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A50400 The beauty and order of the creation together with natural and allegorical meditations on the six dayes works of the creation : with the addition of two compendious discourses : I. of the creation of man after the image of God, II. of the creation of angels, with a description of their several properties / by ... Mr. John Maynard ... ; published by William Gearing ... Maynard, John, 1600-1665.; Gearing, William. 1668 (1668) Wing M1448; ESTC R14885 107,977 226

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light at the first so that this I conceive at the first was made that huge O●b or Sphear of Heaven without Sun Moon or Stars and together with it the common matter of all inferiour Bodies for first he saith the Heaven and Earth were made but he doth not say that the Heaven but the Earth only was without form and void And the Spirit of God moved upon the Waters Or hovered over this mixed Mass of Earth Waters as the Bird over her Egge by its divine vertue framing and sha●●ng distinct and several sorts of Creatures out of this common lump On this first Day was the Light created as an active Instrument to distinguish Time and as I conceive so also to be used in bringing forth distinct and special Creatures by vertue of a quickning operative heat accompanying this Light This Light you see was before the Sun which was not created until the fourth Day And in probability this Light was f●xed and radicated in the Heavens and so shined here upon this confused heap of the Earth and Waters for had it been without a subject scattered abroad throughout the vast and void empty spaces between Heaven and Earth on every side where had the distinction been between Day and Night And therefore I conceive that this excellent Creature being seated in Heaven by the Father of Lights did shine upon half the Earth at once as now the Sun doth and so was ca●ried about with the motion of the Heavens and made Day where it shone and left the Night there whence it removed so that whiles the Earth continued without form and had its face cove●ed with darkness there was the first Evening and when the Light was made and shown upon the Earth out of darkness there was the first Morning and this Evening and Morning were the first Day SECT 2. IN the second place is to be considered the distinction and division between the greatest parts of the Earth and Waters 1. The division of the upper parts of the Waters from the lower parts of the same which was by the Firmament or Body of the Ayr which God made between the upper and lower parts of the Water which I apprehend thus That although the Earth and Waters lay confused together in one heap yet the thinner parts of this lump coming neerer the nature of Water was raised to the upper part and that these muddy Waters lying in an huge heap above the gr●sser and more earthy part the Spirit of God did penetra●e into them and b● his vertue rarily the middle part of this wate●y matter turning it into an huge spacious but much purer and thinner body of the Ayr which is called an Expansion or out-spread Covering wher●by a separation was made between the W●terish matter compassing and hiding under it the whole Earth on every side and the upper parts of the Water which in Clo●ds and Exh●lations were drawn and raised up some higher some lower above some parts of this Ayr or Covering And this Firmament is called Heaven even the same spoken of elsewhere in Scripture The Heavens sh●ll hear the Earth Hos. 2 21. That is the Ayr shall showre down fatt●ning Showres upon the Earth and so we ●ead of The Fowles of Heaven that is of the Ayr As S. Paul also calleth the Heaven of the bl●ssed Saints and Angels The third Heaven a●d ●o prop●rtionably that which is the place of the Sun and Stars is the second and this of the Ayr here mentioned is the first Heaven and this Evening and Morning wherein this was do●e was the second Day though yet without a Sun 2. As there was a distinction of the upper and lower parts of the Waters so now of the Waters from the Earth the Waters ●hat encompassed wholly overwhelmed the Earth before being by the Word of God g●●h●red toget●er a●d shut up in one pl●ce and called Seas so that the d●y L●nd wh●●h was al●ogether hidden before did now appea● the wisdome of God thus provid ng for those Creatures which he pu●po●ed to place upon the Earth Next to this was ●he furnishing the Earth with Pl●nts Trees Herbs Grass c. which were the first Creatures that had life and that the first degree of life v●z Vegetation without sen●e or motion from place to place yet end●ed with a seminal vertue enabling them to propagate their kinde and to bring forth an encrease And this was the work of the third Day when as yet the Sun was not created SECT 3. NOw follow the Ornaments of the chi●f part of this glorious Building 1. Of the Heaven on the Fourth Day 2. Of the Ayr and Waters on the Fi●th Day 3 Of the Earth on the Sixth Day Now the Lord having without Sun Moon or Stars given Light to the World three Days together doth by his All-mighty Word create Lights in the Heaven viz. the great Light of the Sun which should now henceforth become a Fountain of Lig●t both to other Stars and to the rest of the Wo●ld by which the Day should be ruled and then a l●sser Light though in appeara●ce great to us at a neerer distance than other st●rs even the Moon to rule the Night so that now there should be some Light in the Night and not me●r Da●kness as in the three former Nights but either the Moon should shine with greater b●ightness on the Earth or a● least the Stars sh●uld give some lesser Light in the absence of the Moon and even in the most cloudy Night should give some little abatement of utter Darkness But this was not all these glorious Bodies were to serve for S●gnes and for Seasons and for Days and Years Wherein I. I embrace the Opinion of Par●●s who acknowledgeth the Stars to have a th●●e-fold kind of Signification Natural Civil Divine 1. Natural as they signify and fore-shew Rain and Drought Cold Heat Famine Plenty Eclipses c By their rising setting opposi●ion conju●ction c. 2. Civil As they shew unto divers sorts of Men when is fit time for several employments viz. Pilots Fishermen Husbandmen Physicians c. 3 Divine So they many times foreshew the judgments of God ●o come as Wars Pestilences Con●lag●a●ions and fearfull alterations of States and Kingdomes II. As they are for Sig●es so likewise for Seasons The S n by his va●iety ●f motion making the ●pring Sum●er Aut●mn and Winter and the Mo●n making n●w Mon●t●s by her changes and revolutions III. They are likewise for Days and Y●ars the Light carried about b●fore made the Day but now the S●n should meas●re the Day from this fourth Day to the last Day the Day of Judgment by enc●mpassing the Earth in twenty and four hours making a na●ural Day compleat and by a full revolution to the same point where it begun making a full Year IV. To give Light to the Earth without which all the Creatures would be in Darkness and with that Light to impart a c●erishi●g heat and warmth without which the
thanks as the cause requireth 8. Let the Ayr filling all empty corners in the World in a wonderfull manner leaving no creek nor crany in any degree not filled put thee in mind of the infinite presence of God who filleth all in all and through all And thus m●ch for the second Day CHAP. V. Meditations on the third Days work SECT I. I Proceed to the third Day which with us is usually called Tuesday wherein the Waters were gathered together in one place and called Seas and the Earth was dried and clothed 1. On this Day then thou hast special occasion to admire and magni●y the wisdome of God in foreseeing what was fit for the use of the Creatures his goodness in ●ffecting it and his Power in crossing and controuling the first order of nature for this purpose Consider this day how all was Water no sign of Earth no Mountain no dry Land appearing and then on a sudden by the Word of God the Waters rouling together into one place called Seas and there abiding And here consider what wonders are in this deep what numberless swarms of Fishes swimming and floating up and down of which af●erwards on the fif●h Day 2. Consider how admirable is the Power of God seen in bridling the Waves of the Seas and by his invisible but most mighty hand holding them in that they shall pass no farther And thus also doth the Lord restrain the Enemies of his Church both Devils and wicked Men who otherwise would soon bring down a deluge of misery upon the people of God and swallow up his little Flock and therefore as when thou seest the Waves beat furiously against the shore as if they would return to their old place again thou dost not fear it because the hand of God keeps them in so when thou seest the rage of the Enemies against the Church at the highest yet remember that the Covenant which God hath made with his own people is as a strong Bar against their might and malice 3. Wonderfull is the Lords Majesty set fo●th by the greatness of the Seas bordering upon so many Nations and compassing the E●rth about yielding by means of Navigation a speedy intercourse between those Countries which are far distant from each other 4. Wonderfull it is in the secret passages wh●ch it hath whereby it sendeth forth Waters into the Cranies of the Earth which in divers places break out again in sweet and fresh Springs losing the saltness which they brought from the Sea and then by the conjunction of many Springs making Rivers and emptying themselves again in the Sea Eccles. 1.7 So also we who receive all from God should return all to him again It were a monstrous thing in nature for a stream to wheel about and come home and sink into its own Spring again not emptying it self into the Sea from whence it came No less monstrous is it but much more common for us to run thus in a Circle and to reflect wholly upon our selves to aim at our selves our ease our credit carnal contentment and not seriously and effectually to bend our hearts and thoughts to direct our aimes to employ our gifts and talents of several kinds for the honour and glory of the giver A sin that will fall most heavy at the last day if not repented of and forsaken How can we cross and oppose the Lord more who made us for himself alone than when we make our selves only to aim at our selves These Rivers run into the Sea yet is not the Sea indebted to them nor over-filled by them when we have done all that we can for God yet are we unprofitable servants we cannot give him a recompence answerable to that which we have received much less deserve any thing at his hands 5. The pe●pe●ual course of these streams and Rivers fed by a living Spring should put us in mind of that Well of Living Waters even the Fountain of sanctifying grace which Christ by his spirit shall cause to arise in the hearts of the faithfull never to be dried up again and such must our graces be not like a little rain-water filling the Cistern and soon dried up or drawn out but like a Spring that giveth a continual supply And as many Waters which now glide along and shew themselves in the Vallies had their first rising in the Hills as it is said that the R●ine the Rhene and the Poe three great Rivers of Germany France and Italy have their Springs in those Mountains called the Alpes so those streams of grace which are to be seen in the low Vallies even the conversations of humble Christians had their beginnings in that Mountain of holiness and came down from the Father of lights SECT 2. NOw then the dry Land the huge massy Body of the Earth appeareth the Waters being put up in one place and here 1. You may think of huge Mountains deep Vallies in the bowels of it veins of gold silver brass lead iron and consider that these things which the World esteemeth most precious and for wh●ch m●ny thousands cast away their precious Souls are laid up by God in the lowest and basest part of the Creation buried under ground And therefore though in these we should admire the wisdome goodness riches of their Maker yet at the other side we must take special care that we do n●t let ●hem steal away our hea●●s from him who made both them and us That brazen Serpent which Moses made by the Lords appointment was a Sacrament unto the Is●aelites who had f●lt the Fiery Venome of those Serpents in the Wilderness but the Pe●ples sin in after-times made it a danger●us Id●l and so a Neh●shtan or contemptible piece of Brass as Hezekiah called it so God hath created these mettals c. and hath given them their natures beauty qualities for ou● use and his glory but if we give that affection to them which we owe to him we make them Idols and are to remember that they are but a brighter kind of de●d Earth and that the meanest Soul in the World is of more worth than a Mountain of Gold and therefore it is a notorious indignity to the Father of Spirits and Maker of all things if we prefer one of his meanest works above Himself Again it is reported that those grounds which abound with Gold and Silver are barren in bringing forth living Plants as Trees Herbs Grass c. So the heart that hath a golden Mine or a vein of Silver running through it is barren in bringing forth any lively fruits of holy obedience 2. But the Earth is without all ornament and clothing now that the Waters are removed neither did it bring forth one poor grass or herb or any other thing until the working and All-mighty Word of God laid a new Commandment upon it Let the Earth c. And therefore do not think that the Earth hath this vertue to bring forth of it self a yearly encrease but that it would
have layen like a dead unprofitable lump without any thing growing upon it in the most seasonable time of the year had not the Lord bidden it and in bidding it enabled it to bring forth Consider then with thy self that every years encrease every crop of Corn every Tree every Grain every Seed or Fruit of any Tree every Grass and Herb which the Earth beare●h at any time i● came undoubtedly out of the Earth by vertue of this Soveraign command of God yea as well the propagation and succession of these as the first Creation cometh from his word for so he said Let the Earth bring forth the Tree bearing fruit after its kind and the Herb bearing Seed after its kind and it was so And therefore give all the glory to Him for these things from whom all things are received by whom the Earth is made fruitfull and yielde●h an encrease Let us lament the unthankfulness the pride and blindness that is among us Do we not murmur many of u● if we have not as much as formerly we had as if now we could plead custome with God and challenge it as a due because we have had it so long as if we could accuse him of with-holding our right when after many years of abundance we are a little stinted and have now somewhat less Is not this great blindness Do we not know that by our fall in Adam we forfeited all our ●ight to these things and that the Lord m●ght justly have fed us no otherwise than some condemned wretches with a poor p●●tance only to prese●ve life that our mise●y might be the greater All our right to these things was but by his free grant this grant was but conditional the condition of this grant we brake where then i● our Plea Are we better than Iacob O Lord I am less than the least of all thy mercies saith he Is not this great pride that Men should think themselves not well used as it were at the hands of God and that they deserve better dealing If thou haddest thy desert whosoever thou art thou haddest felt more misery long agone than any ever felt upon the Earth and this every one may seemingly acknowledge whose heart God hath touched Is it not great unthankfulness thus to requite the Lord because thou hast enjoyed so much plenty heretofore thou shouldest now much the rather with patience endure some scarcity because thou hast received good thou shouldest with more s●bmission bear some evil or want of that measure of good as Iob reasoned with his Wife Nay if many were put to it I am perswaded they could not say in their consciences that ●ver they did pray for this blessing feelingly and effectually and is it not a shame for thee to murmur against the Lord for not giving that which thou never didst effectually ask Nay if we should consider the ho●rible abuse of Gods Creatures by all sorts rich and poor we may justly wonder that the Heavens are not long since hardened into brass and the Earth into Iron against us 3. Among these Plants observe how weeds and other hurtfull things do grow of themselves but the best and most usefull must be carefully planted so sin and corruption springeth naturally out of the evil soyl of our hea●ts but grace and holiness are of the Holy Ghost his Plantation Again barren Trees are cut down by the provident Husbandman that they may not cumber the ground as you see in the Gospel which should move us by bearing fruits unto God To work out our own Salvation with fear and trembling The leaves of an outward profession are not sufficient but to them must be joyned the fruit of a sanctified conversation The Tree and every branch and twig thereof receiveth sap life nourishment from the Root Every true believer receiveth heavenly life and grace from Christ Jesus So long as the Branch is joyned to the Tree and so to the Root it receiveth benefit and refreshment from the Dew and Rain but if it be cut off from the Tree the sweetest showers cannot preserve it from being withered He that is truly united to Christ as a Branch to the Root by the spirit and faith he receiveth benefit growth and spiritual refreshment from the outward meanes of grace the Ministery of the Word and Sacraments But if he be not truly united to him the sweetest dew that ever fell from Heaven cannot keep spiritual life within him on the other side though the Branch doth receive life and nourishment from the Root yet it wanteth refreshment from the showers of Heaven so those Fanatical dreamers are to be condemned who pretend an union with Christ and partaking of his Spirit and therefore brag they have no need of the Word preached or any outward means Again let the renewing of the face of the Earth by these Creatures every Spring put thee in mind of the wonderfull efficacy of God his Word which from the beginning unto this present time hath made the Earth thus fruitfull and let it teach thee to rely upon his truth and promise in other things as well as this CHAP. VI. Meditations on the fourth Days Work SECT 1. FRom the Third I come to the Fourth day which we usually call Wednesday which was the first day that had a Sun to give it light to which were added the Moon to rule the N●gh● and the Stars to attend her which glorious work of a most glorious God should raise our thoughts to some holy meditation 1. Now consider on this Day how that as the Waters which were before dispersed all abroad upon and about the Earth were on the third Day gathered into one store-house called Seas so the light which was before diffused through the huge spaces of the Creation was now as it were drawn together into one Body of the Sun as a full and common treasury Consider here that the Lord who is in himself infinitely more bright than the light it self needed no light in respect of himself and therefore it was for us that he made the light and we should bless him for it so in regard of himself he needed no word nor revelations of heavenly mysteries being infinite in all knowledge and wisdome and therefore it was for us that he gave his Word to be a Light and caused by his Spirit the bright beams of holy truths to be cast abroad into the dark World therefore we may conceive how shamefull our sin and unthankfulness is that we must be entreated to turn our eyes toward this light and to come to Church to hear the Word whereas if need were we should beg a place in the house of God upon our knees rather than go without this light 2. Consider that although the Lord was pleased to give light to the World yet there needed no Sun whereby to do it witness the light of the three first Days wherein no Sun shined so when it pleased the Lord to give the light of Heavenly knowledge to his
vertues and operations yet all sweetly conspire together and make one exact harmony as in an Instrument though the strings be of divers sounds yet they make but one harmony together 2. Their particular form is the power force or efficacy of Nature stampt upon all Creatures after their kinds according to their particular beings and their conditions by which all creatures are enabled to their proper operations From this ariseth the goodnesse of the creatures 1. Generall of all creatures which is the entire perfection of all naturall power according to their natures 2. Speciall which is the reasonable creature endued with supernaturall gifts heavenly wisdom righteousnesse and true holinesse we may hence admire the wisdome of God in making things after such an excellent form and cry out with David O Lord how wonderfull are thy works In wisdome hast thou made them all God's ultimate end in the Creation is his own glory 1. For the shewing forth his glory God doth unfold himself in the Creature Five things are revealed in the Creation about God 1. That there is a God Rom. 1.20 The Prophet Isaiah bringeth many proofs from the Creation to shew that there is a God and to difference the true God from Idols and false Gods Isai. 41.26 and Chap. 42.5 2. The Eternity of God is revealed by the Creation He that made all things and time it self the measure of things must needs be Eternal Thy years are throughout all generations of old hast thou laid the foundation of the Earth and the Heavens are the work of thy hands c. Psal. 102.24 25. 3. The Wisdome of God in creating innumerable and divers things is revealed as also in the orderly disposing of innumerable things and in giving to all their natural perfections 4. The Goodness of God is revealed being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yet would he communicate his goodness to the Creature of whom he had no need at all 5. The Power of God in making all things of nothing Rom. 1.20 2. That the Creatures especially Man and Angels might give him the glory due to his name by acknowledging him to be such a God The Creatures in their kind do glorifie God their Creator and Men by taking notice what the Creatures declare of him and wh●re they make the Creatures as Spectacles to see God in them The Creatures are Doctores Theologici yea they are like Jacob's Ladder wherein we may ascend from Earth to Heaven Light was the first Creature which God made and agreeably the adorning of the World began with the light from whence other things which were to be created should be seen very probable it is that the light first appea●ed there where the Sun being carryed about in his Daily course appeareth God in the Creation proceeded 1. A negatione ad habitum when he had created the World 2. A totali privatione ad habitum when he brought forth light out of darkness 3. A partiali privatione ad habi●um when he made the Day to succeed the Night Quest. 1. In the second Days work it may be demanded Why God did not bless the Work of that Day in approving it when to every other Days Work an approbation is added And God saw that it was good Answ. There is no express mention made of an immediate approbation of this Days work 1. Because this work of distinguishing and setling the Waters in their place was then imperfect but was compleated on the third Day 2. Because on this Day as some think Hell was created which simply in it self is not pleasing to God or because the Angels fell on this Day and became Devils by their apostacy as others imagine It is also observable that in the creation the lights that were dispersed for three days were on the fourth day all found in the Sun Quest. 2. It may in the next place be demanded Why God between the Creation of the Plants and of Animals did interpose the Creation of the Stars Answ. I answer that he might shew although ordinarily the Sun and other Stars do concur to the generation of Plants as well as of Animals yet the generation of things is not simply to be referred to the Sun and Stars but to God who before the Stars were created commanded the Earth to bring forth Herbs and Plants yielding seed and the fruit-Tree to yield fruit after his kind Gen. 1.11 Before the Creation of Animals he would create the Light because for the most part they have need of the light in a special manner Moreover ye may take notice that when God made the Fishes of the Sea and the Fowls of Heaven he blessed them saying Be fruitfull and multiply and fill the Waters in the Sea and let Fowl multiply in the Earth c. Vers. 22. But when he made the brute Beasts of the Earth we do not read that he gave any such blessing at all to them intimating to us that he that will get that blessing which God giveth unto good Men he mu●t not delight in Ea●thly pleasu●es like brute Beasts but minde Heavenly things for unto those who wallow in temporal delights God will not at all give his benediction but his malediction It is also remarkable that when God made the Light the Sun Moon and Stars and the Earth and all other Creatures he saw that they were all good but when he created Man he doth not so particularly pronounce this of him as he doth of other Creatures he doth not say that he was good or bad yet are not these Creatures better than Man but inferiour to Man being all made for the use of Man the reason is because God would leave him to his choice to choose good or evil to him self and accordingly he should have his denomination as Stella noteth Quest. 3. It may further be demanded Why earthly Animals were created on the sixt Day Answ. I answer because they were differing in kinde from the other Creatures that were made before them and because they were to dwell with Man and were more like unto Man both in their ●ody and genius than either the ●irds or Fishes and also because many of them were to be helpfull and serviceable unto Man therefore were they brought forth on the same Day wherein Man was Created Man was the last work of God in the Creation for divers reasons 1. That God might shew unto us his own Order in proceeding from more imperfect things to things more perfect 2. That Man might be a little World in whom all things should be summarily contained called of the Hebrews Olam Hakaton and of the Greeks Microcosmos A little World for he hath in him the beauty of things inanimate even the chiefest as of the Sun Moon and Stars c. Gen. 37.8 9. Ezek. 28.13 14. He hath growth as Plants Genes 38.11 49.22 Sense and sensible properties with ●easts 2 Sam. 23.10 Reason and wisdome with Angels 1 Sam. 14.20 3. That God might bring forth every Creature
were made was made of nothing by him for it is impossible that any thing can be of it self but God who is the Beeing of Beeings and the Fountain of all things else IV The form or order of the Creation is seen in the orderly placing of all things created the Heaven in the highest place as the roof of this glorious building decked with the Sun Moon and Stars under these as some say an Element of Fire we are sure an Element of Ayr being of a pure invisible substance coming n●erer the nature of Heaven than th●se grosser Bodies which are placed below next that are the Waters more gross than the Ayr yet more pure and light than the Earth being naturally above the Earth containing it on every side and that is the proper place of the Waters but the Almighty Creator did shut it up in narrower limits commanding the Waters which covered the whole Earth to gather themselves together into one place of the Earth for this purpose that the dry Land might appear for the use of Men and Beasts c. which he had appointed to live upon the Earth Genes 1.9 yet so that he giveth it leave now to overlook the Earth as it were in lieu of that right which it hath to stand above by its Creation as you may see if you look on the Sea where the Shore is level and not mountainous yet hath the Lord by his decree as it were barred and bolted it up Iob 38.10 11. saying Hitherto shall you come but no farther and here shall thy proud Waves be stayed Psal. 33.7 He gathereth the Waters of the Sea together as an heap he layeth up the depth in Store hous●s kept as it were under Lock and Key So the Apostle saith 2 Pet. 3.5 The Earth was standing out of the Water and in the Water In the lowest place is the Earth by the mighty hand of God fixed unmoveably in the midst of the great Creation resting upon no Foundation but the Almighty arm of its Creator having the Heavens round about it The more particular survey of the comeliness of several Creatures we may consider of afterwards thus briefly of the main Frame V. The end why God created all could not be his own encrease of happiness and contentment for he was All-sufficient of Himself and sith the Creatures were mee●ly nothing having no beeing at all without Him they could give nothing to him which he had not without them in himself for all that they are or have is wholly of him and from him and therefore the ends we conceive the Lord to aim at are two viz. To communicate his goodness To manifest his glory 1. He did it to communicate his goodness He made all things that he might give unto them Beeing and perfection of Beeing according to their kinds Himself being the Beeing of Beeings infinitely perfect not to receive from them who are nothing without Him 2. The second and main end is the manifestation of his glory which doth not add any thing to him but sheweth what is in ●im though incomparably short of ●hat he is so by the Creation he sheweth forth the glory of his Eternity in that bringing fo●th the World in the beginning of time he is manifested to be before all time The glory of his infinite presence in that he hath raised and supported this huge f●ame of Heaven and Earth The glory of his infinite wisdome in the most excellent composition of this goodly building The glory of his All-mighty power in bringing so great a work out of nothing The glory of his infinite goodness in communicating Beeing unto that which was nothing Of his holiness in making all things good not one spot defacing any part of his work Of his infinite mercy in delivering the Creatures out of misery which had not been manifested without a Creation Of his infinite justice in punishing the rebellion of his Creatures which had not been evidenced but by a Creation Of his perfect tr●th in his dealings wi●h the Creatures which how had it been made known had there not been Creatures made Of his glorious providence in governing and disposing things Created VI. T●e effect is the last thing to be considered which is the whole Creation the whole body and frame of the Creatures which may be generally considered in the whole as the Lord looked upon all together and saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good which you must understand is meant 1. Of a natural goodness or perfection in every Creature whereby every one was made perfect and compleat in its kinde without all natural defects 2. Of a special goodness or holiness in the reasonable Creatures Angels and Men. Thus of the Creation in general of the several kinds of Creatures in special I shall speak more hereafter CHAP. II. Use 1. THis condemneth the Atheism of all those who deny or doubt of this truth and imagine that the World was not created of God but that it was without beginning which senseless conceit the World it self con●u●eth for who but a fool cannot see that no Creature could make it self for then it should be before it self then it should be and no● be at the same time neither can the m●st excellent Creature make the least or vilest out of nothing it being a work of him alone who is the Fountain of Be●ing yea the change● and alterations of the World and the things thereof the fadings decays and imperf●ctions of it do all prove it had a beginning and that it enclineth to an end for that which is witho●t beginning is also without alteration Now sith the World must have a beginning it must needs have it from one of infinite excellency and perfection which is God alone none else could frame so great so glorious a Building 2. If God made the World and all things in it then let every part of the World and every Creature in the World put thee in mind of God that made it Let every thing that hath Beeing serve as a Stream to lead back thy thoughts to God who is the Spring and Fountain of all Beeing When thou seest the Sun to shine the Moon and Stars to give some light borrowed from the Sun look thou to the Father of lights and let that created light and brightness which is in these Creatures enable thee to see him that is invisible from whom the Creature receiveth all its excellency Every Creature which thou seest is a part of his Workmanship and putteth thee in mind of its Maker but these viz. the Sun Moon and Stars Heaven and Earth are the same immediate works which the Lord made at the fi●st Thou seest that Sun that Moon those Stars that Earth which God did immediately bring forth by his All-mighty Word· The T●ees the Beasts the Bird● a●e all his Creatur●s all b●o●ght out of the Mass and common 〈◊〉 wh●ch 〈◊〉 ●he first was without fo●m and 〈◊〉 and all th●s● in
thee CHAP VII Meditations on the fifth Days Work SECT 1. COme we now to the fifth day which with us is usually called Thursday the story of which days work we have laid down in Gen. 1.20 21 22 23. Wherein the waters were furnished with fishes and other Creatures that live there and the air with fouls and such creatures as live in it 1. Here consider that after those four days when the heavens were furnished with lights and the earth beautified with plants springing out of it by vertue of the word of God yet all this while there was not one creature throughout the whole Creation that had sense or power to move from place to place not one fly or the least thing moving in the air not one fish swimming throughout the seas rivers or other waters not one worm creeping on the earth here then admire the wonderful power and wisdom of God who on the fifth day by his All-commanding word filled the air with multitudes of Creatures flying there the waters with abundant of fish●s swimming there this was done even in a moment Consider what numberless swarms there were both of fouls and fishes brought forth on the fifth day whereas the very day before there was not one of any kind to be found in any part of the Creation And as the wisdom of God joined these two sorts of creatures together so he made in many respects a special affinity between them as the fouls are covered with feathers so the fishes with scales as the fouls move in the air so do the fishes in that element which cometh nearest the nature of the air as the fouls have wings to fly withall so the fishes have ●innes whereby they swimme and that is a motion very like to that of flying yea some of either kind do communicate with each other in their element for as we have water-fouls so there have been flying-fish in great abundance so that here you may magnifie the wisdome of God who in the day that these creatures were made did imprint upon them such properties and qualities as should be evidences to the end of the world in some sort that they were but the work of one and the same day 2. Consider here that as the Lord hath appointed the fouls to fly in the air and the fishes to swimme in the sea confining each to his own element for the general though some few particulars be suffered to live in both this should teach us to walk within the compass of our callings and not to think we shall mend our selves in a different element or another kind of course without some special cause Some few may have some special warrant to change their callings as Amos to leave his flock and teach the people and Peter to leave his nets and fish for men These had an immediate call from God and so I dare not deny but that in case of great necessity when the Church is destitute of able Ministers some well-studied in the Scriptures and experienced in the mysteries of grace may take upon them the office of the Ministry being lawfully separated unto that function yet this will prove no more that every one may at his pleasure run from the shop to the pulpit than it will follow that all the fishes in the sea may fly up into the air because some few do so And this should especially ●each Christians who are called unto holiness to take heed how they leave their element They are bidden to walk in the spirit even as birds fly in the air and in this element they must keep for as the air giveth breath unto the fouls that fly in it so the sanctifying spirit giveth the new life unto those that walk in him the waters would choak and drown the fouls if they should fall into them so sin is that which endangereth the spiritual life when a christian falleth into it The air giveth a speedy flight and motion to the Birds whereas the waters would wet their wings and cause them to move but slowly if they fall into it so the spirit when a Christian walketh in it carrieth him along with winged-affections and setteth his heart in a speedy motion upon the things of God making him ready unto every good work but if he fall into sin which is like the waters of the dead sea that Lake of Sodom his heart is like a bird drenched in water his affections are deaded his heart moveth but slowly yea many times he lieth for dead and there is scarce any motion of the spirit to be discerned in him And as in such cases a foul had need of more than ordinary means to help as to be held over a warm fire c. So a christian that he may recover his wings again and have his heart spiritually affected and enlarged toward God had need of special humiliation special meditation p●aier and other warming and quickening means to raise him up 3. As the air giveth breath and motion so also it giveth support to the birds and it carrieth them even as the earth doth the beasts which go up and down upon it so doth the spirit also give support unto all that are born of the spirit They are kept by the mighty power of God through faith unto salvation If it were not ordinary it might seem strange that the air which none can see being so thin a substance should carry so many millions of souls as there are in it flying up and down wonderful is the power of the blessed invisible spirit who supporteth so many thousand christians by his sanctifying vertue against all the powers of darkness 4. As these birds do now live in the air so were the fouls created in the air at the first so whosoever walketh in the spirit was also born of the spirit he had his begining in this element 5. Consider that as the Birds although they live and move in the air yet they come down to receive some refreshment from the earth so the Lord alloweth his children to receive some nourishment from the earth and to partake of its refreshments yet so as they must not delight in the earth as in their element nor in the things of the earth as their chiefest contentment but like the birds of heaven having supplied their necessities must be ready to soar aloft again and not in their affections be still groveling here below 6. You see how sparingly the birds take of the water a bird doth not drink like a beast it rather sippeth so should a christian sparingly use the pleasures of this life rather sipping like the bird than swilling like the swine As for those that give themselves to drink down iniquity like water and to commit sin with greediness they are none of those who have their conversation in heaven nay those that glut themselves with earthly pleasures knowing no better contentments than in such things as please the senses the appetite the eyes ears tast c. They
conve●se with others it is not to be imagined how many wants and inconveniencies the loss of this Creature would bring upon thee for among other things it hath a cherishing warmth and lively heat accompanying it whereby it giveth life and preserveth life motion and natural heat in Men and other Creatures and therefore conclude Oh Lord our God! how wonderfull are thy works and especially this first-born Creature the Light which upon this first day thou diddest cause to shine out of utter darkness and when thy heart is covered wi●h a dark night of sad uncomfortable thoughts then look up to him who can cause the light to shine out of darkness and joy and comfort to arise out of sorrow and heaviness CHAP. IV. Meditations on the second Days Work FRom the fi●st come we to the second day which we ord●narily call Monday Here you are to consider the wisdome and wonderfull power of God in making a division between the huge heap of the Waters spreading the Firmament of the Ayr between its parts raising the Clouds above and there making treasuries for Rain Hail Snow and other m●teors Oh consider the goodness of God in giving thee this admirable Creature of the Ayr wh●ch feedeth thee with Breath continually whereof the poorest Beggar hath as large a portion as the greatest Monarch Consider that the least draught of this Ayr is more than thou canst deserve at the hands of God who yet art apt to repine and murmur when thou hast not fulness of Bread and art abridged in some small degree of the plenty which thou hadst at other times 1. Consider that as without this Ayr the natural Man cannot live so neither can the spiritual Man without the blessed spirit which giveth an heavenly breathing to the Soul regenerated as the Ayr doth to the Body And as the Ayr doth pass unseen into the Body but then is breathed out again in a visible manner so the spirit of God worketh and conveyeth his heavenly influence in an hidden invisible manner into the minds of the faithfull but is visibly breathed forth again as it were in regard of its fruits in holy speeches and heavenly actions that Men may see the good works which he bringeth forth in the godly and glorify their Father who is in Heaven Wonderfull are the effects of the Ayr and according to it our Bodies are usually enclined and disposed yea and our Souls too in some respect by reason of the neer Neighbourhood between the Soul and the Body and the special affinity between the Ayr and the Spirits in the Body which are the immediate instruments of the Soul We of this Kingdome have special cause to bless God for one of the sweetest and most temperate Ayres in the World se●ving much for delight for health for our furtherance even in the best things if we were car●full to make the best use of such a blessing a quick and kindly Ayr being no small help to the spirits even in the service of God 2. We may further consider that as such stoppings as hinder the Ayr from passing too and fro do endanger the natural life so those sins that stop the lively working moving and breathing of the sanctifying spirit do endanger the spiritual life The Wind which is the Ayr stirred and moved and is as it were the same in the Ayr which the Waves are in the Sea is of wonderful force and strength it beareth down Trees Buildings and things of wonderfull strength and bigness it tosseth the Seas and rouleth in the Waves and worketh wonders in the deep hereby magnifying the Almighty Power of its Creator W●o as the Psalmist saith rideth upon the Wings of the Wind. And yet you must remember that the Winds and Seas obey him who sent a calm when Ionas was cast out of the Ship and at another time when Christ came into the Ship so when sin is cast out of the Soul and Christ received and embraced then the tempest of an accusing conscience is calmed and a swe●● peace followeth upon it which passeth all understanding 3. As the Ayr is sometimes more sometimes less stir●ed by the Winds so the blessed spirit of God blowing when where and how he listeth doth sometimes as it were breath more st●ongly and sometimes impart a l●ss measure of h●s heavenly vertue In the second Chapter of the Acts at the Feast of Pentecost he cam● down like a mighty rushing Wind upon the Apostles who were gathered together and so they were carried mightily in the Power of the spirit to spread the Gospel of Christ throughout the World But ordinarily the blasts of the spirit are not so strong and to our pace is but ●low in the ways of God and therefore should we pray with the Spouse in that song of Songs Arise O North-wind and come O South and blow upon my Garden that the s●ic●s thereof may fl●w forth 4. But in this Days work we are especially to consider the Clouds above which are those Waters above the Firmament and in these admire those store-houses of sweet refreshing showres which water the Earth with a fa●tening dew and fruitfull moisture that it may yield encrease for the use of Man and Beast which should make us to admire his goodness and on the other side to tremble at his displeasure who once did open the flood-gates of Heaven so as to overwhelm the World of the ungodly destroying all that breathed those only excepted which were contained within ●he compass of one Ark where also we are ●o admire his patience who thus long forbeareth sinners being continually provoked al●hough he hath not only flood-gates of Rain and Water but also store-houses of Hail-shot mortal Thunder-bolts treasuries of Fire and ●●imstone c. whereby he could in a moment many thousand ways avenge himself of his Enemies 5. Consider that as that ground is neer unto cursing which drinketh of the dew of Heaven and receiveth the Rain and yet 〈◊〉 forth no encrease so that case is dreadfull when the Heavenly dew of the Word falleth continually upon the heart and yet it remaineth altogether bar●en and fruitless to●a●d God 6. Consider also how the Lord giveth snow like wool c●ste●h forth his Ice like morsels ●●●●ereth the ●oar● first like ashes In this Ayr are to be admired the hideous claps of ●●under the dreadfull flashes of lightening whereby the Lord sheweth his Almighty Power and Majesty and as he made shew of these terrible things in the delivery of his Law so even common sense may teach us that he will be much more dreadfull when he calleth to account the impenitent transgressors of his Law yea we should consider that the same reverence is to be yielded to Him when he speaketh in the soft still voice of the Gospel which was due unto his voice when it was attended with thunder and lightning 7. Learn to acknowledge Him in the different change of weather be it seasonable or unseasonable and to call upon Him and give Him
first but to beware and tremble at that venemous and smarting sting which it leaveth behind Again as flies are most busie in the sun so are temptations in prosperity and as the flies are apt to light upon that part of the body where there is a fore so is Satan wont to assault the soul where it is weakest and to take advantage of those corruptions that do most prevail in in the heart And as when flies are beaten away they come again very speedily so when Satans temptations are resisted and put back another swarm of flies is at hand other temptations are ready to assault and of this especially Christians have experience when they are pestered with blasphemous thoughts cast into their minds by Satan against which they must take comfort in that by the power of the spirit they are enabled to renew their resistance even as the assaults are renewed SECT 3. THe other sort of Creatures made this day were the Fishes wherewith the sea and rivers were wonderfully stored Admirable were these works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep and it is thought that of all sensible creatures in the world there is the greatest numbers of fishes yea and some kinds of them of the greatest Bulk and bigness of any other creature that liveth and moveth their abundance appeareth in the story of the Creation Gen. 1.20 And God said let the Waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and ver 21. it is said the Waters brought forth abundantly And again v. 22. Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas He saith of the fouls let them multiply but he doth not say let them fill the air as he biddeth the fishes to fill the Waters And as the Lord gave this extraordinary power of multiplication to the fishes of the sea so they enjoy this grant of his unto this day and as may be seen by the rowes of fishes they bring forth thousands at once insomuch that it hath been used as a Phrase of speech To encrease as the Fish imploying an extraordinary encrease Here admire the wonderfull goodness of God in providing so abundantly for us not only by these Creatures which we daily see walking in the fields or flying in the air but also by an innumerable multititudes of fishes covered under water abounding in the seas and rivers SECT 4. 1. THe greatness of some fishes is as admirable as the multitude Pliny in his Natural History reporteth that about Arabia have Whales been found six hundred foot in length and three hundred and sixty foot in breadth so that if his report be true the length should seem to be above the sixth part of a mile six hundred foot making two hundred paces and a thousand paces making a mile Howsoever the greatness of these fishes is admirable as the experience sheweth of our Merchants daily trafficking toward Greenland to take them and they are far greater than any other living creature in the world which should make us to magnifie the admirable power and infinite greatness of him that made them Oh Lord our God how wonderful are thy works in all the world And the holy Text it self takes notice in special of this creatures greatness Gen. 1.21 God created great Whales Admirable it is in these fishes that whereas the Beasts and Birds cannot live if they be kept any long time under water These on the other side cannot live unless they be under water So whereas a Christian liveth by the spirit and it is the life of his life and the joy of his heart to partake of the spirit and to be conversant in the ordinances of God on the other side it is even death to a Carnal heart to be exercised this way and he thinketh not himself a free man untill he is let loose from these The fish though it live yet it is not lively but lieth almost for dead when it is in the open air out of the waters and the natural man though he be alive not yet dead yet is he not lively but like one as good as dead when he is taken out of his element and restrained by any means from his beloved sins and tyed to holy duties in publick or in private He hath no life in these things his heart is dead toward them 2. And as the fish living in the salt waters remaineth fresh so a carnal man living in the Church and in the middest of the means of grace remaineth in his unsavoury natural condition not having the salt of mortification whereby to eat out his corruptions and dead flesh and make him an acceptable sacrifice unto God as it is said every sacrifice must be salted with salt though he live under the word yet he carrieth no relish of the word in his heart and life Therefore we must not onely look what means we have but how these means do work upon us whether we be transformed into the word for a man to imagine that he is therefore a Christian because he heareth Christ preached is as idle as to say the fish must needs be salt because it liveth in the salt waters 3. Again in that the Lord feedeth such innumerable multitudes of Fishes in the waters by what means we cannot imagine so should we be confident that he will provide for us though the means as yet seem to be hidden from us for though some of the greater fishes do feed upon the lesser yet it cannot be imagined how such an admirable number of them should be continually supplied but the Lord Al-sufficient openeth his hand of bounty and filleth them with good things 4. Wonderful is the work of God in the strange variety of kinds in the strange shapes of these creatures insomuch that it is thought there be few Beasts on earth but that there be fishes in the sea which resemble them so they speak of sea-calves sea-horses c. Wonderful strange are the properties of some fishes which the Al-mighty Creator hath given them Pliny speaketh of a little fish like a great snail which by cleaving to a Ship under sail and driven with strong winds will stay it that it shall not be able to go forward and that even about his own time the Gally of the Emperour Caligula was held fast by one of these against the uttermost endeavour of four hundred Mariners with their Oars It were strange that a Man of his dignity and place in the Common-wealth should expose himself as a laughing-stock to the Common people in reporting so notorious a lie concerning a thing done in his own time and his own countrey Therefore for my part I conceive it to be true and being supposed to be true how wonderfully doth it set forth the admirable power and wisdom of God! and in this particular example it is to be thought that the great God did purposely befool the madness of this arrogant Emperour who would take upon him to be God and required among other