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A16831 Gods treasurie displayed: or, the promises, and threatnings of Scripture, &c. Methodically composed, for the helpe of weake memories: and contrived into question, and answere, for the comfort of Sions mourners, and for the awakening of the Laodicean-like secure. Bridges, Francis, fl. 1630.; Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1630 (1630) STC 3733; ESTC S106572 191,335 607

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against you yet he shall purge them away Psa● 65 3● Moreover every valley shall be exalted and every mountaine and h●ll shall be made low and the crooked things shal be made straight and the rough places plaine Isa 40 4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mighty through GOD to the pulling downe of strong holds casting downe imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it selfe against the knowledge of GOD and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of CHRIST 2 Cor. 10 4. Acts 9 20. Ob. But doe not you as PAVL did of himse fe say of your selfe that what I would doe that I doe not but what I hate that doe I Rom. 7 15 23. Gal. 5.17 A. If I doe that I would not I consent vnto the law that it is good Now then it is no more I that do it but sinne that dwelleth in me Rom. 7 16. And though I walke in the flesh yet doe I not warre after the flesh 2 Cor. 10.3 For the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Cor. 3 17 Therefore I thanke GOD through IESVS CHRIST our Lord hat with the mind I serue the Law of GOD though with the flesh the Law of sinne Rom. 7 25. Q. What is required of vs to be done for the furthering of this Grace in our selues A. Dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and Pilgrims abstaine from fleshly lusts which warre against the Soule 1 Pet. 2 11. 2 Pray saying keepe backe thy Servant from presumptuous sinnes let them not haue dominion over me then shalt thou be vpright and innocent from the great transgression Psal 1● 13. Ob. Notwithstanding doe what I can this burthen of sinne presseth me very sore A. Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauy laden and I will giue you rest Mat. 11.28 For I am not come to call the Righteous but sinners to repentance Mat. 9.13 Ob. Behold we come vnto thee for thou art the Lord our God Ier. 3 22. But we haue gone astray like lost sheepe Psal 119 176. And the way of man is not in himselfe neither is it in man that walketh to direct his steps Ier. 10 23. A. I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Mat. 15 24. Therfore I am come to saue that which was lost Mat. 18 11. and to bring againe that which was driven away Ezek. 34.16 For how thinke you If a man haue an hundred sheepe and one of them be gone astray doth he not leaue the ninety and nine and goeth into the Mountaines and seeke that which was gone astray c. Even so it is not the will of the Father which is in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish Mat. 18 12 10 6. Luk. 15 8 c. Ob. The worst as yet remaines for though I see my way before me yet can I not walke therein A. The Spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weake Math. 26 41. Yet a bruised reed will he not breake and smoaking flaxe shall he not quench till hee send forth Iudgement vnto victory Mat. 12 20. And hee said vnto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weaknesse 2 Corinth 12 9. Ob. All this while my appetite after 2Grace is not alayed A. I will powre waters vpon him that is thirsty and flouds vpon the dry ground Isa 44 3 For as the Scriptures haue said out of his belly shall flow Rivers of liuing water which bee spake of the spirit which they that beleeue on him should receiue Ioh. 7 38 39. I am also the bread of life he that cōmeth vnto me shal neuer hunger and he that beleeueth on me shall never thirst Iohn 6 35 4 13. Luke 1 53. Ob. It is not meet to take the Childrens bread and to cast it vnto Dogges Mat. 15 26. A. True yet the Dogs eate of the crums which fall from the Masters table Mat. 15 27. And therefore if any man thirst let him come vnto CHRIST and drinke Ioh. 7 37. And hee that hath no money come yea buy and eate yea come buy wine and milke without money and without price Wherefore doe you spend money on that which is not bread And your labour for that which satisfieth not Hearken diligently vnto me and eate that which is good and let your soule delight it selfe in fatnesse Incline your eare come vnto him heare and your soule shall liue Isa 55 1. And the spirit and the bride say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take of the Waters of life freely Revel 22 17. Ioh. 4 10. Q. But in comming shall I not bee rejected A. All that the Father giveth mee shall come to mee and him that commeth to me I will in no wise cast off Ioh. 6.37 Ob. Sir giue mee then this water that I thirst not Ioh. 4.15 For notwithstanding all you haue said It is the very breaking of my heart to thinke that I can serue GOD no better A. The Sacrifices of GOD are a broken Spirit a broken and a contrite heart God will not despise Psal 51 17. For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth Eternitie whose name is Holy I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to reviue the spirit of the humble and to reviue the heart of the contrite ones Isa 57.15 To open the blind eyes to bring the Prisoners from the prison and them that sit in darknesse out of the prison house Isa 42.7 That they might bee called the trees of Righteousnesse the planting of the LORD that hee might be glorified Isa 6● 2 3. Therefore turne yee to the strong holds ye prisoners of hope for even to day doe I declare that I will render double vnto thee Zach. 9 12. Isa 49.8.61 1. Psal 34.18.147 3. Ob. These are sweet promises I confesse but yet I want comfort still A. The Lord God hath given CHRIST the tongue of the Learned that hee should know how to speake a word in season to him that is wearie Isa 50 4 Blessed therefore are you that mourne for you shall bee comforted Math. 5.4 Ob. Yet for all this the distresses of my soule are such as bee intollerable to beare and how to bee deliuered I know not A. Who is among you that feareth the Lord that obeyeth the voyce of his servant that walketh in darknesse and hath no light let him trust in the Name of the Lord and stay vpon his GOD Isa 50.10 and seeke vnto him that maketh the seaven Starres and Orion and turneth the shadow of Death into the morning and maketh the day darke with night that calleth for the waters of the Sea and powreth them ●●t vpon the face of the earth the LORD ●his name Amos 5 8. CHAP. XXVI Of the Temptations of the Devill Ob. THough I should preuaile
many there be which goe in thereat But straight is the Gate and narrow is the way that leadeth vnto life and few there be that find it Mat. 7 13 7 19 5 29 30 31. Q. What must I do when vpon good ground I shall fi●d my selfe to bee deliuered from so great a condemnation A. Giue thankes to God and say Great is thy mercy towards me for thou hast delivered my soule from the lowest hell Psal 86.13 Q Why Is it not in mans power to purchase Heaven and to deliuer himselfe from Hell A. Verily verily I say vnto you except a man be borne againe of Water and the Holy Ghost hee cannot enter into the kingdome of Heaven Ioh. ● 3 And without holinesse no man can see the Lord Heb. 12 14. And yet who can say my heart is cleane I am pure from my sinne Prou. 20 9. I●b 9 20. Isa 64 6. Iob. 9.30 31. Psal 93 5. CHAP. XIX Of Sanctification Ob. IF this bee our case who then can be saued Mark 10 26. A. With men this is vnpossible but with GOD all things are possible Math. 19 26. By whom there shall be a fountaine opened to the house of DAVID for sinne and for vncleannesse Zach. 13.1 And you shall be cleane from all your filthinesse and from all your Idols will hee cleanse you Ezek. 36.25 And will turne to you a pure language Zeph. 3 9. that hee who blesseth himselfe in the earth shall blesse himselfe in the GOD of Truth Isa 65 16 And shall serue the Lord their GOD and DAVID their King whom hee will raise vp vnto them Ier. 30 9. Hos 2.16 17. Zeph. 3 13. Psal 37.30 31. 2. Tit. 14. Ioh. 17 19. Heb. 10.7 10. 2. Cor. 13.8 Rom. 8 9. Zach. 8 3. Ezek. 37 28 1. Thes 5 23. Math. 13.33 Isa 4.2 Thus the heart of IEHOSAPHAT was lifted vp in the wayes of the Lord 2. Chro. 17 6. And ZACHARIE and ELIZABETH were both righteous and walked in all the ordinances of the Lord blamelesse Luk. 1 6. Act. 23 1.24 16. Heb. 13 18. Act. 10 22. Ob. Can the Blackmoores skin be changed or a Leopard his spots And can he bee good that is accustomed vnto evill Ier. 13 23. A. Yea for if the blood of Buls and of Goates and Calues and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the vncleane sanctifie to the purifying of the Flesh how much more shall the Blood of CHRIST who through the Eternall spirit offering himselfe without spot vnto GOD purge your Consciences from dead workes to serue the living God Heb. 9 13. Eph. 2 1. Gal. 1 23. Ob. I feele the dwelling of sinne in me still A. So did IOB Iob 9 20.9 30.31 and DAVID Psal 38 4.51 3. and ISAIAH Isa 64 6. and PAVL Rom. 7 18. 1. Tim. 1 15. And so though you also doe walke in the flesh yet doe you ●ut warre after the flesh 2. Cor. 10 3. Sinne shall not haue dominion over you for you are not vnder the Law but vnder Grace Rom. 6 14. For the law of the Spirit of Life which is in CHRIST IESVS shall free thee from the law of Sinne and of Death Rom. 8 2. 1. Cor. 12 3. Q. Why doth CHRIST wash vs who are so vncleane A. CHRIST loueth his Church and gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word and that hee might present it to himselfe a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such th●ng but that it should be holy and without blemish Ephes 5 25. Hos 14 4. Q. Is there nothing required of vs for the furthering of this Grace in our selues A. Hee that hath this hope purifieth himselfe as hee is pure 1. Ioh. 3 3. you shall therefore sanctifie your selues and ●ee shall be holy for I am holy neither shall you defile your selues with any manner of creeping thing Leu. 11.44 But if you walke in the Spirit you shall not fulfill the lusts of the Flesh Gal. 5 16. For every branch that beareth fruit hee purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit Ioh. 15 2. Rom. 6 12. Leu. 20 8.20.26 But his owne iniquities shall take the wicked himselfe and he shall be holden with the cords of his owne sinnes Prou. 5 22. For God will giue him vp vnto his owne hearts lusts whereby he shall walke in his owne counsels Psal 81 12. 2. He must pray saying O Lord why hast thou made mee to erre from thy wayes and hardened my heart from thy feare Returne for thy servants sake Isa 63 17. Create in me a cleane heart O GOD and renew a right spirit within me Cast me not away from thy presence and take not th● holy Spirit from me Psal 51 10. Keepe backe thy servant also from presumptuous sinnes let them not haue dominion over me Psal 19 13. Who can vnderstand his errours Cleanse thou me from my secret faults Psal 19 12. I will runne the wayes of thy Commandements when thou hast inlarged my heart Psal 119 32 41 4. Ioh. 17 17. Q. When wee find this grace of Sanctification to bee wrought in vs what must we then doe A. Because it is GOD which worketh in you both to will and to doe of his good pleasure Phil. 2 13. The●e●ore s●y yee God bee thanked that we were the servants of Sinne but we haue obeyed from the heart that forme of Doctrine which was deliuered vs. Rom. 6 17. Q. But shall no Sanctifying grace of GOD be wanting A. GOD gaue not CHRIST the Spirit by measure Ioh. 3 34. For it pleaseth the Father thut in him should all fulnesse dwell Col. 1 19. And vnto every one of vs is given Grace according to the measure of the guift of CHRIST Ephes 4 7. So that you shall come behind in no guift 1. Cor. 1 7. But of his fulnesse you shall receiue and grace for grace Ioh. 1 16. Isa 11 2 3. Psal 68 19. Zach. 14 8. Ephes 1 3 4. CHAP. XX. Of Knowledge Faith Trust and Hope Q. WHich is the fi●st of those Graces A. To know the Truth Ioh. 8 32. I will saith God giue them an heart to know me that I am the Lord Ier. 24.7 For this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel c. I will put my Lawes into their minde and write them in their hearts c. And they shall not teach every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know mee from the least to the greatest Heb. 8 10. Ier. 31 33. And the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD as the waters cover the Sea H●b 2 14 Moreouer the light of the Moone shall be as the light of the Sunne and the light of the Sunne shall be seaven-fold as the light of the 7. dayes Isa 30.26 Wherby the people that sate in Darkenesse saw great light and to them which sate in the Region of the
Ioh. 1 47. Gen. 24 40. Psal 116 9. 2 King 20 3. Acts 24 16. Of Hypocrisie Q. Is this any common Grace A. Helpe Lord for the godly man ceaseth for the faithfull faile from among the children of men They speake vanity every man with his neighbor with flattering lips and with a deceitfull heart doe they speake Psal 12 1 28 3. Their mouth is ful of deceit and fraud they sit in the lurking places of the villages Psal 10 7. There is no faithfulnes in their mouthes their inward parts are very wickednes their throat is an open sepulture they flatter with their tongues Psal 5 9. Prou. 20 14. Dan. 11 34. Ier. 5 26. As Iudas who betrayed his master with a kisse Mat. 26 49. And as Ioab who tooke Amasa by the beard with the right hand to kisse him and slew him with the other 2 Sam. 20 9. Gen. 49 21. Ioh 12 6.1 Sam. 18 17. So the house of Iacob saith God doe seek me daily and delight to know my waies as a nation that did righteousnesse and forsooke not the Ordinances of their GOD they aske of me the Ordinances of Iustice they take delight in approaching to GOD Isa 58 2. and yet they bend their tongue like their bow for lyes but they are not valiant for the truth vpon the Earth Ier. 9 3. Neyther haue they cryed vnto me with their harts when they howled vpon their beds Hos 7 14. And though they say the Lord liueth yet do they sweare falsely Ier. 5 2. They returne vnto me not with their whole heart but fainedly saith the Lord Ier. 3 10 Isa 59 13. Hos 8 2. 2 Tim. 3 5. For when he slew them they sought him Neverthelesse they flattered him with their mouth and lyed vnto him with their tongue for their heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast in his Covenant Psalm 78 34. c. Math. 23.5 14 25 verses 2 King 10 31. 1 Sam. 26 21 1 24 17. Ob. It should seeme this grace of Sinceritie is very rare and yet who wil not say my heart is vpright Stand apart come not neere me I am holier than thou Isa 65 5. A. Most men will proclaime every man his own goodnesse but a faithfull man who can find Prou. 20 6. All the wayes of a Man are cleane in his owne eyes but the LORD pondereth the spirits Pro. 16.2 He that is first in his owne cause seemeth iust but his Neighbour commeth and searcheth him out Prou. 18 17 25 14. And therefore if any man seeme to himselfe to be somewhat when hee is nothing hee deceiueth himselfe Galath 6 3.2 King 10 15. Q. What is the danger of Hipocrisie A. Shall not I visit for those things saith the Lord shall not my soule bee avenged on such a Nation as this Ier. 5 29. Yea cursed shall he be that smiteth his neighbour secretly and all the people shall say Amen Deut. 27.24 So that the Hypocrites hope shall be cut off and their trust shall be a Spiders web Hee shall leane vpon his house but it shall not stand hee shall hold it fast but it shall not endure Iob 8 13. Psal 12 3. Q. Wherein then lyes the difference betwixt the estate of the Hypocrites and the true Nathaniels in whom is no guile A. Hee that walketh vprightly walketh surely but he that perverteth his way shall be knowne Prov. 10 9.28 18. The integritie of the vpright shall guide them but the perversnesse of the transgressors shall destroy them Prou. 11 3 5 6. By the blessing of the vpright the Citie is exalted but it is overthrowne by the mouth of the wicked Prou. 11 11. For lying lippes are abomination to the Lord but they that deale truly are his delight Prou. 12.22 And therefore better is the poore that walketh in his Integritie than hee that is perverse in his lips and is a foole Prou. 10 1.14 5.13 6. Psal 84 11. Ob. But such become great and doe waxe rich they wax fat they shine Ier. 5.28 A. What is the hope of the Hypocrite though he haue gained when God taketh away his soule Will God heare his cry when trouble commeth vpon him Will hee delight himselfe in the Almighty Will hee alwayes call vpon God Iob 11 20. Pro. 10.28 Q. What may this teach vs A. Because as in the water face answereth face so the heart of man to man Prou. 27.19 Therefore let euery man proue his owne worke and then shall he haue reioycing in him selfe alone and not in another Gal. 6.4 2 Beware yee of the leauen of the Pharises which is Hipocrisie Luk. 12.1 Let loue bee without dissimulation Rom. 12 9. And be yee perfect with the Lord your God Deut. 18.13 Not to bee almost but altogether such as PAVL was Acts 26.29 That so you may bee able to say Search mee O God and know my heart and try mee and know my thoughts see if there bee any way of wickednesse ●●me Psal 139.23.26 1. Math. 6 1. 3 Pray saying Let my heart be sound ● thy statutes that I be not ashamed Psal 119.80 Draw me not away with the ●icked and with the workers of Iniquitie ●hich speake peace to their Neighbours but mischiefe is in their hearts Psal 28. ● O continue thy loving kindnesse to them that know thee and thy righteousnes in the vpright in heart Psal 36.10 4 Take yee heed every one of his neigh●●ur and trust yee not in any Brother for ●very Brother will vtterly supplant and ●very Neighbour will walke in slaunders ●●d they will deceiue every one his neigh●●●r and will not speake the truth They haue taught their tongues to speake ●yes and weary themselues to commit iniquitie Ier. 9.4 Put yee not confidence in a guide keepe the doores of thy Mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome Micha 7.5 But learne of CHRIST who did not commit himselfe vnto the Iewes because hee knew all men for hee knew what was in Man Ioh. 2 24. The simple man indeed beleeveth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his goings Pro. 14 15. Esa 59 14. Ier. 12.6 Of Perseverance Q. Sinceritie I doe confesse to bee a singular Grace gracing all the rest but what assurance can you giue mee of perseuering therein Iob 27.10 A. The path of the Iust is a shining light that shineth more and more vnto the perfect day Prou. 4 18. If therefore that which you haue heard from the beginning shall remaine in you you also shall continue in the same and in the Father 1. Ioh. 2.24 who shall establish you an holy people vnto himselfe as hee hath sworne vnto you Deut. 28 9. And shall confirme you vnto the end that you may be blamelesse in the day of our Lord IESVS CHRIST 1 Cor. 1 8. Psal 84 7. For the Converts continued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and fellowship and in breaking Bread and in Prayers Acts 2 42 And the Church of Thiatira Her last workes were more
giue you assured peace in this place Ierem. 14 13.23 18 18 18.23 17. 1 King 18 17. A. AMEN the LORD doe so the Lord performe the words that they haue spoken Ierem 28 6. As for me I haue not hastened from being a Pastor to follow thee neither haue I desired the wofull day thou knowest that which came out of my lippes was right before thee Ier. 17 16. And as for your Ministers if any of them thinke himselfe to bee a Prophet and Spirituall let him acknowledge that the things that I write vnto you are the Commandements of the LORD but if any man bee ignorant let him bee ignorant 1 Corinth 14 37. But let no man deceiue you with vaine words for because of these shings commeth the wrath GOD vpon the Children of disobedience Ephes 5 6. Your Prophets prophecie lyes in my Name I sent them not neyther haue I commaunded them neither spake vnto them they Prophesied vnto you a false vision and divination and a thing of nought and the deceit of their heart Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the Prophets that prophecie in my Name and I sent them not yet they say Sword and Famine shall not bee in this land by sword and famine shall those Prophets bee consumed And the people to whom they Prophesied shall bee cast out into the streets of Ierusalem because of the Famine and the Sword and they shall haue none to bury them for I will powre theyr wickednesse vpon them Ierem. 14 14. And when the words of the Prophets shall come to passe then shall you know that the LORD hath truly sent him Ierem. 28 9.50 30.31 23 Ezek. 14 9.13 6.13 22. Hosea Isa 1. King 22 23.25 Isa 3 12. Ob. I thinke you will neuer giue ouer these threatning words giue mee such a Minister as will preach comfortable things vnto vs. A. Am I therefore become your enemie because I tell you the Truth Gal. 4 16. As for these Ministers they haue healed your hurt with sweet words saying Peace peace when there is no peace Ierem. 8.11 And if a man walking in the spirit and falshood and doe lye saying I will Prophecie vnto thee of wine and strong drinke hee shall bee even the Prophet of this people Micha 2 11. Therefore shalt thou fall in the day and the Prophet also shall fall with thee in the night and I will destroy thy Mother Hos 4 5. 1 King 18 18. Isa 30.8 Hos 4 4. Ob. Though these Iudgments you threaten be certaine yet they may not bee neere Ezek. 11 3. But the vision may bee for many dayes to come and you Prophecie of the times that are farre off Ez●k 12 27. A. Who is like mee And who will appoint mee the time saith the LORD Ierem. 49 19. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD There shall none of my words bee prolonged any more but the word which I haue spoken shall bee done saith the Lord GOD Ezek. 12 28 Yea eue● in your dayes O rebellious house will I say the thing and will performe it Ez●k 12 25. Hee shall come as an Eagle to the house of the LORD Hos 8 1. And hee will bee a swift witnesse against such scorners Malac. 3 5. For the dayes of visitations are come the dayes of recompence are come Hosea 9 7. It shall bee in a moment even sodainly Isa 29.5 as a breach ready to fall swelling out in a high wall whose breaking commeth sodainly at an instant Isa 30 13. For no man knoweth his time but as the Fishes that are taken in an evill net and as the birds that are caught in the snare so are the sonnes of Men snared in an evill time when it falleth sodainly vpon them Eccles 9.12 Amos 9 10 8 1 2. Zeph. 1 14. Deut. 32 35. Isa 47 11. Ierem. 1 12.48 Lam. 4 18.22 Ezek. 7 12 21.9 Hos 4.19 Ioel 2 1. Gen. 19 24. Dan. 5 3 30. Ob. If the worst things doe fall yet haue I many meanes to guard and to defend mee from the same A. O inhabitant of Lebanon that makest thy nest in the Cedars how gracious shalt thou be when Pangs come vpon thee as the paine of a woman in trauell Ierem 22.23 The pride of thine heart hath deceiued thee thou that dwellest in the clefts of the Rocke whose habitation is high that saith in his heart who shall bring mee downe to the ground Though thou exaltest thy selfe as the Eagle and though thou set thy nest among the Starres thence will I bring thee downe saith the LORD Obad. 3 4. Your silver and your gold shall not bee able to deliver you in the day of the wrath of the LORD Ezek. 7 19. The Lord is wise in heart and mighty in strength who hath hardened himselfe against him and prospered Iob 9 4. Prou. Ezek. 28.4 7 19. Zeph. 1.18 Zach. 9.3 Ier. 49.4 4.30 Hab. 2.9 Ob. If our owne power be too weake wee haue multitudes of allies and many good friends will stand by and succour vs A. EPHRAIM is fed with the Wind and followeth after the East-wind Hos 12.1 For though hand ioyne in hand the wicked shall not be vnpunished Prou. 16 5. And how say yee then wee are mighty and haue strong men for the Warre Ier. 48 14. Art thou better than populous No that was scituate among the Rivers that had the waters round about it whose Rampart was the Sea and her Wall was from the Sea Nahum 3 8. Yee haue plowed wickednesse yee haue reaped iniquitie yee haue eaten the fruit of lyes for because thou didst trust in the multitude of thy mighty men therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people and all thy Fortresses shall bee spoyled Hos 10.13 When also thy lovers will despise thee and will seeke thy life I●r 4.30 Your hired men shall bee turned backe and flie away together Ier. 46.21 And the multitude of thy strangers shall bee like the small dust and the multitude of thy terrible ones shall bee as the Chaffe that passeth away Isa ●9 5. And you shall bee ashamed of a people that could not profit you nor bee an helpe nor profit but a shame and also a reproch For they shall helpe in vaine and to no purpose● therefore haue I cryed concerning this their strength is to sit still Isa 30 5 7. Wherefore cease yee from Man whose breath is in his nosthrels for wherein is hee to bee accounted of Isa 2.22 1 Cor. 10.22 Isa Iob. 36.19 15.31 2 Samuel 16 23.2 17.14 Ier. 18. ● Ob. If wee cannot with safety stand out against these Iudgements wee will then flye from them and they shall not overtake vs Isaiah 30.16 A. Am I a GOD at hand saith the LORD and not a GOD a farre off Ier. 23.23 Whether will yee goe from his spirit Or whether will yee flee from his presence Psal 139.7 He which fleeth of you shall not flee away and hee that escapeth of you