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A22928 The naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies Intreating of the remarkable things of heaven, of the elements, mettalls, plants and beasts which are proper to that country: together with the manners, ceremonies, lawes, governments, and warres of the Indians. Written in Spanish by the R.F. Ioseph Acosta, and translated into English by E.G.; Historia natural y moral de las Indias. English Acosta, José de, 1540-1600.; Grimeston, Edward, attributed name. 1604 (1604) STC 94; ESTC S100394 372,047 616

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immoveable The which seemeth to me easie to comprehend and will be to all others if it may be lawfull to imagine that which my fancy doth conceive for if we suppose that every star and planet be a body of it selfe that it be led guided by an Angell as Habacuc was carried into Babilon who I pray you is so blind but seeth that all the diverse aspects which we see appeare in planets starres may proceede from the diuersity of motion which he that guides them doth voluntarily giue them We cannot then with any reason affirme but that this space region by which they faine that stars do continually march and rowle is elementarie and corruptible seeing it divides it selfe when they passe the which vndoubtedly do not passe by any void place If then the region wherein the starres and planets move be corruptible the stars and planets of their owne motion should be by reason likewise corruptible and so by consequence they must alter change and be finally extinct for naturally that which is conteined is no more durable then that which conteineth And to say that the Celestiall bodies be corruptible it agreeth not with the psalme That God made them for euer And it is lesse conformable to the order preservation of this vniversall world I say moreover to confirme this truth that the heauens move and in them the starres march in turning the which we cannot easily discerne with our eyes seeing we see that not onely thestarres do moue but also the regions wh●le parts of heaven I speake not onely of the shining and most r●splendent parts as of that which we call Via lactea and the vulgar S. Iaques way but also of the darker and obscurer parts in heaven For there we see really as it were spots and darkenes which are most apparent the which I remember not to haue seene at any time in Europe but at Peru and in this other Hemisphere I haue often seene them very apparant These spots are in colour and forme like vnto the Eclips of the Moone and are like vnto it in blacknes and darkenes they march fixed to the same starres alwaies of one forme and bignes as we haue noted by infallible observation It may be this will seeme strange to some they will demand whence these spots in heaven should grow To the which I cannot answere otherwise at this time but as the Philosophers do affirme that this Via lactea or milken way is compounded of the thickest parts of the heaven and for this cause it receiues the greater light and contrariwise there are other parts very thinne and transparent the which receiuing lesse light seeme more blacke obscure Whether this be the true reason or no I dare not certenly affirme Yet is it true that according to the figure these spots have in heaven they moue with the same proportion with their starres without any separation the which is a true certaine and often noted experience It followeth then by all that we haue said that the heaven containeth in it all the parts of the earth circling continually about it without any more doubt How the holy Scripture teacheth vs that the earth is in middest of the world CHAP. 3. ALthough it seemes to Procopius Gaza and to some others of his opinion that it is repugnant to the holy Scripture to place the earth in the middest of the world and to say that the heaven is round yet in truth this doctrine is not repugnant but conformable to that which it doth teach vs. For laying aside the tearmes which the Scripture it selfe doth vse in many places The roundnesse of the earth And that which it sayeth in an other place that whatsoever is corporeall is vnvironed and compassed in by the heavens and conteyned within the roundnes thereof at the least thy cannot deny but that place of Ecclesiastes is very plaine where it is said The Sunneriseth and sets and returnes to the same place and so begins to rise againe he takes his course by the South turning towards the North this spirit march●th compassing about all thinges and then returnes to the same place In this place the paraphrase and exposition of Gregorie Neocesarien or Nazianzene sayeth The Sunne hauing runne about the whole earth returnes as it were turning to the same point That which Solomon saveth being interpreted by Gregorie could not be trve if any part of the earth were not invironed with the heaven And so S. Ierome doth vnderstand it writing vpon the Epistle to the Ephesians in this sort The most common opinion affirmes agreeing with Ecclesiastes That the heaven is round mooving circularly like vnto a bowle And it is most certaine that no round figure conteyneth in it eyther longitude latitude heigth or depth for that all parts are equall Whereby it appeares according to S. Ierome That those which hold the heaven to be round are not repugnant to the holy Scripture but conformable to the same And although that S. Basile especially and S. Ambrose who doth vsually imitate him in his bookes called Hexameron seeme somewhat doubtfull of this point yet in the end they grant that the world is round It is true that S. Ambrose doth not yeelde to this quintessence which Aristotle attributes to the heavens without doubt it is a goodly thing to see with what a grace and excellent stile the holy Scripture treates of the scituation and firmenes of the earth to breed in vs a wonderfull admiration and no lesse content to behold the vnspeakable power and wisedome of the Creator For that in one place God himselfe saies that it was hee which planted the pillers which support the earth giving vs to vnderstand as S. Ambrose doth well expound it that the vnmeasurable weight of the whole earth is held vp by the hands of the divine power The holy Scripture doth commonly so call them and vseth this phrase naming them the pillers of heaven and earth not those of Atlas as the Poets faine but of the eternall word of God who by his vertue supports both heaven and earth Moreover the holy Scripture in an other place teacheth that the earth or a great part thereof is ioyned to and compassed in by the Element of water speaking generally that God placed the earth vpon the waters And in another place that hee framed the roundnes of the earth vpon the Sea And although S. Augustine doth not conclude vpon this text as a matter of faith that the earth and the water make one globe in the midst of the world pretending by this meanes to give another exposition to the words of the Psalme yet notwithstanding it is most certaine that by the words of the psalme we are given to vnderstand that we haue no other reason to imagine any other ciment or vniting to the earth then the Element of water the which although it be pliant and moveable yet doth it support
build so huge a couer as the heaven is then to vnfould a double skin Or else the Psalmist pretending to shew vs the great maiesty of God to whome the heaven with his greatnes and beautie doth serve in like manner as our tents and pavilions in the field The which was well expressed by a Poet calling it The Tent of the cleere heaven In like sort the place of Isaii which sayeth Heaven serves mee as a chaire and the earth for a foote-stoole But if wee follow the error of the Antromorphites which did atribute corporall members vnto God according to his divinitie we should haue occasion vppon this last text to examine how it were possible the earth should be a foote-stoole to Gods feete and how the same God could hold his feete of the one part and the other and many heads round about seeing that hee is in all partes of the world which were a vaine and ridiculous thing Wee must therefore conclude that in the holy scriptures we ought not to follow the letter which killes but the spirit which quickneth as saith S. Paul Of the fashion and forme of Heaven at the new-found world CHAP. 5. MAny in Europe demaund of what forme and fashion Heaven is in the Southerne parts for that there is no certaintie found in ancient bookes who although they graunt there is a Heaven on this other part of the world yet come they not to any knowledge of the forme thereof although in trueth they make mention of a goodly great Starre seene in those partes which they call Canopus Those which of late dayes have sayled into these parts have accustomed to write strange things of this heaven that it is very bright having many goodly starres and in effect thinges which come farre are commonly described with encrease But it seemes contrary vnto me holding it for certaine that in our Region of the North there is a greater nomber and bigger Starres finding no starres in these partes which exceed the Fisher or the Chariot in bignesse It is true that the Crosse in these partes is very fayre and pleasing to behold wee call the Crosse foure notable and apparant starres which make the forme of a crosse set equally and with proportion The ignorant suppose this Crosse to be the southerne Pole for that they see the Navigators take their heigth thereby as we are accustomed to doe by the North starre But they are deceyved and the reason why Saylers doe it in this ●orte is for that in the South parts there is no fixed starre that markes the Pole as the North starre doth to our Pole And therefore they take their heigth by the starre at the foot of the Crosse distant from the true and fixed Pole Antarticke thirtie degrees as the North starre is distant from the Pole Articke three degrees or little more And so it is more difficult to take the heigth in those parts for that the sayd starre at the foote of the Crosse must bee right the which chanceth but in one houre of the night which is in divers seasons of the yeere in divers houres and often times it appeareth not in the whole night so as it is very difficult to take the heigth And therefore the most expert Pilots regard not the Crosse taking the heigth of the Sunne by the Astrolabe by which they know in what height they are wherein commonly the Portugals are more expert as a Nation that hath more discourse in the Arte of Navigation then any other There are also other starres in these southerne parts which in some sort resemble those of the North. That which they call the Milken way is larger and more resplendent in the south parts appearing therein those admirable blacke spots whereof wee have made mention As for other particularities let others speake of them with greater curiositle and let this which wee have sayde suffice for this time That there is Land and Seavader the two Poles CHAP. 6. IIt is no smal labour to have vnfolded this doubt with this knowledge and resolution that there is a Heaven in these parts of the Indies which doth cover them as in Europe Asia and A●●ri●ke And this point serveth often against many Spaniards who beeing here sigh for Spaine having no discourse but of their countrie They wonder yea they grow discontented with vs imagining that we have forgotten make small accompt of our native soyle To whom we answere that the desire to returne into Spaine doth nothing trouble vs being as neere vnto Heaven at Peru as in Spaine as saint Ierome saith well writing vnto Paulinus That the gates of Heaven are as neere vnto Brittanie as to Ierusalem But although the Heaven doth compasse in the world of all pa●ts yet must we not imagine that there is land necessarily on all parts of the world For being so that the two elements of earth and water make one globe or bowle according to the opinion of the most renowmed ancient Authors as Plutarch testifieth and as it is prooved by most certaine demonstrations wee may coniecture that the sea doth occupie all this part which is vnder the Antartike or southerne Pole so as there should not remaine any place in these partes for the earth the which saint Augustine doth very learnedly hold against them that maintaine the Antipodes saying that although it bee prooved and wee beleeve that the worlde is round like to a bowle wee may not therefore inferre that in this other part of the worlde the earth is vncovered and without water Without doubt saint Augustine speakes well vpon this point and as the contrary is not prooved so doth it not follow that there is any land discovered at the Antarticke Pole The which experience hath now plainely taught vs for although the greatest part of the worlde vnder the Pole Antarticke be sea yet is it not altogether but there is likewise land so as in all parts of the world the earth and water imbrace one another which truely is a thing to make vs admire and glorifie the Arte of the soveraigne Creator We know then by the holy Scripture that in the beginning of the worlde the waters were gathered together in one place so as the earth remayned vncovered Moreover the same holy Writte doth teach vs that these gatherings together of the water were called Sea and as there be many so of necessitie there must be many Seas And this diversitie of seas is not onely in the Mediterranean Sea whereas one is called Euxi●e another the Caspian an other the Erethean or redde Sea an other the Persian an other of Italie and so many others But also in the great Ocean which the holy Scripture doth vsually call a gulph although really and in trueth it be but a Sea yet in many and divers manners as in respect of Peru and all America the one is called the North Sea the other the South and at the East Indies the one is called
disturbing one another The Indians did commonly vse their idolatries in these trees so strange and deformed even as did the antient Gentiles as some Writers of our time doe report Of Plants and fruits which have bin carried out of Spaine to the Indies CHAP. 31. THe Indians have received more profit and have bin better recompensed in plants that have bin broght from Spaine than in any other marchandise for that those few which are carried from the Indies into Spaine growe little there and multiply not and contrariwise the great number that have beene caried from Spaine to the Indies prosper wel multiplie greatly I know not whether I shall attribute it to the bounty of the plants that goe from hence or to the goodnesse of the soile that is there Finally there is at the Indies any good thing that Spaine brings foorth in some places it is better in some worse as wheate barley hearbes and all kindes of pulses also lettuce colewortes radishes onions garlike parsley turneps parseneps Becengenes or apples of love siccorie beetes spinage pease beanes vetches and finally whatsoever groweth heere of anie profite so as all that have voyaged thither have beene curious to carry seedes of all sorts and all have growen although diversly some more some lesse As for those trees that have most aboundantly fructified be orange trees limons citrons and others of that sort In some partes there are at this day as it were whole woods and forrests of orange trees the which seeming strange vnto mee I asked who had planted the fields with so many orange trees they made mee answer that it did come by chaunce for that oranges being fallen to the ground and rotten their seeds did spring and of those which the water had carried away into diverse partes these woods grew so thicke which seemed to me a very good reason I have saide that this fruite hath generally increased most at the Indies for that I have not beene in any place but I finde orange trees for that all their soyle is hote and moist which this tree most desires There growes not any vppon the Sierre or mountaine but they carry them from the vallies or sea coast The conserve of oranges which they do make at the Ilands is the best I have seene anie where peaches presses and apricockes have greatly multiplied especially in New Spaine At Peru there growes few of these kindes of fruites except peaches and much lesse in the Ilands There growes apples and peares yet but scarcely there are but few plumbs but aboundance of figges chiefly in Peru. They finde quinces in all the country of the Indies and in New Spaine in such aboundance as they gave vs fifty choice ones for halfe a riall There is great store of pomegranets but they are all sweete for the sharp are not there esteemed There are very good melons in some partes of Peru. Cherries both wilde and tame have not prospered well at the Indies the which I do not impute to want of temperature for that there is of all sorts but to carelesnesse or that they have not well observed the temperature To conclude I do not finde that in those partes there wants any dainty fruite As for grosse fruites they have no Beillottes nor chesnuttes neither doe I finde that any have growne there to this day Almonds growe there but rarely They carry from Spaine for such as are dainty mouthed both almonds nuttes and filberds but I have not knowne they had any medlers or servises which importes little In my iudgement this may suffice to shew that there wanteth no delightfull fruites Now let vs speake somewhat of plants that profit and which have been carried from Spaine and so will ende that Treatise beeing too troublesome Of grapes vignes olives mulberies and kanes of sugar CHAP. 32. I Meane by profitable plants those which besides that which they eate in the house bring silver to theyr maisters the chiefe of these is the vigne whereof commeth wine vinegar grapes greene and dry veriuyce and sirrope But the wine is the best There growes no wine nor grapes in the Ilandes nor firme land but in new Spaine there are some vignes which beare grapes and yet make no wine The cause is for that the grape ripens not well by reason of the raine that falles in the months of Iuly and August which hinders their ripening so as they serve onely to eate They carry wine out of Spaine and from the Canaries to all partes of the Indies except Peru and the realme of Chillé where there are vignes that yeelde excellent wine which increase daily both in quantity for that it is a great riches in that country and in beauty for that they are become with time and practise more expert vignerous The vignes of Peru are commonly in hote vallies where there are waters which they water with the hand because there falles no raine at all from heaven and vppon the Lanos and Sierre it comes not in time There are some places where the vignes are not watered neither from heaven nor earth and yet they increase in great aboundance as in the valley of Yca and in the ditches that they call VillacuZi in which places they finde ditches or th' earth suncke downe amongest the dead sands which are thorowout the yeare of a woonderfull coolenesse and yet it raines not there at any time neither is there any maner of meanes to water it artificially the reason is because the soile is spongious and suckes vp the water of the rivers that fall from the mountaine which moisten these sands or else it is the moistnesse of the sea as others suppose which passing over this sand is the cause why it is not barren nor vnprofitable as the Philosopher teaches The vignes have so increased there as for this cause onely the tithes of the Churches are multiplied five or sixe times double within these twentie yeares The most fertile vallies for vignes be Victor neare to Arequipa Yca in the territory of Lima and Caraguato in the Countrey of Chuquiavo they carry this wine to Potozi Cusco and divers partes which yeeldes a great revenue for notwithstanding all the aboundance they have a bottle or arobe is there woorth five or sixe duckats and if it be Spanish wine as they commonly carry in their fleetes it is woorth tenne or twelve They make wine like to that of Spaine in the realme of Chille being in the same climate but it corrupteth being carried to Peru they eate the grape where they cannot drink the wine And it is strange that in the citty of Cusco you shall finde ripe grapes all the yeare long the reason is as they say for that those valleis bring foorth fruits in diverse moneths of the yeare either for that they cutte their vignes in diverse seasons or that this varietie proceedes from the quality of the soyle but whatsoever it be it is most certaine there are some vallies which carry fruit all the yeare If
vnto Almoners 349 Priests of Idolles how they consulted with their gods 360 Pretext of the Inguas to inlarge their dominions was religion which they held for the best 472 Processions of the Indians 394 Prodigious sights before the ruine of Mexico 561 Profit which may be gathered by the reading of these excerable Indian superstitions 428 Propertie most rare of the Adamant vnknowne to the Ant●ents 55 Province next to Mexico left vnconquered to exercise their youth and to take Captaines to sacrifice 541 Ptol●me and Avicen held the bu●ning zone to be habitable 102 Punas a desart in Peru where the aire killes both men and beasts 149 Pyramide of fire appearing in the heaven for a whole yeere before the ruine of the Mexicain Empire 561 Pr●te Ians country exceeding hot 106 Q. QVantitie of golde which commeth yearely from the Indies into Spain 215 Quetzalcoalt the marchants god and where he was worshipped 354 Qu●ppos bowes serving as registers for the remembring of that which passed in Peru. 449 Quicke-silver flies from all mettalles except golde and silver 234 Quicke-silver turnes into smoake and againe into quickesilver 235 Quickesilver heavier than anie other mettall 236 Quickesilver how it is drawne out of the mines 239 R. RAine caused by the heat of the burning zone 89 Rayme the first month of the Indians it answ ers with December 411 Our Reason ignorant even of natural things 59 Regions very delightfull at the Indies 114 Regions vnder the Equinoctiall verie temperate 101 Religion served the Indians for a p●●text to make warre 80 Remedy against the alteration which the winde causeth in Pariacaca 147 Riches of some Ilands in new Spaine 187 Riches incredible of the Perusiens when they were taken by the Spaniards 462 Rice very common at the Indies 260 River of Amazons diversly called it is termed the empresse of all rivers 92 Rivers admirable vnder the burning zone 93 River of Amazons three score leagues wide at the mouth 92 River of Magdale●ne called the G●eat river runnes farre into the sea and mingles not his water ibid. Rivers h●lles great stones and toppes of mountaines worshipped by the Indian 355 Ro●kes r●sing in the midd●st of the sea and no bo●tome to be sound about them 202 Roses how they growe at the Indies 283 Round●●s of the heaven and the mo●●en thereof vnknowne to some doctors of the church 2 Rootes wors●●pt by the Indians 341 Roo●es very profitable at the Indies ibidem A Rowle the ma●ke of the kings Inguas as heere the S●●pter and the Crowne 297 Ruine of a great village full of sorcerers 199 S. SAcrifices of men howe they were made 383 Sacrifices diversly made by the Indians and vpon divers occasions 376 Sacrifices vsuall with the Indians in their necessities 480 Sainos strange beasts to hunt and how they may be slaine 312 Salsepareille good for the French disease 174 Sciences knowne by the Chinois 444 S. Croix of the Sierre a province of Charcas how it was converted to the faith 580 Sea held by the Antients vnnavigable beyond the straights of G●braltar 26 Seas some hote some cold 111 Sea-water refresheth although it bee salt 107 Silver why esteemed above all other mettall next to gold 216 Silver more esteemed in some places than gold 217 S●lver how it is refined by fire how by quickesilver 218 Silver of divers sortes 232 Silver how it is tried 247 Soccabons artificially invented to draw foorth the mettall more easily 229 The Sunne the nearer it is vnto vs the more it heates ●3 The Sun hath contrary effects within the burning zone and without the tropickes 87 The Sunne by his great force causeth moisture vnder the Equinoctiall 95 The Sunne worshipped commonly by the Indians 335 A Sorceresse sister to the Idoll which built the towne of Mal●nalco where there are none but sorcerers 507 Spaniards borne at the Indies called Crollos 278 Spaniards held for gods 69 Spaniards called by the Indians Virachocas children of God and why 480 Spanish ships esteemed by the Indians for rockes and why 69 The Spaniard one yeare with an other draws a million of silver from Potozi 225 Springs of Nile sought for by Caesar. 30 Springs some blew others redde like bloud 175 Snakes the Armes of the kings of Peru 338 Blacke Spots in the milken way at the south 16 Starres according to the Doctors of the Church moove of themselves 2 Starres worshipped by the Indians for divers reasons 336 Stones superstitiously offred at passages to have faire way 341 Stones carved and cut like wood 173 Stones halfe golde halfe stone 212 Stones of a wonderfull greatnes artificially ioyned together by the Indians in their buildings without any morter 459 Straight of Magellan discovered by a Portugall and carrieth the same name 152 Straight at the Articke Pole which they imagine to be in Florida not yet discovered 157 Straight of Gibraltar called in olde time the P●llers of H●rcules 151 Stuffes of three sortes made of wooll 465 Su●●illes Indian nosegay●s they love them greatly and present them to their guests 282 Supe●st●tion vsed at the carrying of a streame through Mexico 552 T. TAbacco a plant vsed for a counterpoison 289 Ta●bos ' according to the opinion of the Indians the most auntient race of men 79 Temperature quite contrary in lesse tha● fiftie leagues 183 Temple at Cusco like to the Pantheon at Rome 359 Tescalipuca the god of Iubiles at Mexico and his ornaments 353 Tharsis sometimes signifies the Crisolite or Iacinth somet●mes the Sea which is of that colour by the reverberation of the Sunne 46 Tharsis in the Scripture is not Tarso a citty in Cilicia 47 Tharsis and Ophir generall wordes in the Scripture ibid. Tlas●altecas the sixt generation of the Mava●alcas they gave entrie to the Spaniardes 501 Tlacaell●c the most valiant Captaine the Mexicaines had 530 Thanksgiving after a victorie 574 Tiburons a very greedy fis● 165 Three kindes of beastes found at the Indies 303 Three kinds of land at the Indies and their qualities 178 Three things ordinarily vsed in all the Indian ceremonies 410 Three kinds of governement knowne at the Indies 471 Tigres at Peru more cruell to the Indians than to the Spaniards 70 Tigres may swimme seaven or eight leagues by sea ibid. Tooth of a Giant of an exceeding greatnes 501 Tree of a wonderfull greatnesse 291 Tit●caca a Lake of woonderfull greatnesse 169 The Trinitie imitated by the Divell and worsh●pped by the Indians in three Images of the Sunne 412 Tunall a tree of a strange forme fit for many vses 274 V. VAlour of the Indians 586 Vallies hotter than the mountains and why 108 Vallies the best habitations of Peru. 185 Varietie of temperature of lands lying vnder the Equinoctiall 105 Verm●llion and Quickesilver grow in the s●me stone 237 Victories of the Mexicans against the Tapenecans 533 Vicugnes a kinde of wilde sheepe the flesh is good for the paine in the e●es 316 Vines without fruit in new Spaine 188 Vines in Peru and
and inviron this great masse of the earth the which was wrought by the wisedome of that great Architect They say the earth is built vpon the waters and vpon the sea but contrariwise the earth is rather vnder the waters for according to common iudgement and imagination that which is on the other part of the earth which we inhabite seemes to be vnder the earth and so by the same reason the waters and sea which doe compasse in the earth on the other part should be vnderneath and the earth aboue yet the very truth is that what is properly beneath that is alwaies in the midst of the vniversall but the holy scripture frames it selfe to our manner of conceiving and speaking Some may demaund seeing the earth is set vpon the waters as the scripture sayeth whereon the waters are placed or what support have they And if the earth and the water make one round globe how can all this monstrous masse be sustayned To this the holy scripture answereth them in another place giving vs greatest cause to admire the power of the Creator and saith in these wordes The earth extends towards the North vpon the Vast and stayes hanging vpon nothing The which in trueth is very well spoken for that really it seemes this heape of earth and water is set vpon nothing when we describe it in the middest of the ayre as in trueth it is But this wonder which men so much admire God himselfe hath not layd open demanding of the same Iob in these termes Tell mee if thou canst who hath layd the lyne or cast the lead for the building of the world and with what morter the foundations have beene layed and ioyned Finally to make vs vnderstand the fashion and modell of this admirable frame of the world the Prophet Dauid accustomed to sing and praise his divine works saies very well in a Psalme made of this subiect in these wordes Thou which hast built the earth vpon firmenes it selfe that it cannot stagger nor move for ever and ever Meaning to shew the cause why the earth set in the midst of the ayre falleth not nor staggereth from place to place for that by nature it hath sure foundations layed by the most wise Creator to the end it might sustaine it selfe without any other support Mans imagination is therefore deceived in this place seeking other foundations of the earth and for want thereof doth measure divine things according to humaine reason So that we neede not to feare how g●eat or heavy soever this masse of earth then hanging in the aire seemeth to be that it can fal or turne topsy tur●y being assured vpon this point for that the same Psalmist saieth that it shall neuer be overthrowne Truly Dauid with reason after he had beheld and sung the wonderfull workes of the Lord doth not cease to praise him in the same saying O how great wonderfull are the workes of the Lord. It appeares that all spring from his knowledge And in truth if I shall freely speake my opinion touching this point often in my trauell passing the great gulfes of the Ocean and marching by other regions of so strange lands staying to behold and consider the greatnes of these workes of the Lord I felt a wonderfull consolation of the soveraigne wisedome and greatnes of the Creator who shines in his works in comparison whereof all the Pallaces Castells and princely buildings together with all the inventions of man seeme nothing yea are base and contemptible in respect thereof O how often hath come into my minde and mouth that place of the Psalme which sayeth thus Great comfort hast thou given me O Lord by thy workes I will not cease to reioyce in the contemplation of the workes of thy hands Really and in truth the workes of God haue I know not what secret hidden grace and vertve the which although they be often beheld yet do they still cause a new taste and content whereas contrariwise the workes of man although they be built with exquisite art yet often seene they are no more esteemed but breede a distaste be they most pleasant Gardins Pallaces or stately Temples be they Piramides of proud buildings Pictures carved images or stones of rare worke and invention or whatsoever else adorned with all the beauties possible Yet is it most certen that viewing them twice or thrice with attention the eye presently turnes away being glutted with the sight thereof But if you beholde the sea with attention or some steepe mountaine growing from a plaine to a strange heigth or the fieldes clad in their naturall verdure with pleasant flowres or the raging course of some river beating continually against the rocks finally what worke of nature soever although it be often viewed yet doth it still breede a new content and never gluttes the sight the which is like vnto a stately bancket of the divine wisedom which doth alwaies cause a new consideration without any lothing Containing an answere to that which is obiected out of the holy Scripture against the roundnes of the earth CHAP. 4. REturning then to the figure of heaven I know not out of what authoritie of the holy scripture they can prove that it is not round nor his motion circular neither do I see whereas S. Paul calles the heaven a Tabernacle or a Tent which God made not man how can it be applied to this purpose for although he telleth vs that it was made by God yet must we not therefore coniecture that the heaven covereth the earth like to a roofe on the one part only neither that the heaven was framed without motion as it seemes some would inferre The Apostle in this place treated of the conformity of the auncient Tabernacle of the lawe saying therevpon that the Tabernacle of the new law of grace is heaven into the which the great Priest Iesus Christ entred once by his bloud and thereby is vnderstood that there is as great preheminence of the new aboue the old as there is difference betwixt the author of the new which is God and of the olde which was man although it be most certen that the olde was built by the wisedome of God who instructed his workeman BeZeleell Neither must we imagine that these comparisons parables and allegories doe in all thinges agree with that wherevnto they are applyed as the happy Crysostome hath learnedly spoken vpon this point The other authoritie which S. Augustine saies is alleaged of some to shew that the heaven is not round is this The heavens stretch forth like vnto a skin Whereby he concludes that it is not round but flat on the vpper part wherevnto the same Doctor doth answere verie well and familiarly giuing vs to vnderstand that that place of the Psalme is not properly to be vnderstood of the figure of heaven but onely to shew with what facilitie God built so great a heaven being no more painefull for him to
which is Southest and Southwest which is a very triviall thing common to them that saile And therefore it is not needefull to explaine them heere but to signifie that the side-windes of the right East are those which commonly blow to the burning Zone which they doe call Brises and those from the South declining to the Weast which serve to saile from Weast to East are not common in the burning Zone and therefore they seeke them without the tropikes and the Indian Mariners commonly call them lower windes or Vents dábas What is the reason why sailing v●der the burning Zone we finde alwayes Easterly windes CHAP. 6. LEt vs now speake of that which toucheth the Question propounded what should be the reason whie vnder the burning Zone wee saile easily from East to Weast and not contrary wherein we must presuppose two certaine groundes The one is that the motion of the first moover which they call Diurnall not on●lie drawes and mooves with him the celestiall spheares which are inferiour vnto him as wee see daily in the sunne the moone and the starres but also the Elements do participate of this motion insomuch as they are not hindered The earth is not mooved by reason of her heavinesse which makes it immooveable being far from this first motor The element of water moves not likewise with this Diurnall motion for that it is vnited to the earth and make one sphere so as the earth keeps it from all circular motion But th' other two elements of fire aire are more subtil and neerer the heavenly regions so as they participate of their motion and are driven about circularly as the same celestial bodies As for the fire without doubt it hath his sphere as Aristotle and other Philosophers have held but for the aire which is no point of our subiect it is most certaine that it mooves with a motion diurnall which is from East to Weast which we see plainely in Comets that moove from the East vnto the Weast mounting descending and finally turning in the hemispheare in the same sort as the Starres move in the firmament for otherwise these Comets being in the region sphere of the aire whereas they ingender appeares consum'd It should be impossible for them to moove circularly as they doe if the element of the aire doth not moove with the same motion that the first motor dooth For these elements being of a burning substance by reason they should be fixt without mooving circularly if the sphere where they are did not moove if it be not as we faine that some Angell or intellectuall Spirite dooth walke with the Comet guiding it circularly In the yeere of our Lord God one thousand five hundred seaventy and seaven appeered that wonderfull Comet in forme like vnto a feather from the horizon almost to the middest of heaven and continued from the first of November vntill the eight of December I say from the first of November for although in Spaine it was noted but the ninth of November according to the testimony of Writers of that time yet at Peru where I was then I remember well we did see it and observe it eight dayes before and all the time after Touching the cause of this diversity some may dilate vpon it particularly I will onely shew that during those fourtie dayes which it continued we all observed both such as were in Spaine and we that lived then at the Indies that it mooved daily with an vniversall motion from East to Weast as the Moone and other Planets wherby it appeeres that the sphere of the aire being its Region the element it selfe must of necessitie moove after the same sort We noted also that besides this vniversall motion it had an other particular by which it moved with the planets fro west to east for every night it turned more Eastward like vnto the Moone Sunne and Planet of Venus Wee did also observe a third particular motion whereby it mooved from the zodiacke towards the North for after some nights it was found neerer vnto the Septentrionall signes And it may be this was the reason why the great Comet was sooner seene by those that were southerly as at Peru and later discovered by them of Europe for by this third motion as I have saide it approached neerer the Northerne Regions Yet every one may well observe the differences of this motion so as wee may well perceive that many and sundry celestiall bodies give their impressions to the sphere of the aire In like sorte it is most certaine that the ayre mooves with the circular motion of the heaven from Est to West which is the first ground before mentioned The second is no lesse certaine the which is that the motion of the aire in those parts that are vnder the Line or neere vnto it is very swift and light the more it approacheth to the Equinoctiall but the farther off it is from the Line approching neere the Poles the more slowe and heavie this motion is The reason heereof is manifest for that the mooving of the celestiall bodies being the efficient cause of the mooving of the ayre it must of necessitie be more quicke and light where the celestiall bodies have their swiftest motion To labour to shew the reason why the heaven hath a quicker motion vnder the burning Zone which is the Line then in any other part of the heaven were to make small account of men seeing it is easie to see in a wheele that its motion is more slowe and heavy in the part of greatest circumference then in the lesse and that the greater circumference ends at one instant with the lesser From these two grounds proceedes the reason where such as saile great gulphs from east to west doe alwayes finde the winde in their powpe going in a small altitude and the neerer they come to the Equinoctiall the more certaine and durable the winde is And contrariwise sailing from west to east they always finde the winde contrary for that the swift motion of the Equinoctiall drawes after it the element of the aire as it doth the surplus of the higher spheares So as the aire dooth alwayes follow the motion of the day Going from east to weast without any alteration and the motion of the aire being swift draweth after it all the vapours and exhalations which rise from the sea which causeth in those Regions a continuall easterly winde which runnes from the Levant Father Alonso Sanches a religious man and of our company who hath travelled the east and west Indies as a man ingenious and of experience said that sailing vnder the Line or neere vnto it with a continued and durable season it seemed to him to be the same aire mooved by the heaven the which guided the ships and was not properly a winde nor exhalation but an aire moved with the daily course of the sunne for proofe whereof he shewed that the season is alwayes equall and alike at the gulph of Danees and in
that the 30. leagues to the South runne betwixt the rockes and most high mountaines whose tops are continually covered with snow so as they seeme by reason of their great height to be ioyned together which makes the entrie of the Straight to the South so hard to discover In these 30. leagues the sea is very deepe and without bottome yet may they fasten their ships to the land the b●nckes being straight and vneven but in the 70. leagues towards the North they finde ground and of either side there are large plaines the which they call Ca●●na● Many great rivers of faire and cleere water runne into this Straight and thereabout are great and wonderfull forrests whereas they finde some trees of excellent wood and sweete the which are not knowne in these partes whereofsuch as passed from thence to Peru brought some to shew There are many medowes within the land and many Ilands in the midst of the Straight The Indians that inhabite on the South side are little and cowards those that dwell on the North part are great and valiant they brought some into Spaine which they hadde taken They found peeces of blew cloth and other markes and signes that some men of Europe had passed there The Indians ●●luted our men with the name of Iesia They are good Archers and go● clad in wilde beasts skinnes whereof there is great aboundance The waters of the Straight rise and fall as the tide and they may visibly see the tides come of the one side of the North sea and of the other from the South whereas they meete the which as I have said is thirtie leagues from the South and three score and tenne from the North. And although it seemes there should be more daunger then in all the rest yet whenas Captaine Sarmi●nto his shippe whereof I spake passed it they had no great stormes but found farre lesse difficultie then they expected for then the time was very calme and pleasant And moreover the waves from the north sea came broken by reason of the great length of three score and tenne leagues and the waves from the south sea were not raging by reason of the great deapth in which deapth the waves breake and are swallowed vp It is true that in winter the straight is not navigable by reason of the tempests and raging of the sea in that season Some shippes which have attempted to passe the Straight in winter have perished One onely shippe passed it on the South side which is the Captaine I made mention of I was fully instructed of all that I have spoken by the Pilote thereof called Hernando Alonse and have seene the true discription of the Straight they made in passing it whereof they carried the copie to the King of Spaine and the original to their viceroy of Peru. Of the ebbing and flowing of the Indian Ocean CHAP. 14. ONe of the mostadmirable secrets of Nature is the ebbing and flowing of the sea not onely for this strange property of rising and falling but much more for the difference there is thereof in diverse seas yea in diverse coastes of one and the same sea There are some seas that have no daily flowing nor ebbing as we see in the inner Mediterranean which is the Thyrene sea and yet it flowes and ebbes every day in the vpper Mediterranean sea which is that of Venice and iustly giveth cause of admiration that these two seas being Mediterranean and that of Venice being no greater then the other yet hath it his ebbing and flowing as the Ocean and that other sea of Italie none at all There are some Mediterranean seas that apparantly rise and fall everie moneth and others that neyther rise in the day nor in the moneth There are other seas as the Spanish Ocean that have their flux and reflux every day and besides that they have it monethly which commeth twice that is to say at the entry and at the ful of every Moone which they call Spring tides To say that any sea hath this daily ebbing and flowing and not monethly I knowe not any It is strange the difference we finde of this subiect at the Indies for there are some places whereas the sea doth daily rise fall two leagues as at Panama and at a high water it riseth much more There are other places where it doth rise and fall so little that hardly can you finde the difference It is ordinary in the Ocean sea to have a daily flowing and ebbing and that was twice in a naturall day and ever it falls three quarters of an houre sooner one day then another according to the course of the Moone so as the tide falles not alwayes in one houre of the day Some would say that this flux and reflux proceeded from the locall motion of the water of the sea so as the water that riseth on the one side falles on the other that is opposite vnto it so that it is ful sea on the one side when as it is a lowe water on the opposite as we see in a kettle full of water when wee moove it when it leanes to the one side the water increaseth and on the other it diminisheth Others affirme that the sea riseth in all partes at one time and decreaseth at one instant as the boyling of a pot comming out of the centre it extendeth it selfe on all partes and when it ceaseth it falles likewise on all partes This second opinion is true and in my iudgement certaine and tried not so much for the reasons which the Philosophers give in their Meteors as for the certaine experience wee may make For to satisfie my selfe vpon this point and question I demanded particularly of the said Pilot how he found the tides in the straight and if the tides of the South sea did fall whenas those of the North did rise And contrariwise this question being true why the increase of the sea in one place is the decrease thereof in another as the first opinion holdeth He answered that it was not so but they might see plainely that the tides of the North and South seas rise at one instant so as the waves of one sea incountred with the other and at one instant likewise they began to retire every one into his sea saying that the rising and falling was daily seene and that the incounter of the tides as I have saide was at three score and tenne leagues to the North sea and thirtie to the South Whereby wee may plainely gather that the ebbing and flowing of the Ocean is no pure locall motion but rather an alteration whereby all waters really rise and increase at one instat and in others they dimini●h as the boyling of a pot whereof I have spoken It were impossible to comprehend this poynt by experience if it were not in the Straight where all the Ocean both on th' one side on th' other ioynes together for none but Angelles can see it and iudge of the opposite parts for
that man hath not so long a sight nor so nimble and swift footing as were needefull to transporte his eyes from one parte to another in so short a time as a tide will give him respite which are only six houres Of sundry Fishers and their maner of fishing at the Indies CHAP. 15. THere are in the Indian Ocean an infinite number of fishes the kindes properties whereof the Creator only can declare There are many such as we have in the sea of Europe as shaddes and aloses which come from the sea into the rivers dorads pilchards and many other There are others the like I doe not thinke to have seene in these partes as those which they doe call Cabrillas which doe somewhat resemble the trowt and in new Spaine they call them Bobos they mount from the sea into the rivers I have not seene any Besugues there nor trowts although some say there are in Chille There are Tonins in some partes vpon the coast of Peru but they are rare and some are of opinion that at a certaine time they do cast their spawne in the Straight of Magellan as they doe in Spaine at the Straight of Gibraltar and for this reason they finde more vpon the coast of Chille although those I have seene there are not like to them in Spaine At the Ilandes which they call Barlovente which are Cuba Saint Dominique Port rique and Iamaique they find a fish which they call Manati a strange kinde of fish if we may call it fish a creature which ingenders her yoong ones alive and hath teates and doth nourish them with milke feeding of grasse in the fieldes but in effect it lives continually in the water and therefore they eate it as fish yet when I did eate of it at Saint Dominique on a friday I hadde some scruple not for that which is spoken but for that in colour and taste it was like vnto morselles of veale so is it greene and like vnto a cowe on the hinder partes I didde woonder at the incredible ravening of the Tib●rons or sharkes whenas I did see drawne from one that was taken in the Port out of his gullet a buchers great knife a great yron hooke and a peece of a cowes head with one whole horne neyther doe I knowe if both were there or no. I did see in a creeke made with that sea a quarter of a horse for pleasure hanging vpon a stake whither presently came a company of these Tiburons at the smel thereof and for the more pleasure this horse flesh was hung in the aire I knowe not how many hand breadth from the water this company of fish flocke about it leaping vp and with a strange nimblenesse cut off both flesh and bone off the horse leg as if it had beene the stalke of a lettuce their teeth being as sharpe as a rasour There are certaine small fishes they call Rambos which cleave to these Tiburons neyther can they drive them away and they are fed with that which falles from the Tiburons There are other small fishes which they call flying fishes the which are found within the tropickes and in no other place as I thinke they are pursued by the Ducades and to escape them they leape out of the sea and goe a good way in the ayre and for this reason they are called flying Fishes they have wings as it were of linnen cloth or of parchment which do supporte them some space in the ayre There did one flie or leape into the shippe wherin I went the which I did see and observe the fashion of his wings In the Indian histories there is often mention made of Lezards or Caymans as they call them and they are the very same which Plinie and the Antients call Crocodiles they finde them on the sea side and in hote rivers for in colde rivers there are none to be found And therefore they finde none vpon all the coast of Peru vnto Payra but forward they are commonly seene in the rivers It is a most fierce and cruell beast although it be slow and heavie Hee goes hunting and seekes his prey on the land and what hee takes alive he drownes it in the water yet dooth hee not eate it but out of the water for that his throate is of such a fashion as if there entred any water he should easily be drowned It is a woonderfull thing to see a combat betwixt a Caymant and a Tigre whereof there are most cruell at the Indies A religious man of our company tolde me that he had seene these beasts fight most cruelly one against the other vpon the sea shoare the Caymant with his taile gave great blowes vnto the Tygre striving with his great force to carry him into the water and the Tygre with his pawes resisted the Caymant drawing him to land In the end the Tigre vanquished and opened the Lezard it seemes by the belly the which is most tender and penetrable for in every other parte hee is so hard that no lance and scarce a harquebuze can pierce it The victory which an Indian had of a Caymant was yet more rare the Caimant had carried away his yong childe and sodainely plunged into the sea the Indian mooved with choller cast himselfe after him with a knife in his hand and as they are excellent swimmers and dievers and the Caymant swimmeth alwayes on the toppe of the water hee hurt him in the belly and in such sort that the Caymant feeling himselfe wounded went to the shoare leaving the little infant dead But the combate which the Indians have with Whales is yet more admirable wherein appeares the power and greatnesse of the Creator to give so base a Nation as be the Indians the industry and courage to incounter the most fierce and deformed beast in the worlde and only to fight with him but also to vanquish him not to triumph over him Considering this I have often remembred that place of the Psalme speaking of the Whale Draco iste quem formasti ad illudendum eum What greater mockerie can there be then to see an Indian leade a whale as bigge as a mountaine vanquished with a corde The maner the Indians of Florida vse as some expert men have tolde me to take these whales whereof there is great store is they put themselves into a Canoe which is like a barke of a tree and in swimming approach neere the whales side then with great dexteritie they leape to his necke and there they ride as on horse backe expecting his time then hee thrustes a sharpe and strong stake which hee carries with him into the whales nosthrill for so they call the hole or vent by which they breathe presently hee beates it in with an other stake as forcibly as hee can in the meane space the whale dooth fu●iously beate the sea and raiseth mountaines of water running into the deepe with great violence and presently riseth againe not knowing what to doe for paine the Indian still
sittes firme and to give him full payment for this trouble he beates another stake into the other vent or nosthrill so as he stoppeth him quite and takes away his breathing then hee betakes him to his Canoe which he holdes tied with a corde to the whales side and goes to land having first tied his corde to the whale the which hee lettes runne with the whale who leapes from place to place whilest he finds water enough being troubled with paine in the end hee comes neere the land and remaines on ground by the hugenesse of his body vnable any more to moove then a great number of Indians come vnto the Conqueror to gather his spoiles they kill him and cut his flesh in peeces the which is bad enough this do they drie and beate into powlder vsing it for meate it dooth last them long wherein is fulfilled that which is spoken in another Psalme of the whale Dedisti eum escam populis Aethiopum Peter Mendez the Adelantade did often speake of this kinde of fishing Whereof M●nardes makes mention in his booke There is an other fishing which the Indians do commonly vse in the sea the which although it be lesse yet is it worthy the report They make as it were faggots of bul-rushes or drie sedges well bound together which they call Ba●sas having carried them vppon their shoulders to the sea they cast them in and presently leape vppon them being so set they lanch out into the deepe rowing vp and downe with small reedes of eyther side they goe a league or two into the sea to fish carrying with them their cordes and nettes vppon these faggots and beare themselves thereon They cast out their nettes and do there remaine fishing the greatest parte of the day and night vntill they have filled vp their measure with the which they returne wel satisfied Truely it was delightfull to see them fish at Callao of Lima for that they were many in number and every one set on horsebacke cutting the waves of the sea which in their place of fishing are great and furious resembling the Tritons or Neptunes which they paint vppon the water and beeing come to land they drawe their barke out of the water vpon their backes the which they presently vndoe and lay abroade on the shoare to drie There were other Indians of the vallies of Yca which were accustomed to goe to fish in leather or skinnes of sea-wolves blowne vp with winde and from time to time they did blowe them like balles of winde lest they should sinke In the vale of Canete which in olde time they called Guaroo there were a great number of Indian fishers but bicause they resisted the Ingua when he came to conquer that land he made shew of peace with them and therefore to feast him they appoynted a solemne fishing of manie thousand Indians which went to sea in their vessels of reeds at whose returne the Ingua who had layde many souldiers in ambush made a cruell butcherie of them so as afterward this land remained vnpeopled although it be aboundant and fertile I did see an other manner of fishing wherevnto Don Francis of Toledo the Viceroy didde leade mee yet was it not in the sea but in a river which they call great in the Province of Charcas where the Indians Chiraquanas plunged into the water and swimming wyth an admirable swiftnesse followed the fish where with dartes and hookes which they vse to carry in their right hand only swimming with the left they wound the fish and so hurt they brought them foorth seeming in this more like vnto fishes then men of the land But now that we have left the sea let vs come to other kinde of waters that remaine to be spoken of Of Lakes and Pooles that be at the Indies CHAP. 16. IN place of the Mediterranean Sea which is in the old world the Creator hath furnished this new with many Lakes whereof there are some so great as they may be properly called seas seeing the Scripture calleth that of Palestina so which is not so great as some of these The most famous is that of Titicaca which is at Peru in the Province of Callao the which as I have said in the former booke containes neere fourscore leagues in compasse into the which there runnes ten or twelve great rivers A while since they began to saile in it with barkes and shippes wherein they proceeded so ill that the first shippe was split with a tempest that did rise in the Lake The water is not altogether sower nor salt as that of the sea but it is so thicke as it cannot be drunke There are two kindes of fishes breed in this Lake in great aboundance the one they call Suches which is great and savorous but phlegmatike and vnwholesome and the other Bogos which is more healthfull although it be lesse and fuller of bones there are great numbers of wilde-duckes and wigens Whenas the Indians will feast it or shew delight to any one that passeth along the two banckes which they call Chucuyto and Omasugo they assemble a great number of Canoes making a circle and invironing the fowle vntill they take with their hands what they please and they call this maner of fishing Chaco On the one and the other banke of this Lake are the best habitations of Peru. From the issue thereof there growes a lesser Lake although it be great which they call Paria vpon the bankes whereof there are great numbers of cattell especially swine which grow exceeding fatte with the grasse vpon those banks There are many other Lakes in the high mountains whence proceede brooks rivers which after become great flouds Vpon the way from Arequippa to Callao there are two Lakes vpon the mountains of th' one other side the way from th' one flowes a brooke which growes to a ●loud and falles into the South sea from the other they say the famous river of Aporima takes her beginning from the which some hold that the renowned river of Amazos otherwise called Maragnon proceedes with so great an assembly and aboundance of waters which ioyne in these mountaines It is a question may be often asked why there are so many Lakes in the toppes of these mountaines into the which no river enters but contrariwise many great streames issue forth and yet do we scarce see these Lakes to diminish any thing at any season of the yeere To imagine that these Lakes grow by the snow that melts or raine from heaven that doth not wholy satisfie me for there are many that have not this aboundance of snow nor raine and yet we see no decrease in them which makes me to beleeve they are springs which rise there naturally although it be not against reason to thinke that the snow and raine helpe somewhat in some seasons These Lakes are so common in the highest toppes of the mountaines that you shall hardly finde any famous river that takes not his beginning from one of
them Their water is very cleere and breedes little store of fish and that little is very small by reason of the cold which is there Continually Notwithstanding some of these Lakes be very hote which is another wonder At the end of the vallie of Tarapaya neere to Potozi there is a Lake in forme round which seemes to have been made by compasse whose water is extreamely hote and yet the land is very colde they are accustomed to bathe themselves neere the banke for else they cannot indure the heate being farther in In the midst of this Lake there is a boiling of above twenty foote square which is the very spring and yet notwithstanding the greatnes of this spring it is never seene to increase in any sort it seemes that it exhales of it selfe or that it hath some hidden and vnknowne issue neither do they see it decrease which is another wonder although they have drawne from it a great streame to make certaine engines grinde for mettall considering the great quantity of water that issueth forth by reason whereof it should decrease But leaving Peru and passing to new Spaine the Lakes there are no lesse to be observed especially that most famous of Mexico where we finde two sortes of waters one salt Lake to that of the sea and the other cleere and sweete by reason of the rivers that enter into it In the midst of this Lake is a rocke verie delightfull and pleasant where there are baths of hote water that issue forth the which they greatly esteeme for their health There are gardins̄ in the middest of this Lake framed and fleeting vpon the water where you may see plottes full of a thousand sortes of hearbes and flowers and they are in such sort as a man cannot well conceive them without sight The Citie of Mexico is seated in the same Lake although the Spaniards have filled vp the place of the scituation with earth leaving onely some currents of water great and small which enter into the Citie to carrie such things as they have neede of as wood hearbes stone fruites of the countrie and all other things When Cortez conquered Mexico he caused Brigandins to be made yet afterwards he thought it more safe not to vse them therfore they vse Canoes whereof there is great store There is great store of fish in this Lake yet have I not seene any of price notwithstanding they say the revenue of this Lake is worth three hundred thousand duckets a yeere There are many other Lakes not far from this whence they bring much fish to Mexico The Province of Mechovacan is so called for that it aboundeth greatly with fish There are goodly and great Lakes in the which there is much fish and this Province is coole and healthfull There are many other Lakes whereof it is not possible to make mention nor to know them in particular onely we may note by that which hath beene discoursed in the former booke that vnder the burning Zone there is greater abundance of Lakes then in any other parte of the world and so by that which we have formerly spoken and the little we shall say of rivers and fountaines we will end this discourse of Waters Of many and divers Springs and Fountaines CHAP. 17. THere is at the Indies as in other parts of the world great diversitie of Springs Fountaines and Rivers and some have strange properties In Guancavilica of Peru where the mines of quick-silver be there is a Fountaine that casts forth hote water and in running the water turnes to rocke of which rocke or stone they build in a mauer all the houses of the Village This stone is soft and easie to cutte for they cut it as easily with yron as if it were wood it is light and lasting If men or beasts drinke thereof they die for that it congeales in the very entrailes and turnes into stone and for that cause some horses have died As this water turnes into stone the which flowes stoppes the passage to the rest so as of necessitie it changeth the course and for this reason it runnes in divers places as the rocke increaseth At the point of Cape S. Helaine there is a spring or fountaine of pitch which at Peru they call Coppey This should be like to that which the Scripture speakes of the savage valley where they did finde pits of pitch The Mariners vse these fountaines of pitch or Coppey to pitch their ropes and tackling for that it serves them as pitch and tarre in Spaine When I sailed into new Spaine by the coast of Peru the Pilot shewed me an Iland which they call the I le of Wolves where there is another fountaine or pit of Coppey or pitch with the which they anoint their tackling There are other fountaines and springs of Goultran rozen which the Pilot an excellent man in his charge tolde me he had seene and that sometimes sailing that waies being so farre into the sea as he had lost the sight of land yet did he know by the smell of the Coppey where he was as well as if he had knowne the land such is the savour that issues continually from that fountaine At the baths which they call the baths of Ingua there is a course of water which comes forth all hote and boiling and ioyning vnto it there is another whose water is as cold as ice The Ingua was accustomed to temper the one with the other it is a wonderfull thing to see springs of so contrarie qualities so neere one to the other There are an infinit number of other hote springs specially in the Province of Charcas in the water whereof you cannot indure to hold your hand the space of an Ave Maria as I have seene tried by wager In a farme neere to Cusco springs a fountain of salt which as it runs turns into salt very white exceeding good the which if it were in another countrie were no small riches yet they make very small accoumpt thereof for the store they have there The waters which runne in Guayaquel which is in Peru almost vnder the Equinoctiall line are held to be healthfull for the French disease and other such like so as they come from many places farre off to be cured And they say the cause thereof is for that in that Countrie there is great aboundance of rootes which they call Sallepareille the vertue and operation whereof is so knowne that it communicates her propertie to the waters wherein it is put to cure this disease Bilcanota is a mountaine the which according to common opinion is in the highest part of Peru the toppe whereof is all covered with snow and in some places is blacke like coale There issueth forth of it two springs in contrarie places which presently growe to be very great b●rookes and so by little and little become great flouds the one goes to Calloa into the great Lake Titicaca the other goes to the lands and is that which they call
what is in the other life but if hell as Divines holde be in the centre of the earth the which containes in diameter above two thousand leagues we can not iudge that this fire is from the centre for that hell fire as saint Basil and others teach is very different from this which wee see for that it is without light and burneth without comparison much more then ours And therefore I conclude that what I have saide seemes to me more reasonable Of Earthquakes CHAP. 26. SOme have held that from these Volcans which are at the Indies the earthquakes proceed being very common there but for that they ordinarily chance in places farre from those Volcans it can not be the totall cause It is true they have a certaine simpathy one with another for that the hote exhalations which engender in the inner concavities of the earth seeme to be the materiall substance of fire in the Volcans whereby there kindleth an other more grosse matter and makes these shewes of flame and smoke that come forth And these exhalations finding no easie issue in the earth move it to issue forth with great violence wherby we heare that horrible noise vnder the earth and likewise the shaking of the earth being stirred with this burning exhalation Even as gunpowlder in mines having fire put to it breakes rockes and walles and as the chesnut laid into the fire leapes and breakes with a noyse whenas it casts forth the aire which is contained within the huske by the force of the fire Even so these Earthquakes do most commonly happen in places neere the water or sea As we see in Europe and at the Indies that townes and citties farthest from the sea and waters are least afflicted therewith and contrariwise those that are seated vpon portes of the sea vpon rivers the sea coast and places neere vnto them feele most this calamitie There hath happened in Peru the which is wonderfull and worthy to be noted Earthquakes which have runne from Chille vnto Quitto and that is above hundred leagues I say the greatest that ever I heard speake of for lesser be more common there Vpon the coast of Chille I remember not well in what yeare there was so terrible an Earthquake as it overturned whole mountains and thereby stopped the course of rivers which it converted into lakes it beat downe townes and flew a great number of people causing the sea to leave her place some leagues so as the shippes remained on drie ground farre from the ordinary roade with many other heavie and horrible things And as I well remember they say this trouble and motion caused by the Earthquake ranne three hundred leagues alongest the coast Soone after which was in the yeere eighty two happened that Earthquake of Arequipa which in a maner overthrew the whole citie Since in the yeere eightie sixe the ninth of Iulie fell an other Earthquake in the cittie of Kings the which as the Viceroy did write hadde runne a hundred three score and tenne leagues alongest the coast and overthwart in the Sierre fiftie leagues The mercy of the Lord was great in this earth quake to forewarne the people by a great noyse which they heard alittle before the Earthquake who taught by former experiences presently put themselves in safetie leaving their houses streets and gardins to go into the fieldes so as although it ruined a great parte of the Cittie and of the chiefest buildings yet there died not above fifteene or twenty persons of all the Inhabitants It caused the like trouble and motion at sea as it had done at Chille which happened presently after the Earthquake so as they might see the sea furiously to flie out of her boundes and to runne neere two leagues into the land rising above foureteene fadome it covered all that plaine so as the ditches and peeces of wood that were there swamme in the water There was yet an other earthquake in the Realme and Cittie of Quitto and it seemes all these notable Earthquakes vppon that coast have succeeded one an other by order as in trueth it is subiect to these inconveniences And therefore although vpon the coast of Peru there be no torments from heaven as thunder and lightning yet are they not without feare vppon the land and so everie one hath before his eies the Heraults of divine Iustice to moove him to feare God For as the Scripture saith Fecit haec vt timeatur Returning then to our purpose I say the sea coast is most subiect to these earthquakes the reason is in my iudgement for that the water dooth stop the conduites and passages of the earth by which the hote exhalations should passe which are engendered there And also the humiditie thickning the superficies of the earth dooth cause the fumes and hot exhalations to goe close together and incounter violently in the bowells of the earth which doe afterwards breake forth Some have observed that such Earthquakes have vsually hapned whenas a rainie season falles after some drie ye●res Wherevpon they say that the Earthquakes are most rare where are most welles the which is approoved by experience Those of the Cittie of Mexico holde opinion that the Lake whereon it is seated is the cause of the Earthquakes that happen there although they be not very violent and it is most certaine that the Townes and Provinces farre within the land and farthest from the sea receive sometimes great losses by these Earthquakes as the Cittie of Chachapoyas at the Indies and in Italie that of Ferrara although vpon this subiect It seemes this latter being neere to a river and not farre from the Adriatic sea should rather be numbred among the sea-Townes In the yeere of our Lord one thousand five hundred eightie and one in Cugiano a Cittie of Peru otherwise called the Peace there hapned a strange accident touching this subiect A village called Angoango where many Indians dwelt that were sorcerers and idolatrers fell sodainely to ruine so as a great parte thereof was raised vp and carried away and many of the Indians smothered and that which seems incredible yet testified by men of credit the earth that was ruined and so beaten downe did runne and slide vpon the land for the space of a league and a halfe as it had beene water or wax molten so as it stopt and filled vppe a Lake and remayned so spread over the whole countrey How the land and sea imbrace one an other CHAP. 27. I Wil end with this Element of earth vniting it to the precedent of water whose order and embracing is truely of it selfe admirable These two elements have one spheare divided betweene them and entertaine and embrace one another in a thousand sortes and maners In some places the water encounters the land furiously as an enemy and in other places it invirons it after a sweete and amiable manner There are partes whereas the sea enters far within the land as comming to visite it and in other partes the
Discourse vpon the discoverie of Magellan by Sarmiento 154 Division of Peru into Lanos Sierres Andes 184 Division of the people 456 Division of the Cittie of M●xico into foure quarters made by the commaundement of their God 512 Divinations practis●d by the Indians and how 406 Divorces practised amongst the Mexicaines and how 409 Death the punishment of Virgins that were incontinent 367 Death of Chimalpopoca the yoong king of Mexico sl●ine treacherously by the Tapanecan● 526 Death of Mo●esuma the l●st king of Mexico 576 Doctors of the holy church not to be reprooved differing in opinion of Philosophie 2 Dogges as dangerous as wolves 301 Dogges daungerous in the Ilands of Cuba Hispaniola and others 70 Drake an Englishman didde passe the straight of Magellan in our time others since 154 Duckes in great aboundaunce in the Lake of Titicaca and how they doe hunt them 171 Drought followes not the neerenesse of the Sunne 85 E. EAgle vppon a Tunall the Armes of Mexico and why 513 Earthquakes very strange and the cause 197 Earth how it is sustained 10 The Earth vnder the pole Antartike is not all covered with waters 18 The Earth in longitude is all of one temperature but not in latitude 29 The Earth with the water make one globe ibid. Eclipse of the Moone a certain proofe of the roundnesse of the heavens 6 Effectes naturall proceede from contrary causes 96 Elements participate with the motion of the first moover 138 Electours of the king of Mexico were commonly his kinsmen 485 Election of the kings of Mexico the feastes at their instalment ibid. Election of the first K● of Mexico 515 Entry of the Spaniards into new Spain in the yeere 1518. 558 Entrie of Cortez into Mexico 574 Errour of imagination 23 Esaies passage expounded by the exemplification of the Gospel 208 Emerauldes more esteemed in former time then now 249 Exercises wherin they instructed their youth 487 Explication of a passage of saint Paule against the roundnes of the earth 14 Explication of the 110 Psalme vppon the same subiect 15 F. FAmiliar reasons to teach an Indian that the Sunne is no god ●42 Fasting of the Indians before the fea●● of Ita not accompanying with their wives 374 A Father loosing his children was held for a great sinner h● would kil his childrē to save his own life 399 Fert●litie vnfruitefull in the Ilandes of new Spain● 187 Feasts of Merchants made with many sportes 424 Feast of the Idoll of Tlascalla 355 Feasts for to have raine 411 Feasts for every moneth 412 F●re drawne out of two stickes rubbd one against another by the Indians 119 Fire in hell different from ours 195 Fire from heaven consumed for their sinnes 63 Fish flying 165 Fountaine casting vp hote water the which turnes into a rocke 173 Figge tree whereof the one halfe carries fruite at one season the other at another 297 ●loures of Europe grow best at the Indies 283 ●loridians had no knowledge of golde 207 Flowing and ebbing of the sea is no local motion but an alteration and ferv●● of the waters 162 Flowing and ebbing of the seas divers ibid. Fountaine of salt in Cusc● 174 Forrests wonderfull thicke at the Indies 291 Forrests of orange trees at the Indies 294 Forme of that which is discovered at Peru. 201 Fr●●ci● H●●nandes the Author of a rar● booke of plants roote● and physicall hearbes at the I●dies ●90 Fruites of Europe much incr●ased a● the Indies 294 G. GArlicke much esteemed a● th● Indie● 261 Gardin● vppon the water in the midst of a Lake 172 Gardins artificially made vppon the water t● remove where they please 519 Giant● came in an●ient time to Peru. 62 Golde found in three sortes 212 Gold of Caravana most famous at P●ru 214 Gold and silver esteemed throughout the whole world 206 Golde silver served the Indians but for ornament 209 Gold why esteemd above other mettalles 212 Golde how refined into powlder 214 Goomes with physicall and odo●if●rous oyles with their names 287 Gonzales Pziarre vanquished and defeated his crueltie against the Indians 475 Governors of provinces how est●bl●shed by the Inguas 455 Guacas or Sanctuaries very well maintained 463 Guancos and Vicuna● wilde goates 70 Guayaquil an Indian oake and verie sweete 292 Guayavos an Indian fruite 277 Guaynacapa the great and valiant Ingua and his life he was worshipped as a god in his life 479 Guayras furnaces to refine gold 233 Gospel preached to the Indians when their Empire was at the h●ghest even a● to the Romans 583 H. HAtun●●squi Ay●●r●y the six● m●neth of the Indians which answereth vnto Maie 413 Harts of men pulld out and sacrificed how that ceremony beganne 509 Haire of the prie●●s horribly long and annoynted with rozen 403 Heaven is round and turn●● vppon two Poles prooved more by experience than demonstration 5 Heaven no farther from the earth of the one side than of the other 18 Hennes found at the Indies at the f●●st discovery which they called Gualpa and their egges Ponto 306 Hercules Pillers the limites of the Roman Empire of the old world 27 Hipocrisie of M●tesuma last King of M●xico 554 Historie of the Indies not to bee contemned and why 495 Historie of M●xico kept in the Librarie of Vatican 550 Historie of Mexico how framed 446 Horses goodly and strong at the Indies 301 Horse-shooes of silver for want of y●on 212 House admirably filled with all sortes of beasts like to another Noes Arke 484 Humor of the Iewes contrary to that of the Indians 76 I. IEalousie of the Indies one against an other for renowme of valour 472 Idlenesse bannished by the Inguas as dangerous for the subiects 457 Idoll carried by foure Priestes for a guide whenas the Mexicaines did seek a new land like to the children of Israel 504 Idolls of the kings Inguas reverenced as themselves 356 Iland of Su●atra now called Taproba●a 37 Iland ●tl●n●ik● of Pla●● a meere fab●e 72 Iland of fagots made with exceeding labour to passe an army vppon the sea 550 Iland●s very farre from the firme land no● inhabi●ed ●9 I●nmortalitie of the soule beleeved by the Indies 347 Indies what it signifieth and what we vnderstand by that word 47 Weast Indies most popular governements in the which there were but two kingdomes 453 Indians not greatly desirous of silver 76 Indians have lived in troups as those doe of Florida Br●sill and other places 80 Indians good swimmers 168 Indians had no proper word to signifie God 334 The Indians know all Artes necessarie for mans life without any need one of another 466 Infants sacrificed to the Sunne 336 Inguas kings of Peru worshipped after their deaths 344 The Inguas empery continued above 300. yeares 471 Inguas married their sisters 455 Inundation of Nile a naturall thing though it seeme supernaturall 88 Iustice by whome executed in Mexico 486 Indian bookes how they can be made without letters 440 Iustice severely executed by Motesuma the last king of Mexico
have sailed from Lisbone to Goa from Siville to Mexico and through all the South sea even vnto China and to the straight of Maggellan and that as certainely as easily as the Husbandman goeth from his Farme vnto the Citie We have also seene men that have made fifteene yea eighteene voiages to the Indies and we have heard speake of some Ancients which have made above twentie vioges passing and repassing the great Ocean in the which they have not seene any signes of such as have traveled nor met with any passengers to demand the way of them For as the Wife man saith a ship cutteth the waves of the water leaving no way where it passeth nor any path in the flouds But by the vertue and propertie of the Adam ant stone it makes as it were a beaten path in this Ocean The high Creator of all things having imparted this vertue vnto it that by the touch of iron it hath alwaies his motion and aspect towards the North in what part of the world soever you be Some search what should be the cause of this wonderfull propertie and imagine I know not what simpathie But for my part I take more pleasure and content in the considerations of these wonders to praise the power and greatnes of the Almightie and reioyce in the contemplation of his admirable workes and to say with Solomon speaking vpon this subiect O father whose providence governes and maintaines a peece of wood giving it an assured way vpon the sea and in the midst of the swelling waves to shew that in the like sort thou canst save and deliver man from all perill and shipwracke yea although he were in the midst of the sea without shippe But for that thy works are full of wisedome men hazard their lives in a small peece of wood and passe through the sea in a shippe and are saved And vpon the same subiect the Psalmist saieth They which go to the sea in shippes and trafficke by the great waters have seene the workes of the Lord and his wonders in the depth of the sea And in truth it is not one of the least wonders of God that the force of so small a stone should command the sea and force the infinite depth thereof to obey him and follow his commandement But for that it is an vsuall thing and seemes easie men do not admire it nor take any great regard thereof and for that his bountie is such the ignorant make lesse account thereof Notwithstanding such as will duly consider it are led by reason to blesse the wisedome of God and to give him thankes for so great a benefite Being then decreed in heaven that these nations of the Indies which have lyen so long hidden should bee knowne and discovered and that this rowt should be frequented to the end so many soules should come to the knowledge of Iesus Christ and winne eternall life There was an assured guide provided for such as travell that way that is the Compasse to saile by and the vertue of the Adamant stone Wee doe not certainely know at what time this Art of sailing was brought to light But for my part I hold for certaine that it is not veri● ancient for besides the reasons alleadged in the former chapter I have not read in any ancient Author treating of dialles any mention made of the Adamant And yet vndoubtedly the principall and most necessarie instument for sunne dialls which we vse at this day is the needle of iron touched with the Adamant stone Some approved Authors write in the Historie of the East Indies that the first which began to discover this secret vpon the sea was Vascor de Gama who in the height of Mosambique met with certaine Mariners Moores which vsed this compasse or needle to saile by and by the meanes thereof he sailed through those seas yet they write not from whom they learned this Art And some amongst them are of our opinion that the Ancients were ignorant of this secret Moreover I will shew a greater wonder of the needle to saile by which we might hold incredible if we had not proofe thereof by vndoubted experience The iron touched or rubbed with that part of the Adamant stone which is towards the South hath this vertue to turne alwaies and in all places to the contrarie which is the North. Yet doth it not in all places directly regard it but hath certaine points and climats where it directly regardes the North and their staies but changing this climate it inclines a little either to the East or to the West the farther it goes from this climat which the Mariners cal North-east or North-west which is to say coasting or inclining to the East or to the West And it is a thing of such consequence to vnderstand this declining or coasting of the needle that if they observe it not advisedly although it bee small they shall stray wonderfully in their course and arrive in another place then where they pretended to go Once a very expert Pilot of Portugal told mee that there were foure poyntes in all the world whereas the needle looked directly towards the North the which hee named but I do not well remember them One is in the height of the Iland of Corvo at the Terceres or Acores which is very well knowne to all men but passing to a greater altitude it declines to the West and contrariwise drawing to a lesse altitude towardes the Equinoctiall it leanes to the East The masters of this Arte can well tell how farre and how much For my part I would gladly know of such as presume to knowe all thinges what should bee the cause of this effect and for what reason a little yron touched with the Adamant stone receyves such vertue as to looke alwayes towards the North and with such dexteritie that it vnderstandeth the sundry Clymates and scituations of the world and which way it should turne and incline as well as any Philosopher or Cosinographer whatsoever And seeing wee cannot well discover the causes and reasons of these thinges which wee see dayly without doubt they were very hard to beleeve if they were not apparent Herein we discover our follie vanitie to make our selves iudges ' to subiect divine high things to our reason discourse It is therefore better as S. Gregorie the divine sayth ●o subiect reason vnto faith for that in her owne mansion she hath no governement But this shall suffice Let vs returne to our purpose and conclude that the vse of the needle to sayle by was vnknowne to the Ancients whereby we may resolve that it was impossible to make a determined voyage parting from the other world to come to this by the Ocean Wherein an answere is made to them that say that in times passed they have sayled through the Ocean as at this day CHAP. 18. THat which is alleaged to the contrary of that which hath beene spoken that Salomons Fleet
steede whereof they vse counting with their Quipocamayes the which is peculiar vnto them But which reckoning all they can report is not past 400. yeeres Instructing my selfe carefully of them to know from what land and what nation they passed to that where they ●ow live I have found them so farre vnable to give any reason thereof as they beleeve confidently that they were created at their first beginning at this new world where they now dwell But we have freed them of this error by our faith which teacheth vs that all men came from the first man There are great and apparant coniectures that these men for a long time had neither Kings nor common weales but lived in troupes as they do at this day in Florida the Chiriquanas those of Bresill and many other nations which have no certaine Kings but as occasion is offered in peace or warre they choose their Captaines as they please But some men excelling others in force and wit began in time to rule and domineere as Nembroth did so increasing by little and little they erected the kingdomes of Peru and Mexico which our Spaniards found and although they were barbarous yet did they farre surpasse all the other Indians Behold how the foresaid reason doth teach vs that the Indians began to multiply for the most part by savage men and fugitives which may suffice touching the beginning of these men we speake of leaving the rest vntill we treate of their Historie more at large THE SECOND BOOKE of the Naturall and Morall Historie of the Indies That it is not out of purpose but necessarie to treate of the 〈…〉 CHAP. 1. FOR the well conceiving of things at the Indies it is necessarie to know the nature and disposition of that Region which the Ancients did call the burning Zone the which they held inhabitable seeing the greatest part of this new world which hath bin of late discovered lies and is scituate vnder this region in the midst of heaven And it seemes to me greatly to purpose which some do say that the knowledge of things at the Indies depends of the well vnderstanding the nature of the Equinoctiall for that the difference which is betwixt the one and the other world proceeds in a maner from the qualities of this Equinoctiall And we must note that all the space betwixt the two Tropickes must be properly taken and held for this middle line which is the Equinoctiall so called for that the Sunne running his course therein makes the daies nights even throughout the world yea they that dwell vnder this line inioy throughout the yeare the same equalitie of daies and nights In this Equinoctiall line we finde so many admirable qualities that with great reason mans vnderstanding doth studie and labour to search out the causes not moved therevnto so much by the doctrine of ancient Philosophers as by reason and certaine experience For what reason the Ancients held that the burning Zone was inhabitable CHAP. 2. EXamining this subiect from the beginning no man can denie that which we plainely see that the Sunne when it drawes neere doth heate and when it retyres groweth cold The daies and nightes with the Winter and Summer be witnesses heereof whose varietie with the heate and cold growes by the neerenes and distance of the Sunne Moreover it is certaine the more the Sunne approacheth and casteth his beames prependicularly the more the earth is scorched and burnt the which we see plainely in the heate of the South and in the force of Summer whereby we may iudge in my opinion that the farther a Countrie is distant from the course of the Sunne the more cold it is So we finde by experience that the Countries and Regions which approach neerest to the North are coldest and contrariwise those that lie neere the Zodiake where the Sunne keepes his course are most hot For this cause Ethiopia passeth Affrike and Barbarie in heate Barbarie exceedes Andalousia Andalousia Castile and Arragon surpasse Biscaie and Fraunce And the more they decline to the North the colder they are and so by consequence those which approach neerest to the Sunne and are beaten perpendicularly with his beames they do most feele the heate thereof Some vrge another reason to this effect which is that the motion of the heaven is very ●odaine and light towards the Tropikes but neere the Poles it is slow and heavie whereby they conclude that the region which the Zodiake circles and conteines is set on fire with heate for three causes and reasons the one for the neerenes of the Sunne the other for that his beames reflect directly and the third for that it doth participate and feele this swift and sodaine motion of the heaven See what reason and discourse teacheth vs touching the cause of heat and cold vpon the regions of the earth But what shall we say of the two other qualities wet and drie Even the same For the drought seemes to grow by the neerenes of the Sunne and moistnes being retired farre off for that the night being colder then the day is likewise more moist and the day which is drier is also hotter Winter whilst the Sun runnes his course farther off is more cold and rainie and Summer when the Sunne is neere is more hotte and drie for even as the fire hath the propertie to parch and burne so hath it to drie vp the moistnes These things therefore considered Aristotle and other Philosophers attribute vnto the regions of the South which they call burning an excessive heat and a drouth likewise And therefore they said this region is wonderfully scorched and drie so by consequence hath neither waters nor pastures whereby of necessitie it must be contrarie and vnfit for mans life That the burning Zone is very moist contrary to the opinion of the Ancients CHAP. 3. ALl that we have propounded seemes vndoubtedly true and to purpose and yet the conclusion they would draw from it is directly false for that the Region of the South which they call the burning Zone is peopled and inhabited by men and wee our selves have stayed long there beeing very commodious pleasant and agreeable If therefore it be so as we cannot denie it that from a true proposition we cannot draw a false conclusion and yet this conclusion should be false as indeed it is we must of necessitie returne backe the same way to examine this proposition more strictly whence the error should proceede we will first shew the trueth as assured experience doth teach vs then will we proove it although it be verie difficult and will endevour to give a rea●on following the termes of Philosophie The last point that wee propounded that the drought is greatest whenas the Sunne is neerest to the earth seemeth certaine and infallible and yet it is very false f●r there is never greater aboundance of raine in the burning Zone then whenas the Sunne goeth directly over them and is very neere Truely it is an admirable
thing and worthy observation that the ayre is most cleere and without rayne vnder this burning Zone whenas the Sunne is farthest off and contrariwise there is most rayne snow and mists whenas the Sunne is neerest Such as have not travelled in this new world wil happily thinke this incredible and it will seeme strange even vnto such as have beene there if they have not well observed it but the one and the other will willingly yeeld in noting the certaine experience of that which hath beene sayd of this part of Peru which looks to the Southerne or Antartike Pole the Sunne is then farthest off when it is neerest vnto Europe that is in Maie Iune Iuly and August whenas hee makes his course in the Tropicke of Cancer During which Moneths the aire at Peru is very cleere and calme neyther doth there fall any snow or raine all their rivers fall much and some are dried vp quite but as the yeere increaseth and the Sunne approcheth neere vnto the Tropicke of Capricorne then begins it to raine and to snow and their Rivers swell from October to December Then after that the Sun retyring from Capricorne whenas his beames reflect directly vpon the heads of them of Peru then is the violence of their waters great then is the time of raine snow and great overflowings of their Rivers when as their heate is greatest that is from Ianuarie to mid March this is so true and certaine as no man may contradict it And at that time the contrary is found in the Regions of the Pole Articke beyond the Equinoctiall which proceeds from the same reason But let vs now looke into the temperature of Panama all that coast as well of new Spaine the Ilands of Barlovent Cuba Hispaniola Iamaica as of S. Iohn de Port ricco wee shall without doubt finde that from the beginning of November vntill Aprill they have the aire cleere and bright the reason is for that the Sunne passing by the Equinoctiall to the Tropicke of Capricorne retyres from those Regions more then at any other time of the yeere And contrariwise they have violent showers and great swellings of water whenas the Sunne returnes and is neerest vnto them which is from Iune vnto September for then his beames beate most vpon them The like happens at the East Indies as we learne daily by letters that come So as it is a generall rule although in some places there is an exception that in the Region of the South or burning Zone which is all one the aire is most cleere and driest whenas the Sun is farthest off and contrariwise when it approcheth there is greatest rayne and humiditie and even as the Sunne advanceth or retyreth little or much even so the earth abounds or wants water and moisture That in the Regions which be without the Tropicks there is greatest store of waters whenas the Sunne is farthest off contrary to that vnder the burning Zone CHAP. 4. IN Regions which lie without the Tropicks we see the contrary to that which hath beene spoken for that the rayne is mingled with cold the drought with heate the which is well knowne in all Europe and the old world as we see in the same manner in the new world whereof the whole Kingdome of Chile is a witnesse which lying without the Tropicke of Capricorne and in the same height with Spaine is subiect to the same lawes of Winter and Summer but that Winter is there whenas it is Summer in Spaine being vnder divers Poles So as when it is cold in these Provinces the waters are in great aboundance which is when the Sunne is farthest off from the beginning of Aprill to the end of September finally the disposition of seasons is like to that in Europe which is that the heat and drought comes whenas the Sunne returnes which is the cause that this Realme of Chile approcheth neerer the temperature of Europe then any other of the Indies as well in the fruites of the earth as in the bodies and spirits of men The like they report of that part which lies before the Inner Ethiopia that stretcheth out in manner of a point vnto the Cape Bonne Esperance or Good Hope the which they holde for a true cause of the inundations of Nile which bee in Summer whereof the Ancients have so much disputed for that in that Region the Winter and raine begins in April whenas the Sunne hath passed Aries and these waters which partly grow from snow and partly from raine assemble and make great Lakes and Pooles from whence by good and true Geographie the River of Nile proceedes and by this meanes goes by little and little stretching out her course till that having runne a long way it finally in the time of Summer overfloweth Egypt which seemeth against nature and yet it is certainely reported for at what time it is Summer in Egypt lying vnder the Tropicke of Cancer then is it winter at the springes of Nile which is vnder the other Tropicke of Capricorne There is in America an other inundation like to that of Nile at Paraguen or River de la Plata which is as much to say as the River of silver the which receiving yeerely infinite waters which fall from the Mountaines of Per● doth so terribly swell in her course and over-flowes that Region as the Inhabitants are forced during those Moneths to retyre themselves into boats and Canoes and to leave the dwelling of the Land That betwixt the two Tropicks the greatest aboundance of raine is in Summer with a discourse of Winter and Summer CHAP. 5. TO conclude Summer is alwayes accompanied with heate and drought in the two temperate Zones and Winter with cold and moistnesse but vnder the burning Zone those qualities are not alike for that raine accompanies heate and drought followeth the cold I vnderstand by cold want of excessive heat so as Winter is taken in our Europe for the colde and raynie season and Summer for the hot and cleere season Ou● Spaniards which live at Peru and in newe Spaine seeing these two qualities not to concurre together as in Spaine call that season Winter wherein there is greatest aboundance of raine and waters and Summer where there is little or non● at all wherein they are plainely deceived although they a●●irme by a generall rule that in the Mountaines of Peru it is Summer from the Moneth of Aprill to September for that the raine ceaseth in that season and that Winter is from the moneth of September vnto Aprill for that the showres returne then and therefore it is winter and summer at the same instant that in Spaine So as when the Sun●e goeth directly over their heads they then take it to bee the depth of Winter having greatest store of raine But it is worthy to be laughed at comming from ignorant men and vnlearned for even as the difference betwixt the day and night proceeds from the presence or absence of the Sunne in our hemisphere according to
the motion of the first motor which is the cause of day and night even so the difference which we see betwixt Winter and Summer proceeds from the neerenesse and distance of the Sunne according to the motion of the said Sunne which is the proper cause To speake trueth then it is Summer whenas the Sunne is neerest and Winter when it is farthest off Both heate and coldnesse and every other temperature growes of necessitie by the neerenesse and distance of the sunne but to raine or not to raine which is humiditie and drought doe not necessarily follow It is therefore easie to iudge besides this vulgar opinion that at Peru the Winter is cleere and without raine and the Summer full of showres and not otherwise as many beleeve that the winter is hotte and the summer cold They fall into the like error vpon the difference they make betwixt the Plaines and the Mountaines of Peru saying that when it is summer vpon the mountaine it is winter in the vallie which is in April Maie Iune Iuly and August for then the aire is very cleere vpon the mountaine without any raine or mistes and at the same season we commonly see fogges in the plaine which they call Guarva which is as it were a very sweet dew wherewith the sunne is covered But winter and summer as it is said are caused by the neerenesse and distance of the sunne Seeing then that throughout all Per● both vpon the Mountaines and on the Plaines the sunne approcheth and retyreth in one sort there is no reason to say that when it is summer in one part that it is winter in an other yet is it no m●tter of any importance to contend vpon the signification of words Let them terme them as they please and call that summer when it raines not although the heat be greater But that whereunto we must have greatest regard is the trueth of the subiect which is that drought and want of raine is not alwaies greatest when the sunne approcheth neerest as we see in the burning Zone That the burning Zone abounds with waters and pastures against the opinion of Aristotle who holds the contrarie CHAP. 6. BY the former Discourse wee may easily conceive that the burning Zone is not drie but abounding with waters the which is so true as it exceeds all the Regions of the world for store of waters except in some parts where there are sands and desart Countries as wee finde likewise in some other parts of the world As for water from Heaven wee have alreadie shewen that there is great aboundance of raine snow and haile which especially abound in the kingdome of Peru. But as for land-waters as rivers fountaines brookes springs floods and lakes I have not spoken thereof till now yet being an ordinarie thing that the waters below have a correspondencie with them above wee must not imagine that there can bee any want and in trueth there is so great store of springs and fountaines as you shall not finde in any Region or Countrie of the world so many lakes marishes and such store of rivers for the greatest part of America is almost inhabitable through too great aboundance of waters for that the rivers swelled with the great Raines in Summer doe often overflow their banckes with such furie as they breake all they incounter and in many places they cannot passe by reason of the mudde and myre of marishes and vallies for this cause those that live neere to Paraguen whereof wee have made mention foreseeing the rising of the River before it comes put themselves and their goods into Canoes and so preserve themselves and their goods f●oating vp and downe almost for the space of three moneths and when the River is returned within her boundes then they goe to their houses still wette and dropping with the ●●ood And this River is so great as Nile Ganges Euphrates all together cannot equall it But what shall we say of the great river of Magdalaine which falles into the sea betwixt S. Martha and Carthagene and with reason is called the great river Sailing in those parts I was amazed to see her streame which was very cleere runne ten leagues into the sea being in breadth above two leagues not mingling no● vanquished with the violent waves of the Ocean But if we shall speake more of rivers that great floud called by some the river of Amazons by others Marannon and by some the river of Orellana which our Spaniards sailed in their discoveries ought to blemish all the rest and in truth I am in doubt whither I may tearme it a river or a sea It flowes from the mountaines of Peru from whence it recei●es a great aboundance of water both of raine and of rivers which it gathereth into it then passing by the great plaines of Pautiti Dorado and the Amazons in the end it falles into the Ocean almost right against the ●land of Marguerite and Trinidado It hath so large broad a channel specially in the last third part of her length as it contains in it many great ●lands And that which seemes incredible when you saile through the midst of it you shall see nothing but aire and water They say moreover that from the midst you cannot see nor discover with the eye many great and high mountaines which are vpon the bankes by reason of her great bredth We have learned from credible persons the great and wonderfull bredth of this river which in my opinion deserves well the name of Empresse and Queene of all flouds which was by the report of a brother of our company who being then yong sailed it in the company of Peter d'Orsua with whom hee was present at all the adventures of this strange entrie and discoverie and at the seditious and pernitious acts of that wicked Diego d' Aguirra from the which God delivered him to place him in our company Such are the rivers in that region which they call the burning Zone and the drie parcht vp countrie in the which Aristotle and the Ancients affirmed there were neither waters nor pastures But seeing I have made mention of the river of Marannon to shew the abundance of the waters that are in the burning zone it shall not be from the purpose to speake somewhat of that great Lake which they call Titicaca which is in the midst of the Province of Collao There are above ten great rivers which loose themselves entring into that Lake and yet hath it no issue but one small current of water although some hold it to be very deepe and of such a fashion as it is impossible to build a bridge over it for the depth of the water neither can they passe it by boate for the violence of the current They passe it by an artificiall and notable practice peculiar to the Indians with a bridge of straw laied vpon the water the which being of so light a substance sinkes not and yet this passage is very easie and
such as it drawes vp the vapors and suddenly consumes and disperseth them for the heat and the length of the daies grow through the neerenes of the sunne But within the Tropickes vnder the burning Zone the far distance of the sunne workes the same effects that the neerenes doth without the Tropiks by reason whereof it raines no more vnder the burning Zone when the sunne is farre off then without the Tropicks when it is neerest for that in this approaching and rety●ing the sunne remaines alwaies in one distance whence proceedes this effect of cleerenes But when the sunne is in the period of his force in the burning zone and that he cast his beames directly vpon the inhabitants heads there is neither cleerenes nor drienes as it seems there should be but rather great and strange showers for that by this violent heat he drawes vp suddenly a great aboundance of vapours from the Earth and Ocean which are so thicke as the winde not able easily to disperse them they melt into water which breedeth the cold raine in so great aboundance for the excessive heat may soone draw vp many vapours the which are not so soone dissolved and being gathered together through their great aboundance they melt and dissolve into water The which we may easily discerne by this familiar example rost a peece of porke mutton or veale if the fire be violent and the meate neere we see the fatte melts suddenly and droppes away the reason is that the violent heat drawes forth the humour and fatte from the meate and being in great aboundance cannot dissolve it and so it distills more away But when the fire is moderate and the meat in an equall distance we see that it rostes hansomely and the fatte drops not too suddenly for that the moderate heat drawes out the moistnes which it consumes suddenly And therefore Cookes make a moderate fire and lay not their meate too neere nor too farre off lest it melt away The like may be seene in another experience in candles of tallow or waxe if the wike bee great it melts the tallow or the waxe for that the heat cannot consume the moistnes which riseth but if the flame be proporcionable the waxe melts nor droppes not for that the flame doth waste it by little and little as it riseth The which seemeth to me the true reason why vnder the Equinoctiall and burning Zone the violence of the heat doth cause raine the which in other Regions growes through want thereof How wee should vnderstand that which hath been formerly spoken of the burning Zone CHAP. 8. IF in naturall and phisicall things we must not seeke out infallible and mathematicall rules but that which is ordinarie and tried by experience which is the most perfect rule wee must then beleeve what wee have said that there is more humiditie vnder the burning Zone then in other Regions and that it raines lesse there when the sunne is neerest must be taken and vnderstood after one sort as in truth it is the most common and ordinarie But this is not to hinder the exceptions which nature hath given to this rule making some Regions of the burning Zone extreamely drie The which is reported of Ethiopia and wee have seene it in a great part of Peru where all that land or coast which they call Plaines wants raine yea land waters except some vallies where rivers fall from the mountaines the rest is a sandie and barren soile where you shall hardly finde any springs but some deepe welles But with the helpe of God wee will shew the reason why it raineth not in these Plaines the which many demand for now I onely pretend to shew that there are many exceptions to naturall rules whereby it may happen that in some part of the burning Zone it raines not when the sunne is neerest but being farthest off although vnto this daie I have neither seene nor heard of it but if it be so wee must attribute it to the particular qualitie of the earth and also if sometimes the contrarie doth chance we must have regard that in naturall things there happens many contrarieties and le●s whereby they change and dissolve one another For example it may be the sunne will cause raine and that the winds will hinder it or else cause more aboundance then hath been vsuall The windes have their properties and divers beginnings by the which they worke divers effects the which are most commonly contrarie to that which the order season requires Seeing then in all places we see great varieties in the yeere which proceedes from the divers motions and aspectes of Planets it is not out of purpose to say that in the burning Zone wee may see and observe some things contrarie to that we have tried But to conclude that which we have spoken is a certaine and vndoubted truth which is that the great draught which the Ancients held to be in the middle region which they call the burning Zone is nothing at all but contrariwise there is great humiditie and then it raines most when the sunne is neerest That the Burning Zone is not violently hotte but moderate CHAP. 9. HItherto wee haue treated of the humiditie of the Burning Zone now it shall be fit to discourse of the other two qualities Hotte and Colde We have shewed in the beginning of this Discourse how the Ancients held that the burning Zone was hotte and exceeding drie the which is not so for it is hote and moist and in the greatest part the heat is not excessive but rather moderate which some would hold incredible if we had not tried it When I passed to the Indies I will tell what chaunced vnto mee having read what Poets and Philosophers write of the b●●ning Zone I perswaded my selfe that comming to the Equinoctiall I should not indure the violent heate but it fell out otherwise for when I passed which was when the sun was there for Zenith being entered into Aries in the moneth of March I felt so great cold as I was forced to go into the sunne to warme me what could I else do then but laugh at Aristotles Meteors and his Philosophie seeing that in that place and at that season whenas all should be scorched with heat according to his rules I and all my companions were a colde In truth there is no region in the world more pleasant and temperate then vnder the Equinoctiall although it be not in all parts of an equall temperature but have great diversities The burning Zone in some parts is very temperate as in Quitto and on the plaines of Peru in some partes verie colde as at Potozi and in some very hote as in Ethiopia Bresill and the Molucques This diversitie being knowne and certaine vnto vs we must of force seeke out another cause of cold and heat then the sunne beames seeing that in one season of theyeere and in places of one height and distance from the Pole and Equinoctiall we finde so great diversitie
which daily happens in diverse partes of the Equinoctiall Manomotapa and a great part of the kingdom of Prester Iean are seated vnder the line or very neere In which regions they endure excessive heate and the men are all blacke the which is not onely in those parts of the land farre from the sea but also in Ilands invironed with the sea The Iland of Saint Thomas is vnder the Line the Ilands of Cape Verd are very neere and both in the one and the other are violent heates and the men are likewise blacke Vnder the same line or very neere lies a part of Peru and of the new kingdome of Grenado which notwithstanding are very temperate Countries inclining rather to colde then heate and the inhabitants are white The Country of Bresill is in the same distance from the line with Peru and yet both Bresill and all that coast is extreamely hot although it be in the North sea and the other coast of Peru which is in the South sea is very temperate I say then that whosoever would consider these differences and give a reason thereof cannot content himselfe with these generall rules before specified to proove that the burning Zone may be a temperate land Among the speciall causes and reasons I have first placed the Sea for without doubt the neerenesse thereof doth helpe to temper and coole the heat for although the water be salt yet is it alwayes water whose nature is cold and it is a thing remarkeable that in the depth of the Ocean the water cannot be made hot by the violence of the Sunne as in rivers finally even as salt-peeter though it be of the nature of salt hath a propertie to coole water even so we see by experience that in some ports and havens the salt-salt-water doth refresh the which wee have observed in that of Callao whereas they put the water or wine which they drinke into the Sea in flaggons to be refreshed whereby wee may vndoubtedly finde that the Ocean hath this propertie to temper and moderate the excessive heate for this cause we feele greater heat at land then at sea Caeteris paribus and commonly Countries lying neere the sea are coooler then those that are farther off Caeteris paribus as I have said even so the greatest part of the new world lying very neere the Ocean wee may with reason say although it bee vnder the burning Zone yet doth it receive a great benefite from the sea to temper the heat That the highest landes are the coldest and the reason thereof CHAP. 12. BVt if we shall yet search more particularly we shall not finde in all this land an equall temperature of heate although it be in equal distance from the sea and in the same degree seeing that in some partes there is great heate and in some very little Doubtlesse the cause thereof is that the one is lower and the other higher which causeth that the one is hote and the other colde It is most certaine that the toppes of the mountaines are colder then in the bottome of the vallies the which proceedes not onely for that the sunne beames have greater repercussions vpon lower places although it be a great reason yet there is an other which is that the Region of the ayre is colder when it is farthest from the ground The Plaines of Collao at Peru of Popaian in new Spaine make sufficient proofe hereof For without al doubt those parts are high countries and for this reason cold although they be all invironed with high points of mountaines much subiect to the Sunne beames But if we demand why at Peru and in new Spaine the Plaines along the coast be very hote and the plaines of the same Countries of Peru and new Spaine be contrariwise colde In truth I see no other reason can be given but that the one is a lowe country and the other high Experience dooth teach vs that the middle region of the ayre is colder than the neather And therefore the more the mountaines approach to the middle the colder they are being covered with snow and frosts Reason it selfe dooth yeelde to it For if there be a sphere and region of fire as Aristotle and the other Philosophers say the middle region of the ayre must be most colde by Antiparistasis the colde being expelled and thickned there as in summer time we see in wells that are very deepe For this cause the Philosophers affirme that the two extreame regions of the ayre that above and the other belowe are the hottest and the middle region more colde If it be thus as experience doth teach vs we shall yet draw out another reason and notable argument to shew that the burning Zone is temperate which is that the greatest part of the Indies is a high countrey filled with many mountaines which by their neerenesse refresh the neighbour countries You may continually see vppon the toppes of these mountaines snow haile and frozen waters and the cold so bitter as the grasse is all withered so as the men and beasts which passe that way are benummed with colde This as I have saide is in the burning Zone and it happens most commonly when they have the sunne for zenith It is therefore most certaine and conformable vnto reason that the mountaines are colder than the valleis and plaines for that they participate more of the middle region of the aire which is very colde The cause why the middle region of the ayre is more colde hath bin shewed before for that the region of the aire next to the fiery exhalation the which according to Aristotle is vpon the spheare of the aire repells and thrustes backe all the colde the which retires it selfe into the middle region of the aire by Antiparistasis as the Philosophers speake Now if any one should question with me in this manner If it be so that the ayre is hot and moist as Aristotle holdes and as we commonly say whence then proceeds the cold which is congealed in the middle region of the ayre seeing it cannot come from the fierie spheare For if it come from the water or the earth by this reason the lower region of the aire should be colder than the middle To answer truely what I thinke I will confesse that this Argument and Obiection is so difficult as I am almost ready to follow the opinion of such as reproove the qualities agreements and disagreements which Aristotle gives vnto the Elements saying they are but imaginations who for this occasion hold the aire to be colde by nature And to this end they vse many arguments and reasons whereof we will propound one very familiar and well knowne leaving the rest aparte In the canicular dayes we are accustomed to beate the ayre with a fanne and we finde that it doth refresh vs so as these Authors affirme that heate is no private property of any other Element but of fire only which is dispersed and mingled with all things as the great Denis
new Spaine and I beleeve that such as have observed their navigations made vnder the burning Zone shall finde what I have said which may suffice for the windes which raine at sea vnder the burning Zone Of some mervellous effects of the windes which are in some partes of the Indies CHAP. 9. IT were a very difficult matter to report particularly the admirable effectes which some windes cause in divers regions of the world and to give a reason thereof There are windes which naturally trouble the water of the sea and makes it greene and blacke others cleere as Cristall some comfort and make glad others trouble and breede heavines Such as nourish silke-wormes have great care to shut their windowes whenas the South-west windes do blow and to open them to the contrarie having found by certaine experience that their wormes diminish and die with the one and fatten and become better with the other and who so will neerely observe it shall finde in himselfe that the diversities of windes cause notable impressions and changes in the bodie principally in sicke partes and ill disposed when they are most tender and weake The holy scripture calleth one a burning winde another a winde full of dew and sweetnes And it is no wonder if wee see such notable effects of the windes in plants beasts and men seeing that we see it visibly in yron which is the hardest of all mettalls I have seene grates of yron in some partes of the Indies so rusted and consumed that pressing it betwixt your fingers it dissolved into powder as if it had been hay or parched straw the which proceedes only from the winde which doth corrupt it having no meanes to withstand it But leaving apart many other great and notable effects I will onely make mention of two The one although it causeth pangs grater then death it selfe yet doth it not breede any further inconvenience The other takes away life without feeling of it The sicknes of the sea wherewith such are troubled as first begin to go to sea is a matter very ordinary and yet if the nature thereof were vnknowne to men we should take it for the pangs of death seeing how it af●licts and torments while it doth last by the casting of the stomacke paine of the head and other troublesome accidents But in trueth this sicknes so common and ordinarie happens vnto men by the change of the aire and sea For although it be true that the motion of the shippe helpes much in that it moves more or lesse and likewise the infections and ill favors of things in the shippe yet the proper and naturall cause is the aire and the vapors of the sea the which doth so weaken and trouble the body and the stomacke which are not accustomed therevnto that they are wonderfully moved and changed for the aire is the Element by which wee live and breathe drawing it into our entrailes the which we bathe therewithall And therefore there is nothing that so suddenly and with so great force doth alter vs as the change of the aire we breathe as we see in those which die of the plague It is approved by many experiences that the aire of the sea is the chiefe cause of this strange indisposition the one is that when there blowes from the sea a strong breath we see them at the land as it were sea sicke as I my selfe have often found Another is the farther we go into the sea and retyre from land the more we are touched and dazeled with this sicknes Another is that coasting along any Iland and after lanching into the maine we shall there finde the aire more strong Yet will I not deny but the motion and agitation may cause this sicknes seeing that we see some are taken therewith passing rivers in Barkes others in like sort going in Coches and Carosses according to the divers complexions of the stomacke as contrariwise there are some how boistrous and troublesome soever the sea be doe never feele it Wherefore it is a matter certaine tried that the aire of the sea doth commonly cause this effect in such as newly go to sea I thought good to speake this to shew a strange effect which happens in some partes of the Indies where the ayre the wind that rains make men dazie not lesse but more then at sea Some hold it for a fable others say it is an addition for my part I will speake what I have tried There is in Peru a high mountaine which they call Pariacaca and having heard speake of the alteration it bred I went as well prepared as I could according to the instructions which was given me by such as they call Vaguianos or expert men but notwithstanding all my provision when I came to mount the degrees as they call them which is the top of this mountaine I was suddenly surprized with so mortall and strange a pang that I was ready to fall from the top to the ground and although we were many in company yet every one made haste without any tarrying for his companion to free himselfe speedily from this ill passage Being then alone with one Indian whom I intreated to helpe to stay me I was surprised with such pangs of straining casting as I thought to cast vp my heart too for having cast vp meate sleugme choller both yellow and greene in the end I cast vp blood with the straining of my stomacke To conclude if this had continued I should vndoubtedly have died but this lasted not above three or foure houres that we were come into a more convenient and naturall temperature where all our companions being fouteteene or fifteene were much wearied Some in the passage demaunded confession thinking verily to die others left the ladders and went to the ground beeing overcome with casting and going to the stoole and it was tolde me that some have lost their lives there with this accident I beheld one that did beate himselfe against the earth crying out for the rage and griefe which this passage of Pariacaca hadde caused But commonly it dooth no important harme onely this paine and troublesome distaste while it endures and not onely the passage of Pariacaca hath this propertie but also all this ridge of the mountaine which runnes above five hundred leagues long and in what place soever you passe you shall finde strange intemperatures yet more in some partes then in other and rather to those which mount from the sea then from the plaines Besides Pariacaca I have passed it by Lucanas and Soras in an other place by Colleguas and by Cavanas Finally by foure different places going and comming and alwaies in this passage I have felt this alteration although in no place so strongly as at the first in Pariacaca which hath beene tried by allsuch as have passed it And no doubt but the winde is the cause of this intemperature and strange alteration or the aire that raignes there For the best
remedy and all they finde is to stoppe their noses their eares and their mouthes as much as may be and to cover themselves with cloathes especially the stomacke for that the ayre is subtile and piercing going into the entrailes and not onely men feele this alteration but also beasts that sometimes stay there so as there is no spurre can make them goe forward For my part I holde this place to be one of the highest parts of land in the worlde for we mount a wonderfull space And in my opinion the mountaine N●vade of Spaine the Pirences and the Alpes of Italie are as ordinarie houses in regarde of hie Towers I therefore perswade my selfe that the element of the aire is there so subtile and delicate as it is not proportionable with the breathing of man which requires a more grosse and temperate aire and I beleeve it is the cause that doth so much alter the stomacke trouble all the disposition The passages of the mountaines N●vade and other of Europe which I have seene although the aire be colde there and doth force men to weare more clothes yet this colde doth not take away the appetite from meate but contrariwise it provokes neyther dooth it cause any casting of the stomacke but onely some paine in the feete and handes Finally their operation is outward But that of the Indies whereof I speake without molesting of foote or hand or any outward parte troubles all the entrailes within and that which is more admirable when the sunne is hote which maketh mee imagine that the griefe wee feele comes from the qualitie of the aire which wee breathe Therefore that is most subtile and delicate whose colde is not so sensible as piercing All this ridge of mountains is for the most part desart without any villages or habitations for men so as you shall scarce finde any small cotages to lodge such as do passe by night there are no beasts good or bad but some Vicunos which are their countrey muttons and have a strange and wonderfull property as I shall shew in his place The grasse is often burnt and all blacke with the aire and this desart runnes five and twenty or thirty leagues overthwart and in length above five hundred leagues There are other desarts or places inhabited which at Peru they call Punas speaking of the second poynt we promised where the quallitie of the ayre cutteth off mans life without feeling In former time the Spaniardes went from Peru to the realme of Chille by this mountaine but at this day they do passe commonly by sea and sometimes alongst the side of it And though that way be laborious and troublesome yet is there not so great daunger as by the mountaine where there are Plaines on the which many men have perished and died and sometimes have scaped by great happe whereof some have remained lame There runs a small breath which is not very strong nor violent but proceedes in such sorte that men fall downe dead in a manner without feeling or at the least they loose their feete and handes the which may seeme fabulous yet is it most true I have knowne and frequented long the Gennerall Ierome Costilla the auntient peopler of Cusco who had lost three or foure toes which fell off in passing the desart of Chille being perished with this aire and when he came to looke on them they were dead and fell off without any paine even as a rotten Apple falleth from the tree This Captaine reported that of a good army which hee had conducted by that place in the former yeeres since the discoverie of this kingdome by Almagro a great part of the men remained dead there whose bodies he found lying in the desart without any stink or corruption adding thervnto one thing very strange that they found a yong boy alive and being examined how hee had lived in that place hee saide that hee laie hidden in a little cave whence hee came to cutte the flesh of a dead horse with a little knife and thus had he nourished himselfe a long time with I know not how many companions that lived in that sort but now they were all dead one dying this day and another to morrow saying that hee desired nothing more then to die there with the rest seeing that he found not in himselfe any disposition to goe to any other place nor to take any taste in any thing I have vnderstoode the like of others and particularly of one that was of our company who being then a Secular man had passed by these desarts and it is a strange thing the qualitie of this colde aire which killes and also preserves the dead bodies without corruption I have also vnderstoode it of a reverend religious man of the Order of Saint Dominike and Prelate thereof who hadde seene it passing by the desarts and which is strange hee reported that travelling that way by night was forced to defend himselfe against that deadly winde which blowes there having no other meanes but to gather together a great number of those dead bodies that lay there and made therof as it were a rampire and a bolster for his head in this manner did he sleepe the dead bodies giving him life Without doubt this is a kinde of cold so piercing that it quencheth the vitall heate cutting off his influence and being so exceeding colde yet doth not corrupt nor give any putrifaction to the dead bodies for that putrifaction groweth from heate and moystnesse As for the other kinde of ayre which thunders vnder the earth and causeth earthquakes more at the Indies then in any other Regions I wil speake thereof in treating the qualities of the land at the Indies We wil content our selves now with what wee have spoken of the wind and aire and passe to that which is to be spok●n of the water Of the Ocean that invirons the Indies and of the North and South Seas CHAP. 10. AMongst all waters the Ocean is the principall by which the Indies have beene discovered and are invironed therewith for either they be Ilands of the Ocean sea or maine land the which wheresoever it ends is bounded with this Ocean To this day they have no● discovered at the Indies any mediterranian sea as in Europe Asia and Affrike into the which there enters some arme of this great sea and makes distinct seas taking their names from the Provinces they bathe and almost all the mediterranean Seas continue and ioyne together and with the Ocean itselfe by the straight of Gibraltar which the Ancients called the Pillers of Hercules although the red sea being separated from the mediterranean seas enters alone into the Indian Ocean and the Caspian sea ioynes not with any other so that at the Indies wee finde not anie other sea then this Ocean which they divide into two the one they call the north sea and the other the south for that the Indies which were first discovered by the Ocean and reacheth vnto Spaine
Yucay which ioyning with another runnes into the North sea with a violent and furious course This spring when it comes out of the rocke Bilcanota as I have said is of the colour of lie having an asshie colour and castes a fume as a thing burnt the which runs farre in this sort vntill the multitude of waters that runne into it quench this smoake and fire which it drawes from the spring In new Spaine I have seene a spring as it were inke somewhat blew in Peru another of colour red like bloud wherevpon they call it the red river Of Rivers CHAP. 18. AMongst all Rivers not onely at the Indies but generally through the world the River Maragnon or of Amazons is the chiefe whereof we have spoken in the former booke The Spaniards have often sailed it pretending to discover the lands which by report are very rich especially those they call Dorado and Paytiti Iean de Salnies the Adelantade made a memorable entrie though of small effect There is a passage which they call Pongo one of the most daungerous in all the worlde for the river being there straightned and forced betwixt two high steepe rockes the water falles directly downe with so great a violence that comming steepe downe it causeth such a boyling as it seemeth impossible to passe it without drowning yet the courage of men durst attempt to passe it for the desire of this renowmed Dorado they slipt downe from the top to the bottome thrust on with the violence and currant of the floud holding themselves fast in their Canoes or barkes and although in falling they were turned topsie turvie and both they and their Canoes plunged into the deepe yet by their care and industry they recovered themselves againe and in this sort the whole army escaped except some few that were drowned And that which is more admirable they carried themselves so cunningly that they neyther lost their powlder nor munition In their returne having suffered many troubles and daungers they were forced in the end to passe backe that same way mounting by one of those high Rockes sticking their poniards in the rocke Captaine Peter d' Orsua made an other entry by the same river who being dead in the same voyage and the souldiers mutined other Captaines followed the enterprise by an arme that comes into the north sea A religious man of our company told vs that being then a secular man he was present in a manner at all that enterprise and that the tides did flowe almost a hundred leagu●s vp the river and whereas it enters into the sea the which is vnder the Line or very neere it hath 70. leagues breadth at the mouth of it a matter incredible and which exceedes the breadth of the Mediterranean sea though there be some others who in their descriptions give it but twenty five or thirty leagues bredth at the mouth Next to this river that of Plata or of Silver holdes the second place which is otherwise called Paragu●y which runnes from the mountaines of Peru into the sea in thirty five degrees of altitude to the South it riseth as they say like to the river of Nile but much more without comparison and makes the fields it overflowes like vnto a sea for the space of three moneths and after returneth againe to his course in the which ships do saile many leagues against the streame There are many other rivers that are not of that greatnes and yet are equall yea they surpasse the greatest of Europe as that of Magdalaine neere to Saint Marthe the great river and that of Alvarado in new Spaine and an infinit number of others Of the south side on the mountains of Peru the rivers are not vsually so great for that their current is not long and that many waters cannot ioyne together but they are very swift descending from the mountaines and have sodaine falles by reason whereof they are very dangerous and many men have perished there They increase and overflowe most in the time of heate I have gone over twenty and seaven rivers vpon that coast yet did I never passe any one by a foord The Indians vse a thousand devises to passe their rivers In som places they have a long cord that runs fro one side to th' other thereon hangs a basket into the which he puts himselfe that meanes to passe and then they drawe it from the bancke with another corde so as hee passeth in this basket In other places the Indian passeth as it were on horse backe vppon a bottle of straw and behinde him hee that desires to passe and so rowing with a peece of a boorde carries him over In other places they make a floate of gourds or pompions vppon the which they set men with their stuffe to carry over and the Indians having cordes fastned to them goe swimming before and drawe this floate of pompions after them as horses doe a Coach others goe behinde thrusting it forward Having passed they take their barke of pompions vppon their backe and returne swimming this they doe in the river of Saint at Peru. We passed that of Alvarado in new Spaine vpon a table which the Indians carried vpon their shoulders and when they lost their footing they swamme These devises with a thousand others wherewith they vse to passe their rivers breede a terrour in the beholders helping themselves with such weake and vnsure means and yet they are very confident They do vse no other bridges but of haire or of straw There are now vppon some rivers bridges of stone built by the diligence of some governours but many fewer then were needfull in such a country where so many men are drowned by default thereof and the which yeeldes so much silver as not onely Spaine but also other strange Countries make sumptuous buildings therewith The Indians do drawe from these floudes that runne from the mountaines to the vallies and plaines many and great brooks to water their land which they vsually doe with such industry as there are no better in Murcia nor at Millan it selfe the which is also the greatest and onely wealth of the Plaines of Peru and of many other partes of the Indies Of the qualitie of the land at the Indies in generall CHAP. 19. WE may know the qualitie of the land at the Indies for the greatest parte seeing it is the last of the three Elements whereof wee have propounded to treate in this Booke by the discourse we have made in the former Booke of the burning Zone seeing that the greatest part of the Indies dooth lie vnder it But to make it knowne the more particularly I have observed three kindes of lands as I have passed through those Regions whereof there is one very lowe another very high and the third which holds the middle of these two extreames The lower is that which lieth by the sea coasts whereof there is in all partes of the Indies and it is commonly very hote and moist so as it is
not so healthfull and at this day we see it lesse p●opled although in former times it hath beene greatly inhabited with Indians as it appeareth by the histories of New Spaine and Peru and where they kept and lived for that the soile was naturall vnto them being bred there They lived of fishing at sea of seeds drawing brooks from the rivers which they used for want of raine for that it raines little there and in some places not at all This lowe countrie hath many places inhabitable as wel by reason of the sands which are dangerous for there are whole mountaines of these sandes as also for the marishes which grow by reason of the waters that fall from the mountaines which finding no issue in these flatte and lowe landes drowne them and make them vnprofitable And in trueth the greatest parte of all the Indian sea coast is of this sort chiefly vppon the South sea The habitation of which coasts is at this present so wasted contemned that of thirtie partes of the people that inhabited it there wants twenty nine and it is likely the rest of the Indians will in short time decay Many according to the varietie of their opinions attribute this to diverse causes some to the great labour which hath beene imposed vppon these Indians others vnto the change and varietie of meates and drinks they vse since their commerce with the Spaniards others to their great excesse drinking and to other vices they have for my part I hold this disorder to be the greatest cause of their decay whereof it is not now time to discourse any more In this lowe countrey which I say generally is vnhealthfull and vnfit for mans habitation there is exception in some places which are temperate and fertile as the greatest part of the Plaines of Peru where there are coole vallies and very fertile The greatest part of the habitation of the coast entertaines all the traffike of Spaine by sea whereon all the estate of the Indies dependeth Vpon this coast there are some Townes wel peopled as Lima and Truxillo in Peru Panama and Carthagena vppon the maine land and in the Ilands S. Dominique Port Ricco and Havana with many other Townes which are lesse than these as the true Crosse in new Spaine Yca Arigua and others in Peru the ports are commonly inhabited although but slenderly The second sort of land is contrary very high and by consequent colde and drie as all the mountaines are commonly This land is neither fertile nor pleasant but very healthfull which makes it to be peopled and inhabited There are pastures and great store of cattell the which for the most parte entertaines life and by their cattell they supply the want they have of corne and graine by trucking and exchange But that which makes these landes more inhabited and peopled is the riches of the mines that are found there for that all obeys to golde and silver By reason of the mines there are some dwellings of Spaniards and Indians which are increased and multiplied as Potozi and Gancavelicqua in Peru and Cacatecas in new Spaine There are also through all these mountaines great dwellings of the Indians which to this day are maintained yea some will say they increase but that the labour of the mines dooth consume many and some generall diseases have destroyed a great part as the Cocoliste in new Spaine yet they finde no great diminution In this extreamitie of of high ground they finde two commodities as I have saide of pastures and mines which doe well countervaile the two other that are in the lower grounds alongest the sea coast that is the commerce of the sea the aboundance of wine which groweth not but in the hot landes Betwixt these two extreames there is ground of a meane height the which although it bee in some partes higher or lower one than other yet doth it not approach neyther to the heate of the sea coast nor the intemperature of the mountaines In this sorte of soile there groweth many kindes of graine as wheate barley and mays which grows not at all in the high countries but well in the lower there is likewise store of pasture cattel fruits and greene forrests This part is the best habitation of the three for health and recreation and therefore it is best peopled of any parte of the Indies the which I have curiously observed in manie voyages that I have vndertaken and have alwayes found it true that the Province best peopled at the Indies be in this scituation Let vs looke neerely into new Spaine the which without doubt is the best Province the Sunne dooth circle by what parte soever you doe enter you mount vp and when you have mounted a good height you beginne to descend yet very little and that land is alwayes much higher then that along the sea coast All the land about Mexico is of this nature and scituation and that which is about the Vulcan which is the best soile of the Indies as also in Peru Arequipa Guamangua and Cusco although more in one then in the other But in the end all is high ground although they descend into deepe valleies and climbe vppe to high mountaines the like is spoken of Quitto Saint Foy and of the best of the new kingdome To conclude I doe beleeve that the wisedome and providence of the Creator would have it so that the greatest parte of this countrey of the Indies should be hillie that it might be of a better temperature for being lowe it had beene very hotte vnder the burning Zone especially being farre from the sea Also all the land I have seene at the Indies is neere to the mountaines on the one side or the other and sometimes of all partes So as I have oftentimes saide there that I woulde gladly see any place from whence the horizon did fashion it selfe and end by the heaven and a countrey stretched out and even as we see in Spaine in a thousand champaine fields yet doe I not remember that I have ever seene such sightes at the Indies were it in the Ilands or vpon the maine land although I have travelled above seaven hundred leagues in length But as I have saide the neerenesse of the mountaines is very commodious in this region to temper the heate of the Sunne To conclude the best inhabited partes of the Indies are as I have saide and generally all that countrie aboundes in grasse pastures and forrests contrary vnto that which Aristotle and the Auntients did holde So as when wee goe out of Europe to the Indies wee woonder to see the land so pleasant greene and fresh Yet this rule hath some exceptions chiefly in the land of Peru which is of a strange nature amongst all others whereof wee will now proceede to speake Of the properties of the land of Peru. CHAP. 20. WEe meane by Peru not that great parte of the worlde which they call America seeing that therein is contained Bresil
the kingdome of Chille and that of Grenade and yet none of these kingdomes is Peru but onely that parte which lies to the South beginning at the kingdome of Quitto which is vnder the Line and runnes in length to the realme of Chille the which is without the Tropickes which were sixe hundred leagues in length and in breadth it containes no more then the mountaines which is fiftie common leagues although in some places as at Chachapayas it be broader This parte of the world which we call Peru is very remarkeable and containes in it strange properties which serveth as an exception to the generall rule of the Indies The first is that vpon all that coast it blowes continually with one onely winde which is South and Southweast contrary to that which dooth vsually blow vnder the burning Zone The second is that this winde being by nature the most violent tempestuous and vnhealthfull of all others yet in this region it is marvellous pleasing healthful and agreeable so as we may attribute the habitation of that part therevnto without the which it would be troublesome and inhabitable by reason of the heate if it were not refreshed with the winde The third propertie is that it never raines thunders snowes nor hailes in all this coast which is a matter worthy of admiration Fourthly that alittle distance from the coast it raines and snowes terribly Fiftly that there are two ridges of mountaines which runne the one as the other and in one altitude notwithstanding on the one there are great forrests and it raines the greatest part of the yeere being very hote and the other is all naked and bare and very colde so as winter and summer are divided on those two mountaines and raine and cleerenesse it selfe For the better vnderstanding hereof wee must consider that Peru is divided as it were into three partes long and narrow which they call Lanos Sierras and Andes the Lanos runnes along est the sea coast the Sierras be all hilles with some vallies and the Andes be steepe and craggie mountaines The Lanos or sea coast have some tenne leagues in breadth in some parts lesse and in some parts alittle more The Sierra containes some twentie leagues in breadth and the Andes as much sometimes more sometimes lesse They runne in length from north to south and in breadth from east to weast It is a strange thing that in so small a distance as fiftie leagues equally distant from the Line and Pole there should bee so great a contrarietie as to raine almost continually in one place and never in the other It never raines vpon the coast or Lanos although there falles sometimes a small dew which they call Guarva and in Castill Mol●●●a the which sometimes thickens and falles in certaine droppes of water yet is it not troublesome nor such as they neede any covering Their coverings are of mattes with a little earth vpon them which is sufficient Vpon the Andes it raines in a manner continually although it be sometimes more cleere then other In the Sierra which lies betwixt both the extreames it raineth in the same season as it dooth in Spaine which is from September vnto Aprill but in the other season the time is more cleere which is when the Sunne is farthest off and the contrarie when it is neerest whereof we have discoursed at large in the former booke That which they call Andes and Sierra are twoo ridges of most high mountaines which runne above a thousand leagues the one in view of the other and almost equally There are an infinite number of Vicagues which breede in the Sierres and are properly like vnto wilde goates very nimble and swift There are also of those beasts which they call Guanacos and Pacos which are sheepe which we may wel terme the asses of that countrey whereof we shall speake in their place And vpon the Andes they finde Apes very gentle and delightfull and Parrots in great numbers There also they find the hearb or tree which they call Coca that is so greatly esteemed by the Indians and the trafficke they make of it is worthy much mony That which they call Sierre causeth vallies whereas it opens which are the best dwellings of Peru as is the valley of Xauxa of Andaguaylas and Yucay In these vallies there growes wheat mays and other sortes of fruits but lesse in one then in the other Beyond the Citie of Cusco the ancient Court of the Lordes of those Realmes the two ridges of mountaines seperate them selves one from the other and in the midst leave a plaine and large champian which they call the Province of Callao where there are many rivers and great store of fertile pastures there is also that great Lake of Titicaca And although it be a ful soile and in the same height and intemperature that the Sierre having no more trees nor forrests yet the want they have of bread is countervailed with the rootes they sowe the which they call Papas and they grow in the earth This roote is the Indians foode for drying it and making it cleane they make that which they call Chugno which is the bread and nourishment of those Provinces There are other rootes and small hearbes which they eate It is a healthfull soile best peopled and the richest of all the Indies for the aboundance of cattell they feed as well of those that are in Europe as sheepe neate and goates as of those of the Countrie which they call Guanacos and Pacos and there are store of Partridges Next to the Province of Callao is that of Charcas where there are hote vallies very fertile and very high rockes the which are very rich in mines so as in no part of the world shall you finde better nor fairer The reason why it raines on the Lanos along the Sea coast CHAP. 21. FOr that it is rare and extraordinarie to see a Countrie where it never raines nor thunders men desire naturally to know the cause of this strangenes The reason which some give that have neerely looked into it is that vpon that coast there rise no vapors sufficient to engender raine for want of matter but onely that there be finall and light vapors which cannot breede any other then mistes and dewes as we see in Europe oftentimes vapors do rise in the morning which are not turned into raine but into mistes only the which growes from the substance which is not grosse and sufficient enough to turne to raine They say the reason why that which happens but some times in Europe falles out continually vpon the coast of Peru is for that this region is very drie and yeeldes no grosse vapors The drinesse is knowne by the gre● abundance of sandes having neither welles nor fountaines but of fifteene stades deepe which is the height of a man or more and that is neere vnto rivers the water whereof piercing into the land giues them meanes to make welles So as it hath been found by
drawe it There is great aboundance in the kingdome of Chille of Quitto and in the new Realme of Grenado The most famous golde is that of Caranava in Peru and of Valdivia in Chille for that it riseth with his alloy and perfection which is twenty three carrats and a halfe and sometim●s more They make accompt likewise of the gold of Vera●●a to be very fine They bring much golde to Mexico from the Philippines and China but commonly it is weake and of base alloy Golde is commonly found mixt with silver or with copper but that which is mixed with silver is commonly of fewer carra●s then that which is mixed with copper If there b●●a si●e part● of silver Plinie saieth it is then properly called Fl●●●● which hath the property to shine more at the light of the fire then fine gold or fine silver That which is incorporate with copper is commonly of a higher value They refine powldred golde in basens washing it in many waters vntill the sand falles from it and the golde as most heavie remaineth in the bottome They refine it likewise with quicke-silver and strong water for that the allume whereof they make this water hath the vertue to separate gold from drosse or from other mettalls After it is purified and molten they make brickes or small barres to cary it vnto Spaine for being in powlder they cannot transport it from the Indies for they can neither custome it marke it nor take say vntill it be molten The foresaide His●●ria● grapher reporteth that Spaine above all other Countries of the world did abound in gold and silver especially Galitia and Portugall above all the Asturia●s whence hee saieth they brought every yeere twenty thousand pounds of golde and that they found not so great aboundance in any other place The which is confirmed in the booke of Macabees where it is saide that amongest the great riches of the Romans they had in their power the golde and silver of Spaine At this day the great treasure of Spaine comes from the Indies wherein the divin● Providence hath appoynted one Realme to serve another which doe imparte their wealth to participate their governement for the good the one of the other in communicating mutually the goodes and graces they doe inioy wee can not value nor esteeme the quantitie of golde that is brought from the Indies but we may well say it is much more then that which 〈◊〉 reports was brought yeerely from Spaine to Rom● In the fleete where I came which was in the ye●re 1585. the declarati●n of the firme land was of of twelve cassons or chests of golde every casson at the least weied foure Arobes that is a hundred weight and a thousand fifty and sixe mares from New Spaine which was for the King only besides that which came for Merchants and private men being registred and much that came vnregistred This may suffice touching the golde of the Indies and now we will speake of silver Of the Silver at the Indies CHAP. 5. WE reade these wordes in the Booke of Iob Siluer hath certain beginnings and roots in his veins and golde hath a setled place where it ingenders and thickens yron with digging is drawne out of the earth and stone molten with heate is turned into copper Hereby he wisely shewes in few words the nature of silver golde yron copper We have spoken something of the places where golde is ingendered and congealed which is either of the foresaide stones in the deapth of mountaines and in the bowells of the earth or in the sand of rivers and where brookes have runne or else on the toppes of mountaines the which golde in powlder runnes downe with the water And this is the common opinion they holde at the Indies Wherevppon many of the common sort believe that the deluge having drowned all even to the highest hills hath beene the cause that at this day they finde this golde in the rivers and in places so farre off Now we wil shew how they discover the mines of silver their veines rootes and beginnings whereof Iob speakes And first I will say that the reason why they give silver the second place among all other mettalles is for that it approacheth neerer to golde then any other being more durable and lesse indomaged by the fire and more maniable then any other yea it passeth golde in brightnesse beauty and sound the which is cleere and agreeable for the colour is more conformable and resembling the light and the sound more percing more lively and more delicate Likewise there are some places where they value silver more then golde It is yet an argument to iudge that gold is more pretious rhen all other mettalls for that it is found with greater difficultie and Nature seemes more sparing in bringing it foorth although there be countries as they say of Chine where they finde golde more easily then silver yet it is more common and ordinarie to finde silver with more facilitie and greater abundance then gold The Creator hath furnished the Weast Indies with so great a treasure of silver as all that which we reade of in antient Histories and that which is spoken of the mines of Spaine and other provinces is not comparable to that we see in those partes The mines of silver are commonly found in mountaines and high rockes very desart although they have sometimes bin found in Plaines and Champaines There are two different kindes the one they call stragling the other fixed and setled The straggling are peeces of mettall found in certaine places the which drawne away there is no more found But the fixed veines are those which have a continuance in depth and length like to great branches and armes of trees and when they find anie one of them they commonly finde many in the same place The maner to purge refine silver which the Indians have vsed was by melting in dissolving this masse of mettall by fire which casts the earthly drosse aparte and by his force separates silver from lead tinne from copper and other mettalls mixt To this end they did build small furnaces in places whereas the winde did commonly blow and with wood and cole made their refining the which furnaces in Ptru they call Guayras Since the Spaniards entred besides this manner of refining which they vse to this day they likewise refine silver with quicke-silver and draw more by this means then in refining it by fire For there is some kind of silver mettall found which can by no meanes be purged and refined by fire but onely with quickesilver But thi● kinde of mettall is commonly poore and weake the which vsually they finde in greatest aboundance They c●l that poore which yields least silver and great quantitie of other mettall and that rich which yieldes m●st silver It is strange to see not onely the difference betwixt the refining of mettall by fire and without it by quicke-silver but also that some of
earth and stone where it engenders they purge and purifie it seven times for in effect it passeth their handes seven times yea oftener vntill it remaines pure and fine so is it in the word of God where the soules must be so purified that shall inioy the heavenly perfection Of their Engines to grinde the mettall and of their triall of Silver CHAP. 13. TO conclude this subiect of silver and of mettalls there remaines yet two things to speake of the one is of their engins and milles the other of their essay or triall I have said before how they grinde their mettal for the receving of the quicksilver which is done with diverse instruments and engins some with horses like vnto hand-milles others like water-milles of which two sortes there are great numbers But for that the water they doe vse commonly is but of raine whereof they have not sufficient but three months in the yeare December Ianuary and February for this reason they have made Lakes and standing Pooles which containe in●circuite about a thousand and six hundred roddes and in deapth three stades there are seaven with their sluces so as when they have neede of any water they raise vp a sluce from whence runnes a little streame of water the which they stoppe vppon holy-dayes And when the Lakes and Pooles doe fill and that the yeare abounds with raine their grinding dooth then continue sixe or seaven moneths so as even for silvers sake men desire a good yeere of raine in Potozi as they doe in other places for bread There are some other engins in Tarapaya which is a valley three or foure leagues distant from Potozi whereas there runnes a river as in other parts The difference of these engins is that some goe with sixe pestels some with twelve and others with foureteene They grinde and beate the mettall in morters labouring day and night and from thence they carry it to be sifted vpon the bankes of the brooke of Potozi There are forty eight water-mills of eight ten and twelve pestells and foure on the other side which they call Tanacognugno in the Cittie of Tarapaya there are two and twenty engins all vpon the water besides there are thirty goe with horses in PotoZi and many others in divers●partes so great the desire of man is to get silver which is tryed by deputies appoynted by the King To give the alloy to every peece they cary the bars of silver vnto the Assay maister who gives to every one his number for that they carry many at once he cuttes a small peece of every one the which he weighs iustly and puttes them into a cruset which is a small vessell made of burnt bones beaten after hee placeth everie crusible in his order in the furnace giving them a violent fire then the mettall melteth and that which is lead goes into smoake and the copper and tinne dissolves the silver remayning most fine of the colour of fire It is a strange thing that being thus refined although it be liquide and molten yet it never spilles were the mouth of the crusible turned downewardes but it remayn●th fixed without the losse of a droppe The Assay maister knoweth by the colour● and other signes when it is refined then dooth he draw the crusibles from the fire and weighs every peece curiously observing what every one wants of his weight for that which is of high alloy wastes but little and that which is baser diminisheth much according to the waste he sees what alloy he beares according to the which he markes every barre punctually Their ballaunce and weights are so delicate and their graines so small as they cannot take them vppe with the hand but with a small paire of pincers and this triall they make by candle light that no ayre might moove the ballance For of this little the price of the whole barre dependeth In trueth it is a very delicate thing and requires a great dexteritie which the holy Scripture vseth in many places to shew how God prooves his chosen and to note the differences of the merites of soules whereas God gives the title of an Assay-maister to the Prophet Ieremie that hee may trie and declare the spirituall vertue of men and of his workes which is the proper worke of the Spirite of God being he that weighs the Soules of men We will rest content with what we have spoken touching silver mettalls and mines and will passe to the two other mixtures the which are plants and beasts Of Emeraldes CHAP. 14. IT shall not be from the purpose to speake somthing of Emeraldes both for that it is a pretious thing as golde silver as also for that they take their beginning from mines and mettalls as Plinie reportes The Emerald hath bin in old time in great esteeme as the same Author writes giving it the third place amongst all iewelles and pretious stones that is next to the diamond and pearle At this day they doe not so much esteeme the Emerald nor the pearle for the great aboundance is brought of these two sorts from the Indies onely the diamond holds the principality the which can not be taken from it Next the rubies come in price and other stones which they hold more pretious than the Emerald Men are so desirous of singularities rare things that what they see to be common they do not esteeme They report of a Spaniard who being in Italie when the Indies were first discovered shewed a● Emerald to a Lapidary who asking him the value thereof after he had well viewed it being of an excellent lustre and forme he prized it at a hundred ducats he then shewed him an other greater than it which he valued at three hundred ducats The Spaniard drunke with this discourse carried him to his lodging shewing him a casket full The Italian seeing so great a number of Emeralds sayde vnto him Sir these are well woorth a crowne a peece the like hath happened both at the Indies and in Spaine where the stones have lost their estimation for the great abundaunce they finde of them there Pliny reportes many excellencies of the Emerald amongst the which he saith that there is nothing more pleasing nor more healthfull for the sight wherein he hath reason but his authority importeth little seeing there is such store It is reported that Lelia a Romane Dame bestowed vppon a scoffion and a garment embroidered with pearle and emerald 400000. ducats the which at this day might be doone with lesse than forty thousand ducats yea two such In diverse partes of the Indies and the Kings of Mexico didde much esteeme them some did vse to pierce their nosthrils and hang therein an excellent Emerald they hung them on the visages of their idolles The greatest store is found in the New Kingdome of Grenado and Peru neere vnto Manta and port Vieil There is towardes that place a soile which they call the Land of Emeraldes for the knowledge they have
of aboundance to be there and yet vnto this day they have not conquered that Land The Emeralds grow in stones like vnto cristall I have seene them in the same stone fashioned like a veine and they seeme by little and little to thicken and refine I have seene some that were halfe white and halfe greene others all white and some greene and very perfite I have seene some of the bignesse of a nut and there have bin some greater found but I have not knowen that in our time they have found any of the form and bignesse of the platt or iewel they have at Genes the which they esteeme and with reason to be a iewell of great price and no relique yet without comparison the Emerald which Theophrastus speakes of which the King of Babilon presented to the King of Egypt surpasseth that of Genes it was foure cubites long and three broade and they say that in Iupiters Temple there was a needle or pyramide made of foure Emeralds stones of forty cubits long and in some places foure broade and in others two and that in his time there was in Tir in Hercules Temple a pillar of an Emerald It may be as Plinie saieth it was of some greene stone somewhat like to the Emerald and they called it a false Emerald As some will say that in the Cathedrall Church of Cordoü● there are certaine pillars of Emeraldes which remaine since it was a Mesquite for the Kings Miramamolins Moores which raigned there In the fleete the yeare one thousand five hundred eighty and seven in the which I came from the Indies they brought twoo chests of Emeraldes every one weighing at the least foure Arobes whereby wee may see the aboundaunce they have The holy Scripture commends these Emeralds as pretious iewells they number them amongest the pretious stones which the hie Priest carried on his Ephod or breast-plate as those which did beautifie the walles of the heavenly Ierusalem Of Pearles CHAP. 15. NOw that we intreat of the great riches that comes from the Indies it were no reason to forgette the Pearle which the Ancients called Marguerites and at the first were in so great estimation as none but royall persons were suffered to weare them but at this day there is such aboundance as the Negres themselves do weare chaines thereof they growe in shells or oysters in eating whereof I have found pearles in the middest of them These oisters within are of the colour of heaven very lively In some places they make spoones the which they call mother of Pearle The pearles do differ much informe in bignes figure colour and polishing so likewise in their price they differ much Some they call Ave Mariaes being like the small graines of beades others are Pater nosters being bigger Seldome shall you finde two of one greatnesse forme and colour For this reason the Romans as Pliny writeth called them Vnions Whenas they doe finde two that are alike in all poyntes they raise the price much especially for carerings I have seene some payres valued at thousands of ducats although they were not like to Cleopatraes two pearles whereof Pliny reportes either of them being woorth a hundred thousand ducats with the which this foolish Queene wonne a wager she hadde made against Marc Anthony to spend in one supper above an hundred thousand ducats so at the last course shee dissolved one of these pearles in strong vineger dranke it vp They say the other pearle was cutt in two and placed in the Pantheon at Rome at th'●ares of the image of Venus Esope reportes of Clovis the sonne of a Comedian who in a banquet presented to every one of his ghests amongest other meates a rich pearle dissolved in vineger to make his feast the more royall and sumptuous These were the follies of those ages and those at this day are nothing lesse for that we see not onely hattes and bandes but also buskins and womens pantofles yea of base condition imbrodred all over with pearle They fish for pearles in diverse partes of the Indies the greatest aboundaunce is in the south Seas neere vnto Panama where the Ilandes of pearles be as they call them But at this day they finde greatest store and the best in the north Sea the which is neare to the rive of Hatch I did see them make their fishing the which is done with great charge labor of the poore slaves which dive sixe nine yea twelve fadomes into the sea to seeke for oysters the which commonly are fastened to the rockes and gravell in the Sea they pull them vp and bring them above the water to their canoes where the● open them drawing forth the treasure they have within them The water of the Sea in this parte is verie colde but yet the labor and toile is greatest in holding of their breath sometimes a quarter yea halfe an houre together being vnder the water at their fishing And to the end these poore slaves may the better continue and holde their breaths they feede them with drie meates and that in small quantitie so as covetousnesse makes them abstaine and fast thus against their willes They imploy their pearles to diverse workes and they pierce them to make chaines whereof there is great store in every place In the yeere of our Lorde one thousand five hundred eighty one I did see the note of what came from the Indies for the King there were eighteen maces of pearle besides three caskets and for particulars there were twelve hundred threescore and foure marks and besides them seaven caskets not pierced which heeretofore we would have esteemed and helde for a lie Of the Indian Bread and of Mays CHAP. 16. IN our discourse of Plants wee will beginne with those which are proper and peculiar to the Indies and after with the rest that are common to the Indies and Europe and forasmuch as plants were chiefly created for the nourishment of man and that the chiefe whereof he takes his nourishment is bread it shall be good to shew what bread the Indians vse and whereon they live for want thereof They have as we have heere a proper name whereby they note and signifie bread which at Peru they call Tanta and in other places by another name But the qualitie and substance of the bread the Indians vse differs much from ours for we finde not they had any kinde of wheat or barly nor any other kinde of graine which they vse in Europe ●o make bread withall insteede whereof they vsed other kindes of graines and rootes amongst the which Mays holds the first place and with reason in Castile they call it Indian wheat and in Italie they call it Turkey graine And even as wheat is the most common graine for the vse of man in the regions of the old world which are Europe Asia and Affrike So in the new found worlde the most common graine is Mays the which is found almost in all the kingdomes of the West
Indies as at Peru new Spaine in the new kingdome of Granado in Gautimalla in Chille and vpon the maine land I do not finde that in old time in the Ilands of Barlovente as Cuba S. Dominique Iamaique and S. I●an that they vsed Mays at this day they vse much Yuca and Cacavi whereof we will presently intreate I do not thinke that this Mays is any thing inferiour to our wheat in strength nor substance but it is more hote and grosse and engenders more bloud wherevpon they that have not bin accustomed therevnto if they eat too much they swell and become scabbed It growes vpon canes or reedes every one beares one or two grapes or branches to the which the graine is fastened and although the graine be bigge yet finde they great store thereof so as in some clusters I have told seven hundred graines They must plant it with the hand one by one and not very thicke it desires a hote and moist ground and growes in great aboundance in many places of the Indies It is not strange in those countries to gather 300. Fanegues or measures for one sowen There is difference of Mays as there is of wheat one is great and very nourishing another small and drie which they call Moroche the greene leaves and canes of Mays is a good foode for their mules and hor●es and it serves them for straw when it is dried the graine is of more nourishment for horses then barly and therefore in those countries they vse to water their horses before they eate for if they should drinke after they would swell as when they eate wheat Mays is the Indians bread the which they commonly eate boiled in the graine hote and they call it Mote as the Chinois and Iopponois eate their Rice sodden with the hote water sometimes they eate it baked There is some Mays round and bigge as that of Lucanas which the Spaniards eate rosted as a delicate meat and hath a better taste then Buarbenses or rosted peason There is another kinde of eating it more pleasant which is to grinde the Mays and to make small cakes of the flower ●he which they put in the fire and then bring them hote to the table In some places they call them Arepa● They make also round bowles of this paste and so trimme them that they continue long eating it as a dainty dish They have invented at the Indies for friandise and pleasure a certaine kinde of paste they doe make of this flowe mixt with sugar which they call biscuits and mellinders This Mays serves the Indians not only for bread but also for wine for they do make their drinke thereof wherewith they are sooner drunke than with wine of grapes They make this wine of Mays in diverse sortes and maners calling it in Peru Acua and by the most common name of the Indies Chicha And the strongest is made like vnto beere steeping the graine vntill it breake After they boyle it in such sort that it growes so strong as alittle overthrowes a man In Peru they call this Sora it is defended by the Law for the great inconveniences that grow thereby making men drunke But this Lawe is ill observed for that they vse it still yea they spend whole dayes and nights in drinking carowse Pliny reporteth that this maner of beverage of graine stieped and after sodden wherewith they were drunke was in old time vsed in Spaine France and other Provinces as at this day in Flanders they vse ale made of mault There is another maner of making this Acua or Chicha which is to champe the mays and make a leven thereof and then boile it yea the Indians holde opinion that to make good leven it must bee champed by old withered women which makes a man sicke to heare and yet they doe drinke it The cleanliest manner the most wholesome and that which least harmeth is to roast the Mays which the most civil Indians doe vse and some Spaniardes yea for physicke For in effect they finde it a very wholesome drinke for the reines so as you shall hardly finde any one at the Indies complaine of paine in the backe for that they do drinke of this Chicha The Spanyards and Indians eate this Mays boyled and roasted for daintinesse when it is tender in the grape like milke they putte it into the pot and make sawces that are good to eate The buds of Mays are very fatte and serve insteede of butter and oyle so as this Mays at the Indies serves both for men and beasts for bread wine and oile For this reason the Viceroy Don Francisco de Toledo saide that Peru hadde two things rich and of great norishment which were Mays and the cattell of the countrey In truth he had reason for these two things did serve them as a thousand I will aske sooner than I can answer it whence Mays was first carried to the Indies and why they do call this profitable graine in Italie Turkie graine for in trueth I doe not finde that the Antients make any mention of this graine though that mil that Plinie writes to come from the Indies into Italie tenne yeares before he didde write it hath some resemblance vnto Mays for that it is a graine as he saies that growes in reede and covers it selfe with the leafe and hath the toppe like haires being very fertile all which things agree not with mill To conclude God hath imparted to ev'ry region what is needefull To this continent he hath given wheate which is the chiefe nourishment of man and to the Indians he hath given Mays which hath the second place to wheate for the nourishment of men and beasts Of Yucas Caçavi Papas Chunes and Ris. CHAP. 17. IN some partes of the Indies they vse a kinde of bread they call Cacavi which is made of a certaine roote they call Yuca This Yuca is a great and grosse roote which they cutte in small morsells they grate or scrape it and then put it in a presse to straine making a thinne and broade cake thereof almost ' like vnto a Moores target or buckler then doe they drie it and this is the breade they eate It hath no taste but is healthfull and of good nourishment For this reason we said being at S. Dominike that it was the proper foode for great eaters for that they might eate much without any feare of surffetting They must of necessitie water this Cacavi before they eate it it is sharpe and easely watered with water or broath wherein it is very good for that it swells much and so they make Capirotades but it is hardly stieped in milke in honny of canes or in wine for that these liquors cannot pierce it as it doth bread made of wheate Of this Cacavi there is one kind more delicate than any other which is that they make of the slower called Xauxau which they do much esteeme in those partes For my parte I esteeme more a morsell of bread how hard
the trafficke thereof wherein so many men are occupied The Seigniors Inguas vsed Coca as a delicate and royall thing which they offered most in their sacrifices burning it in honor of their idolls Of Maguey Tunal Cochenille Anir and Cotton CHAP. 23. MAguey is a tree of wonders whereof the Notaries or Chapetons as the Indians call them are wont to write miracles in that it yeeldeth water wine oyle vineger honny sirrope threede needles and a thousand other things It is a tree which the Indians esteeme much in new Spaine have commonly in their dwellings some one of them for the maintenaunce of life it grows in the fields and hath great and large leaves at the end whereof is a strong sharp point which serves to fasten little pins or to sowe as a needle they draw out of this leafe as it were a kinde of threed which they vse They cut the body which is big when it is tender wherein is a great hollownesse by which the substance mounts from the root and is a liquor which they drink like water being sweet fresh This liquor being sodden turnes like wine which growes to vineger suffring it to sowre and boyling it more it becomes as hony boyling it halfe it serves as sirrope which is healthfull enough and of good taste in my iudgement it is better then the sirrope of raisins Thus doe they boyle this liquor and vse it in diverse sortes whereof they drawe a good quantitie for that in some season they draw daily some pots of this liquor There are also of these trees in Peru but they are not so profitable as in new Spaine The wood of this tree is hollow and soft and serves to keepe fire like to the match of a harquebuze and preserves it long I have seene the Indians vse it to that end The Tunall is another famous tree in new Spaine if we may call a tree a heape of leaves gathered together one vpon another it is the strangest fashiond tree of all other for first there grows one leafe out of the ground then another vpon it and so one vpon one till it commeth to his perfection but as the leaves growe vp and on the sides those vnderneath doe become great and loose in a manner the forme of leaves making a bodie and braunches which are sharpe pricking and deformed so as in some places they doe call it a Thistle There are thistles or wilde Tunalls the which do carry no fruite or else it is very pricking without any profit There are likewise planted Tunalls which yeelde fruite much esteemed amongst the Indians the which they call Tunas and they are much greater then Plumbes and long They open the shell which is fatte and within it is meate and small graines like to those of figges which be very sweete they have a good taste especially the white which have a pleasing smell but the red are not vsually so good There is another sorte of Tunalls which they esteeme much more although it yeeldes no fruit yet it beares an other commoditie and profit which is of the graine for that certayne small wormes breede in the leaves of this tree when it is well husbanded and are therevnto fastned covered with a certaine small fine web which doth compasse them in daintily and this is that Indian Cochenille so famous and wherewith they die in graine They let it drie and being dried carry it into Spaine which is a great and rich marchandise The arobe of this Cochenille or graine is worth many ducats In the fleete the yeare 1587. they did bring five thousand sixe hundred seventy seven arobes which amounted to twoo hundred foure score three thousand seven hundred and fifty peeces commonly there comes every yeare as great a wealth These Tunalls grow in temperate grounds inclining to colde In Peru there growes none to this day I have seene some plants in Spaine but they deserve not estimation I will speake something likewise of the Anir although it comes not from a tree but from an hearb for that it serveth for the dying of cloth and is a marchandise which agrees with the graine it groweth in great aboundance iu new Spaine from whence there came in the fleete I mentioned 5263. arobes or thereabouts which amounted to so many peeces Cotten likewise growes vpon small shrubs and great trees like to little apples which doe open and yeelde forth this webbe which being gathered they spinne to make stuffes It is one of the things at the Indies of greatest profite and most in vse for it serves them both insteed of flaxe and wooll to make their garments It groweth in a hote soyle and there is great store in the vallies and sea coast of Peru in new Spaine the Philippines and China But the greatest store of any place that I know is in the province of Tucuman in that of saint Croix of the Sierre and at Paraguey whereas Cotten is their chiefe revenue They carry cotten into Spaine from the Iland of Saint Dominike and the yeare that I spake of there came 64000. arobes At the Indies whereas this cotten growes they make cloth which both the men and women vse commonly making table napkins thereof yea and sailes for their shippes There is some course and other that is fine and delicate they die it into diverse colours as wee doe by our woollen cloth in Europe Of Mameys Guayavos and Paltos CHAP. 24. THese Plants we have spoken of are the most profitable of the Indies and the most necessary for the life of man yet there are many other that are good to eate among the which the Mameys are esteemed being in fashion like to great peaches and bigger they have one or two stones within them and their meate is some what hard There are some sweete and others somewhat sower and have the rinde hard They make conserves of the meate of this fruite which is like to marmelade The vse of this fruite is reasonable good but the conserves they make thereof are better They grow in Ilands I have not seene any in Peru. It is a great tree well fashioned and a reasonable faire leafe The Guayavos be other trees which commonly carry an ill fruite full of sower kernells and are like to little apples It is a tree little esteemed vpon the firme land and at the Ilands for they say it smells like to the Punaises The taste and savour of this fruite is very grosse and the substance vnholesome In S. Dominique and other Ilands there are whole mountaines full of these Guayavos and they say there was no such kinde of trees before the Spaniards came there but that they broght them they know not from whence This tree hath multiplied infinitely for that there is no beast that will eate the kernells or the graine so as being thus scattered on the earth being hote and moist it multiplies in this sort In Peru the Guayavos differs from others for that the fruite is not
but much more for the exquisite effect it hath to cure woundes and divers other remedies as experience hath taught in the cure of diseases The Balme which comes from the West Indies is not of the same kind of right Balme which they bring from Alexandria or Caire and in old time was in Iudea which Iudea as Plinie writeth did of all the world possesse this greatnesse vntill the Emperor Vespasian broght it to Rome into Italie The reason why I say the liquor of the one and the other are not of one kinde is for that the trees from whence it comes are very different for the balme tree of Palestine was small and fashioned like to a Vine as Plinic reporteth who had seene it and those that at this day that have seene them in the East say as much As also the holy Scripture calles the place where the Balme thickens Vine of Enguaddy for the resemblance it hath to vine At the Indies I have seene the tree from whence they draw the Balme which is as bigge as a poungarnet tree and some thing neere the fashion and if my memory failes me not it hath nothing common with the vine although that Strabo writes that the ancient tree of Balme was of the bignes of a poungarnet tree But in their accidents and operations their liquors are alike as likewise they be in their admirable smells and in the cure and healing of wounds in colour and substance seeing they report of other Balmes that there is some white vermilion greene and blacke the which is likewise seene in that of the Indies And as they drew forth the ancient in cutting and making incisions in the barke to cause the liquor to distill out so do they with that at the Indies although it distilles in greater aboundance And as in the ancient there is one kinde which is pure the which they call Opobalsamum which be the very teares that distill so as there is another sort which is not so exquisite the which they drawe from the barke and leaves strained and boiled on the fire the which they call Xilobalssamum The like is also in the Indian Balmes there is one pure that distilles from the tree and others that the Indians draw out by straining and boiling the leaves and wood yea they do sophisticate and augment it with other liquors to make it increase It is not without reason they call it Balme for in truth it is so although it be not of the same kinde of the ancient yet it is much esteemed and should be more if the great aboundance were not the cause as in Emeraldes and Pearles That which importes most is the vse wherein it is imployed for creame and vnctions in the Church and in such veneration for that the Apostolike sea hath given libertie to give creame of Balme at the Indies and that they should vse it in confirmation and other ceremonies which they vse They bring Balme to Spaine from new Spaine from the Province of Guatimalla from Chiappa and other places where it aboundes most although the most esteemed be that which comes from the Iland of Tollu which is vpon the maine land not farre from Carthagene This Balme is white and commonly they holde the white to bee more perfect then the red although Plinie gives the first place to the vermilion the second to the white the third to greene and the last to blacke but it seemes that Strabo esteemed more the white Balmes as ours doe Monardes discourseth at large of the Indian Balme in the first and second part especially of that of Carthagene and Tollu which is all one I have not found that the Indians in olde time did much esteeme Balme nor yet imploy it in any important vse although Monardes saieth that the Indians cured their woundes therewith and from thence the Spaniardes learned it Of Amber and other Oyles Gums and Drugges which they bring from the Indies CHAP. 29. NExt to Balme Amber holdes the second place it is another liquor which is likewise sweete and medicinall but more thicke and turnes into a paste of a hote complexion and a good perfume the which they apply to woundes bruises and other necessities wherein I will referre my selfe to the Phisitions especially to Doctor Monardes who in his first Part hath written of this liquor and many others that are phisicall which comes from the Indies This Amber comes from new Spaine which hath that advantage above other Provinces in goomes liquors and iuyce of trees whereby they have such aboundance of matter for perfume and phisicke as is the Animé whereof there comes great store Copall or Suchicopal which is another kinde storax and encense which have excellent operations and have a very good smell fit for fumigations Likewise the Tacamahaca and Caranna which are also very medicinall They bring likewise from this Province oyle of Aspicke which the Phisitians and Painters vse much the one for plasters the other to vernish their pictures They bring also for the Phisitians Cassia fistule the which growes plentifully in S. Dominique It is a great tree which carries these canes as his fruite They brought in the fleete wherein I came from S. Dominique fortie eight quintalles of Cassia fistule Salcepareille is not lesse knowne for a thousand remedies wherein it is vsed There came in the same fleete fiftie quintalles from the same Iland There is much of this Sa●cepar●ille at Peru and most excellent in the Province of Gua●aquill which is vnder the Line Many go to be cured into this Province and it is the opinion of some that the pure water onely which they drinke gives them health for that it passeth by rootes as I have said from whence it drawes this vertue so as there needes no great covering or garments to make a man sweate in that countrie The wood of Guayac which they call Lignum sanctum or Indian wood growes aboundantly in the same Ilands and is as heavie as yron so as it presently sinkes in the water heereof they brought in the same fleete 350. quintalls and they might have brought twentie yea a hundred thousand of this wood if there were vse for it There came in the same fleete and from the same Iland 130. quintalles of Bresill wood the which is fierie red so well knowne and much vsed in dying and other things There are at the Indies infinite numbers of other aromaticall woodes gummes oyles and drugges so as it is not possible to name them all neither doth it now much import I say onely that in the time of the Kings Inguas of C●sco and the Mexicaine Kings there were many great personages expert in curing of diseases with simples and did goodly cures having the knowledge of the many vertues and properties of hearbes rootes woodes and plants which grow there and whereof the Ancients of Europe have had no knowledge There are a thousand of these simples fit to purge as the rootes of Mechoaçan
the Pignons of Punua the conserve of Guanucquo the oyle of Fig-trees and many other things the which being well applied and in time they hold to be of no lesse efficacie then the drugges that come from the East The which may be seene in reading the discourse which Monardes hath made in the first and second Part where he treates amply of Tobacco or Petum whereof they have made notable experiences against poison Tobacco is a small tree or plant common enough the which hath in it rare vertues as amongst others it serves for a counterpoison like to many and divers other plants for the Creator of all things hath imparted his vertues at his pleasure not willing that any thing should grow idle But it is another soveraigne gift to man to know them and their proper vses the which the same Creator gives to whome hee pleaseth Doctor Francis Hernandes hath made a goodly worke vppon this subiect of Indian plants liquors and other phisicall things by the Kings expresse commission and commaundement causing all the plants at the Indies to be lively painted which they say are above a thousand two hundred and that the worke cost above three score thousand ducats out of which worke the Doctor Nardus Anthonius an Italian Physitian hath made a curious extract sending him to the foresaid bookes that desires more exactly to knowe the plants at the Indies especially for physicke Of great forrests at the Indies of Cedars of Ceivas and other great trees CHAP. 30. ALthough from the beginning the earth did bring foorth plants and trees by the commandement of the Lord yet hath it yielded more in one place than in another and besides the plants and trees which by the industry of man have beene transplanted and carried from place to place there are many which Nature it selfe hath brought forth I do beleeve that of this sort there are more at the new world which we do call the Indies either in number or diversitie than in the olde as Europe Asia or Affrike The reason is for that the climate at the Indies is generally hot and moist as we have declared in the second Booke against the opinion of the Auntients which causeth the earth naturally for to bring foorth an infinit number of wilde plants whereby the greatest part of the Indies is inhabitable being almost impossible to travell by reason of the woodes and thicke forrests that are there which they labour dailie to cut downe It hath bin needefull passing through some partes of the Indies especially where they newly entred to make their way in cutting downe trees and pulling vp bushes so that as some religious men have written that have tried it they coulde not sometimes have passed above a league in a day One of our brothers a man worthy of credite reported vnto vs that being straied in the mountaines not knowing which way he shoulde passe he fell among such thicke bushes that he was forced to go vpon them without setting foote to the ground by the space of fifteene whole dayes and to see the Sunne or to marke some way in this thicke forrest full of wood he was forced to climbe to the top of the highest trees to discover He that shall reade the discourse of his travell how often hee was lost and the wayes he passed with the strange adventures that happened vnto him the which I have written briefly being so worthy the knowledge and having my selfe travelled alittle over the mountaines at the Indies were it but the eighteene leagues betwixt Nombre de Dios and Panama may well iudge what great forrests there are So as having no winter in those parts to nip them with colde and the humiditie of the heavens and earth being so great as the mountaines bring foorth infinit forrests and the plaines which they call Savanas great plenty of grasse there is no want of pasture for feeding of timber building nor of wood for fewell It is impossible to set downe the differences and formes of so many wilde trees for that the names of the greatest parte are vnknowne Cedars in olde time so much esteemed are there very common both for buildings and shippes and they are of diverse sortes some white and some redde very odoriferant There are great store of Bay trees very pleasant to beholde vpon the Andes of Peru vppon the mountaines in the Ilands of Nicaragua and in New Spaine There are also infinite numbers of Palmes and Ceivas whereof the Indians make their Canoes which are boates made of one peece They bring into Spaine from the Havana excellent timber In the Iland of Cuba there are infinite numbers of like trees as Ebene Caovana Grenadille Cedars and other kindes which I do not know There are great pine trees in New Spaine though they be not so strong as those in Spaine they beare no pignous or kernells but empty apples The oaks as they cal them of Guaiaquil is an excelent wood and sweet when they cut it yea there are kanes or most high reedes of whose boughs or small reedes they doe make bottles and pitchers to carry water and do likewise vse them in their buildings There is likewise the wood of Mansle or Firre whereof they make masts for their shippes and they holde them as strong as yron Molle is a tree of many vertues which casteth foorth small boughes whereof the Indians make wine In Mexico they call it the tree of Peru for that it came from thence but it growes also in New Spaine and better than those in Peru. There are a thousand other trees which were a super●●uous labour to intreate of whereof some are of an exceeding greatnesse I will speake only of one which is in Tlaco Chavoya three leagues from Guayaca in New Spaine this tree being measured within being hollow was found to have nine fadome and without neare to the roote sixteene and somewhat higher twelve This tree was strooke with lightning from the toppe to the bottom● through the heart the which caused this hollownesse they say that before the thunder fell vpon it it was able to shadow a thousand men and therefore they did assemble there for theyr daunces and superstitions yet to this day there doth remaine some boughes and verdure but not much They know not what kinde of tree it is but they say it is a kind of Cedar Such as shall finde this strange let them reade what Plinie reporteth of the Plane of Lidia the hollow whereof contained foure score foote and one and seemed rather a Cabbin or a house than the hollow of a tree his boughs like a whole wood the shaddow whereof covered a great part of the field By that which is writen of this tree we have no great cause to wonder at the Weaver who hadde his dwelling and loome in the hollow of a chesnut tree and of another chesnut tree if it were not the very same into the hollow whereof there entered eighteene men on horsebacke and passed out without
many places yea in many partes there are races found as good as the best in Spaine as well for passing of a carrier and for pompe as also for travell and therefore they vse horses most commonly although there be no want of moyles whereof there are many especially where they make their carriages by land There is no great numbers of asses having no great vse for them neither for travell nor service There are some few ca●mells I have seene some in Peru that were brought from the Canaries and have multiplied there alittle In S. Dominique dogges have so multiplied in number and bignes as at this day it is the scourge and affliction of that Iland for they eate the sheepe and go in troupes through the fields Such that kill them are rewarded like to them that kill woolves in Spaine At the first there were no dogges at the Indies but some beasts like vnto little dogges the which the Indians call Alco and therefore they call all dogges that go from Spaine by the same name by reason of the resemblance that is betwixt them The Indians doe so love these little dogges that they will spare their meate to feede them so as when they travell in the countrie they carrie them with them vpon their shoulders or in their bosomes and when they are sicke they keepe them with them without any vse but onely for company Of some Beasts of Europe which the Spaniardes found at the Indies and how they should passe thither CHAP. 34. IT is certaine that they have carried from Spaine all these beasts whereof I have spoken of which kindes there were none at the Indies when they were first discovered about a hundred yeares since for besides that it may be wel approved by witnesses at this day living It is also a sufficient argument to see that the Indians in their to●gue have no proper words to signifie these beasts but they vse the same Spanish names although they be corrupted for being ignorant of the thing they tooke the word common to those places from whence they came I have found this a good rule to discerne what things the Indians had before the Spaniardes came there and what they had not for they gave names to those they had and knew before and have given new names to these that are newly come vnto them which commonly are the same Spanish names although they pronounce them after their maner as for a horse wine and wheate They found of some sortes of beasts that are in Europe were not carried thither by the Spaniards There are Lions Tigres Beares Boares Foxes and other fierce wilde beasts whereof we have treated in the first booke so as it was not likely they should passe to the Indies by Sea being impossible to swimme the Ocean and it were a follie to imagine that men had imbarked them with them It followes therefore that this worlde ioynes with the new in some part by which these beasts might passe and so by little and little multiplied this world The lions which I have seene are not red neither have they such haire as they vsually paint them with They are grey and not so furious as they seeme in pictures The Indians assemble in troupes to hunt the lion and make as it were a circle which they do call Chaco wherewith they inviron them and after they kil them with stones staves and other weapons These lions vse to climbe trees where being mounted the Indians kil them with launces and crossebowes but more easily with harquebuzes The Tygres are more fierce and cruell and are more dangerous to meete because they breake foorth and assaile men in treason They are spotted as the Historiographers describe them I have heard some report that these Tygres were very fierce against the Indians yet would they not adventure at all vppon the Spaniards or very little and that they would choose an Indian in the middest of many Spaniardes and carry him away The Beares which in Cusco they call Otoioncos be of the same kinde that ours are and keepe in the ground There are few swarmes of Bees for that their honniecombes are found in trees or vnder the ground and not in hives as in Castille The honny comhes which I have seene in the Province of Charcas which they call Chiguanas are of a grey colour having little iuyce and are more like vnto sweete strawe than to hony combs They say the Bees are litle like vnto flies and that they swarme vnder the earth The hony is sharp and black yet in some places there is better and the combes better fashioned as in the province of Tucuman in Chille and in Carthagene I have not seene nor heard speak● of wilde boares but of foxes and other wild beasts that eate their cattell and fowle there are more than their shepheards would willingly have Besides these beasts that are furious and hurtfull there are others that are profitable and have not beene transported by the Spaniardes as stagges and diere whereof there is gro●t aboundance in all the forrests But the greatest parte is a kinde of diere without hornes at the least I have never seene nor heard speake of other and all are without hornes like vnto Corcos It seemes not hard to beleeve but is almost certain that all these beasts for their lightnesse and being naturally wilde have passed from one world to an other by some parts where they ioyne seeing that in the great Ilands farre from the maine land I have not heard that there are any though I have made diligent inquiry Of Fowles which are heere and are at the Indies and how they could passe thither CHAP. 35. WEe may more easily beleeve the same of birdes and that there are of the same kindes that wee have as partridges turtles pigeons stockdoves quailes and many sorts of falcons which they send from New Spaine and Peru to the noblemen of Spaine for they make great accompt of them There are also Herons and Eagles of diverse kindes and there is no doubt but these birds such like have sooner passed thither than lions tygres and stagges There are likewise at the Indies great numbers of parrots especially vpon the Andes of Peru and in the Ilands of Port Ricco and saint Dominique where they flee by flockes as pigeons do here To conclude birdes with their wings may goe where they will and truely many kindes might well passe the gulph seeing it is certaine as Plinie affirmeth that there are many that passe the sea and goe into strange regions although I have not read that any fowle hath passed by flight so great a gulph as is the Indian Ocean yet hold I it not altogether impossible seeing the common opinion of mariners that you shall finde them twoo hundred leagues and more from the land And as Aristotle dooth teach that birdes endure the water easely having little respiration as wee see in sea fowle which dive and remain long vnder the
water Even so we may say that the fowle which bee at this present vppon the maine land and in the Ilands at the Indies might passe the sea resting themselves in some small Ilands or vpon some land which they discovered by a naturall instinct as Plinie reporteth of some or peradventure falling into the water when they were weary of flying and after beganne their flight a new when they had alittle rested As for the fowles which we see in the Ilands where there are no beasts I beleeve certainly that they passed by one of the foresayde meanes But for other birdes which we finde vppon the maine land especially those whose flight is shorte it is more credible that they came thither as the beasts did which are of the same kindes that wee have in Europe For at the Indies there are great birds very heavy as Estridges whereof there are many in Peru which doe vse sometimes to terrifie the Indian sheepe as they do goe with their burthens But leaving these birds that govern themselves without the care of man but onely for hawking let vs now speake of tame fowle I wondered at hennes seeing there were som at the Indies before the Spaniards came there the which is well approoved for they have a proper name of the country and they call a henne Gualpa and the egge P●nto and they vse the same proverb wee doe to call a coward a henne Those that were at the discovery of the Ilands of Soloman do report that they have seene hennes there like vnto ours wee may conceive that the henne being so tame a fowle and so profitable men might carry them with them when they passed from one place to another as we see at this day the Indians in their travel carry their henne with them or chicken vpon the burthen they have on their shoulders and likewise they carry them easily in their cages of reedes or wood Finally there be at the Indies many kindes of beasts and birdes such as we have in Europe as I have specified and other sortes which I leave to others to discourse of How it spould be possible that at the Indies there should be anie sortes of beasts whereof the like are no where else CHAP. 36. IV were a matter more difficult to shew and prove what beginning many sundry sorts of beasts had which are found at the Indies of whose kindes we have none in this continent For if the Creator hath made them there wee may not then alleadge nor flie to Noahs Arke neither was it then necessary to save all sorts of birds and beasts if others were to be created anew Moreover wee could not affirme that the creation of the world was made and finished in sixe dayes if there were yet other new kinds to make and specially perfit beasts and no lesse excellent than those that are knowen vnto vs If we say then that all these kindes of creatures were preserved in the Arke by Noah it followes that those beasts of whose kindes we finde not any but at the Indies have passed thither from this continent as we have saide of other beasts that are knowne vnto vs. This supposed I demand how it is possible that none of their kinde shoulde remaine heere and how they are found there being as it were travellers and strangers Truly it is a question that hath long held me in suspens I say for example if the sheep of Peru and those which they call Pacos and Guanacos are not found in any other regions of the worlde who hath carried them thither or how came they there seeing there is no shew nor remainder of them in all this worlde If they have not passed from some other region how were they formed and brought foorth there It may be GOD hath made a new creation of beasts That which I speake of these Pacos and Guanacos may be said of a thousand different kindes of birdes and beasts of the forrest which have never beene knowne neither in shape nor name and whereof there is no mention made neither among the Latins nor Greekes nor any other nations of the world We must then say that though all beasts came out of the Arke yet by a naturall instinct and the providence of heaven diverse kindes dispersed themselves into diverse regions where they found themselves so well as they woulde not parte or if they departed they did not preserve themselves but in processe of time perished wholy as we do see it chaunce in many things For if we shall looke precisely into it we shall finde that it is not proper and peculiar alone to the Indies but generall to many other Nations and Provinces of Asia Europe and Affrike where they say there are certaine kindes of creatures that are not found in other regions at the least if they be any where else they are knowne to be carried from thence Seeing then these creatures came out of the Arke as for example the elephant which we finde only in the East Indies and from thence have beene imparted to other regions wee may say as much of these creatures of Peru and of others of the Indies which are not found in any other part of the world Wee may likewise consider well vppon this subiect whether these beasts differ in kind and essentially from all others or if this difference be accidentall which might growe by diverse accidents as we see in the linages of men some are white others blacke some giants others dwa●fes and in apes some have no taile others have and in sheepe some are bare others have fleeces some great and strong with a long necke as those of Peru others weake and little having a short necke as those of Castille But to speake directly whoso would by this Discourse shewing only these accidentall differences preserve the propagation of beasts at the Indies and reduce them to those of Europ he shal vndertake a charge he will hardly discharge with his honor For if we shall iudge the kindes of beasts by their properties those of the Indies are so diverse as it is to call an egge a chesnut to seeke to reduce them to the knowne kinds of Europe Of Fowles that are proper to the Indies CHAP. 37. THere are many kindes of notable fowles at the Indies eyther of the same sort that ours be or of different They bring certaine birds from China that have no feete and all their bodies are almost feathers They sit not vpon the ground but hang vpon boughs by strings or feathers which they have and so rest themselves like flies or aierie things In Peru there are birdes which they ●●ll Tómineios so small that often times I have doubted seeing them flie whether they were bees or butter-flies but in truth they are birdes Contrariwise those which they call Condores be of an exceeding greatnes and of such a force that not onely they will open a sheepe and eate it but also a whole calfe Those which they call Auras and
others PoullaZes which in my opinion are of the kinde of ravens are of a strange lightnes and have a very quicke sight being very fit to clense Citties for that they leave no carion nor dead thing They passe the night on trees or vpon rockes and in the morning they come to the cities and townes sitting on the toppes of the highest buildings where they attend their prey Their yong have white feathers as they report of ravens and so change into blacke The Guacamayac be birdes bigger then Parrets resemble them somthing they are esteemed for the varietie of their feathers which be very faire pleasing In new Spaine there are aboundance of birdes with excellent feathers so as there be not any found in Europe that comes neere them as we may see by the images of feathers they bring from thence the which are with great reason much valued and esteemed giving cause of admiration that with the feathers of birdes they should make so excellent a worke and so perfectly equall as they seeme properly to be the true coloures of a painter and have so lively and pleasing a regard as the Painter cannot exceede it with his pencill and colours Some Indians which are good and expert workemen in this Art will represent perfectly in feathers whatsoever they see drawne with the pencill so as the Painters of Spaine have in this point no advantage over them Don Philip the Prince of Spaine his schoolemaster did give vnto him three figures or po●traitures made of feathers as it were to put in a Breviary His Highnes did shew them to King Philip his father the which his Maiesty beholding attentively said that hee had never seene in so small a worke a thing of so great excellency and perfection One day as they presented to Pope Sixtus quintus another square bigger then it wherein was the figure of St. Francis and that they had told him it was made of feathers by the Indians he desired to make triall thereof touching the table with his fingers to see if it were of feathers for that it seemed strange to see them so properly fitted that the eye could not iudge nor discerne whether they were naturall colours of feathers or artificiall done with the pencill It is a goodly thing to see the lustre which a greene an orange tawny like gold and other fine colours do cast and beholding them another way they seeme dead colours They make the best and goodliest figures of feathers in the Province of Mechovacan and in the village of Pascaro The manner is with small delicate pinsors they pul the feathers from the dead fowles and with a fine paste they cunningly ioyne them together They take the smal delicate feathers of those birds which in Peru they call T●miney●s or others like vnto them which have the most perfect colours in their feathers The Indians besides these images did vse feathers in many other most excellent workes especially for the ornament of Kings and Noblemen their Temples and Idolls There are also other great birdes which have excellent and fine feathers whereof they make plumes of sundry colours especially when they go to warre inriching them with gold and silver very artificially which was a matter of great price They have the same birdes still but they are not so curious neither do they make so many gentill devises as they were wont There are other birdes at the Indies contrarie to these of so rich feathers the which besides that they are ill favovred serve to no other vse but for dung and yet perchance they are of no lesse profite I have considered this wondering at the providence of the Creator who hath so appointed that all creatures should serve man In some Ilands or Phares which are ioyning to the coast ●of Peru wee see the toppes of the mountaines all white and to sight you would take it for snow or for some white land but they are heapes of dung of sea fowle which go continually thither and there is so great aboundance as it riseth many elles yea many launces in height which seemes but a fable They go with boates to these Ilands onely for the dung for there is no other profit in them And this dung is so commodious and profitable as it makes the earth yeelde great aboundance of fruite They cal this dung Guano whereof the valley hath taken the name which they call Limagua●a in the valleys of Peru where they vse this dung and it is the most fertile of all that countrie The quinces poungranets and other fruites there exceede all other in bountie and greatnes and they say the reason is for that the water wherewith they water it passeth by a land compassed with this dung which causeth the beautie of this fruite So as these birdes have not only the flesh to serve for meate their singing for recreation their feathers for ornament and beautie but also their dung serves to fatten the ground The which hath bin so appointed by the soveraigne Creator for the service of man that he might remember to acknowledge and be loyall to him from whom all good proceedes Of Beasts for the Chases CHAP. 38. BEsides the Beasts of Chase whereof we have spoken which be common to the Indies and Europe there are others which I doe not remember to have seene heere vnlesse perhappes they have been brought from thence There are beasts called Sainos made like small hogges which have this singular to themselves to have their navill vppon the ridge of their backes these go by troupes through the woods they are cruell and nothing fearefull but contrariwise they assaile and have their tallents sharpe as rasors wherewith they make dangerous wounds and incisions if such as hunt them put not themselves in safetie Such as hunt them for the more safer killing of them they climbe vp into trees whither the Sainos or hogges come presently in troupes biting the tree when they cannot hurte the man and then with their launces they kill what they will They are very good to eate but they must of necessitie cut off the round peece where the navil growes vpon the backe for otherwise within a day they corrupt There is another kinde of little beast like to sucking pigges and they call them Guadatinaias I am in doubt whether there were any swine at the Indies ●efore the Spaniardes came thither like to these in ●paine for that in the discoverie of the Ilands of Soloman it is said they found hennes and swine of Spaine But howsoever it be it is most certaine that this cattell hath greatly multiplied at the Indies They eate the flesh fresh and hold it to be as holesome and as good as if it were of mutton as in Carthagene in some partes they are become wilde and cruell the which they hunt like wilde boares as we see in S. Dominique and other Ilands where the beasts live in the forrests In some places they feede them with the graine of Mays and they
go commonly to recreate themselves at the Narells or monasteries of these Monkes and returne in a manner alwayes drunke These monasteries commonly are without the townes and have temples within their close yet in China they are not greatly curious of idolles or of temples for the Mandarins little esteeme idolls and do hold it for a vaine thing and worthy to be laughed at yea they beleeve there is no other life nor Paradice but to be in the office of the Mandarins nor any other hel than the prisons they have for offendours As for the common sorte they say it is necessary to entertayne them with idolatry as the Philosopher himselfe reacheth his Governors and in the Scripture it was an excuse which Aaron gave for the idol of the Calfe that he caused to be made yet the Chinois vsed to tarry in the poupe of their shippes in little chapels a virgin imbosst set in a chaire with two Chinois before her kneeling in maner of Angels having a light burning there both day and night And when they are to sette saile they do many sacrifices and ceremonies with a great noyse of drummes and bells casting papers burnt at the poupe Comming to our religious men I doe not knowe that in Peru there is any proper houses for men but for the Priests and Sorcerers whereof there is an infinite number But it seemeth that in Mexico the divel hath set a due observation for within the circuit of the great temple there were two monasteries as before hath bin sayd one of Virgins whereof I have spoken the other of yoong men secluded of eighteene or twenty yeares of age which they called religious They weare shaved crownes as the Friars in these partes their haire alittle longer which fell to the middest of their care except the hinder part of the head which they let growe the breadth of foure fingers downe to their shoulders and which they tyed vppe in tresses These yoong men that served in the temple of Vitzliputzli lived poorely and chastely and did the office of Levites ministering to the priests and chiefe of the temple their incense lights garments they swept and made cleane the holy places bringing wood for a continual fire to the harth of their god which was like a lampe that still burnt before the Altar of their idoll Besides these yong men there were other little boyes as novices that served for manuall vses as to deck the temple with boughs roses and reeds give the Priests water to wash with give them their rasors to sacrifice and goe with such as begged almes to carry it All these had their superiors who had the governement over them they lived so honestly as when they came in publike where there were any women they carried their heads very lowe with their eyes to the ground not daring to beholde them they had linnen garments and it was lawfull for them to goe into the Citty foure or sixe together to aske almes in all quarters and when they gave them none it was lawful to go into the corne fields and gather the cares of corne or clusters of Mays which they most needed the Maister not daring to speake nor hinder them They had this liberty because they lived poorely and had no other revenues but almes There might not be above fifty live in penance rising at midnight to sound the cornets and trumpets to awake the people Every one watched the idoll in his turne left the fire before the Altare should die they gave the censor with the which the Priest at midnight incensed the idoll and also in the morning at noone and at night They were very subiect and obedient to their superiors and passed not any one poynt that was commaunded them And at midnight after the priesthad ended his censing they retired themselves into a secret place apart sacrificing drawing blood from the calfes of their legges with sharpe bodkins with this blood they rubbed their temples vnder their cares and this sacrifice finished they presently washt themselves in a little poole appoynted to that end These yong men did not annoint their heads and bodies with any Petum as the Priestes did their garments were of a course white linnen cloth they do make there These exercises and strictnesse of penance continued a whole yeare during which time they lived with great austeritie and solitarinesse In truth it is very strange to see that this false opinion of religion hath so great force among these yoong men and maidens of Mexico that they will serve the Divell with so great rigor and austerity which many of vs doe not in the service of the most high God the which is a great shame and confusion for those amongst vs that glory to have doone a small penaunce although this exercise of the Mexicaines was not continuall but for a yeare onely which made it the more tollerable Of Penance and the Strictnes the Indians have vsed at the Divells perswasion CHAP. 17. SEeing we are come to this point it shall bee good both to discover the cursed pride of Sathan and to confound it and somewhat to quicken our coldnes and sl●th in the service of the great GOD to speake some thing of the rigor and strange penance this miserable people vsed at the Divells perswasion like to the false Prophets of Baal who did beate and wound them●elves with lancets drawing forth bloud or like those that sacrificed their sonnes and daughters vnto loathsome Belphegor passing them through the fire as holy Writ testifieth for Sathan hath alwayes desired to be served to the great hurte and spoyle of man It hath beene said that the priests and religious of Mexico rose at midnight and having cast incense before the idoll they retired themselves into a large place where there were many lights and sitting downe every one tooke a poynt of Manguay which is like vnto an awle or sharpe bodkin with the which or with some other kindes of launcets or rasors they pierced the calfes of their legges neare to the bone drawing foorth much blood with the which they annoynted their temples dipt these bodkins or lancets in the rest of the blood then set they them vpon the battlements of the Court stickt in gloabes or bowles of strawe that all might see and know the penance they did for the people they do wash off the blood in a lake appoynted for that purpose which they call Ezapangue which is to say water of blood There were in the Temple a great number of bodkins or lancets for that they might not vse one twice Moreover these Priests and Religious men vsed great fastings of five or ten daies together before any of their great feastes and they were vnto them as our foure ember weekes they were so strict in continence that some of them not to fall into any sensualitie slit their members in the midst and did a thousand thinges to make themselves vnable lest they should offend
their gods They drunke no wine and slept little for that the greatest part of their exercises were by night committing great cruelties and martiring themselves for the Divell and all to bee reputed great fasters and penitents They did vse to discipline themselves with cordes full of knottes and not they onely but the people also vsed this punishment and whipping in the procession and feast they made to the idoll TeZcalipuca the which as I have said before is the god of penance for then they all carried in their hands new cordes of the threed of Manguey a fadome long with a knot at the end and therewith they whipped themselves giving great lashes over their shoulders The Priests did fast five daies together before this feast eating but once a day and they lived apart from their wives not going out of the Temple during those five daies they did whip themselves rigorously in the maner aforesaid The Iesuites which have written from the Indies treate amply of the penances and exceeding rigor the Boncos vse all which was but counterfait and more in shew then in trueth In Peru to solemnize the feast of the Yta which was great all the people fasted two daies during the which they did not accompany with their wives neyther did they eate any meate with salt or garlike nor drinke Chica They did much vse this kinde of fasting for some sinnes and did penance whipping themselves with sharpe stinging nettles and often they strooke themselves over the shoulders with certaine stones This blinde Nation by the perswasion of the Divell did transport themselves into craggy mountaines where sometimes they sacrificed themselves casting themselves downe from some high rocke All which are but snares and deceites of him that desires nothing more then the losse and ruine of man Of the Sacrifices the Indians made to the Divell and whereof CHAP. 18. IT hath beene in the aboundance and diversitie of Offrings and Sacrifices taught vnto the Infidells for their idolatrie that the enemy of God and man hath most shewed his subtiltie and wickednes And as it is a fit thing and proper to religion to consume the substance of the creatures for the service and honour of the Creator the which is by sacrifice even so the father of lies hath invented the meanes to cause the creatures of God to be offered vnto him as to the Author and Lord thereof The first kinde of sacrifices which men vsed was very simple for Caine offered the fruites of the earth and Abell the best of his cattell the which likewise Noe and Abraham did afterwardes and the other Patriarkes vntil that this ample ceremony of Levi was given by Moses wherein there are so many sortes and differences of sacrifices of divers things for divers affaires and with divers ceremonies In like sort among some Nations hee hath beene content to teach them to sacrifice of what they had but among others hee hath passed farre giving them a multitude of customes and ceremonies vpon sacrifices and so many observances as they are wonderfull And thereby it appeares plainely that he meanes to contend and equall himselfe to the ancient law and in many things vsurpe the same ceremonies Wee may draw all the sacrifices the Infidells vse into three kindes one of insensible things another of beasts and the third of men They did vse in Peru to sacrifice Coca which is an hearb they esteeme much of Mays which is their wheate of coloured feathers and of Chaquira which otherwise they call Mollo of shelles or oysters and sometime gold and silver being in figures of little beasts Also of the fine stuffe of Cumbi of carved and sweete wood and most commonly tallow burnt They made these offerings or sacrifices for a prosperous winde and faire weather or for their health and to be delivered from some dangers and mishappes Of the second kinde their ordinary sacrifice was of Cuyes which are small beasts like rabbets the which the Indians eate commonly And in matters of importance or when they were rich men they did offer Pacos or Indian sheepe bare or with wooll observing curiously the numbers colours and times The maner of killing their sacrifices great or small which the Indians did vse according to their ancient ceremonies is the same the Moores vse at this day the which they call Alquible hanging the beast by the right fore legge turning his eyes towards the Sun speaking certaine wordes according to the qualitie of the sacrifice they flew for if it were of colour their wordes were directed to Chuquilla and to the Thunder that they might want no water if it were white smoothe they did offer it to the Sunne with certaine wordes if it had a fleece they did likewise offer it him with some others that he might shine vpon them and favour their generation If it were a Guanaco which is gray they directed their sacrifice to Viracocha In Cusco they did every yeare kill and sacrifice with this ceremony a shorne sheepe to the Sunne and did burne it clad in a red waste-coate and when they did burne it they cast certaine small baskets of Coca into the fire which they call Vilcaronca for which sacrifice they have both men and beasts appointed which serve to no other vse They did likewise sacrifice small birdes although it were not so vsuall in Peru as in Mexico where the sacrificing of quailes was very ordinarie Those of Peru did sacrifice the birdes of Puna for so they call the desart when they should go to the warres for to weaken the forces of their adversaries Guacas They called these sacrifices Cuzcovicca or Contevicca or Huallavicca or Sophavicca and they did it in this maner they tooke many kindes of small birdes of the desart and gathered a great deale of a thornie wood which they call Ya●lli the which being kindled they gathered together these small birdes This assembly they called Qui●o then did they cast them into the fire about the which the officers of the sacrifice went with certaine round stones carved whereon were painted many snakes lions toades and tigres vttering this word Vsachum which signifies let the victorie be given vnto vs with other wordes whereby they sayed the forces of their enemies Guacas were confounded And they drew forth certaine blacke sheepe which had beene kept close some daies without meate the which they called Vrca and in killing them they spake these words As the hearts of these beasts be weakened so let our enemies be weakned And if they found in these sheep that a certaine peece of flesh behind the heart were not consumed by fasting and close keeping they then held it for an ill augure They brought certaine black dogs which they call Appuros and slew them casting them into a plaine with certaine ceremonies causing some kinde of men to eate this flesh the which sacrifices they did lest the Ingua should be hurt by poison and for this cause they fasted from morning vntill the stars were vp
and then they did glut and defile themselves like to the Moores This sacrifice was most fit for them to withstand their enemies gods and although at this day a great part of these customes have ceased the wars being ended yet remaines there some relikes by reason of the private or generall quarrels of the Indians or the Caciques or in their Citties They did likewise offer and sacrifice shelles of the sea which they call Mollo and they offered them to the fountaines and springs saying that these shells were daughters of the sea the mother of all waters They gave vnto these shells sundrie names according to the color and also they vse them to divers ends They vsed them in a maner in all kinde of sacrifices and yet to this day they put beaten shells in their Chica for a superstition Finally they thought it convenient to offer sacrifices of every thing they did sow or raise vp There were Indians appointed to doe these sacrifices to the fountaine springs and rivers which passed through the townes or by their Chacras which are their farmes which they did after seede ●ime that they might not cease running but alwaies water their groundes The sorcerers did coniure to know what time the sacrifices should be made which being ended they did gather of the contribution of the people what should be sacrificed and delivered them to such as had the charge of these sacrifices They made them in the beginning of winter at such time as the fountaines springs and rivers did increase by the moistures of the weather which they did attribute to their sacrifices They did not sacrifice to the fountaines and springs of the desarts To this day continues the respect they had to fountaines springs pooles brookes or rivers which passe by their Citties or Chacras even vnto the fountaines and rivers of the desarts They have a speciall regard and reverence to the meeting of two rivers and there they wash themselves for their health anointing themselves first with the flower of Mays or some other things adding therevnto divers ceremonies the which they do likewise in their bathes Of the Sacrifices they made of men CHAP. 19. THe most pittifull disaster of this poore people is their slavery vnto the Devill sacrificing men vnto him which are the Images of God In many nations they had vsed to kill to accompany the dead as hath beene declared such persons as had been agreeable vnto him and whome they imagined might best serve him in the other world Besides this they vsed in Peru to sacrifice yong children of foure or six yeares old vnto tenne and the greatest parte of these sacrifices were for the affaires that did import the Ingua as in sickenes for his health and when he went to the warres for victory or when they gave the wreathe to their new Ingua which is the marke of a King as heere the Scepter and the Crowne be In this solemnitie they sacrificed the number of two hundred children from foure to ten yeares of age which was a cruell and inhumane spectacle The manner of the sacrifice was to drowne them and bury them with certaine representations and ceremonies sometimes they cutte off their heads annointing themselves with the blood from one eare to an other They did likewise sacrifice Virgines some of them that were brought to the Ingua from the monasteries as hath beene saide In this case there was a very great and generall abuse If any Indian qualified or of the common sorte were sicke and that the Divine tolde him confidently that he should die they did then sacrifice his owne sonne to the Sunne or to Virachoca desiring them to be satisfied with him and that they would not deprive the father of life This cruelty is like to that the holy Scripture speakes of which king Moab vsed in sacrificing his first borne sonne vpon the wall in the sight of all Israel to whome this act seemed so mournfull as they would not presse him any further but returned to their houses The holy Scripture also shewes that the like kinde of sacrifice had beene in vse amongst the barbarous nations of the Cananeans and Iebuseans and others whereof the booke of Wisedome speakes They call it peace to live in so great miseries and vexations as to sacrifice their owne children or to doe other hidden sacrifices as to watch whole nights doing the actes of fooles and so they keepe no cleanenesse in their life nor in their marriages but one through envy takes away the life of an other an other takes away his wife and his contentment and all is in confusion blood murther theft deceipt corruption infidelitie seditions periuries mutinies forgetfulnesse of God pollution of soules change of sexes and birth inconstancie of marriages and the disorder of adultery and filthinesse for idolatry is the sincke of all miseries The Wise man speaketh this of those people of whome David complaines that the people of Israel had learned those customes even to sacrifice their sonnes and daughters to the divell the which was never pleasing nor agreeable vnto God For as hee is the Authour of life and hath made all these things for the commoditie and good of man so is hee not pleased that men should take the lives one from another although the Lord did approove and accept the willingnesse of the faithfull patriarke Abraham yet did hee not consent to the deede which was to cut off the head of his sonne wherein wee see the malice and tyranny of the divell who would be herein as God taking pleasure to be worshipt with the effusion of mans blood procuring by this meanes the ruine of soule and body together for the deadly hatred he beareth to man as his cruell enemy Of the horrible sacrifices of men which the Mexicaines vsed CHAP. 20. ALthough they of Peru have surpassed the Mexicaines in the slaughter and sacrifice of their children for I have not read nor vnderstood that the Mexicaines vsed any such sacrifices yet they of Mexico have exceeded them yea all the nations of the worlde in the great number of men which they had sacrificed and in the horrible maner thereof And to the end we may see the great miserie wherein the Divell holdes this blind Nation I will relate particularly the custome and inhumane maner which they have observed First the men they did sacrifice were taken in the warres neyther did they vse these solemne sacrifices but of Captives so as it seemes therein they have followed the custome of the Ancients For as some Authors say they called the sacrifice Victima for this reason because it was of a conquered thing they also called it Hostia quasi ab hoste for that it was an offering made of their enemies although they have applied this word to all kindes of sacrifices In truth the Mexicaines did not sacrifice any to their idolls but Captives and the ordinarie warres they made was onely to have Captives for their sacrifices and therefore when they
the old women do commonly vse this office of witch-craft specially those of one Province which they call Coaillo and of another towne called Manchey and of the Province of Guarochiri They likewise shew what is become of things stolne and lost There are of these kindes of Sorcerers in all partes to whom commonly doe come the Anacona●● and Cyva which serve the Spaniardes and when they have lost any thing of their masters or wh●n they desire to know the successe of things past or to come as when they goe to the Spaniardes citties for their private affaires or for the publike they demaund if their voyage shall be prosperous if they shall be sicke if they shall die or returne safe if they shall obtaine that which they pretend and the witches or coniurers answer yea or no having first spoken with the Divell in an obscure place so as these Anaconas do well heare the sound of the voyce but they see not to whom these coniurers speake neither do they vnderstand what they say They make a thousand ceremonies and sacrifices to this effect with the which they mocke the Divell and grow exceeding drunke for the doing whereof they particularly vse an hearbe called Villea the iuyce whereof they mingle with their Chica or take it in some other sort whereby we may see how miserable they are that have for their masters the ministers of him whose office is to deceive It is manifest that nothing doth so much let the Indians from receiving the faith of the holy Gospel and to persever therein as the conferrence with these witches whereof there have bin and are still great numbers although by the grace of the Lord and diligence of the Prelates and Priestes they decrease and are not so hurtefull Some of them have beene converted and preached publikely discovering and blaming themselves their errors and deceites and manifesting their devises and lies whereof wee have seene great effects as also we vnderstand by letters from Iappon that the like hath arrived in those parts all to the glory and honour of our Lord God Of other Ceremonies and Customes of the Indians which are like vnto ours CHAP. 27. THe Indians had an infinite number of other ceremonies and customes which resembled to the ancient law of Moses and some to those which the Moores vse and some approached neere to the law of the Gospel as their bathes or Opacuna as they call them they did wash themselves in water to clense them from their sins The Mexicaines had also amongst them a kinde of baptisme the which they did with ceremony cutting the eares and members of yong children new borne counterfaiting in some sort the circumcision of the Iewes This ceremony was done principally to the sonnes of Kings and Noblemen presently vpon their birth the priestes did wash them and did put a little sword in the right hand and in the left a target And to the children of the vulgar sort they put the markes of their offices and to their daughters instruments to spinne knit and labour This ceremony continued foure daies being made before some idoll They contracted mariage after their maner whereof the Licentiate Pollo hath written a whole Treatise and I will speake somewhat thereon heereafter In other things their customes and ceremonies have some shew of reason The Mexicaines were married by the handes of their priestes in this sort The Bridegroome and the Bride stoode together before the priest who tooke them by the hands asking them if they would marrie then having vnderstoode their willes hee tooke a corner of the vaile wherewith the woman had her head covered and a corner of the mans gowne the which he tied together on a knot and so led them thus tied to the Bridegroomes house where there was a harth kindled and then he caused the wife to go seven times about the harth and so the married couple sate downe together and thus was the mariage contracted The Mexicaines were very iealous of the integritie of their wives so as if they found they were not as they ought to be the which they knew eyther by signes or dishonest wordes they presently gave notice thereof to their fathers and kinsfolkes of their wives to their great shame and dishonor for that they had not kept good guarde over them But they did much honour and respect such as lived chastely making them great banquttes and giving great presentes both to her and to her kinsfolkes For this occasion they made great offerings to their gods and a solemne banket in the house of the wife and another in the husbands When they went to house they made an inventory of all the man and wife brought together of provisions for the house of land of iewells and ornaments which inventories every father kept for if it chanced they made any devorce as it was common amongest them when they agree not they divided their goods according to the portion that every one brought every one having libertie in such a case to marry whom● they pleased and they gave the daughters to the wife and the sonnes to the husband It was defended vpon paine of death not to marry againe together the which they observed very strictly And although it seeme that many of their ceremonies agree with ours yet differ they much for the great abhomination they mingle therewithall It is common and generall to have vsually one of these three things either cruelty filthines or slouth for all their ceremonies were cruell and hurtefull as to kill men and to spill blood are filthy and beastly as to eate and drinke to the name of their Idolls and also to pisse in the honour of them carrying them vpon their shoulders to annoint and besmeere themselves filthily and to do a thousand sortes of villanies which were at the least vaine ridiculous and idle and more like the actions of children then of men The cause thereof is the very condition of this wic●ed spirit whose intention is alwaies to do ill provoking men still to murthers and filthines or at the least to vanities and fruitelesse actions the which every man may well know if he duly consider the behaviour and actions of the Divell towardes those he sets to deceive For in all his illusions we finde a mixture of these three or at least of one of them The Indians themselves since they came to the knowledge of our faith laugh and mocke at these fooleries and toyes in the which their gods held them busied whom they served more for feare least they should hurte them in not obaying them in all things then for any love they bare them Although some yea very many lived abused and deceived with the vaine hope of temporall goods for of the eternall they had no knowledge And whereas the temporall power was greatest there superstition hath most increased as we see in the Realmes of Mexico and Cusco where it is incredible to see the number of idolls they had for within the
month doth answer to our Iuly The ninth moneth was called Yapaguis in the which they burnt an hundred sheepe more of a chesnut colour and they do likewise kill and burne a thousand Cuyes to the end the frost the ayre the water nor the sunne should not hurt their farmes and this moneth doth answer vnto August The tenth moneth was called Coyarami in the which they burnt a hundred white sheepe that had fleeces In this month which answereth to September they made the feast called Situa in this manner They assembled together the first day of the moone before the rising thereof and in seeing it they cryed aloude carrying torches in their handes and saying Let all harme goe away striking one an other with their torches They that did this were called Panconcos which being doone they went to the common bath to the rivers and fountaines and every one to his own bath setting themselves to drink foure dayes together In this moneth the Mamacomas of the sunne made a great number of small loaves with the blood of the sacrifices and gave a peece to every stranger yea they sent to every Guaca throughout the realme and to many Curacas in signe of confederation and loyaltie to the Sunne and the Ingua as hath bin said The bathes drunkennesse and some relickes of this feast Situa remaine even vnto this day in some places with the ceremonies a little different but yet very secretly for that these chiefe and principall feasts have ceased The eleventh moneth Homaraymi Punchaiquis wherein they sacrificed a hundred sheepe more And if they wanted water to procure raine they set a black sheepe tied in the middest of a plaine powring much Chica about it and giving it nothing to eate vntill it rained which is practised at this day in many places in the time of our October The twelfth and last month was called Aymara wherein they did likewise sacrifice a hundred sheepe and made the feast called Raymicantara Rayquis In this moneth which aunswered to our November they prepared what was necessary for the children that should be made novices the moneth following the children with the old men made a certaine shew with rounds and turnings and this feast was called Ituraymi which commonly they make when it raines too much or too little or when there is a plague Among the extraordinary feasts which were verymany the most famous was that which they called 〈◊〉 This feast Ytu hath no prefixed time nor season but in time of necessitie To prepare themselves thereunto all the people fasted two dayes during the which they did neyther company with their wives nor eate anie meate with salt or garlicke nor drinke any Chica All did assemble together in one place where no straunger was admitted nor any beast they had garments and ornaments which served onely for this feast They marched very quietly in procession their heades covered with their vailes sounding of drummes without speaking one to another This continued a day and a night then the day following they daunced and made good cheere for twoo dayes and two nights together saying that their prayer was accepted And although that this feast is not vsed at this day with all this antient ceremony yet commonly they make another which is verie like which they call Ayma with garmentes that serve onely to that end and they make this kind of procession with their Drummes having fasted before then after they make good cheere which they vsually doe in their vrgent necessities And although the Indians forbeare to sacrifice beasts or other things publikely which cannot be hidden from the Spaniardes yet doe they still vse many ceremonies that have their beginnings from these feasts and auntient superstitions for at this day they do covertly make this feast of Ytu at the dances of the feast of the Sacrament in making the daunces of Lyamallama and of Guacon and of others according to their auntient ceremonies wherevntowe ought to take good regarde They have made more large Discourses of that which concerneth this matte● for the necessary observation of the abuses and superstitions the Indians had in the time of their gentility to the end the Priestes and Curates may the better take heede Let this suffice now to have treated of the exercise wherewith the divell held those superstitious nations occupied to the end that against his will wee may see the difference there is betwixt light and darknes betwixt the trueth of Christ and the lies of the Gentiles although the ennemy of God and man hath laboured with all his devises to counterfet those things which are of God Of the feast of Iubilee which the Mexicaines celebrated CHAP. 29. THe Mexicaines have beene no lesse curious in their feasts and solemnities which were of small charge but of great effusion of mans blood Wee have before spoken of the principall feast of VitZiliputZli after the which the feast of Tezcalipuca was most solempnized This feast fell in Maie and in their Kalender they called it Tozcolt it fell every foure yeeres with the feast of Penaunce where there was given full indulgence and remission of sinnes In this day they did sacrifice a captive which resembled the idoll Tezcalipuca it was the nineteenth day of Maie vpon the even of this feast the Noblemen came to the Temple bringing a new garment like vnto that of the idoll the which the Priest put vpon him having first taken off his other garments which they kept with as much or more reverence than we doe our ornaments There were in the coffers of the idoll many ornaments iewelles earerings and other riches as bracelets and pretious feathers which served to no othervse but to be there and was worshipped as their god it selfe Besides the garment wherewith they worshipped the idoll that day they put vpon him certaine ensignes of feathers with fannes shadowes and other things being thus attired and furnished they drew the curtaine or vaile from before the doore to the end he might be seene of all men then came forth one of the chiefe of the temple attired like to the idoll carrying flowers in his hand and a flute of earth having a very sharpe sound and turning towards the east he founded it and then looking to the west north and south he did the like And after he had thus sounded towards the foure parts of the world shewing that both they that were present and absent did heare him hee put his finger into the aire and then gathered vp earth which he put in his mouth and did eate it in signe of adoration The like did all they that were present and weeping they fell flat to the ground invocating the darkenesse of the night and the windes intreating them not to leave them nor to forget them or else to take away their lives and free them from the labors they indured therein Theeves adulterers and murtherers and all others offendors had great feare and heavinesse whilest this flute sounded so as some could
beganne to runne away supposing that the bridge which was of stone should presently fall but when they found it to stand firme and that the Spaniards went on it the Cacique saide to his companions It is reason we should serve these men who in trueth seeme to be the children of the Sunne The bridges they made were of reedes plaited which they tied to the bankes with great stakes for that they could not make any bridges ofstone or wood The bridge which is at this day vpon the current of the great lake Chiquitto in Collao is admirable for the course of that water is so deep as they can not settle any foundation and so broade that it is impossible to make an arch to passe it so as it was altogether impossible to make a bridge eyther of wood or stone But the wit and industry of the Indians invented a meanes to make a firme and assured bridge being only of strawe which seemeth fabulous yet is it very true For as we have said before they did binde together certaine bundles of reedes and weedes which do grow in the lake that they call Torora and being a light matter that sinkes not in the water they cast it vppon a great quantity of reedes then having tyed those bundles of weedes to either side of the river both men and beasts goe over it with ease passing over this bridge I have woondered that of so common and easie a thing they had made a bridge better and more assured than the bridge of boates from Seville to Triane I have measured the length of this bridge and as I remember it was above three hundred foote and they say that the depth of this current is very great and it seemes above that the water hath no motion yet they say that at the bottome it hath a violent and very furious course And this shall suffice for buildings Of the Inguas revenues and the order of Tributes they imposed vpon the Indians CHAP. 15. THe Inguas riches was incomparable for although no king did inherite the riches and treasure of his predecessor yet had he at commaund all the riches of his realmes aswell silver and gold as the stuffe of Cumbi and cattell wherein they abounded and their greatest riches of all was their innumerable number of vassalles which were all imployed as it pleased the King They brought out of every province what he had chosen for tribute The Chicas sent him sweete and rich woods the Lucanas sent Brancars to carry his Litter The Chumbilbicas dauncers and so the other provinces sent him what they had of aboundaunce besides their generall tribute wherevnto every one contributed The Indians that were noted to that end labored in the mines of golde and silver which did abound in Peru whom the Ingua intertained with all they needed for their expences and whatsoever they drew of gold and silver was for him By this meanes there were so great treasures in this kingdome as it is the opinion of many that what fell in the handes of the Spaniardes although it were very much as wee know was it not the tenth part of that which they hid and buried in the ground the which they could never discover notwithstanding all the search covetousnesse had taught them But the greatest wealth of these barbarous people was that their vassalles were all slaves whose labour they vsed at their pleasure and that which is admirable they imployed them in such sorte as it was no servitude vnto them but rather a pleasing life But to vnderstand the order of tributes which the Indians payed vnto their Lordes you must knowe that when the Ingua conquered any citties he divided all the land into three partes the first was for religion and ceremonies so as the Pachayachaqui which is the Creator and the Sunne the Chuquilla which is the Thunder the Pachamana and the dead and other Guacas and sanctuaries had every one their proper lands the fruits wherof were spoyled and consumed in sacrifices and in the nourishing of ministers and priests for there were Indians appoynted for every Guaca and sanctuary and the greatest parte of this revenue was spent in Cusco where was the vniversall and generall sanctuarie and the rest in that cittie where it was gathered for that after the imitation of Cusco there were in every Citie Guacas and Oratories of the same order and with the same functions which were served after the same manner and ceremonies to that of Cusco which is an admirable thing and they have found it by proofe in above a hundred townes some of them distant above twoo hundred leagues from Cusco That which they sowed or reapt vpon their land was put into houses as greniers or store-houses built for that effect and this was a great parte of the Tribute which the Indians payed I can not say how much this parte amounted vnto for that it was greater in some partes than in other and in some places it was in a manner all and this parte was the first they put to profite The second parte of these lands and inheritances was for the Iugua wherewith he and his housholde were entertained with his kinsfolks noblemen garrisons and souldiers And therefore it was the greatest portion of these tributes as it appeareth by the quantity of golde silver and other tributes which were in houses appoynted for that purpose being longer and larger than those where they keepe the revenues of the Guacas They brought this tribute very carefully to Cusco or vnto such places where it was needefull for the souldiers and when there was store that kept it tenne or twelve yeares vntill a time of necessitie The Indians tilled and put to profite the Inguas lands next to those of the Guacas during which time they lived and were nourished at the charges of the Ingua of the Sunne or of the Guacas according to the land they laboured But the olde men women and sicke folkes were reserved and exempt from this tribute and although whatsoever they gathered vpon those lands were for the Ingua the Sunne or the Guac●s yet the property appertayned vnto the Indians and their successors The third parte of these landes were given by the Ingua for the comminaltie and they have not yet discovered whether this portion were greater or lesse than that of the Ingua or Guacas It is most certaine they had a care and regarde it might be sufficient for the nourishment of the people No particular man possessed any thing proper to himself of this third portion neither didde the Indians ever possesse any if it were not by speciall grace from the Ingua yet might it not be engaged nor divided amongest his heires They every yeare divided these landes of the comminaltie in giving to every one that which was needfull for the nourishment of their persons and families And as the familie increased or diminished so did they encrease or decrease his portion for there were measures appoynted for every person The Indians
originall and beginning was in the valley of Cusco where by little little they conquered the lands which we call Peru passing beyond Quitto vnto the river of Pasto towardes the North stretching even vnto Chille towardes the South which is almost a thousand leagues in length It extended in breadth vnto the South sea towardes the West and vnto the great champains which are on the other side of the Andes where at this day is to be scene the Castell which is called the Pucara of the Ingua the which is a fortresse built for the defence of the frontire towards the East The Inguas advanced no farther on that side for the aboundance of water marshes lakes and rivers which runne in those partes These Inguas passed all the other Nations of Amarica in pollicy and government and much more in valour and armes although the Canaries which were their mortall enemies and favoured the Spaniardes would never confesse it nor yeelde them this advantage so as even at this day if they fall into any discourse or comparisons and that they be a little chased and incensed they kill one another by thousands vpon this quarrell which are the most valiant as it hath happened in Cusco The practise and meanes which the Inguas had to make themselves Lords of all this Countrie was in faining that since the generall deluge whereof all the Indians have knowledge the world had beene preserved restored and peopled by these Inguas and that seven of them came forth of the cave of Pacaricambo by reason whereof all other men ought them tribute and vassalage as their progenitors Besides they said and affirmed that they alone held the true religion and knew how God should be served and honoured and for this cause they should instruct all men It is a strange thing the ground they give to their customes and ceremonies There were in Cusco above foure hundred Oratories as in a holy land and all places were filled with their mysteries As they continued in the conquests of Provinces so they brought in the like ceremonies and customes In all this realme the chiefe idolls they did worship were Viracocha Pach●yac●achic which signifies the Creator of the world and after him the Sunne And therefore they said that the Sunne received his vertue and being from the Creator as the other idolls do and that they were intercessors to him Of the first Ingua and his Successors CHAP. 20. THe first man which the Indians report to be the beginning and first of the Inguas was Mangocapa whom they imagine after the deluge to have issued forth of the cave of Tambo which is from Cusco about five or six leagues They say that he gave beginning to two principall races or families of the Inguas the one was called Hanancusco and the other Vrincusco of the first came the Lords which subdued and governed this Province and the first whom they make the head and steame of this family was called Ingaroca who founded a family or Aillo as they call them named Viçaquiquirao This although he were no great Lord was served notwithstanding in vessell of gold and silver And dying he appointed that all his treasure should be imployed for the service of his body and for the feeding of his family His successor did the like and this grew to a generall custome as I have said that no Ingua might inherite the goods and house of his predecessor but did build a new pallace In the time of this Inguar●ca the Indians had images of gold and to him succeeded Yaguarguaque a very old man they say he was called by this name which signifies teares of blood for that being once vanquished and taken by his enemies for griefe and sorrow he wept blood Hee was buried in a village called Paullo which is vpon the way to Omasugo he founded a family called Aocuillidanaca To him succeeded his sonne Viracocha Ingua who was very rich and made much vessell of gold and silver hee founded the linage or family of C●copanaca GonZales PiZarre sought out his body for the report of the great treasure was buried with him who after he had cruelly tormented many Indians in the end he found it in Xaquixaquana whereas they said PiZarrewas afterwards vanquished taken and executed by the President Guasca Gonsales Pizarre caused the body of Viracocha Ingua to be burnt the Indians did afterwardes take the ashes the which they preserved in a small vessell making great sacrifices therevnto vntill Pollo did reforme it and other idolatries which they committed vpon the bodies of their other Inguas the which hee suppressed with an admirable diligence and dexterity drawing these bodies out of their hands being whole and much imbalmed whereby he extinguished a great number of idolatries which they committed The Indians tooke it ill that the Ingua did intitle himselfe Viracocha which is the name of their God and he to excuse himselfe gave them to vnderstand that the same Viracocha appeared to him in his dreame commanding him to take this name To him succeeded Pachacuti Ingua Yupangui who was a very valiant conquerour a great Polititian and an inventer of a great part of the traditions and superstitions of their idolatrie as I will presently shew Of Pachacuti Ingua Yupangui and what happened in his time vnto Guaynacapa CHAP. 21. PAchacuti Ingua Yupangui rained seventy yeares and conquered many Countries The beginning of his conquests was by meanes of his eldest brother who having held the government in his fathers time and made warre by his consent was over-throwne in a battle against the Changuas a Nation which inhabites the valley of Andaguayllas thirty or forty leagues from Cusco vpon the way to Lima. This elder brother thus defeated retyred himselfe with few men The which Ingua Yupangui his yonger brother seeing devised and gave forth that being one day alone and melancholie Viracocha the Creator spake to him complaining that though he were vniversall Lord and Creator of all things and that hee had made the heaven the Sunne the world and men and that all was vnder his command yet did they not yeelde him the obedience they ought but contrariwise did equally honour and worship the Sunne Thunder Earth and other things which had no virtue but what he imparted vnto them giving him to vnderstand that in heaven where hee was they called him Viracocha Pachayachachic which signifieth vniversall Creator and to the end the Indians might beleeve it to be true he doubted not althogh he were alone to faise men vnder this title which should give him victory against the Changuas although they were then victorious and in great numbers and make himselfe Lord of those realmes for that he would send him men to his aide invisibly whereby he preva●led in such sort that vnder this colour and conceit hee beganne to assemble a great number of people whereof he made a mighty armie with the which he obtayned the victorie making himselfe Lord of the whole
some occasions many complaints griefs and iealosies grew on either side The which Cortes finding that the Indians mindes began to be distracted from them he thought it necessary to assure himself in laying hand vpon king Moteçuma who was seazed on and his legs fettered Truly this act was strange vnto all men like vnto that other of his to have burnt his ships and shut himselfe in the midst of his enemies there to vanquish or to die The mischiefe was that by reason of the vnexpected arrival of Pamphilo Narvaes at the true crosse drawing the country into mutiny Cortes was forced to absent himselfe from Mexico to leave poore Motecuma in the handes of his companions who wanted discretion nor had not moderation like vnto him so as they grew to that discention as there was no meanes to pacifie it Of the death of Moteçuma and the Spaniards departure out of Mexico CHAP. 26. WHenas Cortes was absent from Mexico he that remained his lievetenant resolved to punish the Mexicans severely causing a great number of the nobilitie to be slaine at a maske which they made in the pallace the which did so far exceede as all the people mutined in a furious rage tooke armes to be revenged and to kil the Spaniards They therefore besieged them in the pallace pressing them so neere that all the hurt the Spaniards could do them with their artillery and crosse-bowes might not terrifie them nor force them to retyre from their enterprise where they continued many daies stopping their victualls nor suffering any one to enter or issue forth They did fight with stones and cast dartes after their maner with a kinde of lances like vnto arrowes in the which there are foure or six very sharpe rasors the which are such as the histories report that in these warres an Indian with one blow of these rasors almost cut off the necke of a horse as they did one day fight with this resolution furie the Spaniards to make them cease shewed forth Mot●cuma with another of the chiefe Lords of Mexico vpon the top of a platform of the house covered with the targets of two souldiers that were with them The Mexicanes seeing their Lord Moteçuma staied with great silence Then Moteçuma caused the Lord to advise them to pacifie themselves and not to warre against the Spaniards seeing that hee being a prisoner it could little profite him The which being vnderstood by a yong man called Quicuxtemoc whom they now resolved to make their king spake with a loude voice to Moteçuma willing him to retyre like a villaine that seeing he had bin such a coward as to suffer himselfe to be taken they were no more bound to obey him but rather should punish him as he deserued calling him woman for the more reproach and then hee beganne to draw his bowe and to shoote at him and the people beganne to cast stones at him to continue their combate Many say that Motecuma was then hurt with a stone wherof he died The Indians of Mexico affirme the contrarie that he died as I will shew hereafter Alvaro the rest of the Spaniards seeing themselves thus pressed gave intelligence to Captaine Cortes of the great danger they were in who having with an admirable dexteritie valour given order to Narvaes affaires and assembled the greatest part of his men he returned with all speede to succour them of Mexico where observing the time the Indians rest for it was their custom in war to rest every fourth day He one day advanced with great policy courage so as both he and his men entred the pallace whereas the Spaniards had fortefied themselves they then shewed great signes of ioy in discharging their artillery But as the Mexicans furie increased being out of hope to defend themselves Cortes resolved to passe away secretly in the night without bruite Having therefore made bridges to passe two great and dangerous passages about mid-night they issued forth as secretly as they could the greatest part of his people having passed the first bridge they were discovered by an Indian woman before they could passe The second who cried out their enemies fled at the which voice all the people ran together with a horrible furie so as in passing the second bridge they were so charged and pursued as there remained above three hundred men slaine hurt in one place where at this day there is a smal hermitage which they vnproperly cal of Martyrs Many Spaniards to preserve the gold iewells which they had gotten perished others staying to carry it away were taken by the Mexicans cruelly sacrificed to their idols The Mexicans found king Moteçuma dead wounded as they say with poiniards and they hold opinion that that night the Spaniards shew him with other Noblemen The Marquise in his relation sent to the Emperour writes the contrary that the Mexicans killed him that night with a son of Moteçuma which he led with him amongst other noblemen saying that all the treasure of gold stones and silver fell into the lake was never more seene But howsoever Moteçuma died miserably paied his deserts to the iust iudgement of our Lord of heaven for his pride tyranny his body falling into the Indians power they would make him no obsequies of a king no not of an ordinarie person but cast it away in great disdaine rage A servant of his having pittie of this Kings miserie who before had bene feared and worshipped as a God made a fier thereof and put the ashes in a contemptible place Returning to the Spaniards that escaped they were greatly tyred and turmoiled the Indians following them two or three daies very resolutely giving them no time of rest being so distressed for victualls as a few graines of Mays were divided amongst them for their meate The relations both of the Spaniards Indians agree that God delivered them here miraculously the Virgin Mary defending them on a little hill whereat this day three leagues from Mexico there is a Church built in remembrance thereof called our Lady of succour They retyred to their antient friends of Tlascalla whence by their aide the valour pollicie of Cortes they returned afterwards to make war against Mexico by water and land with an invention of brigantines which they put into the lake where after many combates and above threescore dangerous battailes they conquered Mexco on S. Hippolitus day the 13. of August 1521. The last king of the Mexicans having obstinately maintained the wars was in the end taken in a great canoe whereinto he fled who being brought with some other of the chiefest noblemen before Fernando Cortes this pettie king with a strange resolution and courage drawing his dagger came neere to Cortes and said vnto him Vntill this day I have done my best indevour for the defence of my people now am I no farther bound but to give thee this dagger to kill me therewith Cortes answered
black soever It is a strange thing that the iuice or water that commeth from this roote when they straine it which makes the Cacavi is a deadly poison and killes any that drinkes thereof but the substance that remaineth is a very wholesome bread and nourishment as we have saide There is another kinde of Yuca which they call sweet and hath not this poyson in the iuyce this is eaten in the roote boyled or roasted and is good meate Cacavi will keepe long and therefore they carry it to sea in steede of biscuit The place where they vse most of this bread is at the Ilands of Barlovente which are S. Dominicke Cuba Port Ricco Iamaique and some others thereabouts for that the soile of these Ilands will neither beare wheate nor Mays for whenas they sowe wheate it comes vp well and is presently greene but so vnequally as they cannot gather it for of the seede sowen at one instant some is spindled some is in the eare and some doth but bud one is great and an other little one is in the grasse and another in the graine and although they have carried labourers thither to see if there were any tillage or Art to be vsed yet could they finde no remedy for the quality of the earth They carry meale from New Spaine or the Canaries which is so moist that hardly can they make any profitable bread or of good taste The wafer cakes wherewith they say Masse did bend like to wet paper by reason of the extreame humiditie and heate which are ioyntly in that countrey There is an other extreame contrary to this which hinders the growing of mais or wheate in some parts of the Indies as on the height of the Sierre of Peru and the provinces which they call of Colao which is the greatest parte of this Realme where the climate is so colde and drie as it will not suffer any of these seedes to growe in steede thereof the Indians vse an other kinde of roote which they call Papas these rootes are like to grownd nuttes they are small rootes which cast out many leaves They gather this Papas and dry it well in the Sunne then beating it they make that which they call Chuno which keepes many daies and serves for bread In this realme there is great trafficke of Chuno the which they carry to the mines of Potozi they likewise eate of these Papas boyled or roasted there is one sweete of these kindes which growes in hot places whereof they do make certaine sawces and minced meates which they call Locro To conclude these rootes are the bread of that land so as when the yeare is good they reioyce much for that oftentimes they freeze in the earth so great is the cold of that Region they carry Mays from the valley or sea coast and the Spaniardes which are dainty carrie likewise from the same places wheate meale whereof they doe make good breade because that the land is drie In other partes of the Indies as at the Philippines they vse Rice insteade of bread whereof there growes very good and in great aboundance in all that countrey and in China and it is of good nourishment they seethe it in purcelaines and after mix it hote with the water amongest other meates In many places they do make their wine and drinke of this Rice steeping and then after boyling it as they do the beere in Flaunders or the Acua in Peru. Rice is a meate not much lesse common and generall throughout the world than wheate or mays and perchaunce more for besides that they vse it in China Ioppon and the Philippines and in the greatest parte of the East Indies it is a graine most common in Affrike and Ethiopia It requires a wet ground almost overflowne like to a medow In Europe Peru and Mexico where they have the vse of wheate they eate Rice as a meate and not for bread they seethe it with milke or with broth or in some other sorte The most exquisite Rice commeth from the Philippines and China as hath beene sayde And this may suffice to vnderstand what they eate generally at the Indies in steade of bread Of divers Rootes which growe at the Indies CHAP. 18. ALthough in these parts the Land be more aboundant and fertile in fruites that growes vpon the earth by reason of the great diversitie of fruite trees and plants we have yet for rootes and other things that grow vnder the earth the which they vse for meates in my opinion there is greatest aboundance there for of these kindes of plants we have readishes turneps parsneps carrots liekes garlike and some other profitable rootes But in those countries they have so many divers sortes as I cannot reckon them those which I now remember besides Papas which is the principall there is Ocas Yanococas Camotes Vatas Xiquimas Yuca Cochu●ha Cavi Totora Mani and an infinite number of other kindes as the Patattres which they eate as a delicate and toothsome meate They have likewise carried fruites to the Indies from these parts the which prosper better there then the Indian plants do brought into Europe the reason in my opinion is for that there is greater variety of temperatures then in these partes by meanes whereof the plants in those regions do rise and prosper better fitting themselves to the temperature they require And the rootes and plants which grow there and were not transported from hence are better then they be heere for onions garlike and parsnips are not in Spaine as they be at Peru and as for turnips there is so great abundance as they have increased in so me places in such sort that as they have affirmed to me they could not destroy the aboundance which grew vp for to sowe corne there Wee have seene redish rootes as bigge as a mans arme very tender and of a good taste and of these tootes I have spoken some serve for ordinatie meate as the Camores which being rosted serve as pulse There are other rootes that serve them for dainties as the Cochuch● it is a small sweete roote which some preserve for more delight There are other rootes fit to coole as the Piquima which is in qualitie very cold and moist and in summer it refresheth and quencheth the thirst but the Papas and Ocas be the chiefe for nourishment and substance The Indians esteeme garlike above all the rootes of Europe and hold it for a fruite of great force wherein they want no reason for that it comforts and warmes the stomacke for that they eate it with an appetite rawe as it comes out of the ground Of divers sortes of greene Hearbes and Pulses and of those they call Concombres Pines or Pine Apples small fruites of Chille and of Prunes CHAP. 19 SE●ing wee have begunne with the lesser Plants I might in few words touch that which concernes Flowers and Pot-hearbes and that which the Latines call Arbusta without any mention of trees There are some kindes