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A13442 Drinke and vvelcome: or The famous historie of the most part of drinks, in use now in the kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland with an especiall declaration of the potency, vertue, and operation of our English ale. With a description of all sorts of waters, from the ocean sea, to the teares of a woman. As also, the causes of all sorts of weather, faire or foule ... Compiled first in the high Dutch tongue, by the painefull and industrious Huldricke Van Speagle, a grammaticall brewer of Lubeck, and now most learnedly enlarged, amplified, and translated into English prose and verse. By Iohn Taylor. Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1637 (1637) STC 23749; ESTC S118210 16,554 28

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not for Water thus we plainelie see No beast on Earth more beastly were than wee Our selves with nastinesse our selves should smother Or with our owne sterich poyson one another It keepes our vessels cleane to dresse our meate It serves to cleanse and boile the meate we eate It makes our houses hansome neate and cleane Or else the mayd is but a sluttish queane Thus Water boyles parboyles and mundifies Cleares cleanses clarifies and purifies But as it purges us from filth and stincke We must remember that it makes us drinke Metheglin Braggot Beere and headstrong Ale That can put colour in a visage pale By which meanes many Brewers are growne Rich And in estates may soare a lofty Pitch Men of Good Ranke and place and much command Who have by sodden Water purchast land Yet sure I thinke their gaine had not been such Had not good fellowes vs'de to drinke too much But wisely they made hay whilst Sunne did shine For now our Land is overflowne with wine With such a Deluge or an Inundation As hath besotted and halfe drown'd our Nation Some that are scarce worth 40 pence a yeere Will hardly make a meale with Ale or Beere And will discourse that wine doth make good blood Concocts his meat and make digestion good And after to drinke Beere nor will nor can He lay a Churle upon a Gentleman Thus Bacchus is ador'd and deifide And We Hispanializ'd and Frenchifide Whilst Noble Native Ale and Beeres hard fate Are like old Almanacks Quite out of Date Thus men consume their credits and their wealths And swallow sicknesses in drinking healths Untill the fury of the spritefull Grape Mounts to the braine and makes a man an Ape A Sheepe Goate Lion or a Beastly swine He snores besoyl'd with vomit and much Wine At Good mens Boords where of● I eate good cheere I finde the Brewer honest in his Beere He sels it for small Beere and he should cheate In stead of small to cosen folks with Greate But one shall seldome find them with that fault Except it should invisibly raine Mault O Tapsters Tapsters all lament and cry Or desp'rately drinke all the Tavernes dry For till such time as all the Wine is gone Your are bewitch'd and guests you shall have none Then to the Tavernes hye you every man In one day drinke foure Gallons if you can And with that tricke within a day or twaine I thinke there will but little Wine remaine Your hopes to hoppes returne againe will be And you once more the golden age will see But hold I feare my Muse is mad or drunke Or else my wits are in the wetting shrunk To Beere and Ale my love hath some relation Which made me wander thus beyond my station Good Reader be my Priest I make confession I pray thee pardon me my long digression From Beere and Wine to water now a while I meane to metamorphose backe my stile Wer 't not for Water sure the Dyers would die Because they wanted where withall to dye Cost would be lost and labour be in vaine 'T is Water that must helpe to die in Graine They could then feare no colours it is cleare Want water and there will be none to feare The Fishmongers a worthy Company If VVater did not still their Trade supply They would be Tradefalne and quite downe be trod Nor worth the head or braine-pan of a Cod. Then Lent and Ember-weekes would soone be shotten All fasting daies would quickly be forgotten Carthusian Friers in superstitious Cloysters VVould want their st●irring Cockles Crabs and Oysters And Catholicks turne Puritanes straight way And never more keepe Lent or fasting day But leaving Neptune and his Trumping Triton Of other VVaters now I meane to write on Exhal'd by Phoebus from the Ocean maine Of Clowdes of misty Fogs all sorts of Raine Of Dew of Frosts of Haile of Ice of Snow VVhich falls and turnes to water here below Of Snow and Raine as they together meet VVell mingled in the Ayre are called Sleet Of Springs of petty Rils of Chrystall Founts Of Streamelets here my merry Muse recounts Of Foordes of Brookes of Rivers Lakes and Bournes Of Creekes of Ebbes and flouds and their returnes Of Gulphs ponds Whirlpooles Puddles Ditches Pooles Of Moates of Bathes some hot and some that cooles Of Waters bitter sweet fresh salt hot cold Of all their operations manifold These if I can I 'le mention with my Pen And last of Urin and strong Watermen A Cloud 's a Vapour which is cold and moyst Which from the Earth or Sea the Sunne doth hoyst Into the middle Region of the Ayre And is by extreame cold congealed there Untill at last it breake and fals againe To Earth or Sea in snow sleet Haile or Raine Mists are such clouds which neere the earth doe lye Because the sun wants strength to draw them high When radiant Sol displaies his piercing Beames Into a cloud it Thawes and Raines in streames And as the cloud is distant neere or farre So great or small the showrie droppes still are Some men 'gainst Raine doe carry in their backs Prognosticating Aking Almanacks Some by a painefull elbow hip or knee Will shrewdly guesse what wether 's like to be Some by their cornes are wondrous Weather-wise And some by biting of Lice Fleas or Flies The Gowt Sciatica The Gallian Morbus Doth oft foretell if Tempests shall disturbe us For though these things converse not with the start Yet to Mans Griefe they are Astronomers In Spring time and in Autumne Phoebus Ray From land and sea drawes vapours in the day Which to th' Ayres lowest Region he exhales And in the night to pearly dew is fals Here oft fall Meldewes sweet as Hony And Dew oft turnes Manna in Polonia land Twixt Dew and Hoare-frost all the ods I hold One comes from heate the other from the cold Hayle is an Ice which oft in flawes and stormes In spring and Harvest fals in sundry formes For in the Autumne Winter or by night Scarce any Hayle within our land doth light And last comes Snow the cold of Winters Weathers Which fals and fils the Ayre with seeming feathers These from the land and from the Ocean Maine The Sun drawes up and then le ts fall againe Thus water universally doth fly From Earth and skie to Sea from them to Sky For 'twixt the Firmament the land and Ocean The Water travels with perpetuall Motion Now from the Airy Regions I descend And to a lower course my study beside He that of these things would know more may please To looke them in some Ephimerides Springs in the Earth I doe Assimulate To veines of Man which doe evacuate And drop by drop through Cavernes they distill Till many meetings make a petty Rill Which Rill with others doe make Rivolets And Rivolets Brookes Bournes and foords begets And thus combined they their store deliver Into a deeper trench and make a River Then Rivers joyne
short-winded or that his voice or speech failes him let him drinke Sack as it may be taken it shall make him capable to vent words and speake beyond measure Doth any man for the clearing of his stomacke desire a vomit let him take a quantity of Sack and by the operation of the same it shall be effected So that we may justly say that Sack is a second nature to man and that the Physicians well knew when they confinde it to the Apothecaies shops which was not till neere the end of King Henry the eights Raigne about the yeare 1543 and in King Edward the sixts first and second yeare 1548. till which time none but the Apothecaries had the honour to fell Sack and that was onely for medicine and for sicke folkes but though now it be more dispersed into Great mens houses and Vintners cellars yet it hath obtained no absolute freedome to this day for in the mansions or dwellings of many that keepe the fairest houses the Mannagement and tuition of Sack is to some lewd ill natur'd or nurtur'd yeoman of the Winecellar whereby it is too often adulterated and also brought to such an astringencie brought to such points of mortification that it is impossible it should ever be worthy to gaine the approbation of a Wine-vinegar man and it were heartily to be wish'd that this enormious abuse were punished by the vertue of a Dog-whip A word or two for example and I shall conclude Lucius Piso that great Generall that conquered Thrace was wonderfully given to the drinking of Sack insomuch that he was oftentimes carried from the Senate house and it was so farre from being an impeachment to his honour that neverthelesse Augustus Caesar committed to him the charge care and trust of the most secret affaires of State and never had any cause to be discontented with him the like we read of Tiberius and Cassus and as faithfully was the plot and purpose to kill Caesar in the Senate committed unto Cimber who dranke nothing but Sack as unto Cassius who dranke nothing but Water and certaine I am that the Persians after their drinking of Sack were wont to consult of their chiefest and most serious state-businesses and Cyrus that so farre and famous a renowned King among his other high praises and commendations meaning to preferre himselfe before his brother Artaxerxes and get the start of him alleageth the cause of his being victorious over him to bee chiefly because he could drinke more Sack than he I commend not intemperance in all these allegations the Reader may please to Remember my former test for moderation and Sack being so taken will be to the moderate taker a comfort against cares and crosses and so with Iuvenals words in his foureteenth satire I shut up all Thou shalt be from disease and weaknesse free From mone from care long time of life to thee Shall by more friendly fate afforded by Drinke Sack therefore if you 'l be rul'd by me Here followeth a laborious and effectuall discourse in praise of the Element of all Waters fresh and salt with their opperation with a touch of the causes of all sorts of weather faire and foule I That of Earth was made yet no earth have No not so much as may afford a grave For when that death my lives thred shall untwine I have no buriall in a ground that 's mine Of all the Elements the Earth is worst Because for Adams sinne it was accurst Therefore no parcell of it will I buy But on the VVater for reliefe relie When as mans crying crimes in volleyes flew To Heaven and Heavens high vengeance downeward drew Then Water all the World did overrunne And plagu'd th' abuses that on Earth were done From showres of Water rain'd from Skies to Earth Spring Sommer Harvest Winter have their birth For VVater is the Milke of Heaven whereby All things are nurs'd increase and multiply The old●st and most grave Astronomers The learned'st and most sage Philosophers Doe hold that in the highest Altitude A spheare of Water is in Amplitude Envelloping all other Orbs and Spheres With all the Planets swift and slow careares Even as the Sea the Earth doth compasse round The Water so the Firmament doth bound Should I of Water write but what it is I should be drowned in my Theames Abysse And therefore I 'le but dabble wade and wash And here and there both give and take a dash In blest Records it truely is approv'd That Gods blest Spirit upon the Waters mov'd Then All things were involved in the Waters All earthly Airie and all firie matters Vntill th' Almighty whose workes all are wonders With saying Let there be the Chaos sunders Of a confus'd lump voyd of forme and fashion He spake and gave the world its faire creation And as at first the Waters compast all The Chaos or worlds universall Ball. So still of all the workes of God most glorious The water was is and will be victorious It doth surmount the Ayre the fire it quenches With Inundations it the Earth bedrenches The Fire may burne a house perhaps a Towne But water can a Province spoyle and drowne And Ayre may be corrupted and from thence A Kingdome may be plagu'd with pestilence Where many die old young some great some small But water flouds plaies sweep-stake with them all Earth may be barren and not yeeld her store Yet may she feed the rich and starve the poore But Earth in triumph over all ner'e rid As in the Diluge once the Waters did Warre may make noyse with Gunnes and ratling Drums But Water where it comes it overcomes Thus Earth nor Ayre nor Fire nor rumbling Warre Nor plague or pestilence nor famine are Of powre to winne where Water but commands As witnesse may the watry Northerlands Concerning Merchandise and transportation Commerce and traffique and negotiation To Make each Countrie have by Navigation The Goods and Riches of each others Nation Commodities in free community Embassages for warre or unity These blessings by the Sea or some fresh River Are given to us by the All-giving Giver And in the vasty and unmeasur'd roome Of Neptunes Regiment or Thetis wombe Are almost shapes and formes of all the things Which in the Earth or Ayre or dies or springs Ther'e Fishes like to Sunne or Moone and Starres Fowles of the Ayre and weapons for the Warres Beasts of the Field and Plants and Flowers there And Fishes made like Men and Women are All instruments for any Art or Trade In living formes of Fishes there are made This is approv'd if any man will seeke In the first day of Bart●● his first weeke Heaven hath ordain'd the warry Element To be a Seale and sacred Sacrament Which doth in Baptisme us regenerate And man againe with God doth renovate And as it in the Laver mysticall Doth cleanse us from our sinne originall So for our corp'rall uses 't is most meete To wash our cloathes and keepe us cleane and sweet Wer 't
Drinke and welcome OR THE FAMOVS HISTORIE of the most part of Drinks in use now in the Kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland with an especiall declaration of the potency vertue and operation of our English ALE. With a description of all sorts of Waters from the Ocean sea to the teares of a Woman As also The causes of all sorts of weather faire or soule Sleet Raine Haile Frost Snow Fogges Mists Vapours Clouds Stormes Windes Thunder and Lightning Compiled first in the high Dutch tongue by the painefull and industrious Hvldricke Van Speagle a Grammaticall Brewer of Lubeck and now most Learnedly enlarged amplified and Translated into English Prose and Verse By IOHN TAYLOR LONDON Printed by ANNE GRIFFIN 1637. THE FAMOVS HISTORIE of the most part of Drinks in use now in the Kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland with an especiall declaration of the potency vertue and operation of our English ALE. Compiled first in the high Dutch tongue by the painefull and industrious Huldricke Van Speagle a Gramaticall Brewer of Lubeck and now most Learnedly enlarged amplified and Translated into English By IOHN TAYLOR I Huldrick Van Speagle doe ingeniously confesse my boldnesse and crave pardon of the Brittains and Irish Nation for that I being a stranger have presumed to write of such Drinkes as are Potable in their Climates and Countries with such particularities of their Originals and vertues as I have by experience and practise with my collections out of divers learned Authors gathered I purpose not to insist in a methodicall way but according to my quality in a plaine and briefe Relation It is not unknowne to men of any reading that this Iland which hath now regaind it's ancient name of Great Brittaine was by Brute inhabited by the remainders of some scattered and dispersed Trojans the drinkes they used in their best and worst of fortunes after their plantation here are observed to bee these Syder Perry Metheglin Mead Bragget Pomperkin and chiefely though lastly Ale with its appendix Beere Of which in order Syder SYder whose Anagram is Desyr desires and deserves the first place as being the most ancient it is made of Apples and is of that antiquity that it is thought by some to have beene invented and made by Eve and afterwards practised by Cain who by the making of it in the time of his vagrancy got a very competent estate Certainely it was a most frequent and usuall drinke amongst the Trojans and was with the remainder of that Nation first brought into this Iland It is called Syder a Sydera as the Dictionary tels me of the Starres whose influence in those Heathenish times was much invoked in the composure of that most excellent liquor whereof my native Country of the County of Glocestershire most plentifully flowes It doth much refrigerate and qualifie the inward heat of man it is also very purgative and cleanseth the small guts of all viscous humours and is much meliorated by the addition of Sugar in which way being taken the poorest cottage in Wales that affords it outvies the Sollyard and the men of that Countrey may without blushing their ordinary vertue paralell it with the glory of the Rhine Perry PErry is more Aromaticke being made of Peares from whence it seemes to have its Appellation there is much disagreement amongst ancient and moderne Writers about the antiquity originall and derivation of the name of it Gorbonus the Lacedemonian sales it was first made in Syria by one Pericles Trappoza a most learned Theban ascribes it to one Periander Nimpsbagg will have it from Persepolis a City in Persia but some Brittains will that desire to vindicate the Antiquity of times of one Parry a Nephew to Cadwallader the great the last King of the Brittains who was most ●●●ious in the composure of liquids of this nature Others would seeme to derive it from Perrue in America who in regard of the luxuriant soyle and salubrious ayre abounded wonderfully with Peares alleadging that Mangotapon one of the seven that hid themselves in a cave called Particumbo at that great deluge of the world was at his comming forth for he liv'd to come forth the first compounder of this drinke which in honour of his Country he then called Perrue Amongst all these various opinions of forraigne Authors common experience tels us that Worcestershire is our Brittish Maggazin or plentifull store-house for Perry nor will I seeke further to dispute the poynt the drinke being usuall and equall with what hath beene said before of Syder It is very availeable in quenching of thirst good against obstructions of the liver and spleene and most effectuall against contagious diseases by the opinion of the Brittish Doctours to whose treatises I referre the learned for larger instructions Metheglin and Mead. MEtheglin and Meade in regard of the coherence of their conditions I may very well handle them together without any disparagement to either how ever there bee some preportion in their severall compositions yet the maine Ingredient being Honey stands allowable to both The common appellation of the first by the name of Mathew Glinn although it seeme a Nick't name to the world is generally received by the History of Monmoth to be the Authours name of this Mellifluous mixture for this Mathew dwelling in a Valley for so the word Glinn imports Englished from the Welsh being master of a very great stocke of Bees and wanting vent for the issue of their labours in an abundant yeare betooke himselfe wholy to his study and being most ingenious in things of this nature in a short time he profited so well as out of his maternall or mother-wit of himselfe he perfected this rare composure This name being now ingeminated by the quotidian calls of his well disposed Countreymen renders it vendible in the most municipall Townes of those parts at the rates of six pence the quart which is the most predominant price of any of our homebred liquors Concerning the vertues of it it is to be held in most extraordinary regard for it is purgative in respect of the Mell or Honey and of singular efficacy against Tremor Cordis indeed the overmuch taking of it is to a melancholicke man in the nature of an Opiate and therefore to be refused if not taken with caution by men of that constitution Mead or Meath FOr Meade or Meath as some will have it there are diverse unwarrantable Authors that would wrest the originall and derivation of the name from Medusa the inchantresse some there are that the crewell Media was the inventor of it but Padesh shellum Shagh a learned Gimnosophist whose opinion I most leaue unto in his ninth booke of Hidromancy faith that it was a drinke in use and potable by the Medes and Persians in the first erection of that Monarchy from whence most significantly it hath the name and that a Brittish Lord a favourite of a Soldan there first brought it to these parts the Receipt being freely bestowed upon him for
the Balladmaker Rime beyond Reason It is a Repairer of a decaied Colour in the face It puts Eloquence into the Oratour It will make the Philosopher talke profoundly the Scholler learnedly and the Lawyer Acute and feelingly Ale at Whitsontide or a Whitson Church Ale is a Repairer of decayed Countrey Churches It is a great friend to Truth for they that drinke of it to the purpose will reveale all they know be it never so secret to be kept It is an Embleme of Justice for it allowes and yeelds measure It will put courage into a Coward and make him swagger and fight It is a seale to many a good Bargaine The Physitian will commend it the Lawyer will defend it It neither hurts or kils any but those that abuse it unmeasurably and beyond bearing It doth good to as many as take it rightly It is as good as a paire of Spectacles to cleare the eyesight of an old parish Clarke and in Conclusion it is such a nourisher of Mankinde that if my mouth were as bigge as Bishopsgate my Pen as long as a Maypole and my Inke a flowing spring or a standing fishpond yet I could not with Mouth Pen or Inke speake or write the true worth and worthinesse of Ale Beere NOw to write of Beere I shall not need to wet my pen much with the naming of it It being a drinke which Antiquitie was an Aleien or a meere stranger to and as it hath scarcely any name so hath it no habitation for the places or houses where it is sold doth still retaine the name of An Alehouse but if it were a Beere-house or so called yet it must have an Inferiour stile of hous-roome than An Alehouse for An is the name of many a good woman and the name An cannot be properly given to a Beere-Brewer or Beere-house for to say An Beere Brewer or An Beere house is ridiculous but An Ale-Brewer or An Alehouse is good significant English or to say An Beere brewer or An Beerehouse or by your favour An Taverne is but botching language in great Brittaine but to say A Alebrewer or A Alehouse is more improper than to bid a childe A A in his Chaire when there is neither Chaire or stoole This comparison needs a Sir Reverence to Vsher it but being Beere is but an Upstart and a foreigner or Alien in respect of Ale it may serve in stead of a better Nor would it differ from Ale in any thing but onely that an Aspiring Amaritudinous Hop comes crawling lamely in and makes a Bitter difference betweene them but if the Hop be so cripled that he cannot be gotten to make the oddes the place may poorely bee supply'd with chop'd Broome new gathered whereby Beere hath never attained the sober Title of Ale for it is proper to say A Stand of Ale and a Hogges Head of Beere which in common sense is but a swinish Phrase or Appellation Indeede Beere by a Mixture of Wine it enjoyes approbation amongst some few that hardly understand wherefore but then it is no longer Beere but hath lost both Name and Nature and is called Balderdash an Utopian denomination and so like a petty Brooke running into a great stream looses it selfe in his owne current the legges being wash'd with the weaker or smaller sort of it is contemptuously called Rotgut and is thought by some to be very medicinable to cure the Scurvie The stronger Beere is divided into two parts viz. wild and stale the first may ease a man of a drought but the later is like water cast into a Smiths forge and breeds more heartburning and as rust eates into Iron so overstale Beere gnawes auletholes in the entrales or else my skill failes an what I have written of it is to be held as a jest I have now performed my promise yet cannot so cease being much desirous to speak something of a forraigne Element which in some sort seemes to obscure the glory of all the forenamed drinks and is knowne to us by the name of Sack which appellation was archieved by derivation from Donzago a Spaniard of the Province of Andalowsia who was the first discoverer of this Castilian Ellixar But herein as before I shall but loose my selfe the subject being most excellently handled tasted and well rellished both in verse and prose especially in that late Illustration of Aristippus in which respect onely it is held fit that Cambridge should precede Oxford Sack SAck is no hippocrite for any man that knowes what an Anagram is will confesse that it is conta1ined within the litterall letters and limmits of its owne name which is to say a Cask Sack then containes it selfe except it be drawne out within its inclosed bounds like Diogenes in his Tun yet Sack overmuch drawne and excessively abused hath drawne the abusers of it into many abuses and dammages for Tangrephilax a learned Lybian Geographer of our time affirmes that it sumes into the head though it well pleases the palate yet neverthelesse that it helpes the naturall weaknesse of a cold stomacke more than any other wine whatsoever The old ancient Poets onely write of Helicon Tempe Aganippe the Pegasean fountaine the Thespian spring The Muses well and abundance of other unknowne rich invisible blessings But our age approves that Sack is the best lineing or living for a good Poet and that it enables our moderne writers to versifie most ingeniously without much cud gelling their headpieces a thing very much used in the pumpers for wit whereby they get some portion of credit a great proportion of windy applause but for money c. For mine owne part I do not nor will drinke any of it which is the reason that my verses want vigour but if I could but endure to wash my midrisle in Sack as the most grave Musehunters Hexametrians Pentametrians Dactylians and Spondeians doe I should then reach with my Invention above the Altitude of the 39. sphere and dive 50. fathom below the profundity of the depest Barrathrum The troth is I have no reason to love Sack for it made me twice a Rat in Woodstreet Counter-trap besides where other wines have scarce strength to make me drunke as I may take them Sack hath the power to make me mad which made me leave it Yet for the vertues that are in mine enemy I must and will give due commendations therefore I will give a touch at some things which is praise worthy in this Iberian Castilian Canarian Sherrian Mallaganian Robalonian Robdanian Peterseamian Is any man opprest with crudities in his stomacke so that it takes away all appetituall desire insomuch that the sight of meat is a second sicknesse to him let that man drinke Sack the cure followes beyond beliefe Is any man Ingurgitated so that he is in the condition of a strong surfeit let that man drinke Sack too the remedy is sudden indeed to a poynt of wonder or admiration Is any man so much out of the favour of Elous that he is