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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11059 The first booke of questions and answers vpon Genesis Containing those questions that are most eminent and pertinent, vpon the sixe first chapters of the same booke: collected out of ancient and recent writers; both briefly and subtilly propounded and expounded, by Alexander Rosse, of Aberdine, preacher at Saint Maries neere Southampton, and one of his Maiesites chaplaines. Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. 1620 (1620) STC 21325; ESTC S112086 52,680 137

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Psal 93. and 104. this is vnderstood in respect of the whole earth yet it is moued in respect of parts by earthquakes Iob 9. Q. Of what figure is the earth A. Round Esay the 40. This figure is most perfect capable ancient Q. Is the earth vnder the water or not A. Vnder because heauiest yet Exo. 20. Ps 24. and 136. it seemes the water is vnder the earth but it is to be vnderstood that a great part of the earth was made higher then the waters for mans habitation Q. Why cannot the whole earth moue A. Because hee is in his natural place which if it should moue it should ascend and this is against the nature of the earth Q. What is vnderstood by the spirit that moued vpon the waters A. A wind which often in Scripture is called a spirit or the holy Ghost or the power and mighty operation of God which also is often called by the name of Spirit in this sence the Spirit of God is sayd to carry Elias to heauen and to haue caught away Philip Acts 8. Q. Why is God brought in speaking in the creation A. To shew his absolute power whose word is his worke 2. The second person in Trinity the word essential of the Father by whom the world was created Q. Why was the light first created A. To beautifie al the rest of the creatures 2. The world was created in 6. daies which could not bee distinguished without the light and darkenes Q. Was this light spirituall such as God is sayd to inhabit as Christ is called the light of the world and the Apostles light the regenerate light A. No but corporall and sensible first the darkenes that went before was sensible ergo light 2. By this light the 3. dayes were distinguished before the creation of the sun but they were sensible 3. This Narration of Moses is historicall not allegoricall Q. Then what light was this A. Not the light of the elemental fire nor of a light cloud nor of water but of the sun which was the first day diffused through the whole hemisphere the 4. was collected into the globe of the sun we see The 1. day this light had but one common property to illuminate the 4. it had particular vertues to bring out particular effects 3. This light the 4. day began to bee cause of generation and corruption the measure of time the cause of increase and decrease in the moone Q. How did this light before the 4. day distinguish the day from night A. In moouing from east to west and from west to east by the motion of the 1. spheare Q. In what place of heauen was this light created A. In the east for this light returning to this same point of the east from which it went made a naturall day Q. VVhen was heauen and earth created A. Before the first day in respect of their substance and matter but in the sixe dayes in respect of their forme and perfection Q. What is meant by the firmament that separateth the waters from the waters A. The aire and starry heauens with all the spheres betweene which do separate the watry clouds from these waters below but properly the lower regiō of the aire doth separate these waters which are generated in the single region from the waters below which low region is called by the name of the whole firmament Q. What are these waters aboue the firmament A. Not Angels as Origen not waters properly so called aboue the stars as Basil would haue for their natural place is below and there is no vse of them aboue the starres neither the heauen called the Cristalline which hath neither the substance similitude or qualities of water but by these waters wee vnderstand the watery clouds aboue this lower region in the aire These waters in other places are sayd to be aboue the heauēs that is aboue the aire which in Scripture is called heauen Q. How made God the drie land to appeare A. By causing the earth which before was plaine to swell with mountaines 2. By the waters which before were spred ouer the whole earth to betake themselues to one place Q. Then were there mountaines before the flood A. Yes for the flood rose 15. cubits higher then the mountaines the mountaines are called eternall Psa 76. Wisedome is ancienter then the mountaines Pro. 8. They make the earth the comelier more fruiteful more commodious for man and beast they hold out the seas from ouer-flowing the earth out of them springs and riuers proceed they defend the valleies from the raging of the windes that without them the earth could not be before the flood Q. Is the earth or seas highest A. The earth for all riuers run into the seas naturally because they flow downewards 2. Men are said to go down into the seas in ships Psal 107. Again if the seas were higher ships should sayle swifter to the land then from it 4. The farther we were in the sea we should see the land the better Ob. But Psa 104. and 33. it seemes that the waters are higher then the earth A. In Ps 104. Dauid speaks of the springs that are generated in the mountaines or of the watery clouds that couer the hills in Psa 33. Dauid speakes of the miraculous standing of the red sea Q. Were briers thornes and poysonable hearbes created before mans fall A. Yes because these are parts of this world without which it is not perfect and although poysonable hearbs are not fit for meate they are good for physicke Q. In what time of the yeere was the world created A. In the Autumne because the Iewes before they departed from Egypt began their yeere in Autumne and also before the stood for the flood began in the second month that is about the month of Nouember 2. The Iewes Exod. 23. are commanded to keepe the feasts of Tabernacles in the end of the yeere that is in Autumne when fruits are ripe and also this same feast in the beginning of the yeere Chap. 34. nature also shews that Autumne is the end of the yeere by the maturity of the fruite and falling of the leaues from the trees It is also the beginning of the yeere as the yong seeds budding out of the earth do testifie Lastly in the creation the fruits of the trees were ripe and ready to be eaten Q. Were the starres created the fourth day A. Yes in respect of their light motions and operations but they were made the 1. day in respect of their substance for they are the thicker part of the spheres Q. Why were the stars created after the planets A. Because God will shew his power which in producing of plants doth not depend on the starres 2. To keepe the people from idolatrie whom he knew would be bent to worship the starres when they consider their beauty motion and operation in producing hearbs now they are inexcusable because this vertue they haue in producing hearbs is from God who in the beginning
here therefore Origen was deceiued that thought there were fiue roomes As in this Arke there were three roomes so in Moses Tabernacle and Salomons Temple were also three The Church also figured by the Arke hath three states before the Law vnder the Law and vnder Christ Q. Why would God establish his Couenant with Noe before the Arke was built A. To confirme Noes faith the more for he had need of such a promise that went about such a hard and dangerous worke as the building of the Arke was And here wee see that God neuer imployeth his seruants in any hard worke but hee giueth them comfort strength and courage to performe it And so it is our part to rely on Gods promises with Noe and not to encline either to the right or left hand Q. What couenant was this that God made with Noe A. That he would preserue him and his Family in the Floud and this is a type of the couenant which God hath made with vs in Christ Now this couenant belongeth to Noe and his Family so all Gods couenants to the faithfull and their children also As for Noe's sake his family was saued so for the company of one holy man many shal escape in the day of Gods wrath For Pauls sake all that were in the ship were saued Here this is called Gods couenant because he bindes himselfe to saue vs so elsewhere it is called our couenant Zach. 9.11 because on our part we are bound to beleeue and obey him Q. What sortes of creatures was Moses commanded to receiue within the Arke A. All those that could not liue in the water as men beasts and fowles fishes then and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is those creatures that can liue both on the land and in the water were not receiued secondly the perfect creatures that is such as are procreated by commixture of male female for the male female are here mentioned Then mice such like as are ingēdred of corruptiō were not receiued And here Moses is commaunded to receiue two of euery sort which in the next chapter is better explained for of the vncleane two are receiued of the cleane seuen three males and females for generation and one male for the Sacrifice Heere we see that God for Noes sake saueth all those sorts of creatures extending his mercies euen to the beasts for his seruants sake Q. How did Noe gather together all these creatures did he hunt for them A. No but they came of their owne accord the Lord leading them thither and here they are brought to Noe as before to Adam yet although God brought them to the Arke notwithstanding Noe must bring them within and place them in the Arke Noe is the type of Christs Ministers who doe not leade Christs sheepe to the Church because being moued by Gods Spirit they come of their owne accords yet the Minister gathereth them together and doth vnite them by the Word and Sacraments Q. If all kindes of meate were layd vp in the Arke for the creatures then whether or not was there also flesh for those creatures that liued only on flesh A. First before the Floud neither man nor beast did eate flesh but this power of eating flesh was giuen after the Floud secondly we doe not reade of any beasts that were brought into the Arke for meate but onely for generation and sacrifice thirdly if there had been beasts in the Arke for eating and so many as might serue for a whole yeere surely there could not be roome enough for them besides their flesh would haue putrified and that had beene filthy and lothsome to man therefore they did not eate flesh at that time but either grasse fruits or seedes for these they fed vpon when flesh was wanting Besides God that caused them to come to the Arke of their own accord and to remayne so long obedient to Noe could also sustaine them so long without flesh onely vpon hearbs for those were better at that time than now and the temperature of those beasts was sounder Q. Why was God so carefull to prouide foode for those dumbe creatures A. To let vs know and admire his infinite goodnesse in not onely creating them for mans vse but also in preseruing them to the same end secondly that by this carefulnesse of his we may be induced to loue him the more thirdly to depend on him in our extremities for if he had a care of them when they could not care for themselues much more will hee be carefull of vs in our necessities fourthly he would not saue them in the Arke as he did the Israelites in the red Sea and as Ionas in the Whales belly miraculously but he would haue heere both man and beast to vse the meanes of the Arke and of the foode he gaue them for the preseruation of their life to teach vs that we should not despise the ordinary meanes that God hath appoynted for the conseruation of our life fiftly to teach all Christians that haue children wife or family to prouide for them things that may sustaine their naturall life seeing God had such care to maintaine the life of these creatures which are not so deare to God as men are Q. What is the commendation that Noe hath heere in the end A. That he did according to all that God commaunded him therefore he became heire of the Righteousnes that is by faith Hebr. 11. Then heere was his glory not in that he knew Gods commaundements but in that he did them secondly he did not a part but according to all that was commaunded him thirdly his faith and obedience was wonderfull if wee should consider the circumstances thereof as the bignesse of the Arke the long and tedious space of an hundreth yeeres cutting and bringing together so many trees the taunts and scornes hee did indure of men the feare he was in for preaching they should all be drowned the care and sollici●ede he had to gather together so much prouision for man beasts and fowles yea to bring into the Arke so many sorts of wilde beasts and lastly to inclose himselfe therein for a yeere as in a Sepulchre all these being considerd shall make vs acknowledge that h●● Faith and Obedience was worthy of eternall commendations Q. Whereof was Noe and the Arke a tipe o● figure A. Of Christ and of the Church for Noe was the tipe of Christ in that Noe is rest so Christ is our rest in him we haue rest for o●● soules our consciences haue rest from the gilt and punishment of sinne from the condemning and commaunding power thereof and after this life we 〈◊〉 rest from our labours euen in the bosome of Abraham Secondly as Noe preserued soone from the flood so hath Christ from the floods of Gods wrath Thirdly as Noe in the Arke of wood did saue them so Christ vpon the Crosse of wood hath saued vs. Fourthly as out of the Arke there is no safety so ou● of the Church there is no saluation Fiftly 〈◊〉 the Arke was made of diuers sortes of trees so is the Church of diuers sorts of men Sixtly 〈◊〉 the Ark was a lōg time in building so hath the Church a long time in making Seu●●hly as in the floud God drowned sinners so in baptisme whereof the flood was a tipe God drowneth our sinnes Eightly as the plankes of the Arke were ioyned together with Pitch so should the members of the Church be ioyned together with loue Ninthly as Noe not only built the Arke but entred therein so Christ not only built the Church but dwels therein Tenthly as in the Arke were all sorts of creatures so in the Church are all sorts of Christians Eleuēthly as in the Arke were more beasts then men so in the Church are more bad then good Twelftly as in the Arke was all kind of corporall food for the creatures so in the Church is all kind of spirituall food for Christians 13. As in the Arke was a window to giue light to the eies so in the Church is the Word to giue light to the minds 14. As there was a doore for the creatures to enter into the Arke so Christ is the doore by whom wee enter into the Church 15. As in the Arke were diuers roomes or stories so in the Church are diuers degrees orders 16. As the Arke was great and large for all sorts of beasts so is the Church for all sorts of men 17. As there was but one Arke one doore one window so there is but one Church one Christ one Scripture 18. As the Rauen went out and came not againe but the Doue could finde no rest till 〈◊〉 returned to the Arke so the wicked care 〈◊〉 for the Church but the godly who repres●● the nature and qualities of the Doue can h●●● no rest for their soules but in the Church 19●● the Arke was tossed vp and downe in the w●ter with the wind yet was vpheld by Go● so the Church is tossed vp and downe 〈◊〉 the sea of this world with the winds 〈◊〉 Satan of sinne of wicked men and of 〈◊〉 flesh yet the Lord vpholds her 20. 〈◊〉 the Arke at last rested on the mountaine● of Ar●●●nia so shall the Church on Mo●●● Sion in the Kingdome of glory when th● waters shall settle and the winds shall cease then those that seemed to be dead in the Arke shall come out of the graues and with ioy shall inioy that happy Immortality FJNJS