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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15694 A sermon vpon the xii. xiij, and xiiij. verses of the xiiij. chapter of Ezechiel Wherein are chiefly shewed both the originall & accidentall causes of euerie dearth and famine, and especially of this dearth in England now 1608. and 1609. With the effects and fruites of the same, as also the helpes & remedies therof, if they be speedily and effectually practised. Preached at Strowd in the countrie of Glocester and published for the good of the church melitant. Whereunto is added a like meditation of the same author, vpon the 26. verse of the 11. chapter of Salomons Prouerbs, which may be called the Poore mans plea. By William Woodwall, minister and preacher of the word. 1609 Woodwall, William. 1609 (1609) STC 25970; ESTC S104842 41,160 78

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or message doth vpō his or their first arriuall vnto the person to whome they are sent make knowne both who sent him and wherefore as well for the further credit of his message as for the better acceptation of himselfe euen so doth this man of God the prophet Ezechiel in this place being called of God to deliuer his word vnto the children of Israel as it is to be seene more at large in the 1. 2. 3. ch of this prophesie doth in these words make knowne vnto them not onely what he was to say vnto them or what Embassage he was to deliuer but also who had sent him and whose Embassador hee was as out of the words of this text may be gathered The word of the Lord came vnto me Because euerie word of this text is verye pathetical I wil intreat of them verbatim as they say as they come in order And first wheras he entituleth his message by the title or name of the word of the Lord it giueth vs to vnderstand of some necessarie points to be considered of as namely and first of al what the word of the Lord is what he meaneth thereby in this place Secondly what the dignitie oc excellencie thereof is Thirdly what is the vtilitie and last of all the necessitie Concerning the first point what it is being considered in the whole it is reuerenced with many titles as the Lambes booke the Librarie of the holy Ghost fountaines of Israel waters of life the two edged sword Vrim and Thumim So it being considered in part is called the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth But what the Prophet meaneth in this place by it you must vnderstand Rom. 1. 16. that he meaneth no other thing but onely an holy Lesson counsell Doctrine or admonition or else an earnest and sharpe commination and dreadefull denunciation of Gods iudgement such as is contaiued in these words which I haue reade vnto you inspired or taught of God himselfe that is by his holy spirit for their instruction admonition or amendment to whome it was then sent as likewise vnto vs the church militant to whom it shold at any time hereafter be preached And this is both the meaning and signification of it in this place Now concerning the dignitie or excellencie therof although there can be no greater a praise or commendation be giuen thereof then that which you haue alredy heard Ro. 1. 16. c. Yet because the word it selfe is pregnant in this point it shall not be teadious vnto me to giue some tast therof Worthie therefore is that to be called to minde that the Prophet DAVID hath left recorded in Ps 19. ver 7. 8. c. saying The law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule the testimonie of the Lord is sure and giueth wisdom vnto the simple the statutes of the Lord are right and reioice the heart the Commaundements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired then golde yea then much fine golde sweeter then honye and the hony combe yea dearer vnto me then thousands of gold and siluer All which is spoken of the word of the Lord either in generall or particular or in both that men might make good vse thereof and giue good regard thereunto when it is sent or preached vnto them A common fault amongst manye at this day which esteeme of it no better then of a tale of Robinhood or as this Prophet sheweth of the people in his time Ch. 33. ve 31. 32. who esteemed therof none otherwise then of a song of one that hath a pleasant voice to sing wel for the vtilitie or profit thereof The Apostle Saint PAVL will tell vs that the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to conuince to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the man of god may be absolute and perfect vnto all good workes 2. Tim. 3. ver 16. 17. And Saint IAMES will say that it is able to saue our soules if it bee receiued with meekenes 1. IAM 1. 21. And for the necessitie therof let that be remembred which Salomon hath left recorded namely that where the word of the Lord is not preached there the people perish but he that keepeth the law shall be blessed Pro. 29. 18. These things being thus laide down doe giue vs to vnderstand not onelye what it is that heere the Prophet hath to say but also who this Lord is whose word is so powerfull precious profitable for although he is heere but barelye named Lord without anye further addition of this Title or declaration of his Maiestie yet this his word heere mentioned if we will search it well will teach vs and tell vs that it is euen that Lord of Lords and King of Kinges that onely hath immortallitie and dwelleth in light that Reu. 17. 14 1. Timo. 6. 16 Ps 50. 1. none can attaine vnto whome neuer man sawe nor can see vnto whome bee honour power euerlasting Amen Euen the God of Gods the Lord who hath spoken and called the earth from the rising vp of the Sunne vnto the going downe thereof The Lord of hoasts who buildeth his sphears in the heauen and hath laide the foundation of his Globe of Aug. 9. 6. elements in the earth He calleth the waters of the Sea and powreth them out vpon the earth The Lord is his name Came vnto me How and after what manner this word or message of the Lord came vnto the prophet EZECHIEL not only himselfe sheweth moste plainely Chap. 1. verse 3. and 29. Whereas he testifieth that the hand of the Lord was vpon him that is the spirit of Prophesie and that he heard a voice of one that spake to him But also the Authour to the Hebrewes Chap. 1. verse 1. 2 teacheth that the Almightie God at sundrie times and in diuers maners spake in olde time to our fathers the Prophets as in the first age to the Patriarkes by himselfe personally as to ABRAHAM MOSES c. So afterwards to the Prophets ESAY IEREMIE EZECHIEL and the rest by dreames visions and inspirations But in the fulnesse of time which the Apostle calles the last daies hath hee spoken to vs by his Sonne whome hee hath made heyre of all things like as in these our daies which are the last daies indeed he doth speake vnto vs the holy ministers of his word as vnto your selues by vs by his holy and diuine spirit according as the Prophet IOEL fore-tolde Cha. 2. 28. saying And after those daies I will poure out of my spirit vpon all flesh your Sonnes and your Daughters shall prophesie and your olde men shall dreame dreames and your yong men shall see visions Agreeable whereunto our Sauiour in the gospel saith Mat. 23. 34. Behold I send vnto you prophets and wisemen and Scribes c. And againe it is not you that speake but the spirit of your heauenly father
vnto his workes which one found of the Lords Trumpet were sufficient to make a breach in our obstinate soules if it were well attended vnto and to cause vs to abhorre sinne as a Serpent or at the least to conceiue some feare in committing thereof and continuing therein so resolute as many do God for his mercies sake in Iesus Christ vouchsafe to lighten the eyes and open the hearts of those that are either so wilfullye blinde or hardned in heart that they will not see nor vnderstād those things which are so apparāt before their faces that they may in good time bee conuerted from their euill waies to serue the Lord in all holy obedience and newnesse of life Amen Your well willer in the Lord. W. W. A Meditation vpon the 26. verse of the 11. Chap. of the Prouerbes which may fitly be called The poore-mans Plea Pro. 11. verse 26. He that withdraweth Corne the people will curse him but blessing shall be vpon his head that selleth Corne. LIke as for the incitation and stirring vp of good men vnto vertue godlines there are many priuiledges and promises set downe in Gods worde for their further encouragement and going forward therein So againe on the other side for the terrour and reproofe of the wicked there are many sentences and sayings recorded to the end they might desist leaue off their wickednes and turne to the Lord their God Amongst which this is one that I haue read vnto you and yeeldeth most euident demonstration as in the seuerall parts thereof which are a curse and a blessing may ealsiy be gathered For in the first part it is saide He that withdraweth Corne the people will curse him from whence we may first learne that like as it is not vnlawfull to keepe or lay vp Corne in time of plenty against a time of scarsitie and dearth or want as Ioseph did in Aegipt so in time of scarfitie and dearth when we may conueniently spare it others doe want it then to with-holde the selling of or to keepe it hutched vp in our barnes Ricks or Garners in hope to raise the price of it and to enrich our selues by vndooing or famishing of others is a verie inhumane and vnchristian part And this is it that the Holy Ghost reporteth in this place a common fault at this day for as wee are taught by the Lawe and the Prophets To doe as wee would bee done vnto as we reade in Mat. 7. verse 12. Now say then that this were thy case or mine as it is of manye thousands that either of vs did want foode or rayment would we be content so to be dealt withall as to giue or paye double or treble the price for eyther as they were vsed to be sold at or as in any equitie or conscience they are worth for so are many compelled to do or else they cannot haue them And all because that many through couetousnesse and crueltie and hardnes of heart are giuen so many waies to with-drawe their Corne from their Bretheren as they doe For not only doe they hutch and hide it vp in their Barnes Rickes and Garners not vouchsafing to store the Markets with it as they ought But also when they bring out any it is in so scant and pinching a manner and measure and at so hie a price that the poore who moste do want it are neuer the neere beeing not able to compasse it Besides this when they cannot sell it at their own price that they would haue for it they set it vp or send it home againe and then transport it by water beyond Seas vnto some other place of Marte where they may sell it at their pleasure And by all these waies may it be said that they with draw their Corne from the people as first when they bring it not to the market secondly when they sell it or hold it at too deere a price and thirdly when they transport it to other places and therefore it were good that all such with-drawers of Corne from the people or from the Market did well consider of this that the holy Ghost hath heere left recorded for the opening of their hearts if they be not past cure as I feare me many of them be for he that doth either miserably hutch it vp in his Barne as the rich man mentioned in the 12. of S. Luke that built his barnes bigger or hold the price so hie that the poore cannot reach it as many did in the daies of the prophet Amos Chap. 8. 5. saying When will the new Moone be gone that we may sell Corne and the Saboath that we may set foorth wheate and make the Ephah small and the shekel greate and falsifie the weights by deceit or vnneighbourly transport it vn to other nations or people as many amongst vs do at this day the which how dreadfull and damnable a thing it is we may learne by these manifolde Doctrines and diuine dueties which Christ our Sauiour hath left recorded in his holyword teaching vs the contrary As namely first of all to be merciful and therfore saith Bee mercifull as your heauenly father is mercifull meaning thereby that wee should rather giue Corne and other foode franckly and freelye vnto those that want it then by any cruell and couetous meanes to with-draw it from them as our Saniour plainely in an other place saith Giue to euerie man that asketh frō him that wold borrow turn not thy face away This also was the meaning of Saint Iohn when he saide Whosoeuer hath this worlds goods and seeth his brother want and releeueth him not how dwelleth the loue of God in him Beside our Salomon heere v. 25. saith to the same purpose That the soule of the liberall waxeth fat and he that giueth plentifully shal poure foorth As if he would say as we commonly say he shall haue neuer the lesse at the yeres end yet so diffident and distrustfull are many in this case that they will rather say with the Prince mentioned in 2. Reg. 7. 2. who when Eliza prophesied of plenty the day folowing answered the man of God thus Though the Lord would make windowes in heauen could this come to passe so diffident I say are many now adoies especially of these withdrawers of Corne that if a man speake to them in the word of the Lord that is perswading or exhorting them to liberallitie towards the poore or vnto destributing of their Corne to the needy at a reasonable price by any the sentences or sayings of Christ or manner of his miracles wrought vnto that end as we may beholde by the encrease of the fiue barly-loaues two fishes seauen loaues and a few fishes at an other time they wil answer as the prince before named answered Eliza Though the Lord would make windowes in heauen c. For which cause let this be knowne againe vnto them that he which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly As by the example of Diues that