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A19508 The triumph of a Christian contayning three excellent and heauenly treatises. 1 Iacobs wrestling with God. 2 The conduit of comfort. 3 A preparatiue for the Lords Supper. Full of sweet consolations for all that desire the comfortable sweetnesse of Iesus Christ, and necessary for those who are troubled in conscience. Written by that worthy man Master William Couper, minister of Gods word. Cowper, William, 1568-1619.; Cowper, William, 1568-1619. Conduit of comfort.; Cowper, William, 1568-1619. Jacobs wrestling with God.; Cowper, William, 1568-1619. Preparative for the new Passeover. 1608 (1608) STC 5937; ESTC S117170 143,181 383

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customable to the Lord to rebuke the friuolous curiositie of his own children that we may learne to be sober and not presume aboue that which is written In his quae de Deo dicuntur maxima est scientia ignorantiam fateri terrā inhabitas terrae fines ignoras quo modo conditorem terrae comprehendes animam habes cuius facultates enumerare non vales stellas vides quas numerare non potes numera prius illa qu●… vides tunc illum qui nonapparet enarra In those things which concern the diuinitie it is a great knowledge to acknowledge our ignorance thou dwellest in the earth and knowest not the borders thereof how then shalt thou comprehend him who is maker of the earth thou hast within thee a soule the faculties whereof thou art not able to enumerate thou seest the stars and canst not tell the number of them begin first and reckon on those things which thou seest and then if thou canst him that is not seene Let vs therfore restraine our selues from such idle speculations if others spare not to proue vs with the like of these rash perillous questions which I haue condemned then remember with Basil Taliū optima medicina est silentium CHAP. XXV The Lord somtimes refuseth to giue that which his chidren seekes that he may giue them other things more conuenient for them YEt it is to bee marked that albeit he refuse to tell Iacob his name yet hee refuseth not to giue Iacob his blessing Sometime the Lord graunteth his children their desires because hee sees it is for their weale Other times hee refuseth them and that also for their weale but whether hee say yea or no to their petitions hee workes alway in mercy towards them He granted flesh to the children of Israel because they sought it but therewithall his wrath fell vpon them of the which it is euident that sometime he graunteth men their petitions because he is angry with them Others againe hee refuseth because he is mercifull to them denying vnto them that which they craue but graunting another thing which is much more profitable for them Multi Deo irato exaudiuntur multis propitius Deus non tribuit quod volunt vt quod vtile est tribuat The Apostle Paul being buffered by the Angell of Sathan besought the Lord thri●…e that he might be deliuered from him he receiued a refusall of that which hee sought and yet the Lord left him not destitute of comfort Saepe multos Deus non exaudit ad voluntatē vt exaudiat ad salutem In the first of the Acts the Disciples aske a question of Christ Wil●… thou at this time restore the kingd●…me to Israel but what answere receiue they a plaine refusall It is not for you to know the times and seasons yet hee promiseth to them a better thing But yee shall receiue power of the holy Ghost O happie exchange let it be vnto vs O Lord according to thy Word denie vs O Lord any thing thou wilt but neuer deny vs thy holy spirit that it may lead vs into all truth so long as wee remaine here and in the end may bring vs vnto the sight of thy ioyfull face Let vs giue vnto the Lord this glory that hee is our mercifull father not onely when he graunteth but euen when he refuseth some of those things which we desire It may well stand that being diseased thou dost seeke of the Lord bodily health and seeke it too with this restriction if it please him and yet thou obtaine it not the Lord thinking it good to keepe thee vnder a sicke body to the end he may restore vnto thee health of thy soule for so may ye read in the Gospell that many being moued by bodily diseases who otherwise were not minded to come vnto Iesus Christ hath found in him health both of body and soule It may also fall out that thou dost seeke from the Lord temporall riches and that conditionally if it please him for a benefit that thou be not burdenous vnto others and yet the Lord thinkes it more expedient to refuse thee least riches should be a snare vnto thee for vnto many they are but speciosa vincula quibus alligantur à quibus possidentur magis quam possident Beautifull bands wherewith they are bound which they possesse not but are possessed of them Thus their posteritie and riches becomes their ruine so corrupt is our nature that the same gifts which should draw our hearts after the Lord are allurements to turne them from him Facile enim cor humanum omnibus quae frequentat adhaeret adeo vt vix aut nunquam sine amore valeant possideri For the heart of man cleaueth very easily vnto that wherewith it is acquainted so that hardly or neuer can we possesse the things of this world without immoderate loue of them And therefore the Lord in great mercy take them from vs that they do not take vs from him Let vs therefore commit the successe of our prayers to the Lord let vs not presume to limite the Holy One of Israel being alway comforted with this that if the Lord deny vs that which we would haue hee shall giue vs another thing which is more expedient for vs. CHAP. XXVI How Iacob shewes himselfe thankfull to God for the benefits receiued in two things Verse 30. And Iacob called the name of the place Peniel c. THe conference between the Lord and Iacob being ended Moses now makes mention of Iacobs thankfulnes which he declareth in two things first he impones such a name to the place as might stand for a perpetuall memoriall of Gods familiar apparition vnto him And next hee rendreth himselfe obedient not regarding any danger that might be before him trusting vnto the word of the Lord hee goeth with courage forward in his iourney First I say hee impones a name to the place and calleth it Peniel the face of God he giueth the reason because I haue seene the face of God and my life is preserued Seeing the Lord will hee say hath showne mee this mercy that I haue seene his face and am not confounded I will neuer burne it in vnthanfulnesse and therefore that it may be remembred of the posteritie I call this place by the name Peniel It becommeth saith the Psalmist vpright men to be thankfull Seeing all good things come of God it is good reason the praise of all should returne vnto him As the waters that come secretly from the Sea through the veines of the earth return againe in their troghs publikely vnto it so euery good thing which the secret blessing of God hath conuayed vnto vs by publike praise should againe returne vnto him If wee haue gotten comfort from the LORD we should giue vnto the Lord his glorie And it is the manner of the children of God they cannot rest contented when God hath refreshed them
which thou hast gotten are pledges of a fill of mercy vvhich yet abides thee For so Dauid of that which he had felt concludeth doubtlesse kindnesse and mercy shall follow mee all the dayes of my life CHAP. XIIII The presence or absence of God is euer dispensed for the weale of his owne Children FOr the Morning appeareth These words containe the reason why the Lord desires that Iacob should let him goe because the Morning appeareth This at the first seemes a strange reason Is it not a like to thee O Lord to abide with thy seruants in the morning as in the euening or is there O Lord with thee any such distinction of time Surely none at all for thou O Lord art couered with the light as with a garment euen the darknesse with thee is light yea those bright Angels that stand about thy throne makes the midnight where they come for shining light like the noone-tide of the day But we must consider that this reason respecteth not the Lord it respecteth Iacob and so the meaning is It is for thy cause O my seruant Iacob that I desire to goe for now the morning appeareth and thou must goe on in thy journey thy seruants family will wait for thy comming as being vncertain whether they shall remoue or remaine till thou direct them and therefore that I be no more to stay thee from them let me go And of this we may more euidently perceiue that which I said how the going and comming of the Lord to and fro his children is alway ordained and dispensed for their weale when hee commeth when hee goeth all is for our weale Ne timeas ô Sponsa nec existimes te contemni si paulisper tibi sponsus subtrahit faciem suam omnia ista tibi cooperantur in bonum de accessu recessu lucraris Be not afraid saith Bernard O spouse neither thinke that thou art contemned albeit for a short while the bridegroome withdraw his face all that he doth works for the best vnto thee thou hast gaine both of his comming to thee of his going from thee And this for the comfort of one exercised with spirituall desertion doth hee explaine more cleerely in the wordes vvhich hee immediatly subjoynes tibi venit recedit venit ad consolationem recedit ad cautelam ne magnitudo consolationis extollat te ne si semper adesset exilium deputares pro patria arrham pro prae●…ij summa paulisper permittit nos gustare quam suauis sit antequā plane sentiamus se subtrahit ita quasi alis expansis te prouocat ad volandum Hee commeth saith he for thy consolation and goes for thy warning and humiliation least the greatnes of his comfort should puffe thee vp and least if hee were alwayes present thou shouldest esteeme this place of thy banishment for thine own country and should take this earnest for the principall summe hee lets thee tast of his sweetnesse for a short while and incontinent before thou feele it fullie he withdrawes himselfe and so as it were with his wings stretched out ouer thee he prouokes thee to mount vp and slie after him This is the reason why the Lord dispenses in such sort his presence and absence vnto his Children If at no time hee shewes himselfe vnto vs then would wee bee ouercome of that heauinesse vnder which we lye through manifold tentations and if alwayes he should be familiar with vs then would we take the earth for the heauen and forget our fathers house which is aboue therefore sometime he with-drawes his presence from vs that hee may teach vs to become weary of this barren wildernesse wherein we liue absent from our Lord Hee ascends many times from vs that we may stand like these Disciples on the Mount of Oliuet not looking downeward to the earth but gazing looking vpward towards our Lord who hath gone from vs he giues vs a little tast of his graciousnesse and then hee goes but goeth in such sort that he cryes after him Come and see Not of purpose to defraud thee of any joy that is in him doth he goe from thee onely that hee may prepare thee to follow him to that place wherein he will communicate to thee the fulnesse of ioy and let thee see that glory he had with his father from the beginning Hee will not alway tarry from vs least we despaire neither yet alway remaine with vs on earth least vve presume Sometime he will kisse vs with the kisses of his mouth and as it were vvith the Apostle rauish vs vp to the third heauens other times againe as it seemes he casts downe his angry countenance vpon vs he humbles vs to the hell and permits Sathan also to buffet vs least wee should be exalted out of measure Alwayes this comfort vvee haue of the Lords vvorking with vs that as here wee see hee comes to Iacob and goes from him for his vveale so vvhether he shew himselfe familiar vvith vs or againe for a vvhile hide his face from vs in both the one and the other hee is vvorking for our comfort and vveale Onely let vs possesse our soules in patience and giue glory to God CHAP. XV. How their inward exercises of conscience workes in the godly a diuorcement of their soules from all creatures and a neerer adherent to the Lord. WHo answered I will not let thee goe Perceiue here how the mint of the Lords departure workes into Iacob a more constant cleauing and adhering to the Lord. This as I said before is that notable fruite which all the Lords spirituall desertions worketh in his children it augments in them a desire of mercie and a more earnest carefulnesse to seeke the Lord. And this also wee see in our dayly experience for among all them who professe the name of Iesus Christ yee shall finde none more feruent in praier more continuall in mourning and sighing for their sinnes none that thirsteth more earnestly for mercie then they whom God hath humbled in their spirits with threatnings of spirituall desertion As here Iacob is more wakened by this one word Let me goe then by all the rest of the wrestling so is there nothing goeth so neere the heart of the godly as doth the mint of the Lords departure from them they are neuer so louing to him as at those times when hee seemeth to count least of them if hee looke angerly vpon them the more pittifully looke they vnto him if hee threaten them they threaten kindnesse vpon him the hardlier that hee answeres them the more importunately doe they cry vpon him Then with Dauid they water their couch with tears and call vpon God all the day long Their eyes cast out water continually when the comforter that should refresh their soules is away from them In a word these desertions worke in Gods children a diuorcement of their soules from the delight of euery creature a straiter adherence
sh●…pe of a seruant He being the God of glory came couered with such contemptible couerings that the vvorld mis-knew him His miraculous conception without the help of man was obscured with the couering of Maries espo●…sing vnto Ioseph his birth without all vncleannesse obscured with the couering of Maries purification his innocency in like manner obscured with the couering of circumcision and so 〈◊〉 est noui solis fulgor saith B●…rnard and thus was the glory of this ●…ght shining sunne which the world saw neuer before obscured Yet through all these and many couerings that Centurion through faith esp●…ed him to bee the sonne of God and those three wise men who came from the East by the light of faith through all these vayles saw him to bee a glorious King and therefore also fell downe and worshipped him But these blind Bethleemites amongst vvhom he was borne hauing no more but the eyes of nature wherewith to looke vpon him could not discerne him albeit this was their glory that out of them came that Gouernour who should feede his people by this faith Agnouit Simeon infantem tacentem for lack of it occiderunt Iudaei mirabilia facientem Simeon by faith acknowledged Iesus euen in his infancy when he had not yet spoken a word but the Iewes for lack of faith blinded with infidelitie flew him after that he had wrought many Miracles So then to returne to our ground it was a great faith in Iacob that hee sought a blessing from him who wrestled against him Nature will neuer learne vs that lesson Come and let vs return to the Lord he hath spoyled and he will heale vs hee hath wounded and he will binde vs vp Without faith there can bee no prayer to God especially at that time when God layeth his heauie hand vpon vs How shall they call to him in whom they beleeue not Where the fountaine is drye what water can there be in the strand ergo vt oremus credamus vt ipsa non deficiat ●…ides qua credimus oremus Therefore that wee may pray let vs beleeue and that our faith whereby we beleeue faint not let vs pray And this for the fulnes of faith CHAP. XIX The goldy in their prayers aboue all things seeke Gods fauour and blessing PErceiue yet farther out of these words that Iacob seekes nothing from God but his blessing The children of God euen then when God is most familiar vvith them seek nothing comparable to his blessing Herein they are insatiable on the earth they can neuer get enough of his blessings Iacob vvas blessed before of the Lord and now againe hee seekes a new blessing and euery time that hee meetes vvith the Lord all that he desires is a blessing It is far otherwise with miserable Worldlings it is seldome and far betweene that they come to the Lord they seeke some other thing then himselfe or his blessing some worldly benefit or deliuerance from temporall trouble is the summe of all their suite So Cain forgetting to seeke mercy for his sinne sought onely protection to his body Whosoeuer findeth mee shall slay mee and from time to time he got that hee vvent out from the presence of the Lord. O miserable man that left not behinde him so much as a petition to God for mercy deliuerance from that wrath vvhich his sin had brought vpon him CHAP. XX. Worldlings in their prayers dishonor God and preiudges themselues IN this doing vvicked men doe both dishonour the Lord and prejudge themselues they consider not the insinite goodnesse and the al-sufficiency of the Lord they measure him with their base and earthly minds and therfore in stead of eternall they seeke nothing but temporall and perishing things It was a princely answere that Alexander gaue his friend Perillus to whom he had offred fifty talents of siluer to help his daughter to marriage vvhich the other thinking too much replyed that ten talents were sufficient Yea said Alexander it were enough for thee to receiue but not for me to giue And to another in like case hee gaue the like answere Ne quaere quid t●… accipere sed quid me dare deceat But much more may our al-sufficient God that Monarch of the world indeede who is rich vnto all who cals vpon him giue vnto vs a greater rebuke that cannot enlarge our hearts nor open our mouthes wide that hee may fill them with his good things contenting vs to seeke the earth when the Lord offers vs the heauen seeking with worldlings that our wheat and our wine may abound and not with Godly Dauid that the light of the countenance of God which brings ioy to the heart may be vpon vs. The Lord esteemes this a very great indignitie and contempt done vnto him and therefore he complaines on the Iewes by his seruant the Prophet Hosea They howle vpon me in their beds for wine and oyle they cry like dogs for that vvhich may fill their bellies but sends not out the voice of my children to cry vnto me for mercy and grace It is in like manner very prejudiciall to themselues who doe it for they fast and weary their spirits in seeking many things and in the meane time are carelesse to seeke one thing the obtaining whereof might bring them vnto all things thus they consume themselues with vaine labour Qui rerum magis specie quam authore dilectati prius vniuersa percurrere de singulis cupiunt expiriri quam ad Christum curent vniuersitatis principem peruenire Who being delighted with the shew of things more then vvith the authour of them are desirous to know euery thing by experience but not carefull to come vnto Christ vvho is that head fountaine of vvhom all things are where otherwise if according to the command of our blessed Sauiour men would first seeke the kingdo●…e of God then all other things should be cast vnto them This is the onely compendious way to satisfie our insatiable desires Quicunque hic varia quaeris ipse vnus tibi erit omnia whatsoeuer thou bee who here seekes sundry things seek the Lord and he shal be all things in all to thee When the Lord offred to Salomon to giue whatsoeuer he vvould aske he sought from the Lord a wise and vnderstanding heart which so pleased the Lord that not onely hee gaue him that which he asked but also second and inferiour gifts as riches honour which he asked not so great delight hath the Lord to here vs seeke from him those things which are greatest and excellent Let vs therefore ascribe vnto the Lord glory and power hee is a great King let vs not dishonour him by seeking from him small and perishing things the least of them is enough for vs to receiue For we are not worthy of the least of his mercies but not enough for the Lord to giue suppose the Lord would ●…ue vs all the workes of his hand into
death to follow his Lo●…d yea most desirous to be dissolued by death in so much as hee knew it to be a meane to conioyne him neerer vnto Christ. And herein he stands vp to witnesse vnto vs that vnlesse wee haue a most feruent desire to participate of this holy Sacrament which the Lord hath instituted to seale vp and increase our spirituall Communion with him wee are manifestly conuinced to be such as in whom their is no loue of the Lord Iesus If we will not goe with him to eate and drinck in his Parlour at Ierusalem it is not likely that we will follow him out of the Cittie bearing his reproach to bee crucified with him on mount Caluarie The Apostle is desirous to goe through death that hee might come to Christ and it was the notable word of that auncient Ignatius the scholler of Christs best beloued Disciple Saint Iohn Nihil visibilium moror nihil inuisibilium modo Christum acquiram I stand said hee vpon nothing visible nor inuisible I care not what torments come vpon me so that I enioy Christ Iesus and will not wee then casting away all impediments come ioyfully forward to this holy Table wherein our blessed Sauiour communicates himselfe vnto vs and wherevnto this day so louingly he inuites vs Now hee standes at the doore and he knocks offering to come in suppe with them who will open vnto him Now the maister shall say to his Disciples Take re and eate this is my bodie Now saies the bridegroome to his friends Eate O my friends and make you merrie my welb●…loued Now doth the Angel intimate that proclamation which hereafter will be resounded with greater ioy from heauen Let vs be glad and reioyce for the marriage of the Lambe is come And now the Sauiour calles vpon sinners with outstretched armes Come to me all ye who are wearie and laden and I will refresh you Those diseased creatures who lay at the poole of Bethesda wayted diligently on the occasion when they should step downe into the water for he that first stepped in after the Angell had troubled the water was made whole whatsoeuer his disease was Praysed be God though we haue not now those waters of Siloam wherein with that blind man wee may cure our bodily diseases wee haue the waters of that Shiloh of the which whosoeuer drinks shall not thirst any more these are the waters of life that are able to cure all our spirituall infirmities the benefit is not restrained to one that first sits downe at his Table but is extended to all those who make themselues readie to come vnto him Let vs not therefore neglect so faire an occasion of grace but let vs vp arise let the Bride make her selfe readie and go foorth to meete the Bride-groome Let vs begin in this wildernes to eate the fruits of our promised Canaan which is aboue Let vs open to the King of glory that knocks let vs go to our sauiour that cries come and ioyfully communicate with our Lord who commaunds Take and eate this is my body For here is giuen the greatest gift and that in the most excellent manner that God hath to giue on earth vnto the sonnes of men for here he giueth it as it were with both his hands that is not onely by his word but also by his Sacrament onely take heede to this warning let a man trie himselfe and so let him eate There is danger in hearing of the word and therefore our Sauiour forewarnes vs Take heede how you heare Ther is danger also in communicating in the preceeding verse the Apostle forewarned vs of it He that eates of this bread and drinks of this cup of the Lord vnworthely is guiltie of the bodie and blood of the Lord. In the subsequent verse hee forewarnes vs also of the danger He that eates and drinkes vnworthely eateth and drinketh his owne damnation And in this interiected verse which now by the grace of God wee haue to handle hee sheweth vs the way how to eschew them both and therefore let vs harken the more attentiuely vnto it This precept hath two parts in the first we are commaunded to try before we eate in the second wee are commaunded to eate af●…er triall Before we communicate he requires triall and after triall hee commands to communicate and so he encounters with two sorts of men whereof the one eates of this bread and tryes not and these faile against the first the other tries themselues but eates not of this bread and these faile against the second both of them are here corrected by the Apostles precept In handling whereof we begin first at the last part that such as are resolued to bide away if it please God may bee made willing to come and then by God his grace we shall return to the first that such as are willing to come may bee instructed how they should communicate And so let him eate It is not then as ye may perceiue left free vnto men to communicate or abstaine from the Communion as they please but we are bound by a commaundement to eate and drinke at this Table Doe this said our Sauiour in remembrance of mee Our first father Adam failed in eating of that tree of knowledge of good and euill whereof God forbade him to eate but many of his sonnes failes in refusing to eate of that tree of life whereof God commaunds them to eate In their words they condemne the fact of their fathers because they were Sicut omniū parentes ita omniū peremptores prius peremptores quam parentes perishers of their posteritie ●…re euer they were parents and in their deede they are dayly imitators of their folly It was a punishment vnto Adam to be debarred from the tree of life and it is but a pastime to many of his foolish posteritie to debarre themselues from it Thus stands the corrupt nature of man still in contrarie termes with the Lord And the children fulfilles the measure of their fathers iniquitie where God forbids man to eate there will he eate and where the Lord commaunds him to eate there will he not eate The Serpent spake from the earth albeit ye eate of that tree which God hath forbidden yee shall not dye and man hearkened vnto it The Lord Iesus speakes from heauen come and eate of the tree of life and yee shall liue but man will not heare him O silly and fearefull Rebellion the Seducer is beleeued and the Sauiour is not beleeued This day wisdome hath prepared his Table hee cals vpon you all Come and eate of my meate and drinke of the wine that I haue drawne hee that find eth me findeth life and shall obtaine the fauour of the Lord but hee that sinneth against mee hurteth his owne soule and all that hate mee loue death Thus are wee louingly called and fairely forewarned and all those are made
of Sinai and Moses went vp from the plaine to it and so saieth he had familiar conuersatiō with the Lord and heere as the Lord commeth down as low as he can in this Sacrament for our capacitie it becōmeth vs to mount vp as high as pos●…ible we can in our affections if so be wee be desirous to meete the Lord otherwise if the Lord shall abide in his glorie and inaccessible light and if man shall lye still in the darke dungeon of this base and earthly minde what familiar meeting can there be betweenne God and man And as to the time Saint Iohn witn●…sseth that our Sauiour ordeined this sacrament when he was to goe out of the world to his father wherin said Augustine Spes membris in Capite data quod essent in illo transeunte sine dubio sequutura Yea not onelie should it nourish our hope that where hee is there once we shall be but should waken our affection and desire to goe after him we should eate and drinke at this holy table not as if we were here to remayne but should celebrate this supper like a passeouer standing as pilgrimes and our loynes gi●…ded vp hauing our staues in our hands readie to follow our Lord who is gone into heauen before vs and euerie day of our communion should bee a new departing of our hearts out of this world vnto our heauenly Father yea wee should receiue this meate from the Lord with that wa●…ning which the Angel gaue to Eliah in the wildernesse vp and ●…ate for thou hast yet a great iourney to goe This bread is giuen vs that in the strength thereof wee may walk forward the way which is before vs not that wee should lie downe and rest vs in this vvildernesse as if we had now attained to the end of our iourney The Angell wakened Eliah twice sleeping vnder the Iuniper twice he touched him and twice he bad him vp eate and walke at length hee rose and vvalked in the strength of that bread forty dayes But alas our securitie is greater then his many a time hath the Lord warned vs of the iourney that is before vs many a time hath hee proposed heauenly food vnto vs and now against this day the Lord reneweth his mercy towards vs. The Lord vvaken vs and graunt at the length that wee may rise and walke following the Lord till we appeare before the face of our God in Sion But of all other meanes the most forcible to rauish our hearts after the Lord is a deepe meditation of the loue of God towards vs. The Apostle protesteth it is a loue that passeth knowledge the height breadth the length and depth vvhereof none is able to comprehend he that at one time cryed out Come and I will tell you what God hath done to my soule is compelled another time to confesse O Lord my God thou hast made thy wonderfull works so many that none can count in order to thee the thoughts towards vs I would declare and speake of them but they are more then I am able to expresse And yet although vvee bee lesse able then the Elephant at one draught to drink vp the Riuer of Iordaine let vs bee content with the wearyed Passenger willingly to take in so much as may refresh vs we cannot measure the waters of the Sea in our fist nor number the stars of heauen and how then shall vvee number his mercyes which are aboue all his workes shall vvee therefore not looke to them nor behold that glory of God which shineth in them Though we cannot comprehend his incomprehensible loue yea blessed are wee if it shall comprehend vs let vs notwithstanding earnestly and feruently meditate vpon it not by starts and vanishing motions for as a Candle doth not at the first receiue light from the fire were it neuer so blowne but if for a time it bee holden constantly to the fire it is at the length enlightened so it is not vanishing meditations that will warme our harts vvith the Loue of God but if wee shall continue without wearying to exercise our thoughts vpon this great loue that the Lord hath borne towards vs it shall happely fall out at length that the powers of our Soule shall bee inflamed with his loue and vve shall find the sauour of death in euery thing that smelleth not of his loue No greater Loue then this sayeth our Sauiour can bee shewed among men then that a man should bestow his life for his friends but that which man is not able to shew our Lord Iesus God and man hath shewed to his children his good will for the Loue hee bore to vs hee gaue himselfe in a sacrifice for our sinnes on the Crosse euen when wee vvere his enimies and hath here in this Sacrament giuen himselfe a food and nourishment vnto vs for so that disciple beloued of him doth testifie When Iesus knew that his houre was come that hee should goe out of the world vnto his Father forasmuch as hee loued his owne vnto the end hee loued them therefore did hee institute this Sacrament that therein he might communicate himselfe to them O wonderfull loue stronger then the loue of Ionathan to Dauid When Ionathan and Dauid were forced to part company because of Sauls Tyranny Ionathan gaue Dauid his Garment his Girdle and his Armour he had no better and could giue no better and so with many teares and mutuall imbracings departed from him but our blessed Sauiour before hee remoued his corporall presence from vs gaue his life to redeeme our life from the death hee sent out bloudie sweat aboundantly as the witnesses of his burning loue towards vs hee powred out an euerlasting prayer to his father for vs he hath left behinde him in his last will his peace for our portion hee hath giuen vs his spirit for a Comforter his Word for a warner and this Sacrament for a spirituall foode vntill his second comming againe No meruaile his spouse in the Canticles praised his loue to be far aboue the loue of women for though in some of them the naturall strength of affection bee so great that it makes them indure the painefull bearing and bringing vp of their children with the milke of their breasts yet what is that comparable to this nothing indeede Such a Loue as here our Sauiour hath discouered towards vs is not to bee found againe in the world for whereas mothers saith Chrisostome eyther commit their Children to Nurses or else brings them vp vpon the milke of their owne breasts Iesus Christ feeds vs not with the milke of another but with his owne flesh and his owne bloud Necessitie sometime hath compelled the Mother to eate her owne Children but we neuer read that compassion hath moued the mother to giue her owne flesh to preserue her Children that they should not dye in famine But our Lord Iesus is that