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A18909 Bibliotheca theologica: or, a librarye theological containinge, 1. A generall analysis or resolution: 2. A breife elucidation off the most sacred chapters off Elohim his Bible: drawen for the vse of yonge Christians, specially off the poorer sorte, vnable to purchase variety off holy-men theyr wrytinges: by Henoch Clapham. Nihil primum perfectum. Clapham, Henoch. 1597 (1597) STC 5331; ESTC S114484 83,218 88

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by cold Meteors or vapors and vnderneath them they haue exhalations propulsing forward and vpward by reason of which doble opposition being not able to ascend or descend directly they break out in the sydes and so circuits the inferiour Region of the Ayre Thus the Ayre hath his 3. Regions and in euerie of them are Creatures termed of the learned Meteors effected The Light is termed day the Darknes going before is termed Night Seinge Darkned a priuation of Light properly The E●en-tydes darknes and the Morrow-tides light they constitute the first Day The day consisting thus of his 24. howres it is called the Day Naturall but the day accomptinge from the Sun his rizinge aboue the earth vntil his going downe againe from our ●emisphere it is termed a day Artificiall The Auncient Romaines begon and ended there Naturall day at Midnigyht and so do ordinarily all natural Magitians by giuinge that planet the first howre in the Night before which is the gouerning planet of the day after The Arabians Ioh. de Sacr. in comput eccles begin and end there Naturall day with the Midday but the Iues according to this place of Moses begin with the Night If any ask me when we that liue in the new creation heb 12. 27. Isa 66. 22. shold begin our Naturall day I answer The Night and Old thinges are passed the Sun of Righteousnes rose out of his tomb in the Morning and so went forth preachinge that Day and the night followinge Paul so preached Day and night ●●t 20. and Night and day The first creation begon in darknes the second begon with light Thus out of Darknes naturall god by his ghospel hath shined in our hearts 2. Cor. 4. 6. calling light out of that Tohu Order out of that Confusion and of old made vs new creatures As the first or naturall light is effected by the Fyre and ●pre so is this second or supernaturall light effected in our hartes by the spirit of lyfe compared for his working vnto fyre and the A●re Seinge then we are of the Day let vs walck as in the Day that when the Lord of the howse shall com sodainly in the Night our darknes may be light in the lorde THE SECOND DAY Vers 6. 7. 8. Againe Elohim said Againe in another vicissitude of tyme Elohim procedeth by the Spirit and rod of his mouth Ps 104. 30. makeinge moe creatueres In this Day he creates and constitutes Rak●●ga of Rakagn to extend or vnwrap commonly translated Firmament The Firmament properly is that heauen or Sphere in nomber the 8. vpward wherein the fixed starres are This signifieth an orderly vnwrapping and spreading out namely of the whole heauens as A Curtaine Ps 104. 2. These heauens a more excellēt Naturall then many thinges belowe and made after contrary to my aduersaries Ariome they cannot for any thing I se meane an extension of the ayre though One otherwise of much learning and worthy much reuerence haue soe written For the Ayre must in the former Day be expanded else how could the fyre by it haue effected such orderly Light as worthily might be termed Day where he thinks it must be so because the Ayres region containeth the vppermost waters I answer The vpper waters in the Ayres Region are only such as all philosophers huntaine and diuyne graunt are first exhalations from the Earth and weaters belowe drawen vp by heat and congest into a clowde finally dissolued and sent downe to the Parent belowe These Cloudwaters had no place in this creation and this the same learned man may obserue the better from his translating of Gen 2. 4. 5. thus And there vvas no man to ●ill the earth or vapour ascending from the earth for vvateringe the vniuersall face of the Earth These waters therfore are vpheld by the heauens and by that Celestiall vnwrapped webbe are seperated from the waters vnder the heauens whither in the Ayre or Earth like inough to be the waters that drowned the old world who besides the rayne rused downe by openinge of heauens wyndowes Gen. 7. 11. and 8. 2. The learned Chuo●●dus Pellicanus denies these superiour waters to be Spirituall substances so called for their nomber or puritie If he had said then mystically import such substances for the lower import earthly people ●en 17. 15. I thinck he had bene ne●er the mark and so Orige● mystically applyeth these waters vnto such holy People as haue their conversation in the heauens but that these waters are really such substances it cannot be for so the Grammaticall or ●●terall story of Creation shold be ouerturned Wheras 1. we haue propounded the plaine letter 2. the spirituall mystery vnder the vayle of the literal story The waters before confused and now and thus digest into O●der ● Lawe is imposed on the firmament or Spheriall expansion for standing ● partition wall betwene these waters psa 148. 4. As it were an Aatonicall preist for diuidinge betwene people and people and so the Eueninge and Morninge is the second Day What neede this second and afterwards the third fourth Fifte and sixt repeat of Eueninge and morninge for making vp so manie seuerall dayes seing the Euening and morninge was the first day It was necessarie for the perfecting of the work literall and mysticall 1. the Eueninge and Morning hauinge ron once the glasse of A Naturall day they could not haue don that againe for effectinge another Day except Elohim had againe turned Tymes Glasse for A new nomber of Motion 2. Nor after the experiment of one ages spirituall Darknes and Light could there be A second third fourth fi●te sixt vicissitude of that wo●ke mysticall were it not that the Decre of god hath sealed to euerie such distinct age and his work In six Naturall days was all the ●●ch frame and se●ely furniture of heauein and earth effected and in the world his 6. ages shall the whole worke of Iustice and Mercie be com to his period The 7. Day it hath not this speach of Euening Morning to the effecting of it because as the 7. day was Sabaot so the 7. age of the world shal put an end to the spirituall and mysticall Euening ●eu 10. 7. and 11. 15. Happy is he that man sing that songne the kingdom of the world is Our Lords and his Cristes and he shall raigne for euermore THE THIRD DAY VErs 9 10. 11. 12. 13. Elohim said againe In this days work obserue 1. the Collection and dispos 〈…〉 of the waters vnder heauen by reason wherof 2. the drye Land 〈…〉 steth vp his head that before as it were had bene couered with the sacramentall wates this Land called Earth the waters Seas which Earth is naturalized vnto procreation of Herbs and Trees Twise in this third days work first in the Diuision of waters and earth secondly in the Earths fructification Elohim seeth the work Good In the second day it is not once said he savve it good not because it was not good but because
of the Mysticall partition wall diuiding betwene people and people as betwene Iewe and Gentile closely therby teaching all sortes of people that it is kata tj respectiuely not good that the Lord his sheepfold is not yet One but then it shal be perfectly good when both sortes are gathered into One vnto One Pastor The waters in this Day remayne barren but the earth conceiues ād brings forth Twyns Herbs and Trees in their kyndes And here to the full viewe of the other two Elements vvater and Earth Water is passiue to the Ayre as the Ayre passiue vnto Fyre and it is ●● Nature Moist and Cold. So is the phlegmatick complexion the westw●nde and wynters quarter The water is of a Globe like forme as may not only appeare by Drops but also by sailinge the Seas which Io. de Sac●obusto in his boke of the Sphere proueth by plaine Demonstration The Earth is patient to the water as the water to the Ayre and it to the Elementall fyre and so the Earth A female to All as the Fyre is the Agent or Male to all It is naturally Cold and Dry and therfore vnto it Naturians referre the North wynde the Melan-cholik humour Autumme and age decrepit fit to be gathered into the ●arth as into A Barne vntill the day of Diuision Of all Elements the Earth is most ponderous and therfore it kepeth the Center or Period of the worlds Sphere or Globe Seas nauigation Starres compossinge et● proue it to be of A sphericall forme howsoeuer Ptolemeus and many others haue demed the contrarie And in asmuch as the Earth is as the midprick of the worlds Circle contained of all but containinge none it must therfore be immoueable as ●●s 104. 5. THE FOWRTH DAY VErs 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. And Elohim said Let there be Lights Herein obserue 1. the Creation of starres 2. the end of their Creation The Starres are either Planeticall of these is spoken Iude 13. and of these wandrers two principall the Sun and Moone are put for the whole 7. Or secondly the starres are Firmamentall called for theyr slowe motion in comparison of the former 7 vnder them unmoueable or starres fired Of this nomber to the ●lejades Orion Matzaroth Arcturus Iob 38 31. 32. with infinite moe Gen. ● 5. scintillizinge in our e●es beholding them All these doth Elohim nomber and call them by their names These starres are placed in the firmamentall body for this end 1. For distinguishing betwene Day and Night 2. For distinguishinge tymes and Seasons with their naturall Ab●●●edes Astralogie kept within these bounds and indeede what wandreth from these poynts that is besides the Art it is A Science glo●ons fitting A Christian to hy Contemplation Abraham could not beholde the starres but he expected another gates church of spirituall starres in the mysticall Firmament then our Heretical spirits cause who by their blasphemous conclusions inferre A Nullitie of these starres for these 1●00 Yeares I am not ignorant that the churches firmament shold haue manie of her starres apostatinge Reu. 6. 13. but they must also knoe 1. the tyme of such A copious flat fall namely vnder the breaking vp of the 6. seale 2. they must knoe that all shold not fall Reu. 12. 4. Thirdly they must knoe that the starres thus plentifully fallinge they did specially foretype the fall Ministeriall for so starres are expounded Reu. 1. 20. not the fall of the popular or vulgar sort of the church and of these Aswell as of the former is the promise Gen. 15. 5. And for this cawse immediatly after Iohn saw the Ministeriall fall the Lord to his and our comfort affordes him the sight of an Angel Chap. 7. 2. comminge from the East 1. for sealing vp the thowsands of Israel 2. for enforming him of the Infi 〈…〉 e of the Gentiles preserued in that downefall of ministers and stoppage of the Euangels passage though not without ma●●fold afflictions The Heretikes and amōgst the residue the right Brownistes that for prouinge themselues the only visible church of god do much babble euery vnlearned ●obbino● of them of this mysticall booke of Reuelation I giue them boldly to vnderstand that their vse of that booke is but as A parable in A fooles mouth or an arrowe in a dogs thighe Prou. 26. 9. 9. The lip of excellency fits not A foole Prov. 17. 7. Pa●l lookinge vnto these starres 1. Cor. 15. he durst boldly conclude A difference of glow in the ●esurrection And I doubt not but these starres are of A more excellēt Nature then som Creatures made after Let Dauids wonderment at the sight of these superiours Psa 8. 3. helpe me out in that as also the distinction of bodies 1. Cor. 15. 40. compared with vers 48. Elohim hauing with the breath of his Mouth not only created but also kyndled these torches and Lamps in the heauens for their Sphaeres were rowled out in the second Day he so seales vp the 4. Day consisting of his morning and eueninge THE FIFTE DAY Vers 20. 21. 22. 23. Afterward Elohim said Now the Lord casteth aside his Ep vnto the former Earth waters emoyning them 1. to bringe forth Fishes in their kynds 2. Fethered fowles in their kynds As the Earth was the womb of Twyns Herbs and Trees so is the water the womb of Fishes and Fowles Ps 8. 8. Objection But in ch 2. 19. it is s●●de he formed euery fovvle of the Earth therfore not of the water I answer The Earth brought not forth his Herb and Plant without the symbolization of the other Elements and therfore we se in them the nature of fyre ayre water so the waters here produce this cople of creatures by combyninge with the Earth as his female subiarent but yet it is termed principall by reason the waters as at the next hand to vowarde do reach the same forth Of fishes som are superiours as Leuiathan whales the Sea wolfe or ●yke etc. som inferiours and that specially vnfinned fishes as Eel●s and crepe●s as frogs etc. The fowles are either ● thereall as these that delite naturally aboue as the Egle etc. Or Terrestricall as all such fowles as haue I naturall heauines in flight because the Elements of water and earth do much sway in them These sorts preachinge as it were A mysticall difference betwixt Man and Mā theyr Super visours whither in the state Politicall or Ecclesiasticall yet all of them bound to looke back to the Baptisme waters from whence if they be created vp the word and the Spirit they haue their orderly producture Exept A Man be borne againe of the water and Sprite he cannot enter into the kingdom of Elohim Ioh. 3. 5. Dauid psal 104. 25. etc. looking with his spirituall ey into the Sea he cannot but admire the wisdom of God and his riches therein Wisdom in the variety and excellenc● of the Creatueres Riches in the aboundance of them He that coms vnto these waters of Elohim and casteth in his Net or Angle
Word and Sprite eternall immense and therfore vndefutable which Mo●er of Moue●s the Philosophers groping after Som with A●a●imander called him Infinitum Som with Chius Metro●er ● termed him ple 〈…〉 mane Som the Being of Beinges Som came downe ●●sely and entitled him by such and such A creature in heauen or in Earth but because I think they vnderstood that the Being of Beinges had being in euery Creature of which mynd was Mar●●ainge louis omnia 〈◊〉 as also 〈…〉 hylus when he crieth out la 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Coelumque 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 s●pta Vers 2 And the Earth Leauinge the Heauenly Matter he now describeth the Earthly And the Earth was ●ohu and Boh● Som de●ue Toha of T●han Desolation som of Iehom ● g●●lfe or darknes both good Do thow shut thy eyes close and tell me what in mind or Conceipt thow sees A swallowinge wast darknes So I conceiue here of Toha The other wrod Boh● voyd Pagni●e defineth to be The Forme which grueth being to Matter Herein then lieth the Matter and his Internall forme The externall forme I may call the Figure of this Lump by the which it appeared outwardly and that was Darknes ouerspreadinge The first 2000. Yeares from the Creation the Iues call Tohu from this place and consideration The Lump thus formed the●e Sitteth vpon the waters therof the waters naturally lighter the Spirit as an Henne fo●inge the Egge for●oduringe the followinge creatures Iesus He sanctifying the waters Math 3 10 for Baptismes vse loe the spirit in forme of A Doue som think of A Piller but their thought intollerable seing no Greek copie euer had for pe 〈…〉 written for pe 〈…〉 se Chyt 〈…〉 on Ioh 1. he ouershadoweth Iesus 〈…〉 ing ouer the waters for the M●sticall producemēt of more excellēt creatures then were the former Cursed therfore the Ca●a-paydistes that will not hope infants of the faithfull sacrified from the wombe 1. Cor. ● 14. as were Ieremiah and Iohn Baptiste The Cauillers who by Spirit wold vndersta●d vvynd they speake besides booke for that Creature yet had not his being Ben. joch a● callinge it the spirit of Messiah he may set such Christians to schoole Vers 3. Then Elohim said Elohim hauing with the begininge of tyme and tyme is A nomber of Motion effected the Matter ●oelestiall and terrestriall Moses in the next place passeth to procedents visible I say visible to distinguish the following creatures from ●● visible creatures before the others produced These Invisible ones I vnderstande to be ●ugelicall principalities and powers Colos 1 16. who are denied by Gregorius from they● precious stones E●ek 28 13 to be of 9. seuerall orders the 10. place beinge that from which Lucifer and his damned cr●e are fallen to the filling of which place the m●sticall body of Iesus is a●otted The like doctrine doth Origen deliuer from the parabolicall t●th gr●ate ●ound b● the woman seking These Angels all of them I deme most likly to be created in the first da● togither with the Light because they are called Angels of light Against this poynt in my Bibles Breif A great scholer in S. hath opposed by report of one of his principall hearers His opposition is deliuered in this his Ariome Quicquid Natura excellentius id creatione poster●us that is latter in order of Creation which is in nature more excellent and therfore saith he A te go the Angels must be last of creatures created Against his judgment I will not oppose waters Aun●ient and Now but against his physicall Ar●ome I oppose Meta-phisicall order order diuyne What if I shold affirme woman though latter created to be inferiour in nature to man wold no subtile disputer take my part But I oppose Moses in the former speach Heauen and Earth giuinge the heauens matter the first place and I trowe that is in Nature more excellent then this Moses closely passing ouer their Creation and the fall of som these thinges are to be opened by the succeding light of scripture They therfore termed Angels of Light I se not why they might not as most probable haue their Being togither with the Light and if produced out of the first lump then out of the heauens not earths Nature Besides that Ioh. 8. 44. pointing out the Deuel of Deuels by whome the other apostate angels were murdred the charge from the begininge can be but ouer straitly tyed only to His murdring of Man in the 6. day As in Man kynd though but two One was first in transgression so the phrase S●tan De●el considering the infinite Legions of them it may easely perswade at least not with vnlikenes that Som One of the Angels was first in trāsgression and so the murdrer of the rest and properly theyr fall being in the first day He so ● murdrer from the begininge Q●icquid must therfore be turned into Aliquid and his Ar●ome must admit a Caution Out of Darknes Elohim fetcheth Light If one Lemuristes Lemares are in engl ●obgoblins or night sprites will haue this Light ●o be Christ then by like proportion must affirme darknes to be the Deuel and so out of the Deuel then fetch their Christ Iohn in his Ghospel affirmeth that Light he speaks of to be the vvoid and God by whome euery Creature existing was made By the vvord of the father is this Light 1. Created 2. approued for good From the Effects we must turne back to consider their next cawse The Light is an Effect of the Elementall fyre working by the 〈…〉 e. The Generation of Light is then by fyre the Agent and the ●ure the patient the light it self as the child conceuied Thus by the more knowen thinge the Effect we fynd out that is lesse knowen the Elemetns of Fyre and ●●re The Elementalsl fire is most hot and dry so is the Complexion Choler the East wynd and sommer quarter and therfore it drawes by exhalations from belowe which comminge into the vppermost Region of the Ayre the matter there is turned into Comets furie shootings c. But stayinge in the Midle Region it is turned there by reason of his cold into som waterish clowde afterwards by the Sun dissolued it Commeth downe againe in ●ayne if the Clowde be naturally dissolued But in Snow if the clowd be not orderly melted speciallly if it be wynd shaken much Or else in the lower part of that Region it is turned into ●aile Vapours but a litle drawen vp is easely turned into Frost or Dewe The Ayre next Element in lightnes is moderatly hot and moyst vnto him is compared the complexion sanguine the South wynd and Springe Season Som haue demed the vvynd and Ayre all One. The wynd being Dr● not Moist it argueth the contrarie The wynd is whot and dry of nature with the fore consisting for Matter of such qualified vapours and drawen vp vp strength of Sun as A straw by the heat of Ieat but comminge into the Middle Region of the Ayre they are repulsed
be In which ark as he himself shold be preserued so also that which was his 1. his Children 2. cooples of euery creature togither with theyr furniture Vnto euery particular of which Injunction diuyne the Diuine Prophet is conformable The Arks stuffe is of Ghopher the which word as Hebrues write is not once againe found in the Lord his Booke Som do turne it vvood 〈…〉 red som Cedar Pynetre Lightvvood What kynd of wood soeuer it was Light it was and there vnto I am the rather induced because in Gen. 19. 23. Gaph 〈…〉 Brimstone A mounting minerall it is hence diduced The Cubit common is the lenght of A foote and an halfe The Cubit here I take to be that of Geometrie as doth O●igen against Celsus which containeth 6. common Cubits and so is it here commoly receiued of the Hebrues The Loftes are but thre First second third though others haue taught moe Curiosiues I passe by By this Ark I typically vnderstand 1. the Excellency of the visible church which preserueth her childen and all theyr furniture Whcih Church orderly distributeth her creatures into seuerall Classes or co●●es The Philosophers cold say Tria sunt Omnia And behold here the Roumes were hy hyer hyest As the scripture teach A syn against the Father A syn against the Son A syn against the ho. gh so in the Church som are more capable of the father his Naturall creation som of the Son his spirituall regeneration som of the Spirits mysteris in contemplation yet Omnia ab vno ad vnum yet all these Guiftes from One God and that vnto one End the praise of his name 2. It may signify the same worke in one singular Person for though all Violets haue not one ●ue yet they all smell sweet and so Origen tropilogically applies it teaching this Arke so to be built in Mans heart and possessed with the threfold sense of scripture Literal Moral Allegorical euery affection hewed and squared for ad-aptinge A place for the Lords Bibliotheca or Librarie drawen from the Aposticall and Propheticall Volumes Noah must do nothinge in the Church Type but accordinge to Iehouahs patterne Nor must any man were he as great as Noah do any thinge in the Church her self in hewinge sqaringe rejectinge acceptinge joyning polishinge placinge off any thinge discrepant to Analogie and proportion of faith administred 2. Tim. 1. 13. and 2. 15. Rom. 12. 3. 1. Cor. 14. 40. This work must be suerly pitched not as did certaine in Ezekiels tyme. Ch. 13. 9. 10. etc. After such dawbinge the Ship will leake nay one bouncinge billowe will splet the Back in peeces Desperaetly fayle they that entertaine such Prophets for Pilots Or hier such H●wers to frame A spirituall buildinge against vnmercifull tempests Verse 22. Noah did For the 120. y. thence vnto the flood Noah fynds himself occupied in the alotted work the spirit of Messiak preachinge after A sorte by euery stroke of his Are and hammer vnto the cares of the wicked What art thow doinge quoth one What is the Old doatinge foole doinge quoth another He and his blowes on the tymber do reply thus The vvorld shal be drovvned the vnrepent damned Repent beleiue and enter vvith me into this Ark as into the Rock Iesus Cant. 14. and so ye shall be saued The wretches rebell 1. Pet. 3. 20. they laffe in theyr Sle●e returne to theyr wyne build plant marry till Vengeaunce take them nappinge As the days of Noe came sodainly vnexpected so likevvise shall the comminge of the Son of ma● be For as in the days preachinge the flood they did eat drinck marry giue in mariage vnto the day that Noe entred into the Ark knevve nothïnge till the flood came and tooke them all avvay so also shall the comminge of the Son of Man be Math. 14. 37. 38. 39. Let the Despisers Mock on Loosers ●●ust needs haue theyr sayinges Argument Chap. 7. IEHouah calls Noah and his obay The floods of waters couer all straight-way Diuision of the text I. FIrst I obserue the Lord his speach to Noah vers 1. 2. 3. 4. II. Sec. the Obedience off Noah and the inferiour Creatures Thence vnto the. 17. vers III. Thirdly the execution off iudgment vpon the world in the remnant off the chap. I. In the Lords speach obseruable 1. his care off preseruing first Noah and his family drawen from the vprightnes off Noah vers 1. Then off preseriunge inferiour Creatures drawen from the end vers To becom seed vpon the whole earth vers 2. 3. Secondly there is set downe in Iehouahs speach A seuen days forewar●●nge off the Deluge vers 4. II. The Obedience of aged Noah and the other Creatures is layde downe thence vnto the 17. verse And this is don 1. in A Generall terme layd downe vers 5. Then by rippinge vp the Obedience off both sortes off Creatures sealed vp by Iehouah shutting the dore vpon them in the remnant off the verses III. The Execution off the Lord his Iudgment is set downe 1. In the waters preuaylinge vers 17. 18. 19. 20. secondly in the destruction off all Flesh exceptinge that in the A●lie and that by the sayd swelling waters Thence to the end ELVCIDATION VErs 1. c. And Iehouah said The Patriarch his vprightnes brings welfare to his whole houshold they must all into the Ark. Off more vertue is the Obedience off our Noah Christ in whome the father Rests well pleased with al such as heare him Math. 17. 5. C ham the turkinge hypocrite for iff the Church cōsist but off 8. Persons two to One but there is som hypocrite for the season he fares the better for beinge at league with the Church For the cooples off beastes and byrdes much question many make The Hebrue readinge Se●uen Seauen off cleane-ones I vnderstand thereby 7. Males 7. Females and so 7. coople Of the vncleane it barely redinge A Coople I thereby think one Male one Female sufficient for theyr generation These that think there was Coition betwixt Mā and woman as also betwene other creatures in the Ark I deme it A coniecture without booke for as Rabbi Sa. Well saith it was the tyme off Vniversall tribulation and therfore more like they abstained from fleshly appetite as did Man and beast in Niniuehs humiliation The speach vers 7. Noah and his 3. sons Then after them the 4. wiues entringe the Ark apart as seperated from theyr husbands it may insinuate also theyr being so sundred within the Ark for that season And had not crooked Cham humbled himself in abstinence and prayer for the season and the Lord countenanced such obedience in the Niniuets out off the Couenant I could not think but the Lord wold haue pulled out the wretch Vers 4 Seauen days hence The Hebrues hold that these 7. days were Mathus●elah his Lament season In this yeare he died but whither in this weeke I knoe not Vers 11. In the 600 y. of Noahs lyfe in the second