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A32350 The blessed Jew of Marocco: or, A Blackmoor made white. being a demonstration of the true Messias out of the law and prophets / by Rabbi Samuel, a Iew turned Christian ; written first in the Arabick, after translated into Latin, and now Englished ; to which are annexed a diatriba of the Jews sins and their miserie all over the world, annotations to the book ... with other things for profit in knowledge and undertanding, by Tho. Calvert ... Samuel, Marochitanus.; Calvert, Thomas, 1606-1679. 1648 (1648) Wing S545; ESTC R8621 114,898 246

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thus though they did fully transgresse the Law worshipt Idols and slew the Prophets yet drunk they not of such a Cup of Indignation and Judgement as we their Children CHAP. XV. The Jews blindnesse and incredulity about Christ was foretold by the Prophets THis O Master dives me deep under the waters of fear that our not beleeving in that Righteous One hath caused that to be fulfilled and to fall upon us which the Lord spoke by the mouth of Esay The vision shall bee as the words of a Booke that is sealed which shall be given to one that is learned to a Reader saying read this I pray thee and hee saith I cannot for it is sealed And the Book is delivered to him that is not learned saying Read this I pray thee and he saith I am not learned What greater and closer sealing up of the Book can there be found O Master than this wherewith the Lord hath sealed and fast closed up our blinde hearts and we have now been a thousand years and more as miserable Truants in learning this one lesson of the comming of this Righteous One propounded to us in the Prophets and yet we know it not nor have taken it out This is it which blows the Prophets Trumpet with that threatning blast Ierusalem shall be desolate and their holy house shall fall down He further said Our Countrey is desolate and their holy house shall fall down He further said Our Countrey is desolate our Cities burnt with fire and Zion is left as a Cottage in a vineyard This this is the evill O Master which has now the age of a thousand years and more on the back of it According to this Esay further saith O Lord God I will exalt thee for thou hast made a Citie an heap an house to be confusion a defenced Citie to be a ruine for ever He shall break the people in pieces like the breaking of the Potters Vessell which shall be broken so as there shall not be found a sheard to take fire from the hearth or to take water withall out of the pit Daniels words are also fulfilled that after the Messias is cut off there shall follow a perpetuall desolation in which desolation we now are and have been cast deep into this flood of miseries a thousand years and more Esay goes on to spinne the thred of our wo Solitarinesse shall be left in the midst of the City or desolation and their Land shall hisse with a perpetuall hissing After him Jeremie saith Call ye them reprobate silver for the Lord hath rejected them Esay again Walk you in the light of your own fire and in the flames sparks which you have kindled In these flames we as miserable Salamanders have now lain a thousand years more Amos comes with like threats The house of Israel shall fall and none shall raise her up To me verily O Master it seems we are falne indeed and ruine is come on us since the comming of that Righteous One yea God hath brought it on us seeing since that time no Prophet has risen amongst us neither shall there be any as is foretold and prophesied of us for we remain still in our incredulitie we maintain an obstinate negative of that Righteous One and do not beleeve in him Hosea therefore saith When the woman conceived and bare a daughter God said call her name Loruhamah without mercy for I will no more have mercy on the house of Israel And if thus it be that the Lord hath quite cast us off and will have no mercy on us as we have felt by the miserable experience of a thousand years and upward to what end or what profit is it for us to retain our old Ordinances the Law Sabbath and Circumcision Esay saith Bring forth the blinde people as the true glorious God hath now brought us forth of our Land and made us strangers to it more than a thousand years Besides all this he saith The old errour is gone away what can we pick out of this O Master what is the old thing but our Law which is gone away from us yea we have lost King Sacrifice Incense Altars Was there any worse thing in the whole predicament of calamity that could have befaln us What prey or bootie of hope have we for our winged expectations to flie after Do we not see wo unto us that wee see it that the Lord hath scattered and disperst us thorow the four quarters of the world as Moses Jeremie and other Prophets foretold us Yet for all God we are thine and to this God we have our recourse in every event CHAP. XVI He shews the Jews reprobation for perfidiousnesse and the Gentiles election by faith MY soul is not free from this fretting fear O Master that whereas you and I betwixt our selves can boldly say and affirme that we are the sons of Jacob and Israel that for all this God may have fulfill'd that which he spoke by Esay God shall slay thee O Israel and call his servants by another name I quake to think that we should be of those servants on whom that name shall be imposed as Moses writes in Deuteronomie The Nations shall be the Head and the unbeleeving people the Tail as we now are and have been the hindmost the very Tail of all the World for 1000 years and more Of these Nations Jeremie speaks The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters that cover the Seas Salomon hath of them this O Lord God when a stranger which is not of thy people Israel shall come to thy holy house and call upon thy blessed Name then hear thou O Lord my God that all the earth may learn to fear thy Name as doth thy people Israel What have wee O Master wee proud beggars of the Jews that we can boast in Why should we contemne and hold the Gentiles in scorn seeing Salomon the Prophet hath joyned them as partners with us in the fear of God and in his holy House And peradventure God hath shut us out of his House as unworthy ones and hath given our room to them as more worthy as Moses hath spoken of them Thus saith the Lord God the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. After him David All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord and all the kindreds of the Nation or a thousand generations shall worship before thee Of them spoke Esay O holy house of David thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee The Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightnesse of thy rising Lift up thine eyes round about thee and see all they gather themselves together they come to thee thy sons shall come from frare The sons of strangers shall build up thy walls and their Kings shall minister unto thee And who I pray O Master are
and for the veritie of Scripture testifying it why do wee doubt of the ascent of this Righteous One both in his Body and Soul the witnesse of Scripture confirming this more than the testimony of holinesse confirms it for the other And may not this be one reason because the Prophets set him out strugling and fighting in a harder Warre of miseries than others and acquainted with an harder bondage and soret service of the World than others Furthermore this without any exemplification thou knowest well enough that Methusalem and Henoch those righteous men and Elias the Prophet were assumed by God in their bodies to Heaven and translated out of this World As for Moses it is a thing out of the reach of all question and doubt that he now is in Heaven both in body and soul as is said in Deuteronomie Go up into the Mount this night and he went up into the Mount and died there and no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day What doth this signifie that his Sepulchre is unknowne upon earth seeing he was a Prophet in greatnesse and holinesse surpassing others but that thereby we should understand that God hath raised him up and assumed him in bodie and soul as he did other righteous men and elevated him to that place where they are now Neither need we puzzle our Brains with marvelling how it can stand with reason that grosse and ponderous bodies should ride and be born upward on the light and subtill Element of Aire this we need not question if we do but call to minde how it pleased the Almightie Power to work the like in the Israelites egresse out of Aegypt where the Water an Element in ●aritie and thinnesse like unto the Aire did bear their heavy bodies without sinking And when the Lord gave a sign of an accepting welcome to a Sacrifice the Fire though an Element lighter then the rest descended from heaven and returning up again to heaven carryed with it aloft the bodies of the sacrificed Beasts and Bullocks offered to God As for this Righteous One Moses Elias and other Prophets prophesied of his elevation From the premisses I collect that we ●eing credulous and ready to beleeve the corporall ascent of the aforenamed Saints there is no reason remains why we should let incredulitie lurk in us and suspend our beliefe about the elevation of this Righteous One into Heaven when Scripture and Prophets do testifie it And that of the foresaid Saints is ●ade so manifest to exclude all doubts for ●ood purpose First that the hearts of men 〈◊〉 the end of the world might be turned to God Secondly that other righteous men ●ight have good hope of their own ascent being incouraged by these examples But our Nation are lockt up under many doubts concerning Christ by the Key of his secret and occult comming at first into the world it being an unusuall and unwonted way Of this the Prophet saith He is a man and who shall know him Esay saith A Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son Where it is to be noted that there is no mention but deep silence of any Father of his according to the Flesh Elsewhere he saith VVe esteemed him not And Jeremie hath The Lord shall create a new thing upon earth a woman shall compasse a man Micah also saith Therefore the Lord will give them up till the time that shee which travelleth hath brought forth In these words is to be observed the Prophet has not a syllables mention of 〈◊〉 the Husband of her that brings forth it being the Nativitie of that Righteous One who onely was born out of the wonted path and common carnall course of men who come by man as the active and woman as the passive principle of Generation But this knows no carnall Father as Esay's mouth foretold it Give ear O ye house of Iacob the Lord shall give you a signe A Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son All these other holy men spoken of were born of man and woman carnally conceived in sinne yea and they themselve● were sinners Moses himself though holier than the Prophets his Parents yet he sinned and his own mouth publishes his own sinne but of this Just One it is said in Esay he never sinned nor was there a lie found in his mouth God by the mouth of Iob hath proclaimed there are blemishes in all the Saints Behold he putteth no trust in his saints And Ieremie joyns with that judgement The hearts of men are wicked CHAP. XIV Of the Iews blindnesse who neither beleeve nor understand that Christ is come WHat Esay from the Lord hath said O Master I shake with fear lest it be our lot to have it fulfilled in us Blindnesse is fallen upon Israel till the fulnesse of the Gentiles become in And again he saith Hearing they shall hear and shall not understand seeing they shall see and not perceive because the heart of this people is waxen fat And in the same Chapter Make the heart of this people blinde and stop their ears least they should learn and be converted to me and I should heal them Esay then said How long O Lord and he answered Vntill the Cities be wasted and the house bee left without an inhabitant You have Daniel also saying Shut up and seal up or wrap up the Prophecie Jeremie follows with his testimonie The sinne of Judah is written with a Pen of Iron and the Point of a Diamond it is graven on the table of their heart Esay likewise in his first Chapter saith The Oxe knowes his owner and the Asse his Masters Cribb but my people doth not understand Jeremie to that purpose The Stork the Crane and the Swallow know the time of their comming but my people know not me All these speeches O Master are Gods Arrows shot at us and do shew our condi●ion because we had eyes lockt and bolted up that we could not discern the first comming of that righteous Lord. Of us do the Lords words in Esay mean when he saith Bring forth or cast far off the blinde people that have eyes and the deaf people that have ears Behold they are all gathered together or rather Let all the Nations be gathered together These words carry no other meaning but this that the Prophet saith The Lord hath rejected us because we knew not soon enough the time of that Righteous Ones comming and in stead of u● he hath gathered the Gentiles to him by faith This is it which made that admiration break out of Davids lips The right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to passe Yet for all this we belong to the Lord though thus sore in an haplesse estate and deepe depressing Captivitie wherein as in a labyrinth we are and can finde no end or out-gate though a thousand years we have runne with wearied foot-steps in this amazing Maze of miserie neither did ever our Fathers smart
time one Iesus a wise man if it be lawfull to call him a man Mark how this Jew inclined to think there was a Deity in Christ and something super humane He proceeds This same Iesus did bring to passe incredible works and he was a Master to men that did receive the truth with much delight and pleasure in it Many Iews and many Greeks did he draw unto him This is he that was called Christ whom when Pilate had caused to be crucified being accused of the chief of our Iewish Nation yet they that loved him at first would never give over loving him and cleaving to him A rare testimony is this of the constancy of Christian Disciples and Followers of Christ I omit that he saith of him that he appeared alive again after three dayes according as the Divine Prophets had foretold these and many other admirable things concerning him Is not Iosephus here turned Christistian too making this to be him the Prophets spoke on CHAP. XX. IN the twentieth Chapter he commends the purity and cleannesse of the Christian Rites and service by Bread and Wine and prefer●s it before the medling with the flesh and fat of Beasts slaughtered for Sacrifice by Jews He makes Scriptures of the Old Testament plainly before-hand point at the bread and Wine in our Sacrament of the Lords Supper Onely he puts in Water as well as Bread and Wine into that Sacrament and will make good that new practise of mixt Wine by an old proof from Salomons Proverbs where Wisdome propounds mixt Wines and so it was applyed to his hand long before him by S. Cyprian And Cyprian indeed doth speak of mixing Wine with the Water in the Sacrament and in that Epistle Dominica Traditio servetur at which the Papists shout for joy more then Boyes when they have found the black in the Bean as imagining this to be a strong ground for their weak opinion of unwritten Traditions But herein our Romanists run away like Boyes with a wrong errand for though Cyprian commend the mixing of Wine Water as Dominicam Traditionem yet doth he not mean an unwritten Tradition for he goes to prove it from the Scriptures as from that of Water and Blood issuing from our Saviours side on the Crosse And he saith at the Institution our Saviour gave a mixed Cup. You may see Durands and the Papists foolish mysteries in their mixing of water with their Wine In vino sanguis Christi in aqua populus repraesentatur And it is very true the Fathers in former times of old did use Vinum baptizatum or Crama Eucharisticum Wine tempered with Water as some call it because in the places where they lived the Wine was so strong it had need to be well-tempered with water at those times especially when they studyed the most sobriety and temperance in drawing near into fellowship with Christ Now Cyprians intent was not so much to prove that we ought to use Water with our Wine as to disprove the judgement and practise of the Water-Heretiques the Aquarii that did contend onely water was to be used in the Sacrament and so did celebrate These Aquarij were also called Hydroparastatae an ancient Heresie that defended water was onely to be used in the Sacrament The Armonians that said onely Wine without water was to be used were both in ancient times counted Hereticks Moreover beyond all this the Ancients some of them did not onely mixe cold Water but which some not acquainted with antiquity will wonder at they did mixe hot water or boyling water with the Wine And this hot water they thus infused in way of devout significancy to minde the faith of the Receivers that the Blood and water which flowed from Christs Side were not dead and cold Elements but that they were lively and effectuall even hot water and blood issuing from one had yet the heat of life in him CHAP. XXIII HE hath a notable way to follow Allegories and indeed the Genius of those times made many Christians in their writings on Scripture altogether Allegoricall That of Salomon Better is a morsell of Bread with love then a stalled Oxe with hatred is a Pool well fisht when he can catch this Fish in it that it means the Christians bread in the Sacrament is more acceptable to God then the Jews killing a fat Oxe for a Sacrifice This Jew as ou● Saviour said of the young man that came to him and answered prudently may well have it said of him Verily he is not farre from the Kingdome of Heaven for here he commends the New Testament and gives an Epithite as high as he can to the Gospel of S. Matthew calling it The glorious Gospell And in it he praises that Statute of patience our Saviour will have observed by his subjects If any man smite thee on the one Cheek turne to him the other also This is better testimony and fairer language then the rabble of the Rabshakeh Jews both cursing and cursed do commonly give who call the Gospell which is Evangelium in scorn Aven Gillaion the Volume of lies or va●ities His perfidious fellow Rabbins will ●ot thank him for writing so to the credit of the Gospell or praising any of the Pre●epts or Lessons of Christ they can read ●im another Lecture out of a Book among ●hem called Toledoth Iesus wherein they ●each to blaspheme high enough and then they speak as they think well enough of Christ That book is full of blasphemies calling Christ Talui A Gallows Clapper or A hanged Thief Mariam Harriam Mary the blessed mother of Christ they call An ●heap of Dung. In their calling Mary as my Author has it Harriam I know not whether he doe not rather meane Chorim which is obscene and filthy in the sense of it As for Hariah it signifies A woman great with Childe and if they call her so they do it to blot her Virginity as if she were begot with Childe by man and so with mouthes running over with blasphemy and lies they call her Sonah a Whore or unchaste woman the polluted one of the world The Apostles and Martyrs of Christ they call Lenones the Bread in the Sacrament A polluted Body the Church Errour and Preaching Howling They call our Festivall of the Lord Day the day of ruine and destruction the Christians little ones they call Vermine or creeping things They are commanded when they passe by the Churches or Oratories of Christians to say this The Lord destroy these houses of Office Out of the word Jesu they make the number by the Letters of 316. and there they have Curses and blasphemies scarce to be named O● the patience of the just Jesus that endures these wretches Hellish Blasphemies doth not suddenly let the Ocean of his wrath on earth carry them with a strange Wave to the Ocean of everlasting fire in Hell CHAP. XXVI