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A15144 The vvay to the celestiall paradise Declaring how a sinner may be saued, and come to life euerlasting. Contained in three bookes.The first second third sheweth that a sinner may be saued, & come to life euerlasting. By faith, apprehending Christ for his iustification, & applying to himselfe the promises of the Gospell made in Iesus Christ. Repentance, hauing his sins washed away in the bloud of the lambe Iesus Christ. Prayer, calling vpon God in the name of Iesus Christ. By Robert Whittell, minister of the Gospell. Whittle, Robert, d. 1638. 1620 (1620) STC 25441; ESTC S120396 338,769 458

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either to pray vnto God or to praise God Secondly the word of God if we meditate thereon 2 Concerning the word of God will stirre vs vp to praier whether we meditate on the law or the Gospell If on the law and the iudgements threatned against impenitent sinners the consideration thereof may moue vs to pray that we may haue grace to repent vs of our sinnes that so we may escape those iudgments threatned against vs and if we meditate on the Gospell and consider the promises of mercie and saluation made to all that truly beleeue and repent the consideration thereof may mooue vs to pray that we may haue grace to beleeue and to repent that so we may be partakers of those sweete and comfortable promises Thirdly meditations vpon the workes of Creation 3 Concerning the workes of Creation may stirre vs vp to Inuocation and calling vpon the name of the Lord either to pray to God for some blessing or to praise God for his goodnesse whether we consider the things created In heauen or In Earth or Threefold In the Seas and waters For so the Psalmist hath distinguished the workes of Creation p Psal 146. 6. Which made heauen and earth the Sea and all that therein is Touching the First The workes of creation in the 1 In the heauens heauens may stirie vs vp to call vpon the name of the Lord. As when we thinke on the Angels in heauen consider how they are q Heb. 1. 14. Ministring Spirits ready to r Psal 103. 20. doe his commandements hearkning to the voice of his word It should cause vs to pray that we also may endeauoure to lead such an angelicall life here on earth as that we be carefull to doe the will and obey the commandement of the Lord as the Angells doe When we looke vp to the heauens aboue see the firmament and behold the Sunne the moone and the starres those glorious lights the beholding thereof may cause vs to praise God for giuing vs sinfull men such glorious-bright-shining lampes to lighten vs in this vale of miserie as also to pray that after this life ended we may shine in the heauens as those glorious lights now shine for Daniel saith ſ Dan. 3. They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse as the starrs for euer and euer And our sauiour Christ saith t 〈◊〉 13. 43. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sunne in the kingdome of their father When we looke vp and see the cloudes we may meditate on Christs second u Mat 24. 34. Commming in the cloudes of heauen and how we shall be x 1 Thes 4. 17. caught vp in the cloudes and then pray that we may be ready and prepared * Versab to meete the Lord in the aire that so we may euer be with the Lord. When we heare it thunder and see the lightning flash in our faces we should meditate on the mighty voice of the Lord and the sound of the last y Vers 16. trumpe which shall cause the dead to rise as also of the suddainnesse of Christs second comming to iudgement compared to z Mat. 24. 27. lightning and then pray that we be not found sleeping but a Luk. 12. 36. 37 watching like to good seruants which Watch and wait for the Lords comming When we see the dew raine falling vpon the earth and perceiue that thereby the drie earth is refreshed bringeth forth hearbes and grasse and corne for the vse of man and beast we may meditate on the dew of grace and the sweete and comfortable raine of Gods word dropping vpon the hearts of men and refreshing their soules and then pray that as the raine falling vpon the earth maketh it fruitfull so the word of God dropping vpon our hearts may soften our hard and stonie hearts and make vs fruitfull in good workes When we consider the b Math. 6. 26. Foules of the aire how they sow not neither doe they reape nor gather into barnes and yet as our sauiour Christ saith Your heauenly father feedeth them we may meditate on the prouidence of God of his goodnesse prouiding for all liuing creatures and then pray that we may rest vpon God and depend vpon his prouidence for the things of this present life as foode and raigment and all other things needfull for the preseruation of our life c 1 Pet. 5. 7. Casting all our care on God and praying that we may d Math. 6. 33. First seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse that all needfull thing may be added vnto vs. Thus meditations to stirre vp our deuotion may be taken from things aboue Secondly from things on earth as when we looke 2 On the earth vpon trees consider how some trees beare good and plentifull fruite others either no fruite or bad fruite we may meditate on the seuerall sorts of men in the world and thinke with our selues how good men are like good trees doing good and bringing forth in their liues the fruit of holinesse and righteousnesse contrariwise that wicked men are like bad trees yeelding either no fruite or no good fruite who either liue Idly and are vnprofitable members doing no good or bringing forth e Isa 5. 4. wilde grapes liue wickedly and doe naughtily offending God and wronging men then pray that we may be good trees bringing forth good fruite because Iohn Baptist saith f Math. 3. 10. Euery tree which bringeth not forth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fier When we looke vpon the grasse in the field or flowers in the garden we may be put in mind of our mortalitie and shortnesse of life for as the Prophet Esay sayth g Isa 40. 6. All flesh is grasse and all the goodlinesse thereof as the flower of the field The grasse withereth the flower fadeth And when we are thus meditating on our mortalitie and shortnesse of life then we should pray that we may at all times be readie and prepared for the day of our death for we are but as the grasse and as the flower we know not how soone we may be cut downe pluckt vp and withered when we thinke or looke on beasts and cattell they may stirre vp our deuotion as when we perceiue the h Isa 1. 3. Oxe knowing his owner and the asse his masters crib as saith the Prophet we should pray that the Lord would make vs obedient and thankfull vnto God lest we be worse then the Oxe or the asse When we see a Lambe brought to the slaughter and the sheepe lying vnder the hand of the shearer dumbe we may meditate on the meeknesse patience of Christ our Sauiour in suffering for as the Prophet Esay saith i Isa 53. 7. he was oppressed he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is brought as a Lambe to the
against the Lord by thought word deed we cannot but acknowledge that it is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed The Lord might in his iustice cut vs off for the very first transgression for one euill thought for one wicked word for one sinnefull deede and when we find the mercy and goodnesse of God so much shewed towards vs as to spare ●s and suffer vs to liue notwithstanding our vile wicked and sinnefull life O how ought wee to acknowledge the goodnesse of God herein and how ought wee to praise the Lord for his mercy and patience towards vs in suffering vs so long Wherefore a sinner should be so far from making the patience of God to be an occasion of deferring that it ought rather to hasten his repeatance And he should reason thus hitherto I haue liued in sinne and done wickedly and yet the Lord hath beene ●o gracious vnto me that he hath spared me he might haue cut me off in the midst of my sinnes it is of the Lords mercies that I am not consumed and now I know not whether the Lord will forbeare me any more Wherefore I will delay the time no longer I will now repent I will now returne vnto the Lord the patience and long-suffering and the goodnesse of the Lord shall lead me to repentance CHAP. XIX Of the shortnesse of our life of the certaintie of death and the vncertaintie of the day and houre of death and how in regard of these its necessarie for a sinner to repent THirdly its necessarie for a sinner to repent of his sinnes and to amend his life in regard of 3 The shortnesse of mans life the shortnesse of our life In the first age of the world men liued long because as yet sin was not multiplied in the world for as one saith a D●c●r●●tus est 〈…〉 dec●●sus s●●●●dum 〈…〉 cap. ●6 the course of mans life was shortned according to the increase of some For when sinne beganne to be multiplied on the earth when the wickednesse of man was great in the earth then did God drowne the world of the vngodly and shortned the dayes of man so that whereas in the beginning of the world and before the stood men liued eight or nine hundred yeere after the floud they attained not two hundred for Abraham liued but an b Gen. ●5 7. hundred threescore and fifteene yeeres And Iacob counteth his dayes to be c Gen 47. 9. an hundred and thirtie And in the time of Moses the dayes of mans life were counted but d Psal 90. 10. threescore and ten The Scriptures speake thus of the shortnesse of mans life Iob saith e I●b 14. 1. Man that is borne of a woman is of few dayes Dauid thus f Psal 39. 5. behold thou hast made my dayes as an hand-breadth and mine age is as nothing before thee verily euery men at his best state is altogether vanitie Our life for the shortnesse thereof is compared to things of great swiftnesse and short continuance Iob compares our life to a g Job 7. 6. Weauers shuttle to a running h Iob. 9. 25. 26. Post to the swift Ships and to the flying of an Eagle hasting to the prey to a i I●b 14. 2. flower of the field that is soone cut downe and withered as al●o to a shaddow that fleeth and continueth not Dauid to the k Psal 103. 15. grasse and slower of the field which in the morning flourisheth and groweth vp in the euening is cut downe and withereth St Iames to a l Iam. 4. 14. vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away The woman of Tekoa in her parable compares the life of man to m 2 Sam. 14. 14. water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered vp againe and indeed n Pret●reunt ann●m refluentis aquae our yeeres passe away as the running waters For as all Riuers runne into the sea from whence they came so doe all men runne and hast to the earth from whence they came Our life is nothing else but a passing from life and a tending to death For from our infancie we passe to child-hood from childhood to young age from yong age to middle age from middle age to old age and from old age to death Now the shortnesse of our life ought to be a great motiue to perswade vs to repentance and amendment of life And to be warie how we spend our dayes This Moses the man of God teacheth vs from the consideration of the shortnesse of our life for hauing told vs that the length of our dayes is but threescore yeares and ten hereupon prayes and therein teacheth vs to pray o Psal 90. 12. so teach vs to number our dayes that we may apply our hearts vnto wisedome This reprooues the great folly of those who spend their daies in vanitie and wickednesse liuing at ease passing Vse away their time in eating and drinking and making Against those who spend the sho●t time of their life ill merrie considering not how short their life is nor how soone and suddenly they may be cut off and their daies come to an end It is with manie as Iob saith p Iob. 21. 13 they spend their dayes in wealth and in a moment goe downe to the graue It is the prayse of Moses that when he was in Pharaoh's Court and might haue liued there in all worldly honour and enioyed his pleasures at full yet q Heb. 11. 25. he refused to be called the sonne of Pharaoh's daughter chusing rather affliction with the people of God then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season Letting vs thereby vnderstand two things first that the pleasures of sinne are but for a season secondly that a wise man as Moses will not aduenture the losse of felicitie in heauen which is euerlasting for the enioying of the pleasures of sinne for a season Sinne is committed in this present life and this life is but short we are but of small continuance here and therefore if a man should giue himselfe to all sports and mirth that could be inuented and solace himselfe in all worldly delights and earthly pleasures euen to satietie yet these pleasures would be but for a short time but for a season now no wise man none but a very foole will buy his pleasures so deare as for the enioying of his earthly pleasures to loose heauenly ioyes and for the winning of things temporall to loose things eternall Fourthly its necessarie for a sinner to repent and amend 4 The certaintie of Death his life if he consider the certaintie of death Our life is but short and death is certaine God hath determined the end of mans dayes vpon earth After that Adam had finned God said vnto him r Gen. 3. 19. dust thou art and vnto dust shalt thou returne Iob saith ſ Iob 14. 10. Man dieth and wasteth away yea man giueth
Peter giueth this exhortation i 1 Pet. 2. 12. Hauing your conuersation honest among the gentiles that whereas they speake against you as euill doers they may by your good workes which they shall behold glorifie God in the day of visitation After this manner we are to praise God and to testifie our thankfulnesse 2 Reasons to perswade to thanksgiuing vnto God for his benefits and for all his goodnesse and mercies towards vs. In the second place I am to vse reasons to perswade to this dutie of thanksgiuing and they are these First The Scripture exhorteth to it saying k Psal 50. 14. 15. Offer 1 The Scripture exhorteth to it vnto God thanksgiuing and pay thy vowes to the most high and call vpon me in the day of trouble I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Againe the Psalmist exhorteth those that are deliuered from diuers calamities and afflictions l Psal 107. 8. to praise the Lord saying k O that men would praise the Lord for his goodnesse and for his wonderfull workes to the children of men So the Apostle exhorteth saying m Coloss 3. 17. Whatsoeuer ye doe in word or deed doe all in the name of the Lord Iesus giuing thankes to God and the Father by him Secondly Examples of good men may mooue vs to 2 Good men haue practised it imitate them in their thankfulnesse to God Dauid in sundrie Psalmes praiseth God saying in one place n Psal 103. 1. 2. Blesse the Lord O my soule and all that is within me blesse his holy name Blesse the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefits And againe he saith o Psal 116. 12. 13. What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits towards me I will take the cup of saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord. And againe he saith p Ver. 17. I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thankesgiuing and will call vpon the name of the Lord. Hezekiah prayseth God after that he was recouered of his sicknesse saying q Isa 38. 19. the liuing the liuing he shall prayse thee as I doe this day the father to the children shall make knowne thy truth When our Sauiour Christ had restored a blind man to his sight it is said that he r Luk. 18. 43. followed him glorifying God and all the people when they saw it gaue prayse vnto God Thirdly the Creatures may teach vs thankefulnesse 3 The very creatures in their kinde doe prayse God and mooue vs to prayse God for the verie Creatures in their kinde and manner doe prayse God and obey his will the Sunne keepeth his course and the Moone obserueth her seasons her full and change as saith the Psalmist ſ Psal 104. 19. He appointed the Moone for seasons the Sunne knoweth his going downe The birds and feathered fowles prayse God in singing and keeping their time as sayth the Prophet Ieremie t Iere. 8. 7. the Storke in the heauen knoweth her appointed times and the turtle and the crane and the swallow obserue the time of their comming the u Psal 33. 9. earth stands fast as God hath commaunded neither is it x Psal 104. 5. remooued for euer And the sea ouer flowes not the bankes which God hath set to keepe it in as it is also said of the great and deepe waters of the Sea y Ver. 9. thou hast set a bound that they may not passe ouer that they turne not againe to couer the earth And the Creatures doe not onely iustruct vs in this dutie of thankfulnesse to God by their obedience but the creatures which we haue the vse and benefit of for food and raiment and other necessarie vses doe as is obserued teach vs our dutie of thankfulnesse vnto God in three words z Accipe r●dde caue accipe beneficium redde debitum caue nisi reddideri● supplicium Ludon Granat lib. 1. par 1. receiue restore beware that is receiue this benefit and blessing from God restore vnto God that which is due render him thankes and prayse for it and take heede beware of punishment if thou be vnthankfull vnto God for his benefits Fourthly Thankesgiuing and praysing God for benefits receiued is profitable vnto vs For first to prayse God for benefits receiued is a meanes to preserue and 4 It is profitable for vs to prayse God for continue those blessings which we haue alreadie receiued God is pleased to blesse his blessings vnto vs because we blesse and prayse him for his blessings Secondly thankesgiuing to God for former blessings 1 To praise God for blessings receiued is a meanes to preserue and blesse them vnto vs. is a meanes to procure more blessings yea increase of blessings as it was said to that seruant that had gained fiue talents a Mat. 25. 21. well done thou good and faithfull seruant thou hast beene faithfull ouer a few things I will make thee ruler ouer many things so he that is thankefull to God for the gifts and graces which he hath alreadie receiued and vseth 2 To praise God for former blessings is a meants to procure more blessings them wel shall haue not onely the same continued but likewise more gifts and more graces added Now seeing that thankesgiuing is a dutie commaunded seeing that good men haue practised the same yea seeing that the very creatures doe stirre vs vp to thankfulnesse and seeing that it is so profitable vnto vs The consideration hereof serues greatly to reproue all those Vse who are vnthankfull vnto God for benefits receiued Euen Against those which are vnthankfull vnto God for benefits receiued amongst men it is a hateful thing for a man to proue vnthankfull and it s a grieuous thing for a man to doe well to him that will neuer giue him thanks much more odious and hatefull a thing it is for vs to be vnthankeful vnto our God for all his benefits it is a grieuous thing to the Lord to see vs daily receiue his blessings and not lift vp our hearts nor open our mouthes to prayse the Lord and giue him thankes And they are to be reckoned in the number of vnthankfull people who hauing receiued blessings from the God of heauen doe daily sin against him who in stead of opening their mouthes to prayse God doe open their mouthes wide to blaspheme God and in stead of seruing the Lord in holines and righteousnesse all the dayes of their life doe spend all or most part of their dayes in vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse This was the great plea that the Lord had against Israell b Isa 1. 2. 3. Heare O heauens and giue eare O earth for the Lord hath spoken I haue nourished brought vp children and they haue rebelled against me The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his Maisters crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider One of those ●enne Lepers which came to Christ to be
made and accepted righteous in the sight of God but such workes as may seeme to haue an outward righteousnesse in them Secondly by the righteous man turning away from his righteousnesse is not meant such a righteous man as is in deede and in truth iust and righteous but such a one as is iust and righteous in his owne opinion thinking himselfe iust and righteous and seeming to others to be righteous Euen such a righteous man as Christ speakes of ſ Mat. 9. 13. I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Wherefore if any such fall away it is euident that their righteousnesse was no true righteousnesse for he that is truly righteous is t Psal 1. 3. like a tree planted by the riuers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leafe also shall not wither The righteousnesse of a righteous man shall not vtterly decay the righteous man shall not quite fall away from his true righteousnesse Further an obiection is made from those places of Obiect 2 Scripture which mention a kind of loosing of faith a departing and erring from the faith As when the Apostle saith u 1 Tim 1. 19. holding faith and a good conscience which some hauing put away concerning faith haue made shipwrack And againe when he saith x 1 Tim 4. 1. In the latter times some shall depart from the faith And againe y 1 Tim 6. 10. the loue of money is the roote of all euill which while some haue coueted after they haue erred from the faith Now if a man may make shipwracke of his faith if he may depart and erre from the faith then it seemes that a man hauing faith may loose it and fall away I answere that by faith in those places mentioned Answ is not meant the true iustifiing faith by which a sinner is iustified and saued but faith there signifieth the sound doctrine of the Gospell which some had receiued professed and delighted in for a time but in time of tribulation and tentation when any trouble came vpon them or when the couetousnesse of money and filthy lucre tempted them and when the loue of the world ouercame them because they did not z 1 Tim 1. 19. hold faith and a good conscience and because they did not a 1 Tim. 3. 9. hold the misterie of the faith in a pure conscience but put a way a good conscience no marueile though their temporarie faith failed no merueile though they erred from the truth and so made shipwracke of faith For as one saith well b Vt salua fides ad portum vs● perueniat nauigationis nustrae cursus bona conscientia r●gendus est Calu in 1 Tim. 1. 19. to the end that we may bring the ship of faith safe to the hauen the course of our sailing must be guided by a good conscience And sure it is that who soeuer hath receiued the true and sound doctrine of the Gospell of Christ whereby true faith is begotten in the heart and to that sound and wholesome doctrine ioynes a good conscience both before God and towards men he can neuer make shipwrack of his faith So then we may conclude that if any fall away from the faith they neuer had true iustifiing faith at the most and best their faith was but a temporarie faith they beleeued for a while and in time of temtation fell away Now seeing that the faith of Gods elect cannot vtterly Vse 1 faile nor altogether be lost this is profitable for instruction To make our calling election sure it teacheth vs to labour to make our calling and election sure To labour to be sure of this that we are in the blessed number of Gods elect and that we are effectually called of God which we may know by the works of sanctification and by the fruits of the Spirit this is that whereunto S. Peter exhorteth saying c 2 pet 1. 10. Wherfore the rather brethren giue diligence to make your calling and election sure for if ye doe these things you shall neuer fall Here is a promise you shall neuer fall a promise that the faith of the elect shall neuer vtterly faile and therefore the Apostle exhorteth to make our calling and election sure let vs make sure that we be elected and called of God and then it 's sure we shall neuer fall But how shall we know whether we be elected and called the Apostle answereth If ye doe these things ye shall neuer fall what things what must we do that we may be assured of our election and calling and that we shall neuer fall the Apostle tels vs what things d vers 5. 6. 7. And besides this giuing all diligence adde to your faith vertue to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godlinesse and to godlinesse brotherly kindnesse and to brotherly kindnesse Charity So that here a christian is to try and examine himselfe whether he be such a one as shall neuer fall away namely by inquiring whether he hath faith and vertue and knowledge and temperance and patience and godlinesse and brotherly kindnesse and charity For saith the Apostle e ver 8. If these things be in you and abound they make you that ye shal● neither be barren nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ And againe f ver 10. If ye do these things ye shall neuer fall but if a man after tryall and examination had of himselfe cannot finde these things in himselfe but findes a want of faith of vertue and honest conuersation a want of the true knowledge of God a want of temperance and sobriety if he finde in himselfe a want of patience to endure affliction and to suffer wrong if he finde a want of godlinesse of brotherly kindnesse and charity certainly such a one is in miserable state concerning his soule how soeuer he be in regard of his outward state in the world for if they that doe these things shall neuer fall then they that want these things shall fall and their fall shall be great A man that is to purchase land or to take but a lease of a house or ground how carefull will he be to make all sure for if his writings be not good and sufficient he knowes that all his mony which he hath layd out is lost gone and hee 's ouerthrowne Thus wise are men in their generation ô that we could be as wise for the saluation of our soules to make all sure A man that hath land inheritance hath some good euidence to shew for the same so we should labour to attaine to this assurance of saluation that we can be able to shew some good euidence for our inheritance in heauen lest hauing nothing to shew we loose our inheritance Secondly seeing that the faith of Gods elect cannot Vse 2 vtterly faile and that they who haue true iustifiing faith Consolation to the
They were stoned they were sawen asunder were tempted were slaine with the sword they wandred about in sheepe-skinnss and goat-skinnes being destitute afflicted tormented of whom the world was not worthy they wandred in deserts and in mountaines and in dens and in caues of the earth And they that suffered such things were no euill doers they were the seruants of the Lord Iesus they beleeued in Iesus and they suffered such things for the name of Iesus as a testimonie of their faith in Iesus Thus first the Scripture exhorteth vs to patience in suffering The second motiue to perswade vs to patience in suffering 2 The necessitie of afflictions afflictions I take from the necessity of afflictions Afflictions are very necessarie for Christians and For afflictions are therefore are to be endured with patience for First they are trials of our faith and patience God 1 Trials of our faith and patience trieth his children with many afflictions and hard trials trying thereby the constancie of their faith and patience So he tried Abrahams faith when he commanded him to offer his x Gen. 22. 1. 2. sonne his onely sonne Izaak And S. Iames saith y Iam. 1. 3. the triall of your faith worketh patience Afflictions are as necessarie for a Christian as the furnace is for gold of which Solamon hath a Prouerbe z Pro. 17. 3. the fining pot is for siluer and the furnace for gold but the Lord trieth the hearts As the Gold smiths fire trieth which is good gold separating the gold from the drosse so the fire of affliction trieth who is a good christian and who is not discerneth who hath faith and patience and who hath not The Psalmist saith a Psal 66. 10. 11. Thou O God hast prooued vs thou hast tryed vs as siluer is tryed And it followeth thou layedst affliction vpon our loynes The later words expound the former the Lord trieth and prooueth vs by laying affliction vpon vs. How can a mans patience be seene but in time of affliction he is not the patient man who can onely speake of patience and commend patience for a vertue and perhaps exhort others to patience but when affliction is vpon a mans selfe when the burthen of affliction lies heauie vpon his owne shoulders and presseth him downe if he can then struggle against afflictions if he can shew the strength of hi● faith and patience to beare the afflictions that lie vpon himselfe patiently and if he can now shew patience himselfe when God trieth his patience this is patience indeede Thus afflictions are necessarie for the triall of our faith and patience Secondly afflictions are necessary to cleanse and purifie 2 Meanes to cleanse our hearts from sinne our hearts to purge our hearts of inward corruptions and to scoure out the filthinesse of sinne that stickes in the heart For this cause afflictions are compared to fire that purgeth and purifieth the Lord shewed Ezekiel the great filthinesse and vncleannesse of the Inhabitants of Ierusalem by a boyling pot whose scum was in it b Ezek. 24 3 4 5 6. Wo to the bloudy City to the Pot whose scum is therein and whose scum is not gone out of it By which was signified that there was much filthinesse amongst the people which must be consumed by the fire of affliction and tribulation Wherfore Iob who was exceedingly afflicted and as it were cast into the very fire of affliction saith c Job 23. 10. When he hath tryed me I shall come forth as gold Afflictions are as necessary for the soule as physicke is for the body If the body bee ouerpressed with grosse and ●u●ll humors its necessary that it be purged by phy●icke so the sou●e that is oppressed with the euil● humo●●s of sinne with the filthinesse and vncleannes of v●c● iniquity must be purged by afflictions to recouer the health of the soule d Tunc anima purgatur cum propter Deum tribulatur Chrysost ad pop Antioc● Hom. 66. The soule is then purged when it is troubled by afflictions and suffers for God The aire if it were not cleansed with windes would prooue infectious the body of man if it want exercise breeds ill humours and standing waters gathers filth so it i● with the soule if some windes of afflictions doe not blow vpon vs if we be not exercised with some crosse and be not troubled with some sort of tribulations wee shall abound with the ill humours of vice and iniquity and our hearts will bee a very puddle of filthinesse and vncleannesse Yea without afflictions we shall be euen like Moab of whom it is sayd c Ier 48. 11. Moab hath beene at ease from his youth and he hath setled on his lees and hath not beene emptied from vessell to vessell neither hath he gone into captiuity therefore his taste remained in him and his sent is not changed Thirdly afflictions are necessary for except we suffer 3 Without suffering afflictions we cannot come to Heauen for Christ we cannot raigne with Christ We are spirituall souldiers of Iesus Christ now a man is f 2 Tim. 2. 5. not crowned except he striue lawfully If we would ouercome we must striue if wee would bee crowned in Heauen wee must endure the hardnesse of afflictions on earth and if we would weare the crowne of glory wee must bee content to carry the crosse on our shoulders and to goe after Christ bearing his reproch S. Paul saith g Rom. 8 17. And if wee be children then heires heires of God and ioynt-heires with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that wee may bee also glorified together No glory in heauen without some sufferings on earth But h 2 Tim. 2. 12. if wee suffer wee shall also raigne with him Suffering for Christ goeth before raigning with Christ The way to heauen is by afflictions and tribulations i Acts 14. 22. We must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God If we will come to heauen we must goe as the Israelites went k Psal 66. 12. through fire and through water that is through hard and great afflictions the Israelites are promised the land of Canaan but first they endure much hardnesse in Aegypt they must passe thorow the red sea goe thorow a wildernesse fight many battels and ouercome many enemies before they enioy the promised land Heauen is our promised land but before we can come thither wee must endure much trouble in the world passe thorow a sea of troubles go thorow a wildernesse of thorny tribulations fight many battels against our spirituall enemies the flesh the world and the Deuill and by Faith get the victory and ouercome before wee can sit with Christ in his Throne As Christ also saith l Reu. 3. 21. To him that ouercommeth will I grant to sit with me in my Throne euen as I also ouercame and am set downe with my Father in his Throne Fourthly if we haue
slaughter and as a sheepe before her shearer is dumbe so he openeth not his mouth and then pray that the Lord would endue vs with meekenesse and patience in suffering And when we see a sheepe going astray we may meditate on the state of a sinner going astray like a lost sheepe yea on our owne wandring from the commaundements of the Lord and pray with Dauid saying k Psal 119. 17● I haue gone astray like a lost sheepe O Lord seeke thy seruant Such like meditations as these to stirre vp our deuotion may be taken from these and other creatures and workes of God on earth Thirdly from the waters and things therein we may 3 In the waters haue meditations to raise our affections on high as when we see and consider how euerie little brooke runs into the greater riuer and all riuers runne into the Sea whence they came as Solomon saith l Eccles 1. 7. All the riuers run into the Sea yet the Sea is not full vnto the place whence the riuers come thither they returne againe this should cause vs to thinke on our mortalitie and to meditate that euen as the riuers runne into the Sea whence they came so doe all men returne to the earth whence they came and this meditation should put vs in minde of our last end and make vs to consider how we euen hasten to our graue and then we should pray that we may be carefull to remember our last end and thinke much and often of the place whence we came and whither we are going When we see fishes caught with the angle or taken in the net vnawares as they are securely swimming and seeking their prey this may cause vs to meditate on the suddennesse of death and how it takes many vnawares according to the saying of Solomon m Eccles 9. 12. man knoweth not his time as the fishes that are taken in an euill net and as the birds that are caught in the snare so are the sonnes of men snared in an euill time when it falleth suddenly vpon them And then we should be mooued to pray that now while we liue and haue time and space to repent we may so prepare for death that whensoeuer that day commeth it may not n Luk 21. 34. 35. 36. come vpon vs vnawares Hitherto of meditations that concerne God The second sort of meditations which may helpe and 2 Concerning our selues Two-fold further vs in prayer concerne our selues and they are of two sorts The first are taken from the consideration of our 1 In regard of our state Three-fold three-fold state Past Present and To come First in regard of the time past we may meditate and 1 Past what we were call to minde what we were how we o Ephe. 2. 3. were by nature children of wrath p Psal 51. 5. Shapen in iniquitie and conceiued in sinne The meditation whereof should cause vs to pray that we may be renued may be made children of God by adoption and grace and may be q Ioh. 3. 3. borne againe that so we may enter into the kingdome of God Secondly in regard of the time present we may seriously 2 Present what we are thinke with our selues what we are and we may find that we are first fraile brittle euen dust and ashes which should humble vs in prayer and cause vs to say 1 Fraile with Abraham r Gen. 18. 27. I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the Lord which am but dust and ashes Secondly sinfull hauing much naturall corruption 2 Sinnefull within vs and preuailing against vs so that oftimes ſ Rom. 7. 19. the good that we would we doe not and the euill which we would not that we doe Which meditation should cause vs to pray with the Apostle t Ver. 24. O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death Thirdly in regard of the time to come we may meditate 3 To come what we shall be what we shall be For we shall be In death corruptible In the resurrection glorious The one may humble vs the other may raise vs vp with consolation and both may teach vs to pray that when our bodie dieth our soule may liue and at the resurrection both soule and body may liue with God and be with the Lord for euer These and such like meditations may be taken from the consideration of our threefolde state Secondly meditations concerning our selues may be 2 In regard of our dayes and houres taken from the dayes and houres and time which God hath giuen vs here on earth We may euery day and euery houre of the day find some opportunitie for godly and diuine meditations And that Three fold In the morning In the day time and In the euening First in the morning as when we awake and see the 1 In the morning light we may meditate on the u Joh. 1. 9. true light which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world And pray that we may x 1. Cor. 15. 34. awake to righteousnesse and that the Lord would lighten our darknesse that we may come out of the darknesse of ignorance to the true light When we rise from our beds we may meditate on our two-fold rising from the death of sinne in this life and from our graues at the last day and then pray that we may no longer lye dead in our sinnes but may rise from the death of sinne to the life of righteousnesse and that we may haue our y Reu. 20. 6. part in the first resurrection so that the second death may haue no power ouer vs but when we z Dan. 12. 2. awake out of the dust of the earth we may rise to euerlasting life And when we put on our apparrell we may fitly meditate on the putting on of the a Ephe. 4 24. new man and pray that we may b Rom. 13. 14. put on the Lord Iesus Christ and may c Colos 3. 12. put on bowells of mercies kindnesse humblenesse of minde meekenesse long-sufferi●● Such meditations as these we may haue in the morning Secondly in the day time in our affaires and buisinesse 2 In the day time in the world euery man in his place in his vocation and calling may haue some good cogitations and diuine meditations as the husbandman when hee is plowing his ground may meditate on the plowing and d Iere. 4. 3. breaking vp of the fallow ground of the heart and when he soweth his seed may thinke on the e Luk. 8. 11. seed of Gods word and then pray that his owne heart may be like good ground fitted and prepared to receiue the seed of Gods word that it may enter into his heart may take deepe rooting there and bring forth the fruit of good workes So also in the day time when we are walking going in the way or trauelling we may fitly