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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13878 A learned and a very profitable exposition made vpon the CXI. psalme Travers, Robert, fl. 1561-1572. 1579 (1579) STC 24180; ESTC S120253 54,089 124

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to repentance But the Lord hath all that lōg time that he spareth his ballaunce in his hande wherwith he wayeth the beginning and encrease full weight of their sinne then he casteth them out He considereth thē and wayteth for the ripenes before he sendeth messengers to plucke them of the tree or cut them of the earth He tarieth till they be dry and fit for the fire before he throw them in till they be farre before he slay them till they be dry withered before he put the axe to hewe them downe Therfore it is conteyned in the scripture that the earth was full of sinne when the Lorde sent the flood destroyed the worlde and made it as before the distinction of light darknes almost for a yere We reade also that the sinne of Sodome was great that the cry therof ascended vp to the eares of the Lord of hostes Thus also the Lorde in a vision of ripe apples sheweth Amos the time of the Israelites destruction to be at the dore And our Sauiour Christ teacheth this long ●●●●ing of the Lorde by the parable of the husbandmen who wayteth 3. yeres after no fruite came to see if any fruite would appeare But we see the lord not to haue wayted three yeres for the repentance of this people or till they were ripe Neither 120. yeres as in the dayes of Noy But 400. yeres as he had declared before to Abraham Therefore the works of his hands were not against this people vnpacient in anger or fury but righteous in iustice iudgement The sword wherby they were slayne frō the prince to al the people euen womē childrē was the sword of righteousnes the fire that cōsumed their cities destroyed their houses was the fire of iudgement the hayle tēpest that fought against thē reason iustice equiry That God therfore destroyed the great smal the old yong as it is sayd the mother her childrē it was not cruell rage not iniury but right iustice in strikīg at the last patiēce lōg suffring in forbearing thē so lōg finally great wisdome in destroying the leprous generatiō lest it shuld stil encrease great mercy to his church Thus thē appeareth not only the truth faith of the workes of God in performing 〈…〉 which were so long spokē of before ●●●●ning the bringing of his people out of Egypt and placing thē in Canaan but also ●●●●ment wisedome and mercy Nowe 〈◊〉 halfe of this verse which foloweth the Prophet teacheth that doctrine fruite which is here to be gathered For he sayth all his statutes are true so that from these perticuler promises and iudgementes of God the Prophet ryseth and reasoneth for the surety of all Gods promises whether they be for the destruction of his enemies or benefites promised to his Church For by statutes it should appeare by the circumstance of this place that he vnderstandeth all this First therefore for the suretie of the workes of God in that behalfe for after we shall see it in the other part concerning the benefites towards his Church he sayth all his statutes are true that is all his appoynted counsels are sure and faythfull whether they be a destruction and ouerthrowe of the wicked or a comfort to the godly And howe shall not they be most sure and most truely performed seeing they are determined by him whose handes made the world and all that is therin who hath done what so●●●● he purposed was good in his 〈◊〉 whose hand is the hand of power and 〈◊〉 almightie Man in dede in vayne and deceiuable and able to be hindered of that which he hath determined but the lord the almighty God creator of heauen earth in whose power are al creatures euen kings and princes and in whose handes are the chaynes and bitte and bridle whereby the very diuels are at his word losed bound sent out and called in agayne is neuer deceiued nor hindred frō bringing his counsels to passe The waters of Tema Sheba as Iob sayth are with heate dried vp so that they which looke for helpe at them are cōfounded and ashamed but the counsels of god are as l●●ing springing waters which shall continue faithfull and sure vndried though all the mountaynes fountaynes from whence the riuers and floods do flow yea though the sea should be dried vp for those runne out of the earth but the counsels of God flowe from his hande which no sunne can drie nor winde driue away till al be fulfilled that he hath determined They are therfore like the springing waters that is continuall and durable like the great mountaynes that can not be remoued as sayth the Prophet● like the fielde that 〈◊〉 bringeth forth fruite and can by no iniurie of weather be hindred like the worde and commaundement of the Persian kinges whose worde is sure as it is in Daniel or rather like the Lord himselfe who is immutable and vnchangeable Crye therefore and weepe make a noyse howle ye contemners of the Lorde ye that delight in your vanities take pleasure in that that is abhominable for behold the day cōmeth that shall burne as an ouen and al the proude al that do wickednes shal be as stubble and the day that cōmeth shall burne them vp sayth the Lord of hostes and shall leaue thē neither roote nor braunch Heare ye drunkards and gluttons ye Epicures and idle bellies and feare for beholde the Lorde cōmeth with thousandes of his Sainctes to giue iudgement agaynst you of al the wickednes you haue cōmitted and of all the cruell words which wicked men haue spoken agaynst his worde For this is determined by the sentence of the mightie God whose name is wonderfull and power marueilous whose decrees are sure and counsells vnfallible This fearefull lesson the Prophet teacheth the wicked and abhominable children that dishonour the glorious and be ●●cifull name of the Lord our God when he sayth all his appoyntments or decrees are sure For they may be sure certaine they may perswade thēselues write of it that the iudgement of God vpon them in what sort soeuer the Lord haue giuē sentence vpon thē whether to their destructiō by thē selues or by other whether immediatly frō heauen or by common death or by some notable spectacle or in what sort or kind soeuer it be that it sleepeth not but it cōmeth vpō a chariot whose horses are the winds whose wheeles are the whirlwinds euen spedily hastily to their destruction And now you that feare God delight in his cōmaundements that frankely freely g●●e your soules bodies to the Lords seruice that loue his word● his glory and his children that indeuour with al your power in that vocation wherto you are called to sanctifie prayse that holy name that are in battaile field against temptations with sinne with
vs in truth and not in opinion in harte not in face in workes not in words then may we both for the common benefit of the realme and our owne grace lift vp our hands vnto heauen and blesse him that liueth for euer who hath of so great mercy called vs from so great damnation as we were in to life glory Oh that it would please him to make not onely an aultar in vs and in the realme for his worship but fully and perfectly to build his temple in such order perfectnes amongest vs that we might see his Church begin to flourishe spread her bowes ouer the whole land that all might haue a true knowledge of him and whome he hath sent Iesus Christ For this ignoraunce that is amongest vs and this vntowardnes that is in vs either to learne the good will of God or to put in practise that which we know maketh this blessing but halfe a blessing this grace halfe a grace this light halfe darke nay this blessing no blessing this grace no grace this light no light at all And I praye God we make it not a curse in th ende and extreame darkenes This in deede can not be denied but great grace is come vnto vs But as when the arke of God was with great gladnes receiued of the Bethsanits when it came from the Philistines but with litle reuerence vsed it caused a death and destruction of many euen fiftye thousand and seuenty men so it is to be feared and almost looked for that if generally an other way be not taken in hande for the furtheraunce of the Gospell and perticularly euery one frame him selfe after an other sorte to serue God the Gospell which should be our life will be the destruction and death both of vs of the realme And as Iesus Christ comming in the flesh vnto the Iewes although he was acknowledged of some to be the Sauiour of the world yet being generally contemned was enemye vnto them and the reuenger of his contempt So the Gospell if we receiue it not in al reuerence feare to our power labour that it may be likewise receiued of all that which otherwise should be and would be the water of life to saue vs wil be a sea to drowne vs the sweete powder of our health will be powder to our destruction meate to feede vs poyson to kill vs apparell to clothe and keepe vs will with vermin infect and ●ot vs last of all that which should be a Gospell vnto vs wil bring the heauiest and saddest newes that euer we heard Well howsoeuer we vse it the gospell of it selfe is the precious and excellent tree of life and happy is the garden wherein it is planted yea happy be the daye and blessed from aboue in which the Gospell came vnto vs let that moneth be respected of God and let it be the head of the yeare ioyful and pleasaunt may it be and let them that are ready to blesse blesse that day Let not darknes rise in it in it let no cloudes appeare but let his sonne be euer seene for blessed are the feete of thē that bring glad tidings of peace and life We celebrate as it were the natiuitie of the whole world euery daye but the natiuitie of the Gospell we ought to celebrate euery day seuen times yea to make it the beginning of the supputation of yeares as we read that the Iewes reckened their yeares from the yeare of the Iubilie and from the finding of the lawe in Iosaahs time for then commeth the true yeare of Iubilie the yeare of ioy freedom and deliueraunce from bondage when the Gospel commeth vnto vs We write in deed in all our letters and leases the yeare of the incarnation of Iesus Christ But I would we so often considered the benefit and vses of the incarnation deepely and wayed that in our mindes Well I neede labour no further to proue the benefit that we receiue by the Gospell to set forth the excellencie dignitie of it but if yet we knowe it not sufficiently by all these colours looke into the blacke countries of ignoraunce farre or neate in the olde time or at this day voyde of the light of the word of god Remember the blindnes of Sodome and Egypt wherof the darkenes and night that God sent vpon them was a visible signe argument Looke into the kingdom of Turky if for darkenes we can perceiue it what confusion and horrour is amongest them looke into the Church and Sinagogue of the Papistes if thorough gold and siluer stone and pearle silke and veluet and fine linnen we can see her horrible filthines that by th●● blacke and darke colours of ignoraunce and blasphemies the beautifull and glorious face of the Gospel of God may appeare For they in deede and we howe many soeuer liue in ignoraunce and idlenes euen in this place are those Cymmerians that the Sunne shineth not vpon although we walke al the day in the Sunne Nay Cymmet●ās are not Cymmetians night no night and darkenes no darkenes to this darkenes The dragons and serpents that lye in the deepe caues cauernes of the earth the moles that are alwayes in then holes and batts that delight in the night are paterns and portratures vnto vs of then estate or rather they are already in confusion and hellish darkenes whiche in th ende they shall dwell in for euermore ●o● I beseeche you is not he dishonoured is not Iesus Christ mocked is not the spirit banished are not the godly hated and persecuted is not the word of God detested of some corrupt of other and despised of all such Then there is no affinitie betweene them and God who is light and holines no loue betweene them no affection no thought of eyther toward other but they are a farre of as the Apostle saith they are enemies they are two But they who receiue the worde are one with God one with Iesus Christ ▪ yea as I haue sayd bones of his bones flesh of his flesh Then to conclude this we see what an excellent and highe calling it is to haue the worde of God sent to any people what cause Dauid had to remēber it as the chiefe and principall aboue the rest For in deede it is the ende and scope to the which all the rest are to be referred as the place wherin he reckeneth it well noteth it so ●o● do we thinke that their deliuerance tha then inriching by the iewells of Egypt that their inheritaunce in Canaan was bestow●d of them for their selues to mocke them ●oly fellowes rich braue and glorious No the Prophet Dauid and Esay appoint the ende thereof to be farre other For he sayth that he made them a vine for him self whi●h he brought out of Egypt I say in that notable song declareth how he planted th●m there that he might delight him selfe in the 〈◊〉 of it and as in another