Selected quad for the lemma: water_n

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water_n call_v earth_n sea_n 3,957 5 6.9260 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12110 The shepardes kalender Here beginneth the kalender of shepardes newly augmented and corrected.; Compost et kalendrier des bergiers. English. Copland, Robert, fl. 1508-1547, attributed name. 1570 (1570) STC 22415; ESTC S107779 143,077 197

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when thou art olde no wordely ioye lasteth but a whyle ¶ dyne not at morowe before thyne appetyte clere ayre and walkinge maketh good dygestion betwene meles drynke not for no farwarde delyte but thyrst or trauayle gyue the occasion ouer salt meate doth great oppression th feble stomakes when they can not refrayne fro thynge contrary to theyr complexion of gredy handes the stomake hath greate peyne ¶ thus in two thynges standeth all thy welth of soule and body who lyft them sue moderate fode gyueth to man his health and all surfettes then he doth eschewe and charitie to soule is dewe this receyte bought is of no potycary of mayster anthony ne of mayster hewe to all indifferent ryches dyetary ¶ nescio quo ceto lenta papauere dormit mens que creatorem nescit iniqua suum en iterum toto lingua crucifigitur orbe en iterum patitur dira flagella deus factorem factura suum stimulante tyrann● delictis factis desetit orba fuis inde fames venit inde discordia regum inde cananeis predatibusque sumus inde premit gladius carnalis spiritualem et vice versa spiritualis cum hinc fubito atropos predatrix occupatartus nec sinit vt dolcat penite atque miser iure vides igitur quam recta ligamina nectit immundus mundus hec duo verbo simul ¶ thus endeth the physycke and regement of health of shepardes and foloweth theyr astrology capitulo .xxxi. celum celi domine terram autem dedit filius hominum non mortui laudabunt te domine●neque omnes qui descendunt in infernum sed nos qui vi●imus benediximus domino quoniam videbimus celos tuosopera digitorum tuorum lunam stellas que tu fundast●● quia subiecisti omnia sub pedibus nostris 〈◊〉 boues vniuersas in super pecora campi volu●● cres celi pisces maris qui perambulane semitas maris domine dominus noster quam admirabi●● est nomen tuu● in vniuersa terra who that wyll as shepardes that kepeth shepe in the fyeldes without knowynge any letter saue onely by some fygures that they make in lyttle tables of wodde haue knowledge of the mouynges and proprfeties of the heauens and dyuers other thynges conteyned in this presente composte and kalender of shepardes the which is extracte and composed out of theyr kalenders and put in letter so that eche maye compryse and knowe as they the thinges aboue sayde fyrste one ought to knowe what the figure is the disposition of the world the nombre ordre of the elementes and the mouinges of the skies aperteyneth to be knowen of euery man of free condicion and noble engin for it is a fayre thinge delectable profitable and honest and therwith it is necessary to haue diuers other knowleges in especiall for the astrology of shepardes whiche sheweth how the worlde is rounde as a ball and after wyse men say there is nothing so round as it for it is rounder then any thinge artyfycyall and more ouer in this worlde we se nothinge ne neuer shal that is so ius●e egally rounde as it selfe is and is composed of the heauen and the foure elementes in v. principal parties after that a person ought to knowe that the earth is in the myddes of the worlde for it is the heuyest element upon the earth is the water or the sea but it couereth not al the earth to th ende that men and beastes may lyue therin the partie that is vncouered is called the face of the earth for it is as the face of man alwayes vncouered and the parte that is couered with water is as the body of man that is clothed hidde on the water is the ayre that encloseth the earth and the water and is deuyded in three regions one is lowe where as en habiteth beastes byrdes an other meane where as bin the cloudes the whiche make the impressions as lightninghes thonders and other is alway colde the thirde is the hyeste where as is neyther winde ne rayne nor tempest nor other impression ther be some mountaines that atteyneth vnto it as is olimpus that recheth the hyest region of the ayre and the element of fyre mounteth vnto the skie the elementes susteyneth the skies as the pyllers or beames susteyneth a house of such mountaynes is one in affryke named athlas after that is the element of fyre that is neyther ●●ambe ne coles but is pure inuisible for the great bryghtenes for of so much as the water is more clere lyght then the earth the ayre more clere light then the water of so muche the fyre is more clere lyght and fayrer then the ayre and the skies in equypo●ent bin clerer lyghter fayrer then the fyre the which tourneth with the mo●inges of the heauens and the next region of the ayre also in the which is engendred c●n●c●●s that bin called sterres for that they bin shyninge moueth as the sterres after the sayinge of some shephardes the fyre is inuysible for his subtilitie and not for his clerenes for of as much as a thing is more cler of ●o much it is the more vysible for we se the skies wel but not the fyre for it is ouer much more subtyl then the ayre that is inuisible for the same cause the earth and the water bin thycke and therfore they bin vysyble the skies byn neyther properley heauy ne lyght harde ne softe clere ne darke hotte ne colde swete ne soure colour ne sowne ne such other qualities saue that they bin hot in vertue for they may cause heate here de●ethe by theyr lightes mouynges and influeuces byn improprely harde for they maye not be denyded ne broken and also they byn improprely colours of lyghte in some parties and byn thycke as bin the parties of the sterres in the which there maye no starre ne other partie be adusted and put to nor none maye be demynyshed ne taken away and they may neyther encrease ne ware lesse or be of other fygure then rounde ne they may not chaunge enpayre ne waxe olde ne be corrumped ne altered but in lyght onely as in tyme of the eclyps of the son and moone ne they may not rest and stande styll ne tourne any otherwyse later ne sooner in partye ne in all ne behaue them otherwise then after their common course● but by miracle diuine and therfore the sterres and skies byn of another nature then the elementes and the thinges of them composed the whiche byn transmutable and corruptable the elementes and all thinges of them composed bin enclosed within the fyrst skie as the yolke of an egge is enclosed wythin the whyte and the fyrst skie is enclosed of the seconde and the seconde in the thyrde and the thirde in the fourth so of the other the first sky nexte the elementes is the skie of the mone next is the skie of mercury and nexte it the skie of uenus then is the skie of the
suffre muche shame she shall reioyce the goodes of her frendes that which she conceaueth in her minde shall come to effecte shall haue the best partye he shall haue many husbandes and manye children she shal be in her beste estate at xvi yere and she shal haue a signe in the myddes of her body she shal be syckely and if she escape she shall lyue lxxvi yeare after nature she ought be beare ringes and precious stones vpon her the dayes of iupiter and of luna byn right good for them and the dayes of mars contrary as well the man as woman may be lykened to the bul that laboureth the lande and when the sede is sowen he hath but the strawe for his parte they shall kepe well theyr owne and it shal not profyte to them ne to other and shal be reputed vnkinde ¶ of the signe of gemini the man that is borne in the signe of gemini from mydde maye to mydde iune shall haue manye woundes and he shall be fayne and mercyfull he shall leade an open and a reasonable lyfe he shall receaue muche money he wil go in vnknowen places and do many pylgrimages he will prayse hymselfe and wyll not byde in the place of his natiuitye he shall be wyse and negligente in his workes he shal come to rychesse vnto .xxvi. yere his firste wyfe shal not lyue longe but he shall marry straunge womē he shal be late maryed he shal be bytten of a dogge shal haue a marke of iron or of fyre he shal be turmented in water and shall passe the sea shall lyue and hundred yere and x. monthes after nature ¶ the woman then borne shall come to honoure and set forwarde with the goodes of other and she shal be agreued of a false cryme she ought to be wedded at xiiii yeare yf she shall be chaste and eshewe all perill and shall lyue lxx yere after nature and shall honour god the dayes of mercury soll to them byn right good the dayes of luna and uenus bin to them contrary and as wel the man as the woman shall augmente and assemble the goodes of theyr successours but skantly shal they vse their owne goodes they shal be so auaricious ¶ of the signe of cancer nexte after he that is borne vnder the signe of cācer fro myd iune to myd iuly shal be very auaricious and of egall stature he will loue women he shal be merye humble good wyse and wel renomed he shal haue domage by enuye he shall haue the moneye of other in hys gydynge he shall be a conductoure● of other folkes thinkes he shall haue stryfe and discorde amonge his neighbours will auenge hym on his enemy by his errogās many shal mocke hym he shal haue often great feare on the water he wil kepe his corage secretely in him selfe shall suffre doloure of the wombe he shall find hidden money laboure sore for his wife he shall se his perill in a certeyne yere the which shal be knowen of god his hauoyre shall decrease at .xxxiii. yeare he shall passe the sea and shal lyue .lxx. yere after nature and fortune shal be agreble to hym ¶ the woman that shal be borne in this tyme shal be furious incontinent angry and sone appeased she is nymble seruysabye wyse ioyous and shal suffry many perilles if any person do her any seruice she will recompence them well she shal be labouringe and take great peyne vnto xxx yere and then she shall haue rest she shall haue many sonnes she must be wedded at xiiii yeare honoures and giftes shall folowe her she shal haue woundes behole their of and shal haue peril of waters and shal be hurte in a secrete place she shall be bytten of a dogge and shall lyue lxx yere after nature the dayes of iupyter uenus and luna to them bin right good the dayes of mars right euyll and a swell the man as the woman shall haue good fortunes victory ouer theyr enemies ¶ of the signe of leo. as we rede he that is borne vnder the signe of leo fro mydde iulye to mydde auguste shal be fayne and hardy he shall speake openly and shall be mercyfull he shall wepe with the wepers and shall be errogant in wordes ●he shall haue a perill in certeyne tyme and at xxx yeare he shal be awayted to be domaged but he shall eschewe that perill his benefytes shal be ingrate he shal be honoured of good folke and opteyne his enterpryse he shall goodes by temporal seruyces he shal be in great to theues and shal be great puissaunt he shal haue charge of the commontie and as muche as he leseth he shall wyn he shall come to dignitie and shal be amyable he shall take fortune of three wyues he wyll go often on a pylgrimages and suffre peyne of the sight he shall fall from hye and be fearefull of water he shall finde hydde money at viii yeare of age he shall be sycke also he shal be in peryll and doubt of some greate lorde and at xxxvi yere he shal be bytten of a dogge and be hole with greate peyne and shall lyue lxxxiiii yere after nature ¶ the woman that shal be borne in thys tyme shal be a great lyer fayre well spoken marcyfull pleasant and maye not suffre ne se men wepe she shal be meke her firste husbande shall not lyue longe she shall haue peyne in her stomake she shal be awayted of her neyghbours at xvii yeare and lyue to greate rychesse she shall haue chyldren of three men she shal be amyable and haue the bluddy flyxe and shal be bytten of a dogge she shall fall from hye and lyue lxxvii yere after nature the dayes of mercurye sol and mars to them be right good the dayes of saturne byn contrarye and as well the man as the woman shal be hardy greet quarellers and mercyfull ¶ of the signe of uirgo of the sygne of uirgo i fynde that he which is borne fro mydde august to myd septembre shall gladlye commend his wyfe he shal be a greate householder engenyeus he shal be folycytous too hys worke he shal be shamefast and of great courage and al that he seeth he shall couet in his vnderstandynge he will be sone angrye and surmounte hys enemyes scarsely shall he be a whyle with his firste wife he shal be fortunate at xxxi yere he will not hyde that that he hath and shal be in peryll of water he shall haue a wounde with yron and shal lyue lxx yere after nature ¶ the woman then borne shal be shamefast engenious and will take peyne and ought to be wed at xii yere she shall not be longe with her first husbande her seconde husbande shal be of longe lyfe shal haue much good by another woman she shall fall from hye her lyfe shal be in peryl and shall dye shortelye she shall suffre doloure at x. yeare yf she escape these doloures she shall lyue