisk who kills all whom he sees which they say is by Antipathy which is betwixt it and other Animals But it may be said rather that it is done by the emission of certain venomous Spirits which penetrate the Eyes of those which were seen by the Basilisk The nature of this poison
goes streight forwards whenas he continually treads the same steps in the same Circle But to do this there must be a propulsion on every side for Gold would not be turned round in the Cupel if Fire were only applyed to it from beneath and not from above and quite round it which ought to be well taken notice of We will say then that the Sun cannot be moved about its own Centre that is the Centre of the World unless at the same time it moves the ambient Bodies by the assistance of the Corpuscles coming out of its Globe like so many streams of Light just as we see Rivers of Water flowing out of the Sea and yet the Sea is never the less for this Effusion no more than the Sun is lessened by a continual effusion of his Light because it receives in as much as it pours out and these Waters return back to the Sea as these Corpuscles of Light do to the Sun by a continual Circulation CHAP. X. Of the Moon and its Changes THe Moon is like an Optick Looking-Glass in which Light and the Corpuscles flowing from the Sun are concentred and gathered together from whence for divers respects and changes they are sent towards the Earth One of the Antients affirmed the Moon to be a Planet very near and familiar to the Earth it is moved about the Sun because it is in the solar Vortex by which it is carried round and in it three kinds of Motions are observed viz its Annual Monthly and Diurnal from these divers motions divers Aspects in respect of the Sun and it do arise from whence are its various yet constant appearances It s Figure is round but its Mass is partly solid partly fluid like Earth and Water its roundness appears at Full and New-Moons without this roundness we could never see its increase or decrease It s solidity is the Cause why the Light of the Sun is from thence reflected to us even as by reason of its fluidity we observe in it obscure parts like Spots because they do not reflect the Sun so much as the solid parts do but if in the Body of the Moon there are some parts higher than others in the shape of Mountains or Hills the Sun Beams do there produce small shadows which are observed by the help of Perspective Glasses That it cannot be half so big as the Earth is proved by Optick Principles Shades and Paralaxes in respect of it self it is always in the full because one half of it is continually illustrated by the Sun But it does not always appear full to us but only at the time of its Opposition and Recession from the Sun and then also in respect of us it may be Eclipsed because our Earth at that time is directly placed between it and the Sun and by its shadow makes the Moon more or less obscure as it is nearer or farther off and as it is more or less opposite to it These two opposite points in which when the Moon suffers an Eclipse those great Lights are found Astrologers call the Dragons Head and Tail. But as the Earth by its interposition is the Cause of the Moon 's Eclipse so also by the interposition of the Moon betwixt the Sun and the Earth is produced an Eclipse of the Sun which is either greater or less according as the Moon is more or less posited between us and the Sun or is nearer or farther from us Lunar Eclipses can happen naturally only in the time of Full Moon but these of the Sun in the time of New Moon An Eclipse of the Moon may be Total and Universal But that of the Sun can never without a Miracle be so at the same time but this is not a real defect of light in the Body of the Sun as it is in the Moon which is a dark Body and possesses only a borrowed Light. We may hear what Astronomical Philosophers and Astronomers say of it I told you before that the Sun is like melted Gold I told you likewise by the way that the Moon might be compared to melted Silver but I think it may be truly said that its Matter as to its Circumference is more like to real Silver but be it as it is it continues in the manner we see it suspended in one massie lump a most subtile Aetherial matter full of many empty spaces being by the Creator shut up in its Circumference which hinders the Moon chiefly from changing its place and from being immerged more deeply in the Sun 's Vortex whose Atoms are indeed more thick and gross By reason of its vacuities there is no fear that it should descend nearer the Sun or be able to resist the impression of its Vortex any more than the Earth which has plenty of Pores Cavities and empty Spaces without which it would too much resist the solar Vortex and would be able to get nearer its Centre that is the Sun. But its empty Cavities hinder that like Air contained in a Bladder which hinders it from sinking to the bottom and as the hollowness of the Quils of Birds bear them up in the Air. The Moon in her daily motion finishes her Course round the Earth in the space of twenty four hours or rather the Earth performs its daily motion about the Sun and its own proper Centre in twenty four hours time the Moon being carried away by the same Solar Vortex with the Earth is daily retarded some degrees whereupon we say it rises every day later and later until by this resistance or retrocession in twenty nine or thirty days it hath compleated its Monthly motion And besides this Retrocession it is moved by the Libration of the Sun from one Tropick to another and twice in every Month runs through the Equinoctial Line after the same manner as the Earth does it twice every Year There can be no Annual motion of the Moon unless about its own proper Centre But I will wander no further about a matter meerly Astrological CHAP. XI Of the Planets Comets and Fixed Stars SATURN Jupiter Mars Venus and Mercury are Five wandring Stars called Planets of the same Nature with the Sun but less pure whose Corpuscles are sent and driven towards the Body of the Sun they are likened to divers melted Mettals and sparkling in Chrystalline or Adamantine Cr●●bles and the Fire melting them is that of the Sun and the Fixed Stars If it be asked why they are not joyned with the Sun I answer that they consist of a Matter full of many empty Spaces and besides that they daily disburthen themselves upon the Body of the Sun and supply it with matter for depuration and resining which the Sun sends back to them more subtilised and they distill down these seminal and Mettalline Spirits upon the Earth They are diversely whirled about by the solar Vortex after which manner they obtain divers motions as Astronomers teach us Who affirm the Planets Mars and Venus to be less than the Earth
or in Glass Vessels where if it be possible there is a transmutation of one thing into another For this combination does not in the least vary their Nature and they are easily separated which does not happen in things which Nature alone helpt by Art rightly and duly composeth CHAP. VII Of Mettals and their Formation IF those things which are above us are unknown to us no less are those things also which are beneath us and which happen in the shade and in the dark and it may be truly said that the production of Mettals in the bottom of Mines is the most obscure mystery in Nature and without any manner of trifling to speak like a Philosopher all that can be said concerning this subject I reduce to the Cause producing Mettals to the Matter from whence and the Manner whereby they are produced The Principal Cause Chief Agent and Parent of all Mettals is the Sun the Planets and fixt Stars concurring likewise to it the Fixt Stars by their heat keep the Celestial Gold in fusion and turn it round in the Cupel in the Centre of the World that is the Sun from whence issue bright fumes without ceasing out of which proceeds light and which carry Heat together with seminal Spirits which penetrating the Pores of the Earth generate Gold in the very Bowels of it So Coelestial Gold that is the Sun is the Parent of Terrestrial Gold as it is of all other Mettals by the reflection of its light upon each Planet each of which together with the Sun produceth its particular Mettal And the Earth performs the Office of a Womb which furnisheth the greatest part of the Matter out of which Mettals are produced and nourisheth them afterwards But the Sun bestows seminal Spirits all pure for Gold but mixed with the Spirits of other Planets for other Mettals But that this generation of Mettals may be rightly understood we must call to mind that out of Letters Syllables are formed before Words Words before Speeches out of which all Discourses are compounded Nature does the same in the production of Mettals for she begins with little Bodies out of which she makes the three immediate Principles of Mettals to wit Salt Sulphur and Mercury Of which Salt is the grosser Sulphur the more unctuous and Mercury the more fluid and moveable part and out of these three by divers preparations digestions sublimations and fixations she makes a Mettalline or Mineral Body But it might be said as it seems to me that the Spirits or Corpuscles flowing from the Stars purified in the Sun and received into the Earth's Lap are incrassated and brought into clear and limpid Water which Water is that viscous sweet and Mercurial Matter which after some few Ages is elaborated and digested till at last it becomes a yellow and fixt Earth in which the Spirit and seed from above resides which Spirit makes all the Corpuscles of water it meets withal like to the former which piercing into the Veins of the Earth and finding a Matter that is pure encreases the Golden Mine until it meets with dead Earth which hinders its propagation But if the Mixture be impure and strange Matter mingled in it instead of Gold it only produces Silver Iron or Copper which are imperfect Mettals From this Doctrine I conclude first of all That by Nature producing Mettals ought to be understood this seminal Spirit consisting of Corpuscles flowing from the Fire of the Stars and working these Miracles under the Earth Secondly That Mettals enjoy a Mettalline Life and after their way a Vegetative also that they are generated out of Mettallick Seed Gold out of the seed of Gold. And that this Mettallick Embryo is nourished by the Air of the Stars by the Spirit and Dew of the Heavens that it grows buds and puts forth branches like a Tree which Metallourgists call a Mettalline Tree furnished with boughs Trunks and Roots which could ne-never be without a vital Principle included in it Which things will more clearly appear by what shall be said hereafter and especially in the experiment about the Tree of Diana CHAP. VIII Of Gold the King of Mettals THere are Seven Mettals viz. Gold Silver Copper Iron Tin Lead and Quick-Silver which Chymists call Sol Luna Venus Jupiter Saturn and Mercury because they suppose each single Planet operates upon each Mettal which is done as I told you by a remission of Coelestial Spirits which are in the Solar Globe and out of its Vortex are carried into each Planet who according to the various opposition of the Sun recieve more or less of his light and send it towards the Earth as being the womb in which pure and impure Mettals are formed according to the purity or impurity of the subterranean Lodgings First Gold is the Chief and Noblest of all Mettals it is the chiefest and principal work of Nature and the heaviest of all Mettals because the Mettallick Corpuscles are so firmly shut and united together in it that very small numbers of Vacuities are left in its composition and in respect of bulk there is a much greater quantity of Matter in Gold than in other Mettals Notwithstanding this great solidity and firmness of Gold yet nevertheless there are some small Vacuities between its Atoms for there is nothing absolutely solid and without a Vacuum but an Atom in particular besides Atoms since they have Figures cannot be united without leaving some empty spaces for unless it were so Gold could not de divided no more than an indivisible Atom There are therefore Vacuities betwixt the Atoms of Gold though but very small and also betwixt its Corpuscles and lastly between its little pieces From this well-grounded Principle I discover the difference of the dissolutions or divisions of Gold. The least and grossest of them all is that which is made by melting it with other Mettals when therefore it is melted with some or with the least of the Seven it is mixed with them and divided into infinite Particles especially if it be mingl'd with a great quantity of an imperfect Mettal as for Example if an Ounce of Gold be melted into ten pounds or more of Lead or Copper but the division of it is apparent from this that not the least quantity of this mixture can be brought to the test but some portion of Gold will be found in it Another separation is made in respect of the small masses of Gold which is made by the help of Aqua Regis which divides Gold after that manner that it may as in the first Division be melted with any Mettal so in this second it becomes like the Water in which it is dissolved and divided But since it is only separated into very small masses it is easily again reduced into a Body and to be melted with Borax and fit to become the massy Gold it was before The third Division which is called radical although it be not so is made by a proper dissolvent of the Philosophers which is a
Water clear sweet pure and not at all Corrosive fetch'd from the beams of the Sun and Moon in which Gold is reduced into a clear and heavy Water and is as easily melted as Ice in warm water and then lastly Gold cannot be said to be reduced to its first state that is body unless this Water be turned into Earth and this Earth be made fusile fixt tinging and fit to elevate inferiour things making poor people rich and to make that perfect which was not actually so although it was potentially I say this division is hardly radical because it doth not proceed from a separation of its Atoms For Gold is only brought into Water and that is sufficient for to bring it into Atoms were to destroy it and it would be to no purpose and this I think exceeds the power of all Natural Agents For God only is capable of reducing Gold into its first Elements and to cause it to be no longer Gold either Natural or Philosophical CHAP. IX Of Silver Copper and other imperfect Mettals SIlver is a Mettal much less perfect than Gold because its Atoms are endued with Figures scarcely so perfect for there are mixt with it particles reflected from the Body of the Moon nor is that Mettal so heavy as Gold by reason of Vacuities dispersed through it which are both greater and more numerous in it than in Gold for which reason Aqua-fortis dissolves it without hurting the Gold. It is true indeed that Aqua-Regis dissolves Gold without touching Silver but that ariseth from the different disposition of Vacuities in these two Mettals and because the Vacuities of Silver are too vast for the subtile Spirit of Aqua-Regis which passeth through them without division and from the magnitude of these Vacuities in Silver arises a greater sound from Silver than is given from Gold. For the same Cause a greater and clearer sound arises from Copper than from Silver by reason to wit of its greater Vacuities into which not a few Bodies of Air penetrate which by their motion produce this sound And for the same reason That is also lighter than Silver for as much as Metallick Bodies are not so strictly bound together by reason of strange Corpuscles of impure Sulphur mixed with them hence it is that Copper is not so flexible or ductile as is Silver They are both of them softned in Rust because Silver has too little and Copper too great a quantity of Sulphur wherefore they mutually temper each other and the particles of each lose their acrimony Silver may be made potable as well as Gold and as potable Gold is the best Medicine in Diseases of the Heart so potable Silver is a wonderful specifick in affects of the Head. These Medicines are potable and extreamly profitable to Health when they are dissolved the third way we spoke of and are brought into water by a sweet water and a Friend to Nature and which the Sun and Moon make use of as a Bath As to Copper from it is drawn a potent and innocent Sudorifick Extract performing wonders in Chronick Diseases The Spirits of these three united by a fourth make a most excellent Medicine CHAP. X. Of Lead Tin and Iron IRON is heavier than Copper because its Vacuities are not so great and besides it is burthened with much strange Earth the Corpuscles of which enter into its Composition It is the only Mettal hard to be melted because of this not mettalline Earth it possesseth also many Corpuscles of a dry and not fusible Sulphur and very little of Mercury especially crude which melts Mettals so that to melt it there is required a body abounding with Mercury such as is Antimony But if it be mingled with a Sulphurous Body it is brought into a red yellowish Saffron-colour'd Calx out of which are made the powerfullest Medicines for obstructions of the Hypocondria The Salt of it is sweeter than Sugar and the Salt of Antimony is like it nor is there in Nature above one Salt that exceeds it in vertue and eminency These three Salts are the restorers of the radical moisture Tin is a Mettal abounding with much Mercury much Salt and but a little Sulphur the Salt of it is the sweetest in the World the Particles of these three substances leave many Vacuities in the mettalline Body from whence ariseth its greater sound and lightness There are three wonderful things to be observed in Tin The first of which appears in its calcination in which we see the weight of this Mettal encreased although many Vapours rise up from it and one would think that should much abate its gravity This according to our Opinion arises from this that the Pores of Tin are opened in calcination that the compound is inverted and a great many Atoms enter into them and fill them and leave fewer Vacuities than there were before and so upon that account there is more Matter or weight Another that I observe is That the Calx of Tin is very hard to be melted and indeed so very hard it is that the wished for end cannot be obtained unless you add a special Melter But this difficulty arises from strange and immettalick Particles which have parted the body of Tin and have entred into its Pores and hinder the re-union of the parts of this Mettal in melting The third is That Tin when it is mixed with other Mettals calcines them and hinders their refining and on the contrary makes them Volatile which ariseth from the irregularity of its composition from its fixed Salt incapable of being melted from the subtilty of its Atoms and the aptitude of its figures arising from their easily being divided Lead as it is more sweet so it is more sociable it purifies and refines Gold and Silver from all impurities and foreign mixtures It is the heaviest of all Mettals but Gold and Quick-Silver because there is a fewer number of Vacuities dispersed through it After the same manner and for the same reason in calcination it is increased as Tin is and it is easily melted because it abounds with a crude and indigested Mercury which makes all Mettals fluid and fusible It may be separated also from its terrestrial part and from its very sweet Salt. There are many things more worthy of note which I observe in Lead The first of which is its weight not much differing from that of Gold and arising from that because this Mettal is in a manner almost altogether Quick-Silver as also that the void intertities are filled with terrestrial and impure Matter which hinders the fixity of the Quick-Silver from whence an ill and imperfect coagulation precipitates it self but he that can separate this Quick-Silver and digest it by an agreeable Sulphur in a Vessel appropriated to this work hath found a most excellent Remedy against most Diseases For the aforesaid Cause this Mettal is lighter than Quick-silver and if Quick-silver be poured upon Leaden-Bullets laid at the bottom of a Pot the Bullets will ascend and swim