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water_n call_v earth_n sea_n 3,957 5 6.9260 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14109 The poore mans Pater noster with a preparatiue to praier: wherto are annexed diuers godly psalmes and meditations: collected out of the sacred scriptures, by Thomas Timme minister. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1598 (1598) STC 24419; ESTC S102050 35,056 260

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temptations of Sathan vnlesse thou O most mightie protector defend vs alas we perish For thou knowest our weaknesse and how vnable we be to resist so subtill and strong an enimie But thou hast brused in péeces that monstrous Leuiathan and hast brought vnder foote the mightie and strong Goliah which vpbraided thine hoast Thou hast by thy sonne our Sauiour that blessed séed broken the hed of the most subtill serpent who came in the flesh to destroy the workes of the diuell with whom he encountred in temptations most victoriouslie ouercame him and on his crosse openlie tryumphed ouer him to purchase a crowne for vs. By this thy victorie so obtained O heauenlie father wee beseech thee holde him fast bounde that he maie not execute his tyrannie vpon vs as he desireth that although he séeke to sift vs like wheate yet thorough thy grace wee may bee able to stand Let vs not be tempted O Lorde beyond our strength but in the middest of temptation make a waie for vs whereby wee may escape with victorie for thou knowest how to deliuer thy children out of temptation Preuent vs O Father with thy heauenly grace that wee take no truce or peace with this our ghostlie enimie but that wee maie manfullie fight vnder thy standert agaynst sinne our flesh the worlde and the diuell all the dayes of our life that there may bee continuall enmitie betwéene the womans seede and the serpent for euer that at the last the dreadfull redde dragon may be ouercome by the blood of the lambe Mortifie this flesh of ours O Lord with thy holie spirit with all the lustes and concupiscences therof that we may the better serue thee Subdue our carnall reason and vnder standing to the obedience of faith that we followe not our owne fantasies but may depend wholie vpon thy worde Giue vs a right iudgement to discerne and iudge of this worlde that wee may rather hate than loue it and rather abhor it than followe the example thereof Turne awaie our eies O Lord that we look not after vanitie Stop our eares from all alluring entisements and temptations to euil and refraine our toong from filthie communication that wee maie speake onelie such things as serue to the edification and profitte of our brethren Make vs to loue sobrietie in our apparell and temperance in all our meats and drinkes that wee being in all our actions euermore directed and gouerned by thy good spirit wee may glorifie thy holie name Giue vnto vs O heauenly father all thy armour that like right soldiours wee maie ouercome in the euill daie vanquish our enemie Gird vs therefore with the truth put vpon vs the brestplate of righteousnesse and let vs bee shod to the preparing of the gospell of light Aboue all things O God giue vs the shield of faith which can extinguish all the fierie darts of wicked spirits Bestow vpon vs the helmet of saluation and the sworde of the spirit which is thy word that throgh thee wee maie encounter valiantlie and gloriouslie attaine the victorie Deliuer vs O Lorde our God from all euill that wee may serue thée and consecrat our soules and bodies yea all our members to be seruants of righteousnes vnto sanctification that wee maie wholie and trulie serue honour and praise thee our most louing father heere in the kingdome of grace and after this life in the kingdom of glory Amen ¶ For thine is thy kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen THou O Father art king of Heauen and of earth and of all things in them contained For thou hast prepared thy throne in heuen and thy kingdome ruleth ouer all as thou hast made all thinges by thy worde and breath of thy mouth so thou doost still rule and gouerne all things Thou sittest vppon the circle of the earth and the inhabitantes thereof are as grashoppers thou stretchest foorth the heauens like a curtaine and spreadest them out like a tent to dwell in Thou makest Pleiades and Orion and turnest the shadowe of death into the morning and makest the daie as darke as night thou callest the waters of the sea and powrest them out vpon the open earth the Lord is thy name Thou dooest lighten and thunder from heauen and doost moderate all the influences of the heauens Thou art the Lord of hosts the strong and mightie Lorde of battaile and the king of glorie Thou deposest and settest vp kinges at thy pleasure And although thy seat be in heauen yet thou humblest thy selfe to beholde the things that are doone in earth Insomuch that thy prouidence extendeth it selfe to sparrowes to rauens to the lillies of the field yea to the haires of our head so that they cannot fall but at thy pleasure Thou art the father whose name ought to be sanctified in all things Thou art the king which oughtest to raigne euerie where and in all thinges thy will alone ought to bee doone in heauen and in earth Thou alone dooest féede all thinges with thy daylie bread Thou alone dooest forgiue vs all our sinnes and thou onelie turnest all euill temptations whatsoeuer they be from vs. Thou alone dooest euermore arme and defend vs from all the trappes assaultes and snares of that foule feend and ghostly enimie the diuell as the onelie and mightie Lorde of hostes to whome all Angels whether they bee good or bad do obey Thou art also omnipotent O Lord in this thy kingdom For thou O God art in heauen and dooest whatsoeuer thou wilt If thou determine a thing who shall disanull it and if thy hande bee stretched out who shall turne it awaie All vnder the heuens is thine and thou art present euerie where To thee therefore we flie for succour and to thee wee make our prayers ascrybing vnto thee alone all glorie maiestie For thou Lord art a iealous God and wilt not giue the glorie of thy name vnto another Make thy power O God knowne to the sons of men and the glorious renowme of thy kingdome For thy kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages euen for euer and euer We beseech thee therefore O heauenlie father to heare our supplications and grant that as thy promises in Christ to vs ward are yea and Amen that is most certaine and assured so also our praiers may with thee be yea and Amen that fauourably allowed and firm lie ratified for thy son Christs sake to whome with thee and the holie ghost be all honour and power and glorie worlde without end Amen A Meditation vpon the Lordes prayer O Almightie and eternal God which dooest vouchsafe that we as it wer heauenlie children shoulde euerie one of vs call thee our heauenlie father grant that amongst vs by purenesse and example of godlie and innocent life thy most holy name may bee sanctified that all other nations beholding our goodnes and vertuous liuing maie be stirred to hallow and glorifie thee Grant O Lorde that the kingdome of