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A14284 A plaine and perfect method, for the easie vnderstanding of the whole Bible containing seauen obseruations, dialoguewise, betweene the parishioner, and the pastor.; Plaine and perfect method, for understanding the Bible Vaughan, Edward, preacher at St. Mary Woolnoth. 1617 (1617) STC 24600; ESTC S102671 80,065 286

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spake in olde ●ime as they were moued by the holy Ghost by meanes of which Spirit Moses was able to set downe as is specified in the said booke all that was spoken and done 2400. yeares before he was borne and of all things else most profoundly that should befall the children of Israell many hundred yeares after he was buryed yea most directly of things that should be performed vntill the birth of Christ The Prophets likewise doe testifie that they spake nothing of themselues concerning things to come but as the Lord by his Spirit did informe them which they vttered in these words Thus saith the Lord. The foure Euangelists in like manner disposing themselues seuerally to yéeld famous and renowmed testimony of Christ Iesus the holy Messiah they so agréed in their writings though many yeares and many miles sundred them as that their Gospels being compared together they al agrée for matter of waight and substance as if they had béen personally present the one with the other at one time And S. Paul writing his Epistles alwayes confessed that he deliuered them nothing for matter of doctrine and life more then that which was taught him and that which hée had receiued from the Lords owne hand directly All which manner of writing and forme of spéech plainely publisheth to all ages for euer the truth and dignitie of Gods word the plainnesse thereof to some and the profunditie therof to others Par. Now it remaineth by order to expostulate vpon the Creation which you said is one of the chiefest and most memorable matters in the first Obseruation tell me therefore what did God create the first day Past God made all things excéeding good euen out of that which was then without any preiacent matter or out of nothing and that not all together which he might well haue done but as it were by degrées day by nay night after night vpon diuine deliberation The very title or name giuen to this book imports in effect this wonderfull worke or creation of almightie God whence it is called Genesis that is to say a begetting generation or creation And the first day he created that stately Element of Fire which he gathered out of the whole masse setting it in the heauens as a glorious Globe whence it is said he made Light which indéede is nothing else but a qualitie of Fire in which wonderfull worke hée brought light out of darknesse as an Element impugning the former In this day hee created those celestiall Spirits which are called Angels Par. What was the second work Past The second dayes worke was that liuely Element of the ayre or firmament or as I may say more properly that vaste or void place betwixt the earth and the clouds which made a separation betwixt water and water and which giues breath and life to all liuing things The third day he made the Element of water which hée caused to retire into more proper places which fitly according to the qualitie thereof was called the Seas to wit a gathering together of waters The fourth Element of Earth which according to the qualitie thereof was called Dry land was also made and so continueth as vpon a firme foundation The generall creation of compound bodies were ordained for the inhabitants of this great element Earth In this general earthly creation his Maiestie goeth forward as from things that were vnperfect to that which was perfecter till at last he came to the most perfect as from trées hearbs and plants which haue onely life whereby they grow and increase vnto beasts which haue an increasing and a sensitiue life and from thence to Adam who hath a reasonable life with the increasing and sensitiue which Element of Earth his diuine Maiestie stored with all kinde of commodities méete for the vse of mankinde to be and to remaine for euer This order of Creation vpon a sodaine view may seeme strange to wit that God made corne grasse trées hearbes and such like to grow and to haue their being before celestiall bodies as the Sunne the Moone and Starres whence corne grasse and such like haue their growth and influence But being rightly and aduisedly considered the Almighty Creator shewes that increase propagation preseruation of all things consists onely in him and by him and not from the vertue of celestiall creatures as men haue imagined and spoken The fourth day God made lights the Sunne to rule the day the Moone and the Starres to gouerne the night both which are very great that they might the better giue light to the darke earth being so farre from the heauens These two great ornaments in the heauens doe distinguish betwixt day and night the moneth from the yeare one moneth from another and summer from winter The first day and night hée created in the night fishes in the day birds Fishes were compounded of the foure elements especially of the element of water whence it commeth that they liue in the waters Birds were made of all foure elements but especially of the ayre whence it comes that they take pleasure in the ayre The sixt day and night he made all sorts of beasts some to goe and some to créepe some wilde some tame God then made man in both kindes plurally to wit male and female and yet of single bodies the better to helpe one another and therefore said It is not good for man to be alone I will make him an helper like vnto himselfe He was made after all other creatures that hée might in the beholding thereof laud and magnifie his Creator The whole Trinitie deliberated and consulted concerning him which he did not concerning any other creature The seauenth day God dedicated by his owne rest and ceasing from labour for an euerlasting rest amongst all posterities For when heauen and earth was finished and furnished God said Behold I haue made all things and loe they are exceeding good Hée blessed that day he hallowed it and sanctified it to his owne honour and glory and to the commemoration of the eternall ioy peace and comfort of Adam who was fallen and risen againe in Christ Iesus Adam rested and sanctified that very next and first Sabaoth with inuocations and offerings c. Par. Seeing that God made all things so deliberately and as hee said exceeding good why did hee afterward destroy them with the inundations of waters Past Almighty God saw that the wickednes of man was great on earth and all the imaginations of his heart was euill continually the sonnes of God marryed with the daughters of men onely because they were faire and it repented the Lord that hée had made man therefore he said I will destroy man from the face of the earth Par. What say you of our first father Adam and of his originall Past Adam was made or created in the sixt day being Friday before the Iewish Sabaoth Par. What was that breath which God infused into Adam Past It was an immortall an inuisible and an Angelicall or
all knowledge all power all mercy euen that is my name Par. What is the Word or second person in Trinitie Past Hée is the onely naturall Sonne of the most high and eternall God his Father his Word his Image and Character coessentiall and coequall with the Father and the holy Ghost Hée is said to be the Sonne of God in regard of his Godhead and not in regard of his manhood Par. Now let me intreate you to speake of his humanitie Past This diuine nature tooke vpon himselfe a reasonable soule and an humane body of a virgin and was made flesh as of the séed of Dauid and of the roote of Iesse The Godhead in no case can be said to haue any conuersion into the flesh neyther the Godhead to stand in stead of the soule no more then that he could be turned into sinne After his glorious resurrection these two natures to wit his Diuinitie and his Humanitie continued still distinct in substance and properties and euer continued one and the same And yet it is to be granted that there was great necessitie of the Godhead in his humane action or suffering that by the vertue thereof hée might ouercome all sufferings yea Death and the Diuel In the holy vnion or coniunction of these two natures we are to take them inseparably euen ●ince the moment or point of time in which the holy Virgin conceiued being made as one person Par. What vse haue wee of these two natures in one person Past It declareth the obedience of Christ performed in the manhood with innarrable wisedome and surpassing faithfulnesse In his wisedome he was able to deliuer vnto vs the whole will of his Father and in his faithfulnesse he concealed nothing As the Phoenix in her hot nest at Arabia is burned to ashes and yet saith I liue still and old age dyeth in me euen so Christ though being in his graue like one dead yet dyeth not but mortalitie dyeth in him for the good of all men Par. What be the parts of Christs mediation Past It consisteth principally of two parts to wit his Priesthood and his Kingdome His Priesthood stands in teaching and in doing he is a Prophet Doctor and Apostle for that he plainely teacheth the will of his father and saith I call you no more seruants because they know not what their maister doth but I call you friends Christ taught by Prophets by Apostles and by Euangelists and himselfe taught by farre greater authoritie then euer did any before or after The priesthood of Christ and the priesthood of Aron being compared wée shall therein finde two necessary parts to be considered One is what manner one he ought to be that entreth into this Office The other how it ought to be executed The manner or qualitie of him that entreth is two-fold to wit well qualified with gifts within and well called without He is to vs sanctification that is fréedome from the tyrannie of sinne the effects of righteousnesse and sanctification goe alwaies together For immediately so soone as man is partaker of Christs righteousnesse he is also possessed with the spirit of sanctification which worketh mortification and viuification P. what is the third persō in Trinity Past He is said to be the holy Ghost to wit a diuine innarrable maiestie procéeding from the father and the son who in respect of his diuers operations workings and effects is called by diuers effectuall names which being considered in their natures they doe clearly enlarge his gifts and graces towards the Church It is sometimes called Fire Oyle Wine Water Doue Cloude Winde Spirit Earnest pēny Comforter God Par. What religion had these the other holy fathers before recited betwixt the Creation the Flood Past The law of nature Gen. 11. They had the Law of Nature which was a rule of reason or an hidden iustice inforcing to doe well It was indéede the sum and effect of Gods diuine law which was most liuely expressed in the names of those ten holy Fathers who being linked together makes vp a Christian Sacrifice or an holy summe of true religion As he is not rightly reckoned a man that wants reason so hée was not then rightly reckoned to be of God that wanted this religious rule Saint Paul said as the eternall power and godhead by the creation of the world maketh all wicked men without excuse though they had no law euen so men knowing the end of their creation by the law of nature are without excuse if they doe euil though they were blinde and saw not the creation The Gentiles said hée that had not the Law written did by nature the things contained in the Law they hauing not the law written were a law vnto themselues euen so the people of the old world and others that sinned before the Law perished euerlastingly as those which afterwards perished vnder the law Rom. 7.23 Saint Paul cals the Law of nature the Law of the minde shewing thereby that as the minde is such an effectuall power of the Soule as maketh all other faculties thereof and of the bodie to plyable and without tediousnesse to performe matters beyond ordinary strength euen so by the law being spirituall he was vrged to the performance of all other matters and lawes which were literall beyond all ordinary strength And as a line Diameter-wise in a Geometricall figure doth equally diuide one side from another euen so this Law naturall diuideth equally that which is Gods to God and that which is mans to man Nightingales are said to contend in singing that they die in their contention happy say I is he that so contends with the law of his minde against the law of his members for so to die is indéede to liue The East gate of Sala Temple was alwaies shut and neuer opened because the Lord God of hosts once entred by it and as into the windowes of Noahs Arke nothing entred but light euen so the minde of man wherein the law of God hath once entred must alwaies be shut against prophane inclinations and euer opened to diuine contemplations Par. Who were enemies in those times and who I pray you were they that priuately or publikely opposed themselues against this Law and the professors thereof Past These were open and knowne enemies to wit the Diuell Caine. Lamech From whom issued that wicked sort of people who so highly displeased God that he repented him of the good he had done to mankinde Par. What is there to be said concerning the Diuell Past The Angels séeing the excellencie of their creation day by day and perceiuing that they and all creatures else were made but as seruants to Adam they presently vpon his creation murmured and not being content God threw them into euerlasting darknesse The head of these euill spirits was Lucifer As he was more cleare and brighter then other Angels so hée fell into a more filthy Apostacie Hée was not euill by kinde but of his own aduisement
turned out of kinde he fell willingly as Adam from good to euill he coueted highnes not méete for him therefore hée was throwne into the lowest place so that he with an infinite number more were depriued of their beautie and glory They were at the first heauenly bodies but vpon their fall they were turned into the qualitie of the Ayre Par. What signified the Arke Past It was a figure of Baptisme that as God saued Noah and his familie by the Arke from perishing with water and the people of Israel from the red sea euen so the Lord saueth the faithfull in the Sacrament of Baptisme Par. Why was Noah and his houshold saued and no more Past Noah found fauour with God because of the promise which God made concerning Christ vnto Adam and that his maiestie might be deriued as concerning the flesh euen from those ten holy fathers before the flood whereof Noah was one Par. How were the creatures by two and two and by seauen and seauen brought into the Arke Past They were brought after that manner voluntarily and according to the will of God as they were brought before Adam to receiue their names the vertue attractiue not being in the Arke but in the will of God Par. Why was the Arke so long a making Past Thereby to declare the long patience and sufferance of God who desired not their destruction but rather their reformation For as Felons being in prison that sée the Iudge come and themselues araigned must needs iudge that they are not long to liue euen so the people of the old world séeing the Arke a preparing might haue easily perceiued that their destruction was not farre off Hée gaue them an hundred and twenty yeares repentance for so long the Arke was a making they not knowing of any one yeare Yet they repented not wherefore God ouerthrew them ineuitably The second Obseruation from Genesis the ninth to Genesis the twelfth Parishioner THe second Obseruation comprehends the building of Babell in which was dispersed ouer the earth the posteritie of Noah tell me the manner of it Past When as the people were increased mightily Gen. 11.1 to 10.10.9 and were altogether of one language they in the pride of their hearts and strength of their body enterprised to build a citie and a towre whose top should reach vnto heauen preuenting as they said their dispersion But it was in vaine because the power of God was set against them The place was called Babell in the Land of Shinar which was afterward called Babilon and signified confusion according to that which did happen by the confusion of their languages 130. yeares after the Flood Nimrod was their ruler He oppressed them sore and in regard of his tyranny there rose a prouerbe of him to wit The mighty hunter He was the first hunter Par. Why did God withstand their building with the confusion of their languages and not some other way Past It was to great purpose for hereby God seuered and separated them farre and wide in the world by the variety of their tongues and languages after this manner Noah had thrée sonnes Sem Cham and Iaphet Sem and his posteritie dwelt in Siria in Caldea and in Persia being the East part of the world whence came the Syrians the Aramites Chaldeans and the Persians C ham with his séede went into Canaan being the South part of the world of whom came the Cananites the Egyptians Ethiopians and the Arabians Iaphet went with his séede into the Westerne and Northerne parts of the world of whom came the Greekes the Medes the Simbrians the Germanes the Scythians the Turkes and the Thiatirians Par. Into how many languages or companies were they diuided Past Heber was a rare man a double Henoch hée was two seauens from the creation The Hebrew tongue remained in him whence he had his name which enlarged his glory In his time Babel was built by the curse of Cham thence they were scattered ouer the world into 70. companies according to that number of languages But afterwards they were in bondage 70. years in that place at this building their ages were again halfed the third time Par. What say you concerning the first particular mentioned in the third Obseruation Past There be other ten holy Fathers Gen. 11. wherin God beginneth to renew his Church and to multiply it ouer whom his Maiestie was very carefull and prouident when Christ should come as of a peculiar people which Fathers are set down in their order whose stories are dispersed ouer the booke of God The particulars thereof haue reference coherence analogie to many other stories and particular matters wherof I haue spoken sufficiently in another booke heretofore I haue set downe their names onely because you may reade their particular stories Sem. Arphaxad Sale Heber Regue Peleg Sarug Nahor Terah Abraham The second particular in the third Obseruation concerning Gods promise to Abraham Parishioner VVHat say you concerning the promise which God made to Abraham Past Gen. God called to Abraham when he was in Chaldea or Mesopotamia his natiue countrey when he was 75. yeares old 423. yeares after the flood at which time Terah Abrahams father died being 205. yeares old at Haran whence Abraham and Sara his wife went immediately after to Canaan the land of promise as the Lord commanded him Par. Declare vnto me the manner of the calling Past The God of glory appeared vnto Abraham and said Exo. 12.1 Get thée out of thy country and from thy kinred and from thy fathers house vnto the land which I will shew thée Par. Why did God command him to forsake his Country his kinred and his inheritance and not name the place he should goe to Past Thereby to declare that his Maiestie had otherwise determined concerning Abraham in regard whereof his Countrey his kinred and whatsoeuer else he had was nothing to be accounted and withall almighty God did therein teach all nations the obedience that is due vnto his voyce and calling and the faith that euery man should hold of better things then those which they are willing to forsake Par. Gen. 12.4 How will you reconcile Moses and Stephen the one saith that Abraham went from Haran to Canaan Acts 7. when God called him the other saith that hee went from Charran Past The one and the other calleth the place Charran and so they vnderstand it but the Latine vulgar edition cals the one Haran which is not in the originall Par. Now declare vnto me the promise that God made to Abraham Past The words are these I will make of thee a great Nation and will blesse thée and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing in which words God promiseth Abraham two great rewards or speciall gifts One was that he should haue a sonne who should rise to be a mighty people or nation ouer whom God would haue a speciall eye aboue all other nations Par. What was the other
Secondly we are to obserue their extreame cruelty in selling their brothers life as a beast or at least as a bondslaue Thirdly their wonderfull disobedience and vndutifull affection towards their old father Par. What speciall profit are we to draw out of these their villanies Past Hereby is made cléere vnto vs the maruailous wisedome the secret prouidence and excéeding mercies of God euen in these most vile and bloudy actions of theirs For by this means Ioseph was made a prouider for them and their father in the time of famine Thus God draweth good things out of the wicked actions of vngodly men thereby to discomfort the vngodly and to comfort the godly Par. Was Ioseph raised by the King of Egypt in respect of his learning in respect of his Chiualrie or in respect of any naturall matter that was extraordinary in him Past Iosaph was the yongest of all his brethren and a man of small or no report but the Lord was with Ioseph and shewed him mercy and got him fauour in the sight of his Maister Insomuch that Pharao the King said of him can we finde such a man as this in whom the spirit of God is There is no man of vnderstanding or wisedome like him Gen. 41.38 The 7. Particular in the third Obseruation Par. Where died Ioseph Past After he had ruled most renowmedly 80. Gen. 41.46 ●●0 22 yeares in Egypt when hée was an hundred and tenne yeares old he dyed in Egypt where he was honourably buried Par. Why did hee so specially charge his brethren to carry his bones from Egypt Exod. 13.19 Is there in the Iudgement of the faithfull any place better then other for buriall or for the resurrection Past There is no place better then other for the resurrection but it was to declare his great faith in the promise that GOD made concerning the Land of Canaan which his people should inherit according to the time prefixed as in plaine words hée vttereth vnto his brethren at his death saying Surely God will visit you and will bring you out of this Land which hee sware vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob Par. How came it to passe that there was another King in Egypt called Pharaoh Past It cannot be but there were many Kings in Egypt after the decease of the King that fauoured Ioseph whiles Israell continued in Egypt The Emperors of Rome were alwayes called Caesars the Kings of Persia were called Artaxerxes and so the Kings of Egypt were alwayes called Pharaohs Par. Why did Pharaoh so enuiously and so hatefully deale with Gods people Past Because he saw that they were like to grow great and to be mightier then hée Exod. 1.10 Therefore he said vnto his Nobility Come let vs deale wisely lest when they be multiplyed they ioyne with our enemies Par. How did the King preuaile with his policie and deuise against Gods people Past So he preuailed that by how much he vexed them and sought by all meanes to diminish them by so much the more they multiplyed and grew to be a great nation The eight Particular concerning Moses Par Who were parents to Moses Past Amram the Leuite was his father Iochebed the daughter of Leui was his mother Par. How came hee to be called Moses Past Pharaohs daughter found him throwne out neare a riuer in a basket Exod. 2.3.4 for the auoyding of her fathers bloudy lawes then shée tooke him for her owne and called him in her Egyptian language Moses signifying according to the Etimologie thereof deliuered out of the waters Wherin was the prouidence of God Par. How befell it that the Kings daughter should haue the nourishing of him in the hands of his owne mother Past It cannot be that it was any way imagined or deuised by the Kings Daughter or by his Parents but it was the diuine prouidence of God that the Mother should throw him there and that the Lady should come there to bathe her selfe euen at that time and at no time else And it was the prouidence of God that his owne sister should be there to deliuer the childe to be nourished by his owne Mother at the Kings Daughters commandement Par. How long continued Moses vnder this Ladies gouernment and in the Kings house Past Vntill he was full forty years old Par. Why did he depart from the Kings daughter and from the Kings house being farre more royally maintained then any of his Nation was it not a tempting of God Past He being a godly man was often vexed with their prophanenesse and heathennish impietie therefore he departed from them and refused to be called Pharaohs daughters sonne Heb. 11.25.26 choosing rather to suffer aduersitie with the children of God then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season Par. How did Moses preuaile in so great a message with so great a King and himselfe being a meane man Past He must néedes preuaile excéeding well Exod. because the hand of almighty God was with him as appeared by the signes and wonders that he wrought vpon Pharaoh and vpon his people by the plagues also that were poured out vpon the beasts of the land Par. Why is it said that God hardened the heart of Pharaoh If God hardened his heart it was no maruel though he would not let the people goe vnder the conduct of Moses to wander the world hee knew not whither Past God is said to harden the heart of Pharaoh not because hée did withdraw his graces from him but because indéed God did not giue grace vnto him by the which he might be qualified in heart and obedient in spirit vnto the will of so great a Commander And after this manner the hearts of all the reprobates are set and inueigled against God and against his people therein they are authors of their owne deaths The first Particular Parishioner WHat was the Passeouer Past Exod. 12. It was a Lambe that indéed was killed and eaten ceremonially by the people of Israell onely at the commandement of the Lord the night before they went out of Egypt and which was to be continued vntill Christ who was the true substance thereof This hath reference analogie and coherence in many particulars with the Sacrament which our Sauiour Christ did institute the night before his death and thereby you shall sée how the one expounds the other and how the latter doth expound the former The second Particular concerning the miraculous departure of Israell out of Egipt Par. Declare vnto me the manner of it briefly Past Iacob the Father of the twelue Patriarches Gen. came into Egypt by reason of famine when as his owne sonne Ioseph ruled the land vnder Pharaoh and brought with him onely 70. persons but 215. yeares after when they went out of Egypt Exod. 12.35 to 39. they were in number sixe hundred thousand men on foot beside women and children they did as Moses commanded them in asking of the Egyptians iewels of
féet signifying constancie and all readinesse to goe forward euen vnto the end nothing estéeming the oppositions of men the temptations of the Diuell neyther yet the rebellion of their owne hearts Par. What is the second Station or Standing Past Succoth which signifieth poore cottages shewing thereby as is our nature or continuance of body in this life so is our habitation to wit poore and naught worth in comparison of our eternall habitation Sixe hundred thousand men besides women and children came to this place of which great multitude none entred into Canaan by reason of vnbeliefe but Iosua and Caleb And hereby men are taught that poore and beggarly are all things of this life in comparison of things immortall in the life to come And withall here is declared that many thousands séem by words and by workes to séeke after the Kingdome of heauen but very few shall obtaine it and possesse it thorow the want of faith Exod. 15.23 Num. 33.8 Marah which signifieth bitternesse It might well be so called for all the waters were bitter in that place which made them to murmure against Moses saying What shall we drinke but he cryed vnto the Lord and the Lord shewed him a trée which when he had throwne it into the waters they were swéet Par. What is the sixt place or Station Past Elime signifieth strong hearts There God cheareth and comforteth them wishing them as it were to be strong and of a great courage for then they were brought from those riuers and wels that were bitter to this place where was 12. fountaines of cleare and pleasant waters which did as it were point out aforehand and giue knowledge of 12. Apostles that should giue testimony of Christ There also were 70. Palme trées which gaue them to remember of 70. soules that came to Egypt After this sort God vseth to refresh and to comfort the weake and wearied in soule Par. What is the seauenth place Past Sin which signifieth thornie There were thornes brambles and bryers according to the signification thereof thereby shewing that in our progresse towards the holy kingdom there are many oppositions and lets Exod. 17. Rephidim which signifieth temptations That place might well be so called because God did there tempt and proue their faith and patience for in that place there was no water There indéede they declared themselues to want both faith and patience for they contended with Moses and said Giue vs water that wee may drinke And Moses said vnto them why contend you with mee Wherefore doe you tempt the Lord And Moses cryed vnto the Lord saying What shall I doe vnto this people for they are readie to stone mee And hée tooke the rod wherewith hée had smitten the riuer and hée smote also a great rocke and thence gushed out great streames of pure water in the sight of them all Thus almighty God vseth to proue to tempt his people with many miseries specially with the want of bread and drink after plenty of both shewing hereby that there is no meanes to get supply but only in Christ the rocke from whom issueth abundance of all things Par. What is the twelfth Habitation or standing Past Mount Sinai signifying Exo. 19.20 euerlasting temptation There the mighty Maiestie of God shewed his power and glory with fearefull voices with sounds not vsuall with earthquakes smoake fire insomuch as that the people not daring to come neare the Mount he called vnto Moses to whom he gaue his lawes written with his owne finger in two tables of stone After this manner although not in forme and fashion yet in effect most admirably did the Lord deliuer and publish the Gospell vnto the Apostles to wit with a rushing or noyse that was extraordinarie with a mighty whirlewinde which was not vsuall and with tongues set as it were with fire Par. I pray you tell me yet more largely concerning this Law giuen by God himselfe Past This Law Morall is that which almighty God deliuered vnto Moses to the end that he should deliuer the same vnto the people Israell It compelled obedience therefore it was called a precept Euery mans conscience was to yéeld vnto it therefore it was called truth It instructed all men therefore it was called doctrine Rom. 7. Gal. 4. As a wife is in subiection to her husband so long as her husband liueth euen so Israell was to be in subiection vnto this Law so long as Christ liued And as an Heyre that is Lord of all Gal. 3.11 Rom. 7.7 while hée is a childe differeth not much from a seruant but is vnder Tutors and Gouernors euen so Israell though heyres by promise were vnder the law as vnder Tutors vntill Christ came As Adam by disobedience became subiect to death so they by obedience to the Law became subiect to life not by the Law but by Christ As the Estridge séemeth to flye when indéede shée flyeth not so righteousnesse séemeth to come by the Law when indéede it doth not And as the vse of a Watchman is to giue knowledge of the enemie so this Law is to giue knowledge of sinne who is an enemie Wée know that a Master teacheth and trameth vp children in naturall things vntill they come to strength and knowledge to liue in the world of themselues euen so this Law teacheth and traineth vp young and olde in holy duties vntill they come to full strength in Christ to liue eternally Par. What vse was there made of this Law Past Out of this Law was deriued or originally taken the Iudiciall Law which is an humane Iustice disposed with good and vnderstanding words without contrarietie and with the abilitie of the subiect It enforceth a restraint of sinnes against God and it commandeth the performance of those duties towards the brethren which they would haue done to themselues It appoynts directly to euery man his owne and his proportionable reward according to Iustice and equitie Exo. 20.24 Leuit. 26.3 2 Kin. 23.3 Ier. 32.13 1 Pet. 2.13 It was the same in effect as the Law of Nature Moses ordained many particular Lawes of this qualitie 1 For Apprehensions 2 Iudgements 3 Executions Par. Against whom was this Law iudicial in force and effect and how long Past Against the Iewes onely then and thenceforth whiles they liued in Tents and Tabernacles and also vnto the captiuating thereof It is abrogated from them that liue vnder the Gospell sauing for the substance and the end The forme and qualitie remaineth yet in the conscience and discretion of Christian Princes but so and after that sort as the maker thereof may be knowne to loue and feare God and to desire the eternall good of his Subiects Of which Some did belong to the Tabernacle Priests Leuites Stirring vp of holinesse Keeping of things in remembrance Preseruation of peace All these and the rest had their release and discharge vpon the sacrificing of Christ the perpetuall Aaron according to the order of Melchisedech As