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A08538 An epitome of Ortelius his Theater of the vvorld, vvherein the principal regions of the earth are descrived in smalle mappes. VVith a brief declaration annexed to ech mappe. And donne in more exact manner, then lyke declarations in Latin, French, or other languages. It is also amplyfied with new mappes wanting in the Latin editions; Theatrum orbis terrarum. English. Abridgments Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. 1601 (1601) STC 18857; ESTC S120945 62,009 264

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man that found out the manner of salting barrelling vp of hering FLANDERS GELDRES GEldres extendeth in the northwest vnto the Zuder-sea south west it confyneth with Brabant eastward it hath the Duchie of Cleue westward the Signory of Vtreck It is deuyded into 4. seueral quarters whereof the 4 principall cities are Nimmegen Ruremond Zutphen Arnhem The country is very frutefull hauing come wood but it moste exceedeth in medow pasture ground by reason of the riuers of Rhene VVale Mase which do all take their passage through this country Leane oxen are sent from other partes to bee here fatned in the yeare 1570 an Ox was brought from hence to Antvverp that weyed 3200 pound The people of all the inhabitants of the Netherland prouinces haue alwayes bene reputed the moste warlyke the country by warre hath bin moste wasted They were of old tyme called Sicambri as Henricus Aquilius in his compendious Cronicle plainly proueth who also sheweth how it afterward took the name of Geldres It was somtyme an Earldome but Reynold the second for his great valour whereby the made himself both feared honored being withal a great iusticer hauing don great faithful seruice to the Romaine Empyre was in an assembly or diet holden at Frankford in the yeare 1329 by Levvis the Emperor honored with the tytle of Duke in the presence as is said of the Kings of France England of all the Princes electors GELDRES ZELAND VNder the name of Zeland are comprised all the Iles lying betweene Flanders Brabant Holland and the sea VVhereof 7 are esteemed the principall to wit VValkere Southbeuerland Northbeuerland VVolferdyk Skovv Doueland and Tole These 7 with certaine other of lesse accompt do altogether make an earldome which hath in all 8 walled townes with some other that are vnwalled and 102 thorps or villages The chief citie of Zeland is Midlebourg situate in the I le of VValkere where the staple of wyne is kept in this I le is Flushing Campheere Armuy And Midlebourg lying in the middest taketh there of that name VVel may this country be called Zealand or Sealand beeing so low that the sea is at euery high water higher then the land men standing in the meddowes may see in looking vpward the very keeles of the ships as they saile along were it not for the sand-bancks or downes on the one syde the banckes of earth fagots made on the othersyde the sea would soone ouer-runne it It is said for a prouerb that none of the 4. elements are good in Zealand or Holland the ayre is strong the earth vnfirme by reason of the marishnes the fyre stincking because it is made of turf the vvater salt brackish Zeland notwithstanding bringeth foorth faire corne the meddowes do nowrish cattel ZELAND HOLLAND THe earldome of Holland lieth al along on the west syde vpon the Germaine Ocean with the creeks whereof it is almost enuyroned hauing a great number of waters riuers euery way passing through it It is said to haue the name of Holland by reason that the earth through the vnfirmnes thereof seemeth hollow others affirme it to haue taken the name of Holland of the Danes or Normans that inuaded it in Anno 837 hauing before bene called Batauia for that they called it Oland after an I le so named in their northern region The country of Holland is lyke vnto Zealand very low the earth soft weak much of it beeing by the waters ouerflowen All along the maine Ocean it hath through the mercie of nature the downes or sand-hilles that defend it from the inundation of the sea in these downes are woonderful store of conies The medow groundes for the feeding of cattel are so exceeding good as the great aboundance of butter and cheefe transported from Holland into so many countryes doth declare The inhabitants do also reap great comoditie by their wyld ducks waterfoule but espetially by their sea-fishing principally by there hering-fang Litle or no corne groweth in Holland but they haue it from the east countries of Germany VVood they haue not their fuel for the moste parte is turf their wood beth for howsing shipping is brought from Norvvay other places The chief citie is Amsterdam the howses whereof are built vpon pyles of wood which are driuen into the watrish ground The court of Holand is kept at the Hage which is no walled towne howbeit the fairest village in all Europe situate in the moste pleasant parte of all the countrie The people are exceeding industrious the country ful of townes cities HOLLAND FRIESLAND BOth east west Friesland hath all along on the northsyde the Germaine Ocean on the southsyde VVestphalia ce Tacitus in his description of the manners of the old Germaines parteth Friesland in Maiores and Minores that is the greater the lesser freslanders according to their power and habitation The country is now deuyded into east and west Friesland Generally it is very low the Somer beeing past it is not to bee vsed it hath litle corne ground but very notable meddowes yeildeth very fat oxen as also faire great horses The chief citie in VVest friesland is Grooning and in East-friesland Embden Groening with the territory thereof is accompted one of the seauenteene Netherland prouinces but Embden belongeth vnto the earle of the same place The Frizons or Frieslanders are an ancient and warlyk people beeing in old tyme gouerned by a king of their owne Plinie saith that an herb groweth in this country which he calleth Herba Britannica which herb is good for the fastning of loose teeth for the weaknes of the legges knees espetial good for the disease called the Scorruie which disease is scarsly knowne but in these low-landes the remedy in lyk forte espetialy here to bee found FRIESLAND VVESTPHALIA THat VVestphalia should take that name of the Goddesse Vesta is very fabulous for the name is aptly significant in the self countrie language It ioyneth on the northwest syde with Friesland on the northeast with the dioces of Breme on the southeast syde it hath the country of Padelborne on the southwest the dioces of Cullen parte of the duchie of Cleue It was according to the opinion of Sebastian Munster the ancient habitation of the Saxons It hath in it diuers earldomes Signories The people of this country are strong faire good soldiers the country is moste woody pasture ground very good for the nowrishing of cattel Dainty meates delicacies are not he ere found with bacon beef browne bread the people do liue very long helthfully and here is the best Bacon the greatest store The chief citie of westphalia is Munster which in Anno 1535. the Anabaptists hauing gotten into possession erected there a new comon welth vnder their king Iohn of Leyden who before had
flesh of it is very good meat In this I le groweth the herb which in latin is called Ranunculus the qualitie whereof is such that whoso eateth of it dieth laughing Among the townes or citties of name of this I le is Calaris now called Caglire situate vpon a hil vpon the seasyde towards Africa hauing a very good hauen in this citie the Vice Roy hath his residence SARDINIA CORSICA THis Iland lieth in the Mediteraneum sea hauing Sardinia ouer-against it on the south syde the state of Genna ouer-against it on the north It is nor easy to bee manured by reason of the stonynesse of the soyle by reason of the hilles that are in it as wryteth Strabo who addeth withall that the inhabitants in his tyme were of rude behauior Howbeit they haue long since receaued the ciuilitie of Italy they are esteemed good soldiers It now bringeth foorth very good wyne there are bred in it faire horses houndes of extraordinary greatnes which serue for the chase of wyld beastes The Signorie or domination hath somtyme belonged to the Tirbenes after that to those of Carthage and lastly to the Romanes as Titus Liuius reporteth and vnder the Romanes it remained vntil such tyme as the Saracins stretched ouer it their powre-ful hands but these beeing ouercome by those of Genua to Genua was then the rule of this place transferred who kept thereof the gouernment vntil such tyme as those of Pisa gat it from the Geneuoises from whome the Geneuoyses did in fyne recouer it againe It hath moreouer bene belonging vnto the Churche but vnder those of Genua it now remaineth CORSICA ISCHIA DIuers authors are of opinion this I le now called Ischia situate in the Mediteraneum sea hath heretofore bin firme land with Italy the lykelyhood hereof appeereth by the rockes on the sea syde towards Italy where through the hollownes of them it is seene how the sea hath in length of tyme eaten out the earth from among them also that the very soile kynd of earth is euen the same that is in Italy on the syde that is neerest vnto this I le It is so circuyted with stony rocks that there is hard coming to it it also hath a very strong fortresse wherein Fernandino the sonne of Alphonso the second King of Arragon retyred himself at such tyme as Charles the 8 King of France was receaued into Naples It the yeare 1301 in the tyme of Charles the second King of Sicilia certaine vaynes of sulphure whereof this I le is ful beeing kindled the fyre extended diuers wayes and burnt a great parte of the cittie of Ischia now called Geronda through this fyre which continued the space of 2 moneths much people cattel were destroyed numbers of the inhabitants forced to flee into the kingdome of Naples This I le conteyneth 18 myles in compasse it yeildeth good wyne in it are diuers bathes of hot water ISCHIA MALTA SOuth from Cicilia lieth this I le of Malta in the Mediteraneum sea it was of old called Melita It is afaire Ile wel inhabited on the sea towards the southsyde thereof are highrocks but towards the east the north it is very euen fruteful It hath a good hauen where the knightes of S. Iohnes otherwise called the knightes of Malta haue builded a very strong towne They of this order were called the knights of the Rhodes but since the losse of the Rhodes their residence hath bin here There is mention made in the scriptures of this I le by the name of Melita to wit how S. Paule in his iorney from Ierusalem to Roome hauing suffred shipwrack came here on shore beeing bitten on the hand by a viper was not hurt thereby since which tyme as diuers authors do reporte no viper or venemous thing doth liue heere The fame of this I le hath in our age bene reuyued through the valour of those woorthy knights who to their vndying glorie haue so wel defended it against the attempts of the Turck MALTA CORFV THis Iland of Corfu was heretofore called Coreyra It lieth at the mouth of the gulf of Venice or Adriatyke sea where the said sea conioyneth with the Midland or Mediteraneum sea It is vnder the Venetians who haue in it a very strong fortified towne called by the name of the I le This place by the forces of Soliman the Turck was besieged at which tyme two venetian gouernours for the Signorie of Venice were within it and were of necessitie constrayned to put the vnnecessarie people foorth of it sin the night season who remaining close without the walles betwene their mortal enemyes their vnhelpful freindes their arose so great a tempest such continuall raine that almoste all the yong children died vpon the laps of their mothers In fyne Soliman beeing aduertised by his Captaines Barbarossa and Aiax that the place was inuincible that they were in despaire euer to obtayne it fynding it to bee so in truthe hee leuyed his siege retyred away his forces During the beeing in this I le of these miscreants they sent caried away with them into bondage and slauery as wryteth Paulus Ionius about 16000 christian soules CORFV CANDIE THis Iland of Candie of old called Creta lieth in the Mediteraneum sea is of great ancient fame the name it now hath of Candia is of the chief cittie thereof so called The country is ful of hilles valleys many woods there bee moste of them of Cypres trees which ouer the whole I le do yeild a sweet sauor Sirabo Plinie do write that in Creta in english Creet there are no damageable beastes nor serpents gotes there are great store but no deere except about Cydon The aboundant vineyards of this I le do yeild excellent malmesey which is thence transported into far countries here also groweth sugar Heere only as Plinie faith groweth the herb Dictamum where with the gotes by instinct of nature know to cure themselues beeing wounded by the arrowes of the hunter The 100 faire townes or citties that were of old reconed to bee in this countrie are now come vnto three to wit Candia Canea and Rhetimo but in Candia the Potestate that there administreth iustice in behalf of the venetians hath his residence The first inhabitants were rude vnciuil til Rhadamantus the sonne of Iupiter did first bring them to oder and ciuilitie after him came King Minos who amended amplyfied their lawes Pordoneus saith that on the northsyde of the I le is a certaine caue in the earth made by the handes of men beeing 40 cubits in length 4 in bredth which to this day is called the graue of Iupiter there is his epitaph yet to bee seene CANDIE CYPRVS THis Iland of Cyprus is one of the greatest of the Mediteraneum sea betwene Sicilia Syria and it is the farthest Ile eastward of all the Midland sea some think
AN EPITOME OF ORTELIVS HIS THEATRE OF THE VVORLD VVHEREIN the principal regions of the earth are described in smalle Mappes VVith a brief declaration annexed to ech Mappe And donne in more exact manner then t●e lyke declarations in Latin French or other languages It is also amplyfied with new Mappes wanting in the Latin editions CONTEMNO ET ORNO MENTE MANV Α ☧ Ω AT LONDON PRINTED BY IOHN NORTON DE GOVERNOVR E VENT GRACE TO THE NOBLY-DESCENDED AND VERTVOVSLY-ACCOMPLISHED Mr. RICHARD GARGRAVE MOST vvoorthy sir no sooner did this stranger my friend set foot on English shore but being desirous to trauail North I could not devise vvhere he should finde more condigne respectiue intertainment then vnder your most fauourable roof It appears by his many languages namely Latin Italian French Spanish high lovv Dutch and novv lastly English that he hath sometimes bin a traueler And so indeed if you examin him throughly you shall finde he hath asvvell by sea as by land In his discourses he is vnlike the greatest part of our trauellers vvho vvith their tedious fabulous narrations vvill bring either deafnes to your eares or slumber to your eyes But this man speakes nothing but matter and that so succinctly as by his conference you may reap delight yet not hinder your affaires of importance or recreation Giue him incouragement in the North and ere long you shall see him come ouer in another habit to try vvhat acceptance the south vvill affourd him Thus doing you shall not onely grace him benefit your country but in all dutifull seruices you shall make mee his poore vvel-vviller Yours Most truly deuoted A brief description of the 2 half globes or spheres asvvel Celestial as Terestrial BEcause the true proper description of the earth the partes thereof cannot wel bee made without the knowlege of Cosmographie Geographie It is not amisse that the circular composition both of heauen earth bee briefly explicated Cosmographie doth describe the world that is to say the heauen what els is conteyned within the circuit thereof For the world is deuyded into heauenly elementarie regions The celestial or heauenly doth conteyne 8 distinct Orbes of starres of which the seauen former and neerest to the earth are atributed to the seauen planets and the greater of these doth alwayes conteyne circularly the lesser euery one of these doth carry about one only star or planet but the eigth otherwise named the firmament conteyneth in it all the other starres which are called fixed The starry heauen or firmament conteyneth within his circumference all the foresaid Orbes with their planets and thesame againe vvith all the other inferior Orbes is embraced of the nynth heauen which is called the first moueable by vvhose continuall reuolution all these 8 Orbes of starres are caryed about vpon the pole of the vvorld from the east to the west in the space of 24 howres but the 8 inferiors on the other parte are euer caried continually about from the west vnto the east vpon other poles called those of the Zodiak But because mariners do vse only the constitutions of certaine principal fixed starres which are found about the 2 poles of the world the ambiguous moueinges of the planets are here omitted as to them not necessarie here are only aioyned two celestial figures by which the two half spheres of the whole firmament or starred heauen are demonstrated Of the which the first conteyneth the septentrional or northerne starres the second those vvhich belong to the south●●●● THE CELESTIAL GLOBE THe elementarie region is compassed and conteyned within the later Orbe of the planets in the which the moone holdeth her place This region doth consist of fowre elements of which the highest is called by the naturall philosophers fyre the next after is called ayre the third vvater and the fowrth earth of which the two later do make together one round body And as to the view of the courteous reader hath bene set downe in two half spheres the whole constitution order of all the fixed starres so in lyke manner is here pourtraited in other two half spheres the constitutions of the whole earth aswel the partes habitable as the inhabitable The former of which conteyneth the new discouered world which is called America the later the world longest knowne by our ancerers inhabited the which is deuyded into three partes Europa Asia Africa And because there is mention made in the descriptions folowing of the different countries places with their proprieties such particular descriptions are therefore heere omitted To declare also the reasons how the conioyned superfices of the whole earth are to be designed in platforme would bee ouerlong wherefore such as desyre to vnderstand it may haue recours vnto the writings of Ptolomey Alexandrinus as also of Neoteryk but espetialy to the comentaries of the moste learned Gerardus Mercator vpon Ptolomey his book of Geographie to such learned authors as thereof haue treated THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE VVHOLE VVORLD As a preface to the reader IT is agreed on by all Cosmographers that the whole world is round it is cōpact in that perfect figure by the Almighty maker author of all perfectiō It is surely a mirrour of moste great admyration wherein the vnsearchable scyence of the all-surpasling Artizan is to bee seene as also the greatnesse of himself in so great omnipotencie And rather might it seeme a point of faith and belief to hold that the earth depending on nothing should bee so immoueable beeing round the oposite inhabitāts vnder different horisons to bee antipodes the one vnto the other but that experience and proof and not belief and faith hath taught it vnto vs. How at the begining the earth was deuided from the sea is altogether vnknowne but by the deluge the limits of sea land haue doubtlesse bene much altered sundry regions through the extraordinary violence of the moste forceible elements haue since that tyme bene also greatly changed As they are at this present the heer-presented mappe in general those that ensue in particular wil demonstrate to the which I refer the courteous reader thus leauing thesame to his best comoditie with desyre to be excused for such breuitie as in the descriptions I haue bene constrayned to vse I humbly take my leaue R. V. M. Tullius Cicero The horse is created to beare to dravv the ox to til to labor the earth the dog to hunt and to gard the hovvs But man to consider contemplate vvith the eyes of his vnderstanding the disposition of the vvhole vvorld THE DESCRIPTION OF THE EARTH TYPVS ORBIS TERRARVM EVROPA THe countries of Europe as we now call them are Spaine France Germanie Italie Slauonia Graece Hungarie Polonia Lituauia Moscouie or more significatly the countrie of Sarmatia and the Peninsula in which is Norwey Swethen and Gothland Among the Iles Albion conteyning
Germaine whose ofspring doth stil possesse the same vnder their owne King It contayneth together with the country of wales 52 Shyres 29 Cities and 25 Bishoprykes On the east syde it hath the Germaine Ocean On the west the Irish sea On the south the narrow seas which deuyde it from France And on the north it is seperated from Scotland by the riuer of Tvvede the Cheuiot hilles It aboundeth chiefly in cattel for which cause the inhabitants are more giuen to grafing then to tillage of the ground desyring rather pasture then corne land This region is very temperate and without great extremitie of cold The soile is exceeding frutefull howbeit it yeildeth not wyne There are many hilles which beeing without trees do yeild a kynde of shorte and sweete gras for the best nowrishing of sheepe which are heere in all aboundance and whose fyne fleeces do excel those of other countries which is caused either by the temperature of the ayre or the goodnes of the pasture This fyne english wooll may wel be calleth the Golden fleece for that thereby so great plenty of gold siluer from so many so remote regions of the world is brought into this Realme Here are also great store of mynes of Tinne Lead Iron as also of Copper neither are the mynes voyd of Gold and Siluer In brief England aboundeth with plenty of all sortes of victuals is furnished with all store of thinges necessary for the vse of man ENGLAND SCOTLAND THe realme of Scotland hath England on the south syde therof on all other sydes els it is enuyroned with the maine Ocean on the north syde it hath the Iles called the Orcades on the west the Hibrides all subiect vnto Scotland And albeit it bee not so frute full as England yet is the land aboundantly furnished with cattel the sea with fish in it are many thinges very strange wounderfull In Glasco is a lake one parte whereof frieseth in winter but the other parte doth neuer frise In Carik are Oxen whose far is neuer hard but alwayes soft oily In the prouince of Coyl or Kyle about ten myles from the towne of Aer here is a stone 12 foote in height 30 in length called the deaf stone for albeit neuer so great noise bee made on the one syde on the other syde it cannot bee heard vnlesse a man stand farr of for so may it bee descerned or els not In Lennox is a lake called Lowmond beeing about 24 myles in length 8 in bredth having in it thirty Iles in this lake are three thinges woorthy of note There are finlesse fishes of a good taste There are fleeting Iles that with thee wynde are moued driuen to fro And somtymes no wynde blowing the water becometh so rough that the passengers are in great danger to bee drowned yf they cannot speedely get to land In Argadia as is reported groweth a stone which beeing put to straw or stubble wil kindle set the same on fyre In Burquham is a cane wherein water falling it turneth into whyte stones in this prouince no rattes are found In the sea at the mouth of the riuer of Forth is a high rock out of the top whereof issueth a fountaine of fresh water About 10 myles from Edenbourgh is a fountaine on the water whereof drops of oyle are found the which oile is medicinable In Clidisdale is a myne of Gold another of azure and in the muscles and shelfish on the shore of Scotland pearles are found SCOTLAND IRELAND IReland is a soile vneuen hilly and the highest hilles haue standing lakes on the tops It hath also many bogges and quagmyres is generally watry woodie moorish yet hath it notwithstanding in diuers places moste faire plaines which yet are but few in respect of the woodes It is a fat soile apt to bring foorth corne The hilles abound with cattel and the woodes with wyld beastes This I le is more plentiful of pasture then of corne of gras then of graine yea the wheat-corne is small withered and not easy to bee wynoed with a fan In tyme of haruest the raine scarsly permitteth the corne to bee gotten into the barne somuch is this I le subiect vnto raine It is plentifull of milk hony Solinus and Isidorus affirme it to haue no bees but they might more truly haue written the contrary No toade adder spider or venemous beast is nowrished in this countrie nor can liue therein beeing brought thether from any other place IRELAND TERCERA THis I le is called Tercera because that of the Iles called Acores it is the third as the ly in order to such as come out of Spaine to saile westward It is plentifull of corne and frute and not without wyne Madder which diers vse for the dying of cloth red doth yeild great comoditie to the inhabitants of this I le for that it groweth heere aboundantly The Oxen of this I le excede in fairnesse largenesse all others in Europe Ceder groweth here in such aboundance that it serueth for fuel The chief towne of this I le is called Angra which hath a promontorie whereon lieth a strong forte called Brazil The Spagniards do also call this Ile Isola del buen Iesu The ships coming from the west Indies are accustomed heere to take harbor in their retourne to Spaine Of these Iles of Acores there are seauen in number to wit Tercera S. Mighel S. Marie S. George Gratiosa Pico and Fayal but the chiefest of name is Tercera TERCERA SPAINE SPaine beeing greater then France lesser then Germanie is enuironed with the great Ocean and the Mediteraneum sea except on the north-east syde for there it is continent with France from the which it is deuyded by the mountaines called the Pirenes It is now one entire monarchie but in former tyme hath bene deuyded into fourteene Kingdomes By authors thus recounted vid. The old and new Castilia Leon Arragon Catalonia Nauarre Asturia Granada Valentia Toledo Galicia Murcia Cordoua Portugal Algarbe Spaine albeit it bee not in all places manured because of the stonynesse of sundry partes thereof yet is it far more fertil then Africa in very many places it yeildeth aboundantly whatsoeuer is necessary for the vse of man As very faire VVheat Rice VVyne Oyle Hony Saffran Suger Limons Capers Citrons Orenges Pomgranades other fruytes Rosmary groweth there in the fieldes in such plenty that it serueth for fuel It hath also great store of beastes both wild tame yeildeth horses of such swiftnes that it was said of them in old tyme as a prouerb that they were engendred of the wynde It hath also diuers mynes as of Gold Siluer Copper Tin Iron and Lead gold is not only found in mynes but euen in sand on the sydes of the riuer Tayo In sundry maritime places it yeildeth great store of Salt The ayre is pure and helthfull it is litle subiect vnto
bin a tayler hauing endured the moste extremitie of a hard siege were at the last by the Bishop true lord of that citie subdued punished and according to their demerits VVESTPHALIA DITMERS DItmers called in latin Thietmarsia or rather Teutomarss lying at the mouth of the riuer of Elbe where Cimbrica Chersonesus taketh begining hath on the northsyde the riuer Eyder on the east the dukdome of Holsteyn on the south the riuer Elbe and St●rmarsia on the west the Germaine sea All the country is ful of brooks marish groundes for which cause the frutefulnes of the soile is the lesse praise woorthy the name of Ditmers betokeneth the nature of the place for mers or meyrish with them is the same that marish is in English These people were of old accompted amongst the Saxons but they are now subiect vnto the king of Denmarck and were subdued by force in the yeare of our lord 1559. by Aduphus the sonne of Frederik king of Denmarck since which tyme it alwayes remayneth vnto the king of Denmarckes eldest sonne DITMERS DENMARCK THis kingdome is by the sea denyded into sundry portions the first is eastward called Scandia which hath on the west the kingdome of Svveeden the ayre thereof is good and the country fruteful hauing great store of corne flesh fish it hath also mynes of Gold siluer copper lead 7. The west portion of Denmarck is Iutia called of Ptolomey Cimbrica Chersonesus which stretcheth it self out betwene 2 seas not much vnlyke though much lesse then Italy hauing on the east syde the Germaine Ocean on the west the Baltishsea There are also belonging to Denmarck diuers Iles whereof the chiefest is Seland Iutland was in oldyme in habited by the Saxens who afterward by the Danes were chased thence Munsterus saith that Denmarck was a kingdome long before the birth of Christe that of the first king thereof called Dan the country took the name which it yet retayneth but yf Iunius bee to bee belieued then hath Denmarck taken appellation of the firrtres other wise called den trees which do grow in the country in all aboundance The inhabitants of this kingdome haue in former ages borne their armes through out Europe established their power in the moste noble regions thereof for from hence came both the Gothes the Gothes the Longobardes DENMARCK SAXONIE THe name of Saxonie heretofore comon to diuers protinces now remaineth vnto two to wit the higher the lower Saxonie high Saxonie hath the dignitie of the prince elector the principall cities thereof are VVittenberg Torga Nether Saxonie hath the cities of Flamburg Breme and in the middest lieth the citie of Brunsvvik It ioyneth eastward vnto the marquesdome of Brandenbourg westward vpon VVestphalia southward on Thuringia northward it extendeth to the Germanie sea Besydes sundry necessary thinges for the vse of man where-with Saxonie is wel furnished it hath diuers mynes as of Siluer Copper and Lead There is taken out of pits a certaine kynde of stone called in their tongue Schyffer for it lightly shelfereth or shiuereth it is black of colour it is mixed with copper brimstone the copper by fyre is gotten out of it VVhen this stone is shelfered in peces there are seene in it diuers veynes of a golden colour which is a most wonderful woork of Nature there apeereth the pictures of diuers sortes of beastes fishes foules serpens as perfectly as yf they were drawne thereon by the arte of a painter The inhabitants of Saxonie are strong hardy people which is held to proceede of there diet which is nothing dainty or curious they feed yong children with chewed flesh rather then with pap or milk VVyne groweth not in Saxonie but their ordinary drinck is beere SAXONIE BRANDENBOVRG IN tyme fore-past all the countrey beyond the riuer Albis vulgarly Elbe whereof this Marquisdome of Brandenbourg was a parcel was inhabited by the Vandales This prouince confyneth eastward with Polonia westward with Saxonie Northward with Meckelburg Pomerania and southward with Mifnia and Silesia The chief citie is called Brandenbourg therof the whole Marquisdome taketh name the citie it self took name of Brandus a prince of the Franckes Henry the Emperor surnamed the faukner besieged this citie in winter when the waters about it were frosen his soldiers passing ouer the yse took it by assault he placed here a Marckgraue thus began the greatnes of this Prince who aftward be came so remaineth one of the Princes electors The countrey is very fruteful espetially in come it hath many fish-pondes meddowes It hath moreouer vineyardes which were first planted by the Marck-graue Albertus At Francford vpon the riuer Oder which is in this marquisdome is an vniuersitie founded by the Marck-graue Ioachim in the yeare 1506. neere to this citie from the vyne-hilles runneth a small brook which is length of tyme conuerteth wood other thinges throwne into it into stone BRANDENBOVRG POMERANIA POmery whereof the Latin name Pomerania cometh signifieth in the vandalish language a country lying neere the sea euen as this country so named doth which al along the northsyde lyeth on the Baltish sea on the east it ioyneth to Prusia southward it hath the Marquisdome of Brandenbourg westward the Dukedome of Mekelbourg In this country of Pomerania and the confyning places the Vandales inhabited the people yet dwelling there beeing of that race who after they were brought from paganisme to the Christian faith began to frame both their language customes neerer vnto their neighbours the Saxons The country hath many riuers meynes or litle lakes The meddowes are very good on the higher groundes there are woods Beastes both wyld tame it hath great store of great plentie of corne fish butter hony wax and wanteth no necessary comoditie Amber is here gotten out of the sea albeit not in such aboundance as in Prusia The chief citie of this prouince although there be other cities of more antiquitie is called Stetin beeing very pleasantly situated vpon the syde of the riuer of Oder POMERANIA SILESIA SIlesia lieth eastward confyning on Polonia southward vpon Morauia VVesterly vpon Bohemia northwest vpon Lusatia This country hath heretofore bene many yeares vnder the dominion of the King of Polonia afterward it came to belong vnto the crowne of Bohemia The chief citie is Preslavv which is built with a very great vniformitie The inhabitants of the greater parte of Silesia to speake the Germaine tongue the rest the polonian language The country is hilly yet hath it many woods from the mountaines of Bohemia many riuers brooks descending do take diuers passages through this prouince and increase the fertillitie thereof The gentlemen of this country are giuen to husbandry which is not vsuall with the gentlemen of other parts of Germany and yet are they not-with-standing wel trayned exercysed in feates of armes SILESIA AVSTRIA
AVstria heretofore called the higher Panonia hath on the east parte the kingdome of Hungarie on the west it hath Bouaria towards the south the mountaines of Stiria on the north Morauia It is very fruteful hauing many riuers and they for the moste parte do fall into the riuer Danubius which taketh his course through this country It hath such good store of wyne that it therewith furnisheth sundry other prouinces of Germany The chief citie is Vienna the walles whereof are said to haue bene buylded with the ransome that Leopold the duke did take of Richard the first King of England A litle beneath the citie of Greim there is in the riuer of Danubius a very dangerous place for such botes vessels as there do pas the water whirling about so very switftly some haue sought by lyne and plomet to haue measured the depth of this place which hetherto none hath bene able to do it is so exceeding deep Polibius sheweth diuers reasons that through the heapes of sand scowred downe the riuers of Danubius Borystenes others the sea called Pontus Euxinus whereinto they fall would be made innauigable which experience the best reason-teacher doth shew to bee otherwise that sea no whit lesse nauigable now then in Polibius tyme. Austria was first gouerned by Marck-graues afterward by Dukes now lastly by Arch-dukes AVSTRIA BOHEMIA THis kingdome lying in Germany is compassed about with hilles woods it hath on the north syde Silesia on the west Franconia on the south Austria Bauaria on the east Morania The ancient inhabitants where the Boy whereof the country tooke the name of Bohemia but by a people of Sclauonia they were vanquished The language of this country is not the Germaine but the Sclauonian tongue Prage is the chief citie of this realme now the more famous for the court and residence of the Emperor The riuer Multania vulgarly Vltania runneth through this citie entreth afterward into the riuer Albis or Elbe In wheat barley the country is very fruteful beastes both wyld tame it nowrisheth in great aboundance among the wyld beastes are store of Beares Reddeere Ouroxen this beast called the Ourox in the Germaine tongue in the Bohemian Lomi hath growing vnder the neck as it were a bag with water beeing hunted he casteth foorth thesaid water vpon the houndes who therby become as scortched or scalded The country is ritch in mynes which yeild gold siluer quicksiluer Iron sulpher Stones of price pearles are here also found wyne it hath reasonable store beere is here also vsed This kingdome was in former tymes a dukedome vntil the yeare 1086 at what tyme as Munsterus saith the Emperor Henry the fourth made Vratislaus King of Bohemia howbeit some authors say that Vladislaus was the first King aduanced to that dignity by the Emperor Frederik BOHEMIA THE DIOCES OF SALISBVRG THis Dioces is in Bauaria the chiefest Bishopryke of the whole country it lieth on the Southsyde of thesaid Duchy taketh name of the citie so called which is situated on the riuer of Saltza the which coming from the Alpes passeth by this citie hereof some think the citie it self to haue taken name though others hold it to come of the salt pits out of which salt is digged Iulius Ceasar did here buyld a fortresse calling it Iunania which the Germaines in their tongue called Helfenberg that is the hill of help aluding therin vnto the Latin name Iunania This place in the tyme tiranny of Attila suffred great detriment S. Rupertus Bishop of wormes having conuerted Theodon Duke of Bauaria to the faith of Christ in the yeare 540 was the cause of the reparation of this citie and became thereof the first Bishop there erected churches monasteries This Bishopryke hath mynes of gold siluer copper and Iron Brimstone allum and antimonie is here also found quarreys of marble stone The store of wyld beastes foule do heere yeild much delight exercise of hunting hauking Among the Bishops of this Dioces Bishop Ernestus by birth palsgraue of Rhene Duke of Bauaria a very learned man is renowmed for that he would trauaile abrode yea into other countries vnknowne as a meane person to do woorkes of charitie pietie THE DIOCES OF SALISBVRG BAVARIA IN all Germanie is not any prouince found where more fairer cities are then in Bauaria The country is deuyded into 2 partes to witt the higher the lower Bauaria It hath on the northsyde Franconia on the west Svvenia the Alpes of Italy in the south Bobemia and Austria on the east The higher Bauaria which lieth southward hath diuers forests lakes riuers many wild beastes as beares wyld-swyne thowsands of stagges The cities of this parte of the country are Monaco where the duke moste resydeth Ingelstat which hath an vniuersitie Frising hauing a Bishops sea sundry others The lower parte is of both best inhabited through it passeth the famous riuer Danubius the cities thereof are Regensburg Passavv Straubing Lantsbut c. The country is frutefull in wyne corne cattel foule but of all beastes it moste aboundeth in Swyne whereof it furnisheth diuers other prouinces of Germanie If Strabe who esteemed all Bauaria to bee a wildernesse were now aliue he might see it mightely changed for that there are in it 34 cities besydes 46 faire marcket townes 72 monasteries infinite thorps castles lordes gentlemens howses Bauaria was somtyme a kingdome vnto the tyme of the Emperor Arnulphus for then began it to be gouerned by dukes BAVARIA NORTGOIA THis prouince of Northgovv beeing accompted a parte of Bauaria lieth on the westsyde next adioyning vnto the forest of Bohemia The chief citie of this countrie is Nuremberg the castle whereof lying on a high place was somtyme called Castrum Noricum The cittie is very strongly walled having on the walles 182 towers it standeth in a barten and sandy foile but yet is very ritch hath great trade trasike through the great industry of the people whose Iron copper woorcks are caried from thence almost to all countries of Europe Some authors say that by the Emperor Conrade in the yeare 913 a Burgh-graue was placed in this cittie howbeit some apoint the tyme to haue bene in the yeare 1140 by Henry then Emperor but the burgers or cittizens of Nuremberg for a somme of mony giuen by them to Frederic their fourth Burgh graue obtayned the gouernment of the cittie to themselues left him to gouerne in the country thereabouts In this prouince the Emperor Charles the great caused a ditch to bee begonne which should haue bene in length 2000 paces in bredth 300 whereby through the help of the riuers Regnits and Altmul he ment to haue made a passage for botes from the Danubius into the riuer of Rhene which begonne woork was hindred by continual raynes and the marishnes of the ground NORTGOIA
FRANCONIA FRanconia in the Germaine tongue vulgarly called Franckenland hath on the southsyde Bauaria on the west the riuer of Rhene Bohemia on the east Hassia Thuringia on the north Out of this prouince according to the opinion of many very good authors came Faramond with his Francks or Franc-men so called because they were a free people thereof since called French-men into Galia which therevpon came to lose that ancient name to be called France of some authors Francia Occidentalis or vvest-france because this country of Franconia is called Francia Orientalis that is East-france Adriauns Iunius notwithstanding holdeth a paradox that the Franckes that went out of Germanie to inhabite Galia did dwel much lower vpon the east syde of the Rhene The most famous citie of Franconia is Franckford where 2 very famous faires or martes are holden euery yeare the one about midlent the other in the middest of September The Emperor Charles the fowrth ordained Franckford for the place of the Emperors election All Skirm-masters to wit masters of defense through all Germany must come to this citie bee here allowed so to bee yf by the burgers which are notable fensers they are found to deserue tht name The Bishop of VVirtsberg is duke of Franconia The country is pleasant fruteful hauing store of vineyardes About the citie of Bamberg groweth so great aboundance of Licoris that it is transported thence with cartloades FRANCONIA VVIRTENBERG THe dukedome of VVirtenberg in tyme past an earldome doth ioyne westward vpon the marquisdome of Baden northward vpon the territories of the Paisgraue of the Rhene east southward vpon Svveuia It is very fertile hath many faire townes thorpes the principall cittie is called Stutgard there the Duke keepeth his court There are such fruteful vineyards about this cittie that the people haue a prouerb that yf the grapes of Stutgard were not gathered the cittie would bee drowned in wyne Next vnto this is the cittie of Tubing which hath an vniuersitie the which was founded by the Earle Euerard in the yeare 1147. At the townes of VViltbad Zil there are hotte bathes and at Gipping there is a fountaine which yeildeth water of a fyne tartish sauor which the inhabitants in their tongue do call Saurbrun which is in english sower-bourne or sower-sower-water and beeing dronck it serueth for a remedy against diuers diseases The castle of VVirtenberg whereof the country taketh name is situate vpon the pleasant riuer of Neccar on the sydes whereof groweth a very good kynde of wyne wel knowne in Germaine by the name of Neccar-vvyne VVIRTENBERG TIROL THis earldome of Tirol conteyneth a parte of the Alpes that deuyde Germany Italy hauing on the northerne syde Bauaria on the southern syde Italy The chief cities hereof are Inspruck Bolzan Tirol Trent Brixia Bruneck and Schvvatz This country is very ritch in mynes and notwithstanding the hillynesse thereof yet hath it sufficient of all thinges for humaine sustenance About three Germaine myles from the cittie of Trent lieth a mountaine called Nausberg which is in length 12 Germaine myles and 3 in bredth Rodulph the sonne of Albert Duke of Austria annexed by mariage this earldome vnto his other possessions the same beeing also confirmed by the last wil restament of the fore-going heyre possessor thereof TIROL SVITZERLAND SVitzerland called in Latin Heluetia hath on the southsyde Lombardy on the west syde Sauoy on the north the county of Burgundy on the east the county of Tyrol This people hauing taken all gouernment from the Nobillitie deuyded the country into 13 partes or Cantons the magistrates of each chief towne of these cantons do gouerne the whole canton there vnto belonging The 13 cantons are these Zurick Berne Lucerne Vri Suits Vndervvalden Zug Glaris Basel Fribourg Soleurre Shafhouse and Appenzel besydes these they are confederate with certaine other iurisdictions This country of Suitzerland is held to bee the highest land in all Christendome very probably for the exceeding high mountaines thereof from whence the riuers of Rhene Danubius Po Sone Rhosue descending do seek their passages through lower regions hold their courses diuers wayes as the Danubie eastward the Rhene northward the Po southeast the Sone Rhosue westward which z riuers lastly ioyning in one do turne southerly fall into the sea at Marcels It hath many great lakes one of them beeing vpon a high hil is not knowne to haue any issue foorth nor by any chanels coming to it to bee augmented There groweth very good corne wyne such store of cattel is there nowrished that oxen are sent thence to serue other prouinces both of Italy Germany SVITZERLAND ITALIE ITalie beginning in the northwest at the foot of the Alpes which deuydeit from Germany and France extendeth it felf betwene the Mediteraneum and the Adriatyk sea toward the foutheast in the forme of a mannes arme This famous countryes praise would rather requyre a large volume then so brief a description as a page of paper wil admit The sweetnes of the ayre the goodnes of the earth the fruteful vynes olyue trees the plenty of cattel the sweete riuers lakes fountaines the sea hauens about it what praise deserue they not There are in Italy very many faire ancient citties amongst the which the chiefest is the maiestical cittie of Rome whose glory both antiquitie power hath highly renowmed ouer all the world The principall citties of Italie are comonly thus praised Rome for holynesse Naples for noblenesse Florence for fairenesse Bononia for fatnesse of the soile Rauenna for oldnesse Venice for ritchnesse Milan for greatnesse and Genua for statelynesse c. The people of Italy are generally very ingenious excelling in all excellent artes sciences ITALIE FRIVLI FRiuli called in latin Forum Iulij lieth at the vpper end of the Adriatyksea or gulf of Venice and not farr from the cittie of Venice on the east syde it hath Istria on the north the hilles called Lapides westward a parte of the Alpes on the south the aforesaid sea This country hath serued for the dore entrance of sorrow affliction to it self the adioyning countries for that the Batbarians in tymes past did here make their aryuall It is on the one syde plaine euen but afterward it riseth higher higher groweth steep vp vnto the high neyghbouring mountaines it hath notwithstanding fruteful feilds faire vineyards much wood both for fuel and maintenance of chase In the mountaines are mynes of all mettals as namely Iron Lead Tin Quicksiluer Siluer Gold There is also passing faire whyte marble taken our of the quarreyes moreouer Christal Beril other stones of price are there found This country was subiect vnto the Romans so long as their gratnes endured afterward it was subdued by the Longobards gouerned by dukes and now lastly it belongeth vnto the Venetians who accompt them-selues
the ancient owners The chief citie is Aquilea somtyme ritch famous but since obscured through the greatnes neerenesse of the cittie of Venice FRIVLI ISTRIA IStria is almoste a peninsula it is situate on the vpper end of the gulf of Venice or the Adriatik sea hauing the said sea on all sydes saue on the north for there it is ioyned with the continent of Croatia with the high mountaines thereof it is limitted In this prouince are sundry cities the chief whereof are Ca●od'istria otherwise called Instinopolis Parenzo and Pola the later beeing famous both for the antiquitie thereof the comodiousnes of the hauen It is said to haue bene builded by those of Colebe from whence the inhabitants of this country wil seeme to bee descended the great antiquitie in deed appeereth by certaine Arckes and Towers yet remayning By Attila King of the Hunnes this cittie as many other was sore spoyled About Cauod'istria the country is very fruteful it bringeth foorth wyne oyle hath good meddowes for the nouriture of cattel it hath also good salt The high hil called Monte Maggior which to the shipmen at sea doth giue the first shew of this country is frequented by the apothecaries seekers of simples for the excellent herbes here growing whereof some bee very rare as els where scarsly or not at all to bee found ISTRIA ZARA and ZEBENICO THe territorie of Zara and Zebenico lying on the northeast syde of the Adriatyk sea otherwise called the gulf of Venice is almost an I le but by ioyning with the continent on the northsyde it is a peninsula Zara was somtyme called Iadera it was a citie where soldiers resided strong foreseene of all necessary thinges which was the cause of their often resisting the venetians in fyne their owne subduing In this citie among other antiquities there lieth the body of S. Simeon which as saith Peeter Martyr of Angleria doth yet remaine whole intyre and that hee wondred that a dead body should so long remaine whole vncorrupted which neither with Mirrhe or any ointment hath bene conserued The citie of Zebenico was of old tyme called Sic it is not of that greatnesse or fame that Zara is of which is a faire wel built citie wel situated for the comoditie of the sea ZARA and ZEBENICO THE DVKEDOME OF MILAN THis moste pleasant parte of goodly Lombardy confyneth eastward with the territories of Parma and Cremona westward with Piemont Southward with the mountaines of Svvitzerland The citie of Milan is the chief of all the citties of this duchie hath bene euen the balle of fortune to bee tossed transposed to from somany commaunders This cittie is very great the buildings high beautifull the citizens excelling in all artes and sciences The Demo or great churche is maruelous faire beeing within without adorned with goodly imagery of whyte marble The castle of Milan is held to bee the chiefest place of strength of all christendome Many other notable cities are in this duchie scarsly is their any one towne or cittie to bee found where the memorie of warr either at it or neere about it doth not yet remaine The countrie is very euen hauing euery where fyne brooks of cleere water passing through it as also some principall riuers whereof the Po is the chief which beginning at mount Vesulus endeth in the Adriatyk sea The soile is exceeding fruteful aboundant in all thinges as corne wyne flesh fish all sortes of excellent frutes THE DVKEDOME of MILAN PIEMONT THis countrie is wholy on the west syde partly on the north south sydes ioyned vnto the Alpes and is the first plaine euen ground that beginneth at the foote of those mountaines therefore rightly hath the name of Piemont westward it ioyneth vnto the state of Milan is accompted as a parte of Lombardy It is a very pleasant fruteful soyle yeilding good corne wyne aboundance of other necessary thinges for humaine sustenance The chief cittie is called Turin called heretofore Augusta Taurinorum it is very faire beautifyed with goodly buyldings conteyning both the court of the Prince who also is duke of Sauoy the court of Parlament and the vniuersitie There are besydes this cittie sundry other fyne townes strong castles many villages About a quarter of an Italian myle from the cittie of Turin runneth the famous riuer of Po. which in tymes past was called Padus Eridonus PIEMONT THE TERRITORIE of ROOME THis territorie of Roome long tyme since called Latium is by diuers authors diuersly limitted but Leander beginneth it on the east syde with the riuer Liris westward with the Tiber Anien noorthward with the Appenynes This prouince hath bin the beginning of the greatnes of Italy the place that hath brought foorth and fostered the greatest princes of the world The region is fruteful watered with sundry riuers diuers citties it hath but the cittie of Roome not only of this territorie but of all the citties of the world hath atchieued the greatest reputation It was first builded by Romulus in the yeare before the birth of Christe 751. It hath conteyned within it 7 hilles and the circuit thereof as saith Plinie was 20 myles the cittie suburbes had 24 gates There were also 734 towres about it in them were the garrisons loged Now in our tyme is the ciruit of the cittie only 13 myles it hath some 365 towres Through the diuers destructions of this cittie it hath bin mightely altered the very forme fassion thereof wholy changed as also the number of hilles which in tyme of the heathen Emperors were named reconed to bee in old Roome yet the riuer of Tiber as of old doth stil hold his course through this cittie There are now to bee seene many moste goodly Pallaces faire Churches old ruynes the which ruynes do yet carry in them a certaine maiesticall shew of that glorie which in tymes past hath bene in this place The residence of the Pope is in this cittie his chief Pallace aioyneth vnto the great Church of S. Peeter Besydes all the Churches monasteries in Rome ther are more hospitalles places where all sortes of sick diseased persons are relieued then in any other cittie in all christendome THE TERRITORIE of ROOME THE TERRITORIE of SIENA THis territore is accompted within the limits of Tuscane howbeit lying at the east end thereof hauing on the southsyde the Mediteraneum sea The soile is pleasant fertile yeilding corne wyne oyle other frutes The places towards the sea coast comonly called Maremma are not held so good by reason of the ilnes of the ayre are therefore the lesse inhabited The cittie of Siena whereof the territory taketh name is very ancient and vnto Plinie Tacitus Ptolomey was not vnknowne Not only the gentlemen but the gentlewomen also of this cittie are very studious more then
Sigismond the first so annexed vnto Polonia OZVVICZIN and ZATOR TRANSSILVANIA THis country called in latin Transsiluania is of the Germaines called Seuenbergher-Lant that is the Seuen-hily country of seauen principall hilles where with among other that bee lesser this country is enuyroned It confyneth on the west syde with Hungary hath Moldauia VValachia ioyning to it on the northeast southeast The country albeit mountainous is very good yeilding both corne wyne cattel very aboundantly There are in it wyld oxen which haue beardes vnder their chinnes and wyld horses whose manes do hang downe to the ground Mynes there are also both of gold siluer The chief cittie is called Hermenstat but Alba-Iulia is the oldest The people are very valiant haue bene very victorious against their cruel easterne neighbours the Turcks from whose inuasions they are much defended through the mountaines that enuiron the whole countrie euen as a cittie is enuyroned with a walle The Ceculiernes are esteemed moste valiant these haue among them no difference betwene gentlemen boores but liue all in an ordinary state Parte of the Transsiluanians do speak the Germaine tongue but these the Hungarian The Prince of this country is called the Vayuode these vayuodes were wont to bee placed there by the kinges of Hungara TRANSSILVANIA PRVSSIA THis country bordereth eastward on Lituania southward with Polonia northward with Liuonia westward with Pomerania The Knights of the Teutonic or Duitsche order haue here borne great anthoritie the which at last by the King of Polonia was abridged Albert Marck-graue of Brandenbeurg was the last great-master who by an agreement with k. Sigismond of Polonia left his habit held this country in see of the King and so became duke thereof It is now denyded into 2 partes the one belonging vnto the King of Polonia the other vnto the duke of Prusia who keepeth his residence in the cittie of Coningsperg The sea shore of this country doth yeild the fairest sorte of amber the which is aswel drawne vp out of the sea with nets as gathered on the sea syde The country is maruelous aboundant in corne cattel wel furnished with fish it hath great store of woods wildernesses There are many Beares stagges wyld swyne wyld horses a greater kynd of buffulaes then are in Italy or other partes the wyld horses are neuer tamed beeing found not seruiceable through their weaknes of back The beast Alces is heerfound who resembleth the horse in proportion the hert in hornes sauing that the hornes bee more broder are yearly cast new grow againe In the woodes wildernesses are great store of bees which yeild aboundance of hony wax PRVSSIA POLONIA VVestward is this kingdome aioyning vnto Germany northward vnto the Baltish sea Prusia eastward vnto Lituania southward vnto Hungarie It is deuyded into 2 partes the greater the lesser the greater lieth toward the north the lesser towardes the south Cracouia is the chief citie there the King keepeth his court it is also an vniuersitie Danske which lieth on the Baltish sea is a cittieof great trafike of marchandise espetialy of corne the other citties are but meanly builded of no great same The whole country is plaine vnhilly therefore of the inhabitants called Pole which in their tongue signifieth plat or plaine The people of Polania Lituania Samogithia Masouia Volhini Podolia Russia Moldauia are those which of old authors were called Sarmates Lituania is great but not greatly inhabited a beast is there found called Rosomacka of the ordinarie bignes of a dog hauing a face lyk a cat a taile lyk a fox it feedeth on carren beeing ful it forceth it felf to pas betwene the narrownes of 2 trees thereby voydeth all that it hath eaten then goeth to eat againe returneth to voyd it as before continueth so long as the carren that it feedes vpon lasteth Samogithia ioyneth to Lituania the country is cold the people are strong helthful do fare hard Massonia yeildeth much hony the inhabitants mak their drinck therewith Volhinia is very fertile full of townes vilages Podolia is of corne gras so aboundant that the lyk is not knowne Russia aboundeth in horses oxen sheep In this countrie in somer are certaine woormes called Ephimere which beeing newly bred do in the morning run vpon the water at none they haue winges fly aboue the water they die before the Son setting of these woormes Aristotle speaketh in his first book of beastes Moldauia is a parte of walachia the chief cittie is Sotschen the people are good soldiers is it said that the regents of this country do cause their yong children to be marcked with hot irons that thereby their descent may the more certainly bee knowne POLONIA LIVONIA LIuonia called in the Germaine tongue Lysland lieth on the eastsyde on Russia on the westsyde on the Baltish sea northward an arme of the sea seperateth it from Eniland southward it bordereth vpon Prussia The chief cittie of this country is Riga which is a place of great trafike as are the other principall places of Reuel Narua The country is somwhat sandie not mountanous Great woods there are store of wyld beastes as foxes Martres Sables Ermynes hares It yeildeth wax hony wheat rie and furres The people are not greatly industrious nor wholy ciuil The faith of Christ was preached vnto them about the yeare 1270 diuers of the rude people are yet heathenish nor letting to pray vnto the Sun to the Moone or to some great tree or to one thing or other according as their blynd folly leades them VVhen one of them is dead they put with him into his graue an ax bread wyne meat some peece of mony bid him go his wayes into the other woorld where he shall raigne ouer the Duitschmen as they haue raigned ouer him in this They are subiect vnto a certaine order of Germane knights that do rule gouerne them The great master of which order keepeth his court residence at VVenden a towne situate in the middest of the country LIVONIA THE NORTHERNE REGIONS THe Septentrional regions of Europe that hetherto are knowne are first that which is called the I le of Scandia which conteyneth the kingdomes of Sweden Norwey a parte of Denmarck then the famous I le of Albion conteyning England Scotland VVales then are there the Iles of Ireland Friesland Island Groeneland Grecland c. the rest yet vndiscouered Of all which regions the realme of England is the principal best parte by reason of the goodnes of the soile and myldnes of the ayre in that it lieth more to the south then any of the other Sweden is a country very mountanous ful of lakes riuers aboundant in cattel fish hauing also mynes of siluer copper lead Iron The chief
for his soldiers in those partes In this territorie was by a gentleman of the cittie discouered in our tyme the very lyke earth both in cooler kynde which is found in the I le of Lemnos the which phisitians do call Terram Lemniam of the Turk is so greatly esteemed that it is not permitted for any man to take thereof but licence of those that haue farmed it THE TERRITORIE of BLOIS MAINE THe countrie of Mans or Maine hath on the south syde Aniovv on the west Britannie on the north Normandie on the east Vendome It is a countrie hauing therein many woodes forests therefore more apt for chase nouris hing of beastes then for corne or pasturage yet is it not vnfurnished of corne feildes faire vineyardes The cittie of Mans is the chief of all the townes of this duchie It is faire populous seated pleasantly the soile about it beeing made the more fertile through the riuers of Haygne Orne and Satre which ioyning together neere this cittie do all in one enter afterward into the riuer of Loire In the chief churche of this cittie of Mans was christened in the yeare of our lord 1133. Henry sonne vnto Geoffrey suruamed the faire earle of Anion and of Maine the which Henrie as heyre vnto Maude his mother daughter vnto Henry the first King of England came after to enioy thesaid kingdome by the name of K. Henry the second MAINE LANGVEDOC BY this Map is described the maritime parte of the countrie of Languedoc as also a parte of the maritime syde of Prouence The prouince of Languedoc is in that parte of France that of old tyme was called Galia Narbonensis It hath on the east syde thereof the riuer of Rhone on the west syde Gasconie on the south the mountaines that denyde it from Arragon a parte of the midland sea on the north the countrie of Quercie In fertillitie it aprocheth vnto that of Prouence according to the neernesse of the place lying on the west syde thereof beeing seperated from it by the riuer of Rhone Tholouse is the chief cittie of all this countrie therin is kept the parlamental court which is accompted the second of all France consequently the next after that of Paris Montpellier is also of fame for the renowmed vniuersitie espetially in the study of phisick There is also the citties of Nimes Narbone sundry others both of importance antiquitie as the ruynes or remainder of diuers moste ancient edifices do declare LANGVEDOC THE I LE of FRANCE THe french do properly call this the I le of France wherein the citrie of Paris the towne of S. Denis c. are situate It is not properly an I le but somwhat compassed about with the riuers of Marne Se●ne and Oyse It taketh the name of France as Andrew Thenet telleth vs because the Frankes or Franch-men that came out of Germany when France had the name of Galia the inhabitants were called Gaulos did here make their first setled abode their chiefs did heer begin to take vpon them the tytles of kinges The countrie is aboundant in graine yeildeth exceeding store of poultrie other comodities About the cittie of Paris espetialy towards Mount martyr that kynde of morter for building called plaster of Paris is found This exceeding great moste famous cittie also called Lutetia took the name of Paris after Paris a King of the Celtes though some haue fabulously affirmed it to come of Paris the Troyan It is deuyded into partes Cittie Towne Vniuersitie the cittie is in an I le of the riuer of Seine people do pas by bridge to the towne on the one syde to the vniuersitie on the other This vniuersitie was erected by Charles the great at the solicitation of Alcuinus who was scholer vnto Venerable Bede and afterward preceptor vnto this Emperor and with other learned men came out of England vnto Paris and there in the streetes demaunded yf any would buy wisdome offring to sel it them for the giuing of them a place wherein to vtter it This cittie is the chief seat residence of the kinges of France the court of Parlament About 2 leagues from hence is the towne of S. Denis where in a goodly monasterie the sepulchres and monuments of the ancient kinges of France are to bee seene THE I LE of FRANCE DAVPHINEY THis prouince long since a parte of the kingdome of the Allobroges hath on the northsyde thereof the territorie of Lions on which syde lieth the base or low parte of Dauphiney whereof the cittie of Vienna is the chief on the west syde it is bordered with the Rhosne on the east it ioyneth to Sauoy on the south vnto Prouence this parte is called high Dauphiney the metropolitane cittie thereof is Embrun howbeit Grenoble is the parlamental capitall cittie of the whole countrie It is said that neere vnto this cittie is a fountaine out of the which their issueth both fyre water the which is a moste wonderful woork of nature incomprehensible to all philosophers In the Mountaines not far from this aforesaid cittie is the great chief how 's of the Carthusians who take their name of those cold snowie mountaines of Carthusia The people of Dauphiney beeing annexed vnto the crowne of France not by war or conquest but by amitie haue obtayned to accept no gouernour but of the blood royal of that realme The country in some places is very fertil yeilding store of corne wyne the moste infertil places do yeild great aboundance of chest-nuts with the which both cattel people are nourished so aboundant they are in cattel that they are able to furnish therewith other aioyning prouinces DAVPHINEY THE SIGNIORIE of FLORENCE THis Signiorie of Florence the chief parte of Tuscane is in the hart of Italy in the middest thereof is the ritche beautiful cittie of Florence In this cittie in the yeare 1464 died Cosmo de Medicis a woorshipful citizen thereof from whome the Duke that now possesseth both the cittie countrie and his predecessors are descended This Cosmo for his great wisdome welth credit was such that it may be thought there was neuer any priuate man to wit without some tytle of honor to be vnto him compared The cittie of Florence by the goodly edifices which therin he erected hath bin greatly beautified The moste faire sumptuous Church of S. Laurence he there builded as also the Church of S. Mark the monasterie of S. Verdiana He built for himself so faire a dwelling how 's that the best masters in Architecture do admyre it In the Fesulian hilles hee built the monasterie of S. Hierome and another called the Abbadia In Mugelo he built a monasterie of S. Francis In Fresoli Carregi Cafayolo Tribio places in the country there abouts he built 4 magnifical palaces and in Ierusalem he built an hospital for pilgrims